20±0.5 30±0.5 40±0.6
1±0.2 1±0.2 2±0.2 2±0.2
0.3 0.5*
0.4 0.7*
3±0.2 3±0.2 4±0.2 4±0.2
CAT-9 CAT-10 n CAT-10-75 CAT-12 CAT-15
n CAT-15-75 CAT-20
n CAT-20-75 CAT-25 CAT-30 CAT-40
DC-1500 DC-1500 DC-1500 DC-500 DC-1500
1.2 1.2 1.3
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
1.3 1.5 1.7
* Attenuation Flatness over DC-2000 MHz: CAT-25, NAT-25, 0.75 dB typ.; NAT-1-2W, 0.20 dB typ.; NAT-2-2W, 0.40 dB typ.; NAT-3-2W, 0.50 dB typ. NAT-4-2W, 0.8 dB typ.; NAT-5-2W, 0.9 dB typ.; NAT-6-2W, 1.0 dB typ.
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No.
Price Description
OS1611(*)-(**) OS1711(*)-(**) OS1811(*)-(**)
$ 930 1125 1850
Remote IR sensing head and electronics
Shown smaller than actual size.
OS1700 Series sensor with integral electronics.
ߜ Linear 4 to 20 mA Output
ߜ Simple 2-Wire Installation
ߜ 10 to 40 Vdc Power Operation
ߜ 3 Models to Choose From
ߜ 6 Infrared Spectral Responses
OS1800 Series sensor with integral electronics/display.
OS1600 Series OEM style sensor and remote electronics.
Rear view showing sensor.
OS1811-112-S, $1600, shown actual size.
signal allows the sensor to be interfaced with a variety of remote devices: indicators, controllers, recorders, and/or computers, etc.
在做每相试验时请先接好被试品与测试台的测试连接线和地线,然后在打开测试台的电源开关综合试验台的安装步骤1.选好放置综合试验台的位置2.放好调压器的移动底盘, 将调压器吊装放置在底盘上,调压器接线柱方向对底盘两只固定方向轮的方向,把调压器推至放综合测试台的大约位置。
4.把综合测试台推至具体放置位置5.调压器的进相电源(A.B.C.)线柱与测试台主板(A.B.C.)相连,调压器的出相(a.)与电参数仪的I a红色大线柱连接,调压器的出相(b)与测试台的后面耐压试验的接线柱连接并与电参数仪的I b 红色大接线柱连接,调压器的出相(c)接测试台主板(c.)经主板后返回与测试台的后面耐压试验的另一接线柱连接并与电参数仪的I c 红色大接线柱连接,6.调压器上的7芯柱对接测试台主板的7芯柱7.电参数仪的黑色大线柱分别与测试台后面的参数试验线柱连接,确认无误后关好后门。
一次智能化电气设备 二次智能化电子设备(IED) 通过计算机网络实现数字化通信 全站具有统一的数据建模和实时数据平台 实现智能设备间的互操作性和互换性
网调及各 省调应 每年编 制一次 本系统 的低频 减负荷 方案, 网调于 每年元 十二月 份完成 并下达 各省调 。各省 调应在 于次年 二月一 月完成 方案的 编制, 并下达 到各地 区及厂 站,要 求于三 月末完 成实施 。 低频自动减负荷装置的运行管理,低频 减负荷 装置正 常均应 投入使 用,不 得自行 退出。 若低频 减负荷 装置因 故停运 ,所在 省调应 及时向 网调汇 报。在 系统频 率降到 该装置 的启动 值时, 所在厂 站值班 人员应手 动切除 该装置 所控制 的线路 负荷。
➢ 变电站层和间隔层以基于IEC61850标准的互联互操作为重心,实现数据共享。 ➢ 过程层以可靠性和稳定性为首要设计原则。
和最小技术出力等参数,必须满足行 业以及 西北网 调有关 规定。 当这些 参数数 据不能 达到要 求或发 生变化 ,相关 发电企 业应及 时书面 报网调 备案, 并在现 场规程 中加以 规定。 陕、甘、青、宁各省 (区)调 必须严 格按照 调度计 划确定 的日广 义联络 线曲线 运行, 网调将 对联络 线的功 率及电 量偏差 按有关 规定进 行考核 。当各 省(区 )无能 力调整 时,应 立即汇 报网调 值班调 度员。
IEC61850不仅仅是规约,而是面向变电站建设的体系文件。 只是对变电站的建设和综合自动化系统结构制定规范,不影响现
有综自技术规范的继续执行。 要求变电站综合自动化系统的智能设备,须进行互操作测试。 对间隔层装置的数据处理能力提出了更高的要求。 与传统站相比较,差异主要体现在过程层的实现。
本仪器的使用涉及到高压,为防止电击或其它危险造成的人员伤亡,在安装、使用或 维修本产品之前,请务必仔细阅读、并完全理解“安全须知”章节的相关内容。 为保证您能正确安全地使用本仪器, 请务必遵守以下注意事项。 如果未遵守本手册指定 的方法操作本仪器, 可能会损坏本仪器的保护功能。 因违反以下注意事项操作仪器所引起的 损伤,广州致远电子股份有限公司概不承担责任。
产品入门手册 << I
ZST6000 入门手册
为避免仪器在搬运过程中滑落,造成仪器面板上的按键、旋钮或接口等部件损坏,请注 意搬运安全。
注意符号表示存在危险。提示用户对某一过程、操作方法或类似情况 进行操作时,如果不能正确执行或遵守规则,则可能对产品造成损坏或者 丢失重要数据。在完全阅读和充分理解注意所要求的事项之前,请不要继 续操作。 警告符号表示存在严重危险。提示用户对某一过程、操作方法或类似 情况进行操作时,如果不能正确执行或遵守规则,则可能造成人身伤害甚 至死亡。在完全阅读和充分理解警告所要求的事项之前,请务必停止操作。
CE 认证
请勿将使用过的 电池丢入垃圾桶
CAT Ⅱ(1000V)IEC 测量Ⅱ类,输入可连接到归属到Ⅱ类过电压条件下的电源 ( 最大 1000VAC)。 一般注意事项 针对人身安全与设备保护,列出注意事项如下所述: 保护功能有缺陷。在使用仪器之前,请对保护功能进行确认。如发现 保护接地或保险丝有缺陷,请勿继续使用本仪器; 请勿拆卸仪器的机箱。仪器内部有高压,非常危险。若要对仪器内部 进行检查和调试,请咨询广州致远电子股份有限公司; 出现异味或冒烟时。出现机体冒烟或散发异味等异常情况时,请直接 关闭电源,从插座拔掉电源插头,并切断连接在输入端子的测量回路 的电源。发生异常情况时,请咨询致远公司; 勿在易燃环境下操作仪器。请勿在含有易燃易爆液体或气体的环境里 使用本仪器; 请勿损坏电源线。请勿将物品摆放在电源线上,并使电源线远离热源。 将电源插头从插座拔出时,请勿拉扯电线,而应手持插头拔出。电源 线有破损时,请在确认好零件编号后再向经销商订购;
I 衰减III SRLIV 相时延及时延差V 4对水平电缆的相时延及传播速度的工程参考值, 200C主要产品介绍5类非屏蔽电缆一、产品特性●传输频率达到100MHz●适用于工作区通信输出端与交接箱之间或配线架之间的布线;●支技10BASE-T,综合业务数字网,100BASE-T4/TX(快速以太网),4/16Mbps牌环网(IEEE802.5),100MbpsTP-PMD,ATM52/155Mbps;二、结构0.511mm(24AWG)裸铜线,聚乙烯绝缘,两根绝缘导线扭绞成对,共4对到50对,外包阻燃PVC或低烟无卤阻燃聚烯烃护(护套颜色可由客户指定,通常为灰色)三、技术指标一、产品特性:●传输频率达到100MHz支持双工应用●适合于工作区通信输出与交接箱之间或配线架之间的布线●支技10BASE-T,综合业务数字网,100BASE-T4/TX(快速以太网),4/16Mbps牌环(IEEE802.5),100MbpsTP-PMD,ATM52/155Mbps二、结构0.511mm(24AWG)裸铜线,聚乙烯绝缘,两根绝缘导线扭绞成对,共4对,外阻燃聚氯乙烯或低烟无卤阻燃聚烯烃护套(护套颜色可由用户指定,通常为浅蓝色)三、技术指标一、产品特性●传输频率达到250MHz●适合于工作区通信输出与交接箱之间或配线架之间的布线●支技10BASE-T4\TX(快速以太网),100Mbps(千兆以太网),ATM155/622Mbps,综合业务数字网二、结构0.56~0.58mm(23AWG)裸铜线,聚乙烯绝缘,两根绝缘导线扭绞成对,共4对,外包阻燃聚氯乙烯或低烟无卤阻燃聚烯烃护套(护套颜色可由用户指定,通常为浅蓝色)三、技术指标铜缆接插件技术说明一、KJ-11-5E超五类信息插座模块模块是依据国际标准ISO/IEC11801、TIA/EIA 586B设计制造的性能优异的UTP电缆用8芯线式插座模块,模块化设计,IDC接插技术。
SAT66变压器保护装置技术说明书V 3.15-2015年04月-目录概述 (1)1.1IEC61850接口说明 (1)1.2数字化变电站应用方案 (1)1.3性能特点 (1)1.4技术数据 (2)1.4.1额定参数 (2)1.4.2性能参数 (2)1.5硬件板卡 (4)1.5.1CPU板 (4)1.5.2电源板 (5)1.5.3出口板 (5)1.5.4采样值接收板 (5)1.5.5键盘显示板 (5)1.6符号说明 (6)SAT66变压器保护装置 (7)2.1装置功能 (7)2.1.1保护功能 (7)2.2主保护原理 (9)2.2.1变压器接线组别 (9)2.2.2CT接线及平衡补偿 (9)2.2.3差动保护的动作特性 (10)2.2.4纵差差动速断 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.5纵差差动保护 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2.6励磁涌流闭锁 (12)2.2.7过励磁闭锁 (13)2.2.8CT断线判别及闭锁 (13)2.2.9差流越限 (13)2.3高后备保护原理 (13)2.3.1复合电压闭锁的方向过流保护 (13)过流复压元件 (13)过流保护的方向元件 (15)复压过流保护 (16)2.3.2零压闭锁零序过流保护 (16)2.3.3间隙零流保护 (17)2.3.4零流闭锁零序过压保护 (17)2.3.5过负荷告警 (18)2.3.6过负荷启动风冷 (18)2.3.7过负荷闭锁调压 (18)2.3.8高压侧PT断线 (18)2.4中后备保护原理 (19)2.4.1和电流过流保护 (19)2.4.2外接零压闭锁零序过流保护 (19)2.4.3过负荷告警 (20)2.4.4复合电压闭锁方向过流保护 (20)2.4.5自产零压闭锁零序过流保护 (22)2.4.6外接零压告警保护 (22)2.4.7自产零压告警保护 (22)2.4.8充电保护 ............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
信任 40通道模拟输入场地终端集装箱(FTA)非爆炸性产品概述说明书
PD-T8831 TrustedTrusted 40 Channel Analogue FTA Non-Incendive Product OverviewThe Trusted® 40 Channel Analogue Input Field Termination Assembly (FTA) Non-Incendive T8831 is designed to act as the main interface between a non-incendive field device in a hazardous area generating an analogue signal and the Trusted TMR Analogue Input Module T8431. Features:•40 input channels per FTA.•Industry standard field device connections (2-wire).•Limited power for connection to non-incendive field wiring.•Standard DIN rail compatibility.•Simple installation and connection.•24 Vdc operation.•Fused field power supply per channel.•On-board Light Emitting Diode (LED) indication field power supply integrity.Trusted PD-T8831Page intentionally left blankPREFACEIn no event will Rockwell Automation be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment. The examples given in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements related to any particular installation, Rockwell Automation does not assume responsibility or reliability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.All trademarks are acknowledged.DISCLAIMERIt is not intended that the information in this publication covers every possible detail about the construction, operation, or maintenance of a control system installation. You should also refer to your own local (or supplied) system safety manual, installation and operator/maintenance manuals.REVISION AND UPDATING POLICYThis document is based on information available at the time of its publication. The document contents are subject to change from time to time. The latest versions of the manuals are available at the Rockwell Automation Literature Library under "Product Information" information "Critical Process Control & Safety Systems".TRUSTED RELEASEThis technical manual applies to Trusted Release: 3.6.1.LATEST PRODUCT INFORMATIONFor the latest information about this product review the Product Notifications and Technical Notes issued by technical support. Product Notifications and product support are available at the Rockwell Automation Support Centre atAt the Search Knowledgebase tab select the option "By Product" then scroll down and select the Trusted product.Some of the Answer ID’s in the Knowledge Base require a TechConnect Support Contract. For more information about TechConnect Support Contract Access Level and Features please click on the following link:https:///app/answers/detail/a_id/50871This will get you to the login page where you must enter your login details.IMPORTANT A login is required to access the link. If you do not have an account then you can create one using the "Sign Up" link at the top right of the web page.DOCUMENTATION FEEDBACKYour comments help us to write better user documentation. If you discover an error, or have a suggestion on how to make this publication better, send your comment to our technical support group at SCOPEThis manual specifies the maintenance requirements and describes the procedures to assist troubleshooting and maintenance of a Trusted system. WHO SHOULD USE THIS MANUALThis manual is for plant maintenance personnel who are experienced in the operation and maintenance of electronic equipment and are trained to work with safety systems. SYMBOLSIn this manual we will use these notices to tell you about safety considerations.SHOCK HAZARD: Identifies an electrical shock hazard. If a warning label is fitted, it can be on or inside the equipment.WARNING: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which can cause injury or death, property damage or economic loss.ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause injury or death.CAUTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause property damage or economic loss.BURN HAZARD: Identifies where a surface can reach dangerous temperatures. If a warning label is fitted, it can be on or inside the equipment.This symbol identifies items which must be thought about and put in place when designing and assembling a Trusted controller for use in a Safety Instrumented Function (SIF). It appears extensively in the Trusted Safety Manual.IMPORTANTIdentifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.NOTE Provides key information about the product or service.TIP Tips give helpful information about using or setting up the equipment.WARNINGS AND CAUTIONSWARNING: EXPLOSION RISKDo not connect or disconnect equipment while the circuit is live or unless the area is known to be free of ignitable concentrations or equivalentAVERTISSEMENT - RISQUE D’EXPLOSIONNe pas connecter ou déconnecter l’équipement alors qu’il est sous tension, sauf si l’environnement est exempt de concentrations inflammables ou équivalenteMAINTENANCEMaintenance must be carried out only by qualified personnel. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.CAUTION: RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCEMost electronic equipment is influenced by Radio Frequency Interference. Caution should be exercised with regard to the use of portable communications equipment around such equipment. Signs should be posted in the vicinity of the equipment cautioning against the use of portable communications equipment.CAUTION:The module PCBs contains static sensitive components. Static handling precautions must be observed. DO NOT touch exposed connector pins or attempt to dismantle a module.ISSUE RECORDIssue Date Comments6 Sep 05 Format7 Jun 16 Rebranded and updated to incorporate IEEE standards with correction oftypographical errors and also standardise the Relative Humidity Rangeand Operating Temperature statements in the Specification Section.Page intentionally left blankTrusted 40 Channel Analogue FTA Non-Incendive Table of Contents Table of Contents1.Description (3)2.Installation (5)3.Associated Cable Selection (7)4.Assembly Pinout Connections (9)4.1. PWR TB1 Connections (9)4.2. TB3 (Auxiliary Input) (9)4.3. TB2 (Field Terminals) (9)4.4. SK1 (11)5.Specifications (14)Table of Contents Trusted 40 Channel Analogue FTA Non-IncendivePage intentionally left blank1.DescriptionFigure 1 T8831 LayoutThe Trusted 40 Channel Analogue Input FTA Non-Incendive T8831 provides termination for a maximum of 40 input channels from various types of field devices which generate an analogue input. Figure 2 below shows the configuration of a single channel.Figure 2 Single Channel SchematicThe supply for the field is derived from dual 24 Vdc feeds which are ‘commoned’ via diodes on the FTA. Indication of the presence of the power supply is provided by a green LED. The supply is then fed to each channel.The supply voltage to the field is fed via the 145 Ω resistor. This effectively limits the current in the field loop allowing inputs from non-incendive field devices located in hazardous areas. The voltage developed across the 250 Ω resistor due to the incoming analogue signal from the field device is fed directly to the analogue input module.The cable linking the 40 channels on the input module to the FTA is terminated at the 96-way socket SK1. The dual dc field power supplies are connected to the FTA via a 5-way terminal block PWR TB. The input signals from the field (40-off) are connected by 2-wire arrangements terminated on 12-off 3-way terminal blocks and 2-off 2-way.2.InstallationTrusted 40 Channel Analogue Input FTA Non-Incendive T8831 is designed to be mounted on either of the TS32 or TS35 DIN rails in the horizontal or vertical positions as required.Page intentionally left blank3.Associated Cable SelectionRefer to the product descriptions detailed below: PD-TC000 Trusted Power CablesPD-TC200 Trusted I/O Companion Slot Cables PD-TC500 Trusted I/O SmartSlot CablesPage intentionally left blank4.Assembly Pinout Connections4.1.PWR TB1 ConnectionsPin Service1 24 V-A2 24 V-B3 0 V4 0 V5 24 V(auxiliary supply for use when required)Table 1 PWR TB1 Connections4.2.TB3 (Auxiliary Input)Pin Service1 Chan 0 (not configured)2 Chan 41(not configured)Table 2 TB3 (Auxiliary Input) Connections4.3.TB2 (Field Terminals)Pin Service Pin Service1 Chan 1 24 Vdc field supply2 Chan 1 signal from field3 Chan 2 24 Vdc field supply 4 Chan 2 signal from field5 Chan 3 24 Vdc field supply6 Chan 3 signal from field7 Chan 4 24 Vdc field supply 8 Chan 4 signal from field9 Chan 5 24 Vdc field supply 10 Chan 5 signal from field11 Chan 6 24 Vdc field supply 12 Chan 6 signal from field 13 Chan 7 24 Vdc field supply 14 Chan 7 signal from field 15 Chan 8 24 Vdc field supply 16 Chan 8 signal from field 17 Chan 9 24 Vdc field supply 18 Chan 9 signal from field 19 Chan 10 24 Vdc field supply 20 Chan 10 signal from field 21 Chan 11 24 Vdc field supply 22 Chan 11 signal from field 23 Chan 12 24 Vdc field supply 24 Chan 12 signal from field 25 Chan 13 24 Vdc field supply 26 Chan 13 signal from field 27 Chan 14 24 Vdc field supply 28 Chan 14 signal from field 29 Chan 15 24 Vdc field supply 30 Chan 15 signal from field 31 Chan 16 24 Vdc field supply 32 Chan 16 signal from field 33 Chan 17 24 Vdc field supply 34 Chan 17 signal from field 35 Chan 18 24 Vdc field supply 36 Chan 18 signal from field 37 Chan 19 24 Vdc field supply 38 Chan 19 signal from field 39 Chan 20 24 Vdc field supply 40 Chan 20 signal from field 41 Chan 21 24 Vdc field supply 42 Chan 21 signal from field 43 Chan 22 24 Vdc field supply 44 Chan 22 signal from field 45 Chan 23 24 Vdc field supply 46 Chan 23 signal from field 47 Chan 24 24 Vdc field supply 48 Chan 24 signal from field 49 Chan 25 24 Vdc field supply 50 Chan 25 signal from field 51 Chan 26 24 Vdc field supply 52 Chan 26 signal from field 53 Chan 27 24 Vdc field supply 54 Chan 27 signal from field 55 Chan 28 24 Vdc field supply 56 Chan 28 signal from field 57 Chan 29 24 Vdc field supply 58 Chan 29 signal from field59 Chan 30 24 Vdc field supply 60 Chan 30 signal from field61 Chan 31 24 Vdc field supply 62 Chan 31 signal from field63 Chan 32 24 Vdc field supply 64 Chan 32 signal from field65 Chan 33 24 Vdc field supply 66 Chan 33 signal from field67 Chan 34 24 Vdc field supply 68 Chan 34 signal from field69 Chan 35 24 Vdc field supply 70 Chan 35 signal from field71 Chan 36 24 Vdc field supply 72 Chan 36 signal from field73 Chan 37 24 Vdc field supply 74 Chan 37 signal from field75 Chan 38 24 Vdc field supply 76 Chan 38 signal from field77 Chan 39 24 Vdc field supply 78 Chan 39 signal from field79 Chan 40 24 Vdc field supply 80 Chan 40 signal from fieldTable 3 TB2 (Field Terminals) Connections4.4.SK1C B A1 SmartSlot Link C SmartSlot Link B SmartSlot Link A23 Chan 28 (+) Chan 14 (+) Chan 0 (+)4 Chan 28 (+) Chan 14 (+) Chan 0 (+)5 Chan 29 (+) Chan 15 (+) Chan 1 (+)6 Chan 29 (+) Chan 15 (+) Chan 1 (+)7 Chan 30 (+) Chan 16 (+) Chan 2 (+)8 Chan 30(+) Chan 16 (+) Chan 2 (+)9 0 V 0 V 0 V10 Chan 31 (+) Chan 17 (+) Chan 3 (+)C B A11 Chan 31 (+) Chan 17 (+) Chan 3 (+)12 Chan 32 (+) Chan 18 (+) Chan 4 (+)13 Chan 32 (+) Chan 18 (+) Chan 4 (+)14 Chan 33 (+) Chan 19 (+) Chan 5 (+)15 Chan 33 (+) Chan 19 (+) Chan 5 (+)16 Chan 34 (+) Chan 20 (+) Chan 6 (+)17 Chan 34 (+) Chan 20 (+) Chan 6 (+)18 Chan 35 (+) Chan 21 (+) Chan 7 (+)19 Chan35 (+) Chan 21 (+) Chan 7 (+)20 0 V 0 V 0 V21 Chan 36 (+) Chan 22 (+) Chan 8 (+)22 Chan 36 (+) Chan 22 (+) Chan 8 (+)23 Chan 37 (+) Chan 23 (+) Chan 9 (+)24 Chan 37 (+) Chan 23 (+) Chan 9 (+)25 Chan 38 (+) Chan 24 (+) Chan 10 (+)26 Chan 38 (+) Chan 24 (+) Chan 10 (+)27 Chan 39 (+) Chan 25 (+) Chan 11 (+)28 Chan 39 (+) Chan 25 (+) Chan 11 (+)29 Chan 40 (+) Chan 26 (+) Chan 12 (+)30 Chan 40 (+) Chan 26 (+) Chan 12 (+)31 Chan 41 (+) Chan 27 (+) Chan 13 (+)32 Chan 41 (+) Chan 27 (+) Chan 13 (+)Table 4 SK1 ConnectionsPage intentionally left blank5.SpecificationsVoltage Range 18 Vdc to 32 Vdc81 mAMaximum Normal Output Current I sc(Field Supply)32 V as voltage range aboveMaximum Normal Output Voltage V oc(Field Supply)Maximum External Capacitance C a 5 μF for methane0.3 μF for groups A and Bin accordance with AANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2000Maximum External Inductance L a10 mH for methane or group Bin accordance with AANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2000 Operating Temperature 0 °C to +60 °C (+32 °F to +140 °F)Non-operating Temperature -25 °C to +70 °C (-13 °F to +158 °F)10 % – 95 %, non-condensingRelative Humidity range(operating, storage and transport)Environmental Specifications Refer to Document 552517 DimensionsHeight 111 mm (4.4 in)Width 335 mm (13.2 in)Depth 51 mm (2 in)Weight 900 g (2 lb)。
输入射频功率:≦10dBm光输出功率:≥0dBm光接收功率:≤5dBm2)远端机:系统噪声系数≤6dB (最大功率时)系统时延≤2μs群时延≤500ns天馈侧射频端口:1个(收发合用)(6)直放特性1)频率误差:≤±5×10-82)设备下行输出功率:≥40dBm,增益≥40dB3)设备上行最小接收电平:-110 dBm4)载噪比:≥20dB5)带内波动:≤2dB (峰-峰)6)互调衰减工作频带内:≤-15dBm/ 25KHz7)无用发射工作频带内:≤-29dBm/ 25KHz工作频带外(偏离2.5MHz之外):≤-36dBm/25KHz9kHz~1GHz≤-29dBm/25KHz1GHz~12.75GHz≤-29dBm/25KHz(7)接口参数1)输入、输出阻抗:50Ω,N型连接器2)电压驻波比:≤1.5(8)结构及安装要求:近端机应采用19英寸子架结构,安装在19英寸机柜内。
AC DC 电流探头BTN菜单指南说明书
AC/DC 电流探头-TCP0020TCP2020 TCP202AAC/DC 电流探头TCP0020 TCP2020 TCP202A 产品技术资料TCP0020-20A RMS 最大电流功能-100A峰值脉冲电流功能-TekVPI TM 探头接口,直接连接示波器-在示波器显示屏上自动确定显示单位和读数-单键消磁和自动清零控制,简便易用-简便进入示波器显示的探头菜单,提供探头设置控制和工作状态信息-通过TekVPI示波器实现远程控制功能TCP2020-20A RMS 最大电流功能-100A 峰值脉冲电流功能-10mA/mV 灵敏度-BNC 输出连接大多数示波器和其它测量设备(要求>100k Ω 端接)-消磁按钮和拇指轮,调 DC 偏置-通过 AC 适配器供电 TCP202A-15A DC + 峰值 AC 最大电流功能-50A 峰值脉冲电流功能-TekProbe TM 接口,直接连接示波器-在示波器显示屏上自动确定显示单位和读数-消磁按钮和拇指轮,调节 DC 偏置 经过安全认证应用电源 半导体器件 逆电器/转换器 电子镇流装置 工用/消费电子 移动通信 马达驱动器 交通运输系统主要特点和优点简便易用,准确进行 AC/DC 电流测量 DC - >50MHz 带宽钳口直径 5mm (0.2英寸)准确测量最低每格 10m 的电流 精度高,DC 增益误差一般小于1%分芯结构,简便地连接电路 低噪声和 DC 漂移TCP0020 AC/DC 电流探头产品技术资料TCP0020、TCP2020、TCP202ATCP0020、TCP2020和TCP202A是简便易用的高性能AC/DC 电流探头家族,设计用于各种示波器。
TCP0020设计采用TekVPI TM探头接口直接连接示波器,TCP202A设计采用TekProbe TM探头接口直接连接示波器。
TCP2020设计用于带有BNC输入及>100 kΩ输入端接的任何仪器。
最全钢芯铝绞线技术参数表1 标准技术参数 (2)1.1 JL/G1A—50/30-12/7 标准技术参数 (2)1。
2 JL/G1A-70/40-12/7标准技术参数 (4)1.3 JL/G1A—95/55-12/7 标准技术参数 (6)1。
4 JL/G1A—120/20-26/7标准技术参数 (8)1。
5 JL/G1A—120/25-7/7标准技术参数 (10)1。
6 JL/G1A—150/20—24/7标准技术参数 (12)1。
7 JL/G1A—150/35—30/7标准技术参数 (14)1.8 JL/G1A-185/30-26/7标准技术参数 (16)1。
9 JL/G1A-185/45-30/7标准技术参数 (18)1.10 JL/G1A-240/30-24/7标准技术参数 (21)1。
11 JL/G1A—240/40—26/7标准技术参数 (23)1.12 JL/G1A—300/25—48/7标准技术参数 (25)1。
13 JL/G1A-300/40—24/7标准技术参数 (27)1。
14 JL/G1A-300/50-26/7标准技术参数 (29)1.15 JL/G1A-400/35-48/7标准技术参数 (31)1.16 JL/G1A-400/50—54/7标准技术参数 (33)1。
17 JL/G1A—400/65-26/7标准技术参数 (35)1.18 JL/G1A—500/45-48/7标准技术参数 (37)1.19 JL/G1A—500/65-54/7标准技术参数 (40)1.20 JL/G1A-630/45—45/7标准技术参数 (42)1.21 JL/G1A-630/55—48/7标准技术参数 (44)1。
22 JL/G2A—720/50-45/7标准技术参数 (46)1。
23 JL/G2A—720/90-54/19标准技术参数 (48)1。
24 JL/G1A-800/55—45/7标准技术参数 (50)1.25 JL/G3A-900/40—72/7标准技术参数 (52)1.26 JL/G2A—900/75-84/7 标准技术参数 (55)1.27 JL/G3A—1000/45—72/7标准技术参数 (57)2 项目需求部分 (59)2.1货物需求及供货范围一览表 (59)2.2图纸资料提交单位 (60)2.3工程概况 (60)2。
ZXTN25020DG20V NPN high gain transistor in SOT223SummaryBV CEX > 100V BV CEO > 20V BV ECX > 6V I C(cont) = 7AV CE(sat) < 48mV @ 1A R CE(sat) = 31m ΩP D = 3.0WComplementary part number ZXTP25020DGDescriptionPackaged in the SOT223 outline this new low saturation NPN transistor offers extremely low on state losses making it ideal for use in DC-DC circuits and various driving and power management functions.Features•Higher power dissipation SOT223 package •High gain •High peak current •Low saturation voltage •100V forward blocking voltage •6V reverse blocking voltageApplications•DC - DC converters •Motor drive•Relay, lamp and solenoid drive •Regulator circuitsOrdering informationDevice markingZXTN25020DDeviceReel size (inches)Tape width(mm)Quantity per reel ZXTN25020DGTA7121000Absolute maximum ratingsThermal resistanceNOTES:(a)For a device surface mounted on 15mm x 15mm x 0.6mm FR4 PCB with high coverage of single sided 1oz copper, in still air conditions.(b)Mounted on 25mm x 25mm x 0.6mm FR4 PCB with high coverage of single sided 1oz copper, in still air conditions.(c)Mounted on 50mm x 50mm x 0.6mm FR4 PCB with high coverage of single sided 2oz copper, in still air conditions.(d)As (c) above measured at t<5 seconds.(e)Junction to case (collector tab). TypicalParameterSymbol Limit Unit Collector-Base voltageV CBO 100V Collector-Emitter voltage (forward blocking)V CEX 100V Collector-Emitter voltageV CEO 20V Emitter-Collector voltage (reverse blocking)V ECX 6V Emitter-Base voltageV EBO 7V Continuous Collector current (c)I C 7A Base current I B 1A Peak pulse currentI CM 15A Power dissipation at T A =25°C (a)Linear derating factorP D1.29.6W mW/°C Power dissipation at T A =25°C (b)Linear derating factorP D 1.612.8W mW/°C Power dissipation at T A =25°C (c)Linear derating factorP D 3.024W mW/°C Power dissipation at T A =25°C (d)Linear derating factorP D 5.342W mW/°C Power dissipation at T C =25°C (e)Linear derating factorP D 7.358W mW/°C Operating and storage temperature rangeT j , T stg -55 to 150°CParameterSymbol Limit Unit Junction to ambient (a)R ⍜JA 104°C/W Junction to ambient (b)R ⍜JA 78°C/W Junction to ambient (c)R ⍜JA 42°C/W Junction to ambient (d)R ⍜JA 23.5°C/W Junction to case (e)R ⍜JC16°C/WThermal characteristicsElectrical characteristics (at T amb = 25°C unless otherwise stated).Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit Conditions Collector-Base breakdown voltageBV CBO 100125V I C = 100ACollector-Emitter breakdown voltage (forward blocking)BV CEX 100120VI C = 100A, R BE < 1k Ω or-1V < V BE < 0.25V Collector-Emitter breakdown voltage BV CEO 2035V I C = 10mA (*)NOTES:(*)Measured under pulsed conditions. Pulse width ≤ 300µs; duty cycle ≤ 2%.Emitter-Collector breakdown voltage (reverse blocking)BV ECX68.3VI E = 100A, R BC < 1k Ω or0.25V > V BC > -0.25V Emitter-Collector breakdown voltage (reverse blocking)BV ECO 5 6.1VI E = 100A Emitter-Base breakdown voltageBV EBO 78.35V I E = 100ACollector-Base cut-off currentI CBO <1500.5nA A V CB = 100VV CB = 100V, T amb = 100°C Collector-Emitter cut-off currentI CEX100nAV CE = 100V, R BE < 1k Ω or-1V < V BE < 0.25V Emitter cut-off current I EBO <150nA V EB = 5.6VCollector-Emitter saturation voltageV CE(sat)40601001302254875120180290mV mV mV mV mV I C = 1A, I B = 100mA (*)I C = 1A, I B = 20mA (*)I C = 2A, I B = 40mA (*)I C = 2A, I B = 20mA (*)I C = 7A, I B = 700mA (*)Base-Emitter saturation voltageV BE(sat)10901150mV I C = 7A, I B = 700mA (*)Base-Emitter turn-on voltageV BE(on)9501050mVI C = 7A, V CE = 2V (*)Static forward current transfer ratioh FE300250504503608515900I C = 10mA, V CE = 2V (*)I C = 2A, V CE = 2V (*)I C = 7A, V CE = 2V (*)I C = 15A, V CE = 2V (*)Transition frequency f T 215MHz I C = 50mA, V CE = 10V f = 100MHzInput capacitance C ibo 152pFV EB = 0.5V, f = 1MHz (*)Output capacitance C obo 16.525pF V CB = 10V, f = 1MHz (*)Delay time t d 67.7ns I C = 1A, V CC = 10V,I B1 = -I B2 = 10mA Rise time t r 72.2ns Storage time t s 361ns Fall timet f63.9nsZetex sales offices EuropeZetex GmbHKustermann-park Balanstraße 59D-81541 München GermanyTelefon: (49) 89 45 49 49 0Fax: (49) 89 45 49 49 49europe.sales@AmericasZetex Inc700 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788USATelephone: (1) 631 360 2222Fax: (1) 631 360 8222usa.sales@Asia PacificZetex (Asia Ltd)3701-04 Metroplaza Tower 1Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong Hong KongTelephone: (852) 26100 611Fax: (852) 24250 494asia.sales@Corporate HeadquartersZetex Semiconductors plcZetex Technology Park, Chadderton Oldham, OL9 9LL United KingdomTelephone: (44) 161 622 4444Fax: (44) 161 622 4446hq@© 2008 Published by Zetex Semiconductors plcDefinitionsProduct changeZetex Semiconductors reserves the right to alter, without notice, specifications, design, price or conditions of supply of any product or service. Customers are solely responsible for obtaining the latest relevant information before placing orders.Applications disclaimerThe circuits in this design/application note are offered as design ideas. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the circuit is fit for the user’s application and meets with the user’s requirements. No representation or warranty is given and no liability whatsoever is assumed by Zetex with respect to the accuracy or use of such information, or infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights arising from such use or otherwise. Zetex does not assume any legal responsibility or will not be held legally liable (whether in contract,tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, restriction or otherwise) for any damages, loss of profit, business, contract,opportunity or consequential loss in the use of these circuit applications, under any circumstances.Life supportZetex products are specifically not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the Chief Executive Officer of Zetex Semiconductors plc. As used herein:A. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which:1.are intended to implant into the body or2.support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.B. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected tocause the failure of the life support device or to affect its safety or effectiveness.ReproductionThe product specifications contained in this publication are issued to provide outline information only which (unless agreed by the company in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose or form part of any order or contract or be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. Terms and ConditionsAll products are sold subjects to Zetex’ terms and conditions of sale, and this disclaimer (save in the event of a conflict between the two when the terms of the contract shall prevail) according to region, supplied at the time of order acknowledgement.For the latest information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact your nearest Zetex sales office.Quality of productZetex is an ISO 9001 and TS16949 certified semiconductor manufacturer.To ensure quality of service and products we strongly advise the purchase of parts directly from Zetex Semiconductors or one of our regionally authorized distributors. For a complete listing of authorized distributors please visit: /salesnetworkZetex Semiconductors does not warrant or accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any parts purchased through unauthorized sales channels.ESD (Electrostatic discharge)Semiconductor devices are susceptible to damage by ESD. Suitable precautions should be taken when handling and transporting devices.The possible damage to devices depends on the circumstances of the handling and transporting, and the nature of the device. The extent of damage can vary from immediate functional or parametric malfunction to degradation of function or performance in use over time.Devices suspected of being affected should be replaced.Green complianceZetex Semiconductors is committed to environmental excellence in all aspects of its operations which includes meeting or exceeding reg-ulatory requirements with respect to the use of hazardous substances. Numerous successful programs have been implemented to reduce the use of hazardous substances and/or emissions.All Zetex components are compliant with the RoHS directive, and through this it is supporting its customers in their compliance with WEEE and ELV directives.Product status key:“Preview”Future device intended for production at some point. Samples may be available “Active”Product status recommended for new designs “Last time buy (LTB)”Device will be discontinued and last time buy period and delivery is in effect “Not recommended for new designs”Device is still in production to support existing designs and production “Obsolete”Production has been discontinued Datasheet status key:“Draft version”This term denotes a very early datasheet version and contains highly provisional information, whichmay change in any manner without notice.“Provisional version”This term denotes a pre-release datasheet. It provides a clear indication of anticipated performance.However, changes to the test conditions and specifications may occur, at any time and without notice.“Issue”This term denotes an issued datasheet containing finalized specifications. However, changes tospecifications may occur, at any time and without notice.分销商库存信息: DIODESZXTN25020DGTA。
RL= 8Ω
RL= 4Ω
Output Power (W)
1 of 13
TA2020-020, Rev. 4.0, 09.00
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)
SYMBOL VDD TSTORE TA TJ Supply Voltage Storage Temperature Range Operating Free-air Temperature Range Junction Temperature PARAMETER
TA2020-020, Rev. 4.0, 09.00
3 of 13
Pin Description
Pin 2, 8 3, 7, 16 4 6 9, 12 10, 13 11 14 17 18 19, 28 20 21, 23, 26, 24 22, 25 1, 5, 15 27 29 30 31, 32 Function V5D, V5A AGND1, AGND2, AGND3 REF OVERLOADB VP1, VP2 IN1, IN2 MUTE BIASCAP SLEEP FAULT PGND2, PGND1 DGND OUTP2 & OUTM2; OUTP1 & OUTM1 VDD2, VDD1 NC VDDA CPUMP 5VGEN DCAP2, DCAP1 Description Digital 5VDC, Analog 5VDC Analog Ground
A-Weighted, input AC grounded
Notes: 1) Minimum and maximum limits are guaranteed but may not be 100% tested. 2) For operation in ambient temperatures greater than 25°C, the device must be derated based on the maximum junction temperature and the thermal resistance determined by the mounting technique.
公司的目标追求品质可靠 追求技术领先 追求管理高效 追求服务更好当今社会互联网发展迅速,随着带宽需求的提升,网络的高效性和稳定性就越来越迫切。
5. PTN 测试仪表清单 ........................................................................................................................13
6. 多业务承载能力 ...........................................................................................................................14
6.2. L2 VPN 业务 ..........................................................................................................................18 6.2.1. E-LINE 业务.................................................................................................................18 6.2.2. E-LAN 业务...................................................................................................................20 6.2.3. E-Tree 业务.................................................................................................................23 6.2.4. 以太网的 IGMP Snooping 组播功能和性能测试 ......................................................25
Page 1Copyright © 2021 Sensata Technologies, Inc.OB SO L E T E| IWTXT SERIESWIRELESS 4-20 mA TRANSMITTER WITH Tx SUPPLYInputsFeaturesSPECIFICATIONSThe input types and ranges included below are our standard ones only. Contact Sensata for others.DC Current & Voltage0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-10 mA into 15/30Ω0-1V, 0-10V, 1-5V into 100k Ω/1M ΩAny standard 4-20 mA transmitterThe IWTxT is designed to convert any standard 4-20 mA transmitter into a wireless unit.It works by switching on a supply to the 4-20 mA transmitter, waiting for a suitable settling time and then sending the data to one of Sensata’s standard wireless receiver units.The IWTxT is specially designed to maximise battery life and in a typical application the battery life will exceed 12 months. The data update rate is user selectable to suit the requirement of each measured variable and so maximize battery life.Typical update rates include 1 second, 10 seconds, 60 seconds or 1 hour. The system also features a signal strength reading and time since last transmission which can be remotely monitored.The IWTxT is designed to operate with the IWR range of receivers. The IWR-1 can output a 4-20 mA or 1-5V signal whilst the IWR-PORT can store up to 128 variables for transmission to an industrial Ethernet connection or an RS-232/485 communications link.• Battery powered wireless transmitter• Supplies excitation voltage to 4-20 mA transmitters • Long battery life• Make any transmitter into a wireless transmitter• Complete thermocouple, RTD, Pressure and Level wireless probes are availablePage 2CONTACT USEUROPE+44 (0)1202 897969*********************Cynergy3 Components Ltd.7 Cobham Road,Ferndown Industrial Estate,Wimborne, Dorset,BH21 7PE, United Kingdom USA+1 310 561 8092 / +1 866 258 5057*********************Copyright © 2021 Sensata Technologies, Inc.Sensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION OR SUPPORT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SENSATA.Mailing Address: Sensata Technologies, Inc., 529 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA 02703, USA.ISO9001CERTIFIED Rev: 12/14/22L EMade in the UKORDERING OPTIONSInstallation DetailConnection Details1. Battery -ve2. Battery +ve3. Input +ve4.Tx Supply +veInput/Output SignalsDIMENSIONSAll dimensions are in millimeters.*Free download user configuration software here ***Transmission Update Rate 1, 5, 10 and 30 seconds*** Consult installation manual for set-up:- Single channel system is DIL switch configurable- Five channel system requires set-up using “IWR Set” user software。
AV-2020 20x HD All-in-one PTZ Camera 用户手册 V1.0说明书
Model: A V-202020x HD All-in-one PTZ CameraUser ManualV1.0Please read this user manualthoroughly before using.PrefaceThank you for using this HD All-in-one PTZ Camera.This manual introduces the functions, installation process and operation of the HD camera. Prior to installation and usage, please read the manual thoroughly.PrecautionsThis product should only be used under the specified conditions in order to avoid any damage to the camera:◼Do not subject the camera to rain or moisture.◼Do not remove the cover. Otherwise, you may risk receiving an electric shock. In case of unintended equipment operation, contact an authorized engineer.◼Never operate under unspecified temperature, humidity or power supply.◼Please use soft dry cloth to clean the camera. If the camera is very dirty, clean it with diluted neuter detergent; do not use any type of solvents, which may damage the surface.Note:This is a class A production. Electromagnetic radiation at certain frequencies may affect the image quality of TV in home environment.CONTENTSAFETY GUIDES (1)PACKING LIST (2)QUICK START (2)PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS. (3)CAMERA SPECIFICATIONS (3)CAMERA INTERFACE. (5)CAMERA DIMENSION. (5)IR REMOTE CONTROLLER. (6)VISCA IN (RS232) PORT. (9)OSD MENU (10)UVC CONTROL (13)WEB SETTINGS (14)VIEW RTSP STREAM VIA VLC (18)VISCA OVER IP (19)VISCA PROTOCOL (22)PELCO-D PROTOCOL (29)PELCO-P PROTOCOL (30)WARRANTY (32)SAFETY GUIDES1. Electric Safety Installation and operation must accord with electric safety standard.e caution to transport Avoid stress, vibration or soakage in transport, storage and installation.3. Polarity of power supplyThe power supply of this product is +12V, the max electrical current is 2A. Polarity of the power supply plug is shown in the drawing below.4. Installation precautionsDo not grasp the camera lens when carrying it. Do not touch camera lens by hand. Mechanical damage may result from doing so. Do not use in corrosive liquid, gas or solid environment to avoid any cover (plastic material) damage. Make sure there is no obstacle within rotation range. Do not power on before installation is completed.5. Do not dismantle the camera We are not responsible for any unauthorized modification or dismantling. CAUTION! Certain frequencies of electromagnetic field may affect the image of the camera!Note:Video quality may be affected by the specific frequencies of electromagnetic field.Never grasp the head of the camera, or move the camera by hand when it is working. Otherwise, mechanism maybe affected.PACKING LISTWhen unpacked, check if all supplied accessories are included:Camera ··································································· 1pcPower Adapter ··························································· 1pcPower Cable ····························································· 1pcRS232 Control Cable ··················································· 1pcUSB2.0 Cable ··························································· 1pcRemote Controller ······················································ 1pcUser Manual ····························································· 1pcDouble-sided Adhesive················································· 1pcQUICK START1. External interface: RS232 I/O, HDMI output, 3G-SDI output, USB2.0 output, LAN output, DC12V power, Audio input. Please check all connections before powering on the device.2. Dial switch settings (at the bottom of the camera):Dial Switch (ARM)SW-1 SW-2 Instruction1 OFF OFF Updating mode2 ON OFF Debugging mode3 OFF ON Undefined4 ON ON Working modePRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS▪ Adopts advanced ISP, 1/2.8-inch 2.1MP sensor, providing full HD video resolution. ▪ High-quality 20x optical zoom, 2x digital zoom lens with 60-degree field of view. ▪ IP, HDMI, 3G-SDI, USB video output interface, compatible with different applications. ▪ White Balance/ Exposure/ Focus/ Iris can be adjusted automatically or manually.▪ Support PoE+: one single CAT5/6 for video, control and power, highly efficient video encoding. ▪ Support line-in function, ACC and LPCM audio encoding.▪ Advanced focusing algorithm: fast and precise focusing performance during movement. ▪ Smooth PTZ mechanism, accurate pan tilt motor control. ▪ Up to 128 presets available.▪ Support VISCA, PELCO-P , PELCO-D and VISCA over IP control protocol; IP VISCA over both TCP and UDP.▪ Support RS232 daisy chain, up to 7 cameras under VISCA protocol. ▪ Support upside-down (ceiling) installation, H/V flip.▪ Support RS232/UVC control▪Standard UVC1.1 protocol, seamlessly compatible with all major video conferencing software and platformsCAMERA SPECIFICATIONSCAMERA INTERFACE1. Camera Lens2. Camera Base3. IR Receiver Panel4. Power Indicator Light5. Dial Switch6. Tripod Screw Hole7. Installation Hole8. RS232 Control Input9. RS232 Control Output10. HDMI Output11.3G-SDI Output12, USB Output13, RJ45 Output14.DC12V Power Jack15.Line-in Audio InputCAMERA DIMENSION(MM)IR REMOTE CONTROLLERPOWERUnder normal working mode, press POWER to enter standbymode;Press it again, the camera will start self-configuration, then goback to HOME position.It will go to preset position 0 if the preset is set.FREEZE (do NOT support USB output)Press FREEZE to freeze/ unfreeze the image.IRT (IR Transfer/IR Pass)Open / close the IR pass function. Once press the IRT key, thecamera will receive and pass the IR remote control signal to thecodec/terminal (via VISCA IN port).SET 1~SET4 ADDRESS SETTINGTo set the current camera’s address (ID), press and hold thekey for 3seconds until the backlight of that key is ON.CAM1~CAM4(CAMERA SELECTING)Press the corresponding camera number to select the camera.NUMERIC KEY (1-9)Set preset: press and hold the number for 3 seconds to set presetposition.Call preset: press the corresponding number to call presetposition.CLR PRE (CLEAR PRESET)Press CLR PRE + number key to clear the corresponding presetposition.Press and hold the key to clear all existing preset positions.FOCUSManually adjust focus, only valid under manual mode.ZOOMManually adjust zoom.NA VIGATE KEY: UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHTUnder camera normal mode, use navigate keys to pan/ tilt;After entering camera OSD, use navigate keys to select and enter submenu.OK /HOME KEYUnder camera normal mode, press OK to make the camera go back to its HOME position;After entering camera OSD, press OK to confirm selection.AF: Auto focusMF: Manual focusRESET: Press and hold for 3 seconds to reset cameraMENU: Enter OSD menuLEARN+LIMIT L: Set the pan tilt left limit position.LEARN+LIMIT R: Set the pan tilt right limit position.LEARN+LMT CLR: Clear all limit position.BLC OFF/ BLC ON:Not availableBRIGHT-/BRIGHT+: Set image brightness, only valid under bright priority exposure mode.Video Format Selection:Press and hold for 3 seconds to select different video format output.VISCA IN (RS232 PORT )VISCA Network Construction:SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATIONNo. V_IN V_OU T VISCA IN RS485 1 DTR DTR 1 2 DSR DSR 2 3 TXD TXD 3 4 GND GND 4 5 RXD RXD 5 6 A 6 A(+) 7IR OUT 7 IR OUT 8B8B(-)VISCA IN & DB9 Connection Camera VISCA IN Windows DB-9 1 DTR 6 DSR 2 DSR 4 DTR 3 TXD 2 RXD 4 GND 5 GND 5 RXD 3 TXD 6 A (+) 7 IR OUT 8 B (-)VISCA IN &Mini DIN Connection Camera VISCAIN Mini DIN1 DTR 1 DSR2 DSR 2 DTR3 TXD 5 RXD4 GND 4 GND5 RXD 3 TXD6 A (+) 6 NC7 IR OUT7NC8 B (-) 8 NCParameter Value Parameter Value Baud rate 2400/4800/9600/115200Stop Bit 1bit Start Bit 1 bit Check BitNone Date Bit 8 bitOSD MENU1. Under working mode, press the MENU key on the IR remote controller, to enter the OSD menu as shown bellow:2. After entering the main menu, use navigate UP/DOWN keys to select the from the main menu options.3. Press RIGHT key to enter sub menu; use UP/DONW key to select the sub menu; use LEFT/RIGHT key to change current settings.4. Press MENU key again to return to the previous menu, repeat and exit the OSD menu.5. OSD Menu setting listSYSTEM PROTOCOL Optional item: VISCA/ PELCO-P/ PELCO-D Default: VISCA ADDRESS VISCA: 1~7 PELCO-P/D: 1~255 Default: 1 BAUD RATE 2400/ 4800/ 9600/ 115200 Default: 9600 PTL LOCK Protocol lock: once set, above protocol settings will be locked Default: OFF RS485 RS485 ON/OFF Default: ON VISCA OVER ALL/ OVER IP/ OVER COM Default: OVERALL LANGUAGE Chinese/ English Default: EnglishEXPOSURE EXPOSURE MODEAUTO/ MANUAL/ SHUTTER/ IRIS/ BRIGHT Default: AUTO SHUTTERShutter speed: 1/30~1/10000, only valid under MANUAL andSHUTTER modeDefault: AUTOIRIS Iris setting: CLOSE~F1.8, only valid under MANUAL andIRIS modeDefault: AUTO GAIN Gain setting:0dB~30dB, only valid under MANUAL mode Default: AUTO EBRIGHT Bright setting:0~27, only valid under BRIGHT priority mode. Default: AUTO BRIGHT 0~15 Default: 8ALL RESET Reset all settings to defaultINFO IR ADDR Camera IR control addressUSB USB firmware versionCLIENT Default client end protocol: VISCA MODEL NO. Model numberARM VER ARM firmware versionFPGA VER FPGA firmware versionCAM VER Camera versionRELEASE Software release dateSET IP ADDRESS IN MENUIn order to facilitate customer debugging, the camera supports IP address configuration under OSD.1. Press "MENU" to enter the camera OSD, then select “IP”;2. Press “ ” navigation key to enter the IP setting interface. Select the parameter needs to be changed using the navigation “ ” and “ ”keys”;3. Use numeric keys to set the corresponding parameters. After finishing entering, press the "MENU" again to complete and save the setting;4. Press "MENU" again to exit menu.UVC CONTROL1. Make sure the USB2.0 camera output is connected to the USB2.0 port on the PC/MAC, and it is recognized by the PC Device Manager. If connected to the USB3.0 port, video resolution may be compromised.2. The interval of control commands sending from the server (via USB) to the camera should be no less than 250ms.PU_BRIGHTNESS_CONTROL 81 01 04 4d 00 00 0p 0q FFPU_CONTRAST_CONTROL 81 01 04 A2 00 00 0p 0q FFPU_SATURATION_CONTROL 81 01 04 A1 00 00 0p 0q FFPU_SHARPNESS_CONTROL 8x 01 04 42 00 00 0p 0q FFPU_GAMMA_CONTROL 8x 01 04 5B 0p FFPU_WHITE_BALANCE_TEMPERATURE_CONTROL 8x 01 04 35 0X FFPU_BACKLIGHT_COMPENSATION_CONTROL 81 01 04 33 02/03 FFPU_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_CONTROL 8x 01 04 AA 00/01/02 FFCT_ZOOM_ABSOLUTE_CONTROL 8x 01 04 47 0p 0q 0r 0s FFCT_PANTILT_ABSOLUTE_CONTROL 8x 01 06 02 VV WW 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z F CT_PANTILT_RELATIVE_CONTROL 8x 01 06 01 pp qq rr ss FFCT_ZOOM_RELATIVE_CONTROL 8x 01 04 07 pp FFWEB SETTINGS1.Download and install Flash PlayerWhen access the camera via Internet Explorer browser for the first time, Flash Player needs to be installed. We recommend users download it from flash official website to get latest version:https:///englishAfter installation is complete, it will be listed in PC’s Programs and Features Control Panel:2.LoginTo access the camera interface, open IE browser, input IP address(default IP address is Users can select language(Chinese/English). Default username: admin Default password:admin3.Real-time PreviewWhen log in to the web interface for the first time, a message below will show. Please go to IE browser “Settings”, allow pop-ups and allow running Flash Player.On the Preview interface shown above, there is a virtual control panel on the right-hand side. Options include pan, tilt, zoom, focus, presets, focus speed and zoom speed. On the bottom of image preview, main stream and sub stream preview can be selected.4.ConfigurationClick “Setting” to enter camera configuration interface shown below:Video Encode: To set image encoding mode, main stream and sub stream resolution/bit rate/frame rate, bit rate control option, I frame interval, etc. as shown above.Video Transmission: To set RTMP settings.Audio Setting: To enable/disable embedded audio. Audio encoding mode can be selected. Parameters such as sampling rate and bit rate can be adjusted.Image Parameter: To set focus, exposure, white balance, image, image quality, noise-reduction, etc.Ethernet: To set DHCP mode, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, http port, web port, main stream port and sub stream port. Default settings are as following:DHCP OFF Default gateway address HTTP port 80Subnet mask RTSP port 554Firmware upgrade: To update the camera ISP. Steps are shown below:Click “clicking to upload file”, in the dialog box, select the upgrade file. Click “upgrade”to start the updating process.DO NOT power off or do any operation when upgrading. Please reboot the camera at least 5 min after the upgrade is finished.Then re-login to web interface, select “Reset all” to reset the camera completely.Reset to default: To reset the camera to default settings.Reset simply: reset camera image settings; Reset completely: reset all camera settings including IP configurations, image settings, language and protocol; Reboot: reboot ISP part of the camera.Account Setting: To set camera account username and password.USING VLC TO VIEW RTSP/RTMP VIDEODefault RTSP main streaming URL: rtsp:// RTSP sub streaming URL: rtsp:// RTMP main streaming URL: rtmp:// RTMP sub streaming URL: rtmp:// OVER IPVISCA over IP means VISCA protocol transmit via IP.This can be used to reduce RS232/RS485 cable layout(the controller must support IP communication function).Communication port specs:⚫Control port: RJ45 Gigabit LAN⚫IP protocol: IPv4⚫Transmit protocol: UDP⚫IP address: set via web interface or OSD menu⚫Port address: 52381⚫Confirm send/transmission control: depend on applied program⚫Applied range: in the same segment, not suitable for bridge network.⚫To apply, enter camera OSD, choose VISCA option: OVER IPHow to use VISCA over IPVISCA CommandCommands are sent from controller to peripheral equipment (camera), and when peripheral equipment receives commands, it returns ACK. When the command is executed, a complete message will be returned.VISCA InquiryInquiry is sent from controller to peripheral equipment (camera), and when peripheral equipment receives the command, it will return required message.VISCA ReplyIt is sent from peripheral equipment (camera) to controller. ACK, which is the complete message, can be either reply or error reply.Command format: Note that LAN output is big-endian, and LSB is in the front.Payload type: data definitions are listed below:Name Value (Byte 0) Value (Byte 0) Value (Byte 0)VISCA command 0x01 0x00 Stores the VISCA command.VISCA inquiry 0x01 0x10 Stores the VISCA inquiry.VISCA reply 0x01 0x11 Stores the reply for the VISCA command and VISCA inquiry, or VISCA device setting command.VISCA devicesetting command0x01 0x20 Stores the VISCA device setting command.Control command 0x02 0x00 Stores the control command.Control reply 0x02 0x01 Stores the reply for the control command.Payload length: V alid data length in Payload (1~16), is the command length.For example, when valid data length is 16-byte, Byte 2: 0x00; Byte 3: 0x10Controller will save sequence number of each command, when one command sent, the sequence number of the command will add 1; when the sequence number reaches the max, it will return back to 0. The peripheral equipment will save sequence number of each command, and return the sequence number to controller.Payload: According to Payload type, the following data will be saved.⚫VISCA command: Save VISCA command packet⚫VISCA inquiry: Save VISCA message packet⚫VISCA reply: Save VISCA return packet⚫VISCA device setting command: Save VISCA equipment setting command packet.⚫Control command: The following data is saved in control command payload⚫Controlled reply: The following data is saved in return command payload of control command.Delivery confirmation:VISCA over IP uses UDP as transmission communication protocol. UDP communication message transmission is not stable, it is necessary to confirm delivery and resent in application.Generally, when controller sends a command to peripheral equipment, controller will wait for the return message then send the next command, we can detect and confirm if the peripheral equipment receive the commands from its return message’s lag time. If controller detects it overtime, it is regarded as error transmission. Controller will resend the commands to check peripheral’s status. The resent command sequence number is same as the last one. Following chart lists possible received message and the corresponding status after the resent command.Note: Do not change IP address, subnet mask, or gateway parameters under VISCA over IP mode, otherwise, it will cause network inconsistency.VISCA PROTOCOLPart1 Camera Return CommandsAck/Completion MessageCommand Packet NoteACK z0 41 FF Returned when the command is accepted. Completi onz0 51 FFReturned when the command has been executed.z = camera adderss+8Error MessagesCommand Packet NoteSyntax Error z0 60 02 FF Returned when the command format is different or when a command with illegal command parameters is acceptedCommand Not Executablez0 61 41 FFReturned when a command cannot be executed due to current conditions. For example, when commands controlling the focus manually are received during auto focus.Part 2 Camera Control CommandsCommand type function commandAddressSetBroadcast88 30 01 FFAddress settingSequence chart when command lostSequence chart when returned message lostPart 2 Camera Control CommandNote: 【x】means the camera address: 【y】=【x + 8】. VISCA Pan Tilt Absolute Position V alueVISCA Pan Tilt Speed ValuePELCO-D PROTOCOL COMMAND LISTPELCO-P PROTOCOL COMMAND LISTWarrantyThank you for your interest in the products of AVIPAS Inc.This Limited Warranty applies to HD Conference Camera purchased from AVIPAS Inc.This Limited Warranty covers any defect in material and workmanship under normal use within the Warranty Period. AVIPAS Inc. will repair or replace the qualified products at no charge.AVIPAS Inc. provides a two (2)-year warranty (from the date of purchase) for this HD Conference Camera.This Limited Warranty does not cover problems including but not limited to: improper handling, malfunction or damage not resulting from defects in material.To receive warranty service, please contact AVIPAS Inc. first. We will decide whether a repair or replacement is needed and will advise you of the cost of such repair or replacement.Copyright NoticeAll contents of this manual, whose copyright belongs to our Corporation cannot be cloned, copied or translated without the permission of the company. Product specifications and information which were referred to in this document are for reference only. We may alter the content at any time and without prior notice.VER: 2020-07-14 (EN)AViPAS Inc.Address: 4320 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 227San Jose, CA 95129Phone: 1-844-228-4727Fax: (408) 228-8438Email: ***************Website: 32。
电力变压器局部放电检测技术的现状和发展发布时间:2021-03-03T02:04:13.132Z 来源:《中国科技人才》2021年第3期作者:刘天凤1 任东波2 鲍建军3[导读] 随着经济和电力行业的快速发展,电力变压器容易出现电的、热的、化学的以及异常状况下形成的绝缘劣化,导致电气绝缘强度降低,甚至发生故障。
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ZXTN2020F100V, SOT23, NPN medium power transistorSummaryV (BR)CEV > 160V, V (BR)CEO > 100V I C(cont) = 4AR CE(sat) = 30m ⍀ typical V CE(sat) < 50mV @ 1A P D = 1.2WComplementary part number: ZXTP2029FDescriptionAdvanced process capability and package design have been used to maximize the power handling and performance of this small outline transistor. The compact size and ratings of this device make it ideally suited to applications where space is at a premium.Features•Higher power dissipation SOT23 package •High peak current •Low saturation voltage •160V forward blocking voltageApplications•MOSFET and IGBT gate driving •Motor drive•Relay, lamp and solenoid driveOrdering informationDevice marking853Device Reel size (inches)Tape width (mm)Quantity per reelZXTN2020FTA783,000Absolute maximum ratingsThermal resistanceParameterSymbol Limit Unit Collector-base voltage V CBO 160V Collector-emitter voltage V (BR)CEV 160V Collector-emitter voltage V CEO 100V Emitter-base voltage V EBO 7V Peak pulse currentI CM 12A Continuous collector current (a)I C 4A Base currentI B 1A Power dissipation @ T A =25o C (a)Linear derating factorP D 1.08W mW/o C Power dissipation @ T A =25o C (b)Linear derating factorP D 1.29.6W mW/o C Power dissipation @ T A =25o C (c)Linear derating factorP D 1.5612.5W mW/o COperating and storage temperatureT j :T stg-55 to +150o CParameterSymbol Value UnitJunction to ambient (a)NOTES:(a)Mounted on 18mm x 18mm x 1.6mm FR4 PCB with a very high coverage of 2 oz weight copper in still air conditions.R θJA 125o C/W Junction to ambient (b)(b)Mounted on 30mm x 30mm x 1.6mm FR4 PCB with a very high coverage of 2 oz weight copper in still air conditions.R θJA 104o C/W Junction to ambient (c)(c)as (b) above measured at t<5secs.R θJA80oC/WCharacteristicsElectrical characteristics (at T amb = 25°C unless otherwise stated)ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit Conditions Collector-base breakdown voltageV (BR)CBO160200V I C =100µACollector-emitter breakdown voltageV (BR)CEV 160200V I C =1µA, -1V< V BE <+0.3V Collector-emitter breakdown voltageV (BR)CEO 100115V I C =10mA (a)NOTES:(a)Measured under pulsed conditions. Pulse width=300S. Duty cycle Յ2%.Emitter-base breakdown voltageV (BR)EBO 78V I E =100µA Collector-emitter cut-off currentI CEV <120nA V CES =128V, V BE = -1V Collector-base cut-off currentI CBO <120nA V CB =128V Emitter-base cut-off current I EBO <110nAV EB =6VStatic forward current transfer ratioH FE100100352202006013300I C =10mA, V CE =2V (a)I C =1A, V CE =2V (a)I C =4A, V CE =2V (a)I C =10A, V CE =2V (a)Collector-emitter saturation voltageV CE(sat)2040851203050105150mV mV mV mV I C =0.1A, I B =5mA (a)I C =1A, I B =100mA (a)I C =2A, I B =100mA (a)I C =4A, I B =400mA (a)Base-emitter saturation voltageV BE(sat)0.94 1.05V I C =4A, I B =400mA (a)Base-emitter turn-on voltage V BE(on)0.840.94V I C =4A, V CE =2V (a)Transition frequency f T 130MHz Ic=100mA, V CE =10V, f=50MHzOutput capacitance C obo 22pF V CB =10V, f=1MHz Turn–on time t (on)37ns V CC =10V, I C =1A, Turn-off timet (off)910nsI B1=I B2=100mAFor international sales offices visit /officesZetex products are distributed worldwide. For details, see /salesnetworkThis publication is issued to provide outline information only which (unless agreed by the company in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose or form part of any order or contact or be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned.The company reserves the right to alter without notice the specification, design, price or conditions of supply of any product or service.EuropeZetex GmbHStreitfeldstraße 19D-81673 München GermanyTelefon: (49) 89 45 49 49 0Fax: (49) 89 45 49 49 49europe.sales@AmericasZetex Inc700 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788USATelephone: (1) 631 360 2222Fax: (1) 631 360 8222usa.sales@Asia PacificZetex (Asia Ltd)3701-04 Metroplaza Tower 1Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong Hong KongTelephone: (852) 26100 611Fax: (852) 24250 494asia.sales@Corporate HeadquartersZetex Semiconductors plcZetex Technology Park, Chadderton Oldham, OL9 9LL United KingdomTelephone: (44) 161 622 4444Fax: (44) 161 622 4446hq@Packaging details - SOT23Note: Controlling dimensions are in millimeters. Approximate dimensions are provided in incheslimeters Inches limeters Inches Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.Max.Max.A 2.67 3.050.1050.120H 0.330.510.0130.020B 1.20 1.400.0470.055K - 1.10-0.043L 2.10 2.500.0830.0985D 0.370.530.0150.021M 0.450.640.0180.025F 0.0850.150.00340.0059N 0.95 NOM 0.0375 NOMG1.90 NOM 0.075 NOM-----。