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( )6. How is the TV show?


B. Interesting

C. Exciting

( )7. Who are they talking about?


B. Tim

C.Mr. Wang

( )8. Who are they?

A.Father and daughter

B. Teacher and student

C. Singer and fan ( )9. What is Scott doing?

A.He is playing the guitar

B. He is running

C. He is reading a book ( )10. What ‘s Jim doing in the first photo?


B. Sleeping

C. Running



( )11. What’s Jack doing ?

A.Doing homework

B. Watching TV

C. Making dinner

( )12. What does Jack have to do?

A.Watch TV

B. Go fishing

C. Make dinner


( )13.What are they talking about?



C. Pictures

( )14. Who is the boy in the photo?

A.Jill’s cousin

B.Jill’s father

C.Jill’s brother

( )15. What is Jill’s brother drawing in the picture?

A.A tree

B. Bill

C. Jill’s father


( )21、Her sister can play violin , but she can’t play soccer.

A.the; the

B./; the

C.the; /

D./; /

( )22、Can you Chinese? No. But I can English stories.

A.speak; tell

B.speak; talk

C.say; tell

D.talk; say ( )23、—Why do you want to join this club?

—Because I’m good pictures.

A.at draw

B.at drawing

C.with draw

D.with drawing ( )24、The bread tastes and it sells .Do you want to eat some?

A. well,good

B. good,well

C. good ,good

D.well,well ( )25、Bob his homework the mor ning of May 1st.

A.doesn’t do ; in

B.don’t do; in

C.doesn’t do; on

D.don’t do; on ( )26、Either Tom Mike in the room.

A.and; are

B.and ; is

C.or; are

D.or; is

( )27、Mr. Black is . He has an son.

A.forty years old;eight-year- old.

B.forty-year-old; eight –year old

C.forty yeas old; eight-years –old

D.forty years old; eight years old ( )28、—do you think of the story, Jane?

—Really good.

A.What B.How C.Why D.When ( )29、One of the students in our class a new bike.

A.have B. has C.to have D.having

( )30、It's not easy for me Endlish well.


B.to study



( )31、There a pen and two books on the desk.





( )32、—Do you have a ? —Yes,I in a food shop.





( )33、Where you come from? I from Australia.

A.are; am

B.do; am

C.are; do

D.do; do

( )34、Let’s the zoo. I want the pandas.

A.go to; see

B.to go; to see

C.to go; see

D.go to; to see ( )35、—Must I clean the room now?

—No,you . You can clean it tomorrow.


B. can't


D.don't have to



Many students like 36 very much. But 37 Monday to Friday,they must go to school. So on Saturday and Sunday they stay at home and 38 TV from mor ning to night. They don’t know it’s bad for their eyes. Usually children like to eat fish, meat and chicken, but they don’t like vegetables 39 fruit. They don’t know eating more vegetables and fruit

40 better than eating meat(肉).

41 school the children only do a few minutes of sports or 42 do any sports. The teachers must know it isn’t good for 43 health.

We always think of ways to keep 44 . We must eat 45 vegetables and fruit,do enough (足够的) sports every day. And we should watch TV and read in right ways.

( )36. A. watch TV B. watch the TV C. watching TV D. watching the TV

( )37. A. on B. and C. from D. to

( )38. A. watch B. see C. read D. look

( )39. A. and B. wit h C. or D. but

( )40. A. am B.is C. are D. be

( )41. A.In B. On C. At D. About

( )42. A. often B. sometimes C. usually D. never

( )43. A. them B. they C. their D. theirs

( )44. A. health B. healthy C. busy D. free

( )45. A. more B. much C. a lot D. man


( A )

It's Tuesday afternoon. All the boys and girls are doing all kinds of things.

Kate is cleaning the classroom with her classmates. Some are sweeping the floor. Others are cleaning the windows and the doors.

Some boys are playing on the playground(操场). Li Ming and David are playing football, Some are playing basketball. Some are throwing a yo-yo. Others are flying a kite(放风筝). Tom, Li Lei, Jack and some girls are planting trees (种树)near the lake.

Tom and Jack are digging(挖). Some are planting. Some are watering the trees. Li Lei is strong, so he is carrying water.

How hard all these students are working! They are helping to make our school beautiful. ( ) 46. Where are the students and the teachers?

A.They are at home.

B. They are at work.

C. They are at school.

D. They are outside (外面) the school.

( ) 47. What's Kate doing?

A. She is playing football.

B. She is playing basketball.

C. She is throwing a yo-yo.

D. She is cleaning the classroom.

( ) 48. Who are playing football?

A. Li Ming and David.

B. Li Lei and Jack .

C. Li Lei and Tom.

D. Tom and Jack. ( )49. Where is Tom working?

A. He is on the playground,

B. He is near the lake.

C. He is in the classroom.

D. He is at home.

( )50. What does the underlined word "strong" mean?


B. 矮的

C. 强壮的D英俊的


( )51.The show begins at in the morning.





( )52.For 13-year-old Eric and Mike, how much do they need to pay for the show?


B. ¥10

C. ¥20

D. ¥22

( )53.There are things people can’t do in the hall.





( )54.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The show is on Saturday.

B.The show is only for children.

C.People can see the show in Hall 4 .

D.People must go to the show before 11:00. ( )55. What can people do in the hall?
