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第一篇英雄Have I Got A Story For You
嘿你们去哪了Hey, yo, where you guys been?
我都等了几个小时了I been here for, like, hours, man.
你们肯定猜不出我去哪了Ahh, you won't believe where I been.
切你们也猜不出我去哪了Pfft! Hell with that. You won't believe where I've been.
哈哈你们都太菜了Uh-uh, mine beats all y'all.
嗯? 是吗? 那谁先说?Yeah? So? Who goes first?
伙计们我刚不说了吗我的最厉害Dude, like I said, I'm gonna top them all.
也就你那么想That's what you think.
那就说吧So tell.
我刚不是去了码头吗?So I'm down at the docks a little while ago, yeah?
你死定了!You're dead!
伙计们我都Dudes, I'm, like,
做好去死的准备了waiting for this guy to totally waste me, right?
说是迟那时快Then all of a sudden:
我从没见过他I never seen him before
但我就是知道他是谁but I'm like, "I so know who this is."
他就像个影子人Dudes, he's like this living shadow.
每次那人要打他Every time the guy gets a hand on him...
他就变成影子消失了...he disappears back into the other shadows.
然后又从另外的地方蹦出来Then pops out somewhere eIse.
不他更像个...No, man, he's more like--
等等我还没说完Hold up, I'm not done.
哇酷毙了Whoa, sick.
哇好强大啊Whoa, that's amazing, man.
他是很敏捷可蝙蝠侠才不是影子人Aw, he's tripping. Batman ain't no living shadow. 我看那故事是编的I got that story totally capped.
慢点嘿-Slow down. -Hey.
警察! 不许动!Stop. Police.
把枪放下Drop your gun.
和我见过的家伙好像Yo, man. Sounds like the dude I saw,
就是他不会飞except he couldn't fIy.
是啊这时他就出现了Yeah, well, that's when he showed up.
哇帅呆了Whoa, sick.
等一下Yo, wait a minute.
蝙蝠侠从不砍别人脑袋Batman never cut nobody's head off.
众所周知他一个人都没杀过Everybody knows he don't ever kill nobody.
我只是稍稍润润色而已嘛I'm making it more colorful, yo.
好吧随便你Yeah, whatever.
他们打得难分难解Man, they pounded the tar out of each other:
上勾拳下勾拳左勾拳右勾拳Pow, splat, kerplop, flurb!
总之他们一路Anyway, they fought all the way
打到罗杰斯街尾...to the end of Rogers, man...
又一路打到河边...all the way to the river.
可是我看到的那个没有巨大的翅膀Yeah, well, the dude ain't no giant flying bat.
但是听上去像... 就像他们在码头...-But it sounds like-- -Sounds like they picked up... 又打起来了正好被你撞见...over at the docks, by you.
我看到过他你们俩都在胡说I seen him and both of you are floating...
你们真以为自己知道蝙蝠侠长啥样啊...if you think you know what Batman really is.
他没有翅膀也没有幽灵般的影子He ain't no bat and he ain't no spooky living shadow.
你怎么知道?How would you know?
因为我才是第一个见到他的Because I saw him first.
出什么事了?What's going on?
女士们先生们咱打劫的!Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery.
合作的话保证你们完好无损If you cooperate, everything will be fine
按时回家吃晚饭and you'll be home in time for dinner.
在前面排好队Now line up in front of me,
把值钱的放进这箱子take all your valuables and place them in this case.
大家快走! 那是谁?-Let's get out of here. -Who is that?
把枪放下Put down the guns.
去死吧Bite me.
小心!Look out!
快跑! 快离开这里!-Aah! Run away! -Let's get out of here!
我就不怕你I ain't scared of you, man.
我打赌你没那么说You didn't say that.
我说了谁信-Did too. -Did not.
你来啊你来开枪啊Yeah, well, anyway, you go ahead and fire, man.
我就不怕I ain't afraid.
哇不是人Whoa, sick.
嘿你们在刺激我吗?Yo, man, are you guys messing with me?
我什么都没见过Man, I miss all the action.
干得漂亮孩子Nice work, kid.
我欠你一个人请Looks like I owe you one.
发生什么了? 哥们快说啊-What happened? -Come on, man, spill it.
他就这么消失了? 是蝙蝠侠吗?-He just vanished. -That was Batman?
他什么样子? 偶滴神啊!-What does he look like? -Crazy.
真不敢相信太厉害了I can't believe this. Come on, man.
伙计们给你们讲个故事Man, have I got a story for you guys.
今早首席执行官布鲁斯·韦恩And finally this morning, CEO Bruce Wayne
宣布了公司的announced the launch date...
下一颗卫星...of his company's next satellite:
韦氏号的发射日期the Waynecom Seven.
提及韦恩公司的发展计划...Speaking from the steps of Wayne Enterprises...
韦恩说这颗卫星代表了......Wayne said the new satellite represents the....
艾伦探员Detective Allen.
他就在那He's in there.
就现在他就在那Right now, he's in there.
艾伦拉米雷斯进来是长官-Allen, Ramirez. Inside. -Yes, sir.
这位是?And this would be?
雅各布·费利我们的秘密武器Jacob Feely. Our man in black.
高科技变态狂人?The high-tech psycho?
他是顺道来拜访的吧?Just dropped in, did he, loo?
他再次被监禁了艾伦探员He's back in custody, Detective Allen.
对我来说是件好事That's good enough for me.
你和拉米雷斯探员You and Detective Ramirez
把他手脚都铐上are going to put Mr. Feely in some bar and leg cuffs...
然后带回海峡监狱...and take him back across the Narrows.
是长官这边费利先生Yes, sir. This way, Mr. Feely.
德尔·艾拉齐奥中士说Sergeant Del Arrazio says
马罗尼的人和俄罗斯干上了Maroni's guys are gunning for The Russian, lieutenant.
他说可能今晚就到翠康纳了He says it's going down in Tri-Corner, probably tonight.
探员你有什么看法If you have a point, detective,
我洗耳恭听I'm still waiting to hear it.
我就想知道是否是时候治安管理员Just wondering if now's the time to be acting courier... 来当信使了就这样长官...for a vigilante, that's all, sir.
这就是信任探员It's called trust, detective.
这座城市一直以来Something this city's had in short supply
所最缺乏的东西until very recently.
但我没法信任他长官But I don't trust him, sir.
你会的You wiII.
你就那么疑神疑鬼吗? 伙计You're like a dog with a bone. You know that, partner?
他只是个他不是!-He's a vigilante. -He's not.
他只是个治安管理员安娜He's a vigilante, Anna.
他不是!He's not.
那你怎么称呼他? 罪犯天敌?So, what do you call him, then? Crime-fighter?
我不知道Hell, I don't know.
我甚至不确定他是不是人克里斯I don't even know if he's human, Cris.
我只知道All I know is that
他的存在让这座城市变得更美好this city's changing for the better thanks to him.
你不是在这长大的你不会明白的You didn't grow up here, you don't see it.
但是我不一样But I did and I do.
重案组的Major Crimes Unit,
拉米雷斯和艾伦探员Detective Ramirez and Detective Allen.
押解还是提人?Dropping off or picking up?
押解雅各布·费利Dropping off. Jacob Feely.
你们抓到他了? 干得好You found him? Nice job.
我们随便找找就抓到他了We just looked and there he was.
从越狱开始就你们在负责了?You been across since breakout?
才不是呢Haven't had the pleasure.
几点注意事项Couple things to keep in mind, then:
整座岛现在就是个疯人院The whole island's now asylum grounds.
锁好门关好窗Keep your doors locked and the windows up...
到行政大楼之前...until you're at the administration building.
别停下来Do not stop.
街上能看见的人都是变态不是市民Anyone you see on the streets are inmates, not citizens. 明白了Understood.
我去通知他们你们来了I'll let them know you're coming.
欢迎回家雅各布Welcome back, Jacob.
调配维克多-...Dispatch, Victor -...
我们在方位- 正在押解犯人的途中...we are -, en route to State for drop-off.
维克多- -Victor -, -.
我得说伙计这地方让我不寒而栗I gotta tell you, partner, this place gives me the creeps. 整座岛陷入疯狂A whole island abandoned to madness.
这座城市也已经陷入疯狂了This whole city's abandoned to madness.
你今晚心情不好啊You are in a mood tonight.
是啊我在考虑调离重案组的事情Yeah. I'm thinking of transferring out of the MCU.
什么? 你不能What? You can't.
我们也就做了周的搭档安娜We've been partnered six weeks, Anna,
别搞得跟夫妻似的it's not like we're married.
这可是重案组克里斯It's the Major Crimes Unit, Cris.
戈登选中了我们Gordon picked you the same as he picked me.
全组的人都是他亲手挑选的He picked all the detectives in the squad.
你不能回头了You can't turn your back on that.
重案组The Major Crimes Unit.
如果我们以帮派手段阻止那些If we were stopping major crimes like the gang war...
让这城市头痛了...that's been ripping this city into chunks
一个月的猖獗犯罪也许我会重新考虑for almost a month, maybe I'd reconsider.
可完全不是那么回事对吗?But that's not what we do, is it?
我们只是为一个治安管理员跑腿的No, we run errands for a vigilante.
那完全是错的朋友And that, partner, is just plain wrong.
你不能挑这时候离开You can't walk away from this...
尤其是当事情出现转机时...not when things are finally beginning to change.
更别说当你的警察身份Not when the fact that you're an honest cop
成了挡箭牌而非义务时离开is an asset, not a liability.
我不知道该不该相信蝙蝠侠I don't know if we can trust the Batman.
但是我知道But I know this:
因为他Because of him,
我不再为当个警察而感到羞辱I'm not ashamed of being a cop anymore.
如果你想放弃... 嘘-If you wanna give that up-- -Shh!
不妈的听我说No, damn it, listen.
安娜快闭嘴Anna, shut up.
是那伙俄罗斯人我们需要支援That's The Russian, we're gonna need backup.
我们需要大量的支援We're gonna need a lot of backup.
警告过你们这些臭小子I told you and your Ivans
离我的地盘远点俄罗斯人to stay the hell off my turf, Russian.
你没什么地盘马罗尼你就是一小喽罗You have no turf, Maroni, and you have no power. 来抓我啊你这个龟孙子Then come and get me, you son of a bitch.
方位--! --! 请求支援Ten-thirty-four! Ten-thirty-four!
奥尼尔和莫里森街西南方Southwest O'Neill and Morrison.
队员需要援助Officers in need of assistance,
奥尼尔和莫里森街西南方Southwest O'Neill and Morrison.
收到救援队分钟后到Be advised, backup ETA three minutes.
这三分钟就能要我们的命!We're gonna be dead in three minutes!
火箭筒!Rocket launcher.
克里斯快跑!Cris. Out!
快走!Move your ass!
不是我死就是你亡One of us just got lucky.
看来活的人是我I'm thinking it was me, baby.
别动再靠近Don't move! Any closer,
我就把她脑袋崩了!I'll spray her brains all over the street.
把枪放下!Drop it!
我发誓我会杀了她!I'll kill her, I swear to God!
我说到做到I'll do it. I'll do it.
你根本没有机会You won't.
你是重案组的? 是吗? 戈登的小队You're MCU, aren't you? Gordon's squad.
戈登中尉是个好警察Lieutenant Gordon is a good judge of character.
第三篇磁场试验Field Test
过来拿你让我拍的照片?Come for those pictures you had me take?
我在想我能否代你去I wondered if I couId fill in for you
罗纳德·马歇尔举办的高尔夫联赛at that golf tournament Ronald Marshall is holding.
我很想认识他He's someone I'd like to meet.
说实话我就没打算去Actually, I wasn't gonna go.
马歇尔先生有点Mr. Marshall's reputation is getting
臭名昭著a little too shady for me.
我就喜欢臭名昭著I like the shade.
两艘长约英尺的船Two boats, each approximately feet in length,
停靠在哥谭港口anchored in Gotham Harbor.
假设两艘均要公开出售...I'm assuming both are up for sale...
你看看...you're trying to see
哪艘空间感更好?which one looks better from space?
卫星对你来说还能干吗?What else would you use a satellite for?
我能想出好多用处Well, I can think of a number of things...
但这个是我从没预料到的...but this is something I never expected.
在冲洗那张After the impromptu photo
你即兴让我拍的码头照片时op of the harbor you had me conduct...
我发现卫星遭到了严重的结构损坏...our satellite suffered severe structural damage.
我先想到是流星撞击My first thought was a meteor.
但当我们恢复所有分离部分后Once we recovered the detached section...
发现它是从内部被破坏的...we discovered that it was crushed from the inside.
破坏源是什么? 一种电磁脉冲-By what? -An electromagnetic pulse.
就是我们正在复制的那种One we're about to replicate.
往后站点You're gonna wanna step back.
小心了Watch yourseIf.
不好意思My apologies.
韦氏卫星运用电磁回旋仪The Waynecom satellite orients itself
导航定位using gyroscopic electromagnetic navigation.
就是这个电路产生了磁场对吗?This circuit is what generates the field, correct?
有些模型能产生电容Some of the prototypes developed capacitance.
我们还以为解决问题了We thought we solved the probIem.
显然问题还没解决Apparently, that is not the case.
那么现在呢?So, what now?
我有个主意I got an idea.
这是个高敏冲击波传感器This is a highly sensitive shock-wave sensor.
当它检测到When the sensor detects
高于预设分贝的声音时a sound above a preset decibel...
他会给回旋仪充电启动脉冲...it'll charge the gyro and trigger a pulse.
一种足以使子弹转向的脉冲One strong enough to deflect a bullet.
一切轻武器均适用It'll work against all small-arms ammunition,
即便距离很近都不怕even at close range.
但如果是步枪还是躲下为妙Somebody pulls a rifle, though, you better duck.
那为什么有人要开枪射我呢福克斯?Now, why would someone wanna shoot me, Mr. Fox? 也许你的男人味...Let's just say your boyish charm...
不是每个人都会欣赏吧韦恩先生...might not work with everybody, Mr. Wayne.
我敬重发誓重建我们家园I admire a man who vows to rebuild a neighborhood...
并从举办高尔夫赛着手的人...and starts by putting in a golf course.
只是为了造势而已It's all about setting a tone, really.
想不想住进来? 给你打个折扣Considering moving here? I could get you a deal.
谢谢马歇尔先生I appreciate that, Mr. Marshall.
但是那位被谋杀的社会活动家女士It's just the murder of that community activist lady... 她曾经阻止你在这建楼...the one who tried to stop you from building here.
这对我的风水可不太好Stories like that are bad for my feng shui.
特蕾莎·威廉姆斯就像我的一根毒刺Teresa Williams was a thorn in my side, no doubt. 但她是个值得敬佩的人But she was an admirable person.
讽刺的是她死在The irony is that she died from
她一直维护的那群无赖手下gang fire by the punks she defended.
对了我用她的名字By the way, I'm naming the homeless shelter
命名这间收容所了in her honor.
也许这会对你的风水好些Maybe that'll help your feng shui.
该你了You're up.
布鲁斯我长那么大才知道One thing I've learned in life, Bruce,
你也就开车技术还不错you're only as good as your drive.
我们去捡回来We'll get right on it, sir.
这他妈怎么回事?How the heck did that happen?
今晚来玩牌吗?Got any interest in some poker tonight?
我还有些事情I have some business to attend to.
是吗? 金发还是黑发?Is that right? Blond or brunette?
意俄混血Half-Russian, half-Italian.
那可是个稀罕物Wow. Now that's a handful.
你还好吧老板?Hey, you all right, boss?
你说呢?What's it look like to you?
谁能告诉我All Rignt. Someone wanna tell me
你们为何都呆站在这why everyone's standing around...
你们不是应该去...when you should be out there
送那俄罗斯人上西天吗?putting The Russian in his grave?
找不到他我怎么杀他?I can't kill what I can't find.
那就给我盯紧点Then look harder.
你们想想那个混蛋All of you. Every second
在呼吸新鲜空气that piece of garbage breathes air...
而我却只能呆在...I gotta be out here
这艘令人作呕的船上puking off the side of this freaking boat.
我要找到他把他千刀万剐I want him found and I want him dead.
听明白了吗? 我要他死...You understand me? I want him dea--
谁在驾驶船?Who's driving the boat?
你到底在干什么啊?What the hell are you doing?
白痴给我死出来我要毙了你Show yourseIf, idiot, so I can kill you dead.
你毁了我的船!You destroyed my boat!
俄罗斯人The Russian.
萨尔·马罗尼那个寄生虫Sal Maroni, the vermin.
快起来是俄罗斯人Get up. It's The Russian.
是俄罗斯人干掉他!It's The Russian. Murder him!
把他们给我崩掉!Shoot out their eyes.
不!Aah! No!
码头归你You get the docks...
贫民窟归你...you stay in the slums.
不想我动手收拾你们那就照着去做That's the arrangement until I get something on you.
至于谁是老大And then you can fight over
你们自己解决吧who gets the top bunk in Blackgate.
明白了么?Got it?
码头归你了The docks are yours.
你伤了他他就归你了You broke him, you bought him.
你害死我了You killed me.
他中了枪伤I have a gunshot victim.
肩部大量失血Severe bleeding in the shoulder.
他需要急救快!He needs assistance. Now.
滚开!Get away.
把枪放下Put it down. Drop the gun.
谁都不要开枪No one shoot.
游戏结束了It's over.
把枪给我Give me the gun.
我们拿下他了We've got him, sir.
我在新闻上看到你在洞丢了个小鸟球I caught you on the news missing that putt on the th.
好像就差英尺Looked like a -footer.
不过比起球杆无缘无故飞到树上But probably not as embarrassing as
还不算太尴尬having your club mysteriously launched into a tree.
怎么会这样Wonder how that happened.
我能说什么? 小意外而已What can I say? It was a glitch.
其实还有另一个意外There was another one too.
它灵敏过头了It works too well.
我愿意冒生命之险I'm willing to put my life on the line
去做我该做的to do what I have to.
但只能是我But it has to be mine.
而不是别人No one eIse's.
第四篇地狱之城In Darkness Dwells
跟我说说Talk to me.
报道自相矛盾但从我们知道的看来Reports are contradictory, but from what we can tell... 就在红衣主教奥法隆布道时...Cardinal O'Fallon was midway through a sermon
发生了暴乱when all hell broke loose.
所有会众都双眼爆出Whole congregation went bug-eyed.
他们开始产生幻觉暴力成性Started hallucinating, becoming violent.
他们说有怪物出现了They said a monster appeared.
一个蜥蜴男英尺高全身布满鳞片A lizard man. Eight feet tall, covered in scales.
他袭击了奥法隆把他掳进地穴里去了He attacked O'Fallon. Carried him into the crypts.
这周第起备受瞩目的绑架案Sixth high-profile abduction this week.
是啊还真能刺激哥谭工业的发展Yeah. Got ourselves a real growth industry here in Gotham. 你们俩不介意我单独呆会儿吧?You two mind giving me a moment alone?
如何? 是否在想我所想?Well? You thinking what I'm thinking?
说话我知道你在这儿Speak up. I know you're in here.
乔纳森·克莱恩人称"稻草人"Jonathan Crane, a.k.a. The Scarecrow.
一定是他海峡监狱一役后It has to be. He's been at large
他便不知所踪since that night in the Narrows.
CSI的小组查到CSI team found traces
他兜售的武器化迷幻剂of that weaponized hallucinogen he was peddling.
我会追查下去I'll follow the trail.
看看能否找到绑架奥法隆的人See if I can catch up with O'Fallon's abductor.
那个蜥蜴男? 你觉得真有其人?The lizard man? You think he's real?
当地闹得满城风雨说是有个食人怪There's an urban myth circulating. A cannibal.
有钱能使鬼推磨Even money says he's real.
用这个和我保持联系I'll keep in contact with this.
是个无线电收发器It's a wireless relay system.
连接着我面具里的对讲机Slaved to the communicator in my mask.
如果你想借此跟踪我In case you're tempted to try and track me with it,
别白费心机don't bother.
信号被量子密码系统锁定...Signals are locked with quantum cryptology...
经过十几颗不同的卫星...bounced through a dozen different satellites.
你永远追踪不到You'll never be able to follow it.
听得见我说话吗戈登? 非常清楚-Can you hear me, Gordon? -Loud and clear. 我找到一些脚印I've found some footprints.
根据尺寸和深度...Based on the size and depth of the depressions...
...我估计那怪物...I'd estimate our monster
体重超过磅as weighing more than pounds.
脚印向东延伸待命The trail's heading east. Stand by.
我现在沿着旧号街的地铁线前进I'm following the old th Street subway line.
哥谭有名的Just coming upon one of
闹鬼车站之一Gotham's celebrated ghost stations.
那只蝙蝠The bat.
你应该在天上飞翔You're supposed to be up in the sky.
来地底干嘛? 你折断了翅膀?Why you underground? You break your wings?
我在找一个怪物I'm looking for a monster.
我们都是怪物Ha. We all monsters here.
这个不同是个食人怪This one's different. A predator.
啊杀人狂克劳Ah, Killer Croc.
传说他老妈不想要他They say his momma didn't want him.
把他冲进下水道里去了Flushed him into the sewers.
所有废弃于此的有毒物质改变了他All that toxic waste down here done turned him. 让他变得异常强壮Made him strong.
怎么走?Which way?
他逃去灵柩街了He gone down the coffin road.
嘿蝙蝠你飞翔的时候...Hey, bat, when you flying...
...从高处俯瞰这城市是怎样的?...what the city look like from up on high?
肮脏不堪It looks dirty.
我在某个破旧的铁道上I'm in some old railway.
四处都是灵柩There are coffins everywhere.
以前是个气动系统ed to be a pneumatic system...
...衔接着纽约的公墓...linking Gotham's cemeteries.
这儿曾经用来运送尸体They used it to transport the dead.
空气里有甲烷我要启动气助系统There's methane in here. I'm switching to air-assist.
找到了杀人狂克劳的消息Got a lead on your Killer Croc.
他叫韦伦·琼斯His name's Waylon Jones.
曾经住在阿克曼收容所He was an inmate at Arkham Asylum...
参与过克莱恩博士的...and a former test subject in Dr. Crane's
恐惧-厌恶疗法fear-aversion therapy program.
他被双重扭曲了He's twice as twisted...
克莱恩居然用他做过实验...now that Crane's had a go at him.
琼斯曾在马戏团被当作杂耍怪胎Jones was a former circus sideshow freak.
他患有一种罕见的皮肤病Suffers from a rare skin disorder known as
表皮松解性..."Epiderma-- "
表皮松解性角化过度鱼鳞病EpidermoIytic hyperkeratosis.
显然他把牙齿磨得像锉刀Apparently, he filed his teeth to razor points,
跑出去疯狂杀戮went on a killing spree.
看来克莱恩的恐惧疗法And get this, that fear of his Crane
起作用了?was working on averting?
蝙蝠侠怎么了?Batman, what's going on?
我找到克劳了I found Croc.
不太对劲我的视野完全扭曲了Something's wrong, vision's all twisted inside out.
克劳咬了我Croc bit me.
我想"稻草人"的惧毒I think he's got the Scarecrow's fear toxin
充满了他的血管boiling inside his veins.
我被感染了Infected me with it.
伤口很疼吗? 疼痛令我清醒-Are you in pain? -I work through pain.
蝙蝠侠说话啊发生什么事了?Batman, talk to me. What's happening?
克劳负伤逃跑了Croc's down for the count.
那毒素呢? 你还会出现幻觉吗?What about the toxin? You still seeing things?
去死! 去死! 去死!Death! Death! Death!
去死! 去死!Death! Death!
去死! 去死! 去死!Death! Death! Death!
主教奥法隆我将因哥谭犯乱之罪Cardinal O'Fallon, I sentence you to death
赐你死罪for your crimes against Gotham.
如在你之前所有来犯的敌人一样Just like all the other enemies that have come before you. 求你了我问心无愧Please. I've done nothing wrong.
哦但你罪无可赦主教Oh, but you have, cardinal.
你试图帮助城里的流浪者You tried to help the city's homeless...
试图拯救那些可怜人和被忽略的人...tried to save the wretched and forgotten.
但"稻草人"不希望他们获救But The Scarecrow doesn't want them saved.
"稻草人"希望他们The Scarecrow wants them
坠入我等的怀抱driven downward into my kind and loving arms.
"稻草人"在这儿聚集了The Scarecrow's here, with an army of
收容所的人和流浪汉escaped Arkham inmates and homeless.
他们都被下了毒They've all been poisoned with toxin.
你在哪蝙蝠侠?Where are you, Batman?
我猜是在东部水库下面Beneath the eastern reservoir, I guess.
旧堰室里In the old weir chambers.
我派增援过去I'm sending reinforcements now.
这之前不要轻举妄动Just hold tight till we get there.
没时间了No time for that.
有没有人能为这个圣人辩护?Can anyone here speak for the holy man?
我能I can.
抓住我的手Take my hand.
我快不能呼吸了I can hardly breathe.
是甲烷能助我们逃离这里Methane gas, our ticket out of here.
你在干什么? 点燃导火线-What are you doing? -Lighting a match.
闭上眼睛Now close your eyes.
快上来下次再说吧-Come on. -Maybe next time.
第五篇不畏伤痛Working Through Pain
离我远点儿! 滚开!Stay away from me! Stay away!
布鲁斯按住他的腿Bruce, strap his legs down.
我在努力了I'm trying.
这就是你志愿参与So was this what you expected
救援组织时所期待的?when you volunteered for the relief effort?
我知道会很苦I knew it'd be bad.
这么苦?This bad?
我只是尽我所能I'm here to do whatever I can.
好吧动脉在这儿All right. Here's the artery.
肠内没有穿孔递给我夹钳No perforation of the bowel. Give me a clamp.
好了布鲁斯替他缝合Okay, Bruce. Sew him up.
他们不总是赢They don't always win, you know.
要我说顶多是不输不赢More often than not they lose from what I understand.
我什么时候能开始做苦行僧?So when do I get started with the fakirs?
呃永远不能Um, you don't. Ever.
但为了这个机会他们让我等了几个月But they've made me wait months for this opportunity.他们不会训练你的They will not train you.
为什么? 是钱的问题? 如果是的话...Why? Is it a question of money? Because if it is--
不韦恩先生No, Mr. Wayne.
他们不关心你的钱They're not concerned with your money.
或其他任何人的Or anyone's, for that matter.
那是为什么?Then what is it?
说实话韦恩先生Honesty, Mr. Wayne.
苦行僧们说你对此不诚心The fakirs said you were not honest with them.
你追寻的不是真理的启迪You are not looking for enlightenment or truth.
他们是这么说的This is what they said.
也许还有个人拥有你所追寻的知识...there is another who possesses the knowledge you seek.不是苦行僧但她也许能帮你Not a fakir, but she may be able to help you.
我为什么要训练你?Why should I want to train you?
因为苦行僧们Because after agreeing that they would,
出尔反尔卡桑德拉the fakirs would not, Cassandra.
他们为何变卦?What made them change their minds?
不清楚I don't know.
你到底想要寻找什么?And what is it you seek to do?
我在寻找一个出路...I'm looking for a way...
来宣泄我的痛苦...to deal with my pain.
阿尔弗雷德能听到吗? 当然先生-Alfred, can you hear me? -Always, sir.
我正准备出去I'm making my way out.
你根据我的坐标在楼顶会合I need you to follow my coordinates, meet me up top.
遵命I'll be there.
我失血过多Unh! I've lost a lot of blood.
我会给你带点儿的I'll bring some along.
疼痛分为两种Pain exists in two forms:
我们无法掌控外部痛苦Exterior, that which is caused by forces we can't control
和我们能够控制的内在痛苦...and interior, which we can.
这两者皆可被意愿操控Both, though, can be managed through will.
我知道我研究过这些技术I know, I've researched the techniques.
呼吸控制催眠Breathing control, hypnosis.
那自然之精髓呢?What of the spiritual nature?
你也研究过?Have you researched that as well?
你拒绝自己的内心The interior is something you deny.
不我对它操控自如No. It's something I manage.
真的?Do you?
疼吗卡桑德拉?Does that hurt, Cassandra?
像是淋了场大雨烦心罢了It feels like being caught in the rain. An annoyance.
会结痂吗? 布鲁斯-Does it scar? -Bruce...
什么样的伤痛不会结痂呢?...what pain doesn't?
疼痛是无法战胜的Pain cannot be overcome.
的确但却可正视它No, but it can be put in its place.
正视它疼痛便能助人That place is where pain can work for you.
疼痛无法帮助你Pain doesn't work for you.
你将无畏伤痛You work through pain.
布鲁斯经过这几个月你悟到了吗?Bruce, after all these months, haven't you learned?
怎么了布鲁斯?Yes, Bruce?
你是怎么...?How did you--?
啊这片疑云自你来的那天就一直存在Ah, the question that's hung in the air since you arrived. 我的学识是在谎言中学到的My knowledge was gained through deceit.
我在苦行僧门下寻求真理I came to the fakirs seeking enlightenment,
乔装成男孩masquerading as a boy.
毫无疑问他们看出了我的真实身份...I have no doubt that they saw me for what I really was... 但他们却网开一面...but they agreed to show me the path.
如果我失败了So I wouId fail.
这将成为他们的游戏It became a game for them.
但我没有But I didn't fail.
多年之后他们厌倦了这个小游戏And after many years, they tired of their little game...
赶走了我使我无家可归...cast me out and I was exposed.
他们口口声声说被我骗了They said I had tricked them.
我被挂上巫婆的恶名I was branded a witch.
我的家族弃我于不顾My family turned their back to me,
因为我令他们蒙羞as I caused them great shame.
求你了爸爸PIease, Papa.
我发誓我什么都没做I swear I haven't done anything wrong.
村子里的人非惧即恨In the village, I am either feared or hated,
随你怎么想take your pick.
你为什么不离开?Why don't you leave?
因为我属于这里Because this is where I belong.
在你生命中In your life...
是否也有个这样的地方?...isn't there such a place?
我们要跟你说话We wanna talk to you.
是啊滚出来叛徒!Yes, come on out, traitor!
没事的布鲁斯It's nothing, Bruce.
没事怎么吼得这么厉害Sounds like an angry nothing.
只是男孩们自以为是男人Just boys, playing at being men.
记得吗? 他们恨我Remember? I'm hated.
还怕你And feared.
在这儿等着不-Wait here. -No.
拜托真的没什么Please. It's nothing.
你该为自己的行为感到耻辱You shame yourself acting this way.
耻辱? 你才是叛徒Shame? You're the betrayer.
教那个外来者他不该知道的事Teaching an outsider what is not his to know.
布萨拉之道向每个人敞开The ways of Bhusara are open to everyone.
坚持这个信仰你也会向善You would do well to bide by them.