







高效液相色谱检测葡萄及葡萄酒中7种有机酸方法的建立沈 燕1,张正文1,刘兴凯1,王福成2,邵学东1*(1.君顶酒庄有限公司,山东烟台 265607;2.烟台市蓬莱区葡萄与葡萄酒产业发展服务中心,山东烟台 265699)摘 要:目的:建立了利用高效液相色谱测定葡萄及葡萄酒中7种有机酸的检测方法。

方法:色谱条件为Hi-Plex H色谱柱(300 mm×7.7 mm,8 μm),PL Hi-Plex H保护柱(50 mm×7.7 mm,8 μm);紫外检测波长210 nm;流动相为0.006 mol·L-1的硫酸;流速0.6 mL·min-1;柱温55 ℃;进样量10 μL。

结果:草酸、柠檬酸、酒石酸、苹果酸、琥珀酸、乳酸和乙酸出峰时间均在20 min以内;标准曲线线性关系良好,相关系数(R2)在0.999 9~1.000 0;检出限在0.031 4~0.722 3 mg·L-1;加标回收率在95.24%~102.04%,其相对标准偏差在0.16%~1.87%。


关键词:有机酸;葡萄;葡萄酒;高效液相色谱;检测方法Establishment the Method of Seven Kinds of OrganicAcids in Grape and Wine by High Performance LiquidChromatographySHEN Yan1, ZHANG Zhengwen1, LIU Xingkai1, WANG Fucheng2, SHAO Xuedong1*(1.Junding Castle Co., Ltd., Yantai 265607, China; 2.Yantai Penglai District Grape and Wine Industry DevelopmentService Center, Yantai 265699, China)Abstract: Objective: To establish a HPLC method for the determination of 7 organic acids in grape and wine. Method: The chromatographic conditions were Hi-Plex H column (300 mm×7.7 mm, 8 μm) and PL Hi-Plex H protective column (50 mm×7.7 mm, 8 μm). UV detection wavelength 210 nm; sulfuric acid with 0.006 mol·L-1 mobile phase; flow rate 0.6 mL·min-1; column temperature 55 ℃. The sample size was 10 μL. Result: The peak time of oxalic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, lactic acid and acetic acid were all within 20 min. The standard curve has a good linear relationship with the correlation coefficient(R2) ranging from 0.999 9 to 1.000 0. The detection limit was 0.031 4~0.722 3 mg·L-1. The recoveries ranged from 95.24% to 102.04%, and the relative standard deviations ranged from 0.16% to 1.87%. Conclusion: The method is simple to operate, short detection time, and has high accuracy and accuracy.Keywords: organic acid; grape; wine; high performance liquid chromatography; detection method有机酸是葡萄果实及葡萄酒中体现风味的主要物质之一,其含量是衡量葡萄果实成熟度和品质的重要参数,在葡萄酒的酿造中发挥着关键作用,对酒的感官质量有一定的影响,与酒的物理化学以及微生物稳定性有着紧密联系[1-4]。



检测中心(Test Laboratory) 李赛克公司拥有先进技术的实验室和一流的检测设备,能对各种类型的玻璃产品进行较为全面的检测,分析,提出科学的实验报告。


 序号产品/产品类别德国标准中国标准测试设备设备制造商1 中空玻璃DIN52344DIN52345EN673 +A1+A2EN1279 GB/T11944-2002 露点仪DIN52345 Helantec GmbHU值测试仪 EN673+A1+A2 Helantec GmbH充气量测试仪 DIN 1286 Helantec GmbH紫外线辐照测试装置 EN1279 LISEC公司Ar气含量测试仪 DIN1286 Helantec GmbHISO-高度计 Helantec GmbH老化试验箱 DIN 52344 ift-Rosenheim GmbH高低温湿热交变试验箱 DIN1279 上海亿华达实验室设备有限公司2 普通平板玻璃DIN572-4 GB4871-1995 同着色玻璃参见第9项3 汽车安全玻璃DIN EN ISO 12543DIN ISO 3536 GB9656-2003 汽车安全玻璃力学性能检测 DIN EN ISO 12543 ISO 3537汽车安全玻璃光学性能检测 EN 410 ISO 3538汽车安全玻璃耐辐照、高温、潮湿、燃烧和耐模拟气候试验 ISO 3917相关检测标准参看第17项4 夹层玻璃prEN14449DIN EN ISO 12543PrEN356 GB9962-1999 弯曲度检测 DIN EN 1288 LISEC公司紫外/可见/近红外光谱仪 ISO9050 EN 410 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.红外光谱测试仪 ISO 9050 EN 410 DIN EN 12898 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.高低温湿热交变试验箱 DIN 1279 上海亿华达实验室设备有限公司落球冲击剥离试验 EN 356 DIN 12600 DIN 18032-3 DIN 52338 Torgauer GmbH 霰弹袋冲击试验 DIN 52337 Torgauer GmbH5 钢化玻璃DIN52337DRAFT prEN 14321EN 1288DRAFT prEN 14179-2DIN 12150DIN EN 1863 GB9963-1998 均质炉 pr EN 14179 Torgauer GmbH落球冲击剥离试验 EN 356 DIN 12600 DIN 18032-3 Torgauer GmbH霰弹袋冲击试验 DIN 52337 Torgauer GmbH颗粒度检测仪 DIN 52349 国家玻璃检测中心表面应力检测仪 DIN EN 1863 prEN 14321 杭州聚能玻璃技术有限公司.面电阻仪 DIN EN 12898 Nagy instrument GmbH锡面测试仪 Merlin Lazer Tgi弯曲度检测装置 DIN EN 1288 LISEC公司紫外/可见/近红外光谱仪 ISO9050 EN410 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.红外光谱测试仪 ISO 9050 EN 410 DIN EN 12898 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.6 幕墙用钢化玻璃DIN52349EN 1863-1 DRAFTprEN12150-2EN12600GB17841-1999 同钢化玻璃参看第5项7 低辐射镀膜玻璃EN 1096EN 12898 GB/T18915.2-2002 紫外气候试验箱 ISO3917 EN 1279 上海亿华达实验室设备有限公司盐雾试验箱 ISO 3917 EN 1279 ISO 21207 上海亿华达实验室设备有限公司高低温湿热交变试验箱ISO 3917 EN 1279 上海亿华达实验室设备有限公司摩擦试验机 DIN EN 1096 北京金博泰玻璃技术有限公司耐磨试验机 DIN EN 1096 上海现代环境工程技术有限公司铅笔硬度计 DIN EN 1096 上海现代环境工程技术有限公司附着力测试仪 DIN EN 1096 上海现代环境工程技术有限公司紫外/可见/近红外光谱仪 ISO 9050 EN 410 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.红外光谱测试仪 ISO 9050 EN 410 DIN EN 12898 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.X射线衍射仪 Bruker GmbH面电阻仪 DIN EN 12898 Nagy instrument GmbH锡面测试仪 Merlin Lazer Tgi热辐射率测试仪 DIN EN 12898 Material & service Co., Ltd膜面测试仪 Glavebel C.T.choy Co., Ltd酸碱实验杯8 阳光控制镀膜玻璃EN 410EN 1096DIN67507GB/T18915.1-2002 同低辐射镀膜玻璃参看第7项9 着色玻璃GB/T18701-2002 热辐射率测试仪 DIN EN 12898 Material & service Co., Ltd紫外/可见/近红外光谱仪 ISO 9050 EN 410 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.红外光谱测试仪 ISO 9050 EN 410 DIN EN 12898 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.10 浮法玻璃DIN572-2DRAFT prEN 14178-1GB11614-1999 同着色玻璃参看第9项---相关检测标准序号产品/产品类别DIN GB Test Device11 中空玻璃分子筛DIN 52294DIN EN 12145 GB10504GB6286GB10505.4GB10505.1GB6287-1986电子分析天平 DIN EN 12145 Monobloc inside Weighing technology co., Ltd马弗炉 DIN EN 12145 Nabertherm GmbH温度计 DIN 52294试管及称量杯 DIN 5229412 中空玻璃用弹性密封胶建筑用硅酮结构密封胶DIN52455DIN52459DIN EN ISO 9046DIN EN ISO 9047DIN EN 13880DIN EN 14187JC/T486-2001GB/T529-1999GB/T16776-1997GB/T14683JC/T485-1992B/T531-1999肖氏硬度计 DIN 52455 中国测试技术研究院实验工厂邵氏硬度计 DIN EN ISO 9046 DIN EN ISO 9047 时代集团公司拉力试验机 DIN EN 13880 DIN EN 14187 深圳三思实验室设备有限公司玻璃胶固化时间检测 DIN EN 14187 DIN EN 13880 LISEC公司13 丁基热熔密封胶ISO 2302 JC/T914-2003 ISO 230215 透过率,太阳光透过率,总能量透过率ISO 9050DIN67507GB/T2680-1994 紫外/可见/近红外光谱仪 ISO 9050 EN 410 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.红外光谱测试仪 ISO 9050 EN 410 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.16 颜色识别DIN 6174 GB/T11942 紫外/可见/近红外光谱仪 DIN 6174 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.红外光谱测试仪 DIN EN 12898 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.透射雾影仪 DIN 67507 BYK gardner GmbHColor-sphere 色差仪 DIN 6174 DIN 67507 BYK gardner GmbH18 酸碱,盐雾腐蚀试验ISO 21207 GB/T17339-1998 ISO2120719 幕墙光学性能检测GB/T18091-200020 水质检测ISO760 电导率测试仪 ISO 760铝条及其他测试21 环境温湿度测试仪r22 压力测试仪23 铝条检测轮廓投影仪万豪精密仪器有限公司.Al接插件测试杯 Al与胶拉力试验装置 Teroson GmbH 17 玻璃的力学光学及环境性能测试ISO 3537ISO 3538ISO 3917 GB5137 紫外/可见/近红外光谱仪 ISO9050 EN 410 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.红外光谱测试仪 ISO9050 EN 410 DIN EN 12898 Perkinelmer Co., Ltd.透射雾影仪 ISO 9050 BYK gardner GmbHColor-sphere 色差仪 DIN 6174 BYK gardner GmbH紫外气候试验箱 ISO 3917 上海亿华达实验室设备有限公司盐雾试验箱 ISO 21207 上海亿华达实验室设备有限公司高低温湿热交变试验箱 ISO 3917 上海亿华达实验室设备有限公司摩擦试验机 EN 1096 北京金博泰玻璃技术有限公司耐磨试验机 EN 1096 上海现代环境工程技术有限公司老化试验箱 ISO 3917 ift-Rosenheim GmbH落球冲击剥离试验 EN 12600 Torgauer GmbH霰弹袋冲击试验 DIN 52337 Torgauer GmbH颗粒度检测仪 DIN 52349 国家玻璃检测中心需要了解详细情况,请联系我公司。

Light Green 0.05 percent说明书

Light Green 0.05 percent说明书

Light Green 0.05 percent 化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::供应商/ 制造商:供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies, Inc.(美国安捷伦科技有限公司)住所:5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA, 95051, United States 联系电话:+1 800 227 9770 供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies Singapore (International) Pte Ltd.(安捷伦科技新加坡(国际)私人有限公司)住所:No. 1 Yishun Avenue 7, Singapore, 768923 联系电话:(65) 6276 2622供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies Denmark ApS (安捷伦科技丹麦私人有限公司)住所:Produktionsvej 42, DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark 联系电话: +45 44859500 Light Green 0.05 percent化学品的推荐用途和限制用途AR172, AR362, AR380部件号:物质用途:实验室使用容器类型: 一次性包装AR172 // Light Green 0.05% // Artisan PAS-Green Stain Kit // 65 mL and 115 mLAR362 // Light Green 0.05% // Artisan Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB) Light Green Stain Kit // 65 mLAR380 // Light Green 0.05% // Artisan Jones' Basement Membrane Light Green Stain Kit // 65 mL 参考号码: SDS322安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013本安全技术说明书责任人的e-mail地址:GHS化学品标识:0.05%亮绿有关环境保护措施,请参阅第 12 节。



分析检测固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定海产品中微囊藻毒素和鱼腥藻毒素吕晓静,鞠光秀,曲 欣,汪 勇,于红卫*(1.青岛市疾病预防控制中心/青岛市预防医学研究院,山东青岛 266033;2.岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司,北京 100020)摘 要:目的:建立固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定海产品中7种微囊藻毒素和2种鱼腥藻毒素的方法。


结果:7种微囊藻毒素和2种鱼腥藻毒素在0.5~50.0 μg·L-1范围内线性关系良好,检出限为0.3 μg·kg-1,回收率为75.5%~98.8%,相对标准偏差在1.5%~5.4%。


关键词:微囊藻毒素;鱼腥藻毒素;固相萃取(SPE);高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(HPLC-MS/MS)Simultaneous Determination of Microcystins and Anatoxins in Marine Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with SolidPhase ExtractionLYU Xiaojing, JU Guangxiu, QU Xin, WANG Yong, YU Hongwei*(1.Qingdao Municipal Center For Disease Control & Prevention/Qingdao Institute of Preventive Medicine, Qingdao266033, China; 2.Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd., Beijing Branch, Beijing 100020, China) Abstract: Objective: A method for simultaneous determination of 7 microcystins (MCs) and 2 Anatoxins (AnTXs) in marine products was achieved by solid phase extraction (SPE)-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Method: The sample was extracted with 80% acetonitrile, purified by HLB small column, analyzed using MRM mode, and quantified using external standard method. Result: The linear ranges for 7 MCs and 2 AnTXs were 0.5~50.0 μg·L-1. The limits of detection were 0.3 μg·kg-1. The recoveries of the 7 MCs and 2 AnTXs spiked in blank marine products ranged from 75.5% to 98.8% with the relative deviations of 1.5%~5.4%. Conclusion: The method has the advantages of good reproducibility, high sensitivity and low cost, and can achieve simultaneous detection of fishy algae toxins and microcystins in seafood.Keywords: microcystin; anatoxin; solid phase extraction (SPE); high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS)微囊藻毒素(Microcystins,MCs)和鱼腥藻毒素(Anatoxins,AnTXs)是两种典型的蓝细菌毒素[1]。

赢创VESTALITE S体系环氧SMC元件,释放汽车轻量化潜能

赢创VESTALITE S体系环氧SMC元件,释放汽车轻量化潜能

汽车AUTOMOBILE 新闻News赢创VESTALITE S体系环氧SMC元件,释放汽车轻量化潜能近年来,面对日益严苛的环保降排挑战,传统汽车推进轻量化设计已是刻不容缓。



这就是赢创领先的胺基固化系统VESTALITE® S。

让车用模塑料机械性能更优异、排放量更低赢创与Vestaro公司通力协作,共同研发了适用于环氧SMC技术的胺基固化系统VESTALITE® S。



赢创交联剂业务线技术工程师李双虎谈道:“VESTALITE® S作为环氧SMC理想的解决方案,优势主要有三点:一是该体系的混合粘度低,与增强纤维的浸润性好,制作后的SMC材料具有较高的储存稳定性。




”零部件减重显著,释放汽车轻量化潜能在2018年由欧洲汽车轻量化可行性联盟举办的“轻量化开放创新挑战赛”中,来自德国亚琛工业大学汽车工程研究所(IKA)的科学家们展示了VESTALITE® S体系碳纤维-SMC元件在原型汽车零部件中的潜力。

实验参考部件为钢制尾门,尾门内板由VESTALITE® S碳纤维-SMC元件代替。

模拟结果显示,在各种负载情况下VESTALITE® S碳纤维-SMC元件的刚度值都与钢材参考值相差无几。


Agilia SP 注射器滴注机配件部件目录2019说明书

Agilia SP 注射器滴注机配件部件目录2019说明书

Agilia SP range Syringe Infusion Pump Spare Parts Catalog 2019This Spare Parts Catalog is applicable to the following Agilia SP range:▪Agilia SP▪Agilia SP MC / Agilia SP MC WiFi▪Agilia SP TIVA / Agilia SP TIVA WiFi.This Spare Parts Catalog is applicable to devices whose serial number is from 23499291.WarningONLY use the recommended accessories and options delivered with the pump. NO PART ISREPAIRABLE. When replacing components, only use Fresenius Kabi spare parts.Critical Components Type 1 (CS1)The CS1 critical components listed in this Spare Parts Catalog must be traceable.InformationThe critical components are identified into the column 'CS1’ of the spare parts tables. Those components are delivered with a batch or serial number. The After Sales Services are responsible for the traceabilityof those components. A critical component batch or serial number must be linked, by the After SalesService, with the serial number of the infusion pump repaired.Release NotesDate Revision DescriptionOctober 2015 0 CreationJuly 2017 1 ▪The Agilia SP TIVA WiFi is added in this page.▪Mark 200: Z178972, Z178973 and the note are added ; Z179973 and Z179974 are removed from this document since they are dedicated to VP range.▪Z173408 (mark 408), Z178271 (mark 506) and Z178245 (mark 604) are removed since they are not available.▪Z161776 is no more available for sale but included in ref Z179556 (mark 311).▪Z178245 is no more available for sale but included in ref Z178979 (mark 600).▪Z178912 is replaced by Z178970 (mark 101) ; Z178909 is replaced by Z178971 (mark 104) ; Z179043 is replaced by Z179971 (mark 309) ; Z178911 is replaced by Z178975 (mark 401) ; Z178693 is replaced by Z178963 (mark 405) ; Z178903 is replaced by Z178976 (mark 407) ; Z178920 is replaced by Z178977 (mark 406) ;Z178901 is replaced by Z178978 (mark 500) ; Z178907 is replaced by Z178979 (mark 600) ; Z178585 is replaced by Z179585 (mark 703).▪Z190890 (old mark 605) is replaced by Z199716 (new mark 604).▪Marks 415 and 416 are inverted to match the right spare parts.▪Z179590 (mark 312) is a CS1 component while Z178959 (mark 403) and Z178978 (mark 500) are not CS1 components.▪Z178424 is replaced by Z180692 (mark 505).May 2018 2 ▪References Z178357 (Potentiometer assembly, in the Base section) and Z178457 (Strain gauge, in the Plunger section) are no more available for sale since they require soldering.▪Reference Z179556 (mark 311) is no more part of kit referenced Z178958 (mark 310).▪New covers.July 2018 3 Z178275 (mark 415): quantity changed to 1.September 2018 4In section Angle Bracket:▪Z180693 Male socket sealing is now delivered in the Bracket and mains board kit for Agilia SP (mark 310) in pumps whose serial number is from 23882455.It replaces ref. Z179584.▪Z178958 Bracket and mains board kit for A gilia SP is replaced by Z178381.10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_Eng1 BASE 42 COVER 53 ANGLE BRACKET 64 PLUNGER 75 MECHANICAL FRAMEWORK 96 MOTOR LEFT FLANGE 107 WI-FI 1134Base104MarkQtyReferenceDescription Price100 1 Z178156 Pusher protection 322,- 101 1 Z178970 Base kit for Agilia SP293,- 102 1 Z178436 Dual syringe wings holder 65,- 103 1 Z178440 Syringe holder assembly 890,- 104 1 Z178971 Syringe detection kit for Agilia SP 552,- 105 1 Z178186 Wing detection membrane 17,- 106 2 Z178299 Grey Diam. 7 screw cap 6,- 107 1 Z178434 Grease damping 58,- 108 2 Z178206 Foot 12,- 109 1 Z178431 Racked clip 116,- 110 1 Z178921 Bracket clip kit179,- 1111Z178951Syringe holder bridle kit for Agilia SP345,-105100 102 103107106 1081091111011105Cover201MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice200(1)1 Z178952 Upper case kit for Agilia SP 982,- 1 Z178953 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC 982,- 1 Z178972 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC WiFi982,- 1 Z178973 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC WiFi (FDA registered - for NAM countries only)982,- 1 Z178954 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA 982,- 1 Z178956 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA WiFi982,-1Z178955 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA (Japanese market - Soon available) 982,- 201 1 Z178401 Display board 1982,-202 1 Z178181 Hood hook 9,- 2031Z179413Card to card ribbon130,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) Only one reference is to be ordered depending on the model to be repaired or maintained.2002022036315Angle Bracket307MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice300 1 Z179978 Hook nut kit for Agilia SP & VP 1086,- 301 1 Z178315 Pole clamp rotate axle 3 39,- 302 1 Z179569 Pole clamp bolt button 9,- 303 1 Z178294 Pole clamp spring9,- 304 1 Z179568 Pole clamp M8 screw overmoulded 65,- 305 1 Z182108 Clamp screw tip22,- 306 1 Z178292 Pole clamp axle tip - angled 40,- 307 1 Z179976 Handle + bolt kit (for Agilia SP & VP) 750,- 308 1 Z178188 IRDA window 75,- 309 1 Z179971 Agilia battery kit537,- 310 1 Z178381 Bracket and mains board kit for Agilia SP1624,- 311 1 Z179556 Flexible IC flex binder assembly (includes speaker and binder socket)722,- 312 1 Z179590 Power supply board (for Agilia SP & VP) 2297,- 313 1 Z178189 Handle retainer 11,- 314 1Z178455 Blue Diam. 7 screw cap 7,- 315(1)1Z170416 Z170430 Z170447Mains lead - angled - black Mains angled cable UK Mains cable US/CA144,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) Only one reference is to be ordered depending on the country where the pump is used. Other cables are available, contact your Fresenius Kabi sales representative.308310313314 30231230430330931130630130530074PlungerMarkQtyReferenceDescription Price400 1 Z178441 Link push carriage 12,- 401 1 Z178975 Plunger kit for Agilia SP 3225,- 402 1 Z178452 Flex pusher462,- 403 1 Z178959 Pressure sensor kit for Agilia SP 1139,- 404 1 Z178963 Flange and lever kit for Agilia SP 245,- 405 1 Z178977 Carriage kit for Agilia SP917,- 406 1 Z178976 Disengagement flex. IC kit for Agilia SP 392,- 407 1 Z199680 D3 Truarc 3,- 408 1 Z178286 Stirrup captor 2 14,- 409 2 Z178217 Arm axis pusher 49,- 4101Z178194Detection finger hat12,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.406401407...405400 ...402403.........409......408............410404...8MarkQtyReferenceDescription Price411 1 Z178450 Plunger arm 140,- 412 1 Z178235 Stainless ball 30,- 413 1 Z178266 Left helico lever 2 18,- 414 1 Z178274 T DES-DF.6 spring 18,- 415 1 Z178275 T DE3.3-DF.35 spring 18,- 416 1 Z178276 C DE7.7-DF.45 spring 8,- 417 1 Z178284 Sup. pusher arm 90,- 418 1 Z178285 Inf. pusher arm90,- 419 2 Z178281 White diam.7 screw cap 2 6,- 420 1 Z178210 Pusher membrane hold 12,- 421 1 Z178280 Pusher membrane 2 15,- 4221Z199698Quicklock D1.5 ring3,-.........422...417......419418411...414413...420416421415......41295Mechanical Framework500MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice500 1 Z178978 Linear sensor kit for Agilia SP513,- 501 1 Z178964 Motor kit for Agilia SP 786,- 502 (1) 1 Z178400 CPU board 1433,- 503 1 Z199716 Quicklock ring D2.5 12,- 504 1 Z178224 Carriage guide 51,- 505 1 Z180692 Right flask assembly16,- 5061Z178317Wormwheel M6x1 with bearing306,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) REACH Article 33(1) Declaration about substances identified by the European Chemical Agency as candidates for Annex XIV according to article 59:“Current knowledge available to us from our supplier on the presence of substances included in the candidate list in a concen tration above 0.1% (m/m) in our LCD is as follows: Boric acid (CAS No.: 10043-35-3, 11113-50-1), Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous (CAS No.: 1303-96-4, 1330-43-4, 12179-04-3), Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide hydrate (CAS No.: 12267-73-1). We are in constant dialogue with our suppliers in order to gather further information."5045055015035065026Motor Left Flange600605601604603602Mark Qty Reference Description Price 600 1 Z178979 Motor flask kit for Agilia SP 532,- 601 1 Z178196 Z34 M.0.55 sproket 20,- 602 1 Z178241 Retainer bearing 17,- 603 1 Z178242 Threaded retainer bearing 27,- 604 1 Z199716 Quicklock ring diam 2.5 11,- 605 1 Z178380 Z 22 M 0.55 Gearing axle mod 38,-107Wi-Fi702 700701703Mark Qty Reference Description Price 700 1 Z178428 WiFi board support 35,- 701 1 Z179411 WiFi module board 2013,- 702 1 Z178801 WiFi flexible circuit 100,- 703 1 Z179585 WiFi US label 15,-11This document may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.Modifications may thus be done, and included in later editions.Due to the evolution of standards, and of legal texts and materials, the characteristics indicated in the text and images of this document are applicable only to the device with which it is included.The illustrations in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Their contents may vary based on individual configurations and minor software modifications; therefore, some illustrations may appear slightly different from what you see on the product.This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Fresenius Kabi. Agilia® is a registered trademark in the name of Fresenius Kabi in selected countries.Made in FranceRevision date: September 2018Document reference: 10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_Eng0123First CE Mark: December 20151213Local Contacts for Servicing10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_EngFresenius Kabi AG 61346 Bad Homburg Germany Fresenius Vial S.A.SLe Grand Chemin 38590 Brézins - FranceFRESENIUS KABI NORGE AS Gjerdrums vei 10a0484 OSLOT: 22 58 80 00M: *********************************。

E. coli 常用菌株大全

E. coli 常用菌株大全

E. coli genotypesContents[hide]•1 Nomenclature & Abbreviations•2 Methylation Issues in E. coli•3 Commonly used strainso 3.1 AG1o 3.2 AB1157o 3.3 B2155o 3.4 BL21o 3.5 BL21(AI)o 3.6 BL21(DE3)o 3.7 BL21 (DE3) pLysSo 3.8 BNN93o 3.9 BNN97o 3.10 BW26434, CGSC Strain # 7658o 3.11 C600o 3.12 C600 hflA150 (Y1073, BNN102)o 3.13 CSH50o 3.14 D1210o 3.15 DB3.1o 3.16 DH1o 3.17DH5αo 3.18DH5α Turbo (NEB)o 3.19 DH10B (Invitrogen)o 3.20 DH12S (Invitrogen)o 3.21 DM1 (Invitrogen)o 3.22 E. cloni(r) 5alpha (Lucigen)o 3.23 E. cloni(r) 10G (Lucigen)o 3.24 E. cloni(r) 10GF' (Lucigen)o 3.25 E. coli K12 ER2738 (NEB)o 3.26 ER2566 (NEB)o 3.27 ER2267 (NEB)o 3.28 HB101o 3.29 HMS174(DE3)o 3.30 High-Control(tm) BL21(DE3) (Lucigen)o 3.31 High-Control(tm) 10G (Lucigen)o 3.32 IJ1126o 3.33 IJ1127o 3.34 JM83o 3.35 JM101o 3.36 JM103o 3.37 JM105o 3.38 JM106o 3.39 JM107o 3.40 JM108o 3.41 JM109o 3.42 JM109(DE3)o 3.43 JM110o 3.44 JM2.300o 3.45 LE392o 3.46 Mach1o 3.47 MC1061o 3.48 MC4100o 3.49 MG1655o 3.50 OmniMAX2o 3.51 OverExpress(tm)C41(DE3) (Lucigen)o 3.52 OverExpress(tm)C41(DE3)pLysS (Lucigen) o 3.53 OverExpress(tm)C43(DE3) (Lucigen)o 3.54 OverExpress(tm)C43(DE3)pLysS (Lucigen) o 3.55 Rosetta(DE3)pLysSo 3.56 Rosetta-gami(DE3)pLysSo 3.57 RR1o 3.58 RV308o 3.59 SOLR (Stratagene)o 3.60 SS320 (Lucigen)o 3.61 STBL2 (Invitrogen)o 3.62 STBL3 (Invitrogen)o 3.63 STBL4o 3.64 SURE (Stratagene)o 3.65 SURE2 (Stratagene)o 3.66 TG1 (Lucigen)o 3.67 TOP10 (Invitrogen)o 3.68 Top10F' (Invitrogen)o 3.69 W3110o 3.70 WM3064o 3.71 XL1-Blue (Stratagene)o 3.72 XL1-Blue MRF' (Stratagene)o 3.73 XL2-Blue (Stratagene)o 3.74 XL2-Blue MRF' (Stratagene)o 3.75 XL1-Red (Stratagene)o 3.76 XL10-Gold (Stratagene)o 3.77 XL10-Gold KanR (Stratagene)•4 Other genotype information sources•5 ReferencesNomenclature & AbbreviationsA listed gene name means that gene carries a loss of function mutation, a Δ preceding a gene name means the gene is deleted. If a gene is not listed, it is not known to be mutated. Prophages present in wt K-12 strains (F, λ, e14, rac) are listed only if absent. E. coliB strains are naturally lon- and dcm-.•F- = Does not carry the F plasmid•F+ = Carries the F plasmid. The cell is able to mate with F- through conjugation.•F'[ ] = Carries an F plasmid that has host chromosomal genes on it froma previous recombination event. This cell can also mate with F- throughconjugation. Chromosomal genes carried in the F plasmid are listed inbrackets.•r B/K+/- = The (B/K) defines the strain lineage. The +/- indicates whether the strain has or hasn't got the restriction system.•m B/K+/- = The (B/K) defines the strain lineage. The +/- indicates whether the strain has or hasn't got the modification (methylation) system.•hsdS = Both restriction and methylation of certain sequences is deleted from the strain. If you transform DNA from such a strain into a wild type strain, it will be degraded.•hsdR = For efficient transformation of cloned unmethylated DNA from PCR amplifications•INV( ) = chromosomal inversion between locations indicated•ahpC = mutation to alkyl hydroperoxide reductase conferring disulfide reductase activity•ara-14 = cannot metabolize arabinose•araD = mutation in L-ribulose-phosphate 4-epimerase blocks arabinose metabolism•cycA = mutation in alanine transporter; cannot use alanine as a carbon source•dapD = mutation in succinyl diaminopimelate aminotransferase leads to succinate or (lysine + methionine) requirement•Δ( ) = chromosomal deletion of genes between the listed genes (may include unlisted genes!)•dam = adenine methylation at GATC sequences exist; high recombination efficiency; DNA repair turned on•dcm = cytosine methylation at second C of CCWGG sites exist. dam & dcm are the default properties and always elided, while dam- or dcm-should be declare explicitly•DE3 = Lysogen that encodes T7 RNA polymerase. Used to induce expression in T7-driven expression systems•deoR = regulatory gene that allows constitutive expression of deoxyribose synthesis genes; permits uptake of large plasmids. See Hanahan D, US Patent 4,851,348. ***This has been called into question, as the DH10B genome sequence revealed that it is deoR+. SeeDurfee08, PMID 18245285.•dnaJ = one of the chaparonins inactivated; stabilizes some mutant proteins•dut1 = dUTPase activity abolished, leading to increased dUTP concentrations, allowing uracil instead of thymine incorporation in DNA.Stable U incorporation requires ung gene mutation as well.•endA1 = For cleaner preparations of DNA and better results in downstream applications due to the elimination of non-specific digestion by Endonuclease I•(e14) = excisable prophage like element containing mcrA gene; present in K-12 but missing in many other strains•galE = mutations are associated with high competence, increased resistance to phage P1 infection, and 2-deoxygalactose resistance.galE mutations block the production of UDP-galactose, resulting intruncation of LPS glycans to the minimal, "inner core". The exceptional competence of DH10B/TOP10 is thought to be a result of a reducedinterference from LPS in the binding and/or uptake of transforming DNA.galE15 is a point mutation resulting in a Ser123 -> Phe conversion near the enzyme's active site. See van Die, et al. PMID 6373734, Hanahan, et al. PMID 1943786, and EcoSal ISBN 1555811647. --Dcekiert 16:56,23 January 2008 (CST)•galk = mutants cannot metabolize galactose and are resistant to 2-deoxygalactose. galK16 is an IS2 insertion ~170bp downstream of the galK start codon. See EcoSal ISBN 1555811647. --Dcekiert 16:56,23 January 2008 (CST)•galU = mutants cannot metabolize galactose•gor = mutation in glutathione reductase; enhances disulphide bond formation•glnV = suppression of amber (UAG) stop codons by insertion of glutamine; required for some phage growth•gyrA96 = mutation in DNA gyrase; conveys nalidixic acid resistance •gyrA462 = mutation in DNA gyrase; conveys resistance to ccdB colicin gene product•hflA150 = protease mutation stabilizing phage cII protein; high frequency of lysogenization by λ•Δ(lac)X74 = Deletion of the entire lac operon as well as some flanking DNA (complete deletion is Δcod-mhpF; see Mol.Micro., 6:1335, andJ.Bact., 179:2573)•lacI q or lacI Q = overproduction of the lac repressor protein; -35 site in promoter upstream of lacI is mutated from GCGCAA to GTGCAA•lacI Q1 = overproduction of the lac repressor protein; contains a 15 bp deletion to create optimal -35 site in promoter upstream of lacI•lacY = deficient in lactose transport; deletion of lactose permease (M protein)•lac ZΔM15= partial deletion of the lacZ gene that allows α complementation of the β-galactosidase gene; required for blue/white selection on XGal plates. Deletes the amino portion of lacZ (aa 11-41). •LAM- or λ- = lambda lysogen deletion; approximate map location: 17.40;information from CGSC *---Karmella 13:02, 21 October 2012 (EDT): •LamR = mutation in malT1 conferring lambda resistance; synonym malT1(LamR) [1] *---Karmella 13:35, 21 October 2012 (EDT):•leuB = requires leucine•Δlon = deletion of the lon protease•malA = cannot metabolize maltose•mcrA = Mutation eliminating restriction of DNA methylated at the sequence C m CGG (possibly m CG). Carried on the e14 prophage (q.v.) •mcrB = Mutation eliminating restriction of DNA methylated at the sequence R m C•metB = requires methionine•metC = requires methionine•mrr = Mutation eliminating restriction of DNA methylated at the sequence C m AG or G m AC•mtlA = cannot metabilize mannitol•(Mu) = Mu p rophage present. Muδ means the phage is defective. •mutS - mutation inhibits DNA repair of mismatches in unmethylated newly synthesized strands•nupG = same as deoR•ompT = mutation in outer membrane protein protease VII, reducing proteolysis of expressed proteins•(P1) = Cell carries a P1 prophage. Cells express the P1 restriction system.•(P2) = Cell carries a P2 prophage. Allows selection against Red+ Gam+ λ•(φ80)= Cell carries the lambdoid prophage φ80. A defective version of this phage carrying lacZM15 deletion (as well as wild-type lacI, lacYA, and flanking sequences) is present in some strains. The φ80attachment site is just adjacent to tonB.•pLysS = contains pLysS plasmid carrying chloramphenicol resistance and phage T7 lysozyme, effective at attenuating activity of T7 RNApolymerase, for better inhibition of expression under non-inducedconditions. The sequence can be found here.•proA/B = requires proline•recA1 = For reduced occurrence of unwanted recombination in cloned DNA; cells UV sensitive, deficient in DNA repair•recA13 = as for recA1, but inserts less stable.•recBCD = Exonuclease V; mutation in RecB or RecC reduces general recombination by a factor of 100; impaired DNA repair; UV sensitive, easier propagation of inverted repeats•recJ Exonuclease involved in alternate recombination•relA = relaxed phenotype; permits RNA synthesis in absence of protein synthesis•rha = blocked rhamose metabolism•rnc = encodes RnaseIII (rnc-14 is a common null mutant)•rne = encodes RnaseE (rne-3071 is a common temperature sensitive mutant)•rpsL = mutation in ribosomal protein S12 conveying streptomycin resistance; also called strA, rpsL135(strR), strA135 [2] *---Karmella13:27, 21 October 2012 (EDT):•sbcBC = ExoI activity abolished; usually present in recBC strains;recombination proficient, stable inverted repeats•sr1 = cannot metabolize sorbitol•supE = glnV•supF = tyrT•thi = requires thiamine•thyA = requires thymidine•Tn10 = transposon normally carrying Tetracycline resistance•Tn5 = transposon normally carrying Kanamycin resistance•tonA = Mutation in outer membrane protein conveying resistance to phage T1 and phage T5•traD = Mutation eliminating transfer factor; prevents transfer of F plasmid•trxB = mutation in thioredoxin reductase; enhances disulphide bond formation in the cytoplasm•tsx = outer membrane protein mutation conveying resistance to phage T6 and colicin K•tyrT = suppression of amber (UAG) stop codons by insertion of tyrosine;needed for some phage infection such as λgt11.•ung1 = allows uracil to exist in plasmid DNA•xyl-5 = blocked xylose metabolism•Sm R = Streptomycin resistanceMethylation Issues in E. coli•Type I methylation systems:o E. coli K-12 restricts DNA which is not protected by adenine methylation at sites AA*C[N6]GTGC or GCA*C[N6]GTT, encodedby the hsdRMS genes(EcoKI). Deletions in these genes removeseither the restriction or methylation or both of these functions.o E. coli B derivative strains contain an hsdRMS system (EcoBI) restricting and protectiing the sequence TGA*[N8]TGCT orAGCA*[N8]TCA.•The mcrA gene (carried on the e14 prophage) restricts DNA which is methylated in C m CWGG or m CG sequences (methylation by the dcmgene product).•The mcrBC genes restrict R m C sequences.•The mrr gene product restricts adenine methylated sequences at CAG or GAC sites.• E. coli methylates the adenine in GATC (and the corresponding A on the opposite strand) with the dam gene product.•M.EcoKII methylates the first A at the palindromic site ATGCAT (as well as the corresponding A on the opposite strand), see (Kossykh VG (2004) J. Bact 186: 2061-2067 PMID 15028690) Note that this article has been retracted; the retraction appears to center on textual plagarism, notexperimental results. The homology to AvaIII is real. I think I believe it.tk 20:28, 9 December 2005 (EST). Rich Roberts reports: "We have tried ourselves to detect activity with this gene product and cannot detect any methyltransferase activity. In our case we used antibodies able todetect N6-methyladenine or N4 methylcytosine in DNA. The ones wehave are very sensitive and should have been able to detect 5 methylgroups in the whole E. coli chromosome. Nothing was detected in anover expressing strain."•For additional information see E. coli restriction-modification system and the NEB technical information on methylation.Commonly used strainsAG1endA1 recA1 gyrA96 thi-1 relA1 glnV44 hsdR17(r K- m K+)AB1157thr-1, araC14, leuB6(Am), Δ(gpt-proA)62, lacY1, tsx-33, qsr'-0, glnV44(AS), galK2(Oc), LAM-, Rac-0, hisG4(Oc), rfbC1, mgl-51, rpoS396(Am),rpsL31(strR), kdgK51, xylA5, mtl-1, argE3(Oc), thi-1•Bachmann BJ: Derivation and genotypes of some mutant derivatives of Escherichia coli K-12.Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Cellular and Molecular Biology (Edited by: F C Neidhardt J L Ingraham KB Low B Magasanik M Schaechter H E Umbarger). Washington, D.C., American Society for Microbiology 1987,2:1190-1219.See CGSC#1157B2155thrB1004 pro thi strA hsdsS lacZD M15 (F`lacZD M15 lacI q traD36 proA+ proB+) D dapA::erm (Erm r) pir::RP4 [::kan (Km r) from SM10]An E. coli strain carrying the pir sequence required for maintenance of plasmids containing R6K ori. Also, this strain is auxotrophic for DAP (diaminopimelic acid - a lysine precursor). The auxotrophy helps in removal of this strain from a bi-parental mating setup after conjugation.Ref: Maintenance of broad-host-range incompatibility group P and group Q plasmids and transposition of Tn5 in Bartonella henselae following conjugal plasmid transfer from Escherichia coliDehio, C. & Meyer, M. (1997) J. Bacteriol. 179, 538–540BL21E. coli B F- dcm ompT hsdS(r B- m B-) gal [malB+]K-12(λS)•The "malB region" was transduced in from the K-12 strain W3110 to make the strain Mal+λS. See Studier et al. (2009) J. Mol. Biol. 394(4),653 for a discussion of the extent of the transfer.•Stratagene E. coli Genotype StrainsBL21(AI)F– ompT gal dcm lon hsdS B(r B- m B-) araB::T7RNAP-tetA•an E. coli B strain carrying the T7 RNA polymerase gene in the araB locus of the araBAD operon q.•Transformed plasmids containing T7 promoter driven expression are repressed until L-arabinose induction of T7 RNA polymerase.o Maximal expression is lower than that of BL21(DE3) (customer support 10/2012)•Derived from BL21.•See the product page for more information.•Brian Caliendo (Voigt lab) reported trouble getting the Datsenko and Wanner (2000) plasmid pCP20 to transform into this strain, when other strains transformed fine. Cause is unknown.BL21(DE3)F– ompT gal dcm lon hsdS B(r B- m B-) λ(DE3 [lacI lacUV5-T7 gene 1 ind1 sam7 nin5])•an E. coli B strain with DE3, a λ prophage carrying the T7 RNA polymerase gene and lacI q•Transformed plasmids containing T7 promoter driven expression are repressed until IPTG induction of T7 RNA polymerase from a lacpromoter.•Derived from B834 (Wood, 1966) by transducing to Met+.•See the original Studier paper or the summary in Methods in Enzymology for more details.•Whole genome sequence available [3]BL21 (DE3) pLysSF- ompT gal dcm lon hsdS B(r B- m B-) λ(DE3) pLy sS(cm R)•pLysS plasmid chloramphenicol resistant; grow with chloramphenicol to retain plasmid•Chloramphenicol resistant•The pLysS plasmid encodes T7 phage lysozyme, an inhibitor for T7 polymerase which reduces and almost eliminates expression fromtransformed T7 promoter containing plasmids when not induced.•see Moffatt87 for details of pLysS and pLysE plasmidsBNN93F- tonA21 thi-1 thr-1 leuB6 lacY1 glnV44 rfbC1 fhuA1 mcrB e14-(mcrA-)hsdR(r K-m K+) λ-•Some C600 strains are really BNN93BNN97•BNN93 (λgt11)o A λgt11 lysogen producing phage at 42CBW26434, CGSC Strain # 7658Δ(araD-araB)567, Δ(lacA-lacZ)514(::kan), lacIp-4000(lacI q), λ-, rpoS396(Am)?, rph-1, Δ(rhaD-rhaB)568, hsdR514•This information is from a printout sent by the E. coli Genetic Stock Center with the strain.• B.L. Wanner strain•rph-1 is a 1bp deletion that results in a frameshift over last 15 codons and has a polar effect on pyrE leading to suboptimal pyrimidine levelson minimal medium. (Jensen 1993 J Bact. 175:3401)•Δ(araD-araB)567 was formerly called ΔaraBAD AH33 by Datsenko and Wanner•Am = amber(UAG) mutation•Reference: Datsenko and Wanner, 2000, PNAS, 97:6640NOTE:•This promoter driving the expression of lacI was sequenced in this strain using a primer in mhpR (upstream of lacI) and a primer in theopposite orientation in lacI. The lac promoter was found to be identicalto wildtype. Thus, the -35 sequence was GCGCAA not GTGCAA asexpected with lacI q. Therefore this strain (or at least the versionobtained from the E. coli Genetic Stock Center) does NOT appear to be lacI q. According to Barry Wanner, this is an unexpected result. -Reshma 13:19, 5 May 2005 (EDT)•"We have now confirmed that BW25113, BW25141, and BW26434 are all lacI+, and not lacI q. We thank you for alerting us to the error withrespect to BW26434. Apparently, the lacI region was restored towild-type in a predecessor of BW25113." (from Barry WannerNovember 18, 2005)•The genotype has been corrected at the CGSCC600F- tonA21 thi-1 thr-1 leuB6 lacY1 glnV44 rfbC1 fhuA1 λ-•There are strains circulating with both e14+(mcrA+) and e14-(mcrA-) •General purpose host•See CGSC#3004•References: Appleyard, R.K. (1954) Genetics 39, 440; Hanahan, D.(1983) J. Mol. Biol. 166, 577.C600 hflA150 (Y1073, BNN102)F- thi-1 thr-1 leuB6 lacY1 tonA21 glnV44 λ- hflA150(chr::Tn10) •host for repressing plaques of λgt10 when establishing cDNA libraries •Reference Young R.A. and Davis, R. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80, 1194.•Tetracycline resistance from the Tn10 insertionCSH50F-λ-ara Δ(lac-pro) rpsL thi fimE::IS1•See CGSC#8085•References: Miller, J.H. 1972. Expts.in Molec.Genetics, CSH 0:14-0;Blomfeld et al., J.Bact. 173: 5298-5307, 1991.D1210HB101 lacI q lacY+DB3.1F- gyrA462 endA1 glnV44 Δ(sr1-recA) mcrB mrr hsdS20(r B-, m B-) ara14 galK2 lacY1 proA2 rpsL20(Sm r) xyl5 Δleu mtl1•useful for propagating plasmids containing the ccdB operon.•gyrA462 enables ccdB containing plasmid propagation•streptomycin resistant•appears to NOT contain lacI (based on a colony PCR) --Austin Che 16:16, 18 June 2007 (EDT)1. Bernard P and Couturier M. . pmid:1324324. PubMed HubMed[Bernard-JMolBiol-1992]2. Miki T, Park JA, Nagao K, Murayama N, and Horiuchi T. .pmid:1316444. PubMed HubMed[Miki-JMolBiol-1992]All Medline abstracts: PubMed HubMedDH1endA1 recA1 gyrA96 thi-1 glnV44 relA1 hsdR17(r K- m K+) λ-•parent of DH5α•An Hoffman-Berling 1100 strain derivative (Meselson68)•more efficient at transforming large (40-60Kb) plasmids•nalidixic acid resistant•Reference: Meselson M. and Yuan R. (1968) Nature 217:1110 PMID 4868368.DH5αF- endA1 glnV44 thi-1 recA1 relA1 gyrA96 deoR nupG Φ80d lacZΔM15Δ(lacZYA-argF)U169, hsdR17(r K- m K+), λ–•An Hoffman-Berling 1100 strain derivative (Meselson68)•Promega also lists phoA•nalidixic acid resistant•References:o FOCUS (1986) 8:2, 9.o Hanahan, D. (1985) in DNA Cloning: A Practical Approach (Glover, D.M., ed.), Vol. 1, p. 109, IRL Press, McLean, Virginia.o Grant, S.G.N. et al. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87: 4645-4649 PMID 2162051.o Meselson M. and Yuan R. (1968) Nature 217:1110 PMID4868368.DH5α Turbo (NEB)F´ proA+B+ lacI q∆ lacZ M15/ fhuA2 ∆(lac-proAB) glnV galR(zgb-210::Tn10)Tet S endA1 thi-1 ∆(hsdS-mcrB)5•Also known as NEB Turbo•T1 phage resistant•Rapid growth: visible colonies on agar, ~6.5 hours; shaking liquid culture OD 600 = 2.0, ~4 hours•Expresses the Lac repressor•References:o New England Biolabs, product catalogue number C2984HDH10B (Invitrogen)F-endA1 recA1 galE15 galK16 nupG rpsL ΔlacX74 Φ80lacZΔM15 araD139 Δ(ara,leu)7697 mcrA Δ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) λ-•suitable for cloning methylated cytosine or adenine containing DNA •an MC1061 derivative (Casadaban80). Prepare cells for chemical transformation with CCMB80 buffer•blue/white selection•While DH10B has been classically reported to be galU galK, the preliminary genome sequence for DH10B indicates that DH10B (and by their lineage also TOP10 and any other MC1061 derivatives) is actually galE galK galU+. Dcekiert 16:37, 23 January 2008 (CST)•Genome sequence indicates that DH10B is actually deoR+. Presumably TOP10 and MC1061 are also deoR+.•Streptomycin resistant•References:o Casdaban, M. and Cohen, S. (1980) J Mol Biol 138:179 PMID 6997493.o Grant, S.G.N. et al. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:4645-4649 PMID 2162051.o E. coli Genetic Stock Center, MC1061 Recordo DH10B Genome Sequencing Project, Baylor College of Medicineo Complete sequence is available, see Durfee08, PMID 18245285. DH12S (Invitrogen)mcrA Δ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) φ80d lacZΔM15 ΔlacX74 recA1 deoR Δ(ara, leu)7697 araD139 galU galK rpsL F' [proAB+ lacI q ZΔM15]•host for phagemid and M13 vectors•useful for generating genomic libraries containing methylated cytosine or adenine residues•streptomycin resistant•References: Lin, J.J., Smith, M., Jessee, J., and Bloom, F. (1991) FOCUS 13, 96.; Lin, J.J., Smith, M., Jessee, J., and Bloom, F. (1992)BioTechniques 12, 718.DM1 (Invitrogen)F- dam-13::Tn9(Cm R) dcm- mcrB hsdR-M+ gal1 gal2 ara- lac- thr- leu- tonR tsxR Su0•Host for pBR322 and other non-pUC19 plasmids; useful for generating plasmids that can be cleaved with dam and dcm sensitive enzymes •Chloramphenicol resistant•Promega lists as F' not F-•Reference: Lorow-Murray D and Bloom F (1991) Focus 13:20E. cloni(r) 5alpha (Lucigen)fhuA2Δ(argF-lacZ)U169 phoA glnV44 Φ80Δ(lacZ)M15 gyrA96 recA1 relA1 endA1 thi-1 hsdR17•Common cloning strain.E. cloni(r) 10G (Lucigen)F- mcrAΔ(mrr-hsd RMS-mcr BC) end A1 rec A1 Φ80dlac ZΔM15 Δlac X74ara D139 Δ(ara,leu)7697 gal U gal K rps L nup G λ- ton A•Common cloning strain.•Resistant to phage T1.E. cloni(r) 10GF' (Lucigen)[F´pro A+B+ lac IqZΔM15::Tn10 (TetR)] /mcr A Δ(mrr-hsd RMS-mcr BC) end A1 rec A1 Φ80d lac ZΔM15 Δlac X74 ara D139 Δ(ara, leu)7697 gal U gal K rps Lnup Gλ ton A•Strain for cloning and single-strand DNA production.E. coli K12 ER2738 (NEB)F´proA+B+ lacIq Δ(lacZ)M15 zzf::Tn10(TetR)/ fhuA2 glnV Δ(lac-proAB) thi-1 Δ(hsdS-mcrB)5•Phage propagation strain•Also available from Lucigen Corporation.ER2566 (NEB)F- λ- fhuA2 [lon] ompT lacZ::T7 gene 1 gal sulA11 Δ(mcrC-mrr)114::IS10R(mcr-73::miniTn10-TetS)2 R(zgb-210::Tn10)(TetS) endA1 [dcm] •Host strain for the expression of a target gene cloned in the pTYBvectors.•Carry a chromosomal copy of the T7 RNA polymerase gene inserted into lacZ gene and thus under the control of the lac promoter. In theabsence of IPTG induction expression of T7 RNA polymerase issuppressed by the binding of lac I repressor to the lac promoter.•Deficient in both lon and ompT proteases.ER2267 (NEB)F´ proA+B+ lacIq Δ(lacZ)M15 zzf::mini-Tn10 (KanR)/ Δ(argF-lacZ)U169glnV44 e14-(McrA-) rfbD1? recA1 relA1? endA1 spoT1? thi-1Δ(mcrC-mrr)114::IS10•Commonly used for titering M13 phage because of the strain's F' plasmid, which carries KanR, and its slow growth, which promotes easy visualization of plaques.HB101F- mcrB mrr hsdS20(r B- m B-) recA13 leuB6 ara-14 proA2 lacY1 galK2 xyl-5mtl-1 rpsL20(Sm R) glnV44 λ-Please note that different sources have different genotypes so treat this information with caution.•From a GIBCO BRL list of competent cells.•Hybrid of E. coli K12 and E. coli B (but 98% K strain AB266 according to Smith et al.)•Host for pBR322 and many plasmids•Sigma lists the deletion Δ(gpt,proA). Check this.•Promega does not list F-, mcrB, or mrr•Streptomycin resistant•References:o Boyer, H.W. and Roulland-Dussoix, D. (1969) J. Mol. Biol. 41, 459.o Smith, M., Lorow, D., and Jessee, J. (1989) FOCUS 11, 56 - pdf version from Invitrogeno Lacks S and Greenberg JR (1977) J Mol Biol 114:153.HMS174(DE3)F- recA1 hsdR(rK12- mK12+) (DE3) (Rif R)•HMS174 strains provide the recA mutation in a K-12 background. Like BLR, these strains may stabilize certain target genes whose productsmay cause the loss of the DE3 prophage.•DE3 indicates that the host is a lysogen of lDE3, and therefore carries a chromosomal copy of the T7 RNA polymerase gene under control of the lacUV5 promoter. Such strains are suitable for production of proteinfrom target genes cloned in pET vectors by induction with IPTG.High-Control(tm) BL21(DE3) (Lucigen)F– ompT gal dcm hsdS B(r B- m B-) (DE3)/Mini-F lacI q1(Gent r)•The HI-Control BL21(DE3) cells contain a single-copy BAC plasmid harboring a specially engineered version of the lacI q1 repressor allele.The lacI q1 allele expresses ~170-fold more lac repressor protein thanthe wild-type lacI gene.•The increased pool of lac repressor in HI-Control BL21(DE3) cells maintains tight control over the expression of T7 RNA polymerase from the lacUV5 promoter, reducing leaky expression of genes cloned undera T7 promoter.•an E. coli B strain with DE3, a λ prophage carrying the T7 RNA polymerase gene and lacI q•Transformed plasmids containing T7 promoter driven expression are repressed until IPTG induction of T7 RNA polymerase from a lacpromoter.High-Control(tm) 10G (Lucigen)F- mcrAΔ(mrr-hsd RMS-mcr BC) end A1 rec A1 Φ80dlac ZΔM15 Δlac X74ara D139 Δ(ara,leu)7697 gal U gal K rps L nup G λ- ton A/Mini-F lacI q1(Gent r) •The HI-Control 10G cells contain a single-copy BAC plasmid harboringa specially engineered version of the lacI q1 repressor allele. The lacI q1allele expresses ~170-fold more lac repressor protein than the wild-type lacI gene.•For stable cloning of T7 protein expression plasmids.•Resistant to phage T1.IJ1126E. coli K-12 recB21 recC22 sbcA5 endA gal thi Su+ Δ(mcrC-mrr)102::Tn10 See Endy:IJ1126IJ1127IJ1126 lacUV5 lacZ::T7 gene1-KnrSee Endy:IJ1127JM83rpsL ara Δ(lac-proAB) Φ80dlacZΔM15•Sigma lists thi. Check this.•streptomycin resistantJM101glnV44 thi-1 Δ(lac-proAB) F'[lacI q ZΔM15 traD36 proAB+]•host for M13mp vectors•recA+, r K+•original blue/white cloning strain•has all wt restriction systems•References: Messing, J. et al. (1981) Nucleic Acids Res. 9, 309;Yanisch-Perron, C., Vieira, J., and Messing, J. (1985) Gene 33, 103. JM103endA1 glnV44 sbcBC rpsL thi-1 Δ(lac-proAB) F'[traD36 proAB+ lacI qlacZΔM15]•streptomycin resistant•References: Hanahan, D. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 166:557-80.•NEB says this strain encodes a prophage encoded EcoP1 endonuclease.•Sigma lists (P1) (r K-m K+ rP1+ mP1+)JM105endA1 glnV44 sbcB15 rpsL thi-1 Δ(lac-proAB) [F' traD36 proAB+ lacI qlacZΔM15] hsdR4(r K-m K+)•Sigma lists sbcC•streptomycin resistant•References: Yanisch-Perron, C., Vieira, J., and Messing, J. (1985) Gene 33, 103.JM106endA1 glnV44 thi-1 relA1 gyrA96 Δ(lac-proAB) F- hsdR17(r K-m K+) •References: Yanisch-Perron, C., Vieira, J., and Messing, J. (1985) Gene 33, 103.JM107endA1 glnV44 thi-1 relA1 gyrA96 Δ(lac-proAB) [F' traD36 proAB+ lacI qlacZΔM15] hsdR17(R K- m K+) λ-•host for M13mp vectors•recA+, r K+•Sigma lists e14- (McrA-)•nalidixic acid resistant•References: Yanisch-Perron, C., Vieira, J., and Messing, J. (1985) Gene 33, 103.。



Central Rápida Q-7S¡Felicitaciones! Ud. ha adquirido una Central Rápida Q-7SESCANEAR CON CELULAR Características TécnicasTensión de alimentación 220 volts ACPotencia máxima de los accionamientos 1/2 HPVariación de frecuencia entre 10 y 100 HzRampa de arranque y frenadoSalida 12 VCC para alimentar periféricos de 40 mA MÁXIMOProgramación del tiempo de marcha del motorProgramación para acceso peatonalTiempo de pausa para el cierre automático de 15 segundosEntradas mediante opto-acopladores .Contacto de luz de cortesía, máximo 500 W, es una salida de relay libre de potencial, se debe alimentar con una fuente externa Bornera de ConexionesGND +12V LC LA IR ORD COM GANT CERR LUZ MIRÁ EL VIDEO PARAINSTALARLO ENYOUTUBE: GRUPO MOTICPaso 1 Conexión del Motor y Central Paso 2 Conexión de Accesorios OpcionalesFinales de Carrera (Recomendado)Para ello, liberar el eje del motor y abrir y cerrar manualmente el portón, con lo cual:*Se debe encender LdC cuando el portón está cerrado y apagarse cuando se empieza a abrir.** Se debe encender LdA cuando el portón está abierto y apagarse cuando se empieza a cerrar.En el caso en que se enciendan invertidos, invertir los cables LA y LC en la bornera.En caso de que LdA o LdC no enciendan o lo hagan intermitentemente, revise las conexiones y el Barrera Infrarroja (Opcional)Si no se emplea barrera infrarroja, dejar el Jumper "IR"colocado en la placa.Si se emplea barrera infrarroja, retirar el Jumper "IR" dela placa. Si la barrera infrarroja se activa durante el cierre,el motor se detiene y se vuelve a abrir.Electrocerradura (Opcional)Tener en cuenta que la central no permite alimentar unaelectrocerradura, es solo una salida de relay, por lo quese debe alimentar con fuente externa .Dejar el portón entreabierto y cortar la energía. Al habilitar laenergía nuevamente, al dar una orden con el pulsador o control,debe ABRIR. En caso de que CIERRE, invertir el sentido de girodel motor para corregirlo:Motor Trifásico: En caso de sentido de giro incorrecto,intercambiar los cables de motor S y T.Motor Fase Partida: En este caso, R es el común del motor.EN ESTA CENTRAL,¡LOS MOTORES JAMÁS DEBEN LLEVAR CAPACITOR!En caso de sentido de giro incorrecto, intercambiar los cables Sy T T G S M R NF 220VACTIERRA (JABALINA)T G S M R COMÚN N F 220VACTIERRA(JABALINA)GND +12V LC IR LA ORDCOM G ANT LdA LdC GND +12V LC IR LA ORDCOMCERR FUENTE EXTERNA 12V 1ARxProgramación de funciones mediante los dip switchLuz (Opcional)Botón de Orden (Opcional)LUZ LUZ 220V NF+12GND LUZLUZConexión de Led 12VccConexión de Lámpara 220 VAC pulsador NA GND+12V ORD LC LAProgramación de la apertura vehicularEsto le permitirá abrir el portón parcialmente para el paso peatonal por un tiempo de 10 segundos, tras lo cual se cerrará automáticamente, excepto que la barrera infrarroja esté interrumpida.Programación de los Controles Remotos para el Paso Peatonal1.Pulsar el botón T2, se encenderá el led Ld1.Programación de los Tiempos de Recorrido para apertura vehicularProgramación de apertura peatonal1/ BORRAR todos los controles.Mantener pulsar el botón T2por 6 segundos.El LED pr1 destellarávarias veces dando por T1T2LEDPR12/ GRABADO de los controles.Pulsar el botón T2 El LED pr1 quedaráencendido Si quiere grabarmás controlessiga pulsandolos botones delos controles Si terminó vuelva a pulsar el botón T2. El led pr1 se apagaráRecuerde que la electrónica sólo guarda en su memoria 60 electrónica no permite eliminar sólo un botón (eliminaratodos los controles).Pulsar el botón que quieragrabar T1T2T1T2LEDPR1El led PR1destellaráindicando el grabado del boton deseadoa/ Programación del tiempo del recorrido (sin decelere DIP Nº5 ON).Dejar el portón amitad del recorrido El LED pr1 se va a encender y al soltarlo, el portóncomenzará a cerrar Mantener pulsado elbotón T1 por 6”El portón cerraráy comenzará a abrir solo El portón volverá a cerrar dando porel programado T1T2nalizado el procedimiento 1Programación de los Tiempos de Recorrido para el Paso Peatonal CON FINALES DE CARRERAMOTIC Recomienda elegir los siguientes botones en cada control:Paso Total Paso Peatonal6.Ajuste de la velocidad del motorCon esta función, puede ajustar la velocidad del motor a gusto.Para aumentar la velocidad girar VR1 en sentido horario.Para disminuir la velocidad girar VR1 en sentido anti-horario.GND+12V LC LA IR ORD COM G ANT VR1IRPulsar el botón T2 El LED pr1 quedaráencendido Si quiere grabar más controles siga pulsandolos botones delos controles Si terminó suelte el boton T1,y pulse el boton T2.El led Ld1 se apagaráRecuerde que la electrónica sólo guarda en su memoria 60 electrónica no permite eliminar sólo un botón (eliminara todos los controles).Mantener pulsadoel botón T1 T1T2T1T2LED PR1El led PR1destellaráindicando elgrabado delboton deseado T1T2Pulsar el botón que quiera grabar Dejar el portón amitad del recorrido El portón se cierraautomáticamentey naliza la programaciónEl LED pr1 se va a encender y al soltarlo, el portón comenzará a cerrar hasta pisar el límite de cierre, luego abriráMantener pulsar el Antes de que el portón abra por completo,dar una orden con el botón del control remoto grabado donde se quiera iniciar el paso peatonalbotón T1 por 6”T1T2/ Mantenga alejados los controles y cables del alcance de niños y mascotas. El portón podría accionarse accidentalmente o sufrir lesiones./ Siempre corte el suministro eléctrico antes de operar manualmente el portón o realizar tareas de limpieza./ Evite aproximarse o caminar a través del portón. Su activación puede ocasionar accidentes./ Examine con frecuencia la instalación en busca de signos de desgaste o daño en los cables. Póngase en contacto con perso-nal autorizado en caso necesario.La garantía de los elementos o servicios vendidos por Grupo Motic SRL , (en adelante Motic ) aplica solo a los productos La garantía se reduce al reemplazo del producto defectuoso o a la reparación del mismo, dentro de un plazo de 10 días (dependiendo de la existencia de repuestos), a elección de Motic y a su solo criterio, no cubriendo las conse-cuencias ni costos ni daños emergentes ni daños contingentes que hubiera podido provocar o serles atribuidas a la falla.La garantía abarca única y explícitamente desperfectos de fabricación del equipo que no se encuentren relaciona-dos a errores en su aplicación, instalación, su uso en condiciones anormales o condiciones ambientales o meteo-rológicas extremas.La garantía se brinda en las instalaciones técnicas de Motic (su Domicilio Comercial) por lo que los equipos deben-dos o autorizados.Esta Garantía es Limitada y está sujeta a las condiciones y legislación vigente en la República Argentina,Para cualquier solicitud de cobertura de la Garantía, Reparaciones o Repuestos o cuestiones técnicas comunicar-se con Motic en Agüero 449, Teléfono (011) 4730-3222 en Villa Martelli (1603) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Este equipo está diseñado para uso residencial y no comercial, industrial o de alta demanda.Modelo de Equipo:Fecha de Compra: Lugar de Compra:Número de Factura de Compra:Número de Serie:garantíaPlazo de la Garantía para los motorreductores es de 2 (Dos) años a partir de la fecha de la factura. Las Controladoras electrónicas tienen 1 (Uno) año de garantía, los controles remotos 6 (Seis) meses, las pilas y otros consumibles no tienen garantía.。



Selection Guide Fiber Cleaning Tips and Adapters FCLT-U12-MA FCLT-U12X FCLT-U25CleanBlast Tip for SC Bulkheadssupport both PC/UPC and APC polish types with the same tip. Some of the tips are also used in conjunction with a guide, as shown in the images below.Manufacturer: Product Name:VIAVI CLEANBLAST MT BULKHEAD TIP SC SC FCLT-SCX CleanBlast Tip for SC Bulkheads, HardenedE2000CleanBlast Tip for FC BulkheadsCleanBlast Tip for LC BulkheadsCleanBlast Tip for LC Bulkheads, AngledCleanBlast Tip for MU BulkheadsCleanBlast Tip for MPX BulkheadsCleanBlast Tip for MT Ferrule Bulkheads(unconnectorized)SCALE FCLT-MTP CleanBlast Tip for MPO BulkheadsCleanBlast Adapter for MT Ferrule(unconnectorized)Note: Requires FCLT-MTPCleanBlast Tip for MPO Bulkheads, AngledVIAVI CLEANBLAST MT BULKHEAD TIP Manufacturer Part Number: T-MTP-MA Ribbon T-HMFOC-P Ribbon CleanBlast Tip for HMFOC Drop T erminal Ports T-HMFOC-R Ribbon FCLT-HMFOC-R CleanBlast Tip for HMFOC Drop T erminal PortsFCLT-EXBEAM-1CleanBlast Tip for FibrecaST Jr/Sr Expanded Beam SCALE 2:1FBPT-BAP3-125CleanBlast Tip for BAP3 GuidesCleanBlast Tip for BAP4 GuidesFCLT-C130CleanBlast Tip for C130CleanBlast Tip for 29504/14 and 29504/15 T Note: Cleans Both Pins and SocketsCleanBlast Tip for 29504/4 and 29504/5 T Note: Cleans Both Pins and SocketsManufacturer: Product Name: VIAVI CLEANBLAST MT BULKHEAD TIP © 2020 VIAVI Solutions Inc. Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. T-MIL2-A6Mil/Aero Angled 60 DegreesNote: Cleans Both Pins and Sockets T-MIL2-CPA Mil/Aero CleanBlast Tip for Use with Glenair T estCleanBlast Tip for 1.25mm LuxCis T erminiNote: Cleans Both Pins and SocketsCleanBlast Tip for 38999 with MT FerrulesNote: Requires FBPT-MT999 GuidesCleanBlast Tip for Radiall Quadrax Size 8 -CleanBlast Tip for Radiall Quadrax Size 8 -CleanBlast Tip for TFOCA-II Connectors(includes Guide)or call 1-844-Go VIAVI (+1-844-468-4284).。



国内外氯醋树脂牌号及指标一. 韩国韩华:1. 二元氯醋树脂技术指标2. 应用CP-427:用于涂料、油墨、粘合剂。

CP-430:粘接剂,打印用油墨,工业涂料,Over Lacquers漆。










)3.韩国韩华三元氯醋树脂TP-400M三元氯醋树脂TP-400M性质参考产品技术规格:型号 TP-400mK值 49.5聚合度 400粘数ml/g 53-57醋酸乙烯含量% 14左右马来酸含量% 约1%氯含量 50±1挥发物(含水份)% <1.0颗粒尺寸mm <0.5堆积密度g/ml >0.6玻璃化温度Tg (℃) 76产品性能:TP-400m 三元氯醋树脂是含有羧基的热塑性树脂,故对金属特别对金属铝有优越的粘着性,对PVC制品、纸、纤维、玻璃、砖瓦水泥、木材等也有优良的粘着性。





Fluke i6000s Flex AC Current Probe 说明书

Fluke i6000s Flex AC Current Probe 说明书

®i6000s FlexAC Current ProbeHoja de instrucciones IntroducciónLas sondas de corriente de CA i6000s 24 Flex e i6000s 36 Flex (en adelante, “las sondas”) se utilizan con osciloscopios,multímetros digitales, grabadoras o registradores de datos. Las sondas pueden usarse para medir corriente de CA hasta 6000 A.La cabeza de medición flexible permite realizar mediciones de corriente en conductores difíciles de alcanzar o que resultan inaccesibles usando las típicas sondas de pinzas.Las sondas proporcionan una salida de baja tensión (3 V CA)que es proporcional a la corriente que se está midiendo. Las sondas proporcionan lecturas directas de escala completa para60 A, 600 A y 6000 A.SímbolosLa tabla siguiente muestra los símbolos usados en el producto oen este manual.Símbolo Descripción ~No se deshaga de este producto como un residuonormal utilizando los servicios municipales. Visite el sitioWeb de Fluke para conocer información sobre elreciclado.W Información importante. Consulte el manual.X Voltaje peligroso. Peligro de descarga eléctrica.T Aislamiento doble y reforzado.-No aplicar alrededor de o quitar de los conductoresGARGADOS PELIGROSOS.P Cumple las normas estándar europeas.>Se adapta a las normas de Underwriters’ Laboratory, Inc.;Cumple con las normas australianas.PN 2842359June 2007 (Spanish)©2007 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in China.Instrucciones de seguridadEn esta hoja de instrucciones, una Advertencia identifica las situaciones y acciones que suponen peligro para el usuario. Una Precaución identifica situaciones y acciones que pueden causar daños en el calibrador o en los instrumentos de prueba.WX AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones físicas:•Si las sondas se utilizan de una manera noespecificada en estas instrucciones de uso,podría verse afectada la protección provista porlas sondas.•Utilice las sondas solamente si está calificadopara hacerlo.•Tenga cuidado durante la instalación y el uso delas sondas; puede haber altas tensiones ycorrientes presentes en el circuito bajo prueba.•Proteja las sondas contra el agua y la humedad.•Use ropa de protección y guantes, según seanecesario.•No instale este producto en conductorescargados. Desenergice siempre el circuito enpruebas antes de instalar la cabeza de mediciónflexible.•Inspeccione siempre la unidad electrónica, elcable de conexión y la cabeza de mediciónflexible para comprobar si tienen daños antes deusar la sonda.•No utilice la sonda si está dañada.•Conecte siempre la sonda a la pantalla antes deinstalar la cabeza de medición flexible.•Nunca cambie las baterías con la cabeza demedición instalada en el conductor.•Nunca conecte o desconecte la fuente dealimentación externa con la cabeza de medicióninstalada en un conductor.•Use sólo originales o los accesoriosespecificados.•Utilice la sonda de corriente sólo siguiendo lasespecificaciones de las instrucciones defuncionamiento; en caso contrario, puede quelas funciones de seguridad dela sonda de corriente no le protejan.•Siga los códigos de seguridad localesy nacionales. En lugares donde hayaconductores energizados expuestos,se debe utilizar equipo de protección individualpara evitar lesiones por descargas eléctricas yarcos.•Un equipo CAT III está diseñado para protegercontra corrientes transitorias en los equiposempleados en instalaciones de equipo fijo, talescomo los paneles de distribución, alimentadores,circuitos de ramales cortos y los sistemas deiluminación de grandes edificios.EspecificacionesCaracterísticas eléctricasRangos de corriente 60 A / 600 A / 6000 A CA rms Sensibilidad de salida(acoplada a CA) 50 mV / 5 mV / 0,5 mV por A Impedancia de carga 100 kΩ como mínimo Exactitud (a 25 ºC) ± 1 % del rango (45 Hz – 65 Hz) Linealidad(10 % a 100 % del rango) ± 0,2 % de la lecturaRuido 8 mV CA rms (60 A)2 mV CA rms (600/6000 A) Rango de frecuencia 10 Hz a 50 kHz (-3 dB)Error de fase <± 1° (45 Hz – 65 Hz),± 10° (a 20 kHz)Sensibilidad de laposición(con cable > 25 mmdesde el acoplamiento)± 2 % del rangoCampo externo(con cable > 200 mmdesde el cabezal)± 1 % del rangoAlimentación de energía 2 x AA MN 1500 LR6 alcalina 400 horas, indicador de batería con poca carga o suministroeléctrico externo dedicadoCoeficiente detemperatura ± 0,08 % de la lectura por °C Voltaje de trabajo 600 V CA rms o CCCaracterísticas generalesLongitud del cable del cabezal (con aislamiento doble) 610 mm (24 pulg.) i6000s Flex-24 915 mm (36 pulg.) i6000s Flex-36Diámetro delcable 14,3 mm (0,562 pulg)Radio de flexión 38,1 mm (1,5 pulg)Longitud del cable 2 m de largo (78,7 pulg) (cabezal acomponentes electrónicos)Conexión de salida 0,5 m de cable terminado con conector BNC de seguridad suministrado con un adaptador de enchufe de seguridad de 4 mmTemperatura de operación -20 °C a +90 °C (-4 °F a 194 °F) (cabezal)-20 °C a +85 °C (-4 °F a 185 °F) (componentes electrónicos)Temperatura de almacenamiento -40 °C a +105 °C (-40 °F a 221 °F) (cabezal)-20 °C a +85 °C (-4 °F a 185 °F) (componentes electrónicos)Humedad deoperación 15 % a 85 % (sin condensación)Peso 180 g (cabezal), 190 g (componenteselectrónicos)Normas de seguridadEN 61010-1: 2001EN 61010-2-032: 2002EN 61010-031: 2002600 V rms Categoría III, Grado de contaminación 2.El uso de las sondas en conductores no aislados está limitado a 600 V CA rms o CC y a frecuencias por debajo de 1 kHz. Normas EMCEN 61326: 1998 +A1, A2 y A3Instrucciones de funcionamientoA Cabeza de mediciónB Acoplamiento de la cabeza de mediciónC Cable de salida de la cabezaD CajaE Encendido/Selector de rangoF Indicador de batería bajaG Indicador de encendidoH Cable de salidaI Conector BNC de seguridadJ Entrada de la fuente de alimentación externaInstalación de las bateríasXW AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones físicas:•Retire la sonda de los circuitos energizados antes de abrir la puerta de la batería.•Nunca ponga en funcionamiento la unidad sin lacubierta de la batería instalada.La sonda requiere dos baterías alcalinas AA/MN1500/LR6 para su correcto funcionamiento. Se accede al compartimiento de las baterías desde el extremo posterior de la caja de componentes electrónicos.Las baterías deben reemplazarse cuando el LED esté encendido de forma continua o cuando no se encienda. Compruebe que la sonda esté siempre alejada de los conductores cargados con corriente y que la salida esté desconectada de otros equipos. Para instalar la batería:1.Utilice una moneda o herramienta similar para girar lacubierta de la batería (¼ de vuelta) hasta que el puntoquede alineado con el símbolo de desbloqueo.2.Retire la cubierta de la batería.3.Instale las baterías asegurándose de que la polaridades correcta.4.Reemplace la cubierta de la batería y gire el cierrehasta que el punto se alinee con el símbolo de cierre. Fuente de alimentación externaHay disponible una fuente de alimentación externa opcional clase II en Fluke. La fuente de alimentación se ha diseñado para asegurar que la sonda cumple las normas de seguridad especificadas. Se recomienda no usar una fuente dealimentación de otro proveedor.XW AdvertenciaPara evitar las descargas eléctricas o las lesiones, retire lasonda y todas las demás conexiones de los circuitosenergizados antes de conectar el suministro eléctricoexterno al instrumento.Medición de corrienteXW Advertencia•Para evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones, lea lasinstrucciones de seguridad antes de manejar esteproducto•Compruebe que los conductores que se van acomprobar están desenergizadosPara medir corriente:1.Conecte la salida de los sistemas electrónicos a laentrada de un osciloscopio u otro dispositivo degrabación de datos.XW AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones, las sondas decorriente flexibles no deben usarse en conductores quetengan un potencial mayor de 600 V.2.Enrolle la cabeza de medición flexible alrededor delconductor que vaya a comprobar de forma que quedeperfectamente acoplada.3.Energice el circuito en pruebas.4.Para obtener una medición más exacta, centre lacabeza flexible alrededor del conductor.5.Coloque el acoplamiento lejos de losconductores cercanos.WX AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones:•No utilice las sondas de corriente flexibles para medir conductores sin aislamiento a menos que estéusando vestimenta de protección apropiada para eltrabajo a alta tensión.•Utilice siempre el equipo apropiado de protecciónpersonal. Cuando se instale en conductores o barrasde distribución sin aislante, el producto debe estardentro de una caja adecuada.FuncionamientoPara activar la unidad, mueva el conmutador de la posición de apagado al rango de medición que requiera. Si se desconoce el valor de la corriente que se está midiendo, seleccione el rango de corriente de 6000 A y luego reduzca según corresponda. Estado de la bateríaEl estado de la batería aparece indicado mediante un LED en la parte delantera de las sondas. Este LED parpadea una vez cuando se enciende la unidad. La duración de cada parpadeo aumentará a medida que se reduce la duración de la batería. Un encendido momentáneo del LED indica que las baterías están en buen estado de carga. Si se enciende de forma continua, indica que la batería está descargada y requiere un cambiocuanto antes. Si no se enciende, indica que las baterías están gastadas y requieren un cambio inmediatamente. MantenimientoWX AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones, no utilice lasonda si está dañada.•No utilice las sondas si están dañadas.•Siempre inspeccione la unidad de componenteselectrónicos, el cable de conexión y el cabezal demedición flexible en busca de daños, antes deusarlos.•Para evitar las descargas eléctricas, mantenga lassondas limpias y libres de contaminación desuperficie.Utilice alcohol isopropílico para limpiar la unidad de control y el cabezal de medición. Asegúrese de que el cabezal de medición flexible, el cable de conexión y la caja de componenteselectrónicos estén secos antes de continuar usándolos. GARANTÍA LIMITADA Y LIMITACIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDADEste producto de Fluke estará libre de defectos en los materiales y en la mano de obra durante un año a partir de la fecha de adquisición. Esta garantía no incluye fusibles, baterías desechables ni daños por accidente, negligencia, mala utilización, modificación, contaminación o condiciones anómalas de funcionamiento o manipulación. Los distribuidores no están autorizados a extender ninguna otra garantía en nombre de Fluke. Para obtener servicio de garantía, póngase en contacto con el centro de servicio autorizado por Fluke más cercano para obtener información sobre autorización de devoluciones, y envíe el producto a dicho centro de servicio con una descripción del problema.ESTA GARANTÍA CONSTITUYE SU ÚNICO RESARCIMIENTO. NO SE EXTIENDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTÍA, EXPRESA O IMPLÍCITA, TAL COMO LA GARANTÍA DE IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPÓSITO DETERMINADO. FLUKE NO SE RESPONSA-BILIZA POR PÉRDIDAS NI DAÑOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, IMPREVISTOS O CONTINGENTES QUE SURJAN DE CUALQUIER TIPO DE CAUSA O TEORÍA. Debido a que ciertos estados o países no permiten la exclusión o limitación de una garantía implícita o de los daños contingentes o resultantes,esta limitación de responsabilidad puede no regir para usted.Fluke CorporationP.O. Box 9090 Everett, WA 98206-9090 EE.UU. Fluke Europe B.V. P.O. Box 1186 5602 BD Eindhoven Países Bajos。



Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 1:2MDBP525256JA20DCPP15040890744429002CSMDBP525256JA20DCPP15040 890744429002CSMDBP525256JA20DCPP15040 890744429002CSMDBP525256JA20DCPP15040 890744429002CST e m p e r a t u r eT T T MDBP525256JA20DCPP15040890744429002CSCautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of Film Capacitors of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for a written approval (following the certain PPAP level procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in the field such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •Direct mechanical impact to the product shall be prevented as material of the body, pins or termination could flake or in the worst case it could break.•Avoid any water or heavy dust on capacitors surface, which may cause electrical leakage, damage, overheating or corrosion.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristic, beyond Würth Elektronik specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of his or her own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.•The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the body, pins or termination may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not apply any kind of flexural or compressive force onto soldered or unsoldered component.•The capacitance tolerance as specified within the datasheet is only valid on the date of delivery and according specified measurement criteria.Product specificStorage conditions• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components into direct sunlight.•The storage condition in the original packaging is defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The environment in which the capacitors are operated and stored has to have atmospheric characteristics and must be free of dew condensation and toxic gases (e.g. chlorine, ammonia, sulfur, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen sulfate).•Do not expose the capacitor to environments with hazardous gas, ozone, ultraviolet rays or any kind of radiation. Avoid any contact of the capacitor with direct sunshine, saltwater, spray of water or types of oil during storage. •The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Operating climatic conditions•Do not exceed the lower nor the upper specified temperature under no circumstances.•Do not use the capacitors under high humidity, high temperature or under high or low atmospheric pressure which may affect capacitors reliability.•Surface temperature including self-heating must be kept below the maximum operating temperature.Operating load conditions•Due to self-heating the reliability of the capacitor may be reduced, if high frequency AC or pulse is applied.•Consider carefully possible specific changes of electrical characteristics like capacitance over temperature, voltage and time as well as the specific performance over frequency for the actual use conditions.•Avoid any overvoltage and do not apply a continuous overvoltage. If an overvoltage is applied to the capacitor, the leakage current can increase drastically. The applied working voltage is not allowed to exceed the rated working voltage of the specific capacitor.•If film capacitors with safety approvals are operated with a DC voltage exceeding the specified AC voltage, the approvals given on the basis of IEC 60384-14 are no longer valid.•For the WCAP-FTDB film capacitor the maximum peak voltage Vpeak+ shall not be greater than the rated voltage VR according to the temperature derating of the rated voltage VR. The peak-to-peak value of the ripple voltage Vp-p should not be greater than 0.3*VR according to the temperature derating of the rated voltage VR. The rated voltage of the capacitor may need to be reduced for different operating temperatures. See voltage derating curve within this datasheet.Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Soldering•The solder profile must comply with the Würth Elektronik technical soldering specification. All other profiles will void the warranty. •All other soldering methods are at the customer’s own risk.•Strong forces which may affect the coplanarity of the component’s electrical connection with the PCB (i.e. pins), can damage the part, resulting in void of the warranty.•Customer needs to ensure that the applied solder paste, the paste thickness and solder conditions are enough to guarantee a sufficient solder result according to the relevant criteria of IPC-A-610.•Excessive amount of solder may lead to higher tensile force and chip cracking. Insufficient amount of solder may detach the capacitor due to defective contacts.•Do not use excessive nor insufficient flux.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODFPu001.0002022-10-13DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTDB DC-Link Capacitor MDBP525256JA20DCPP15040ORDER CODE890744429002CSSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGECleaning•Do not use any other cleaning solvents for box-typed capacitors except: ethanol, isopropanol, n-propanol - water mixtures. After cleaning a drying process with temperatures not exceeding 65°C and not longer than 4 hours is mandatory to prevent any kind of electrical damage.Coating, molding and potting of the PCB•If the product is potted in the costumer’s application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the body and termination. Expansion could damage the body or termination. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.•If final assemblies will be placed completely in any plastic resin, physical, chemical and thermal influences must be considered. •When coating and molding the PCB, verify the quality influence on the capacitor.•Verify the curing temperature and assure that there is no harmful decomposing or reaction gas emission during curing. •Do not exceed the specified max. self-heating.Vibration resistance•Do not exceed the vibration limits given by IEC60068-2-6.Handling•After soldering, please pay attention not to bend, twist or distort the PCB in handling and storage. •Avoid excessive pressure during the functional check of the PCB. •Avoid bending stress while breaking the PCB.•WCAP-FTXX and WCAP-FTX2 capacitors are not designed and not recommended to be used in series connection to the mains. •The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.Flammability•Avoid any external energy or open fire (passive flammability).These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.(V2.2)Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG EMC & Inductive Solutions Max-Eyth-Str. 174638 Waldenburg GermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCEPROJECTION METHODFPu001.0002022-10-13DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONTECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTDB DC-Link CapacitorMDBP525256JA20DCPP15040ORDER CODE890744429002CSSIZE/TYPEBUSINESS UNITSTATUSPAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODFPu001.0002022-10-13DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTDB DC-Link Capacitor MDBP525256JA20DCPP15040ORDER CODE890744429002CSSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。

Mepsevii (vestronidase alfa-vjbk) 产品说明书

Mepsevii (vestronidase alfa-vjbk) 产品说明书

Mepsevii® (vestronidase alfa-vjbk)(Intravenous)Document Number: IC-0346 Last Review Date: 03/31/2023Date of Origin: 12/12/2017Dates Reviewed: 12/2017, 10/2018, 02/2019, 02/2020, 02/2021, 02/2022, 02/2023, 04/2023I.Length of AuthorizationCoverage will be provided for 12 months and may be renewed.II.Dosing LimitsA.Quantity Limit (max daily dose) [NDC Unit]:•Mepsevii 10 mg/5 mL vial: 46 vials per 14 daysB.Max Units (per dose and over time) [HCPCS Unit]:•460 billable units (460 mg) every 14 daysIII.Initial Approval Criteria 1Coverage is provided in the following conditions:•Patient is at least 5 months of age; AND•Documented baseline age-appropriate values for one or more of the following have been obtained: 6-minute walk test (6-MWT), motor function [i.e., Bruininks-Oseretsky Test ofMotor Proficiency (BOT-2)], liver and/or spleen volume, urinary excretion ofglycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate, skeletalinvolvement (i.e. Z-score), pulmonary function tests, shoulder flexion, visual acuity, etc.;AND**NOTE: For very young patients in which FVC or 6-MWT are not suitable for measuring, requests will be reviewed on a case-by case basis.Universal Criteria 1•Therapy is being used to treat non-central nervous system manifestations of mucopolysaccharidosis VII (MPS VII); AND•Patient has a definitive diagnosis of MPS VII as confirmed by BOTH of the following:Mucopolysaccharidosis VII (MPS VII; Sly Syndrome) † Ф 1,2o Beta-glucuronidase enzyme deficiency in peripheral blood leukocytes; ANDo Detection of pathogenic mutations in the GUSB gene by molecular genetic testing † FDA-approved indication(s); ‡ Compendia recommended indication(s); Ф Orphan Drug IV.Renewal Criteria 1,2Coverage may be renewed based on the following criteria:•Patient continues to meet the universal and other indication-specific relevant criteria such as concomitant therapy requirements (not including prerequisite therapy), performancestatus, etc.identified in section III; AND•Absence of unacceptable toxicity from the drug. Examples of unacceptable toxicity include: anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions, etc.; AND•Patient has demonstrated a beneficial response to therapy compared to pretreatment age-appropriate baseline values in one or more of the following:o Stability or improvement in 6-MWT, shoulder flexion, visual acuity, and/or other motor functionso Reduction in liver and/or spleen volumeo Reduction in urinary excretion of GAGso Stability of skeletal disease (i.e. improvement in Z-score)o Stability or improvement in pulmonary function tests, etc.V.Dosage/Administration 1VI.Billing Code/Availability InformationHCPCS Code:•J3397 − Injection, vestronidase alfa-vjbk, 1 mg: 1 billable unit = 1 mgNDC:•Mepsevii 10 mg/5 mL single-dose vial: 69794-0001-xxVII.References1.Mepsevii [package insert]. Novato, CA; Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc.; December 2020.Accessed March 2023.2.Montaño AM, Lock-Hock N, Steiner RD, et al. Clinical course of sly syndrome(mucopolysaccharidosis type VII). J Med Genet. 2016 Jun;53(6):403-18.3.Harmatz P, Whitley CB, Wang RY, et al. A novel, randomized, placebo-controlled, blind-start, single-crossover phase 3 study to assess the efficacy and safety of UX003 (rhGUS)enzyme replacement therapy in patients with MPS VII. Mol Genet Metab. 2017;120:S63.4.Qi Y, McKeever K, Taylor J, et al. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling toOptimize the Dose of Vestronidase Alfa, an Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Treatment ofPatients with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VII: Results from Three Trials. ClinPharmacokinet. 2019 May;58(5):673-683. doi: 10.1007/s40262-018-0721-y.Appendix 1 – Covered Diagnosis CodesAppendix 2 – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Medicare coverage for outpatient (Part B) drugs is outlined in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Pub. 100-2), Chapter 15, §50 Drugs and Biologicals. In addition, National Coverage Determination (NCD), Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), and Local Coverage Articles may exist and compliance with these policies is required where applicable. They can be found at: https:///medicare-coverage-database/search.aspx. Additional indications may be covered at the discretion of the health plan.Medicare Part B Covered Diagnosis Codes (applicable to existing NCD/LCD/LCA): N/A。

Festo MS6-SV-1 2-E-ASIS-AG 软启动 快放量阀门数据手册说明书

Festo MS6-SV-1 2-E-ASIS-AG 软启动 快放量阀门数据手册说明书
Assembly position Product weight Pneumatic connection, port 1 Pneumatic connection, port 2 Pneumatic connection, port 3 Electrical connection Product ID
Operating medium Note on operating and pilot medium
Corrosion resistance classification CRC Materials note Protection class
Medium temperature Ambient temperature Storage temperature
Vendor ID AS-interface Device ID AS-interface Fieldbus interface
Device-specific diagnostics
DC operating voltage, AS interface Addressing range LED displays
soft-start/quick exhaust valve MS6-SV-1/2-E-ASIS-AG
Part number: 8001480
Data sheet
Feature Series Size Grid dimension Safety function
Safety Integrity Level (SIL)
Operating presቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱure Pressure gauge C value b value Standard nominal flow rate Standard flow rate for exhaust 6->0 bar Max. switching frequency Switching time off Switching time on Duty cycle Signal status display
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Grid codes
Grid Compliance and how Vestas turbines can meet the new grid Code demands
By Michael Rasmussen
Transmission Gult Ride Through • Maintain operation of the turbine during a fault on the grid • Frequency range • Operate the turbine from 47-52 Hz • Frequency control • Control of the active power during frequency variations • Ramp rate control • Limit the power increase to a certain rate • Reactive power range • Supply/consume reactive power • Voltage Control • By adjusting the reactive power based on grid measurement
Fault Ride Through requirement
Frequency control
• Frequency

Frequency Control Operating between 47 and 52 Hz
Frequency control requirement
100 Generation Output (% Available / Curtailed Active Power)
Voltage control
V80-2,0 MW capability chart
V80-2,0 MW reactive capability chart
1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 0 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 1000 kVAr delta limit kW -500 kVAr star limit 100 200 300 Cosphi 0,2 limit 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Cosphi 0,2 limit 500 kVAr star limit Cosphi 0,98 1000 kVAr delta limit
V80-2,0 MW Frequency measurement
Power Ramp Rate Control
• Power Ramp Rate Control
• by VestasOnline for the wind farm
Power limited to e.g. 25 MW/min
Reactive Power Control
• Reactive Power Capability
• • • Constant kVAr set point Power factor control Voltage control
Reactive Power Control
Constant KVAr set point
Constant PF control
0 47 48 49
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency control
Characteristics and options Over frequency ∆Pfreq Under frequency
Max contribution at under Frequency
Gain dependant of increasing or decreasing frequency f Max contribution at over frequency
Gain dependant of increasing or decreasing over frequency
Dead band
Delta control for Frequency control
• Delta control is used at under frequency support
V80-2,0 MW Frequency measurement
• • Step change in the frequency from 50 Hz to 51 Hz The turbine is decreasing the active power by 50 kW/s
Cosphi 0,96
Reactive power control
Characteristic of voltage control
Capacitive operation
Inductive operation
Voltage Dead band
Power factor
Regulation band
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