


7.5 kW - 250 kW
版本 10/06
¾ 未经培训合格的人员在变频器的器件/系统上工作或不遵守“警告”中的有关规定,就可能造
成严重的人身伤害或重大的财产损失。只有在设备的设计、安装、调试和运行方面受过培训 的经过认证合格的专业人员才允许在本设备的器件/系统上进行工作。
¾ 输入电源线只允许永久性紧固连接。设备必须接地(按照 IEC 536 Class 1、NEC 和其它适用 的标准)。
¾ 设备的维修只能由西门子公司的服务部门,西门子公司授权的维修中心或经过认证合格并得
¾ 任何有缺陷的部件和器件都必须用相应的备件更换。
¾ 在打开设备进行维修之前,一定要断开电源。
注意 ¾ 变频器的包装箱是可以重复使用的。请保管好包装箱以备将来使用或把它返还给制造商。 ¾ 易卸螺丝和快速插接器便于您拆卸设备的部件。您可以回收这些拆卸下来的部件,并根据地
是其第§8 节关于“带电部件上工作时允许的安全距离”的规定。实际操作时,应该使用适当 的电子器具。 ¾ 在安装和调试变频器之前,请您务必仔细阅读这些安全规则和警告,以及设备上粘贴的所有 警示标志。确保警示标志置于醒目的地方,并更换已经脱落或损坏的标志。

Doble M4000软件版本4.1安装指南说明书

Doble M4000软件版本4.1安装指南说明书

72A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/20091M4000 Version 4.1 Installation GuideThis document explains how to install the M4000 software version 4.1 on a laptop or the M4200C Controller.RequirementsLaptop requirements are as follows:•Operating system—Windows 2000 or newer •Web browser—Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 or newerThe M4200C Controller must run the M4200 Thermal printer driver as the default.To confirm that the M4200 Thermal driver is the default printer driver:1.Open the Start menu and select Control Panel .2.Select Printers and Other Hardware .3.Open View installed printers and fax printers .4.Confirm that M4200 Thermal is selected as the default (a black circle with a checkmark in it should appear next to the driver name in the list).•If it is not the default printer, highlight the M4200 Thermal printer icon, open File on the menu and select Set as Default Printer . •If the M4200 Thermal printer is not listed, please contact your Dobleprincipal engineer or local representative.Downloading M4000To download M4000 from the Doble web site:1.Go to .2.Open the Support menu and click Downloads .3.Click the M4000 link, and on the M4000 page, click the M4KV41.exe link.4.Click Save to save the file to your hard disk, or click Run to run Setup.exe immediately. Go to “Installing the Software” on page 2. 1981M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide272A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/2009Installing the SoftwareTo install M4100:1.Double-click the Setup.exe file.The Choose Setup Language window appears. It enables you to select thelanguage in which the remaining setup instructions will be presented.2.Select a language from the drop-down list and click OK.3.Read the Welcome advisory information and, if acceptable, click Next.4.Read the software license agreement and, if acceptable, click Yes.5.In the Choose Destination Location window:•Click Next to accept the default folder for the M4000 software.or•Browse to another folder and click Next.6.In the Select Program Folder window, choose a location for the M4000program icon and click Next.The Laptop/M4200 Controller Options window appears.7.Select these options as appropriate:•Launch M4000 at Startup—Automatically starts M4000 each time thePC or M4200 Controller is turned on.•Set the serial port to COM2 (default is COM1)—Select this option ifyou use an M4200 Controller, which always requires COM2.8.Click Next.The Safety Settings window appears. These settings are stored as Registryentries and can be changed by users through the Tools/Configurationmenu, unless access is restricted.Check marks appear in the options that are turned on by default.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide72A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/200939.In the Safety Settings window, select the safety options as appropriate:•Beeper is enabled —Enables the warning beep that signals the beginning of each test (recommended).•Both LV Leads must be inserted to run test —Requires that both the red and blue leads be inserted into the test set to run a test (rarely used).•Safety strobe is required to run test —If the strobe bulb or cable fails, you can disable it so that you can continue testing. •Safety switch must be released between tests —Discourages users from artificially holding the safety switch down for the duration of several tests.•Restrict the Safety Configuration settings —Locks the above fourselections so that they cannot be changed from within the application.10.Click Next .The Auto-fill the Company Field window appears. Any name entered in this field automatically appears in the Company field whenever a new test form is created.11.Enter a name or leave the field blank. Click Next.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide472A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/200912.In the M4000 Language Support window, select one or more languages forthe M4000 user interface. Click Next.The Choose the M4000 Data Directory window appears. This directory will store all results of tests run with the M4100 clipboard.13.Accept the default directory or browse to a different directory. Click Next.The Start Copying Files window appears. It summarizes the configuration options you have selected.14.If necessary, click Back to modify the setup options. Then click Next tostart file installation.The Copying Resource Files window appears and displays a progress bar.When the process is complete, the Setup Complete window appears. 15.As appropriate, select these options:•Yes, I want to view the ReadMe file.•Yes, I want to launch M4000.16.Click Finish.Running Multiple Versions of M4000You can run multiple versions of M4000 by installing them in differentdirectories. Be aware that whenever you switch from one version to another,M4000 prompts you to download new firmware. To prevent this prompt fromappearing:1.Locate the M4i.x0, BootBlok.x0, and Loader.x0 in the directoryin which version 3.4 or 4.0 is installed. The default directory isC:\Program Files\Doble\M4000.2.Copy these three files into the other M4000 directories.Updating the FirmwareThis section is for newer M4100 instruments only, with a serial number formatof four digits, a numeral one, and four more digits (xxxx1xxxx).IntroductionWhen M4000 is updated, new firmware is downloaded with it but notinstalled. The updated M4000 automatically checks the currently installedfirmware and, if appropriate, displays a message stating that new firmware isavailable. Immediate upgrade is not required; you can wait for a suitable time.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide72A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/20095Time RequirementsThe firmware upgrade takes 25 to 30 minutes. The associated amplifier upgrade, which is sometimes required, takes an additional 15 minutes.Cable RequirementsThe USB cable supplied with the M4100 is required for this upgrade. You must manually install the USB driver for this cable.If the upgrade is attempted using a USB-to-RS232 adapter with the old serial cable, the upgrade will fail.Procedures for Firmware and Amplifier Firmware UpdateThe following procedures describe how to upgrade the firmware, and how to upgrade the amplifier (PUC) firmware if necessary.Read This First!As you begin upgrading, please keep the following information in mind:•Do not power cycle the M4100 during the upgrade. Power cyclingduring a firmware or amplifier firmware upgrade causes theM4100 to become unusable . You will have to ship the unit back toDoble for reconfiguration.•If M4000 is accidentally closed during an upgrade, power cycle theM4100 and start the upgrade over again.•Depending on the version of the firmware or amplifier firmware youare upgrading, an Error 101 message may appear after the upgradecompletes successfully. Close it and continue with the upgradeprocess.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide672A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/2009Upgrading the FirmwareTo upgrade the firmware:1.Open the Tools menu and select Update the Firmware.A warning message appears.N OTE Do not power cycle the M4100 during the upgrade for any reason!If power cycling occurs, the M4100 becomes unusable and must be shipped back toDoble for reconfiguration.2.To start the upgrade, click Yes.Several progress bars appear during the upgrade.Depending on the version of the firmware being updated, an Error101message may appear after the upgrade is completed successfully.3.Click OK and power cycle the M4100.Upgrading the Amplifier (Power Unit Control)To determine if the Amplifier (PUC) firmware needs to be updated:1.Open the Diagnostic menu and select System Status.The M4000 - System Status Diagnostic window appears.2.Press F2 to run the test.When complete, the Reported Status for each item should be Enabled.3.Look at the M4100 Instrument Amplifier Version field. If it displays a:•Blank—The Amplifier/PUC cannot be upgraded in the field and unitmust be returned to Doble for upgrading.•Number—Go to step 4.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide72A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/200974.Open the Tools menu and select Update the Amplifier Firmware .One of these messages appears:•Error 105—Indicates that the amplifier firmware cannot be upgradedin the field. Click OK and power cycle the M4100. You can continue to use the instrument while you make arrangements to ship it to Doble for upgrade.•Update the M4100 Amplifier Firmware N OTE Do not power cycle the M4100 during the upgrade for any reason! If powercycling occurs, the M4100 becomes unusable and must be shipped back to Doble for reconfiguration.5.To start the upgrade, click Yes .Several progress bars appear during the upgrade.Depending on the version of the firmware being updated, an Error 101 message may appear after the upgrade is completed successfully.6.Click OK and power cycle the M4100.7.Run another System Status test.The following data should appear:•M4100 Instrument Firmware Version: 3.4555•M4100 Instrument Amplifier Version: 1.31Reporting ProblemsPlease communicate any problems or enhancement requests to your Dobleprincipal engineer or local Doble representative.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide872A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/2009。

ND400电表 Cube400 操作手册 March 2006 - 中文版

ND400电表  Cube400 操作手册 March 2006 - 中文版

Cube 400多功能電錶使用手冊1 顯示畫面測量值被區分在4個標準選單中, 及2個電力品質選單, 以數個不同畫面顯示: 1.1 開機當控制電源接到電表時, 顯示下列畫面.1.2 電流選單按鍵可選取不同的電流顯示畫面.2 0 0 .0 A2 0 0 .02 0 0 .0相電流第1相的真均方根(RMS)電流值第2相的真均方根(RMS)電流值第3相的真均方根(RMS)電流值此畫面每秒更新一次2 2 0 .0Pk hold A2 2 0 .02 2 0 .0相電流極大值相電流的最高值紀錄. 當電表失去控制電源時, 這些極大值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中.同時按及會把此三個極大值歸零2 0 0 .0A 2 0 0 .0 T-Avg2 0 0 .0電流需量相電流於時間參數T VI (10秒至1800秒,可調)期間的需量. 由於採用滾動式循環計算(Rolling block), 每隔T VI /10 的時間, 這些數值就會更新一次.2 0 0 .0Pk hold A 2 0 0 .0 T-Avg2 0 0 .0電流需量極大值電流需量的最高值紀錄. 當電表失去控制電源時, 這些極大值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中.同時按 及 會把此三個極大值歸零.1.3 電壓選單按下鍵可選取不同的電壓顯示畫面.2 3 0 .02 3 0 .0V2 3 0 .0相電壓第1相對中性線的rms 電壓 第2相對中性線的rms 電壓 第3相對中性線的rms 電壓 此畫面每秒更新一次4 0 0 .04 0 0 .0 L-LV4 0 0 .0線電壓相1-2的rms 線電壓 相2-3的rms 線電壓 相3-1的rms 線電壓) 此畫面每秒更新一次.2 5 0 .0Pk hold 2 5 0 .0V2 5 0 .0相電壓極大值相電壓的最高值紀錄. 當電表失去控制電源時, 這些極大值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中. 同時按下 及會把此三個極大值歸零.2 3 0 .02 3 0 .0 T-AvgV2 3 0 .0平均相電壓相電壓於時間參數T VI (10秒至1800秒,可調)期間的平均值.由於採用滾動式循環計算(Rolling block), 每隔T VI /10 的時間, 這些數值就會更新一次2 3 0 .0Pk hold 2 3 0 .0 T-AvgV2 3 0 .0平均相電壓極大值平均相電壓的最高值. 當電表失去控制電源時, 這些極大值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中. 同時按下 及會把此三個極大值歸零.1.4 電功率選單按鍵可選取各電功率顯示畫面.2 3 9.0-KVAr2 7 6 .03- P hase KVA1 3 8 .0 KW系統總功率三相虛功總和 (var)三相視在功總和(VA)三相實功總和(Watts)若顯示符號, 則代表該迴路為電容性負載..在 var 讀值之前的負號則表示輸出虛功.4 6 .0 04 6 .0 04 6 .0 0 KW單相實功率W第1相的真均方根(rms)實功.第2相的真均方根(rms)實功.第3相的真均方根(rms)實功.1 0 .0 bal A5 0 .0 Hz3- P hase1 .0 0 0 COSΦ系統畫面 2不平衡電流. (I1+I2+I3)頻率 (由 V1測得)系統功率因數若是符號出現在功率因數之後,則代表為一電容性負載.4 6 .0 0 kVA4 6 .0 04 6 .0 0 單相視在功率 VA 第1相的 rms 視在功率第2相的 rms 視在功率. 第3相的 rms 視在功率4 6 .0 0-kVAr 4 6 .0 0-- 4 6 .0 0單相虛功率 VA R第1相的 rms 虛功率. 第2相的rms 虛功率. 第3相的 rms 虛功率.若 符號出現於var 讀值後, 則表示該迴路為電容性負載. 若 var 讀值之前有負號, 則表示虛功為輸出.1 .0 0 01 .0 0 01 .0 0 0COS Φ單相功因第1相的功率因數. 第2相的功率因數.第3相的功率因數.若符號出現於讀值後, 則表示該線路為電容性負載.2 3 9 .0MD KVAr 2 7 6 .03- P haseKVA1 3 8 .0KW功率需量 (MD)三相電功率總合值於時間參數T p (1至60分鐘,可調)期間的需量. 由於採用滾動式循環計算(Rolling block), 每隔T p /60 的時間, 這些數值就會更新一次2 39 .Pk hold MD KVAr 2 7 6 .03- P haseKVA1 3 8 .0KW功率需量極大值各功率需量的最高值紀錄.當電表失去控制電源時, 這些極大值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中.同時按 及 會把此三個極大值歸零.1.5 電能選單按下鍵可選取各電能顯示畫面.kWh1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 瓦時 (Wh)此一暫存器僅有在實功(kW)為正的(輸入)時才會累積.當累積超過 99999999時, 回復到0.當電表失去控制電源時, 此一暫存器值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中.kVArh1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 乏時 (VA R h)此一暫存器累計輸入的乏時.當累積超過 99999999時, 回復到0.當電表失去控制電源時, 此一暫存器值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中.kVA h1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 視在電能(V Ah)此一暫存器累計輸入的VAh.當累積超過 99999999時, 回復到0.當電表失去控制電源時, 此一暫存器值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中.E xport kWh1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8輸出瓦時註 2此一暫存器僅有在實功(kW)為負的(輸出)時才會累積.當累積超過 99999999時, 回復到0.當電表失去控制電源時, 此一暫存器值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中E xportkVArh1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8輸出乏時註 2此一暫存器僅有在虛功(kVAR)為負的(輸出)時才會累積.當累積超過 99999999時, 回復到0.當電表失去控制電源時, 此一暫存器值會保存於非揮發性記憶體中.註 2: 輸出瓦時與輸出乏時為選購項目, 若是沒選購, 則將不會出現這些畫面.另一個選購項目為使用電表上的按鍵, 去重置電能累計值.若此一選項被採購, 則同時按及, 並持續按著3秒鐘, 則可將所有電能值歸零.1.6 電力品質選單同時按下及約3秒鐘以進入/離開電力品質選單.1.6.1 諧波電流選單按下鍵可進入諧波電流子選單. 按或鍵以選擇下一個/前一個畫面.THD 2 0 .02 0 .0 A% 2 0 .0 電流諧波總和失真率(THD)第1相的電流THD第2相的電流THD.第3相的電流THD.此畫面數值一秒更新一次. THD介於 0-100.0%.1 0 .01 0 .0 A% 02 1 0 .0 harmonic 電流單次諧波 02-15次第1相的單次電流諧波 02-15第2相的單次電流諧波02-15第3相的單次電流諧波 02-15.單次諧波乃是以基頻RMS電流值為比率的一個百分比值. 左邊的畫面表示2次諧波為10.0%1.6.2 諧波電壓選單按下鍵可選擇此諧波電壓次選單. 按下或鍵可以選擇下一個/上一個諧波電壓畫面.THD 2 0 .02 0 .0 V % 2 0 .0 電壓諧波總和失真率(THD)第1相的電壓THD第2相的電壓THD第3相的電壓THD此畫面數值一秒更新一次. THD介於 0-100.0%.1 0 .01 0 .0 V % 02 1 0 .0 harmonic 電壓單次諧波 02-15次第1相的單次電壓諧波 02-15 第1相的單次電壓諧波 02-15 第1相的單次電壓諧波 02-15單次諧波乃是以基頻RMS電壓值為比率的一個百分比值. 左邊的畫面表示2次諧波為10.0%1.7 顯示數值解析度位了提供最佳的數值解析度, 所量測到的數值, 乃是根據使用者所設定的不同的CT 及/或 PT一次側值, 顯示於LCD顯示幕上. 說明如下表:2 接線2.1 安裝於盤上盤門的鋼板厚度應為 1mm到4mm厚, 盤面開孔為正方形92mm (+0.8/-0.0mm). 由盤前插入電表, 將4個透明的塑膠安裝配件在盤後, 由電表上下左右4個角落徐徐逼入, 直到牢牢頂住盤門為止.2.2 脈衝輸出接線脈衝輸出的形式為2組無電壓常開乾接點.這兩組接點與其他電路為電氣隔離的(絕緣能力2.5kV / 1 分鐘), 比次之間為 50V.這兩組脈衝輸出接點可以接給其他計數器, 脈衝記錄器, 建物用電管理系統(Building Energy Management Systems, BEMS)等.脈衝輸出接線輸入接線3-相 3 或 4-線 (*有或無中性線)3-相 3線3-相高壓單相3 脈衝輸出這兩組脈衝輸出接點, 第一組固定用來表示kWh.第二組通常用來表示 kVARh, 但是也可以於定貨時指定它作為表示kVAh用.每當電表測量到系統流過一定單位的電能時, 產生一個pulse脈衝. (例: 每1 pulse 表示 0.1kWh). 使用者可以設定一個pulse所代表的電能的量, 而pulse的長度亦為可設定, 以配合外部所連接的其他系統.3.1.1 脈衝 LED前面板的發光二極體 (LED)會在脈衝產生時亮起.脈衝輸出指示燈4 電表設定4.1 規劃選單要進入規劃模式: 一起按下及鍵 5 秒鐘.4位數的安全密碼僅有在安全密碼經由通訊方式(Modbus 位址43585)被設定為大於0時, 此畫面才會出現.按下 或 去選擇不同數字 (由個位數開始) 按以便移動到上一位數.當此畫面出現, 使用者必須輸入4位數的正確安全密碼, 才能繼續進行設定其他值.C O d E1 2 3 4CT 一次側值當L(List 模式)出現於左下角時, 按或去選擇內設的標準值當F(Fine 模式)出現於左下角時,按或可以每次增減10的方式去設定CT 一次側值(若需要設定如75這種非10的整數倍數的值時, 必需用通訊方式設定Modbus 位址43585, 且於設定完成後, 請勿再進入設定模式) 同時按 及可於L 與F 之間切換. 按代表接受設定值.C tA Pr iL 2 0 0PT 一次側值當L(List 模式)出現於左下角時,P tVP r i L-L F 4 0 0 按或去選擇內設的標準值按或可以每次增減10的方式去設定PT一次側值(若需要設定非10的整數倍數的值時, 必需用通訊方式設定Modbus位址43586, 且於設定完成後, 請勿再進入設定模式)同時按及可於L與F之間切換按代表接受設定值.電力需量時間此處設定的是滑動式需量計算中所用到的積分時間長度, 以分鐘為單位. 台灣是採15分鐘.按或去增/減數值.按代表接受設定值.P E rMDM I IN3 0電流/電壓 時間平均值計算時間此處設定的是滑動式平均電壓及電流計算中所用到的積分時間長度, 以秒鐘為單位.按或去增/減數值.按代表接受設定值.P E rSE C T-Avg1 0脈衝速率(代表脈衝的電能值)此處設定的是一個pulse 1的pulse 所代表的 (kWh).Pulse 2 的值也與此值相同, 只是它表示的是其他電能直(如 kvarh). 按或 去由內建標準值中選擇下/前一個設定值. 按代表接受設定值.P U L S kWhr A t E0 .1脈衝長度此處設定的是接點閉合的時間長度(Pulse 1 & 2皆適用).按 或去由內建標準值中選擇下/前一個設定值 按代表接受設定值.P U L SLE n0 .1脈衝測試此功能讓使用者在沒有實際負載的情形下, 測試脈衝輸出的作動.按或 可以啟動/停止測試脈衝. 面板上會分別顯示 H Ld (Hold) 或 PYN .右下方的計數器則表示測試期間所產生的脈衝總數. 同時按 及可以將計數器歸零. 按代表接受設定值.P U L St E S tH L d 9 9 9規格控制電源Nominal 230Vac ±15%, 45-65Hz, 1W max.Optional 115Vac ±15%.Isolation 2.5kV (1 minute)輸入電壓Un 400V Line-Line. Range 20%-120% UnBurden 0.1VA / Phase. Overload 2xUn Continuous.Other nominal voltages are available to order.輸入電流Nominal Ib = 5A. Range 0.2%-120% IbBurden 0.1VA / Phase. Overload 40xIb (0.5 sec)Isolation 2.5kV (1 minute) (50V Pulse1-Pulse2)Optional Ib = 1A精度KWh: Cl.1.EN62053-21 & BS8431 (2-120% Nom kW)Kvarh: Cl.2.0. EN62053-23KW: 1% Rdg (5% - 120% Nom kW)Amps: 0.2% Ib or 1.0% Rdg (0.05Ib < Iph < 1.2Ib)Volts: 0.2% Un or 1.0% Rdg (0.2Un < Vph < 1.2Un)PF: ±0.2 DegreesFrequency: ±0.05hz (45hz [ F [ 65hz)LCD 顯示器LCD 8 Digits h=6.7mm + Legends h=3.2mm.kWh Memory 10 years without power.脈衝輸出Normally open volt free contactsPulse rate and length selectable.Contacts: 100V ac/dc, 100mA, 5W maxIsolation 2.5kV for 1 minute.環境Operate-10︒C > T < 65︒C. RH < 75% Non CondensingStorage- 25C > T < 75CIP 54 (IP65 with optional kit)其它Size: 96 x 96 x 83.5mm (72mm behind panel)Case: DIN 96x96mm Mablex UL94-V0Terminals: Rising Cage 4.0mm2Weight: Approx 250g。

Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书

Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书

RVN4126 3.59100-386-9100-386/T DEVICERVN41772-CD2-3.5MCS/MTSRVN41821-CD2-3.5XTS3000/SABER PORTABLE YES RKN4046KHVN9085 3.51-20 R NO HLN9359 PROG. STAND RVN4057 3.532 X 8 CODEPLUG NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG KITRVN4053 3.5ASTRO DIGITAL INTERFACE NO3080385B23RVN41842-CD RKN4046A (Portable) 2-3.5ASTRO PORTABLE /MOBILE YES3080369B73 or0180300B10 (Mobile) RVN41831-CD3080369B732-3.5ASTRO SPECTRA MOBILE YES(Low / Mid Power)0180300B10 (High Power) RVN4185CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MOBILE NO MANY OPTIONS; SEESERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4186CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MANY OPTIONS;MOBILE/PORTABLE COMB SEE SERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4154 3.5ASTROTAC 3000 COMPAR.3080385B23RVN5003 3.5ASTROTAC COMPARATORS NO3080399E31 Adpt.5880385B34RVN4083 3.5BSC II NO FKN5836ARVN4171 3.5C200RVN4029 3.5CENTRACOM SERIES II NO VARIOUS-SEE MANUAL6881121E49RVN4112 3.5COMMAND PLUS NORVN4149 3.5COMTEGRA YES3082056X02HVN6053CD CT250, 450, 450LS YES AAPMKN4004RVN4079 3.5DESKTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4093 3.5DESKTRAC TRUNKED YES3080070N01RVN4091 3.5DGT 9000 DESKSET YES0180358A22RVN4114 3.5GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS.NO RKN4021AHVN8177 3.5GM/GR300/GR500/GR400M10/M120/130YES3080070N01RVN4159 3.5GP60 SERIES YES PMLN4074AHVN9128 3.5GP300 & GP350RVN4152 3.5GP350 AVSRVN4150 3.5GTX YES HKN9857 (Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) HVN9025CD HT CDM/MTX/EX SERIES YES AARKN4083/AARKN4081RiblessAARKN4075RIBLESS NON-USA RKN4074RVN4098H 3.5HT1000/JT1000-VISAR YES3080371E46(VISAR CONV)RVN4151 3.5HT1000 AVSRVN4098 3.5HT1000/ VISAR CONV’L.YES RKN4035B (HT1000) HVN9084 3.5i750YES HLN-9102ARVN4156 3.5LCS/LTS 2000YES HKN9857(Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) RVN4087 3.5LORAN C LOC. RECV’R.NO RKN4021ARVN4135 3.5M100/M200,M110,M400,R100 includesHVN9173,9177,9646,9774YES3080070N01RVN4023 3.5MARATRAC YES3080070N01RVN4019 3.5MAXTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4139 3.5MAXTRAC LS YES3080070N01RVN4043 3.5MAXTRAC TRK DUPLEX YES3080070N01RVN4178CD MC SERIES, MC2000/2500DDN6124AW/DB25 CONNECTORDDN6367AW/DB9 CONNECTOR RVN41751-CD Rib to MIC connector 1-3.5MCS2000 RKN4062BRVN41131-3.5MCS2000RVN4011 3.5MCX1000YES3000056M01RVN4063 3.5MCX1000 MARINE YES3000056M01RVN4117 3.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESRVN4105 3.5MOBILE PROG. TOOLRVN4119 3.5MOBITEX DEVICESRVN4128 3.5MPT1327-1200 SERIES YES SEE MANUALRVN4025 3.5MSF5000/PURC/ANALOG YES0180355A30RVN4077 3.5MSF5000/10000FLD YES0180355A30RVN4017K 3.5MT 1000YES RTK4205CRVN4148 3.5MTR 2000YES3082056X02RVN4140 3.5MTRI 2000NORVN41761-CD MTS2000, MT2000*, MTX8000, MTX90001-3.5*programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176RVN4131 3.5MTVA CODE PLUG FIXRVN4142 3.5MTVA DOCTOR YES3080070N01RVN4131 3.5MTVA3.EXERVN4013 3.5MTX800 & MTX800S YES RTK4205CRVN4097 1-CD MTX8000/MTX9000,MTS2000,MT2000*,* programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176HVN9067CD MTX850/MTX8250MTX950,MTX925RVN4138 3.5MTX-LS YES RKN4035DRVN4035 3.5MX 1000YES RTK4203CRVN4073 3.5MX 800YES RKN4006BHVN9395 P100, P200 LB, P50+, P210, P500, PR3000RVN4134 3.5P100 (HVN9175)P200 LB (HVN9794)P50+ (HVN9395)P210 (HVN9763)P500 (HVN9941)PR3000 (HVN9586)YES RTK4205HVN9852 3.5P110YES HKN9755A/REX1143 HVN9262 3.5P200 UHF/VHF YES RTK4205RVN4129 3.5PDT220YVN4051 3.5PORTABLE REPEATER Portable rptr.P1820/P1821AXRVN4061C 3.5PP 1000/500NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 RVN5002 3.5QUANTAR/QUANTRO NO3O80369E31RVN4135 3.5R100 (HVN9177)M100/M200/M110/M400YES0180358A52RVN4146 3.5RPM500/660RVN4002 3.5SABER YES RTK4203CRVN4131 3.5SETTLET.EXEHVN9007 3.5SM50 & SM120YESRVN4039 3.5SMART STATUS YES FKN5825AHVN9054 3.5SOFTWARE R03.2 P1225YES3080070N01HVN9001 3.5SOFTWARE R05.00.00 1225LS YES HLN9359AHVN9012 3.5SP50RVN4001N 3.5SPECTRA YES3080369B73 (STANDARD)0180300B10 (HIGH POWER) RVN4099 3.5SPECTRA RAILROAD YES3080369B73RVN4110 3.5STATION ACCESS MODULE NO3080369E31RVN4089A 3.5STX TRANSIT YES0180357A54RVN4051 3.5SYSTEMS SABER YES RTK4203BRVN4075 3.5T5600/T5620 SERIES NO3080385B23HVN9060CD TC3000, TS3000, TR3000RVN4123 3.5VISAR PRIVACY PLUS YES3080371E46FVN4333 3.5VRM 100 TOOLBOX FKN4486A CABLE &ADAPTORRVN4133 3.5VRM 500/600/650/850NORVN4181CD XTS 2500/5000 PORTABLES RKN4105A/RKN4106A RVN41002- 3.5XTS3000 ASTRO PORTABLE/MOBILERVN4170 3.5XTS3500YES RKN4035DRIB SET UPRLN4008E RADIO INTERFACE BOX (RIB)0180357A57RIB AC POWER PACK 120V0180358A56RIB AC POWER PACK 220V3080369B71IBM TO RIB CABLE (25 PIN) (USE WITH XT & PS2)3080369B72IBM TO RIB CABLE (9 PIN)RLN443825 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) ADAPTOR (USE W/3080369B72 FOR AT APPLICATION) 5880385B308 PIN MODULAR TO 25 PIN ”D” ADAPTOR (FOR T5600 ONLY)0180359A29DUPLEX ADAPTOR (MOSTAR/TRAXAR TRNK’D ONLY)Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required Number Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required NumberUtilizing your personal computer, Radio Service Software (RSS)/Customer Programming Software (CPS)/CustomerConfiguration Software (CCS) enables you to add or reprogram features/parameters as your requirements change. RSS/CPS/CCS is compatible with IBM XT, AT, PS/2 models 30, 50, 60 and 80.Requires 640K RAM. DOS 3.1 or later. Consult the RSS users guide for the computer configuration and DOS requirements. (ForHT1000, MT/MTS2000, MTX838/8000/9000, Visar and some newer products —IBM model 386, 4 MEG RAM and DOS 5.0 or higher are recommended.) A Radio Interface Box (RIB) may be required as well as the appropriate cables. The RIB and cables must be ordered separately.Licensing:A license is required before a software (RVN) order is placed. The software license is site specific (customer number and ultimate destination tag). All sites/locations must purchase their own software.Be sure to place subsequent orders using the original customer number and ship-to-tag or other licensed sites; ordering software without a licensed customer number and ultimate tag may result in unnecessary delays. To obtain a no charge license agreement kit, order RPX4719. To place an order in the U.S. call 1-800-422-4210. Outside the U.S., FAX 847-576-3023.Subscription Program:The purchase of Radio ServiceSoftware/Customer Programming/Customer ConfigurationSoftware (RVN & HVN kits) entitles the buyer/subscriber to three years of free upgrades. At the end of these three years, the sub-scriber must purchase the same Radio Service Software kit to receive an additional three years of free upgrades. If the sub-scriber does not elect to purchase the same Radio Service Software kit, no upgrades will be sent. Annually a subscription status report is mailed to inform subscribers of the RSS/CPS/CCS items on our database and their expiration dates.Notes:1)A subscription service is offered on “RVN”-Radio Service Software/Customer Programming/Customer Configuration Software kits only.2)“RVN” software must only be procured through Radio Products and Services Division (RPSD). Software not procured through the RPSD will not be recorded on the subscription database; upgrades will not be mailed.3)Upgrades are mailed to the original buyer (customer number & ultimate tag).4)SP software is available through the radio product groups.The Motorola General Radio Service Software Agreement is now available on Motorola Online. If you need assistance please feel free to submit a “Contact Us” or call 800-422-4210.SMART RIB SET UPRLN1015D SMART RIB0180302E27 AC POWER PACK 120V 2580373E86 AC POWER PACK 220V3080390B49SMARTRIB CABLE (9 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH AT)3080390B48SMARTRIB CABLE (25 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH XT)RLN4488ASMART RIB BATTERY PACKWIRELESS DATA GROUP PRODUTS SOFTWARERVN4126 3.59100-386/9100T DEVICES MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG’TN RVN41173.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESPAGING PRODUCTS MANUALS6881011B54 3.5ADVISOR6881029B90 3.5ADVISOR ELITE 6881023B20 3.5ADVISOR GOLD 6881020B35 3.5ADVISOR PRO FLX 6881032B30 3.5BR8506881032B30 3.5LS3506881032B30 3.5LS5506881032B30 3.5LS7506881033B10 3.5LS9506881035B20 3.5MINITOR III8262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 20008262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 2000X 6881028B10 3.5TALKABOUT T3406881029B35 3.5TIMEPORT P7308262947A15 3.5TIMEPORT P930NLN3548BUNIVERSAL INTERFACE KITItem Disk Radio NumberSize Product。









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ULN2002A ...N PACKAGEULN2003A ...D,N,NS,OR PW PACKAGEULN2004A ...D,N,OR NS PACKAGEULQ2003A,ULQ2004A ...D OR N PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)1B1162B2153B3144B4135B5126B6117B710E891C2C3C4C5C6C7CCOMULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004AULQ2003A,ULQ2004A SLRS027J–DECEMBER1976–REVISED JUNE2010 HIGH-VOLTAGE,HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAYSCheck for Samples:ULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004A,ULQ2003A,ULQ2004AFEATURES•500-mA-Rated Collector Current(SingleOutput)•High-Voltage Outputs:50V•Output Clamp Diodes•Inputs Compatible With Various Types ofLogic•Relay-Driver ApplicationsDESCRIPTIONThe ULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004A,ULQ2003A,and ULQ2004A are high-voltage high-current Darlington transistor arrays.Each consists of seven npn Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads.The collector-current rating of a single Darlington pair is500mA.The Darlington pairs can be paralleled for higher current capability.Applications include relay drivers,hammer drivers,lamp drivers,display drivers(LED and gas discharge),line drivers,and logic buffers. For100-V(otherwise interchangeable)versions of the ULN2003A and ULN2004A,see the SN75468and SN75469,respectively.The ULN2001A is a general-purpose array and can be used with TTL and CMOS technologies.The ULN2002A is designed specifically for use with14-V to25-V PMOS devices.Each input of this device has a Zener diode and resistor in series to control the input current to a safe limit.The ULN2003A and ULQ2003A have a2.7-kΩseries base resistor for each Darlington pair for operation directly with TTL or5-V CMOS devices.The ULN2004A and ULQ2004A have a10.5-kΩseries base resistor to allow operation directly from CMOS devices that use supply voltages of6V to15V.The required input current of the ULN/ULQ2004A is below that of the ULN/ULQ2003A,and the required voltage is less than that required by the ULN2002A.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©1976–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas7C 6C 5C 4C 3C 2C 1CCOM7B6B5B4B3B2B1BULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004A ULQ2003A,ULQ2004ASLRS027J –DECEMBER 1976–REVISED JUNE 2010ORDERING INFORMATION (1)T APACKAGE (2)ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKING ULN2002AN ULN2002AN PDIP –NTube of 25ULN2003AN ULN2003AN ULN2004AN ULN2004ANTube of 40ULN2003AD Reel of 2500ULN2003ADR ULN2003ASOIC –DReel of 2500ULN2003ADRG3–20°C to 70°CTube of 40ULN2004AD ULN2004A Reel of 2500ULN2004ADR ULN2003ANSR ULN2003A SOP –NS Reel of 2000ULN2004ANSR ULN2004A Tube of 90ULN2003APW TSSOP –PW UN2003A Reel of 2000ULN2003APWR ULQ2003AN ULQ2003A PDIP –NTube of 25ULQ2004AN ULQ2004AN Tube of 40ULQ2003AD –40°C to 85°CULQ2003A Reel of 2500ULQ2003ADR SOIC –DTube of 40ULQ2004AD ULQ2004A Reel of 2500ULQ2004ADR PDIP –NTube of 425ULN2003AIN ULN2003AIN Tube of 40ULN2003AID –40°C to 105°CSOIC –D ULN2003AI Reel of 2500ULN2003AIDR TSSOP –PWReel of 2500ULN2003AIPWRUN2003AI (1)For the most current package and ordering information,see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,or see the TI web site at .(2)Package drawings,thermal data,and symbolization are available at /packaging .LOGIC DIAGRAM2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©1976–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedULN2002AULN/ULQ2003A:R B ULN/ULQ2004A:R B ULN2003AI:R = 2.7 k B W ULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004AULQ2003A,ULQ2004ASLRS027J –DECEMBER 1976–REVISED JUNE 2010SCHEMATICS (EACH DARLINGTON PAIR)All resistor values shown are nominal.The collector-emitter diode is a parasitic structure and should not be used to conduct current.If the collector(s)go below ground an external Schottky diode should be added to clamp negative undershoots.Copyright ©1976–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 3ULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004AULQ2003A,ULQ2004ASLRS027J–DECEMBER1976–REVISED ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)at25°C free-air temperature(unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV CC Collector-emitter voltage50V Clamp diode reverse voltage(2)50VV I Input voltage(2)30VSee Figure14andPeak collector current500mAFigure15I OK Output clamp current500mATotal emitter-terminal current–2.5AULN200xA–2070ULN200xAI–40105T A Operating free-air temperature range°CULQ200xA–4085ULQ200xAT–40105D package73N package67q JA Package thermal impedance(3)(4)NS package64°C/WPW package108D package36q JC Package thermal impedance(5)(6)N package54T J Operating virtual junction temperature150°C Lead temperature for1.6mm(1/16inch)from case for10seconds260°CT stg Storage temperature range–65150°C (1)Stresses beyond those listed under"absolute maximum ratings"may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under"recommended operating conditions"is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2)All voltage values are with respect to the emitter/substrate terminal E,unless otherwise noted.(3)Maximum power dissipation is a function of T J(max),q JA,and T A.The maximum allowable power dissipation at any allowable ambienttemperature is P D=(T J(max)–T A)/q JA.Operating at the absolute maximum T J of150°C can affect reliability.(4)The package thermal impedance is calculated in accordance with JESD51-7.(5)Maximum power dissipation is a function of T J(max),q JC,and T A.The maximum allowable power dissipation at any allowable ambienttemperature is P D=(T J(max)–T A)/q JC.Operating at the absolute maximum T J of150°C can affect reliability.(6)The package thermal impedance is calculated in accordance with MIL-STD-883.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST A=25°CULN2002ATESTPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITFIGURE MIN TYP MAXV I(on)On-state input voltage Figure6V CE=2V,I C=300mA13VI I=250m A,I C=100mA0.9 1.1V CE(sat)Collector-emitter saturation voltage Figure4I I=350m A,I C=200mA1 1.3VI I=500m A,I C=350mA 1.2 1.6V F Clamp forward voltage Figure7I F=350mA 1.72VFigure1V CE=50V,I I=050I CEX Collector cutoff current V CE=50V,I I=0100m AFigure2TA =70°C VI=6V500I I(off)Off-state input current Figure2V CE=50V,I C=500m A5065m AI I Input current Figure3V I=17V0.82 1.25mAT A=70°C100I R Clamp reverse current Figure6V R=50V m A50C i Input capacitance V I=0,f=1MHz25pF4Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1976–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004AULQ2003A,ULQ2004A SLRS027J–DECEMBER1976–REVISED JUNE2010 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST A=25°CULN2003A ULN2004ATESTPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITFIGURE MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAXI C=125mA5I C=200mA 2.46I C=250mA 2.7V I(on)On-state input voltage Figure6V CE=2V VI C=275mA7I C=300mA3I C=350mA8I I=250m A,I C=100mA0.9 1.10.9 1.1Collector-emitterV CE(sat)Figure5I I=350m A,I C=200mA1 1.31 1.3V saturation voltageI I=500m A,I C=350mA 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.6Figure1V CE=50V,I I=05050I CEX Collector cutoff current V CE=50V,I I=0100100m AFigure2TA =70°C VI=6V500V F Clamp forward voltage Figure8I F=350mA 1.72 1.72VV CE=50V,I C=500m AI I(off)Off-state input current Figure350655065m AT A=70°C,V I=17V0.93 1.35I I Input current Figure40.350.5mA1 1.455050I R Clamp reverse current Figure7V R=50V m AT A=70°C100100C i Input capacitance V I=0,f=1MHz15251525pF ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST A=25°CULN2003AITESTPARAMETER TEST FIGURE UNITCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAXI C=200mA 2.4V I(on)On-state input voltage Figure6V CE=2V I C=250mA 2.7VI C=300mA3I I=250m A,I C=100mA0.9 1.1V CE(sat)Collector-emitter saturation voltage Figure5I I=350m A,I C=200mA1 1.3VI I=500m A,I C=350mA 1.2 1.6I CEX Collector cutoff current Figure1V CE=50V,I I=050m AV F Clamp forward voltage Figure8I F=350mA 1.72VI I(off)Off-state input current Figure3V CE=50V,I C=500m A5065m AI I Input current Figure4V I=3.85V0.93 1.35mAI R Clamp reverse current Figure7V R=50V50m AC i Input capacitance V I=0,f=1MHz1525pF Copyright©1976–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5ULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004AULQ2003A,ULQ2004ASLRS027J–DECEMBER1976–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST A=–40°C to105°CULN2003AIPARAMETER TEST FIGURE TEST CONDITIONS UNITMIN TYP MAXI C=200mA 2.7V I(on)On-state input voltage Figure6V CE=2V I C=250mA 2.9VI C=300mA3I I=250m A,I C=100mA0.9 1.2V CE(sat)Collector-emitter saturation voltage Figure5I I=350m A,I C=200mA1 1.4VI I=500m A,I C=350mA 1.2 1.7I CEX Collector cutoff current Figure1V CE=50V,I I=0100m AV F Clamp forward voltage Figure8I F=350mA 1.7 2.2VI I(off)Off-state input current Figure3V CE=50V,I C=500m A3065m AI I Input current Figure4V I=3.85V0.93 1.35mAI R Clamp reverse current Figure7V R=50V100m AC i Input capacitance V I=0,f=1MHz1525pF ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover recommended operating conditions(unless otherwise noted)ULQ2003A ULQ2004ATESTPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITFIGURE MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAXI C=125mA5I C=200mA 2.76I C=250mA 2.9V I(on)On-state input voltage Figure6V CE=2V VI C=275mA7I C=300mA3I C=350mA8I I=250m A,I C=100mA0.9 1.20.9 1.1Collector-emitterV CE(sat)Figure5I I=350m A,I C=200mA1 1.41 1.3V saturation voltageI I=500m A,I C=350mA 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.6Figure1V CE=50V,I I=010050I CEX Collector cutoff current V CE=50V,I I=0100m AFigure2TA =70°C VI=6V500V F Clamp forward voltage Figure8I F=350mA 1.7 2.3 1.72VV CE=50V,I I(off)Off-state input current Figure3I C=500m A655065m AT A=70°C,V I=17V0.93 1.35I I Input current Figure40.350.5mA1 1.45T A=25°C10050I R Clamp reverse current Figure7V R=50V m A100100C i Input capacitance V I=0,f=1MHz15251525pF6Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1976–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004AULQ2003A,ULQ2004A SLRS027J–DECEMBER1976–REVISED JUNE2010 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICST A=25°CULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2004APARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITMIN TYP MAXt PLH Propagation delay time,low-to high-level output See Figure90.251m st PHL Propagation delay time,high-to low-level output See Figure90.251m sV OH High-level output voltage after switching V S=50V,I O=300mA,See Figure10V S–20mV SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICST A=25°CULN2003AIPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITMIN TYP MAXt PLH Propagation delay time,low-to high-level output See Figure90.251m st PHL Propagation delay time,high-to low-level output See Figure90.251m sV OH High-level output voltage after switching V S=50V,I O≈300mA,See Figure10V S–20mV SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICST A=–40°C to105°CULN2003AIPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITMIN TYP MAXt PLH Propagation delay time,low-to high-level output See Figure9110m st PHL Propagation delay time,high-to low-level output See Figure9110m sV OH High-level output voltage after switching V S=50V,I O≈300mA,See Figure10V S–50mV SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSover recommended operating conditions(unless otherwise noted)ULQ2003A,ULQ2004A PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITMIN TYP MAXt PLH Propagation delay time,low-to high-level output See Figure9110m st PHL Propagation delay time,high-to low-level output See Figure9110m sV OH High-level output voltage after switching V S=50V,I O=300mA,See Figure10V S–20mV Copyright©1976–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7OpenOpenOpenV IOpenOpenVIOpenI COpenI CI IOpenI CIFVULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004A ULQ2003A,ULQ2004ASLRS027J –DECEMBER 1976–REVISED JUNE 2010PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONFigure 1.I CEX Test CircuitFigure 2.I CEX Test CircuitFigure 3.I I(off)Test CircuitFigure 4.I I Test CircuitA.I I is fixed for measuring V CE(sat),variable for measuring h FE .Figure 5.h FE ,V CE(sat)Test CircuitFigure 6.V I(on)Test CircuitFigure 7.I R Test Circuit Figure 8.V F Test CircuitFigure 9.Propagation Delay-Time Waveforms8Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©1976–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedV IH(see Note C)0V V OHV OLOutputVOLTAGEWAVEFORMSULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004AULQ2003A,ULQ2004ASLRS027J –DECEMBER 1976–REVISED JUNE 2010PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION (continued)A.The pulse generator has the following characteristics:PRR =12.5kHz,Z O =50Ω.B.C L includes probe and jig capacitance.C.For testing the ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,and ULQ2003A,V IH =3V;for the ULN2002A,V IH =13V;for the ULN2004A and the ULQ2004A,V IH =8V.Figure tch-Up Test Circuit and Voltage WaveformsCopyright ©1976–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 90I C -Collector Current -mA 2.58001002003004005006007000.511.52V C E (s a t )-C o l l e c t o r -E m i t t e r S a t u r a t i o n V o l t a g e -V V C E (s a t )21.510.570060050040030020010008002.5I C(tot)-Total Collector Current -mA0V C E(s a t )-C o l l e c t o r -E m i t t e r S a t u r a t i o n V o l t a g e -VC E (s a t )0I I -Input Current -µA500200025507510012515017550100150200250300350400450I C -C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t -m AC 0Duty Cycle -%6001000102030405060708090100200300400500C -M a x i m u m C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t -m A CI ULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004A ULQ2003A,ULQ2004ASLRS027J –DECEMBER 1976–REVISED JUNE 2010TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSCOLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGECOLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGEvsvsTOTAL COLLECTOR CURRENT (TWO DARLINGTONS INCOLLECTOR CURRENT (ONE DARLINGTON)PARALLEL)Figure 11.Figure 12.D PACKAGECOLLECTOR CURRENTMAXIMUM COLLECTOR CURRENTvsvsINPUT CURRENTDUTY CYCLEFigure 13.Figure 14.10Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©1976–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated5004003002001009080706050403020100100600Duty Cycle -%0I C-M a x i m u m C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t -m A CULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004A ULQ2003A,ULQ2004A SLRS027J –DECEMBER 1976–REVISED JUNE 2010TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)N PACKAGEMAXIMUM COLLECTOR CURRENTMAXIMUM AND TYPICAL INPUT CURRENT vsvs DUTY CYCLEINPUT VOLTAGEFigure 15.Figure 16.MAXIMUM AND TYPICAL SATURATED V CEMINIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT vsvs OUTPUT CURRENTINPUT CURRENT Figure 17.Figure 18.Copyright ©1976–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 11ULN2002A ULQ2003ALam TestV V ULN2004A ULQ2004AV VULN2002A,ULN2003A,ULN2003AI,ULN2004A ULQ2003A,ULQ2004ASLRS027J –DECEMBER 1976–REVISED JUNE APPLICATION INFORMATIONFigure 19.P-MOS to LoadFigure 20.TTL to Load Figure 21.Buffer for Higher Current Loads Figure e of Pullup Resistors to Increase Drive Current12Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©1976–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)ULN2001AD OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TI Samples Not Available ULN2001ADR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TI Samples Not Available ULN2001AN OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TI Samples Not Available ULN2002AD OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TI Samples Not Available ULN2002AN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples ULN2002ANE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples ULN2003AD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003ADE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003ADG4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003ADR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2003ADRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2003ADRG3ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesULN2003ADRG4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2003AID ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2003AIDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2003AIDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2003AIDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesULN2003AIDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesULN2003AIDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesAddendum-Page 1Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)ULN2003AIN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office ULN2003AINE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office ULN2003AIPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003AIPWE4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003AIPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003AIPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesULN2003AIPWRE4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesULN2003AIPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples ULN2003AJ OBSOLETE CDIP J16TBD Call TI Call TI Samples Not Available ULN2003AN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office ULN2003ANE3PREVIEW PDIP N1625TBD Call TI Call TI Samples Not Available ULN2003ANE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office ULN2003ANSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003ANSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003ANSRG4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003APW ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003APWE4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003APWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003APWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesAddendum-Page 2Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)ULN2003APWRE4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2003APWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2004AD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2004ADE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2004ADG4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2004ADR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2004ADRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2004ADRG4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeULN2004AN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office ULN2004ANE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office ULN2004ANSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULN2004ANSRG4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULQ2003AD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULQ2003ADG4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesULQ2003ADR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULQ2003ADRG4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples ULQ2003AN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples ULQ2004AD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesAddendum-Page 3Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)ULQ2004ADG4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULQ2004ADR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesULQ2004ADRG4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples ULQ2004AN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.OTHER QUALIFIED VERSIONS OF ULQ2003A, ULQ2004A :•Automotive: ULQ2003A-Q1, ULQ2004A-Q1Addendum-Page 4NOTE: Qualified Version Definitions:•Automotive - Q100 devices qualified for high-reliability automotive applications targeting zero defectsAddendum-Page 5TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION*All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package DrawingPinsSPQ Reel Diameter (mm)Reel Width W1(mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W (mm)Pin1Quadrant ULN2003ADR SOICD 162500330.016.4 6.510.3 SOICD 162500330.016.4 6.510.3 SOICD 162500330.016.4 6.510.3 TSSOPPW 162000330.012.4 6.9 5.6 TSSOPPW 162000330.012.47.0 5.6 SONS 162000330. 2.512.016.0Q1ULN2003APWR TSSOPPW 162000330.012.4 6.9 5.6 TSSOPPW 162000330.012.47.0 5.6 SOICD 162500330.016.4 6.510.3 SOICD 162500330.016.4 6.510.3 SONS 162000330. 2.512.016.0Q1ULQ2003ADR SOIC D 162500330.016.4 6.510.3*All dimensions are nominalDevice Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length(mm)Width(mm)Height(mm) ULN2003ADR SOIC D162500333.2345.928.6 ULN2003ADR SOIC D162500346.0346.033.0 ULN2003AIDR SOIC D162500333.2345.928.6 ULN2003AIPWR TSSOP PW162000346.0346.029.0 ULN2003AIPWR TSSOP PW162000364.0364.027.0 ULN2003ANSR SO NS162000346.0346.033.0 ULN2003APWR TSSOP PW162000346.0346.029.0 ULN2003APWR TSSOP PW162000364.0364.027.0 ULN2004ADR SOIC D162500333.2345.928.6 ULN2004ADR SOIC D162500346.0346.033.0 ULN2004ANSR SO NS162000346.0346.033.0ULQ2003ADR SOIC D162500333.2345.928.6。

Braun ThermoScan Pro 3000 Service Manual

Braun ThermoScan Pro 3000 Service Manual
Refer to the Pro 3000 Operator’s Manual for warranty information.
The information and specifications contained within this service manual are subject to change without notification.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ......................................................................3-1
3.1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 CLEANING.................................................................................................................................3-1
One Second Ear Thermometer
Model: PRO 3000
Service Manual
Part Number 501671A
This document contains propriety information of Braun ThermoScan, and its receipt or possession does not convey any rights to reproduce its contents, or to manufacture or sell any product described. Reproduction, disclosure, or use other than for the intended purpose without specific written authorization of Braun ThermoScan is strictly forbidden.


第四章 数字量模块......................................................................................................................................43
4.1 数字量输入模块 DIM401-1601:DI16×DC24V...................................................................................44 4.2 数字量输入模块 DIM401-1602:DI16×DC24V...................................................................................47 4.3 数字量输入模块 DIM401-3201:DI32×DC24V...................................................................................51 4.4 数字量输入模块 DIM401-3202:DI32×DC24V...................................................................................54 4.5 交流数字量输入模块 DIM401-1603:DI16×AC220V..........................................................................58 4.6 事件记录模块 IIM401-1601:IIM16×DC24V...................................................................................... 61 4.7 事件记录模块 IIM401-3201:IIM32×DC24V...................................................................................... 65 4.8 数字量输出模块 DOM401-1601:DO16×DC24V×晶体管................................................................69 4.9 数字量输出模块 DOM401-1602:DO16×继电器................................................................................ 72 4.10 数字量输出模块 DOM401-3201:DO32×DC24V×晶体管..............................................................76 4.11 数字量输入输出模块 DIO401-1601...................................................................................................... 79 4.12 数字量输入输出模块 DIO401-1602...................................................................................................... 83 4.13 脉冲量输入模块 PIM401-0801:PI8×DC24V.................................................................................... 87 4.14 脉冲量输入模块 PIM401-0802:PI8×DC24V.................................................................................... 91

西门子SITRANS T 温度传感器操作说明说明书

西门子SITRANS T 温度传感器操作说明说明书

2 安全说明 ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3
运输与存储.................................................................................................................... 9
保修注意事项 ................................................................................................................ 9
Siemens AG Digital Industries Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG
文件订购号: A5E03920348 Ⓟ 09/2020 本公司保留更改的权利
Copyright © Siemens AG 2020. 保留所有权利
1 简介................................................................................................................................................. 7
3 安装/固定 ....................................................................................................................................... 17
































DesignGuide for WLCSP_nan_38

DesignGuide for WLCSP_nan_38

WLCSP Handling GuidelinesnAN-038Application Note v1.0Copyright © 2014 Nordic Semiconductor ASA. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.Table of contents1Introduction (3)2Mounting recommendations (5)2.1WLCSP PCB layout guidelines (5)2.2WLCSP SMT guidelines (7)3Demounting recommendations (8)4Packing (9)5References (10)1 Inn troductioWLCSP eliminates most of the first-level package materials found in traditional packages (lead frame or substrate, die attach, wire bonds, and mold compound which results in better electrical connectivity and conductivity). It also reduces the weight and three-dimensional space consumed by a lead frame-based package or laminate-based CSP.Figure 1 An example of WLCSP (nRF51-series)Figure 2 WLCSP constructionFigure 3 shows a WLCSP solder joint with the main geometric factors: UBM pad, under bump via, and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) pad.Figure 3 WLCSP solder jointn dation srecommen gn ti2 Mou2.1WLCSP PCB layout guidelines2.1.1Land pad pattern recommendationsPCB fabrication uses two types of land pad patterns during surface mount assembly, (see Figure 4).•Non-solder mask defined (NSMD) - The metal pad on the PCB (to which a package pad or pinwill be attached) is smaller than the solder mask opening.•Solder mask defined (SMD) - The solder mask opening is smaller than the metal part.NSMD and SMD each have their pros and cons, as shown in Table 1.Table 1 Pros and cons of NSMD and SMDIf NSMD pads are used, the NSMD pad diameter should be approximately 90% of the UBM diameter on the package. If SMD pads are used on the motherboard, the SMD pad diameter should be equivalent to the diameter of the UBM on the WLCSP package.2.1.2Pad recommendations for nRF51 series chipsWhen mounting WLCSP to rigid PCBs we recommend that NSMD pads are used. For flexible printed circuit (FPC) board applications where underfill is required, Nordic Semiconductor recommends SMD pads. NSMD is not recommended when the PCB applications require potential rework because NSMD is prone to pad lift at multiple thermal exposure. However, in terms of solder joint reliability, NSMD produces a more reliable solder joint during thermal cycle stress due to the available copper sidewall to which the solder can wet. Nordic strongly suggests that you carry out a complete Design Of Experiments (DOE) and reliability testing to determine the most suitable pattern for the given PCB application.Here are some recommendations for the nRF51422-CEAA and nRF51822-CEAA WLCSP packages:Table 2 Pad recommendationsNSMDSMDPROSCONSPROSCONSSolder ball wets on the sidewall of the exposed copper pads thusimproving solder joint reliability.Solder mask opening creates moats that allow underfill deposits. This irregular distribution of underfill may introduce stress on the solder mask and copper trace.Copper pads are stronger since the solder mask overlaps the copper thus improving bondadhesion between the pad and the laminate.Less space is formed in- between pads when routing signal traces.Wider space is formed when routing signal traces due to small copper area.Potential underfill voiding as the solder mask opening provides challenges on the underfill's capillary action.Copper pads have a bigger area thusimproving PCB to pad chemistry during flexing and excessive thermal exposure.Solder joint reliability failures during thermal cycle stress due to absence of copper pad sidewall.Prior to pad lift due to fully exposed copper pad without solder mask overlap.DescriptionValueUBM pad size 155 μmNSMD CSP UBM Pad diameter x 0.9SMDEqual to CSP UBM Pad diameter2.2WLCSP SMT guidelinesWLCSP board assembly starts with solder paste screen-printing on the board prior to component pick and place. Consider the following steps for all WLCSP applications:•Stencil design guidelines: The stencil design guidelines outlined in the IPC-7525 should be followed for all assemblies.•Solder paste: A no-clean solder paste with a particle size no larger than 40 μm (Type 3) is recommended.•Package pick-up and placement:•Z-height distance between the WLCSP and the pick-up tool should be set to zero or with minimal gap. The vacuum lifts out the package from the pocket of the carrier tape.•Similarly, Z-height during placement should be set to zero or with a minimum gap height to avoid overdrive during board placement.•Reflow: All Nordic Semiconductor WLCSP are Pb-Free and are qualified at 260 °C reflow with MSL1. Typical temperature profiles for the lead-free (Sn-Ag-Cu or Sn-Ag) solder and the corresponding critical reflow parameters are shown in Figure 5 and Table 3.Figure 5 Recommended reflow profile for Sn-Ag-Cu pasteTable 3 Recommended reflow parameters for Sn-Ag-Cu paste•Underfill: Optional•SMT Rework: It's not recommended to re-solder demounted WLCSP . For demounting see Chapter 3 “Demounting recommendations” on page 8.Process stepLead-Free solderRamp rate 3 °C/secondPre-heat150 °C to 180 °C, 60 to 180 seconds Time above liquidus, 220 °C 30 to 90 seconds Peak temperature255 °C ±5 °C Time within 5 °C of peak temperature 10 to 20 seconds Ramp down rate6 °C/second maximumn dation s3 Demourecommen gn tiCareful handling of WLCSP devices must be ensured in case devices are sent to Nordic Semiconductor for analysis. WLCSP devices are very vulnerable and easily damaged. To proceed with the analysis, good physical condition is a requirement.Chipouts prevent further electrical analysis on the device as it covers the real failure. Meaning, chipouts introduced during the transport might mask the original problem and make further analysis impossible or can lead to a wrong conclusion.You must ensure that the devices are handled carefully to allow analysis to proceed. Recommended handling and shipping conditions can be found in Chapter 4 “Packing” on page9.The key factor for a successful demounting (device removal from PCB) is that the WLCSP device must be lifted from the board in a vertical direction. Use a BGA repair station to ensure the device is lifted in a vertical direction.Note: When the device is not lifted vertically, the solder distributes throughout the CSP randomly, making short circuits between the pins. This makes the sample preparation process longer.Some chipouts can also be covered by solder and will only be revealed after cleaning.When necessary, other components are needed to be removed to allow the head of the vacuum pen (or other handling materials) to reach the position of the WLCSP device.To pick up the WLCSP device, it is recommended to use ESD safe plastic tweezers or an ESD safe vacuum pick-up pen. It is not recommended to use ceramic or metal tweezers during demounting due to the tendencies in damaging the device.Figure 6 Vacuum pen (left) and plastic tweezers (right)Before attempting any rework ensure that the assembly is moisture-free. This is to prevent moisture damage to the board or other components during rework. Under-board pre-heating is required at 100 °C to 125 °C for eutectic solder and 150 °C to 170 °C for Pb-free solder.In case underfill is used, removable underfills are available for chip mount and CSP assemblies. Concentrated acids plus heat is applied to underfilled units in removing underfill. Another method is to use heat and light abrasion. After this, the CSP is then pulled off during heating. We recommend re-workable underfill.n g4 PackiProducts must be packaged carefully. Each WLCSP device must be in its own anti-static plastic bag, which is properly marked to recognize the devices. The bags must be packed so that damage is impossible during transportation.Note: If multiple WLCSPs are packed in the same bag damage will occur, so this is not recommended. Placing of WLCSP devices on masking tapes or any other adhesive tape is not allowed. This will make the device removal difficult and prone to loss or damage and will also result in damage from ESD.For temporary storage or for shipment of devices to Nordic, it is recommended to use ESD safe boxes or trays or to put each WLCSP device into one ESD safe bag to avoid them coming into contact with each other. An alternative and cost effective way to pack devices is to re-use the original carrier tape when shipping back samples for analysis to Nordic. See Figure 7.Figure 7 Re-use of original carrier tape as an alternative to chip traysBelow are important reminders:1.Carefully place the WLCSP device inside the carrier pocket.e the transparent carrier cover to conceal the device.3.DO NOT USE STICKY TAPE to cover the device as this will make the device removal difficult andprone to loss or damage.e an ESD safe tape to fully seal the device inside the carrier.5.Properly identify the samples: Place a sticker to indicate it’s device number.6.Place the carrier inside an ESD safe plastic bag and place this inside a carton box with bubble wrapas additional protection.5 Referen ces•Deca Technologies WLCSP Assembly Guidelines.Page 11nAN-038 WLCSP Handling Guidelines v1.0Liability disclaimerNordic Semiconductor ASA reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic Semiconductor ASA does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuits described herein.Life support applicationsNordic Semiconductor’s products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Nordic Semiconductor ASA customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nordic Semiconductor ASA for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Contact detailsFor your nearest distributor, please visit .Information regarding product updates, downloads, and technical support can be accessed through your My Page account on our homepage.Revision History DateVersion Description May 2014 1.0First release Main office:Phone: +47 72 89 89 00Fax: +47 72 89 89 89 Otto Nielsens veg 127052 Trondheim NorwayMailing address:Nordic Semiconductor P .O. Box 23367004 Trondheim Norway。



Windows 是微软公司的注册
Bluetooth 是蓝牙公司的注册 商标。 其它的商标为相应的所有者所有。
TPS400 -3.0.0zh
章节目录 简介………….………………………8 仪器操作………………………..….17 测量准备/仪器安置…………….….26 常用功能键……………..………….41 程序……………………….………..45 系统设置………………….………..78 EDM 设置……………...…………..83 文件管理………………….………..88 误差校准………………….………..92 通讯参数………………...…………96
TPS400 -3.0.0zh

CD TPS400 是一

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保管与存放…………………….……..….99 运输…………………………….….……..99
在野外…………………………………99 汽车运输……………………………100 存放……………………………………...100 清洁……………………………………101 检查和校正……………………………..102 三肢架…………………………….…..102 圆水准器……………………………103 基座圆水准器………………………103 激光对中器……………………….…104 无棱镜测距……………………….…405
TPS400 -3.0.0zh

TPS400 -3.0.0zh

Parker Hannifin 400XR精密线性位器系列介绍说明书

Parker Hannifin 400XR精密线性位器系列介绍说明书

Screw Driven TablesThe “400XR” precision linear positioners family hasachieved global recognition for consistent accuracy, reliable performance, high strength, and unmatched versatility. The XRs have excelled in industries such as life sciences, fiber optics and instrumentation, where the highest degree of precision is required. And yet, because of the rugged construction, strength, and sealed design, these units have been used extensively for industrial automation applications (packaging, automotive, etc).The XR family offers an unrivaled array of features and options which are easily matched to fit any application, from the very basic to the highly complex. Premierperformance, modular compatibility, and quick delivery have made these tables the perfect building blocks for precision multi-axis systems.400XR Series Precision Linear PositionersPre-engineered packagePerformance matched components Environmental protection Laser certified precision401XR402XR404XR406XR412XR Limit/home position sensors Multi-axis brackets & adapters 401XR402XR 404XR 406XR 412XR Travel (mm)30060060020002000Load (kg)501001706301470Acceleration (m/sec 2)2020202020S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sEncodersThe linear encoder option offers direct positional feedback of the carriage location. The rotary shaft encoder couples directly to the drive shaft to nullify any incurred mechanical error (particularly useful with the parallel motor mount). Not shown.Shaft BrakeThe electromagnetic shaft brake option couples directly to the drive screw and is employed primarily on vertical axes to halt carriage motion during a power loss. Not shown.Convenient Mounting SlotsContinuous T -slots along the side of the table body provide a convenient means of mounting the table to a worksurface as well as mounting accessories to the table.Positive Pressure PortA standard port (1/8 NPT) for pressurizing the interior to prevent particle intrusion.(Standard on 404XR, 406XR, 412XR units.)Easy Lube SystemA standard option on some models, enables easy access for ballscrew and bearing lubrication.High Strength Aluminum BodyExtruded aluminum housing is precision machined to provide outstanding straightness and flatness.Square Rail Linear BearingThese tables are equipped with square rail carriage support bearings which provide high load carrying capabilities, smooth precise motion and dependable performance.High Efficiency Ballscrew DrivePrecision ground, or rolled ballscrew drive (5, 10, 20, 25, 32 mm lead) offers high throughput, efficiency, accuracy and repeatability.Limit/Home SensorsProximity sensors establish “end of travel” and“home” location and are easily adjustable over entire length to restrict the travel envelope.Motor MountsA large selection of servo and stepper motor sizes plus selectable mounting configurations (in-line, parallel) permit a wide variety of motor mounting possibilities.IP30 Rated Strip SealsAn anodized aluminum cover combined withstainless steel strip seals provide IP30 protection to interior components as well as enhance the overall appearance.512364Screw Driven TablesCarriage equipped with dowel locating holes for repeatable positioning of tooling or payload.401XR (41 mm wide profile)402XR Series (58 mm wide profile)The 401XR and 402XR Series positioners enhance the 400XR family of precision linear positioners, addressing applications which involve precise positioning of smaller payloads within a very small space envelope.address the needs of industries such as photonics, life technology advancements dictate miniaturization of work envelopes.402XR401XRTravel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)MaxScrew Speed (revs/sec)Unit Weight(kg)401XR 402XR2 mm 10 mm 5 mm 10 mm 401XR 402XR 401XR 402XR501020––20–0.6–––100– 1.0–1001020102020200.9–12.0–10090 1.2 2.3150122012202020 1.1–15.0–10090 1.3 2.6200163016302525– 4.720.0–10090 1.5 2.8300184018402525– 5.2–25.010090 1.7 3.2400––2140–30–––29.0–95– 3.8600––2550–30–––39.0–50–4.8*Accuracy stated is at 20°C utilizing slope correction factor provided.Common SpecificationsPrecision*Standard401XR402XR 401XR 402XR Bidirectional Repeatability 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead µm ±1.3 ±1.3– ±1.3±5 ±12– ±12Duty Cycle%100100100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kgf (lbs)50 (110)100 (220)50 (110)100 (220)Axial Load Capacity (1) 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead kgf (lbs) 5.5 (12.1)15.5 (34.2)–38 (84) 5.5 (12.1)15.5 (34.2)–38 (84)Drive Screw Efficiency %80808080Maximum Breakaway Torque Nm (in-oz)0.03 (4.2)0.086 (12.0)0.03 (4.2)0.086 (12.0)Maximum Running Torque (2)Nm (in-oz)0.028 (4.0)0.08 (11.3)0.028 (4.0)0.08 (11.3)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction Diameter 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead mm 68–1268–12Carriage Weightkg (lbs)0.045 (0.1)0.11 (0.25)0.045 (0.1)0.11 (0.25)* Requires linear encoder option E3 or E4. (1) Refer to life load charts found later in this section. (2) Ratings established at 2 rps.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sParallel Motor Mount(with limit/home sensor pack option)Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsTravel (mm)Positional Accuracy (4) (5)(µm)Straightness & FlatnessInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max ScrewSpeed (6) (revs/sec)Unit Weight(kg)Precision Standard5 mm 10 mm 20 mm 508126 1.68 1.81 2.3460 2.81008126 1.93 2.07 2.6060 3.015010149 2.19 2.32 2.8560 3.3200122010 2.44 2.57 3.1160 3.6250122212 2.69 2.83 3.3660 3.9300142413 2.95 3.08 3.6160 4.2350142615 3.20 3.33 3.8760 4.5400162616 3.46 3.59 4.1260 4.8450192818 3.71 3.84 4.3760 5.1500213419 3.96 4.10 4.6360 5.4550233621 4.22 4.35 4.8860 5.76002540224.474.605.14546.0Screw Driven TablesParallel Motor Mount (with limit/home sensor pack option)406XR Series (150 mm wide profile)The 406XR can position high loads (up to 630 kgf) over distances up to two meters. Because of its size and strength (270 Nm, 200 lb-ft moment load capacity) this durable table is ideal as the base unit in a multi-axissystem. From high resolution to high throughput, selectable ballscrew leads (5, 10, 20, 25 mm) make the desiredresolution/velocity ratio easy to achieve, and stainless steel seal strips alleviate environmental concerns.Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max ScrewSpeed (6) (revs/sec)Unit Weight (kg)10 mm 20 mm 25 mm1008126 3.34 3.85 5.90–608.7200122010 3.92 4.43 6.48–6010.0300142413 4.50 5.017.06–6011.3400162616 5.08 5.597.64–6012.6500213419 5.65 6.178.22–5513.9600254022 6.23 6.758.80–4415.2700–922536.5137.02–40.614719.2800–942939.9640.47–44.074720.7900–1033243.4143.93–47.524722.21000–1053546.8747.38–50.974723.71250–1184255.5056.01–59.613527.61500–1345064.1464.65–68.242631.41750–1545772.7773.28–76.882035.22000–1596581.4081.92–85.511639.1Common SpecificationsStandardBidirectional Repeatability (5)µm ±1.3±3Duty Cycle%100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kgf (lbs)630 (1390)630 (1390)Axial Load Capacity (2)0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travelkgf (lbs)90 (198)–90 (198)200 (440)Drive Screw Efficiency %9090Maximum Breakaway Torque 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travel Nm (in-oz)0.13 (18)–0.18 (26)0.39 (55)Maximum Running Torque (3) 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm TravelNm (in-oz)0.11 (16)–0.17 (24)0.34 (48)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction 0.010.01Ballscrew Diameter 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travel mm 16–1625Carriage Weightkg (lbs)2.7 (5.94)2.7 (5.94)(1) Refer to life load charts found later in thissection.(2) Axial load for parallel mount is limited to:140 lbs for the 5, 10 and 20 mm lead drives:104 kg (230 lbs) for 25 mm lead drives (3) Ratings established at 2 rps.(4) Positional accuracy applies to in-line motorconfigurations only. Contact factory for parallel motor specifications.(5) Consult factory for specifications withlinear encoder.(6) Consult factory for higher screw speeds.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s412XR Series (285 mm wide profile)The 412XR is a rugged heavy duty linear table (285 mm x 105 mm profile) that enables massive loads (up to1470 kgf) to be precisely positioned over distances up to two meters. Single point “easy lube” port is standard on carriage assembly for simple servicing and a convenient adapter plate (#100-6784-01) is available for easy X-Y configuration.An unrivaled array of options combined with mounting compatibility with the smaller 400XR tables makes the 412XR ideal as the base unit for multi-axis positioning of heavier payloads.Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max Screw Speed (5)(revs/sec)Unit Weight (kg)5 mm 10 mm 25 mm 32 mm 5, 10, 25 mm 32 mm 5, 10, 25 mm 32 mm 15064927.2029.4546.7698.20474239.641.5250661230.2132.4649.78106.28474242.945.0350711533.2335.4852.79114.37474246.248.5650912442.2744.5261.83138.63474256.159.0800942946.7949.0466.35150.76474261.064.210001053552.8155.0672.37166.94454267.671.212501184258.8461.0978.40183.11344174.278.215001345067.8770.1287.44207.38243184.188.717501545775.4177.6694.97227.59182492.497.520001596582.9485.19102.50247.811519100.6106.2Common SpecificationsStandardScrew Leadmm 5, 10, 2532Bidirectional Repeatability (4)µm ±5±5Duty Cycle%100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kg (lbs)1470 (3241)1470 (3241)Axial Load Capacity kg (lbs)200 (441)460 (1014)Drive Screw Efficiency %9080Maximum Breakaway Torque Nm (in-oz)0.61 (86)0.76 (108)Maximum Running Torque (2)Nm (in-oz)0.55 (78)0.69 (98)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction 0.010.01Ballscrew Diameter mm 2532Carriage Weightkg (lbs)12 (27)13 (28)(1) Refer to life load charts found later in thissection.(2) Ratings established at 2 rps.(3) Positional accuracy applies to in-line motorconfigurations only. Contact factory for parallel motor specifications.(4) Consult factory for specifications withlinear encoder.(5) Consult factory for higher screw speeds.Screw Driven Tables400XR Series Life/LoadTh e following performance information is provided as asupplement to the product specifications pages. The following graphs are used to establish the table life relative to the applied loads. The useful life of a linear table at full catalog specifications is dependent on the forces acting upon it. These forces include both static components resulting from payload weight, and dynamic components due to acceleration/deceleration of the load. In multi-axes applications, the primary positioner at the bottom of the stack usually establishes theload limits for the combined axes. When determining life/load, it is critical to include the weight of all positioning elements that contribute to the load supported by the primary axis. Catalog load specifications are rated for 100 million inches of travel or 2,540 km.For final evaluation of life vs load, including off center, tension, and side loads refer to the charts and formulas found on our web site at .S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s400XR Series Bearing Life/Load*Refer to Parker’s website for moment loading and other engineering data.*For 401XR and 402XR moment loading capacities, please refer to the maintenance manual.d1d2da 404XR 805728406XR 11490.342.5412XR20519243These charts are to be used inconjunction with the corresponding formulas found in the product manuals at to establish the life/load for each bearing (4 per table).Several dimensions, which are specific to each linear positioning table model, and the load geometry are required for these computations. These dimensions are supplied in the catalog information for each positioner. The dimensions are referenced as follows:d1 bearing block center-to-center longitudinal spacingd2 bearing rail center-to-center lateral spacingda Rail center-to-carriage mounting surfaceScrew Driven TablesSensor / Bracket Detail401XR Limits and Home SensorHome or Limit Sensor OptionsEnd of Travel and Home Sensors for the 400XR series are available in a variety of styles. The sensors can be ordered as part of the table or as separate componentswith the associated mounting hardware or in an enclosed sensor pack. A 5 meter high-flex extension cable (Part No. 003-2918-01) is included for use with the 401XR thru 406XR models having the locking connector option.• NPN (Sinking) or PNP (Sourcing)• Normally Closed (N.C.) or Normally Open (N.O.)• Flying Leads or Locking ConnectorSwitch TypeLogic Cable LengthConnector OptionH2 or L2006-1639-01N.C.Sinking 3.0 mF lying Leads H3 or L3006-1639-02N.O.Sinking 3.0 mF lying Leads H4 or L4006-1639-03N.C.Sourcing 3.0 mF lying Leads H5 or L5006-1639-04N.O.Sourcing 3.0 mF lying Leads H6 or L6006-1639-09N.C.Sinking 150 mm Locking Connector H7 or L7006-1639-08N.O.Sinking 150 mmL ocking Connector H8 or L8006-1639-11N.C.Sourcing 150 mmL ocking Connector H9 or L9006-1639-10N.O.Sourcing150 mmL ocking Connector H11 or L11See chart below N.C.Sinking See chart below Sensor Pack H12 or L12See chart below N.O.Sinking See chart below Sensor Pack H13 or L13See chart below N.C.Sourcing See chart below Sensor Pack H14 or L14See chart belowN.O.SourcingSee chart belowSensor Pack* Applies to 401XR thru 406XR models. 412XR models have limits and homes internally mounted with a connector termination. Sensor triggers (targets)ordered separately.Input Power 5-30 VDC, 20 mA Output 100mA max Wire Color (+) Supply: Brown Code(–) Supply: Blue NO Output: BlackNC Output: WhiteSensor Pack CableDescription Part Number 3 Meters 006-1742-017.5 Meters006-1742-02Wire ColorFunction Pin NumberRed +5 to +24 VDC A Blue Limit 1 (LXR –)B Orange Limit 2 (LXR +)C Green HomeD Black GroundE Green/YellowShieldShield Case406XR with Limit and Home Sensor PackS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sLinear Encoder Options (Tape Scale)A linear position feedback device which mountsdirectly to the table carriage. (Factory installation required.)• 1.0 µm resolution • 0.5 µm resolution • 0.1 µm resolutionNote: Dimensions shown apply tofactory for 412XR dimensions.401XR with Linear Encoder plus Sensor Pack404XR with Brake OptionBrake Assembly OptionElectromagnetic brake assembly used to prevent“backdriving” in vertical applications. The brake option includes a 5 m extension cable. The brake option is easily field installed. The brake option cannot be installed with the rotary encoder option.Table Series Part NumberInput PowerHolding Torque Dimensions (mm)A B 401XR/402XR—————404XR 006-1627-0124 VDC, 0.46 A 2.0 Nm 41.546.0406XR 006-1656-0124 VDC, 0.5 A 4.5 Nm 49.957.5412XR002-1916-0124 VDC, 0.75 A9.0 Nm54.072.0Input Power 5 VDC, 150mAOutput A/B quadrature and reference mark, differential line drive output Resolution 1.0, 0.5, 0.1 micron Cable Length3 mRotary Encoder OptionModular rotary encoder couples directly to the drive screw for position feedback and is easily field installed. The rotary encoder cannot be installed with the brake assembly option.• 5000 counts/revSpecifications Input Power 5 VDC, 135 mAOutput A/B quadrature and reference mark, differential line drive outputResolution 1250 lines/rev equals 5000 counts post quadrature (1 µm with 5 mm lead ballscrew)Cable Length150 mmScrew DrivenTablesTwo locating dowel pins shown in carriageDowel Pinning Options*Standard dowel pin locating holes are offered on most 400XR units to facilitate repeatable mounting of tooling or payload.*In addition, pinning options are offered for precise orthogonal mounting of the second axis in a multi-axis system. In this case, the bottom side of the table base is match drilled and reamed to the first axis to provide exact orthogonal location. This convenient optioneliminates concerns regarding contamination or damage often associated with machining for locating pins in an assembled unit.*Not available with 401XR or 402XR or 50 mm travel 404XR.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s(2) Mtg. Holes for 401XR/402XRPart Number: 002-2063-01/ 002-2064-01400XR Series AccessoriesRiser Plate AccessoryUsed to raise the table base to provide clearance for motors.401XR 002-2063-01402XR 002-2064-01404XR 002-3619-01406XR 002-3625-01412XR—(2) Mtg. Holes404XRPart Number: 002-3619-01406XRPart Number: 002-3625-01Dimensions (mm)A B C 401XR 65.050.417.0402XR90.075.410.0404XRPart Number: 002-3618-01Toe Clamp AccessoryUsed for convenient outboard mounting of table to a base plate, riser plates, Z-axis bracket, or other 400XR table. All hardware is included.404XR 002-3618-01406XR 002-3624-01412XR002-2160-01406XRPart Number: 002-3624-01412XRPart Number: 002-2160-01Screw DrivenTablesIf the Y-axis is 404XR with 50 mm stroke, a special plate or toe clamp option is required.400XR Multi Axis ConfigurationsS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s400XR Multi Axis ConfigurationsThese diagrams show the most popular variations of multi-axis configurations. Both standard and custom brackets are available. Standard X-Y orientation will place the X axis motor at the 6 o’clock position and the Y axis motor at the 3 o’clock position.Figure 1Two Axis (X-Y) Horizontal MountingTwo Axis (X-Z) Vertical Mounting Figure 3Two Axis (X-Y) Inverted MountingFigure 4Two Axis-Carriage to Carriage (Y Axis Inverted)Figure 5Two Axis (X-Y) Cartesian Horizontal Mounting Figure 6Three Axis (X-Y-Z) Cartesian Horizontal MountingFigure 7Three Axis (X-Z-Y) Horizontal Mounting Figure 8Three Axis (X-Y-Z) Horizontal MountingThree Axis (X-Y-Z) Inverted MountingTablesSM 16NEMA 17 BE 23SM 23 or NEMA 23In-Line Motor AdaptersUsed to easily accommodate the mounting of different servo Optional Encoder Enlarged End View(with Encoder and Limit/Home Sensor Pack Option)OptionalShaft 401XR DimensionsModel Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D E J 401050XR 50209.382.880.0180.0123.0401100XR 100284.380.340.04160.0160.0401150XR 150334.385.340.05200.0185.0401200XR 200384.390.340.06240.0210.0401300XR300509.392.840.09360.0260.0Motor Size Order Code Dimensions (mm)F G H I SM 16M240.939.1– 6.5NEMA 23/SM 23M357.257.2 4.015.6NEMA 17M3740.939.1– 6.5BE 23M6157. (mm)S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s402XR DimensionsIn-Line Motor AdaptersSM 16NEMA 17 BE 23SM 23 or NEMA 23Model Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B D J 402100XR 100320.583.54184.0402150XR 150370.583.55214.0402200XR 200420.583.56234.0402300XR 300520.583.58284.0402400XR 400620.583.510334.0402600XR600820.583.514434.0Motor Size Order Code Dimensions (mm)F G H SM 16M240.640.6–NEMA 23/SM 23M357.257.2 4.0NEMA 17M3740.640.6–BE 23M6157.257.28.0Enlarged End ViewOptional Limit/Home Dimensions (mm)TablesSlip Fit .022Slip Fit Top ViewFront ViewBottom View.022View showing slots in extruded baseEnd View404XR DimensionsModel Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D E F 404050XR502594––––404100XR10030912175.050.085.0404150XR 150********.050.085.0404200XR 20040912175.050.085.0404250XR 250459162150.050.085.0404300XR 300509162150.050.085.0404350XR 350559162150.050.085.0404400XR 400609203225.050.085.0404450XR 450659203225.050.085.0404500XR 500709203225.050.085.0404550XR 550759244300.050.085.0404600XR600809244300.050.085.0Dimensions (mm)NEMA 23SM 16for M3 Screws on 46.69 bolt circlefor M4 Screws on 66.68 bolt circle404XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unit length is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom of the table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)TablesS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sNEO 70 / SMN060NEMA 34 or NEO 34MPP092406XR In-Line Motor MountingIn-line motor mounting allows the motor to be mounted directly to the drive screw via the selected motor coupling.Used to easily accommodate the mounting of different frame sizes. These adapter plates can be ordered separately by partnumber below.NEMA 23 or SM 23406XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unit length is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom of the table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)NEMA 23/SM 23M39.541.0– 34M416.053.013.585.085.070.0NEO 34M1716.053.013.585.085.070.0NEO 70M2116.053.0– 92M2916.053.012.592.092.070.0for M5 Screws on 75.00 bolt circlefor M6 Screws on 100.00 bolt circleMotor Pilot66.68 bolt circle for M5 Screws on 98.43 bolt circleMotor PilotTablesX-Y Adapter Plate #100-6784(Used to mount any 404XR, 406XRor 412XR with toe clamps)0.0222 Holes (Top)Slip Fit412T10 and 412T12 are patternedfrom one hole on centerline Bottom ViewEnd ViewTop ViewFront ViewModelTravel(mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D412T01150764122200412T02250864163300412T03350964163300412T046501264245500412T058001414245500412T0610001614286600412T0712001814327700412T0815002114409900412T091750236444101000412T102000261450121200Dimensions (mm)S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sNEMA 34 or NEO 34MPP092M105 / SMN100412XR In-Line Motor MountingIn-line motor mounting allows the motor to be mounted directly to the drive screw via the selected motor coupling.Used to easily accommodate the mounting of different frame sizes. These adapter plates can be ordered separately by part number below.NEO 70 / SMN060Motor Size Order CodeDimensions (mm)KLMNMPP092M9068.012.0115.097.0M105, SMN100M33100.0–115.0115.0NEMA 34M468.012.0115.097.0NEO 34M1768.012.0115.097.0NEO 70M2168.0–115.097.0NEO 92M2968.012.0115.097.0412XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unitlength is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom ofthe table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)98.43 bolt circle75.00 bolt circle115.11 bolt circleon75.00 bolt circle100.00 bolt circleScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.** 50 mm stroke 401XR may only allow room for 2 sensors in sensor pack.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.Screw Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.* Sensors with locking connector include 5 m extension cable. ** Sensor Pack includes 3 m cable.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.** Sensors with locking connector include 5 m extension cable. *** Sensor Pack includes 3 m cable.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s。

FANUC OMD系统操作编程说明书

FANUC OMD系统操作编程说明书

第一篇:编程 61.综述 6 1.1可编程功能 6 1.2准备功能 61.3辅助功能82.插补功能9 2.1快速定位(G00)9 2.2直线插补(G01)102.3圆弧插补(G02/G03)113.进给功能12 3.1进给速度12 3.2自动加减速控制13 3.3切削方式(G64)13 3.4精确停止(G09)及精确停止方式(G61) 133.5暂停(G04) 134.参考点和坐标系14 4.1机床坐标系14 4.2关于参考点的指令(G27、G28、G29及G30) 14 4.2.1 自动返回参考点(G28)14 4.2.2 从参考点自动返回(G29)15 4.2.3 参考点返回检查(G27)15 4.2.4 返回第二参考点(G30)15 4.3工件坐标系16 4.3.1 选用机床坐标系(G53)16 4.3.2 使用预置的工件坐标系(G54~G59)16 4.3.3 可编程工件坐标系(G92)17 4.3.4 局部坐标系(G52) 184.4平面选择185.坐标值和尺寸单位195.1绝对值和增量值编程(G90和G91)196.辅助功能19 6.1M代码19 6.1.1 程序控制用M代码19 6.1.2 其它M代码206.2T代码6.3主轴转速指令(S代码) 216.4刚性攻丝指令(M29)217.程序结构21 7.1程序结构21 7.1.1 纸带程序起始符(Tape Start) 21 7.1.2 前导(Leader Section) 21 7.1.3 程序起始符(Program Start) 22 7.1.4 程序正文(Program Section) 22 7.1.5 注释(Comment Section) 22 7.1.6 程序结束符(Program End) 22 7.1.7 纸带程序结束符(Tape End) 22 7.2程序正文结构22 7.2.1 地址和词22 7.2.2 程序段结构237.2.3 主程序和子程序238.简化编程功能26 8.1孔加工固定循环(G73,G74,G76,G80~G89) 26 8.1.1 G73(高速深孔钻削循环)30 8.1.2 G74(左螺纹攻丝循环)31 8.1.3 G76(精镗循环) 32 8.1.4 G80(取消固定循环) 33 8.1.5 G81(钻削循环) 33 8.1.6 G82(钻削循环,粗镗削循环) 33 8.1.7 G83(深孔钻削循环) 34 8.1.8 G84(攻丝循环) 34 8.1.9 G85(镗削循环) 35 8.1.10 G86(镗削循环) 35 8.1.11 G87(反镗削循环) 36 8.1.12 G88(镗削循环) 36 8.1.13 G89(镗削循环) 37 8.1.14 刚性攻丝方式378.1.15 使用孔加工固定循环的注意事项389.刀具补偿功能39 9.1刀具长度补偿(G43,G44,G49) 39 9.2刀具半径补偿399.2.1 补偿向量39 9.2.2 补偿值39 9.2.3 平面选择40 9.2.4 G40、G41和G42 40 9.2.5 使用刀具半径补偿的注意事项40第二篇:NC操作411.自动执行程序的操作41 1.1CRT/MDI操作面板41 1.1.1 软件键41 1.1.2 系统操作键41 1.1.3 数据输入键41 1.1.4 光标移动键41 1.1.5 编辑键和输入键42 1.1.6 NC功能键42 1.1.6 电源开关按钮42 1.2MDI方式下执行可编程指令42 1.3自动运行方式下执行加工程序42 1.3.1 启动运行程序421.3.2 停止运行程序432.程序验证和安全功能43 2.1程序验证功能43 2.1.1 机床闭锁43 2.1.2 Z轴闭锁43 2.1.3 自动进给的倍率43 2.1.4 快速进给的倍率43 2.1.5 试运行44 2.1.6 单程序段运行44 2.2安全功能44 2.2.1 紧急停止442.2.2 超程检查443.零件程序的输入、编辑和存储44 3.1新程序的注册44 3.2搜索并调出程序45 3.3插入一段程序453.4删除一段程序45 3.5修改一个词463.6搜索一个词464.数据的显示和设定46 4.1刀具偏置值的显示和输入46 4.2G54~G59工件坐标系的显示和输入47 4.3NC参数的显示和设定474.4刀具表的修改485.显示功能48 5.1程序显示485.2当前位置显示496.在线加工功能49 6.1有关参数的修改:496.2有关在线加工的操作. 507.机床参数的输入﹑输出508.用户宏B功能538.1变量53 8.1.1变量概述53 8.1.2系统变量54 8.2算术和逻辑操作59 8.3分支和循环语句61 8.3.1无条件分支(GOTO语句)61 8.3.2条件分支(IF语句)61 8.3.3循环(WHILE语句) 62 8.3.4注意63 8.4宏调用63 8.4.1简单调用(G65)63 8.4.2、模调用(G66、G67)65 8.4.3G码调用宏66 8.4.4、M码调用宏66 8.4.5M码调用子程序67 8.4.6T码调用子程序67 8.5附加说明67附录1:报警代码表581.程序报警(P/S报警) 582.伺服报警593.超程报警604.过热报警及系统报警60 附录2:CRT/MDI面板图61第一篇:编程1. 综述1.1 可编程功能通过编程并运行这些程序而使数控机床能够实现的功能我们称之为可编程功能。



2010-5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( @ T A = 25C unless otherwise noted)MAXIMUM TATINGES ( @ T A = 25C unless otherwise noted)Notes :CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOL UNITS417oC/WThermal Resistance Junction to AmbientRATINGSMax. Steady State Power Dissipation (1) @TA=25oC Derate above 25CMax. Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature RangeSYMBOL P D T J T STGR q JAVALUE MAX.-TYP.-MIN.UNITS mW6001. Alumina=0.4*0.3*0.024in.99.5% alumina2. "Fully ROHS Compliant", "100% Sn plating (Pb-free)".150-55 to +150o C oCTRANSISTOR(PNP)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(@TA=25O C unless otherwise noted)OFF CHARACTERISTICSON CHARACTERISTICS (1)ChatacteristicCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage(1) (I C = -1.0 mAdc, I B = 0) Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage (I C = -0.1mAdc, I E = 0)Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage (I E = -0.1mAdc, I C = 0)Base Cutoff Current (V CE = -35Vdc, V BE(off)= -0.4Vdc)Collector Cutoff Current (V CE = -35Vdc, V EB = -0.4Vdc)DC Current Gain (I C = -0.1mAdc, V CE = -1.0Vdc)(I C = -10mAdc, V CE = -1.0Vdc)(I C = -1.0mAdc, V CE = -1.0Vdc)V (BR)CEO -40-Vdc V (BR)CBO -40-Vdc V (BR)EBO-5.0-Vdc I CEXI BEV --0.1--0.1hFE30--60-100-100300uAdcuAdc Symbol Min Max Unit(I C = -150mAdc, V CE = -2.0Vdc)Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (1) (I C = -150mAdc, I B = -15mAdc)(I C = -500mAdc, I B = -50mAdc)(I C = -500mAdc, V CE = -2.0Vdc)Vdc V CE(sat)20---0.4--0.75VdcV BE(sat)-0.75-0.95--1.3Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (1) (I C = -150mAdc, I B = -15mAdc)(I C = -500mAdc, I B =-50mAdc)SMALL-SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICSSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSf T 200-MHz Current-Gain-Bandwidth Product (I C = -20mAdc, V CE = -10Vdc, f= 100MHz)C cb C eb -8.5pF pF t d t r t s t f----nsnsh ie -301.515kohms h re 0.18.060500X 10-4h fe 1.0100-h oe225301520umhosOutput Capacitance (V CB = -10Vdc, I E = 0, f= 1.0MHz)Input Capacitance (V EB = -0.5Vdc, I C = 0, f= 1.0MHz)Voltage Feedback Ratio (V CE = -10Vdc, I C = -1.0mAdc, f= 1.0kHz)Output Admittance (V CE = -10Vdc, I C = -1.0mAdc, f= 1.0kHz)(V CC = -30Vdc, V EB = -2.0Vdc, I C = -150mAdc, I B1= -15mAdc)(V CC = -30Vdc, I C = -150mAdc, I B1= I B2= -15mAdc)Input lmpedance (V CE = -10Vdc, I C = -1.0mAdc, f= 1.0kHz)Small-Signal Current Gain (V CE = -10Vdc, I C = -1.0mAdc, f= 1.0kHz)Delay Time Rise Time Storage Time Fall TimeNote :Pulse Test: Pulse Width <300ms,Duty Cycle <2.0%--RATING AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES ( )Figure 1. CapacitancesFigure 3. Turn-On TimeFigure 5. Storage Time0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 20 3010 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 500C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )t s ',S T O R A G E T I M E (n s )t , T I M E (n s )t , T I M E (n s )Q , C H A R G E (n C )REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)I C ,COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)I C ,COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)Figure 4. Rise Times10203050701007.05.010 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 50010 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 500I C ,COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)10 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 500Figure 2. Charge Data0. C2N4403RATING AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES ()h o e , O U T P U T A D M I T T A N C E (u m h o s )h r e , V O L T A G E F E E D B A C K R A T I O (X 10-4)0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 100.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 1050 100 200 500 1.0k 2.0k 5.0k 10k 20k 50kN F , N O I S E F I G U R E (d B )N F ,N O I S E F I G U R E (d B )Figure 6.Frequency EffectsI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)Figure 8.Cuttent GainFigure 9.Input ImpedanceR S , SOURCE RESISTANCE (OHMS)Figure 7.Source Resistance EffectsI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)Figure 11.Temperature CoefficientsFigure 10.Voltage Feedback Ratio 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 100.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10f, FREQUENCY (KHz)46810200.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100V CE = -10Vdc, T A = 25CBandwidth = 1.0Hz2N4403RATING AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES ()Figure 12. DC Current GainFigure 13. Collector Saturation RegionFigure 14. "ON" Voltages Figure 15. Temperature Coefficients0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 5000.005 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 20 30 500.1 0..2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 200 5000.1 0..2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 200 500h F E , N O R M A L I Z E D C U R R E N T G A I NV C E , C O L L E C T O R - E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V )V O L T A G E (V )C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /OC )I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)I B , BASE CURRENT (mA)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) Inc reserves the right to make changes without notice to any productspecification herein, to make corrections, modifications, enhancements or other changes. Rectron Inc or anyone on its behalf assumes no responsibility or liabi- lity for any errors or inaccuracies. Data sheet specifications and its information contained are intended to provide a product description only. "Typical" paramet- ers which may be included on RECTRON data sheets and/ or specifications ca- n and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over ti- me. Rectron Inc does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit.Rectron products are not designed, intended or authorized for use in medical, life-saving implant or other applications intended for life-sustaining or other rela- ted applications where a failure or malfunction of component or circuitry may di- rectly or indirectly cause injury or threaten a life without expressed written appr- oval of Rectron Inc. Customers using or selling Rectron components for use in such applications do so at their own risk and shall agree to fully indemnify Rect- ron Inc and its subsidiaries harmless against all claims, damages and expendit- ures.DISCLAIMER NOTICE。



Eaton MPNC403LEAXX2QEaton Magnum low voltage power circuit breaker, Magnum PXR,Double narrow frame, 4000 A (ABCABC), 100 kA, Three-pole,Drawout horizontal mounting, PXR25 LSIAM trip unitGeneral specificationsEaton Magnum low voltage power circuitbreakerMPNC403LEAXX2Q78668961381516.3 in16.8 in24.9 in177 lbCE Marked NEMA Compliant SABA Listed CCC Marked ANSICSA CertifiedKEMA CertifiedLloyd's Register Certified UL ListedDNV GL CertifiedABS CertifiedProduct Name Catalog NumberUPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances CertificationsDouble narrow Three-pole Magnum PXRDouble narrow Magnum PXR25 LSI ARMSThree-pole4000 A100 kAIC100 kAIC4000 AZone selective interlocking application paper Magnum circuit breakers with Power Xpert Release trip units product aid Selevctive coordination application paper - IA0120000E3Magnum PXR and PD-SB standard and narrow frame UL Certificate of ComplianceMagnum PXR and PD-SB double and double narrow frame UL Certificate of CompliancePower Xpert Release trip unit for Magnum PXR circuit breakers PXR 20/25 user manualMicrosoft Word - Power Xpert Protection Manager Quick Start Guide.docxFrame Number of poles TypeFrame Series Trip TypeNumber of poles Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)Interrupt rating Interrupt rating Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)Application notesBrochuresCatalogsCertification reportsManuals and user guidesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaMagnum PXR low voltage power circuit breakers user manual Power Xpert Protection Manager x32 22.06 1 Power Xpert Protection Manager x64 22.6 1 Eaton Specification Sheet - MPNC403LEAXX2Q Low voltage circuit breakers guide spec Magnum PXR 20/25 electronic trip units time current curves Cyber security white paperSafer by design: arc energy reduction techniques Molded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker healthSoftware, firmware, and applications Specifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。



电路主要由DC/DC直流转换IC(升压IC)U6、储能电感L2、续流二极管D4等组成,其主要作用是通过调整升压,输出12V直流电压,供显示照明电路使用;当4脚得到主控IC送来的启动信号GPIO C2时,启动U6开始工作,通过内部的电路动作,电感L2的储能,二极管D4的续流作用,U6的5#经电阻R22输出12V电压;可通过调整分压电阻R23的阻值,控制U63#的电位来决定5#的输出电压电路中R15、L2、D4、U6、R22任何一个损坏都会引起无12V电压故障。

描述:a03400场管背光电路.jpg大小:556×343 - 24K上传时间:2009.04.24 10:57描述:rt9271背光电路.jpg大小:682×304 - 27K上传时间:2009.04.24 10:57描述:a8430背光电路.jpg大小:733×228 - 26K上传时间:2009.04.2410:57描述:rt9271背光电路2.jpg大小:450×181 - 21K上传时间:2009.04.24 10:57描述:xc636bb103mr背光电路2.jpg大小:630×304 - 26K上传时间:2009.04.24 10:59描述:xc636bb103mr背光电路.jpg大小:617×305 - 28K上传时间:2009.04.24 10:59描述:tsp6104evm-001背光电路.jpg大小:636×272 - 24K上传时间:2009.04.24 10:59第7章海信LCD-4233D系列液晶电视IP整合板为了简化液晶电视机的内部结构、降低生产成本,有些生产厂家把液晶电视机的开关电源和高压背光板组合在一起,既向液晶电视整机提供电源(各种电路的VCC及CPU供电),又向背光管提供高压,一般称为IP整合板。


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Small loop antennas
2.1. Loop antenna physical parameters Figure 1 shows the geometry of the rectangular loop antenna.
a2 C1 C2 Loop conductor Rq
a1 b1 d
The calculated equivalent quadratic sides are used in the formulas below for the loop area A, and the inductances LA and LI. The loop area is given by A = a2
Small loop antennas
1. General
For RF designers developing low-power radio devices for short-range applications, antenna design has become an important issue for the total radio system design. Taking the demand for small size and low cost into account in the development of such radio modules, a small-tuned loop antenna on the same printed circuit board as the radio module is a good solution. An overview of the basics for electrically small loop antennas is presented. The overview is mainly based on reference [1]. An effective shunt-matching technique for loop antennas, the T-match, is also discussed. Four different loop antennas for 433 MHz have been fabricated, and impedance and gain measurements have been made on these antennas in an antenna laboratory.
Small loop antennas
b = 0.35 ⋅ b1 + 0.24 ⋅ b2
In electrostatic, the equivalent radius represents the radius of a circular wire whose capacitance is equal to that of the noncircular geometry, see [1] Table 9.3 pp. 456. 2.2. Loop antenna electrical equivalent circuit To be able to estimate the capacitor CP used to resonate the antenna, the input impedance of the loop antenna has to be determined. To estimate the antenna efficiency, radiation resistance, loss resistance of the loop conductor and other ohmic losses has to be determined. According to [1] the equivalent circuit for the input impedance of a small loop when the loop is used as a transmitting antenna is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Loop antenna equivalent circuit (transmit mode). The loop antenna input impedance ZIN is given by: Z IN = (RR + RL + R X ) + j 2π f 0 ( L A + LI ) where RR = radiation resistance [] RL = loss resistance of loop conductor [] Rx = additional ohmic losses (ESR in capacitor CP etc.) [] LA = inductance of loop antenna [H] LI = inductance of loop conductor [H] The radiation resistance is given by A2 RR ≈ 31171 ⋅ λ4 where
Loop antenna basics
Electrically small loop antennas are antennas where the circumference is less than about one-tenth of a wavelength [1]. The field pattern of such loop antennas is similar to that of an infinitesimal dipole with a null perpendicular to the plane of the loop and with its maximum along the plane of the loop. This chapter describes the geometry and the electrical equivalent circuit for a rectangular loop antenna. Physical dimensions for the antenna is used to calculate the components in the antenna equivalent circuit and the antenna efficiency. The T-matching method is presented in order to match the impedance of the antenna to a transmitter/receiver. Formulas for range calculation is also presented in order to make the designer of radio modules for short range applications able to calculate either the range for a device or the power needed for a specified range.
Figure 1. Geometry of rectangular loop antenna The loop antenna physical parameters used in the calculations are a1 a2 b1 b2 = = = = loop antenna width [m] loop antenna length [m] thickness of loop conductor [m] width of loop conductor [m]
Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.2
Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Page 1 of 16
Phone +47 72 89 89 00
Fax +47 72 89 89 89 February 2000
For loop antenna fabricated on a printed circuit board (PCB), the thickness of the loop conductor b1 means the thickness of the copper layer on top of the substrate. During calculation of the antenna electrical parameters, the rectangular loop has to be modelled as an equivalent quadratic loop, and the planar loop conductor has to be modelled as a wire conductor with equivalent circular radius. From the parameters above the equivalent quadratic sides of the loop are given by a = a1 a 2
[Ω]Biblioteka Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.2
Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Page 3 of 16
Phone +47 72 89 89 00