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VREF IOUT=10mA, VIN-VOUT=2V, TJ=25°C 1.238 1.250 1.262 V 10mA≤IOUT≤1A, 1.4V≤VIN-VOUT≤10V 1.225 1.250 1.270
IOUT=10mΑ, VIN=3.2V ,TJ=25°C 10mA≤IOUT≤1A, 3.0V≤VIN≤10V
共10页 第6页
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0
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25 50 75 100 125 150 温度( C)
负载瞬态反应(VOUT=2.85 V)
5 V)
共10页 第4页
管脚号 1 2 3
管脚名称 GND/ADJ
--/O 地/ADJ。
ADVANCED MONOLITHIC SYSTEMS (translate by BONA 0755-82800289)
Tamb=125°C, 1000Hrs
0. 3
% of VOUT, 10Hz≤f≤10kHz
θJA TO-263-3

IGCS19-0405 : 产品说明书

IGCS19-0405 : 产品说明书

abnormal vaginal bleeding requiring intervention had no statis-tical difference between VP and WVP patients group (p=0.3074)as other complications as well(table1).Median of related days of vaginal bleeding after the procedure were 7.4days(SD8.75)in VP group and7.34days(SD8.52)in WVP group,with no statistical difference(p=0.912). Conclusions Insert a vaginal pack or not,after LEEP,do not affect the number of postoperative gynecologic intervention due to vaginal bleeding or the amount of postoperative bleed-ing days.Previous pregnancies,hormonal status,cytology or LEEP specimen characteristics did not affect the disclosure. We also could not find any risk factor associated to abnormal bleeding.Based on that,the use of vaginal pack can be omit-ted with no further complications.IGCS19-0405382LATERALLY EXTENDED ENDOPELVIC RESECTION(LEER) AND NEOVAGINE,PATIENT WITH RECTALADENOCARCINOMA AND RECURRENCE IN CERVIX,VAGINA AND PELVIC WALL:A PURPOSE OF A CASE1J Torres*,2J Saenz,3O Suescun,3M Medina,4L Trujillo.1Especialista en entrenamiento–Universidad Militar Nueva Granada–Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia,Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Bogota D.C.,Colombia;2Especialista en entrenamiento–Universidad Militar Nueva Granada–Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia,Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Bogota D.C,Colombia;3Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia, Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Bogota D.C,Colombia;4Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia,Department of Gynecologic Oncology,Bogota D.C.,Colombia10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.382Objectives Exenteration is used to treat cancers of the lower and middle female genital tract in the irradiated pelvis. Höckel described laterally extended endopelvic resection (LEER)as an approach in which the resection line extends to the pelvic side wall.Methods A49-year-old patient diagnosed with rectal adenocar-cinoma10years ago,managed with chemotherapy plus radio-therapy.T umor relapse at3years,management with low abdominoperineal resection and definitive colostomy.Second relapse4years later,compromising the posterior aspect of the coccyx and right side of the pelvis with irresecability criteria, management was decided with chemotherapy with capecita-bine,oxaliplatin and bevacizumab.New relapse at2years in the cervix,vagina and pelvic wall.Images without distance disease,type LEER management with extension of pelvic floor margins and resection of muscle pubococcygeus and right lat-eral iliococcygeus with neovagina(Singapore flap)and non-continent urinary derivation with bilateral cutaneous ureteros-tomy,achieving adequate lateral margin with curative intent. During follow-up with favorable evolution.Results LEER combines at least two procedures:total mesorec-tal excision,total mesometrial resection or total mesovesical resection.It may even require resection of the pelvic wall, internal obturator muscle,pubococcygeus,iliococcygeus,coccy-geus or internal iliac vessels.In combination with neovagina, it would offer better results in non-gynecological cancer relapses.Conclusions LEER with neovagina can be offered as a new therapy to a selected subset of patients with relapse in adja-cent gynecological organs with good oncological,functional and aesthetic results.Symptom Management–Supportive Cancer CareIGCS19-0706383PHOTOBIOMODULATION AND MANUAL LYMPHDRAINAGE FOR NIPPLE NECROSIS TREATMENT INBREAST CANCER:A CASE REPORT1J Baiocchi,2L Campanholi,3G Baiocchi*.1Oncofisio,Physical Therapy,Sao Paulo,Brazil;2CESCAGE,Physical Therapy,Ponta Grossa,Brazil;3AC Camargo Cancer Center, Gynecologic Oncology,Sao Paulo,Brazil10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.383Objectives Recently,breast reconstruction after mastectomywith nipple preservation became an option of breast cancer surgery.Despite its efficacy and aesthetic superiority,the nip-ple preservation is associated with several complications in the postoperative period.The photobiomodulation therapy,for-merly known as low-intensity laser therapy,demonstrated tis-sue promotion repair by cellular repair biostimulation, angiogenesis and anti-inflammatory effects.These characteris-tics suggest a potential role for repair of chronic wounds andmay be applicable in necrosis treatment.Our aim was toreport the effects of the physiotherapeutic intervention through photobiomodulation therapy in a patient with nipple necrosis after risk reducing mastectomy.Methods We report a case of a breast cancer surgery with nip-ple necrosis treated with low-level laser therapy.The patientwas a36-year-old women who developed skin nipple necrosisin the right breast after bilateral reconstructive mastectomy.She had6sessions of low-level laser therapy.Results A female subject developed a nipple necrosis of morethan40%on the right breast after mastectomy and recon-struction.She was referred to Physical Therapy(PT)and thePT sessions were composed by manual lymph drainage,man-ual therapy for de AWS,exercises of strength and flexibility, followed by LLLT with laser660nm,2joules per point atevery1cm.Therapy was implemented for12times in total,from May2016to June2016.A re-evaluation was performed monthly from July13,2016to November2017.After18 months of follow-up,the sustained effects of LLLT were found.Conclusions Low-level laser therapy is effective for the skin cicatrization after nipple necrosis.IGCS19-0446384CONTRACEPTION AND FERTILITY COUNSELING INPATIENTS RECEIVING CHEMOTHERAPY1A Elnaggar*,2A Calfee,1LB Daily,2T Hasley,1T Tillmanns.1West Cancer Center and Research Institute,Gynecologic Oncology,Memphis,USA;2University of Tennessee Health Science Center,Obstetrics and Gynecology,Mempis,USA10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.384Objectives Cancer care advances allow more patients to pursue fertility.Unfortunately,treatments may have detrimental effectson fertility and fetus should pregnancy occur.This study examines physician documentation and patient perceptions of fertility and contraception counseling. on December 24, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright./ Int J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.384 on 18 September 2019. Downloaded fromMethods IRB approval obtained for a cross-sectional study of men and women,ages18–50,with newly diagnosed malig-nancy between May2017and2018.Prior sterilization,secon-dary or synchronous cancer,or prior chemotherapy were exclusionary.Consented patients received a survey regarding perception on receipt and quality of,counseling.Demographic, sexual,and social information was obtained.Differences were evaluated using chi-square tests.Results Fifty-three of179patients identified participated. Majority were women(75v25%).Patients were more likely to have perceived counseling for contraception and fertility than documented.The majority perceived counseling as suffi-cient regarding contraception and fertility.Men were more likely than women to be perceive counsel-ing regarding fertility(85v43%,p=0.010).However,both felt fertility counseling to be sufficient with similar rates of documentation.Caucasians were more likely to perceive receipt of fertility counseling(68v29%)and to perceive it to be sufficient(70v40%),then African Americans,with the same rate of documentation(35%).Conclusions Significant discrepancies in perception counsel-ing regarding contraception and fertility were seen.Gen-der and race were important factors for the perception of fertility counseling,while only race was a factor to qual-ity of perceived counseling.These differences occurred despite equal rates of physician documentation,across all groups.IGCS19-0430385WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD?PRACTICE PATTERNS AND MANAGEMENT OF NONAGENARIANS PRESENTINGTO A GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGIST FOR INITIALCONSULTATIONE Ryan*,B Margolis,B Pothuri.New York University Langone Health,Obstetrics and Gynecology,New York,USA10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.385Objectives T o describe the practice patterns and treatment of nonagenarians who initiated care with a gynecologic oncologist.Methods Retrospective chart review of women aged90or older who presented to a gynecologic oncologist between10/ 09and12/18at an urban academic medical center.Descrip-tive statistics utilized for variables of interest.Results We identified34nonagenarians(median age92,range 90–98):10(29%)had benign disease,8(24%)pre-malignancy or suspected malignancy,and16(47%)malignancy.Of these, 79%had age and/or functional status discussed in the care plan.Of the8with suspected malignancy,5declined further workup.The cancer distribution revealed5(31%)vulvar,5 (31%)uterine,4(25%)ovarian,1(6%)vaginal and1(6%) cervical bined,37%had stage I disease;6% stage3;6%stage4;13%recurrent;and25%unstaged.All received treatment plans:7(47%)with palliative intent and8 (53%)with curative intent.In the curative group,7under-went surgery(1adjuvant chemotherapy)and1chemotherapy/radiation.In the palliative group,4underwent radiation,1 chemotherapy and2declined/unknown.Overall,13(87%) completed the proposed treatment.T reatment-related complica-tions included1superficial skin infection and1thirty-day readmission.Conclusions Nonagenarians often presented with vulvar or endometrial cancer and87%successfully completed treatmentwith minimal adverse effects or toxicity.Age and/or functionalstatus were considered in the care plan for79%of women,but it did not preclude treatments that had the potential to preserve meaningful quality of life and/or cure patients oftheir disease.IGCS19-0646386RISK FACTORS COMPREHENSIVE GERIATRICASSESSMENT FOR EARLY DEATH IN ELDERLY PATIENTSWITH GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER.A PROSPECTIVECOHORT STUDY1J Sales*,2C Azevedo,2C santos,3L sales,4M Bezerra,5G Bezerra,4Z cavalcanti,6MJ Mello.1IMIP,Geriatric Oncology,Recife,Brazil;2IMIP,Oncology,Recife,Brazil;3FPS,Medical Course,Recife,Brazil;4IMIP,geriatric,Recife,Brazil;5HMV,oncology,caruaru,Brazil;6IMIP,post graduation,Recife,Brazil10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.386Objectives T o determine risk factors for early death identifiedthe Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment(CGA)in elderly patients with gynecological cancer(EPGC).Methods Prospective cohort study.Participants with a recent diagnosis of cancer were from eight community hospitals andone cancer center in Northeast Brazil and were recruited dur-ing their first medical appointment at the outpatient oncologic clinic.A basal CGA was done before the treatment decision (ADL,Charlson Comorbidity Index-CCI,Karnofsky Perform-ance status–KPS,GDS15,IPAQ,MMSE,MNA,MNA-SF,PS,PPS,Polipharmacy,TUG).During the follow up of12 months,information about the treatments performed,the tar-geted interventions and early death was collected.Overall sur-vival was estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method,and survival curves were compared using the Log rank test for cat-egorical variables.A multivariate Cox proportional hazardsmodel was used.Results From2015–2017,84EPGC,mean age69,6±7,9;range60–96),were enrolled,25%were metastatic disease.tumor site:40,4%cervical uterine,36,9%endometrial,20,2%ovary and2,3vulva.Nine(10.7%)ECP died in less than12 months of follow-up.In our multivariate model,controlled byage,site of cancer and cancer stage,the remaining significantrisk factors were malnutrition/nonutrition determined byMNA-SF(HR3.70,95%CI1.81–5.99,p<0.001),Katz index(HR 3.60,CI 1.56–3.81,p<0.001)CCI>2(HR2,74,CI1.0.74–10.20,p=0.013)and Polipharmacy(HR2.65,CI0.71–9.81,p<0.001).Conclusions The CGA at admission identified risk factors (Nutritional risk,polypharmacy,functionality for Katz indexand comorbidity index)for premature death in EPGC.They can help to plan a personalized care. on December 24, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright./ Int J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2019-IGCS.384 on 18 September 2019. Downloaded from。



DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSThe MRF173/CQ is a RF MOSFET power N–channel en-hancement mode field–effect transistor (FET) designed for VHF power amplifier applications. Motorola’s RF MOSFETs feature a vertical structure with a planar design, thus avoid-ing the processing difficulties associated with V–groove pow-er FETs.Motorola Application Note AN211A, FETs in Theory and Practice, is suggested reading for those not familiar with the construction and characteristics of FETs.The major advantages of RF power FETs include high gain, low noise, simple bias systems, relative immunity from thermal runaway, and the ability to withstand severely mis-matched loads without suffering damage. Power output can be varied over a wide range with a low power dc control sig-nal, thus facilitating manual gain control, ALC and modula-tion.DC BIASThe MRF173/CQ is an enhancement mode FET and, therefore, does not conduct when drain voltage is ap-plied. Drain current flows when a positive voltage is ap-plied to the gate. See Figure 9 for a typical plot of drain current versus gate voltage. RF power FETs require for-ward bias for optimum performance. The value of quies-c e n t d r a i n c u r r e n t (I D Q) i s n o t c r i t i c a l f o r m a n y applications. The MRF173/CQ was characterized at I DQ = 50mA, which is the suggested minimum value of I DQ. For special applications such as linear amplification, I DQ may have to be selected to optimize the critical parameters.The gate is a dc open circuit and draws no current. There-fore, the gate bias circuit may generally be just a simple re-sistive divider network. Some special applications may require a more elaborate bias system.GAIN CONTROLPower output of the MRF173/CQ may be controlled from its rated value down to zero (negative gain) by varying the dc gate voltage. This feature facilitates the design of manual gain control, AGC/ALC and modulation systems. (see Figure 8.) AMPLIFIER DESIGNImpedance matching networks similar to those used with bipolar VHF transistors are suitable for MRF173/CQ. See Motorola Application Note AN721, Impedance Matching Networks Applied to RF Power Transistors. The higher input impedance of RF MOSFETs helps ease the task of broad-band network design. Both small–signal scattering parame-ters and large–signal impedances are provided. While the s–parameters will not produce an exact design solution for high power operation, they do yield a good first approxima-tion. This is an additional advantage of RF MOS power FETs.5MRF173 MRF173CQMOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA7MRF173 MRF173CQMOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA。

飞利浦 阿兹瑞恩 7 型影像导引治疗系统 产品宣传册说明书

飞利浦 阿兹瑞恩 7 型影像导引治疗系统 产品宣传册说明书

With Azurion, performance and superior care become oneAzurion 7Image Guided Therapy System17% reduction of procedure time with Philips Azurion at St. Antonius Hospital.1The ability to treat one more patient per day today, or in the futureAzurion enables you to provide superior careAzurion helps you optimize your lab performanceAn easy-to-use platform supports you in quickly and easily performing diverse proceduresThis is exemplified by our Image Guided Therapy System - Azurion 7. It allows you to easily and confidently perform a wide range of routine and complex procedures with a unique user experience, helping you optimize your lab performance and provide superior care. Azurion is powered by ConnectOS, a real-time multi-workspot technology designed specifically for the Azurion image guided therapy platform.As the interventional space evolves, we continue to integrate essential lab systems and tools onto the Azurion platform for a better user experience. The Azurion integrated lab offers a seamless user experience that gives you control of all compatible applications from a single touch screen at table side, to help make fast and informed decisions without breaking sterility.With Azurion’s industry leading image guided therapy platform, we reinforce our commitment to you and your patients. Our goal is to help you effectively meet today’s challenges so that you are ready for the future.Treating patients. It’s what you do.You strive every day to provide the best patient care, quickly and reliably, no matter which procedure you are performing.So try to imagine an increased number of procedures, for more patients, carried out consistently and efficiently with fewerpreparation errors. Workflow can be optimized and performed on an intuitive platform designed to make your day a lot easier.“ I t (Azurion) profited from the experienceprovided by the users and it’s for sure something which is incredible easy to use.”Prof. Laurent Spelle, Hospital Bicetre AP-HP, Paris, FranceFull control at table side to enhance decision making You can now control all compatible applications in the interventional lab via the central touch screen module and FlexVision Pro. Not only does this improve workflow within the exam room, it helps reduce the need for team members to leave the sterile area and walk to the control room during procedures. This can save time and help avoid delays.Gain advanced physiologic guidance to help improve treatment outcomesYou can access IntraSight, a comprehensive suite of clinically proven 2-6 imaging, physiology and co-registration 7 tools, via the central touch screen module. These tools allow you to go beyond the angiogram and complete your view of the target vessel, to help you make fast, informed clinical decisions.Azurion with FlexArm – more independent control for physiciansThe FlexArm option further evolves Azurion’s table side control with the intuitive Axsys controller to make procedures flow naturally and easily. When changes or complications occur, the physician can quickly and easily take action. This can also reduce the need to move in and out of the sterile field during a procedure.Designed around you and your procedureAll Azurion systems and interventional tools use the same standardized user interface to support training. Use has been further simplified through a sophisticated help function. You can access digital user guides with one click for on-the-spot assistance. Clear and simple to useOn screen, information clearly stands out against the distinctive black background where active applications are highlighted. Backlit icons and distinctly shaped buttons on the Control Module promote intuitive operation. All controls are designed for easy cleaning to meet stringent sterility requirements. Less clutter and faster workflowWith the Azurion integrated lab, controlling allcompatible applications at the touch screen module can reduce extra interfaces and controls table side. The FlexSpot works according to the same principle. It gives you access to all compatible applications in one compact, customizable workplace that can be placed in the control room or exam room where needed.Save time by setting the display to re-arrange and re-size as applications are opened and closed.At Philips, we are guided by you. With Azurion, we’ve brought the userexperience and simplicity of touch screen controls right where it’s needed to make a difference to lab workflow.Outstanding user experienceFlexSpot Touch screen module ProFlexVision Pro“ T he new integrated system saves us time, because we can control all applications via one user interface.”Dr. med. Peter Ong, Robert Bosch Hospital, Stuttgart, Germany.With Azurion we help you to optimize your lab performanceAzurion’s integrated approach can help you achieve measurable improvements in throughput, cost reduction and staff satisfaction.Do more at table sideWith our enhanced touch screen module, you will experience simpler, smoother procedures, based on familiar tablet interactions. For example, you can now easily mark relevant details on 2D images on the touch screen with your fingertip.Azurion allows you to run an entire case without breaking sterilityThe touch screen module offers total control within the sterile field. Run an entire case table side as you quickly diagnose, navigate, annotate and measure to your exact specifications, even when wearing gloves and under a sterile drape. Table side control saves you from having to go to the control room to access applications.Save time through Instant Parallel WorkingThe Azurion 7 image guided therapy system has been specifically designed to save time by enabling interventional team members to do two tasks at the same time in the exam room and control room - without interrupting each other. As an example, while fluoroscopy/exposure is taking place, a technologist in the control room can instantly review previous images from the same patient, prepare the next exam or finish reporting on another patient. This leads to higher throughput and faster exam turnover without compromising quality of care.Simplify workflowEnter patient information once and it is automatically transferred to connected applications to reduce data entry errors. To save time, IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 8 and IntelliSpace Portal launch automatically with the specific patient on the exam room monitor.Azurion’s full system automatic position control (APC) gives you more flexibility to recall the stored position of the C-arm, table and other parameters for a particular image to simplify positioning.Imagine an easier work dayYou can combine different user centric workspots (FlexVision Pro, FlexSpot and touch screen modules) to view, control and run applications where and when needed. At these workspots you can co-register 9 iFR or IVUS data with the angiogram, so you have the tools in hand to manage procedure quality and patient care. Together these flexible workspots allow you to customize your workflow to boost efficiency.Safeguard clinical performance and enhance lab security over time with Windows 10 platform The standard Windows 10 platform can help support compliance with the latest security and standards to protect patient data. It can also accommodate new software options to extend your system’s clinical relevance over time.Clinical demands are getting more specific. So are we. Our clinical suites are tailored to meet your specific challenges, while offering you the flexibility to carry out procedures in the easiest, most efficient way.We have a flexible portfolio of integrated technologies and services to support the full interventional spectrum. We also offer Hybrid OR solutions that create an innovative care environment for performing open and minimally invasive surgical procedures.Simplified set-up and operationThe Azurion 7 uses a range of ProcedureCards to help optimize and standardize system set-up for all your cases. The system will automatically select the appropriate ProcedureCard(s) based on the (CIS/RIS/HIS) code of the scheduled procedure from the information system. ProcedureCards can increase the consistency of exams by offering presets (e.g. most-frequently used, default protocols and user-specified settings) on the procedure, physician or department level.In addition, hospital checklists and/or protocols can be uploaded into the ProcedureCards to help safeguard the consistency of interventional procedures and reduce preparation errors.Enhance patient care with continuous monitoring The Philips Interventional Hemodynamic System is integrated with the IntelliVue X3 patient monitor, allowing continuous patient monitoring throughout procedures in the interventional workflow. There isno need to change cables, minimizing disruption to vulnerable patients and giving you more time to focus on them. Continuous patient monitoring also results in a gap-free patient record.Increase clinical confidence with 3D imagingThe clinical application software SmartCT enriches our exceptional 3D interventional tools for interventional procedures with step-by-step guidance that is designed to remove the barriers to acquiring 3D images in the interventional lab.Easily control advanced 3D visualization and measurements at table side on the touch screen module. Studies have shown that 3D CT-like imaging can enhance diagnostic accuracy 9,10,11 and support improved patient outcomes.Azurion enables you to provide superior careAs patient volumes rise and procedures become more complex, how do you maintain high standards of quality and safety in your healthcare facility?Clinical suites “ W e always stay in the angio suite because the ease of use has really improved and now we can control everything from the side of the patient in the angio lab itself.”Prof. Vincent Costalat, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier, FranceHigh quality images at low X-ray doseOur ClarityIQ imaging technology provides significantly lower dose across clinical areas, patients, and operators.12 In routine coronary procedures13, ClarityIQ technology reduces patient dose by 67% without affecting procedural performance while maintaining equivalent image quality, compared to a system without ClarityIQ.14,15 In interventional Neuro procedures, ClarityIQ technology reduces patient dose by 65%, compared to a system without ClarityIQ.16 Managing dose efficientlyDoseWise is integrated across the Philips image-guided therapy Azurion portfolio. DoseWise consists of a comprehensive range of radiation dose management tools, training, and integrated product technologies that aim to help you take control over patient care, staff safety, and regulatory compliance. Another feature is the Zero Dose Positioning function. It lets you pan the table, change table height or field-of-view on your Last Image Hold (LIH) image. This enables positioning without the use of radiation on previously recorded last image.Managing dose across your organizationPhilips DoseAware provides real-time feedback in the exam room It displays the invisible nature of radiation in real time, so that you and your staff can see it promptly, easily and simply – and rapidly understand the effect of behavior changes and work patterns.DoseAware Xtend is a dedicated solution for treatment rooms that builds on the capabilities of DoseAware and interfaces seamlessly with the Azurion image-guided therapy system. Thanks to this seamless integration, DoseAware Xtend can provide live individual dose rates (live screen) during procedures, and summarized procedure doses (review screen). It also reminds staffto better protect themselves by providing a warning symbol when the lead protection screen is not being used properly.Perform standardized quality assurance verifications in just 5 minutes17To make it easier for you to routinely perform consistent verification tests of radiation dose and image quality, only Philips offers the User Quality Control Mode (UQCM) tool on its Azurion system.With this option, you can independently verify and audit the radiation and image quality related factors of your Azurion system in a standardized way in just5 minutes, as well as carry out a range of validation and quality assurance tests.High standards of safety and low radiation exposureAs you look for new radiation dose management strategies to continue to enhance patient and staff safety, while maintaining and enhancing yourlevel of care, we can support you in meeting your goals.Azurion – a comprehensive image guided therapy platformThe Azurion 7 integrated lab brings together a range of sophisticated interventional tools, including clinically proven 2-6 imaging and physiology tools, advancedhemodynamic measurements and cardiac informatics to support clinical excellence during procedures.Azurion 7 C/F12With its 12" Flat Detector, the 7 Series provides high-resolution imaging over a large field-of-view with flexible projection capabilities, making it ideal for cardiac interventions. The entire coronary tree can be visualized in a single view with minimal table panning.Azurion 7 C/F20Enhance visibility for diverse cardiac and vascular procedures with the excellent image quality and broad coverage of the next generation 20" Flat Detector. This system supports head-to-toe imaging and patient access from all sides.Azurion 7 C20 with FlexArmCreate a Hybrid OR that provides unlimited imaging flexibility for diverse procedures and exceptional positioning freedom for medical teams with the Azurion 7 and the next generation 20" Flat Detector, combined with the ceiling-mounted FlexArm option. You get a highly cost-effective environment that is ready for the procedures of the future.Azurion 7 C20 with FlexMoveMove to a Hybrid OR with confidence, with the Azurion 7 and the next generation 20" Flat Detector, combined with the ceiling-mounted FlexMove option. FlexMove offers exceptional workflow flexibility to perform open and minimally invasive procedures in the same room.Azurion 7 B12/12The Azurion 7 biplane system with two 12" Flat Detectors provides high-resolution imaging and positioning flexibility to reveal critical anatomical information during congenital heart and electrophysiology procedures.Azurion 7 B20/12The Azurion 7 biplane system with a 20” and 12” Flat Detector provides exceptional clarity of detail and navigational precision to support a wide range of challenging cardiac and vascular interventions.Azurion 7 B20/15Enhance insight and certainty during neuro interventions with the Azurion 7 biplane system. It pairs a 20" frontal with a 15" lateral detector.information,pleasecontactyoursalesrepresentativeorsendanemailto:***************************High productivity combined with low cost of ownershipWith Philips, you get the best service performance which enables you totreat more patients, and professional support to help you deliver cost-efficient care.Best service performance18 enables you to treatmore patients19Staying on top of today’s complex healthcareenvironment is challenging enough without aconstant concern of keeping your systems up andrunning smoothly. With Philips, your operationsare protected by the best overall service engineerperformance for imaging systems according to IMVServiceTrak for 5 years in a row. Philips remotelyconnected systems provide 135 more hours ofoperational availability per year, enabling you totreat more patients.Professional support helps you delivercost-efficient careTo help you fully leverage your financial,technological and staffing resources and realizea high return on your investment, we offerprofessional support through our experiencednetwork of over 7,000 field service engineers, aswell as a flexible service offering that includes:• Innovative financing solutions tailored to meetthe needs of healthcare organizations• A broad range of healthcare consulting programsto help your organization further enhance theefficiency and efficacy of your care deliveryprocess• Philips Healthcare Education can help unlockthe full potential of your staff, technology andorganization to meet new challenges throughinnovative, meaningful and evidence-basedhealthcare education.Cost-effectively manage future upgrades withthe Technology Maximizer programTechnology Maximizer is a program that runs intandem with your Philips Service Agreement.20When you opt into the program, you receivethe latest available software and hardware21technology releases for a fraction of the cost ofpurchasing them individually. The TechnologyMaximizer Plus allows you to further tailorupgrades to reduce costs. No need to wait forbudget approval.No need to buy individual upgrades. Just a cost-effective way to manage ongoing technologyupgrades through your operational budget.Doing business responsibly and sustainablyWhen you choose Philips, you are choosing apartner committed to meet sustainability andcircular economy ambitions. As a leading healthtechnology company, our purpose is to improvepeople’s health and well-being through meaningfulinnovation, positively impacting 2.5 billion lives peryear by 2030.The Azurion is the result of our EcoDesign processand offers significant environmental improvements:• 100% product take-back after customers’acceptance of our trade-in offer.• 100% repurposing of the equipment that isreturned to Philips• Up to 90% of material weight is reused duringrefurbishing, depending on type and age ofproduct• At least 10% lower energy consumption over totalproduct life usage22Read more about our Environmental, Social andCorporate Governance (ESG) commitments here:https:///a-w/about/sustainability.html135 more hours of operational availability on average, per year,enabling you to treat more patients.19Philips remotely connected systems provide1.**********************。



各品牌 1.5 磁共振配置和功能对照表品牌GE Signa HDe 1.5T 新一代 ECO 磁共振1 1.5T Hde 磁体有主机系统Achieva 扫描工具包2 1.5T Hde Eco 梯度系统有3Hde 射频系统有Achieva 1.5T 前导安装部件4Hde 计算机系统有51.5T Hde 超大规模集成化有〔 VISI 〕设计6DICOM 和网络连接有7病人承载床有8自动语音提示有9病人酣畅设计有10氧含量显示仪有11宽屏高分辨液晶显示器有12英语操作键盘有13宽大型操作台有14磁共振操作椅有15DVD 可擦写光驱有16标准 Tim 表面线圈17标准 Tim 临床应用软件包18新沟通 MR软件19集成于主机的内置式工作站1神经成像功能包2骨关节成像功能包3血管成像功能包4体部成像功能包5乳腺成像功能包6肿瘤成像功能包7心脏成像功能包8儿科成像功能包1制冷系统有2电力稳压器有机房隶属设备及附件临床应用线圈3硬件降噪装置有4可垂直搬动悬浮式病人检查床5软件使用同意证6病人监察系统7主计算机英文键盘8MR 工作台整理箱9MR 操作台10无线触发生理监测系统11机架前盖12电缆组13液氦水平: 30~70%14RF 障蔽适配器15计算机 UPS 电缆16计算机系统 UPS1正交发射接收头线圈有2正交发射接收体线圈有3多功能通用娇嫩线圈有4双侧成像相控阵硬件有5 3 英寸通用环形线圈 2 个有6颞颌关节成像组件有7Hde 体部专用相控战线圈有8SENSE 相控阵灵便 M 线圈HDE 全脊柱相控战线圈( 选有件〕9并行采集脊柱线圈10SENSE 体部线圈〔属飞利浦高级线圈选件〕16 通道 SENSE 神经血管线圈11〔属飞利浦高级线圈选件〕1三平面双斜位的两维三维定位有快速优化的两维快速梯度回波2、三维增强的快速梯度回波、有平面回波成像、和快速自旋回波3两维标准的多层面成像有4多层面成像及连续成像有5直接的横轴位,矢状、冠状、有斜位及双斜位成像6三平面定位序列有7反转恢复序列有8连续和非连续采集有9两维 / 三维自旋回波序列有10 1 个、 2 个或 4 个对称回波序列有11两个非对称回波序列有12标准的,经典的或周边的层面有选择高级扫描工具13两维连续的梯度回波有14两维和三维的多平面梯度重聚有15一个或两个回波有16两维 / 三维扰相的梯度回波有17两维 / 三维的快速自旋回波有18流体控制反转恢复快速自旋回有波19单次激发快速自旋回波和 512有ZIP 的层面内模式及层间模式20两维 / 三维的快速回波 FGRE有21倾斜采集能力有22SPECIAL 脂肪控制法有23三维表面重建有24平面回波成像〔单次激发和多有次激发模式〕25流体控制反转恢复有26两维 / 三维时间的快速扰相的有梯度回波 FSPGR271024ZIP 重建有28FLAIR EPI 平面成像有29两维 / 三维时间飞驰法磁共振有血管造影30增强的三维时间飞驰法成像及有ZIP 重建31两维快速门控的时间飞驰法及有倾斜成像32TOP 斜坡射频励时飞法磁共振有血管成像33两维 / 三维相位对照法磁共振有血管成像34两维相位对照血管成像35心电补偿的梯度回波 / 快速梯有度回波36心电门控有37全 R-R 间期的心脏电影成像有38两维电影相位对照法磁共振血有管造影39呼吸触发的快速自旋回波有高级扫描工具40流动补偿有41呼吸补偿有42外周门控有43图解指令有头部成像临床应用软件体部成像临床应用软件心脏成像临床应用软件骨关节成像临床应高级临床用软件应用软件血管造影MRA 临床应用软件其他 GE独到高级临床应用软件高级打破高级打破性临床应性临床应用技术用技术〔科研版〕44直接饱和〔在扫描野外,扫描有野内或连续饱和〕45图解的饱和〔扫描野内用光标有倾斜放置饱和带〕46去相位卷折有47脂肪 / 水饱和〔频谱的化学饱有和〕48可变采样带宽有49图像亮度校正有50动向范围扩展有51相位和频率偏移有52不对称扫描野有53方形像素有54交互式血管成像办理 MRA 的数有据55Clariviewl 图像有56交互式扫描平面控制有1高级弥散成像软件包有2高级脑弥散灌注解析软件包有3指数化显然弥散系数图有1腹部优化成像软件包有2水成像软件包有3腹部多期动向三维成像有1高级心脏成像专用序列软件包有2心肌标记成像有3两维快速稳态进动成像电影有1骨关节成像软件包有2脊柱成像优化软件包有1椭圆中心相位编码法血管成像有2智能化造影剂追踪血管造影技有术3自动步进移床全下肢血管造影有4超短 TR TE快速成像有1T1 加权自由水控制成像功能有2 3 维成像快速进动成像有3最新三维快速进动成像有4空间并行采集成像技术有5体部脂肪控制 FIESTA 成像有1ECO 最新类 PET 成像技术有1PROPELLER ECO 硬件系统有高级打破2PROPELLER防运动伪影技术有PROPELLER去磁敏感伪影技高级打破3有性临床应术性临床应用技术1ECO 最新腹部成像技术有用技术〔选件〕2透视追踪造影剂触发血管成像有3增强型实时交互成像有弥散成像软件包高级神经功能包高分辨率 T2 加权容积成像飞利浦高级神经及骨镜像扫描〔飞利浦独有〕关节系统配置抽点打印成像生理运动伪影控制技“风车〞技术: K 空间校正生理运动多回波梯度回波技术静脉血氧水平依赖成像透视追踪触发成像飞利浦高级血管成像流体定量解析配置自动无逢拼接技术非造影剂增强高对照血管成像技术飞利浦高级心脏成像心脏功能检查配置向量心电图飞利浦高级体部成像匙孔成像配置各向同性高分辨率T1 快速容积成像飞利浦高级体部成像双侧多容积快速乳腺成像技术配置增强型各向同性高分辨率 T1 快速容飞利浦高级先进临床高级 SENSE 并行采集功能包〔飞利背景控制弥散成像应用配置智能扫描〔飞利浦独有〕乳腺成像支持系统前瞻性运动伪影校正技术平衡法非造影剂增强高对照血管成自由矩阵选择技术〔飞利浦独有〕飞利浦临床应用软件腹部自由呼吸软件PRESTO 〔短 TR ,长 TE ,短时间完〔选件〕非对称性 TSE 成像序列〔飞利浦独一次进床全身成像磁共振控制中心工作站磁共振控制中心工作站〔含容积成磁共振控制中心工作站扩展软件包超短磁体技术西门子五大先进硬件TIM 技术零液氦耗资技术技术TUREFORM 适形技术主动式水冷系统西门子五大先进图像自动拼接软件包软件技术实时在线弥散成像软件包神经系统灌注议论软件包SWI 磁敏感加权成像“刀锋〞去伪影技术T磁共振进口产品技术规格和配置置和功能对照表飞利浦西门子 MAGNETHP ESSENZA 1.5T 磁共振Achieva 1.5T 磁体TrueForm磁系通通Achieva 1.5T PusarTrueForm梯度系统HP+高性能梯度系统全景矩阵成像 TIM 技术单轴梯度声强:mT/m,切换率:122mT/m/msRapidViem 高速阵列办理器16 通道、 3MHz 带宽TrueForm数字射频系FreeWave 数字化射统频系统有共同性网络链接有有有有有有有有有有有有Achieva 1.5T 冷水机主冷却系统组〔属第三方产品〕标准风扇装置有有有有有有有有有有有有属西门子第三方产品SENSE 头颈联合线圈高分辨率正交体线圈C1多功能柔性线圈体部矩战线圈〔属西门子高级配置〕有有有有自动移床血管造影〔属飞利浦高级血管成像配置〕有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有有西门子高级配置西门子高级配置西门子高级配置西门子高级配置西门子高。

M7 VHF数据传输器说明书

M7 VHF数据传输器说明书

The M7 VHF data transceiver is a rugged ½ - 5 wattVHF data radio modem with an RS-232 or optional422/485 serial interface, perfect for SCADA andtelemetry applications. Additional options includeIP65-rated (“weatherproof”) enclosure and/or GPS.Product O verviewLong-Range OperationOperating in the VHF 136-155MHz frequency band (other bands available), the RV-M7-VA radio modem works over 60 miles point-to-point and many miles with omni-directional antennas. All RV-M7 modems support store-and-forward repeating for wide-area coverage.Fast PollingThe M7 transceiver has a 5mS PLL in it, making it one of the fastest telemetry radios available, especially well suited for polled, DNP and MODBUS applications. Its can send up to 50 transmissions per second.High Speed and High EfficiencyThe RV-M7 operates with user-selectable over-the air data rates of 800 to 19200bps. Faster rates for higher efficiency or lower-speed for increased communication range.GPS OptionThe optional internal GPS allows the RV-M7 to be a powerful Automatic Vehicle Locating (AVL) system or Time Space Position Information (TSPI) reporting device.Fully ProgrammableIt is configured with a serial connection using industry-standard AT commands. Parameters such as network IDs, unit ID and transmission rate are easily configured. The M7 is easily configured through the included PC program “Radio Manager”. Digital Base BandData rate, modulation, and IF bandwidth are digitally programmed. Wide (25kHz) and Narrow (12.5kH) IF bandwidths may be user-configured. The over-the-air data rate may be adjusted to suit a particular application.Real-time diagnostics and statisticsChannel performance, RSSI, RF power, packet counters, and radio configuration are easily accessed via the serial port or remotely over-the-air.Very Low Power ConsumptionThe advanced VHF transceiver is integrated with a 32-bit microprocessor-based modem in one easy-to mount package. It has very low power consumption, and sleep modes that allow it to be active and consume a minimum amount of resources.Rugged and “Weatherproof”The RV-M7 is available with optional IP65-rated “weatherproof”connections and enclosure. All models include protection against damage from over-temperature, high VSWR, and reverse voltage.Flexible Addressing and Error CorrectionThe RV-M7 uses a 16 bit address with a 16 bit network mask, allowing for many devices to be co-located without receiving each other, as well as the creation of sophisticated network topologies.For More InformationFor more information about this or any other Raveon product, call in the U.S.A. 1-760-444-5995.RV-M7-V ATechnical Specifications are subject to change without notice.Raveon Technologies Corporation2461 Impala DriveCarlsbad, CA 92010Copyright Raveon Technologies Corp, 2012Phone: +1-760-444-5995All rights reservedFax: +1-760-444-5997Email:****************Version C3. Printed in the USAGeneral SpecificationsModel:RV-M7-Vx-oo (x=band) (oo=options) RV-M7-VM (MURS model) Size: 4.60” X 2.60” X .956 (11.7cm X 6.6cm X 2.43cm) Weight:6 ozInput Voltage: 10 – 16 VDC Current draw:Receiving data: <65mA (55mA typ. at 12VDC)Transmitting data: (1.8A @ 5w, 1.1A @ 2W typical) Frequency Band:Band Frequency A 136-155MHz Available Frequencies: B 150-174MHz SRS-M7-VBMURS 5 MURS chan. SRS-M7-VM Serial Port Baud Rates (programmable)1.2k,2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, 115.2k Over-the-air baud rates (programmable) Narrow IF: 800, 1200, 2000, 2400, 4.8k, 5142, 8K, 9.6kWide IF: 1200, 2000, 2400, 4.8k, 8k, 9.6k, 19.2k Operating ModeSimplex or Half-duplex Full Spec Operating Temperature range -30°C to +60°CTX-RX and RX-TX turn-around time <5mS Wake-up time<500mS from OFF <5mS from Sleep Front Panel LEDsPower , Status (Carr Det, TX, mode…) RF I/O ConnectorBNC (Female) Power CableRaveon P/N: RT-CB-H1 AddressingIndividual address: 65,536 Groups: 254Transmitter SpecificationsRF Power Output 500mW – 5.0 W programmable (2W max for MURS model)Maximum Duty Cycle 100% @ 2W to 40C, 25% @5W (100% w/ optional heatsink) Frequency Deviation± 2.2kHz (N) ± 3.3kHz (W)RF BandwidthFull-band without tuning Occupied bandwidth 11 kHz (-N) 16kHz(-W)TX Spurious outputs < -70dBc TX Harmonic outputs < -80dBc Occupied BandwidthPer FCCFCC Emissions Designator 11K0F1D (narrowband mode) 15K0F1D (wideband mode) Frequency Stability Better than ±2.5ppmReceiver SpecificationsRX sensitivity (1% PER, N) ................... 9600bps < -108dBm4800bps < -114dB 1200bps < -118dBRF No-tune bandwidth ......................... Full-band without tuning Adjacent Channel Selectivity ................ -70dB (1200bps Wide) Adjacent Channel Selectivity ................ -65dB (1200bps Narrow) Adjacent Channel Selectivity ................ -60dB (4800bps Narrow) Alternate Channel Selectivity ............... -70dB Blocking and spurious rejection ........... -80dBRX intermodulation rejection ............... -75dB (4800bps Narrow) RX intermodulation rejection ............... -80dB (1200bps Narrow)Interface SpecificationsSerial Interface PortConnector Type DB-9IO Voltage Levels RS-232, RS-485, RS-422(user selectable) Word length7 or 8 bits, N, O, or E Modem handshake signalsRTS, CTS, CDAT Commands OverviewChannel Number, Operating Frequency, IF bandwidth Modem StatisticsPower-savings modesUnit Address and Destination address Network Address Mask ARQ error correction on/off Baud Rate, parity, stop bitsSelect Packet or Streaming mode of data transmission Store-and-forward Repeating configurationHardware flow control operation LEDs operation or disabledFor a complete feature list see the technical manual here:/support.html。



摩根碳刷参数摩根工业及牵引电机用电刷性能简介:Grade电阻率抗折强度肖氏硬度体积密度接触压降摩擦系数额定电流密度允许圆周速度主要用途CE7DE7 55 35 92 1.80 2.50 0.15 15.5 51适用于机车牵引电机和矿用牵引电机。

T900 51 31 72 1.68 1.70 0.22 12.5 41特别适用于低湿度和高湿条件下的牵引电机。

G159W 30 30 50 1.60 3.00 0.15 12 51适用于电压调整器ME778 55 17.5 70 1.83 2.30 0.14 15 51换向性能好,广泛应用于电力机车和轻轨牵引电机NATURE GRAPHITE(天然石墨)634 18 5.2 20 1.28 2.50 0.29 10 81具有优异的集电性能,适用于高速汽轮发电机滑环。

RESIN-BONDED(树脂石墨)IM9101 102 50 39 1.85 3.10 0.05 8 30适用于轻负荷和轻度污染场合IM31 270 20.5 38 1.70 3.60 0.10 10 35接触压降高,适用于三相交流整流子电机METAL-GRAPHITE(金属石墨)CM1S 0.32 68 9 5.50 0.24 0.11 23 30金属含量高,适用于接地装置和电镀生产线。

CM3H 0.20 27 10 4.30 0.52 0.10 16 25适用于集电环电机,也可用于12V以下直流电机。

CM5H 0.35 23 15 3.90 0.86 0.09 14 30适用于40V以下直流电机和交流电机集电环。

CM5B 0.90 33 20 3.50 1.00 0.09 14 30类似于CM5H,换向性能好,适用于40v 以下直流电机和交流电机集电环CM9 3.00 29 25 2.80 1.16 0.11 11 35适用60V以下直流发电机,电动机和交流电机集电环。

SM3 2.05 16.5 29 2.50 0.90 0.15 15 20银石墨电刷,适用于测速电机和微型电机。

pn7719 规格书

pn7719 规格书

pn7719 规格书PN7719是一份规格书,它是针对某个产品、设备、系统或服务的详细说明和要求的文件。







三、主要技术指标1.输入电压范围:XXX(具体范围)2.输出电压范围:XXX(具体范围)3.输出电流范围:XXX(具体范围)4.工作温度范围:XXX(具体范围)5.工作湿度范围:XXX(具体范围)6.功率消耗:XXX(具体数值)7.效率:XXX(具体数值)四、功能和特点1.功能一:XXX(具体功能一)2.功能二:XXX(具体功能二)3.功能三:XXX(具体功能三)4. ...五、操作方法1.步骤一:XXX(具体操作步骤一)2.步骤二:XXX(具体操作步骤二)3.步骤三:XXX(具体操作步骤三)4. ...六、安全保证1.安全特性一:XXX(具体安全特性一)2.安全特性二:XXX(具体安全特性二)3.安全特性三:XXX(具体安全特性三)4. ...七、质量保证1. PN7719符合XXX(标准名称)标准,质量可靠。




3. XXX(具体维护和保养要求)十、售后服务1.提供XXX(具体服务,如技术支持、维修等)的售后服务。




同时必须具备1.40米的Whole Body Suite全套软硬件
必须提供多通道射频发射技术True Foum。

MRF101BN和MRF101AN RF 设备数据手册说明书

MRF101BN和MRF101AN RF 设备数据手册说明书

MRF101BN MRF101ANMRF101AN MRF101BN1RF Power LDMOS TransistorsHigh Ruggedness N--ChannelEnhancement--Mode Lateral MOSFETsThese devices are designed for use in VHF/UHF communications,VHF TV broadcast and aerospaceapplications as well as industrial,scientific and medical applications.The devices are exceptionally rugged and exhibit high performance up to 250MHz.Typical Performance:V DD =50VdcFrequency (MHz)Signal TypeP out (W)G ps (dB)ηD (%)13.56CW 130CW 27.179.627CW 130CW 24.081.540.68(1)CW 120CW 23.881.550CW 115CW 23.079.581.36CW 130CW 23.280.887.5–108CW 110CW 21.377.1136–174(2,3)CW104CW 21.276.5230(4)Pulse(100μsec,20%Duty Cycle)115Peak21.176.7Load Mismatch/RuggednessFrequency (MHz)Signal TypeVSWR P in (W)Test Voltage Result 40.68CW>65:1at all Phase Angles 0.64Peak (3dB Overdrive)50No Device Degradation 230Pulse(100μsec,20%Duty Cycle)>65:1at all Phase Angles1.8Peak (3dB Overdrive)50No Device Degradation1.Measured in 40.68MHz reference circuit (page 5).2.Measured in 136–174MHz VHF broadband reference circuit (page3.The values shown are the center band performance numbers across the indicated frequency range.4.Measured in 230MHz fixture (page 13).Features ∙Mirror pinout versions (A and B)to simplify use in a push--pull,two--up configuration∙Characterized from 30to 50V ∙Suitable for linear application∙Integrated ESD protection with greater negative gate--source voltage range for improved Class C operation∙Included in NXP product longevity program with assured supply for a minimum of 15years after launchTypical Applications∙Industrial,scientific,medical (ISM)–Laser generation –Plasma etching –Particle accelerators–MRI and other medical applications–Industrial heating,welding and drying systems∙Radio and VHF TV broadcast ∙HF and VHF communications ∙Switch mode power supplies Document Number:MRF101ANRev.0,11/2018Technical Data1.8–250MHz,100W CW,50VWIDEBANDRF POWER LDMOS TRANSISTORSMRF101AN MRF101BNTO--220--3LMRF101BNTO--220--3LMRF101ANGSDDS GNote:Exposed backside of the packageand tab also serves as a source terminal for the transistor.BacksideSS2RF Device Data NXP SemiconductorsMRF101AN MRF101BN Table 1.Maximum RatingsRatingSymbol Value Unit Drain--Source Voltage V DSS –0.5,+133Vdc Gate--Source Voltage V GS –6.0,+10Vdc Operating VoltageV DD 50Vdc Storage Temperature Range T stg –65to +150︒C Case Operating Temperature Range T C –40to +150︒C Operating Junction Temperature Range (1,2)T J –40to +175︒C Total Device Dissipation @T C =25︒C Derate above 25︒CP D1820.91W W/︒CTable 2.Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristicSymbol Value (2,3)Unit Thermal Resistance,Junction to CaseCW:Case Temperature 77︒C,150W CW,50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,40.68MHz R θJC 1.1︒C/W Thermal Impedance,Junction to CasePulse:Case Temperature 73︒C,113W Peak,100μsec Pulse Width,20%Duty Cycle,50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,230MHzZ θJC0.37︒C/WTable 3.ESD Protection CharacteristicsTest MethodologyClass Human Body Model (per JS--001--2017)1B,passes 1000V Charge Device Model (per JS--002--2014)C3,passes 1200VTable 4.Electrical Characteristics (T A =25︒C unless otherwise noted)CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitOff CharacteristicsGate--Source Leakage Current (V GS =5Vdc,V DS =0Vdc)I GSS ——1μAdc Drain--Source Breakdown Voltage (V GS =0Vdc,I D =50mAdc)V (BR)DSS 133——Vdc Zero Gate Voltage Drain Leakage Current (V DS =100Vdc,V GS =0Vdc)I DSS——10μAdcOn CharacteristicsGate Threshold Voltage(V DS =10Vdc,I D =290μAdc)V GS(th) 1.7 2.2 2.7Vdc Gate Quiescent Voltage(V DS =50Vdc,I D =100mAdc)V GS(Q)— 2.5—Vdc Drain--Source On--Voltage (V GS =10Vdc,I D =1Adc)V DS(on)—0.45—Vdc Forward Transconductance (V DS =10Vdc,I D =8.8Adc)g fs—7.1—S1.Continuous use at maximum temperature will affect MTTF.2.MTTF calculator available at /RF/calculators .3.Refer to AN1955,Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers.Go to /RF and search for AN1955.(continued)MRF101AN MRF101BN3RF Device DataNXP SemiconductorsTable 4.Electrical Characteristics (T A =25︒C unless otherwise noted)(continued)CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitDynamic CharacteristicsReverse Transfer Capacitance(V DS =50Vdc ±30mV(rms)ac @1MHz,V GS =0Vdc)C rss —0.96—pF Output Capacitance(V DS =50Vdc ±30mV(rms)ac @1MHz,V GS =0Vdc)C oss —43.4—pF Input Capacitance(V DS =50Vdc,V GS =0Vdc ±30mV(rms)ac @1MHz)C iss—149—pFTypical Performance —230MHz (In NXP 230MHz Fixture,50ohm system)V DD =50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,P in =0.9W,f =230MHz,100μsec Pulse Width,20%Duty Cycle Common--Source Amplifier Output Power P out —115—W Power Gain G ps —21.1—dB Drain EfficiencyηD—76.7—%Table 5.Load Mismatch/Ruggedness (In NXP 230MHz Fixture,50ohm system)I DQ =100mAFrequency (MHz)Signal TypeVSWR P in (W)Test Voltage,V DDResult230Pulse(100μsec,20%Duty Cycle)>65:1at all Phase Angles1.8Peak (3dB Overdrive)50No Device DegradationTable 6.Ordering InformationDeviceShipping InformationPackageMRF101AN MPQ =250devices (50devices per tube,5tubes per box)TO--220--3L (Pin 1:Gate,Pin 2:Source,Pin 3:Drain)MRF101BNTO--220--3L (Pin 1:Drain,Pin 2:Source,Pin 3:Gate)4RF Device Data NXP SemiconductorsMRF101AN MRF101BNTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS1100V DS,DRAIN--SOURCE VOLTAGE(VOLTS)Figure1.Capacitance versus Drain--Source Voltage C,CAPACITANCE(pF)1010000.1MRF101AN MRF101BN5RF Device DataNXP Semiconductors40.68MHz COMPACT REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)—0.7"⨯2.0"(1.8cm ⨯5.0cm)Table 7.40.68MHz Performance (In NXP Reference Circuit,50ohm system)V DD =50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,P in =0.50W,CWFrequency (MHz)P out (W)G ps (dB)ηD (%)40.6812023.881.56RF Device Data NXP SemiconductorsMRF101AN MRF101BN 40.68MHz COMPACT REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)—0.7"⨯2.0"(1.8cm ⨯5.0cm)Figure 2.MRF101AN Compact Reference Circuit Component Layout and Assembly Example —40.68MHzFigure 3.MRF101AN Compact Reference CircuitBoardaaa--032274Table 8.MRF101AN Compact Reference Circuit Component Designations and Values —40.68MHzPartDescriptionPart NumberManufacturer B1Short RF Bead 2743019447Fair-Rite C1,C582pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E820GB12D Murata C2,C4200pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2A201GB12D Murata C333pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E330GB12D Murata C6,C7,C8,C9,C101000pF Chip Capacitor GRM2165C2A102JA01D Murata C111μF Chip Capacitor GJ821BR71H105KA12L Murata C12,C1310nF Chip Capacitor GRM21BR72A103KA01B Murata C141μF Chip Capacitor C3216X7R2A105K160AA TDK L1150nH Chip Inductor 0805WL151JT ATC L217.5nH,4Turn Inductor GA3095-ACL Coilcraft L3160nH Square Air Core Inductor 2222SQ-161JEC Coilcraft L4110nH Square Air Core Inductor 2222SQ-111JEB Coilcraft Q1RF Power LDMOS Transistor MRF101ANNXP R175Ω,1/4W Chip Resistor SG73P2ATTD75R0F KOA Speer PCBFR40.09",εr =4.8,2oz.CopperD113958MTLMRF101AN MRF101BN7RF Device DataNXP SemiconductorsTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS —40.68MHz COMPACT REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)V GS ,GATE--SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)8060P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )40 4.CW Output Power versus Gate--SourceVoltage at a Constant Input PowerP in ,INPUT POWER (WATTS)8060P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )40010012001402040.68101121f (MHz)P1dB (W)P3dB (W)Figure 5.CW Output Power versus Input PowerP out ,OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)Figure 6.Power Gain and Drain Efficiencyversus CW Output PowerG p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)25242802090705030302223262729806040201004060801001201400.5230. Device Data NXP SemiconductorsMRF101AN MRF101BN40.68MHz COMPACT REFERENCE CIRCUIT(MRF101AN)fMHzZ sourceΩZ loadΩ40.6824.0+j12.614.2–j2.5Z source=Testcircuit impedance as measured fromgate to ground.Z load=Test circuit impedance as measuredfromdrain toground.Figure7.Series Equivalent Source and Load Impedance—40.68MHzZ source Z load50Ω50ΩMRF101AN MRF101BN9RF Device DataNXP Semiconductors136–174MHz COMPACT VHF BROADBAND REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)—0.7"⨯2.0"(1.8cm ⨯5.0cm)Table 9.136–174MHz VHF Broadband Performance (In NXP Reference Circuit,50ohm system)V DD =50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,P in =0.79W,CWFrequency (MHz)P out (W)G ps (dB)ηD (%)13511721.780.015510421.276.517510721.375.4136–174MHz COMPACT VHF BROADBAND REFERENCE CIRCUIT(MRF101AN)—0.7"⨯2.0"(1.8cm⨯5.0cm)Figure8.MRF101AN Compact Reference Circuit Component Layout and Assembly Example—136–174MHzFigure9.MRF101AN Compact Reference Circuit BoardTable10.MRF101AN Compact VHF Broadband Reference Circuit Component Designations and Values—136–174MHz Part Description Part Number ManufacturerB1Short RF Bead2743019447Fair-RiteC139pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E390GB12D MurataC2,C5,C6,C7,C8,C12510pF Chip Capacitor GRM2165C2A511JA01D MurataC368pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E680GB12D MurataC427pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E270GB12D MurataC910pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E100FB12D MurataC111μF Chip Capacitor GJ821BR71H105KA12L MurataC1310nF Chip Capacitor GRM21BR72A103KA01B MurataC141μF Chip Capacitor C3216X7R2A105K160AA TDKL122nH Chip Inductor0805WL220JT ATCL212nH Chip Inductor0805WL120JT ATCL3,L4,L668nH Air Core Inductor1812SMS-68NJLC CoilcraftL512nH,3Turn Inductor GA3094-ALC CoilcraftQ1RF Power LDMOS Transistor MRF101AN NXPR175Ω,1/4W Chip Resistor SG73P2ATTD75R0F KOA SpeerPCB FR40.09",εr=4.8,2oz.Copper D113958MTLTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS —136–174MHzCOMPACT VHF BROADBAND REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)20150f,FREQUENCY (MHz)26259085807565130120ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)G p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )242322211715516016517070110P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )14514017513519100180P in,INPUT POWER (WATTS)0P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )806040200.40.61201000.20.8140 1.027202422807570G p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )20406026858025232110012014065605550ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)Figure 10.Power Gain,Drain Efficiency and CW Output Power versus Frequency at a Constant Input PowerFigure 11.CW Output Power versus Input Power and FrequencyP out ,OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)Figure 12.Power Gain and Drain Efficiency versusCW Output Power and Frequency191817454035136–174MHz COMPACT VHF BROADBAND REFERENCE CIRCUIT(MRF101AN)f MHz Z sourceΩZ loadΩ135 6.8+j10.29.5+j5.2145 6.2+j10.29.9+j5.9155 5.3+j10.810.2+j6.2165 4.4+j11.910.0+j5.9175 3.9+j13.48.8+j5.0Z source=Test circuit impedance as measured fromgate to ground.Z load=Test circuit impedance as measured fromdrain to ground.Figure13.Series Equivalent Source and Load Impedance—136–174MHzZ source Z load50Ω50Ω230MHz FIXTURE(MRF101AN)—4.0"⨯5.0"(10.2cm⨯12.7cm)aaa--031939Figure14.MRF101AN Fixture Component Layout—230MHzTable11.MRF101AN Fixture Component Designations and Values—230MHzPart Description Part Number Manufacturer B1Long Ferrite Bead2743021447Fair-RiteC1,C2,C1018pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B180JT500XT ATCC343pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B430JT500XT ATCC4,C131000pF Chip Capacitor ATC800B102JT50XT ATCC50.1μF Chip Capacitor GRM319R72A104KA01D MurataC610nF Chip Capacitor C1210C103J5GACTU KemetC7 2.2μF Chip Capacitor C3225X7R1H225K TDKC847μF,16V Tantalum Capacitor T491D476K016AT KemetC951pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B510JT500XT ATCC1116pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B160JT500XT ATCC12470pF Chip Capacitor ATC800B471JW50XT ATCC140.1μF Chip Capacitor C1812104K1RACTU KemetC15 2.2μF Chip Capacitor C3225X7R2A225K TDKC16 2.2μF Chip Capacitor HMK432B7225KM-T Taiyo YudenC17220μF,100V Electrolytic Capacitor MCGPR100V227M16X26MulticompL139nH Chip Inductor1812SMS-39NJLC CoilcraftL246nH Chip Inductor1010VS-46NME CoilcraftL317.5nH,4Turn Inductor GA3095-ALC CoilcraftR1470Ω,1/4W Chip Resistor CRCW1206470RFKEA VishayPCB Rogers AD255C,0.030",εr=2.55,2oz.Copper D113651MTLTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS —230MHz FIXTURE,T C =25_C (MRF101AN)0V GS ,GATE--SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 15.Output Power versus Gate--SourceVoltage at a Constant Input PowerP o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )P E A K755025 1.52 2.531251000.51P in ,INPUT POWER (dBm)PEAK 514943P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (d B m )P E A K4733302127245318230110128f (MHz)P1dB (W)P3dB (W)Figure 16.Output Power versus Input PowerP out ,OUTPUT POWER(WATTS)PEAKFigure 17.Power Gain and Drain Efficiency versus Output Power and Quiescent CurrentG p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)3300806040203301080706050403020P out ,OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)PEAKFigure 18.Power Gain and Drain Efficiencyversus Output PowerG p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)0P out ,OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)PEAKFigure 19.Power Gain versus Output Powerand Drain--Source Voltage20G p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )16145075100182522150451001251503003002441393715230MHz FIXTURE (MRF101AN)f MHz Z sourceΩZ load Ω2302.1+j5.95.5+j3.2Z source =Test circuitimpedance as measured fromgate to ground.Z load=Test circuit impedance asmeasured from drain toground.Figure 20.Series Equivalent Source and Load Impedance —230MHzZ source Z load50Ω50ΩPACKAGE DIMENSIONSPRODUCT DOCUMENTATION,SOFTWARE AND TOOLS Refer to the following resources to aid your design process.Application Notes∙AN1955:Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power AmplifiersEngineering Bulletins∙EB212:Using Data Sheet Impedances for RF LDMOS DevicesSoftware∙Electromigration MTTF Calculator∙RF High Power Model∙.s2p FileDevelopment Tools∙Printed Circuit BoardsTo Download Resources Specific to a Given Part Number:1.Go to /RF2.Search by part number3.Click part number link4.Choose the desired resource from the drop down menuREVISION HISTORYThe following table summarizes revisions to this document.Revision Date Description 0Nov.2018∙Initial release of data sheetRF Device DataNXP Semiconductors How to Reach Us:Home Page: Web Support:/support Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use NXP products.There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document.NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty,representation,or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose,nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit,and specifically disclaims any and all liability,including without limitation consequential or incidental damages.“Typical”parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications,and actual performance may vary over time.All operating parameters,including “typicals,”must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts.NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale,which can be found at the following address:/SalesTermsandConditions .NXP and the NXP logo are trademarks of NXP B.V.All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.E 2018NXP B.V.MRF101BN MRF101AN。

FREDFET Power MOS 7 低损耗高电压N型增强模电源MOSFET数据手册说明书

FREDFET Power MOS 7 低损耗高电压N型增强模电源MOSFET数据手册说明书

050-7040 R e v D 4-2006MAXIMUM RATINGSAll Ratings: TC = 25°C unless otherwise specified.APT10078BFLL APT10078SFLL1000V14A0.780ΩPower MOS 7®is a new generation of low loss, high voltage, N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETS. Both conduction and switchinglosses are addressed with Power MOS 7®by significantly lowering R DS(ON)and Qg . Power MOS 7®combines lower conduction and switching losses along with exceptionally fast switching speeds inherent with APT's patented metal gate structure.Characteristic / Test ConditionsDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage (V GS = 0V, I D = 250µA)Drain-Source On-State Resistance 2 (V GS = 10V, I D = 7A)Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (V DS = 1000V, V GS = 0V)Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (V DS = 800V, V GS = 0V, T C = 125°C)Gate-Source Leakage Current (V GS = ±30V, V DS = 0V)Gate Threshold Voltage (V DS = V GS , I D = 1mA)Symbol V DSS I D I DM V GS V GSM P D T J ,T STG T L I AR E AR E ASParameterDrain-Source VoltageContinuous Drain Current @ T C= 25°C Pulsed Drain Current1Gate-Source Voltage Continuous Gate-Source Voltage Transient Total Power Dissipation @ T C = 25°C Linear Derating FactorOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range Lead Temperature: 0.063" from Case for 10 Sec.Avalanche Current 1 (Repetitive and Non-Repetitive)Repetitive Avalanche Energy 1Single Pulse Avalanche Energy4UNIT Volts AmpsVolts Watts W/°C °C Amps mJSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSymbol BV DSS R DS(on)I DSS I GSS V GS(th)UNIT VoltsOhms µA nA VoltsMINTYPMAX10000.7802501000±10035APT10078BFLL_SFLL10001456±30±404033.23-55 to 15030014301300CAUTION: These Devices are Sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge. Proper Handling Procedures Should Be Followed.APT Website - •Lower Input Capacitance •Increased Power Dissipation •Lower Miller Capacitance •Easier To Drive•Lower Gate Charge, Qg3050-7040 R e v D 4-2006DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSAPT10078BFLL_SFLLSOURCE-DRAIN DIODE RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICSTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic / Test Conditions Continuous Source Current (Body Diode)Pulsed Source Current 1 (Body Diode)Diode Forward Voltage 2 (V GS = 0V, I S = I D -14A)Peak Diode Recovery dv /dt 5Reverse Recovery Time (I S = I D -14A, di /dt = 100A/µs)Reverse Recovery Charge (I S = I D -14A, di /dt = 100A/µs)Peak Recovery Current (I S = I D -14A, di /dt = 100A/µs)Symbol I S I SM V SDdv /dtt rr Q rr I RRMUNIT Amps Volts V/ns ns µC AmpsMINTYPMAX14561.318T j = 25°C 210T j = 125°C 710T j = 25°C 1.0T j = 125°C 3.6T j = 25°C 9.8T j = 125°C14Symbol R θJC R θJAMINTYPMAX0.3140UNIT °C/WCharacteristic Junction to Case Junction to AmbientSymbol C iss C oss C rss Q g Q gs Q gd t d(on)t r td(off)t f E on E off E on E off Characteristic Input Capacitance Output CapacitanceReverse Transfer Capacitance Total Gate Charge 3Gate-Source Charge Gate-Drain ("Miller") Charge Turn-on Delay Time Rise TimeTurn-off Delay Time Fall TimeTurn-on Switching Energy 6Turn-off Switching Energy Turn-on Switching Energy 6Turn-off Switching Energy Test ConditionsV GS = 0VV DS = 25V f = 1 MHz V GS = 10VV DD = 500VI D = 14A @ 25°C RESISTIVE SWITCHINGV GS = 15VV DD = 500V I D = 14A @ 25°CR G = 1.6ΩINDUCTIVE SWITCHING @ 25°CV DD = 667V V GS = 15V I D = 14A, R G = 3ΩINDUCTIVE SWITCHING @ 125°CV DD = 667V V GS = 15V I D = 14A, R G = 3ΩMIN TYP MAX 252543075951260983093557574095UNIT pFnCnsµJ1Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature2Pulse Test: Pulse width < 380 µs, Duty Cycle < 2%3See MIL-STD-750 Method 34714Starting T j = +25°C, L = 13.27mH, R G = 25Ω, Peak I L = 14A5dv /dt numbers reflect the limitations of the test circuit rather than the device itself. I S ≤ I D -14A di /dt ≤ 700A/µsV R ≤ 1000T J ≤ 150°C 6 Eon includes diode reverse recovery. See figures 18, 20.APT Reserves the right to change, without notice, the specifications and inforation contained herein.Z θJ C , T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C E (°C /W )RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (SECONDS)FIGURE 1, MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE, JUNCTION-TO-CASE vs PULSE DURATION0.350.300. R e v D 4-2006APT10078BFLL_SFLLTypical Performance CurvesR D S (O N ), D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E O N R E S I S T A N C E I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )(N O R M A L I Z E D )V G S (T H ), T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E B V D S S , D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E B R E A K D O W N R D S (O N ), D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E O N R E S I S T A N C EI D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )(N O R M A L I Z E D )V O L T A G E (N O R M A L I Z E D )V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 2, TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE MODELFIGURE 3, LOW VOLTAGE OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS V GS , GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I D , DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES)FIGURE 4, TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICSFIGURE 5, R DS (ON) vs DRAIN CURRENTT C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 6, MAXIMUM DRAIN CURRENT vs CASE TEMPERATURE FIGURE 7, BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURE T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 8, ON-RESISTANCE vs. TEMPERATURE FIGURE 9, THRESHOLD VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURE0.00295F0.0114F0.174FJunction temp. (°C)RC MODELCase temperature. (°050-7040 R e v D 4-2006V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 10, MAXIMUM SAFE OPERATING AREAFIGURE 11, CAPACITANCE vs DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGEQ g , TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC)V SD , SOURCE-TO-DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 12, GATE CHARGES vs GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGEFIGURE 13, SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGEV G S , G A T E-T O -S O U R C E V O L T A G E (V O L T S )I D, D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D R , R E V E R S E D R A I N C U R R E N T(A M P E R E S )C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )I D (A)I D (A)FIGURE 14, DELAY TIMES vs CURRENTFIGURE 15, RISE AND FALL TIMES vs CURRENT I D (A)R G , GATE RESISTANCE (Ohms)FIGURE 16, SWITCHING ENERGY vs CURRENTFIGURE 17, SWITCHING ENERGY VS. GATE RESISTANCES W I T C H I N G E N E R G Y (µJ )t d (o n ) a n d t d (o f f ) (n s )S W I T C H I N G E N E R G Y (µJ )t r a n d t f (n s )050-7040 R e v D 4-2006APT10078BFLL_SFLLAPT’s products are covered by one or more of U.S.patents 4,895,810 5,045,903 5,089,434 5,182,234 5,019,5225,262,336 6,503,786 5,256,583 4,748,103 5,283,202 5,231,474 5,434,095 5,528,058 and foreign patents. US and Foreign patents pending. All Rights Reserved.Dimensions in Millimeters and (Inches)TO -247 Package OutlineDimensions in Millimeters (Inches)and Leads are PlatedD 3PAK Package OutlineFigure 18, Turn-on Switching Waveforms and Definitions Figure 19, Turn-off Switching Waveforms and DefinitionsI C APT15DF100V CEV DD GSwitching EnergyDrain CurrentDrain VoltageGate VoltageT J125°C 10%0t d(off)90%t f90%Drain CurrentDrain VoltageGate VoltageT J 125°CSwitching Energy10%t d(on)90%5%t r5%10%。



MRF系列产品介绍(仅其中一部分)型号功能MRF581 5G 0.6WMRF181 800-1G 10WMRF182 1G 30WMRF281 800-2.6G 4WMRF282 2.6G 20WMRF284 800-2.6G 30W 带螺丝座MRF20060 1.7-2.6G 60WMRF9045 9G 45WMRF5003 520M 15WMRF5007 520M 15WMRF1517 520M 15WMRF1507 520M 15WMRF1511 175M 15WMRF1518 175M 15WMRF553 175M 1.5W33P50 520M 1W2SK2595 1G 10WMRF10005960-1215 MHz, 5.0 W, 28 V 微波功率晶体管MRF10031960-1215 MHz, 30 W (Peak), 36 V 微波功率晶体管MRF10120960-1215 MHz, 120 W (Peak), 36 V 微波功率晶体管MRF101501025-1150 MHz, 150 W (Peak), 50 V 微波功率晶体管MRF103501025-1150 MHz, 350 W (Peak), 50 V 微波功率晶体管MRF105021025-1150 MHz, 500 W (Peak), 50 V 微波功率晶体管MRF134达到400 MHz, 5.0 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF136达到400 MHz, 15 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFET MRF141175 MHz, 150 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF141G175 MHz, 300 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF148A达到175 MHz, 30 W, 50 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF150达到150 MHz, 150 W, 50 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF151175 MHz, 150 W, 50 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF151G175 MHz, 300 W, 50 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF15480 MHz, 600 W, 50 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF157达到80 MHz, 600 W, 50 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF158达到500 MHz, 2.0 W, 28 V TMOS N 宽带射频功率FETMRF160500 MHz, 4.0 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF160061.6 GHz, 6.0 W, 28 V 射频功率晶体管MRF160301.6 GHz, 30 W, 28 V RF 射频功率晶体管MRF166C500 MHz, 20 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF166W500 MHz, 40 W, 28 V TMOS N宽带射频功率FETMRF171A150 MHz, 45 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF173175 MHz, 80 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF174200 MHz, 125 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF177400 MHz, 100 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF275G100–500 MHz, 150 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF275L500 MHz, 100 W, 28 V N 宽带射频功率MOSFETMRF42630 MHz, 25 W, 28 V 射频功率晶体管NPN SiMRF587500 MHz, 15 V, NF = 3.0 dB, 高频晶体管MRFIC1818 1.7-1.9G 2WMRF183 1G 45WMRF187 800-960MHz 85WMRF7042 900MHz 45WMRF175 400MHz 200WMRF581 5G 0.6W2SK2596 800-960MHz 1.5WBFG10 25G 0.6VBFG21 18G 4.5V 0.5A 0.6WBFG403 17G 4.5V 16MA 0.3WBFG410 22G 4.5V 12MA 135MWBFG425 25G 4.5V 30MA 135MWBFG450 45G 0.2WBFG540 45G 3V 30MA 135MWBFG541 9G 0.6WBLT81 800-960M 1.2WTP3022 800-960M 15WTDA1576 ICSRF7062 800-960M 150WMHL9236 800-960M 3WMHL7008 800-960M 3WMHL9128 800-960M 3WATF10136 4G 0.4WCMM2308 800-2.7G 1WCMM1330 1.7-1.9G 2WPF0030 860-915M 7W终端负载50欧5W 3G,18G 驻波小于1.06高频电阻50欧100欧30W 100W 3G型号技术指标数量单价(US$) 型号技术指标数量单价(US$)MRF281 800-2.6G 4W 4K 10 BFG10 25G 0.6W 10K 1MRF282 800-2.6G 10W 4K 15 BFG21 18G 4.5V 0.5A 0.6W 5K 1MRF284 800-2.6G 30W 带螺丝座4K 20 BFG403 17G 4.5V 16MA 0.3W 5K 0.5 MRF20060 1.7-2.6G 60W 6K 30 BFG410 22G 4.5V 12MA 135MW 5K 0.5 MRF181 800-960M 10W 2K 10 BFG425 25G 4.5V 30MA 135MW 4K 0.5 MRF182 1G 30W 500PC 15 BFG450 45G 0.2W 1K 3MRFIC1818 1.7-1.9G 2W 2K 10 BFG540 45G 3V 30MA 135MW 2K 3MRF187 800-960M 85W 1K 30 BFG541 9G 0.6W 3K 0.5MRF7042 900M 45W 2K 15 BFG198 9G 1W 3K 0.5MRF9045 9G 45W 200PC 30 TP3022 800-960M 15W 4K 6MRF581 5G 0.6W 5K 0.5 TDA1576 IC 2K 2MRF5003 520M 15W 5K 3 SRF7062 800-960M 150W 2K 40MRF5007 520M 15W 5K 5 MHL9236 800-960M 3W 200PC 20MRF1517 520M 15W 2K 5 MHL7008 800-960M 3W 500PC 15MRF1507 520M 15W 2K 5 MHL9128 800-960M 3W 500PC 15MRF1511 175M 15W 2K 5 ATF10136 4G 0.4W 10K 1.5MRF1518 175M 15W 1K 5 CMM2308 800-2.7G 1W 10K 1.5MRF553 175M 1.5W 6K 0.5 CMM1330 1.7-1.9G 2W 5K 2MRF137 225MHz 30W 100PC 20 RF2125 1.5-2.2G 1W 1K 5MRF141 225MHZ 150W 100PC 40 PF0030 860-915M 7W 2K 2MRF151G 175MHz 300W 500PC 100 2SC1971 175MHz 7W 5K 1MRF154 150MHz 600W 500PC 200 2SC3356 6.5G 0.2W 5K 0.1MRF175G 500MHz 150W 500PC 100 2SC3357 6.5G 2W 5K 0.2MRF6404 1.8-2G 1K 10 2SC2407 500MHz 0.6W 10K 0.2BLT50 500M 1.2W 5K 0.6 2SC1906 1G 150MW 10K 0.05BLT81 400-960M 1.2W 3K 1 BLU98 5G 0.7W 5K 0.52SK2596 800-960M 1.5W 5K 0.5 33P55 800-960MHz 60W 5K 102SK2595 800-960M 10W 10K 3 E626 800-960Mhz 60W 5K 103SK228 1G 高放双栅管5K 0.15 终端负载50欧5W 3G,18G 驻波小于1.06 3K 10,100温补晶体12.8MHZ 贴片7x7M 5k 3 高频电阻50欧100欧30W 100W 3G 10k 2 MRF92822A 7W 手持对讲机/长距离无绳电话/车载台/手机专用功率发射晶体管集成电路ICMC3361 10K 0.1 HT9200 5K 0.2MC33110 5K 0.2 HT9170 5K 0.2MC34119 5K 0.1 93C66 5K 0.1LM386 5K 0.1 24C08 5K 0.2M54958 5K 1.5 EM92547 5K 0.2M64082 5K 0.5 KA4588 5K 0.1TB31202 5K 0.4 KA567 5K 0.1手机功放及常用元件型号技术指标数量单价(US$) 型号技术指标数量单价(US$)MRFIC0913 800-1000MHZ 2W 现货面议AP109 900MHZ 2W 现货面议27E31 900MHZ 2W 现货面议AP119 1800MHZ 2W 现货面议08K38 900MHZ 2W 现货面议4370451 900MHZ 2W 现货面议08K40 900MHZ 2W 现货面议4370453 1800MHZ 2W 现货面议08K07 900MHZ 2W 现货面议TRF6053 900MHZ 2W 现货面议08K11 900MHZ 2W 现货面议TRF2253 频率合成IC 现货面议PF01420B 900MHZ 2W 现货面议13MHZ 温补晶体现货面议PF01412A 1800MHZ 2W 现货面议881-942 声表滤波器现货面议PF01411B 900MHZ 2W 现货面议PF014110B 1800MHZ 2W 现货面议常用元件MRF5711 8G 0.33W 现货面议BFQ67 8G 0.3W 现货面议MRF5811 5G 0.7W 现货面议BFG540 9G 0.4W 现货面议MMBR941 8G 0.25W 现货面议BFR182W 8G 0.3W 现货面议MMBR503 1G 0.3W 现货面议BFR91 6G 0.3W 现货面议MMBR901 4G 0.3W 现货面议BU508 现货面议84UD22182EB-9C 现货面议Y759B 现货面议F741529AGHH 现货面议08122B 现货面议TWL3011GGM 现货面议089711747 现货面议LMST 现货面议LS28 现货面议。



RF Power Field Effect TransistorsN-Channel Enhancement-Mode Lateral MOSFETsDesigned for GSM and GSM EDGE base station applications with frequencies from 1800 to 2000 MHz. Can be used in Class AB and Class C for all typical cellular base station modulations.GSM Application•Typical GSM Performance: V DD = 28 Volts, I DQ = 1100 mA, P out =125Watts CW, f = 1930 MHz.Power Gain — 16.5 dB Drain Efficiency — 55%GSM EDGE Application•Typical GSM EDGE Performance: V DD = 28 Volts, I DQ = 1100 mA,P out = 57 Watts Avg., Full Frequency Band (1930-1990 MHz).Power Gain — 17 dB Drain Efficiency — 39%Spectral Regrowth @ 400 kHz Offset = -60 dBc Spectral Regrowth @ 600 kHz Offset = -74 dBc EVM — 2.6% rms•Capable of Handling 5:1 VSWR, @ 28 Vdc, 1960 MHz, 125 Watts CW Output Power•Typical P out @ 1 dB Compression Point ] 140 Watts CW Features•Characterized with Series Equivalent Large-Signal Impedance Parameters •Internally Matched for Ease of Use •Integrated ESD Protection •RoHS Compliant•In Tape and Reel. R3 Suffix = 250 Units per 56 mm, 13 inch Reel .Table 1. Maximum RatingsRatingSymbol Value Unit Drain-Source Voltage V DSS -0.5, +65Vdc Gate-Source Voltage V GS -6.0, +10Vdc Operating VoltageV DD 32, +0Vdc Storage Temperature Range T stg -65 to +150°C Case Operating Temperature T C 150°C Operating Junction Temperature (1,2)T J225°CTable 2. Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristicSymbol Value (2,3)Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Case Temperature 81°C, 125 W CW Case Temperature 81°C, 71 W CWR θJC0.310.35°C/W1.Continuous use at maximum temperature will affect MTTF.2.MTTF calculator available at /rf. Select Software & Tools/Development Tools/Calculators to access MTTF calculators by product.3.Refer to AN1955, Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers. Go to /rf. Select Documentation/Application Notes - AN1955.Document Number: MRF7S18125BHRev. 0, 11/2008Freescale Semiconductor Technical DataMRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3Table 3. ESD Protection CharacteristicsTest MethodologyClass Human Body Model (per JESD22-A114)1B (Minimum)Machine Model (per EIA/JESD22-A115) A (Minimum)Charge Device Model (per JESD22-C101)IV (Minimum)Table 4. Electrical Characteristics (T C = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitOff CharacteristicsZero Gate Voltage Drain Leakage Current (V DS = 65 Vdc, V GS = 0 Vdc)I DSS ——10μAdc Zero Gate Voltage Drain Leakage Current (V DS = 28 Vdc, V GS = 0 Vdc)I DSS ——1μAdc Gate-Source Leakage Current (V GS = 5 Vdc, V DS = 0 Vdc)I GSS——1μAdcOn CharacteristicsGate Threshold Voltage(V DS = 10 Vdc, I D = 316 μAdc)V GS(th) 1.2 1.9 2.7Vdc Gate Quiescent Voltage(V DS = 28 Vdc, I D = 1100 mAdc)V GS(Q)— 2.7—Vdc Fixture Gate Quiescent Voltage (1)(V DD = 28 Vdc, I D = 1100 mAdc, Measured in Functional Test)V GG(Q)4 5.37Vdc Drain-Source On-Voltage(V GS = 10 Vdc, I D = 3.16 Adc)V DS(on) Characteristics (1)Reverse Transfer Capacitance(V DS = 28 Vdc ± 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz, V GS = 0 Vdc)C rss — 1.15—pF Output Capacitance(V DS = 28 Vdc ± 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz, V GS = 0 Vdc)C oss —673—pF Input Capacitance(V DS = 28 Vdc, V GS = 0 Vdc ± 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz)C iss—309—pFFunctional Tests (In Freescale Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) V DD = 28 Vdc, I DQ = 1100 mA, P out = 125 W CW, f = 1930 MHzPower Gain G ps 1516.518dB Drain Efficiency ηD 5155—%Input Return LossIRL—-12-7dB1.V GG = 2 x V GS(Q). Parameter measured on Freescale Test Fixture, due to resistive divider network on the board. Refer to Test Circuit schematic.2.Part internally matched both on input and output.(continued)MRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3Table 4. Electrical Characteristics (T C = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (continued)CharacteristicSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Typical Performances (In Freescale Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) V DD = 28 Vdc, I DQ = 1100 mA, 1930-1990 MHz BandwidthP out @ 1 dB Compression PointP1dB —140—W IMD Symmetry @ 125 W PEP , P out where IMD Third Order Intermodulation ` 30 dBc(Delta IMD Third Order Intermodulation between Upper and Lower Sidebands > 2 dB)IMD sym—10—MHzVBW Resonance Point(IMD Third Order Intermodulation Inflection Point)VBW res —35—MHz Gain Flatness in 60 MHz Bandwidth @ P out = 125 W CW G F — 1.02—dB Average Deviation from Linear Phase in 60 MHz Bandwidth @ P out = 125 W CWΦ— 3.3—°Average Group Delay @ P out = 125 W CW, f = 1960 MHz Delay — 2.49—ns Part-to-Part Insertion Phase Variation @ P out = 125 W CW, f = 1960 MHz, Six Sigma Window ΔΦ— 6.7—°Gain Variation over Temperature (-30°C to +85°C)ΔG —0.016—dB/°C Output Power Variation over Temperature (-30°C to +85°C)ΔP1dB—0.01—dBm/°CTypical GSM EDGE Performances (In Freescale GSM EDGE Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) V DD = 28 Vdc, I DQ = 1100 mA, P out = 57 W Avg., 1930-1990 MHz EDGE Modulation Power Gain G ps —17—dB Drain Efficiency ηD —39—%Error Vector MagnitudeEVM — 2.6—% rms Spectral Regrowth at 400 kHz Offset SR1—-60—dBc Spectral Regrowth at 600 kHz OffsetSR2—-74—dBcMRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3Figure 1. MRF7S18125BHR3(HSR3) Test Circuit SchematicZ80.200″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z9 1.045″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z100.071″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z110.227″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z121.280″ x 0.080″ Microstrip Z13, Z140.760″ x 0.080″ MicrostripPCBTaconic TLX-8 RF35, 0.031″, εr = 2.55Z10.227″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z20.697″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z30.618″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z40.568″ x 1.000″ Microstrip Z50.092″ x 1.000″ Microstrip Z60.095″ x 1.000″ Microstrip Z70.565″ x 1.000″ MicrostripTable 5. MRF7S18125BHR3(HSR3) Test Circuit Component Designations and ValuesPartDescriptionPart NumberManufacturer C11 μF, 50 V Chip Capacitor 12065G105AT2A AVX C2, C3, C4, C5 4.7 μF, 50 V Chip CapacitorsGRM55ER71H475KA01L Murata C6220 μF, 63 V Electrolytic Chip Capacitor 2222 136 68221Vishay C7, C8, C9, C10, C11 6.8 pF Chip Capacitors ATC100B6R8BT500XT ATC C12, C131 pF Chip Capacitors ATC100B1R0BT500XT ATC C14, C15, C16, C17, C180.2 pF Chip Capacitors ATC100B0R2BT500XT ATC R1, R210 k Ω, 1/4 W Chip Resistors CRCW12061001FKEA Vishay R310 Ω, 1/4 W Chip ResistorCRCW120610R1FKEAVishayFigure 2. MRF7S18125BHR3(HSR3) Test Circuit Component LayoutMRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3MRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSP out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) CW100131817151410300Figure 5. Power Gain versus Output PowerG p s , P O W E R G A I N (d B )161000.110TWO−TONE SPACING (MHz)Figure 6. Intermodulation Distortion Productsversus Two-Tone Spacing1MRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS60P in , INPUT POWER (dBm)53515034373552363839Figure 7. Pulsed CW Output Power versusInput PowerP o u t , O U T P U T P O W E R (d B c )54555657404142433001815103020P out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) CWFigure 8. Power Gain and Drain Efficiencyversus Output PowerG p s , P O W E R G A I N (d B )17.51710040585916.51615.51514.51413.51325354550556065E V M , E R R O R V E C T O R M A G N I T U D E (% r m s )063142)P out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)20Figure 11. Spectral Regrowth at 400 kHzversus Output Power S P E C T R A L R E G R O W T H @ 400 k H z (d B c )4020060801001201401601803350P out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)20Figure 12. Spectral Regrowth at 600 kHzversus Output Power402006080100120140160180ηD , D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)MRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSP out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) AVG.500122420160101820604030010Figure 13. EVM and Drain Efficiency versusOutput PowerE V M , E R R O R V E C T O R M A G N I T U D E (% r m s )141918171615f, FREQUENCY (MHz)Figure 14. Power Gain versus FrequencyG p s , P O W E R G A I N (d B )41005025010990T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 15. MTTF versus Junction TemperatureThis above graph displays calculated MTTF in hours when the device is operated at V DD = 28 Vdc, P out = 125 W CW, and ηD = 55%.MTTF calculator available at /rf. Select Software & Tools/Development Tools/Calculators to access MTTF calculators by product.107106105110130150170190M T T F (H O U R S )2102301081930194019501960197019801990ηD , D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)MRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3GSM TEST SIGNALFigure 16. EDGE Spectrum−10−20−30−40−50−60−70−80−90−100200 kHzSpan 2 MHzCenter 1.96 GHz−110(d B )MRF7S18125BHR3 MRF7S18125BHSR3Z o = 5ΩZ loadZ sourcef = 2040MHzf = 1880MHzf = 1880MHzf = 2040MHzV DD = 28 Vdc, I DQ = 1100 mA, P out = 125 W CWfMHzZ sourceWZ loadW1880 1.31 - j3.61 1.32 - j3.061900 1.25 - j3.061.30 - j2.921920 1.21 - j3.30 1.28 - j2.791940 1.17 - j3.17 1.26 - j2.671960 1.13 - j3.06 1.23 - j2.551980 1.10 - j2.92 1.20 - j2.422000 1.06 - j2.83 1.18 - j2.3020200.99 - j2.75 1.16 - j2.1820400.91 - j2.66 1.12 - j2.07Z source=Test circuit impedance as measured fromgate to ground.Z load=Test circuit impedance as measuredfrom drain to ground.Figure 17. Series Equivalent Source and Load ImpedanceZ source Z loadOutputMatchingNetwork分销商库存信息:FREESCALEMRF7S18125BHR3MRF7S18125BHR5MRF7S18125BHSR3 MRF7S18125BHSR5。



Type U301.20.30.94Nm 1.18Nm 2000Rpm 2500Rpm 0.45A 0.57A 0.20Kw2.30Nm/A 139V/Krpm 133Hz 118.34Ohm 120.80mH -V 370V 0.13mkgm2 2.2kg 2.9kg U301.60.30.95Nm 1.39Nm 6000Rpm 7400Rpm 1.30A 2.00A 0.60Kw 0.48Nm/A29V/Krpm 400Hz 10.17Ohm 14.53mH -V 372V 0.13mkgm2 2.2kg 2.9kg U302.20.3 2.00Nm 2.48Nm 2000Rpm 2500Rpm 0.98A 1.19A 0.42Kw 2.30Nm/A 139V/Krpm 133Hz 41.30Ohm 59.20mH -V 371V 0.194mkgm2 2.7kg 3.4kg U302.50.3 2.00Nm2.60Nm 5000Rpm 6000Rpm 2.00A 2.60A 1.05Kw 1.09Nm/A 66V/Krpm 333Hz8.51Ohm 14.55mH -V 333V 0.194mkgm2 2.7kg 3.4kg U304.10.3 3.90Nm 3.95Nm 1000Rpm 1500Rpm 1.00A 1.10A 0.41Kw 3.95Nm/A 239V/Krpm 67Hz 87.44Ohm 120.36mH -V 380V 0.156mkgm2 4.5kg 5.2kg U304.20.3 4.18Nm 4.91Nm 2000Rpm 2500Rpm 2.00A 2.36A 0.88Kw 2.29Nm/A 139V/Krpm 133Hz 15.85Ohm 29.58mH -V 371V0.156mkgm2 4.5kg 5.2kg U304.50.2 3.95Nm 4.00Nm 5000Rpm 7500Rpm 10.00A 10.00A 2.07Kw 0.43Nm/A 26V/Krpm 333Hz 0.48Ohm 1.40mH 201V-V 0.156mkgm2 4.5kg 5.2kg U304.50.3 3.95Nm 4.00Nm 5000Rpm 7500Rpm5.50A6.10A 2.07Kw 0.73Nm/A 44V/Krpm 333Hz 1.40Ohm 4.10mH -V 344V0.156mkgm2 4.5kg 5.2kg U503.20.3 3.80Nm 4.42Nm 2000Rpm 2628Rpm 1.65A 1.80A 0.80Kw 2.28Nm/A 138V/Krpm 133Hz 16.88Ohm 63.67mH -V 338V 0.97mkgm2 4.8kg 5.8kg U503.30.3 3.00Nm 3.50Nm 3000Rpm 3200Rpm 2.20A 2.56A 0.94Kw 1.36Nm/A 82V/Krpm 200Hz 7.01Ohm 31.60mH -V 374V 0.97mkgm2 4.8kg 5.8kg U503.40.32.80Nm3.50Nm 4000Rpm 6000Rpm 3.20A4.30A 1.17Kw 0.93Nm/A 56V/Krpm267Hz 3.30Ohm 9.00mH -V 375V 0.97mkgm2 4.8kg 5.8kg U503.50.3 2.00Nm 3.50Nm 5000Rpm 5200Rpm 2.20A 3.80A 1.05Kw 1.00Nm/A 61V/Krpm 333Hz 3.14Ohm14.30mH -V 376V 0.97mkgm2 4.8kg 5.8kg U505.20.3 5.08Nm 5.30Nm 1500Rpm 2244Rpm 2.00A 2.10A 0.80Kw 2.71Nm/A 164V/Krpm 133Hz 13.96Ohm 56.43mH -V 295V1.13mkgm2 5.7kg 6.7kg U505.30.2 3.50Nm 5.00Nm 3000Rpm 4000Rpm 6.00A 7.00A 1.10Kw 0.65Nm/A 39V/Krpm 200Hz 0.97Ohm2.94mH 170V-V 1.13mkgm2 5.7kg 6.7kg U505.40.3 4.00Nm 5.52Nm 4000Rpm 4800Rpm 4.20A4.30A 1.68Kw 1.36Nm/A 82V/Krpm 267Hz 3.65Ohm 14.05mH -V 372V 1.13mkgm25.7kg6.7kg U506.20.3 6.44Nm7.34Nm 2000Rpm 2568Rpm 2.90A 3.30A 1.35Kw2.32Nm/A 141V/Krpm 133Hz 6.92Ohm 31.04mH -V 322V1.13mkgm2 6.8kg 7.8kg U506.20.2 5.70Nm 7.62Nm 2000Rpm 2500Rpm 4.40A 5.87A 1.19Kw 1.36Nm/A 82V/Krpm 133Hz2.12Ohm 9.68mH 180V-V 1.13mkgm2 6.8kg 7.8kg U506.30.3 5.50Nm 6.63Nm 3000Rpm 3200Rpm 3.53A 4.24A 1.73Kw 1.56Nm/A 94V/Krpm 200Hz 3.37Ohm 20.60mH -V 349V1.13mkgm2 6.8kg 7.8kg U506.30.2 5.80Nm 7.62Nm 3000Rpm 4000Rpm 8.53A 13.96A 1.82Kw 0.68Nm/A 41V/Krpm 200Hz 0.65Ohm2.42mH 175V-V 1.13mkgm2 6.8kg 7.8kg U506.40.3 4.50Nm 5.87Nm 4000Rpm 5000Rpm 3.20A 4.80A 1.88Kw 1.29Nm/A 78V/Krpm 267Hz 2.25Ohm 9.79mH -V 375V1.13mkgm2 6.8kg 7.8kg U509.30.2 6.60Nm 9.20Nm 3000Rpm 4000Rpm 8.50A 12.40A 2.07Kw 0.85Nm/A 51V/Krpm 200Hz 0.54Ohm 2.03mH 211V-V 1.33mkgm28.8kg 9.8kg U509.20.39.16Nm 10.40Nm 2000Rpm 2378Rpm 3.70A 4.05A 1.92Kw 2.55Nm/A 154V/Krpm 133Hz 4.83Ohm 25.77mH -V 346V1.33mkgm28.8kg 9.8kg U509.40.3 6.00Nm 9.98Nm 4000Rpm 4200Rpm 4.00A 8.00A2.51Kw 1.28Nm/A 77V/Krpm 267Hz 1.12Ohm 7.74mH -V 378V 1.33mkgm28.8kg9.8kg U512.20.311.24Nm 13.18Nm 2000Rpm 2473Rpm 4.80A 5.50A 2.35Kw2.52Nm/A 153V/Krpm 133Hz 2.97Ohm 17.29mH -V 334V 1.42mkgm210.8kg 11.8kg U512.40.3 6.00Nm 12.84Nm 2500Rpm 4500Rpm 5.00A 11.00A 1.57Kw 1.22Nm/A74V/Krpm 267Hz 0.80Ohm 5.27mH -V 378V 1.42mkgm210.8kg 11.8kg U710.10.36.40Nm7.80Nm 1000Rpm 1500Rpm 1.50A 1.90A 0.67Kw 4.33Nm/A 262.08V/Krpm 67Hz 18.90Ohm 90.20mH -V 373V 0.73mkgm28.5kg 11.5kg U710.40.39.60Nm10.50Nm 4000Rpm 4100Rpm 6.70A 6.70A 4.02Kw 1.58Nm/A 95.63V/Krpm 267Hz 1.99Ohm 10.73mH -V 391V 0.73mkgm28.5kg 11.5kg U710.50.3 5.89Nm 8.98Nm 5175Rpm 5300Rpm 5.35A 8.60A 3.19Kw 1.10Nm/A 66.58V/Krpm 333Hz 1.03Ohm 8.10mH -V 375V 0.73mkgm28.5kg 11.5kg U715.35.312.35Nm 12.74Nm 3500Rpm 5000Rpm 7.10A 7.70A 4.53Kw 1.74Nm/A 105.32V/Krpm 233Hz 1.38Ohm 12.08mH -V 394V1.0mkgm210.2kg 13.2kg U715.50.2 6.00Nm 12.00Nm 4500Rpm 5000Rpm 10.00A 21.60A 2.83Kw 0.62Nm/A 37.53V/Krpm 333Hz 0.14Ohm 1.53mH 174V-V 1.0mkgm210.2kg 13.2kg U720.05.316.80Nm 18.40Nm 500Rpm 800Rpm 2.00A 2.20A 0.88Kw 9.20Nm/A 556.85V/Krpm 33Hz 26.90Ohm 193.60mH -V 330V1.3mkgm211.9kg 14.9kg U720.15.317.00Nm 19.00Nm 1500Rpm 1800Rpm 5.73A6.44A 2.67Kw 3.29Nm/A 199.13V/Krpm 100Hz 2.88Ohm 31.24mH -V 371V1.3mkgm211.9kg 14.9kg U720.20.311.70Nm 16.00Nm 2000Rpm 2500Rpm 5.09A6.61A 2.45Kw 2.53Nm/A 153.13V/Krpm 133Hz 2.33Ohm 14.88mH -V 322V1.3mkgm211.9kg 14.9kg U720.30.216.00Nm 19.00Nm 3000Rpm 4000Rpm 16.50A 20.67A 5.03Kw 0.99Nm/A 59.92V/Krpm 200Hz 0.36Ohm 3.96mH 204V-V 1.3mkgm211.9kg 14.9kg U720.30.316.80Nm 16.80Nm 3000Rpm 3700Rpm 11.80A 11.80A 5.28Kw 1.59Nm/A 95.94V/Krpm 200Hz 0.67Ohm 5.70mH -V 291V1.3mkgm211.9kg 14.9kg U720.40.312.40Nm 17.79Nm 4000Rpm 4800Rpm 10.50A 15.19A 5.19Kw 1.28Nm/A 77.47V/Krpm 267Hz 0.55Ohm3.90mH -V 319V1.3mkgm213.6kg 16.6kg U725.50.214.00Nm 23.16Nm 4500Rpm 5000Rpm 20.00A 37.95A 6.60Kw 0.67Nm/A 40.55V/Krpm 333Hz 0.08Ohm 1.03mH 176V-V 1.6mkgm213.6kg 16.6kg U730.15.322.00Nm 23.80Nm 1500Rpm 2000Rpm7.50A 8.00A 3.46Kw 3.22Nm/A 194.90V/Krpm 100Hz 2.00Ohm 20.06mH -V 317V 1.9mkgm215.2kg 18.2kg U730.20.322.00Nm 23.00Nm 2000Rpm 2150Rpm 8.50A9.70A 4.61Kw 2.65Nm/A 160.40V/Krpm 133Hz 2.00Ohm 23.20mH -V 345V1.9mkgm215.2kg 18.2kg U730.30.316.90Nm 26.60Nm 3000Rpm 3200Rpm 11.60A 18.90A 5.31Kw 1.52Nm/A 92.00V/Krpm 200Hz 0.38Ohm3.50mH -V 287V1.9mkgm215.2kg 18.2kg U740.05.324.00Nm 42.00Nm 500Rpm 800Rpm 2.50A 5.23A1.26Kw 9.00Nm/A 544.74V/Krpm 33Hz 10.30Ohm 96.50mH -V 314V2.4mkgm218.5kg 21.5kg U740.20.324.00Nm 34.00Nm 2000Rpm 2180Rpm 7.08A 13.48A 5.03Kw 2.72Nm/A 164.63V/Krpm 133Hz 0.80Ohm 8.04mH -V 327V2.4mkgm218.5kg 21.5kg U740.30.321.80Nm33.00Nm3000Rpm3200Rpm14.00A21.70A6.85Kw1.63Nm/A98.66V/Krpm200Hz0.29Ohm3.00mH-V304V2.4mkgm218.5kg21.5kgWe reserve the right to make technical changes.ULTRACT IIIStand-still Weight (without Nominal Inductance Max Nominal Torque power Frequency Constantstill speedtorquebrakephaseWeight (with brakecurrentWinding Stand-Back EMF between Nominal torque Nominal currentNominal speedWinding Resistance Rotor Inertia400VACNominal Voltage (Supply Voltage230VACType Pole Number ⬉ U1002.30.312.40Nm 16.65Nm3000Rpm 8.20A 10.60A 3.90Kw 1.66Nm/A 100V/Krpm 200Hz 1.293Ohm 8.16mH 319V 0.006kgm2832kg 43.0kg U1004.06.328.60Nm 30.70Nm600Rpm 4.30A 4.70A 1.18Kw 7.13Nm/A 432V/Krpm 40Hz 8.410Ohm 85.30mH 370V 0.006kgm2832kg 43.0kg U1004.10.327.00Nm 30.00Nm1000Rpm 6.20A 6.70A 2.86Kw 4.75Nm/A 288V/Krpm 67Hz 3.522Ohm 33.30mH 315V 0.006kgm2832kg 43.0kg U1004.20.326.00Nm 30.00Nm2000Rpm 11.92A 13.60A 5.51Kw 2.37Nm/A 143V/Krpm 133Hz 0.853Ohm8.33mH 304V 0.006kgm2832kg 43.0kg U1004.30.324.00Nm 30.00Nm3000Rpm 15.08A 19.00A 7.64Kw 1.74Nm/A 105V/Krpm 200Hz 0.438Ohm4.48mH 330V 0.006kgm2832kg 43.0kg U1005.15.336.00Nm 40.00Nm1500Rpm 10.00A 13.20A 5.20Kw 3.31Nm/A 200V/Krpm 100Hz 0.960Ohm 14.61mH 300V 0.006kgm2832kg 43.0kg U1005.20.338.92Nm 43.45Nm2000Rpm 16.20A 18.57A 8.15Kw 2.58Nm/A 156V/Krpm 133Hz 0.590Ohm9.02mH 371V 0.006kgm2843kg 54.0kg U1007.10.355.00Nm 60.00Nm1000Rpm 12.41A 13.30A 5.75Kw 4.75Nm/A 288V/Krpm 67Hz 1.239Ohm16.65mH 310V 0.009kgm2843kg 54.0kg U1007.15.337.00Nm 53.00Nm1500Rpm 15.50A 17.20A 5.90Kw 3.37Nm/A 204V/Krpm 100Hz 0.665Ohm 11.37mH 329V 0.009kgm2843kg 54.0kg U1007.20.350.00Nm 60.00Nm2000Rpm 21.27A 24.90A 10.50Kw 2.53Nm/A 153V/Krpm 133Hz 0.356Ohm 4.74mH 321V 0.009kgm2843kg 54.0kg U1007.30.343.00Nm 60.00Nm3000Rpm 28.99A 40.00A 13.36Kw 1.58Nm/A 96V/Krpm 200Hz 0.138Ohm1.85mH 296V 0.009kgm2843kg 54.0kg U1010.10.375.00Nm 87.00Nm1000Rpm 15.50A 17.70A 7.86Kw 5.22Nm/A 316V/Krpm 67Hz 0.835Ohm13.43mH 335V 0.012kgm2855kg 66.0kg U1010.15.375.00Nm 81.00Nm1500Rpm 24.00A 26.80A 12.00Kw 3.30Nm/A 200V/Krpm 100Hz 0.338Ohm 7.38mH 360V 0.012kgm2855kg 66.0kg U1010.20.378.00Nm 85.00Nm2000Rpm 35.14A 37.90A 16.42Kw 2.37Nm/A 143V/Krpm 133Hz 0.181Ohm 2.78mH 301V 0.012kgm2855kg 66.0kg U1010.30.373.00Nm 85.00Nm 3000Rpm40.72A 47.24A 22.79Kw 1.90Nm/A 115V/Krpm 200Hz 0.117Ohm 1.78mH 357V 0.012kgm2855kg 66.0kg U1013.10.388.00Nm 110.00Nm 1000Rpm21.23A 23.00A 10.53Kw 5.07Nm/A 307V/Krpm 67Hz 0.578Ohm 9.47mH 325V 0.015kgm2867kg 78.0kg U1013.15.383.00Nm 98.00Nm 1500Rpm29.90A 35.00A 13.10Kw 3.07Nm/A 186V/Krpm 100Hz 0.216Ohm 4.70mH 294V 0.015kgm2867kg 78.0kg U1013.20.388.00Nm 110.00Nm 2000Rpm37.09A 45.90A 18.33Kw 2.53Nm/A 153V/Krpm 133Hz 0.144Ohm 2.37mH 317V 0.015kgm2867kg 78.0kg U1013.30.367.00Nm 109.00Nm 3000Rpm38.25A 60.70A 21.12Kw 1.90Nm/A 115V/Krpm 200Hz 0.083Ohm 1.33mH 352V 0.015kgm2867kg 78.0kg U1004F10.341.24Nm 42.00Nm 1000Rpm9.07A 9.30A 4.32Kw 4.75Nm/A 288V/Krpm 67Hz 3.778Ohm 33.30mH 335V0.006kgm2839kg 50.0kg U1004F15.338.00Nm 39.00Nm 1500Rpm11.60A 12.00A 6.00Kw 3.32Nm/A 201V/Krpm 100Hz 1.650Ohm 21.71mH 350V 0.006kgm2839kg 50.0kg U1004F17.339.00Nm 40.00Nm 1700Rpm13.80A 14.20A 7.60Kw 2.81Nm/A 170V/Krpm 113Hz 1.200Ohm 15.95mH 339V 0.006kgm2839kg 50.0kg U1004F20.342.78Nm 44.00Nm 2000Rpm18.77A 19.60A 8.96Kw 2.37Nm/A 143V/Krpm 133Hz 0.853Ohm 8.33mH 321V 0.006kgm2839kg 50.0kg U1004F30.342.59Nm 45.00Nm 3000Rpm25.49A 27.30A 13.37Kw 1.74Nm/A 105V/Krpm 200Hz 0.438Ohm 4.48mH 348V 0.006kgm2839kg 50.0kg U1005F15.355.00Nm 60.70Nm 1500Rpm16.60A 20.20A 8.64Kw 3.31Nm/A 200V/Krpm 100Hz 0.960Ohm 14.61mH 300V 0.006kgm2844kg 55.0kg U1005F17.357.00Nm 59.50Nm 1700Rpm20.40A 23.30A 10.15Kw 2.81Nm/A 170V/Krpm 113Hz 0.720Ohm 10.63mH 336V 0.006kgm2844kg 55.0kg U1005F20.358.00Nm 60.70Nm 2000Rpm24.30A 25.70A 12.15Kw 2.60Nm/A 157V/Krpm 133Hz 0.590Ohm 9.02mH 364V 0.006kgm2844kg 55.0kg U1007F10.391.88Nm 92.00Nm 1000Rpm20.10A 20.50A 9.62Kw 4.75Nm/A 288V/Krpm 67Hz 1.239Ohm 16.65mH 332V 0.009kgm2852kg 63.0kg U1007F15.374.00Nm 81.60Nm 1500Rpm23.90A 26.50A 11.60Kw 3.37Nm/A 204V/Krpm 100Hz 0.660Ohm 11.40mH 329V 0.009kgm2852kg 63.0kg U1007F17.380.00Nm 83.00Nm 1700Rpm28.20A 31.80A 14.00Kw 2.85Nm/A 173V/Krpm 113Hz 0.460Ohm 8.09mH 341V 0.009kgm2852kg 63.0kg U1007F20.389.39Nm 92.00Nm 2000Rpm36.67A 38.30A 18.71Kw 2.53Nm/A 153V/Krpm 133Hz 0.356Ohm 4.74mH 341V 0.009kgm2852kg 63.0kg U1007F30.386.45Nm 92.00Nm 3000Rpm56.84A 61.60A 27.14Kw 1.58Nm/A 96V/Krpm 200Hz 0.138Ohm 1.85mH 315V 0.009kgm2852kg 63.0kg U1008F15.3103.00Nm 106.00Nm 1500Rpm33.90A 34.90A 16.00Kw 3.37Nm/A 204V/Krpm 100Hz 0.470Ohm 9.05mH 370V 0.0097kgm2858kg 69.0kg U1008F17.396.00Nm 100.00Nm 1700Rpm35.58A 37.10A 18.00Kw 2.98Nm/A 180V/Krpm 113Hz 0.417Ohm 7.04mH 370V 0.0097kgm2858kg 69.0kg U1008F20.396.00Nm 100.00Nm 2000Rpm40.78A 42.50A 20.00Kw 2.58Nm/A 156V/Krpm 133Hz 0.314Ohm 5.28mH 370V 0.0097kgm2858kg 69.0kg U1010F10.3136.00Nm 142.00Nm 1000Rpm27.80A 28.70A 14.20Kw 5.22Nm/A 316V/Krpm 67Hz 0.835Ohm 13.43mH 362V 0.012kgm2866kg 77.0kg U1010F15.3128.00Nm 130.00Nm 1500Rpm41.00A 42.90A 22.00Kw 3.30Nm/A 200V/Krpm 100Hz 0.330Ohm 7.37mH 360V 0.012kgm2866kg 77.0kg U1010F18.3122.00Nm 126.60Nm 1800Rpm44.00A 48.70A 23.00Kw 2.90Nm/A 176V/Krpm 113Hz 0.270Ohm 5.41mH 321V 0.012kgm2866kg 77.0kg U1010F20.3139.00Nm 139.00Nm 2000Rpm60.53A 61.80A 29.10Kw 2.37Nm/A 143V/Krpm 133Hz 0.181Ohm 2.78mH 321V 0.012kgm2866kg 77.0kg U1010F30.3135.94Nm 138.00Nm 3000Rpm74.05A 76.80A 42.68Kw 1.90Nm/A 115V/Krpm 200Hz 0.117Ohm 1.78mH 380V 0.012kgm2866kg 77.0kg U1013F10.3185.25Nm 185.00Nm 1000Rpm37.91A 38.60A 19.39Kw 5.07Nm/A 307V/Krpm 67Hz 0.578Ohm 9.47mH 350V 0.015kgm2880kg 91.0kg U1013F12.3150.00Nm 185.00Nm 1200Rpm36.40A 47.60A 21.80Kw 4.12Nm/A 249V/Krpm 80Hz 0.381Ohm 6.25mH 335V 0.015kgm2880kg 91.0kg U1013F14.3185.00Nm 189.00Nm1400Rpm 57.00A 58.00A 27.00Kw 3.26Nm/A 197V/Krpm 93Hz 0.225Ohm5.06mH 370V 0.015kgm2880kg 91.0kg Weight 䞡䞣ULTRACT IIIStand-still torque (without Nominal Inductanc e Nominal Torque 乱⥛Frequency 乱乥⥛Constant ⶽ (with brake乱䗳䕀⬉⌕brake ⬉ current ⬉ Back EMF between phase NominaltorqueStand-still power 乱ⶽNominal current 乱⬉⌕Nominal speed 䕀ⶽWinding Resistance ⬉䰏Rotor Inertia 䕀䞣Nominal Voltage 乱⬉ Winding 8.90Type Pole Number ⬉ Weight 䞡䞣ULTRACT IIIStand-still torque (without Nominal Inductanc e Nominal Torque 乱⥛Frequency 乱乥⥛Constant ⶽ (with brake乱䗳䕀⬉⌕brake ⬉ current ⬉ Back EMF between phase Nominaltorque Stand-still power 乱ⶽNominal current 乱⬉⌕Nominal speed 䕀ⶽWinding Resistance ⬉䰏Rotor Inertia 䕀䞣Nominal Voltage 乱⬉ WindingU1013F15.3186.00Nm 190.00Nm 1500Rpm 61.00A 63.80A 29.00Kw 3.26Nm/A 197V/Krpm 100Hz 0.220Ohm 5.05mH 370V 0.015kgm2880kg 91.0kgU1013F17.3164.00Nm 170.00Nm 1700Rpm 56.00A 62.00A 29.00Kw 3.03Nm/A 183V/Krpm 113Hz 0.212Ohm 4.54mH 370V 0.015kgm2880kg 91.0kgU1013F18.3165.00Nm 171.00Nm 1800Rpm 59.60A 65.70A 31.00Kw 2.87Nm/A 174V/Krpm 113Hz 0.187Ohm 4.07mH 370V 0.015kgm2880kg 91.0kgU1013F20.3179.94Nm 185.00Nm 2000Rpm 73.73A 77.30A 37.67Kw 2.53Nm/A 153V/Krpm 133Hz 0.144Ohm 2.37mH 340V 0.015kgm2880kg 91.0kgU1013F30.3171.43Nm 183.00Nm 3000Rpm 93.80A 102.00A 53.83Kw 1.90Nm/A 115V/Krpm 200Hz 0.083Ohm 1.33mH 377V 0.015kgm2880kg 91.0kgU1310.10.393.00Nm 97.00Nm 1000Rpm 18.00A 19.00A 9.72Kw 5.33Nm/A323V/Krpm 67Hz 0.791Ohm 21.56mH 365V 0.022kgm2849kg 60.0kgU1310.20.383.00Nm 95.00Nm 2000Rpm 33.00A 38.00A 17.46Kw 2.67Nm/A 162V/Krpm 133Hz 0.206Ohm 5.39mH 353V 0.022kgm2849kg 60.0kgU1310.30.371.00Nm 95.00Nm 3000Rpm 43.00A 57.00A 22.30Kw 1.78Nm/A 108V/Krpm 200Hz 0.090Ohm 2.40mH 344V 0.022kgm2849kg 60.0kgU1320.10.3178.00Nm 188.00Nm 1000Rpm 36.00A 37.00A 18.66Kw 5.33Nm/A 323V/Krpm 67Hz 0.306Ohm 10.78mH 360V 0.036kgm2878kg 89.0kgU1320.20.3158.00Nm 190.00Nm 2000Rpm 71.00A 85.00A 33.05Kw 2.37Nm/A 143V/Krpm 133Hz 0.059Ohm 2.13mH 310V 0.036kgm2878kg 89.0kgU1320.30.3117.00Nm 189.00Nm 3000Rpm 71.00A 113.00A 36.85Kw 1.78Nm/A 108V/Krpm 200Hz 0.034Ohm 1.20mH 337V 0.036kgm2878kg 89.0kgU1330.10.3258.00Nm 275.00Nm 1000Rpm 51.00A 54.00A 26.96Kw 5.33Nm/A 323V/Krpm 67Hz 0.182Ohm 7.19mH 356V 0.049kgm28106kg 117.0kgU1330.20.3218.00Nm 275.00Nm 2000Rpm 88.00A 109.00A 45.74Kw 2.67Nm/A 162V/Krpm 133Hz 0.046Ohm 1.80mH 345V 0.049kgm28106kg 117.0kgU1330.30.3141.00Nm 273.00Nm 3000Rpm 86.00A 163.00A 44.21Kw 1.78Nm/A 108V/Krpm 200Hz 0.020Ohm 0.80mH 332V 0.049kgm28106kg 117.0kgU1340.10.3330.00Nm 354.00Nm 1000Rpm 59.00A 63.00A 34.54Kw 5.93Nm/A 359V/Krpm 67Hz 0.162Ohm 6.66mH 393V 0.063kgm28135kg 146.0kgU1340.20.3273.00Nm 354.00Nm 2000Rpm 123.00A 158.00A 57.11Kw 2.37Nm/A 143V/Krpm 133Hz 0.026Ohm 1.06mH 304V 0.063kgm28135kg 146.0kgU1340.30.3153.00Nm 357.00Nm 3000Rpm 94.00A 213.00A 48.16Kw 1.78Nm/A 108V/Krpm 200Hz 0.014Ohm 0.60mH 329V 0.063kgm28135kg 146.0kgU1310F10.3133.00Nm 135.00Nm 1000Rpm 26.00A 27.00A 13.93Kw 5.33Nm/A 323V/Krpm 67Hz 0.791Ohm 21.56mH 398V 0.022kgm2864kg 75.0kgU1310F20.3126.00Nm 132.00Nm 2000Rpm 50.00A 53.00A 26.39Kw 2.67Nm/A 162V/Krpm 133Hz 0.206Ohm 5.39mH 385V 0.022kgm2864kg 75.0kgU1310F30.3120.00Nm 133.00Nm 3000Rpm 72.00A 79.00A 37.70Kw 1.78Nm/A 108V/Krpm 200Hz 0.090Ohm 2.40mH 378V 0.022kgm2864kg 75.0kgU1320F10.3276.00Nm 282.00Nm 1000Rpm 55.00A 56.00A 28.90Kw 5.33Nm/A 323V/Krpm 67Hz 0.294Ohm 10.78mH 399V 0.036kgm2897kg 108.0kgU1320F15.3210.00Nm 210.00Nm 1500Rpm 62.00A 62.00A 33.00Kw 3.43Nm/A 208V/Krpm 100Hz 0.098Ohm 4.46mH 369V 0.036kgm2897kg 108.0kgU1320F17.3229.00Nm 236.00Nm 1700Rpm 92.60A 98.30A 39.40Kw 2.94Nm/A 178V/Krpm 113Hz 0.107Ohm 4.50mH 377V 0.036kgm2897kg 108.0kgU1320F18.3232.00Nm 240.00Nm 1800Rpm 96.46A 99.80A 44.00Kw 2.64Nm/A 160V/Krpm 113Hz 0.085Ohm 3.65mH 379V 0.036kgm2897kg 108.0kgU1320F20.3269.00Nm 286.00Nm 2000Rpm 121.00A 128.00A 56.34Kw 2.37Nm/A 143V/Krpm 133Hz 0.056Ohm 2.13mH 347V 0.036kgm2897kg 108.0kgU1320F30.3245.00Nm 280.00Nm 3000Rpm 147.00A 167.00A 76.96Kw 1.78Nm/A 108V/Krpm 200Hz 0.033Ohm 1.20mH 379V 0.036kgm2897kg 108.0kgU1330F10.3408.00Nm 417.00Nm 1000Rpm 81.00A 83.00A 42.72Kw 5.33Nm/A 323V/Krpm 67Hz 0.182Ohm 7.19mH 396V 0.049kgm28128kg 139.0kgU1330F15.3380.00Nm 416.00Nm 1500Rpm 106.00A 117.00A 60.00Kw 3.56Nm/A 215V/Krpm 100Hz 0.082Ohm 3.19mH 380V 0.049kgm28128kg 139.0kgU1330F17.3349.00Nm 363.00Nm 1700Rpm 145.00A 153.00A 62.00Kw 2.89Nm/A 175V/Krpm 113Hz 0.060Ohm 2.90mH 368V 0.049kgm28128kg 139.0kgU1330F18.3357.00Nm 370.00Nm 1800Rpm 146.51A 151.80A 67.00Kw 2.68Nm/A 162V/Krpm 113Hz 0.050Ohm 2.46mH 379V 0.049kgm28128kg 139.0kgU1330F20.3389.00Nm 417.00Nm 2000Rpm 155.00A 166.00A 81.47Kw 2.67Nm/A 162V/Krpm 133Hz 0.046Ohm 1.80mH 386V 0.049kgm28128kg 139.0kgU1330F30.3357.00Nm 415.00Nm 3000Rpm 215.00A 247.00A 112.15Kw 1.78Nm/A 108V/Krpm 200Hz 0.020Ohm 0.80mH 376V 0.049kgm28128kg 139.0kgU1340F10.3538.00Nm 550.00Nm 1000Rpm 96.00A 98.00A 56.34Kw 5.93Nm/A 359V/Krpm 67Hz 0.162Ohm 6.66mH 438V 0.063kgm28160kg 171.0kgU1340F15.3450.00Nm 530.00Nm 1500Rpm 130.00A 158.00A 70.00Kw 3.56Nm/A 215V/Krpm 100Hz 0.058Ohm 2.40mH 347V 0.063kgm28160kg 171.0kgU1340F17.3454.00Nm 469.00Nm 1700Rpm 195.00A 201.00A 80.00Kw 2.41Nm/A 146V/Krpm 113Hz 0.031Ohm 1.47mH 369V 0.063kgm28160kg 171.0kgU1340F18.3481.00Nm 499.00Nm 1800Rpm 195.98A 203.30A 91.00Kw 2.71Nm/A 164V/Krpm 113Hz 0.035Ohm 1.86mH 379V 0.063kgm28160kg 171.0kgU1340F20.3511.00Nm 550.00Nm 2000Rpm 230.00A 246.00A 107.02Kw 2.37Nm/A 143V/Krpm 133Hz 0.026Ohm 1.06mH 341V 0.063kgm28160kg 171.0kgU1340F30.3473.00Nm 555.00Nm 3000Rpm 284.00A 330.00A 148.59Kw 1.78Nm/A 108V/Krpm 200Hz 0.014Ohm 0.60mH 375V 0.063kgm28160kg 171.0kgU1350F04.3602.68Nm 607.79Nm 418Rpm 56.42A 62.68A 26.40Kw 11.18Nm/A 677V/Krpm 27Hz 0.464Ohm 22.77mH 370V 0.089kgm28240kg 251.0kgU1350F06.3680.00Nm 680.00Nm 592Rpm 116.00A 129.00A 42.70Kw 5.88Nm/A 356V/Krpm 40Hz 0.153Ohm 9.05mH 380V 0.089kgm28240kg 258.0kgU1350F10.3596.00Nm 605.00Nm1000Rpm 167.78A 171.78A 64.00Kw 4.36Nm/A 264V/Krpm 67Hz 0.078Ohm 4.18mH 370V 0.089kgm28240kg 251.0kg We reserve the right to make technical changes.。



s 0.9V to 3.6V VCC supply operation s 3.6V overvoltage tolerant I/O’s at VCC from 0.9V to 3.6V s Extremely High Speed tPD 1.5 ns typ for 2.7V to 3.6V VCC 2.0 ns typ for 2.3V to 2.7V VCC 3.0 ns typ for 1.65V to 1.95V VCC 4.0 ns typ for 1.4V to 1.6V VCC 8.0 ns typ for 1.1V to 1.3V VCC 16.0 ns typ for 0.9V VCC s Power-Off high impedance inputs and outputs s High Static Drive (IOH/IOL)
AAA represents Product Code Top Mark - see ordering code. Note: Orientation of Top Mark determines Pin One location. Read the top product code mark left to right, Pin One is the lower left pin (see diagram).
Supply Voltage Input Voltage (VIN) Output Voltage (VOUT) VCC = 0.0V HIGH or LOW State Output Current in IOH/IOL VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V VCC = 2.3V to 2.7V VCC = 1.65V to 1.95V VCC = 1.4V to 1.6V VCC = 1.1V to 1.3V VCC = 0.9V Free Air Operating Temperature (TA) Minimum Input Edge Rate (∆t/∆V) VIN = 0.8V to 2.0V, VCC = 3.0V 10 ns/V



0.75~75kW(1~100HP) 3-Phase 200~230V 0.75~375kW(1~600HP) 3-Phase 380~480VIP54 0.75kW~22kW(1~30HP) 3-Phase 200~230V IP54 0.75kW~22kW(1~30HP) 3-Phase 380~480VHigh Performance Standard AC DriveiS7Contents04121316182327Features Model & Type Specifications WiringPeripheral Device Option DimensionsScan the QR code on your drive front andcheck the key use information02ISO14001, ISO9001The iS7 sets the world standard for drives (VFDs) because of its features that meet all of your needs in AC drives.The iS7 offers powerful performance, flexibility through diverse options, and a more convenient and user-friendly03is Dependable Because it Has High Performance and Reliability.iS7 Feature | Reliability & High PerformanceReliabilityHighPerformancePowerful Electric Current Type Sensorless Vector ControlOur iS7 technology includes a competitive and strong low-speed torque control and a speed-precision-driven vector algorithm. Speed control range 100:1Extremely low torque control capability: 0.1Hz/150% real torque Max. torque control capability within the restoration range04Powerful PerformanceV/F Control, V/F PG, Slip Compensation, Sensorless Vector Control Easy Start Parameter SettingPower and Flux Braking for Maximum Deceleration* 1)Extension I/O-2 is only dedicated for WEB(Winder)customized models.* 2) In order to use position control and synchronousoptions, customer have to purchase that customized product or to install customized main software.* 3) Below 22kW : Default built-in basic I/OAbove 30kW : Default built-in isolation I/O* More information about the options, refer to the Flexible Because it is Easily Expandable.iS7 Feature | Flexibility & ExpansionExpansionFlexibility06Conduit Kit Option• Acquired UL open type & enclosed type1certification* UL open type is offered as default* UL enclosed type1 needsconduit kit(option)installation• 0.75~75kW (1~100HP)• The heat sink can be mountedoutside of the panel in casethe space is limited.• 0.75~75kW (1~100HP)I/O Board Slot3)• Basic I/O• Isolation I/OOption Slot #3 (Encoder)• Encoder• 24V Encoder• Position control 2)Option Slot #2 (PLC/Extension)• PLC• Extension I/O-1• Extension I/O-21)• Synchronous 2)• Safety• BinaryOption Slot #1(Field bus)• Profibus DP • DeviceNet• CANopen • CC-link• Ethernet IP / Modbus-TCP• LonWorks • R-Net/F-Net• RAPIEnet • PROFInet• CC-Link IEOption Slot #3Option Slot #1Option Slot #2I/O Board Slot07ConvenienceEnvironmentDC Reactor Built-in for Harmonic Reduction and Power Factor ImprovementEMC Filter (In Conformity With EN61800-3) Built-in For Protection From Excessive Electronic DistortionOverloading Rate THD power factor IP Level Insulation Class110% (VT Rated Standard)18 ~ 37% 94 ~ 96%IP21155℃ (300℉)Input Current and THD Analysisis Convenient Because it Has a User Friendly Interface.iS7 Feature | Convenience & Environment08Convenience Through User-Friendly InterfaceProtective Functions Dedicated Motor ControlVarietyiS7 is Competitive Because it is Applicable to Various Industrial Fields.STARVERT iS7 Feature |Variety ApplicationApplicationWarping / Beaming MachineEncoder feedbackTension control with built-in PID (Winding) Jog operation Anti-rollbackLaminating MachineTension control with dancer feedback Diameter estimator winding Positive/negative taperConstant linear speed controlWire Drawing NachineCapstan operation with sensorlessTension control with dancer feedback Diameter estimator winding Skip functionConstant linear speed control10Press NachinePeak current limitInhibit regenerative operatio nCrane/HoistSensorless controlWeight load brake control function Optimized load balancing Customized DB unitTire LineTag time reduction (Fast response time) Tension control with draw function Jog operationC3 conformal coating IP54 enclosure Washing Machine/ExtractorPowerful laundry property with strong torque Effective deceleration with power braking & flux brakingHigh speed operation with optimized algorithmParking FacilityLow speed torque control Powerful starting torque2nd source for vertical and horizontal transverse sequential motor controlElevatorElevator optimized brake control Zero speed control (with encoder) Over speed check functionElevator master function (with PLC option) Ideal S curve (for comfortable driving)Air CompressorOptimized operation with enhanced PID algorithmEnergy saving with sleep & wake up functionSoft start/stop functionAutomated WarehouseSmooth deceleration and precise target layer stops with powerful torque Real-time monitoring with driveview7LiftJoystick functionSoft start & stopOver speed check function Stationary torque holding Dual motor control※ (D) : Built-in DCR (D) or Non-Reactor (Blank) selectable※ Non DCR products are provided warranty service when used in CT (Constant torque) load rating only.※ Please request LS sale person for UL type12(IP54) / Web customized product.*1) Motor Applied indicates the maximum capacity applied to use of a standard 4 pole standard motor.*2) Rated Capacity: the input capacity of a 200V class is based on 220V and that of a 400V class is based on 440V. The current rating is based on CT current.*3) The output of rated current is limited according to the setting of the carrier frequency (CON-04).*4) You can set the frequency at up to 300Hz by selecting 3, 4 Sensorless-1, Sensorless-2 as the control mode (DRV-09 Control Mode).*5) The maximum output voltage does not go over the supplied power voltage. You can select the output voltage as you want below the supplied power voltage. * Non DCR products are provided warranty service when used in CT (Heavy duty) load rating only.*1) Motor Applied indicates the maximum capacity applied of a standard 4 pole OTIS-LG motor.*2) Rated Capacity: the input capacity of a 200V class is based on 220V and that of a 400V class is based on 440V. The current rating is based on CT current.*3) The output of rated current is limited according to the setting of the carrier frequency (CON-04).*4)I n case of Sensorless-1, you can set the frequency at up to 300Hz by selecting 3, 4 as the control mode (DRV-09 Control Mode).In case of Sensorless-2, you can set the frequency at up to 120Hz by selecting 3, 4 as the control mode (DRV-09 Control Mode).*5) The maximum output voltage does not go up over the supplied power voltage. You can select the output voltage as you want below the supplied power voltage. * Non DCR products are provided warranty service when used in CT (Heavy duty) load rating only.Specifications*1) The Functions for Multi-function terminal available according to IN-65~72 parameter setting of IN Group.*2) Operation at the CT (Heavy Duty) current rating*3) UL Enclosed type 1 with conduit box installed. (30~75kW(200V) conduit box has been installed, is open type IP 20)0.75~22kW (Basic I/O)Relay2(Normal open)Relay2(Normal open)Relay1 (Normal open)Relay1 (Normal open)Digital contact point inputDigital contact point inputIn case of analog In case of analog potentiometer (0V~+10V input)In case of analog In case of Open collector outputRS485port0~10V Output0~10V Output4~20mA Output4~20mA Output24V power supplyTR terminal located on the above the right side of terminal block is for the terminal resistor of RS485 communication(120We recommend the potentiometer for 1/2W, 1k.*30~375kW (Insulated I/O)Relay2(Normal open)Relay2(Normal open)Relay1 (Normal open)Relay1 (Normal open)Digital contact point input(NPN/PNP, Sink/Source mode support)(-10V~+10V input)In case of analog voltage input with potentiometer (0V~+10V input)In case of analog current input (4~20mA input)In case of analog current input(0~20mA input)port0~10V Output0~10V Output4~20mA Output4~20mA Output0~20mA Output0~20mA OutputTR terminal located on the above the right side of terminal block is for the terminal resistor of RS485 communication(120 )DC Reactor Specifications*1) It is not necessary to option type dynamic braking unit for IS7 0.75~22kW(200V, 400V) because basically the dynamic braking unit is built in.*2) You nust refer to dynamic braking unit manual for usage recommended dynamic braking unit in the table above due to changeable table.*3) Resistance/watt/breaking torque/%ED of DB Resistor for type A DB Unit refer to the table of "6)DB Resistors". And in case of Type B&C refer to the manual of DB Unit. * Please refer to the manual for dimensions of DB unit.Dynamic Braking Unit (DBU) & DB Resistor Wiring LayoutDynamic Braking Resistor (Option)Resistance/watt/breaking torque/%ED of DB resistor for type A DB Unit refer to the table of "6) DB resistors".And in case of type B&C refer to the manual of unit. Rating watt of DBU has to be doubled when %ED is doubled.1) If you use the DB Unit in parallel, the combined resistance value must the resistance value in the table above.2) If the braking resistor type name is not listed in the table above, purchase separately a braking resistor reference to resistance and wattage in the table above. * Please refer to the manual for dimensions of DB Resistor.Specifications of Wiring Switch and Electronic Contactor2-Port Ethernet•M odbus TCP, Ethernet IP protocol support (Rapienet available soon)• R ing type topology support • 100Mbps communication speed • Half duplex, Full duplex support • Auto negotiation support • M aximun 100m[328ft.] transmission distance • C SMA/CD communication accessmethodLonworks• 78kbps communication speed • Free/bus topology• Resistance built-in per topology • M ax. 2700m (8858 ft.) connectiondistance (bus topology)R-Net/F-Net• 1Mbps communication speed • M anchester biphase-L frame synchronization• Max. 64 node connection points • M ax. 750m transmission distance(segment each)RAPIEnet• RAPIEnet protocol support • 100Mbps communication speed • Full duplex support • H igh speed link(8 WORD), P2P(2 WORD) support • Max. 64 connection points •Topology : Line/Ring topologyPROFInet• P ROFInet protocol support PROFInet IO CC-A• 100Mbps communication speed • Full duplex support • PROFIdrive class 1• Max. 64 connection points • Topology : Line topologyCC-LINK IE Field• CC-LINK IE field protocol support • 1Gbps transmission speed • Intelligent device station • Max, number of stations: 120• R X/Y 32bits, RWr/w 8words support•Ring/Line/Star topologyCan Open• 1Mbps communication speed • Bus Topology • M ax. 64 node connection points (include master)• PDO, SDO, Sync, NMC communication support • S upport profile: PDO1 (CiA402 drive & motion control device profile), PDO3 (LSProfile)CC-Link• 10Mbps communication speed • Connecting up to 42 AC drives • Station type: Remote device station •1 connection point for 1 AC driveDevicenet• C ommunication speed: 125kbps, 250kbps, 500kbps • Free/Bus topology• Max. 64 node connection points • Max. 500m (1640 ft.) transmissiondistance (125kbps)I/O Expansion• Insulated I/O 3 points each • E xt-1 - Analog Input : voltage (-10V~10V) 1 point, current (0~20mV) 1 point analog output : voltage (-10V~10V) 1 point, current (0~20mV) 1 point digital Input 3 points / Digital output (Relay) 3 points • E xt-2 - analog Input : 4points (voltage (-10V~10V) & current (0~20mV) selectable) analog output : voltage (-10V~10V) 2 point, current (0~20mV) 2 point digital output (TR) 2 pointsExt-2 is available for web customized version onlyBinary Input• Operating frequency setting with digital input (NPN/PNP)• Max. 16bit digital input (8bit / 12bit / 16bit)• Frequency setting with bias-gain or BCD • Frequency resolution (0.01Hz~10Hz)• D igital input filter function Input signal read timing terminalSynchronization Option• Closed loop control• 100kHz Max. input frequency • Position/Speed synchronization • Synchronization hold (only slave)• 15 slaves per master (3 serial - 5 parallel max)• Open collector output : 26V/100mA (2 points)• S ynchronization option card is only available for synchronization version product.PLC• Master-K 120S platform • N ormal input 6 points (Sink/Source selectable), Max. input 14 points when expanded • N ormal output 4 points (N.O. Relay), Max. output 7 points when expanded • RTC (Real time clock)• KGL WIN operating systemsynchronization version product.Option Slot #3) Encoder OptionsMarine CertificationMarine classification is that the structure and equipment of the ship has been estimated from the test with the certain standards for certificate issued and given by classification society. SV-IS7 Series is certificated with product testing, process, production equipment and test equipment to install on the shipping.ABS (American Bureau of Shopping) Marine Certification DetailsMarine CertificationSV0008 ~ 0037iS7 (200V/400V Class)SV0300iS7 (200V Class, IP00 Type)SV0370 ~ 0450iS7 (200V Class, IP00 Type)SV0550 ~ 0750iS7 (200V Class, IP00 Type)31 SV0900/1100iS7 (400V Class, IP00 Type)SV1320/1600iS7 (400V Class, IP00 Type)32SV1850/SV2200iS7 (400V Class, IP00 Type) SV2800iS7 (400V Class, IP00 Type)SV3150/3750iS7 (400V Class, IP00 Type)33343536SV0008 ~ 0037iS7 (200V/400V Class)Drive + Conduit BoxDrive + Conduit BoxDrive + Conduit BoxDrive + Conduit Box37Drive + Conduit BoxSV0300 ~ 0450iS7 (400V Class)SV0550 ~ 0750iS7 (400V Class)38SV0008 ~ 0037iS7 (200V/400V Class)Drive + FlangeDrive + FlangeDrive + Flange39SV0185 ~ 0220iS7 (400V Class)Drive + FlangeDrive + FlangeDrive + Flange• For your safety, please read user's manual thoroughly before operating.• Contact the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair, or adjustment.• Please contact qualified service technician when you need maintenance. Do not disassemble or repair by yourself!• Any maintenance and inspection shall be performed by the personnel having expertise concerned.• According to The WEEE Directive, please do not discard the device with your household waste.Safety。




电源插头可将 100-240 伏的电压转换为 24 伏以下的安全低电压。



此产品符合国际认可的 IEC 安全标准,可放心在自来水龙头下清洗。





电磁场 (EMF)这款飞利浦产品符合关于电磁场 (EMF) 的相关标准。



充电需用时至少 8 小时。





不接电源的剃须时间:充电后,剃须刀可在不接电源的情况下剃须最长达 35 分钟。


1 将产品插头插入剃须刀。

2 将电源插头插入壁装插座。

3 电池充满后,从壁装式插座中拔下电源插头,并从剃须刀上拔下产品插头。

剃须1 按一下开/关按钮打开剃须刀。


2 将剃须刀头在皮肤上快速移动,作直线和迂回动作。


3 按一下开/关按钮关闭剃须刀电源。


4 清洁剃须刀(见“清洁和保养”一章)。

5 每次使用后,盖上剃须刀保护盖,以防剃须刀头受损。


1 向下推动滑块,打开修发器。


2 关闭修发器(可听到咔嗒声)。




1 关闭剃须刀电源,从壁装式电源插座中拔下电源插头,并从剃须刀上拔下产品插头。

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RF Power Field Effect TransistorsN-Channel Enhancement-Mode Lateral MOSFETsDesigned for CDMA base station applications with frequencies from 1930 to1990 MHz. Suitable for CDMA and multicarrier amplifier applications. To beused in Class AB and Class C for PCN-PCS/cellular radio and WLLapplications.•Typical Single-Carrier W-CDMA Performance: V DD = 28 Volts, I DQ =1400 mA,P out = 50 Watts Avg., Full Frequency Band, 3GPP Test Model 1,64 DPCH with 50% Clipping, Channel Bandwidth = 3.84 MHz, Input SignalPAR = 7.5 dB @ 0.01% Probability on CCDF.Power Gain — 17.2 dBDrain Efficiency — 32%Device Output Signal PAR — 6.2 dB @ 0.01% Probability on CCDFACPR @ 5 MHz Offset — -37.5 dBc in 3.84 MHz Channel Bandwidth•Capable of Handling 5:1 VSWR, @ 32 Vdc, 1960 MHz, 170 Watts CWPeak Tuned Output Power•P out @ 1 dB Compression Point w 170 Watts CWFeatures•100% PAR Tested for Guaranteed Output Power Capability•Characterized with Series Equivalent Large-Signal Impedance Parameters•Internally Matched for Ease of Use•Integrated ESD Protection•Greater Negative Gate-Source Voltage Range for Improved Class COperation•Designed for Digital Predistortion Error Correction Systems•RoHS Compliant•In Tape and Reel. R3 Suffix = 250 Units per 56 mm, 13 inch Reel.Table 1. Maximum RatingsRating Symbol Value Unit Drain-Source Voltage V DSS-0.5, +65Vdc Gate-Source Voltage V GS-6.0, +10Vdc Operating Voltage V DD32, +0Vdc Storage Temperature Range T stg-65 to +150°C Case Operating Temperature T C150°C Operating Junction Temperature (1,2)T J225°C Table 2. Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristic Symbol Value (2,3)Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to CaseCase Temperature 80°C, 170 W CWCase Temperature 72°C, 25 W CWRθJC0.250.31°C/W1.Continuous use at maximum temperature will affect MTTF.2.MTTF calculator available at /rf. Select Tools/Software/Application Software/Calculators to access the MTTFcalculators by product.3.Refer to AN1955, Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers. Go to /rf.Select Documentation/Application Notes - AN1955.Document Number: MRF7S19170HRev. 0, 10/2006 Freescale SemiconductorTechnical Data2RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorMRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR3Table 3. ESD Protection CharacteristicsTest MethodologyClass Human Body Model (per JESD22-A114)1A (Minimum)Machine Model (per EIA/JESD22-A115) B (Minimum)Charge Device Model (per JESD22-C101)IV (Minimum)Table 4. Electrical Characteristics (T C = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitOff CharacteristicsZero Gate Voltage Drain Leakage Current (V DS = 65 Vdc, V GS = 0 Vdc)I DSS ——10μAdc Zero Gate Voltage Drain Leakage Current (V DS = 28 Vdc, V GS = 0 Vdc)I DSS ——1μAdc Gate-Source Leakage Current (V GS = 5 Vdc, V DS = 0 Vdc)I GSS——1μAdcOn CharacteristicsGate Threshold Voltage(V DS = 10 Vdc, I D = 372 μAdc)V GS(th) 1.22 2.7Vdc Gate Quiescent Voltage(V DS = 28 Vdc, I D = 1400 mAdc)V GS(Q)— 2.7—Vdc Fixture Gate Quiescent Voltage (1)(V DS = 28 Vdc, I D = 1400 mAdc, Measured in Functional Test)V GG(Q)4 5.47.6Vdc Drain-Source On-Voltage(V GS = 10 Vdc, I D = 3.72 Adc)V DS(on) Characteristics (2)Reverse Transfer Capacitance(V DS = 28 Vdc ± 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz, V GS = 0 Vdc)C rss —0.9—pF Output Capacitance(V DS = 28 Vdc ± 30 mV(rms)ac @ 1 MHz, V GS = 0 Vdc)C oss—703—pFFunctional Tests (In Freescale Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) V DD = 28 Vdc, I DQ = 1400 mA, P out = 50 W Avg., f = 1932.5 MHz and f = 1987.5 MHz, Single-Carrier W-CDMA, 3GPP Test Model 1, 64 DPCH, 50% Clipping, PAR = 7.5 dB @ 0.01% Probability on CCDF. ACPR measured in 3.84 MHz Channel Bandwidth @ ±5 MHz Offset.Power Gain G ps 1617.219dB Drain EfficiencyηD 2932—%Output Peak-to-Average Ratio @ 0.01% Probability on CCDF PAR 5.7 6.2—dB Adjacent Channel Power Ratio ACPR —-37.5-35dBc Input Return LossIRL—-16-9dB1.V GG = 2 x V GS(Q). Parameter measured on Freescale Test Fixture, due to resistive divider network on the board. Refer to Test Circuit schematic.2.Part internally matched both on input and output.MRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR33RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorTable 4. Electrical Characteristics (T C = 25°C unless otherwise noted) — continuedCharacteristicUnit MaxTypMinSymbol Typical Performances (In Freescale Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) V DD = 28 Vdc, I DQ = 1400 mA, 1930-1990 MHz BandwidthVideo Bandwidth(Tone Spacing from 100 kHz to VBW)ΔIMD3 = IMD3 @ VBW frequency - IMD3 @ 100 kHz <1 dBc (both sidebands)VBW—25—MHzGain Flatness in 60 MHz Bandwidth @ P out = 170 W CW G F —0.5—dB Deviation from Linear Phase in 60 MHz Bandwidth @ P out = 170 W CW Φ— 2.06—°Group Delay @ P out = 170 W CW, f = 1960 MHzDelay — 4.7—ns Part-to-Part Insertion Phase Variation @ P out = 170 W CW, f = 1960 MHz ΔΦ—16—°Gain Variation over TemperatureΔG —0.015—dB/°C Output Power Variation over TemperatureΔP1dB—0.01—dBm/°C4RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorMRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR3Figure 1. MRF7S19170HR3(HSR3) Test Circuit SchematicZ120.060″ x 0.420″ Microstrip Z13*0.197″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z14*0.332″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z15*0.158″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z16*0.572″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z17, Z180.063″ x 0.220″ Microstrip Z190.160″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z20, Z21 1.120″ x 0.080″ MicrostripPCBTaconic TLX-0300, 0.030″, εr = 2.5*Variable for tuningZ1*0.588″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z2*0.146″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z3*0.068″ x 0.083″ Microstrip Z40.865″ x 0.098″ Microstrip Z50.154″ x 0.098″ Microstrip Z60.271″ x 0.787″ Microstrip Z7 1.410″ x 0.080″ Microstrip Z80.194″ x 0.787″ Microstrip Z90.115″ x 1.360″ Microstrip Z100.230″ x 1.360″ Microstrip Z110.185″ x 1.120″ MicrostripTable 5. MRF7S19170HR3(HSR3) Test Circuit Component Designations and ValuesPartDescriptionPart NumberManufacturer C1, C21.8 pF Chip Capacitors 100B1R8BW ATC C3, C8, C9, C10, C118.2 pF Chip Capacitors 100B8R2CW ATC C4100 pF Chip Capacitor 100B101JW ATC C5100 nF Chip Capacitor 200B104MW ATC C6, C15, C16, C17, C1810 μF Chip Capacitors C5750X5R1H106MT TDK C70.5 pF Chip Capacitor 100B0R5BW ATC C12 1.5 pF Chip Capacitor 100B1R5BW ATC C130.3 pF Chip Capacitor 100B0R3BW ATC C140.8 pF Chip Capacitor100B0R8BW ATC C19470 μF, 63 V Electrolytic Capacitor, Axial 516D477M063PS7B Sprague R1, R210 k Ω, 1/4 W Chip Resistors CRCW12061001FKTA Vishay R310 Ω, 1/4 W Chip ResistorCRCW120610R0FKTAVishayMRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR35RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorFigure 2. MRF7S19170HR3(HSR3) Test Circuit Component Layout6RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorMRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR3TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSG p s , P O W E R G A I N (d B )20401880f, FREQUENCY (MHz)Figure 3. Output Peak-to-Average Ratio Compression (PARC)Broadband Performance @ P out = 50 Watts Avg.198019401920101817161514131211−2.53534333231−1−1.5−2I R L , I N P U T R E T U R N L O S S (d B )P A R C (d B )−30−10−15−20−25ηD , D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)1960190020202000G p s , P O W E R G A I N (d B )20401880f, FREQUENCY (MHz)Figure 4. Output Peak-to-Average Ratio Compression (PARC)Broadband Performance @ P out = 84 Watts Avg.198019401920101817161514131211−4.24443424140−3−3.4−3.8I R L , I N P U T R E T U R N L O SS (d B )P A R C (d B )−30−10−15−20−25ηD , D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)1960190020202000Figure 5. Two-Tone Power Gain versusOutput Power 10015191P out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) PEP 171610400G p s , P O W ER G A I N (d B )18Figure 6. Third Order Intermodulation Distortionversus Output Power−10P out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) PEP10−20−30−40100−60−501I N T E R M O D U L A T I O N D I S T O R T I O N (d B c )I M D , T H I R D O R D E R 400MRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR37RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSFigure 7. Intermodulation Distortion Productsversus Output PowerP out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) PEPI M D , I N T E R M O D U L A T I O N D I S T O R T I O N (d B c )−60−10100−40−50−30−20400Figure 8. Intermodulation Distortion Productsversus Tone SpacingTWO−TONE SPACING (MHz)10−60−5−10−15−20−25−40−451100I MD , I N TE R M O D U L A T I O N D I S T O R T I O N (d B c )−50−30−350−55Figure 9. Output Peak-to-Average Ratio Compression (PARC) versus Output Power1P out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)−1−3−4300−2O U T P U T C O M P R E S S I O N A T T H E 0.01%P R O B A B I L I T Y O N T H E C C D F (d B )3580255045403530ηD , D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)Figure 10. Digital Predistortion Correction versusACPR and Output Power P out , OUTPUT POWER (dBm)50−70−20404241−30−40−50−60A C P R , U P P E R A N D L O W E R R E S U L T S (dB c )43444546474849400P out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) CWFigure 11. Power Gain and Drain Efficiencyversus CW Output Power101ηD , D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)1004045505560657090758518RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorMRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR3TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSFigure 12. Power Gain versus Output PowerP out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) CWG p s , P O W E R G A I N (d B )100131814151630025010990T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 13. MTTF Factor versus Junction TemperatureThis above graph displays calculated MTTF in hours x ampere 2drain current. Life tests at elevated temperatures have correlated to better than ±10% of the theoretical prediction for metal failure. Divide MTTF factor by I D 2 for MTTF in a particular application.108107106110130150170190M T T F F A C T O R (H O U R S x A M P S 2)21023017200W-CDMA TEST SIGNAL100.00011000PEAK−TO−AVERAGE (dB)Figure 14. CCDF W-CDMA 3GPP , Test Model 1, 64 DPCH, 50% Clipping, Single-Carrier Test Signal1010.10.010.0012468P R O B A B I L I T Y (%)−60−110−10(d B )−20−30−40−50−70−80−90−1007.21.8 5.43.60−1.8−3.6−5.4−99f, FREQUENCY (MHz)Figure 15. Single-Carrier W-CDMA Spectrum−7.2MRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR39RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorZ o = 10 ΩZ loadZ sourcef = 2040 MHz f = 1880 MHzf = 1880 MHzf = 2040 MHzV DD = 28 Vdc, I DQ = 1400 mA, P out = 50 W CW Avg.f MHz Z sourceW Z load W 1880 1.338 - j7.8590.967 - j2.8681900 1.515 - j7.6090.942 - j2.7251920 1.743 - j7.4320.920 - j2.5851940 2.007 - j7.3520.893 - j2.4491960 2.249 - j7.3930.865 - j2.3131980 2.410 - j7.5530.841 - j2.1922000 2.411 - j7.7880.820 - j2.0732020 2.244 - j7.9950.802 - j1.95720401.966 - j8.1010.779 - j1.834Z source =Test circuit impedance as measured fromgate to ground.Z load=Test circuit impedance as measuredfrom drain to ground.Figure 16. Series Equivalent Source and Load ImpedanceZsourceZloadOutput Matching Network10RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorMRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR3ALTERNATIVE PEAK TUNE LOAD PULL CHARACTERISTICS36P in , INPUT POWER (dBm)5654523739384140444257555143P o u t , O U T P U T P O W E R (d B m )NOTE: Measured in a Peak Tuned Load Pull Fixture535859606135343332Test Impedances per Compression LevelZ sourceΩZ load ΩP3dB2.34 - j9.240.79 - j2.94Figure 17. Pulsed CW Output Powerversus Input Power 36P in , INPUT POWER (dBm)5654523741404442575543P o u t , O U T P U T P O W E R (d B m )NOTE: Measured in a Peak Tuned Load Pull Fixture535859606162353433453839Test Impedances per Compression LevelZ sourceΩZ load ΩP3dB2.34 - j9.240.79 - j2.94Figure 18. Pulsed CW Output Powerversus Input PowerMRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR311RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorPACKAGE DIMENSIONSISSUE D NI-880MRF7S19170HNI-880S MRF7S19170HSCASE 465C-02ISSUE D NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M−1994.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.DIMENSION H IS MEASURED 0.030 (0.762) AWAY FROM PACKAGE BODY.DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERS INCHES A 0.9050.91522.9923.24B 0.5350.54513.6013.80C 0.1470.200 3.73 5.08D 0.4950.50512.5712.83E 0.0350.0450.89 1.14F 0.0030.0060.080.15H 0.0570.067 1.45 1.70K 0.1700.210 4.32 5.33N 0.8710.88919.3022.60R 0.5150.52513.1013.30STYLE 1:PIN 1.DRAIN 2.GATE 3.SOURCES 0.5150.52513.1013.30M 0.8720.88822.1522.55bbb 0.010 REF 0.254 REF ccc0.015 REF0.381 REFaaa 0.007 REF 0.178 REF12RF Device Data Freescale SemiconductorMRF7S19170HR3 MRF7S19170HSR3PRODUCT DOCUMENTATIONRefer to the following documents to aid your design process.Application Notes•AN1955: Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers Engineering Bulletins•EB212: Using Data Sheet Impedances for RF LDMOS DevicesREVISION HISTORYThe following table summarizes revisions to this document.Revision Date Description 0Oct. 2006•Initial Release of Data SheetInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express orimplied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integratedcircuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice toany products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation orguarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor doesFreescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use ofany product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including withoutlimitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may beprovided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and dovary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operatingparameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application bycustomer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any licenseunder its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products arenot designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended forsurgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life,or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor productcould create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyerpurchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended orunauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductorand its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against allclaims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of,directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with suchunintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that FreescaleSemiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.Freescale t and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2006. All rights reserved.How to Reach Us:Home Page:E-mail:support@USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed:Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.Technical Information Center, EL5162100 East Elliot RoadTempe, Arizona 85284+1-800-521-6274 or +1-480-768-2130/supportEurope, Middle East, and Africa:Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbHTechnical Information CenterSchatzbogen 781829 Muenchen, Germany+44 1296 380 456 (English)+46 8 52200080 (English)+49 89 92103 559 (German)+33 1 69 35 48 48 (French)/supportJapan:Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd.HeadquartersARCO Tower 15F1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0064Japan0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125support.japan@Asia/Pacific:Freescale Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd.Technical Information Center2 Dai King StreetTai Po Industrial EstateTai Po, N.T., Hong Kong+800 2666 8080@For Literature Requests Only:Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution CenterP.O. Box 5405Denver, Colorado 802171-800-441-2447 or 303-675-2140Fax: 303-675-2150LDCForFreescaleSemiconductor@。
