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陈述句转化that引,一般疑问句用i f/whether,
He asks h im how l ong Mike has been down .(动词宾语)
Miss Zhang i s angry a t what you sa id.(介词宾语)
(1).陈述句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用tha t,口语中常常省略。

a.当从句做介词的宾于是只用whe ther不用i f
eg, We are ta lk ing about whether we'l l go on the p in ic.
eg, Please le t me know what to do next.
c.i f当如果讲时,引导的是条件状语从句,这时不能用whether.

E.g. Could you te l l me what's the mat t er\wrong wi th you?

例如:I d idn't know (i f/whether he had seen the f i lm.)
She found that the wal le t lay/was lying on the ground.
B. when do you leave
D. when you wi l l l eave
6.I wonder _________ .
A. how much cost these shoes
C. how much these shoes cost
B. who was he
C. who i s he
D. who he i s
A. what t ime the m ovie s tarts
C.the t ime to s tart the movie
B.i f does i t ra in t o morrow
D.i f wi l l i t ra in tom orrow
C.i f i t wi l l ra in tom orrow
12.Do you know _________?
A. whose pen i s thi s
D. who m the pen belong to
A. where i s the hosp i ta l
B. how o l d are you
C. when the tra in wil l l eave
D. why i s the boy crying
15.Tony wanted t o know _________.
A. what had Father Chris tmas put in h is s tocking
B. when Father Chris tmas had put in h is s tocking
C. what Father C hris tmas had put in h is s tocking
D. where Father Chris tmas had put in h is s tocking
17.July d idn‟t know_________.
A. where i s Tim‟s father C. who the o ld man i s
B. when was the f i rs t watch made D. what was wrong wi th her watch
A. whether I f ind out the sender of t he money
B. whether d id I f ind out the sender o f the money
C. whether the sender of the money found out
D. whether I found out the sender of the money
B. what I sa id
C.I sa id what
D. what I say
A. which c lass you are in C. you are in which c lass
B. which c lass are you in D. are you in which c lass
23.---Excuse me.Could you te l l me _______? --- Certainly.
B.I can get to which s tat ion
D. how I can get t o the s tat ion
A. where‟s the teachers‟ of f ice C. what‟s she doing
B. where‟s the bus s tat ion D. where the post of f ice i s
B. where he l ives
D. he l ives there
B. what i s i t
C.w ho i s he
37. Do you kno w ______?
B. which f loor he l ives on
C. he l ives on which f loor
B. when wi l l he go on a tr ip to W u xi
D. when does he go on a tr ip to W u xi
B. what i s he reading
C. what does he read
D. he reads what
3. Could you te l l m e ____the neares t hospi ta l i s? A.w hat B. how C. whether D. where
4. Could you te l l m e _________ the radio without any he lp?
5.I want to know _________.
B. who m she i s looking
D. who m she i s looking af ter
B. how old are the two p layers
B. what i s in the ir s tockings
D. what in the ir s t ockings
10.I can't underst and _____. A. what does Chris tmas mean B. what Chris tmas does mean
C. what mean Chr is tmas does
D. what Chris tmas m eans
11.I don‟t know _____ he wi l l be back ho me. A. who
B. who you are wai t ing for
D. why had she lef t
C. r i ses
D. had r isen
A. how; another
B. what; more
C. how ; o ther
D. what; another
B. where he i s/ has gone
D. where he was/has gone
27.─Mike wants t o know i f ____ a pi cn ic tomorrow.
─Yes. But i f i t _______,we‟l l v i s i t the museu m instead.
37.--- Excuse me,______ to the nearest bookshop, p lease?
--- Go s tra ight and take the second turning on the le f t.
C. where i s the way
D. which i s t he way
A. what subject does he teach
D. what subject i s he go ing to teach
B. what was happened
C. what i s happening
B. which roo m he l ived
D. which roo m he l ives in
A. how many
46. She sa id she _______ me f ive le t ters in one month.
A. has wri t ten
B. wi l l wri te
C. had wri t ten
47. Can you te l l me ______ she i s wai t ing for? A. why
D. wrote
B. whose
C. whom
D. which
50.I‟d l ike to know ______.
51. Could you te l l m e _______?
B. who are you wai t ing for
C. where the bus s tat ion i s
D. why were you la te
55. Could you te l l m e _______?
A. who i s she
C.i f he wi l l co me to morrow
D. which way i s to the underground s tat ion
A. d id he co me fro m
B. he ca me f ro m
C. he co mes fro m
59. You must re m e mber _______.
A. what your teacher sa id
C. your teacher said what
60. Li ly l ikes _____. B. what d id your t eacher say D. what has your teacher sa id
B. what her twin s i s ter does D. what does her t win s i s ter do
C. when can we
63.--- I don‟t know _____ Mr. Green wi l l co me to see us? --- He wi l l he lp us wi th our Engl i sh.
B. why he i s go ing abroad
D. how long he wil l s tay abroad
B. what were you doing then
D. how do you com e to school
B. what Henan M useu m is l ike
C. how can I get t o Henan Museu m
D. which bus I shal l take to Henan M useu m
7. He wanted to kno w _______.the Engl ish party.
A. when wi l l we have
B. when we wil l have
C. when would we have
D. when we would have
8.I want to know _______..
A. when we should arr ive at the a irport C. when the a irport we should arr ive at
B. when should we arr ive a t the a irport D. when the a irport should we arr ive at
A. who i s he
---Yes. She wanted to know _______ th is Sunday.
12.---I‟m a teenager‟s mother. So met imes I don‟t know
A. how long man can l ive
C. when man can l ive
11.参考答案C i f连接宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序。

14.参考答案C 宾语从句用陈述语序,时态不受限制。

16.参考答案B 有or not就用whether.
35.参考答案C 我现在不知道我的猫在哪里。


23.参考答案C.后面有or not时,前面只能用whether.

62.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序。

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62.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序。

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62.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序。

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