

教学课件 商务统计学(第5版)

教学课件 商务统计学(第5版)

样本 数据 (Xi) : 10 12 14 15 17 18 18 24
平均数 = X = 16
S (10 X)2 (12 X)2 (14 X)2 (24 X)2 n 1
(10 16)2 (12 16)2 (14 16)2 (者个人已经发布的数据。 • 可以设计一个实验来获得必要的数据。 • 可以进行调查。 • 可以通过观察研究的方式。
Chap 1-14
▪ 属性变量(categorical variables)(也称为 定性变量(qualitative variables))给出定 性的回答,比如是或者不是。
全距 = 120 - 1 = 119
Chap 3-34
• 观察值相对其算术平均数的离差平方和
– 样本方差:
(Xi X)2
S2 i1 n-1
X= 算术平均数
n = 样本容量 Xi = 变量X 的第i个观测值
Chap 3-35
• 变异程度最常用的度量 • 显示与平均数的变异程度 • 方差的平方根 • 与原始数据有相同的单位
Chap 1-16
例子: 重量 电压
• Minitab
– 进行统计分析的统计包 – 用来进行尽可能精确的统计分析
• Microsoft Excel
– 多种功能的数据分析工具 – 有多种功能,但是每一种都没有其他程序那样专注
• Minitab和Excel都用工作表来存储收集来分析的数据
• 统计学
• 将数字转化为对决策者有用信息的数学的分支。



商务统计章节知识点总结第一章:统计学基础概念1.1 统计学的概念和作用统计学是一门研究数据收集、整理、分析和解释的学科,通过统计学的方法可以对数据进行分析和推断,以便做出科学决策。


1.2 统计学的基本原理统计学的基本原理包括总体和样本、变量、数据类型、测度尺度等内容。


1.3 统计学的应用范围统计学在商务领域有广泛的应用,包括市场调研、销售预测、风险评估、财务分析等方面。

第二章:数据类型和数据收集2.1 数据的类型数据可以分为定量数据和定性数据,定量数据可以进一步分为禺式数据和顺序数据,定性数据可以进一步分为名义数据和区间数据。


2.2 数据的收集方法数据的收集方法包括问卷调查、访谈、实地观察、记录和外部数据收集等。


第三章:统计描述与概率分布3.1 描述统计描述统计是对数据进行整理、描述、总结和展示的过程,包括中心位置测度、离散程度测度、分布形态测度等内容。


3.2 概率分布概率分布描述了随机变量的取值及其对应的概率,包括离散型概率分布和连续型概率分布。


第四章:抽样与估计4.1 抽样方法抽样是指从总体中选取样本的过程,常用的抽样方法包括简单随机抽样、分层抽样、整群抽样和多阶段抽样等。


4.2 估计估计是根据样本数据对总体参数进行估计的过程,包括点估计和区间估计两种方法。


第五章:假设检验与单因素方差分析5.1 假设检验假设检验是用来检验统计结论的正确性的方法,包括参数假设检验和非参数假设检验两种方法。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by the editor. I hope that after you download them, they can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types of practical materials, such as educational essays, diary appreciation, sentence excerpts, ancient poems, classic articles, topic composition, work summary, word parsing, copy excerpts, other materials and so on, want to know different data formats and writing methods, please pay attention!商务与经济统计前6章笔记第一章:商务与经济统计概述在当今全球化的商业环境中,商务与经济统计扮演着至关重要的角色。


一、什么是统计 二、什么是统计学 三、统计规律 四、统计的应用领域
➢收集、分析、表述和解释数据的科学 1、收集数据:取得数据 2、数据分析:分析数据 3、数据表述:图表展示数据 4、数据解释:结果的说明
一、分类数据、顺序数据、数值型数据 二、观测数据和实验数据 三、截面数据和时间序列数据
1、对现象进行计量的结果 2、不是指单个的数字,而是由多个数据构成的数据
集 3、不仅仅是指数字,它可以是数字的,也可以是文
商务统计学 Business Statistics
• 商务统计学 戴维.M.莱文等著 贾俊平改编

• 统计学原理 谢启南 主编 暨南大学出版社
• 统计学原理 贾俊平 中国人民大学出版社
• 1.闭卷考试成绩(70%) • 2.平时作业、考勤和上机。(30%)
变量 (variable)
如商品销售额、受教育程度、产品的质量等级等 变量的具体表现称为变量值,即数据
分类变量(categorical variable):说明事物类别的一个名称 顺序变量(rank variable):说明事物有序类别的一个名称 数值型变量(metric variable):说明事物数字特征的一个名



《商务统计》期末总结目录第二章表格和图表中的数据表示 (4)1.对数据排序 (4)2.制作数据的茎叶图 (1)3.制作数据的帕累托图 (2)4.统计频数 (5)5.制作散点图及添加趋势线 (6)第三章数值型描述度量 (10)1.计算各描述性统计量 (6)2.画箱线图 (6)3.计算协方差 (9)第五章离散型随机变量的概率分布 (14)1.计算期望收益和风险 (9)2.二项分布预测 (10)3.泊松分布预测 (10)4.超几何分布预测 (10)第六章正态分布和其他连续型分布 (16)1.求正态分布概率及相应概率的取值 (11)2.指数分布 (11)第七章抽样与抽样分布 (17)1.各种抽样方法的选择 (11)2.样本均值的抽样分布 (12)3.比例的抽样分布 (12)第八章置信区间估计 (18)1.求总体均值的置信区间 (18)2.确定样本容量 (18)3.置信区间估计在审计中的应用 (13)第九章假设检验基础: 单样本检验 (14)1.均值的假设检验、Z检验(σ已知) (14)2.均值的t假设检验(σ未知) (20)3.比例假设检验 (21)第十章双样本检验 (21)1.两个独立总体均值的比较 (15)2.两个均值差的置信区间估计 (15)3.两个相关总体均值的比较 (16)4.两个独立总体比例差异的检验 (22)5.两个方差的F检验 (16)第十一章方差分析 (23)1.齐性检验 (17)2.单因素方差检验 (18)3.单因素多元比较 (18)4.双因素方差分析 (19)5.双因素多重比较 (27)第十二章卡方检验和非参数检验 (28)第二章表格和图表中的数据表示1.对数据排序数值排序, 选中要排序的数值, 开始-排序和筛选-升序/降序依照某一个或几个条件的排序, 选中所有要排序的数据(包括非数值数据)开始-排序-自定义排序-添加排序的条件。


绘制结果如下:茎1 55882 122555556893 0003.制作数据的帕累托图(1)原数据格式为合计80选择红框内数据插入-图表-柱状图得到如下图所示:(2)选择累积百分比柱子, 右键更改系列图表类型选择折线图第一个得到如下图右键红色的线, 选择设置数据系列格式, 选择次坐标轴, 如下图所示(4)右键左侧坐标轴, 选择设置坐标轴格式, 将最大值设为合计数值。


3. 主观概率 基于个人过去的经验、个人观点和对特定情况分析的结合。
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 4-4
找出从一副标准的52张扑克牌中选出脸牌(J、Q和K) 的概率。
脸牌的概率=X/T=脸牌总数/总牌数 =12张脸牌/52张牌数 =3/13
黑牌 红牌 总计
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
1点 非1点 总计
2间24来自224Chap 4-9
令 A = 1点 令 B = 红牌
A ∩ B = 1点且 红牌
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 4-11
不能同时发生的事件 例子: 从一副牌中抽出一张牌
A = 方块q; B = 梅花q 事件 A 和 B 为互斥事件
Chap 4-3
假设各种 结果出现 的可能性 都是一样 的
1. a 先验概率 --基于预先掌握的知识对事件发生的概率做出推测。
事件发生的概率=X/Y 其中X表示使某事件发生的结果数量,Y表示所有可能出现的结果总数。
2. 经验概率



《商务数学与统计》课程经要中英对照Business Mathematics & Statistics《商务数学与统计》学习精要一.本门课程主要内容《商务数学与统计》这门课程主要包含以下内容:第一部分商务数学●代数●百分数在商务中的应用●利息●折旧●图解法与盈亏平衡分析第二部分商务统计●统计简介●数据的直观表示●频数分布图●集中趋势的度量●离散趋势的度量●概率●概率分布●相关分析●线性回归分析●时间序列分析●时间序列分析与预测●指数●数据收集与抽样●估计●假设检验二.指定教材《商务数学与统计》评分方式平时成绩40%(两次考试,一个作业)期末成绩60%三.主要章节及内容第一部分商务数学(1)在这部分你将学习以下内容:●百分数在商务中的应用(佣金、折扣、盈利与亏损的计算)●利息的计算(单利、复利)●折旧的计算(直线法、余额递减法、产量法)●盈亏平衡点的求法(公式计算、图解法)(2)主要专业词汇中英文对照1. 代数Algebraic Expression 代数表达式Numerical 数值的Quantitative 数量的Evaluate 求……的数值Variable 变量Constant 常量Expression 表达式Proprietorship 所有者权益Owner’s equity 所有者权益Liability 负债Asset 资产Power 幂Formula 公式Simple interest 单利Compound interest 复利Quotient 商Product 积Numerator 分子Denominator 分母Equation 方程Square root 平方根2. 百分数的应用Commission 佣金Discount 折扣Tax 税Profit and loss 盈利与亏损A straight commission 直接佣金A graduated commission 累进佣金A retainer plus commission 底薪加佣金Decimal 小数Principal 本金Real estate 房地产Mark-up 加价G.S.T-------Goods and Services Tax 商品与服务税,消费税Trade discounts 交易折扣Cash discounts 现金折扣Chain discounts 链锁折扣Profit and loss 盈利与亏损List price 标价,定价Net price 净价,实价3. 利息Simple interest 单利Compound interest 复利Rate of interest 利率Future value 终值Compounded semi-annually 按半年计利Compounded half-yearly 按半年计利Compounded quarterly 按季计利Compounded monthly 按月计利Inflation 通货膨胀Outstanding 未尝付的The effective rate 有效利率The number of instalment分期付款的次数The flat rate of interest 名义利率Accumulated value 终值,累积值Instalment = Installment 分期付款4. 折旧Depreciation 折旧Original cost 原始成本Accumulated depreciation 累积折旧Book value 账面值Useful life 使用寿命Annual depreciation 年折旧The Prime cost method 直线折旧法The straight line method 直线折旧法The units of use 产品法Units-of-production method产品法Depreciation schedule 折旧表Annual rate of depreciation年折旧率The reducing balance method余额递减法Diminishing value method余额递减法5. 图解法与盈亏平衡分析The Cartesian plane 笛卡儿平面Linear equation 线性方程Gradient 斜率Intercept 截距Fixed costs 固定成本Variable costs 可变成本Break-even points 盈亏平衡点Ordered pair序对Co-ordinate 坐标Quadrant 象限Plotting points 描点Break even 盈亏平衡第二部分商务统计(1)在这部分你将学习以下内容:●描述统计与统计推断●数据的直观表示(统计图表)●频数分布图●集中趋势与离散趋势的度量●概率与分布●相关分析与回归分析●时间序列分析与预测●抽样与估计●假设检验(2)本部分主要专业词汇中英文对照1. 统计简介Statistics 统计Descriptive statistics 描述统计Statistical inference 统计推断Primary data 一手数据Secondary data 二手数据Bias 偏差Target population 目标总体Random sampling 随机抽样Size 样本容量Sampled population 样本总体Discrete 离散的Continuous 连续的Finite 有限的Countably infinite 无限可数的Discrete random variable离散型随机变量Continuous random variable连续型随机变量Discrete data 离散型数据Continuous data连续型数据2.数据的直观表示Tables 表,一览表Data streams 数组Bar charts 条形图Rectangular 长方形Sectors 扇形Segment 部分Graphs 线图Pie charts 饼形图Multiple bar charts 多重条形图Compound bar charts 复合条形图Simple bar chart 简单条形图Pictograms 象形图3. 数据收集与抽样Benchmark data 基准数据System parameters 系统参数Raw data 原始数据Population 总体Sample size 样本容量Population characteristics 总体特征Multistage sampling 多阶段抽样Importance sampling 重要性抽样Sampling method 抽样方法Probability sampling methods 概率抽样方法Simple random sampling 简单随机抽样Stratified sampling 分层抽样Systematic sampling 系统抽样Quota sampling 定额抽样Cluster sampling 整群抽样4. 频数分布Double numeric data 重复数值型数据Ungrouped data 未分组数据Grouped data 分组数据Histogram 频数直方图Frequency polygon 频数多边形Closed plane figure 封闭的平面图形Relative frequency 相对频数Frequency table 频数分布表Cumulative frequency 累积频数Ogive curve 卵形线,累积曲线Class interval 分组区间,组距The spread of numbers 数字的离差Sampling method 抽样方法Probability sampling methods概率抽样方法Simple random sampling 简单随机抽样Stratified sampling 分层抽样Systematic sampling 系统抽样Quota sampling 定额抽样Cluster sampling 整群抽样Frequency distribution graphs频数分布图Real class boundary 实际组限、组界5. 集中趋势的度量Measuring central tendency 集中趋势的度量Arithmetic mean 算术平均值Mean 均值Mode 众数Median 中位数Qualitative 定性的Unimodal 单峰的Bimodal distribution 双峰分布Odd number 奇数Even number 偶数Modal class 众数组Median class 中位数组Quantitative 定量的6. 离散趋势的度量Measuring dispersion 离散趋势的度量Data variation 数据变异Statistician 统计学家,统计人员Range 极差,全距Mean deviation 平均离差Interquartile (IQR) 四分位极差Midspread (IQR) 四分位极差Lower quartile (Q1) 下四分位数First quartile (Q1) 第一四分位数Second quartile (Q2) = median Absolute values 绝对值Standard deviation 标准差Variance 方差Absolute deviation 绝对离差第二四分位数,中位数Upper quartile (Q3) 上四分位数Third quartile (Q3) 第三四分位数Coefficient of variation 变异系数7. 概率与分布ProbabilityRandom experiment 随机试验Trial 试验Event 事件Sample space 样本空间Event space 样本空间Venn diagram 文氏图Fair die 均匀的骰子Cube 立方体Complementary probability 逆概率Complement 补事件Impossibility 不可能事件Certainty 必然事件Compound event 复合事件Independent event 独立事件Mutually exclusive 互相排斥Dependent event 相依事件Conditional probability 条件概率Probability distributions 概率分布Discrete probability distributions 离散型概率分布independent trials 独立试验Mean 均值Expected value 期望值Binomial 二项分布Hypergeometric 超几何分布Poisson 泊松分布Geometric 几何分布Normal curve 正态曲线Normal distribution 正态分布A smooth bell-shaped curve光滑钟形曲线Normal distribution density function 正态分布密度函数Symmetry 对称的Asymptotic 渐进的The standard normal distribution 标准正态分布Integral 积分8. 抽样与估计Sampling methods 抽样方法Simple random sampling 简单随机抽样Stratified sampling 分层抽样Systematic sampling 系统抽样Cluster sampling 整群抽样Sampling errors 抽样误差Non-sampling errors 非抽样误差Sampling distribution 抽样分布Sample mean 样本均值Standard error of the mean均值的标准差Central limit theorem 中心极限定理Estimation 估计Population parameter 总体参数Sample statistic 样本统计量Population mean 总体均值Point estimators 点估计Unbiased estimator 无偏估计Consistent 一致的Lower confidence limit 置信上限Upper confidence limit置信下限Interval estimators 区间估计9. 相关分析与线性回归分析A scatter diagram 散点图Correlation coefficient 相关系数Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient 皮尔逊积矩相关系数Independent variable 自变量Positive correlation 正相关Negative correlation 负相关Spearman rank correlation coefficient 斯皮尔曼等级相关系数Dependent variable 因变量Regression equation 回归方程Regression line 回归直线Inflation rate 通货膨胀率Method of least squares 最小二乘法Fit 拟合Fitted line 拟合直线Sum of squares for error 误差平方和In descending order 降序10. 时间序列分析与预测Time series analysis 时间序列分析Trend analysis趋势分析Secular trend 长期趋势Cyclical movements 周期性变动Seasonal variation 季节变化Irregular variation 不规则变化Straight line trend 直线趋势Free hand graphical method随手画图法Semi averaging 半平均数法Percentage trend 趋势百分数Population growth 人口增长Consumer price index 消费者价格指数Gross domestic product (GDP)国内生产总值Gross national product (GNP)国民生产总值Least squares最小二乘法Moving average 移动平均数法Polygon format 多角图形、折线图Polygon line 多角线、折线Moving averages 移动平均数法Exponential smoothing 指数平滑法Smoothing constant 修匀常数Cyclical effect 循环效应,周期效应Seasonal adjustment 季节调整值Seasonal index 季节指数Simple price index 简单价格指数Price relative 价比Current period 现期,当期Base period 基期Unbiased estimator 无偏估计Consistent 一致的Lower confidence limit 置信上限Upper confidence limit置信下限Interval estimators 区间估计Simple average method 简单平均数方法Weighted index numbers 加权指数Average of weighted price relatives 加权价比平均指数11. 假设检验Hypothesis 假设Sample statistics 样本统计量Sampling variation 样本方差1-tailed test 单尾检验2-tailed test 双尾检验Test statistics 检验统计量Region of rejection 拒绝域Region of acceptance 接受域Alternative hypothesis 备选假设Null hypothesis 零假设(原假设)Critical value 临界值The level of significance 显著性水平Significance level 显著性水平Population parameters 总体参数Degrees of freedom 自由度Decision making 决策主要参考书目:1. 商务统计学——初级教程(3版),作者:戴维.M. 莱文,蒂莫西.C.克雷比尔,马克.L.贝伦森著;李鹏宇,许红燕等译,中国人民大学出版社2. 初级统计学(8版),作者:Mario F. Triola 著;刘新立译,清华大学出版社。


市场=消费者群(顾客群)+ 购买力 + 购买欲望(消费需求)
任何商务活动都与市场体系密切相关。这就是说,市场的理解还必须从市场体系的角 度出发,才能对市场有一个充分地认识。
从严格意义上说,市场体系既包括市场运行体系又包括市覆盖行体系。市场运行体系包 括市场机制、市场体制等。覆盖体系是由许多相互联系、相互制约的市场组成的。它包括主体 市场、客体市场、时间市场和空间市场。这些市场构成了多维立体的市场结构。因此 市场体
的市场机制、完备的市场体制和完备的市场结构所构成。 市场机制:是指市场上直接发挥作用的价格、供求、竞争、税收、利率等诸因素所形成
的一个有机制约体系。 市场体制:是指市场的管理组织体系及其一系列管理制度的总称。 市场结构:是一个多维立体的市场结构。 就目前而言,不论是市场机制还是市场体制乃至市场结构都需要进一步完善。我国只有
1、 实物形态市场 实物形态市场上所交换的商品都是硬件商品。按照硬件商品的最终用途不同,实物形态市 场可分为:生产资料市场和生活资料市场。
(1) 生产资料市场 生产资料是指生产、加工企业对其进行再加工,而不能用于生活消费的中间产品,人们也 称之为工业品。 ① 生产资料的分类。我们所以对生产资料进行分类,其目的就在于了解不同的生产资料。 因为,不同的生产资料在物质生产过程中的地位与作用不同,生产消费者的市场购买行为也不 同。按照生产资料在物质生产过程中的地位与作用不同,可将生产资料划分为:主要原材料、 辅助材料和机械设备。 主要原材料。主要原材料是指构成产品实体的材料。如,建筑业在生产过程中耗用的砖、 瓦、沙、石和钢材等就构成了建筑产品的是实体. 辅助材料。辅助材料是指未构成产品实体并在生产过程中被耗用掉的材料。辅助材料是一 种与主要材料相结合,能使主要材料发生物理或化学变化的材料。如照明设备、机械设备上的 皮带以及机械加工使用的润滑油等,都是辅助材料。 机械设备。机械设备是指在生产过程中,作为劳动手段所使用的通用设备和专用设备。如, 加工制造业中使用的车床、刨床等就是通用设备;而采掘行业中使用的钻孔机、洗煤机等就是 专用设备。 按照生产资料本身的自然属性分类,可将生产资料分为:金属材料、电工材料、化工材料、 建材、机电设备等。 此外,生产资料还可以按其使用方向不同分为:生产用生产资料、维修用生产资料、储备 用生产资料等。 ② 生产资料市场的特点























例2-6 员工数越多的公司年收入也会越高吗 ?表2-12收集了20家公司的员工数和公司年 收入数据。试绘制员工数和公司年收入的散 点图,并分析它们之间的关系。
根据表2-12中的数据绘制的散点图如图2-20 所示。
2.2 数值型数据的图表展示
2.2.1 数据分组
全距(range)是最大值与最小值之差, 表明数据的变动范围。
组数和组距是相关的,组数越多意味着 组距越小,反之亦然。
当组数确定之后,组距可以用下面的公 式来计算:
全距 组数
第4步:确定组限 组限是组与组之间的界限。 组距分组的每一组变量值中,最小值为
下限,最大值为上限。 一般来说,第一组的下限要比最小的观
察值小一点,最后一组的上限要比最大 的观察值大一点。
第5步:根据分组整理成频数分布表 将观察资料按组别进行归类整理,记录
由累积分布资料制作的统计折线图,称 为累积折线图。
绘制累积折线图时,一般用横坐标表示 观察值,纵坐标表示累积频数或累积频 率。由于累积分布有向上累积和向下累 积两种情况,相应的累积曲线也有两条 。向上累积曲线类似于正“S”形,向 下累积曲线则类似反“S”形。
fi n

根据表2-2中的资料,计算出来的频率和百分 数分布见表2-3。



商务统计_东北财经大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Which of the following is a correct statement about probability?答案:Probability values range from 0 to 1, inclusive.2.Contingency tables and scatter diagrams describe:答案:bivariate data.3.In an experiment, a random variable represents:答案:all possible outcomes of an experiment.4.Data were collected on 100 students regarding their class and major. Thedata are summarized in the following contingency table:【图片】What is the probability of randomly selecting an undeclared student who is a senior?答案:0.145.In a continuous probability distribution, the random variable:答案:may be any value within a certain range.6.In general, a discrete probability distribution requires that:the probabilities for all possible outcomes must sum to 1.00.7.For any symmetric distribution:答案:The mean, median, and mode are equal.8. A scatter diagram:答案:both A and B are correct.9.The purpose of a contingency table is to summarize:答案:two discrete, nominal or ordinal variables.10.For a data set, the coefficient of skewness is -2.73. We conclude that:答案:the median is larger than the mean.11.For a data set, the interquartile range is:答案:the difference between the 1st and 3rd quartiles.12.To summarize a data set with a box plot:five values are required: the minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rdquartile, and maximum.13.The test scores for a class of 50 students are computed. What is the locationof the test score associated with the second decile?答案:10.214.The test scores for a class of 101 students are computed. What is the locationof the test score associated with the third quartile?答案:76.515. A dot plot shows:答案:the general shape of a distribution.16.Data measured with an ordinal scale:答案:can be ranked.17.What type of variable is: number of car accidents reported in your city?答案:Discrete18.Gallup political polls ask people their political party affiliation - Democrat,Republican or Independent. Which level of measurement is used to measure party affiliation?答案:Nominal19.The main purpose of descriptive statistics is to:答案:summarize data in a useful and informative manner.20. A bank asks customers to evaluate the quality of drive-through service asgood, average, or poor. Which level of measurement is used to measureservice quality?答案:Ordinal21.To study the characteristics of loan applicants, a random sample of 50 loanapplicants is selected and their annual incomes are obtained. Which level of measurement is annual income?答案:Ratio22.The main purpose of inferential statistics is to:答案:estimate population characteristics based on a sample information. 23. A sample is:答案:part of a population.24.The general process of gathering, organizing, summarizing, analyzing, andinterpreting data to assist in making effective decisions is called:答案:statistics.25.The variance of a binomial probability distribution with n = 10 and π = .95 is:答案:0.475.26.The expected value of a binomial probability distribution with n = 10 and π= .95 is:答案:9.5.27.Data were collected on 100 students regarding their class and major. Thedata are summarized in the following contingency table:【图片】What is the probability of randomly selecting a sophomore or an undeclared student?答案:0.4028.The difference between a permutation and a combination is:答案:in a permutation order is important and in a combination order is not important.29.The General Rule of Multiplication is used to compute:答案:the probability of two or more dependent events.30.The General Rule of Addition is used to compute:答案:the probability of two events, which are not mutually exclusive.31.The Special Rule of Addition is used to compute:答案:the probability of two or more mutually exclusive events.32.For any probability distribution, the expected value is:答案:equal to the mean of the distribution.33.For a binomial distribution with n = 15, as π changes from 0.05 toward 0.50,the distribution will become:答案:symmetrical.34.Which probability distribution is applied when the probability of a success isvery small?答案:The Poisson probability distribution35.Which of the following is not a characteristic of a binomial distribution?答案:The outcome of any trial is dependent on the outcomes of previoustrials.36.Which of the following statements is true about a probability distribution?答案:A probability distribution summarizes all possible experimentaloutcomes and their probability.37.Two events are not independent if:答案:one event affects the likelihood of another event.38.We wish to develop a confidence interval for the population mean. Thepopulation follows the normal distribution. We collect a random sample of10 observations and the sample standard deviation is 3. We decide to use the95 percent level of confidence. The margin of error for the confidenceinterval is:答案:± 2.146.39.We wish to develop a confidence interval for the population mean. Thepopulation follows the normal distribution and the population standarddeviation is 3. We collect a random sample of 10 observations. We decide to use the 90 percent level of confidence. The margin of error for the confidenceinterval is:答案:± 1.565.40.An event is:答案:a collection of outcomes from an experiment.41.Probability is defined as:答案:the likelihood that an event will happen.42.To develop a confidence interval for a proportion:答案:we approximate the binomial distribution with a normal distribution.43.The fraction of a sample possessing a certain trait is called a:答案:proportion.44.We wish to develop a confidence interval for the population mean. Thepopulation follows the normal distribution, the standard deviation of the population is 3, and we have a sample of 10 observations. We decide to use the 90 percent level of confidence. The appropriate statistic for the level of confidence is:答案:z = 1.645.45.Which of the following statements is a characteristic of thetdistribution?答案:All of the above.46.We wish to develop a confidence interval for the population mean. Thepopulation standard deviation is known. We have a sample of 40observations. We decide to use the 92 percent level of confidence. The appropriate value ofzis:答案:1.75.47.If we wish to decrease the width (increase the precision) of a confidenceinterval, we would:答案:increase the size of the sample.48. A characteristic of all confidence intervals is that:答案:a confidence interval always increases in width as the level ofconfidence increases.49.When estimating population parameters, a point estimate is:答案:a statistic that estimates a population parameter.50. A population distribution is normal with a mean of 18 and standarddeviation of 4. A sample of 16 observations is selected and a sample meancomputed. What is the probability that the sample mean is more than 18?答案:0.551.The standard error of the mean is:答案:the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of sample means.52.When comparing the variances of a population distribution and a samplingdistribution of means from the population the:答案:population variance is larger than the sampling distribution variance.53.For the sampling distribution of sample means, what is the relationshipbetween the population mean and the mean of all possible sample means of size 25?答案:They are equal.54.The difference between the sample mean and the population mean is calledthe:答案:sampling error.55.Suppose a population consisted of 20 items. How many different samples of n= 3 are possible?答案:114056.In a simple random sample:答案:every item has the same chance to be in the sample.57.Which of the following is a method of probability sampling?答案:All of the above are methods of probability sampling.58.Sampling is often preferred to surveying a population because:答案:All of the above are reasons for sampling.59. A simple random sample assures that:答案:all items in a population have an equal probability of selection.。



Course Outline for Business Statistics商务统计课程大纲Tutor:Jianing HE授课教师:何家宁MBA Education Center, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies2010-2011Semester II (Weeks 9-16)Course DescriptionWith the help of computer software and by means of case study,this course systematically presents to students basic concepts,theories,and applications of statistics in business research.Teachin g ObjectivesOn completion of this course,students should be able to:1.grasp basic concepts and theories in business statistics;e statistics software such as EXCEL,SPSS;3.understand the statistics in business research publications;4.apply what they have learnt to quantitative business studies (identify thetechnique,compute the statistics,interpret the results,write reports).SyllabusGeneral description of the teaching arrangementTentative Teaching Schedule for Business Statistics(For Class×) Session Time Topic Reading Cases/Exercises13hours Chapter1:Introduction And Data CollectionChapter2:Presenting Data In Tables AndChartsChapter3:Numerical Descriptive Measures(Relatedcontents in thereferencematerials)Good Tunes,ane-commerce web site;Comparing theperformance of mutualfunds23hours Chapter4:Basic ProbabilityChapter5:Some Important DiscreteProbability DistributionsChapter6:The Normal Distribution AndOther Continuous DistributionsConsumer electronicscompany;Accounting informationsystems;Downloading time for aweb site33hours Chapter7:Sampling Distributions AndSamplingChapter8:Confidence Interval EstimationChapter9:Fundamentals Of HypothesisTesting:One-Sample TestsCereal-fill packagingprocess;Auditing sales invoices43hours Chapter10:Two-Sample TestsChapter11:Analysis Of VarianceComparing end-aisleand normal displays in asupermarket;Evaluating strength ofparachutes53hours Chapter12:Chi-Square Tests AndNonparametric TestsChapter13:Simple Linear RegressionGuest satisfaction athotel properties;Forecasting sales at awomen’s clothing storefranchise63hours Chapter14:Introduction To MultipleRegressionChapter15:Multiple Regression ModelBuildingPredicting sales of testmarket data;Predicting standbyhours of workers73hours Chapter16:Time-Series Forecasting AndIndex NumbersChapter17:Decision MakingForecasting revenues ofcompanies;Making investmentdecisions83hours Chapter18:Statistical Applications InQuality And Productivity ManagementService quality at ahotelTentative Teaching Schedule for××××(For Class×if you have moreclass to teach)Time Topic Reading Cases/Exercises 1234567891011Prescribed Texts and Reference MaterialsTextbookBerenson,M.,Levine,D.&Krehbiel,T.2002.Basic Business Statistics Concepts and Applications.Prentice-Hall.Reference M aterialsBlack,K.2004.Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making.Wiley. Bowerman,B.et al.2003.Business Statistics in Practice.McGraw-Hill.Groebner,D.et al.2003.Business Statistics:A Decision-making Approach.China Statistics Press.Moore,D.et al.2009.The Practice of Business Statistics:Using Data for Decisions.W.H.Freeman and Co.Websites//levine/Assignments s and R equirementsAssignment1.Attendance to the classes is necessary.2.An(individual or group work)assignment each week needs to be completed.3.A final(open-book,outside classroom)examination will be held.4.A term paper needs to be completed.(Requirements for the term paper:Design and carry out a quantitative study(preferably related to your MBAdegree thesis);Compute the data;Report the results;Discuss the results withbusiness theories;Write a publishable article of3000-6000words.)Composition of F inal M arksAttendance (10)Individual assignment (10)Group assignment (20)Final examination (20)Case study and presentation(term-paper) (40)Student evaluation of member participation form (refer Appendix1)When undertaking syndicate work,each student must complete a‘student evaluation form’and it must accompany all group work assessments.This form is an evaluation, by the student,of each member’s participation and cooperation in the various projects. Where a student evaluation form is not submitted the lecturer will assume equal participation for that component of the program.If a form is not submitted,a student may not at a later time(such as after receiving a fail grade for the subject)claim that they did a larger proportion of the work than other team members.Where students’evaluation of other team members’input differs,the lecturer will determine the relative weighting of each member’s participation based on the submitted student evaluation sheets.The lecturer’s decision will be final.Grade Evaluation CriteriaThe grade criteria listed here are indicative of typical qualities associated with grade classes.The profiles below are multi-dimensional,and excellence in one dimension can compensate for poor performance in another.H DSophisticated critical and conceptual analysis of issuesIndividuality of exposition or treatment of materialInnovative thinking applied to problem solvingAll relevant issues reviewed in arriving at a conclusionExtensive research or investigation incorporated effectively into workClarity of argument,expression,or presentation that demonstrates a subtle understanding of the chosen mediumDSound critical and conceptual analysis of the issueAccurate and well-informed exposition or treatment of materialCoherent critical thinking applied to problem solvingMost of the relevant issues reviewed in reaching a conclusionWork informed by assiduous,but not especially broad or deep research or investigationWell-organized and structured presentation shows understanding of the constraints of the chosen mediumCLimited critical and conceptual analysis of issues,with tendency to rely on others' arguments or solutionsGenerally accurate exposition or treatment of material,with some omissions or errorsPartial review of relevant issues in reaching a conclusionCareful but limited research or investigation incorporated in the workClear presentation,but showing very limited recognition of the potential of the chosen mediumA good answer to a related question,but not the one setPLittle critical and conceptual analysis of subject matter,with considerable reliance on easy and readily available solutions or argumentsFew of the relevant issues used as a basis for reaching a conclusionVery limited research or investigation incorporated in the workDoes not answer the question directlyImportant information omitted,and/or important inaccuraciesAssertion without supporting evidencePresentation with minimal organization and chosen medium exploited superficiallyFNo critical and conceptual analysis of subject matter,with total reliance on others' workOnly basic issues used in reaching a conclusion,and those are insufficient Inappropriate material or inadequate informationVery restricted and inadequate research or investigation incorporated in the work Flawed and uncertain presentationDoes not answer the question or anything similar to itAcademic MisconductThe University takes any form of academic misconduct seriously.Academic misconduct on the part of a student,which involves amongst other forms of misconduct:Cheating,Plagiarism and Collusion.Plagiarism is the use of another scholar’s work as your own.It includes not only the re-presentation of an entire article or section in a paper,but also(most commonly)the paraphrasing or rearrangement of another’s material without proper attribution. Summarizing someone else’s ideas and putting them in your own words does not free you from the obligation of acknowledging their work by way of appropriate citation and referencing.Failure to acknowledge material correctly is an offence against professional standards.Most commonly,plagiarism exists when:the work submitted or presented was done, in whole or in part,by an individual other than the one submitting or presenting the work(this includes having another impersonate the student or otherwise substituting the work of another for the student's own in an examination or test);parts of the work are taken from another source without reference to the original author;or the whole work,such as an essay,is copied from another source.Collusion includes inciting,assisting,facilitating,concealing or being involved in plagiarism,cheating or other academic misconduct by others. ReferencingEssays and reports MUST be referenced correctly using the Harvard System.More details on this method of referencing can be found in the relevant GDUFS website.APPENDIX1STUDENT EVALUATION OF MEMBER PARTICIPATIONSEPARATE FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH STUDENTIn order to encourage equal participation on the part of all group members,each group member will complete and turn in an evaluation of the group members.This evaluation will indicate the percentage of contribution of each group member to the group’s over all performance.An evaluation will accompany each group presentation and the written research project report.Name of assessment component___________________________________________ Group:___________Date:_______________Student’s Name:____________________Project Mark:__________Student’s name%ParticipationThe average of the awarded percentages should equal100%.Individual marks are calculated by multiplying paper grade by the percentage awarded by peers.For example,If Joe Black was awarded90%for his contribution to the project and thegroup received36out of40points for the project,Joe’s mark would be32.4%. However no individual can exceed the maximum points for the project.Students can give each of the group members100%.If this is done,each student receives the mark that was awarded to the total project(in the above example36 points).No student should receive zero unless they really did nothing to contribute to the completion of the project(EG,did not go to meetings,did not complete assigned tasks,and did not contribute to the conceptualization of the project.In completing this form take into account:Willingness of the individual to carry out jobs assignedAbility of the individual to meet deadlinesCooperation with other team membersQuality of the individual’s workPlease Complete All SectionsTitle::Course TitleTutor Name:Student No:Student Name(s):___________________________________Assignment Title:(Office use only)Date Received:MBA Center Staff Signature:Authentication Declaration:I hereby declare that the material herein submitted for assessment is my own work except where specifically acknowledged and referenced.Signature:Date:Tutor comments and grades:Guangwai MBA-Global Vision Instruction in English11。



则第四季度产量平均计划完成程度为: 则第四季度产量平均计划完成程度为
500 × 100% + 600 × 103% + 700 × 105% c= 500 + 600 + 700
某企业第一季度工人人数有关资料如下: 例5.7 某企业第一季度工人人数有关资料如下: 日期 生产工人数 a 全部工人数 b 生产工人所占% 生产工人所占% c 1月初 435 580 75 2月初 452 580 78 3月初 462 600 77 4月初 576 720 80
2. 平均发展水平
平均发展水平是将时间数列各个指标数值加以平均 所得的平均数,又叫序时平均数或动态平均数。 所得的平均数,又叫序时平均数或动态平均数。 平均发展水平的计算应根据时间数列的类型而定: 平均发展水平的计算应根据时间数列的类型而定: 1)根据绝对数时间数列计算 根据绝对数时间数列计算序时平均数 1)根据绝对数时间数列计算序时平均数 根据时期数列计算序时平均数 <1> 根据时期数列计算序时平均数
a 第三步, 第三步,根据 c = ,求出所需计算的静态相对数或一 b
般平均数时间数列的序时平均数。 般平均数时间数列的序时平均数。
某企业第四季度A产品产量计划及完成情况如下: 例5.6 某企业第四季度A产品产量计划及完成情况如下: 10月 10月 计划产量( 计划产量(吨)b 计划完成(%)c 计划完成(%)c 500 100 11月 11月 600 103 12月 12月 700 105
a1 − a0 + a 2 − a1 + a 3 − a 2 + KK + an − an −1 = an − a0

商务统计学课件第5章 出版社: 中国人民大学出版社

商务统计学课件第5章 出版社: 中国人民大学出版社

Business Statistics, A First Course (4e) © 2006 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 5-13
Rule of Combinations
The number of combinations of selecting X objects out of n objects is
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you learn: The properties of a probability distribution To calculate the expected value, variance, and standard deviation of a probability distribution To calculate probabilities from binomial and Poisson distributions How to use the binomial and Poisson distributions to solve business problems
X 0
P(X) 0.25
Chap 5-6
Discrete Random Variable Summary Measures
Variance of a discrete random variable
σ 2 [X i E(X)] 2 P(X i )
Random Variables
Ch. 5
Discrete Random Variable
Continuous Random Variable
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Possible number of heads = 0, 1, or 2
P(Xi )
σ (0 1)2 (0.25) (1 1)2 (0.50) (2 1)2 (0.25) 0.50 0.707
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Number of Classes Taken
2 3 4 5
0.2 0.4 0.24 0.16
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 5-6
Example of a Discrete Random Variable Probability Distribution
Business Statistics: A First Course
5th Edition
Chapter 5
Some Important Discrete Probability Distributions
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc. Chap 5-1
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you learn: The properties of a probability distribution To calculate the expected value and variance of a probability distribution To calculate probabilities from binomial and Poisson distributions How to use the binomial and Poisson distributions to solve business problems
Continuous random variables produce outcomes that come from a measurement (e.g. your annual salary, or your weight).
Chap 5-3

Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
E(X) = ((0)(0.25) + (1)(0.50) + (2)(0.25)) = 1.0
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 5-8
Discrete Random Variables Measuring Dispersion

Each observation is categorized as to whether or not the “event of interest” occurred

e.g., head or tail in each toss of a coin; defective or not defective light bulb Since these two categories are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

Probability of getting a tail is the same each time we toss the coin
Chap 5-12
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Binomial Probability Distribution
Possible Applications for the Binomial Distribution

A manufacturing plant labels items as either defective or acceptable
A firm bidding for contracts will either get a contract or not A marketing research firm receives survey responses of “yes I will buy” or “no I will not” New job applicants either accept the offer or reject it
Experiment: Toss 2 Coins.
4 possible outcomes
Let X = # heads.
Probability 1/4 = 0.25 2/4 = 0.50 1/4 = 0.25
Probability Distribution
X Value 0
1 2
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 5-2
Definitions Random Variables

A random variable represents a possible numerical value from an uncertain event. Discrete random variables produce outcomes that come from a counting process (e.g. number of courses you are taking this semester).
Chap 5-10
Probability Distributions
Probability Distributions Ch. 5 Discrete Probability Distributions Binomial Poisson Continuous Probability Distributions Normal Ch. 6

Expected Value (or mean) of a discrete random variable (Weighted Average)
E(X) Xi P( Xi )
i1 N

P(X) 0.25
Example: Toss 2 coins, X = # of heads, compute expected value of X:
Chap 5-4
Discrete Random Variables

Can only assume a countable number of values

Roll a die twice Let X be the number of times 4 occurs (then X could be 0, 1, or 2 times)

Variance of a discrete random variable
σ 2 [Xi E(X)] 2 P(Xi )

Standard Deviation of a discrete random variable
σ σ2
2 [X E(X)] P(Xi ) i i1

Infinite population without replacement Finite population with replacement
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
0.50 0.25
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 5-7
Discrete Random Variables Expected Value (Measuring Center)
Discrete Random Variables Measuring Dispersion

Example: Toss 2 coins, X = # heads, compute standard deviation (recall E(X) = 1)
[X E(X)]

Observations are independent

The outcome of one observation does not affect the outcome of the other Two sampling methods deliver independence

Toss a coin 5 times. Let X be the number of heads (then X = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 5-5
Business Statistics: A First Course, 5e © 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc.