美国保险商实验所(UL)标准号标准中文名称标准英文名称摘要UL 1994—2004 低等级道路标志和照明系统(Low level path marking andlighting systems详细信息.。
UL 2085—1997 易燃和可燃液体用防护性地上贮罐(Protected abovegroundtanks for flammable andcombustible liquids详细信息.。
UL 201—1994 汽车库设备(Garage equipment 详细信息.。
.UL 6-2000 ()( Standard for Rigid MetalConduit)详细信息..。
UL 2006—1997 聚四氟乙烯1211的回收/再利用设备(Halon 1211recovery/rechargeequipment详细信息.。
.UL 1795—1999 流体按摩浴缸(Hydromassage bathtubs 详细信息。
..UL 1977—1995 数据、信号、控制和电源用元件连接器(Component connectors foruse in data,signal,controland power applications详细信息。
.UL 2127—1999 惰性气体清洁剂灭火系统标准(Standard for inert gasclean agent extinguishingsystem详细信息.。
.UL 1230—2000 业余电影灯具(Amateur movie lights 详细信息...UL60730-2—16A—2002 家用和类似用途的自动电气控制装置。
第2部分:家用和类似用途的浮动式自动电力水位控制设备的特殊要求(Automatic electricalcontrols for household andsimilar use - Part 2:Particular requirements forautomatic electrical waterlevel operating controls ofthe float type for householdand similar applications详细信息。
APPLICATION: Crawlers: MF 300 (LF21577);Wheel Loaders: MF 22C (LF22663); 33 (LF21578, LF21580);QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 974125 In-Frame Kit (Late 3 Ring Upgrade Pistons) (1) I1 975125 Out-of-Frame Kit (Late 3 Ring Upgrade Pistons) (1) O4 171118 Sleeve & Piston Assembly (4 Ring Piston) (1)4 171379 Sleeve & Piston Assembly (Late 3 Ring Upgrade Piston) (1) O I4 171198 Piston Assembly (4 Ring Piston) (1) (2)4 171228 Piston Assembly (Late 3 Ring Upgrade Piston) (1) (3)4 171132 Cylinder Liner (Finished / Fire Dam / 4.1025" OD)4 171217 Cylinder Liner (Semi-Finished / Fire Dam / 4.1045" OD) (4)4 171468 005 Liner Shim4 171477 Piston Ring Set, Early 4 Ring (3-3/32 1-3/16)4 171192 Piston Ring Set, Late 4 Ring (3-3/32 1-1/4) "Fits 171198"4 171265 Piston Ring Set, 3 Ring Upgrade (2-2.5MM 1-5MM)4 271151 STD Rod Bearing O I4 271152 .010 Rod Bearing4 271153 .020 Rod Bearing4 271154 .030 Rod Bearing "Additional Sizes (5)"1 271161 STD Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers O I1 271162 .010 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers1 271163 .020 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers1 271164 .030 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers "Additional Sizes (6)"1 271119 STD Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug) O I1 271125 .007 Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug)1 271126 .010 Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug)1 371115 Head Gasket Set O I1 371116 Head Gasket1 371117 Valve Cover Gasket8 371143 Valve Seal4 371239 Nozzle Dust Seal "Not In Gasket Sets Or Kits"1 1 1 1 371292 371149 371235 371167 Lower Gasket Set wo/Seals Timing Cover Gasket Fuel Line Seal Kit (23 Seals & Washers) "Not In Gkt Sets" Pan Gasket Set (Also Includes 6 Oil Flange Gaskets) O OI1 371146 Front Crank Seal (Viton Lip Type) (7) O1 371161 Rear Crank Seal Kit, Thru 248UA123423 (Rope Type) (8) O1 371186 Rear Seal & Housing Kit, Thru 248UA123423 (Rope Type) (8)1 371145 Rear Crank Seal, After 248UA123423 (Viton Lip Type) (9) O1 771159 Rear Block Bridge Piece4 271176 Pin Bushing (1.375" Pin)1 271127 Cam Bearing (Finished ID)8 771151 Connecting Rod Bolt 8 771148 Connecting Rod Nut1 771321 Head Stud/Bolt & Nut Kit (4 Studs / 18 Bolts)(1)Late 3 Ring Pistons Replace 4 Ring, Replace In Sets, DO NOT MIX (2)Untopped Piston Assembly - 171475(3)Untopped Piston Assembly - 171476 (4).020 Oversize Semi-Finished Liner - 171478(5)Rod Bearings: .040 - 271155 / .050 - 271156 / .060 - 271157 (6)Main Bearings: .040 - 271165 / .050 - 271166 / .060 - 271167APPLICATION: Crawlers: MF 300 (LF21577);Wheel Loaders: MF 22C (LF22663); 33 (LF21578, LF21580);QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 979516 Camshaft Kit C1 979143 Valve Train Kit V1 979139 Valve Train Kit, w/Guides V1 571122 Camshaft "Cam Bolt Lock Plate - 571162" C1 271249 Camshaft Thrust Washer (1.750 X 2.873 X .217)8 571123 Tappet C4 4 471123 471128 STD Exhaust Valve (45º / Bi-Metal) (10) STD Intake Valve (45º / Alloy / Chromed Stem) (11) V V V V4 471132 Exhaust Guide: Service Repair or 1985 & Up V4 471131 Intake Guide: Service Repair or 1985 & Up V8 471134 Outer Valve Spring (8 Coils / 2.500" Free Length) V V8 471133 Inner Valve Spring (9 Coils / 2.000" Free Length) V V8 471219 Spring Seat, Integral Guides "With Service Guides - 471229"8 471222 Spring Retainer16 471146 Keeper (Half) V V4 471111 Exhaust Seat (1.248 x 1.681 x .374 Stepped Top)4 471113 Intake Seat (1.594 x 2.020 x .281)4 471224 LH Rocker Arm (Adj Screw & Lock Nut Not Included) (12)4 471225 RH Rocker Arm (Adj Screw & Lock Nut Not Included) (12)1 471227 Rocker Arm Shaft (13) "Includes 471176 Plugs"1 571165 Cam Gear (Steel / 56 Teeth)1 571113 Crank Gear (28 Teeth) 1 571163 Idler Gear (Steel / 63T)2 571144 Idler Gear Bushing1 571145 Idler Gear Hub8 571117 Push Rod1 671112 Oil Pump1 671134 Oil Pump Idler Gear1 571124 Idler Gear Bushing1 671148 Relief Valve Assembly (Engines w/LH Oil Filter Only)1 771129 Crank Kit, Thru 248UA123423 (Spline Nose / Rope Seal)1 771132 Crank Kit, After 248UA123423 (Spline Nose / Lip Seal)4 771154 Connecting Rod (1.375" Pin)1 771264 Cylinder Head Assembly (Includes Valves & Springs)1 771286 Expansion Plug Kit (Includes 19 Plugs For Head & Block)1 871138 Thermostat (2.125" / Bypass)1 871229 Water Pump wo/Pulley: Except LF226631 871228 Block Heater (1.250")1 871225 Fuel Pump, Early (2 Bolt/Horizontal Diaphram)1 871152 Fuel Pump, Late (4 Bolt)(10)Oversizes: .003 - 471271 / .015 - 471272 / .030 - 471273 (11)Oversizes: .003 - 471274 / .015 - 471275 / .030 - 471276。
2/ 2023年第23期供稿/易格斯(上海)拖链系统有限公司 陈 靖 采编/邹铁汉 张韦微长使用寿命的igus 重载型供能系统SPECIALIZATION REFINEMENT DIFFERENTIATION AND INNOVATION近20年来,经验证可靠的igus 轮式拖链一直是长行程应用的常用供能设备。
相较于普通的拖链系统,轮式拖链的优势在于加入了轮式链节,使拖链可以应用在重载型的能源供应系统中,例如船到岸集装箱门式起重机(STS )。
船到岸集装箱门式起重机(STS )对供能系统提出了更高的要求:速度更快、行程更长、负载更高。
因此,igus 推出了新款重型轮式拖链P4HD ,其使用寿命最可达15 a ,具体取决于实际的应用工况。
为了进一步减少拖链各点位的磨损,igus 对拖链的设计也做了一些改进。
凭借自己多年来在工程塑料滑动轴承技术方面的专业知识,igus 在新拖链的销孔连接处采用的是一款经验证可显著延长拖链使用寿命的iglidur 材料。
在自1964年成立至今,运动塑料专家igus 始终致力于研发和生产工业运动塑料。
igus 的耐磨工程塑料产品包括拖链、高柔性电缆、滑动轴承、导轨和丝杠技术等,均在全球市场处于领先位置。
面对港口起重机的重载、长使用年限和多种天气条件下等运行要求,igus 专门推出了高性能的工程塑料拖链和高柔性电缆以提高其可用性和可靠性。
多年来,广泛用于全球10 000多个港口,并通过耐磨损性、免维护材料和较长的使用寿命证明了自己的价值。
产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31180903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050660BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0903082 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030383 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030418 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31090903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050669BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030384 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31060903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050657BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030578 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030577 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31070903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050658BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904255 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030370 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311040903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050655BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904260 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030591 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311050903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050656BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030399 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030572 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311020903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050653BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030594 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030592 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311030903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050654BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904252 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030400 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030593 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31100903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050661BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030431 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030432 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31110903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050662BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030425 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030426 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31120903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050663BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030436 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030435 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#4单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31130903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050664BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904263 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110280 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110281河北东方机械厂制造7#4单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人。
1.9kW 单相切换自动转移开关 PDU 说明书
1.9kW Single-Phase Switched Automatic Transfer Switch PDU, 2 120V L5-20P / 5-20P Inputs, 16 5-15/20R Outputs, 1U, TAAMODEL NUMBER:PDUMH20ATNETDescriptionThis Switched Automatic Transfer Switch / ATS PDU provides a redundant power option for single-corded network devices. Dual input cords support separate connection to primary and secondary power sources. The ATS will normally maintain continuous output to all outlets as derived from the primary input cable. If the primary power source becomes unstable or fails altogether, the ATS will switch over to the secondary power source until the primary input is restored and stable. The Java-free LX Platform HTML5-based network interface enables full remote access for PDU status monitoring and email notifications via secure web browser, SNMP, telnet or SSH. It supports 10/100 Mbps auto-sensing for optimum communication with an Ethernet network. Optional EnviroSense2 modules (sold separately) provide a variety of environmental monitoring capabilities. Protocols supported include HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, telnet, SSH, FTP, DHCP and NTP. Switched PDU features include individually controllable output receptacles and built-in network interface. Super-fast switchover between primary and secondary power sources occurs within milliseconds. ATS functionality is supported by any two compatible AC power sources, regardless of phase angle, to support a variety of advanced redundant power networking applications. Enables fault tolerant hot-swappable UPS protection when used with a single UPS and fully redundant UPS protection when each cord is connected to a separate UPS system. In a two-UPS environment, the primary input cable must be supported by a full time sine wave UPS with zero transfer time. The SmartOnline® series is highly recommended for use as the primary UPS in a two-UPS application. ATS configurations utilizing separate mains circuits, backup generators and even separate utility power grid feeds are fully supported. On-board ATS processor constantly evaluates power quality on both input sources to prevent transfer to the secondary source when unavailable or of lower quality than the primary source. Front input LEDs display primary or secondary power availability.Features20A 120V Power Distribution Unit (PDU) with LX Platform network interface, Auto-Transfer Switch (ATS) and Switched outlets (Agency de-rated to 16A)qProvides a redundant A/B power option for non-redundant networking equipment with a single input power cordqSwitched PDU features enable programmable or real-time power control of individual outlets via built-in network interfaceqDigital display continuously reports total output power consumption in ampsq16 switched NEMA 5-15/20R outletsq1U horizontal rack-mount form factor; 14.5 in. / 36.8 cm depthq Highlights1.9kW 120V ATS / SwitchedPDU, Single phase 20A 120VqEnables redundant A/B poweroption for single-corded network devicesqSeparate primary & secondaryinputs connect to any twocompatible power sourcesq1U horizontal rackmount; 2 L5-20P / 5-20P inputs; 16 5-15/20R outletsqPre-installed WEBCARDLX with latest version of PADM20 for IP-based Auto Probe featureqPackage IncludesATS / Switched PDU withattached L5-20P input powercordqDetachable C19 to NEMA L5-20P 12 ft/3.6m secondary inputcordqTwo NEMA L5-20R to NEMA 5-20P plug adaptersqInstallable 1U mountingbracketsqUser manual with warrantyinformationqSpecificationsSet of two 12 ft. / 3.6m NEMA L5-20P input cables with set of two 5-20P adapters support connection to separate PRIMARY and SECONDARY inputsqATS circuits normally maintain output sourced from the primary input cable; As primary input power fails or becomes unstable, the ATS will switch to maintain output sourced from the secondary input cable until power on the primary input is restored and stableqATS configurations enable fault-tolerant, hot-swappable UPS protection when used with a single UPS and fully redundant UPS protection when each cord is connected to a separate UPS system (in a two-UPS environment, the primary input cable must be supported by an online UPS with zero transfer time similar to SmartOnline series)qAdvanced ATS configurations utilizing separate mains circuits, backup generators and even separate out of phase utility power grid feeds are fully supportedqOn-board ATS processor constantly evaluates power quality on both inputs to prevent transfer to the secondary source when unavailable or of lower quality than the primary sourceqSuper-fast switchover between primary and secondary power sources occurs in 2-7 milliseconds q Pre-installed WEBCARDLX with the latest version of PowerAlert Device Manager firmware (PADM20)provides enhanced remote management capabilitiesqPADM20 and PowerAlert Element Manager (PAEM) form a powerful tool for expanding maintenance functions in large installations, including firmware update checks and backup and restoration of device configurationsqIP-based Auto Probe detects lost connectivity and restores service autonomouslyq Optional EnviroSense2 modules (sold separately) provide a variety of environmental monitoring capabilitiesqOutlets are factory programmed for sequential turn-on at 250 millisecond intervals as the PDU is first energizedqFront panel LEDs confirm power availability on both input linesq Compliant with the Federal Trade Agreements Act (TAA) for GSA Schedule purchasesq© 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。
劳斯姆斯4BTA3.9L 汽机说明书
(1) .010 Oversize OD: 231177 (2) .010 Oversize OD: 231178 (3)Use 331166 For +.010 or 331167 For +.020 (4)Cam Plug Kit: 731137CU-239-O 4/1/2009APPLICATION: Miscellaneous Farm, Industrial & Construction EquipmentQTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 934178 In-Frame Kit I1 935178 Out-of-Frame Kit (Dry Clutch Housing) O4 131296 STD Piston Kit (Includes Pin & Rings) O I 4 131297 0.50 MM Piston Kit (Includes Pin & Rings)4 131298 1.00 MM Piston Kit (Includes Pin & Rings)4 131167 Piston Pin (3.255" OAL)4 131149 Repair Liner (4.118" OD / 7.875" OAL)4 131176 STD Piston Ring Set 4 131177 0.50 MM Piston Ring Set4 131178 1.00 MM Piston Ring Set4 231139 STD Rod Bearing, Machined Split Rod O I4 231141 0.25MM Rod Bearing, Machined Split Rod (1)4 231142 0.50MM Rod Bearing, Machined Split Rod (2)4 231143 0.75MM Rod Bearing, Machined Split Rod4 231144 1.00MM Rod Bearing, Machined Split Rod1 231155 STD Main Bearing Set O I 1 231156 0.25MM Main Bearing Set1 231157 0.50MM Main Bearing Set1 231158 0.75MM Main Bearing Set1 231159 1.00MM Main Bearing Set1 331173 Head Gasket Set (Includes Ring & Band Seals) O I1 331165 STD Head Gasket (3)8 331163 Positive Ring & Band Valve Seal4 331153 Valve Cover Gasket1 331174 Full Gasket Set w/Seals1 331175 Lower Gasket Set w/Seals O1 331171 Tappet Cover Gasket1 331172 Pan Gasket Set I1 331155 Front Crank Seal "For OS Seal & Sleeve Kit Use 331188" 1 331156 Front Crank Thin Wall Wear Sleeve "Use w/Standard Seal"1 331123 STD Rear Crank Seal (Dry Housing)1 331124 OS Rear Crank Seal & Wear Sleeve Kit (Dry Housing)1 331125 STD Rear Crank Seal (Wet Housing)1 331126 OS Rear Crank Seal & Wear Sleeve Kit (Wet Housing)1 331128 Rear Crank Thin Wall Wear Sleeve "Use w/Standard Seal"4 231151 Pin Bushing, w/Centered Oil Hole 4 231161 Pin Bushing, w/Offset Hole (Late ISB Rod# 3942580)1 231152 Front Cam Bearing, Early (4)1 231154 Front Cam Bearing, Late (STORM Block) (4)4 231153 Cam Bearing, Intermediate & Rear (Requires Machining) (4)8 731135 Rod Bolt, Machined Split Rod1 731141 Head Bolt KitProvide Engine Serial #To Verify All Parts(5)Can Use 431158 For Industrial (6)Use 831143 For Pump w/Hardened PulleyCU-239-O 4/1/2009QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 939516 Camshaft Kit C1 939113 Valve Train Kit V1 531132 CamshaftC 1 531112 Cam Thrust Plate8 531113 Tappet C4 4 8 431143 431144 431157 Exhaust Valve Intake Valve Valve Wear Cap (Optional Service Repair)V V8 431145 Ex/In Service Repair Valve Guide (.439 OD / 2.500" OAL) 4 431146 Exhaust Service Repair Valve Guide (.552 OD / 2.052" OAL)4 431147 Intake Service Repair Valve Guide (.552 OD / 2.397" OAL) 8 431148 Valve Spring, Early (.185 Wire Dia) (5) V 8 431158 Valve Spring, Late (.160 Wire Dia) 16 431149 Valve Keeper (Half) V 8 431151 Valve Spring Retainer 4 431152 Exhaust Valve Seat (OEM Special Size) 4 401138 Exhaust Valve Seat (Universal Size / Uses Standard Cutter)4 431153 Intake Valve Seat (OEM Special Size)4 401139 Intake Valve Seat (Universal Size / Uses Standard Cutter)4 431154 Rocker Arm, Exhaust4 431155 Rocker Arm, Intake4 431156 Rocker Arm Support & Shaft1 531133 Cam Gear 1 531124 Crank Gear1 531134 Injection Pump Drive Gear8 531126 Push Rod1 631127 New Oil Pump 1 631129 Oil Cooler 4 631126 Piston Cooling Nozzles1 731111 Crankshaft4 731148 Connecting Rod (Machined Split)1 731139 Expansion Plug Kit (Includes 18 Plugs For Head & Block)1 831173 Thermostat1 831134 New Water Pump (Non-Hardened Pulley) (6)1 831118 Fan Drive Bearing (1.375" ID)1 831114 Belt Tensioner Assembly1 831135 Block Heater, Early (Cup Plug)1 831139 Block Heater, Late (STORM Block 3/4" NPT)1 831121 Fuel Transfer Pump1 831137 Oil Fill Cap (2")8 831138 Exhaust Manifold Bolt "Stainless Steel Option - 831175"Provide Engine Serial #To Verify All Parts。
Notes: 1.Wavelength: +/-1nm. 2. Forward Voltage: +/-0.1V.
Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C
Parameter Power dissipation DC Forward Current Peak Forward Current [1] Reverse Voltage Operating / Storage Temperature Lead Solder Temperature [2] Lead Solder Temperature [3]
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REV NO: V.11 CHECKED: Allen Liu
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Part No. Dice Lens Type Iv (mcd) [2] @ 20mA Min. Hyper Red (InGaAlP) L-59SURKMGKW Mega Green (InGaAlP)
Notes: 1. θ1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the optical centerline value. 2. Luminous intensity/ luminous Flux: +/-15%.
5kw垂直轴风力发电机规格书《潜艇科普》潜艇是能够在水下运行的舰艇,种类繁多,形制各异,小到全自动或一两人操作、作业时间数小时的小型民用潜水探测器,大至可装载数百人、连续潜航 3-6 个月的俄罗斯台风级核潜艇。
潜艇最早可追溯到 16 世纪的荷兰,1620 年,首艘有文字记载的“可以潜水的船只”由荷兰裔英国人克尼利厄斯·雅布斯纵·戴博尔所发明并建造。
18 世纪 70 年代,美国耶鲁大学的大卫·布什内尔教授设计出一种潜艇,由划船用的桨轮作动力。
19 世纪末,爱尔兰裔美国人约翰·霍兰在潜艇的设计上做出了重大改进,他为潜艇安装上了潜望镜和通气管,这一发明对后来潜艇的发展产生了深远的影响。
20 世纪初,潜艇得到广泛运用,担任许多大国海军的重要位置,其功能包括攻击敌人军舰或潜艇、近岸保护、突破封锁、侦察和掩饰特种部队行动等。
《5kW 垂直轴风力发电机规格书》5kW 垂直轴风力发电机是一种将风能转化为电能的设备,它采用垂直轴设计,与传统的水平轴风力发电机相比,具有占地面积小、噪音低、无需对风等优点。
该风力发电机的主要规格如下:- 额定功率:5kW- 切入风速:3m/s- 额定风速:12m/s- 切出风速:25m/s- 风轮直径:3m- 叶片数量:3 片- 塔架高度:6m- 发电机类型:永磁同步发电机- 控制系统:电子控制系统- 安全保护:超速保护、过载保护、短路保护等该风力发电机适用于家庭、农场、工商业等场所的电力供应,可有效地利用风能,减少对传统能源的依赖,降低能源成本,同时也具有环保、可持续发展等优点。
Empowering Real People215 Power Drive . Berlin, WI 54923-2420 . Phone: 800-926-9768 . Fax: 920-361-2214 Page 1 of 5Magnum Mobile Generator – MMG55 SpecificationsENGINE• John Deere ® PE5030TF270 - turbocharged, diesel engineo Prime - 72 hp @ 1800 rpmo Standby - 80 hp @ 1800 rpmo 4 cylindero 3.0 L displacemento Tier II approved• Steel, single wall fuel tanko 113 gal. capacityo 26 hr. run time – full loado Fuel tank built into skid ofgenerator set• Fuel consumption at prime:o 100% - 4.0 gph (15.1 Lph)o 75% - 3.0 gph (11.4 Lph)o 50% - 2.0 gph (7.6 Lph)• Cooling system capable of operating at120°F ambient• Radiator and oil drains plumbed to exterior• Rubber vibration dampers isolateengine/generator from frame• Disposable air filter - paper element• Air cleaner restriction indicator mounted on control panel• 60 Hz engine/generator• Electronic isochronous governingGENERATOR• Marathon Electric ®o Brushlesso 4 poleo Class H insulation• Voltage regulation +/- 1% with Marathon SE350 Voltage RegulatorSYSTEM OUTPUT• 3 position selector switcho Single phase – 120 / 240V Zig Zago Three phase – 120 / 208V Low Wyeo Three phase – 277 / 480V High Wye• 49 kW / 49 kVA – standby, single phase• 45 kW / 45 kVA – prime, single phase• 52 kW / 65 kVA – standby, three phase• 47 kW / 59 kVA – prime, three phaseSYSTEM CONTROLS•Microprocessor-based controllero Backlit, 128x64 pixel resolution displayo-40°F to 185°F operating temperature rangeo Thermostatically controlled LCD heatero Six LED indicators w/ lamp test♦Alarm / Fault (Red)♦Ready / Manual (Red)♦Running (Green)♦Warning (Yellow)♦Ready / Auto (Green)♦Supplying Load (Green)•Push buttons for easy operationo Manual or Auto Starto Engine Start or Stopo Alarm Cancel & Fault Reseto Scrolling Arrows for Diagnostic Information♦System kW output display♦Line output & frequency display♦Engine diagnostic display•Oil pressure•Engine temperature•Fuel level•Battery♦System hours•Running hours•kW hours•Time to serviceo Alarm list – warnings / shutdowns are date & time stamped♦Fuel level: warning – 15%; shutdown – 5%♦Overspeed protection: shutdown – 115%♦Oil pressure: warning – 25 psi; shutdown – 20 psi♦Coolant temperature: warning – 220°F; shutdown – 230°F♦Battery voltage: over – 15VDC; under – 11VDC♦Generator over voltage: warning – 110%; shutdown – 111%♦Generator under voltage: warning – 87%; shutdown – 86%♦Generator over frequency: warning – 105%; shutdown – 110%♦Generator under frequency: warning – 95%; shutdown – 90%♦Over current shutdownELECTRICAL CONTROLS•Remote start / stop contacts located next to lug box•Lockable control box door with diagnostics window•Lockable lug box with safety switcho Trips main breaker when door is openedo Disables voltage regulator•Cable entry guides to the lug boxo Provides separation for cableso Restricts access of foreign objects•Output ground connection lug inside lug box•225A main breaker with shunt trip•Convenience receptacles with individual breakers (restricted use in high wye mode) o(2) 120V 20 Amp GFCI duplex outlets – (Nema 5-20R type)o(2) 125 / 250V 50 Amp, 3 pole, 4 wire twistlock (Non-Nema 6369) •Panel mounted rheostat for voltage adjustment - +/- 10%•720 CCA wet cell batteryENCLOSURE•Aluminum, sound attenuated enclosureo UV & fade resistant, high temperature cured, white polyester powder painto Insulated and baffledo68 dB(A) at 23 feet – prime power•Fully lockable enclosure including doors and fuel fill•Stainless steel hinges on doors•Emergency stop switch located on outside of enclosure•Central lifting point•Multi-lingual operating/safety decals•Document holder with operating/parts manuals including AC/DC wiring diagramsTRAILER•DOT approved tail, side, brake, and directional lightso Recessed rear lights•Transportation tie downs•Safety chains with spring loaded safety hooks•2” ball hitch•5000 lb. axle•3000 lb. tongue jack with footplate•P205/75R15 tubeless tires – 6 plyWEIGHTS & DIMENSIONSmountedSkid•Dry weight: 2345 lbs (1064 kg)•Operating weight: 3180 lbs (1442 kg)•95 x 35 x 56 in(2.41 x 0.89 x 1.42 m)Trailer mounted•Dry weight: 2860 lbs (1297 kg)•Operating weight: 3700 lbs (1678 kg)•143 x 57 x 72 in(3.63 x 1.45 x 1.83 m)WARRANTY•Engine and generator covered under OEM warranty – consult factory for details.CERTIFICATIONS•CSA certifiedMMG55 OptionsENGINE OPTIONS♦In-line engine block heater (Kim Hotstart)♦Fuel transfer pump♦Low coolant shutdownELECTRICAL CONTROLS OPTIONS♦720 CCA gel cell battery♦Battery disconnect♦Battery charger – 2A trickleGENERATOR OPTIONS♦PMG Generator - critical grade power quality♦Super Start Generator - motor starting applicationsVOLTAGE OUTPUT OPTIONS♦ 4 position phase switchSingle phase – 120 / 240V Zig ZagThree phase – 120 / 208V Low WyeThree phase – 277 / 480V High WyeThree phase – 120 / 240V Delta♦Dedicated voltage configurations♦Buck Transformer kit – Provides 120V at GFCI outlets when in 277/480VSYSTEM CONTROLS OPTIONS♦Analog gauges♦Auxiliary strobe/audible indication for soft & hard alarm conditionsCOOLANT OPTIONS♦60/40 Coolant - cold weather applicationsENCLOSURE OPTIONS♦Fire extinguisher♦Interior cabinet light♦Control panel lightFUEL TANK OPTIONS♦36 hr. single wall fuel tank (requires tandem axle trailer)♦24 hr. double wall fuel tank♦120% ContainmentTRAILER OPTIONS♦Single axle trailer w/ surge brakes♦Single axle trailer w/ electric brakes♦Tandem axle trailer w/ surge brakes♦Tandem axle trailer w/ electric brakes♦ 6 pin or 7 spade electrical connectors♦Spare tire/wheel kitHITCH OPTIONS♦3” lunette ring♦ 2 5/16” ball♦Adjustable height options:2” ball2 5/16” ball。
LPW5209-01 2.1A 电源开关 IC 产品说明书
2.1A Power Switch with Programmable Current LimitGeneral DescriptionThe LPW5209 is an integrated power switch for self-powered and bus-powered Universal Series Bus (USB) applications. A built-in charge pump is used to drive the N-Channel MOSFET that is free of parasitic body diode to eliminate any reversed current flow across the switch when it is powered off. Its low quiescent current (30μA) and small package (SOT23-5) is particularly suitable in battery-powered portable equipment.Several protection functions include soft start to limit inrush current during plug-in, current limiting at 2.1A to meet USB power requirement, and thermal shutdown to protect damage under over current conditions.Order InformationApplications✧Power Switch✧USB Device✧Battery Charger Circuits Features◆80mΩLow R DS(ON), High-side N-MOSFET ◆2100mA Programmable current limit◆ 2.5V to 6V Input Voltage◆Low Quiescent Current:30μA◆Soft Start Function◆Built-In Short-Circuit Protection◆Built-in Thermal Protection◆RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-Free Typical Application CircuitMarking InformationVINFunctional Pin DescriptionPin DescriptionDescriptionLPW5209A LPW5209-21/11/061 1 Output to system pin.2 2 Ground.3 Connect a resistor to GND for setting current limit.Function Block DiagramAbsolute Maximum Ratings Note 1✧Input Voltage to GND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7V ✧Output Voltage to GND -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7V ✧Other pin to GND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6V ✧Maximum Junction Temperature --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150°C ✧Operating Ambient Temperature Range (T A) -------------------------------------------------------- -40℃ to 85°C ✧Maximum Soldering Temperature (at leads, 10 sec) ------------------------------------------------------- 260°C Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Thermal Information✧Maximum Power Dissipation (SOT23-5, P D, T A=25°C)----------------------------------------------------- 0.45W ✧Thermal Resistance (SOT23-5, θJA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250℃/WESD Susceptibility✧HBM(Human Body Mode) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2KV ✧MM(Machine Mode) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200VElectrical Characteristics(Over recommended operating conditions unless specified otherwise, T =25℃)Enable Threshold LowEnable Threshold High 1.4Input High Current V IN=V EN=5.0V 5Typical Operating CharacteristicsApplication InformationThe LPW5209 are single N-Channel MOSFET high-side power switches with active-high enable input, optimized for self-powered and bus-powered Universal Serial Bus (USB) applications. The LPW5209 equipped with a charge pump circuitry to drive the internal NMOS switch; the switch's low RDS(ON), 80mΩ, meets USB voltage drop requirements.Input and OutputVIN (input) is the power source connection to the internal circuitry and the drain of the MOSFET. VOUT (output) is the source of the MOSFET. In a typical application, current flows through the switch from VIN to VOUT toward the load. If VOUT is greater than VIN, current will flow from VOUT to VIN since the MOSFET is bidirectional when on. Unlike a normal MOSFET, there is no a parasitic body diode between drain and source of the MOSFET, the LPW5209 prevents reverse current flow if VOUT being externally forced to a higher voltage than VIN when the output disabled (VEN < 0.4V). Chip Enable InputThe switch will be disabled when the EN pin is in a logic low condition. During this condition, the internal circuit is turned off, reducing the supply current to 0.1μA typical. The maximum guaranteed voltage for a logic low at the EN pin is 0.4V. A minimum guaranteed voltage of 1.4V at the EN pin will turn the LPW5209 back on. Floating the input may cause unpredictable operation. EN should not be allowed to go negative with respect to GND. The EN pin may be directly tied to VIN to keep the part on.Soft Start for Hot Plug-In ApplicationsIn order to eliminate the upstream voltage droop caused by the large inrush current during hot-plug events, the “soft-start” feature effectively isolates the power source from extremely large capacitive loads, satisfying the USB voltage droop requirements.Thermal ShutdownThermal shutdown is employed to protect the device from damage if the die temperature exceeds approximately 150°C. If enabled, the switch automatically restarts when the die temperature falls 20°C. The output will continue to cycle on and off until the device is disabled or the fault is removed.Packaging InformationSOT23-5。
LG 无霜冷藏冷冻箱 M459SWB 使用说明书
简体中文MFL71400048Rev.04_版权归LG 电子© 2020-2024 所有,并保留所有权利。
安全说明请在使用前阅读所有说明 (4)警告 (4)注意 (8)安装安装前 (10)设备水平调节 (11)打开电源 (12)移动设备以重新安置 (12)操作使用前 (14)产品特性 (16)控制面板 (18)饮水机 (19)制冰机 (20)冷藏室抽屉 (21)门置物篮 (22)搁板 (22)冷冻室抽屉 (22)智能功能LG ThinQ 应用程序 (23)智能诊断 (24)维护清洁 (26)故障排除呼叫服务之前 (27)附录信息 (32)保修 (38)4安全说明安全说明请在使用前阅读所有说明以下安全指南旨在预防因不安全或不正确操作产品出现的意外⻛险或损坏。
•本设备用于家用和类似用途,如:- 商店、办公室或其他工作场合的厨房区域;- 农场以及宾馆、汽车旅店和居住型环境的顾客;- 家庭旅馆型环境;- 餐饮业和类似的非零售业应用。
Generac Powerpact 7.5 kW 自动备用发电机说明书
OWERPACT5 kWThe Most Affordable Home Standby Generator on the Market7.5 kWAUTOMATIC STANDBY GENERATORTHINK YOU CAN’T AFFORD AN AUTOMATIC STANDBY GENERATOR?YOU CAN.Generac has engineered a home standby generator that makes residential backup power more affordable than ever, backed with the quality and reliability that makes Generac the leader in standby power. If you only need to protect your essential circuits and thought a portable generator was the best option for your money, compare the benefits of the Powerpact standby generator.COVER ALL YOUR ESSENTIAL CIRCUITS:COMPUTERTELEVISION LIGHTS SUMP PUMP REFRIGERATOR FURNACE AIR CONDITIONERFEATURES3 Year Limited Warranty for automatic standby generators.True Power™ Technology delivers best-in-class power quality with less than5 percent total harmonic distortion for clean, smooth operation of sensitiveelectronics and appliances.24/7•365 Customer Support Team standing by all-day every-day from ourheadquarters in Wisconsin to answer any questions you might have.Mobile Link™ Remote Monitoring allows you to monitor the status of yourgenerator from anywhere in the world using a smartphone, tablet, or PC. Easilyaccess information such as the current operating status, and the generatorsmaintenance schedule. Connect your account to your authorized service dealer forfast, friendly and convenient assistance. (Sold Separately). (Available in US only).POWERPACT VS. PORTABLEFEATURE7.5KW POWERPACT7000 Watts PORTABLE GENERATOR Protection Automatic 24/7 hands-free operation Manual start-upFuel Continuous LP or natural gas, easy field fuel conversion Refuel with gasoline as needed Convenience Permanently installed, always ready Set up for every outage with extension cords Weather Proof Galvaneel steel enclosure sits outside as close as 18” to the home Not recommended to run in the rain7 out of every 10 homeowners choose Generacwhen investing in home backup power.SPECIFICATIONS (LP/NG)7.5 kW POWERPACTAUTOMATIC HOME STANDBY GENERATOR0202460 Web Rev. 09/2016©2016 Generac Power Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.Nationwide Dealer Service NetworkGenerac’s commitment to service includes scheduled maintenance programs, warranty assistance and emergency service to ensure that Generac customers are never left powerless. The largestnationwide dealer network has factory-trained technicians on staff and maintains large inventories of Generac parts, components and accessories. Find a dealer near you at .Generator / 50 Amp, 8-Circuit Transfer Switch Model #6998Voltage (Single Phase)240Rated Maximum Continuous Load Current - 240 Volts 31.25 / 25Engine/Alternator RPM 3600EngineGenerac OHV 420ccFuel Consumption @ 1/2 Load NG cu. ft/hr (m3/hr)73 (2.07)********************************/hr(m3/hr)117 (3.31)Fuel Consumption @ 1/2 Load - LPG cu. ft/hr (gal/hr 31.6 (0.87)*********************************/hr(gal/hr)51.6 (1.42)Quiet-Test Mode No db(A) at Exercise69db(A) at Normal Operating Load 69Enclosure Steel Enclosure Color Bisque Warranty3-Year Limited Dimensions (L" x W" x H") 36 x 27 x 35Weight (lbs.) (Steel/Aluminum)2807.5 / 6 kWGenerac Power Systems, Inc.S45 W29290 Hwy. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 1-888-GENERAC (1-888-436-3722)*Rating definitions - Standby: Applicable for supplying emergency power for the duration of the utility power outage. No overload capability is available for this rating. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514, ISO3046 and DIN6271). * Maximum wattage and current are subject to and limited by such factors as fuel Btu content, ambient temperature, altitude, engine power and condition, etc. Maximum power decreases about 3.5 percent for each 1,000 feet above sea level and also will decrease about 1 percent for each 12° C (10° F) above 15.5° C (60°F). Not for sale in California.。
新瑞朗KWID SUV型号产品介绍说明书
achieve big everydayThe Renault KWID has arrived. Let the world take notice. Get behind the wheel and make a statement. Your favourite KWID is now even bolder, more stylish and ready to take action in your day-to-day life.With an SUV-inspired design, high ground clearance, ample interior space and great performance, you are on board with all the style and attitude of an SUV. It also comes with next-gen technology such as the Floor Console Mounted AMT Dial, 20.32 cm Touchscreen MediaNAV and LED Digital Instrument Cluster that always keeps you on track for adventure.Say hello to the latest showstopper in town.style that speaks for itselfThe Renault KWID is built to stand out with Signature Ornate Lighting that includesSUV-styled Headlamps, Silver Streak LED DRLs and Tail Lamps with LED Light Guides. The exterior design is further enhanced with a Stylish Grille, Boomerang Shaped Sculpted Roof and Arching Roof Rails. The new Dual Tone exterior comes with a trendy ‘Climber’ Decal on the c-pillar. The Dual ToneMulti-Spoke Flex Wheels along with a High Ground Clearance of 184 mm & SUV Skid Plates further accentuate the SUV stance of the car.The Renault KWID comes with Dual Tone interiors & a spacious, comfortable Ergo Smart Cabin. The front-seats are 4-way adjustableto give the most ideal seating and driving position. This is accentuated by Metal Mustard and White Fabric Seat Upholstery with Striped Embossing. The Sporty Steering Wheels, Stylish Dashboard with a Piano Black Centre Fascia, Touchscreen MediaNAV Evolution with Sporty White Surrounds* and AMT Dial Surrounds in Sporty White accent add a touch of vibrancy.*sporty white accents available in Climber MTstylish grille with silver streak LED DRLstail lamps with LED light guidesThe KWID features a fully Digital Instrument Cluster with LED Illumination and Sportier Graphics coupled with Digital Tachometer, Gear Shift Indicator* and On-board computer. The first-in-class^ 20.32 cm TouchscreenMediaNAV Evolution takes infotainment to the next level with Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, Video Playback and Voice Recognition.Furthermore, the Floor Console Mounted AMT Dial with three modes is designed to make driving effortless while the Reverse Parking Camera with Guidelines helps you park even in the tightest spots.The Renault KWID’s Smart Control Efficiency (SCe) engine technology for accurate air-to-fuel ratio monitoring optimises performance and fuel efficiency.The suspension system of the Renault KWID is calibrated for an optimum ride. Choose between the peppy 1.0L engine or thefuel-efficient 0.8L engine and make the most of every drive.*present in MT versions only. ^first to introduce this feature.LED digital instrument clusterreverse parking camera with guidelinesfloor console mounted AMT dialdual tone interiors with day/night adjustable IRVMfuture-ready technology , power-packed performanceDiscover comfort and convenience like never before in the Renault KWID. Its spaciousinteriors offer a best-in-class #Boot Space of 279 litres expandable up to 620 litres. The cabin space is optimised with ample storage spaces including mobile and wallet storage in the front console, a glove box, a parcel shelf and bottle holders on the front doors. Front and Rear Power Sockets, Front & Rear PowerWindows and a Fast USB Charger further add to its convenience.The Renault KWID comes with standard safety features like Driver and Passenger Airbags, ABS and EBD, Seat Belt Reminder, Overspeed Alert, Reverse Parking Sensors and Driver side Pyro & Pre-tensioner with Load Limiter. All of these ensure complete peace of mind.#within immediate segment.dual airbagssuperior space & comfort,enhanced safetyboot space of 279 litres - expandableup to 620 litresergo smart cabin with sporty Metal Mustard and White seat upholstery and striped embossing**1L only. ^^ EASY-R only. * available only in RXL and RXL(O) only.RXL 0.8L MT & 1.0L MTDESIGN- Stylish Graphite grille- Body coloured bumpersNEW RXL (O) = RXL+ 0.8L MT & 1.0L MTRXT = RXL(O)+ 1.0L MT/EASY-RCLIMBER = RXT+1.0L MT/EASY-R WITH SPORTY WHITE ACCENTSMETAL MUSTARD - DUAL TONE FIERY REDICE COOL WHITE - DUAL TONEOUTBACK BRONZE MOONLIGHT SILVERZANSKAR BLUEwritten authorisation from Renault is prohibited. segment definition based on Renault internal classification.www.renault.co.in Call:180****4444。
Dragonattended the exposition with two pure electric products , Polaris and Coaster . Among them , the brand - new product Polaris city bus also made its debut in the global exhibition .2020年10月30日,第10届中国(澳 门)国际汽车博览会(以下简称'澳门车展”) 在澳门威尼斯人金光会展中心开幕。
作为 中国客车自主品牌的排头兵,金旅客车 携"北极星”和"考斯特” 2款纯电动客 车产品参加展会,其中全新产品“北极星” 城市客车更是在全球展会中首次亮相。
随着新冠疫情趋于稳定,在刚刚过 去的“十一’’中秋国庆长假,澳门各大知 名景点出现了久违的游客络绎不绝的景 象。
内地游客的到来,也带动了澳门旅 游市场的复苏,不少店铺重新开业迎客, 商家对旅游市场重现生机满怀信心。
即 便如此,澳门旅游业距离往年同期仍有 落差,2020年的黄金周访澳日均旅客人 次同比仍然下跌86%。
交通出行方式多 元化,客运客流分流;公交潮汐现象明显, 高峰、平峰落差大,公交运力利用率不足; 疫情导致旅游客运几乎停摆,大量运力 处于闲置。
今天的澳门客运业面临的挑 战前所未有。
深耕澳门市场多年的金旅客车为澳 门车展带来了新品"北极星",与观众一 同探索客车产品的更多可能。
未来客车 是高科技客车,是移动互联网客车,是 多功能客车。
金旅北极星是一款通过针 对性设计来解决细分场景运营痛点的全®金旅“北极星”纯电动公交客车表1金旅“北极星”系列纯电动公交客车主要参数车型号北极星XM L 6885北极星XM L 6150外形尺寸(长X 宽X 高)/mm 8 850x 2 500x 3 25010480x 2 520x 3 250额定载客人数(含驾驶员)/人80/16 〜2761/17 〜32总质量/kg 14 00014 000整备质量/kg 8650, 825010 000轴距/mm 5190 4 950燃料种类磷酸铁锂(CATL)磷酸铁锂(CATL)驱动电机永磁同步电机(轮边电机)永磁同步电机(轮边电机)电机功率(额定/峰值)/kW 60/12060/120总电量/Ah 180.87255.48续航里程/km 263 ~ 320279 〜322系统总成盘毂轮边纯电动驱动系统盘毂轮边纯电动驱动系统82 jCOMMERCIAL VEHICLEBUSES AND COACHES 客车长廊®金旅“北极星”纯电动公交客车内部新模块化产品平台,同时也是一个面向 未来出行场景的新能源的移动服务终端。
Operation Manual: BUFFALO™ SVMP
感谢您选购我们的产品 祝贺您已购买属于你自己的水牛 AC SVMP 系统。无论你的水牛系统是用于工作、娱乐
休闲或作为紧急电源时,我们确信它将会给您留下深刻的印象。水牛 AC SVMP 系统在细节 上经过认真细致的设计,并具有很高的耐久性。
安全性通用警告 水牛 AC SVMP 系统必须由具备水牛认证的安装人员来安装和维护。请联系我们授权的 水牛设备经销商或各水牛客户服务部门。 切勿打开水牛发电机,DPCU 或水牛 AC SVMP 系统中的任何组件。 切勿调较任何水牛系统中的任何组件;向授权的水牛设备经销商查询你的需要。 确保你车辆上的刹车系统处在一个良好的工作状况,并且能够适时和有规律的保养你的 车辆。 切勿在你精神或身体疲劳时使用这些设备,在酒醉后或其它使你无法控制意识的情况下 禁止使用这些设备,这些将影响你的判断和反应能力,如在此时操作设备将是不安全的。 在附近应常备灭火器。合理维护灭火器并熟悉它的使用。应符合国家防火协会的各种用 途灭火器。咨询防火部门根据不同的用途选用正确的灭火器型号。 在不使用的时候将输出端出口盖上以防外界杂物进入。 切勿将输出电缆放在任何有腐蚀性化学物品的表面。
水牛 AC SVMP 系统 水牛系统包括:
水牛 AC SVMP 发电机
电子控制单元 (DPCU)
其它附件: 控制盘
Operation Manual: BUFFALO™ SVMP
警告 !
在操作水牛 AC SVMP 系统之前,请阅读我们的用户手册,使你能 够彻底熟悉我们的设备和它的特性。系统只有被恰当操作的情况下才能 够做到真正安全和高效率。按照基本规定和预警操作,才能防止系统可 能出现的问题。
SWC615-A PowerMount 易安装重量模块商品说明书
S W C 615-A P o w e r M o u n tT MS p e c i fi c a t i o n sSWC615-A PowerMount TM Weigh ModuleWEIGH MODULE Unit of measureSpecification Model No.SWC615-A PowerMount™Size12Rated Capacity (R.C.)t (klb, nominal)7.5 (16.5)15 (33)22.5 (49.6)20 (44)30 (66)50 (110)Max. Rated Forces (1)Max. Compressive Force, Rated kN (klb)74 (16.5)145 (33)220 (50)195 (44)290 (65)490 (110)Max. Horizontal Force, Ratedtransverse kN (klb)82 (18)111 (25)longitudinal154 (34)156 (35)Max. Uplift Force, RatedkN (klb)122 (27)206 (46)Max. Horizontal Force (longitudi-nal) per stabilizer option, Rated (6)kN (klb)22 (5)35 (7.7)Max. Yield Forces (2)(4)Max. Compressive Force, Yield kN (klb)145 (33)294 (67)440 (97)390 (87)580 (130)980 (215)Max. Horizontal Force, Yieldtransverse kN (klb)114 (25)155 (35)longitudinal214 (48)217 (48)Max. Uplift Force, YieldkN (klb)171 (38)287 (64)Max. Ultimate Forces (3)(4)Max. Compressive Force, Ultimate kN (klb)220 (50)420 (94)660 (147)580 (130)883(194) 1470 (323)Max. Horizontal Force, Ultimatetransverse kN (klb)172 (38)351 (79)longitudinal 260 (58)495 (111)Max. Uplift Force, UltimatekN (klb)234 (52)451 (101)Restoring Force %A.L./mm (../in)2.4 (61)3.4 (87)1.8 (46)Max. top plate traveltransverse ± mm (in)± 5 (0.2)longitudinal (7)± 5 (0.2)Weight, nominal (including load cell)kg (lb)23 (50.7)57.5 (126.8)Material carbon steel / 304 stainless steel carbon steel / 304 stainless steel FinishZinc Plated / ElectropolishedZinc Plated / Electropolished Shipping dimensions (L x W x H)cm (in)34 x 23 x 30 (13.4 x 9.1 x 11.8)41.5 x 32 x 41 (16.3 x 12.6 x 4.6)Shipping weightkg (lb)26.5 (58.4)62.5 (137.8)LOAD CELL Unit of measureSpecification Item No.3009251530092516300925174290488242904883429048844290489142904892Model No.POWERCELL ® SLC611DPOWERCELL ® PDX ® SLC820Rated Capacity (R.C.)t (klb, nominal)7.5 (17)15 (33)22.5 (50)20 (44)30 (66)50 (110)Min. Increment Size, typical (11)kg (lb)0.15 (0.33)0.3 (0.66)0.45 (1)0.4 (0.88)0.6 (1.3)1 (2.2)Zero load Output %R.C.≤ 0.5≤ 0.1Combined Error (8)(9)%R.C.≤ 0.018≤ 0.018≤ 0.015≤ 0.018≤ 0.015Repeatability Error %A.L. ≤ 0.010≤ 0.010≤ 0.008≤ 0.01≤ 0.008Creep, 30 minute%A.L.≤ 0.015≤ 0.015≤ 0.0125≤ 0.015≤ 0.0125Min. Dead Load Output Return (DR), 30 min.%A.L. ≤ 0.015≤ 0.015≤ 0.0125≤ 0.015≤ 0.0125S p e c i fi c a t i o n sLOAD CELLUnit of measureSpecification Temperature Effect on Min. Dead load Output %R.C./°C (../°F)0.0014 (0.0008)≤ 0.0020 (0.0011)≤ 0.0014 (0.0008)≤ 0.0013 (0.0007)≤ 0.0014 (0.0008)≤ 0.0013 (0.0007)Sensitivity (9)%A.L./°C (../°F) ≤ 0.001 (0.0006)≤ 0.001 (0.0006)≤ 0.0008 (0.0004)≤ 0.001 (0.0006)≤ 0.0008 (0.0004)Temperature Range Compensated °C (°F)-10 +40 (+14 ~ +104)-10 to +40 (+14 to +104)Operating-40 ~ +55 (-40 ~ +131)-30 to +55 (-22 to +131)Safe Storage-40 ~ +80 (-40 ~ +176)-40 to +80 (-40 to +176)OIML / European Approval (10)Class C3C3C3C4C3C4nmax 300030003000400030004000Vmin kg0.831.672. 4.54.0NTEPApproval (10)Class III M IIIL M nmax 500010000Vminlb2..24.26.3 2.1 2.2 2.0 3.8 3.4ATEXApproval (10)Cat 2II 2 G Ex ib IIB T4 Gb / II 2 D Ex ib IIIC T130° C DbCat 3II 3 G Ex ec IIC T6 Gc; II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6Gc; II 3 D Ex tc IIIC T85°C Dc II 3 G Ex nA nC IIC T6 Gc / II 3 G Ex ec nC IIC T6 Gc /II 3 D Extc IIIC T85°C Dc IECExApproval (10)Ex ib IIB T4 Gb / Ex ib IIIC T130°C Db Ex ec IIC T6 Gc / Ex nA IIC T6 Gc / Ex tcIIIC T85°CEx ib IIB T4 Gb / Ex ib IIIC T130°C DbEx nA nC IIC T6 Gc / Ex ec nC IIC T6 Gc / Ex tc IIIC T85°C DcFMApproval (10)Div. 1 US IS / I, II, III / 1 / CDEFG ; I / 1 / AEx ib / IIB / T4 / Gb ;21 / AEx ib / IIIC / T130°C / Db Div. 1 Canada IS / I, II, III / 1 / CDEFG / T4 ; 1 / Ex ib / IIB / T4 ; Gb ;21 / Ex ib / IIIC / T130°C ; DbDiv. 2 US NI / I,II,III / 2 / CDFG/T6 Ta= -40°C to +55°C NI / I, II,III Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, F G;T6 Ta = -40°C to +55°C -Div.2 CanadaNNI / I,II,III / 2 / CDFG/T6 Ta= -40°C to 55°C ; NI / I,II,III / 2 / ABCDFG/T6 Ta= -40°C to 55°C-UL /cUL Approval (10)Rating -I, II, III, Division 2, Groups C, D, F, G, T6Supply Voltage Non-regu-latedTypicalV DC12-24 (external supply)12-24 (external supply)Overvoltage Protection A 2500> 80000Effective System Update Rate Hz100 (with 4 cells)83 (with 4 cells), 50 (with 6 cells), 25 (with 14 cells),15 (with 24 cells)Material Spring Element Stainless Steel Stainless Steel ProtectionType welded welded IP Rating IP68/IP69K IP68, IP69K NEMA RatingNEMA 6/6PNEMA 6/6P**************.,nominal mm (in)0.2 (0.008)0.37 (0.015)0.49 (0.019)0.36 (0.014)0.51 (0.02)0.71 (0.028)Weight, nominalkg (lb)1.2 (2.6)3.0 (6.6)3.2 (7.0)(1) The weigh module is rated for these forces in normal operation, a Factor of Safety has been applied by METTLER TOLEDO(2) Warning: If loaded statically one time in excess of these forces, the weigh module may yield and need replacing. The Max. Yield Forces do not consider fatigue/cyclic loading and should be ap-proached only in exceptional circumstances.(3) Warning: If loaded statically one time in excess of these forces, the weigh module may break with potential for serious injury and/or property damage. (4) Warning: Apply a Factor of Safety appropriate to the application.(5) % of Applied Load (A.L.) per mm (in) displacement of the top plate (transverse & longitudinal).(6) 1 or 2 per weigh module. Max permissible longitudinal force per stablizer.(7) 0 with Stabilizer(8) Error due to the combined effect of non-linearity and hysteresis.(9) Typical values only. The sum of errors due to Combined Error and Temperature Effect on Sensitivity comply with the requirements of OIML R60 and NIST HB44. (10) See certificate for complete information.(11) Calculate the scale’s minimum increment size by multiplying this value by the square root of the number of load cells. For non Legal-For-Trade ApplicationsSLC611D / SLC820 Load CellsW e i g h M o d u l e D i m e n s i o n sWeigh Module Dimensions mm [in]SWC615-A PowerMount TMSize Capacity D H H1H2L L1L2L3L4L5L6W Thickness Dimensions 17.5, 15, 22.5t [16.5, 33, 49.6 klb]22[0.87]152 [5.98]20[0.79]12[0.47]300[11.8]286[11.26]155[6.1]255[10.04]65.5[2.58]22.5[0.89]200[7.87]220[8.66]min 20[0.79]200 x 200[7.87 x 7.87]220, 30, 50t [44, 66, 110 klb]26[1.02]235[9.25]26[1.029]21[0.839365[14.37]365[14.37]200[7.87]315[12.4]82.5[3.25]25[0.98]250[9.84]273[10.75]min 26[1.029]250 x 250[9.84 x 9.84]Size 1Size 21)Provides equal load distribution, but the stability of this arrangement must be assured.SWC615-A PowerMount TMWeigh Module ArrangementsSee 1)L 2LSWC615-A PowerMount TMDownload page, including 2D/3D drawings: `/ind-swc615-downloads SLC611D load cell download page:`/ind-downloads-SLC611DMore information on SLC820 load cell:`https:///ind-download-SLC820W e i g h M o d u l e D i m e n s i o n sOrder Information, Weigh Module Assembly Item No.SizeRated Capacity DescriptionClassMaterial, Weigh ModuleZinc Plated 30417.5 t /17 klb Weigh Module AssemblyC3 / III M n:530730524 / 3073055030730530 / 3073055615 t / 33 klb 30730525 / 3073055130730531 / 3073055722.5 t / 50 klb 30730526 / 3073055230730532 / 30730558220 t / 44 klbWeigh Module AssemblyC3 / IIIL M n:1030730527 / 3073055330730533 / 3073055930 t / 66 klb 30730528 / 3073055430730534 / 3073056050 t / 110 klb30730529 / 3073055530730535 / 30730561Bolded entries are stockedOrder Information SWC615-A PowerMount TM – Weigh Module without Load Cell SWC615-A PowerMount TM – Weigh Module without Load Cell / SWC615-A PowerMount TM EN1090 – Weigh Module without Load Cell (Europe only)– SafeLock TM allows installation of weigh module hardware without load cell to avoid sensor damage – Combine weigh module with other load cells (special cable lengths, etc.)– Use weigh module with dummy load cell for level detection systemsOrder Information, Weigh Module Kit Item No.Suitable Load Cells SizeRated CapacityMaterial, Weigh Module Item No.Zinc Plated304C3 / IIIL M n:10C4Dummy Load Cell17.5 t /17 klb3073050530730541307305223073054830092515-3023819615 t / 33 klb 30092516-22.5 t / 50 klb 30092517-220 t / 44 klb3073212230732124307321233073212542904882-7225508430 t / 66 klb 429048834290488450 t / 110 klb4290489142904892Bolded entries are stockedOrder Information, Cables Item No.Cable, Material / LengthPU / 3m (10ft)PU / 5m (16.4ft)PU / 10m (32.8ft)PU / 20m (65.6ft)PU / 30m (100ft)PU / 50m (166ft)PU / 100m (333ft)PU / 150m (500ft)Cable Kit, 3 Load cells 30302750303027513030275230302753----Cable Kit, 4 Load cells 30302754303027553030275630302757----Load Cell - Load Cell Cable 30302766303027673030276830302769----Home Run Cable-30302758303027593030276030302761303027623030276330302764Braided Cable Kit, 3 Load cells -6104529161045292-----Braided Cable Kit, 4 Load cells -6104529361045294-----Braided Home Run Cable --610447306104473161044732610447346104473961044749Cable Extension Adapter 30220628CAN Termination Load Cell 30302770Blind Cap Connector Load Cell 30302771Cable Gland for Home Run Cable with IND780PDX 30095639Bolded entries are stockedOrder InformationSWC615-A PowerMount TM – Weigh ModuleSWC615-A PowerMount TM EN1090 – Weigh Module (Europe only)W e i g h M o d u l e A c c e s s o r i e sWeigh Module AccessoriesSWC615-A PowerMount™StabilizersStabilizers are used to stabilize a scale subject to heavy vibration, high torque, or in-motion weighing. Each weigh module can host one or two stabilizers. With stabilizers installed, thermal expansion is still possible, so that you can achieve the best weighing performance. Stabilizers (and weigh modules) shall be installed perpendicular to the direction of thermal expansion/contraction. For details see the Installation Guide on the product download page, linked on page 4 of this datasheet.Rated Capacity Item Nr.-Zinc Plated 3047.5 - 22.5 t / 16.5 - 49.6 klb 307321183073211930 - 50 t / 66 - 110 klb3073212030732121* Bolded entries are stockedShock/vibration padThese pads are used protect weigh modules from shock loading of the scale and to dam-pen vibrations that might be transmitted from scale to weigh module.Rated Capacity Item Nr.-Zinc Plated 3047.5 - 22.5 t / 16.5 - 49.6 klb 722466467220726230 - 50 t / 66 - 110 klb7225507272255075* Bolded entries are stockedThermal padsThermal pads are used in the case of hot tanks. They protect the load cell from tem-perature load caused by convection, thereby increasing accuracy and the lifespan of the system.Rated Capacity Item Nr.80°CZinc Plated 3047.5 - 22.5 t / 16.5 - 49.6 klb 722466477220726330 - 50 t / 66 - 110 klb 7225507372255076170°C Zinc Plated 3047.5 - 22.5 t / 16.5 - 49.6 klb 722466487220726430 - 50 t / 66 - 110 klb7225507472255077* Bolded entries are stockedMETTLER TOLEDO offers an extensive range of accessories for weigh modules and load cells. These help to ensureproper installation and minimize the risk of downtime due to environmental influences.R e l a t e d P r o d u c t sWeighing Indicators and TransmittersMETTLER TOLEDO offers a complete family of weighing indicators, controllers and transmitters for applications from simple weighing to filling, stock control, batching, formulation, counting, or check w eighing.Related ProductsMettler Toledo ServiceOur extensive service network is among the best in the world and ensures maximum uptime and optimized per-formance of your weighing solution. RapidCal™ from METTLER TOLEDO offers an economical tank scale cali-bration method that is traceable and achieved without using test weights or purified liquids.Learn more about RapidCal TM : `/ind-rapidcalACT350 Weight Transmitter:`/ind-act350IND780 Industrial Indicator: `/ind780IND360 Automation Indicator: `/ind360IND570 Industrial Indicator: `/ind570For more informationMETTLER TOLEDO Group Industrial DivisionLocal contact: /contactsSubject to technical changes© 04/2022 METTLER TOLEDO. All rights reserved Document No. 30572702W e i g h M o d u l e K n o w l e d g e B a s e Weigh Module Knowledge BaseWeigh Module Proven Safety VideoWatch the video to understand how force ratings are tested, and mechanical safety of weigh modules are ensured.`https:///watch?v=jmOzLrB9HdAWeigh Module buying GuideThis weigh module buying guide helps engineers to select the right weigh module for their application.`/ind-wm-buying-guideDos and Don’tsBest practices in the application of Weigh Modules to custom scales explained simply.`/ind-wm-dos-dontsTank Scale Calibration MethodsIn this document, we discuss the six common methods to calibrate a tan scale including pros and cons and then illustrate each method through use cases.`/ind-tankscalecalibrationPinMount installation videoWatch the video for installation details of the PowerMount Weigh Modules.Details of the SafeLock plates, and optional Stabilizers are also explained. `/watch?v=WUndgvfxsCQFurther ReadingsSafety-Related Force Ratings: /ind-wp-safetyWeighing Accuracy in Tank Scales:/ind-weighing-accuracy-brochure Analog and PowerMount TM Weigh Modules: /ind-modern-weigh-modules-WP Weigh Module Systems Handbook: /ind-system-handbookWeightless Tank Scale Calibration: /ind-weightless-tank-scale-calibration-WP RapidCal Tank Scale Calibration:/ind-rapidcal。
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L-799SURKMGKW Hyper Red
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Notes: 1.Wavelength: +/-1nm. 2. Forward Voltage: +/-0.1V.
Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C
Parameter Power dissipation DC Forward Current Peak Forward Current [1] Reverse Voltage Operating / Storage Temperat[2] Lead Solder Temperature [3]
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Selection Guide
Part No. Dice Lens Type Iv (mcd) [2] @ 20mA Min. Hyper Red (InGaAlP) L-799SURKMGKW Mega Green (InGaAlP)
Notes: 1. θ1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the optical centerline value. 2. Luminous intensity/ luminous Flux: +/-15%.
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Mega Green
REV NO: V.8 CHECKED: Allen Liu
Viewing Angle [1] 2θ1/2 50°
Typ. 600 130
Electrical / Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C
Symbol λpeak λD [1] Δλ1/2 C VF [2] IR Parameter Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Spectral Line Half-width Capacitance Forward Voltage Reverse Current Device Hyper Red Mega Green Hyper Red Mega Green Hyper Red Mega Green Hyper Red Mega Green Hyper Red Mega Green Hyper Red Mega Green Typ. 650 574 635 570 28 20 35 15 1.95 2.1 2.5 2.5 10 10 Max. Units nm nm nm pF V uA Test Conditions IF=20mA IF=20mA IF=20mA VF=0V;f=1MHz IF=20mA VR = 5V
Notes: 1. 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width. 2. 2mm below package base. 3. 5mm below package base.
Hyper Red 75 30 185 5
Mega Green 75 30 150
Units mW mA mA V
The Hyper Red source color devices are made with InGaAlP on GaAs substrate Light Emitting Diode. The Mega Green source color devices are made with InGaAlP on GaAs substrate Light Emitting Diode.
Part Number: L-799SURKMGKW Hyper Red Mega Green
Package Dimensions
Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted. 3. Lead spacing is measured where the lead emerge from the package. 4. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
-40°C To +85°C 260°C For 3 Seconds 260°C For 5 Seconds
REV NO: V.8 CHECKED: Allen Liu