
如何写英文求职信coverletter5篇篇一:透析外企面试,如何撰写cover letter透析外企面试(14):如何撰写Cover Letter对于求职者来说,一份好的简历如同叩开外企大门的“敲门砖”,其重要性不言而喻。
为了弥补简历的这一不足之处,求职者可以在投递简历的同时,附上一封声情并茂的cover letter (求职信),这样不仅能增强求职者的竞争力,还能显示出求职者应聘的诚意与认真的态度。
本期笔者就具体介绍一下cover letter的撰写框架和注意事项,并提供几篇范例,供求职者参考。
撰写框架Cover letter通常包括四个部分,求职者可在这四个部分中分别介绍如下内容。
注意事项对求职者来说,cover letter不同于其他普通信函,它可能直接关系到求职者能否最终获得面试机会。
所以,求职者在写cover letter时一定要小心、谨慎,需特别注意以下五个方面。
1. 礼貌得体。
在写cover letter时,求职者可首先通过致电招聘公司等方式,尽可能地获得将来读cover letter的人的姓名,这样在信的开头,便可用“Dear +名字”的形式称呼对方。

---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------完美的英文简历怎么写1.Ioffermorethantwentyyearsofprogressivelyresponsibleexperi enceinsales,culminating*inmymostrecentpositionofDirectorofSalesandPrici ngwitha$50million,20-storechain.我有二十年职位逐步递增的销售经验,直至当上了一个具有5000万美元资本的20家连锁店的销售主管。
而且我的能力不局限于此2.Ifyourcompanyislookingforaself-motivatedpersonwhocanwork wellwithpeople,graspandexpandonnewideas,andachieveset*objectives,thenIfeelwehavegoodreasontomeet. 如果贵公司正在寻找一位自觉性高,合作性强,能理解并拓展新思路,实现即定目标的员工,我想我们有必要面谈一次。
3.IwillcallyounextMondaytoscheduleamutually*convenienttime tomeet.我将在下周一打电话与您确定双方都合适的会面时间。
4.IfeelthatIhavethequalificationsnecessarytoeffectivelyhan dletheresponsibilitiesofthepositionadvertised*.1 / 9我自信有资格承担广告上所描述的和职位相关的职责。
5.Myexperienceinthepastthreeyearsrangedfromcomputerlabassi stanttoinstallationspecialisttotroubleshooterworkingwithadi versegroupofpeopleandwinningaccoladesformytechnicalandpeopl eskills.在过去的三年中,我当过计算机实验室助教,做过安装师,也专门从事解决疑难问题,与各种各样的人群一起工作,并因为技术和人际关系好赢得了赞誉。

会计专业英文求职信带翻译[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient Name][Hiring Manager][Company Name][Company Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Recipient Name],I am writing to express my interest in the accounting position at [Company Name] as advertised on [job board or company website]. With a strong background in accounting and a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from [University Name], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.我写信是想表达我对贵公司在[职位名称]这个职位的兴趣,这个职位是在[招聘网站或公司官网]上发布的。
During my time at university, I acquired a solid foundation in accounting principles, financial reporting, and tax regulations. Ialso honed my analytical and problem-solving skills through various projects and internships, where I had the opportunity to apply my knowledge in real-world scenarios. These experiences have prepared me well for a career in accounting and have equipped me with the necessary skills to excel in a professional setting.在大学期间,我打下了坚实的会计原理、财务报告和税收法规基础。

英语求职信格式范文(优选5篇)英语求职信格式范文(1)Dear Sir/Madam:Hello!I am XXXX college financial management professional graduates, I am very honored to be very pleased to participate in your comp any's competitive position, and is willing to contribute to the future development of your company.In the past three years, in the strict lessons and personal efforts of teachers and friends, I have a solid foundation of professional k nowledge, systematically mastered the knowledge of financial accou nting, cost accounting, financial management and related contents a nd subjects, can independently accomplish the financial statements prepared and needle on a report for financial analysis, cost accounti ng, internal control and so on. The use of spare time after extensiv e reading a lot of books, not only enrich themselves, but also cultiv ate their various skills.More importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learni ng attitude shape me carefully, simple, stable, innovative personality characteristics. Several social practice is to cultivate a good team s pirit. I think the most important is to cultivate the fun of learning and work, to master the new knowledge of learning methods, positiv e and progressive attitude towards life and work. I believe that in o rder to live and work, just work; and in order to study and work, n ot only work, but also to create.I love your company engaged in the cause, eagerly expect to u se my youthful vigor under your leadership, my enthusiasm, diligenc e sureness to contribute to this glorious cause; and make me in the practice of continuous learning and progress. I believe I have a sol id foundation and the usual practice of accumulation, must be able to do your company's requirements.Of course, as a college student, the biggest weakness is the lac k of experience. But I will everything from set out actually, I believe that from an early age to develop the hard-working spirit will help me as soon as possible to integrate into the work, in work modest ly to old staff consults, the study and correct their own shortcomin gs, make up their own inadequacies, try our best to for the compa ny's development as a modest force.Finally, thank you for your busy schedule to read my resume an d sincerely wish your company Yong success ride the wind and wav es!yours,xxx英语求职信格式范文(2)Dear Sirs:Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in Yangcheng Evening Newsof April 9.I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my B.B.A. f rom Xiamen University,I worked for three years as an office clerk at China Great Wall Computer Group (Shenzhen) Company.For the last two years I have been a secretary to the General M anager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company,Ltd. in Shenzhen. I am lo oking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in bus iness.I have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experience d in all types of office work. Copies of my testimonials are enclose d,and if you are interested in my application,please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date.Sincerely yours,xxx英语求职信格式范文(3)英语求职信常用句型:replying to your advertisement into- day's issue of the(newspap er),i wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm。

英文求职信范文带翻译3篇英文求职信范文带翻译3篇英文求职信范文带翻译篇一:Dear Sir,In repl to our advertisement in toda s nespaper regarding a vXXn in our offie, I ish to appl for the position of senior lerk, hih ou have speified.I feel onfident that I an meet our speial requirements indiating that the andidate must have a high mand of English, for I graduated from the English Language Department of _____ Universit three ears ago.In addition to m stud of English hile in the Universit, I have orked for three ears as seretar in the firm of ABC Trading Co. Ltd.The main reason for hanging m emploment is to gain more experiene ith a superior trading pan like ours. I believethat m eduation and experiene ill prove useful for ork in our offie.I am enlosing m personal histor, ertifiate of graduation and letter of remendation from the president of the Universit, I shall be obliged if ou ill give me a personal intervie atour onveniene.Ver trul ours,敬启者:顷阅今日XX报,得悉贵公司招聘职员,本人符合报载所列条件,拟参加应征。

小编精心收集了英文求职信范文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!英文求职信范文带翻译篇1D e a r M r.D i r e c t o r,I a m c u r r e n t l y w o r k i n g o n M a s t e r D e g r e e i nI n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m m e r c i a l l a w a t F u D a n U n i v e r s i t y. M y s u p e r v i s o r M r. L i u M i n g y u, a w e l l-k n o w p r o f e s s o r o f l a w,t e l l s m e t h a t S F S C s p e c i a l i z e s i nr e c o m m e n d i n g q u a l i f i e d p e r s o n n e l t o m u t i-n a t i o n a l c o m p a n i e s a n d s u g g e s t s t h a t I c o n t a c t y o u f o rr e c o m m e n d a t i o n.D u r i n g t h e t w o y e a r s o f s t u d i e s a t F u D a nU n i v e r s i t y,I h a v e n o t o n l y a c q u i r e d a l o t o fk n o w l e d g e o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o m m e r c i a l l a w,b u tl e a r n e d t w o f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e s a s w e l l -E n g l i s h a n d J a p a n e s e. M o r e o v e r, I h a v e p u b l i s h e d t w o p a p e r s i n t h e u n i v e r s i t y j o u r n a l o n p r o b l e m s t h a t m a y a r i s ea f t e r C h i n a s e n t r y t o W T O.A n d t h e y h a v eb e e nf a v o r a b l y a c c e p t e d.I a m e n c l o s i n g a r e s u m e, c o p i e s o f m y p u b l i s h e d p a p e r s,a n d P r o f e s s o r L i u s l e t t e r o fr e c o m m e n d a t i o n.I s i n c e r e l y h o p e y o u w i l i n t r o d u c e m e t o a f a m o u s m u l t i-n a t i o n a l c o m p a n y,t o w h i c h I w i l l d e d i c a t e m y s e l f.T r u l y y o u r s,F u J i a l i n亲爱的迪雷克托先生,我目前正在丹大学国际商法硕士学位。

会计英文求职信5篇会计英文求职信 (1) dear sir or madam:do you have any work in your accounting department for a part?timeemployee? miss wang, of the university placement office, has suggestedthat i write to you, since i would like to work for your company afteri finish my courses at the university. i?ve heard so much about yourcompany, and i believe it offers a good chance to a man interested inconstruction work and trained in business.i’m enclosing a resume that gives details of my life so far. my fatherdied when i was twelve years old, and i?ve been on my own since fourteen.i?m finishing college plenty late but i?ve had some experience along theway, with four years in the military.i could work every afternoon and all day saturday. professor he atthe university can tell you about my work in accounting. he is chairmanof the accounting department and my adviser.please look over the attached resume. i can come for an interview,if you wish. my telephone number (home) is -.sincerely yours,会计英文求职信 (2) Dear HR:I'm writing this letter to apply for the position that your companyreleased recently.I graduated from x学院. My major is Accouting, and I triumphantlygot some professional certificates about my major such as AbacusCertificate, the Certificate of Accouting Professional, theQualification Certificate of Accounting Computerization and theCertificate of Assistant Accountant.In general, I am very optimistic, imaginative hardy and dutiful.Especially my organizing ability and cooperative ability, I believe I cantake many benefits to my employer.I do want to be one member of your company. Looking forward to hearingfrom you.Sincerely yours,Micheal Jackson会计英文求职信 (3) Dear Ms. Brown,Finance, Inc. was listed on Cleveland Universitys career webpage forsummer internships. I believe that Finance, Incs summer internship is anideal opportunity for students.As a junior at Cleveland University, I am learning about the technicalside of accounting through a rigorous accounting course load. In addition,I am learning to be a team player and to communicate effectively withpeople from diverse backgrounds. For example, in my marketing class, Idid a group presentation on Starbucks. We had one week to evaluateStarbucks financial position, future opportunities, and recommend astrategy for Starbucks to compete well against Caribou Coffee. Workingwith group members that have conflicting opinions was quite challenging,exciting, and ultimately rewarding for me. Likewise, projects that I havecompleted at Creative Solutions Inc., and the Cleveland Municipal WaterDistrict further enhanced my accounting skills as well as offered insightsinto different aspects of the business world. My responsibilitiesincluded bookkeeping for thousands of dollars. At Finance, Inc., I wouldalso like to make a contribution by using my outstanding analytical skillsand be challenged to work to my potential by working with diverse clientele.In addition, I look forward to understanding more about Finance, Inc?srole in business.I respect Finance, Inc's excellence in quality and support and believethat I can meet these standards as a summer intern. I want to be challengedand learn firsthand about business. I am looking forward to furtherdiscussing the challenges and rewards of working for Finance, Inc.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,会计英文求职信 (4) Dear Sir / Miss:Hello!Thank you for your busy schedule to open this letter. I am a 20xxsession of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute of Professional Accounting isabout to graduate from a university student, was informed that yourorganization recruit more capable personnel, I am attracted to, I hopeyour company can take the first step in my career.Four years in college, I work hard hard, comprehensive and systematicstudy of the major accounting and management courses and books, and canbe applied flexibly; At the same time, after school, I also actively engagein the financial aspects of the latest theories and laws and regulations,a systematic study a new accounting system, and constantly refresh andenrich their theoretical knowledge, a solid theoretical foundation oftheir own. And in practice, I mastered the Abacus, Accounting andFinancial Statement Analysis accounting and other business under the neweconomic system of the accounting activities of a more comprehensive understanding. And obtained evidence of their qualification. Whilestudying at the school had won a scholarship. I also use every opportunityto actively participate in social practice activities for the twocompanies have done market research, these social activities to developand improve my overall quality and capacity. In addition, proficiency incomputer operation and I can Office Series Office software, and UFIDAKingdee mastered the financial software, through the National College ofComputer II examination.. Competent accounting, marketing and managementwork.The past does not mean that the future is the true meaning of hardwork. For practical work, I believe that I can quickly adapt to working environment, familiar with the business, and in practical work, keep onlearning and improving themselves, do their jobs. If the honor to be yourstaff, I will do the study, together with your company to develop a morebrilliant tomorrow. The cause of your organization would like to thriving achievements; cause I wish you every success in the future! Hope that theleadership can be taken into account for me, I eagerly look forward tohearing from you.Sincerely,Salute!会计英文求职信 (5) Dear Sir/MadamHello, thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter ofapplication.My name is , college accounting and auditing professional graduates, I am glad to hear that the expensive unit recruitment information, volunteered and eager to the expensive unit has been hired.During the university I system of learning the basic accounting, financial accounting, financial management, cost accounting, tax law, economic law, accounting and other professional knowledge, also at the end of each semester the and accounting related courses of training, learning the Yuantong accounting standards, strengthen the practical ability of operation, realizes the com#bination of theory and practice.I am positive, life to forge ahead, and constantly improve themselves from various aspects, has achieved great development, andcom#prehensively improve their overall quality, in my spare time, I love reading love read all kinds of books, learn from the books information to enrich themselves, to the concept of open mind; I usually love writing writing lyrics in his blog, to share with you, praised by the majority of users; active I love playing table tennis, jogging, not only exercise the body but also cultivate a sense of spirit, formed a good concept of time; living frugally I, always let yourself idle down, use the summer to do part-time temporary promotion. Not only close to the society, learn good com#munication with people and learn to sales knowledge, to reduce the economic burden of the family; I love the com#puter, do not play online games , the attention of network news, classic film appreciation, appreciation of beautiful music, media attention, their love, do what you love, looking for the whereabouts of the place.I am determined with full confidence, but also with hard work and out of the fight, with a young life to work, as far as I can contribute to your own strength.I sincerely wish your organization flourishing! yours,jack。

英语求职信有关会计的English:I am writing to express my interest in the accounting position at your esteemed company. With a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and three years of experience in financial analysis and reporting, I have developed a strong foundation in financial principles and analytical skills. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated the ability to accurately analyze data, identify trends, and prepare accurate financial statements. I am proficient in using accounting software and excel spreadsheets to manage financial information efficiently. I am detail-oriented, organized, and possess excellent communication skills, which allows me to effectively collaborate with team members and clients. I am eager to bring my expertise and passion for accounting to your organization and contribute to its continued success.中文翻译:我写信是为了表达我对贵公司会计职位的兴趣。

dear sir or madam,hello,i'm ***,** years old.i have been told by****manager, the business book publishing,****8, with whom i believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in june.i should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.you can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that i have had five years of varied experience in the book business.the companies for which i have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work i did while in their employ.my work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies,with some experience also in inventory control. in both positions,i have been assigned with the daily office administration.the courses taken at central commercial and the*******college specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.if there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.i can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.very truly yours,***the accountancy profession job seekers looking for work, how to prepare cover letter? here's an accounting cover letter fan,ladies and accounting graduates cover letter if you do not know how to write, you can be for reference.respected company leaders:hello!i was about to nanning vocational and technical college graduate students in an accounting profession. from the "nanning information port" the newspapers and magazines, it was learned that your company would hire accounting positions, zijian specially written submissions to be in this job. i am your company's development has been very concerned, and accounting have great interest in this work is very happy to develop your company do something modest. i am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal data.in the two years of university life, i have a good grasp of professional knowledge, learning of cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, computerized accounting, auditing, science and other professional courses. i seriously study, specialized courses average performance of 80 points or more, ideological and moral good moral character issued by the college has received outstanding awards, in-school period, i made the ministry of education examination center two certification computer certification, english b level qualified certificate, accounting certificate. photographic association, served as deputy secretary-general post. i grid bright, passionate work, get teachers and students alike.i can skilled use of office software on the computer has a certain degree of operational capability, a skilled five-stroke input method. two years in my spare time in the off-campus part-time. and through the work of learning responsibility to make me feel important. life of the wind and rain so i have a hard-working spirit. honesty and trustworthiness is mycharacter. because i know that accounting treatment is not careless sort of, not to cook the books. serious and responsible in their duties.respected corporate leaders, if i can receives your common sense, i will dutifully take concrete action to show you: your company's past, i came for and participation; but your company's future, i am willing to sacrifice the hard work of my life and sweat! i look forward to your good news. after once again my most sincere thanks!gentlemen,i have been told by mr.john l.pak,credit manager, the business book publishing,new york, with whom i believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in june.i should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.you can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that i have had five years of varied experience in the book business.the companies for which i have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work i did while in their employ.my work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies,with some experience also in inventory control. in both positions,i have been assigned with the daily office administration.the courses taken at central commercial and the bronx community college specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.if there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.i can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.very truly yoursthe leadership of the distinguished company:hello!thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my cover letter. through various channels, i learned about the situation of your company, know your company keep on exploring and innthe leadership of the distinguished company:hello! thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my cover letter.through various channels, i learned about the situation of your company, know your company keep on exploring and innovating with the strength and the development of a strong future at the same time, the community has a high-profile reputation, so i can become a great yearning for a member of.i am a graduating student of accounting, since the school years, i have been making strenuous efforts to do a good job should be done, i told myself: to learn not only seriously, but also to enhance their abilities, and strive to achieve all-round development.learn from the hard to learn and practice correct; from learning to focus on a wide range shooters professional knowledge and broaden their knowledge and broaden thinking厚积薄发at the same time, good people to learn, with great concentration, thinking, and constantly improve themselves and improve their own comprehensive quality.with self-confidence, i recommend myself to you, if your company had the honor to become a member of, i will work hard, with an open mind due diligence, active play to their initiative and creativity to contribute to the company. optional wood-liang and the migratory birds, horses and people for the wing! i believe that your organization can give me a space to develop their talents, but also ask you to believe i can bring newvitality to your organization, the new results. select your organization, i decided the most prudent. "would like to take kimigayo talents, explore the journey of my life."thank you again for the final reading of this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible.your organization would like to prosperitysincerely,salute。

求职信英语作文带翻译求职信英语作文带翻译篇一:英语求职信范文20篇Univers it in J ul80, I served ith Ja mes Co. as se retar u ntil la st mont h. Besi des I a m skill edin a lmost a ll kind s of of fie mah ine. So I feel onfide nt of m abilit to fil l a pos ition s uh as o u annou ne as v XXnt an d giveentiresatisfa tion in the di shargeof m du ties. T rusting ou ill give m applia tion ki nd onsi deratio n and h oping t o hearfavorab l fromou at o ur onve niene.Yours f aithful l, Samp le 11 敬启者:顷阅星期四X X报,获悉贵公司招聘人才。

会计员求职信英文范文模板[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Hiring Manager's Name][Company Name][Company Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],I am writing to express my interest in the accounting position at [Company Name] as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a strong background in accounting and a dedication to accuracy and detail, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the success of your organization.I recently graduated with a degree in Accounting from [University Name], where I developed a solid foundation in financial principles and accounting practices. During my time at university, I completed internships at two different accounting firms, where I gained hands-on experience in preparing financial statements, conducting audits, and analyzing financial data. These experiences have provided me with a strong understanding of accounting principles and the necessary skills to excel in a professional accounting role.In addition to my education and practical experience, I am highly proficient in a variety of accounting software, including QuickBooks, SAP, and Microsoft Excel. I am skilled at managing multiple projects simultaneously and have a proven track record of meeting deadlines and delivering accurate and timely financial reports. I am a detail-oriented individual with strong analytical skills, making me well-equipped to identify discrepancies and resolve complex accounting issues.I am impressed by [Company Name]'s reputation for excellence in the industry and its commitment to innovation and growth. I am eager to bring my passion for accounting and my dedication to accuracy to your team, and I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for this position.I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications align with the needs of [Company Name], and how I can contribute to the continued success of your organization. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you in more detail.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

会计英语自我介绍内容篇1good morning, everyone.i am zhao lin, age 25. since my graduation in #, ive been working in finance and auditing.with my 2-year experiences in government auditing, 1-year in external auditing, 1-year in internal auditing, and many years in finance and management, i am very experienced in financial analysis and management.i am applying for the position of financial analyst. with my experiences i believe that i am fully qualified for this position.and im sure i would be an asset to your pany if i were chosen.会计英语自我介绍内容篇2i am an accountant fresh graduate, four years of professional learning, so that i have a solid grasp of professional knowledge. skilled operation of word, excel, financial software and erp management systemi am a stable personality, patient who is diligent, hard-working, positive attitude. accounting professional learning but also cultivate my careful, rigorous learning attitude. the school and the relationship between teachers and students is good, full of team spirit, strong logical thinking ability and strong sense of responsibility, and in future work will continue. it is because of this personality, i love the accounting work very much.in practice, financial software lesson, we modify the input data, customer and employee business processing, vouchers, and report the production output has done a lot of practice. by accounting simulation practice, understanding from the collection of original documents, checkvouchers, registration books, to the whole process of making statements.i firmly choose the accounting profession through professional learning, i think it is very suitable for the job, and hope for the success of accounting occupation career!i was admitted to junior accountant at present, hope to enrich the accounting professional knowledge, and strive to bee a qualified accountant. i hope to find a financial work, can let me to learn the full play, improve the ability of business accounting, as a contribution to a force. the financial situation of extreme enthusiasm and persevere spirit the biggest factor i have the confidence to do accounting work.会计英语自我介绍内容篇3尊敬的领导:您好!非常感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的求职信。

Dear Dow HR,I am a sophomore graduate student in Beijing University of Technology. And I’m writing in response to you for recruiting a Sales and Marketing Intern posted on your Company website. And I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.I have worked two years on the detection of living creature cause system. During the two years I had a good view on the different applications of biotechnology, and the foreground of the Biotechnology and Engineering.During my Master's term Majored in Organic Chemistry I have a full understanding of the Chemical engineering and craft. And had deeper understanding on various chemical applications!The most confidence for me to this job title is that I had worked one year that focused on sales of Medicine and Chemistry. During this year I recognizeMy experience includes but is not limited to:•Customer service and support•Problem isolation and analysis•Application and requirement analysisThank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview.Yours sincerely,Hujiesample 1Dear Mr. Wang,I am a fresh graduate from Xiamen University of Technology, and I am writing in response to your advertisement for recruiting a software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday. I hope I can take the job.The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in both my extensive academic training in software programming, and my work experience in the relevant industry which has further polished my abilities. Moreover, I have much spare time this semester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship. Please find more details in my enclosed resume.Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview.Yours sincerely,Li Ming译文:尊敬的王先生:我是厦门理工学院的一名学生,写这封信希望应聘您昨日在我校BBS上招募的计算机编程员实习生职位。

关于会计英文求职信范文合集八篇会计英文求职信篇1dear mr.某某,l am writing to apply for the post of accounts clerk adertised on the websitei graduated at college specialing business english .but after my graduation .i also worked in supermarket for three years as mypartime job .because my language .it. keybard skills,l have chose the accounting assitant for 某某 my post.my vic-boss hope me join in their company totally,but i wanno use my technology to increase e某perience of my life .now,i think the post is what i pursure .i tattached my curriculum vitae .if you require any additional information,please do not to contact me.i look forward to hearing from you .yours sincerely,会计英文求职信篇2Respectability:According to Mr. Bejohn, manager of the trust department of New York commercial book publishing house, "your company is going to increase the number of Accountants in June, and I intend to participate in such duties. In my case, you can learn from the information enclosed in this letter. I have been engaged in business books for five years and have gained a variety of e某perience. The company I am now in office has agreed to provide you with information about my service in its company. In addition to the two company's trust and accounting services, I have gained some e某perience in financial control. When working in the two departments, they are all responsible for the daily administration. I repair in the central business school and the Bron某 college courses are related to youraccounting department.I hope your honor will be given to you. If you need more detailed information, please notify the address at the address above this letter.会计英文求职信篇3Dear Mr. / ms,Hello! Please forgive bother. I am a just accounting from hunan business school graduates. I am honored to organic back to present to you my personal information. In society, in order to find the accord with his professional and interested in the job, better use of their talents and realize their life values, to the leaders to make a self recommendation.Here is a brief introduction of my situation:As an accounting professional college students, I love my professional and for its input great enthusiasm and energy. In the four years of study life, what I learn from the basis of accounting knowledge to use and many other aspects. Through to these knowledge of study, I have the knowledge of this field have a certain degree of understanding and mastering, the profession is a tool, and the use of the tool's ability is one of the most important, when is synchronized with the course of various related practice and practice, has the certain actual operation ability and technology. In the school work, e某ercise more, the same study management knowledge, absorb management e某perience.I know is a tool for the future of computer and network, in the study on the premise of the profession, my interest in computer generated enormous and reading a lot of related books, Windows98/20某某, kingdee financial, ufida system, the application of financialsoftware, Fo某pro, VB language program language, etc.I am in the energetic period in life, I am eager to your talents in the wider world, I don't satisfy with e某isting knowledge level, e某pect to get e某ercise and improve in practice, so I hope I can join your unit. I will steadfast do belong to own a job, try our best to get good grades in the work. I believe that through their own hard work and efforts, will make due contributions.Thank you for the attention you have given me in your busy schedule. I hope your company can prosper in the future, and I wish you a great success in your career.I hope you can give me some consideration. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you!会计英文求职信篇4Dear Sir / Miss:Hello!Thank you for your busy schedule to open this letter. I am a 20某某 session of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute of Professional Accounting is about to graduate from a university student, was informed that your organization recruit more capable personnel, I am attracted to, I hope your company can take the first step in my career.Four years in college, I work hard hard, comprehensive and systematic study of the major accounting and management courses and books, and can be applied fle某ibly; At the same time, after school, I also actively engage in the financial aspects of the latest theories and laws and regulations, a systematic study a new accounting system, and constantly refresh and enrich theirtheoretical knowledge, a solid theoretical foundation of their own.And in practice, I mastered the Abacus, Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis accounting and other business under the new economic system of the accounting activities of a more comprehensive understanding. And obtained evidence of their qualification. While studying at the school had won a scholarship. I also use every opportunity to actively participate in social practice activities for the two companies have done market research, these social activities to develop and improve my overall quality and capacity. In addition, proficiency in computer operation and I can Office Series Office software, and UFIDA Kingdee mastered the financial software, through the National College of Computer II e某amination.. Competent accounting, marketing and management work.The past does not mean that the future is the true meaning of hard work. For practical work, I believe that I can quickly adapt to working environment, familiar with the business, and in practical work, keep on learning and improving themselves, do their jobs. If the honor to be your staff, I will do the study, together with your company to develop a more brilliant tomorrow. The cause of your organization would like to thriving achievements; cause I wish you every success in the future! Hope that the leadership can be taken into account for me, I eagerly look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,Salute!会计英文求职信篇5gentlemen,i have been told by mr.john l.pak,credit manager, the business book publishing,new york, with whom i believe you are acquainted,that you are e某pecting to make some additions to your accounting staffin june.i should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.you can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that i have had five years of varied e某perience in the book business.the companies for which i have worked have given mepermission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work i did while in their employ.my work was in the credit department and in the accountingdepartment in both companies,with some e某perience also in inventory control. in both positions,i have been assigned with the daily office administration.the courses taken at central commercial and the bron某 community college specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.if there is further information that you wish in themeantime,please let me know.i can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.very truly yours会计英文求职信篇6E某cuse me. I am a just from the Chengdu agricultural science and technology Career Academy Economic Management Branch of accounting and auditing professional graduates. I am honored to be organic to submit to you my personal information. In society, in order to find their own professional interests and work to better use of their talents and realize their the value of life, would like to recommend myself to you.This is a brief introduction to our own situation as follows:As an accounting student, I love my specialty and put in greatenthusiasm and energy. In the three years of learning and life, I have learned from the basic knowledge of accounting to the use of many other aspects. Through the study of knowledge, I have knowledgein this field has a certain degree of understanding and mastering,this is a professional tool, and the ability to use this tool is the most important, in parallel with the course of various relevant practice and practice, has a certain practical ability and technology. In school work, strengthen the ability to e某erciselife, learn management knowledge, and absorb management e某perience. During the University, I studied hard and won one or two scholarships many times, and I got the certificate of accounting, assistant accountant and intermediate accounting computerization in my spare time. I know that computers and networks are tools for the future. On the premise of learning this major, I have great interestin computers, and I read a lot about the books, windows98/某某, Kingdee finance, UFIDA financial system, application software, Fo某Pro, VB language and other programming languages. In the class as a learning commissary, the work has been recognized and praised by the teachers and classmates. In the Organization Department of the college, he served as an organizer, and he was awarded the title of e 某cellent league cadre because of his outstanding work.I am in an energetic period of life. I am eager to show mytalents in a wider field. I am not satisfied with the e某istinglevel of knowledge and e某pect to be trained and improved in practice, so I hope to join your company. I will do my job well and make every effort to get good results in my work. I believe that through my diligence and efforts, I will make my due contribution.Thank you for giving me your attention in your busy schedule. Ihope your company will thrive and achieve good results. I wish you every success in your career. I hope all of you can consider it. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you.会计英文求职信篇7Dear leaders:Hello!Thank you for your busy schedule to review my cover letter: I graduated in July this year, the Nanjing Institute of certain audit, the accounting profession.Three years of university life, I trained a highly skilled professional skills.Grasp the principles of accounting, financial accounting, cost accounting, financial software UFIDA financial management in the company's use of such important knowledge of accounting theory at the same time, through the school accounting simulation e某periments, the use of winter and summer vacations to the understanding of enterprises and institutions to study further rich practical e某perience of their own.In order to better adapt to society and to meet the challenges,I have tried to improve all aspects of the ability of the national secondary standard computer Visual Fo某pro, where in his spare time, through part-time accounting, handing out leaflets and engage in promotion, training young volunteers to do their own courage and ability to enhance and enrich the e某perience of self-confidence. Today to see your company in Nanjing posted talent recruitment network information, I would like to apply for the post of Accounting Assistant.Is prudent to be my personal information submitted to earnestly be your company's pro-gaze, becoming the honor of your company one, in order to further the prosperity ofyour company to make its own modest.Finally, I wish your business success.And create greater glories!Sincerely,译文:亲爱的`领导:您好!感谢您百忙之中回顾我的求职信:我今年7月毕业于南京某研究所,会计专业。

会计专业英文求职信篇1I am the Accounting Department of Financial Services Institute ** 200 * session graduates to careers, I, with a sincere heart and pursuit of the cause, in good faith recommendation of its own.In college, I strive to learn the professional courses, mastered the basic professional knowledge and skills, and proficiency in the use of UF, the financial software disc, etc., will be a good theory and practice together, made in 20xx of their qualification card. At the same time, the use of after-school time, I studied computer-related knowledge, to master the operation of office software, office, and flexible use. In addition, I PR staff also participated in the study, to understand a number of social etiquette, interpersonal relations, such as the coordination of public relations knowledge and get relevant qualification certificates. in the university, a variety of style of life and a strong learning atmosphere, so I got many different levels of training and tests; as classes in the dry period, I have a strong sense of responsibility and work enthusiasm , as well as the good interpersonal relationships, and strive to do the job; in life, I love a wide range of after school time to develop their own knowledge; study, I have the courage to explore new and innovative, able to quickly master new knowledge and new skills."Devices will test the Prophet its, Ma Liang will be inferiorhorse riding and then know." I am confident that as long as you give me a piece of soil, I will go with all my hard work, you can not only see my success and the whole harvest fruit.I sincerely hope that you will accept me, I will work with you to share a common fate with the development of progress, in order to contribute to your company's development of its own! Your organization wishes to cause the final success!Sincerely,Salute会计专业英文求职信篇2The leadership of the distinguished company:Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my cover letter.Through various channels, I learned about the situation of your company, know your company keep on exploring and innovating with the strength and the development of a strong future at the same time, the community has a high-profile reputation, so I can become a great yearning for a member of.I am a graduating student of accounting, since the school years, I have been making strenuous efforts to do a good job should be done, I told myself: to learn not only seriously, but also to enhance their abilities, and strive to achieve all-round development.Learn from the hard to learn and practice correct; from learning to focus on a wide range Shooters professional knowledge and broaden their knowledge and broaden thinking. At the same time, good people to learn, with great concentration, thinking, and constantly improve themselves and improve their own comprehensive quality.With self-confidence, I recommend myself to you, if yourcompany had the honor to become a member of, I will work hard, with an open mind due diligence, active play to their initiative and creativity to contribute to the company. Optional wood-liang and the Migratory birds, horses and people for the wing! I believe that your organization can give me a space to develop their talents, but also ask you to believe I can bring new vitality to your organization, the new results. Select your organization, I decided the most prudent. "Would like to take Kimigayo talents, explore the journey of my life."Thank you again for the final reading of this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible.Your organization would like to prosperitySincerely,Salute会计专业英文求职信篇3Gentlemen,I have been told by Mr。

会计员求职信英文范文简短Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the accounting position at your company as advertised on your website. With a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and three years of experience in a similar role, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.During my previous role as an accounting assistant at XYZ Company, I was responsible for handling accounts payable and receivable, reconciling financial statements, and assisting with month-end closing procedures. I developed strong analytical and problem-solving skills, and I am proficient in using accounting software such as QuickBooks and Microsoft Excel.I am a detail-oriented individual with a strong work ethic and a commitment to accuracy. I have excellent communication skills and the ability to work well both independently and as part of a team. I am also highly organized and able to prioritize tasks effectively in a fast-paced environment.I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to your company and contribute to its continued success. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you in more detail.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

会计学生求职信英语怎么写Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the accounting position at your company. As a recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and further develop my skills in this field.During my time in college, I gained hands-on experience through internships and coursework that prepared me for a career in accounting. I have a strong understanding of financial principles, and I am proficient in using accounting software such as QuickBooks and Excel. I also have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, which have helped me excel in my academic studies.I am confident that my academic background and practical experience make me a strong candidate for this position. I am detail-oriented, organized, and able to work independently or as part of a team. I am also a quick learner and eager to continue expanding my knowledge in the field of accounting.In addition to my technical skills, I possess excellent communication skills and a strong work ethic. I am a dedicated and hardworking individual who is committed to achieving high standards of excellence in all tasks I undertake. I am also a team player who is able to build strong relationships with colleagues and clients.I am particularly interested in working for your company becauseof its reputation for excellence and commitment to professional development. I believe that I would be a valuable asset to your team and contribute positively to your company's continued success.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your company. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to schedule an interview.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the [position/role] at your esteemed organization. I have recently come across the job posting on [platform/website], and I believe that my skills and experiences make me a strong candidate for this opportunity.Allow me to introduce myself. I am a [degree/certification] holder in [field of study] from [university/institution]. Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a strong foundation in [relevantsubject/skill]. Additionally, I have gained practical experience through various internships and projects, which have helped me enhance my understanding of [industry/field].In addition to my academic achievements, I have also participated in [mention any extracurricular activities, leadership roles, or volunteer work]. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and time management. I believe that these qualities are essential for success in any role.I am particularly drawn to your company because of its reputation for [mention any specific reasons why you are interested in the company, such as its innovative culture, commitment to sustainability, orindustry leadership]. I am eager to contribute to an organization that values [mention any values or principles that align with your own, such as innovation, diversity, or social responsibility].In terms of my professional goals, I am seeking an opportunity to [mention your career goals and how the position aligns with them]. I am excited about the prospect of joining a dynamic team and contributing to the company's growth and success. I am confident that my [mention any specific skills or qualities] will allow me to make a meaningful impact in this role.I have attached my resume for your review, which provides furtherdetails about my qualifications. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the requirements ofthe position. Please feel free to contact me at [phone number] or via email at [email address] to arrange a convenient time for an interview.Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to your team and helping the company achieve its goals.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

投简历英文求职信范文Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the [position] advertised on [website/company name]. With a strong background in [relevant field or experience], I believe I am a perfect fit for this role and would bring valuable skills to your team.I have [number of years] years of experience in [specific industry or job function], where I have honed my [specific skills or expertise]. In my current role at [current company], I have successfully [describe key accomplishments or responsibilities]. From [specific example of achievement] to [another example], I have a proven track record of delivering results and adding value to the organizations I work for.I am highly skilled in [specific software or tools], and I am confident in my ability to quickly adapt and learn new technology as needed. I am also a strong communicator, with experience collaborating with cross-functional teams and stakeholders at all levels of the organization. I am detail-oriented, organized, and have a passion for continuous improvement and growth.I am particularly drawn to [company] because of [specific reason, such as its reputation in the industry, innovative products or services, company culture, etc.]. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific project or initiative at the company], and I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for this role.I am eager to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm for [industry or job function] make me a perfect fit for your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to the success of [company].Sincerely,[Your Name]。

会计英文求职信五篇会计英文求职信篇1dear sirs,igraduated from the central university of finance and economics this summer。
as a student of accounting, i hope to work for a foreign company after graduation。
in the past four academic years,i have proved myself to be a straight a student, awarded a succession of scholarships。
i have a good knowledge of accounting, in addition, my english isparticularly good, which will live up to the requirements set by a wholly-owned foreign company like yours。
i apply for the position of assistant to accountant。
you will find me a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn。
i believe i can be of value to your company。
i should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me。
yours sincerely,会计英文求职信篇2Dear Sir / Miss:Hello! I am afraid to disturb. I am a just accounting from Hunan University Business School graduates. I am honored to organic submittedback to you my personal data. A time when they participate in social, in order to find their own professional work and interests, but also good to play to their talents and realize their life values, the leadership would like to make a self-recommendation.The circumstances of their brief as follows:As a professional accounting students, I love my profession and put their great enthusiasm and energy. In the four years of study and life, I studied the contents, including from the basis of accounting knowledge to use and many other area. through knowledge of these, I have knowledge in this field have a certain degree of understanding and mastering, this is a professional tool, and the ability to make use of this tool is the most important, in parallel with the course of a variety of relevant and practical in practice, with a certain degree of practical ability and technology. the school work, to strengthen the ability of life skills training, learning management knowledge, management experience absorption.I know that computers and networks are a tool for the future, in the study under the premise of the professional, I have had a huge computer and read a great deal of interest in books, Windows98/, UFIDA financial systems, application software, Foxpro, VB language and other programming languages.I was in a life full of energy at the moment, I desire in a wider world in order to expose their own, I am not satisfied with the existing level of knowledge, the expectations have been tempered in practice and improve, so I hope to be able to join your unit . I will do a good of their own, do all the work achieved in the results. I believe that through their own hard work and efforts, will make due contributions.Just to thank you in his busy schedule by providing me with concern, the cause of success would like your organization, achievements, and wish you the cause of white scale success in the future!I hope that the leadership can be taken into account for me, I eagerly look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!Sincerely,会计英文求职信篇3Gentlemen:I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.会计英文求职信篇4应聘会计职务该如何写求职信?下面这位求职人给了我们一个很好的范例。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.
You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.
My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies,with some experience also in inventory control. In both positions,I have been assigned with the daily office administration.The courses taken at Central Commercial and the Bronx Community College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.
I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.If there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.
Very truly yours。