



Pipenet培训笔记§1 Pipenet简介Pipenet软件于七十年代起源于剑桥大学,在经历了近三十年的拓展与研发之后,已广泛应用于石油化工、工业循环水以及跨流域输送等行业。



§2 软件界面1.进入pipenet界面,可在window下拉菜单中选择use window menu style使用常用的pipenet菜单模式。



打开pipenet,不建立任何模型,此时建立数据库为系统库,否则为当地库,file-import libraries可导入其他库。

4.view菜单主要用于pipenet窗口以及工具条的显示,窗口具体包括schematic window、data window、properties、schematic overview,工具条一般保持系统默认设置。

5.tools中make path对于分析指定管路的压降、流量等特性非常有用。

§3 Standard Module 标准模块标准模块——Standard Module(以下简称STM)。











函数定义时需要使用export 关键词输出。



























sqlser2012英文版SQL Server 2012: A Comprehensive OverviewIntroduction:SQL Server 2012 is a widely used relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It offers a range of features and capabilities that make it a popular choice for businesses and developers worldwide. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of SQL Server 2012, discussing its key features, benefits, and use cases.I. Key Features of SQL Server 2012:1. Enhanced Business Intelligence:1.1 Improved Reporting Services: SQL Server 2012 offers enhanced reporting capabilities, allowing users to create interactive reports with advanced visualization options.1.2 Power View: This feature enables users to create interactive, data-driven dashboards and presentations, making it easier to analyze and present data effectively.1.3 Data Quality Services: SQL Server 2012 includes Data Quality Services, which provide tools for data cleansing, matching, and profiling, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.2. High Availability and Disaster Recovery:2.1 AlwaysOn Availability Groups: SQL Server 2012 introduces AlwaysOn Availability Groups, which enable high availability and disaster recovery solutions. It allows multiple copies of a database to be synchronized and provides automatic failover capabilities.2.2 Failover Cluster Instances: This feature allows multiple SQL Server instances to be grouped together as a single failover cluster, providing high availability and minimizing downtime in case of hardware or software failures.2.3 Database Mirroring: SQL Server 2012 supports database mirroring, which provides real-time replication of databases to a standby server, ensuring data availability and minimizing data loss in the event of a primary server failure.3. Scalability and Performance:3.1 Columnstore Indexes: SQL Server 2012 introduces columnstore indexes, which significantly improve query performance for data warehousing and analytics workloads. These indexes store data in a columnar format, allowing for faster data retrieval.3.2 Resource Governor: This feature allows administrators to allocate system resources to different workloads, ensuring optimal performance for critical applications and preventing resource contention.3.3 Enhanced Query Optimizer: SQL Server 2012 includes an improved query optimizer, which enhances query performance by generating more efficient execution plans.4. Security:4.1 Always Encrypted: SQL Server 2012 introduces Always Encrypted, a feature that enables the encryption of sensitive data at rest and in transit. It ensures that only authorized users can access the encrypted data, even if the database is compromised.4.2 Transparent Data Encryption: This feature enables the encryption of entire databases, protecting data from unauthorized access. It helps organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements and safeguard sensitive information.4.3 Auditing and Compliance: SQL Server 2012 provides robust auditing capabilities, allowing organizations to track and monitor database activities. It helps ensure data integrity and compliance with regulatory standards.5. Development and Integration:5.1 SQL Server Data Tools: SQL Server 2012 includes SQL Server Data Tools, a development environment that provides a comprehensive set of tools for database development, testing, and deployment.5.2 Integration Services: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) allow developers to create and manage data integration workflows, making it easier to extract, transform, and load data from various sources.5.3 Support for Multiple Programming Languages: SQL Server 2012 supports multiple programming languages, including T-SQL, .NET, and Java, providing flexibility for developers to build robust applications.Conclusion:SQL Server 2012 is a powerful RDBMS that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. Its enhanced business intelligence, high availability and disaster recovery, scalability and performance, security, and development and integration features make it a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes. With its comprehensive set of tools and advanced functionalities, SQL Server 2012 remains a popular choice for businesses and developers seeking a reliable and efficient database management system.。

rxpermissions 方法介绍 -回复

rxpermissions 方法介绍 -回复

rxpermissions 方法介绍-回复"RxPermissions方法介绍"RxPermissions是一个用于简化Android权限处理的库。







在项目的build.gradle文件中,添加如下代码:dependencies {implementation 'com.github.tbruyelle:rxpermissions:0.12'}然后,进行一次同步操作,使库能够成功添加到项目中。


可以在Activity或Fragment中创建一个RxPermissions对象,例如:RxPermissions rxPermissions = new RxPermissions(this);这里传入的参数是当前的Activity或Fragment对象,以便进行权限请求的相关操作。



rxPermissions.request(Manifest.permission.CAMERA).subscribe(granted -> {if (granted) {权限被授予} else {权限被拒绝}});在上述代码中,我们使用request方法请求了相机权限。

jeecms 2012数据库说明

jeecms 2012数据库说明

数据库名:表名:jc_acquisition 列名类型长度小数位空值默认值acquisition_id int 11不允许site_id int 11不允许channel_id int 11不允许type_id int 11不允许user_id int11不允许acq_name varchar 50不允许start_time datetime end_time datetime status int 11不允许0curr_num int 11不允许0curr_item int 11不允许0total_item int 11不允许0pause_time int11不允许0page_encoding varchar 20不允许GBKplan_list longtext dynamic_addr varchar 255dynamic_start int 11dynamic_end int11linkset_start varchar 255linkset_end varchar 255link_start varchar 255link_end varchar 255title_start varchar 255title_endvarchar 255keywords_start varchar 255keywords_endvarchar 255description_start varchar 255description_end varchar 255content_start varchar 255content_endvarchar 255pagination_start varchar 255pagination_endvarchar255表名:jc_channel 列名类型长度小数位空值默认值channel_id int 11非空model_id int 11非空site_id int 11非空parent_id int11channel_path varchar 30lft int 11非空1rgtint 11非空2priority int11非空10has_content tinyint 1非空1is_display tinyint 1非空1jeecms2012CMS采集表CMS栏目表表名:jc_channel_attr 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SBC S-Web技术室内自动化系统说明书

SBC S-Web技术室内自动化系统说明书

237238Save building operating costs, lower CO2 emissions and increase user comfortThe objective is to maintain a comfortable interior temperature for the user, which should be achieved by consuming a minimal amount of energy. The optimisation potential of occupancy and changes of use can therefore be exploited. Energy efficiency and conservingresources will become increasingly important in the future and play a decisive role in the implementation of projects. New standards,regulations and laws are constantly being introduced to increase awareness of this.4.1 Objectives of room automationThe existing potential is also demonstrated through a studyby the University of Hannover for Applied Science and Art. Inair-conditioning technology, energy savings of over 30% can beachieved and this figure rises to 60% for lighting. Further inves-tigations and studies also demonstrate an immense potentialfor savings.Standards and regulationsThe challenges of changing energy policies and increasingly strict CO2 constraints have resulted in new guidelines. One example is the EPBD, which stipulates the improvement of the overall energy efficiency of new buildings.European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive – EPBDThe latest European Directives (2010/31/EU and 2012/27/EU) required Member States to introduce, implement and monitor the quality of building energy efficiency in various areas. The guidelines include a method of calculating overall energy efficiency. Calculation of the energy requirement with additional specifications for heating, ventilation, cooling and electrical energy.Extract: Technical building systems, such as heating systems, warm water systems, air-conditioning and large ventilation systems, must meet the requirements for overall energy efficiency, regardless of whether they involve new systems or the replacement or modernisation of such systems. Certain regulations and recommendations exist for room automation in various countries. A brief extract:– D IN EN 15232 “Energy Performance of Buildings: Impact of Building Automation and Building Management”– V DI 3813-1 “Fundamentals of Room Control”– D IN V 18599 “Energy Efficiency of Buildings”– E nEV Energy Saving RegulationThis topic is described in greater detail based on the following example.Objectives of room automation❝E nsure a reasonable level of comfort during occupancy❝C ut the cost of energy required for operation❝P rotect the environment and conserve energy resourcesA crucial factor here is monitoring, and the user's ability to intervene.Comfort with room automationWe spend most of our time in closed rooms. This is why the quality of the temperature and conditions in the room is vital for our health and wellbeing and, for functional buildings, the environment also influences productivity at work. In this case, the factors are influenced by various services. These are, for example, the HVAC services (pleasant room tempera-ture and good air quality) and the electrical services (e.g. light for sufficient brightness or blinds to prevent glare, the effects of daylight and thermal radiation). An interdiscipli-nary cooperation of various services and plants is required to control these influencing factors. This can be achieved using cross-plant automation functions and the appropriate components.Energy and room automationThe building sector accounts for 40% of overall energy consumption in the European Union (EU). Of this, 85% isfor room heating and cooling and 15% for electrical energy (particularly lighting).There is enormous potential for energy optimisation here. Building automation plays a decisive role in this, along with thermal isolation and the use of energy-efficient devices.The complete networking of heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, shade and additional systems make the building intel-ligent. This is the key to energy efficiency and optimises the operating costs of a building. The operating phase of a build-ing is crucial, as 80% of the service life costs are accumulated in the operating phase. 50% of this figure is energy costs that could be reduced with intelligent building automation. Operating costs per annum in % of the construction costs9%10%10%15%17%21%26%31%Source: Helbing Study2391340.870.9311.100.860.9311.070.900.9511.070.700.8011.510.800.8811.200.680.8511.3124h22h 20h 18h 16h 14h 12h 10h 8h6h4h2h0h1. 24h22h 20h 18h 16h 14h 12h 10h 8h6h4h2h0h1. C DS B C S B C S -W e b t e c h n o l o g yR o o m a u t o m a t i o nEN 15232 “Energy Performance of Buildings – Impact of Building Automation and Building Management ”The EU Directive EPBD includes the standard EN15232, which contains the following:❝ A structured list of the control, BA and TGM functions that influence the energy efficiency of buildings.❝ A simplified method to obtain an initial assessment of the influence of these functions on the energy efficiency in typical buildings.Energy efficiency classes of building automation Class A: H igh-energy efficiency room automation and networkedplants and servicesClass B: O ptimal solutions for each plant or service, partially networked Class C: S tandard room automation, reference document Class D: N o room automation, not energy efficient Room automation and its implementation is an important aspect of the assessment!21%30%20%20%16%32%Office build-ingOffice build-ingSchool School Hotel Hotel Energy-saving potentialSavings with electrical energy (lighting/sun protection)Energy-saving potentialSavings with thermal energy (heating/cooling)Saving potential by retrofitting Class D in accordance with ASaving potential by retrofitting Class C in accordance with A Examples of essential measures for the EN 15232 rating:Class C:❝ C entral control of the room temperature ❝ L ighting with manual setting/dimming ❝ S imple sun-protection automationEnergy-saving potentialThe EN 15232 clearly shows for the first time and in a standardised form the enormous energy-saving potential that exists when managing building technology systems. The amount of energy saved can vary for different building types using a range of user profiles (EN 15217):Class A:❝ N etworked temperature control for individual rooms ❝ L ight control in accordance with requirements❝ N etworking of blinds and light control with heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems❝ F or VAV: Load-dependent control ❸ via an air quality sensor in the roomHotelOfficeO c c u p a n c yO c c u p a n c y240SBC has various products available for room automation. Depending on the task, various components are used for this that were de-scribed in section A. The product groups will be briefly presented again below, and subsequently subdivided. The objective is to assess as quickly as possible when and where certain products can be used to meet the relevant requirements.4.2 Room automation with SBC componentsThe products in section A, which lists their technical specifications, will be split into controllers and control units for room automation, and will be described briefly.4.2.1 Product overview for room automation applicationsControllers:❝PCD7.LRxx B ACnet-Room controllers configurablevia Android-app❝PCD7.LRxx-P5Room controllers freely programmablewith PG5❝DALI64SYLKPSUx DALI lighting system with BLE and Sylkbusinterface❝PCD1 E-Line freely programmable E-Line modulesand E-Line RIOs for I/O extension❝PCD1.M2220-C15PCD1 with Ethernet TCP/IPfor room automation applications❝PCD controllers all additional Saia PCDautomation stations Control units:❝Sylk-Bus Room control units with Sylk-Busconnection❝EnOcean Wireless Room control units from PEHA(EnOcean)❝PCD7.D1000Room control units with ModBusor S-Bus connection❝PCD7.D443Room Panel❝P CD7.D4xx Web Panel MB and pWeb Panel MB2411234S B C S o f t w a C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d I n t e r a c t i o nS B C S -W e b t e c h n o l o g yR o o m a u t o m a t i o nControllersPCD7.LRxx – BACnet room controllers configurable via Android-appThe configurable BACnet room controllers of the PCD7.LRxx have integrated applications for stand-ard fan coil, inlet air dampers with air quality control, radiator or chilled ceiling control and enable efficient and time-saving commissioning and testing of the connected actuators and sensors via an Android-App.They have a SYLK bus interface for connecting digital room control units.PCD7.LRxx-P5 – Room controllers freely programmable with PG5The S-Bus/Modbus room controllers freely programmable with Saia PG5®, can be fully integrated into the Saia PG5 ® controls suite and are suitable for flexible and individual space solutions. Two interfaces that can be configured as S-Bus or Modbus enable the integration of digital room control units or expansion modules - this is how the room controller can be combined with existing SBC PCD1 E-Line modules.This allows more complex applications and trades to create comprehensive HVAC, lighting and shad-ing room control solutions which makes it ideal for the realization of energy-efficient and individual room automation. It also provides a good basis for achieving energy efficiency classes according to EN 15232: 2012.. In addition, it has a Sylk bus interface for connecting digital room control units.PCD1.M2220-C15The Saia PCD1.M2220-C15 has been specially designed for installation in electrical sub-distribution. It is a freely programmable room controller for sophisticated solutions with different commu-nication options and acts as a master for the attached controllers and modules. It can take on more complex regulations as well as form the interface to the management level. The integrated Automation server and the Web + IT functions can be used directly to visualize the control via web panel or browser. With the support of numerous protocols such as BACnet, LON, Modbus, etc., the Saia PCD E-Line CPU is the ideal interface to other trades.PCD1 E-Line (PCD1.Xxxx-xxx)The PCD1 PG5 freely programmable E-line modules and E-Line RIO which can be used for I/O expan-sion for HVAC, lighting or shading control.Saia PCD controllersSaia PCD controllers have sufficient system resources to operate up to 13 communication interfaces in the same device. Even the most demanding tasks, such as simultaneous communication via BAC-net® and L on IP , can be managed reliably.Any challenge can be met with a Saia PCD owing to its flexible operation and high level of reliability.DALI64SYLKPSUx - DALI64 lighting system configurable over Light touch appDALI64 is a fully featured standalone DALI lighting control system embedded into a state of the art PIR sensor with an advanced lens design.The DALI64 natively integrates over Sylk-bus with PCD7.LRxx-P5 freely programmable room controller and BMS to create integrated room control systems and enables with that smart integrated building solutions.A simplified commissioning will be enabled with the intuitive Light Touch commissioning App.242PCD7.D443WTxR Room PanelsThe programmable panels have an attractive design. Independent room applications with the integrated logic controller enable the control of room functions without a head station. Delays through long communication channels associated with this are eliminated. The temperature of the room or zone can also be determined and transmitted to another controller. The graph-ics can be customised and therefore adjusted for any requirement.PCD7.D4xx Web Panels MB and pWeb Panels MBThe Saia PCD7.D4xx Web Panel MB and pWeb Panel MB are equally suitable for room auto-mation. This is particularly true when executing and displaying tasks of greater complexity. The use of the S-Web technology combined with the micro browser panel systems is a great advantage. The operation can be displayed transparently and clearly for every user. Each indi-vidual control side has a flexible design and can be created with Saia PG5 using the standard objects or existing function templates.21°C 23°CControl unitsSylk bus room control unitsRoom control units with polarity-independent 2-wire Sylk bus connection for power and data transmission. 8 different variants of integrated sensors for temperature, humidity and CO2 sensor and LCD display with function keys in maximum configuration can be used with the configurable room controllers PCD7.LRxx and with PG5 freely programmable room controllers PCD7.LRxx-xx.Wireless room controllers from PEHAControl units from the PEHA are an outstanding addition to the Saia PCD controllers. The room control units using EnOcean combined with the fully programmable PCD1 E-Line products or the PG5 programmable room controllers for example, are ideally suited for room automation applications. A wide range of control units is available which are easy to operate.PCD7.D1000 ModBus / S-Bus room control unitsRoom control unit with Modbus/s-Bus connection via 2 RJ9 plugs for series connection of up to 6 de-vices. Can be used for room temperature detection and setpoint adjustment. PEHA Dialog Aluminum design with 7 LEDs for signaling the setpoint shift.243124C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d I n t e r a c t i o nt e c h n o l o R o o m a u t o m a t i o n4.2.2 Segmentation of the room componentsThere are three main areas. The classification of the products is based on the following main points and features:❝ A pplication diversity and area of applicationIs only a single heating circuit controlled in one room, or should light or shading and additional tasks be performed and cross influences observed?❝ C onfiguration or program-mingPure configuration or flexible programming throughout the entire service life?❝ C ommunication capability Must only S-Bus and also other communications pro-tocols such as DALI, ModBus, EnOcean,… or web functionali-ties be supported.Configurable room controllers with BACnet interface are required to implement anHVAC standard applications.The standard main applications that can be implemented with these configurable SBC components are heating and/or cooling, fan coil or inlet air flap control with air quality control.Room controllers programmable with PG5 which can be fully integrated into theSaia PG5® Controls Suite are required to implement a flexible HVAC, light and/or shade application. Through the second RS-485 interface, it is possible to connect the E-Line RIO modules for I / O extension for HVAC, light or shading control or the E-Line Dali module for Dali interface light actuators or via the Sylkbus interface, it is possible to easily integrate the DALI64SYLKPSUx lighting control system. This provides a good basis for the creation of cross-functional room automation functions to acchieve the highest energy efficiency classes according to DIN EN 15232 and thus avoiding high energy costs and at the same time great comfort for the end user to receive.S e g m e n t / F i e l d1S e g m e n t / F i e l d 2HVAC HVAC and Light & ShadeC o n fi g u r a t i o n o r p r o g r a m m i n gC o n fi g u r a b l e R AP r o g r a m m a b l e R A P L C b + IT244The example shows a room with 3 different applications.4.2.3 Examples of application for the individual segmentsExample of a simple HVAC application❝R oom controller PCD7.LRS4 + PCD7.LR-TR42:❝H eating: Radiator with electrothermal valve drive❝C ooling: Cooling ceiling with constant valve drive (0…10 V)❝R oom temperature measurement: NTC10K integrated in the controller❝L ocal user prompting: Directly on the controller via presence and setpoint offset setting❝S-Bus connection to floor control for, among others: control of operating modechangeover, setpoint specification and reading of actual values.Example of a cross-service/plant application with HVAC, light and shade❝R oom controller system: PCD7.LRL4-P5 + DALI64SYLKPSUF + PCD7.LR-TR42-CO2❝H eating 1st stage: Floor heating with electrothermal valve drive❝H eating 2nd stage: FanCoil unit❝C ooling: FanCoil unit❝R oom temperature measurement: NTC20K in PCD7.LR-TR42-CO2 control unit orexternal NTC sensor❝L ight and shade: Control of 6 group and sceens of up to 32 DALI lamps and 1 blind❝L ocal user prompting: Sylk-Bus room control unit for setpoint offset setting and fanspeed adjustment and DALI switches and Sceen plates for activation of lights andswitches for blinds❝S-Bus connection to floor control for, among others, control of operating modechangeover, setpoint specification, activation of lights and blinds, read back occupancystate, lamp running hours and failure states, and reading of controller actual values.Example of a flexible PLC-based room automation with Web&IT❝C omponents:PCD7.D443WT5R + PCD1.F2611-C15 + PCD1.G1100-C15❝H eating: Floor heating with electrothermal valve drive and via fan coil system❝C ooling: Cooling ceiling and VAV system❝V entilation: VAV system❝A ir quality control CO2, VOC, measurement via externally connected sensor❝L ight and shade Activation of 1…10 V lamps, DALI lamps and blinds❝R oom temperature measurement: via a room control unit❝L ocal user prompting:Room control unit for setpoint offset setting, activation of lights and blinds❝W eb user prompting: everything also can be controlled via web❝P resence recognition and brightness measurement:via sensor for automatic control of light and shade❝S-Bus or other protocol (for example BACnet):Connection to the floor distributor or direct to the GLTSegment/Field 1Segment/Field 2Segment/Field 324512C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d I n t e r a c t i o n4.3 Examples of applicationIn addition to the right selection of components, the architectural structure and the basic concept play a decisive role. There are many possibilities and approaches for implementing room automation. However, there is no “single” solution for all areas of application. Depending on the purpose, the choice of the best concept will vary. Some approaches and features:Example of a room box for hotel rooms:Fully pre-assembled, easy commissioning and replaceable if defective.For example the operation of a conference room:Each browser and every mobile device can now serve as a control station. Each room is thereby represented accurately and shows each user group only what it requires.Networked room automationFull networking of all plants and services is increasingly required. One example of application is that the cooling requirement (HVAC service) in summer can be reduced with controlled blinds (electrical plant). All plants also only require a single control unit rather than several different devices.A web-based control concept can be created using Saia PCD including Web + IT functionalities. This can be used subsequently for commissioning, operation and service.Room boxesThese are ideal if the rooms or their applications are largely identical and/or are numerous, i.e. in hotels and office rooms. The boxes are manufactured and tested prior to installation in accordance with the requirements. The commissioning can thereby be 100% planned and controlled based on the installation time. Only the mounting, connection (usually with finished cable), testing, etc. is carried out on site. …The simple and efficient maintenance and servicing of the system is also possible.The plug-in system of box A ensures quick and seamless “plug & play” installation and replacement. Servicing is less time-consuming.Room automation with distributed intelligenceComponents are distributed throughout the floor or room.These are also installed where they are needed, i.e. the controller for fan coil control located near the fan coils. The cabling takes less time, the devices also function independently (= secure operation).Room automation from a central pointA sub-distribution per floor or section supplies several rooms. The control of lighting with DALI for several rooms would be a practical example of application. More cabling is involved with this variant. However, all components are located at a central point, which makes maintenance work more efficient.246。

dynamics ax 2012操作手册

dynamics ax 2012操作手册

《深度挖掘:Dynamics AX 2012操作手册》一、引言Dynamics AX 2012是一款功能强大的企业资源规划(ERP)软件,被广泛应用于各种规模的企业中。

作为企业管理者或IT从业者,熟练掌握Dynamics AX 2012的操作技巧对于提高工作效率、优化企业管理流程具有重要意义。

在本文中,我们将深度挖掘Dynamics AX 2012的操作手册,为您带来全面而深入的学习体验。

二、初识Dynamics AX 20121. 系统概述Dynamics AX 2012是由微软(Microsoft)开发的一套集成管理软件系统,旨在实现企业资源的综合管理和效率优化。


2. 操作界面Dynamics AX 2012的操作界面简洁直观,主要分为主菜单、导航栏、工作区域和详细信息四大部分。


3. 操作手册Dynamics AX 2012的操作手册是用户学习的重要工具,它详细介绍了系统的功能和操作步骤,对用户的学习和使用起到了重要的辅助作用。

三、深度挖掘Dynamics AX 2012操作手册1. 功能模块Dynamics AX 2012的操作手册详细介绍了各个功能模块的操作方法和使用技巧。


2. 操作技巧操作手册不仅介绍了系统的基本操作,还深入探讨了一些高级的操作技巧。


3. 定制化开发Dynamics AX 2012的操作手册还介绍了系统的定制化开发方法。


qt abstractitemmodel 例子 解释 -回复

qt abstractitemmodel 例子 解释 -回复

qt abstractitemmodel 例子解释-回复标题:深入理解Qt AbstractItemModel:一个详细的例子与解释Qt是一个强大的跨平台应用程序开发框架,其中的Model-View编程架构是一种高效的数据管理和展示方式。


以下我们将通过一个具体的例子,逐步解析Qt AbstractItemModel的工作原理和使用方法。


它主要负责以下几项工作:1. 存储和管理数据。

2. 提供数据访问接口给视图和其他组件。

3. 通知视图和其他组件数据的变化。

以下是一个简单的AbstractItemModel的例子:cppclass SimpleListModel : public QAbstractListModel{Q_OBJECTpublic:enum SimpleRoles {NameRole = Qt::UserRole + 1,AgeRole};explicit SimpleListModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;private:QList<QPair<QString, int>> mData;};在这个例子中,我们创建了一个名为SimpleListModel的类,它继承自QAbstractListModel。

RIView 2012使用手册

RIView 2012使用手册

RIView 2012使用手册上海汉序信息技术有限公司目录1、RIView简介 (2)2、RIView使用介绍 (2)2.1、RIView部署环境 (2)2.2、RIView安装 (2)2.3、登录 (3)2.4、界面简介 (4)2.4.1、菜单 (5)2.4.2、页面管理 (28)2.5、创建项目 (31)2.6、使用技巧 (51)1、R IView简介RIView 是RSystem的一个重要的客户端软件,是显示RSystem所存储的实时数据的强有力工具。






2、R IView使用介绍2.1、RIView部署环境⏹RIView 2012 64bit运行在64位操作系统,支持64位Win7、win8及以上。

⏹RIView 2012 32bit运行在32位操作系统, 支持XP及以上。


2) 选择RIView安装路径,点击“下一步”继续安装。










手动处 理
处理参考:如果业务情景完全参考了另一个业务情景,则 在此输入该业务情景的编号和名称。 与凭证中的任务 步骤对应 现有版本/数据:此块中包含从外部 流程返回的数据
通常不对应凭证中的任务步骤;而是 用于反映对处理流程产生影响的手动 执行的任务,如在仓库中为卡车卸货。

创建含WCM需求的维修工单 创建工作批准(WAP) 创建工作清场申请(WCA) 创建附加申请动火票(Hot Work) 创建工作清场操作票(WCD) 执行”许可”批准流程 执行停工/未标签的操作周期 通过程序RIWCO016自动为维护计划的维修工单创建WCM对象
业务情程线(实线):该线表明业务情景中步骤的正常顺序和 流程的方向。 流程线(虚线):该线表明业务情景中不经常使用的流程 或有条件的任务。该线也可以指向处理流程中涉及的凭证。 连接业务情景流 程或非步骤事件 中的两个任务
不对应凭证中的任务步骤;而是用于 反映由任务步骤生成的凭证;这种图 形没有任何外向的流程线
硬拷贝/凭证:打印的凭证、报表或 表格 外部事件:包含开始或结束该业务情景,或影响业务情景 中事件过程的事件。
不对应凭证中的任务步骤;而是用于 反映由任务步骤生成的凭证;这种图 形没有任何外向的流程线
SAP 业务活动/事件 处理步骤 参考业务 情景 参考部分 业务情景 处理决 策

保护措施可以确保技术对象在WCD操作票中作为一个项目进行管理,且在确切的操 作票中仅能按顺序对技术对象进行挂牌或摘牌操作
业务情景概览 – 2
需要的 SAP 应用程序

RPS API 2.2 说明书

RPS API 2.2 说明书

1 IntroductionThe RPS API (Application Programming Interface) provides a RESTful interface for customers to integrate their applications with the configuration data stored in the RPS Database. This document describes how to install and configure RPS API in a MS Windows development environment.2 Feature OverviewThe main service provides the RESTful Web API to search for panel attributes by control panel GUID. The control panel GUID is a unique ID that identifies a panel.2.1 Panel, Area and Point attributesThe RPS API allows for secured READ ONLY access to select Panel, Area and Point attributes.Panel attributes include:•Panel GUID •Supported Languages • Panel LanguageArea attributes include:•Area Number •Area On property •Area Name Text •Exit Delay • Force Arm/Bypass MaxPoint attributes include:•Point Number •Area •Profile • TextPoint Profile attributes include:•Bypassable •Entry Delay •Point Type •Response •Circuit StyleApplication Note RPS-API V2.2 (build .27914)2.2 Panel Connection, 3rd Party Integration/Automation attributesThe RPS API allows for secured READ and WRITE access to select Panel Connection, 3rd PartyIntegration/Automation, and Panel User Assignments attributes.Panel Connection attributes include:•RPS Panel Data - View: Network IP details•RPS Panel Data - View: Cellular details•RPS Panel Data - View: Cloud ID details3rd Party Integration/Automation attributes include:•Automation Device•Automation PasscodeUser AssignmentsCreate, reset or delete users or individual User attributes include:•Passcode•Authority Level•User Name•User Group•Card Data•User Number3System requirements3.1Windows systemThe following are the minimum requirements for your environment:•Windows .NET 4.5 framework and higher•Windows 8, Windows 10•Windows Server 2012 R2 and higher• 4 GB RAM3.2RPS (Remote Programming Software)Install RPS API version 2.2.27914 on a machine that has RPS version 6.11 or higher installed. RPS API does not require the RPS client application after installation, but uses the configured connection to the RPS database.RPS minimum version supported for use with RPS API versions 2.2.27914 or higher:•RPS 6.11 or higher to support full API and panel operations, including TCP Panel connections.•RPS 6.04 to RPS 6.10 to support full API features with panel connections limited to and requiring UDP protocol.3.3Supported control panelsRPS-API supports the following control panels:•B9512G, B8512G•B6512, B5512, B4512, B3512•D9412GV4, D7412GV4•D9412GV3,D7412GV33.4Supported connectionsThe RPS-API Scheduler service supports the following RPS connections:•IP•Cellular•Cloud3.5Supported Network ProtocolsWhen opening a panel connection, RPS API version 2.1 (and higher) uses the System Configuration Settings saved in RPS. Using RPS version 6.07 (and higher), operators select one of three options:•UDP Only•TCP with fallback to UDP•TCP OnlyUsing RPS version 6.06 and earlier, RPS API will continue using the default UDP Only setting.Note: Using RPS version 6.10 and lower with RPS API 2.2.27914 and higher will result in failed TCP connections to panel systems and requires configuring either the UDP Only or TCP with fallback to UDP setting.3.6Required Security ProtocolRPS API version 2.2 and higher requires HTTPS.4InstallationIf your RPS API version is lower than version 2.2.27914, remove the previous version to enable HTTPS later.Note: Version 2.2.27914 and higher only supports HTTPS to secure communications.Perform the following steps to install RPS API:1.Unzip the Bosch_RPS_API_Setup_xxx.zip file.2.Copy the installer files (Bosch.RPS.APISetup.msi and setup.exe) to the same folder on a localcomputer that has RPS 6.04 or higher installed.3.Right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to start the Bosch RPS API Service install wizard.4.Click Next and follow the steps in the wizard to perform the installation.5.When the installation successfully completes, access the https://<hostname>:9000/swagger/ui/index URLin a browser to open the Swagger documentation web page and verify that the RPS-API is running. Notethat <hostname> is the computer name where the API is installed.4.1 HTTPS Configuration ToolThe RPS API 2.2.27914 installation provides an HTTPS configuration tool guide you through the HTTPS set up.1.In the configuration tool, edit these entries as needed:•Host Name - default value = Change this entry when you want to have a specific domain name for RPS API, which relates to the DNS/Router settings. For more information, reference the netsh command inWindows. You can also use this command to manually set up HTTPS for RPS API. Avoid using localhost or127.0.0.1 for the host name as it makes RPS API inaccessible from another machine.•Port Number - default value = 9000. The entry port number for RPS API.•Select certificate from trust center - if you have a certificate for the Web server, use this entry to select an installed certificate from LocalMachine/Personal repository. Select More choices to select a certificatefrom a list. Once selected, the thumbprint is shown in the certificate field.2.Select Generate a self-signed certificate. Make sure that you enter the password for the certificate, as thepassword field cannot be empty.3.Click to process. The configuration tool generates a server certificate for the RPS API set up. Whenfinished, a success message displays. Click OK.If you already set up HTTPS for RPS API or if you want to manually set it up, click to exit theconfiguration tool.Self-signed certificate and untrusted CA warningWhen you install the RPS API version 2.2.27914 or higher and select to generate a self-signed certificate, the installation will install the certificate and set up RPS API using the HTTPS netsh command. On the client side, the self-signed certificate is not issued from a trusted authority, so browsers or your application will receive anuntrusted CA (Certificate Authority) warning.To fix the untrusted CA warning, install the self-signed certificate on the client machine and modify yourapplication to ignore the warning.4.2 Verify HTTPS is enabledWith administrator permission, open a Windows command prompt. Type and execute the commands:sh http show sslcertsh http show urlaclAfter the certificate is installed, you might need the certificate for your clients. Locate the generated certificates (if you selected the generate self-signed certificate option) in this path:%appdata%\Roaming\Bosch RPS APIFor example:c:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Bosch RPS API)5Enable HTTPSRPS API version 2.2.27914 and higher only supports HTTPS to secure communications. During the installation, the HTTPS configuration tool will guide you through the set up of HTTPS. See section 4.1 HTTPS Configuration Tool for information.To enable HTTPS for RPS API, you must have an SSL certificate, and then install the certificate to the local machine.The following files are available for you to use:•Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 (MS PowerShell)•Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat (batch file)After you install the certificate, use the batch file (Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat) to enable HTTPS for RPS API.1.Install the SSL certificate to LocalMachine\root.2.Stop the RPS API service.3.Change the EnableHTTPS configuration to 1 inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bosch\RPSAPI\Setup.4.Copy the thumbprint of the certificate.5.Paste the thumbprint into $certHash=’’<thumbprint>’’ in either the Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 orSetup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat file.6.If RPS API is not running in port 9000, change the $port setting in either Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 orSetup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat file.7.Run Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 or Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat with administrator permission.8.Start the RPS API service.Note: If the certificate is not signed, the browser or Postman will block the connection. To verify the function,disable the HTTPS verify function in the browser or client application.6Test Sample CodeThe callback server and client sample code uses Visual Studio 2015 to build the source code.Configure the Callback server:1.Start the callback server.e /rpsapi/v1/subscriptions to set up the callback URL.For Example:{"url": "http://localhost:8083/api/callback", "headers": [{}],"eventType": "ALL"}3.The console receives a notification from RPS API as shown in the following graphic:Configure the Client:1.Open the RPS-API_Client project and modify the _webServiceBaseUrl in Program.cs for your PRS APIsetting on the machine.2.Modify _dirPath to change the location where JSON files are saved.3.Start the client to automatically get all panel information in your RPS DB. Also, combine theUsers/Areas/Points/Point Profile attributes in JSON files and statistics information.7Error logRPS API writes installation and run time information, warnings, and errors to the Windows Event Log (Bosch RPS RestAPI Log). Use the Windows Event Viewer to view this information.8Error status definitionsThe tables in this section contain HTTP and RPS error reference information.8.1HTTP error codesHTTP Status HTTP Methods Error Message(200) OK ALL SUCCESS – the entity body contains a representation ofthe requested resource.(400) BAD REQUEST ALL Client Error – the request cannot be fulfilled due to badsyntax(401) UNAUTHORIZED ALL Client Error – the request requires user authentication.(403) FORBIDDEN ALL Client Error – the user is not allowed to perform therequest.8.2 RPS API error codesError Code Error Message(0) SUCCESS Request successful.(20010) PANEL_NO_LOCK Panel is not locked.(20020) PANEL_PENDING Panel has pending updates.(20030) PANEL_PROCESSING Panel is synchronizing.(40110) UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Authorization has been denied for this request(40310) USER_HAS_NO_PERMISSION User does not have permission to operate, please check thesecurity level(40320) IP_ADDR_BLOCKING P Address is not allowed to access RPS API.(40050) NOT_SUPPORTED_SETTING RPS API Command is not supported by this panel model.(40051) SETTING_INVALID Setting is invalid and cannot be applied.(40052) SETTING_OUT_OF_RANGE Setting is out of range and cannot be applied.(40053) SETTING_CONFLICT Setting conflicts with another configured setting and cannot beapplied.(40054) ACTION_INVALID JSON format is invalid and cannot be parsed or applied.Error Code Error Message(40055) RPSAPI_START_SERVICE_FAILED Starting the RPS API service failed.(40056) RPSAPI_READ_REGISTRY_FAILED Reading the RPS API registry failed.(40057) RPSAPI_WRITE_ACTIVITY_FAILED Writing the RPS API activity log failed.(40058) FILE_NOT_FOUND Cannot find specific file.(40060) RPS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED This version of RPS is not supported, please update. (40062) DB_OPERATE_FAILED Unable to connect to the database, please check theRPS settings.(40070) PANEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Panel does not exist, please check panel GUID or name. (40071) PANEL_OFF_LINE Unable to connect to the panel.(40072) PANEL_READ_ONLY Panel is locked by another operator.(40073) PANEL_NOT_SUPPORT Panel is not supported, please check panel GUID or name. (40074) AREA_NOT_EXISTS Selected area does not exist in this control panel. (40075) POINT_NOT_EXISTS Selected point does not exist in this control panel. (40076) USER_NOT_EXISTS Selected user does not exist in this control panel. (40077) PANEL_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION Detected panel internal exception.(40078) PANEL_DATA_LOCKED Configuration data for panel is locked.(40079) POINTPROFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Selected point profile does not exist on this panel. (40080) DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH Requested data type does not match.(40081) DATA_NOT_FOUND Requested data is not found.(40082) DATA_ALREADY_EXISTS Data already exists.(40083) PANEL_BUSY Panel is updating, in use by another user or application. (40084) PANEL_CONNECT_RETRY Panel may not be able to connect, please retry. (40085) OPERATOR_NOT_EXISTS Operator setting was not found in database. (40086) PASSCODE_NOT_MATCH Requested passcode does not match.(40087) SERVICE_STOPPED Service is not running.(40088) SERVICE_BUSY Service is busy.(40099) UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown Error, please check the event log.9 Troubleshooting9.1 RPS API is updating the old RPS DatabaseIf the RPS database is changed using the RPS system configuration utility, the API service(s) will require a reboot to connect to the new RPS database.9.2 Cannot Edit User0 AuthoritiesUser WRITE capabilities are restricted for User0 to ensure system access and authorities for this default user are maintained. For User0, Passcode, User Name, User Group and Language are available for edit.9.3 Deleting users fails when passcode is left blankWhen deleting a user, it is possible to include the user’s passcode for verification. If the passcode is not going to be used, the full “user: { }” block should be omitted and only the user “index” number should be included in the panelUserList array.For example, if deleting user 2, the body of the request should look like:9.4 RPS API is not connecting to panels using TCP as expectedIf Network Protocol details are changed using the RPS system configuration utility, the API service(s) will requirea restart to connect using the new RPS settings.Connections using TCP require control panel firmware 3.07 or higher and B465 communicator firmware 2.01 or higher. For environments that include lower firmware versions, connections will require the RPS NetworkProtocol set to TCP with fallback to UD or UDP only.9.5 RPS API requests to set Automation results in a "Value out of Range" errorSetting Automation requires that the target panel system support the configuration settings that are applied.Automation settings for GV3 panel systems are not available or supported.9.6 Client using HTTP to connect to RPS API 2.2.27914 version cannot reach serverIf the client used HTTP to connect to the RPS API version 2.2.27914, it will be unable to reach the server.RPS API version 2.2.27914 and higher requires HTTPS.9.7 Connections to panels fail with TCP authentication messageUpdate RPS to version 6.11 or higher or select the UDP only or TCP with fallback to UDP setting.9.8 Cloud panel not updatingIf a user cannot connect to the Cloud panel, then the Windows service is unable to connect to CBS via HTTPS. The user must have the proper permissions to use HTTPS or a specific account can be configured for the RPS API service. See Figure 1 and 2 on the next page for examples.•If the RPS API cannot update the Cloud panel, make sure that the Bosch RPS RestAPI Service has the proper permissions to use HTTPS.Figure 14.If the default Local System account does not have the correct permissions, you can configure the RPSAPI service to use a specific a ccount.Figure 29.9 Self-signed certificate storageRPS API self-signed certificates are stored in this folder location:C:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Bosch RPS API9.10 Remove self-signed certificatesTo remove sslceret and urlacl binding to the RPS API, do 1 of these solutions:•Solution 1 - manually use netsh to configure the sslcert and urlacl.•Solution 2 - with administrator permission, access the Windows command prompt and run the HttsConfiguraiton.exe with the uninstall parameter:9.11 Delete certificates to downgrade RPS and RPS APIDowngrading RPS API/RPS is not typically recommended. If there is a reason to downgrade RPS to a version lower than 6.11 and RPS API version 2.2.27914, use the steps in this section to manually remove the control panel connection certificates.To remove certificates used for panel connection:1.Open Windows search and type Run.2.Type mmc and click OK.3.In the File menu of the Console window, select Add/Remove Snap-in.4.Select Certificates and click Add.5.Select Computer account.6.Click Finish and OK. The application will show the installed certificates.7.In the tree, right-click Certificates (Local computer), select Find Certificates.8.Search for *************.com in the Issued by field. There should be 2 certificates found.9.Right-click the certificates and select Delete to remove them.Note: New certificates will be installed with RPS version 6.11 or higher and RPS API version 2.2.x orhigher.9.12 Updated panel IP address is not being used during the panel connectionIf you change a panel IP address and then immediately connect to the panel, in some cases the API will continue to use the previous IP address of the panel. To correct this, restart the RPS API.Bosch Security Systems B.V. Torenallee 495617 BA EindhovenNetherlands© Bosch Security Systems B.V., 2021。

AllFusion Model Manager Release Summary r7 用户说明说明

AllFusion  Model Manager Release Summary r7 用户说明说明

AllFusion® Model ManagerRelease Summaryr7This documentation and related computer software program (hereinafter referred to as the “Documentation”) is for the end user’s informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by Computer Associates International, Inc. (“CA”) at any time.This documentation may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed or duplicated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CA. This documentation is proprietary information of CA and protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international treaties.Notwithstanding the foregoing, licensed users may print a reasonable number of copies of this documentation for their own internal use, provided that all CA copyright notices and legends are affixed to each reproduced copy. Only authorized employees, consultants, or agents of the user who are bound by the confidentiality provisions of the license for the software are permitted to have access to such copies.This right to print copies is limited to the period during which the license for the product remains in full force and effect. Should the license terminate for any reason, it shall be the user’s responsibility to return to CA the reproduced copies or to certify to CA that same have been destroyed.To the extent permitted by applicable law, CA provides this documentation “as is” without warranty of any kind, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement. In no event will CA be liable to the end user or any third party for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from the use of this documentation, including without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, goodwill, or lost data, even if CA is expressly advised of such loss or damage.The use of any product referenced in this documentation and this documentation is governed by the end user’s applicable license agreement.The manufacturer of this documentation is Computer Associates International, Inc.Provided with “Restricted Rights” as set forth in 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212, 48 C.F.R. Sections 52.227-19(c)(1) and (2) or DFARS Section 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) or applicable successor provisions.Copyright © 2006 CA. All rights reserved.All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.ContentsChapter 1: Changes to Existing FeaturesDatabase and Model Conversion Management..................................................1-1 Services Menu Replaces ModelMart Menu......................................................1-2 Change Management Functionality Changed....................................................1-2 Review Changes uses the Complete Compare Functionality......................................1-2 Refresh uses the Complete Compare Functionality...............................................1-2 Version Manager uses the Complete Compare Functionality......................................1-3 Renamed Subject Areas to Submodels..........................................................1-3 Complete Compare Functionality Replaces the (ModelMart) Merge Manager.......................1-3 Version Dependency Removed.................................................................1-4 ModelMart Synchronizer Removed.............................................................1-4 Change in Database Support Policy.............................................................1-4 Additional Database Version Support.......................................................1-4 Databases No Longer Supported...........................................................1-4 Dropped Support for Database Versions....................................................1-41 Changes to Existing FeaturesThis chapter documents changes made to existing features and includes a list offeatures removed from the product for r7. A number of changes have been madeto the user interface to improve functionality and consistency. The changes areoutlined as follows:Database and Model Conversion ManagementServices menu replaces the ModelMart menuChange Management Functionality ChangedReview Changes uses the Complete Compare functionalityRefresh uses the Complete Compare functionalityVersion Manager uses the Complete Compare functionalityRenamed Subject Areas to SubmodelsComplete Compare functionality replaces the (ModelMart) Merge ManagerVersion Dependency RemovedModelMart Synchronizer RemovedChange in Database Support PolicyDatabase and Model Conversion ManagementIf you previously worked with AllFusion Model Manager (ModelMart), probablythe most important task is preserving the database structure and the contents ofyour ModelMart 4.1.4 database. AllFusion MM r7 includes a built-in conversionutility that the administrator uses to perform the conversion. The conversionutility does all the work of transforming the old into the new database and itconverts the AllFusion ERwin DM and AllFusion Process Modeler models to thenewest version as well. More information about using the conversion utility isincluded in the AllFusion Model Manager r7 Administrator Guide.Services Menu Replaces ModelMart MenuServices Menu Replaces ModelMart MenuThe client-server functionality available in the AllFusion Modeling Suite nowuses the broader term "Services." Features that formerly appeared under the"ModelMart'" menu item now appear under a "Services" menu.Change Management Functionality ChangedThe addition of the Action Log feature, and implementation of CompleteCompare have replaced the Change Control Manager user interface forAllFusion ERwin DM clients.Note: The Change Control Manager is still available for AllFusion ProcessModeler clients.If you make changes to a model checked out of AllFusion MM, and then try tosave the model to the mart, you are reminded to first use the Action Log toreview your changes. If no changes conflict with the version in the mart, yourmodel is saved. In earlier versions you were prompted to review changes usingthe Change Control Manager.If conflicts between your local model and the one in the mart are detected duringthe save process, the Complete Compare - Difference Reconciliation dialog isdisplayed to help you resolve the differences before committing the changes tothe mart.Review Changes uses the Complete Compare Functionality When you choose the Review Changes from the Services menu and changes aredetected, the Right Model Pane of Complete Compare is displayed. In earlierversions you were prompted to review changes using the Change ControlManager.Refresh uses the Complete Compare FunctionalityWhen you choose Refresh from the Services menu and changes are detected, theComplete Compare interface is used to display and reconcile the changes. Inearlier versions you were prompted to review changes using the Change ControlManager.Version Manager uses the Complete Compare FunctionalityVersion Manager uses the Complete Compare Functionality When you choose Diff to compare two model versions in the AllFusion VersionManager, the Right Model Pane of the Complete Compare interface is used todisplay and reconcile the differences. In earlier versions you were prompted toreview changes using the Change Control Manager.Renamed Subject Areas to SubmodelsAllFusion MM is now using the term Submodel instead of the ERwin termSubject Area. The corresponding item on the Services menu has been changed,and the dialog has been renamed to highlight the distinction between subjectareas and submodels. This is meant to highlight the distinction that opening aSubmodel from the AllFusion MM Open dialog just gives you access to thatsubmodel, and restricts access to other subject areas of that model in the ERwinediting session. There is no real inherent difference between subject areas andsubmodels, so whether you used the ERwin dialog to edit subject areas, or theAllFusion MM dialog on the Services menu to edit Stored Displays, the results ofeach do show up in the other.As we move into future releases, we expect submodels to become betterdifferentiated from Subject Areas by having more capabilities that are unique tothem.Complete Compare Functionality Replaces the (ModelMart) Merge ManagerIn previous versions, the Merge Manager presented a series of dialogs that letyou merge the current model with another model from the mart, or with a localmodel. New functionality in the Complete Compare wizard expands on thisfunctionality. The Complete Compare Wizard does the following:Load models from a variety of sources.Merge into an empty model.Merge into an existing model and use the Save As feature to create a newmodel.Lets you skip pages of the wizard, for instance, if you want to set up filters,you can.Lets you compare any combination of logical/physical, logical-only, andphysical-only models.Version Dependency RemovedVersion Dependency RemovedIn earlier releases of the AllFusion Modeling Suite, the release version ofAllFusion ERwin Data Modeler and AllFusion Model Manager had to beidentical. With r7, this dependency has been removed. Although we recommendthat you install the latest service pack for all products, the requirement of havingall products installed to the same service pack level no longer exists.ModelMart Synchronizer RemovedThe ModelMart Synchronizer feature has been removed from AllFusion MM.Previously it synchronized AllFusion ERwin DM and AllFusion PM modelswhile these models were stored in AllFusion MM. There is no longer adependency on AllFusion Model Manager in order to accomplishsynchronization. Synchronization is now done within AllFusion ERwin DM andAllFusion PM. For more information, see the AllFusion ERwin DM ReleaseSummary or the AllFusion PM Release Summary.Change in Database Support PolicyThe following are the changes in the database support policy for AllFusionModel Manager r7:Additional database version supportDatabases no longer supportedAdditional Database Version SupportAllFusion Model Manager has added support for additional databases. TheAllFusion MM Connection Manager dialog now supports the followingadditional database:Microsoft SQL Server 2005Databases No Longer SupportedThe AllFusion Model Manager has dropped support for some databases. TheAllFusion MM Connection Manager dialog no longer displays the followingdatabase:Informix。

authenticationstateprovider policy

authenticationstateprovider policy

authenticationstateprovider policy [authenticationstateprovider policy]在 Core中,AuthenticationStateProvider是一个用于提供身份验证状态的抽象类。



第一步:了解AuthenticationStateProvider AuthenticationStateProvider是一个抽象类,它定义了两个重要的方法:GetAuthenticationStateAsync和NotifyAuthenticationStateChanged。

GetAuthenticationStateAsync 方法用于获取当前用户的身份验证状态,而NotifyAuthenticationStateChanged用于通知身份验证状态的更改。

在 Core中,身份验证状态是一个AuthenticationState对象,它包含了当前用户的声明信息和授权策略。



在 Core中,我们可以定义多个不同的策略,并为每个策略指定不同的认证要求和授权规则。




hidlservicemanagement 代码

hidlservicemanagement 代码

hidlservicemanagement 代码一、hidlservicemanagement 代码的意义hidlservicemanagement 代码是一种用于管理硬件抽象层(HAL)的代码,它负责管理 Android 系统中的硬件设备。

HAL 是 Android 系统的一个重要组成部分,它负责提供统一的硬件访问接口,让应用程序能够与硬件进行交互而无需考虑硬件的具体实现细节。

hidlservicemanagement 代码是为了便于管理和维护 HAL 接口而设计的,它能够确保 HAL 接口的正确性和稳定性,提高系统的可靠性和性能。

二、hidlservicemanagement 代码的核心功能1. 硬件抽象层的注册和注销:hidlservicemanagement 代码能够自动识别系统中已注册的硬件抽象层,并在需要时将其注销,从而避免出现资源泄露和系统崩溃等问题。

2. 硬件抽象层的动态加载和卸载:hidlservicemanagement 代码可以在运行时动态加载和卸载硬件抽象层,以便系统能够根据需要自动适配不同的硬件设备。

3. 硬件抽象层的版本管理:hidlservicemanagement 代码能够自动管理不同版本的硬件抽象层,并确保系统可以正确地加载和使用适配的硬件驱动程序。

4. 硬件抽象层的事件通知:hidlservicemanagement 代码可以监测硬件抽象层的状态变化,并在发生重要事件时向系统发送通知,以便系统能够及时做出相应的处理。

5. 硬件抽象层的性能优化:hidlservicemanagement 代码能够根据系统的运行状况自动调整硬件抽象层的参数配置,从而提高系统的性能和响应速度。

三、hidlservicemanagement 代码的实现原理hidlservicemanagement 代码的实现原理基于 Android 系统的 HAL 接口规范和服务管理机制。

它通过注册和监听 HAL 服务的方式来实现对硬件抽象层的管理,在系统启动时会自动加载配置文件并初始化相关数据结构,以便能够快速响应系统中发生的硬件事件。

unitmodestatemanager 详解

unitmodestatemanager 详解




二、 unitmodestatemanager的优势1. 灵活性:unitmodestatemanager可以根据不同的业务需求,灵活地管理UI组件的状态,满足各种复杂的UI交互需求。

2. 可扩展性:unitmodestatemanager提供了丰富的API和扩展机制,可以方便地定制符合特定业务需求的状态管理策略。

3. 高效性:unitmodestatemanager采用了高效的状态管理算法和数据结构,能够快速地响应UI组件状态的变化,保证用户界面的流畅性和响应速度。

三、 unitmodestatemanager的基本用法1. 创建unitmodestatemanager实例:开发者可以通过调用相应的API来创建一个unitmodestatemanager实例,用于管理某个特定的UI组件或一组相关的UI组件。

2. 注册UI组件:开发者可以将需要管理状态的UI组件注册到unitmodestatemanager实例中,以便进行统一的状态管理。

3. 定义状态变化规则:开发者可以通过定义状态变化规则,明确UI组件状态的变化方式和条件,将这些规则绑定到unitmodestatemanager实例中。

4. 状态更新与变化通知:当UI组件的状态发生变化时,unitmodestatemanager可以及时地更新UI组件的状态,并通知相关的UI组件进行相应的界面更新。

四、 unitmodestatemanager在实际项目中的应用unitmodestatemanager可以广泛应用于各种复杂的前端项目中,特别适用于需要大量UI组件状态管理的项目。

WFA_Protected Management Frames Interoperability Test Plan v1 0 6

WFA_Protected Management Frames Interoperability Test Plan v1 0 6

Ant 13 14
2010-06-06 2010-06-09 2010-09-22 2010-11-14 2011-01-10
Anthony Scocco Henry Ptasinski Anthony Scocco Anthony Scocco Anthony Scocco
Wi-Fi Alliance Confidential PMF System Interoperability Test Plan Ver1.0.6
Page 2 of 41 Latest version available from /testing_information.php
2012 Wi-Fi Alliance All Rights Reserved 10900-B Stonelake Boulevard, Suite 126 Austin, TX 78759 Phone: 512.498.9434 • Fax: 512.498.9435• Email certifications@ This document contains confidential information intended solely for Wi-Fi Alliance members. For latest up-to-date information, please refer to the Wi-Fi Alliance website’s members-only area.
User Controlled Copy When Printed ©2012 Wi-Fi Alliance
Change History
Version 00 01 02 03 Date 2009-02-08 2009-02-24 2009-03-13 2009-04-01 Author Anthony Scocco Anthony Scocco Anthony Scocco Anthony Scocco Change Started initial draft Added test cases 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.3, 5.4, & 5.5 Included changes as discussed at Venice Members Meeting Include changes as discussed on the march 16 teleconference - removed disconnect protection sections - removed APUT test cases for BIP of de-auth and dis-assoc - added SHA-256 test case for APUT - added APUT to test SA Query initiated by testbed STA - Updated notes section Include changes as discussed on the January 4, 2010 teleconference - Re-added broadcast disassoc, deauth & action frame test cases to section 4.4 - Added 3 sections for test cases 4.4 & - 5.4 Incorrectly protected Not protected Protected Include changes as discussed on the January 11, 2010 teleconference - Added WTE section Incorporated changes based on PMF Test Event Added stubs for missing tests identified at PMF Test Event. Performed some terminology and editorial cleanup. Added stubs for missing tests identified at PMF Test Event. Performed some terminology and editorial cleanup. Incorporated changes after review by group after first test event. (Meetings from April 12 – April 26)



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2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
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The table below provides an overview of all 27 EU Member States in alphabetical order and their implementation of the EU legislation. This could be:
: requirements harmonised according to the present EU legislation or, ! : deviating requirements, based on former EU legislation or additional to the present EU
requirements For all creference to the national legislation and a direct link to () the national authority in case more information is needed.
Related documents Detailed information on the EU requirements regarding the placing on the market of infant formulae can be found in the following document: EU legislation: Food contact materials
Please note that some EU legislation on food contact materials is covered by EU Regulations. EU Regulations are directly applicable in all Member States and do not have to be implemented in national legislation and are therefore not shown in the table below. How to read the table below
Source: CBI Market Information Database • URL:www.cbi.eu • Contact: marketaccess@cbi.eu • www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
Member States overview: Implementation of EU legislation on food contact materials
Austrian implementation Order No. 893 of 1993 (Original title: Keramik-Verordnung (BGBl. Nr. 893/1993)) Order No. 128 of 1994 (Original title: Zellglasfolien-Verordnung (BGBl.Nr.128/1994)) Order No. 476 of 2003 (Original title: Kunststoff-Verordnung (BGBl. Nr. 476/2003)) Order No. 104 of 1995 (Original title: Nitrosaminverordnung (BGBl. Nr. 104/1995)) Additional Austrian legislation Order No. 893 of 1993 (Original title: Keramik-Verordnung (BGBl. Nr. 893/1993)) Order No. 893 of 1993 (Original title: Keramik-Verordnung (BGBl. Nr. 893/1993)) Federal Ministry of Health
Legislation Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 Regulation (EC) 450/2009 Directive 84/500/EEC Directive 2007/42/EC Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 Regulation (EC) 282/2008 Directive 78/142/EEC Directive 93/11/EEC Regulation 1895/2005 Subjects Framework Regulation Active and intelligent materials and articles Ceramics Regenerated cellulose film Plastic materials Recycled plastic materials Vinyl chloride monomer Nitrosamines BADGE, BFDGE and NOGE
Member States implementation
All Member States have implemented the EU requirements for food contact materials into national legislation. The requirements on these products are therefore the same throughout the EU. However, several countries have additional requirements regarding specific materials and/or substances. The table below gives references to the Member States’ implementing legal acts. If a country has additional requirements, the materials concerned and the names of the legislative texts are provided. For the detailed information on additional requirements, it is advised to contact the Member States’ competent authorities. A link to the relevant national competent authority per Member State is shown in the table as well.
EU legislation
Directive 84/500/EEC Directive 2007/42/EC Directive 78/142/EEC Directive 93/11/EEC
Materials/substances Ceramics (antimony, barium and zinc limits) Enamel Source: Belgium
Member States overview: Implementation of EU legislation on food contact materials
If you export food products to one of the Member States of the EU, you have to make sure that the packaging of your products complies with the EU requirements for food contact materials. Products that do not comply can not be placed on the EU market. Besides food packaging, the legislation on food contact materials also applies to all other materials and articles intended to (or which can reasonably be expected to) come into contact with food. Examples of these products are: bottles (plastic and glass) containers cutlery, dishes domestic appliances (e.g. coffee makers) adhesives and inks for printing labels The requirements relate to materials and substances used, as well as the labelling on food contact materials. The EU legislation on food contact materials concerns the following Regulations and Directives:
Belgian implementation Royal decree of 11 May 1992 (original title: Arrêté royal du 11/05/1992 concernent les matériaux et objets destinés à entrer en contact avec les denrées alimentaires) Royal decree of 23 November 2004 (original title: Arrêté royal du 23/11/2004 relatif aux matériaux et aux objets en pellicule cellulose régénérée, destinés à entrer en contact avec les denrées alimentaires) Royal decree of 3 July 2005 (original title: Arrêté royal du 3/7/2005 relatif aux matériaux et aux objets en matière plastique destinés à entrer en contact avec les denrées alimentaires) Royal decree of 23 November 2004 (original title: Arrêté royal du 23/11/2004 relatif aux matériaux et aux objets en pellicule cellulose régénérée, destinés à entrer en contact avec les denrées alimentaires) Additional Belgian legislation Project of transposition in national law of the Resolution ResAP (2004) concerning varnishes intended to com in contact with food. Royal decree of 11 May 1992 (original title: Arrêté royal du 11/05/1992