39172900 热电偶保护管68151000 碳化硅再结晶热电偶保护管68159910.99 热电偶保护管69039000.00 热电偶保护管69141000 测温热电偶用保护管69149000 热电偶保护管71159010.90 铂铑热电偶丝71159010.90 热电偶丝72189900.00 热电偶接头材料73049000 热电偶保护套管73069000 热电偶保护管73269010 热电偶保护套管76169910 铝水测温热电偶保护套管81129900.00 热电偶材料82042000 硬质合金热电偶套筒85141010 热电偶退火炉85143000.90 热电偶/热电阻检定炉85144000.90 宽温区热电偶检定炉85144000.90 铂热电偶检定炉85168000.00 防腐型热电偶85168000.00 隔爆型热电偶85168000.00 隔爆热电偶85168000.00 机电一体化热电偶85168000.00 锅炉炉壁热电偶85168000.00 表面热电偶85333900.00 铠装式热电偶热电阻85359000.00 热电偶接线盒85365000.00 热电偶退火炉定时控温仪85366900.00 热电偶插头85369000.00 热电偶快速接头85369000.00 热电偶调理端子板85369000.00 热电偶端子85371090.00 热电偶开关盒85371090.90 端子式隔离热电偶信号转换器85415000.00 热电偶保护管85423900.00 热电偶模块85437099.90 热电偶信号调节器85437099.90 热电偶信号调理器85437099.90 智能热电偶信号调理器85439090 热电偶端子盒85439090 8通道热电偶输入模块85439090 碳化硅再结晶热电偶保护管85444219 热电偶用补偿导线85444229 热电偶补偿线85444929 热电偶用补偿导线85444929 测温仪表热电偶测线85445910 热电偶用补偿电缆85462010 热电偶瓷套管90230000 热电偶校验装置90251100 带热电偶(阻)温度变送器双金属温度计90251100.00 表面热电偶温度计90251100.00 带热电偶(阻)、温度变送器的双金属温度计90251100.00 热电偶温度计90251910 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防爆型接线盒式铠装热电偶90330000 金属插座型铠装热电偶90330000 塑料插座型铠装热电偶90330000.00 反应烧结碳化硅热电偶90330000.00 带锥形保护管式热电偶90330000.00 装配式镍铬-镍硅热电偶90330000.00 装配式热电偶90330000.00 装配热电偶90330000.00 装配式铂铑热电偶90330000.00 装铠装热电偶90330000.00 轴承热电偶90330000.00 中温中压热电偶90330000.00 真空炉专用热电偶90330000.00 针棒热电偶90330000.00 再结晶碳化硅保护管热电偶90330000.00 针型热电偶90330000.00 针状热电偶90330000.00 温度一体化热电偶90330000 工业用隔爆热电偶90330000 防溅型接线盒式铠装热电偶90330000 防爆型接线盒式铠装热电偶90330000 金属插座型铠装热电偶90330000 塑料插座型铠装热电偶90330000.00 反应烧结碳化硅热电偶90330000.00 带锥形保护管式热电偶90330000.00 装配式镍铬-镍硅热电偶90330000.00 装配式热电偶90330000.00 装配热电偶90330000.00 装配式铂铑热电偶90330000.00 装铠装热电偶90330000.00 轴承热电偶90330000.00 中温中压热电偶90330000.00 真空炉专用热电偶90330000.00 针棒热电偶90330000.00 再结晶碳化硅保护管热电偶90330000.00 针型热电偶90330000.00 针状热电偶90330000.00 温度一体化热电偶90330000.00 无固定装置热电偶90330000.00 无固定装置式热电偶90330000.00 无保护管热电偶90330000.00 钨钼热电偶丝90330000.00 钨铼热电偶90330000.00 铁-康铜热电偶90330000.00 探头式热电偶90330000.00 碳化硅保护管热电偶90330000.00 特殊规格热电偶90330000.00 压簧热电偶配件90330000.00 压簧式热电偶90330000.00 压簧固定式热电偶90330000.00 小型热电偶90330000.00 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5X (United Parcel Service) Note: The most current information about UPS services and restrictions may be found at the following web site: /hazmat5X-01 Shipments of Dangerous Goods in the UPS Small Package service with an origin and destination within the USA will be accepted by contract only, in accordance with the current UPS "Hazardous Materials Guide." This information is posted under the SUPPORT topic on the UPS Home Page (). See also the SITE GUIDE on UPS Home Page at the link for "Hazardous Materials." Users may also locate the UPS Guide for Shipping Hazardous Materials by using the SEARCH function on the website.5X-02 UPS International Small Package service rules and restrictions apply to all Dangerous Goods shipments with an origin and/or destination outside of the USA. Such shipments, including Biological Substances, Category B, will be accepted by contract only (see 5X-01 above for USA domestic shipments). Countries available for service are shown at the following web site:/content/us/en/resources/ship/idg/information/acl.html. When shipping packages requiring an IATA Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods, combination packagings must be used and packages must not exceed 30 kg gross weight. When applicable, not more than three compatible different dangerous goods may be contained in one outer packaging ( The followingclasses/divisions of Dangerous Goods are prohibited from UPS International Small Package service: • Class 1 (Explosives)• Division 2.3 (Toxic Gas)• Div ision 4.2 (Spontaneously Combustible)• Division 4.3 (Dangerous When Wet)• Division 5.1 (Oxidizer)• Division 5.2 (Organic Peroxide)• Division 6.1—Substances requiring a “Toxic” label. Shipments of UN 1230, Methanol and UN 3506, Mercury contained in manufactured articles will only be accepted only when packages do not show a "Toxic" sub-risk label,• Division 6.2 (Infectious Substances, Category A)• Class 7—Substances requiring a "Radioactive" White-I, Yellow-II, Yellow-III, or Fissile label. —Radioactive Material, Excepted Package shipments are also prohibited.• Class 9---All permitted Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities are accepted. UPS class/division restrictions do not apply to Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities.— Shipments of UN 2807, Magnetized material which conform to Packing Instruction 953 can be shipped only to, from, and within the countries identified as having IDG service on the following link: /content/us/en/resources/ship/idg/information/acl.html. Additionally, such shipmentsmust be labelled in accordance with Packing Instruction 953 and documented in one of the following ways:- Identified as "Magnetized material" in a Package Reference field on the UPS Shipping Label; or- Accompanied by a written document, affixed directly to the outside of the package or contained in a resealable envelope on the package, identifying the contents as 'Magnetized material".• Complete information about UPS Small Package International Dangerous Goods service, including specific limitations per package, may be found at the link for UPS GUIDE FOR SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL DANGEROUS GOODS at the site identified in variation 5X-01.(see 1.3.2, and Dangerous Goods shipments will be accepted in Air Cargo Service by contract only. All contract applications must be reviewed and approved by the UPS Air Dangerous Goods Department (SDF) and Air Cargo Service (UPS Air Group-SDF). Hazard Classes accepted in Air Cargo Service are subject to approval, and shipments are subject to advance arrangement.• • UPS Air Cargo Service does not accept shipments of UN 3090, Section IA or IB lithium metal batteries.5X-04 Dangerous Goods shipments in UPS Freight, Air Services are accepted by arrangements between UPS Airlines and UPS Supply Chain Solutions. Prohibited hazard classes include:• Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4F, 1.5, and 1.6 (Explosi ves)• Division 2.3 Toxic Gases• Materials having either a primary or subsidiary hazard of Division 6.1-with a Packing Group I inhalation toxicity• Division 6.2- (Infectious Substances, Category A)• Class 7 (outside of the U.S. and Canada)- substances requiring a "Radioactive" White-I, Yellow-II or Yellow-III label.— Materials requiring a Fissile label are not accepted in any UPS service.— Radioactive Material, Excepted Package shipments are also prohibited outside the U.S. and Canada. 5X-05 When an IATA Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods is required, the shipper must present three original copies.5X-06 To maintain compliance with USG-18, UPS requires all packages of the materials listed below to comply with U.S. DOT packaging requirements and be marked with the text "DOT31FP" on the outer package. Affected entries are:UN 1070—Nitrous oxide –see 49 CFR 173.340(f)UN 1072—Oxygen, compressed –see 49 CFR 173.302(f)UN 2451—Nitrogen trifluoride –see 49 CFR 173.302(f)UN 3156—Compressed gas, oxidizing, n.o.s. –see 49 CFR 173.302(f)UN 3157—Liquefied gas, oxidizing, n.o.s. –see 49 CFR 173.304(f)UN 3356—Oxygen generator, chemical –see 49 CFR 173.168—Carbon dioxide and oxygen mixture, compressed –see 49 CFR 173.304(f)5X-07 The following limitations apply to the commodities identified here:• Depending on required routing, shipments of UN 3090, Lithium metal batteries, including Section II shipments, may need to be returned to shippers due to prohibitions on carrying such shipments aboard passenger aircraft.• S hipments of UN 3077, Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s. will not be accepted when contained in Intermediate Bulk Containers (113Cs) in any UPS air services (including UPS Small Package, UPS Freight Air Services or UPS Air Cargo services);• Shipments of UN 2807, Magnetized materials, for which the magnetic field strength exceeds 0.00525 gauss when measured at 4.6 m from any surface of the package are not accepted in UPS services (including UPS Small Package; UPS Freight Air Services; or UPS Air Cargo services);• Shipments of refurbished lithium batteries, or refurbished lithium batteries packed with or contained in equipment are not accepted unless specifically approved by the UPS Air Dangerous Goods Department (SDF);• Shipments of UN 3245, Genetically modified organisms or Genetically modified micro-organisms with an origin and/or destination outside the U.S. are not accepted in UPS small package services. For UPS Air Freight shipments, case-by-case approval is required to assure the ability to import or transit the shipments within countries involved.。
RT8525®DS8525-01 March 20121©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Ordering InformationNote :Richtek products are :` RoHS compliant and compatible with the current require-ments of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.` Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.Boost Controller with Dimming ControlPin ConfigurationsSOP-14(TOP VIEW)RT8525GS : Product NumberYMDNN : Date CodeGeneral DescriptionThe RT8525 is a wide input operating voltage range step up controller. High voltage output and large output current are feasible by using an external N-MOSFET . The RT8525input operating range is from 4.5V to 29V.The RT8525 is an optimized design for wide output voltage range applications. The output voltage of the RT8525 can be adjusted by the FB pin. The PWMI pin can be used as a digital input, allowing WLED brightness control with a logic-level PWM signal.FeatureszVIN Range : 4.5V to 29VzProgrammable Soft-Start Timez Programmable Boost SW Frequency from 50kHz to 600kHzz Output Over Voltage Protection z Output Under Voltage Protection z 14-Lead SOP Packagez RoHS Compliant and Halogen FreeApplicationszLCD TV, Monitor Display Backlight zLED Driver ApplicationDRV PGND ISW EN OOVP FB FAULTVDC VIN COMPSS FSW AGND PWMITypical Application CircuitG : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free)L1V OUT2RT8525DS8525-01 March 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Function Block Diagram3RT8525DS8525-01 March 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Electrical Characteristics(V IN = 21V, V OUT = 50V, T A = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)z VIN to GND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ −0.3V to 32V z VDC, DRV, FAULT to GND----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −0.3V to 13.2V z EN, COMP , SS, FSW, FB, OOVP , ISW, PWMI to GND --------------------------------------------------------- −0.3V to 6V zPower Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25°CSOP-14----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.000W zPackage Thermal Resistance (Note 2)SOP-14 , θJA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100°C/W z Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------260°C z Junction T emperature -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150°Cz Storage T emperature Range -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −65°C to 150°C zESD Susceptibility (Note 3)HBM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2kV MM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200VRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)z Supply Input Voltage, VIN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.5V to 29V z Junction T emperature Range -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −40°C to 125°C zAmbient T emperature Range -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −40°C to 85°C4RT8525DS8525-01 March 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed “Absolute Maximum Ratings ” may cause permanent damage to the device. These arestress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured at T A = 25°C on a low effective thermal conductivity single-layer test board per JEDEC 51-3.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution is recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions..RT8525Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Feedback Voltage vs. Temperature1. (°C)F e e d b a c k V o l t a g e(V )Feedback Voltage vs. Input Voltage1. Voltage (V)F e e d b a c k V o l t a g e (V )Typical Operating CharacteristicsBoost Efficiency vs. Load CurrentSwitching Frequency vs. TemperatureQuiescent Current vs. Input Voltage0. Voltage (V) Q u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t (m A )Quiescent Current vs. Temperature0. (°C)Q u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t (m A )6RT8525DS8525-01 March 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Applications InformationThe RT8525 is a wide input operating voltage range step up controller. High voltage output and large output current are feasible by using an external N-MOSFET. The protection functions include output over voltage, output under voltage, over temperature and current limiting protection.Boost Output Voltage SettingThe regulated output voltage is set by an external resistor divider according to the following equation :⎛⎞×⎜⎟⎝⎠FB1OUT FB FB FB2R V = V 1+, where V = 1.25V (typ.)R The recommended value of R FB2 should be at least 1k Ωfor saving sacrificing. Moreover, placing the resistor divider as close as possible to the chip can reduce noise sensitivity.Boost Switching FrequencyThe RT8525 boost driver switching frequency is able to be adjusted by a resistor R SW ranging from 18k Ω to 220k Ω. The following figure illustrates the corresponding switching frequency within the resistor range.Figure 1. Boost Switching FrequencySwitching Frequency vs. R SW0100200300400500600050100150200250R SW (k ) f S W (k H z )ΩBoost Loop CompensationThe voltage feedback loop can be compensated by anexternal compensation network consisted of R C , C C1 and C C2. Choose R C to set high frequency gain for fast transient response. Select C C1 and C C2 to set the zero and pole to maintain loop stability. For typical application,V IN = 24V, V OUT = 50V, C OUT = 100μF x 2, L1 = 33μH,while the recommended value for compensation is as follows : R C = 33k Ω, C C1 = 27nF.Soft-StartThe soft-start of the RT8525 can be achieved by connecting a capacitor from the SS pin to GND. The built-in soft-start circuit reduces the start-up current spike and output voltage overshoot. The external capacitor charged by an internal 4μA constant charging current determines the soft-start time. The SS pin limits the rising rate of the COMP pin voltage and thereby limits the peak switch current.The soft-start interval is set by the soft-start capacitor according to the following equation :≅××5SS SS t C 510A typical value for the soft-start capacitor is 0.33μF. The soft-start capacitor is discharged when EN voltage falls below its threshold after shutdown delay or UVLO occurs.Slope Compensation and Current LimitingA slope compensation is applied to avoid sub-harmonic oscillation in current-mode control. The slope compensation voltage is generated by the internal ramp current flow through a slope compensation resistor R SLP .The inductor current is sensed by the sensing resistor R S . Both of them are added and presented on the ISW pin. The internal ramp current is rising linearly form zero at the beginning of each switching cycle to 50μA in maximum on-time of each cycle. The slope compensation resistor R SLP can be calculated by the following equation :where R S is current sensing resistor, L is inductor value,and f SW is boost switching frequency.The current flow through inductor during charging period is detected by a sensing resistor R S . Besides, the slope compensation voltage also attributes magnitude to ISW.As the voltage at the ISW pin is over 0.4V, the DRV will be pulled low and turn off the external N-MOSFET. So that the inductor will be forced to leave charging stage and enter discharging stage to prevent over current. The current limiting can be calculated by the following equation:()−××××OUT IN SSLP SW V V R R >2L 50μf7RT8525DS8525-01 March 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.where I L, PK is peak inductor current, and D MAX is maximum duty.Output Over Voltage ProtectionThe output voltage can be clamped at the voltage level determined by the following equation :⎛⎞×⎜⎟⎝⎠OVP1OUT (OOVP)OOVP OVP2OOVP R V = V 1+,R where V = 2.5V (typ.)Power MOSFET SelectionFor the applications operating at high output voltage,switching losses dominate the overall power loss.Therefore, the power N-MOSFET switch is typically chosen for drain voltage, VDS, rating and low gate charge.Consideration of switch on-resistance R DS(ON) is usually secondary. The VDC regulator in the RT8525 has a fixed output current limit to protect the IC and provide 12V DRV voltage for N-MOSFET switch gate driver.()×−×××2OUT SW OUTD 1D V L =2f I Inductor SelectionThe boundary value of the inductance L between Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) and Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) can be approximated by the following equation :Figure 2. Fault Protection Function BlockwhereV OUT is the maximum output voltage,V IN is the minimum input voltage,fsw is the operating frequency,I OUT is the sum of current from all LED strings,and D is the duty cycle calculated by the following equation :−OUTIN OUTV V D = V The boost converter operates in DCM over the entire input voltage range if the inductor value is less than the boundary value L. With an inductance greater than L, the converter operates in CCM at the minimum input voltage and may transit to DCM at higher voltages. The inductor must be−××MAX SLP S L, PK0.4D R 50μR <I be under 0.25V. Then the protection function will perform action 2 to turn off the driver. When protection function is released, the RT8525 will re-start.On the other hand, if the triggered protection is OOVP ,the voltage at node A will be decided by voltage divider composed of R FLT and the internal 8k Ω resistor. This voltage must be designed between 0.25V and 1.25V by choosing R FLT appropriately. Once the OOVP turns on the Switch 2, the divided FAULT voltage will activate action 1to turn off the driver without resetting soft-start. Therefore,when protection function OOVP is released, the RT8525will be in normal operation.where R OVP1 and R OVP2 are the voltage divider connected to the OOVP pin.Fault ProtectionThe FAULT pin will be pulled low once a protection is triggered, and a suitable pulled-high R FLT is required. The suggested R FLT is 100k Ω if the pulled-high voltage was 12V. The following figure illustrates the fault protection function block. If one of the OUVP and OTP occurs, the switch 1 will be turned on, and the voltage at node A will8RT8525DS8525-01 March 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Thermal ConsiderationsFor continuous operation, do not exceed absolute maximum junction temperature. The maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and difference between junction and ambient temperature. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) − T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction to ambient thermal resistance.For recommended operating condition specifications, the maximum junction temperature is 125°C. The junction to ambient thermal resistance, θJA , is layout dependent. For SOP-14 packages, the thermal resistance, θJA , is 100°C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-3 single-layer thermal test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25°C can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (125°C − 25°C) / (100°C/W) = 1.000W for SOP-14 packageThe maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance, θJA . The derating curve in Figure 4 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.×××+××ηOUT OUT LPK INV I VIN D TI = V 2L where η is the efficiency of the power converter.⎡⎤⎛⎞⎛⎞×+Δ−+−Δ−×⎜⎟⎜⎟⎢⎥⎝⎠⎝⎠⎣⎦××ΔININ L OUT IN L OUT OUT OUT OUT1SWV 111Q = I I I I I I 222V 1 = C V f where f SW is the switching frequency, and ΔI L is the inductor ripple current. Move C OUT to the left side to estimate the value of ΔV OUT1 as the following equation :×Δ××ηOUTOUT1OUT SWD I V =C f Finally, by taking ESR into consideration, the overall output ripple voltage can be determined as the following equation :×Δ×+××OUTOUT IN OUT SWD I V = I ESR ηC f Figure 3. The Output Ripple Voltage without theContribution of ESR Diode SelectionSchottky diodes are recommended for most applicationsbecause of their fast recovery time and low forward voltage.The power dissipation, reverse voltage rating and pulsating peak current are the important parameters for Schottky diode selection. Make sure that the diode's peak current rating exceeds I LPK , and reverse voltage rating exceeds the maximum output voltage.Capacitor SelectionOutput ripple voltage is an important index for estimating the performance. This portion consists of two parts, one is the product of input current and ESR of output capacitor,another part is formed by charging and discharging process of output capacitor. Refer to figure 3, evaluate ΔV OUT1 by ideal energy equalization. According to the definition of Q, the Q value can be calculated as following equation :selected with a saturated current rating greater than the peak current provided by the following equation :9RT8525DS8525-01 March 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology yout ConsiderationsPCB layout is very important for designing switching powerconverter circuits. The following layout guides should be strictly followed for best performance of the RT8525.`The power components L 1, D 1, C IN , C OUT , M 1 and R S must be placed as close as possible to reduce current loop. The PCB trace between power components must be as short and wide as possible.`Place components R FB1, R FB2, R OVP1 and R OVP2 close to IC as possible. The trace should be kept away from the power loops and shielded with a ground trace to prevent any noise coupling.`The compensation circuit should be kept away from the power loops and should be shielded with a ground trace to prevent any noise coupling. Place the compensation components to the COMP pin as close as possible, no matter the compensation is R C , C C1 or C C2.Figure 5. PCB Layout GuideFigure 4. Derating Curve of Maximum Power DissipationPlace the power components as close as possible. The traces feedback pin. The divider center trace must beshorter and avoid the trace near any switching nodes.S for better stability. Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )10RT8525DS8525-01 March 2012Richtek Technology Corporation5F, No. 20, Taiyuen Street, Chupei City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers shouldobtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.Outline DimensionM14–Lead SOP Plastic Package。
TI型号⼤全35-迈锐国际ADC0820CCWMX/NOPB SOIC-201000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC082S021CIMM/NOPB VSSOP-81000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC082S021CIMMX/NOPB VSSOP-83500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC082S051CIMM/NOPB VSSOP-81000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC082S101CIMM/NOPB VSSOP-81000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC082S101CIMMX/NOPB VSSOP-83500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC083000CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC083000CIYB/S7002214HLQFP-1286003A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0831CCN/NOPB PDIP-81000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0831CCWM/NOPB SOIC-143000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0831CCWMX/NOPB SOIC-141000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0832CCN/NOPB PDIP-81000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0832CCWM/NOPB SOIC-143000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0832CCWMX/NOPB SOIC-141000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0834CCN/NOPB PDIP-14500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0834CCWM/NOPB SOIC-143000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0834CCWMX/NOPB SOIC-141000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08351CILQE/NOPB WQFN-24250EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08351CILQX/NOPB WQFN-244500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08351CIMTCE/NOPB TSSOP-20250EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08351CIMTCX/NOPB TSSOP-202500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08351EVM RFIDSUB01EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0838CCWM/NOPB SOIC-202160EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0838CCWMX/NOPB SOIC-201000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0838CIWM/NOPB SOIC-202160EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0838CIWMX/NOPB SOIC-201000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0848BCV/NOPB PLCC-281750EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0848BCVX/NOPB PLCC-28750EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC0848CCV/NOPB PLCC-281750EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137******** ADC0848CCVX/NOPB PLCC-28750EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC084S021CIMM/J7001218VSSOP-101000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC084S021CIMM/NOPB VSSOP-101000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC084S021CIMMX/NOPB VSSOP-103500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC084S051CIMM/NOPB VSSOP-101000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC084S101CIMM/NOPB VSSOP-101000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08500CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A991C1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08831IM SOIC-89500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08831IM/NOPB SOIC-89500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08831IMX/NOPB SOIC-82500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08832IMM/NOPB VSSOP-81000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08832IM/NOPB SOIC-89500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08832IMX/NOPB SOIC-82500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC088S022CIMT TSSOP-169200EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC088S022CIMT/NOPB TSSOP-169200EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC088S022CIMTX/NOPB TSSOP-162500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC088S052CIMT/NOPB TSSOP-169200EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC088S052CIMTX/NOPB TSSOP-162500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC088S102CIMT/NOPB TSSOP-169200EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC088S102CIMTX/NOPB TSSOP-162500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08B200CIVS/NOPB TQFP-482500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08B200QCIVS/NOPB TQFP-482500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08B3000CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A991C1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08B3000RB/NOPB RFIDSUB01EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D1000CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D1010DIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D1020CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D1500CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D1520CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D1520CIYB/S7002396HLQFP-1286003A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D1520CVAL RFIDSUB013A002H1A TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********迈锐国际胡浩亮ADC08D1520RB/NOPB RFIDSUB013A002H1A TI137******** ADC08D1520WGFQV CQFP-128243A001A2C TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D1520WGMPR CQFP-128243A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D500CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A991C1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D500CIYB/S7002554HLQFP-1286003A991C1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D500CIYB/S7002952HLQFP-1286003A991C1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08D502CIYB/NOPB HLQFP-1286003A991C1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08DJ3200AAV FCBGA-1448403A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08DJ3200AAVT FCBGA-1442503A001A5A1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08DJ3200EVM UNKNOWN-14413A002H1A TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08DL500CIVV/NOPB LQFP-1446003A991C1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08DL502CIVV/NOPB LQFP-1446003A991C1TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08L060CIMT/NOPB TSSOP-246100EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08L060CIMTX/NOPB TSSOP-242500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC08L060EVM RFIDSUB01EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC09QJ1300EVM RFIDSUB01EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC10040CIMT/NOPB TSSOP-284800EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC10040CIMTX/NOPB TSSOP-282500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC10040QCIMT/NOPB TSSOP-284800EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC10040QCIMTX/NOPB TSSOP-282500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC10065CIMT/NOPB TSSOP-284800EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC10065CIMTX/NOPB TSSOP-282500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC10080CIMT/NOPB TSSOP-284800EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC10080CIMTX/NOPB TSSOP-282500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101C021CIMK/NOPB SOT-23-THN-61000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101C021CIMKX/NOPB SOT-23-THN-63000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101C021CIMM/NOPB VSSOP-81000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101C027CIMK/NOPB SOT-23-THN-61000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101C027CIMKX/NOPB SOT-23-THN-63000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S021CIMF/NOPB SOT-23-61000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S021CIMFX/NOPB SOT-23-63000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********迈锐国际胡浩亮ADC101S021CISD/NOPB WSON-61000EAR99TI137********ADC101S021CISDX/NOPB WSON-64500EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S051CIMF/NOPB SOT-23-61000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S051CIMFX/NOPB SOT-23-63000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S051QIMF/NOPB SOT-23-61000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S051QIMFX/NOPB SOT-23-63000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S101CIMF/NOPB SOT-23-61000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S101CIMFX/NOPB SOT-23-63000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********ADC101S101CISD/NOPB WSON-61000EAR99TI迈锐国际胡浩亮137********。
BTS3900A 产品编码对照表
BOM编码:01060361展开层数:3展开层数序列号编码01060361110219016621021127143202112731330415006034041500593504150047360211277822021127093102112723320211272933041500603404150059350415004722521127373202120461330212046434003020DQY35003020HFD3603301000737040125333801602023639026010496310026010316312021020357313026010032314021100041315021100015316021100144317040902252302120467310210300773701902012738003020HBC31004090219311026010382312026010346313026010333314026010550315026010527316026010302317026010526318016020300319016020298 320016020288 321016020286 322016020289 2402315692 31003020HXM 32021211183 33029041123 34026010526 35026010317 36026010418 37027060125 38047030041 3907090975 310014990077 311014990076 312090010094 313090010052 314029040626 315063200084 2502315743 31003020HYL 32027060124 33014990076 34026010418 35026010526 36026010317 37026010527 38029041125 39047030042 31007090975 311021211183 312090010094 313090010052 314014990077 315029040626 316063200084 2602315819 3102120458 3202315528 33003030HNK 34021135211 35021135212 3602112722 37063200084 2702315639 31003020HPT32003020GKE 33021135260 34026020131 35026020197 28003020FED 31019020076 32014060235 33014060060 3407010747 35016070004 36021135144 37026010585 3803018455 2904070020 32014060191 33025050177 34014060050 21002130608 21102313069 21202315111 31003020DTN 33003020EAE 3504045385 36026020113 38021030034 39003020DNF 310029040626 311026010302 312026010526 21302315686 32003030HVX 35021100041 36026010298 37026010526 38026010527 39021030076 310021201001 311026010316 312014990076 31304150063 314063160007 315005020BCK 21404050036 21504050017 21604050097 21704050098 2180405009921904050100 220021140585 22102234487 222031504391 223031504393 22404070027 31014060050 32014060191 33025050209 225029042533 226029042534 12027060133 21027060134 31027010148 32027010159 33027010200 34027010230 35027010240 36027010242 37027010246 38027010247 39027010248 310027150006 311027150010 312027150017 22027060135 31027010115 32027010118 33027010139 34027010164 35027010166 36027010169 37027010170 38027010172 39027010178 310027010186 311027150017 23027060136 31027010134 32027010157 33027010162 34027010180 35027150006 36021150158 37021150173 24027060137 3102701014333027010152 34027010157 35027010202 36027010203 37027010206 38027150006 25027060131 31014040137 3204026159 3304026160 34027150001 35027150009 36027150002 37027150008 312025070076 313025070017 314025070133 315025070018 316014040201 317014040222 318027020067 26027060139 3102236756 3202236758 3302236757 3402236759 3502236760 3602236761 3702237169 3802237173 3842237326 3852237327 3902237170 31002237174 31102237168 31202237172 31302237171 31402237175 31502236769 31602236770 31702236771 31802236772 31904026160 32004060229 321014170060 322030070011324021101240 325027150064 32604047376 327027150041 328030030071 1302237164 254027101 31014080082 32025050014 2202210177 23028050001 24021101239 25021101240 26021101323 27021101324 28021101325 29021101326 210021101327 211021101321 212021101322 214028040009 215029080015 21602235738 38029040428 39029040429 312030040054 217014170017 218014170059 219014170060 220014170023 221014170147 222014170020 223014170016 224014170002 225031183045 226031183047 227014170005 228014170096 229014180221 230014180185 231028040023 232028040011 233028040013 234028010026 235063200065 236021100015238021100144 1404000417 2104120002 31014060191 32014990083 33025070055 2204120003 31014060191 32025050107 23014040200 24025030461 24525030669 25025030433 26025030432 27025030427 28025030428 29025030024 210025030026 211025030431 212025030429 213025030403 21404070026 31025050207 32014080128 21604047376 31014040253 32014040252 33025070071 217025030190 21804150051 31014060252 32025030708 33025030709 34014170005 21904080029 31014080128 32025050207 22004070023 31025050207 32014080128 22104070025 31025050207 32014080128 22204150049 31014170005 3201406025233025030704 34025030705 22304150052 31025030699 32014170023 33014170017 22404047466 31014080114 33025050238 1502237165 21021150606 22021150484 23021170210 1602237166 2102112567 31021020338 32016100026 3304047592 3404047535 3504047552 36026010531 3704044773 38029040013 39021100041 310021100015 311021100144 2202112574 31021020339 32032010084 33014120129 34003020FKK 35016100026 3603025469 37026010526 38026010542 39026020141 310029040013 311029042398 31204080011 31304080010 31404041838 31504150003 316026020161 317026010531 318026020075 31904044773 32004046897322003020HRY 323021100041 324021100015 325021100144 2302080998 31021011082 3202080982 2402080023 25024020615 26024020614 2702350374 31021040631 3202233083 33029041150 34029040738 35030011009 2902314551 3103028906 32003030EDY 33014120141 34014120129 35021040936 3604046764 37026010316 38031070008 39021100041 31004043189 31104045462 31204046763 314030011572 315031017607 316029020502 21002112732 31021020356 32033010007 34016020236 3504090221 3604150048 37026010032 21102112733 31021020353 32032010084 33003020HRY 34003020FKK 35003020HFD 3603301000738003020FDR 3904012538 310026020079 311026010316 312026010421 21202120469 31021030080 3204090224 33026010526 35026010421 36029042537 37029040626 38029040013 39029041013 310003020HBC 311016020286 312016020289 313014180245 314014120129 315021100041 316014170017 213014180178 21402234032 21504043955 34014120021 35014110033 36014170002 37025030044 38025030052 21604046176 31014170009 32014170005 33025030608 217028010104 218033010293 219033010089 220033010007 221033010286 222025050163 17030000094 21030011636 31030020487 32030050606 33030050607 34030040139 3503010000522030011637 23030011552 31030035257 32030020454 33030040258 34030050081 35030050082 24030011634 25030011635 26030011655 27030011605 28030011659 1802231914 21088020648 22088020649 23088020650 24088021088 25088021089名称版本图纸版本无线通信设备-HUAWEI BTS3036A-BTS3036A 室外型宏蜂窝基站 B.1-无线基站-BTS3036A-GM5C2BTS-BTS3036A 室外宏基站 B.1-总装机箱-BTS3036A-GM8B1DMC-BTS3036A 室外宏铝制总装机柜 D.1-总装机柜-HERT MPE-WD2B4RFC-6RFU总装机柜B E.1-电源电缆-0.90m-10mm^2-蓝-(OT10-4)-(H07Z-K-10^2蓝)-(OT10-6)-LSZH B.2-电源电缆-0.90m-10mm^2-黑-(OT10-4)-(H07Z-K-10^2黑)-(OT10-6)-LSZH B.2-A.3-电源电缆-0.85m-16mm^2-黄绿-(OT16-6)-(H07Z-K-16^2黄绿)-(OT16-6)-LS总装机柜-BTS3900A-GM5B2OPC-APM30总装机柜 B,with PDU(220V) A.5-总装机箱-BTS3036A-GM8B2DMC-BTS3036A 室外宏钢制总装机柜 B.2-总装机柜-HERT MPE-WD2B1OPC-APM30总装机柜A F.1-总装机柜-HERT MPE-WD2B3RFC-6RFU总装机柜A E.1-电源电缆-0.90m-10mm^2-蓝-(OT10-4)-(H07Z-K-10^2蓝)-(OT10-6)-LSZH B.2-电源电缆-0.90m-10mm^2-黑-(OT10-4)-(H07Z-K-10^2黑)-(OT10-6)-LSZH B.2-A.3-电源电缆-0.85m-16mm^2-黄绿-(OT16-6)-(H07Z-K-16^2黄绿)-(OT16-6)-LS总装机柜-HERT MPE-WD2B9RFC-3RFU总装机柜B C.2-配电盒-HERT MPE-WD2EDCDU-02-直流配电单元-带防雷板 C.1-风机盒-HERT MPE-WD2E1OCFB-室外机柜风扇盒 C.1-制成板-MPE-WD22FEMA-风扇环境监控板 C.1A制成板-HERT MPE-WD22TSIB-温度传感器板-4*4 A.5A门磁开关-常开-隐蔽安装型 C.1-内部成套电缆-HERT MPE-HRFC-3机柜内部成套电缆 C.2-空气开关-磁断路器-80VDC-100A-1极-2000A-Medium Delay-19*47*63-常开A.9-A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M4*10-镀彩锌标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*6-镀彩锌B.3-A.1-户外机柜机架-DKBA4.100.1024-HERT MPE V200R301 3RFU直通风室外机柜(标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉-GB818-85-M3*8-不锈钢- B.3-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-100M---100*2.5mm-强度8.1kg B.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-150I-150*3.6mm-强度18.2kg B.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-300I-300*3.6mm-强度18.2kg B.1-线束-HERT MPE-HRFC-3机柜内置蓄电池电缆线束 B.1-配电盒-Hert MPE-WD2E2HPDU-HAPM配电盒-220VAC三相输入-分体式 E.1-盒式模块-DKBA4.104.2053MX-配电框-436mm*86.1mm*355mm-配电框 A.1-电源避雷器-65KA(8/20us)-1500V-220VAC/380AC-冷压端子-螺钉固定 A.5-制成板-HERT MPE -WD22DLPB-直流电源防雷板 A.17B线束-Hert MPE-WD2E1HPDU-HAPM配电盒电缆线束 D.2-标准紧固件-1型六角螺母-A级和B级-GB6170-86-M6-镀彩锌 A.3-标准紧固件-标准型弹簧垫圈-GB93-87-6-镀彩锌 A.3-标准紧固件-平垫圈-A级-GB97.1-85-6-镀彩锌 A.4-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M4*8-镀彩锌A.3-A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*12-镀彩锌标准紧固件-十字槽沉头螺钉-GB819-85-M3*6-镀彩锌 A.4-A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*8-镀彩锌B.1-断路器-断路器-250VAC-16A-3极-1.5KA-中延时-63.5*57.53*80mm-无-面板A.6-断路器-液压磁断路器 -250VAC/80VDC-10A-1极-1.5KA-中延时-63.5*19.18A.4-断路器-磁断路器-80VDC-30A-1-600A-C-19*39*48-无-面板卡装-摇键式-防A.5-断路器-磁断路器-80VDC-12A-1-600A-C-19*39*48-无辅助开关-面板卡装-摇A.6-断路器-磁断路器-80VDC-4A-1-600A-C-19*39*48-无-面板卡装-摇键式-防误功能模块-BTS3036-GM5MBDRFU-双密度射频与滤波单元-M900 C.1-制成板-BTS3036-GM5BDBRU-DRFU 基带与射频单元-1*1 F.1BA.2-压铸机加壳体-DKBA4.140.2029MX-DRFU 模块组件-BTS3036-366.9*68.5*30产品标签-DKBA8.817.1955-M900标签-BTS312-20x6-3M7815 C.20标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*8-镀彩锌A.3-A.5-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.8-88-M3*10-镀彩锌标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉-GB818-85-M2.5*6-镀彩锌 A.3-天馈组件-DDPE-GSM BTS3036-Tx:925MHz~960MHz,RX:880MHz~915MHz-DIN/fA.5-射频隔离器-920--960MHz-45dB.-1.2-150W-Dual Junction A.8-E.1-片式厚膜电阻器-250W-50ohm-+/-5%-24.80*9.53mm-射频高功率法兰安装负B.1-连接器附件-DIN7/16母型同轴连接器防尘帽-配DIN7/16 母型同轴连接器-1连接器附件-SMA母型同轴连接器防尘帽-配SMA母型同轴连接器-1:1- B.1-A.3-固体生产辅料-导热垫-406.4mm(L)*203.2mm(W)*2.5mm(H) -导热系数1.0W/固体生产辅料-导热硅脂-/-/-元器件导热 A.2-B.1-产品标签-DKBA8.817.1003-产品防拆警告标签(1PCS含标签1张)-50mm*12mm塑胶件-DKBA8.034.0704-Dust-proof Cushion-Metro 3600 B.2-功能模块-BTS3036-GMKM1DRFU-双密度射频与滤波单元-M1800 B.1-制成板-BTS3036-GMKBDBRU-DRFU基带与射频单元-1*1 E.1BA.7-天馈组件-DDPD-GSM BTS3036-Tx:1805MHz~1880MHz,RX:1710MHz~1785MHz-D连接器附件-SMA母型同轴连接器防尘帽-配SMA母型同轴连接器-1:1- B.1-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉-GB818-85-M2.5*6-镀彩锌 A.3-A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*8-镀彩锌A.5-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.8-88-M3*10-镀彩锌A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*12-镀彩锌产品标签-DKBA8.817.1959-M1800标签-BTS312-20x6-3M7815 B.20射频隔离器-1805--1880MHz-45dB.-1.2-150W-Dual Junction A.7-E.1-片式厚膜电阻器-250W-50ohm-+/-5%-24.80*9.53mm-射频高功率法兰安装负A.2-压铸机加壳体-DKBA4.140.2029MX-DRFU 模块组件-BTS3036-366.9*68.5*30A.3-固体生产辅料-导热垫-406.4mm(L)*203.2mm(W)*2.5mm(H) -导热系数1.0W/固体生产辅料-导热硅脂-/-/-元器件导热 A.2-B.1-连接器附件-DIN7/16母型同轴连接器防尘帽-配DIN7/16 母型同轴连接器-1B.1-产品标签-DKBA8.817.1003-产品防拆警告标签(1PCS含标签1张)-50mm*12mm塑胶件-DKBA8.034.0704-Dust-proof Cushion-Metro 3600 B.2-C.1-功能模块-BTS3036-GM5M1BBU-GSM分布式基站主控单元(基本配置)-无防雷单风机盒-HERT BBU-WD2E1FAN-2U风扇模块 B.1-功能模块-HERT BBU - WD22MPEUA--48V 电源环境接口单元 A.5-成品板-HERT BBU-WD22GTMU1-GBTS 主控传输单元 (4E1+2FE+6CPRI) 含CANB.1-拉手条-DKBA4.130.6965-4HP假面板拉手条-154.5*16*19.8-钣金 A.1-拉手条-DKBA4.130.6966-电源板假面板拉手条-85.3*14.3*40.1-钣金 A.2-总装机箱-HERT BBU-WD2BBBUC-HERT BBU插框 A.2-塑胶件-DKBA8.034.0704-Dust-proof Cushion-Metro 3600 B.2-功能模块-HERT BBU-WD2M1UEIU-通用环境接口控制单元 A.2-制成板-HERT BBU-WD22UEIB-通用环境接口底板-1*2 B.1B制成板-HERT BBU-WD22UEIC-环境监控接口板-1*2 A.20BA.1-拉手条-DKBA4.130.7042MX-UEIU 拉手条-85.3(L)*40.1(H)*264.0(D)-Shee非标紧固件-DKBA0.480.0268-PCB紧固螺钉-PCB-M3X6-PCB板固定 A.3-非标紧固件-DKBA8.610.4681-六角支柱-28.5-阴M3*6-阳M3*5-HERT BBU A.1-制成板-DBS3800-WD22UELP-通用E1/T1雷电防护单元 B.1A气体放电管-90V-5000A-Φ8*10mm-Φ1mm*3 C.3-电缆连接器-D型(三排)-26PIN-弯脚,母座-PCB焊接型-引脚长3.2mm,螺母规C.1-电缆连接器-D-SUB型-25PIN-弯母-PCB焊接型-螺母UNC 4-40,引脚长3.1mm D.1-金属膜电阻器-2W-4.7ohm-±5% A.4-拨码开关-SPST-24VDC-0.025A-PCB直插-3.2mm-4bit-侧面-11.7*9.7*9.7mmF.2-拉手条-DKBA4.130.6870MX-WD22UELP 拉手条-154.45*20.5*19.8mm-钣金A.1-B.4-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-(GB9074.4-88)-M2.5*6-Zi印制板-BBU3806-WD22UELP-通用E1/T1防雷单元-2*1 C.3A信号电缆-E1转接电缆-0.65m-(D25公)-(CC8P0.48黑(S))-(D26公(三排))A.2-电缆连接器-D型-26PIN-公头-电缆焊接型-三排 B.5-对称双绞线缆-100ohm-SEYVP-0.48mm-26AWG-8对-黑 B.2-电缆连接器-D型-25PIN-公头-电缆焊接型 A.7-一次电源--33degC-65degC-90V-290V-(-53.5)V/30A-AC/DC系统电源 D.1-功能模块-WCDMA NodeB BTS3812A-EPMU01-电源系统监控模块-无- C.3-功能模块-HUAWEI BTS3012AE -GM51DEPM-电源系统监控模块 C.1-制成板-BTS3012AE-GM51DPMA-电源监控面板-2*2 A.7A制成板-BTS3012AE-GM51DPMP-电源监控电源扣板-1*1 C.1AA.80单根电缆-监控板通信电缆-0.2m-(IDC40双直)-(扁平排线40)-(IDC40双直)非标紧固件-DKBA8.045.0190-Hexagonal Post 32.0-双阴M3x6(两端)-固定B.3-盒式模块-DKBA4.127.0703MX-电源监控模块-106.1*88.1*243-盒式模块A.2-制成板-BTS3012AE-GM51DPMU-电源监控单板-1*1 E.1A产品标签-DKBA8.817.1003-产品防拆警告标签(1PCS含标签1张)-50mm*12mmB.1-标准紧固件-十字槽沉头螺钉-GB819-85-M3*6-镀彩锌 A.4-A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*8-镀彩锌功能模块-BTS3036系列-GM5M1GATM-GSM 天线&塔放控制模块 C.1-成品板-BTS3036系列-GM52DATU-天线&塔放控制板 B.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-100M---100*2.5mm-强度8.1kg B.1-标准紧固件-十字槽沉头螺钉-GB819-85-M4*10-镀彩锌 A.4-A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*8-镀彩锌A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*12-镀彩锌盒式模块-DKBA4.106.1629-DATM盒体-436.0*41.6*310.0-1U盒式插箱 A.1-塑胶件-DKBA8.079.0205-3PIN导光柱--BTS3012 A.3-B.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*6-镀彩锌连接器附件-SMA母型同轴连接器防尘帽-配SMA母型同轴连接器-1:1- B.1-电源电缆-0.48m-(D3公-2公1母)-(2*18UL3385黑)-(H4(3.96))-LSZH B.2-散热器件-73080113-S16单板电源散热器-S16单板电源-黑色 A.3-单板软件-WD22MPTB0-GM5DATU04-GM52DATU单板运行程序-FLASH-加载型A.6-外购电缆-SFP高速传输电缆-4m-(SFP20公)-(CC2P0.5黑)-(SFP20公)-室内型B.3-C.3-外购电缆-SFP高速传输电缆-1m-(SFP20公)-(CC2P0.5黑)-(SFP20公)-室内型外购电缆-SFP高速传输电缆-1.5m-(SFP20公)-(CC2P0.5黑)-(SFP20公)-室内A.7-A.5-外购电缆-SFP高速传输电缆-2m-(SFP20公)-(CC2P0.5黑)-(SFP20公)-室内型A.8-外购电缆-SFP高速传输电缆-0.6m-(SFP20公)-(CC2P0.5黑)-(SFP20公)-室内外购电缆-SFP高速传输电缆-0.3m-(SFP20公)-(CC2P0.5黑)-(SFP20公)-室内A.8-面板-DKBA4.124.1741MX-DRFU假面板-HERT MPE V200R301-钣金 A.1-组件|附件-WCDMA NodeB BTS3812A-电源假面板 C.1-BTS3900A快速安装指南-(V300R008_01) B.2-BTS3036A Quick Installation Guide-(V300R008_01) A.1-信号电缆-0.65m-(D25公)-(CC8P0.48黑(S)-I)-(D26公(三排))-LSZH A.3-电缆连接器-D型-25PIN-公头-电缆焊接型 A.7-电缆连接器-D型-26PIN-公头-电缆焊接型-三排 B.5-对称双绞线缆-100ohm-SEYYP-0.48mm-26AWG-8对-黑-低烟无卤阻燃电缆B.2-A.1-产品标签-DKBA8.817.8344-110V交流机柜配置标签-BTS3036A-300*150-PETA.1-产品标签-DKBA8.817.8345-220V交流机柜配置标签-BTS3036A-300*150-PET天馈组件-BTS3036A天馈组件 A.2-天馈组件-GSM BTS 850M天线 A.2-A.3-定向天线-806~960MHz-16.5dBi-±45°双极化-0r-600W-否-7/16 DIN Fema定向天线-806~960MHz-15dBi-±45°-6r-600W-否-7/16 DIN Female-0m A.3-定向天线-806~960MHz-垂直极化-0r-500W-不带支架,支架编码27150017-7/B.2-定向天线-806~960Mhz-17dBi-90deg-单极化-0r-500W-自带支架-7/16DIN B.3-C.1-定向天线-806~960MHz-15.5dBi-65deg-双极化-0r-500W-C-PANEL-不带支架A.6-定向天线-806~960MHz-18dBi-65deg-双极化-0r-500W-C-Panel-不带支架-DB.2-定向天线-806~960MHz-15dBi-65deg-X pol.-6r-600W-自带支架-7/16"DIN-B.2-定向天线-806~960MHz-17dBi-90deg-X pol.-0r-500W-自带支架-7/16"DIN-B.2-定向天线-806-960MHz-18dBi-65deg-X pol.-6r-500W-自带支架-7/16"DIN-E.1-天馈附件-天线支架-配1.3m F-panel天线-调角0~16°-配KATHREIN天线-普E.1-天馈附件-俯仰调节和固定件-配2580mm F-Panel天线-调角0~8度-配KATHREC.1-天馈附件-天线支架-蜂窝移动通信-3点支撑支架/调角范围0~8°-用于KATH天馈组件-GSM BTS 900M天线 A.1-A.3-定向天线-880~960MHz-17dBi-±45°双极化-0r-500W-否-7/16 DIN FemaleA.3-定向天线-880~960MHz-15dBi-±45°双极化-0r-500W-否-7/16 DIN FemaleA.3-全向天线-870~960MHz-11dBi-垂直极化-全向-500W-0r-7/16 DIN Female-自A.3-全向天线-870~960MHz-11dBi-垂直极化-全向-500W-3r-7/16 DIN Female-自A.3-定向天线-880~960MHz-15dBi-±45°-7r-500W-自带支架-7/16 DIN FemaleA.3-定向天线-870~960MHz-14dBi-定向天线-0r-500W-自带支架-7/16 DIN Fema全向天线-870~960MHz-11dBi-全向-500W-5r-7/16 DIN Female-自带支架A.3-全向天线-870~960MHz-11dBi-全向-500W-0r-7/16 DIN Female-自带支架A.3-B.2-定向天线-870~960MHz-17dBi-90deg-垂直极化-0r-500W-否-7/16 DIN Fema定向天线-880~960MHz-±45°-6r-500W-否-7/16 DIN Female-0m B.2-天馈附件-天线支架-蜂窝移动通信-3点支撑支架/调角范围0~8°-用于KATHC.1-天馈组件-GSM BTS 1800M天线 A.1-A.3-定向天线-GSM900/1800MHz(双频)-15dBi/16.5dBi-±45°双极化-0r-150A.3-定向天线-1710~1990MHz-18dBi-±45°极化-6r-200W-否-7/16 DIN FemaleA.3-全向天线-1710~1880MHz-11dBi-垂直极化-全向-200W-0r-7/16 DIN FemaleA.3-定向天线-1710~1880MHz-17.5dBi-±45°-0r-250W-自带支架-7/16 DIN FeE.1-天馈附件-天线支架-配1.3m F-panel天线-调角0~16°-配KATHREIN天线-普工程安装件--DCS1800基站定向天线俯仰调节器-- A.20工程安装件--M1800基站双极化定向天线俯仰调节器-- A.20天馈组件-GSM BTS 1900M天线 A.1-C.2-定向天线-1710~2170MHz-18dBi-双极化--0r-150W-自带支架-7/16DIN-FEMA定向天线-1710~1990MHz-8dBi-±45°极化-0r-200W-否-7/16DIN/Female-0A.3-B.1-定向天线-1710~2170MHz-18dBi-65deg-+/-45°双极化-2r-300W-否-7/16DIA.3-定向天线-1710~1990MHz-18dBi-±45°极化-6r-200W-否-7/16 DIN FemaleB.3-定向天线-1710~2170MHz-17dBi-90deg-+/-45°-2r-300W-不带支架-7/16DIA.4-全向天线-1850~1990MHz-11dBi-垂直-全向-200W-0r-7/16DIN Female-自带D.1-定向天线-1710~2200MHz-18dBi-65deg-双极化-0~10deg-0r-300W-不带支架E.1-天馈附件-天线支架-配1.3m F-panel天线-调角0~16°-配KATHREIN天线-普天馈组件-BTS3036&BTS3036A 每站点通用安装材料 B.1-射频同轴连接器-7/16DIN型-50ohm-插头/直式-公-配1/2英寸超柔跳线H.1-G.5B 单根电缆-射频电缆-2.5m-(DIN50直公-Ⅱ)-(COAX50-8.7/3.55)-(DIN50直公G.5B 单根电缆-射频电缆-1.5m-DIN50直公-Ⅱ-(COAX50-8.7/3.55)-DIN50直公-Ⅱ天馈附件-过墙密封窗-4*3孔-7/8英寸(馈管)-400mm*400mm-铝板 B.2-天馈附件-过墙密封窗-9*3孔-7/8英寸(馈管)-500mm*500mm-铝板 D.1-天馈附件-过墙密封窗-4*3孔-5/4英寸(馈管)-400mm*400mm-铝板 E.1-天馈附件-过墙密封窗-9*3孔-5/4英寸(馈管)-500mm*500mm-铝板 D.1-同轴电缆-铜包铝线-50ohm-13.5mm-8.7mm-3.55mm-黑色-超柔1/2英寸跳线F.1-同轴电缆-光滑铜管-50ohm-28mm-22.2mm-9mm-黑色 F.3-同轴电缆-光滑铜管-50ohm-27.8mm-21.5mm-9.3mm-黑色-7/8"铝电缆 A.5-同轴电缆-光滑铜管-50ohm-39.4mm-32.2mm-13mm-黑色G.1-C.1-射频同轴连接器-N(male)-7/16DIN(female)-50ohm-直式转换接头-N(公)-7射频同轴连接器-7/16 DIN-50ohm-直式/插头-母-配1/2英寸跳线-镀银 C.1-B.1-无源分路器-GSM/DCS-1分2大功率无源功分器-800~2200MHz-7~16DIN/Femal天馈组件-BTS3036A每扇区通用天馈安装材料包组 B.1-组件|附件-一般地区7/8"铜馈线包-GBTS B.1-组件|附件-寒冷地区7/8"铜馈线包-GBTS B.1-组件|附件-一般地区5/4"铜馈线包-GBTS A.1-组件|附件-寒冷地区5/4"铜馈线包-GBTS A.1-组件|附件-一般地区7/8"铝馈线包-GBTS B.1-组件|附件-寒冷地区7/8"铝馈线包-GBTS A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-一般地区-900MHz A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-寒冷地区-900MHz A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-一般地区-EGSM B.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-寒冷地区-EGSM B.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-一般地区-1800MHz A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-寒冷地区-1800MHz A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-一般地区-850MHz A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-寒冷地区-850MHz A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-一般地区-1900MHz A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-塔放包-寒冷地区-1900MHz A.1-组件|附件-GBTS-单双频合路器套件-一般地区 A.1-组件|附件-GBTS-单双频合路器套件-寒冷地区 A.1-组件|附件-GBTS-双双频合路器套件-一般地区 A.1-组件|附件-GBTS-双双频合路器套件-寒冷地区 A.1-G.5B 单根电缆-射频电缆-1.5m-DIN50直公-Ⅱ-(COAX50-8.7/3.55)-DIN50直公-Ⅱ外部电源线-塔放PGND-2m-25mm^2-(OT25-8)-(227IEC02-25^2黄绿) E.5-裸压端子-OT-25mm^2-M8-镀锡-圆形裸端子 C.3-胶带-DKBA0.480.0497-防水胶带-50mm*1.65mm*3.0m C.3-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-PVC绝缘胶带 Scapa 2705---19mm*0.18mm*20mB.2-B.2-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0394-PVC绝缘胶带3M Super 33+---19mm*0.18mm*20mB.1-天馈附件-OOK Bias Tee (Indoor)-GSM-800MHz~960MHz-Din/Female,Din/MA.3-单根电缆-Bias-T射频电缆-2.2m-(SMA50弯公)-(RG316-50-1.5/0.5棕-Ⅰ)-C.1-天馈附件-OOK Bias Tee-GSM-800MHz~960MHz-Din/Female,Din/male,SMA/F纸包装容器-DKBA4.172.0082-纸箱-OptiX 单板总装-510*415*310 B.2A0组件|附件-BTS3036A-发货附件 B.1-D.41单根电缆-交叉网线-2.00m-(网口8位-Ⅰ)-(CC4P0.5灰)-(网口8位-Ⅰ)-非屏网口连接器-8PIN-8bit-非屏蔽-水晶插头-配25050014 E.1-F.2-对称双绞线缆-100ohm-超五类线-0.51mm-24AWG-8芯-PANTONE 430U-配插头配套工具-防静电手套-中英文资料 A.2-导电材料-防静电手腕--300degC--300degC C.1-B.2-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-PVC绝缘胶带 Scapa 2705---19mm*0.18mm*20mB.2-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0394-PVC绝缘胶带3M Super 33+---19mm*0.18mm*20m非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-红色PVC绝缘胶带-天馈-聚氯乙烯-天馈标识A.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-黄色PVC绝缘胶带-天馈-聚氯乙烯-天馈标识A.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-蓝色PVC绝缘胶带-天馈-聚氯乙烯-天馈标识A.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-紫色PVC绝缘胶带-天馈-聚氯乙烯-天馈标识A.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-橙色PVC绝缘胶带-天馈-聚氯乙烯-天馈标识A.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-绿色PVC绝缘胶带-天馈-聚氯乙烯-天馈标识A.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0393-白色PVC绝缘胶带-天馈-聚氯乙烯-天馈标识A.1-热缩套管-14mm-50%-黑色--55degC-105degC B.1-电缆标签-DKBA8.817.8282-射频成套电缆标签-BTS3036 A.1-组件|附件-成套标签-GSM基站用-非天馈用 B.1-C.1-产品标签-DKBA8.817.0836-小区(包括CDU方式)电源线及小区号标签-2PCS/标签-88170837-GSM基站小区(包括CDU方式)中继线标签-4PCS/套 A.1A0胶袋-DKBA8.840.0069-防静电薄膜袋-所有产品-300*200-自封袋 D.2-裸压端子-OT-6mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-12~10AWG-黄色 C.3-裸压端子-OT-25mm^2-M6-镀锡-圆形裸端子 C.3-裸压端子-OT-25mm^2-M8-镀锡-圆形裸端子 C.3-裸压端子-OT-6mm^2-M6-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-12~10AWG-黄色 C.3-裸压端子-OT-25mm^2-M6-镀锡-宽度小于12.4mm-OEM专用 A.9-裸压端子-OT-16mm^2-M6-镀锡-圆形裸端子 C.4-裸压端子-OT-10mm^2-M6-镀锡-圆形裸端子 C.5-裸压端子-OT-1.5mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-22~16AWG-红色 C.3-BTS3036A电子手册-(V300R008_01) A.1-BTS3036A Electronic Documentation-(V300R008_01) A.1-裸压端子-OT-2.5mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-16~14AWG-蓝色 C.3-裸压端子-单线冷压端子-1mm^2-5A-镀锡-插深6mm-黄色 C.1-线缆端子座-2PIN-顶部螺钉,水平引线-AWG 14-6-选用前试装 A.6-线缆端子座-8PIN-顶部螺钉/水平引线-AWG20-6 A.3-热缩套管-8mm-50%-黑色--55degC-105degC B.1-热缩套管-11mm-50%-黑色--55degC-105degC B.1-热缩套管-18mm-50%-黑色--55degC-105degC B.1-绝缘材料-阻燃型PVC波纹管-φ25 D.1-塑胶件-DKBA0.480.0238-Cable Tie-GT-300HDUV- 7.6X300-防紫外线耐寒,A.40非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-150I-150*3.6mm-强度18.2kgB.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0238-扎线带GT-300IUV(3.6*300)-防紫外线耐寒,黑B.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-300I-300*3.6mm-强度18.2kg B.1-外部成套电缆-BTS3036A-外部成套电缆 B.1-中继电缆-10m-75ohm-4E1-2.2mm-(D26公(三排))-(SYFVZP75-1.2/0.25*8(SA.3-电缆连接器-D型-26PIN-公头-电缆焊接型-三排B.5-连接器附件-D型连接器转接用端子-OEM专用G.1-同轴电缆-SYFVZP-75-1-1x8-75ohm-9.65mm-1.2mm-0.252mm-华为白-140402E.1-中继电缆-10m-120ohm-4E1-0.4mm-(D26公(三排))-(120CC8P0.4黑) A.5-电缆连接器-D型-26PIN-公头-电缆焊接型-三排 B.5-对称双绞线缆-120ohm-SEYPVP-0.4mm-26AWG-16芯-黑色-室外型,OEM专用D.1-射频同轴连接器-SMB-75ohm-直/插头-母-配SYFVZ-75-1-1-镀金 C.2-A.6-电子电力线缆-300V/500V-227IEC10(BVV)-6mm^2-黑色护套(芯线:蓝,棕)-4A.5-电子电力线缆-300V-227IEC10(BVV)-2.5mm^2-绝缘颜色:黄/绿、蓝、黑、电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-25mm^2-红-110A B.2-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-25mm^2-黑-110A B.2-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-16mm^2-红-85A B.2-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-16mm^2-黑-85A B.2-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-6mm^2-蓝-44A B.2-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-6mm^2-黑-44A B.3-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-25mm^2-黄绿-110A B.2-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-16mm^2-黄绿-85A B.2-C.1-电子电力线缆-300V-SJTW-0.82mm^2-18AWG-黑色护套(蓝,黑)-1A-圆2芯,OE信号电缆-1.6m-(网口8位-VI)-(CC4P0.48黑(S)-I)-(网口8位-VI)-LSZH A.2-对称双绞线缆-100ohm-SEYYP-0.48mm-26AWG-4对-黑-低烟无卤阻燃电缆B.2-E.1-网口连接器-单排-单端口-8PIN-8bit-屏蔽-插头-AWG 26-28AWG,内导体多股A.3-单根电缆-Bias-T射频电缆-2.2m-(SMA50弯公)-(RG316-50-1.5/0.5棕-Ⅰ)-射频同轴连接器-SMA-50ohm-弯式/插头-公型-配SFF-50-1.5-1-OEM专用A.5-射频同轴连接器-SMA-50ohm-直式/插头-公型-配SFF-50-1.5-1-OEM专用A.5-E.1-同轴电缆-7/0.17mm镀银铜包钢绞合导体-50ohm-2.5mm-1.55mm-0.54mm-棕色电子电力线缆-450V/750V-227 IEC 02(RV)-10mm^2-黄绿-62A B.3-电源电缆-0.7m-(D3母-2母)-(H07Z-K-2.5^2蓝+H07Z-K-2.5^2黑)-(2*OT2.5A.3-电缆连接器-D型-3PIN-母头-电缆焊接注塑型-无中间公端子G.1-A.4-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-H07Z-K-2.5mm^2-蓝-低烟无卤阻燃电缆,OEM专用A.3-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-H07Z-K-2.5mm^2-黑-29A-低烟无卤阻燃电缆,OEM裸压端子-OT-2.5mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-16~14AWG-蓝色 C.3-监控和告警电缆-监控电缆-1.1m-(网口8位-VI)-(CC4P0.48黑(S)-I)-LSZH A.3-E.1-网口连接器-单排-单端口-8PIN-8bit-屏蔽-插头-AWG 26-28AWG,内导体多股对称双绞线缆-100ohm-SEYYP-0.48mm-26AWG-4对-黑-低烟无卤阻燃电缆B.2-信号电缆-1.1m-(网口8位-VI)-(CC4P0.48黑(S)-I)-(网口8位-VI)-LSZH A.2-对称双绞线缆-100ohm-SEYYP-0.48mm-26AWG-4对-黑-低烟无卤阻燃电缆B.2-E.1-网口连接器-单排-单端口-8PIN-8bit-屏蔽-插头-AWG 26-28AWG,内导体多股信号电缆-0.6m-(网口8位-VI)-(CC4P0.48黑(S)-I)-(网口8位-VI)-LSZH A.2-对称双绞线缆-100ohm-SEYYP-0.48mm-26AWG-4对-黑-低烟无卤阻燃电缆B.2-E.1-网口连接器-单排-单端口-8PIN-8bit-屏蔽-插头-AWG 26-28AWG,内导体多股A.4-电源电缆-0.7m-(D3母-2母)-(H07Z-K-1.5^2黑+H07Z-K-1.5^2蓝)-(2*OT2.5裸压端子-OT-2.5mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-16~14AWG-蓝色 C.3-电缆连接器-D型-3PIN-母头-电缆焊接注塑型-无中间公端子G.1-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-H07Z-K-1.5mm^2-黑-低烟无卤阻燃电缆,OEM专用A.3-A.4-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-H07Z-K-1.5mm^2-蓝-低烟无卤阻燃电缆,OEM专用电源电缆-0.4m-6mm^2-黄绿-(OT6-4)-(H07Z-K-6^2黄绿)-(OT6-6)-LSZH A.2-电子电力线缆-450V/750V-H07Z-K-6mm^2-黄绿-低烟无卤阻燃电缆 A.2-裸压端子-OT-6mm^2-M6-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-12~10AWG-黄色 C.3-裸压端子-OT-6mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-12~10AWG-黄色 C.3-A.3-单根电缆-直通网线-20m-(网口8位-Ⅳ)-(CC4P0.5PB(S))-(网口8位-Ⅳ)-户D.2-网口连接器-水晶插头-8PIN-8bit-屏蔽-插头-24~26AWG-CAT 6/配25050064对称双绞线缆-100ohm-SFTP CAT5E-0.53mm-24AWG-4对-黑-户外电缆 B.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-安装成套件 B.1-工程安装件-DKBA4.070.0964MX-Hert 户外底座-BTS3036A-底座 A.1-工程安装件--400mm线梯-- A.2-导电体-DKBA4.150.0526MX-双孔接地排-BTS3606A A.1-组件|附件-BTS3036A-配套设备 B.2-总装机柜-APM30-QWFB1BATC-蓄电池柜 D.1-户外机柜机架-DKBA4.100.0945MX-APM30蓄电池柜-APM30-480*600*700 A.2-B.1-微动开关-1A1B-250VAC-10A-螺钉安装-0mm-13*30*34mm-100,000-行程开关单根电缆-27V电源线-0.46m-(OT16-6)-(6UL1015红)-(OT16-6) A.6-单根电缆-27V电源线-0.7m-(OT16-6)-(6UL1015黑)-(OT16-6) A.4-B.3-单根电缆-门磁告警线-5m-(2*平行250型)-(2*22UL1007红)-(2*T0.5^2桔红标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M4*20-镀彩锌A.3-单根电缆-PGND馈电线-0.2m-(OT6-6)-(10UL1015黄绿)-(OT6-6) C.10-C.2-产品标签-DKBA8.812.0012-空白合格证标签-ViewPoint Production-70*46非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-100M---100*2.5mm-强度8.1kg B.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-150I-150*3.6mm-强度18.2kg B.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-300I-300*3.6mm-强度18.2kg B.1-总装机柜-APM30-QWFB2APMC-APM30总装机柜(-48V) F.1-户外机柜机架-DKBA4.100.0947MX-APM30 机架-APM30-600*480*700 A.2-风扇-36V-75V-24.96W/36.96W-4.347m^3/min-92*92*38-450mm-4PIN C.2-普通插头-2pin-单排-5.08mm-配14100203 A.7-制成板-APM-WD41APMI-监控防雷转接板-1*1 F.1AB.1-微动开关-1A1B-250VAC-10A-螺钉安装-0mm-13*30*34mm-100,000-行程开关制成板-BSC6800-QW11WFSI-风扇状态指示板 A.30A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*8-镀彩锌A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M4*45-镀彩锌非标紧固件-DKBA0.480.0090-面板螺钉-M6x12TM-通用 A.3-C.2-产品标签-DKBA8.812.0012-空白合格证标签-ViewPoint Production-70*46产品标签-DKBA8.807.2155-APM30 传输柜-APM 30-70*46-PET,Silver A.1-监控和告警电缆-监控电缆-0.60m-(D15母)-(CC8P0.48黑(S))-(D15母) A.5-监控和告警电缆-告警电缆-1.0m-(H5(2.5))-(3*22UL1007黑)-(H4(2.5))A.6-单根电缆-PGND馈电线-0.35m-(OT6-5)-(10UL1015黄绿)-(OT6-4) E.4-电源电缆-0.95m-(2*OT2.5-4)-(16UL1015蓝+16UL1015黑)-(D3母-2母) C.3-A.3-非标紧固件-DKBA8.092.0729-绝缘垫圈-内径¢4.0mm,外径¢8.0mm-BTS381A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M4*20-镀彩锌非标紧固件-DKBA0.480.0113-浮动螺母-M6 B.3-单根电缆-PGND馈电线-0.2m-(OT6-6)-(10UL1015黄绿)-(OT6-6) C.10-单根电缆-监控电缆-2.5m-(4*平行250型)-(3*22UL1007黑)-(H2(2.5)) C.3-线缆端子座-4PIN-螺钉压线-24~12AWG-公母成对使用,OEM专用 C.1-制成板-APM-WD41AFMU-透气膜单板-1*1 C.1B非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-100M---100*2.5mm-强度8.1kg B.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-150I-150*3.6mm-强度18.2kg B.1-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-300I-300*3.6mm-强度18.2kg B.1-配线设备-8E1-MPX286-FL-8系统120欧数字配线单元 B.1-机柜机箱-DKBA4.106.1364-8系统120欧DDF防雷单元-防雷盒-482*240*1U A.1-配线设备-MPX286-4-4系统120欧姆数字配线模块 A.3-配线设备-JPX-DXD1-打线刀 B.1-B.1-蓄电池-阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池(狭长型)-48V-50Ah-电池组-单体390*110*2蓄电池-阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池-48V-12Ah-电池组-单体151*98*100mm B.1-装配组件-iSite MBA-GMUZ1HEAT-MBA加热器插框 C.2-插箱机箱-DKBA4.104.1039MX-加热框- A.20B.3-组件|附件-iSite BTS3001C-一体化蓄电池箱加热板/220V/300W-320mm*22A.10产品标签-DKBA8.807.0416-加热框标签-MBA一体化工作箱-8.0X30.0-3M781A.1A0产品标签-Q/DKBA8.817.1012-防止过热警告标签-所有产品-16*16-FASSON:B.20单元成套包装材料-DKBA4.170.0708MX-个体单元-MBA 一体化工作箱加热框功能模块-BBU3806-QWF1EMUA1-32路EMUA环境监控模块(-48VDC)H.1-制成板-M900-M1800 BTS3012A -GMO1EMSI -环境监控接口板 -1*1 E.2D成品板-BTS3606E-QCK1EMBA0-环境监控单板 A.3-普通插头-8pin-单排-5.08mm-配14100204 A.7-普通插头-2pin-单排-5.08mm-配14100203 A.7-插箱机箱-DKBA4.104.1469MX-EMU插框- A.2-单根电缆-控制电缆-0.32m-(H8(2.5))-(CC6P0.48黑(S))-(D9母) D.3-B.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*6-镀彩锌DKBA8.807.0205-合格证-部件产品用 A.2-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-100M---100*2.5mm-强度8.1kg B.1-D.3-单根电缆-电源线-0.28m-(H4(3.96))-(18UL1015黑+3*18UL1015红)-(H4(3.C.6-单根电缆-LED告警电缆-0.32m-(H4(2.5))-(2*22UL1007黑+2*22UL1007白)-φ5红2+LEDφ5绿2.5)-E 单根电缆-通信电缆-0.3m-(IDC50牛头)-(扁平排线64)-(IDC50牛头) C.3-单元成套包装材料-DKBA4.170.1805MX-个体单元-BBU3703 模块 A.2-HUAWEI EMUA 用户指南/HUAWEI EMUA User Guide-(V100R001_04) D.1-标志-DKBA8.817.6580--48V-32Port-EMU-70*46-PET A.1-总装机柜-HERT MPE-WD2B5BATC-HBBC总装机柜B E.1-户外机柜机架-DKBA4.100.1022-HBBC蓄电池柜(SUS)-HAPM-480X600X700A.1-门磁开关-常开-隐蔽安装型 C.1-A.9-空气开关-磁断路器-80VDC-100A-1极-2000A-Medium Delay-19*47*63-常开线束-HERT MPE-蓄电池柜电缆线束 B.1-电源电缆-0.25m-6mm^2-黄绿-(OT6-6)-(H07Z-K-6^2黄绿)-(OT6-6)-LSZH A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉-GB818-85-M3*8-不锈钢- B.3-总装机柜-HERT MPE-WD2B6TMC-HTMC总装机柜B D.1-户外机柜机架-DKBA4.100.1021-HAPM-AL cabinet-HAPM-480X600X700 A.1-风扇-36V-75V-24.96W/36.96W-4.347m^3/min-92*92*38-450mm-4PIN C.2-制成板-APM-WD41AFMU-透气膜单板-1*1 C.1B制成板-APM-WD41APMI-监控防雷转接板-1*1 F.1A制成板-HERT MPE-WD22TSIB-温度传感器板-4*4 A.5A门磁开关-常开-隐蔽安装型 C.1-普通插头-2pin-单排-5.08mm-配14100203 A.7-制成板-BTS3012AE-GM51DFIU-风扇接口板-2*2 B.1A内部成套电缆-HERT MPE-传输柜内部成套电缆 D.1-非标紧固件-十字槽沉头自攻螺钉-ST4.8x12-螺钉头部Φ6.2-镀彩锌 A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*6-镀彩锌B.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉-GB818-85-M3*8-镀彩锌 A.3-配电盒-BTS3036-GMKE3DCDUA-直流配电单元 B.1-盒式模块-DKBA4.106.1639MX-直流配电盒-03-442mm*42mm*200mm-配电框A.1-线束-DBS3036-直流配电箱电缆线束 B.1-A.3-标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉,弹垫,平垫组合件-GB9074.4-88-M3*8-镀彩锌标准紧固件-十字槽盘头螺钉-GB818-85-M3*8-镀彩锌 A.3-产品标签-DKBA8.817.8429-Label-DCDU-03A-25*4mm-PC T0.25mm A.1-B.1-产品标签-DKBA8.817.1003-产品防拆警告标签(1PCS含标签1张)-50mm*12mm产品标签-DKBA8.812.0012-空白合格证标签-ViewPoint Production-70*46C.2-A.2-产品标签-DKBA8.817.1759-Product Blank Nameplate-ViewPoint Product制成板-HERT MPE -WD22DLPB-直流电源防雷板 A.17BA.5-断路器-磁断路器-80VDC-12A-1-600A-C-19*39*48-无辅助开关-面板卡装-摇A.6-断路器-磁断路器-80VDC-4A-1-600A-C-19*39*48-无-面板卡装-摇键式-防误线缆端子座-2pin-配14120129-2pin单排间距5.08mm B.1-普通插头-2pin-单排-5.08mm-配14100203 A.7-非金属件-DKBA0.480.0457-线扣-GT-100M---100*2.5mm-强度8.1kg B.1-裸压端子-OT-6mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-12~10AWG-黄色 C.3-线缆端子座-4PIN-螺钉压线-24~12AWG-公母成对使用,OEM专用 C.1-组件|附件-ONUF01D-薄膜加热板(AC 220V,100W)-蓄电池箱/舱适用 A.9-B.40单根电缆-负48V馈电线-2m-(H2(3.96))-(18UL1015蓝+18UL1015黑)-(2*OT1普通插头-2PIN-单排-3.96mm-14110033 B.3-普通端子-母-18/24AWG-2.79mm-0.0109m B.2-裸压端子-OT-1.5mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-22~16AWG-红色 C.3-电子电力线缆-600V-UL1015-0mm^2-18AWG-蓝-0A A.2-电子电力线缆-600V-UL1015-0mm^2-18AWG-黑-0A A.2-A.4-单根电缆-PGND馈电线-0.38m-(OT2.5-5)-(14UL3386黄绿)-(OT2.5-4)-LSZH裸压端子-OT-2.5mm^2-M5-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-16~14AWG-蓝色 C.3-裸压端子-OT-2.5mm^2-M4-镀锡-圆形预绝缘端子-16~14AWG-蓝色 C.3-电子电力线缆-600V-UL3386-2mm^2-14AWG-黄/绿-27A-低烟无卤阻燃电缆A.1-绝缘材料-塑料胀管-φ6*26 C.2-烟雾传感器-24V-两线制-光电感烟型 -天花板外露式-中文资料- C.1-液位传感器-18*77mm(直径*长度)-电缆线长度为2700mm/中文资料H.2-门磁开关-常开-隐蔽安装型 C.1-D.1-温湿度传感器-15V~24VDC--20~80degC/0~100%RH-±0.8degC/±5%RH(15~50D.1-对称双绞线缆-120ohm-SEYVP-120-0.4mm-26AWG-2对-Pantone 430U-OEM专用产品成套包装材料-BTS3036A C.1-B.1-单元成套包装材料-DKBA4.170.2184MX-个体单元-HERT MPE 室外宏堆叠机柜A.2-木质包装材料-DKBA4.171.0576-木箱-HERT MPE 室外宏堆叠机柜-1500*690缓冲衬垫-DKBA8.846.0973-泡沫衬垫-BTS312机柜 A.3-缓冲衬垫-DKBA8.846.0974-泡沫衬垫-BTS312机柜 A.3-胶袋-DKBA8.840.0099-防潮袋-所有产品-650*550*1700-立体袋 C.2-干燥剂-DKBA 0.420.0040-蒙脱石干燥剂-16Unit B.20。
US 8,839,695 B2号专利中英对照
(58) Field of Classification Search
USPC81/9.51; 30/90.1, 90.4, 90.8, 90.9;
USPC81/9.51; 30/90.1, 90.4, 90.8, 90.9;
The device employs cutting blades engaged to a first roller to cut a slice along the length of an inserted insulated wire or cable.
A frictional engagement between the distal edge of the blade and an opposing recess surface provides for translation of the length of wire through the device during rotation of one or both of the blade and recess surface.
This application claims priority to Chinese Application Serial Number 201030705094.5 filed on Dec. 31, 2011, and incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
Ultra Flame Propane Canister 8oz 安全数据表说明书
ULTRA COOL PRODUCTS889 BARTON ST. UNIT #1STONEY CREEK, ON L8E 5V1905-643-0060PRODUCT: Ultra Flame Propane Canister 8ozCODE: UF-4949SECTION 01: IDENTIFICATIONProduct Identifier.......................................Ultra Flame Propane Canister 8ozOther means of Identification....................UF-4949Chemical Family........................................Propane.Recommended use and restrictions..........Soldering, braising.Initial Supplier Identifier.............................Ultra Cool Products889 Barton St. Unit #1Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5V1Tel: 905-643-0060Fax: 905-828-8070Email: info@ultracooEmergency telephone number and any ...Ultra Cool Products: 905-643-0060 (9:00 - 5:00; M-F) . In the event of a transportrestrictions on the use of that number emergency contact CANUTEC at (613) 996-6666. .SECTION 02: HAZARD IDENTIFICATIONSignal Word...............................................DANGER.Hazard Classification................................. Flammable Gases — Category 1. Gases Under Pressure — Liquefied Gas. FlammableLiquid - Category 2. Skin Sensitizer — Category 1. Skin Irritation — Category 2.Hazard Statements....................................H220 Extremely flammable gas . H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour. H280 Containsgas under pressure; may explode if heated . H315 Causes skin irritation. H317 May causean allergic skin reaction. Prevention.................................................P210 Keep away from all sources of heat, sparks, open flames, hot surfaces. No smoking.P233 Keep container tightly closed. P240 Ground and bond container and receivingequipment. P241 Use explosion-proof equipment . P242 Use only non-sparking tools. P243Take precautionary measures against static discharge. P261 Avoid breathing dust, vapor,mist or spray. P264 Wash thoroughly after handling. P272 Contaminated work clothingshould not be allowed out of the workplace. P280 Wear protective gloves/protectiveclothing/eye protection/face protection. Response..................................................P377 Leaking gas fire: Do not extinguish, unless leak can be stopped safely . P381 In caseof leakage, eliminate all ignition sources . P303+P361+P353 IF ON SKIN (or hair)immediately take off all contaminated clothing, rinse skin with water or use emergencyshower. P370+P378 In case of fire - use dry chemical powder, CO2 or foam to extinguish.P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water. P333+P313 If skin irritation or rashoccurs: Get medical attention. P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash beforereuse. Storage......................................................P403+P235 Store in well ventilated place. Keep cool. P410 + P403 Protect from sunlight.Store in a well-ventilated place . Disposal.....................................................P501 Dispose of contents and empty containers in accordance with local regulations.Other hazards............................................H400 Very toxic to aquatic life . H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Avoid release to the environment. Collect spillage.Mixture Statement.....................................This product has been classified based upon the information provided by the supplier.SECTION 03: COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSCHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS CAS #WT. %Petroleum gases, liquefied 68476-85-799.7Ethyl Mercaptin75-08-10.28Cyclohexene, 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)- 138-86-30.02SECTION 04: FIRST-AID MEASURESFIRST AID MEASURES:Skin Contact.............................................Flush contaminated skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes.To avoid the risk of static discharges and gas ignition, soak contaminated clothingthoroughly with water before removing it. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. In caseof contact with liquid, warm frozen tissues slowly with lukewarm water and get medicalattention. Do not rub affected area. Wash clothing before reuse. Clean shoes thoroughlybefore reuse.Eye Contact..............................................Check for an remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for atleast 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. . Get medical attentionimmediately.Ingestion...................................................Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Getmedical attention if adverse health effects persist or are severe. Ingestion of liquid cancause burns similar to frostbite. If frostbite occurs, get medical attention. Never giveanything by mouth to an unconscious person. . If unconscious, place in recovery positionand get medical attention immediately. Maintain an open airway. Loosen tight clothing suchas a collar, tie, belt or waistband. As this product rapidly becomes a gas when released,refer to the inhalation section.Inhalation..................................................If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing isdifficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. It may be dangerous to the person providingair to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If unconscious, place in recovery position and getmedical attention immediately. Maintain an open airway. Loosen tight clothing such as acollar, tie, belt or waistband.Symptoms and effects...............................May cause an allergic skin reaction. Liquid can cause burns similar to frostbite. Dermalcontact with rapidly evaporating liquid could result in freezing of the tissues or frostbite.Harmful if inhaled. Asphyxiant gas.Medical attention and special treatment....Adverse symptoms may include frostbite. Treat symptomatically. In the event of an incidentinvolving this product ensure that medical authorities are provided a copy of this safetydata sheet.SECTION 05: FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable and unsuitable extinguishing e an extinguishing agent suitable for the surrounding fire.mediaSpecific hazards arising from the .............Contains gas under pressure. Extremely flammable gas. In a fire or if heated, a pressure hazardous product, such as the nature of increase will occur and the container may burst, with the risk of a subsequent explosion. any hazardous combustion products The vapor/gas is heavier than air and will spread along the ground. Gas may accumulate inlow or confined areas or travel a considerable distance to a source of ignition and flashback, causing fire or explosion. By fire: Protect against potentially toxic and irritating fumes. Special protective equipment and ............Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident if there precautions for fire-fighters is a fire. No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training.Move containers from fire area if this can be done without risk. Use water spray to keepfire-exposed containers cool. Cool fire-exposed containers with cold water spray. Heat willcause pressure build up and may cause explosive rupture . Eliminate all ignition sources ifsafe to do so. Use self-contained breathing apparatus and full firefighting gear.Decomposition and combustion products may be toxic. Fire-fighters should wearappropriate protective equipment and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a fullface-piece operated in positive pressure mode. Contact supplier immediately for specialistadvice.SECTION 06: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective .............No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training. Evacuate equipment and emergency procedures surrounding areas. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do nottouch or walk through spilled material. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Provide adequateventilation. Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Put on appropriatepersonal protective equipment (see section 8). No flares, smoking or flames in hazardarea. Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff the contact with soil, waterways, drainsand sewers. Ensure emergency procedures to deal with accidental gas releases are inplace to avoid contamination of the environment.Methods and materials for containment ..Immediately contact emergency personnel. Stop leak if without risk. Use spark-proof tools and cleaning up and explosion-proof equipment. Ventilate area. Prevent product from entering sewers orwaterways.SECTION 07: HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handling....................Exposure to this product requires prior training and information. Read the information onthe label and the safety data sheet before handling this product. Contains gas underpressure. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment. Wear appropriate respiratorSECTION 07: HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handling....................when ventilation is inadequate. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not swallow. Do notbreathe gas/fumes/vapor/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Handle and opencontainer with care. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. When using, do not eator drink. Wash hands before eating, drinking, or smoking. Do not enter storage areas andconfined spaces unless adequately ventilated. Store and use away from heat, sparks, openflame or any other ignition source. Use explosion-proof electrical (ventilating, lighting andmaterial handling) equipment. Use only non-sparking tools. Take precautionary measuresagainst electrostatic discharges. Empty containers retain product residue and can behazardous. Do not reuse container. Close valve after each use and when empty. Protectcylinders from physical damage; do not drag, roll, slide or drop.Conditions for safe storage, including any Store in accordance with local regulations. Store in a segregated and approved area. Store incompatibilities away from all sources of heat and ignition. Store away from direct sunlight. Store awayfrom incompatible materials . Keep container tightly closed in a well ventilated area.SECTION 08: EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONACGIH TLV OSHA PEL NIOSH INGREDIENTS TWA STEL PEL STEL RELPetroleum gases, 1000 ppm Not established1800 mg/m³ (1000 Not established1800 mg/m³ (1000 liquefied ppm)ppm)Ethyl Mercaptin0.5 ppm0.5 ppm10 ppm (25 mg/m3) 0.5 ppm (1.3ceiling mg/m3L) ceiling Cyclohexene, 30 ppm (WEEL)Not established Not established Not established Not established1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-Appropriate engineering e local exhaust ventilation to maintain airborne concentrations below the TLV. Suitablerespiratory equipment should be used in cases of insufficient ventilation or whereoperational procedures demand it. For guidance on engineering control measures refer topublications such as the ACGIH current edition of 'Industrial Ventilation, a manual ofRecommended Practice. The engineering controls also need to keep gas, vapor or dustconcentrations below any lower explosive limits. Use explosion -proof ventilationequipment.Individual protection measures, such aspersonal protective equipmentEye/Type..................................................Face shield and safety glasses Use equipment for eye protection tested and approvedunder appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).Gloves/Type.............................................Wear skin protection equipment. The selection of skin protection equipment depends onthe nature of the work to be performed. Wear chemical resistant gloves to prevent skincontact. Contact glove supplier for additional information.Footwear/Type.........................................Wear safety boots per local regulations.Clothing/Type ..........................................Wear adequate protective clothing to prevent skin contact.Respiratory/Type......................................Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a full-facerespirator with multi- purpose combination (US) or type ABEK (EN 14387) respiratorcartridges as a backup to engineering controls.Other/Type...............................................Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Take offimmediately all contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Emergency eye wash station and shower should be available. Anyone handling thisproduct should wash their hands and face before eating, drinking or using tobaccoproducts.SECTION 09: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance / physical state .....................Gas, compressed. Colour........................................................Colorless. Odour........................................................Odour added. Sulphur like.Odour Threshold (ppm).............................Not available. pH..............................................................Not applicable.Melting/Freezing Point...............................-166.11°C (-267°F) .Initial Boiling Point/Boiling Range..............-34.66°C (-30.4°F) .Flash Point (deg C), Method.....................-60°C (-76°F).Evaporation Rate.......................................Rapid.Flammability (solid/gas).............................Extremely flammable gas.Upper Flammable Limit (% Vol)................8.5.Lower Flammable Limit (% Vol)................ 1.9.Vapour Pressure (mm Hg)........................70 @ 70°F.Vapour Density (Air=1).............................. 1.76.Relative Density/Specific Gravity..............0.54. Solubility....................................................Not available.SECTION 09: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESCoefficient of Water/Oil Distribution..........Not available.Auto Ignition Temperature (deg C)............862.77°C (1585°F).Decomposition temperature......................Not available. Viscosity....................................................Not applicable.SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivity...................................................Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated. Reacts with oxidants causing fire andexplosion hazard.Chemical stability......................................Stable at normal temperatures and pressures.Possibility of hazardous reactions.............Will not polymerize.Conditions to avoid, including static .........Avoid all sources of ignition: heat, sparks, open flame. Avoid sunlight. Avoid extreme discharge, shock or vibration temperatures.Incompatible materials..............................Strong oxidizing agents.Hazardous decomposition products..........No hazardous decomposition products if stored and handled as prescribed/indicated.SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONINGREDIENTS LC50LD50Petroleum gases, liquefied 658 mg/L (4 hr.)Not determinedEthyl Mercaptin4420 ppm (4 hr.)682 mg/kg (oral, rat) Cyclohexene, 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)- Not determined5300 mg/kg (oral, rat)Route of Exposure.....................................Skin contact, eye contact, inhalation. ATEs..........................................................Not determined.Symptoms related to the physical,chemical and toxicological characteristicsEffects of Acute Exposure.........................Harmful if inhaled. Causes skin, eye and respiratory irritation . Exposure may causerespiratory and / or skin sensitization. Skin contact may cause severe irritation. Liquid cancause burns similar to frostbite. Harmful if absorbed through the skin .Effects of Chronic Exposure......................Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling this product may be harmfulor fatal. Sensitization..............................................May cause an allergic skin reaction. May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathingdifficulties if inhaled. Mutagenicity..............................................No known mutagenicity effects.Reproductive Effects.................................No known reproductive effects. .Carcinogenicity of Material........................None of the components present in this material at concentrations equal to or greater than0.1% are listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA OR ACGIH as a carcinogen.Specific Target Organ Toxicity - single .....This information, if applicable, can be found in Section 2.exposureSpecific Target Organ Toxicity - repeated This information, if applicable, can be found in Section 2.exposureSECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicity.................................................H400: Very toxic to aquatic life. H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects .Discharge into the environment must be avoided.Persistence and degradability...................Product data not available.Bioaccumulation Potential.........................Product data not available.Mobility in soil............................................Product data not available.Other adverse effects................................Product data not available.SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSInformation on safe handling for disposal .Dispose of waste in accordance with all applicable Federal, Provincial/State and localand methods of disposal, including any regulations.contaminated packagingSECTION 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATIONTDG Classification.....................................UN1075 - PETROLEUM GASES, LIQUEFIED, 2.1. Limited Quantity: 0.125 L .Refer to Part 1 of Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations for additionalinformation.Transport in bulk / IBC Code.....................No data available.SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATIONCEPA Status.............................................Not reviewed.TSCA Inventory Status..............................All components are listed on TSCA .SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATIONPrepared by ..............................................Trivalent Data Systems Ltd. . Information based on suppliersSDS. rmation for this material safety data sheet was obtained from sources consideredtechnically accurate and reliable. While every effort has been made to ensure fulldisclosure of product hazards, in some cases data is not available and is so stated. Nowarranty, expressed or implied, is made and supplier will not be liable for any losses,injuries for consequential damages, which may result from the use or reliance on anyinformation contained in this form. .Date of the latest revision of the safety ...2019-09-23data sheet。
AuStrAliA & New ZeAlANd Struers Australia 27 Mayneview Street Milton QLD 4064AustraliaPhone: +61 7 3512 9600Fax: +61 7 3369 8200******************BelGiQue (wallonie)Struers S.A.S.370, rue du Marché Rollay F- 94507 Champigny sur Marne CedexTéléphone +33 1 5509 1430 Télécopie +33 1 5509 1449******************BelGiuM (Flanders)Struers GmbH Nederland Elektraweg 53144 CB MaassluisTelefoon: +31 (10) 599 7209Fax: +31 (10) 5997201**********************CANAdA Struers ltd.7275 West Credit AvenueMississauga, Ontario L5N 5M9Phone +1 905-814-8855Fax +1 905-814-1440****************CHiNAStruers ltd.No. 1696 Zhang Heng Road Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park Shanghai 201203, P.R. China Phone +86 (21) 6035 3900Fax +86 (21) 6035 3999******************CZeCH rePuBliC Struers GmbH Organizační složka Havlíčkova 361CZ-252 63 Roztoky u Prahy Phone +420 233 312 625Fax: +420 233 312 640************************deutSCHlANd Struers GmbHCarl-Friedrich-Benz-Straße 5D- 47877 WillichTelefon +49 (0) 2154 486-0Fax +49 (0) 2154 486-222 ******************FrANCeStruers S.A.S.370, rue du Marché Rollay F-94507 Champigny sur Marne CedexTéléphone +33 1 5509 1430 Télécopie +33 1 5509 1449******************irelANd Struers ltd.Unit 11 Evolution@ AMP Whittle Way, Catcliffe Rotherham S60 5BL Tel: +44 0845 604 6664Fax: +44 0845 604 6651***************.uk itAlYStruers italiaVia Monte Grappa 80/420020 Arese (MI)Tel. +39-02/38236281Fax +39-02/38236274*********************JAPANMarumoto Struers K.K.Takara 3rd Building18-6, Higashi Ueno 1-chome Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015 Phone +81 3 5688 2914 Fax +81 3 5688 2927******************.jpNetHerlANdSStruers GmbH Nederland Elektraweg 53144 CB MaassluisTelefoon: +31 (10) 599 7209Fax: +31 (10) 5997201**********************ÖSterreiCH Struers GmbHZweigniederlassung Österreich Ginzkeyplatz 10A-5020 SalzburgTelefon +43 662 625 711 Fax +43 662 625 711 78******************POlANdStruers Sp. z o.o.Oddział w Polsce ul. Jasnogórska 4431-358 KrakówPhone +48 12 661 20 60Fax +48 12 626 01 46 *****************rOMANiA Struers GmbH Sucursala SibiuStr.Scoala de Inot, nr. 18RO-550005 SibiuPhone +40 269 244 558 Fax +40 269 244 559******************SCHweiZ Struers GmbHZweigniederlassung Schweiz Weissenbrunnenstraße 41CH-8903 Birmensdorf Telefon +41 44 777 63 07 Fax +41 44 777 63 09**********************SiNGAPOreStruers Singapore 627A Aljunied Road, #07-08 BizTech Centre Singapore 389842Phone +65 6299 2268 Fax +65 6299 2661*********************SuOMiStruers Suomi Kalevankatu 4300180 HelsinkiPuhelin +358 0207 919 430Faksi +358 0207 919 431******************SwedeNStruers Sverige Ekbacksvägen 22168 69 BrommaTelefon +46 (0)8 447 53 90 Telefax +46 (0)8 447 53 99***************uNited KiNGdOM Struers ltd.Unit 11 Evolution @ AMP Whittle Way, Catcliffe Rotherham S60 5BL Tel: +44 0845 604 6664Fax: +44 0845 604 6651***************.uk uSAStruers inc.24766 Detroit RoadWestlake, OH 44145-1598Phone +1 440 871 0071 Fax +1 440 871 8188****************Struers A/SPederstrupvej 84DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark Phone +45 44 600 800Fax +45 44 600 801******************司特尔(上海)国际贸易有限公司中国上海市浦东新区张江高科技园区张衡路1696号邮编:201203电话:+86 (21) 6035 3900传真:+86 (21) 6035 3999邮箱:****************** 07.2013 / 62030588 Printed in China。
NCP1117LPST33T3G,NCP1117LPST15T3G,NCP1117LPSTADT3G,NCP1117LPST18T3G, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
The output of the regulator. A minimum of 10 mF capacitor (20 mW ≤ ESR ≤ 20 W) must be connec-
ted from this pin to ground to insure stability.
Output Voltage, Fixed Output Devices
TJ = 25°C 3 V ≤ Vin ≤ 12 V, Io = 10 mA
1.470 1.5 1.530 V
TJ = 25°C 3.3 V ≤ Vin ≤ 12 V, Io = 10 mA
1.0 A Low-Dropout Positive Fixed and Adjustable Voltage Regulators
The NCP1117LP is the low power version of the popular NCP1117 family of low dropout voltage regulators, with reduced quiescent current. It is intended primarily for high volume consumer applications over the 0 to 125 degree temperature range. Capable of providing an output current in excess of 1 A, with a dropout voltage of 1.3 V at 1 A full current load, the series consists of an adjustable and five fixed voltage versions of 1.5 V, 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V and 5.0 V.
Uniprise Solutions UNJ10G出口说明书
Uniprise Solutions® Instruction Sheet 860508548 Issue 3, October 2013UNJ10G Outlet InstructionsGeneralThe Uniprise Solutions®UNJ10G outlets support Category 6a applications and are available in a variety of colors. These products are modular RJ45 to insulation displacement connectors (IDC). They are typically installed in faceplates at work locations and provide termination for the horizontal 4-pair cable at the IDC end, and workstation cord insertion at the RJ45 end.The following tools are available to aid in module termination.Material ID Description406477794 D-914 kit − includes impact tool and 110 blade407484971 D-914 impact tool only407728427 Replacement 110 blade for D-914 impact tool760122713 Module removal tool (quantity of 5)860333673 Hand termination tool (hand puck)405423260 KS-22035-L2 spudger toolHow to Contact Us•To find out more about CommScope® products, visit us on the web at /•For technical assistance:- Within the United States, contact your local account representative or technical support at 1-800-344-0223. Outside the United States, contact your local account representative orAuthorized Business Partner.- Within the United States, report any missing/damaged parts or any other issues to CommScope Customer Claims at 1-866-539-2795. Outside the United States, contact yourlocal account representative or Authorized Business Partner.© 2013 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved For RoHS Inquiries:CommScope Inc.Corke Abbey, BrayCo. Dublin, IrelandAttn: Legal DepartmentPage 1 of 5860508548Instruction SheetTermination ProcedureT568B Wiring ShownPre-Termination Step For Angled EntryNote: Some mounting hardware and box space does not allow for cable entry directly from the rear. If a typical termination from the rear is done and the cable is then bent in the needed direction, performance and reliability can suffer. A proper termination should have the intended entry direction set before seating the conductors.1. Set the intended entry angle before seating theconductors. 2. Pull pairs into the module until the jacket is snugagainst the rear housing. Outer pairs should sweep around the inside pairs and not be pulled into them.Direct Cable EndReverse Cable EndOrange pair1. Each cable end has two pairs routed into the holes and two pairs routed over the top, without crossover orrearrangement. On the Direct cable end, the Orange and Blue pairs enter the holes and the Green and Brown pairs lay over the top. On the Reverse cable end, the Green and Brown pairs enter the holes and the Orange and Blue pairs lay over the top. 2.Pull pairs into the module until the jacket end is snug against the rear housing.Cable positioned at 90prior to seating conductorsoPage 2 of 5 860508548Issue 3, October 20133. To place conductors, hold the pair down on thetermination position and bend it for easy grasp as shown above. Then untwist the pair in a counter-clockwise direction enough to open it up. 4. Push conductors down into slotpositions (check color codes).Maintain pair twist up to theopening for the slots.5. (T568B wiring shown) On the Direct cable end, place Orange and Blue pairs first, then place Green andBrown pairs.Page 3 of 5860508548Instruction Sheetare tightly routed6. (T568B wiring shown) On the Reverse cable end, pull Green and Brown pairs back, eliminate the twist, andpull them tightly into place. Then route Orange and Blue pairs to the front positions.Note: For T568A Wiring -On each cable end, one of the two pairs fed in through the holes is pulled back for the rear positions. Check label color codes.Conductor Seating and CuttingPliersTrim pairsflush1. Use impact tool on HI setting with M110cutting blade to punch conductorsstraight down into slots. When using theimpact tool, the hand puck isrecommended.Or2. Use pliers with wire cap to seatconductors. Use fine edge cutters totrim conductors flush to the modulebody.Page 4 of 51. To remove a module for inspection orrepair, insert prongs of removal tool into openings at sides of module and press firmly.OrThe module wiring cap can also be used to remove a module. Insert prongs of cap into openings at sides of module and press firmly.2. The module can then be removed from theback.Inspection or Repair of TerminationNote: To enable inspection or repair, the wiring cap can be released from the module using the removal tool. A spudger tool can then be used to remove conductors for repair.1.Insert end of removal tool into slot under wiring cap and pivot it forward to release cap.Page 5 of 5。
US3652 友顺UTC 电子元器件芯片
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTDUS3652PreliminaryCMOS ICHIGH PRECISION CC/CVPRIMARY-SIDE PWM POWER SWITCH⏹DESCRIPTIONThe UTC US3652 is a primary control switch mode charger and adapter applications. The controlled variable is transferred by an auxiliary winding from the secondary to the primary side. The device integrates PWM controller to enhance the performance of discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) flyback converters.The UTC US3652 operates in primary-side sensing and regulation. Opto-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated. It also provides off-time modulation to linearly decrease PWM frequency under light-load conditions so that low standby power can be achieved.The UTC US3652 achieves high precision CV/CC regulation and high power efficiency. It offers comprehensive protection coverage with auto-recovery features including Cycle-by-cycle current limiting, V DD over voltage protection, V DD clamp, OTP, leading edge blanking, V DD under voltage lockout, etc.⏹FEATURES*Built-in 600V Power MOSFET*±5% constant voltage regulation at universal AC input*High precision constant current regulation at universal AC input *Primary side control without TL431 and opto-coupler *Programmable CV and CC regulation*Programmable cable compensation in CV mode *Flyback topology in DCM operation*Frequency hopping to reduce system EMI *Built-in leading edge blanking*Built-in primary winding inductance compensation*Power on soft start*Gate Output Maximum Voltage Clamped at 15V*Cycle-by-cycle current limiting *Over voltage protection *V DD under-voltage lockout⏹ORDERING INFORMATION⏹MARKING⏹PIN CONFIGURATIONDIP-7A DIP-8GND V DD DRAINCOMPDRAIN INV CSGNDGND V DD DRAINCOMPDRAIN INV CS⏹PIN DESCRIPTIONBLOCK DIAGRAMDRAIN INVCSCOMP GND⏹ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGAbsolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied.2.Drain Pin Connected 100mm2 PCB copper clad.⏹THERMAL DATA⏹OUTPUT POWER TABLEambient.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A=25°C, V DD=15V, unless otherwise specified)Note: When the over-temperature protection is activated, the power system enters auto restart mode and output is disabled.OPERATION DESCRIPTIONThe UTC US3652 is a primary control switch mode charger and adapter applications. It operates in primary-side sensing and regulation. Opto-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated. Proprietary built-in CV and CC control can achieve high precision CV/CC performance. The device integrates PWM controller to enhance the performance of discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) flyback converters.Startup controlThe V DD pin of UTC US3652 is connected to the line input through a resistor. A large value startup resistor can be used to minimize the power loss in application because the start current of UTC US3652 is very low. When the V DD voltage reaches V TH(ON), the internal startup circuit is disabled and the IC turns on.Operating CurrentThe Operating current of UTC US3652 is as low as 1.6mA. Good efficiency and very low standby power can be achieved.Constant Voltage OperationThe output voltage is defined by the transmission ratio between the secondary and auxiliary winding. The UTC US3652 captures the auxiliary winding feedback voltage at INV pin and operates in constant-voltage (CV) mode to regulate the output voltage. The auxiliary voltage reflects the output voltage is given by:)(V Δ+V ×N N =V O SAAUX (1)Where △V indicates the drop voltage of the output diode.Figure 2. Auxiliary voltage waveformVia a resistor divider connected between the auxiliary winding and INV, the V AUX is sampled at the Tsampling end and it is hold until the next sampling. The sampled voltage is compared with 2.0V reference voltage and the error is amplified. The error amplifier output reflects the load condition and controls the T OFF time and the Ipk to regulate the output voltage, thus constant output voltage can be achieved.Constant Current OperationWhen the sampled voltage is below 2.0V reference voltage and the error amplifier output reaches its maximum, thus UTC US3652 operates in constant-current (CC) mode. The CC point and maximum output power can be externally adjusted by external current sense resistor Rcs. The larger Rcs, the smaller CC point is, and the smaller output power becomes.OPERATION DESCRIPTION(Cont.)OUTV Figure 3. Adjustable output power by changing R CSIoutIpksFigure 4. Secondary current waveformIn CC operation, the CC loop control function of UTC US3652 will keep a fixed proportion between secondary inductance de-magnetization time (Tdemag) and switching cycle time (Tsw). The fixed proportion is21=Tsw Tdemag (2)Thus the output current is given by:PKPK OUT I SN P N 41TswTdemag I SN P N 21I ⨯⨯=⨯⨯⨯=(3)Programmable Cable Drop CompensationUTC US3652 has a built-in cable voltage drop compensation to achieve good load regulation. An offset voltage is generated at INV pin by an internal current flowing into the resistor divider. The current is inversely proportional to the voltage of COMP pin. As a result, it is inversely proportional to the output load current. The voltage drop across the cable is compensated by this offset voltage at INV pin. It can also be programmed by adjusting the resistance of the divider to compensate the drop for various cable lines used.Current Sensing and Leading Edge BlankingCycle-by-cycle current limiting is offered in UTC US3652. The switch current is detected by a sense resistor into the CS pin. When the power switch is turned on, a turn-on spike will occur on this resistor. A 900ns leading-edge blanking is built in to avoid false-termination of the switching pulse so that the external RC filtering is no longer needed.OPERATION DESCRIPTION(Cont.)Protection ControlGood power supply system reliability is achieved with its comprehensive protection features including V DD over-voltage protection, V DD Clamp, GATE Clamp, Power on soft start, Cycle-by-cycle current limiting, short circuit protection, leading edge blanking, OTP and UVLO, etc.V DD is supplied by transformer auxiliary winding output. The output of UTC US3652 is shutdown when V DD drops below V TH(OFF) and the power converter enters power on start-up sequence thereafter.TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT (5V, 2.4A) L。
JIS A5525
Global Marketing for Tube & Pipe
lower pile, respectively. In the case where the middle pile consists of two or more pipes, they are defined as the first middle pile, the second middle pile and so on from the lowest side upward. World standard comparative table
moment of area modulus I(Н4) 211】102 233】102 254】10 276】10
2 2
Z(Ж) 106】10 117】10 127】10 138】10 167】10 185】10 202】10 219】10 236】10
418】102 462】102 505】10 548】10
Outside diameter mm Reference Thickness Cross-sectional mm area Р 9 400 10 11 12 500 9 10 11 12 13 110.6 122.5 134.4 146.3 138.8 153.9 169.0 184.0 198.9 Unit mass kg/m 86.8 96.2 106 115 109 121 133 144 156 Geometrical Section Radius gyration area i(Н) 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.7 17.4 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.2 of of Outside surface area С/m 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57
241For additional technical information visit Metric measurements for this product are exact, imperial measurements are rounded to the nearest whole numberUseful Cooling Capacity: 2400 - 5794 BTU (703 - 1697 W)Part No. with basic controller 3303.1042)3303.1142)3304.1043304.1143304.1443305.1043305.1143305.144Part No. with comfort controller 3303.5042)3303.5142)3304.5043304.5143304.5443305.5043305.5143305.544Voltage V , Hz230, 50/60115, 60230, 50/60115, 60400, 50/ 460, 60, 3~230, 50/60115, 60400, 50/ 460, 60, 3~Dimensions inches (mm)H x W x D24 x 11 x 12 (620 x 285 x 298)40 x 16 x 14 (1020 x 405 x 358)Useful cooling capacity Q KBTU (W)T i 131 T a 1312400 (703)3916 (1147)5794 (1697)Useful cooling capacity Q K to DIN 3168 BTU (W)T i 95 T a 951708/2083(500/610)1708 (500)3415/3620 (1000/1060)5123/5157 (1500/1510)T i 95 T a 122956/1195(280/350)956 (280)2698/2869 (790/840)4201/4269 (1230/1250)Rated current maximum 2.6/2.6 A 5.7 A 5.4/5.0 A 10.6/11.1 A 2.8/2.9 A 6.0/6.5 A 12.1/13.6 A 2.6/2.9 A Starting current 5.1/6.4 A 11.5 A 12.0/14.0 A 26.0/28.0 A 11.5/12.7 A 22.0/24.0 A 42.0/46.0 A 12.2/11.3 A Pre-fuse T 10.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 A 16.0 A 10.0 A 1)16.0 A 20.0 A 10.0 A 1)Power consumption Pel toDIN 3168T i 95 T a 95360/380 W 470 W 700/650 W 725/680 W 580/550 W 850/1000 W 880/1050 W 800/980 W T i 95 T a 122420/390 W500 W 750/710 W 780/750 W 660/680 W 1000/1160 W 1040/1200 W 960/1150 W Cooling coefficient j =Q K /PelT i 95 T a 95 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.9Refrigerant R134a, 6.0 oz (170 g)R134a, 17.6 oz (500 g)R134a, 21.1 oz (600 g)Maximum allowable operating pressure 406 psi (28 bar)363 psi (25 bar)Temperature and setting range Comfort Controller - 68 to 131° F (+20 to +55° C) / Basic Controller - 86 to 131° F (+30 to +55° C)Environmental ratings UL Type 4X (IP 66)Duty cycle 100%Type of connection Plug-in terminal strip Weight lb (kg)55.1 (25)108.2 (49)119.0 (54)110.2 (50)112.4 (51)123.5 (56)114.6 (52)Material Type 304 stainless steelAir displacement offans External circuit 203 cfm (345 m 3/h)530 cfm (900 m 3/h)530 cfm (900 m 3/h)Internal circuit 182 cfm (310 m 3/h)353 cfm (600 m 3/h)471 cfm (800 m 3/h)Temperature control Basic or comfort controller (factory setting 95° F [+35° C])Accessories PU Page Door-operated switch 14127.010–Master/slave cable for comfortcontroller13124.100–3124.100267RiDiag II including cables for comfortcontroller13159.100267Interface card for comfort controller 13124.200268Condensate hose 13301.6103301.6122731) Motor circuit breaker. 2)Internal condensate evaporator not included. Special voltages and technical modifications available on request.Wallmounted UL T ype 4X Air ConditionerCon guration:Fully wired ready for connection, including drilling template and assembly parts. With nano-coated condenser and integrated condensate evaporator.Protection Ratings:UL and cUL recognized, CSA UL Type 4XUL file: SA8250 Material:Type 304 stainless steel Note:Air conditioner with comfortcontroller may be integrated into a monitoring system with an optional interface card 3124.20 (RS 232, RS 485, RS 422 and PLC interface). See page 268. Made in the USA.000C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o242For additional technical information visit Metric measurements for this product are exact, imperial measurements are rounded to the nearest whole numberUseful Cooling Capacity: 8706 - 10525 BTU (2550 - 3083 W)Part No. with basic controller 3328.1043328.1143328.1443329.1043329.1143329.144Part No. with comfort controller 3328.5043328.5143328.5443329.5043329.5143329.544Rated operating voltage V , Hz 230, 50/60115, 50/60400, 50/460, 60, 3~230, 50/60115, 50/60400, 50/460, 60, 3~Dimensions inches (mm)H x W x D 65 x 16 x 15 (1650 x 405 x 388)Useful cooling capacity Q K BTU (W)T i 131 T a 1318706 (2550)10525 (3083)Useful cooling capacity Q K to DIN 3168 BTU (W)T i 95 T a 956860/8025 (2000/2350)8538/9392 (2500/2750)T i 95 T a 1224952/5772 (1450/1690)5464/5977 (1600/1750)Rated current max. 7.5 A/9.1 A 14.7 A/17.3 A 2.8 A/3.3 A 8.6 A/10.6 A 17.0 A/22.0 A 3.7 A/3.8 A Start-up current 22.0 A/26.0 A36.0 A/39.0 A6.8 A/7.8 A 21.0 A/21.0 A44.0 A/42.0 A6.8 A/7.6 A Pre-fuse T16.0 A25.0 A 10.0A/10.0 A 1)16.0 A 25.0 A 10.0 A/10.0 A 1)Power consumption Pel to DIN 3168 T i 95 T a 951025/1200 W 1085/1250 W 1050/1275 W 1450/1675 W 1500/1725 W 1425/1625 W T i 95 T a 1221250/1350 W1300/1410 W1275/1525 W1625/2000 W1675/2065 W1675/1975 WCooling coefficient j = Q K /Pel T i 95 T a 951., 31.7 oz (900 g)Maximum allowable operating pressure 406 psi (28 bar)Temperature and setting range Comfort Controller - 68 to 131° F (+20 to +55° C) / Basic Controller - 86 to 131° F (+30 to +55° C)Protection rating UL Type 4X (IP 66)Duty cycle 100%Type of connection Plug-in terminal stripWeight lb (kg)176.4 (80)191.8 (87)176.4 (80)183.0 (83)198.4 (90)183.0 (83)MaterialType 304 stainless steelAir displacement of fans External circuit 377 cfm (640 m 3/h)418 cfm (710 m 3/h)Internal circuit324 cfm (550 m 3/h)377 cfm (640 m 3/h)Temperature control Basic or comfort controller (factory setting 95° F [+35° C])Accessories PU Page Door-operated switch14127.010–Master/slave cable for comfort controller13124.100267RiDiag II including cables for comfort controller 13159.100267Interface card for comfort controller 13124.200268Condensate hose13301.6122731)Motor circuit breaker. Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Wallmounted UL T ype 4X Air ConditionerCon guration:Fully wired ready for connection, including drilling template and assembly parts. With nano-coated condenser and integrated condensate evaporator.Protection Ratings: UL and cUL recognized UL Type 4X UL file: SA8250Material:Type 304 stainless steelNote:Air conditioner with comfortcontroller may be integrated into a monitoring system with an optional interface card 3124.200(RS 232, RS 485, RS 422 and PLC interface). See page 268. Made in the USA.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o。
CIRCALOK 6008黑色塑料编码表说明书
USA SAFETY DATA SHEET3000000058361. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct name: CIRCALOK 6008 BLACK Product Use/Class:EncapsulantLORD Corporation 111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923 USATelephone: 814 868-3180Non-Transportation Emergency: 814 763-2345 Chemtrec 24 Hr Transportation Emergency No.800 424-9300 (Outside Continental U.S. 703 527-3887)EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/21/20162. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS CLASSIFICATION:Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2A Skin sensitization Category 1Hazardous to the aquatic environment - acute hazard Category 1 Hazardous to the aquatic environment - chronic hazard Category 2GHS LABEL ELEMENTS: Symbol(s)Signal WordW ARNINGHazard StatementsCauses skin irritation.Causes serious eye irritation.May cause an allergic skin reaction. Very toxic to aquatic life.Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Precautionary Statements PreventionWear protective gloves/eye protection/face protection. Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Wash thoroughly after handling.Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace. Avoid release to the environment.ResponseSpecific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label). IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.Collect spillage.StorageRefer to Section 7 of this SDS.Disposal:Dispose of contents/container in accordance with waste/disposal laws and regulations of your country or particular locality.Other Hazards:This product contains component(s) which have the following warnings; however based on the GHS classification criteria of your country or locale, the product mixture may be outside the respective category(s).Acute: May cause respiratory tract irritation. May be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts. Harmful ifswallowed. Ingestion is not an expected route of entry in industrial or commercial uses.Chronic: Prolonged or repeated contact may result in dermatitis. IARC has designated carbon black as Group 2B - inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humans, but sufficient evidence in experimental animals. In 2006 IARC reaffirmed its 1995 finding that there is "inadequate evidence" from human health studies to assess whether carbon black causes cancer in humans. Further, epidemiological evidence from well-conducted investigations has shown no causative link between carbon black exposure and the risk of malignant or non-malignant respiratory disease inhumans. Prolonged exposure to the silica-containing sanding dust of this product could cause long-term lung damage.Crystalline silica is classified by IARC and NTP as a known human carcinogen as a respirable dust. The silica in LORD products is not in a form that can be inhaled and presents no risk to the end user. No exposure is expected during normal use of this product. Sanding or abrading the cured materials is not recommended. Wear appropriate respiratory protection if exposure to dusts is possible.3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Name CAS Number RangeEpoxy resin PROPRIETARY35 - 40%Alkyl (C12-14)glycidyl ether68609-97-2 5 - 10%Epoxy novolac resin PROPRIETARY 1 - 5%Crystalline silica14808-60-70.1 - 0.9%Carbon black1333-86-40.1 - 0.9%Any "PROPRIETARY" component(s) in the above table is considered trade secret, thus the specific chemical and its exact concentration is being withheld.4. FIRST AID MEASURESFIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes immediately with large amount of water for at least 15 minutes holding eyelids open while flushing. Get prompt medical attention.FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: Flush contaminated skin with large amounts of water while removing contaminated clothing. Wash affected skin areas with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.FIRST AID - INHALATION: Move person to fresh air. Restore and support continued breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get immediate medical attention.FIRST AID - INGESTION: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control center immediately for further instructions. Never give anything by mouth if victim is rapidly losing consciousness, unconscious or convulsing.5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water FogUNSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Not determined for this product.SPECIFIC HAZARDS POSSIBLY ARISING FROM THE CHEMICAL: Keep containers tightly closed. Closed containers may rupture when exposed to extreme heat. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool. During a fire, irritating and/or toxic gases and particulate may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion.SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND PRECAUTIONS FOR FIRE-FIGHTERS: Wear full firefighting protective clothing, including self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPERSONAL PRECAUTIONS, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: Avoid contact. Avoid breathing vapors. Use appropriate respiratory protection for large spills or spills in confined area.ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Do not contaminate bodies of water, waterways, or ditches, with chemical or used container.METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR CONTAINMENT AND CLEANUP: Keep non-essential personnel a safe distance away from the spill area. Notify appropriate authorities if necessary. Avoid contact. Before attempting cleanup, refer to hazard caution information in other sections of the SDS form. Scoop spilled material into an appropriate container for proper disposal. (If necessary, use inert absorbent material to aid in containing the spill).7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHANDLING: Keep closure tight and container upright to prevent leakage. Avoid skin and eye contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Empty containers should not be re-used. Use with adequate ventilation.STORAGE: Store only in well-ventilated areas. Keep container closed when not in use.INCOMPATIBILITY: Amines, acids, water, hydroxyl, or active hydrogen compounds.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONCOMPONENT EXPOSURE LIMITChemical Name ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH TLV-STELOSHA PEL-TWAOSHA PEL-CEILINGSkinEpoxy resin N.E.N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.Alkyl (C12-14)glycidyl ether N.E.N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.Epoxy novolac resin N.E.N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.Crystalline silica0.05 mg/m3N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.Carbon black 3 mg/m3N.E. 3.5 mg/m3 N.E.N.A.N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, S - Skin DesignationEngineering controls: Sufficient ventilation in pattern and volume should be provided in order to maintain air contaminant levels below recommended exposure limits.PERSONAL PROTECTION MEASURES/EQUIPMENT:RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Use a NIOSH approved air-purifying organic vapor respirator if occupational limits are exceeded. For emergency situations, confined space use, or other conditions where exposure limits may be greatly exceeded, use an approved air-supplied respirator. Observe OSHA regulations (29CFR 1910.134) forrespirator use.SKIN PROTECTION: Use neoprene, nitrile, or rubber gloves to prevent skin contact.EYE PROTECTION: Use safety eyewear including safety glasses with side shields and chemical goggles where splashing may occur.OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Use disposable or impervious clothing if work clothing contamination is likely. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands before eating, smoking, or using toilet facility. Food or beverages should not be consumed anywhere this product is handled or stored. Wash thoroughly after handling.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESTypical values, not to be used for specification purposes.ODOR: No VAPOR PRESSURE: N.D.APPEARANCE: Black VAPOR DENSITY: Heavier than Air PHYSICAL STATE: Viscous liquid LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: Not ApplicableUPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: Not ApplicableFLASH POINT: ≥ 201 °F, 93 °CSetaflash Closed CupBOILING RANGE: N.A.EVAPORATION RATE: Slower than n-butyl-acetate AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE:N.D.DENSITY: 1.63 g/cm3 - 13.58 lb/gal DECOMPOSITION TEMPERATURE:N.D. VISCOSITY, DYNAMIC: N.D.ODOR THRESHOLD: N.D.VISCOSITY, KINEMATIC: N.D.SOLUBILITY IN H2O: Insoluble VOLATILE BY WEIGHT: 0.12 %pH: N.A.VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 0.20 %FREEZE POINT: N.D. VOC CALCULATED: 0.02 lb/gal, 2 g/lN.D.COEFFICIENT OF WATER/OILDISTRIBUTION:LEGEND: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not Determined10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYHAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Hazardous polymerization will not occur under normal conditions. STABILITY: Product is stable under normal storage conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: High temperatures.INCOMPATIBILITY: Amines, acids, water, hydroxyl, or active hydrogen compounds.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, aldehydes11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEXPOSURE PATH: Refer to section 2 of this SDS.SYMPTOMS:Refer to section 2 of this SDS.TOXICITY MEASURES:Chemical Name LD50/LC50Epoxy resin Oral LD50: Rat11,400 mg/kgAlkyl (C12-14)glycidyl ether Oral LD50: Rat17,100 mg/kgEpoxy novolac resin N.D.Crystalline silica Oral LD50: Rat500 mg/kgCarbon black Oral LD50: Rat> 15,400 mg/kgDermal LD50: Rabbit> 3 g/kgGHS LC50 (vapour): Acute toxicity point estimate55 mg/lGerm cell mutagenicity: No classification proposedCarcinogenicity: No classification proposedReproductive toxicity: No classification proposed12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONECOTOXICITY:Chemical Name EcotoxicityEpoxy resin N.D.Alkyl (C12-14)glycidyl ether N.D.Epoxy novolac resin N.D.Crystalline silica N.D.Carbon black N.D.PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITY:Not determined for this product.BIOACCUMULATIVE: Not determined for this product.MOBILITY IN SOIL: Not determined for this product.OTHER ADVERSE EFFECTS: Not determined for this product.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDISPOSAL METHOD: Disposal should be done in accordance with Federal (40CFR Part 261), state and local environmental control regulations. If waste is determined to be hazardous, use licensed hazardous waste transporter and disposal facility.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUS DOT RoadDOT Proper Shipping Name: Environmentally hazardous substances, liquid, n.o.s.DOT Hazard Class: 9SECONDARY HAZARD: NoneDOT UN/NA Number: 3082Packing Group: IIIEmergency Response Guide Number: 171For US DOT non-bulk road shipments this material may be classified as NOT REGULATED. For the most accurate shipping information, refer to your transportation/compliance department regarding changes inpackage size, mode of shipment or other regulatory descriptors.IATA CargoPROPER SHIPPING NAME: Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.DOT Hazard Class: 9HAZARD CLASS: NoneUN-NUMBER: 3082PACKING GROUP: IIIEMS: 9LIMDGPROPER SHIPPING NAME: Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.DOT Hazard Class: 9HAZARD CLASS: NoneUN-NUMBER: 3082PACKING GROUP: IIIEMS: F-AThe listed transportation classification applies to IATA Cargo and IMDG non-bulk shipments. It does not address regulatory variations due to changes in package size, mode of shipment or other regulatory descriptors for your country or particular locality. For the most accurate shipping information, refer to your transportation/compliance department.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONU.S. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: AS FOLLOWS:SARA SECTION 313This product contains the following substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372.:NONETOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT:INVENTORY STATUSThe chemical substances in this product are on the TSCA Section 8 Inventory.EXPORT NOTIFICATIONThis product contains the following chemical substances subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported from the United States:NONE16. OTHER INFORMATIONUnder HazCom 2012 it is optional to continue using the HMIS rating system. It is important to ensure employees have been trained to recognize the different numeric ratings associated with the HazCom 2012 and HMIS schemes.HMIS RATINGS - HEALTH: 2* FLAMMABILITY: 1 PHYSICAL HAZARD: 0* - Indicates a chronic hazard; see Section 2Revision: Section 2, Section 11Effective Date: 06/21/2016DISCLAIMERThe information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate. However, since the conditions of handling and use are beyond our control, we make no guarantee of results, and assume no liability for damages incurred by use of this material. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.。
Dell Networking S4148U-ON Product Compliance Datas
Product Compliance DatasheetMARKETING NAME...........Dell Networking S4148U-ON REGULATORY MODEL (20)REGULATORY TYPE………E20W006EMC EMISSIONS CLASS….AEFFECTIVE DATE……November 15, 2017Table of contentsI.Statement of Compliance (2)II.Power Cords and User Documentation (2)III.Trade (Import/Export) Compliance Data (2)IV.Product Dimensions and Weight (3)V.Product Materials Information (3)VI.Packaging (4)VII.Batteries (5)VIII.D esign for Environment (5)IX.Recycling / End-of-Life Service Information (5)X.Helpful Links (5)I. Statement of ComplianceThis equipment has been determined to be compliant with the applicable standards, regulations, anddirectives for the countries where the equipment is marketed. The equipment is affixed with regulatorymarking and text as necessary for the country/agency. Dell manufacturers and markets MultimediaEquipment (MME), Information Technology Equipment (ITE), Audio Visual Equipment (A/V), Industrial,Scientific, Medical Equipment (ISM) or combinations of these. Generally, equipment Safety and EMCcompliance is based on International IEC and CISPR standards and their national equivalent along withnational standards for Radio (wireless), and Energy. Dell products have been verified to comply with the EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU. Dell equipment does not contain any of the restricted substances inconcentrations and applications not permitted by the RoHS Directive. EMC Emissions Class refers to one of the following use environments:• EMC Class B equipment is intended for use in residential/domestic environments but may also be used in nonresidential/non-domestic environments.• EMC Class A equipment is intended for use in non-residential/non-domestic environments. Class Aequipment may also be utilized in residential/domestic environments but may cause interference and require the user to take adequate corrective measures.For Safety and EMC compliance, this equipment has been assigned a unique regulatory model andregulatory type that is imprinted on the equipment regulatory labeling to provide traceability to the regulatory approvals noted on this datasheet. This datasheet applies to any equipment that utilizes the assignedregulatory model and type including marketing names other than those listed on this datasheet. ErPcompliance is tied to the CE mark. REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction ofChemicals, 1907/2006) is the European Union’s (EU) chemical substances regulatory framework. Dellcomplies with the REACH directive. For information on SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern), see/REACH. Compliance documentation, such as certification or Declaration of Compliance for the equipment is available upon request to ***************************. Please include equipment identifiers such as marketing name, regulatory model, regulatory type and country that compliance information isneeded in request.II. Power Cords and User DocumentationDell products are provided with the power cord and user documentation suitable for the intended country of delivery. Products that are relocated to other countries should use nationally certified power cords and plugs to ensure safe operation of the product. Contact Dell to determine if alternate power cords or userdocumentation in other languages is available for your market.III. Trade (Import/Export) Compliance DataFor any questions related to importing & exporting classification of Dell products, please obtain information from the following link: /import_export_compliance or send request to*****************************.IV. Product Dimensions and WeightV. Product Materials InformationInformation on Dell’s material use is available here.Dell’s Restricted Material for Use guidance document is available here.The case material is, > T=1.0+- 5% JJIS G3302 SGCC – Z08<This product contains 0 % post-consumer recycled plastic/closed loop recycled plastics(Measured as a percentage of total amount of plastic (by weight) in the product as per guidance in EPEAT standard as applies to plastics parts)Flame Retardants Used in MotherboardFlame Retardants Used in Mechanical Plastic Parts > 25 grams1Mechanical plastic part: plastic parts that do not internally carry an electrical signal such as housings, brackets, bezels, latches, etc. that form the basic structure of the product and/or have mechanical functions. Plastic parts such as fans, connectors, printer fuser assemblies, etc. are not considered “mechanical plastic parts” in the context of this specification.Plastics parts do not contain no more than 0,1% weight (1000 ppm) bromine and 0,1% weight (1000 ppm) chlorine attributable to brominated flame retardants, chlorinated flame retardants, and polyvinyl chloride (Per Dell Spec ENV0424)2Dell will adopt the BFR/CFR/PVC-free definition as set forth in the "iNEMI Position Statement on the Definition of 'Low-Halogen' Electronics (BFR/CFR/PVC-Free)." Plastic parts contain <1000 ppm (0.1 percent) of bromine (if the Br source is from BFRs) and <1000 ppm (0.1 percent) of chlorine if the Cl source is from CFRs, PVC or PVC copolymers. All printed circuit board (PCB) and substrate laminates contain bromine/chlorine totaling less than 1,500 ppm (0.15 percent), with maximum chlorine of 900 ppm (0.09 percent) and maximum bromine of 900 ppm (0.09 percent)Mercury InformationRoHS and REACH declaration - see product material information section at:/environmental_informationProducts MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets):Batteries: Battery MSDS Documentation and DeclarationPrinter Toner and Ink: MSDS DocumentationVI. PackagingInformation on Dell’s sustainable packaging effort available here.3 Non-wood, biobased material may include, but is not limited to: bagasse, bamboo, mushroom, straw, agricultural waste or byproduct. * Recycled content in packaging material is supplier dependent.VII. BatteriesVIII. Design for EnvironmentDell systems are, when applicable, designed for easy assembly, disassembly, and servicing.For more information on product Recyclability please visit /environmental_information IX. Recycling / End-of-Life Service InformationTake back and recycling services are offered for this product in certain countries. If you want to dispose of system components, please visit /recyclingworldwide and select the relevant country. X. Helpful LinksEnvironmental Policy/sites/content/corporate/corp-comm/en/Documents/dell-global-environmental-policy.pdfEnvironment Website/environmental_informationCorporate Sustainability Report/Learn/us/en/uscorp1/report?c=us&l=en&s=corp&delphi:gr=trueISO 14001 Certification/sites/content/corporate/corp-comm/en/Documents/dell-iso14001-worldwide.pdfMaterials Restricted for Use/downloads/global/corporate/environ/restricted_materials_guid.pdfChemical Use Policy/sites/doccontent/corporate/environment/en/Documents/chemical-use-policy.pdfProduct Carbon Footprint/us/en/corp/d/corp-comm/environment_carbon_footprint_productsRoHS Compliance/rohsinfoREACH Compliance/REACHRecycling Information/recyclingSupplier Responsibility/us/en/corp/d/corp-comm/standards-for-suppliers.aspx。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告深圳市金酷威通讯科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:深圳市金酷威通讯科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分深圳市金酷威通讯科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
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Ruijie Reyee RG-RAP6262(G) Series Access Points Ha
Ruijie Reyee RG-RAP6262(G) Series Access PointsDocument Version: V1.0Date: 2022-02-18Copyright © 2022 Ruijie NetworksCopyrightRuijie Networks©2022Ruijie Networks reserves all copyrights of this document.Any reproduction, excerption, backup, modification, transmission, translation or commercial use of this document or any portion of this document, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of Ruijie Networks is prohibited.Trademarks including ,and are owned by Ruijie Networks.All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in this document are owned by their respective owners. DisclaimerThe products, services or features you purchase are subject to commercial contracts and terms. Some or all of the products, services or features described in this document may not be within the scope of your purchase or use. Unless otherwise agreed in the contract, Ruijie Networks does not make any express or implied statement or guarantee for the content of this document.Due to product version upgrades or other reasons, the content of this document will be updated from time to time. Ruijie Networks reserves the right to modify the content of the document without any notice or prompt.This manual is for reference only. Ruijie Networks endeavors to ensure content accuracy and will not shoulder any responsibility for losses and damages caused due to content omissions, inaccuracies or errors.PrefaceIntended AudienceThis document is intended for:●Network engineers●Technical support and servicing engineers●Network administratorsTechnical Support●The official website of Ruijie Reyee: https:///products/reyeeConventions1. SignsThe symbols used in this document are described as follows:DangerAn alert that calls attention to safety operation instructions that if not understood or followed when operating the device can result in physical injury.WarningAn alert that calls attention to important rules and information that if not understood or followed can result in data loss or equipment damage.CautionAn alert that calls attention to essential information that if not understood or followed can result in functionfailure or performance degradation.NoteAn alert that contains additional or supplementary information that if not understood or followed will not lead to serious consequences.SpecificationAn alert that contains a description of product or version support.2. NoteThis manual provides the device installation steps, hardware troubleshooting, module technical specifications, and specifications and usage guidelines for cables and connectors. It is intended for the users who have some experience in installing and maintaining network hardware. At the same time, it is assumed that the users are already familiar with the related terms and concepts.1 Product OverviewThe RG-RAP6262(G) is an outdoor wireless access point (AP) designed by Ruijie Networks for high-speed wireless networks. Adhering to the latest 802.11ax standard, the AP delivers an access rate of up to 1200Mbps@5G+************.RAP6262(G)featuressecurity,radiofrequency(RF)control,mobileaccess, Quality of Service (QoS) and seamless roaming. In addition, it can be managed by RG-WS series wireless access controllers (ACs) to implement wireless data forwarding, security, and access control.The IP68 design adapts to inclement outdoor environments such as the cold and humidity. This substantially simplifies installation and maintenance. RAP6262(G) supports PoE to take over challenges in a wide variety of deployment scenarios, including large-scaled campuses, enterprises, hospitals and Wi-Fi hotspots.1.1 Technical SpecificationsTable 1-1 Technical Specifications of RG-RAP6262(G)Table 1-2 LEDs of RG-RAP6262(G)Solid on The port is up and no data is transmitted. Off The port is not connected.LAN 2(Green) Blinking The port is up and data is transmitted. Solid on The port is up and no data is transmitted. Off The port is not connected.Table 1-3 Reset ButtonButton Function OperationReset RebootPress the button for less than 2 seconds, and the devicewill be rebooted.Restore Factory SettingsPress the button for over 5 seconds, and the device willrestore the factory settings.1.2 AppearanceThe RG-RAP6262(G) provides a Wi-Fi indicator, a SYS indicator, and two LAN port indicators.Figure 1-1 Appearance1.3 PortsFigure 1-2 Ports1.4 Power SupplyThe AP supports 802.3at PoE (port LAN 1) or 12 V DC/2 A power supply (If needed, you can buy the adapter from Ruijie Networks).2 Preparing for InstallationNote●To prevent device damage and physical injury, please read carefully the safety recommendationsdescribed in this chapter.●The following safety suggestions do not cover all possible hazardous situations.●RGRAP6262(G)series AP is a class A product.In a domestic environment,this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.2.1 Grounding and Lightning Protection●Keep the grounding connection within 30 m, and use a 40mm x 4mm or 50mm x 5mm grounding bar of hot-dip zinc-coated flat steel sheet.●When the connection cable between the main grounding conductor and local equipotential earthing terminalboard (LEB) on each floor is shorter than 2 meters, use a stranded copper wire with a sectional area not lessthan 1.318 mm2 (16 AWG) for the connection cable.●Use a shielded network cable if possible, ensure that devices connected to both ends of the shielded networkcable are reliably grounded, and make sure that the sheath of the shielded network cable is also grounded ifpossible. If no shielded network cable is available, wire the network cable through a steel pipe and bury thesteel pipe for lead-in, and properly ground both ends of the steel pipe.●No additional lightning protector is required as a high-profile lightning protector is built in the RG-RAP6262(G),and the antenna port and power port support 6kV lightning protection. If a lightning protector of a higherprofile is available, configure the lightning protector optionally. Before the configuration, connect the lightningprotector to the ground cable.●Use a power cable with the PE end to ground the power supply (AC). Ensure that the PE end is properlygrounded, with a ground resistance less than 5 ohms. Do not use a two-wire power cable with only the live(L) wire and naught (N) wire. Do not connect the N wire to the protection ground cable of other communicationdevices, and ensure that the L wire and N wire are properly connected.●Ensure that the ground resistance is less than 5 ohms. In areas with high soil resistivity, reduce the soilresistivity via measures such as spreading resistivity reduction mixture around the grounding conductor.2.2 Preparing the Installation Site●Do not expose the AP to high temperature, dust, or harmful gases.●Do not install the AP in an area prone to fire or explosions.●Keep the AP away from EMI sources such as large radar stations, radio stations, and substations.●Do not subject the AP to unstable voltage, vibration, and noises.●Keep the AP at least 500 meters away from the ocean and do not face it towards the sea breeze.●The installation site should be protected from water and flooding, seepage, dripping, or condensation.●The installation site should be selected according to network planning, communications equipment featuresand considerations such as climate, hydrology, geology, earthquake, electric power, and transportation. 2.2.1 Temperature and Humidity RequirementsTable 2-1 Temperature and Humidity RequirementsOperating Temperature Operating Humidity:-30°C to 65°C (-22°F to 149°F)0% to 100% RH (non-condensing)2.2.2 Outdoor InstallationThe AP can be installed outdoors and mounted on a wall or a pole.2.2.3 Waterproof●Use waterproof caps to seal the unused ports.●After using the reset button and DC power port, please ensure that the caps are put back.●The network cable needs to be threaded through the cable gland before connecting to the AP. For details,see Chapter 3 Installation.2.2.4 EMIAll interference sources (from outside or inside of the device or application system) affect the device by capacitive coupling, inductive coupling, or electromagnetic waves.Electromagnetic interference (EMI) occurs due to electromagnetic radiation or conduction, depending on the transmission path.Radiation interference occurs when energy (usually radio frequency energy) is emitted from a device and propagated through space to disrupt other devices. The interference source can be part of disrupted system ora fully electrically isolated unit. Conduction interference occurs when interference is transferred from one unit toanother through cables, which are usually electromagnetic wires or signal cables connected between the source and the device(s) experiencing interference. Conduction interference often affects the power supply of the device.It is eliminated by using filters. Radiation interference can influence the path of any signal from the device and is difficult to shield.●Take effective measures against interference from the power grid.●Keep the AP far away from the grounding or lightning protection devices for power equipment.●Keep the AP away from high-power radio stations, radar stations, and high-frequency high-current devices.●Take electrostatic shielding measures.2.2.5 Installation ToolsTable 2-1 Installation ToolsTools Marker, Phillips (crosshead) screwdriver, slotted screwdriver, drill, paper knife, crimping pliers, diagonal pliers, wire stripper, network cable tester, related power and fiber cables, wrench, hammer, cable ties, ESD tools, multimeterThe tool kit and cables are customer-supplied.2.3 Checking before InstallationPlease check your materials carefully against the package contents. If there are any errors, please contact your distributor.3 Installing the Access PointNote●Before installing the device, make sure you have carefully read the requirements described in Chapter 2.3.1 Installation Flowchart3.2 Before You BeginBefore you install the AP, verify that all the parts in the package contents are there and make sure that:●The installation site meets temperature and humidity requirements.●The installation site is equipped with a proper power supply.●Network cables are in place.3.3 PrecautionsThe outdoor AP can be mounted on a wall and a pole (diameter: 50 mm to 70 mm). If the diameter of the pole is out of the range, the hose clamp is customer-supplied. In this case, it is recommended that you use a hose clamp with thickness of 2.5mm at least. The installation site varies due to on-the-spot surveys conducted by technical personnel.Please make full preparations as described in Chapter 2 and observe the following precautions before installing the device.●Before connecting the power supply, make sure the external power supply matches the power module of theAP.●Before connecting the power cord, make sure the power module is turned off.●When connecting the power cord to a binding post, make sure their colors are the same.●Make sure the power supply is properly connected.3.4 Installing the Device3.4.1 Wall MountingUse the mounting plate and expansion bolts to implement wall mounting.1. Attach the mounting plate to the wall (ensure that the semicircle opening is downward vertically) and markthe locations of screw holes. Secure the mounting plate on the wall with M8 x 60 expansion bolts.Figure 3-1 Installing the Mounting Plate2. Install the access point and the connecting rod to the mounting plate on the wall, and tighten the M8 x 20screws to complete installation.Figure 3-2 Wall Mounting3.4.2 Vertical Pole Mounting1. Secure the mounting plate to the vertical pole by threading two clamps through the mounting plate, andfasten the clamps with screws.Figure 3-3 Mounting the Plate on a Pole2. Install the access point and the connecting rod to the mounting plate with M8 x 20 screws.Figure 3-4 Vertical Pole Mounting3.4.3 Horizontal Pole MountingFigure 3-5 Mounting the Plate on a PoleFigure 3-6 Horizontal Pole MountingNoteThe procedures of horizontal pole mounting are similar to that of vertical pole mounting.3.5 Connecting CablesCautionThe waterproof materials are customer-supplied.1. Trim an Ethernet cable according to the distance between the access point and the power supply.2. Insert the unterminated end of the Ethernet cable through part D, C and B in sequence.3. Install an RJ45 connector on the unterminated end of the Ethernet cable with an Ethernet cable installationtool.4. Insert the RJ45 connector into the LAN 1/PoE/uplink port of the access point, and tighten part B, C and D insequence.5. If you want to install the cable gland without an Ethernet cable threaded through it, insert the waterproofrubber rod into the washer (rubber gasket), and tighten part B, C and D in sequence.CautionPlease ensure that the RJ45 connector is properly inserted. Otherwise, the connector may be damaged when the waterproof cap is tightened. Before removing the network cable, please remove the waterproof cap first and then the RJ45 connector.WarningThe device should not be installed in the place prone to water accumulation, seepage, dripping, and condensation.It is recommended to install the device horizontally.If any requirement above cannot be fulfilled, please use waterproof duct tape and waterproof plaster.4 Appendix A Connectors and Media1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-TThe 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T is a 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-negotiation port that supports auto MDI/MDIX.Compliant with IEEE 802.3ab, 1000BASE-T requires Category 5e 100-ohm UTP or STP (STP is recommended) with a maximum distance of 100 meters (328 feet).1000BASE-T requires all four pairs of wires be connected for data transmission, as shown in Figure 7-1.Figure 4-1 1000BASE-T Connection10BASE-T uses Category 3, 4, 5 100-ohm UTP/STP and 1000BASE-T uses Category 5 100-ohm UTP/STP for connections. Both support a maximum length of 100 meters. Figure A-2 shows100BASE-TX/10BASE-T pin assignments.Figure 4-2 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T Pin AssignmentsFigure 4-3 shows wiring of straight-through and crossover cables for 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T.Figure 4-3 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T Connection5 Appendix B Package Contents。