索马鲁肽 质量标准
1. 纯度:索马鲁肽的纯度要求通常非常高,常见的要求为95%或99%以上。
2. 分子式与分子量:索马鲁肽的分子式为C187H291N45O59,分子量约为411
3. 外观:索马鲁肽通常为白色粉末状,这与其化学性质和纯度有关。
4. 溶解性:索马鲁肽在水中的溶解性良好,通常可溶解至1 mg/ml。
5. 储存条件:索马鲁肽应在-20°C的条件下储存,以保持其稳定性和活性。
6. 质量检验:在生产过程中,索马鲁肽会经过严格的质量检验,包括使用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)等分析技术来确保其纯度和含量。
7. 生物活性:索马鲁肽的生物活性是通过与GLP-1受体结合的能力来评估的。
8. 稳定性:索马鲁肽在储存和使用过程中的稳定性也是质量标准的一部分,这包括对温度、pH 值和光照等条件的稳定性评估。
恩曲替尼化学式-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述恩曲替尼(英文名称:Entrectinib)是一种靶向抗癌药物,属于酪氨酸激酶抑制剂。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:文章结构部分主要介绍了整篇文章的组织结构和内容安排。
曲格列汀琥珀酸片说明书(译文)Zafatek ®片100mg或50mg【禁忌】(以下患者禁止使用)(1)严重酮症、糖尿病昏迷或昏睡、1型糖尿病患者【需要迅速输胰岛素纠正高血糖的患者不使用该药】。
【组成性状】Zafatek片100mg Zafatek片50mg每片的有效成分曲格列汀琥珀酸盐133mg(曲格列汀100mg)曲格列汀琥珀酸盐66.5mg (曲格列汀50mg)剂型双面切割的薄膜包衣片薄膜包衣片片剂颜色淡红色淡黄红色识别码形状上面下面添加剂:D-甘露醇,微晶纤维素,羧甲基纤维素钠,羟丙基纤维素,硬脂酰富马酸钠,羟丙甲纤维素,聚乙二醇6000,氧化钛,三氧化二铁(总配方均含有),氧化铁(仅50mg的片剂含有)。
(参见【药代动力学】)中度肾功能障碍患者服药剂量血肌酐(mg/dl)※肌酐清除率(Ccr,ml/min)服药量中度肾功能障碍患者男性:1.4<~≤2.4女性:1.2<~≤2.030≤~<50 50mg,每周一次(2)以下患者用药指导1)每周服药一次,每周在同一天的时间内服用2)如果错过某次服药时间,就在你想起的时间服用,随后每周就在该时间点服用即可。
※:对应肌酐清除率换算值(年龄60岁,体重65公斤)【注意事项】1 慎用药(以下患者慎用此药)(1)中度肾功能障碍患者(参照【药代动力学】)(2)同时服用黄酰脲类或胰岛素抑制剂患者【其他DPP-4抑制剂,并患有严重低血糖患者】(参照重要注意事项,相互作用,严重副作用)。
英文名称:Gonadorelin Acetate
英文别名:Crylocur、Crytocur、Furtiral、GonadotropinReleasingHormone、Lutei CAS号:34973-08-5
每周只需注射一次,3个月即可轻松减掉10斤肥肉能让你管住嘴的减肥神药真的来了 临床大发现
不光有效,还很安全!这项研究的通讯作者,来自英国利兹大学的John Blundell 教授表示,“索马鲁肽的作用是非常令人惊讶的,我们在12周内就观察到了其他减肥药物需要6个月才能达到的效果。
”[2] John Blundell教授索马鲁肽(Semaglutide)本身是一款针对2型糖尿病的降糖药,主要成分为胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)类似物。
罗米司亭【商品名】Nplate【药品名称】罗米司亭/ romiplostim【适应症】治疗脾切除和脾未切除慢性免疫性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)成人患者的血小板生成药。
(2)因为需要减低出血的风险,通过增量1μg/kg调整每周剂量以达到和维持血小板计数50 × 109/L.(3)最大剂量不要超过每周10μg/kg。
(5)在配制期间不要震荡;避光保护配制好的Nplate; 24小时给配制好的Nplate。
使用刻度0.01 mL的注射器。
(6)每周监查CBCs,包括血小板计数和外周血涂片,直至达到稳定的Nplate 剂量。
(7)只能通过受限制的分配计划,称为Nplate NEXUS(了解和支持Nplate专家和患者网络)计划,才能获得Nplate。
核准日期:2009年07月07日注射用替考拉宁说明书请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用通用名称:注射用替考拉宁商品名称:他格适?英文名称:Teicoplanin for Injection汉语拼音:Zhusheyong Tikaolaning【成份】化学名称:替考拉宁化学结构式:分子式:分子量:辅料:氯化钠,注射用水【性状】本品为类白色冻干状物和粉末.【适应证】本品可用于治疗各种严重的革兰阳性菌感染,包括不能用青霉素类和头孢菌素类其他抗生素者.本品可用于不能用青霉素类及头孢菌素类抗生素治疗或用上述抗生素治疗失败的严生葡萄球菌感染,或对其他抗生素耐药的葡萄球菌感染.已证明他格适对下列感染有效:皮肤和软组织感染,泌尿道感染,呼吸道感染,骨和关节感染,败血症,心内膜炎及持续不卧床腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎.在矫形手术具有革兰阳性菌感染的高危因素时,本品也可作预防用.【规格】替考拉宁200mg 每包装含一小瓶200mg替考拉宁和一安瓿注射用水。
【用法用量】注射用替考拉宁注射液既可以静脉注射也可以肌肉注射可以快速静脉注射注射时间不少于1分钟或缓慢静脉滴注滴注时间不少于30分钟一般每日给药一次但第一天可以给药两次对敏感菌所致感染的大多数病人给药后48-72小时会出现疗效反应疗程长短则依据感染的类型严重程度和病人的临床反应而定心内膜炎和骨髓炎的疗程则推荐为3周或更长时间治疗剂量:肾功能正常的成人和老年人:矫形手术预防感染:麻醉诱导期单剂量静脉注射400mg 中度感染:皮肤和软组织感染泌尿系统感染呼吸道感染负荷量:第一天只一次静脉注射剂量400mg 维持量:静脉或肌肉注射200mg 每日一次严重感染:骨和关节感染败血症心内膜炎负荷量:头三剂静脉注射400mg 每12小时给药一次维持量:静脉或肌肉注射400mg 每日一次某些临床情况如严重烧伤感染或金葡菌心内膜炎病人替考拉宁维持量可能需要达到12mg/kg 备注:本品200mg及400mg标准剂量分别相当于3mg/kg及6mg/kg平均剂量如病人体重超过85kg建议用相同治疗方案按公斤体重给药:中度感染为3mg/kg 严重感染为6mg/kg.【不良反应】人们对注射用替考拉宁耐受性良好,不良反应一般轻微且短暂,很少需要中断治疗,严重不良反应罕见,已报道主要有以下不良反应:局部反应:红斑、局部疼痛、血栓性静脉炎。
益生菌对阿尔茨海默病作用的研究进展发布时间:2021-12-14T06:08:15.523Z 来源:《中国结合医学杂志》2021年12期作者:宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清1[导读] 阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。
宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清11.延边大学农学院,吉林延吉 1330022.吉林省农业科学院农产品加工研究所,吉林长春 130033摘要:阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。
关键词:益生菌;阿尔茨海默病;肠道菌群;机制Recent Progress in Research on Probiotics Effect on Alzheimer’s DiseaseSONG Xinping1,2,LI Shengyu2,JI Qing1*(1.College of Agricultural, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002,China)(2.Institute of Agro-food Technology, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chanchun 130033, China)Abstract:Alzheimer’s disease has become one of the major diseases threatening the life and health of the global elderly. The number of patients is increasing year by year, and the economic cost of nursing is high, which poses a major challenge to the global economy. In recent years, studies have shown that probiotics, as microorganisms beneficial to the health of the host, have a positive impact on the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Its mechanism may be through regulating intestinal flora, affecting the nervous immune system, regulating the neuroactive substances and metabolites, and affecting the occurrence and development of the disease through thegut- brain axis. This paper reviews the progress of probiotics on Alzheimer’s disease at home and abroad in recent years, as well as its potential mechanism of prevention and treatment.Key words:probiotics; Alzheimer’s disease; gut microbiota; mechanism阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD),系中枢神经系统退行性疾病,属于老年期痴呆常见类型,临床特征主要包括:记忆力减退、认知功能障碍、行为改变、焦虑和抑郁等。
王婕 913103860408NEULASTA(PEGFILGRASTIM)|培非格司亭注射液1.Introduction(简介)【产地英文商品名】:NEULASTA-6mg/0.6ml/Syringe【原产地英文药品名】:PEGFILGRASTIM【中文参考商品译名】:纽拉思塔-6毫克/0.6毫升/支【中文参考药品译名】:培非格司亭【生产厂家中文参考译名】:安进【生产厂家英文名】:Amgen, IncAmgen Announces Novel Drugs for Antitumor Chemotherapy Side Effects of FGT (TM) (pegfilgrastim), a drug developed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approval. Amphetamycin, the chief executive of Amgen, says that pemetrexedin will make it easier for healthcare workers to prevent chemotherapy-induced neutropenia and its serious complications.The third drug approved by Amgen in the past six months will significantly improve the prognosis of chemotherapy patients and is expected to enter the market in early April.BUSINESS WIRE 2002年2月1日美国加州THOUSAND OAKS消息,安进公司宣布抗肿瘤化疗副作用新药培非格司亭(TM) (pegfilgrastim)通过美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)的审批。
Mild,efficient and rapid O-debenzylation of ortho -substituted phenols with trifluoroacetic acidSteven Fletcher *,Patrick T.Gunning *Department of Chemistry,University of Toronto,Mississauga,ON L5L 1C6,Canadaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 21May 2008Revised 2June 2008Accepted 4June 2008Available online 10June 2008a b s t r a c tThe mild and efficient deblocking of aryl benzyl ethers with TFA is reported.Cleavage was fastest with ortho -electron-withdrawing groups on the phenolic ring,which we have attributed to a proton chelation effect,furnishing the deprotected phenols in excellent yields.The corresponding para -methoxybenzyl,allyl and iso -propyl ethers were also cleanly removed under these conditions.In addition,the selective aryl benzyl ether debenzylation in the presence of benzyl ester,Cbz carbamate and Boc carbamate func-tionalities was also observed.Crown Copyright Ó2008Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Phosphotyrosines feature in the design of inhibitors of several protein targets,including protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B).1However,these moieties suffer from hydrolytic lability to cellular phosphatases and poor cell penetration due to the asso-ciated dianionic charge.1To address these issues,salicylic acid derivatives (and closely-related analogues)have become popular mimetics of phosphotyrosine in small molecule inhibitors.1–5Turk-son et al.have recently reported on NSC74859(1),a potent,sali-cylic acid-based inhibitor of the oncogenic protein Stat3.6As part of our structure–activity relationship (SAR)studies on NSC74859(1),we sought to debenzylate both the phenol ether and benzoate ester in 2without reducing the aryl-bromide bond,a common undesired side reaction that occurs with hydrogen gas and Pd/C catalyst.7O -Benzyl-protected phenols are known to undergo debenzyla-tion with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)8by an initial protonation of the weakly basic phenol oxygen,although additives such as strongorganic acids (e.g.,trifluoromethanesulfonic acid 9)or a large excess of nucleophilic scavenger (e.g.,thioanisole,which accelerates the reaction by a ‘push–pull’mechanism 10)are typically required.Re-cent work by Ploypradith et al.describes the mild deprotection of aromatic ethers with sub-stoichiometric para -toluenesulfonic acid on solid support.11In a special case,O -benzyl-protected ortho -nitrophenol was cleaved rapidly (<5min)with neat TFA,12which we considered was due to the ability of the substrate to chelate a proton since the structurally-similar ortho -hydroxybenzoates (salicylates)are well-known to chelate copper ions and iron ions.We reasoned that 2(and indeed 3)may similarly undergo acceler-ated debenzylation with TFA.In fact,as shown in Scheme 1,treat-ment of 2(or 3)with a 1:1mixture of TFA/toluene led to rapid debenzylation (5min for 2;1h for 3)in 91%yield for 2(or 85%yield for 3).In this Letter,we will explore the structural require-ments of the phenol component that increase the lability of the O -benzyl phenol ether bond in the presence of TFA.In addition,0040-4039/$-see front matter Crown Copyright Ó2008Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.*Tel.:+19058285354;fax:+19058285425(P.T.G.).E-mail (S.Fletcher), (P.T.Gunning).Tetrahedron Letters 49(2008)4817–4819Contents lists available at ScienceDirectTetrahedron Lettersj o ur na l h om e pa ge :w w w.e ls e v ie r.c o m/lo c at e/t et l e twe will explore the selectivity of this mild debenzylation tech-nique with respect to other aromatic ethers and examine the sta-bility of other benzyl-based protecting groups to these reaction conditions.A series of 12O -benzyl-protected phenols was prepared by standard procedures in near quantitative yields.Each of these ethers was then deprotected with a 1:1mixture of TFA/toluene;our observations are summarized in Table 1.In certain cases,O ?C benzyl migration (Friedel–Crafts reaction)by-products (610%)were occasionally inseparable from the product by silica gel flash column chromatography.Thus,several benzyl cation cap-tors were investigated for their abilities to improve yields and puri-ties of the debenzylation reactions.Three to ten equivalents of p -cresol,anisole and triethylsilane were employed,but these exerted little effects on reducing by-product formation.Conversely,we dis-covered that including the more nucleophilic scavenger thioanisole as an additive to the co-solvent toluene typically,after silica gel flash column chromatography,furnished products in P 95%puri-ties (and higher yields),as judged by 1H NMR.Nevertheless,we envisaged any Friedel–Crafts impurities would be more readily separable on slightly more complex aryl benzyl ethers,as we ob-served with the substrates shown in Scheme 1and Tables 3and 4(>99%purities (1H NMR)in each case).Whilst likely leading to even higher yields and purities,large excesses of thioanisole (50equiv)are also known to accelerate TFA-mediated debenzyla-tion.10However,in our hands just 3equiv of thioanisole had little effect on the rate of debenzylation,allowing us to attribute the deprotection rates solely to the structure of the phenol.Electron-rich phenols are good scavengers of benzyl cations,13and since preliminary experiments with electron-rich phenols generated complex mixtures of Friedel–Crafts by-products under these deb-enzylation conditions,we chose to investigate only electron-poor phenols in this study.O -Benzyl-protected phenols with p -ortho -electron-withdraw-ing groups (6a ,6b ,6d ,6f )were swiftly (several in less than 3h cf.24h for unsubstituted phenol 6l )and cleanly debenzylated,with less than 5%of the undesired C-benzylated phenol by-prod-ucts.In contrast,meta -and para -electron-withdrawing groups slo-wed down the debenzylation (e.g.,entries 6g and 6h ),relative to the control compound 6l ,which itself could only be obtained in moderate purity by this method.The r -withdrawing (and p -donating)bromophenols 6i –k were insufficiently deactivated to benzyl cation scavenging and were contaminated with several by-products.Importantly,n -butyl benzyl ether 8was unaffected by TFA under the reaction conditions,indicating this procedure is selective for aryl benzyl ethers.In addition,the results in Table 1suggest that this procedure is suitable only for phenols substituted with p -electron-withdrawing groups.Since the debenzylation mechanism with TFA proceeds via an initial protonation of the phenol ether oxygen,the more available the ether oxygen lone pairs are,the faster the reaction will be.Hence,the slower reaction times for the phenols bearing meta -and para -electron-withdrawing groups make sense,although this is not true for the ortho -functionalized aryl benzyl ethers.As hypothesized for the bis-benzyl salicylate derivative 2earlier,we considered these ortho -substituted phenols were capable of chelat-ing the acidic hydrogen atom from TFA which therein facilitated the acid-mediated debenzylation via a six-membered cyclic inter-mediate,as proposed in Scheme 2.A similar chelation intermediate has been put forward by Baldwin and Haraldsson to account for the Lewis acid MgBr 2-mediated debenzylation of aromatic benzyl ethers ortho to an aldehyde group.14Accordingly,to test this hypothesis we expanded this series of ortho -substituted aryl benzyl ethers,and the results from their deb-enzylation reactions with TFA are summarized in Table 2.These substrates have been listed in order of increasing approximateTable 1TFA-mediated debenzylation of O -benzyl-protected phenols aTFAtolueneOBnROHR67Substrate RTime (h)b Yield c (%)6a o -CO 2Me,m d -NHAc 5min 936b o -CO 2Me 5min 946c p -CO 2Me 36e 63(85f )6d o -CO 2Bn 5min 936e p -CO 2Bn 36e 58(79f )6f o -NO 23976g m -NO 236e 75(98f )6h p -NO 236e 66(98f )6i o -Br 16—g 6j m -Br 30—g 6k p -Br 36—g 6lH 24—gn -BuOBn (8)—24No reactionaThe reaction was carried out with 6(0.5mmol)in a 1:1mixture of TFA/toluene (5ml)at rt,with 3equiv of thioanisole.bTime taken for all starting material to be consumed.cIsolated yield after silica gel flash column chromatography.dmeta to phenol oxygen AND para to ester.eReaction was slow and incomplete after 3days.fYield based on recovered starting material.gComplex mixture of products.Table 2TFA-mediated debenzylation of O -benzyl-protected,ortho -substituted phenols aTFA tolueneOBnOH67RRSubstrate R p K aH b Time c (h)Yield d (%)Relative rate 6m CO 2NH 2À2248316n CHO À7 3.594e 6.96o CO 2H À8191246b CO 2Me À8.55min 942886d CO 2Bn À8.55min 932886p CN À10>4851(95f )—6f NO 2À1239786i Br —16—g 1.56lH—24—g1aThe reaction was carried out with 6(0.5mmol)in a 1:1mixture of TFA/toluene (5ml)at rt,with 3equiv of thioanisole.bApproximate p K aH of conjugate acid of R group.15cTime taken for all starting material to be consumed.dIsolated yield after silica gel flash column chromatography.eIncluding thioanisole in the deprotection of 6n led to further by-products,thus no scavenger was used and compound 7n could be obtained in only 90%purity.fYield based on recovered starting material.gComplex mixture of products.4818S.Fletcher,P.T.Gunning /Tetrahedron Letters 49(2008)4817–4819acidity of the conjugate acid (decreasing p K aH )of the ortho -elec-tron-withdrawing substituent.15There appears to be an optimal p K aH of around À8.5,that is exhibited by carboxylic esters,which lead to the fastest rate of debenzylation with TFA.In an approxi-mate bell-shaped distribution of reaction rate versus ortho -substi-tuent p K aH —that was interrupted only by ortho -cyanophenol 6p —protonatable groups with p K aH ’s <À8.5or >À8.5were less effective at accelerating the TFA-mediated debenzylation.These data concur with our chelation hypothesis:groups that are too ba-sic bind more strongly to the TFA proton making it less available for sharing with,and ultimately releasing to,the phenol ether oxygen;groups that are weakly basic do not bind the TFA proton as well,leading to reduced chelation and hence less rate enhancement.The anomalous result for ortho -cyanophenol 6p was anticipated since this compound was selected as a negative control.Phenol 6p is geometrically incapable of chelating a proton,because the lin-ear,sp -hybridized nitrile functionality directs its basic nitrogen atom (p K aH %À10)away from the phenol oxygen.As predicted,there was no rate enhancement for the TFA-mediated debenzyla-tion of 6p relative to phenol 6l .In fact,6p was only slowly deben-zylated,at a rate that was comparable with the m -nitro and p -nitro derivatives 6g and 6h ,respectively.We next wanted to investigate the selectivity for the deprotec-tion of the benzyl group over other phenol protecting groups.Accordingly,the benzyl group in salicylate derivative 9a was varied with para -methoxybenzyl (PMB;9b ),methyl (9c ),allyl (9d )and iso -propyl (i -Pr;9e ).These substrates were then debenzylated with a 1:1mixture of TFA/toluene;our findings are reported in Table 3.Any impurities this time were minor and readily separable from the products,eliminating the need for the additive thioanisole.The relative rates at which these protecting groups were removed was para -methoxybenzyl >benzyl >allyl >iso -propyl )methyl,which reflects the stability of the carbocations.These data suggest that in salicylates such as 9,the benzyl phenol protecting group (R =Bn)can be removed with TFA in the presence of the corres-ponding allyl,iso -propyl and methyl ethers.Finally,we explored the selectivity of this mild debenzylation technique over other benzyl-based protecting groups,as shown in Table 4.As the results demonstrate,it was possible to deblock the O -benzyl ether in the presence of a benzyl ester (6d )and in the presence of a benzyl carbamate (11b ),thereby increasing the orthogonality of O -benzyl phenol ethers of salicylate derivatives.Interestingly,it was even possible to cleave the benzyl group in 11c with TFA in the presence of an N -Boc-protected aniline.In summary,we have presented the mild,efficient and rapid deblocking of ortho -substituted aryl benzyl ethers with TFA.Deb-enzylation was fastest when the ortho group was a carboxylic ester,which we have attributed to a proton chelation effect.Other ortho groups that accelerated the TFA-mediated debenzylation included carboxylic acid,aldehyde and nitro.In addition,we have shown that in such ortho -functionalized phenols,benzyl could be removed in the presence of the corresponding iso -propyl,allyl and methyl ethers.Moreover,the benzyl ether could be selectively cleaved in the presence of benzyl ester,Cbz carbamate and Boc carbamate functionalities.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge financial support for this work from the Canadian Foundation of Innovation and the Univer-sity of Toronto (Connaught Foundation).References and notes1.Zhang,S.;Zhang,Z.-Y.Drug Discov.Today 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919b PMB 2min 909c Me 480d 9d Allyl 20919ei -Pr3692aThe reaction was carried out with 9(0.5mmol)in a 1:1mixture of TFA/toluene (5ml)at rt.bTime taken for all starting material to be consumed.cIsolated yield after silica gel flash column chromatography.dOnly starting material remained after 48h,at which point the reaction was aborted.Table 4Selectivity investigation into the TFA-mediated debenzylation of aryl benzyl ethers aTFA tolueneOBnOH2Bn2Bn1112RRSubstrate R Yield b (%)6d c H 9311a NHAc 9211b NHCbz 9311c dNHBoc54aThe reaction was carried out with 11(0.5mmol)in a 1:1mixture of TFA/toluene (5ml)at rt for 5min,then all solvents were evaporated.bIsolated yield after silica gel flash column chromatography.cFor compound 6d ,3equiv of thioanisole were also used.dAfter 5min,the reaction mixture was diluted with CH 2Cl 2and then immedi-ately neutralized with 1M NaOH.The organic layer was then separated and evaporated.S.Fletcher,P.T.Gunning /Tetrahedron Letters 49(2008)4817–48194819。
Ni-NTA (6His recomb. enzyme)
Invitrogen – Life Technologies,
Ni-NTA (6His recomb. enzyme)
Ni-NTA (6His recomb. TEV)
PreScission(PreScisபைடு நூலகம்ion蛋白酶)
GSTrap for GST fusion enzyme
Factor Xa(Xa因子)
New England Biolabs,
His-tag removal by Exoproteolytic Digestion
Ni-NTA (6His recomb. enzyme)
Intein Site(内含肽)
dithiothreitol cleavage(二硫苏糖醇清除)
New England Biolabs
DTT elimination by dialysis?(透析)
New England Biolabs,
)【禁忌】(以下患者禁用)(1)严重酮症、糖尿病昏迷或昏迷前期、1 型糖尿病患者[由于输液、胰岛素快速校正高血糖是必要的,故不适合使用本品。
](参见【药代动力学】项)(4)对本品的成份有过敏史的患者【组成·性状】【功能主治】 2 型糖尿病【用法·用量】通常成人每周一次口服曲格列汀 100mg。
1)本品为每周服用 1 次药物,应在每周的同一天服用。
【使用上的注意】1. 慎重给药(以下患者慎用)下列患者或状态:(1)中度肾功能损害患者(见<用法用量相关使用上的注意>、参见【药代动力学】项)(2)正在使用磺脲类药物或胰岛素制剂的患者[与其他 DPP-4 抑制剂并用时有严重低血糖的报道](见「重要注意事项」、「相互作用」、「严重不良反应」)(3)脑垂体功能不全或肾上腺功能不全[有引发低血糖的风险](4)营养不良、饥饿、饮食不规律、进食量不足或虚弱状态[有引发低血糖的风险](5)激烈肌肉运动[有引发低血糖的风险](6)饮酒过量者[有引发低血糖的风险]2. 重要的注意事项(1)应注意,由于本品与其他糖尿病药物并用时有引发低血糖的风险,因此在与这些药物并用时需对患者详细说明低血糖症状及其处理方法。
streptavidin-icg结构式 -回复
streptavidin-icg结构式-回复Streptavidin-ICG Structure Explained: Unveiling the Mysteries of a Versatile CombinationIntroduction:In the world of biochemistry and molecular biology, the discovery of streptavidin revolutionized the way scientists study and manipulate biomolecules. Streptavidin, a tetrameric protein derived from Streptomyces avidinii, has gained considerable attention due to its extraordinary ability to bind biotin with an exceptionally high affinity. This article will delve into the intricacies of streptavidin and a popular combination involving this protein calledstreptavidin-ICG.1. What is Streptavidin?Streptavidin is a tetrameric protein consisting of four identical subunits. Each subunit contains a binding site for biotin, making it an ideal tool for researchers who work with biomolecules. Streptavidin's remarkable binding affinity for biotin has made it a staple in numerous biological techniques, such as fluorescentlabeling, cell imaging, and affinity chromatography.2. Structure of Streptavidin:The overall structure of streptavidin features four subunits arranged in a symmetrical manner. The subunits are connected to each other by extensive hydrogen bonding, resulting in a highly stable protein structure. Each subunit contains a binding pocket for biotin, also known as the active site. The active site consists of residues that form a hydrophobic cage-like structure to accommodate the biotin molecule, ensuring a tight and specific binding interaction.3. Introduction to ICG:Indocyanine Green (ICG), a cyanine dye, has gained popularity in recent years due to its remarkable near-infrared fluorescent properties. This fluorescence property makes it ideal for use in various biomedical applications, such as angiography, lymph node mapping, and tumor imaging. ICG has a peak absorption wavelength at around 780 nanometers, which corresponds to the near-infrared range of light, allowing for deeper tissue penetration.4. Streptavidin-ICG Combination:Streptavidin-ICG is a complex formed by conjugating ICG to streptavidin. By linking ICG to streptavidin, the fluorescence properties of ICG can be harnessed while taking advantage of streptavidin's biotin-binding capabilities. The streptavidin-ICG complex opens up a world of possibilities in various research fields, including biomedical imaging, drug delivery, and targeted therapy.5. Synthesis of Streptavidin-ICG:Synthesizing streptavidin-ICG is a multi-step process. It typically involves the following steps:a. Preparation of activated ICG: ICG is activated by reacting it with a suitable activating agent, such as N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), to form an active ester. This activated ICG can now react with the amino groups present on the streptavidin protein.b. Conjugation of streptavidin and activated ICG: The activated ICG is now mixed with streptavidin solution, allowing the reactionbetween the activated ester and the amino groups on the protein to occur. This conjugation reaction forms covalent bonds, linking the streptavidin and ICG molecules together.c. Purification and characterization: The streptavidin-ICG complex is then purified using techniques such as dialysis or size-exclusion chromatography to eliminate any unreacted components. The complex is then characterized using various analytical techniques, including SDS-page and UV-vis spectroscopy, to confirm its composition and purity.6. Applications of Streptavidin-ICG:The streptavidin-ICG complex has found numerous applications in the field of biotechnology and medicine. Its ability to specifically target biotinylated molecules, combined with the fluorescent properties of ICG, allows for targeted imaging of specific cells or tissues. Researchers have utilized the streptavidin-ICG complex for the targeted delivery of drugs and therapeutic agents to specific sites in the body, enabling precise treatment and reduced side effects.Conclusion:Streptavidin and its combination with ICG, streptavidin-ICG, have revolutionized the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. The exceptional binding affinity of streptavidin for biotin and the unique fluorescent properties of ICG make this complex combination a valuable tool in various research areas. As scientists continue to explore and refine streptavidin and its applications, we can expect new and exciting breakthroughs in the near future.。
英文名:The Lipid/Sterol Extract of Serenoa Repens Tablets
汉语拼音:Sai Run Lv Zhi Zhi Gu Chun Ti Qu Wu Pian
治疗慢性特发性便秘新药——普卡那肽(plecanatide)陈本川【摘要】普卡那肽(plecanatide)由美国Synergy制药公司研发,是尿鸟苷蛋白(uroguanylin)的类似物,含有16个氨基酸的环状多肽,具有促尿钠排泄的鸟苷酸环化酶受体激动药的作用,能调节胃肠道中的酸碱离子,诱导液体转运进入胃肠道,增加胃肠道的蠕动,适用于治疗成人慢性特发性便秘.美国食品药品管理局(FDA)于2017年1月19日批准上市,商品名为Trulance.该文对普卡那肽的非临床毒理学和临床药理学、临床试验、适应证、剂量与用法、用药注意事项与警示、不良反应及知识产权状态与国内外研究进展等进行介绍.【期刊名称】《医药导报》【年(卷),期】2017(036)006【总页数】6页(P716-718,后插1-后插2,封3)【关键词】普卡那肽;便秘,特发性;尿鸟苷蛋白;鸟苷酸环化酶;环状多肽【作者】陈本川【作者单位】湖北丽益医药科技有限公司,武汉 430205【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R975.3;R574.62DOI 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.06.032慢性特发性便秘(chronic idiopathic constipation,CIC)属于下消化道动力学障碍性疾病,其发病与结肠、肛门直肠动力学及精神心理异常有关,也是困扰中、老年人群的常见多发病,不同程度影响现代人的工作和生活质量。
磷酸西他列汀片 (1)25mg。(2)50mg。(3)100mg。 贮法:20-25℃(15-30℃)保存。 分子结构图
本药为二肽基肽酶-4(DPP-4)抑制药,通过保护内源性肠降血糖素和增强其作用而控制血糖水平。葡萄糖依 赖性促胰岛素释放肽(GIP)和胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1),是针对膳食摄入而释放的肠降血糖素。
GLP-1和GIP能通过细胞内信号途径增加胰岛素合成及从胰岛β细胞的释放,GLP-1亦能减少胰岛α细胞分泌 胰高血糖素,使肝葡萄糖生成减少。但GLP-1和GIP均由DPP-4快速代谢,导致其促胰岛素作用丧失。
本药抑制肠降血糖素经DPP-4的降解,故能增强GLP-1和GIP的功能,增加胰岛素释放并降低循环中胰高血糖 素水平(此作用呈葡萄糖依赖性)。本药选择性抑制DPP-4,对DPP-8或DPP-9无抑制活性。
本药口服后1-4小时达血药峰浓度950nmol,曲线下面积为8.52mmol·h,绝对生物利用度约87%,蛋白结合 率为38%,分布容积约198L。极少在肝脏代谢。肾清除率约350ml/min,肾排泄率为87%(79%为原形药),消除半 衰期为12.4小时,血液透析有助于本药的清除。
1.禁忌症尚不明确。 2.慎用 (1)晚期肾病患者(国外资料)。(2)中度或重度肾功能不全者(国外资料)。 3.药物对儿童的影响儿童用药的安全性和有效性尚未确立。 4.药物对妊娠的影响尚缺乏在孕妇中的对照研究,且本药是否透过胎盘尚不明确,建议孕妇必要时方可使用 本药。美国食品药品管理局(FDA)对本药的妊娠安全性分级为B级。 西他列汀5.药物对哺乳的影响哺乳妇女慎用。
舍雷肽酶肠溶片【药品名称】通用名称:舍雷肽酶肠溶片英文名称:Serrapeptase Enteric-coated Tablets【成份】本品主要成分为:由沙雷氏菌属产生的蛋白分解酶。
【不良反应】本品偶见以下不良反应:1 过敏反应:如皮疹、瘙痒、皮肤潮红等。
2 消化道反应:如食欲不振、胃部不适、恶心、呕吐、腹泻等。
3 其它:如鼻出血、痰中带血等出血症状,以及出现黄疸、谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶(GOT)、谷氨酸丙酮酸转氨酶(GPT)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、γ-谷氨酸丙酮酸转氨酶(γ-GTP)等上升。
【注意事项】1 既往有药物过敏史者、凝血功能障碍、严重肝、肾功能不全者慎用。
2 若有不良反应发生,应停止用药,并进行适当处理。
【药物相互作用】1 本品与抗凝剂并用,有时会增强抗凝效果。
2 本品与抗生素类药、化疗药、非甾体类抗炎药并用可引起下列反应:(1) 皮肤粘膜眼综合征及中毒性表皮坏死症。
(2) 间质性肺炎、嗜酸细胞肺浸润综合征。
(3) 休克。
【批准文号】XC20010013【生产企业】企业名称:Weidar Chem & Pharm.Co.,Ltd.。