frontier heritage




Chapter One: Understanding the Culture of the United States1. Who established the dominant American culture?Immigrants, most immigrants were from northern Europe, and the majority were from England. Their values and traditions became the dominant, traditional culture of the United States.Chapter Two: Traditional American Values and Beliefs2. What are the six traditional American values and beliefs?Individual freedom and self-reliance,equality of opportunity and competition,material wealth and hard work。

Chapter Three: The American Religious Heritage3. What is the most important heritage of Protestantism in the United States?Self-improvement(p54)。

Material success,hard work。


Volunteerism and humanitarianism(人道主义)Chapter Three: The American Religious Heritage4. What is the “Protestant work ethic” according to our textbook?The belief in hard work and self-discipline in pursuit of material gain and other goals is often referred to as …the Protestant work ethic‟.(p55 13)Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage5. What does "frontier" refer to in American history?American macho heroes. Inventiveness and the can-do spirit.Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage6. What are the two new values derived from the American frontier?Inventiveness and the can-do spirit. (p77)Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage7. Why did the sale of guns rise after 9/11?How Americans reacted to 911 reveals another legacy of the frontier: Americans‟ willingness to take the law into their own hands to protect themselves and their families. This tendency usually appears when Americans believe the police cannot adequately protect them.Chapter Six: The World of American Business8. Which values are reinforced(加强) in the American business?Individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work.Chapter Seven: Government and Politics in the United States9. What are the three branches of the American government? What are their powers respectively?(p142)Congress is the legislative or lawmaking branch of the government.The president, or chief executive, heads the executive branch, which has responsibility to carry out the laws.The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the judicial branch. The judicial branch settles disputes about the exact meaning of the law through court cases.Chapter Nine: Education in the United States10. Could you explain the sentence “American universities look for well-rounded students when they admit”?(p195)Grades in high school courses and scores on tests like the sat are very important, but so are the students‟extracurricular activities. It is by participating in these activities that students demonstrate their special talents, their level of maturity and responsibility, their leadership qualities, and their ability to get along with others.。



The classification of Chinese classical poetry
Chinese classical poetry has many forms , such as lyric poem (抒情诗) ; farewell poem (送别诗); narrative poem (叙事诗); frontier fortress poem( 边塞诗) ; pastoral poem (田园诗); allegorical poem (讽喻诗 ), etc .
The rise of modern poetry
Today , Chinese classical poetry has been replaced by modern poetry , Due to the developed society and the fast pace of life , we lose the time and mood to enjoy nature and life . Let‘s share a passage expressed in different ways
lyric poem :日暮征帆何处泊?天涯一望断人肠——孟浩然
farewell poem :海内存知己,天涯若比邻——王勃
frontier fortress poem :醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回。
pastoral poem:采菊东篱下,悠然县南山——陶渊明
English translation of Chinese classical poetry
莫锦山闲桃泪人春 ,书盟池花痕空如 莫难虽阁落红瘦旧 ,托在,,浥,, 莫。, 鲛 ! 绡 透 。
错几一欢东满黄红 ,年怀情风城籘酥 错离愁薄恶春酒手 ,索绪,,色,, 错。, 宫 ! 墙 柳 。



非物质文化遗产数字化研究述评一、本文概述Overview of this article非物质文化遗产(Intangible Cultural Heritage,简称ICH)作为人类文明的活态传承,承载着民族的历史记忆、文化基因和精神标识。







Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), as the living inheritance of human civilization, carries the historicalmemory, cultural genes, and spiritual symbols of the nation. With the rapid development of technology, the digital protection and research of intangible cultural heritage has become a hot topic and frontier in the current field of cultural heritage protection. This article aims to systematically review the current status, progress, and trends of digital research on intangible cultural heritage. Through a review and analysis of relevant literature, it aims to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the digital protection of intangible cultural heritage. This article first defines the concept and connotation of digitalization of intangible cultural heritage, and elaborates on the important role and significance of digitalization in the protection of intangible cultural heritage. Subsequently, a comprehensive review was conducted on the current status of digital research on intangible cultural heritage from the perspectives of digital technology, digital platforms, and digital applications. On this basis, this article further analyzes the problems and challenges in the digital research of intangible culturalheritage, and proposes corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. Looking forward to the future development trend of digital research on intangible cultural heritage, in order to provide reference and inspiration for promoting the digital protection and development of intangible cultural heritage.二、非物质文化遗产数字化的理论基础Theoretical basis for digitization of intangible cultural heritage非物质文化遗产数字化的理论基础主要源自于文化学、信息学、传播学、计算机科学等多个学科领域。



英美文学名词解释1. Allegory: A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. An allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.寓言:用诗歌或散文讲的故事,在这个故事中人物、事件或背景往往代表抽象的概念或道德品质。


2.Alliteration: The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry.头韵:诗歌中单词开头读音的重复。

3.Allusion:A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to. An allusion may be drawn from history, geography, literature, or religion.典故:文学作品中作家希望读者能够认识或做出反应的一个人物、地点、事件或文学作品。


4. American Naturalism: American naturalism was a new and harsher realism. American naturalism had been shaped by the war; by the social upheavals that undermined the comforting faith of an earlier age. America’s literary naturalists dismissed the validity of comforting moral truths. They attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were determined by their environment and heredity. In presenting the extremes of life, the naturalists sometimes displayed an affinity to the sensationalism of early romanticism, but unlike their romantic predecessors, the naturalists emphasized that the world was amoral, that men and women had no free will, that lives were controlled by heredity and environment, that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and oblivion in death. Although naturalist literature described the world with sometimes brutal realism, it sometimes also aimed at bettering the world through social reform.美国自然主义:美国自然主义是一种新的、更具批判性的现实主义。



20220733720【一带一路】“一带一路”倡议下连云港国际枢纽海港建设研究陈昱冰1 许 凌2(1.杭州师范大学, 浙江 杭州 311121;2.苏州经贸职业技术学院, 江苏 苏州 215012)[摘 要] 随着“一带一路”倡议的不断深化,身处亚欧大陆桥东起点的连云港被称为东方桥头堡,列入11个国际枢纽海港之一,东西开放格局和交点地位对连云港的国际物流建设提出了更高要求。



[关键词]管理工程;“一带一路”; 连云港; 港口; 物流;[中图分类号] F74 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-3283(2022)07-0020-05Research on the Construction of Lianyungang International Hub Portunder the Belt and Road InitiativeChen Yubing 1 Xu Ling 2(1.Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou Zhejiang 311121;2.Suzhou Institute of Trade & Commerce, Suzhou Jiangsu 215012 )Abstract: With the deepening of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, Lianyungang,located at the eastern starting point of the Eurasian Land Bridge,is known as the Eastern bridgehead and listed as one of the 11 international hub seaports. The east-west opening-up pattern and the position of intersection place higher requirements on the international logistics construction of Lianyungang Port. In this paper,literature review method is adopted to first describe the important positioning of Lianyungang in the “Belt and Road” Initiative and the status quo of the port. Secondly, through analyzing the existing statistical data and comparing the data of other hub seaports,this paper explores the problems,corresponding causes and future improvement space of Lianyungang in the five aspects of hinterland economic level,port infrastructure,inland waterway,route density and collaborative service level. Finally,the paper from port construction, distribution capacity,logistics service level and other aspects,combined with the existing problems put forward corresponding countermeasures.Key Words: Management Engineering; Belt And Road; Lianyungang Port; Logistics 一、连云港在“一带一路”倡议中的重要地位“一带一路”沿用古代丝绸之路文明符号,与沿线国家积极展开经济、文化交流,实现政治互信、繁荣共通。



·frontier· n. ['frʌntɪə] ( frontiers )··双解释义· C 1. 边界,边境 the edge of the land of one country· S 2. 开发地区的边缘,边远地区 the border between settled and wild country· P 3. 尚待开发的领域 a border between what is known and what is unknown ·词汇搭配动词+~close a frontier 关闭边境~+介词the frontier between 在…之间的界线have frontiers with 与…接壤·句型例句There have been large-scale military manoeuvres on the frontier.边境地区曾有过大规模的军事演习。

Areas near the frontier were rough and lawless in the old days .过去边远地区混乱不堪,而且没有法律。

They are highly interested in the frontiers of science.他们对于科学的新领域有浓厚的兴趣。

·补充资料[词源]<古法语frontier(边境,国境)·frontier· n. ['frʌntɪə] ( frontiers )··双解释义· C 1. 边界,边境 the edge of the land of one country· S 2. 开发地区的边缘,边远地区 the border between settled and wild country · P 3. 尚待开发的领域 a border between what is known and what is unknown ·词汇搭配动词+~close a frontier 关闭边境~+介词the frontier between 在…之间的界线have frontiers with 与…接壤·句型例句There have been large-scale military manoeuvres on the frontier.边境地区曾有过大规模的军事演习。



From W orld Book ?2002 World Book, I nc., 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601. All rights reserv ed. World Book map
The motivations for people moving westward
People rush off to California
In 1849, 80,000 men arrived in California. Only half were Americans; The rest came from Britain, Australia, Germany, France, Latin America, and China. Sailors jumped ship; husbands left wives; apprentices ran away from their masters; farmers and business people deserted their livelihoods. The population of San Francisco, which stood at 459 in the summer of 1847, reached 20, 000 within a few months.
Gold rush
when one thinks of the expansion of the American West, the event most likely to come to mind is the California Gold Rush of 1849. Who discovered the gold in California? James W. Marshall, a 36-year old carpenter and handyman, noticed several bright bits of yellow mineral near a sawmill that he was building. To test if the bits were “fool’s gold,” which shatters when struck by a hammer, Marshall “tried it between two rocks, and found that it could be beaten into a different shape but not broken.” He told the men working with him: “Boys, by God, I believe I have found a gold mim from France for $15 million. Napoleon used the money to finance his wars in Europe. He also hoped to secure the US as an ally against England. The land in the Louisiana Purchase constitutes 23% of today’s USA.



专业英语八级模拟试卷906(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 1. LISTENING COMPREHENSION 2. READING COMPREHENSION 3. LANGUAGE USAGE 4. TRANSLATION 5. WRITINGPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.听力原文:American Values Good morning, everybody. In today’s lecture, we shall start a new topic on American studies; that is American values. If you asked most Americans what the cultural values in the U.S. are, you might get some blank stares, or a statement of some basic beliefs. The question may seem simple, but the answer is quite complex. In a society as highly diverse as the United States, there is likely to be a multitude of answers. Since America is a country of immigrants, American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Consequently, it is impossible to be comprehensive. Nevertheless, a few selected values are at the core of the American value system. The first is definitely individual freedom. It’s the one value that nearly every American would agree upon. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. It permeates every aspect of our society. The concept of an individual’s having control over his or her own destiny influenced the type of government that was established here, and individual rights are guaranteed in the United States Constitution. These rights are so protected in our judicial system that, even though Americans may complain that criminals sometimes “get away with murder”, most people believe it is better to free a few guilty persons than to imprison one person who is innocent. While our economic system may be dominated by large corporations, the majority of American businesses are small, and many are owned by an individual or a family. It is part of the “American dream”to “be your own boss”, and being an entrepreneur is one of the most appealing ways to improve one’s economic future. The second American value I want to talk about is choice in education. Education is often regarded as the key to opportunity, including financial security. Americans take a pragmatic approach to learning, so what one learns outside the classroom through internships, extracurricular activities and the like is often considered as important as what is learned in the classroom. Consequently, lifelong learning is valued which results in many adult and continuing education programs. Americans have many choices. In school they decide their major field of study, perhaps with or without their parents’influence, and students even get to select some of their courses. These “elective”courses often confuse foreign students who may expect a more rigid curriculum. The belief that Americans should “be all that you can be”emanates from the heritage descended by early settlers. Since the majority of the early settlers were Protestant, they believed that they had a responsibility to improve themselves, to be the best they could be, to develop their talents, and to help their neighbors. That is to say, they believe that they have certain missions to fulfill in the world. These convictions have not only influenced our educational system, but are often reflected in U.S. foreign policy. Afterward, I’d like to say something about Americans’ concept of family. Another aspect of American society that may bewilder non-Americans is the family. The nuclear family structure is so alien to most cultures in the world that it is often misunderstood. The main purpose of the American family is to bring about the happiness of each individual family member. The traditional family values include love and respect for parents, as well as for all members of the family. However, the emphasis on the individual and his or her right to happiness can be confusing. It allows children to disagree, even argue with their parents. While in most other cultures such action would be a sign of disrespect and a lack of love, it is not the case in the United States. It is simply a part of developing one’s independence. Many foreign students and visitors are welcomed by host families, who invite them into their homes for dinner or to join in family activities. Frequently visitors are told to “make themselves at home” and, at times, may appear to be “left alone”. It certainly is nice to be treated as an honored guest in someone’s home, but one of the highest compliments that an American can give foreign guests is to treat them like members of the family, which means to give them the “freedom of the house” to do what they want, to “raid the refrigerator”on their own, or to have some quiet time alone. The last value I want to emphasize is privacy. Privacy is important to Americans. The notion of individual privacy may make it difficult to make friends. Because Americans respect one’s privacy, they may not go much beyond a friendly “hello”. Ironically, it is usually the foreigner who must be more assertive if a friendship is to develop. Finally, are you interested in the reasons that have shaped today’s American values? The rugged individualism valued by most Americans stems from our frontier heritage. For much of our country’s history, there was a frontier. That experience greatly influenced American attitudes. Early settlers had to be self-sufficient which forced them to be inventive. Their success gave them optimism about the future, a belief that problems could be solved. This positive spirit enables Americans to take risks in areas where others might only dream, resulting in tremendous advances in technology, health and science. The American frontier also created our heroes: the self-reliant, strong-willed, confident individual who preferred action to words and always tried to treat others fairly. Many of these characteristics are represented by the myth of the American cowboy, and the more modern versions personified in movies by John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Sylvester Stallone. We can even look to “future” centuries and admire similar qualities in the heroes of the Star Trek and Star Wars movie series. OK, in a nutshell, no matter what changes the next century brings or whether you agree with American values, the opportunity tovisit the United States and to observe Americans first-hand is an experience well worth the effort. Be careful not to be ethnocentric, but to evaluate a culture by its own standards. Be aware that you’ll help shape American attitudes, just as they will influence you.American Values I. Individual freedom A. The one value every American would agree upon B. The 【T1】______of American values 【T1】______ C. Individual rights are guaranteed in the 【T2】______ 【T2】______ D. 【T3】______are small, owned by an individual or a family 【T3】______ II. 【T4】______ 【T4】______ A. Education is regarded as the key to opportunity. B. Americans take 【T5】______to learning. 【T5】______ C. Internships, extracurricular activities are considered important. D. 【T6】______is valued. 【T6】______ E. Americans decide their major field of study and select courses.F. The belief “be all that you can be” emanates from 【T7】______. 【T7】______ III. Concept of family A. 【T8】______ —Alien to most cultures in the world 【T8】______ —To bring about the happiness of 【T9】______ —Children disagree, even argue with their parents 【T9】______ B. Host families —Foreign students are invited into Americans’ homes —Visitors can do 【T10】______in host families IV. Privacy 【T10】______ A. Privacy is important to Americans. B. Individual privacy may make it difficult to 【T11】______. V Reasons for American values 【T11】______ A. Individualism stems from American 【T12】______. B. Early settlers had to be self-sufficient and 【T13】______. 【T12】______ C. The positive spirit enables Americans to take risks. 【T13】______ D. American heroes are 【T14】______. VI. Suggested attitude toward values 【T14】______ A. Avoid 【T15】______ B. Evaluate a culture by its own standards 【T15】______1.【T1】正确答案:cornerstone解析:要点题。










必读文献Moore, Barrington. 1993. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World. NY: Beacon Press.什穆埃尔·艾森斯塔特. 1988. 《现代化: 抗拒与变迁》. 中国人民大学出版社.Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1974. The ModernWorld-System, vol. I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the EuropeanWorld-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. NY/London: Academic Press. Collins, Randall. 1980. Weber's Last Theory of Capitalism: A Systematization. American Sociological Review. 45(06):925-942.选读文献Tilly, Charels. 1976. The Vendee. Cambridge:Harvard University Press.旺代Skocpol Theda. 1977. Book Review: The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. by Immanuel Wallerstein. American Journal of Sociology. 82(05): 1075-1090.第二节:比较历史研究方法与美好国家能动性第二波美好国家建构理论与第一波之间的差异主要体现在两个层面:一是研究方法层面引入密尔比较法(Millian approach)将不同对照组内的样本史料加以比较与论证,确立了比较历史分析的传统。






1. agriculture释义:n. 农业用法:Agriculture is the science or practice of farming.例句:Agriculture has always been the basis of the country's economy.2. ancient释义:adj. 古代的用法:Ancient means belonging to the distant past, especially to the period in history before the end of the Roman Empire.例句:He was an expert on ancient history.3. breed释义:v. 繁殖用法:When animals breed, they mate in order to produce young animals.例句:Pandas are easy to breed in captivity.4. civilization释义:n. 文明用法:A civilization is a human society with its own social organization and culture.例句:The region is the cradle of civilization.5. climate释义:n. 气候用法:Climate is the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place.例句:California has a warm climate.6. crop释义:n. 收成用法:A crop is a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable that is grown in large amounts.例句:Farmers had harvested a good crop of wheat and barley.7. culture释义:n. 文化用法:Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization andpeople's minds.例句:Japan has a rich and ancient culture.8. domestic释义:adj. 国内的用法:Domestic is used to describe something that happens within oneparticular country.例句:The airline offers both domestic and international flights.9. evidence释义:n. 证据用法:Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened.例句:There is no evidence to support these claims.10. export释义:v. 输出用法:When a country exports goods, it sells them to other countries, and when goods are exported, they are sold to other countries.例句:The country exports more than half its wheat production.11. frontier释义:n. 边界用法:The frontier is the border between two countries or regions.例句:The town is on the frontier between the two countries.12. import释义:v. 进口用法:When a country imports goods, it buys them from other countries, and when goods are imported, they are bought from other countries.例句:The country imports more than 6.1 million tons of steel each year.13. irrigation释义:n. 灌溉用法:Irrigation is the watering of land by artificial methods to foster plant growth.例句:The area relies on irrigation to support its agricultural industry.14. literate释义:adj. 有文化的用法:Literate people are able to read and write.例句:He was well-educated and literate.15. locate释义:v. 定位用法:If you locate something or someone, you find out where they are.例句:We managed to locate the hotel.16. numerous释义:adj. 众多的用法:If people or things are numerous, they are large in number.例句:There are numerous reasons why I should quit.17. physical释义:adj. 身体的用法:Physical describes things relating to the body and not to the mind.例句:She is in excellent physical condition.18. range释义:n. 范围用法:The range of something is the maximum area that it can reach or the furthest that it can spread.例句:The family has a wide range of business interests.19. slope释义:n. 斜坡用法:A slope is an area of ground or a surface that is at an angle to the horizontal.例句:The garden slopes gently down towards the river.20. soil释义:n. 土壤用法:Soil is the substance on the surface of the earth in which plants grow. 例句:The soil was rich and fertile.21. substantial释义:adj. 大量的用法:Substantial means large in amount or degree.例句:He ate a substantial meal before he left.22. technology释义:n. 科技用法:Technology refers to the ways in which people use inventions or discoveries to meet their needs and desires.例句:Science and technology have made rapid progress.23. temple释义:n. 寺庙用法:A temple is a building used for the worship of a god or gods, especially in the Buddhist or Hindu religions.例句:The temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu.24. textile释义:n. 纺织品用法:Textiles are types of cloth or fabric, especially ones that have been woven.例句:The industry produces a wide range of textiles.25. transfer释义:v. 转移用法:If you transfer something or someone from one place to another, or if it transfers, it or they move from one place to another.例句:The patient was transferred to a specialist hospital.26. transport释义:n. 交通工具用法:Transport refers to any vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in. 例句:Public transport operated normally during the strike.27. urban释义:adj. 城市的用法:Urban means belonging to, or relating to, a town or city.例句:The urban population has been increasing rapidly.28. verse释义:n. 诗歌用法:A verse is one of the short parts into which a poem or song is divided. 例句:I knew the first verse of the song.29. military释义:adj. 军事的用法:Military means relating to the armed forces of a country.例句:The country has a powerful military force.30. corporation释义:n. 公司用法:A corporation is a large business or company.例句:The company has become a multinational corporation.31. desert释义:n. 沙漠用法:A desert is a barren area of land where there is very little rainfall and few plants.例句:The Sahara is the largest desert in the world.32. elementary释义:adj. 基础的用法:Elementary means relating to the basic facts or principles of a subject. 例句:The school offers elementary education.33. employment释义:n. 就业用法:Employment is the fact of having a job or the state of being employed. 例句:Unemployment rates have been rising.34. establish释义:v. 建立用法:To establish something means to create it or set it up.例句:The company plans to establish a new branch in the city.35. factory释义:n. 工厂用法:A factory is a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are produced.例句:The car factory employs thousands of workers.36. facilitate释义:v. 促进用法:To facilitate something means to make it easier or more possible.例句:The new law will facilitate trade between the two countries.37. fishing释义:n. 捕鱼用法:Fishing is the activity of catching fish.例句:The man has been engaged in fishing for years.38. folk释义:n. 民间用法:Folk music is traditional music that is passed from person to person by word of mouth.例句:Folk music often tells stories about the everyday lives of ordinary people.39. generate释义:v. 产生用法:To generate something means to create it or produce it.例句:The plant generates enough electricity for the whole city.40. genuine释义:adj. 真正的用法:Genuine means real and not fake or copied.例句:She has a genuine interest in helping others.41. geometry释义:n. 几何学用法:Geometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of shapes and the relationships between them.例句:Geometry is one of the oldest branches of mathematics.42. governor释义:n. 州长用法:A governor is the elected head of a state in the United States.例句:The governor has declared a state of emergency.43. harness释义:v. 利用用法:To harness something means to control and make use of it.例句:Humans have harnessed the power of fire.44. heritage释义:n. 遗产用法:Heritage refers to the qualities or skills that are passed on from one generation to another.例句:The house is a heritage building.45. illustrate释义:v. 说明用法:To illustrate something means to explain it or make it clearer.例句:The cartoon illustrates the problems facing the education system.46. implement释义:v. 实施用法:To implement something means to put it into effect.例句:The government has implemented strict regulations on pollution.47. import释义:n. 进口用法:Imports are goods that are brought into one country from another country to be sold.例句:The country relies on imports for its oil supply.48. individual释义:n. 个体用法:An individual is a single person.例句:Every individual is unique.49. initiative释义:n. 主动性用法:Initiative means the ability to start things or take the lead in doing something.例句:She has shown great initiative in organizing the event.50. infrastructure释义:n. 基础设施用法:Infrastructure refers to the basic physical structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.例句:The government is investing in infrastructure to improve public services.51. innovation释义:n. 创新用法:Innovation refers to the act or process of inventing or creating something new.例句:Technological innovation has changed our lives.52. inspect释义:v. 检查用法:To inspect something means to look at it carefully to check itscondition or quality.例句:The officials inspected the factory to ensure compliance with safety regulations.53. involve释义:v. 涉及用法:To involve someone or something in an activity or situation means to include them in it.例句:The project involves cooperation between several universities.以上就是高中英语人教版必修二单词表的详细介绍,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。

frontier用法 -回复

frontier用法 -回复



然而,现在frontier 已经发展出多个意义和用法,并被广泛应用于各种领域。























写一篇介绍新疆的英语作文Xinjiang, the Vast and Diverse Frontier of ChinaXinjiang, the largest administrative region in China, is a land of striking contrasts and rich cultural heritage. Situated in the northwestern part of the country, this autonomous region stretches across vast expanses of rugged mountains, arid deserts, and lush oases, offering a unique and captivating glimpse into the diversity of China's geographical and ethnic landscape.At the heart of the ancient Silk Road, Xinjiang has long been a crossroads of civilizations, where the influences of the East and West have converged and intertwined over the centuries. This dynamic interplay has given rise to a vibrant tapestry of cultures, each with its own distinct traditions, languages, and customs, creating a truly mesmerizing experience for visitors.One of the most striking features of Xinjiang is its breathtaking natural beauty. The region is home to some of the most dramatic and diverse landscapes in the world, from the towering, snow-capped peaks of the Tianshan and Kunlun mountain ranges to the vast, arid expanses of the Taklimakan Desert. The Tian Chi, or Heavenly Lake, nestled high in the Tianshan mountains, is a particularly stunning natural wonder, with its crystal-clear waters reflecting the surrounding peaks and glaciers.Alongside its natural marvels, Xinjiang is also renowned for its rich cultural heritage. The region is home to a diverse array of ethnic groups, including the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Hui, each with their own distinct languages, customs, and traditions. The Uyghur people, in particular, have a long and storied history, with a vibrant culture that is deeply rooted in the region's Central Asian influences.One of the most iconic aspects of Uyghur culture is their cuisine, which is a delightful fusion of Central Asian, Middle Eastern, and Chinese flavors. From the savory, hand-pulled noodles of laghman to the fragrant, slow-cooked lamb dishes of palov, Uyghur cuisine is a true delight for the senses. Visitors can immerse themselves in this culinary tradition by exploring the bustling markets and lively street food scenes of cities like Urumqi and Kashgar.Beyond its culinary delights, Xinjiang is also renowned for its rich artistic and architectural heritage. The region is home to a wealth of ancient ruins and archaeological sites, including the well-preserved Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves, which feature stunning examples ofBuddhist rock carvings and murals. The city of Kashgar, with its winding alleyways, bustling bazaars, and traditional mud-brick architecture, is a particular highlight, offering a glimpse into the region's vibrant cultural past.One of the most captivating aspects of Xinjiang is the sense of adventure and exploration that permeates the region. From trekking through the rugged Tianshan mountains to navigating the vast, undulating dunes of the Taklimakan Desert, there is a palpable sense of discovery and wonder that awaits visitors. Whether you're seeking adrenaline-fueled adventures or more contemplative, cultural experiences, Xinjiang has something to offer for every type of traveler.Despite its remote location and the challenges of traversing its vast and diverse landscapes, Xinjiang has become an increasingly popular destination for both domestic and international tourists in recent years. The region's unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and adventurous spirit has captured the imagination of travelers from around the world, who are drawn to the opportunity to immerse themselves in a truly one-of-a-kind destination.As Xinjiang continues to develop and evolve, it is important to recognize the delicate balance between preserving its cultural and environmental heritage and embracing the opportunities for growthand modernization. The region's indigenous communities, with their deep-rooted traditions and intimate connection to the land, play a crucial role in this process, serving as stewards of Xinjiang's unique identity and ensuring that its rich tapestry of cultures continues to thrive and evolve.In conclusion, Xinjiang is a truly remarkable and captivating region that offers a wealth of experiences for travelers. From its breathtaking natural landscapes to its vibrant cultural heritage, this vast and diverse frontier of China is a destination that promises to leave a lasting impression on all who venture there. Whether you're drawn to its culinary delights, its ancient history, or its spirit of adventure, Xinjiang is a region that is well worth exploring and discovering.。



我爱祖国海疆450字作文英文回答:I love my country's maritime frontier because it represents the vastness and beauty of our nation. The ocean is a symbol of freedom and exploration, and it holds a special place in my heart. As an island nation, the sea has always been an integral part of our history and culture. It has shaped our identity and provided us with valuable resources.The maritime frontier is not just a physical boundary, but also a source of national pride. It is a reminder of our rich maritime heritage and the achievements of our ancestors. For centuries, our sailors have ventured into the unknown, braving the treacherous waves and discovering new lands. Their courage and determination have inspired generations of seafarers, including myself.The ocean is also a source of economic prosperity. Itprovides us with abundant resources, such as fish and minerals, which support our industries and livelihoods. Our maritime frontier is a gateway to international trade and commerce, connecting us to the global market. It is a vital lifeline for our economy, ensuring our nation's prosperity and development.Moreover, the sea is a treasure trove of biodiversity. It is home to countless species of marine life, many of which are unique to our waters. The vibrant coral reefs, majestic whales, and colorful fish are a testament to the beauty and diversity of our marine ecosystem. Preserving and protecting our maritime frontier is not only our responsibility, but also a way to safeguard our natural heritage for future generations.中文回答:我热爱祖国的海疆,因为它代表着我们国家的广阔和美丽。



介绍新疆的英语作文简单句Xinjiang, located in the northwest frontier of China, is a region known for its rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. Here's a simple English essay tointroduce Xinjiang:Xinjiang is a vast region in China, filled with diverse cultures and breathtaking scenery. It is home to a multitudeof ethnic groups, including the Uyghur, Kazakh, and Han, who contribute to its rich tapestry of traditions and customs.Geographically, Xinjiang is bordered by several countries, making it an important crossroad for trade and cultural exchange. The Tian Shan mountain range divides the regioninto two parts: the southern part, known for its oasis towns and ancient Silk Road routes, and the northern part, characterized by its vast grasslands and pastoral communities.One of the most famous attractions in Xinjiang is theHeavenly Lake, a serene body of water nestled against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains. The lake is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, who come to enjoyits tranquil beauty and the surrounding natural splendor.Xinjiang's cuisine is as diverse as its people. Dishes suchas hand-pulled noodles, mutton skewers, and naan bread are staples, reflecting the region's agricultural and pastoral history. The food is often spicy and full of flavor, making it a culinary delight for visitors.The region is also famous for its fruits, particularly grapes and melons, which grow in abundance thanks to the long sunny days and fertile soil. Xinjiang's fruits are renowned for their sweetness and are exported worldwide.In addition to its natural beauty and culinary delights, Xinjiang has a strong artistic tradition. Traditional music and dance are an integral part of festivals and celebrations, with instruments like the erhu and the daf adding a melodic touch to the vibrant performances.Despite its remote location, Xinjiang is well-connected by modern transportation systems, including high-speed trains and airports, making it accessible to travelers from all over the world. The region is also investing in sustainable tourism to preserve its cultural and environmental heritage.In conclusion, Xinjiang is a region that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and nature. Its welcoming people, delicious food, and picturesque landscapes make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in exploring the diversity China has to offer.This essay provides a simple yet comprehensive introductionto Xinjiang, highlighting its geography, attractions, cuisine, culture, and accessibility.。



介绍内蒙古英语作文Inner Mongolia is an autonomous region located in the northern frontier of China, known for its vast grasslands and rich cultural heritage. The region is home to a diverse population, with Mongolian and Han Chinese being the predominant ethnic groups.Geographically, Inner Mongolia spans a significant area, covering about 12% of China's total land area. It is characterized by its plateaus, deserts, and grasslands, which provide a unique environment for various forms of flora and fauna. The Greater Khingan Range in the northeast of the region is a significant mountain range that contributes to the region's diverse landscape.Culturally, Inner Mongolia is renowned for its traditional Mongolian festivals such as the Naadam Festival, which features traditional sports like horse racing, wrestling, and archery. The region is also famous for its long history of nomadic life, with many Mongolian families still living a semi-nomadic lifestyle, moving between summer and winter pastures with their livestock.Economically, Inner Mongolia has seen significant growth, particularly in the mining and energy sectors. The region is rich in mineral resources, including coal, iron, and rare earth elements. Additionally, it is a key player in China's renewable energy initiatives, with numerous wind farms andsolar energy projects.For tourists, Inner Mongolia offers a variety of attractions, including the Genghis Khan Mausoleum, which commemorates the life of the famous Mongol leader. The region's cuisine is also a highlight, with traditional dishes such as hotpot, mutton skewers, and fermented milk products.In conclusion, Inner Mongolia is a region of China thatoffers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and economic potential. Its grasslands, festivals, and nomadic traditions provide a glimpse into a way of life that has been preserved for centuries, while its modern industries and infrastructure reflect its dynamic development.。



关于新疆的英语作文Xinjiang, located in the northwest frontier of China, is a region that boasts a rich tapestry of cultural heritage and natural beauty. This essay aims to delve into the unique aspects of Xinjiang, from its geography and history to its vibrant traditions and the challenges it faces in the modern era.Geographically, Xinjiang is China's largest provincial-level administrative region, covering an area of approximately 1.66 million square kilometers. It is a land of vast deserts, such as the Taklamakan, and towering mountain ranges, including the Tian Shan, which serve as a natural barrier and a source of majestic scenery. The region is also home to the Tarim Basin, which contains significant oil and gas reserves, contributing to China's energy security.Historically, Xinjiang has been a crucial part of the ancient Silk Road, a network of trade routes that connected the East and West. This historical significance has left a lasting impact on the region's culture, which is a blend of various influences from the Middle East, Central Asia, and the broader Eurasian continent. The region has seen the rise and fall of numerous civilizations, each leaving its mark on the local architecture, language, and customs.Culturally, Xinjiang is a melting pot of ethnic groups, with the Uyghur people being the predominant ethnic group. TheUyghurs have a rich tradition of music and dance, which is evident in their lively festivals and daily life. The region is also known for its delicious cuisine, which includes dishes such as hand-pulled noodles, mutton skewers, and a variety of fresh fruits thanks to its fertile oases.However, Xinjiang has faced challenges in recent years, particularly related to ethnic tensions and security issues. The Chinese government has implemented various measures to maintain stability and promote economic development in the region. These efforts have been met with both support and criticism from the international community, with debates focusing on issues of human rights and the preservation of cultural identities.In conclusion, Xinjiang is a region of China that offers a unique glimpse into a diverse and complex history. Its natural landscapes, cultural diversity, and historical significance make it a fascinating place to explore and understand. As China continues to develop and modernize, the future of Xinjiang will undoubtedly play a critical role in the country's ongoing story. It is a region that deserves attention, not just for its challenges, but also for its potential to contribute to the rich cultural mosaic of China and the world.。



我的家长内蒙古英语作文Nestled in the northern frontier of China lies a region of vast landscapes and rich cultural heritage, known as Inner Mongolia. It is a place where the horizon seems to stretch on forever, and the sky meets the earth in a seamless tapestry of blue and green. This is the home that I am proud to call my own.Inner Mongolia is not just a geographical location; it is a mosaic of experiences that are uniquely its own. The vast grasslands, or "prairies," as they are affectionately known, are a sight to behold. They are home to herds of cattle and sheep, and the nomadic lifestyle of the local people is a testament to the region's deep-rooted traditions.The people of Inner Mongolia are as diverse as the landscapes they inhabit. Mongolians, Han Chinese, and other ethnic groups live in harmony, each contributing their own flavors to the cultural gumbo that is Inner Mongolia. The Mongolian people are known for their warm hospitality and their love for music and dance. The sound of the Morin Khuur, or horsehead fiddle, is a hauntingly beautiful melody that resonates with the spirit of the steppe.One of the most striking aspects of Inner Mongolia is its commitment to preserving the environment. Efforts to combat desertification and to protect the delicate ecosystem of the grasslands are evident. The region is also rich in naturalresources, including coal, natural gas, and wind power, which are being harnessed in a sustainable manner to fuel theregion's development.The cuisine of Inner Mongolia is as hearty as the people who live there. A meal is not complete without a serving of hand-pulled noodles or a plate of succulent lamb. The traditional Mongolian hot pot, where diners cook slices of meat and vegetables in a shared pot of boiling broth, is a social event that brings families and friends together.Education is highly valued in Inner Mongolia, and thereis a strong emphasis on both academic and vocational training. Schools and universities are scattered across the region, providing opportunities for the younger generation to learn and to contribute to the future of Inner Mongolia.In conclusion, Inner Mongolia is a region that is as diverse as it is beautiful. It is a place where the past and the present coexist, where the spirit of the people is as strong as the winds that sweep across the grasslands. As a native of this region, I am filled with pride for the rich history, the vibrant culture, and the promising future that Inner Mongolia represents. It is a home that, despite its remote location, is deeply connected to the heart of Chinaand to the world beyond.。



The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, located in the northern frontier of China, is a place rich in cultural heritage and natural beauty. The local culture of Inner Mongolia is a blend of the Mongolian ethnic traditions and the influence of other Chinese cultures, creating a unique identity that is both ancient and modern.The Mongolian people have a long history of nomadic living, which is reflected in their traditional lifestyle and customs. The Mongolian yurt, or ger, is a portable, round dwelling that has been used for centuries by nomadic herders. It is designed to withstand the harsh climate of the region and can be easily assembled and disassembled as the herders move with their livestock.One of the most significant cultural events in Inner Mongolia is the Naadam Festival, a traditional sports competition that includes horse racing, wrestling, and archery. This festival is held annually and is a celebration of Mongolian strength, skill, and courage. It is a time when people from different parts of the region come together to compete and socialize.The cuisine of Inner Mongolia is also a reflection of its nomadic past. Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and milk tea are staples in the Mongolian diet. Meat, particularly mutton and beef, is also a significant part of their cuisine. A traditional Mongolian dish is hot pot, where meat and vegetables are cooked in a communal pot over an open fire.Music and dance are integral parts of Mongolian culture. The Morin Khuur, or horsehead fiddle, is a traditional Mongolian musical instrument that produces a haunting, melodic sound. Mongolian throat singing, known as hoomii, is a unique vocal technique where a single singer can produce two distinct pitches simultaneously.The Mongolian people are also known for their warm hospitality. When guests visit a Mongolian home, they are often greeted with a white scarf called a hadag, which symbolizes respect and good fortune. Offering and receiving a hadag is an important part of Mongolian etiquette.In recent years, Inner Mongolia has experienced significant economic development, with a focus on industries such as mining, agriculture, and tourism. However, the local people continue to preserve their cultural heritage and traditions, ensuring that the unique identity of Inner Mongolia is passed down to future generations.In conclusion, the local culture of Inner Mongolia is a fascinating blend of ancient traditions and modern influences. From the nomadic lifestyle to the vibrant festivals,delicious cuisine, and rich musical heritage, there is much to explore and appreciate in this diverse region of China.。



● 乌拉尔山脉是俄罗斯的一个矿藏宝库,东坡蕴藏着磁铁矿、铜、铝、铂、石棉等矿产;西坡则储有钾盐、石油和天然气。 山脉东西坡气温不同,西坡的年平均降雨量比东坡多300毫米,分布着大片阔叶林和针叶林,林中生长着椴树、橡树、枫 树、白桦等树种;东坡大多是落叶松,阔叶林很少见。
● 矿产
● 由于地理条件不同,乌拉尔山脉两边的矿产资源和动植物分布有着明显的区别。
● 乌拉尔山脉的风大多是西风,它们从大西洋带来降水。尽管山势很低,但对水气的分布有很大影 响,西坡所接受的水气就比东坡多。亚极地乌拉尔山和北乌拉尔山的西坡,降水量特大,可达 1,000毫米(40寸)。向北和向南,降水量逐步减少,约达457毫米(18寸)。
● 由于冬季西伯利亚反气旋中寒冷而干燥的空气十分强烈,夏季的降水量最大。东坡特冷;在整个 乌拉尔山脉各地,冬季都比夏季长些。1月平均气温∶北方-21℃(-6℉),南方-15℃(5℉)。 7月平均气温差距更大∶北方10℃(50℉),南22℃(72℉)。
● 乌拉尔山脉开始形成于海西运动的结构性隆起期间(约2.5亿年以前)。在大约2.8亿年以前(石炭 纪),这里隆起一个高山区域,之后它又被侵蚀为准平原。阿尔卑斯运动造成了新的山地,最明显 的就是亚极地乌拉尔山山地的隆起。由于欧洲板块(当时为盘古大陆的一部分)和西伯利亚板块(当 时为一块独立的大陆)之间的相向移动,因此大地被挤压,继而褶皱成山。造山运动之后,山脉经 历多次运动,构造复杂,徐缓上升运动仍在继续。
● 2、下一段为亚极地乌拉尔山(Nether-Polar Urals),它向南伸展至休戈尔河(Shchugor River),长达225余公里(140余 哩)。这一段有整个山脉的最高山峰,如纳罗达峰(Mount Narodnaya,高1,895米(6,217尺))和卡尔平斯克峰(Mount Karpinsk,高1,878米(6,161尺))。这前两部分都是典型的阿尔卑斯山地,散布有冰川和深厚的永久性冻土。



The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,located in the northern frontier of China, is a vast expanse of land that stretches across the countrys heartland.It is known for its rich cultural heritage,diverse landscapes,and unique ethnic customs.Here is an essay about the enchanting Inner Mongolia.Title:The Majestic Inner MongoliaInner Mongolia is a region that captures the essence of the great outdoors,with its vast grasslands,sprawling deserts,and mountain ranges.It is a place where the spirit of freedom and the nomadic lifestyle are still very much alive.Geography and LandscapeThe geography of Inner Mongolia is as diverse as it is breathtaking.From the rolling grasslands of the Xilingol to the sandy expanses of the Gobi Desert,the region offers a variety of landscapes that are both challenging and aweinspiring.The Greater Khingan Range in the east provides a dramatic backdrop,with its lush forests and rich biodiversity.Cultural HeritageInner Mongolia is home to the Mongolian ethnic group,who have a rich cultural heritage that dates back centuries.Their traditional way of life,centered around herding and nomadic living,is still evident today in the regions rural areas.The Mongolian people are known for their warm hospitality,and their traditional festivals,such as Naadam,are a testament to their vibrant culture.Economic DevelopmentDespite its remote location,Inner Mongolia has experienced significant economic growth in recent years.The region is rich in natural resources,particularly coal and rare earth elements,which have contributed to its industrial development.However,efforts are also being made to balance this growth with environmental conservation and sustainable practices.TourismTourism is an important industry in Inner Mongolia,drawing visitors from around the world.The regions natural beauty,cultural sites,and unique experiences,such as horse riding on the grasslands and camel trekking in the desert,offer a compelling reason for travelers to explore this part of China.Challenges and OpportunitiesLike many regions,Inner Mongolia faces its share of challenges,including environmental issues and the need to balance economic growth with cultural preservation.However,the opportunities for development and the potential for sustainable tourism make it a region with a promising future.ConclusionInner Mongolia is a region that offers a unique blend of natural beauty,cultural richness, and economic potential.Its landscapes,from the endless grasslands to the mysterious deserts,provide a backdrop for a lifestyle that is deeply rooted in tradition yet open to the possibilities of the future.As one of Chinas most distinctive regions,Inner Mongolia stands as a testament to the diversity and resilience of the Chinese spirit.。

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As we all know that the U.S. is the most developed country in this time. As a country of immigrants, it is not easy for the American to achieve this. And it is the frontier heritage of the people that help them to come to the top. The frontier heritage, belonged to the first generation immigrants who almost have nothing , has already become to the most representative character of the every generations. It contains the seek for the freedom, the happiness life, the wealth, as well as the American dream. For these, the people are willing to hardworking and insist, to change the life.
From the date when the Boston Tea Party was happened, the American people's fight for their land with the colonists had already shows the frontier of them. During the Westward Movement, the heritage of frontier played an important role. People almost know nothing for the west land of the U.S., but for a better life, they moved the hole family, no matter the old or the young, crossed the forest and the desert , and finally succeed. Thanks to the conquerors, the west of the American is so prosperous now.
In my opinion, the frontier heritage is a great character of the American, and it is expressed in almost ever aspects of the modern American life and society. For instance, the American value the life and liberty very much, and it is because of this character. And their pursuit to the happy life and the independence are all arose from it. So, maybe we should try to accept and learn this heritage, and make our life and society better.。
