Flexitallic Thermiculite 870产品数据表说明书
PRODUCT DATASHEETThermiculite ®870 is a high temperature sealing material designed for low stress sealing in solid oxide fuel cells. It is based on the mineral vermiculite and contains no organic components.870Service:Thermiculite ®870 is specifically designed for use in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and solid oxide electrolysers (SOE) and has a high degree of compression combined with good sealing under low applied surface stresses. Thermiculite ®870 contains only two minerals, vermiculite and steatite. There are no organic materials or other elements (such as phosphorous or sulphur) that would contaminate SOFC or SOE cell chemistry.Gasket Test Data:For some SOFC designs a softer, more compressible sealing material is required.TH870 is significantly more compressible under low loads, e.g. 1MPa. TH870 is around ten times more compressible than TH866.Figure 1(below) shows load vs defection for TH870 compared to TH866.At a stress of 1 MPa TH870 compresses 0.22mm whereas TH866 gasket onlycompresses 0.02mm under the same load.Availability:Thermiculite ®870 is available in sheet form:Standard sheet size: 450mm x 350mm Standard thicknesses:0.5mm, 0.7mm and 1.0mm**Please note that these nominal thicknesses are provided as a guide. As the material is very soft the measured thicknesses may differ slightly due to compression during measurement.Special thicknesses between 0.3mm and 1.0mm are available on request.Flexitallic can provide a gasket cutting service, ideally a .dxf file of the gasket shape would be provided by the customer.Flexitallic will review the dimensions and design and advise if cutting is feasible and provide a quote. Sample material available on request.This Data Sheet refers to the material as supplied. The information contained herein is given in good faith, but no liability will be accepted by the Company in relation to same.We reserve the right to change the details given on this Data Sheet as additionalinformation is acquired. Customers requiring the latest version of this Data Sheet should contact our Applications Engineering Department.The information given and, in particular, any parameters, should be used for guidance purposes only. The Company does not give any warranty that the product will be suitable for the use intended by the customer.Health & SafetyFor further Health and Safety information please see the relevant Material SafetyPRODUCT DATASHEETThermiculite®870 also seals at least aseffectively as TH866, but at much lowerapplied loads. This is the case at ambientand elevated temperatures. Figure 2(below) shows an 80 hour leakage testat ambient temperature.Table 1 (right) shows the effect ofgasket thickness on leak rate for TH870gaskets. It is recommended that the thinnest material is chosen after taking account of other requirements e.g. flange surface imperfections, spacing requirements between cells or for the gasket to compensate for tolerances throughout the stack.TH870 Thickness Leak rate after 100 hours (mm)(ml/min/m)0.4 2.0360.7 2.6211.0 3.525TABLE 1.Leak Rate Variation with Gasket Thickness. (700°C, 1 MPa Gasket Stress, He Test Pressure 100 mbar)Table 2 (right) shows the leak rate of TH870 at elevated temperature at three different gasket stresses. For a giventemperature the leakage rate reduces as gasket stress is increased.A representative 120 hour leakage plot is shown in figure 3(on the following page).Leak Rate (ml/min/m)1 MPa 3 MPa 5 MPa600°C 1.3070.6280.433700°C 2.621 2.0230.305800°C 3.064 1.724 1.377 TABLE 2.TH870 Leak Rate Variation with Gasket Stress and Temperature. (0.7mm Gasket Thickness, He Test Pressure 100 mbar)PRODUCT DATASHEETA representative 120 hour leakage plotis shown in figure 3(below).Further InformationIntroduction of a Low Sealing StressVermiculite Based CompressionGasket for SOFCs,ECS Transactions,83(1), 159-170 (2018)。
ANSI C78.377
ANSI_NEMA_ANSLGC78.377-2008American National Standardfor electric lamps—Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid StateLighting ProductsANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008 http//:American National Standard Approved: January 9, 2008 Secretariat: American National Standard Lighting Groupfor electric lamps:Specifications for the Chromaticity ofSolid State Lighting ProductsAn American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. It is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. Users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008American National Standard Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. An American National Standard implies a concensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simplemajority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensusrequires that all views and objections be considered, andthat a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. Theexistence of an American National Standard does not inany respect preclude anyone from manufacturing,marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, orprocedures not conforming to the standard. It is intended asa guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and thegeneral public.The American National Standards Institute does notdevelop standards and will in no circumstances give aninterpretation of any American National Standard.Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority toissue an interpretation of an American National Standard inthe name of the American National Standards Institute.Requests for interpretations should be addressed to thesecretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard maybe revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of theAmerican National Standards Institute require that action betaken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw thisstandard. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by calling orwriting the American National Standards Institute.Copyright © 2008 by American National Standard Lighting GroupAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of Americahttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupForeword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard C78.377-2008.)This is a new standard recently developed by the industry.Suggestions for improvement of this standard should be submitted to the Secretariat C78, American National Standard Lighting Group, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209.This standard was processed and approved by the Accredited Standards Committee on Electric Lamps, C78, and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association Solid State Lighting Section technical work group (known at the time as 78 Work Group 09). Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for that approval.Amendment / Change CDV RVRevision C78_4270C78_4271Dennis Holt, Chair, ASC78Yoshi Ohno, Technical Coordinator Randolph N. Roy, ANSLG Secretariat Matt Clark, Senior Editorhttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Table of ContentsForeword (3)Organization of this standard (5)1. Scope (6)1.1 Important Patent Disclaimer (6)2. Normative references (6)3. Chromaticity specification basis (7)4. Nominal CCT and Target CCT (7)5. Chromaticity requirements (7)Table 1 (Nominal CCT categories) (8)6. Color Rendering Index (R a ).......................................................................................9 6.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................9 6.2 Specification. (9)Annex A (Informative) (10)A.1 Introduction (10)Table A1 (11)Figure A1, Part 1 (Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSLproducts in Table 1 on the CIE (x, y ) chromaticity diagram) (12)Figure A1, Part 2 (Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSLproducts in Table 1 on the CIE (u’, v’) chromaticity diagram) (13)A.2 FL chromaticity-based system...................................................................................14 A.3 Flexible CCT system.. (15)Figure A2 (An example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of3200 K) (16)A.4 Choice of chromaticity specification method (17)http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupOrganization of this standardThis standard has been arranged in two parts.One part includes information on the chromaticity specification basis, explanation of a nominal CCT and target CCT, details of SSL chromaticity requirements, and definition and specification of color rendering index. This part includes tabled information relative to these portions of the standard.The other part is comprised of a large informative annex, which provides some background information and the technical context in which this chromaticity specification for the SSL products was developed.The annex includes tabled information on the chromaticity coordinates of the center points and the four corners of each quadrangle for convenience of plotting these quadrangles.The annex also includes three graphical representations split into two figures (A1 and A2) of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in the tabled information on the CIE (x,y ) chromaticity diagram and the (u’,v’) chromaticity diagram (Figure A1), and an example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of 3200K (Figure A2).http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-20081.ScopeThe purpose of this standard is to specify the range of chromaticities recommended for general lighting with solid state lighting (SSL) products, as well as to ensure that the white light chromaticities of the products can be communicated to consumers. This standard applies to LED-based SSL products with control electronics and heat sinks incorporated, that is, those devices that require only AC mains power or a DC voltage power supply to operate. This document does not cover products that require external operating circuits or additional external heat sinks. This document covers fixtures incorporating light sources as well as integrated LED lamps 1. This document does not cover fixtures sold without a light source. The chromaticity requirement in this standard is for general indoor lighting applications. For other applications, chromaticities of light broader than the range specified in this standard are often acceptable. This standard does not cover SSL products for outdoor applications. This standard also does not cover SSL products for some indoor applications that intentionally produce tinted or colored light.1.1Important Patent DisclaimerIt is possible that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. When this document was approved for publication, NEMA or ANSLG did not know of any patent applications, patents pending, or existing patents. NEMA or ANSLG shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.2 Normative referencesANSI C78.376-2001, Specifications for the chromaticity of fluorescent lamps.CIE 13.3-1995, Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, Method of Measuring and Specifying Colour Rendering of Light Sources.CIE 15: 2004, Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, Colorimetry, 3rd edition.IESNA LM-79-072, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, Approved Method for the Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products.Specification of Small Chromaticity Differences , D. L. MacAdam, Journal of Optical Society of America, 33-1, 1943, pp 18-26. (referred to hereafter as “MacAdam ellipses”).U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star Program Requirements for CFLs Partner Commitments – version 4.0, 2007.1Integrated LED lamps are light sources with a standardized base that are meant to connect to the branch circuit via a standardized lampholder/socket, (e.g., replacement of incandescent lamps with screw base). 2To be publishedhttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting Group3.Chromaticity specification basisThe chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature (CCT) values used in this specification are based on the CIE 3 colorimetry system. The specifications in this standard are in part based on ANSI C78.376 on chromaticity specifications forfluorescent lamps but modified to meet the needs of SSL products. The fluorescent lamp chromaticity tolerances are based on MacAdam ellipses that define perceptible color differences.While the chromaticity of light is expressed by chromaticity coordinates such as (x, y ) and (u’, v’), the chromaticity of white light can also be expressed by CCT and the distance from the Planckian locus. CCT is a more intuitive measure of the shade of white light than (x, y ). Since CCT is defined based on the (u’, 2/3 v’) chromaticity diagram 4, the distance from the Planckian locus should be determined on the same diagram. It should be expressed as a signed value to indicate whether the chromaticity is above or below the Planckian locus. As such a distance parameter with respect to the Planckian locus is not officially defined by the CIE, “Duv” is defined in this document as the closest distance from the Planckian locus on the (u', 2/3 v') diagram, with + sign for above and - sign for below the Planckian locus.4. Nominal CCT and Target CCTNominal CCT is used to specify and communicate white light chromaticity information of a product, and, in this document, is a CCT value at 100 K steps that is closest to the target CCT of the product. A target CCT is the CCT value that the product is designed to produce. Individual samples of the product may deviate from the target CCT due to production variation, which is normally controlled to be within a production tolerance. The same applies to target Duv. The target CCT and target Duv are also the center points of the tolerance range of these parameters in this document.5. Chromaticity requirementsSSL products covered in this standard shall have chromaticity values that fall into one of the nominal CCT categories listed in Table 1. SSL products with a given nominal CCT shall have the defined target CCT and Duv, and the values of individual samples shall be within the tolerances of CCT and Duv as listed in Table 1. Measurement of chromaticity shall be made in accordance with methods given in the measurement standard IESNA LM-79.3 International Commission on Illumination4equivalent to the CIE 1960 (u, v ) diagram, now obsolete.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Table 1 - Nominal CCT CategoriesNominal CCT 1)Target CCT andtolerance (K)Target Duv and tolerance2700 K 2725 ±145 0.000 ± 0.006 3000 K 3045 ±175 0.000 ± 0.006 3500 K 3465 ±245 0.000 ± 0.006 4000 K 3985 ±275 0.001 ± 0.006 4500 K 4503 ±243 0.001 ± 0.006 5000 K 5028 ±283 0.002 ±0.006 5700 K 5665 ±355 0.002 ± 0.006 6500 K 6530 ±510 0.003 ±0.006Flexible CCT (2700 - 6500 K)T 2)±∆T 3)D uv 4)± 0.0061) Six of the nominal CCTs correspond to those in the fluorescent lamp specification [2]: 2700 K, 3000 K (Warm White), 3500 K (White), 4100 K (Cool White), 5000 K, and 6500 K (Daylight), respectively. 2) T is chosen to be at 100 K steps (2800, 2900, …., 6400 K), excluding those eight nominal CCTs listed in Table 1. 3) ∆T is given by ∆T =0.0000108×T 2+0.0262×T +8.4) D uv is given by. D uv =57700×(1/T )2−44.6×(1/T )+0.0085Note 1: The chromaticity tolerances specified above are given as quadrangles ratherthan ellipses on the chromaticity diagrams. The sizes of the quadrangles correspond approximately to those of 7-step MacAdam ellipses used in thecompact fluorescent lamp chromaticity specification. See Annex A for a graphical representation of the specifications in Table 1.Note 2: The range of Flexible CCT values overlaps with the ranges of the other eight defined CCTs. Flexible CCT is used to specify products that have nominal CCTs other than the defined eight nominal CCTs in Table 1.Note 3: The values of nominal CCT are used to specify and communicate chromaticityinformation of the product.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 9 of 176. Color Rendering Index (R a )6.1 DefinitionColor rendering index (CRI) is a measure of how similar object colors appear underillumination by a test source compared to the object colors under a reference illuminant(Planckian radiation or a phase of daylight) of the same CCT. For the purposes of thisstandard, reference to CRI as a characteristic of SSL products is taken to mean the“General CRI” identified as R a in CIE 13.3. R a is calculated from the relative spectralpower distribution of the source.6.2 SpecificationThe average of the R a of SSL product samples shall be equal to or higher than thespecified minimum R a , with all individual samples equal to or greater than the averageR a value minus 3. Measurement of the spectral power distribution of the product sampleshall be in accordance with IESNA LM-79. The calculation of R a shall be in accordancewith CIE 13.3.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 10 of 17ANNEX(Informative)A.1 IntroductionThis annex provides some background information and the technical context in whichthis chromaticity specification for SSL products was developed.The purposes of this standard are, first, to specify the range of chromaticitiesrecommended for general lighting with solid state lighting products to ensure highquality white light and, second, to categorize chromaticities with given tolerances so thatthe white light chromaticity of the products can be communicated to consumers. Forthis second purpose, the existing chromaticity standard (ANSI C78.376) for fluorescentlamps (FLRs) uses six nominal CCTs, some of which are given names such as WarmWhite (3000 K), Cool White (4100 K), and Daylight (6500 K). These names are oftenprinted on product packages to communicate nominal CCT of the products toconsumers. 2700 K and 5000 K, however, do not have names. Each of the six FLRlamp nominal CCTs has tolerances given as ellipses in the (x, y ) chromaticity diagram.Four-step MacAdam ellipses are used in ANSI C78.376 and seven-step MacAdamellipses are used in the Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star program (version 4.0)for Compact Fluorescent Lamps.This chromaticity specification for SSL products was developed, on one hand, to be asconsistent as possible with the existing fluorescent lamp standards, since majorapplications, at least in the initial stages of commercialization, are considered to be forreplacement of existing fluorescent lamps and luminaires as well as those ofincandescent lamps. On the other hand, there are several different requirements to beconsidered to best reflect the current (and near future) state of the SSL technologies.Since the SSL technologies are still at their early stages, control and stability ofchromaticity of light are not as well established as with fluorescent lamps. Theseaspects were considered to some extent when determining the tolerances ofchromaticity in this standard, while acknowledging that smaller tolerances would bepreferred. Therefore, this standard is of interim nature, and the contents of thisstandard will need to be updated as SSL technologies advance and more applicationsare developed.Figure A1 shows the graphical representation of the specification of the SSL productsas listed in Table 1 on the (x, y ) and (u’, v’) diagrams. The (u’,v’) diagram is moreuniform than the (x, y ) diagram and is better suited for evaluating color differences oflight sources. Table A1 below shows the (x, y ) chromaticity coordinates of the centerpoints and the four corners of each quadrangle for convenience of plotting thesequadrangles. Note that the sides of the quadrangles along the Planckian locus are not exactly straight lines but slightly curved so that the Duv value is constant.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 12 of 17Figure A1, Part 1Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in Table 1, on the CIE(x,y ) chromaticity diagramhttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 13 of 17Figure A1, Part 2Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in Table 1, on the CIE(u’,v’) chromaticity diagramhttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 14 of 17This standard includes two systems of chromaticity specification, one based on the ANSI C78.376 fluorescent lamp (FLR) standard with fixed target CCTs (the first eight nominal CCTs in Table 1), and another based on flexible CCT (Flexible CCT inTable 1). Either of the two systems may be used.A.2 FL chromaticity-based systemThis system may be used for applications targeting replacement of existing fluorescent lamps or luminaries by SSL products, thus keeping consistency with FLR chromaticity specifications as much as possible. This same system (2700K, 3000 K) may be used for the replacement of incandescent and halogen systems. Eight nominal CCTs are specified, six of which are consistent with the ANSI C78.376 FLR specification. The chromaticity tolerance ranges are given by quadrangles that are mostly overlapping with the 7-step MacAdam ellipses defined in the CFL Energy Star specification (version 4.0) for the six nominal CCTs.Quadrangles rather than ellipses are used for SSL products for the following reasons: 1) quadrangles are commonly used in chromaticity binning of LED products, 2) due to cost-effective binning of LEDs and products, the gaps between chromaticity ranges need to be as small as possible, and 3) quadrangles can be specified by the CCT and Duv, and it is easier to judge product acceptance using the quadrangles than using ellipses. Eight quadrangles are defined to cover the CCT range from 2700 K to 6500 K.From the current state of SSL technologies, it was considered that continuous coverage of the broad CCT range was extremely important for cost-effective yield of white LEDs produced. If there are gaps between quadrangles, many products or sources would need to be rejected. To address this concern, two additional nominal CCTs (4500 K and 5700 K) have been added to fill the gaps between the quadrangles of 4000 K and 5000 K and between 5000 K and 6500 K of the original FLR nominal CCTs. Furthermore, the size and positions of all the quadrangles are adjusted so that there are no gaps and no overlaps in between them. With these adjustments, the entire CCT range from 2700 K to 6500 K is covered continuously with the eight quadrangles with no gaps, while still maintaining reasonable consistency with the six FLR chromaticities. To achieve this and to maintain approximately equal tolerance ranges, the target chromaticities were moved slightly from the FLR target chromaticities.Some nominal CCT names (Warm White, White, Cool White, and Daylight) have been used in the ANSI C78.376 FLR specification for many years, and these names have been used as a means of communication with general consumers. However, nominal CCTs of 2700 K and 5000 K did not have names. Two new nominal CCTs have been added in this standard, so there are four CCTs that do not have names. The committee considered that adding four new names, making eight names in total, would not successfully work as an effective means of communication. The committee decided not to use such names, and instead, recommends using the value of nominal CCT or some as yet unspecified alternate means to communicate the nominal CCT to general consumers.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 15 of 17There was a view that specifying only the ranges of tolerance without target point CCT and Duv would be sufficient. Target CCT and Duv, however, are given in this document with an expectation that products are designed to produce these center points so that individual variation of chromaticity will center around the target point, and thus, the average chromaticity of products among different manufacturers should match closely. Also, if the tolerance ranges are reduced in the future, the same target CCT and Duv should be used so that continuity of chromaticity is maintained.A.3 Flexible CCT systemUnder the FLR chromaticity-based system described above, nominal CCTs are limited to the eight values given in Table 1. There were concerns that this limitation may inappropriately restrict the flexibility of SSL technology. For example, some products may have variable CCT, meeting the chromaticity requirements at each controlled CCT. Another point of view was that, when SSL products are used in new installations, consistency with FLR may not be relevant. SSL products having a nominal CCT of 3200 K or 3700 K, for example, may provide a more desired shade of white light for some users, while keeping the same relative chromaticity tolerance.Considering these points of view, the second system based on flexible CCT (Flexible CCT in Table 1) was proposed and accepted. Under this system, any CCT between 2700 K and 6500 K at 100 K steps can be used for nominal CCT. The tolerances of CCT and Duv are calculated using the defined equations and a corresponding quadrangle is given, which has approximately the same size as the 7-step MacAdam ellipses. See an example in Fig. A2. To avoid confusion and to maintain consistent tolerance ranges, Flexible CCT is only to be used to specify products that have nominal CCTs other than the defined eight nominal CCTs in Table 1.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 16 of 17Figure A2An example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of 3200 K.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 17 of 17Note that the value of the center Duv gradually shifts from 0.000 for low CCTs to 0.003 at 6500 K (on both the FLR-based and Flexible CCT systems) based on the fact that the reference daylight (CIE standard illuminant D65) has a Duv of 0.003. This deviates from the center point of the Daylight FLR specification, which was based on available lamp products at the time the original standard was developed and does not represent Duv of real daylight. For this reason, the Duv values and target CCTs in this standard do not follow exactly those of the FLR specification but are chosen to be reasonably close to the FLR specification.Since nominal CCT names are abandoned in this standard, chromaticity information must be communicated by nominal CCT. It is known, however, that the four-digit CCT values are not effective for communicating nominal CCTs to general consumers, and a different approach for this communication will be necessary. It is recommended that information on nominal CCT (e.g., an alternative index or figure to indicate CCT) be shown on product package for communicating nominal CCTs. To avoid confusion in the market, it is recommended that a unified method be developed for all SSL products.A.4 Choice of chromaticity specification methodDepending on intended applications and whether compatibility of chromaticity with fluorescent lamps is considered important, manufacturers can choose one of the two specification systems to design the chromaticity of SSL products and to communicate the nominal CCT. A concern was raised as to whether the existence of two methods may cause confusion in the industry and market. However, since the SSL technologies are still in their early stages, it was decided to keep both specification systems in this standard.Another consideration is that the chromaticity tolerance ranges (currently similar to those of the DOE - CFL Energy Star v4.0) may be reduced in the future. The ANSI C78.376 specification for FLR uses four-step MacAdam ellipses, and it is anticipated that similar level of tolerances can be adopted as SSL technologies advance in the future. When this occurs, the tolerance quadrangles will become smaller, and the quadrangles of the FLR-chromaticity-based system would no longer cover the chromaticity space continuously. In this case the Flexible CCT system would provide continuous coverage.In section 6, Color Rendering Index (CRI) is referred to as the metric to be used. While recognizing the fact that CRI is outdated and known to have problems when used for some white LED spectra, a decision was made to use the CRI for this ANSI standard version since the CRI is still the only internationally agreed metric for color rendering of light sources. Work is in progress in the CIE to develop an improved metric. When such a new CIE standard on color rendering is published, this ANSI C78.377 standard is to be revised to update the specification for color rendering.http//:。
121Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business UnitWadsworth, Ohio USA10-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" Standard ..............................................1810-1515PKG..1.5" x 1.5" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs.............................1810-1530.........1.5" x 3" Standard .................................................2110-1530PKG..1.5" x 3" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs ................................2110-1543.........1.5" Quarter Round ...............................................2010-1545.........1.5" x 1.5" x 45......................................................2010-1560.........1.5" x 6" Standard .................................................2410-1575.........1.5" x .75"..............................................................2010-1591.........1.5" x 1.5" Mono Slot ............................................1910-1592.........1.5" x 1.5" Bi-Slot Corner......................................1910-1593.........1.5" x 1.5" Tri-Slot .................................................1910-1594.........1.5" x 1.5" Bi-Slot Mid Frame ...............................1910-3030.........3" x 3" Standard ....................................................2310-3030PKG..3" x 3" Standard 2 x 8' Pcs ...................................2310-3092.........1.5" x 3" Tri-Slot Corner ........................................2210-3093.........1.5" x 3" Quad Slot................................................2210-3094.........1.5" x 3" Bi-Slot Mid Frame ..................................2211-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" Heavy...................................................1811-1515PKG..1.5" x 1.5" Heavy 4 x 8' Pcs .................................1811-1530.........1.5" x 3" Heavy......................................................2111-1530PKG..1.5" x 3" Heavy 4 x 8' Pcs ....................................2111-3030.........3" x 3" Heavy .........................................................2312-001............Upper Door Track 40 - Plastic ..............................8312-002............Lower Door Track 40 - Plastic ..............................8312-006............Sliding Door Guide 1", Upper ...............................8312-007............Sliding Door Guide 1", Lower ...............................8312-010............Mesh Clamp Profile, Clr - Max 13.1ft ...................8212-011............Stiffener/ Handle Profile, Clr - Max 9.8ft ..............8212-012............Sliding Door Guide 40 - Upper, Clr - Max 9.8ft....8312-013............Sliding Door Guide 40 - Lower, Clr - Max 9.8ft....8312-018............Panel Extrusion 40, Clr - Max 19.7ft ....................8212-022............Rolling Door Guide Profile, Clr - Max 13.1 ft.......8612-032............32 x 18 Bi-Slot .......................................................2512-090............Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Clear ................................2912-090B .........Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Black ................................2912-090Y .........Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Yellow ..............................2912-095............Aluminium Cover Strip 1"......................................2912-095B .........Aluminium Cover Strip 1", Black ..........................2912-101............Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Clr - 6.6ft........................2912-1010.........1" x 1" Standard ....................................................1612-1010PKG..1" x 1" Standard 6 x 8' Pcs ...................................1612-101B .........Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Blk - 6.6ft .......................2912-101Y .........Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Yellow - 6.6ft..................2912-102............Al Cover Strip 40, Clr - 6.6ft..................................2912-1020.........1" x 2" Standard ....................................................1612-1020PKG..1" x 2" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs ...................................1612-102B .........Al Cover Strip 40, Blk - 6.6 ft. Length ..................2912-1030.........1" x 3" Standard ....................................................1712-105............Clamp Bar Profile ..................................................2712-106............Panel Gasket .........................................................2812-107............Mesh Gasket .........................................................2812-108............Panel Gasket 10 Clear - Max 410 ft.....................2512-109............19" Rack Angle......................................................2612-110............Rack Angle, Blank .................................................2612-111B .........PVC Cover Strip 40, Blk - 6.6ft.............................2912-111BL .......PVC Cover Strip 40, Blue - 6.6ft ..........................2912-112............Safety Cover Strip 40/28, Yellow - Max 9.8ft.......2812-114............Anti-Skid Cover 40, Blk - Max 65.6ft....................2812-2020.........2" x 2" Standard ....................................................1712-400............UHMW Slide Bar 40 max 120"...........................11112-402............Slide Strip 1" max 120".......................................11112-410............Slide Strip 1.5" max 120"....................................11112-420............UHMW Slide Bar 40 x 10 max 120"...................11112-421............UHMW Guide Profile .............................................8613-012............Steel Tube, Plastic Coated for handles(max. 120 in.).....................................................5413-410............Slide Profile 40....................................................11013-430............Slide Profile 40 Side Flange . (110)13-440............Slide Profile 28....................................................11013-450............Slide Profile 28 Side Flange ...............................11013-800............Slide Profile 56....................................................11013-810............Slide Profile 80....................................................11018-1010.........1" x 1" End Cap .....................................................3118-1020.........1" x 2" End Cap .....................................................3118-1030.........1" x 3" End Cap .....................................................3118-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" End Cap...............................................3118-1530.........1.5" x 3" End Cap..................................................3118-1543.........1.5" Quarter Round End Cap................................3118-1545.........1.5" x 1.5" x 45? End Cap.....................................3118-1575.........1.5" x .75" End Cap...............................................3118-2020.........2" x 2" End Cap .....................................................3118-3030.........3" x 3" End Cap .....................................................3118-710............Access Hole Plug ..................................................3118-713............Access Hole Plug - Steel ......................................3118-807............32x18 End Cap......................................................2519-004............Drill & Counterbore for BHCS or SHCS .............11419-006............Drill & Countersink for FHCS ..............................11419-007............Saw Cut for Linear Shaft.....................................11419-009............Tap 5/16-18........................................................11419-026............Panel Packing for Secure Transport ..................11419-029............Panel - Chamfer Corner ......................................11419-030............Panel - Notch Corner ..........................................11419-104............Special Miter Cut .................................................11419-200............Special Invoice Required ....................................11419-201............Assembly Required .............................................11419-202............Assembly Form Follows......................................11419-203............Packaging in Kit Form.........................................11419-204............Kit Form Follows..................................................11419-205............Special Assembly Documents Enclosed............11419-206............Engineering..........................................................11419-207............On-Site Installation..............................................11419-208............Special Packing Slip Required ...........................11419-210............Special Machining ...............................................11419-211............Miter Connection Service....................................11419-300............Inspection/Acceptance/Approval ........................11419-501............Saw Cut up to 3"x1.5".........................................11419-502............Saw Cut up to 3"x3"............................................11419-503............Saw Cut 6"x1.5"...................................................11419-511............Drill .277" Access Hole - Except 6" side ............11419-512............Drill & Tap (10/32",1/4",5/16", 3/8")....................11419-514............Drill & Tap (1/2" or 5/8" up to 1.5" Deep)...........11419-515............Step Drill for Universal Fastener 1.5" or 1"........11419-516............Drill/ Tap 5/16x1.5" for 5/16"Foot .......................11419-517............Drill/ Tap 3/8"x 2" for 3/8" Foot...........................11419-520............Step Bore for Pneum. Univ. Fastener(3/4" x 1/4")......................................................11419-525............Drill .277" Access Hole thru 6" side ...................11419-527............Panel - Thru Hole up to 3/8"l Profile Square 3"x1.5"l Profile Square 3"x3"l Profile Square 6"x1.5"..................................11419-603............Drill/ Tap/ Mill for Roller PA ................................11419-605............45° Miter Cut, up to 3x3" profile .........................11419-606............45° Miter Cut, 6"x1.5" profile ..............................11420-059............T-Slot Profile 1.5"..................................................3620-062............Heavy T-Slot Bar - 1.5".........................................3620-082............Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18.....................3520-082SS.......Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18,Stainless Steel ...................................................3520-083............Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 1/4-20.......................3520-088............Economy T-Slot Nut, #10-32...............................3520-093SS.......Economy T-Slot Nut 28, 1/4-20 Stainless Steel .......20-1010.........Cast Gusset 1"......................................................4520-1010C.......Cap for Cast Gusset 1".........................................4520-102z4........Gusset Profile ........................................................2720-182............Economy Offset T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18. (35)122Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business Unit Wadsworth, Ohio USA20-193............Economy Offset T-Slot Nut 1.5" - 1/4-20.............3520-200............Retainer for Wire mesh 1"Single ..........................8120-201............Retainer for Wire mesh 1" Double........................8120-202............Retainer for Wire mesh 1.5" Single ......................8120-203............Retainer for Wire mesh 1.5" Double.....................8120-300............Joining Plate, 1.5" x 3"..........................................4820-301............Joining Plate, 1.5" x 6"..........................................4820-302............Joining Plate, 3" x 3".............................................4820-303............Joining Plate, 3" x 6".............................................4820-304............Joining Plate, Corner 4.5" x 4.5"..........................4920-305............Joining Plate, T , 4.5" x 4.5".................................4920-306............Joining Plate, Corner 6" x 6"................................4920-307............Joining Plate, T , 6" x 6".......................................4920-310............Joining Plate, 1" x 2".............................................5020-311............Joining Plate, 1" x 4".............................................5020-312............Joining Plate, 2" x 2".............................................5020-313............Joining Plate, 2" x 4".............................................5020-314............Joining Plate, Corner 3" x 3".................................5120-315............Joining Plate, T , 3" x 3".......................................5120-330............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 1.5" x 1.5"...........4220-335............Connection Element, 90 1" x 1" x 1"....................4320-336............Connection Element, 90 1" x 1" x 2"....................4320-337............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 1.5" x 3"..............4220-338............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 3" x 3".................4220-4040.........1 x 1 Single Gusset (die cast)..............................4520-440............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 1.5"..............................4420-441............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 3".................................4420-442............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 1".................................4420-500............Corner Element 1, 1.5"..........................................4620-501............Corner Element 1, 3".............................................4620-502............Corner Element 2, 1.5"..........................................4620-503............Corner Element 2, 3".............................................4620-504............Corner Element 3, 1.5"..........................................4620-505............Corner Element 3, 3".............................................4620-506............Machined Gusset 1" x 1"......................................4720-507............Machined Gusset 1" x 2"......................................4720-508............Machined Gusset 1.5" x 1.5"................................4720-509............Machined Gusset 1.5" x 3"...................................4720-8040.........2 x 2 Single Gusset (die cast)..............................4521-020............Rubber Insert 80....................................................9221-021............Clamping Shoe 80.................................................9221-032............Floor Fastening Set...............................................9221-057z4........L-Bracket Profile....................................................2721-060............L Base Floor Anchor 1.5"......................................9321-061............L Base Floor Anchor 1".........................................9321-073............UHMW Guide Insert Set - 1/4-20..........................8621-075............Roller Insert Set.....................................................8621-1020-04....Base Plate, 1" x 2", 1/4-20..................................10121-1020-05....Base Plate, 1" x 2", 5/16-18................................10121-1030-04....Base Plate, 1" x 3", 1/4-20..................................10121-1030-05....Base Plate, 1" x 3", 5/16-18................................10121-1530-06....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 3/8-16..............................10121-1530-08....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 1/2-13..............................10121-1530-10....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 5/8-11..............................10121-2020-05....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 5/16-18................................10121-2020-06....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 3/8-16..................................10121-2020-08....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 1/2-13..................................10121-250............Flange Foot 1.5" x 1.5".........................................9521-252............Flange Foot 1" x 1"................................................9521-255............Flange Foot 1.5" x 3.0".........................................9521-256............Flange Foot 3.0" x 3.0".........................................9521-300............Caster Swivel 2" - Hollow King Pin.......................9621-301............Caster Swivel 2", Locking - Hollow King Pin........9621-302............Caster Rigid 3" - Top Plate ...................................9721-303............Caster Swivel 3" - Top Plate.................................9721-3030-06....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 3/8-16..................................10121-3030-08....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 1/2-13..................................10121-3030-10....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 5/8-11. (101)21-304............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - Top Plate..................9721-305............Caster Swivel 3" - 7/16 Grip Ring.........................9621-306............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - 7/16 Grip Ring..........9621-309............Caster Swivel 3" - Hollow King Pin.......................9621-310............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - Hollow King Pin........9621-311............Caster Rigid 5" - Top Plate ...................................9721-312............Caster Swivel 5" - Top Plate.................................9721-313............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Top Plate..................9721-316............Caster Swivel 5" - Plate 550lbs ..........................10021-317............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Plate 550lbs ...........10021-318............Caster Swivel 5" - Plate 900lbs ..........................10021-319............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Plate 900lbs ...........10021-320............Standard Duty 1-5/8" - 7/16 Grip Ring .................9621-323............Leveling Caster 1"- Threaded Stud M12..............9921-324............Leveling Caster 1" - Plate Mount.........................9921-325............Floor Lock - Plate Mount.....................................10021-327............Leveling Caster 1.5"- Threaded Stud M12...........9921-328............Leveling Caster 1.5"- Plate Mount.......................9921-330............Socket for 1.5" x 3" Heavy....................................9621-331............Socket for 1.5" x 3" Standard ...............................9621-332............Corner Bracket for Standard Duty Casters ..........9621-333............Straight Bracket for Standard Duty Casters ........9621-336............Caster Swivel 3" - 1/2" Stem ................................9721-337............Caster Swivel 3" - Locking - 1/2" Stem ................9721-338............Caster Swivel 5" - 1/2" Stem ................................9721-339............Caster Swivel 5"- Locking - 1/2" Stem .................9721-340............Furniture 2" - 5/16 Grip Ring.................................9821-341............Furniture 2" - 5/16 Grip Ring-Locking ..................9821-342............Institutional Twin Wheel ........................................9821-343............Institutional Twin Wheel Locking ..........................9821-344............Dual Wheel 3" - 1/2" Stem ....................................9821-401............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 5/16-18 x 2"............................9021-402............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 5/16-18 x 3"............................9021-403............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 3/8-16 x 3"..............................9021-404............Knuckle Foot 3", 1/2-13 x 4".................................9021-405............Knuckle Foot 3", 1/2-13 x 6".................................9021-406............Knuckle Foot 3", 5/8-11 x 4".................................9021-407............Knuckle Foot 3", 5/8-11 x 6".................................9021-409............Corner Mounting Plate ..........................................9221-410............Knuckle Foot 1" Delrin, 1/4-20 x 2"......................8921-411............Knuckle Foot 1" Delrin, 3/8-16 x 3"......................8921-412............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 1/4-20 X 2".......................8921-413............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 3/8-16 X 3".......................8921-414............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 1/2-13 x 3".......................8921-415............L-Base Leveling Foot 1.5".....................................9321-416............L-Base Leveling Foot 1"........................................9321-420............Leveling Foot 3, Bolt Down, 1/2-13......................9121-421............Leveling Foot 3, Bolt Down, 5/8-11......................9121-422............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Light......................9121-423............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Medium.................9121-424............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Heavy ...................9121-440............Floor Mounting Bracket 1.5".................................9421-441............Floor Mounting Bracket 3"....................................9421-442............Floor Mounting Bracket 1"....................................9421-443............Floor Mounting Bracket 2"....................................9421-500............Adapter Plate 1.5".................................................9921-501............Adapter Plate 1.0".................................................9921-502............Adapter Plate 1.5".................................................9921-504............Base Plate for heavy Casters.............................10022-111............Economy Mesh Clamp 1.5"..................................8122-115............Multiblock 1.5" - 1/4-20.........................................8022-116............Multiblock 1" - 1/4-20............................................8022-153............Corner Bracket 1.5"...............................................4122-154............Connector Cap 1.5" Radius ..................................4122-155............Connector Cap 45 Degree ....................................4122-202............Cable Tie Holder....................................................8722-204............T-Clip 5/32-1/4 w/Fast Kit .....................................8722-206............T-Clip 1/4-5/16 w/Fast Kit . (87)123Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business UnitWadsworth, Ohio USA22-209z1........T-Clip 5/16-3/8 w/Fast Kit .....................................8722-211z1........T-Clip 3/8-1/2 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-213z1........T-Clip 1/2-5/8 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-216z1........T-Clip 5/8-3/4 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-219z1........T-Clip 3/4-7/8 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-223z1........T-Clip 7/8-1 w/Fast Kit ..........................................8722-230............Cable Hose Holder w/ English Fast Kit ................8723-030............Light Duty Aluminium Handle ...............................5323-031............Handle PA 132......................................................5423-032Z1.......Handle PA 179......................................................5423-033............Handle PA 93.5.....................................................5423-038............L-Handle Locking...................................................5523-038z1........Backing Plate.........................................................5723-039............L-Handle Non-locking............................................5523-046............Magnetic Catch......................................................6023-051............Strike Plate for Magnetic Catch............................6023-058............Mini-Key Safety Switch - Straight Key .................7023-059............Mini-Key Safety Switch - Angle Key.....................7023-060............Safety Switch 1 (1 NC + 1 NO).............................7223-061............Safety Switch 1 (2 NC)..........................................7223-062............Safety Switch 2 (1 NC + 1 NO).............................7323-063............Safety Switch 2 (2 NC + 2 NO).............................7323-064............Safety Switch 3 (2 NC) - To Lock.........................7423-066............Safety Switch 3 (2 NC) - To Unlock .....................7423-070............Open Angled Handle .............................................5323-071............Closed Angled Handle ..........................................5323-072............Tube Handle Ends.................................................5423-073............Tube Handle Center Supports ..............................5423-102............Mini-Key Mounting Bracket...................................7023-104............Safety Switch Mounting Bracket 1.......................7223-108............Mini Key Mounting Bracket - Top .........................7123-109............Mini Key Mounting Bracket - Sliding ....................7123-110............Safety Switch Mounting Bracket 3.......................7423-119............Mounting Bracket for Magnetic Catch..................6023-120............Ball Catch Bracket Style 1....................................5823-121............Ball Catch ..............................................................5823-122............Magnetic Catch Bracket........................................6023-124............Door Stop 1"..........................................................6323-125............Door Stop 1.5" - Straight.......................................6323-126............Door Stop 1.5" - Angle ..........................................6323-127............Ball Catch Bracket Style 2....................................5823-128............Ball Plunger, 3/8" Dia x .786"...............................5923-129............Ball Plunger, 1/2" x 1.10"......................................5923-130............Rachet Lock (for panel sliding doors)..................6323-133............Quarter Turn Latch T-Handle Non-Locking..........5523-134............Quarter Turn Latch Wing Knob Locking...............5523-135............Quarter Turn Latch - Square Insert ......................5523-137............Ball Catch Bracket 1"............................................5923-140z1........Spare Key for 23-134/23-144...............................5723-140z2........Square Key for 23-135/23-145.............................5723-140z4........Cam 45-2 Offset ....................................................5723-140z5........Cam 35-10 Offset ..................................................5723-140z7........Keeper Bracket......................................................5723-140z8........Cam 45-8...............................................................5723-142z1........Hooked Cam..........................................................5723-143............Quarter Turn Latch T-Handle Non-Locking Panel 5623-144............Quarter Turn Latch Wing Knob Locking Panel ....5623-145............Quarter Turn Latch - Square Insert Panel ...........5623-155............Slam Latch - Keyed...............................................6223-156............Slam Latch - Non Locking.....................................6223-158............Velcro Plate ...........................................................6323-159............Internal Handle for Quarter Turn Handles............5623-160............Deadbolt Latch ......................................................6223-210............Grabber Door Catch ..............................................6123-211............Grabber Door Catch w/Micro-Switch..................6123-212............Grabber Door Catch Bracket 90 degree ..............6123-213............Grabber Door Catch Bracket Flat.........................6123-220............Adjustable Hinge 1................................................6823-222............Adjustable Hinge 2................................................6823-224............Positioning Hinge 85°............................................6823-226............Positioning Hinge 120°..........................................6823-228............Positioning Hinge 155°..........................................6823-250............Hinge 1" - Steel .....................................................6623-250L .........Hinge 1" - Steel Left ..............................................6623-250R.........Hinge 1" - Steel Right............................................6623-251............Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel..............................................6623-251L .........Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel Left ......................................6623-251R.........Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel Right ....................................6623-252............Hinge 1.5" - Steel ..................................................6623-252L .........Hinge 1.5" - Steel Left ...........................................6623-252R.........Hinge 1.5" - Steel Right ........................................6623-260............Pivot Joint 1", Blk ..................................................6923-261............Pivot Joint 1", Blk - Locking..................................6923-262............Pivot Joint 1.5", Blk ...............................................6923-263............Pivot Joint 1.5", Blk - Locking...............................6923-550............Plastic Hinge 1".....................................................6723-550L .........Plastic Hinge 1" - Left ...........................................6723-550R.........Plastic Hinge 1" - Right .........................................6723-551............Plastic Hinge 1.5"..................................................6723-551L .........Plastic Hinge 1.5" - Left ........................................6723-551R.........Plastic Hinge 1.5" - Right......................................6723-552............Plastic Hinge 1/1.5"...............................................6723-552L .........Plastic Hinge 1/1.5" - Left .....................................6723-552R.........Plastic Hinge 1/1.5" - Right...................................6723-620............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Right Long .......................6423-621............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Left Long..........................6423-622............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Right Short ......................6423-623............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Left Short .........................6423-624............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Receiver ..........................6423-625............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Double Pin .......................6423-626............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Heavy Duty ..........6523-626L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Left .......................6523-626R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Right .....................6523-630............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Right Long ..........................6423-631............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Left Long.............................6423-632............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Right Short..........................6423-633............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Left Short ............................6423-634............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Receiver..............................6423-635............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Double Pin ..........................6423-636............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Heavy Duty..............6523-636L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Left...........................6523-636R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Right ........................6523-640............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - Heavy Duty......6523-640L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - Left ...................6523-640R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - pression Springfor Economy T-Nuts, 1/pression Springfor Economy T-Nuts, 5/16-18...........................3525-001............T-Slot Nut 40 Steel 1/4-20....................................3425-002............T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18......................................3425-002SS.......T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18, Stainless Steel...........3425-003............Standard Fastener 5/16-18...................................3225-003SS.......Standard Fastener 5/16-18, Stainless Steel........3225-004............Universal Fastener 5/16-18..................................3325-005............Drop In T-Nut 10-32...................................................25-006............Drop in T-Nut 1/4-20", Rubber post...........................25-007............Drop in T-Nut 5/16-18", Rubber post.........................25-008............Drop-in T-Nut, 1/4-20, 28/56......................................25-009............T-Slot Nut, 1.5" *- #10-32......................................3425-014............Single Ear Standard Fastener 1.5" - 5/16-18.......3225-015............Profile to Wall Universal Fastener 5/16-18..........3325-016............Butt Fastener Assembly 5/16-18..........................3325-017............Butt Fastener Assembly 1/4-20............................3325-022............Standard Fastener, 1/4-20....................................3225-022z1........Standard Fastener, 1/4-20 - Clip .. (32)。
ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT.(By Others)Series 78USeries 786Series 78TSUPPLY1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONAvailable Sizes• ½ – 2”/DN15 – DN50Maximum Working Pressure • 400 psi/2758 kPa/27.6 bar Operating Temperature Range• –4°F to +230°F/–20°C to +110°CFunction• Provides simplified coil circuit installation that meets optimal hydronic system design requirements Application• Hot and cold water, including treated and untreated water systems • This KOIL-KIT ™ Coil Pack includes:• (1) Series 78T Ball Valve Union Combination – Sweat x Sweat • (1) Series 78U Union Port Fitting – Sweat x Male Union • (1) TA Series 786H Balancing Valve – Sweat x SweatNOTE• The Series 78T includes a PT port and a blow-down valve. The Series 78U includes a PT port and a manual air vent.2.0 CERTIFICATI N/LISTINGSProduct designed and manufactured under the Victaulic Quality Management System, as certified by LPCB in accordance with ISO-9001:2008.Series 78T/78U Manual Koil-Kit ™ Coil Pack with TA Series 786H Sweat Globe Style Valve08.63System No.Location Submitted ByDateSpec Section Paragraph ApprovedDateSeries 78T Ball Valve Union Combination Body: Dezincification resistant (DZR) brass alloy Union: DZR brass with EPDM O-ring Tailpiece: DZR brassStem: BrassStem O-Ring Seals: EPDMHandle: Steel with vinyl gripSeries 78U Union Port FittingBody: DZR brass alloyUnion: DZR brass with EPDM O-ringSeals: EPDM O-ringTailpiece: DZR brass alloyTA Series 786H Balancing ValveValve Body and Bonnet: AMETAL® DZR brass alloy Sealing (Body/Bonnet): EPDM O-ringValve Plug: AMETAL®Seat Seal: EPDM O-ringSpindle: AMETAL®Slip Washer: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Spindle Seal: EPDM O-ringSpring: Stainless steelHand Wheel: Polyamide and TPEMeasuring Points: AMETAL®Measuring Point Seals: EPDMMeasuring Point Caps: Polyamide and TPENOTE• AMETAL® is the dezincification-resistant brass alloy of IMI TA.Series 78T Ball Valve Union CombinationNOTE• Optional tailpieces may be ordered for reductions and for changing end configurations from sweat to threaded or threaded to sweat. If needed, specify optional tailpiece when ordering.Series 78U Union Port FittingNOTE• Optional tailpieces may be ordered for reductions and for changing end configurations from sweat to threaded or threaded to sweat. If needed, specify optional tailpiece when ordering.4.3 OPTIONAL PARTSSeries 78T/78U Union Tailpieces (Optional)Female Tailpiece Sweat Tailpiece Male TailpieceHose End Drain Valve (Optional)A hose end drain valve is factory-installed on the Series 78T.4.5 OPTIONAL PARTSProbe Port (Optional)For Series 78T and Series 78UHandle Extension (Optional)For Series 78T4.7 OPTIONAL PARTSAir VentA manual air vent is factory-installed on the Series 78U. This product can also be mounted on the Series 78T or provided loose for other piping needs.C V /K V values for flow of water at +60°F/+16°C are shown in the table.Formulas for C V and K V valuesΔP = Q 2/C V 2 ΔP = Q 2/K V 2Q = C V × √ΔPQ = K V × √ΔPSeries 78T Ball Valve Union CombinationSeries 78U Union Port FittingFlow CoefficientC v K v Q (Flow)GPM m3/hr ΔP (Pressure Drop)psibarWhere:TA Series 786H Balancing Valve Valve Selection GuideNOTES• Balancing valves should be sized in accordance with the GPM/LPM flows (and not in relation to pipeline size). Sizing balancing valves based on the minimumor maximum flow rates is not recommended. Valves should be sized using the nominal flow rate only. The Minimum Flow is calculated from the minimum open setting of the valve and a minimum pressure drop 1 Ft. WG (= 3 kPa). The Nominal Flow is calculated from the maximum open setting of the valve and the minimum recommended pressure drop, 2 Ft. WG (= 6 kPa). The Maximum Flow is calculated from the maximum open setting of the valve and the maximum pressure drop, 20 Ft. WG (= 60 kPa). A computer program, TA-Select, is available for calculation of valve handwheel pre-set position and other applications.• For information regarding Allen Wrench sizes see the Material Specifications section on page 3.• Measuring Accuracy: The hand wheel zero position is calibrated and must not be changed. Valves have an accuracy of flow measurement of 2% to 3% whenused within their recommended flow range and installed in accordance with the figure below.• For the most accurate results, a Series 734 TA SCOPE or Series 73M CMI should be used. However, any differential pressure meter may be used.The illustration relates to the accuracy of differential pressure measurement and is not an installation requirement.2 D 10 D2 D 5 D 5.2 PERF RMANCETA Series 786H Balancing Valve Cv Values for Various Handle SettingsThe values below may be used when calculating and sizing a piping system.1C V = GPM at a ΔP of 1 psi/7 kPa) through the valve at any given setting.1 psi = 2.31 ft. of H 2O 2Full open valve.For liquids other than water, the flow values from the balancing wheel can be adjusted as follows:Divide the flow rate by the square root of the specific gravity.This applies to liquids having, on the whole, the same viscosity as water, i.e. most water/glycol mixtures and water/brine solutions at room temperature. At low temperatures, the viscosity increases and laminar flow may occur in certain valves. The risk increases with small valves, low settings and low differential pressures.A computer program (Hy-Select) is available for calculation of pre-setting values and other applications. When the flow setting is verified or changed to the final setting, the memory stop should be set. Contact Victaulic for further information. When Δp and the design flow rate are known, use the formula shown to calculate the C V value.A computer program, Hy-Select, is available from Victaulic for calculation of pre-setting values and other applications.5.4 PART CODES08.63 11841 Rev B Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved.User Responsibility for Product Selection and SuitabilityEach user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warninginstructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation,advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation guide, or this disclaimer.Intellectual Property RightsNo statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of suchmaterial, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual property right. The terms “Patented” or “Patent Pending” refer to design or utility patents or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United States and/or other countries.NoteThis product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. Victaulic recommends all products to be installed in accordance with current IMI TA installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic and IMI TA reserve the right to change productspecifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations.InstallationReference should always be made to the current IMI TA installation/assembly instructions for the product you are installing. For coupling and strainer installation, reference should always be made to the I-100 Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at WarrantyRefer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details.TrademarksVictaulic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries.7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS08.16: Victaulic Balancing Valves - TA Series 786H/787H/788/789 and Series 78KH I-KOIL-KIT: Victaulic KOIL-KIT™ Coil Pack Installation and Maintenance Instructions11。
Perkadox 14-40B-PD-S 产品数据表说明书
Product Data SheetPerkadox 14-40B-PD-S Di(tert-butylperoxyisopropyl) benzenePerkadox® 14-40B-PD-S is a 40% formulation on an inert carrier system in powder form.CAS number2212-81-9, 25155-25-3EINECS/ELINCS No.218-664-7TSCA statuslisted on inventoryMolecular weight338.5Active oxygen contentperoxide9.45%Concentration3.7-3.9%SpecificationsAppearance Off-white powderAssay39.0-41.0 %ApplicationsPerkadox® 14-40B-PD-S is a bifunctional peroxide which is used for the crosslinking of natural rubber and synthetic rubbers, as well as polyolefins. Rubber compounds containing Perkadox® 14-40B-PD-S have excellent scorch safety, and under certain conditions one step mixing is possible. Safe processing temperature: 135°C (rheometer ts2 > 20 min.). Typical crosslinking temperature: 175°C (rheometer t90 about 12 min.).Thermal stabilityOrganic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo self-accelerating decomposition. The lowest temperature at which self-accelerating decomposition of a substance in the original packaging may occur is the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is determined on the basis of the Heat Accumulation Storage Test.SADT80°CMethod The Heat Accumulation Storage Test is a recognized test method for thedetermination of the SADT of organic peroxides (see Recommendations on theTransport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria - United Nations, NewYork and Geneva).StorageDue to the relatively unstable nature of organic peroxides a loss of quality can be detected over a period of time. To minimize the loss of quality, Nouryon recommends a maximum storage temperature (Ts max.) for each organic peroxide product.Ts max.30°CNote When stored under strictly recommended storage conditions, Perkadox® 14-40B-PD-S will remain within the Nouryon specifications for a period of at least 12months after delivery.Packaging and transportThe standard packaging is a cardboard box for 25 kg peroxide formulation. Both packaging and transport meet the international regulations. For the availability of other packed quantities consult your Nouryon representative. Perkadox®14-40B-PD-S is classified as Flammable solid, class 4. 1, UN 1325.Safety and handlingKeep containers tightly closed. Store and handle Perkadox® 14-40B-PD-S in a dry well-ventilated place away from sources of heat or ignition and direct sunlight. Never weigh out in the storage room. Avoid contact with reducing agents (e. g. amines), acids, alkalines and heavy metal compounds (e. g. accelerators, driers and metal soaps). Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for further information on the safe storage, use and handling of Perkadox® 14-40B-PD-S. This information should be thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance of this product. The SDS is available at /sds-search.Major decomposition productsMethane, Acetone, tert-Butanol, Di(2-hydroxyisopropyl)benzene, Diacetylbenzene, Acetyl 2-hydroxyisopropyl benzeneAll information concerning this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable.Nouryon, however, makes no warranty as to accuracy and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the product's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent. Nouryon does not accept any liability whatsoever arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, or out of the use or the performance of the product. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Customer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes.The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued information on the subject matter covered. The customer may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers and footers, and should refrain from any unauthorized use. Don’t copythis document to a website.Perkadox® is a registered trademark of Nouryon Functional Chemicals B. V. or affiliates in one or more territories.Contact UsPolymer Specialties Americas************************Polymer Specialties Europe, Middle East, India and Africa*************************Polymer Specialties Asia Pacific************************2022-12-5© 2022Polymer crosslinking Perkadox 14-40B-PD-S。
Material Safety Data Sheetn-HexaneMSDS Name: n-HexaneCatalog Numbers: AC160780000, AC160780010, AC160780025, AC160780250, AC160780251, AC197360000, AC197360050, AC197360250, AC2683600,AC326660000, AC326660010, AC326660025, AC326710000, AC326710010,AC326710025, AC326780000, AC326780010, AC326780025, AC326920000,AC326920010, AC326921000, AC326922500, AC327890000, AC327890010,AC364370000, AC364370010, AC364371000, AC383800000, AC383800010,AC383800025, AC383800050, AC620040000, AC620048000, 16078-0040, 19736-0010, 19736-0025, H306-1, H306-4, H3064LC, H306SK-4Synonyms: Hexane; Hexyl hydride; Hex.Company Identification:Fisher Scientific1 Reagent LaneFair Lawn, NJ 07410For information, call: 201-796-7100Emergency Number: 201-796-7100For CHEMTREC assistance, call: 800-424-9300For International CHEMTREC assistance, call: 703-527-3887EMERGENCY OVERVIEWAppearance: APHA: 20 m ax liquid. Flash Point: -22 deg C.Danger! Flammable liquid and vapor. Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Breathing vapors m ay cause drowsiness and dizziness. Causes eye and skin irritation. Toxic to aquatic organisms, m ay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquati c environment. Possible risk of impaired fertility. Aspiration hazard if swallowed. Can enter lungs and cause dam age. Target Organs: Blood, central nervous system, liver, respiratory system, eyes, skin.Potential Health EffectsEye: Causes eye irritation.Skin: Causes skin irritation. May be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts. May cause derm atitis. There have been no reports of skin sensitization in people occupationally exposed to n-hexane. Skin sensitization was not observed in a maximization test using 25 volunteers.Ingestion: Aspiration hazard. May cause irritation of the digestive tract. May be harmful if swallowed. May cause lung damage.Inhalation: Harm ful if inhaled. May cause respiratory tract irritation. Exposure produces central nervous system depression. Inhalation of vapors m ay cause drowsiness and dizziness. n-Hexane vapor concentrations can becom e so high that oxygen is displaced, especially in confined spaces.Chronic: Chronic exposure m ay cause liver damage. Adverse reproductive effects have been reported in animals. Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. Chronic exposure m ay cause blood effects. Anim al studies have reported the developm ent of tum ors.Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get m edical aid.Skin: Get m edical aid. Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes.Ingestion: Potential for aspiration if swallowed. Get m edical aid immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by m edical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If vomiting occurs naturally, have victim lean forward.Inhalation: Remove from exposure and m ove to fresh air immediately. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get m edical aid. Possible aspiration hazard. Do not use mouth-to-m outh resuscitation if victim ingested or inhaled the substance; induce artificial respiration with the aid of a pocket m ask equipped with a one-wayvalve or other proper respiratory m edical device.Notes to Physician: Treat sym ptom atically and supportively.General Information: As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-dem and, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. Vapors may form an explosive mixture with air. Vapors can travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Will burn if involved in a fire. Containers m ay explode in the heat of a fire. Flammable liquid and vapor.Extinguishing Media: Use water spray to cool fire-exposed containers. Use foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide.Flash Point: -22 deg C ( -7.60 deg F)Autoignition Temperature: 223 deg C ( 433.40 deg F)Explosion Limits, Lower:1.1 vol %Upper: 7.5 vol %NFPA Rating: (estim ated) Health: 2; Flammability: 3; Instability: 0General Information: Use proper personal protective equipm ent as indicated in Section 8.Spills/Leaks: Absorb spill with inert m aterial (e.g. vermiculite, sand or earth), then place in suitable container. Wear a self contained breathing apparatus and appropriate personal protection. (See Exposure Controls, Personal Protection section). Remove all sources of ignition. Use a spark-proof tool. Do not let this chemical enter the environment.Handling: Use spark-proof tools and explosion proof equipment. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Take prec autionary measures against static discharges. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Do not ingest or inhale. Use only in a chemical fum e hood.Storage: Keep away from sources of ignition. Store in a cool, dry place. Store in a tightly closed container. Flammables-area.Engineering Controls: Use explosion-proof ventilation equipment. Facilities storing or utilizing this m aterial should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety shower. Use only under a chem ical fume hood.Exposure LimitsOSHA Vacated PELs: n-Hexane: 50 ppm TWA; 180 mg/m3 TWAPersonal Protective EquipmentEyes: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA's eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN166.Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure.Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure. Respirators: A respiratory protection program that m eets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2 requirements or European Standard EN 149 must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant respirator use.Physical State: LiquidAppearance: clear, colorless - APHA: 20 maxOdor: faint odor - peculiar odorpH: Not available.Vapor Pressure: 160 mbar @ 20 deg CVapor Density: 2.97(Air = 1)Evaporation Rate:Not available.Viscosity: 0.31 mPa @ 20 deg CBoiling Point: 69 deg C @ 760 mmHgFreezing/Melting Point:-95 deg CDecomposition Temperature:Not available.Solubility: Insoluble.Specific Gravity/Density:0.659Molecular Formula:C6H14Molecular Weight:86.18Chemical Stability: Stable under normal tem peratures and pressures. Conditions to Avoid: Incom patible materials, light, ignition sources, excess heat. Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, fluorine, liquid chlorine, dinitrogen tetraoxide, magnesium perchlorate.Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.RTECS#:CAS# 110-54-3: MN9275000LD50/LC50:CAS# 110-54-3:Draize test, rabbit, eye: 10 m g Mild;Inhalation, mouse: LC50 = 150000 mg/m3/2H;Inhalation, rat: LC50 = 48000 ppm/4H;Inhalation, rat: LC50 = 627000 mg/m3/3M;Oral, rat: LD50 = 25 gm/kg;.Carcinogenicity:CAS# 110-54-3: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65.Epidemiology: Tumorigenic effects have been reported in experim ental animals. Teratogenicity: Teratogenic effects have occurred in experim ental animals. Reproductive Effects: Adverse reproductive effects have occurred inexperimental animals.Mutagenicity: Mutagenic effects have occurred in experimental animals. Neurotoxicity: No information foundOther Studies:Ecotoxicity: No data available. Estimated BCF values = 2.24 and 2.89. These values suggest that hexane will show low bioconcentration in aquatic organisms. Estim ated Koc value = 4.11. This product will show slight soil mobility and is expected to rapidly volatilize from moist surface soils.Environmental: Terrestrial: Volatilization and adsorption are expected to be the most important fate processes. Aquatic: Photolysis or hydrolysis are not expected to be important. Atm ospheric: Expected to exist entirely in the vapor phase in ambient air, expected half life 2.8 days. Expected to biodegrade but not bioconcentrate. Physical: No information available.Other: Do not em pty into drains.Chemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded chem ical is classified as a hazardous waste. US EPA guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Parts 261.3. Additionally, waste generators must consult state and local hazardous waste regulations to ensure com plete and accurate classification.RC RA P-Series: None listed.RC RA U-Series: None listed.US FEDERALTSCACAS# 110-54-3 is listed on the TSCA inventory.Health & Safety Reporting ListNone of the chem icals are on the Health & Safety Reporting List.Chemical Test RulesNone of the chem icals in this product are under a Chemical Test Rule.Section 12bNone of the chem icals are listed under TSCA Section 12b.TSCA Significant New Use RuleNone of the chem icals in this m aterial have a SNUR under TSCA.CERCLA Hazardous Substances and corresponding RQsCAS# 110-54-3: 5000 lb final RQ; 2270 kg final RQSARA Section 302 Extremely Hazardous SubstancesNone of the chem icals in this product have a TPQ.SARA CodesCAS # 110-54-3: immediate, delayed, fire.Section 313This m aterial contains n-Hexane (CAS# 110-54-3, 93+%),which is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of SARA Title III and 40 CFR Part 373. Clean Air Act:CAS# 110-54-3 is listed as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP).This m aterial does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors.This m aterial does not contain any Class 2 Ozone depletors.Clean Water Act:None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Hazardous Substances under the CWA.None of the chem icals in this product are listed as Priority Pollutants under the CWA.None of the chem icals in this product are listed as Toxic Pollutants under theCWA.OSHA:None of the chemicals in this product are considered highly hazardous by OSHA. STATECAS# 110-54-3 can be found on the following state right to know lists: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Massachusetts.California Prop 65California No Significant Risk Level: None of the chemicals in this product are listed. European/International RegulationsEuropean Labeling in Accordance with EC DirectivesHazard Symbols:XN F NRisk Phrases:R 11 Highly flammable.R 38 Irritating to skin.R 48/20 Harm ful : danger of serious damage to health by prolongedexposure through inhalation.R 62 Possible risk of impaired fertility.R 51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverseeffects in the aquatic environment.R 65 Harm ful: m ay cause lung damage if swallowed.R 67 Vapours m ay cause drowsiness and dizziness.Safety Phrases:S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking.S 29 Do not empty into drains.S 33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges.S 36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.S 9 Keep container in a well-ventilated place.S 61 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheets.S 62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek m edical advice immediately and show this container or label.WGK (Water Danger/Protection)CAS# 110-54-3: 1Canada - DSL/NDSLCAS# 110-54-3 is listed on Canada's DSL List.Canada - WHMISThis product has a WHMIS classification of B2, D2B.This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of theControlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information required by those regulations.Canadian Ingredient Disclosure ListCAS# 110-54-3 is listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List.MSDS C reation Date: 6/03/1999Revision #11 Date: 7/28/2008The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to u s. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. User s should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Fisher be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if Fisher has been advised of the possibility of such damages.。
芯片质量 Tadiran Batteries 非可重充式锂酯电池信息表说明书
SDS No.- T-36-04 (Revision–M)Lithium Battery Information Sheet1.Section 1: IdentificationProducts Name: Primary (non-rechargeable) Lithium metal Thionyl Chloride (Li/SOCl2) cells and batteries. Cells include the models of TL, TLH, and TLL, 3.6V series. This Battery Information Sheet covers the the above models: 2100, 2134, 2135, 2137, 2150, 2155, 2186, 2200, 2300, 2450, 4902, 4903, 4920, 4930, 4934, 4935, 4937, 4940, 4951, 4955, 4986, 5101, 5104, 5113, 5114, 5134, 5135, 5137, 5151, 5155, 5186, 5233, 5242, 5276, 5293, 5315, 5902, 5903, 5920, 5930, 5934, 5935, 5937, 5940, 5955, 5323, 7902, 7955, 7903, 7920, 7930, 7937, 8902, 8955, 8903, 8920, 8930, and 8937 with all their finishing versions and batteries assembled from them, denoted by “/” followed by letters or digits.Manufacturer Name: Tadiran Batteries Ltd., P. O. Box 1, Kiryat Ekron, Israel 70500.US office address: 2001 Marcus Avenue, Suite 125E, Lake Success, NY 11040 Emergency Telephone No: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300Tel. for information: 1-516-621-4980Tel. for information 972-8-944-45032.The Lithium Thionyl chloride batteries described in this Battery Information Sheet are hermetically sealed units, which are not hazardous when used according to the recommendations of the manufacturer.Under normal condition of use of the batteries, the electrode materials and the liquid electrolyte they contained are non-reactive provided the battery integrity is maintained. Risk of exposure exists only in case of mechanical, electrical or thermal abuse. Thus the batteries should not short circuit, recharge, puncture, incinerate, crush, immerse in water, force discharge, or expose to temperatures above the temperature range of the cell or battery. In these cases there is risk of fire or explosion.Protection from charging:Whenever lithium batteries are not the single power source in a circuit, Whenever lithium batteries are not the single power source in a circuit, the measures recommended by Underwriters Laboratories are relevant. The relevant protection means should be recommended/approved by TADIRAN.* TLV- Threshold Limit Value is personal exposure limits determined by ACGIH (American Council of Governmental Industrial Hygienists).IMPORTANT NOTE: The above levels are not anticipated under normal use conditions.4.Section 4: First aid measuresIn case of battery rupture, explosion, or major leakage, evacuate personnel from contaminated area and provide good ventilation to clear out corrosive fumes, gases or the pungent odor. Seek immediate medical attention.Eyes - First rinse with plenty of water for 15 minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), and then seek medical attention.Skin - Remove contaminated clothes and rinse skin with plenty of water or shower for 15 min. Refer to medical attention.Inhalation - Remove to fresh air, rest, and half-upright position, use artificial respiration if needed, and refer to medical attention.Ingestion - rinse mouth, DO NOT induce vomiting, give plenty of water to drink, and refer to medical attention.5.Section 5: Fire - fighting measuresFLASH POINT: NA LOWER (LEL): NA FLAMMABLE LIMIT IN AIR: NA UPPER (LEL): NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:1. Lith- X (Class D extinguishing media) is the only effective on fires involving a few lithium batteries. If the cells are directly involved in a fire DO NOT USE: WATER, SAND, CO2, HALON, and DRY POWDER OR SODA ASH EXTINGUISHERS.2. If the fire is in adjacent area and the cells that are either packed in their original containers or unpacked, the fire can be fought based on fueling material, e.g., paper and plastic products. In these cases the use of copious amounts of cold water is effective extinguishing media. Storage area may also employ sprinkler system with cold water.AUTO-IGNITION: NASPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus to avoid breathing of irritant fumes (NIOSH approved SCBA & full protective equipment). Wear protective clothing and equipment to prevent body contact with electrolyte solution.Fire may be fought, but only from safe fire-fighting distance. Evacuate all persons from immediate area of fire.UNUSUAL EXPLOSION AND FIRE EXPLOSION: Battery may explode when subject to: excessive heat (above 150⁰C), recharged, over-discharged (discharge below 0V), punctured and crushed. During thermal decomposition generation of chlorine (Cl2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) can be formed.6.PROCEDURES TO CONTAIN AND CLEAN UP LEAKS OR SPILLS: The material contained within the battery would only be released under abusive conditions.In the event of battery rapture and leakage: contain the spill while wearing proper protective clothing and ventilate the area. Then, cover with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) or 1:1 mixture of soda ash and slaked lime. Keep away from water, rain, and snow. Placed in approved container (after cooling if necessary) and disposed according to the local regulations. NEUTRALIZING AGENTS: Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) or 1:1 mixture of soda ash and slaked lime. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Product decomposed by water must be neutralized. if sufficiently diluted, it may be added to waste water if it is sufficiently diluted.PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: avoid short-circuiting, over-charging and heating to high temperatures. Store the batteries in dry and cool area and keep container dry and tightly closed in well-ventilated area. Store cells away from food and drink.OTHER PRECAUTIONS; Never attempt to disassemble, machine, or otherwise modify batteries or injury may result.7.The batteries should not be opened, destroyed or incinerate, since they may leak or rupture and release to the environment the ingredients that they normally contained in the hermetically sealed container.HANDLING- Do not short circuit terminals, or expose to temperatures above the temperature rating of the battery, over charge the battery, forced over-discharge (voltage below 0.0V), throw to fire.Do not crush or puncture the battery, or immerse in liquids.STORAGE- is preferably done in cool (below 30⁰C), dry and ventilated area, which is subject to little temperature change.Do not place the battery near heating equipment, nor expose to direct sunlight for long periods. Elevated temperatures can result in shortened battery life and degrade performance.Keep batteries in original packaging until use and do not jumble them.Do not store batteries in high humidity environment for long periods.OTHER- cells and batteries are not rechargeable batteries and should not be charged. Applying pressure and deforming the battery may lead to disassembly followed by eye skin and throat irritation.Follow manufacturer recommendations regarding maximum recommended current and operating temperature range.GENERAL- The following safety measures are not necessary in normal use. They need only be applied if there is a risk that, in use or handling, the recommendations, as outlined in Section 3, have not been followed.RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: In case of abuse or leak of liquid or fumes, use NIOSH approved Acid Gas Filter Mask or Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus.VENTILATION: In case of abuse, use adequate mechanical ventilation (local exhaust) for battery that vents gas or fumes.PROTECTIVE GLOVES: In case of spill use PVC or Nitrile gloves of 15 mils (0.015 inch) or thicker. EYE PROTECTION: Use ANSI approved chemical worker safety goggles or face shield.OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: In case needed, chemical resistance clothing is recommended along with eye wash station and safety shower should be available meeting ANSI design criteria. WORK HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Use good hygiene practice. Wash hands after use and before drinking, eating or smoking. Launder contaminated cloth before reuse. SUPPLEMENTARY SAFETY AND HEALTH DATA: If the battery is broken or leaked the main hazard is the electrolyte. The electrolyte is mainly solution of Lithium chloride (LiCl), and aluminum chloride (AlCl3) in Thionyl chloride (SOCl2).Fires may be fought but only from safe fire fighting distance, evacuate all persons from immediate area of fire. Prevent heating of the battery, charging the battery, discharge to predetermined limit, do not crush, disassemble, incinerate or short circuit.9.Section 9: Physical and chemical propertiesBoiling point (760 mm Hg) NA, unless individual components exposed Vapor Pressure (mm Hg, 25ºC) NA, unless individual components exposed Vapor Density (air=1) NA, unless individual components exposed Density (gr/cc) > 1 gr/ccVolatile by Volume (%) NAEvaporation Rate (butyl acetate=1) NA, unless individual components exposed Physical State SolidSolubility in Water (% by weight) NA, unless individual components exposed PH NA, unless individual components exposed Appearance Geometric Solid ObjectOdor If leaking, gives off pungent corrosive odor10.Section 10: Stability and reactivitySTABLE OR NOT STABLE StableINCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOID) Strong mineral acids, water and alkali solutions.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS 1. Reaction of lithium with water: Hydrogen (H2), Lithium hydroxide (LiOH).2. Thermal decomposition over 150⁰C: Sulfur oxides, (SO2, SO3), Sulfur chlorides (SCl2, S2Cl2), Chlorine (Cl2), Lithium oxide, Li2O3. Electrolyte with water: Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) and SO2DECOMPOSITION TEMPERATURE (⁰F) NAHAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: May Occur____ Will Not Occur __X__ CONDITIONS TO AVOID Avoid mechanical abuse and electrical abuse such as short-circuiting, overcharge, over-discharge, (voltage reversal)and heating.THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE (TLV) AND SOURCE: NAHEALTH HAZARD ACUTE AND CHRONIC: Inhalation, skin contact, eye contact and ingestion are not likely by exposure to sealed battery.Inhalation, skin contact and eye contact are possible when the battery is opened. Exposure to internal contents, the corrosive fumes will be very irritating to skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Overexposure can cause symptoms of non-fibrotic lung injury and membrane irritation.Carcinogenicity- NTP: NoCarcinogenicity- IARC: NoCarcinogenicity- OSHA: NoExplanation of Carcinogenicity- No ingredient of a concentration of 0.1% or greater is listed as a carcinogen or suspected carcinogen.SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Exposure to leaking electrolyte from ruptured or leaking battery can cause:For further information refer to section 4.12.Section 12: Ecological information1.When properly used or disposed the battery does not present environmental hazard.2.Cells do not contain mercury, cadmium, lead or other heavy metals.3.Do not let internal components enter marine environment. Avoid release to waterways,wastewater or ground water.13.Section 13: Disposal Considerations4.Dispose in accordance with the applicable regulations in country and state.5.Disposal should be performed by permitted, professional disposal firms knowledgeable inFederal, State or Local requirements of hazardous waste treatment and hazardous waste transportation.6.Incineration should never be performed by battery users, but eventually by trainedprofessional in authorized facility with proper gas and fume treatment.7.Battery recycling should be done in authorized facility.14.Section 14: Transport informationShipping name:UN 3090: Lithium Metal Cells and BatteriesUN 3091: Lithium Metal Cells and Batteries contained in equipment, orLithium Metal Cells and Batteries packed with equipmentShipping information: the cells and batteries have passed successfully the tests defined in “UN Manual of Tests and Criteria”, Section 38.3 (the UN tests). The cells and batteries must be packed in accordance with Packing Instructions / Special Provisions (SP) of the applicable code, e.g., IATA (57th revised edition)/ICAO (Packing Instructions: PI968, PI969 and PI970), IMDG Code (SP188) and ADR (SP188). When required, reference shall be made to UN number 3090 (lithium ion batteries) or UN 3091 when packed with or contained in equipment.Transportation within, to and from the US: are governed by the US DOT CFR 49, Parts 171, 172, 173 and 175. They details the required packaging and labels and transportation mode of cells transported separately or in equipment. The battery cannot be shipped, within, to, and from the US by passenger aircraft. Air shipments of cells can be done only by cargo aircraft.Hazard Classification: Class 9Packing Group: N/ABattery label: Identification and labeling should be in compliance with the applicable regulations. In addition, it should also include cell/battery title, nominal voltage, lot number and warning.15.1.All the cells and batteries are defined as “articles” and thus are exempt from therequirements of the Hazard Communication Standard”.2.The internal component (Thionyl chloride) is hazardous under the criteria of the FederalOHSA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1920.1200.3.NFPA rating- Lithium batteries are not included in the NFPA material list. Below is the NFPArating for lithium metal. Lithium metal is an internal component, enclosed by hermetically sealed metallic can. Under normal application is not exposed.16.Section 16: Other informationThe information and the recommendations set forth are made in good faith and believed to be accurate at the date of preparation. The present file refers to normal use of the product in question. Tadiran Batteries makes no warranty expressed or implied.Assembly of battery packs:The design and assembly of battery packs require special skills, expertise and experience. Therefore it is not recommended that the end user will attempt to self-assemble battey packs. It is preferable that any battery using lithium cells will be assembled by TADIRAN to ensure proper battery design and construction. A full assembly service is available from TADIRAN who can be contact for further information. If for any reason, this is not possible, TADIRAN can review the pack design in confidential to ensure that the design is safe and capable of meeting the stated performance requirements.。
碱性蓝 7安全技术说明书MSDS
Adcetris (brentuximab vedotin) 商品说明书
Adcetris® (brentuximab vedotin)Document Number: IC-0004 Last Review Date: 2/06/2018Date of Origin: 02/28/2012Dates Reviewed: 06/2012, 09/2012, 09/2012, 12/2012, 03/2013, 06/2013, 09/2013, 12/2013, 03/2014, 06/2014, 09/2014, 12/2014, 03/2015, 05/2015, 08/2015, 11/2015, 02/2016, 05/2016, 08/2016, 11/2016, 02/2017, 05/2017, 08/2017, 11/2017, 02/2018I.Length of AuthorizationCoverage will be provided for six months and may be renewed.Treatment for cHL post-auto HSCT has a maximum of 16 cycles.II.Dosing LimitsA.Quantity Limit (max daily dose) [Pharmacy Benefit]:∙50 mg vial: 4 vials per 21 daysB.Max Units (per dose and over time) [Medical Benefit]:∙200 billable units per 21 daysIII.Initial Approval CriteriaCoverage is provided in the following conditions:∙Patient is 18 years or older; AND∙Patient is CD30-positive; AND∙Patient must not be receiving concomitant bleomycin; ANDClassical Hodgkin Lymphoma (cHL) †∙Used as single agent therapy; ANDo Patient is at high risk for relapse or progression as post-autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant consolidation (auto-HSCT)†; ORo Patient with relapsed disease after failure of auto-HSCT or at least 2 prior multi-agent chemotherapy regimens who are not auto-HSCT candidates †; ORo Used as subsequent therapy for relapsed or refractory disease‡; ORo Used as maintenance therapy following high-dose therapy and autologous stem cell rescue (HDT/ASCR) for relapsed or refractory disease with high risk for relapse‡;OR∙Used as subsequent systemic therapy for relapsed or refractory disease in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapyNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)∙Used as a single agent for relapsed or refractory disease as subsequent therapy for one of the following:-Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (sALCL) †-Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma (PTCL) ‡-Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma (ATCL) ‡∙Breast-Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) ‡; ANDo Used as adjuvant therapy for localized disease to the capsule or implant or breast; ANDo Patient had incomplete excision or partial capsulectomy with residual or extended disease∙Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma ‡o Must be used as a single agent for acute disease or lymphoma; AND▪Used second-line for non-responders to first-line therapy; OR▪Subsequent therapy after high-dose therapy with autologous stem cell rescue (HDT/ASCR)∙Mycosis Fungoides (MF) †/Sezary Syndrome (SS) ‡∙Primary cutaneous CD30+ T-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders ‡o Used as a single agent; AND▪Patient has primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma (pcALCL) †; OR▪Patient has cutaneous ALCL with regional nodes (excludes systemic ALCL); OR▪Patient has lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) relapsed or refractory to all treatment options†FDA Approved Indication(s), ‡Compendia Recommended Indication(s)IV.Renewal CriteriaCoverage can be renewed based on the following criteria:∙Patient continues to meet the criteria in section III; AND∙Disease response as defined by lack of disease progression, improvement in tumor size and/or improvement in patient symptoms; AND∙Absence of unacceptable toxicity from the drug. Examples of unacceptable toxicity include: progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy, anaphylaxis andinfusion reactions, hematologic toxicities (thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and anemia),serious infections, tumor lysis syndrome increased toxicity in patients with severe renal(CrCl < 30 ml/min) and hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh B or C), hepatotoxicity, pulmonarytoxicity, serious dermatologic reactions, gastrointestinal complications, etc.V.Dosage/AdministrationVI.Billing Code/Availability InformationJcode:J9042 - Injection, brentuximab vedotin, 1 mg; 1 billable unit = 1 mgNDC:Adcetris single-use vial; 50 mg powder for injection: 51144-0050-xxVII.References1.Adcetris [package insert]. Bothell, WA; Seattle Genetics, Inc; November 2017. AccessedDecember 2017.2.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) for brentuximab vedotin. National Comprehensive Cancer Network,2017. The NCCN Compendium® is a derivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®.NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCNGUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network,Inc.” To view the most recent and complete version of the Compendium, go online to. Accessed December 2017.3.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) T-Cell Lymphomas. Version 2.2018. National Comprehensive CancerNetwork, 2018. The NCCN Compendium® is a derivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®.NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCNGUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network,Inc.” To view the most recent and complete version of the Compendium, go online to. Accessed January 2018.4.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) Hodgkin Lymphoma. Version 1.2018. National Comprehensive CancerNetwork, 2017. The NCCN Compendium® is a derivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®.NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCNGUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network,Inc.” To view the most recent and complete version of the Compendium, go online to. Accessed December 2017.Appendix 1 – Covered Diagnosis CodesAppendix 2 – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Medicare coverage for outpatient (Part B) drugs is outlined in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Pub. 100-2), Chapter 15, §50 Drugs and Biologicals. In addition, National Coverage Determination (NCD) and Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) may exist and compliance with these policies is required where applicable. They can be found at: /medicare-coverage-database/search/advanced-search.aspx. Additional indications may be covered at the discretion of the health plan.Medicare Part B Covered Diagnosis Codes (applicable to existing NCD/LCD): N/A。
1-2577 Conformal CoatingOne-part, translucent medium viscosity conformal coating with firm, abrasion resistant surface after cureFeatures & BenefitsComposition Applications •Cures to a tough, elastoplastic, resilient, abrasion resistant surface•Solvent-borne resin coating•Room temperature cure, no ovens required•Optional mild heat acceleration (after solvent flash-off) can speed in-line processing •UV indicator allows for automated inspection•UL 94 V-0 flammability rating•UL 746E Recognized•IPC-CC-830, Amendment 1 Approved•Mil-I-46058C, Amendment 7 Approved•Good adhesion allows use with many low-solids (no clean) and no-lead solders •One part silicone resin solution•1-2577 Conformal Coating is suitable for protective coating for rigid and flexible circuit boards and for PCB system Printed Wiring Board (PWB) applications,particularly those requiring toughness and abrasion resistance.Typical PropertiesSpecification Writers: These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications.Property Unit ResultOne or Two-Part OneColor (Cured) Translucent (Clear)Viscosity cPmPa-secPa-sec 950 950 1Specific Gravity (Uncured) 1.04 Specific Gravity (Cured) 1.11 Tack-Free Time at 25°C minutes 7 Tack-Free Time at 60°C/15% RH minutes 1.3 Durometer Shore A 80Typical Properties (Cont.)Property Unit ResultDielectric Strength volts/milkV/mm 400 16Volume Resistivity ohm*cm 5E+13Dielectric Constant at 100 Hz 2.74Dielectric Constant at 100 kHz 2.74Dissipation Factor at 100 Hz 0.0042Dissipation Factor at 100 kHz < 0.0002Agency Listing IPC-CC-830, Amend. 1 UL746E UL Flammability Classification NA 94 V-0Mil Specification NA MIL-I-46058C, Amend. 7NVC - Forced Draft Volatility % 72.3Description RTV conformal coatings have firm, dry surfaces for better handling and abrasion resistanceafter cure. Various viscosity versions facilitate different application methods. They requireatmospheric moisture to cure (no ovens) and their cure rates can be accelerated by mildheat. They are supplied in solvent, with low-VOC versions available and have Mil spec,IPC-CC-830 and UL recognition. Conformal coatings are materials applied in thin layersonto printed circuits or other PCB system assembly substrates.Application Methods ∙Spray∙Brush∙Flow∙Dip∙Automated pattern coatingProcessing/Curing The time required to reach a tack-free state can be reduced with heat. When using heat forthis purpose, allow adequate time for the solvent to evaporate prior to exposing to elevatedtemperatures in an air circulating oven. A typical cure schedule for 3 mil (75 micron)coatings is 10 minutes at room temperature, followed by 10 minutes at 60°C. If the coatingblisters or contains bubbles, allow additional time at room temperature for the solvent toflash off prior to oven cure.Pot Life And Cure Rate The pot life of Dow RTV conformal coatings is dependent on the application method chosen. To extend pot life, minimize exposure to moisture by using dry air or dry nitrogen blanketing whenever possible.Adhesion With RTV cure coatings, adhesion typically lags behind cure and may take up to 72 hours tobuild in some coatings. Dow RTV conformal coatings are formulated to provide adhesion tomost common PCB system assembly substrates and materials. It is recommended that thecoatings be applied to clean and dry substrates prior to application. On certain difficult, low-surface energy surfaces, adhesion may be improved by priming or by special surfacetreatment such as chemical or plasma etching.Handling Precautions PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. BEFORE HANDLING, READ PRODUCT AND SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION. THE SAFETY DATA SHEET IS AVAILABLE ON THE DOW WEBSITE AT , OR FROM YOUR DOW SALES APPLICATION ENGINEER, OR DISTRIBUTOR, OR BY CALLING DOW CUSTOMER SERVICE.Usable Life and Storage Special precautions must be taken to prevent moisture from contacting Dow RTV conformal coatings. Containers should be kept tightly closed and head or air space minimized. Partially filled containers should be purged with dry air or other gases, such as nitrogen. The product should be stored in its original packaging with the cover tightly attached to avoid any contamination. Store in accordance with any special instructions listed on the product label. The product should be used by its “Use Before” date as indicated on the product label.In some cases depending on storage, there may be a hazy appearance noticed in the containers when first opened, even though they are considered clear conformal coatings. It is normal for this to occur especially if the container has been sitting stagnant for several days or weeks. This is due to the solubility of the phenyl resin in the solvent and how long the container has been sitting in storage. The coating should cure to a clear consistency regardless of this initial appearance. Mild agitation can reconstitute the material so it is consistent in appearance and viscosity. Care should be taken if the Low VOC versions are in bladder bags. A gentle rolling of the pail should correct the problem and redistribute the solvent. This should be performed 24 hours before use, so any induced bubbles from the manual agitation or rolling process have a chance to dissipate.Useful Temperature Ranges For most uses, silicone adhesives should be operational over a temperature range of -45 to 200°C (-49 to 392°F) for long periods of time. However, at both the low and high temperature ends of the spectrum, behavior of the materials and performance in particular applications can become more complex and require additional considerations. For low-temperature performance, thermal cycling to conditions such as -55°C (-67°F) may be possible but performance should be verified for your parts or assemblies. Factors that may influence performance are configuration and stress sensitivity of components, cooling rates and hold times, and prior temperature history. At the high-temperature end, the durability of the cured silicone elastomer is time and temperature dependent. As expected, the higher the temperature, the shorter the time the material will remain useable.Repairability In the manufacture of PCB system assemblies, it is often desirable to salvage or reclaimdamaged or defective units. Dow RTV conformal coatings offer excellent reparabilitybecause they can be removed from substrates and circuitry by scraping or cutting, or byusing solvents or stripping agents. If only one circuit component is to be replaced, asoldering iron may be applied directly through the coating to remove the component. Properventilation of any fume should be employed. After the circuit board has been repaired, thearea should be cleaned by brushing or by using solvent, then dried and recoated. Heat curecoatings can be repaired with RTV coatings, but heat cure coatings may not work well whenused to repair RTV coatings.Packaging Information Multiple packaging sizes are available for this product. Please contact your local distributor or Dow representative for information on packaging size and availability.Limitations This product is neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceuticaluses.Health And Environmental Information To support customers in their product safety needs, Dow has an extensive Product Stewardship organization and a team of product safety and regulatory compliance specialists available in each area.For further information, please see our website, or consult your local Dow representative.How Can We Help You Today? Tell us about your performance, design, and manufacturing challenges. Let us put our silicon-based materials expertise, application knowledge, and processing experience to work for you.For more information about our materials and capabilities, visit .To discuss how we could work together to meet your specific needs, go to for a contact close to your location. Dow has customer service teams, science and technology centers, application support teams, sales offices, and manufacturing sites around the globe.LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION – PLEASE READ CAREFULLYThe information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should n ot be used in substitution for customer’s tests to ensure that our products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent.Dow’s sole warranty is that our products will meet the sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment.Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted.TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, DOW SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY.DOW DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.。
SHI Cryopump Product Catalogue说明书
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. (SHI) has a tradition of excellence and innovation that spans over 400 years. From its very beginning as a small shop selling medicines and books in Kyoto, Japan in the early 17th century, to its current status as a diverse, $6 billion corporation, SHI has continued to grow and flourish in an ever-changing international market.SHI’s acquisition of IGC-APD Cryogenics, Inc. in 2002 brought together two of the world’s leading cryogenic companies to form the SHI Cryogenics Group, with an unsurpassed tradition of design, development and success in the manufac-ture of cryogenic equipment.SHI Cryopumps continue this tradition by supporting both global research & development as well as state-of-the-art technologies. Today, applications of cryogenic technologies can be found in our daily lives. SHI Cryopumps are used directly or in the manufacturing of many of the world’s semiconductor, telecommunications, electronics, vacuum-coat-ed, and custom laboratory equipment and products.SHI offers a wide range of Cryopump products. Marathon® CP Series Cryopumps are offered with stan-dard and low profile enclosures, several flange options and manual and automatic features. They can be serviced in-situ without breaking vacuum or removing the pump from the chamber.The SICERA® Cryopump uses SHI proprietary inverter technology to reduce customerenergy costs. The resulting savings and increased production efficiency makeSICERA® ideal for semiconductor-related manufacturing.SHI Cryopumps are built in world-class manufacturing facilities us-ing Six Sigma manufacturing processes and process capabilitiesand analysis. The result is a product portfolio that offersflexibility, high reliability and is supported by aglobal sales, service and supportnetwork.Cryopump ModelMarathon® CP SICERA®CP-8CP-8LP CP-250LP CP-12CP-16CP-20KZ-8L KZ-12LAir (liters/second)1,5001,8003,0003,6004,8009,7001,5003,300 Water (liters/second)4,2004,2006,3009,56017,30029,1004,0009,500 Argon (liters/second)1,2501,5002,5003,1004,1008,3001,2003,500 Hydrogen (liters/second)2,3003,0005,0007,30012,00014,0002,2005,500 Argon Throughput (torr liters/second) Argon Capacity (standard liters)1,2001,6001,6002,0005,5006,0001,0002,000 Hydrogen Capacity (standard liters)2523305050331235 Crossover Rating (torr-liters)220220300650500400150150Weight35 lbs.(16.8 kg)39.5 lbs.(17.9 kg)44 lbs.(20 kg)90 lbs.(41 kg)110 lbs.(50 kg)170 lbs.(77 kg)70.6 lbs.(32 kg)88.2 lbs.(40 kg)Zephyr®•••HC-4E1•••Masatomo Sumitomo, founder of the Sumitomo family, opens a shopdealing in medicines and books in Kyoto, Japan17th Century Discovery of Besshi Copper Mine—Sumitomo receives exclusivemining rights1690Precursor to Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. established as amachinery production and repair facility at the Besshi Mine Plant1888Establishment of Sumitomo Machinery Works, Ltd.19341959Precursor to APD Cryogenics established as Space and MissileDepartment of Air Products in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USASumitomo establishes its cryogenics business at the Hiratsuka Research Laboratory in Hiratsuka City, near Tokyo. 1962Renamed the Advanced Product Development Department of AirProducts1968Introduces Displex ® cryocooler systems Merger between Sumitomo Machinery and Uraga Heavy Industriesresults in the establishment of Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.19691976Pioneers current generation cryopump technologyMerger with Nittoku Metal Industries results in the establishment of the1982APPLICATIONSSHI’s Cryopump systems are specifically designed to meet the needs of high vacuum processes, and are used in the manufacture of a variety of products. Typical applications for cryopumps include:Performance Specifications Performance Specifications Available Configurations• ANSI 6”, ISO 200 or CF 10” FlangeOptions• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Two (2) cryopumps operating with one(1) HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor• Displex ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-8 Cryopump • Zephyr ®, HC-4E1, HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable • Tool Kit Available Configurations• Standard Low Profile Design in Left orRight Hand Configurations• ANSI 6”, ISO 200 or CF 10” FlangeOptions• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Two (2) cryopumps operating with one(1) HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor• Displex ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-8LP Cryopump • Zephyr ®, HC-4E1, HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head CablePerformance Specifications Performance Specifications Available Configurations• Standard Low Profile Design in Left orRight Hand Configurations• ISO 250 Flange• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Two (2) cryopumps operating with one(1) HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor• Displex ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-250LP Cryopump • Zephyr ®, HC-4E1, HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable • Tool Kit Available Configurations• ANSI 10”, ISO 320 or CF 14” FlangeOptions• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Displex ® and Whisper ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-12 Cryopump • HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable •Tool KitPerformance Specifications Performance Specifications Available Configurations• ISO 400, CVC 10” or Wire Seal FlangeOptions• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Displex ® and Whisper ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-16 Cryopump • HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable • Tool Kit Available Configurations• ISO 500, ANSI 20” or Wire SealFlange Options• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Displex ® and Whisper ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-20 Cryopump • F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable •Tool KitPerformance Specifications Performance Specifications Available Configurations• ICF 253 mm Flange• Standard Fully-Automated Operation• SHI Proprietary Inverter Technology Standard Scope of Supply • KZ-8L Cryopump • CSW-61C/D Compressor • Remote Cryopump Controller with RS-485 Cables • Flexible Gas Lines • Power Cables Available Configurations• ANSI 10” Flange• Standard Fully-Automated Operation• SHI Proprietary Inverter Technology Standard Scope of Supply • KZ-12L Cryopump • CSW-61C/D Compressor • Remote Cryopump Controller with RS-485 Cables • Flexible Gas Lines •Power CablesSHI offers a complete line of necessary interconnect-ing cables for our Marathon ® CP Cryopump Sys-tems. Standard, manual systems include cables that transmit the necessary power from our compressors to the cryopump cold head. Standard length is 10 feet (3 meters) with options to extend up to 66 feet (20 meters). For our fully automatic, MCC-driven systems, additional interconnecting cables are in-cluded to power the cold head, MCC, automatic valves, blanket heater and vacuum and temperature instrumentation. RS-232 cables connect between our optional MCC and the customer’s host computer, PLC or PC.The SI CERA ® Cryopump system includes power cables for the pumps, compressors and controller. In addition, RS-485 cables connect the con-troller to both the pumps and compressors. SI CERA™ system cablescome in a variety of lengths and can be customized to fit the customer’sprocess.SHI offers Temperature I ndicator Kits, de-signed to accurately display and/or com-municate critical cryopump temperatures forour Marathon ® CP Cryopumps. Model 1901Indicator is a single, Model 9302 is dual, andModel 9304 is a four channel temperature in-dicator. All have alarm set points, RS-232 interface and analogoutput (optional on Model 1901). Model 9302 and 9304 Indica-tors additionally have a standard Ethernet interface. Tempera-ture indicators provide the necessary excitation and accuratereadout for our standard temperature diodes and kits comecomplete with 50 foot interconnecting cable(s).The S CERA ® Remote Cryopump Control-ler enables fully automatic operation of SICERA ® Cryopumps using commands from the end user’s host computer and industrystandard cryopump protocol. The controller comes standard with all SICERA®Cryopump systems. An Operation Panel Unit (shown in picture) is available as an option to monitor the status of the cryopumps and compressors, as well as to modify the regen-eration sequence and to obtain key data from the cryopump system.SHI’s MCC enables fully automatic operation of Marathon ® CP Cryopumps. Industry standard cryopump protocol is delivered via RS-232 interface from the customer’s host computer, PLC or Windows-based PC (using optional SHI MCS Software). Automatic operation and regeneration, as well as monitoring of critical system functions, are enabled, resulting in im-proved process times, enhanced efficiency of the user’s process and greatly reduced down-time between production cycles. I n conjunc-tion with the MCC, Marathon ® CP Cryopumps are enhanced with all necessary automatic valves, vacuum and temperature instrumen-tation and blanket heaters to enable safe andefficient automatic operation and regeneration.Tool Kits & Replacement Parts KitsCables Flexible & Superflex Gas LinesMarathon ® Cryopump Controller (MCC)SICERA ® Remote Cryopump Controller Temperature IndicatorsSICERA ® Cryopumps come equipped with flex-ible helium gas lines in 82 feet (25 meter) lengths,while Marathon ® CP Cryopumps come standardwith flexible helium gas lines in lengths from 10feet (3 meters) to 66 feet (20 meters). Gas linesterminate in size 8 female coupling halves forquick connect and disconnect to/from the coldhead and compressor and are also available withone end at 90°.Optional Superflex lines offer superior flexibilityand smaller bend radius without thinning the wall of the hose and of-fer a higher flexing cycle life than standard lines. Superflex lines alsodampen vibration and noise of the helium gas traveling through thelines. All flexible gas lines are pre-charged with clean helium gas.SHI offers a complete line of replacementparts kits that include all of the required partsand assemblies to completely reconditionMarathon ® CP Cryopumps and compres-sors.Tool kits are available from the standardwrench kit (used for connecting couplings)that accompanies new Marathon CP ® sys-tems to more comprehensive kits that in-clude such items as gas charging valves andadditional tools required for performing yourown service on Marathon ® CP Cryopumps and compressors.Contact your local SHI office for details.GLOBAL SERVICE & SUPPORT PROGRAMSAt SHI Cryogenics Group, we realize that our customers are diverse and the markets they serve are demanding and unique. In response, our global service and support network offers responsive and value-added support for our complete range of products. Our factory-trained technicians are located in strategic service centers around the globe and offer 24/7 on-call support, with no machines and no waiting.Our cryopump service offerings are both flexible and cost effective, including:• Product return to regional service depot for service, repair or complete refurbishment• Technical assistance in diagnosing equipment issues via phone or e-mail• Product exchange programs• Customer training programs• Customized service contractsAdditionally, Marathon® CP Cryopumps, can be serviced on-site, in-situ by the cus-tomer or a SHI factory-trained technician, without breaking vacuum or remov-ing the cryopump from the chamber for return or replacement. This uniqueservice option is the result of the high-quality, ultra-reliable Displex®Cryocooler technology found in all Marathon® CP Cryopumps.Displex® Cryocoolers have a long and successful operatinghistory, and feature a pneumatic drive that optimiz-es performance, reliability and main-tainability.Performing in-situ service lowers the total cost of ownership by:• Minimizing the required capital investment in spare parts• Minimizing the “down time” of your system for service or repair• Eliminating the cost of shipping a complete cryopump to a service center• Eliminating labor costs associated with complete disassembly of the cryopump from your systemSICERA® Cryopumps can be returned to one of SHI’s service centers for routine maintenance, service or complete refurbishment. Additional SICERA® pumps and compressors are available as “exchange units.” Simply install the exchange unit and the returned unit will be refurbished and placed “on the shelf” ready for the next exchange.Additionally, our factory-trained service technicians are available for on-site training, scheduled maintenance or emergency visits, offering rapid-response service for mission-critical applications.Whether you have service performed by a qualified service technician, perform in-situ service yourself with readily-ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FROM SHI CRYOGENICS GROUP In addition to the cryopumps featured in this catalogue, SHI Cryogenics Group designs and manufactures4K and 10K G-M Cryocoolers, Pulse Tubes and other low temperature cooling technology.SHI Cryogenics Group’s 10K Gifford-McMahon Cryocoolers are versatile, orientation-free, closed-cycle systems that feature the same Displex® technology found in the complete line of Marathon® CPCryopumps and MRI coolers, proven the world over with millions of reliable operating hours. Theyhave been recognized as the industry standard since we developed the technology over 40 years ago.Our original pneumatic drive, which limits the number of wear parts in the refrigerator, combined withstate-of-the-art design features, results in superior performance and low maintenance costs. Selectmodels, such as the CH-208 (left), also feature Whisper® technology for quieter operation.SHI’s 10K Cryocoolers have proven reliability in thousands of applications, includingMRI, cryopumping, research and other custom low-temperature applications.SH I CryogenicsGroup’s 4K Gifford-McMahon Cryocoolers arerecognized as the most reliableand versatile systems available in themarketplace. These Cryocoolers featurehigh cooling capacities, compact designs and areorientation-free. Models like the SRDK-408D2 (left) are the standardfor MRI and other superconducting magnets and can be found cooling awide variety of analytical and experimental devices and offer a verycost effective alternative to open-cycle liquid helium systems.SHI’s 4K Pulse Tube Cryocoolers embody leading-edge technologyand provide low vibration, high reliability and low maintenancerequirements. They are uniquely designed with no moving partsinside the coldhead. I n addition, the SRP-062B (right) featuresan optional separated valve unit to further reduce vibration, enableoperation in higher magnetic fields and ease maintenance requirements. SHI PulseTube Cryocoolers provide a stable low-temperature solution for sensitive measurementand analytical applications.For additional literature and information regarding 10K Cryocooler, 4K G-M and PulseTube Cryocooler designs, please contact your local SHI Cryogenics Group sales office.11For Information in:AsiaSumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.ThinkPark TowerCryogenics Division, Sales Department 1-1, Osaki 2-Chome, Shinagawa-Ku Tokyo 141-6025, Japan Phone: +81-3-6737-2550Fax: +81-3-6866-5114E-mail:***********.jpCryogenics Division, Service Department 2-1-1, Yato-cho, Nishitokyo-city Tokyo 188-8585, Japan Phone: +81-42-468-4265Fax: +81-42-468-4254E-mail:*******************.jpUnited StatesSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America, Inc.1833 Vultee Street Allentown, PA 18103Phone: +1 610-791-6700Fax: +1 610-791-0440E-mail:***********************EuropeSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of Europe, Ltd.3 Hamilton Close, Houndmills Industrial Estate Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6YT United KingdomPhone: +44 (0) 1256 853333Fax: +44 (0) 1256 471507E-mail:************************.ukSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics Shanghai, Ltd.Building 15Lane 333 Zhujian Road Minhang DistrictShanghai 201107, P .R. China Phone: +86-21-5486-6318Fax: +86-21-5486-0065E-mail:***********************.jpSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America, Inc.1700 Wyatt Drive Suite 13Santa Clara, CA 95054Phone: +1 408-645-3346Fax: +1 408-736-7325Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of Europe, GmbH Daimlerweg 5aDarmstadt D-64293, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6151 860 610Fax: +49 (0) 6151 800 252E-mail:***********************Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics Korea Co., Ltd.3F , 280-3, Saneop-ro155beon-gil, Gweonseon-GuSuwon-City, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea Phone: +82-31-278-3050Fax: +82-31-278-3053E-mail:******************.jpSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics T aiwan Co., Ltd.4th Floor, No. 3Lane 216, Gongyuan Rd.Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan ROC Phone: +886 3 561 2557Fax: +886 3 562 3400Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America, Inc.1500-C Higgins RoadElk Grove Village, IL 60007Phone: +1 847-290-5801Fax: +1 847-290-1984World Wide Web: © SHI Cryogenics Group 2/16。
SEC Millenium Hydrocarbon Gas Detector 操作手册说明书
SEC Millenium HydrocarbonGas DetectorInstruction and Operation ManualSensor Electronics Corporation12730 Creek View AvenueSavage, Minnesota 55378 USA(952) 938-9486 Fax (952) 938-9617Email:************************************Document Number 1460002, Revision CSensor Electronics CorporationSensor Electronics Corporation (SEC) designs and manufactures innovative fixed system gas detection equipment, for combustible gases, oxygen, carbon dioxide and toxic gases.CommitmentOur quality and service are uncompromising. We back each of our products with a two-year warranty on all materials and workmanship. We offer technical support, user training and on-site service and maintenance of equipment to meet the needs of our customers.Gas Detection ServiceIndividually designed maintenance packages are available for specific customer needs. Service begins with verification of the system installation that includes an initial system check and calibration. We then offer customer training programs (on-site and at factory) to insure that technical personnel fully understand operation and maintenance procedures. When on-the-spot assistance is required, service representatives are available to handle any questions or problems immediately.WARRANTYSENSOR ELECTRONICS CORPORATION (SEC) WARRANTS PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY SEC TO BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) YEARS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE FACTORY. ANY PARTS RETURNED FREIGHT PRE-PAID TO THE FACTORY AND FOUND DEFECTIVE WITHIN THE WARRANTY WOULD BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED, AT SEC'S OPTION. SEC WILL RETURN REPAIRED OR REPLACED EQUIPMENT PRE-PAID LOWEST COST FREIGHT. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO ITEMS, WHICH BY THEIR NATURE ARE SUBJECT TO DETERIORATION OR CONSUMPTION IN NORMAL SERVICE. SUCH ITEMS MAY INCLUDE:CHEMICAL SENSOR ELEMENTSFUSES AND BATTERIES.WARRANTY IS VOIDED BY ABUSE INCLUDING ROUGH HANDLING, MECHANICAL DAMAGE, ALTERATION OR REPAIR. THIS WARRANTY COVERS THE FULL EXTENT OF SEC LIABILITY AND SEC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT COSTS, LOCAL REPAIR COSTS, TRANSPORTATION COSTS OR CONTINGENT EXPENSES INCURRED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL. SENSOR ELECTRONICS CORPORATION'S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS WARRANTY SHALL BE LIMITED TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY PRODUCT THAT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO SENSOR ELECTRONICS CORPORATION FOR WARRANTY CONSIDERATION. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND ALL OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES ON THE PART OF SENSOR ELECTRONICS CORPORATION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SENSOR ELECTRONICS CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND CONNECTED WITH THE USE OF IT'S PRODUCTS OR FAILURE TO FUNCTION OR OPERATE PROPERLY.WARNING: READ AND UNDERSTAND THE USER’S MANUAL BEFORE OPERATING OR SERVICINGWARNING: KEEP COVER TIGHT WHILE CIRCUITS ARE LIVECAUTION: FOR SAFETY REASONS THIS EQUIPMENT MUST BE OPERATED ANDSERVICED BY QUALIFIED PERSONEL ONLYRevision HistoryTable of ContentsRevision History (3)Table of Contents (4)I. SPECIFICATIONS (5)II GENERAL DESCRIPTION (6)III. OPERATION (8)IV. CALIBRATION (10)V. MAINTENANCE (10)VI. Parts List (11)VII. Drawing Section (12)I. SPECIFICATIONSModel:Sensor Electronics Corporation SEC MILLENIUM Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas DetectorAvailable gases:Methane Hexane Jet A TolueneEthane Diesel Ethanol P-XyleneEthylene Gasoline Methanol Tert-Butyl AcetateEthylene Oxide Green Earth Butane MEKPropane DF 2000 HexanePlease note that this list is not all-inclusive. The SEC MILLENIUM can be calibrated for most hydrocarbons, provided a calibration gas is available. For more please contact Sensor Electronics Corporation.Part Number: 1420280Detection Method:DiffusionOptional sample draw (requires a minimum of 1 liter per minute flow rate)Output (analog):4-20 mA (Source type), max. 1000 Ohm load at 24 VDC supply voltageResponse Time:T50 < 5 secondsT90 < 10 secondsConstruction:316 stainless steel.Accuracy:+/- 3% LFL, 0 to 50% LFL (Lower Flammable Limit)+/- 5% LFL, 51 to 100% LFLOperating Temperature Rating:-40︒ to +70︒C at 0 to 99% RH (non-condensing)Operating Voltage:24 VDC Operating range: 18 to 32 VDC measured at the detector headPower Consumption: 5 Watts Max.Max. Current Draw: (at 24 VDC)Average: 210 mAPeak: 400 mAApprovals:Explosion Proofness: Class I, Division 1, Groups B,C and D, Temp T5; (CSA for -40C to +50C) Combustible Gas Performance: C22.2 No 152, ANSI/ISA 12.13.01 – 2000; (CSA)UL 2075, Methane 0-100%LEL Only; (Conforms to UL2075, Intertek Listed)(UL2075 Listing requires the use of the SEC3120 Transmitter.) Installation Category: Cat. I, Pollution Degree 2II GENERAL DESCRIPTIONCONVENTIONSThe following conventions are used in this manual.!Warning or Caution StatementVDC (DC Voltage)SEC MILLENIUMThe SEC MILLENIUM Infrared gas detector is a microprocessor based intelligent gas detector that continuously monitors combustible hydrocarbon gases and vapors within the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL).The SEC MILLENIUM is ideally suited for use in harsh environments and where the cost of required maintenance for conventional catalytic detectors is prohibitive. The SEC MILLENIUM Infrared gas detector will perform reliably in the presence of silicone and other catalytic poisoning agents and can also operate in oxygen free environments or where high background gas levels are present. There are no known poisons that affect this technology.The SEC MILLENIUM is a stand-alone device providing a continuous 4 to 20 mA output.Features∙Requires no routine calibration to ensure proper operation.∙ Continuous self-test automatically indicates a fault, with fail to safe operation.∙ A multi-layered filtering system protects optics from dirt and water ingress.∙Straight optical path eliminates the need for mirrors or reflective surfaces, such as mirrors or beam splitters.∙Performs well in the presence of high concentrations or constant background levels of hydrocarbons and in oxygen depleted atmospheres.∙Highly resistant to poisoning and etching.∙Standard 4 to 20 mA output (current source)∙Explosion proof housing designed for harsh environments.∙Smart Calibration AutoAC™ circuit.Infrared Detection TechnologyThe SEC MILLENIUM Infrared gas detector uses infrared absorption technology for detecting combustible hydrocarbon gases. Gases absorb infrared light only at certain wavelengths. The concentration of a gas can be measured by the difference of two channels (wavelengths), a reference and a measurement channel. The SEC MILLENIUM uses a collimated infrared light source that passes through a waveguide, at the end of the waveguide is a dual channel receiver. The dual channel receiver measures the intensity of two specific wavelengths, one at an absorption wavelength and another outside of the absorption wavelength. The gas concentration is determined by a comparison of these two values.Infrared Absorption Spectrum for MethaneThe dual channel receiver is a single wafer, double filtered, dual receiver with an internal optical barrier. The elements are perfectly matched resulting in overall stability and superior performance throughout the entire temperature range.Using a dual channel receiver there is no need to use any special lenses or beam splitters to achieve the different measurement bands.The SEC MILLENIUM utilizes a unique, patented feature; the AutoAC ™ circuit. The AutoAC ™ circuit is an automatic analog control circuit, which allows the SEC MILLENIUM to be calibrated for any combustible hydrocarbon, provided that a calibration quality level of the gas is available. This eliminates setting dipswitches or changing out sensors for different types of hydrocarbons, simply calibrate the unit with a calibration gas of the specific gas to be detected.The optics can be easily disassembled for cleaning. This does not require powering the unit down and does not compromise the units’ explosion proof rating. The device will self-compensate for dirty optics until a point in which the optical surfaces are completely obscured.There are no consumable components contained in this product.Wavelength100%Dual Channel Infrared LightIII. OPERATIONInstallation and StartupWarning: If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.The first step in the installation process is to establish a mounting location for the SEC MILLENIUM. Select a location that is typical of the atmosphere to be monitored or close to the anticipated source of a dangerous gas.It is very important that the SEC MILLENIUM be properly located to enable it to provide maximum protection. The most effective number and placement of sensors vary depending on the conditions of the application. When determining where to locate sensors the following factors should be considered.∙What are the characteristics of the gas that is to be detected? Is it lighter or heavier than air? If it is lighter than air the sensor should be placed above the potential gas leak. Place the sensor close to the floor for gases that are heavier than air or for vapors resulting from flammable liquid spills. Note that air currents can cause a gas that is heavier than air to rise. In addition, if the temperature of the gas is hotter than ambient air or mixed with gases that are lighter than air, it could also rise.∙How rapidly will the gas diffuse into the ambient air? Select a location for the sensor that is close to the anticipated source of a gas leak.∙Wind or ventilation characteristics of the immediate area must also be considered. Movement of air may cause gas to accumulate more heavily in one area than in another. The detector should be placed in the areas where the most concentrated accumulation of gas is anticipated. For outdoor applications with strong wind conditions, it may require the sensors to be mounted closer together and on the downwind side, to the anticipated area of a gas leak. Also take into consideration for indoor applications, the fact that many ventilation systems do not operate continuously.∙The sensor should be accessible for maintenance.∙Excessive heat or vibration can cause premature failure of any electronic device and should be avoided if possible.∙Follow all national and local installation codes and practices.The SEC MILLENIUM has a ¾” NPT threaded connector for mounting the detector to a junction box. SEC can provide a junction box with terminals for this purpose.A user-supplied junction box can be used providing it has the appropriate sized NPT conduit entries. The junction box must be suitable for use in the application and location in which it is being installed.After the device has been installed, a calibration is required. Refer to the Calibration section of this manual. Wiring connectionsRed wire: 18 to 32 VDCBlack wire: DC CommonBlue wire: 4 to 20 mA outputWhite wire: Smart Calibration Wire (data wire)Earth Ground: Male 10-32 Stud on SEC Millenium cap, see figure 1.Wire sizing:0 to 500 feet, recommended wire gauge size 16 AWG501 to 1000 feet, recommended wire gauge size 14 AWGShielded cable is recommended. Wiring should be installed in metal conduit with no other cabling in the same conduit.Warm-upWhen power is applied to the detector, it enters a one (1) minute warm-up mode. The output current will be 4.0 mA during the warm up time period. At the end of the warm-up period with no faults present, the detector automatically enters the normal operating mode and continues to show 4 mA. If a fault is present after warm-up, the detector current output will indicate a fault. See the following chart for fault code status.NormalIn the normal operating mode, the 4-to-20 mA signal levels correspond to the detected gas concentration. The detector continuously checks for system faults or initiation of calibration and automatically changes to the appropriate mode.The 4 to 20 mA output of the SEC MILLENIUM is a non-isolated current source.Current Output and Corresponding StatusOnce the fault is cleared the SEC MILLENIUM will atomatically resume normal operation.IV. CALIBRATIONSEC MILLENIUMThe SEC MILLENIUM is factory calibrated; zeroed and spanned. Unlike catalytic sensors it does not require routine span gas calibration to ensure proper operation.The SEC MILLENIUM can be calibrated for almost any hydrocarbon using a calibration gas of the hydrocarbon that is to be detected (target gas). The SEC MILLENIUM is required to be spanned with gas only one time with the target gas. Typically this is done at the factory, but it is possible to field span the device by connecting the SEC MILLENIUM to a computer and using a software package provided by SEC. Please contact the factory for further details.A typical field calibration only requires the use of zero air (or 99.99% nitrogen). If the sensor is located in an area that is known to be free of the hydrocarbon gases then ambient air can be used as a zero reference.If zero air is used for the calibration, there is a fitting on the bottom of the sensor for a 1/8” ID tubing connection.Before beginning calibration use the SEC MILLENIUM Insulation Tube to cover outer cylinder holes and connect a clean air source to the sensor’s calibration port for a minimum of 3 minutes. To enter into the calibration mode the calibration wire must be connected to negative (common of the power supply) for ten (10) seconds, upon release the sensor will automatically enter the zero calibration routine. The electronics will automatically adjust the sensor’s signal to the new zero reference level. (Applying span gas is not necessary because of the SEC MILLENIUM’s unique software algorithms). During the zero calibration routine, the current output of the SEC MILLENIUM will go to 2.2 mA. Although this can be accomplished manually, installation of a switch (contact closure) can accomplish the zeroing procedure. It is recommended that this switch be a momentary type switch to prevent it from inadvertently being left in the calibrate position. If after 20 seconds the calibration lead has not been removed from common, the SEC MILLENIUM will ignore the signal and continue operation as normal.The SEC MILLENIUM can be spanned in the field if the customer wishes to change the target hydrocarbon gas. Please contact factory for additional equipment information and pricing for SEC PC IR Link Package) V. MAINTENANCEThe SEC MILLENIUM does not normally require cleaning of the optics. However if the unit is operating in a very dirty or dusty environment the optical path might become obscured. If the obscuration is severe enough to affect the unit’s accuracy, the unit will activate an “Optics Fault”. To clear an Optics Fault, first try a calibration. If the calibration does not correct the fault condition, try to clean the optics. The outer barrel (tube with two sets of holes) can be removed (unscrewed) to inspect the cleanliness of the hydrophobic filter. The hydrophobic filter is a Teflon coated stainless steel mesh that keeps moisture and particulates out of the optical path. A setscrew holds the fil ter to the MILLENIUM’s housing. Once the hydrophobic filter is removed, the internal waveguide tube should be inspected for cleanliness. The waveguide and waveguide collar can be removed by inserting rigid instruments such as Allen wrenches into one hole of the waveguide and one hole of the collar. Turning the two instruments in opposite directions will loosen the waveguide allowing the collar to be screwed down on to the waveguide until it can be removed from the SEC MILLENIUM housing. This will allow the windows of the SEC MILLENIUM to be cleaned. Dust can be removed using compressed air. Hard or oily deposits can be removed using Isopropyl alcohol and cotton tipped swabs. Wipe any film or residue or film left by the alcohol on the windows with a clean dry cotton swab. The internal surface of the electro-polished wave-guide tube can be cleaned the same way. Be careful not to leave any particles of the cleaning swab in the waveguide. The waveguide holes can collect pieces of the cleaning swab. After reassembling the unit (the waveguide and collar should be very tight to both ends of the SEC MILLLENIUM housing after installation. Once the unit is completely reassembled and power is reapplied, the SEC MILLENIUM must be calibrated. Refer to the calibration section of this manual.VI. Parts ListPart Number Description142-0280 Replacement Sensor SEC MILLENIUM190-1001 SEC 2001 Sensor Separation Kit142-0877 SEC Insulation Tube142-0497 SEC MILLENIUM Replacement Hydrophobic Filter 142-0297 SEC MILLENIUM Wave Guide Tube142-0570 SEC MILLENIUM Wave Guide Tube Collar142-0636 SEC PC IR Link KitVII. Drawing SectionFigure # TitleFigure 1 Wiring Diagram, SEC MILLENIUM Figure 2 SEC Sensor Separation Kit。
氰乙酰胺项目可行性研究报告分子式C7H5NS2分子量167.24CAS 登录号149-30-4EINECS 登录号205-736-8密度1.42熔点172-180 ºC闪点243 ºC (dec.)水溶性<0.1 g/100 mL at 19 ºC淡黄色粉末。
另:提供国家发改委甲、乙、丙级资质北京智博睿信息咨询有限公司 可行性研究报告大纲(具体可根据客户要求进行调整)第一章研究概述第一节研究背景与目标第二节研究的内容第三节研究方法第四节数据来源第五节研究结论一、市场规模二、竞争态势三、行业投资的热点四、行业项目投资的经济性第二章氰乙酰胺项目总论第一节氰乙酰胺项目背景一、氰乙酰胺项目名称二、氰乙酰胺项目承办单位三、氰乙酰胺项目主管部门四、氰乙酰胺项目拟建地区、地点五、承担可行性研究工作的单位和法人代表六、研究工作依据七、研究工作概况第二节可行性研究结论一、市场预测和项目规模二、原材料、燃料和动力供应三、选址四、氰乙酰胺项目工程技术方案五、环境保护六、工厂组织及劳动定员七、氰乙酰胺项目建设进度八、投资估算和资金筹措九、氰乙酰胺项目财务和经济评论十、氰乙酰胺项目综合评价结论第三节主要技术经济指标表第四节存在问题及建议第三章氰乙酰胺项目投资环境分析第一节社会宏观环境分析第二节氰乙酰胺项目相关政策分析一、国家政策二、氰乙酰胺项目行业准入政策三、氰乙酰胺项目行业技术政策第三节地方政策第四章氰乙酰胺项目背景和发展概况第一节氰乙酰胺项目提出的背景一、国家及氰乙酰胺项目行业发展规划二、氰乙酰胺项目发起人和发起缘由第二节氰乙酰胺项目发展概况一、已进行的调查研究氰乙酰胺项目及其成果二、试验试制工作情况三、厂址初勘和初步测量工作情况四、氰乙酰胺项目建议书的编制、提出及审批过程第三节氰乙酰胺项目建设的必要性一、现状与差距二、发展趋势三、氰乙酰胺项目建设的必要性四、氰乙酰胺项目建设的可行性第四节投资的必要性第五章氰乙酰胺项目行业竞争格局分析第一节国内生产企业现状一、重点企业信息二、企业地理分布三、企业规模经济效应四、企业从业人数第二节重点区域企业特点分析一、华北区域二、东北区域三、西北区域四、华东区域五、华南区域六、西南区域七、华中区域第三节企业竞争策略分析一、产品竞争策略二、价格竞争策略三、渠道竞争策略四、销售竞争策略五、服务竞争策略六、品牌竞争策略第六章氰乙酰胺项目行业财务指标分析参考第一节氰乙酰胺项目行业产销状况分析第二节氰乙酰胺项目行业资产负债状况分析第三节氰乙酰胺项目行业资产运营状况分析第四节氰乙酰胺项目行业获利能力分析第五节氰乙酰胺项目行业成本费用分析第七章氰乙酰胺项目行业市场分析与建设规模第一节市场调查一、拟建氰乙酰胺项目产出物用途调查二、产品现有生产能力调查三、产品产量及销售量调查四、替代产品调查五、产品价格调查六、国外市场调查第二节氰乙酰胺项目行业市场预测一、国内市场需求预测二、产品出口或进口替代分析三、价格预测第三节氰乙酰胺项目行业市场推销战略一、推销方式二、推销措施三、促销价格制度四、产品销售费用预测第四节氰乙酰胺项目产品方案和建设规模一、产品方案二、建设规模第五节氰乙酰胺项目产品销售收入预测第八章氰乙酰胺项目建设条件与选址方案第一节资源和原材料一、资源评述二、原材料及主要辅助材料供应三、需要作生产试验的原料第二节建设地区的选择一、自然条件二、基础设施三、社会经济条件四、其它应考虑的因素第三节厂址选择一、厂址多方案比较二、厂址推荐方案第九章氰乙酰胺项目应用技术方案第一节氰乙酰胺项目组成第二节生产技术方案一、产品标准二、生产方法三、技术参数和工艺流程四、主要工艺设备选择五、主要原材料、燃料、动力消耗指标六、主要生产车间布置方案第三节总平面布置和运输一、总平面布置原则二、厂内外运输方案三、仓储方案四、占地面积及分析第四节土建工程一、主要建、构筑物的建筑特征与结构设计二、特殊基础工程的设计三、建筑材料四、土建工程造价估算第五节其他工程一、给排水工程二、动力及公用工程三、地震设防四、生活福利设施第十章氰乙酰胺项目环境保护与劳动安全第一节建设地区的环境现状一、氰乙酰胺项目的地理位置二、地形、地貌、土壤、地质、水文、气象三、矿藏、森林、草原、水产和野生动物、植物、农作物四、自然保护区、风景游览区、名胜古迹、以及重要政治文化设施五、现有工矿企业分布情况六、生活居住区分布情况和人口密度、健康状况、地方病等情况七、大气、地下水、地面水的环境质量状况八、交通运输情况九、其他社会经济活动污染、破坏现状资料十、环保、消防、职业安全卫生和节能第二节氰乙酰胺项目主要污染源和污染物一、主要污染源二、主要污染物第三节氰乙酰胺项目拟采用的环境保护标准第四节治理环境的方案一、氰乙酰胺项目对周围地区的地质、水文、气象可能产生的影响二、氰乙酰胺项目对周围地区自然资源可能产生的影响三、氰乙酰胺项目对周围自然保护区、风景游览区等可能产生的影响四、各种污染物最终排放的治理措施和综合利用方案五、绿化措施,包括防护地带的防护林和建设区域的绿化第五节环境监测制度的建议第六节环境保护投资估算第七节环境影响评论结论第八节劳动保护与安全卫生一、生产过程中职业危害因素的分析二、职业安全卫生主要设施三、劳动安全与职业卫生机构四、消防措施和设施方案建议第十一章企业组织和劳动定员第一节企业组织一、企业组织形式二、企业工作制度第二节劳动定员和人员培训一、劳动定员二、年总工资和职工年平均工资估算三、人员培训及费用估算第十二章氰乙酰胺项目实施进度安排第一节氰乙酰胺项目实施的各阶段一、建立氰乙酰胺项目实施管理机构二、资金筹集安排三、技术获得与转让四、勘察设计和设备订货五、施工准备六、施工和生产准备七、竣工验收第二节氰乙酰胺项目实施进度表一、横道图二、网络图第三节氰乙酰胺项目实施费用一、建设单位管理费二、生产筹备费三、生产职工培训费四、办公和生活家具购置费五、勘察设计费六、其它应支付的费用第十三章投资估算与资金筹措第一节氰乙酰胺项目总投资估算一、固定资产投资总额二、流动资金估算第二节资金筹措一、资金来源二、氰乙酰胺项目筹资方案第三节投资使用计划一、投资使用计划二、借款偿还计划第十四章财务与敏感性分析第一节生产成本和销售收入估算一、生产总成本估算二、单位成本三、销售收入估算第二节财务评价第三节国民经济评价第四节不确定性分析第五节社会效益和社会影响分析一、氰乙酰胺项目对国家政治和社会稳定的影响二、氰乙酰胺项目与当地科技、文化发展水平的相互适应性三、氰乙酰胺项目与当地基础设施发展水平的相互适应性四、氰乙酰胺项目与当地居民的宗教、民族习惯的相互适应性五、氰乙酰胺项目对合理利用自然资源的影响六、氰乙酰胺项目的国防效益或影响七、对保护环境和生态平衡的影响第十五章氰乙酰胺项目不确定性及风险分析第一节建设和开发风险第二节市场和运营风险第三节金融风险第四节政治风险第五节法律风险第六节环境风险第七节技术风险第十六章氰乙酰胺项目行业发展趋势分析第一节我国氰乙酰胺项目行业发展的主要问题及对策研究一、我国氰乙酰胺项目行业发展的主要问题二、促进氰乙酰胺项目行业发展的对策第二节我国氰乙酰胺项目行业发展趋势分析第三节氰乙酰胺项目行业投资机会及发展战略分析一、氰乙酰胺项目行业投资机会分析二、氰乙酰胺项目行业总体发展战略分析第四节我国氰乙酰胺项目行业投资风险一、政策风险二、环境因素三、市场风险四、氰乙酰胺项目行业投资风险的规避及对策第十七章氰乙酰胺项目可行性研究结论与建议第一节结论与建议一、对推荐的拟建方案的结论性意见二、对主要的对比方案进行说明三、对可行性研究中尚未解决的主要问题提出解决办法和建议四、对应修改的主要问题进行说明,提出修改意见五、对不可行的项目,提出不可行的主要问题及处理意见六、可行性研究中主要争议问题的结论第二节我国氰乙酰胺项目行业未来发展及投资可行性结论及建议第十八章财务报表第一节资产负债表第二节投资受益分析表第三节损益表第十九章氰乙酰胺项目投资可行性报告附件1 、氰乙酰胺项目位置图2 、主要工艺技术流程图3 、主办单位近5 年的财务报表4 、氰乙酰胺项目所需成果转让协议及成果鉴定5 、氰乙酰胺项目总平面布置图6 、主要土建工程的平面图7 、主要技术经济指标摘要表8 、氰乙酰胺项目投资概算表9 、经济评价类基本报表与辅助报表10 、现金流量表11 、现金流量表12 、损益表13 、资金来源与运用表14 、资产负债表15 、财务外汇平衡表16 、固定资产投资估算表17 、流动资金估算表18 、投资计划与资金筹措表19 、单位产品生产成本估算表20 、固定资产折旧费估算表21 、总成本费用估算表22 、产品销售(营业)收入和销售税金及附加估算表文本仅供参考,感谢下载!。
美国USP等级的氧化剂类药料Perkadox L-W78说明书
Product Data SheetPerkadox L-W78 USP Grade Dibenzoyl peroxide, 78% with waterPerkadox® L-W78 USP Grade is a free-flowing granular form of dibenzoyl peroxide suitable for use in various pharmaceutical applications including anti-acne creams, face and body washes, and shampoos.CAS number94-36-0EINECS/ELINCS No.202-327-6TSCA statuslisted on inventoryMolecular weight242.2Active oxygen contentperoxide6.61%Concentration5.09-5.22%SpecificationsAssay75.0-78.0 %ApplicationsPerkadox® L-W78 USP Grade is a free-flowing granular form of dibenzoyl peroxide suitable for use in various pharmaceutical applications including anti-acne creams, face and body washes, and shampoos.Perkadox® L-W78 USP Grade is manufactured in accordance with U.S. current Good Manufacturing Practices and relative regulations as they apply to Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals.Half-life dataThe reactivity of an organic peroxide is usually given by its half-life (t1/2) at various temperatures. The half-life of Perkadox® L-W78 USP Grade in chlorobenzene is:0.1 hr at 113°C (235°F)1 hr at 91°C (196°F)10 hr at 71°C (160°F)Formula 1kd = A·e-Ea/RTFormula 2t½ = (ln2)/kdEa122.35 kJ/moleA 6.94E+13 s-1R8.3142 J/mole·KT(273.15+°C) KThermal stabilityOrganic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo self-accelerating decomposition. The lowest temperature at which self-accelerating decomposition of a substance in the original packaging may occur is the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is determined on the basis of the Heat Accumulation Storage Test.SADT80°C (176°F)Method The Heat Accumulation Storage Test is a recognized test method for thedetermination of the SADT of organic peroxides (see Recommendations on theTransport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria - United Nations, NewYork and Geneva).StorageDue to the relatively unstable nature of organic peroxides a loss of quality can be detected over a period of time. To minimize the loss of quality, Nouryon recommends a maximum storage temperature (Ts max.) for each organic peroxide product.Ts Max.40°C (104°F)Note When stored under these recommended storage conditions, Perkadox® L-W78USP Grade will remain within the Nouryon specifications for a period of at least 12months after production.Packaging and transportPerkadox® L-78W USP grade is packaged in a single 32.1 lb. HDPE bag in a protective box. Both packaging and transport meet the international regulations. For the availability of other packed quantities contact your Nouryonrepresentative.Perkadox® L-W78 USP Grade is classified as Organic peroxide type B; solid, Division 5.2; UN 3102.Safety and handlingKeep containers tightly closed. Store and handle Perkadox® L-W78 USP Grade in a dry well-ventilated place away from sources of heat or ignition and direct sunlight. Never weigh out in the storage room.Avoid contact with reducing agents (e.g. amines), acids, alkalis and heavy metal compounds (e.g. accelerators, driers and metal soaps). Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for further information on the safe storage, use and handling of Perkadox® L-W78 USP Grade. This information should be thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance of this product.The SDS is available at/sds-search.All information concerning this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable.Nouryon, however, makes no warranty as to accuracy and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the product's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent. Nouryon does not accept any liability whatsoever arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, or out of the use or the performance of the product. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Customer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes.The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued information on the subject matter covered. The customer may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers and footers, and should refrain from any unauthorized use. Don’t copythis document to a website.Perkadox® is a registered trademark of Nouryon Chemicals B.V. or affiliates in one or more territories.Contact UsPolymer Specialties Americas************************Polymer Specialties Europe, Middle East, India and Africa*************************Polymer Specialties Asia Pacific************************2022-6-30© 2022Pharmaceutical industry Perkadox L-W78 USP Grade。
苯磺酸氨氯地平片申报资料(药学部分)目录3.2.P.1 剂型及产品组成 (2)3.2.P.2 产品开发 (3)3.2.P.2.1 处方组成 (3)3.2.P.2.1.1 原料药 (3)3.2.P.2.1.2 辅料 (4)3.2.P.2.2 制剂研究 (4)3.2.P.2.2.1 处方开发过程 (4)3.2.P.2.3 生产工艺的开发 (19)3.2.P.2.4 包装材料/容器 (22)2.3.P.2.5 相容性 (22)3.2.P.3 生产 (22)3.2.P.3.1生产商 (22)3.2.P.3.2批处方 (22)3.2.P.3.3 生产工艺和工艺控制 (23)3.2.P.3.4 关键步骤和中间体的控制 (24)3.2.P.3.5 工艺验证和评价 (25)3.2.P.4 原辅料的控制 (30)3.2.P.5 制剂的质量控制 (30)3.2.P.5.1质量标准 (30)3.2.P.5.2 分析方法 (30)3.2.P.5.3 分析方法的验证 (33)3.2.P.5.4 批检验报告 (92)3.2.P.5.5 杂质分析 (96)3.2.P.6 对照品 (100)3.2.P.7 稳定性 (100)3.2.P.7.1稳定性总结 (100)3.2.P.7.2上市后的稳定性承诺和稳定性方案 (101)3.2.P.7.3 稳定性数据 (101)申报资料正文3.2.P.1 剂型及产品组成苯磺酸氨氯地平片是一种独特的具有高度血管选择性的长效二氢吡啶类钙离子拮抗剂,是心血管治疗药物中比较理想的长效降压药,也是近几年来世界处方量最大的高血压和心绞痛治疗药物。
签名2750-7 pH电子技术手册说明书
Signet 3-2724-00 Flat pH Electrode
The bottom yellow nut is not used when using the 2750-7 pH electronics with the Signet 463X flow cell.
Do Not Use Lubricant or Sealing Tape on Threads. Do Not Overtighten.
China RoHS (visit for details)
23 mm (0.91 in.)
61.0 mm (2.40 in.)
Georg Fischer Signet LLC, 3401 Aero Jet Avenue, El Monte, CA 91731-2882 U.S.A. • Tel. (626) 571-2770 • Fax (626) 573-2057 For Worldwide Sales and Service, visit our website: • Or call (in the U.S.): (800) 854-4090 For the most up-to-date information, please refer to our website at
• For calibration and configuration please refer to ansmitter manual.
4. Specifications
General Compatible Electrode: Signet 2724-00 Flat pH electrode Compatible Instrument: Signet 3-8630-3P Chlorine Transmitter Mounting: DryLoc connection Materials: Valox®* (PBT)* Cable: 4.6 m (15 ft) 3 conductor shielded, 22 AWG Shipping Weight: 0.64 kg (1.41 lb)
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Inhibitors, Agonists, Screening Libraries
Data Sheet
NSC305787 hydrochloride is a small molecule inhibitor of PKC, with IC50 of 8.3 μM, 9.4 μM, 55 μM for PKCΙ phosphorylation of recombinant ezrin, of moesin, and of radixin.
Target: PKC
in vitro: NSC305787 demonstrates a novel targeted therapy that directly inhibits ezrin protein as an approach to prevent tumor metastasis. Both NSC305787 and NSC668394 inhibited T567 phosphorylation and actin binding of endogenous ezrin at 10 μM without altering cellular ezrin levels. Both NSC305787 (P = 0.003) significantly inhibits the lung metastases growth of
high–ezrin–expressing K7M2 OS cells in this organ culture assay. [1]
in vivo: NSC305787 cause reduced cell motility phenotypes in zebrafish. [1]
PROTOCOL (Extracted from published papers and Only for reference)
Kinase assay [1]
Recombinant ezrin protein (500 ng) was incubated with the compounds at 1–100–μM concentrations for 15 min on ice, and then 50–ng PKCΙ was added. Reactions were performed at 30°C for 30 min and stopped by adding 2 × sample buffer. NSC305787 and NSC668394 profiling of PKCΙ, α and γ were performed on a non–specific substrate (myelin basic protein) using the Kinase Inhibitor Compound Profiling service.
Cell assay [1]
Cell migration experiments were performed using the CIM–plate 16 migration chamber from xCELLigence electric cell impedance
system. A total volume of 150 μl containing K7M2 cells (1.5 × 105cells/well) and compounds at various concentrations were applied to the upper chamber in a serumfree media containing 1% DMSO. The lower chamber was loaded with 160 μl of a 10% fetal bovine serum media containing 1% DMSO as the chemoattractant. Cell migration was monitored in 'real–time' for a period of 24 h.Animal administration [1]
GFP–expressing K7M2 or MNNG–HOS tumor cells (1 × 106) were delivered by tail vein to female BALB/c (K7M2) or SCID/Beige mice.One day after tumor cell injection, vehicle (n = 10) (DMSO, 1%), NSC305787 (n = 10) (0.240 mg/kg/day) or NSC668394 (n = 10) (0.226mg/kg/day) was administered 5–days a week by intraperitoneal injection. Mice were then monitored for evidence of morbidity including anorexia, dehydration, dyspnea and decreased activity and grooming behavior. Euthanasia of mice with presumed pulmonary metastases was based on the development of these symptoms.
Product Name:
NSC305787 (hydrochloride)Cat. No.:
HY-18931A CAS No.:
53868-26-1Molecular Formula:
C 25H 31Cl 3N 2O Molecular Weight:
PKC; PKC Pathway:
TGF–beta/Smad; Epigenetics Solubility:
DMSO: 8 mg/mL
[1]. Bulut G, et al. Small molecule inhibitors of ezrin inhibit the invasive phenotype of osteosarcoma cells. Oncogene. 2012 Jan 19;31(3):269–281.
Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only.
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