


间的路径规划 问题 。对 于三维 空间 的路径规 划 ,文献 E ] s
传统的人工势场 理论 指出 :对 于 目标导 向 的移 动机 器
人 ,无论 其身处的环境包 含静 止 的障碍物 还是动 态移 动障
收 稿 日期 :2 1~01 ;修 订 日期 :2 1—21 0 11—7 0 11 —9
关键 词 :人 工势场 ;移动机 器人 ;三维 自然环境 ;路 径规划 ;运行 费用
中 图 法 分 类 号 : P 4 . 文 献 标 识 号 : T 22 6 A 文 章 编 号 :10 —0 4 (0 2 62 5—4 0 07 2 2 1 )0 —4 10
Pa h p a n n l o ih f rr b ti n wn t r e dm e so a t ln i g ag rt m o o o n k o h e — i n in l
摘 要:研 究 了移动机 器人在三 维环境的路径规划 问题 ,针对该 问题 中存在环境 适应性和 全局性差 的不足 ,对人工势场 法 进行 改进 ,提 出了一种新 的路径规划 的算 法。该算 法首先对 已知 的三维 自然环 境进行栅格化 ,建立栅格运行 费用 的评估模
型,计算每 个栅格 的运行 费用 ;然后依据栅格的运行 费用建立斥力场 ,以 目标 点为 中心 的建立 引力场 ,同时提 出解决局部
t e k o h e - i n in l n i n e t sr s e ie n u n n o t v l a in mo e o a h g i s a l h d e o dy, h n wn t r e dme so a v r m n a t rz d a d r n i g c s se au t d l re c r i e t b i e .S c n l e o i o f ds s r p lin fed i s a l h d b s d o h rd r n i g c S S a d g a ia in l il t a g tp i ta s c n r ,a s ou i n e u s il e t b i e a e n t e g i u nn O t n r vt to a ed wi t r e on ti e te lo a s l t o s s f h t o t h o a n mu p o lm sp o o e .Fia l ,we u e t e dr c in o h e u t n o c O p a a h wih l we o t o t el c l mi i m r b e i r p s d nl y s h ie t ft e r s la t f r e t ln a p t t o r c s s o fo s a t g p i tt h a g t S mu a in r s l h w h t t e ag rt m a o r o e a i g c ss o d a a t b l y a d r m t ri on O t e t r e. i lt e u t s o t a h lo i n o s h h s lwe p r t o t ,g o d p a i t n n i g o a r p r y lb l o et. p Ke r s a tf il o e t lf l y wo d : rii a tn i i d;mo i o o s h e - i n in l a u a n io me t a h p a n n ;r n i g c s s c p a e b l r b t ;t r e d me s a t r l v r n n ;p t l n i g u nn o t e o n e



三维空间避让算法Avoidance algorithms in three-dimensional space are crucial for ensuring the safety and smooth operation of various autonomous systems, such as drones, robots, and self-driving cars. These algorithms enable the autonomous systems to navigate complex environments, avoid obstacles, and ensure collision-free movement. The algorithms use sensor data to detect obstacles in the environment and plan a path to safely navigate around them.三维空间避让算法是确保各种自主系统(如无人机、机器人和自动驾驶汽车)安全顺畅运行的关键。



One important aspect of three-dimensional avoidance algorithms is their ability to handle dynamic and unpredictable obstacles. These algorithms must be able to quickly adapt to new obstacles that may appear in the environment and change their planned path accordingly. This requires real-time sensor data processing andefficient path planning algorithms to ensure the safety and efficiency of the autonomous system.三维避让算法的一个重要方面是它们能够处理动态和不可预测的障碍物。






1. 什么是3D路径规划3D路径规划,指根据场景中的地形、环境等因素,通过算法计算出角色在游戏中行走的最佳路线。



2. 3D路径规划实践方法2.1 场景建模在游戏开发中,场景建模是3D路径规划的第一步。



2.2 生成网格数据在场景建模完成后,需要将场景的网格数据生成出来。



2.3 选择最佳的路线算法在3D路径规划中,最常用的算法是A*算法,该算法可以在高效的时间内计算出最佳路径,并且能够兼容复杂地理场景。



2.4 计算最佳路径在计算最佳路径时,首先需要确定起始点和目标点,然后通过算法计算出最佳路径。


2.5 实现路径跟随最后一步是实现路径跟随,将计算出的最佳路径赋给角色AI,使其可以按照路径的规划进行移动。




《自动驾驶与机器人中的SLAM技术》阅读随笔1. SLAM技术概述随着科技的飞速发展,自动驾驶和机器人技术已经逐渐渗透到我们的日常生活中。

在这一领域中,SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping,即同时定位与地图构建)技术发挥着至关重要的作用。










1.1 SLAM的定义和发展历程SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping,同时定位与地图构建)技术是一种在未知环境中实现自主导航和地图构建的方法。


SLAM 技术的发展经历了几个阶段,从最初的基于滤波器的SLAM方法,到基于图优化的SLAM方法,再到近年来的深度学习SLAM方法。

20世纪80年代,美国马里兰大学的研究团队首次提出了SLAM 的概念。




Keywords 3Dterrain Functionmodel Pathplanning
0 引 言
路径规划问题,即按一项或多项优化规则,如最小 工作代价、最短行走路程、最短行走时间等,寻找一条 从起始状态到达目标状态的最优无碰路径[1]。复杂地 形下的路径规划是近几年研究的热点问题。目前,研 究路径规划的算法主要有 D 算法[2-3]、遗传算法等, 这些算法相对来说单一且仅针对于简单的地形,在复 杂的三维地形中无法适用。神经网络算法在最近几年 的研究中逐渐迅速并且适用于解决复杂的地形输入问 题[4],禹建丽等[5]通过对神经网络在路径规划上的应
物;当 p=q=1且 r>1时,表示的是一个圆柱体,即此
1.2 地形函数
碍物以 及 起 伏 变 化 较 大 的 地 势,以 达 到 最 优 的 路
径[9-10]。由于地 势 的 复 杂 性,无 法 对 其 直 接 进 行 计
摘 要 针对复杂的三维地形中路径规划存在的失效问题,提出一种以 Hopfield神经网络为背景的路径规划 算法。根据三维地形,将起伏的地势和障碍物转化为一种可计算的规则图形,并根据流场控制方程建立地形函数 模型;将地形函数模型与 Hopfield神经网络算法进行有效集成。该算法运用于复杂的三维地形环境下,能够避开 起伏的地势以及障碍物,并寻找到一条最佳路径,为导航车的路径规划奠定了重要的基础。 关键词 三维地形 函数模型 路径规划 中图分类号 TP3 文献标识码 A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000386x.2019.10.020

L i t e 路 径 规 划 算 法

L i t e 路 径 规 划 算 法

避障算法之3DVFH+一、3DVFH+论文翻译2.相关工作3.八叉树地图4.3DVFH+4.1 第一步:八叉图探索4.2 第二步:二维基础极直方图(2D Primary Polar Histogram)4.3 第三步:物理参量(Physical Characterstics)4.4 第四步:二维二进制极直方图(2D Binary Polar Histogram)4.5 第五步:路径检测与选择(Path detection and selection)一、3DVFH+论文翻译本文提出了一种新的实时三维避障算法3D-VFH+。

该方法基于2D VFH+避障算法并且使用了八叉树(octomap)框架来表现三维环境。





D* Lite算法:Hrabar采用D* Lite进行概率性道路地图规划,重规划需要耗时0.15s。


Nieuwenhuisen等人提出了一个局部多分辨率路径规划系统,采用了多分辨率栅格地图用于局部路径规划,并且用全局规划器global planner产生一条到下一目标的新路径,同样使用的A*算法。




4.1 第一步:八叉图探索机器人在一个很大的空间内运动时显然受限于计算能力不可能去考虑所有的体素(voxel)。



三维路径优化算法matlab英文回答:Three-dimensional path optimization algorithms are used to find the most efficient and optimal paths in a three-dimensional space. These algorithms are commonly used in various fields such as robotics, computer graphics, and computer-aided design.One popular algorithm used for three-dimensional path optimization is the A (A-star) algorithm. This algorithm is a heuristic search algorithm that finds the shortest path between two points in a graph. It uses a combination of the actual cost to reach a node and an estimated cost to reach the goal to determine the most promising path.To explain the A algorithm, let's consider an example of finding the shortest path between two points in a three-dimensional grid. Imagine you are a robot trying to navigate through a maze-like environment with obstacles.Your goal is to reach a specific destination point while avoiding obstacles.In this scenario, the A algorithm would work by exploring the neighboring nodes of the current position and calculating the cost to reach each neighboring node. The cost is determined by adding the actual cost to reach the neighboring node from the starting point and an estimated cost to reach the goal from the neighboring node. The estimated cost is usually calculated using heuristics such as the Euclidean distance or the Manhattan distance.The algorithm then selects the neighboring node with the lowest total cost and continues the process until the goal is reached. By considering both the actual cost and the estimated cost, the A algorithm can efficiently find the optimal path while avoiding unnecessary exploration of the search space.Another example of a three-dimensional path optimization algorithm is the D (D-star) algorithm. This algorithm is often used in dynamic environments where theobstacles or the cost of traversing the space can change over time. The D algorithm continuously updates the path as new information becomes available, allowing the robot or agent to adapt to changes in the environment.For instance, imagine you are a drone navigatingthrough a three-dimensional space where the wind speed and direction can change. The D algorithm would continuously update the path based on the current wind conditions to ensure the drone takes the most efficient route while accounting for the changing wind patterns.中文回答:三维路径优化算法用于在三维空间中寻找最高效和最优路径。




1.[单选题]Scikit-learn中数据和标签用什么数据结构来存储?A)列表B)数组C)字典答案:B解析:2.[单选题]电容式传感器不能测量( )A)液位B)湿度C)瓦斯浓度D)纸的厚度答案:D解析:3.[单选题]下列人工神经网络属于反馈网络的是( )A)Hopfield网B)BP网络C)多层感知器D)LVQ网络答案:B解析:答案错误,选a4.[单选题]( )是产生式系统求解问题的基础。

A)规则库B)综合数据库C)控制系统D)知识库答案:A解析:5.[单选题]IMU 为惯性测量单元。

它包含三轴加速度计和三轴陀螺仪,主要用于感知飞行器在三个轴向上的运动状态( )。

A)俯仰B)滚转C)偏航D)以上都是答案:D解析:6.[单选题]福建公司人工智能平台样本库新增数据集功能在哪一模块下?A)数据中心B)标注中心D)应用中心答案:A解析:7.[单选题]数字电网的核心驱动力是云计算.大数据.物联网.移动互联网.( ).区块链等新一代数字技术A)传感网B)RFIDC)人工智能D)嵌入式系统答案:C解析:8.[单选题]( )是建造和设计专家系统的关键。

A)人机接口B)推理过程C)知识获取D)解释机构答案:B解析:9.[单选题]属于“人造智能”具有意识,达到或超越人类智慧水平的人工智能称为A)高人工智能B)低人工智能C)强人工智能D)弱人工智能答案:C解析:10.[单选题]遗传算法中,各个个体对环境的适应程度称为( )。

A)适应度B)占比C)浓度D)权重答案:A解析:11.[单选题]位置检测元件是位置控制闭环系统的重要组成部分,是保证数控机床( )的关键。

A)速度B)稳定性C)效率D)精度答案:D解析:12.[单选题]常用的路径规划算法有A*算法等,A*算法公式是F(n) = g(n) + h(n) 中的g(n)代表的含义是( )。


























136传感器与微系统(Transducer and Microsystem Technologies)2021年第40卷第2期DOI:10.13873/J.1000-9787(2021)02-0136-03在复杂地形下三维UAV航迹规划的改进A**算法*收稿日期:2020-03-26*基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61374128)倪昌浩,邹海(安徽大学计算机科学与技术学院,安徽合肥230601)摘要:针对无人机在复杂三维空间中无法及时有效规划航迹问题,提出一种改进的A”算法。



关键词:无人机;A”算法;航迹规划;B样条曲线;风险预测中图分类号:V279文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-9787(2021)02-0136-033D UAV track planning based on improved A*algorithmin complex terrain*NI Changhao,ZOU Hai(School of Computer Science and Technology,Anhui University,Hefei230601,China)Abstract:An improved A*algorithm is proposed to solve the problem that UAV can't plan its trajectory in time and effectively in complex3D space.Firstly,flight pilch angle and yaw angle of lhe UAV are constrained to reduce the extended area of the tack node.Secondly,in order to prevent being failed to detect condition of intersection of track and obstacle area in lime, that terrain obstacle occur lhe danger factor is introduced and the search area near the node is detected,so as to improve the ability of the algorithm to predict the risk in advance.Finally, in order to meet the actual flight requirements of UAV,B-spline curve method is used to generate a continuous and smooth track・The simulation results show that the track planned by the improved algorithm satisfies the constraints and has strong feasibility and robustness,and lhe degree of track safety is much higher than the traditional algorithm.Keywords:UAV;A*algorithm;path planning;B-spline curve;risk prediction0引言航迹规划是无人机执行任务时的重要步骤之一,其目的是寻找出一条安全的无碰撞路径。

moveit笛卡尔路径 -回复

moveit笛卡尔路径 -回复





如何使用moveit笛卡尔路径?使用moveit笛卡尔路径规划功能,需要以下步骤:1. 定义目标位姿:首先,需要明确机器人末端执行器需要达到的目标位姿。


2. 创建运动规划请求:在moveit中,通过创建运动规划请求对象,将目标位姿信息传递给moveit进行路径规划。


3. 进行路径规划:对于笛卡尔路径规划,首先需要创建一个笛卡尔路径规划器对象。


4. 执行路径:得到路径后,可以通过moveit提供的控制接口,将路径上的每个离散点依次发送给机器人控制器执行。

步骤详解:1. 定义目标位姿目标位姿通常以坐标系表示,包含位置和方向信息。



2. 创建运动规划请求在moveit中,运动规划请求对象表示一个运动规划问题,它包含机器人的起始位姿和目标位姿。



3. 进行路径规划对于笛卡尔路径规划,需要使用笛卡尔路径规划器进行路径规划。

ros octomap 指针

ros octomap 指针

ros octomap 指针









Optimal path planning for UAV in 3-D threat environment(三维航迹规划算法)

Optimal path planning for UAV in 3-D threat environment(三维航迹规划算法)

Abstract —Nowadays, the environments surrounding modern battlefield are becoming increasingly complicated, since the threats are not only from the ground but also from the sky. UAV with reconnaissance mission will take more risk when flying along an improper planned path, so path planning of UAV in complex 3-D environments is very significant and challenging. Aimed at the problem, this paper proposes a novel optimal path planning method for UAV based on the flight space partitioning, Dijkstra algorithm and potential field theory. Specifically, under the cases that the locations of threats are assumed to be known and the whole flight space is partitioned into a number of cells and each cell has a safest node. Then, a 3-D network is formed by connecting the nodes of adjacent cells and a shortest suboptimal path is marked on the network with Dijkstra algorithm. Finally, the optimal path is obtained with artificial potential field method. To verify the proposed algorithm, simulation results in two cases are shown.I. I NTRODUCTIONIn recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have been efficiently used both in civil aviations and military operations [1]. As adjustment of the planned path during the mission period is very little, the path planning is crucial to improve reconnaissance efficiency [2]. Over decades severalpath planning methods have been investigated, such as A-staralgorithm [3], ant colony algorithm [4], genetic algorithm [5], artificial potential field [6], particle swarm optimization [7], and etc. Among all these methods, most solve the problems in 2-D environment [3-7]. However, faced with the complex flight environment, trajectory planning in 2-D cannot meet the mission requirements of the UAVs. So the path planning algorithms in 3-D space have been paid more attention by many researchers [8-11]. The conventional path planning methods for UAVs in 3-D only take the height information as an additional consideration in the cost function [8], so the optimal trajectory cannot be obtained. Aimed at the problems above, a path planning algorithm in the 3-D flight environments with multiple threats (such as, missiles radars and terrain) is proposed in this paper, which is*Research supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (60974146) and also Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).Yaohong Qu is with the School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072 P. R. China. (e-mail: qyh0809@; phone: 086-88493142; fax: 086-88431302).Yintao Zhang is with the School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072 P. R. China. (e-mail: zhangyintao23@).Youmin Zhang is with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada (e-mail: Youmin.Zhang@concordia.ca). combined with 3-D flight space division, Dijkstra algorithm and artificial potential field theory. At first, the locations of threats in the flight environment are regarded as the network nodes. According to 3-D Delaunay rules [13], the entire space of flying environment is divided into several closely connected tetrahedrons with the nodes. Next, we can obtain a 3-D network by crossing lines between two inscribed sphere centers of all the adjacent tetrahedrons. Then the initial shortest route is designed with Dijkstra algorithm on the network. Finally, the optimal path is obtained by using artificial potential field method, which can effectively avoid the threats from radars and meet the requirements of UAV dynamics.The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows:Section 2 proposes the flight path planning problem for UAVs. And the, mathematic modeling of the flight environment and threats is built in sections 3.1-3.2. Then the path planning algorithms are explained in sections 3.3-3.4. Next, section 4 presents experimental results which validate the effectivenessof the proposed algorithm. Finally, conclusions and further works are outlined in Section 5. II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION Nowadays, the battlefield environments are becoming increasingly complicated. With development and application of the high technology, the range of modern battlefield is increasing rapidly and the number of threats in the battlefield is also increasing. Moreover, the threats become diversified. Thus, it makes great sense to study on planning a safe and effective path in complex battlefield. All the threats which are taken into account in path planning problem can be summarized into natural factors and human factors. The former includes terrain information (such as mountains) and weather information (such as the lightning and rainstorm) and they are no-fly zones (NFZ). The latter includes radars, missiles, aircrafts, and etc. Therefore, UAV will take a greater risk when flying over these areas.As it is shown in Fig. 1, this is a simulation of a complex battlefield. There are mountains (terrain information) and torrential rain (bad weather information) in the north. Also a number of radars, missiles, and all kinds of threats scatters in various parts of the battlefield. Of course, it is not easy to plan a perfect trajectory through such complex battlefield. As it is known that the path of UAV plays decisive role on the quality of mission and chances of survival. Therefore, by considering terrain, weather, threats, UAV kinetics, flight time and fuel consumption comprehensively, this paper focuses on obtaining an optimal path from starting point S to the targetOptimal Flight Path Planning for UA Vs in 3-D Threat Environment*Yaohong Qu, Yintao Zhang , and Youmin Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE2014 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)May 27-30, 2014. Orlando, FL, USA978-1-4799-2376-2/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE149point T . In order to illustrate more clearly the problem, three different planned paths are sketched in the figure.Path I: The UAV successfully avoids threats, but itcannot fly across by the influence of natural factors.Figure 1. An illustration for battlefield and different planned flight pathsPath II: The UAV reaches the terminal position quickly, but it flies through a very dangerous area.Path III: The UAV keeps a distance from threats and the route is available, but it takes a long way and fails to complete the reconnaissance missions.Obviously, it is difficult to find a safe and effective path from S to T in the battlefield.III. A LGORITHM D ESCRIPTION This paper proposes a path planning algorithm containing graph theory, Dijkstra algorithm and potential field thought. In the first place, based on the locations of threats, the infinite space of battlefield is mapped to the finite 3-D Delaunay triangulation which reduces the difficulty of the research. And the 3-D Delaunay triangulation is a collection of tetrahedrons. We can obtain a 3-D network by crossing lines between two inscribed sphere centers of all the adjacent tetrahedrons. Then, the initial path, which is the shortest path on the network, can be obtained with Dijkstra algorithm. But the initial path did not consider UAV dynamics, and it is still unknown whether it can meet the requirements of the UAV flight. In order to improve the path, artificial potential field method is used to make a smooth and feasible path for UAV flight. Finally, the optimal path for UAV is obtained which can effectively avoid the threats from various parts of the battlefield. 3.1. T hreat modelingIn modern warfare, almost all anti-air weapons need radar to track and lock the air target. To illuminate the method, without loss of generality, the hostile threats are simply taken as radars. The radar equation is given by ()244FGC P R σπ= (1) where P is the power received by radar; F is power of the tra nsmitter; G is gain of the antenna; C is effective acreage of the antenna; σ is section acreage of radar; R is the distancefrom radar to object.We can define constant Q :()4GC Q σπ=(2)Therefore, the threat from radar P is only related with transmitting power of radar F and the distance R from UAV to radar. We can define:4F P Q R =(3) Assume the scope of radar covers the entire battlefield and the UAV flies at a constant speed.3.2. Flight space modellingUsually, the battlefield surrounding of UAV is very complicated and the exact mathematical model is difficult to obtain. As we all know, among the solutions of 2-D problems about path planning, Voronoi diagram has been widely used [12].With the locations of threats, a 2-D Delaunay triangulation can be obtained easily [14]. The entire surface is divided into a number of triangles and it is not difficulty tofind all circumscribed centers of the triangles. The Voronoidiagram is designed by connecting the circumscribed centers of adjacent triangles and the circumscribed center is far away from threats nearby than any other point in the triangle. Creating the Voronoi diagram partitions the surface into a number of convex polygons cells and each cell has one threat. The Voronoi polygon edges are equivalent to a set of perpendicular bisectors which are equidistant from the closest threats, which means maximizing their distance from the closest threats. The starting and target points are not contained within cells but connected to the nodes forming the cell. After that, the shortest path is searched on the network in Voronoi diagram. Fig. 2 shows a Voronoi diagram created by a number of known threats and the shortest path from starting point A to the target B . Where the red dotted lines represent the Voronoi network and the blue stars stand for the threats. Inspired by the Voronoi diagram, this paper attempts to find a 3-D network which is similar to the Voronoi diagram.Considering the formulation of the 3-D network, we use 3-D Delaunay method to partition the space of battlefield becauseof the following advantages [14]: Uniqueness (there will be only one consequence no matter where we start building from), Regional (adding, deleting or moving a node will only affect the adjacent area), neatest (with the shortest diagonal), and aShell of convex polyhedron.Up to now, there are many methods to form the 3-DDelaunay triangulation and this paper selects a fast one, see150[13] for an excellent overview. The 3-D Delaunay method divides the entire space into different tetrahedrons and each tetrahedron is a cell. The vertices of the tetrahedrons in Delaunay triangulation correspond with the threats in the battlefield. We need to find the “safest node” in each cell toform the 3-D network.Figure 2.The shortest path in the Voronoi diagramFigure 3. The circumscribed sphere center and the inscribed sphere centerIn order to avoid the threats, the node in a tetrahedron should keep a distance from all 4 vertexes as far as possible. In this section, the intensity of threats is not considered; it will be discussed later in the artificial potential section. So the circumscribed sphere center of a tetrahedron seems very appropriate to be the node, because the center is not too close to each vertex. But there comes a problem: the circumscribed sphere center is not always in the tetrahedron, see models in Fig. 3. Thus, the circumscribed sphere center may be very close to other vertex, and then we must consider the threats from another cell. The problem becomes diversified and complex. It makes no senses which have been done to partitioning the space.Actually, the 4 threats in a tetrahedron can bedecomposed in different vectors. We define 4 vectors asperpendiculars of 4 tetrahedron faces, the positive direction is inward. In this way, the threats in a cell are transferred on 4 vectors. To avoid a long vector in the 4 threat vectors, the length of each vector must be very close. Obviously, the inscribed sphere center of a tetrahedron matches all the requirements.Since the nodes have been found, the following work is to construct the network. If two tetrahedrons are adjacent, the line between their nodes exists (which means UAVs can fly along this line). Find all the adjacent tetrahedrons and connect their nodes. Figs. 4-7 shows how the network is formed. In thesimulation, we use balls to represent threats and the radius of balls to represent the intensity of threats. The blue lines are 3-D Delaunay triangulation. The red points are nodes (the inscribed sphere centers of tetrahedrons). The red dotted lines form the 3-D network.Then the network is obtained, shown in Fig 8. We can search the shortest trajectory from one node to another alongthe lines in the network.Figure 4.The environment with four threats has one node and zero lineFigure 5.The environment with five threats has two nodes and one lineFigure 6.The environment with six threats has three nodes and two linesFigure 7.The environment with seven threats has five nodes and five linesFigure 8. The integral network151Fig. 8 shows the simulation environment with 20 threats and it has 63 nodes and 103 lines. If the locations of threats vary, the environment is changed, and the numbers of nodes and lines are different.3.3. T he Dijkstra algorithmAfter the network is formed, we need to find the shortest path in it. This is a typical single-source shortest path problem. The commonly used algorithms are: Dijkstra algorithm, A-star algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm and Johnson algorithm. In single-source shortest path problem for a graph with nonnegative edge path costs, the Dijkstra algorithm is the most convenient way and reduces the amount of computation among all the algorithms. So we selectDijkstra algorithm to obtain the shortest path from initial nodeto terminal node on the network. Here, the path cost is equivalent to the path length. Before introducing the algorithm, the initial node and the terminal node in the network are needed to be determined. Since the starting point and the target point of the path are not in the network, the nearest node from starting point is determined as initial node and the nearest node from target point is determined as terminal node. The specific description is as follows:All the nodes are numbered from 1 to n . The number of initial node is 1 and the number of terminal node is n . In different environment, the number of nodes is different. For example, the space (shown in Fig. 8) is partitioned into 63 tetrahedrons, which means 63 nodes on the network. Dijkstra algorithm divided the nodes on the network into 3 parts: the unlabeled nodes, the current nodes and the labeled nodes. This paper defines 3 variables to keep them; S is the collection of labeled nodes which have been calculated; T stands for the unlabeled nodes which have not been calculated; CurNode presents the nodes which are calculating currently. The collection of all nodes is V , and V is the sum of S , T and CurNode . Moreover, we define L (v,w ) as the shortest path length from v to w . Obviously, L is a n×n symmetric matrix. Initially, the main diagonal element is 0 and the rest elements are infinity. Then we find out all the directly connected nodes and keep the length information at the right place in L . The n×1 matrix P is designed to record the path code where P (n ) stands for the shortest path code from initial node 1 to the node n . For example, P (2)=(1,2) means the shortest path from initial node 1 to node 2 is directly the line between them; P (9)=(1,2,5,9) means the shortest path from initial node to node 9 passes node 2 and node 5. After that, the concrete implementation steps are as follows:Step 1. Initialization: S is empty; CurNode only has the initial node and the rest nodes are all in T (including the terminal node).Step 2. Put the nodes in CurNode into S and clear CurNode . Find out all the adjacent nodes of the previous nodes in CurNode and keep the adjacent ones in CurNode . The adjacent nodes refer to 2 nodes which are directlyconnected to each other on the network. After that, the adjacent nodes are removed from T.Figure 9. The shortest path on the network Step 3. For each node in CurNode , find out whether the node is in S . If the node is in S , calculate the length of the new path from initial node to it, then compare the new length and previous length, store the shorter one to L and the corresponding path code to P .If the node is not in S , calculate the path length and keep it at the right place in L , then store the corresponding path code to P .Step 4. Repeat the step 2 and step 3 until T is empty.After all these, the shortest initial path P (n ) is obtained (shown in Fig 9, the collection of red dotted lines is the network and the balls are threats).3.4. The artificial potential field methodThe initial path is not a practical path for UAV because the UAV kinetics is not considered, such as pitch angle and steering angle. In order to obtain the optimal result, artificial potential field method is used in this paper to improve the path. According to the potential field theory, the basic idea for the problem is that regard the threats of the battlefield as sources of repulsive force and the trajectory as a mass—spring link from the starting point to the target (Shown in Fig. 10). The trajectory is discretized to n average parts and n+1 mass points (including starting and terminal points). The “spring” connecting each mass point can be viewed as a rubber band which only feels tension (pull the mass points) but no thrust (push the mass points).For each initial state of mass-spring link, under the repulsive force from threats, the system will finally reach the steady state (when the entire link is at its minimum potentialenergy) after fluctuations.Figure 10. The mass-spring link based on artificial potential field152And all the masses are force balanced. Eventually, the steady state is the optimal path.The detail of the method is described as follows: The distance between 2 adjacent mass points is calculated as:j d Δ(4)The unit vector from j to j+1 is:()()()111///j j j j j j j j j j x x d n y y d z z d +++⎡⎤−Δ⎢⎥⎢⎥=−Δ⎢⎥⎢⎥−Δ⎣⎦(5)The unit vector from j-1 to j is:()()()1111111///j j j j j j j j j j x x d n y y d z z d −−−−−−−⎡⎤−Δ⎢⎥⎢⎥=−Δ⎢⎥⎢⎥−Δ⎣⎦(6) According to Hooke’s Law , the spring force acting onmass point j is expressed as (k is the spring coefficient):j j jF k d n =Δ(7)111j j j F k d n −−−−=−Δ(8) Two linear damping forces acting on point j are: 1111j j j j j j jj j j j j x xxx F b n n n b y y y y →+++++⎛⎞−⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤=−−=−⎜⎟⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎜⎟−⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎝⎠i i i i i(9)1111111j j j j j j j j j j j j x x xx F b n n n b y y y y →−−−−−−−−⎛⎞−⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤=−−=−⎜⎟⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎜⎟−⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎝⎠i i i i i(10) The distance between threat i and mass point j is:,i j d(11)The unit vector from threat i to mass point j is:()()(),,,,///j i i j i j j i i j j i i j x x d n y y d z z d ⎡⎤−⎢⎥⎢⎥=−⎢⎥⎢⎥−⎣⎦(12)Finally, the repulsive force from threat i to mass point jis:,,4,i j i j i jQ F n d =(13)where, Q is a constant value.By Newton’s Law , the motion equation of mass j is:1,1j N j j j j i ji j x M y F F F z −=⎡⎤⎢⎥=−+⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∑(14)The motion equations of all mass points compose a set ofordinary differential equations. Despite the equations above have nonlinear term, but they satisfy Lipschitz condition. Thus, the differential equations have a unique solution with the given initial conditions.As a next step, the pitch angle and steering angle as one discrete point by another are verified. Adjust the variable k until every point is appropriate.Finally, the final optimal path is obtained.IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS AND A NALYSISIn the simulation, a battlefield with 20 threats scattered in various locations is considered. The location and intensity of threats are known. UAVs fly from starting point S to the target point T throughout the battlefield.The trajectory cost J is judged by an evaluation function:(1)R LJ wJ w J =+− (15)where w (0<w<1) is the weight coefficient, denoting thetrade-off between length cost and threat cost.Length cost is the length of the trajectory. Since the entirepath is formed by connecting a plurality of line segments, the length cost is1NL p J L==∑(16)where N is the number of line segments, L is the length of the p -th line segment.Threat cost means the degree of UAV exposure to the radars and the threat cost of the p -th line segment can be expressed by ()4111[]NnbR ap i J L dx ===∑∑∫(17)where n is the number of radars; a and b are the start and theend of the p -th line segment; f (x )=y and g (x )=z . 153Case 1. Different entry point and exit point of the networkThe network designed in section 3.2 does not include the starting point S and the target point T , so the entry point and the exit point on the network must be determined.Obviously, we can make a shortlist by eyes in Fig 11. Other nodes are neither too far away nor too close to the threat.Entry point: 7, 15, 35 Exit point: 6, 39, 48Table I shows the cost J of the trajectory with different entry point and exit point. Here the weight coefficient w=0.5 and the spring coefficient k=1000. TABLE I. T HE C OSTS J OF V ARIOUS P ATHS Entry point Exit via 6 Exit via 39 Exit via 4871183 1235 1258 15935 998 1021 351169 1021 1086In Table I, path with 15 as entry point and 6 as exit point is the optimal path but the other points could not be excluded. When the value of w varies, the entry and exit points may change. The following table shows the optimal entry and exitpoints with different w . Here the spring coefficient k=1000.Figure 11. Different entry points and exit points on the networkTABLE II. T HE O PTIMAL E NTRY AND E XIT P OINTSThe value of wThe entry point The exit point0.1 15 390.2 15 390.3 15 60.4 15 60.5 15 60.6 15 6 0.7 15 6 0.8 15 48 0.9 15 48In Table II, it is obvious that 15 as entry point is optimal and the choice of exit point depends on the value of w .Case 2. Different “shortest path”In section 3.3, a Dijkstra algorithm is designed to search the shortest path on the network. In the algorithm, the cost function is simply the length cost, with ignoring the threat cost. Although the network itself is created to avoid the threats, but the location of each node is only affected by the threats nearby, without the further threats. So the shortest path may be suboptimal. If one takes (15) as the cost function in Dijkstra algorithm, (15) would be calculated repeatedly both in Dijkstra algorithm and artificial potential field method. Also the integral operation in (15) is complicated. So the improvement may be superfluous. Response to the puzzle above, the following simulations will tell whether it is necessary to take (15) as the cost function.Comparison for the “shortest path” P (n ) with twoalgorithms obtained by the former algorithm and the improvedone is shown in Table III, here the weight coefficient w increases by 0.1 and the spring coefficient k=1000. TABLE III. T HE D IFFERENT “S HORTEST P ATH ”w The former algorithm The improved algorithm 0.1 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-27-47-43-42-40-39 0.2 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-27-47-47-22-40-39 0.3 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-26-17-34-56-44-42-9-6 0.4 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 0.5 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 0.6 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 0.7 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-26-17-21-5-11-32-19-9-6 0.8 15-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-26-17-21-5-11-62-41-48 0.915-26-17-25-11-32-19-9-6 15-26-17-21-5-11-62-41-48In Table III, the shortest path with improved algorithm differs from the path with former algorithm when w is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9. And the two paths are same when w is 0.4, 0.5, 0.6. We can make a conclusion that when w<0.4 & w>0.6, the improved algorithm is necessary; when 0.4≤w ≤0.6, the former algorithm is more convenient. Case 3. Different w and kIn the section 3.4, we adjust the spring coefficient k to meet the needs of UAV dynamics. Through a lot of experiments, 500<k<3000 is an appropriate range in this simulation. Different k makes different path, so not only w but also k affect the trajectory cost J . With a given w , adjust the value of k inside the appropriate range to obtain the minimum trajectory cost J . Figs. 12-14 show the results of simulation, the black line from S to T is the optimal path under the given conditions. The collection of red dotted lines is the network and the balls represent threats.In the simulation, k is a multiple of the hundred and J approximates to integer. 3 typical values (w=0.2, 0.5 & 0.8)154are selected which obviously show the differences between planned paths with different w and k .When w=0.2, more attention is paid on the length cost. The trajectory is significantly shorter than the other two but closer to the threats.When w=0.5, a balance between the length and threat is sought. The trajectory is neither too long nor too close to the threats.When w=0.8, threats are emphasized. The trajectory tries to avoid the threats as much as possible within theallowable range.Figure 12. Planned flight path with w=0.2, k=2500, J=882Figure 13. Planned flight path with w=0.5, k=1000, J=935Figure 14. Planned flight path with w=0.8, k=600, J=1036V. C ONCLUSIONIn this paper, an effective strategy for obtaining an optimal path for UAV in 3-D environments is investigated and proposed. This proposed method, which is based on combination of graph theory, Dijkstra algorithm and potentialfield, considers comprehensively the effects of threats, UAV kinetics and flight length. The proposed method is tested in a simulation of battlefield and the simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to thank all the colleagues of the Control and Information Institution in NorthwesternPolytechnical University and the researchers of the Diagnosis, Flight Control and Simulation Lab in Concordia University for their help.R EFERENCES[1] R. K. Barnhart, S. B. Hottman, D. M. Marshall, et al, Introduction toUnmanned Aircraft Systems . CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.[2] C. A. Liu, H. P. Wang, W. J. Li, “On Path Planning for More EfficientReconnaissance of UAV,” Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University , 2003 (8), pp. 490-494.[3] L. Merino, J. Wiklund, F. Caballero, et al, “Vision-based multi-UAVposition estimation,” IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine , Vol. 13, No. 3, 2006, pp. 53-62.[4] B. Sathyaraj, L. Jain, A. 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- 三维空间中的点可以使用三维坐标表示,例如 (x, y, z)。

- 障碍物也可以使用几何体表示,如球体、立方体等。

- 路径可以看作是一系列连接在一起的点的集合,我们可以用点的坐标来表示路径。

1. 定义目标:
- 确定起点和终点的位置。

- 确定路径长度、曲率等目标函数。

2. 建立数学模型:
- 将三维空间划分为离散的网格。

- 根据障碍物的位置,在网格中标记障碍物的位置。

- 使用图论算法,如A*算法、Dijkstra算法等,在离散网格中搜索最优路径。

- 可以通过调整网格分辨率和障碍物的大小来平衡计算复杂度和路径的精确性。

3. 求解最优路径:
- 根据建立的数学模型,在离散网格中搜索最优路径。

- 可以通过动态规划、贪心算法等方法求解。

- 通过计算路径长度、曲率等目标函数,评价路径的优劣。

- 可以通过调整模型参数和算法来优化路径的求解过程。

4. 优化路径:
- 根据求解得到的最优路径,对路径进行优化。

- 可以使用插值算法,如Bezier曲线、样条插值等,使路径更加平滑。

- 可以根据实际应用需求,进一步优化路径的特性,如避免突然变化的曲率、尽量避开障碍物等。










法和DWA算法的无人机路径规划方法研究5.复杂环境下基于改进Informed RRT*的无人机路径规划算法



2014年6月第32卷第3期西北工业大学学报JournalofNorthwesternPolytechnicalUniversityJuneVol.322014No.3收稿日期:2013⁃10⁃28基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61374032)及陕西省自然科学基金(2013JQ8026)资助作者简介:刘洋(1988 ),西北工业大学博士研究生,主要从事路径规划及智能算法的研究㊂一种三维环境中的无人机多路径规划方法刘洋,章卫国,李广文,史静平(西北工业大学自动化学院,陕西西安㊀710129)摘㊀要:为了解决三维环境中的无人机多路径规划问题,提出了一种基于改进概率地图的多目标蚁群算法㊂在构建地图时为了增加窄通道中的采样点数量,改进了概率地图法的采样策略,将落在威胁上的采样点移动到自由空间中,可以更好地覆盖规划环境㊂为了使蚁群算法可以得到多个解,提出了一种多目标蚁群算法㊂通过引入Pareto解集,播撒不同种类的信息素,使蚁群算法可以同时优化路径长度和威胁大小2个目标,并能得到一组非支配解,有利于决策者选择合适的路径㊂仿真结果表明,改进的概率地图法可以更好地覆盖规划环境,多目标蚁群算法可以得到一组解,并能收敛到最终解集㊂关㊀键㊀词:无人机,路径规划,概率地图,多目标蚁群算法,三维环境中图分类号:V249㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1000⁃2758(2014)03⁃0412⁃05㊀㊀路径规划作为无人机实现自主任务的基本部分已经得到了广泛研究㊂在战场环境中要为无人机规划出合理的路径需要考虑多方面的因素,如无人机本身的性能㊁地形障碍㊁威胁等,同时考虑这些因素并得到一个最优的路径是困难的㊂此外,不同任务对路径的评价标准是不同的,因此预先确定的代价函数往往不能反映特定任务的要求㊂为了解决这些问题,可以预先规划出多条路径,在执行任务时根据不同需要选择合适的路径㊂多路径规划问题的研究已有很多,文献[1]采用了一种小生境粒子群方法,通过多个子种群的共同进化得到多个路径解,但这种方法需要提前给定代价函数中各指标的权重㊂文献[2]采用聚类粒子群算法得到多条路径,但这种方法只考虑了单个目标㊂近年来开始有学者将路径规划问题当作一个多目标问题来求解,文献[3]提出了一种改进的多目标进化算法,可以得到一组近似最优多目标解集㊂文献[4]提出了一种逆向多目标启发式搜索方法,可以得到最优路径集合㊂文献[5]首先采用RRT方法生成多条路径,然后采用进化算法优化路径㊂这些方法虽然都得到了非常好的结果,但多是应用于二维连续环境中,很难扩展到高维环境使用㊂同时,这些方法在规划过程中每次路径点位置变化都需要重新计算路径的可行性,运算速度较慢㊂概率地图法(probabilityroadmapmethod,PRM)是一种基于采样的方法,可以应用于高维环境并能快速构建路线图㊂概率地图法可以将连续空间的规划问题转化为拓扑空间的规划问题,这样就使路径规划问题的复杂度与环境的复杂程度和规划空间的维数不再相关,而主要依赖于路径搜索复杂度㊂但是概率地图法存在窄通道的问题,当环境中的障碍物离得近时,障碍物间的区域会出现没有采样点覆盖的情况㊂本文首先对概率地图法进行改进,通过移动落在障碍物上的采样点来增加窄通道中的采样点数量,使概率地图能够更好地覆盖规划环境㊂然后采用改进的蚁群算法生成路径㊂蚁群算法是一种可以应用于路线图的智能算法,但只能优化单个目标㊂本文通过引入Pareto最优解的思想,提出了一种多目标蚁群算法,同时优化路径长度和威胁大小2个目标,取得了良好的效果㊂1 改进的概率地图法概率地图法用基本构型近似表示环境中的障碍第3期刘洋,等:一种三维环境中的无人机多路径规划方法物和威胁㊂但是实际环境中地面起伏较多,用基本构型近似表示会丢失较多信息,因此地形信息很难用基本构型表示㊂地形的构建一般采用栅格法,这种方法把环境均匀分解成多个简单的栅格,每个栅格存储一个高度数据来表示当前栅格的情况㊂但是规划环境中不止包含高程信息,还包含很多的威胁信息㊂为了解决这个问题,文献[6]在栅格表示的地形中加入威胁信息扩充为最小威胁曲面㊂但是构造最小威胁曲面耗时较长㊂此外,地形信息和威胁信息往往不是同时得到的㊂地形信息可以通过卫星数据或提前侦查得到,而威胁信息往往在规划前或任务执行过程中才能得到,因此很难将2种数据一起处理㊂为了能够精确表示地形信息并提高运算效率,本文直接将高程数据采用栅格法存储,同时将威胁信息单独存储,然后采用概率地图法对这些信息进行综合,将环境信息转化为概率地图㊂这样在寻找路径时就不再需要考虑地形和威胁的碰撞问题㊂仿真采用的规划环境中威胁设置为雷达威胁和高炮威胁㊂其中雷达威胁为半球形,离球心越远,威胁越小㊂高炮威胁为圆柱形,离中轴线越远威胁越小㊂对于威胁较大的区域设置为禁飞区,飞机不允许通过㊂雷达禁飞区边缘的表达式如(1)式所示,高炮禁飞区的表达式如(2)式所示㊂(x-xc)2+(y-yc)2+(z-zc)2=r2c(1)式中:(xc,yc,zc)为雷达威胁中心坐标,(x,y,z)为禁飞区边缘上点的坐标㊂(x-xp)2+(y-yp)2=r2p㊀z<h(2)式中:(xp,yp)为高炮威胁中心的水平坐标,(x,y,z)为禁飞区边缘上点的坐标,h为高炮威胁禁飞区的最大高度㊂1 1㊀窄通道问题传统PRM算法采用均匀采样的采样策略,在大多数情况下算法性能都能得到充分发挥,但是当规划环境可扩展性较差,如规划环境中存在窄通道时,会出现概率地图无法完全覆盖规划环境的情况㊂当2个威胁靠的较近时,中间会出现一个狭长的区域,即窄通道㊂由于采用点数量有限,而窄通道中的自由空间较小,当采样点数量一定时,落在通道中的采样点相对较少,可能无法连接通道两端的子图㊂为了完成路线图的构建,需要增加采样点的数量,这样就使算法效率下降㊂本文在概率地图的构建过程中利用了与威胁碰撞的点,通过将这些点移动到自由空间中,来增加窄通道中的采样点密度,这样就不再需要补充采样,提高了地图的构建效率㊂为了简化计算,移动落在威胁上的采样点时不改变点的高度,只改变其水平坐标,这样就可以将问题简化到一个二维平面中,2种威胁在采样点高度处的横截面都为圆形,因此可以采用相同的方法移动采样点㊂如图1所示为一个威胁的横截面㊂一个采样点落在威胁内,初始位置为A,由于位于威胁体内,它被检测为碰撞的,将A点沿着由圆心向圆外的方向移动,就可以得到障碍物周围的一个无碰撞的采样点B㊂点B的位置计算公式如下式所示:OB=OA㊃r2/d2(3)式中:OA㊁OB为向量,d为向量OA的长度,r为圆的半径㊂图1㊀检测为碰撞的采样点的移动1 2㊀威胁值的计算对于一个路径段上的威胁强度计算,一般都是在路径段上取一定数量的点计算威胁值然后累加得到㊂当飞机暴露在雷达范围内越久越容易被雷达发现,因此当飞行速度一定时路径段越长则受到的威胁越大㊂仿真中计算威胁时采用如(4)式所示的计算方法,在计算得到的威胁值基础上乘以路径段长度㊂这样路径段越长,威胁就越大㊂此外,当威胁与路径点相距较远时,认为威胁对路径点没有威胁,因此在计算时只考虑了一定距离范围内的所有威胁㊂在计算时将路径段均分为5段,取4个分割点进行计算并累加㊂Tthreat,i=14LiðNj=11d1/5,i,j+1d2/5,i,j+1d3/5,i,j+1d4/5,i,jæèçöø÷(4)式中:Tthreat,i表示第i段路径上的威胁值,Li表示路径段的长度,d表示威胁j与路径段i上点之间的距离,当距离大于设定的范围值时为无穷大㊂㊃314㊃西㊀北㊀工㊀业㊀大㊀学㊀学㊀报第32卷2㊀多目标蚁群算法蚁群算法在多目标问题中的应用已有很多,文献[7]将所有的优化目标统一在一个代价函数中进行求解㊂但这样只能得到一个解,不利于决策者进行决策㊂此外几个优化目标之间往往是相互冲突的,很难找到一个解在各个优化目标上都是最优的㊂为了解决这个问题,本文将Pareto解集引入蚁群算法中㊂多目标蚁群算法可以寻找到多个解,即Pareto解集㊂Pareto解的定义如定义1所示㊂定义1(Pareto最优解)㊀假设以函数F(x)=min[f1(x),f2(x) fm(x)]为目标进行优化,X为问题的决策空间㊂如果不存在任何的xɪX,可以使得fi(x)ɤfi(xᶄ),∀iɪ{1,2, ,m},并且fj(x)ɤfj(xᶄ),∃jɪ{1,2, ,m},则xᶄ是多目标优化问题的一个Pareto最优解㊂一个多目标优化问题一般存在多个Pareto解,这些解共同构成Pareto解集㊂多目标蚁群算法(MACA)的目标就是以最小路径长度和最小威胁强度为目标进行路径的选择,产生一个有效的Pareto解集㊂传统的蚁群算法将多个目标加权,只播撒一种信息素㊂若将不同目标分开并同时播撒不同种类的信息素,就能够同时对蚂蚁选择路径产生影响㊂可以将信息素分为2类:路径长度信息素和威胁大小信息素㊂当蚂蚁搜索到路径之后计算路径的长度和威胁大小,并分别播撒信息素,从而使各个优化目标的信息素都能对后续的搜索产生影响,同时优化多个目标㊂当所有蚂蚁找到路径后对结果按照路径长度和威胁大小分别排序,对排名靠前的蚂蚁额外播撒信息素㊂同时在每次迭代后,将蚂蚁寻找到的路径进行整理,得到目前最优的Pareto解集并保存下来,最终得到位于Pareto前沿上的多个路径结果㊂2 1㊀改进的信息素局部更新机制在局部信息素更新中,需要同时考虑2种信息素的更新,路径段(r,s)上的信息素更新如下式所示:τ(r,s)ѳρ㊃τ(r,s)+Δτ1(r,s)+Δτ2(r,s)(5)式中:ρ为挥发系数,τ(r,s)为路径段上的信息素含量,Δτi(r,s)为2种信息素的增量㊂2 2㊀改进的信息素全局更新机制为了能够得到Pareto前沿,我们对得到的路径分别按照路径长度和威胁强度2个指标进行排序并按照基于排序的蚁群算法更新路径段上的信息素含量㊂对于多目标蚁群算法,全局信息素更新规则如下所示:τ(r,s)=(1-ρ1)τ(r,s)+Δτ(r,s)(6)式中:ρ1为挥发系数,Δτ(r,s)为信息素增量,计算如下所示:Δτ(r,s)=ðkᶄk=1aiΔτ1k(r,s)+ðkᶄk=1biΔτ2k(r,s)(7)式中:kᶄ为到目前为止搜索到的解的个数,ai,bj分别表示按路径长度和按威胁强度排序中的第i位和第j位对应的系数㊂Δτ1k(r,s)和Δτ2k(r,s)表达式如下所示:Δτ1k(r,s)=Q1(Lk)-1㊀若Rrs是第k条路径中的一段0㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀否则{(8)Δτ2k(r,s)=Q2(Tk)-1㊀若Rrs是第k条路径中的一段0㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀否则{(9)式中:Lk和Tk为第k条Pareto最优路径的长度和威胁强度,Q1㊁Q2为常数㊂3㊀仿真实验为了验证算法有效性,针对如图1所示的规划环境进行了仿真实验,规划环境范围为400kmˑ400km,威胁设置为1个雷达威胁和3个高炮威胁,其中高炮威胁位置为(280,220)㊁(95,149)㊁(155,101),雷达威胁位置为(170,280)㊂位于(95,149)和(155,101)的2个高炮威胁由于距离较近,中间形成了窄通道㊂构建概率地图的采样点数量为300个,采样点最大高度设为4km㊂图2为基本概率地图法构建的路线图,图3为改进的概率地图法构建的路线图㊂由仿真结果可知,采用基本概率地图法时,窄通道中没有采样点㊂图2㊀基本概率地图法㊃414㊃第3期刘洋,等:一种三维环境中的无人机多路径规划方法改进的概率地图法由于将落在威胁上的采样点进行了移动,其中部分采样点移动到了窄通道中,连通了窄通道的两侧,因此改进的概率地图法比传统概率地图法对环境有更好的覆盖㊂在改进的概率地图法得到的路线图基础上,对本文提出的改进蚁群算法进行了仿真验证㊂图4a)为改进蚁群算法在迭代10次之后的仿真结果,图4b)为迭代100次后的仿真结果,此时算法已经收敛㊂各个解的值如表1和表2所示㊂㊀㊀㊀㊀图3㊀改进的概率地图法图4㊀算法仿真结果表1㊀10次迭代时各个Pareto解路径长度威胁大小665 9280567 60250 02662 28130 65582 61165 70表2㊀200次迭代时各个Pareto解路径长度威胁大小602 1660582 61165 69528 01224 86553 34194 42598 1865图5为不同迭代次数时的各个解㊂由仿真结果可知,改进的蚁群算法可以同时找到多个解,随着迭代次数的增加,算法可以收敛到一个Pareto解集上㊂在算法执行到10代时已经有多个解出现,在执行到200代时算法已经收敛到最优解㊂各个解各有侧重,具有较好的多样性,有利于决策者根据当前的需求,从这组非支配解中选择合适的解作为无人机的路径㊂同时,当无人机任务发生改变时可以直接从解集中选择其他合适的解,不需要重新计算㊂图5㊀不同迭代次数时的Pareto解对比4㊀结㊀论本文针对多路径规划问题,在采用改进概率地图法构建路线图的基础上,提出了一种多目标蚁群算法,这种方法将路径长度和威胁强度2个目标分开计算并分别播撒信息素㊂仿真结果表明,改进的概率地图法可以更好地覆盖环境,多目标蚁群算法可以同时优化2个目标并得到一组解,有利于决策者选择合适的路径㊂㊃514㊃㊃614㊃西㊀北㊀工㊀业㊀大㊀学㊀学㊀报第32卷参考文献:[1]㊀于会,于忠,李伟华.基于小生境粒子群技术的多航迹规划研究[J].西北工业大学学报,2010,28(3):415⁃520YuHui,YuZhong,LiWeihua.MultipleRoutesPlanningforAirVehiclesBasedonNicheParticleSwarmOptimization[J].JournalofNorthwesternPolytechnicalUniversity,2010,28(3):415⁃520(inChinese)[2]㊀韩维,司维超,丁大春,等.基于聚类PSO算法的舰载机舰面多路径动态规划[J].北京航空航天大学学报,2013,39(5):610⁃614HanWei,SiWeichao,DingDachun,etal.Multi⁃RoutesDynamicPlanningonDeckofCarrierPlaneBasedonClusteringPSO[J].JournalofBeijingUniversityofAeronauticsandAstronautics,2013,39(5):610⁃614(inChinese)[3]㊀Conesa⁃MunozJ,RibeiroA,AndujarD,etal.Multi⁃PathPlanningBasedonaNSGA⁃IIforaFleetofRobotstoWorkonAgri⁃culturalTasks[C]ʊ2012IEEECongressonEvolutionaryComputation,2012:1⁃8[4]㊀魏唯,欧阳丹彤,吕帅,等.动态不确定环境下多目标路径规划方法[J].计算机学报,2011,34(5):836⁃846WeiWei,OuyangDantong,LüShuai,etal.MultiobjectivePathPlanningunderDynamicUncertainEnvironment[J].ChineseJournalofComputers,2011,34(5):836⁃846(inChinese)[5]㊀SeokJH,LeeJY,OhC,etal.DiverseMulti⁃PathPlanningwithaPath⁃SetCostmap[C]ʊ11thInternationalConferenceonControl,AutomationandSystems,2011:694⁃699[6]㊀唐强,王建元,朱志强.基于粒子群优化的三维突防航迹规划仿真研究[J].系统仿真学报,2004,16(9):2033⁃2036TangQiang,WangJianyuan,ZhuZhiqiang.TheSimulationStudyofPSOBased3⁃DVehicleRoutePlanningforLowAttitudePenetration[J].JournalofSystemSimulation,2004,16(9):2033⁃2036(inChinese)[7]㊀税薇,葛艳,韩玉,等.基于混合蚁群算法的无人机航路规划[J].系统仿真学报,2011,23(3):574⁃576ShuiWei,GeYan,HanYu,etal.PathPlanningforUAVBasedonMixedAntColonyAlgorithm[J].JournalofSystemSimu⁃lation,2011,23(3):574⁃576(inChinese)AMulti⁃PathPlanningMethodforUnmannedAerialVehicle(UAV)in3DEnvironmentLiuYang,ZhangWeiguo,LiGuangwen,ShiJingping(DepartmentofAutomaticControl,NorthwesternPolytechnicalUniversity,Xiᶄan710129,China)Abstract:Inordertosolvetheproblemsexistinginthemulti⁃pathplanningforUAVinthe3Denvironment,weimprovetheprobabilityroadmapmethod(PRM)bymovingthesamplingpointstoincreasetheirnumberintheirnarrowpassagesothatthePRMcanbetterservethemulti⁃pathplanningenvironment.Thenweproposethemulti⁃objectiveantcolonyalgorithm(MACA)basedonthePRMandapplyittothemulti⁃pathplanningoftheUAV.TheMACAcanoptimizethepathlengthandthreatsizeoftheUAVatthesametimebyupdatingtheirpheromones,thusobtainingasetofnon⁃dominantsolutionsforthedecisionmakertoselectappropriatepaths.Toverifytheeffective⁃nessoftheMACA,wesimulatethemulti⁃pathplanningenvironmentasshowninFig.1;thesimulationresults,giveninFig.4and5andTables1and2,andtheiranalysisshowpreliminarilythatourMACAbasedonPRMservesthe3Dmulti⁃pathplanningenvironmentverywellandcanobtainasetofnon⁃dominantsolutionsandcon⁃vergetooptimalsolutionsquickly.Keywords:algorithms,artificialintelligence,computersimulation,convergenceofnumericalmethods,decisionmaking,iterativemethods,mapping,multiobjectiveoptimization,probability,sampling,threedi⁃mensional,unmannedaerialvehicles(UAV);pathplanning,probabilityroadmapmethod,multi⁃ob⁃jectiveantcolonyalgorithm一种三维环境中的无人机多路径规划方法作者:刘洋, 章卫国, 李广文, 史静平, Liu Yang, Zhang Weiguo, Li Guangwen, Shi Jingping作者单位:西北工业大学 自动化学院,陕西 西安,710129刊名:西北工业大学学报英文刊名:Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University年,卷(期):2014(3)本文链接:/Periodical_xbgydxxb201403016.aspx。



【摘要】本文研究了在三维环境下利用改进势函数对自主式水下潜航器(AUV)的路径规划. 在传统三维绕球流动中, 是将均匀流与偶极流进行叠加, 但这种叠加只能适用于同一方向水流速度相同时对AUV进行路径规划, 且无法设置目标点, 从某点出发只能到达该流线的终点. 为了加强普适性, 考虑将三维偶极流与三维点汇进行叠加, 使得能在规划空间内各处流速都不同时对AUV进行路径规划, 且能设置固定目标点. 同时, 对障碍物形状进行改进, 考虑了椭球形障碍物的绕流流动. 仿真结果表明, 改进的势函数能够在不同环境下为AUV规划出一条可行的航路。

【作者单位】长沙理工大学数学与统计学院, 湖南长沙

fmm方法 -回复

fmm方法 -回复



首先,让我们来了解一下fmm方法的全称,即“Fast Marching Method”,翻译过来即“快速行进法”。








具体来说,更新的公式为:当前方格的值= min(周围方格的值+ 相应的距离)。












游戏开发中的3D路径规划实践详解在现代游戏中,3D 路径规划是一个非常重要的问题。

它可以在游戏中帮助 AI 控制器和玩家角色自动规划路径,并避免障碍物和其他玩家。

进行 3D 路径规划需要解决一些挑战,包括复杂的地形、不同类型的障碍物、速度和反应时间等问题。

在本文中,我们将深入探讨 3D 路径规划的实践和技术,介绍几种不同的方法来帮助游戏开发者实现 3D 路径规划。

一、基于网格的路径规划基于网格的路径规划是一种较为简单的 3D 路径规划技术。


AI 控制器和玩家角色可以通过遍历可通行的网格来规划路径。



二、基于图形的路径规划基于图形的路径规划是一种更高级的 3D 路径规划技术。



AI 控制器和玩家角色可以使用一些更复杂的算法,如迪科斯彻算法或 A* 算法等,来规划路径。





AI 控制器和玩家角色可以使用导航网格的数据来进行路径规划。









1. 《三维空间路径导航原理与应用》这本书是一本导航领域的经典著作,全面介绍了三维空间路径导航的原理和应用。



2. 《无人机三维空间路径导航技术》这本书主要介绍了无人机在三维空间中的路径导航技术。



3. 《机器人三维空间路径规划与导航》这本书主要介绍了机器人在三维空间中的路径规划与导航技术。


4. 《航空航天三维空间导航与控制》这本书主要介绍了航空航天领域中的三维空间导航与控制技术。


5. 《虚拟现实三维空间导航与交互技术》这本书主要介绍了虚拟现实环境中的三维空间导航与交互技术。




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nnode k
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图 2 显示计算节点数的策略选择。图上有 10 个 k 的值,从 0.1nvoxel 到 N nvoxel 。
选定节点的数目曲线陡峭表示计算负担快速增加。所以在应用中,我们把 k 设置
为了应对窄通道的问题,我们把环境空间分成称为边界框,其大小是 m 次的 自由体素分辨率大小相等的子区域。因此,在一个边界框体素的最大数量为
nvoxel m3 (m 2) 。有三种包围盒:空盒,满箱和混合箱。在满箱,也有只占用
体素使得没有体素可以被选择用于路线图施工。与此相反,在体素属于空盒都是 免费的体素,其可以确保 UAV 路径规划的安全性。我们可以随机选择任何像素 的路线图的节点。虽然更多的节点可以使路标覆盖自由空间更好,计算负担也是 在这种情况下,增加了。如何选择空箱子节点将在下一节讨论。不失一般性,混 合框的意思的狭窄通道也包括在这种类型的边界框的障碍的边界。在这些框,我 们将根据被占领和自由体素的比率增加的随机节点的密度。由于游离体素尺寸是 不是在我们的算法均匀,数量是成正比的体素的体积比。然后选定的节点在一个 框中的数量是
为 0.1nvoxel 。如图所示,当占用小于 0.625nvoxel ,选择自由体素为节点。如果占用
像素数大于 0.73nvoxel ,会选择全部自由体素。在其他情况下,节点的选择是根据 公式(1)进行的。
图 2 节点选择策略 我们比较我们的策略与随机抽样方法,因为像素块彼此通常在三维场景中, 为了说明差异明显,我们测试了二维仿真环境的方法。环境是由两大自由区和一 个狭窄的通道组成,如图 3 所示。我们将自由空间到二维网格的四叉树的方法。 总共有 329 个自由网格,其中 55 个在通道中。边界框的大小是自由网格分辨率 的 4 倍。然后根据我们的策略,在这个环境中选择了 109 个节点。为了比较的目 的,我们选择 109,155 个和 220 个节点在相同的环境中的随机抽样方法。然后 分别对每种情况分别进行 100 个独立运行。我们把选定的网格在狭窄的通道和结 果如图 4 所示数。每一个盒子显示的最小和最大,正方形是平均值。上面的文本 框显示了建设路线图的成功率,利用我们的计划(见第 3.2 节)连接两个大的自 由空间的成功率。在随机抽样方法的 220 个自由网格的选择,结果与我们的想法 相似。 实例 109 节点如图 3 所示。在图 3(b),在通道中间没有节点,路线图不能 连接两大自由空间。此外,大多数的随机节点是最小的自由网格,因为最小的自 由网格的数目远远大于大的。这些最小的障碍边界附近的节点不帮助改善的连通 性的路线图[ 19 ]。采用随机抽样的方法相比,我们的策略是更好的(图 3(a))。
加快建立三维网格结构的过程中,使用八叉树算法。八叉树是在三维[33]用于 空间细分的分层数据结构。在八叉树的每个节点代表包含在立方容积的空间中, 通常被称为体素。此卷递归细分成八个子体积直至体素的尺寸满足预期的分辨 率。在其最基本的形式,八叉树可用于布尔属性模型[29]:占用或免费。不失一 般性,在子体积,其中包含的 3D 数据,被加到代表环境作为占领体素。我们专 注于免费的体素,这是在八叉树生成过程还内置。如图 1 所示,被占领的体素将 是细分在下一步骤。我们记录每个步骤中的自由体素的位置和大小。在图 1 中, 光体素是自由的和暗的体素都被占用。在免费的代表在环境中的自由空间。为了 准确描述环境,研究人员通常把场景到高分辨率像素。莱德在 0.02 米分辨率[28] 以 3D 形式绘制的办公环境。在文献[29]中,地图的体素尺寸为 0.04 米或 0.05 米。
图 3 我们用均匀采样方法比较实例的节点选择策略。(a)109 个节点根据 我们的策略选择;(b)相同的节点数在同一环境中随机采样
图 4 在狭窄的通道选择的网格数量
3.2 局部规划
在一些 PRM 方法中,局部规划选择一组邻居的每个新节点被添加到路线图。 在本文中,包围盒分工作空间分成若干子区域。所以,不像其他的 PRM 方法, 我们不需要搜索的近邻但考虑所有选择的节点的包围盒的邻居。在包围盒中,如 果节点的数目很小,一些节点没有通过使用直线局部规划连接。这将影响到建立 路线。图 5 包围盒有三个节点。当使用直线局部规划时,每两个节点之间的边缘 与障碍物相撞。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个简单的方法,作为局部规划, 它可以搜索一个无碰撞的路径节点。
N 为一组节点,这是随机无冲突配置空间采样点。有前途的节点对被选择在图 表和一个本地筹办被用于尝试这种安排有边缘连接。如果它们可以被连接,则该 边缘加到大肠杆菌好的图形ř应覆盖自由空间很好。在查询阶段中,路径通常是 由路径查询诸如 Dijkstra 算法或 A*找到。
基本 PRM 的瓶颈在于它在寻找通过狭窄的通道路径很麻烦。使太少节点被 放置在狭窄的通道,这是由于在自由空间中的随机抽样的节点。一个解决方案是 增加接近障碍物边界[17,18]的配置。虽然这种方法增加取样狭窄的通道节点的概
图 5 包围盒的局部规划
正如前面提到的,自由体素的八叉树算法提取尺寸大于无人机的物理尺寸, 以确保它可以通过安全。为了创造一个无碰撞路径,自由体必须连接一个接一个。 所以像素之间的连接必须进行评估。在本文中,两体素谁分享同一个面是相邻的 体素。如果两体素的位置满足
xa ya za
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率,在狭窄的通道以外的许多节点不改善路线图的连通性帮助。Hsu 等人[19,20] 提出一种混合策略:桥试验在狭窄的通道施加增加采样密度,它也使用了在开放 的自由空间均匀的采样策略。在文献[21]中,作者用一个慵懒的显著边缘算法在尚 未导航区域来放置新样本改善慵懒的概率路径规划。在这些方法中,环境的障碍 是由几何模型呈现。但在实践中,实际的实验环境不能由几何模型描述。对于复 杂的 3D 场景,最流行的表示是三维点群[22-27]或体素[28,29]。当使用基本 PRM 或 变种以上这些 3D 表示所提到的,碰撞检查是因为障碍物(点或体素),数量庞 大沉重的计算负担。为了解决这个问题,细胞分解是一种可以把自由空间到子空 间的好选择。该方法是由伯格和奥维马斯[30]为指导采样向现场最有趣的地区分离 大开放的区域[31]。提出了完整的运动计划,结合近似细胞分解与 PRM 混合的方 法。但在这些方法,碰撞检查用于获得路线图构成的无碰撞的本地路径也复杂 3D 环境的一个大问题。
晏飞 刘一莎 肖继忠
摘要:本文介绍了在复杂环境中的无人机(UAV)三维路径规划算法。在该算法 中,环境是由八叉树算法分为体素。为了满足 UAV 的安全要求,自由空间被自 由体素,其具有足够的空间余量为 UAV 穿过表示。边界框数组在整个三维空间 来评价自由体素连通创建。概率路线图方法(PRM)由边界框阵列中随机抽样改 进,以确保路线节点的在 3D 空间中的更有效的分配。根据连接评估,路线图是 用来通过使用 A *算法来规划的可行路径。实验结果表明,该算法在复杂的 3D 环境有效。
(Sa (Sa (Sa
Sb ) 2 Sb ) 2 Sb ) 2
在 Sa 和 Sb 是两个像素大小,像素在 x 轴连接,如图 6 所示。这样,两个像 素共享区可以保证无人机安全度过。
图 6 两自由体素通过他们的位置连接坐标
基于连通性的评估,我们用 A*算法搜索选定的节点之间的局部路径,方法 如图 5 所示。局部所有的路径是由连接自由体素,可以保证无人机安全。但只有 在边界框中的局部路径是不够建设路线图的。要计划一个完整的路径从起始位置 到目标位置,在不同的相邻包围盒的局部路径的连接状态是必要的。这个问题将 通过插入相邻的另一个包围盒来解决。如图 7 所示, A 和 B 是两个邻居包围盒, a 和 b 是两个自由体分别属于不同的盒子。因此,在上述评价的过程中,体素 a 和 b 之间没有任何连通性,因为它们在不同的包围盒中评估。但是当有另一个边界 框 C 插入 A 和 B 之间, C 可以对连接的 a 和 b 进行评估。
以这种方式,有两个问题:首先,它从显著计算负担遭受在检测障碍物或计划在 复杂的环境中的路径。第二,用于 UAV 路径规划(我们的 UAV 的大小约为 0.4 米)时小的自由体素不能确保安全性。在我们的八叉树方法中,如果一个体素的 子体积是不够大,UAV 通过,此体素将永远不会被细分。所以分辨率是依赖于无 人机的物理尺寸。因为自由体素从不同水平的八叉树算法的萃取,它们的尺寸并不 统一。
规划算法已经开发几十年。在[7]中,波前算法被用作路径规划三维正态分布 变换(3D-NDT)地图。这个算法是直观的,易于实现,但它会无法找到在复杂 环境中的最佳路径。在另一方面, A*(见[8-10])是找到一个给定的起始节点到目 的节点的最低成本路径最佳优先启发式搜索算法。不幸的是,随着工作空间变得 越来越大,所花费的时间以指数寻找最优路径的增加[5]。路线图通常适用于帮助 这些启发式搜索算法,这往往是在配置空间表示。各种路线图的方法已被用于如 能见度线[11],虚拟力[9],迅速-探索随机树木[12,13]和概率路线图方法(PRM)[14]。
在本文中,我们提出了基于三维复杂环境下的无人机路径规划 PRM 方法的 算法。环境可以通过激光扫描仪捕获的 3D 点云来表示。然而,从激光扫描器的 原始数据为任何路径规划算法实时实现望而却步巨大。因此我们使用八叉树算法 来划分作业空间成体素,这是环境的 3D 网格表示。以提取用于 UAV 导航自由空 间,我们记录期间八叉树生成过程的中心点和自由体素尺寸。路径规划的最小自 由体素的尺寸被设定为比 UAV 的物理尺寸较大,以确保它能够通过通路安全。 最终路径连接自由体素的序列。为了应对窄通道问题,环境等分为称为边界框几 个子区域。从我们以前的论文[32]不同,则节点随机从游离体素中的每个边界框根 据自由和占用的体素的体积比采样。游离体素的连通性的评价在每个边界框进 行。那么局部规划将搜索边界框节点无碰撞路径。为了使路线图覆盖整个可用空 间,则加入另外的边界框重叠相邻边界框在相邻的区域中的局部路线图的连接评 估。最后,我们使用 A*方法从开始搜索素在路线图的目标体素路径。我们已经 实现了该算法在实际户外环境中,由 3D 点云表示。