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ZH OU W ei, YU Di, CHI Zhi-ping, M A Ping, G UO Zeng-wang, SONG Yang, ZHA NG Li-ping
(College of Food Science,Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,Daqing 1633 19)
收稿 日期 :2018—06—21 基因项 目:黑 龙江省 农垦总局 重点科技计 划 (HNK135—05—02—1)、黑龙江省重大 科技公关项 目 (GA15B301)。 作者简介 :周伟 (1991一),女 ,硕士研究生 ,研究方 向为食 品科学。邮箱 :84648793@qq.com。
通信作者 :张丽萍 (1957一),女 ,教授 ,博士 ,研究方 向为食 品科学。
Abstract: The ultrasonic-m icrow ave synergistic extract ion process and stability of the total flavonoids from t h e leaves of syringa oblata were studied.Based on th e single—factor tests, the effects of ultrasonic—microwave t ime, et hanol concent ration, solid-liquid ratio, and microwave power on t he extraction of total flavonoids f rom syringa oblata leaves were investigated, using the Box-Behnken exper imental design a n d response surface analysis.A mathematical model of t he exper imental process parameters and the extraction volume was established, a n d t he optimal ext raction process was determined.Th e stability of the flavonoid ext ract was stud ied by studying the influence of temperature, light and food additives on the absorbance of the flavonoid ext ract.The results showed that:The optim al process param eters of ult rasonic m icrow ave synergistic extraction of total f lavonoids from syringa oblata leaves were : ultrasound-microwave time was 1.01 h,the eth an ol concentrat ion was 82% ,the ratio of mater ial to liquid was 1 : 16 g/mL ,t he microwave power was 560 W and ultrasonic power was 300W .The extraction a m ount reached 70.62 mg/g. The stability of syringa oblata leaves flavonoids was good in the environment of 60 ℃ , dark, sodium chlor ide,
关键词 :紫丁香 叶;黄酮 ;超声微波协 同萃取 ;稳定性 中图分类号 :0657.5/TS202.318)08—0111—09
Study on ultrasonic-m icrowave synergistic extraction process and stability of total flavonoids frOm syringa oblata leaves
超声微 波协 同萃取紫丁香 叶总黄酮 工艺 及其稳定性研究
周 伟 ,于 笛,迟 治平 ,马萍 ,郭增 旺,宋洋 ,张 丽萍
(黑龙江八一农垦大学 食品学院,大庆 163319)
摘 要 :采用 响应 面法优化 紫丁香 叶总黄 酮的超 声微波协同提取工艺 ,并研究其稳定性。在单 因素的试验 基 础上 ,应用 Box—Behnken试 验设计和 响应面分析 法 ,研究 超声微波 时间、 乙醇浓度 、料液 比、微 波功率对 紫丁香 叶总黄酮提取量的影响 ,建立试验工艺参数 与提取量 之间的数 学模 型 ,确立最佳提取工艺 ;并通过测定 温度 、光 照和食品添加剂对黄酮提取液吸光度值 的影响 ,研 究其稳定性。研究结果表明 :超声微波协 同萃取 紫 丁香 叶总黄酮 的最 佳工艺参数为 :超 声微波 时间为 1.01 h,乙醇浓度 为 82%,料 液 比为 1 :16 g/mE,微波功 率为 560 W ,超 声功率 为 300 W ,此时提 取量 为 70.62 mg/g,紫丁香 叶黄酮在 60 ̄C下 、避光和氯化钠 、蔗糖及 葡萄糖 的环境 中稳定性 良好 ,高温 、光照 、紫外线 、维生素 C和柠檬酸对其具有一定 的破坏作用 ,故紫 丁香 叶 黄 酮应在 加工和储藏过程 中避免高温 、紫外光照射及与维生素 C和柠檬酸同时加工。
sucrose and glucose.High temperatures,light, ultraviolet light, vitamin C, and cit ric acid have a destructive effect on it.Therefore, the flavonoids of syringa oblata leaves should be protected from high tem perature, ult raviolet light irradiation a n d processing with vitamin C an d citric acid during processing and storage. Key words:syringa oblata leaves;flavonoids ̄ultrasonic microwave synergistic extraction stability