Transient Responses in Dynamical Neural Models




广东化工2021年第5期· 62 · 第48卷总第439期双水相体系在化学反应工程中的应用研究进展林锦良,余贵山,李友凤*(遵义师范学院化学与化工学院,贵州遵义563000)[摘要]双水相体系作为化学反应介质具有操作方便、组分可调、绿色环保、连续操作和易于工艺放大等特点,引起了界面科学、分离提纯和反应工程等研究和应用领域的广泛研究。


[关键词]双水相体系;化学反应;清洁能源;纳米材料[中图分类号]TQ [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-1865(2021)05-0062-03Advances of Aqueous Two Phase System (ATPS) Applications on ChemicalReaction EngineeringLin Jinliang, Yu Guishan, Li Youfeng*(Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Zunyi Normal College, Zunyi 563000, China) Abstract: Aqueous Two Phase Systems (ATPS) has attracted tremendous attentions in the field of interracial science, separation and purification, and chemical reaction engineering due to their various advantages of facility, adjustable, sustainable, continuous operation and large scale industrial adaptive when they were employed as chemical reaction medium. The chemical reactions including hydrogenation, hydroamidation, oxidation, coupling reaction, polymerization, CO2 reduction etc. taken in the ATPS have been reviewed in the paper. Besides, the membrane-free cell and Ag particles has also been covered. Thereafter, the discussions on exploitation of clean energy and preparation of novel materials base on the ATPS have also been presented. All these efforts should provided a significance on the relevant researches.Keywords: Aqueous Two Phase System(ATPS);Chemical Reaction;Clean Energy;Nano Material双水相体系(ATPS)是将两种不同组分的水溶液以一定浓度混合而形成互不相溶的两相系统。







1. 神经元特异性磷酸化酪氨酸酶(NCS-1)神经元特异性磷酸化酪氨酸酶(NCS-1)是一种小分子蛋白质,主要表达于嗅觉神经元的钙信号传导通路中。




2. 鼠鼻状结构转运体(MOR28)鼠鼻状结构转运体(MOR28)是嗅觉神经元细胞膜上的一个特定通道,它能够转运感知气味的分子,从而触发钙离子的内流和一系列下游信号的传递。



3. 嗅觉G蛋白(Golf)嗅觉G蛋白(Golf),与视网膜G蛋白相似,是嗅觉膜上的一种重要蛋白质。



4. 嗅觉受体蛋白(ORs)嗅觉受体蛋白是嗅觉通路中起着主要作用的蛋白质。












经节 小 直径神 经 元 , 8~ 8 范 围 内 具 有 温 度 敏 在 2℃ 感性 , 生理 上产 生凉 的感 觉 。T P 在 R M8通 道 还可 被
薄 荷醇 激活 , 这也 可 以解 释薄 荷 昧 口香糖 和牙 膏 会 让 人产 生凉 爽 的感 觉 。T P R M8如果 被 反 复刺 激 , 可 使通 道 电流 去 敏 感 化 。此 外 ,hn Z ag等 (0 6 发 现 20 )
T P 1表达 上调 。 RA
T P 1 不同动物 中或 以热敏通道存在 , RA 在 或以冷敏通道存在
B .温度敏感 T P通道以及各 自的温度激活 阈值 R
T P 5分 布 于 小 鼠和 人 的脊 髓 背 感 觉 首 次提 供 了分 子 解 释 , 同时 T P R V1 被 热 ( 于 4 ℃ ) 酸 性 ( H <59) 活 可 引 起 疼 大 3 和 p . 激
关键 词 温 度敏 感 T P离子通道 ; 道 激活 ; 经病理 痛 ; R 通 神 药物靶 点 ; 温调 节 体
中 图分类 号 R 3 38
瞬时感 受 器 电位 (r s n r et o n a, t ni t e p r t t l a e c o p ei
TP R )通道 是位 于细 胞膜 上 的一 组 重要 的非 选 择 性
细胞 膜 内 。V1—4、 、 4、 5: 敏 通 道 ; : 敏 通 道 ; : M2 M M 热 M8 冷 A1
感受红外线介导的热源信号 。T P 1 R A 主要分布于脊 髓背根 神 经节 , T P 1 同表 达 , 与 R V共 在末 梢 神 经 、 肠
肌丛 神经元 以及 皮肤 角化 细胞 中 T P 也 有 分 布 。 R A1 Oa bt (0 5 通 过 研 究 发 现 在 病 理 疼 痛 模 式 下 a等 20 )



2022年考研考博-考博英语-厦门大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it and this_______produces artificial cold surrounding it.问题1选项A.absorptionB.transitionC.consumptionD.interaction【答案】A【解析】absorption吸收; transition过渡, 转变; consumption消费, 消耗; interaction相互作用。

句意:水从固体变成液体, 会吸收附近所有物质的热量, 这种吸收会在周围产生人工寒潮。


2.单选题The British historian Niall Ferguson speculated that the end of American_______might not fuel an orderly shift to a multipolar system.问题1选项A.domainB.hegemonyC.sovereigntyD.preference【答案】B【解析】domain领地,领域; hegemony霸权; sovereignty主权,君主; preference偏爱, 优先权。

句意:英国历史学家Niall Ferguson推测, 美国霸权主义的终结可能不会推动美国向多极体系的有序转变。


3.翻译题(1). When we talk about the danger of romantic love, we don't mean danger in the obvious heartbreak way—the cheap betrayals, the broken promises—we mean the dark danger that lurks when sensible, educated women fall for the dogmatic idea that romantic love is the ultimate goal for the modern female. Every day, thousands of films, books, articles and TV programs hammer home this message—that without romance, life is somehow barren.However, there are women who entertain the subversive notion, like an intellectual mouse scratching behind the skirting board, that perhaps this higher love is not necessarily the celestial highway to absolute happiness. (2). Their empirical side kicks in. and they observe that couples who marry in a haze of adoration and sex are, ten years later, throwing china and fight bitterly over who gets the dog.(3). But the women who notice these contradictions are often afraid to speak them in case they should be labeled cynics. Surely only the most jaded and damaged would challenge the orthodoxy of romantic love. The received wisdom that there is not something wrong with the modern idea of sexual love as ultimate panacea, but (hat if you don't get it, there is something wrong with you. You freak, go back and read the label. (4).We say the privileging of romantic love over all others, the insistence that it is the one essential, incontrovertible element of human happiness, traced all the way back to the caves, is a trap and a snare. The idea that every human heart, since the invention of the wheel, was yearning for its other half is a myth.(5). Love is a human constant: it is the interpretation of it that changes. The way that love has been expressed, its significance in daily life, have never been immutable or constant. The different kinds of love and what they signify are not fixed, whatever the traditionalists may like to tell you.So the modern idea that romantic love is a woman's highest calling, that she is somehow only half a person without it, that if she questions it she is going against all human history, does not stand up to scrutiny. It is not an imperative carved in stone; it is a human idea, and human beings are frail and suggestible, and sometimes get the wrong end of the stick.Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.【答案】1.当说到浪漫爱情的危险时, 我们并不是指显而易见令人心碎的危险一可耻的背叛、破碎的誓言——而是指当明智的知识女性对教条主义思想信以为真, 即浪漫的爱情是现代女性的终极目标时, 潜伏着的隐秘危险。



化学交换饱和转移磁共振成像量化方法研究进展化学交换饱和转移磁共振成像(chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging,简称CEST-MRI)是一种用于检测和量化溶液中化学交换过程的非侵入性成像技术。













一种常用的方法是基于化学交换饱和转移对比(chemical exchange saturation transfer contrast,简称CEST)的显像。




例如,聚合物纳米颗粒(polymer nanoparticles)和脂质体(liposomes)等纳米材料被利用作为聚焦药物递送系统。



Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(9), 14191-14196 Published Online September 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acm https:///10.12677/acm.2023.1391984多模态功能磁共振成像在无先兆偏头痛中的 研究进展姚家慧,张庆欣青海大学研究生院,青海 西宁收稿日期:2023年8月9日;录用日期:2023年9月3日;发布日期:2023年9月11日摘要 偏头痛是一种原发性头痛,常伴随着头痛、恶心、呕吐等不适症状。

无先兆偏头痛(migraine without aura, MwoA)占所有偏头痛类型的60%~80%,该病的发病机制至今尚未完全了解,但多模态功能磁共振技术相继完善并结合,为研究该病的病理机制和发生机制提供了有力的手段。


关键词无先兆偏头痛,功能磁共振,动脉回旋标记成像,磁共振波谱Advances in Multimodal Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Study of Migraine without AuraJiahui Yao, Qingxin ZhangGraduate School of Qinghai University, Xining Qinghai Received: Aug. 9th , 2023; accepted: Sep. 3rd , 2023; published: Sep. 11th , 2023AbstractMigraine is a primary headache, often accompanied by headaches, nausea, vomiting and other discomfort symptoms. Migraine without aura (MwoA) accounts for 60% to 80% of all types of mi-graine, but the mechanism of the disease has not been fully understood, but multi-modular func-tional magnetic resonance technology is successively improved and combined, providing a po-werful tool for the study of the pathological mechanisms and the occurrence of the condition.姚家慧,张庆欣From the perspective of multimodal functional magnetic resonance research, this review will com-prehensively and systematically explore the progress of research on unprecedented migraines.KeywordsMigraine without Aura, Functional Magnetic Resonance, Arterial Rotation Marker Imaging,Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Array Copyright © 2023 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言偏头痛是一种阵发性神经系统疾病,其临床表现为头痛反复发作,往往伴有各种不同的神经系统和全身症状。


Phase contrast ,PC
Proton density weighted imaging ,PDWI
Part per million , ppm
Point resolved spectroscopy ,PRESS
Perfusion weighted imaging ,PWI
Relative anisotropy ,RA
Rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement ,R compensation , RC
Rectangle field of view , RFOV
Signal noise ratio,SNR
Permanent magnet
Conventional magnet
Resistive magnet
Super conducting magnet
Low temperature superconducting material
Magnetic resonance imaging,MRI
Magnetic resonance myelography,MRM
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy,MRS
Magnetic resonance urography,MRU



《基于肠-脑轴理论探讨甘松对帕金森大鼠运动功能障碍的改善作用及机制》篇一一、引言帕金森病(Parkinson's Disease,PD)是一种常见的神经退行性疾病,主要表现为运动功能障碍,如震颤、僵硬和行动迟缓等。


肠-脑轴(Enteric-Cerebral Axis)是指肠道与中枢神经系统之间的双向通讯和相互影响关系,越来越多的研究表明,肠道微生物与帕金森病之间存在密切联系。



二、材料与方法1. 实验材料本实验采用SD大鼠作为实验对象,建立帕金森大鼠模型。



2. 实验方法(1)建立帕金森大鼠模型:采用6-羟基多巴胺(6-OHDA)注射法建立PD大鼠模型。






三、结果1. 甘松对帕金森大鼠运动功能的改善作用通过行为学检测发现,甘松治疗组的大鼠在旋转杆测试和足迹分析中的表现明显优于模型组,说明甘松能够显著改善PD大鼠的运动功能障碍。

2. 肠道微生物变化肠道微生物组成分析显示,甘松治疗组的肠道微生物多样性得到改善,有益菌群比例增加,有害菌群比例降低。


3. 脑内多巴胺能神经元的变化病理学检查发现,甘松治疗组的脑内多巴胺能神经元损伤程度较模型组减轻,说明甘松对脑内多巴胺能神经元具有保护作用。


化 。 敏感 加权 成像 和增 强 T 上 显 好 的后 处 理算 法 ,更好 地 显示脑 组 磁 1 示 的肿 瘤 内部 结构 显示 不 同 。增 强 织 内部 的磁敏 感性 变化 ,而最 大程 T 上 肿 瘤 的 内部 结 构取 决 于坏 死 、 度 地减 少颅底 的磁 敏感性 伪影 是此 1 囊 变和 肿瘤 包膜 ,而磁 敏感 加权 成 序 列技 术 的研 究 发展 方 向 。 像 上大 多数 取 决于血 液 成分 ,出血 总 之 ,S A W N对 肿瘤 的边 界 、 内
S s e t b iyw ih e m g n (W ) u c p i e g td ia i g S I i 1t
[ .№g e o e , 0 4 5 : 1— 1 J ] nRsnMd 20,2626 8
2 S h a1 , Del r o o , H d r . e g V p op st Z a da D, et a1 S ec bi y . us pti It wei ht d l g e
分级 J 。本 研 究 发现 S A W N可 更 早 实 ,然 而 增 强 T 1不 能显 示 这些 信 发 现 更 多 的脑 转 移 病 灶 , 这 可 能 号 ,与本研 究 结果 相似 。磁敏 感加 与其 敏 感 发现 微 出血 的 能力 有 关 , 权 成 像提 供 了 比增 强 T l图像 更全 或 可 能因转 移瘤组织 细胞 结构 与脑 面 或更 好 的信 息 内容 ,这 意味着 通
ia ig t iu 1 z l o r d c m g n o v a i e b o d p o u t s S a d m r v t m r c n r s i t e n i p o e u o o t a t n h



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2.3 乳腺癌组织中SIRT1的表达与临床病理指标的关系
乳腺癌中SIRT1的表达与患者年龄、肿物大小、ER、PR等因素均无关P 0.05,但与TNM分期、腋窝淋巴结转移有关P 0.05。见表1。
表1 乳腺癌组织中SIRT1的表达与病理指标的关系例
注 SIRT1 沉默信息调节因子 ER 雌激素受体 PR 孕激素受体
1.2 实验方法
3 讨论
SIRTl是组蛋白脱乙酰酶HDAC第Ⅲ类ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ白质家族的成员之一,并且是NAD+依赖性组蛋白和蛋白脱乙酰基酶。SIRT1不仅可以通过组蛋白脱乙酰诱导染色质沉默,并且可以通过调节转录活性调节细胞存活,在细胞的生理及病理过程中起重要作用,如基因沉默、DNA损伤修复、肿瘤发生等[13]。SIRT1表达水平与肿瘤分期、淋巴结转移有关。樊林等[14]研究认为,胃癌组织中SIRT1的表达较正常组织表达增高,且浸润深度越深、有淋巴结转移及临床分期越高时,表达随之升高。另有学者研究证明,SIRT1的高表达率在子宫内膜癌、肝癌、结直肠癌中明显上升,且在子宫内膜中的表达水平与临床分期呈正相关[15],在结直肠癌中的表达与分期及淋巴结转移呈正相关[16],这可能与Wang等[17]发现的SIRT1是通过P13KPTENAKT途径促进恶性肿瘤的发生有关。后期进一步研究发现,STRT1还通过脱乙酰基作用调控着诸多与肿瘤关系密切的信 因子,进而影响着肿瘤的各种特性[1820]。例如 Powell等[21]的研究表明SIRTl的缺失可诱导前列腺上皮内瘤变的发生,表明了SIRT1的抗肿瘤作用。但关于SIRT1在乳腺癌组织中的表达研究较为少见。本研究显示,在乳腺纤维腺瘤中SIRT1的阳性表达率为33.3%,明显低于乳腺癌中SIRT1的阳性表达率61.7%,差异有统计学意义P 0.05,在有淋巴结转移、TNM分期为Ⅲ期的乳腺癌中SIRT1的高表达率高于无淋巴结转移、Ⅰ、Ⅱ期P 0.05,这与宋新峰[22]研究结果一致。SIRT1的表达与患者年龄、性别、肿物大小、ER、RP表达情况无关P 0.05。提示SIRT1可作为乳腺癌的诊断、病程判断、预示乳腺癌的恶性程度的重要参考


结论 : 注射 6 O A后 , 鼠出现行 为学 改变 , - HD 小 焦虑 指数增高 ; 实验侧 中脑 E 和 T N1 H阳性细胞数均随 时间逐渐减少
且 E 变化早于 T 提示转录 因子 E 的减少 可能是诱 导 D N1 H, N1 A神经元凋亡及 P D部分症状 出现的重要原 因。 关键词 帕金森病 ; 录因子 E ; 转 N1酪氨酸羟化酶 ; 巴胺能神经元 ; 多 旷场试 验
中 重 学 为 21  ̄ 7 第3 两窟 区 骠 0 q, 卷, 期 2 第2

基础 研 究 ・
转录 因子 E 1 N 在帕金森病模型小鼠中脑 表达中的Leabharlann 化串 谢 晓 明 刘宏 亮
摘 要
高 宇 姚 忠祥 詹 晓黎 。 吴永 涛
目的 : 研究小 鼠帕金森病 (D模 型急性期 中脑转 录因子 E 表达变化 的特点及小 鼠的 自发性活动改变 。 P) N1 方法: 应用 6 羟多 巴胺 ( 一 H A) 一 6 O D 纹状体 注射 制备小 鼠 P D模 型 ; 旷场试 验观察其行 为学变化 ; 免疫组 织化学 芡光 染 色检测注药后 2 h 4 内中脑 E 、 氨酸 羟化 酶( H) N1酪 T 的表达变化 。 结果 : 与对 照组相 比, 型组运动方式 明显异 常 ,d 模 7 内基 本恢复正常 ; 运动总量随注药后 时间延 长呈恢复趋势 , 但与 对 照组对 比无显著差 异 ; 中央区域活动时 间逐渐减 少 , 映了焦虑指数增高 。与对照侧相 比, 反 实验侧 中脑 E 免疫 N1 阳性细胞数在 3 9 时 已出现减少 ,2 1h — h 1— 8 时已较显著 ,8 为 6 .±2 .%( < . )2 h 1h 52 2 3 P 00 ,1 时减少非常显著 。T 5 H阳 性 的多 巴胺 能 ( A) 经 元数 目也 随 时间 逐渐 减少 , 时间 上略 晚 于 E ,5 才 可见 减少 , 8 时减 少 明显 , D 神 但 N1 1h 1h 为 6 _±1 %( < . ) N 在 中脑 主要定位于 细胞核 , 83 . P 00 。E 1 2 5 但也可见 于细胞浆 。


张 军强 。余 巨明 王晓 明 赵 红宁 。黄 敏。 , , , 。 。 , , 张 小 东 赵 晓琼 黄 慧 胡 建秀。 , , ,
( .成 都 中 医药 大 学 研 究生 院 , 1 四川 成 都 60 7 ; 10 5 2 川 北 医 学 院 附属 医院 神 经 疾病 研 究 所 , 川 南 充 6 7 0 ) . 四 3 0 0
Pio a pi nd e s iur s n is l c r ne i uc d ez e a d t po sbl m e ha s s si e c nim .M eho s Ra s t d t we e r n m l dii e i o he .5 r a do y v d d nt t 0 r M S gr p, ha s i u a in g o nd c ntolgr p. A fe v r y f r2 we ks on e u i ore p di T ou s m tm l to r up a o r ou t re e y da o e ’c s c tvec r s on ng s i u a i s, t a ut e l p y tm l ton he c e pie s m od l e wa m a e s d by Lihim l a pi ,a d u e e l t lt n is f t u Pi oc r ne n s bs qu nty he a e ce o
2 I tt t f Ne r l g Af i a e s ia fNo t ih a e ia le e, . ns iu e o u o o y, fl t d Ho p t lo r h S c u n M d c lCo lg i
Na h n ihu n 6 7 0 Ch n ) ne o g S c a 3 0 0。 i a



分类号:R3 单位代码:10752 密级:公开学号:2009064宁夏医科大学硕士研究生学位论文谷氨酸能突触传递参与中枢血管紧张素II导致交感兴奋性增强机制的研究Contribution of glutamatergic transmission to the central Angiotensin II-induced sympathoexcitation学位申请人:章汝文指导教师:白洁教授合作指导教师:王伟忠教授申请学位门类级别:理学专业名称:生理学研究方向:神经生理学所在学院:基础学院论文完成日期:二○一二年四月宁夏医科大学研究生院Ningxia Medical University Thesis for Application of Master’s DegreeContribution of glutamatergic transmission to thecentral Angiotensin II-induced sympathoexcitationStudent’s Name: Zhang RuwenSupervisor:Bai jie professorAssistant supervisor: Wang Weizhong professorSubject Category: ScienceMajor: PhysiologySpecialty: NeurophysiologySchool: Base CollegeCompletion Date: Apr. 2012宁夏医科大学学位论文独创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是个人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,无抄袭及编造行为。













图1.近红外一区多模态光声显微成像系统(ANI-OPO)结构示意图针对当前研究中缺乏同时活体高分辨成像全脑皮层区域胶质淋巴/脑血管结构的成像技术,华南师范大学杨思华团队展开了新的探索,使用了广东光声科技有限公司联合建立的双波长交替激发的近红外一区多模态光声显微成像系统(ANI-OPO),并结合一种ICG-OVA 大分子光声示踪剂,通过532nm波长成像脑血管结构,通过780nm波长示踪胶质淋巴通路,从而同时实现脑血管和胶质淋巴系统的活体共定位成像。








外侧PB将来自脊髓的疼痛信号传递到前脑,外侧PB 神经元表达编码μ-阿片类受体的基因Oprm1。

Oprm1 基因敲除小鼠能够阻断吗啡引起的镇痛作用。

2021年12月17日美国加州索尔克生物研究所Sung Han研究团队发现外侧臂旁核表达Oprm1的神经元同时控制呼吸和疼痛、焦虑。

他们通过Oprm1 –Cre工具小鼠注射携带钙离子指示剂的AAV后发现小鼠在呼吸过程中外侧PB脑区Oprm1能神经元活性明显增加,而外侧PB脑区其他类型神经元并不编码与呼吸相关的行为信息。


更有意思的是,单细胞水平的钙成像技术发现大多数PBL-Oprm1神经元对疼痛和呼吸是同时响应的,具体为62%的神经元同时响应,14. 8%神经元仅响应于呼吸,21.3%神经元仅响应于疼痛。

逆行示踪病毒揭示PBL-Oprm1神经元接受来自于杏仁核中央核(Ce A)、终纹床核(BNST)、丘脑后叶内下纵束旁核、上丘(SC)、孤束核(NT S) 和脊髓等输入。

顺行示踪病毒发现PBL-Oprm1神经元投射到下丘脑、CeA 、BNS T、前包钦格复合体(preBotC)等脑区。




freesurfer对结构核磁共振成像分割输出结果介绍 -回复

freesurfer对结构核磁共振成像分割输出结果介绍 -回复






对于一个sMRI图像,FreeSurfer通过以下步骤进行分割和量化:1. 预处理:在分割之前,sMRI图像需要进行预处理,包括头部去除和强度校准。


2. 粗略分割:在这一步骤中,FreeSurfer使用基于模板的方法,将大脑从其他组织和脑脊液中分割出来。



3. 表面重建:一旦完成了粗略分割,FreeSurfer将创建大脑的三维皮层模型。



4. 皮层分区:通过使用基于统计的方法,FreeSurfer将皮层模型分区。



5. 量化:一旦完成分区,FreeSurfer可以提取各个区域的数量特征。








非侵入式神经刺激技术(NIRS) 是神经科学中一种新兴的技术,通常被用于治疗与神经系统有关的疾病。


NIRS 技术很好地解决了传统神经刺激技术面临的许多问题,如需要对受试者进行大剂量的药物注射、大剂量的电流刺激以及外科手术等,同时它还可以在不需要操作脑部的情况下完成。

这些优点使得 NIRS 技术成为当前最先进的神经刺激技术之一。

NIRS 技术可以被用于治疗多种神经系统相关的疾病,如震颤病、帕金森病、脑卒中、焦虑症、失眠症、抑郁症等。

NIRS 技术的作用原理是通过刺激神经细胞来提高神经功能,促进神经传导,从而使身体恢复正常功能。

在某些情况下,NIRS 技术甚至可以用来诊断神经系统相关疾病和损伤,比如说检测脑血流量。

NIRS 技术具有良好的安全性,因为它不会伤害患者的神经系统或其他器官。

同时,NIRS 技术可以在医生的监督下进行治疗,以便医生及时对病情进行监测和干预。

此外,NIRS 技术还可以与其他治疗方法一起使用,如药物治疗、物理治疗和心理治疗等,以增强其疗效。

尽管 NIRS 技术具有许多优点,但也有一些挑战需要解决。

目前,NIRS 技术依然是一项新技术,因此对其疗效的评估需要更多的研究。

此外,由于 NIRS 技术需要高级仪器的支持,所以其治疗成本较高,是一项相对昂贵的治疗方式。

总之,NIRS 技术是神经系统相关疾病治疗中的重要一环,对于提高患者的生活质量和自我修复能力具有巨大的潜力。

虽然NIRS 技术还面临挑战和改进的余地,但随着科技的不断进步和研究的深入,相信 NIRS 技术将会为更多患者带来希望。

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Transient Responses in Dynamical Neural Models∗Michael StiberDepartment of Computer ScienceThe Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyClear Water Bay,KowloonHong Kongemail:stiber@t.hkJos´e P.Segundo Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Brain Research InstituteUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles,California90024 email:iaqfjps@AbstractWe consider the input/output behavior of a re-alistic dynamical neural model in comparison tothose typically used in artificial neural networks.We have found that such models duplicate wellthose behaviors seen in living neurons,display-ing a range of behaviors commonly seen in a widevariety of nonlinear dynamical systems.This isnot captured well by weighted sum/monotonictransfer function models.An example of theconsequences of nonlinear dynamics in neural re-sponses is presented for monotonically changinginput transients.1Dynamical Neural NetworksThough our knowledge of the computational capabilities of feedforward neural networks is now extensive,those which have internal states and dynamical behavior remain somewhat problematic.One reason for this is the bifurca-tion behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems,where small changes in a network parameter,such as a weight or net input to a unit,can switch the system between drastically different transfer functions.This has been the focus of re-cent work in learning in recurrent networks[1],but less is known about the computational implications for networks in which each unit is a nonlinear dynamical system in its own right.Certainly,for realism’s sake,one must consider indi-vidual units’dynamics to be significant for network func-tion[2].Biological nervous systems are networks of synaptically-coupled neurons,each producing sequences of short-lived voltage spikes,also called action potentials (APs).The input/output behavior of each neuron can be thought of as the transformation of trains of input spikes, via synapses,into trains of output spikes.This synaptic coding is the operational unit of nervous systems[3],and understanding it a necessary,though not sufficient,step to-wards understanding neural computation.∗This work was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council(DAG92/93.EG18)and Trent H.Wells,Jr.,Inc.ODEPACK software,developed at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories,and libf77routines,copyright1990&1991by AT&T Bell Lab-oratories and Bellcore,were used.The complexity of neuron input/output behavior has been known for quite some time[4],and has more recently been studied using techniques from thefield of nonlinear dynam-ics[5,6,7].2Simulation and Analysis MethodsThe analysis techniques and model used in these simulations is described in detail in the literature[5,8,3,2,9,10,11]; the following is a brief summary.We used a physiologically-derived model of the lobster slowly adapting stretch receptor organ(SAO)[12].This was modified to match the unperturbed behavior of the crayfish SAO[8,9],on which similar experiments were performed[11].This was used as the driven cell in a2-cell network,connected to receive the outputs of a driver cell via an inhibitory synapse(the SAO is considered to con-tain a prototypical inhibitory synapse).The model has been shown previously to duplicate most of the behaviors of the SAO[10].We analyzed the timing relationships between(presynap-tic)input spike trains and(postsynaptic)output spike trains, each train assimilated to a point process[13].The experi-mental methods are schematized in Figure1.Monotonically changing transients were applied,where the instantaneous rate(A)increased or decreased;the intervals between presy-naptic spikes(I k,B)decreased or increased,respectively. The times of presynaptic and postsynaptic(C)events were recorded,yielding two sets of event times,s k and t i,where k,i=0,1,2,....Each transient was followed by sufficient “dead time”(without any inputs applied)for the neuron to return to its unperturbed state.Timing was analyzed in terms of certain intervals and cross intervals between events,I k=s k−s k−1,T i=t i−t i−1, andφi,the cross interval from t i back to the most recent preceding presynaptic event(the latter called the phase)[5]. The example used in this paper was an accelerating ramp transient,with initial rate1/I b=0.5Hz,final rate1/I e= 16.67Hz,and time span S=30s.Here we will illustrate the behavioral consequences of these transients with pooled graphs(Figure1(E),in which we plot ongoing time since the start of a transient along the X axis and either I k,T i,orφi on the Y axis.These graphs are pooled because the points for all of the transients areA B Cr(t)I N T E R V A LDEFigure 1:Summary of simulation and analysis methods.A monotonically changing rate control (A).Presynaptic neuron produced spikes with monotonically changing intervals,I k (B).Postsynaptic spike times,t i ,were recorded (C).Intervals T i and φi were computed (C),and plotted versus time (D).Intervals occurring during stimulation time S were plotted versus time since beginning of stimulation in pooled graphs (E).superimposed;the X axis shows time since the beginningof any transient and a point may be from any transient,asillustrated in the figure by the differently shaded rectangles.3Results As the accelerating transient sweeps from long intervals to short,one might naively expect that their inhibitory nature would be reflected in a decelerating trend in the model neu-ron’s output.This is only correct in terms of the overallaverage trend that we see in the output intervals in Figure 2;any local region shows either an orderly accelerating trendor a disorderly sequence of outputs that is difficult to de-scribe.In the phase pooled graph in Figure 3,orderly intervalregions are found to correspond to orderly phase regions;similarly for disorderly regions.Such orderly regions cor-respond to alternations ,in which the neuron’s outputs occur in a fixed temporal relationship to the inputs it receives.This is the nonstationary generalization of the stationary behav-ior called locking .Because of this fixed timing,the trend inthe output matches that of the input —opposite of what onewould expect naively from inhibitory input.Additionally,we can determine dynamical behavioral categories for thedisorderly regions,too,including quasiperiodic ,intermit-tent ,and chaotic .This is a matter of ongoing work [14],which will also discuss the effects of the various input pa-rameters (transient time span,waveform,and start and endrates)on the postsynaptic response.4Conclusions When we move away from simplifying,nondynamical mod-els of neurons,we find that their input/output behavior is complex and certainly is not adequately describable in terms of weighted sums and monotonic rate transfer functions,at least when considering the coding performed by a singleinhibitory synapse.As in the SAO,we have seen that monotonic,smooth in-hibitory input transients do not code into oppositely-sloped outputs,in spite of the inhibitory nature of the synapse.Nev-ertheless,the form of the pooled graphs indicates that each transient produced the same behaviors during the same time intervals.Otherwise,the superimposition of many transient outputs would not produce clearly identifiable indications of behaviors such as alternation,etc.This underscores the fact that this code is deterministic,a prerequisite for a com-putational structure.The computational significance of these observations, and how they might apply to more complex input patterns, is currently being investigated.However,we can conclude that,if a monotonic coding is required,then connectivity in a network composed of realistic neural models will neces-sarily be quite complex.Contrastingly,the complex coding seen with simple connectivity seems to indicate that the computational complexity of even small networks may be significant,and that those concerned with building artifi-cial neural networks may ignore the computational power of individual units or connections at their own risk. 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