



输出 0-10 V 0-20 mA 4-20 mA 0-10 V 0-20 mA 4-20 mA 0-10 V 0-20 mA 4-20 mA 0-20 mA 0-20 mA 2 x 0-20 mA
宽度 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 12.5 mm 12.5 mm
有源隔离开关 (频率) 有源隔离开关 (U, I) 无源隔离开关
0 ... 50 Hz: 7.5 mHz/K; 0 ... 100 Hz: 15 mHz/K; 0 ... 1 kHz: 0.15 Hz/K; 0 ... 10 kHz: 1.5 Hz/K 0 ... 10 V: 1.5 mV/K; 0/4 ... 20 mA: 3µA/K 宽 6.2 mm:测量值的 100 ppm/K 宽 12.5 mm: 负载 < 600 Ω:< 测量值的 50 ppm/K ;
30 + 1 个周期 ms 30
有源隔离开关 (U, I) 无源隔离开关
mV 有效 mV 有效
<5 <8
1) 对于 3RS17 06:0.1 %,输出 4 - 20 mA 时; 0.3 %,输出 0 - 20 mA 时; 0.3 %,输出 0 - 10 V,输入电压 > 50 mV 时 输入电压 < 50 mV 时,输出端会有一个 最大 20 ms 的延时。
输出保护 输出端的最大过电压
23 °C时的总误差 线性误差 由于环境温度造成的偏差

The Selling of the Tree Shade买树荫-幼儿教育课

The Selling of the Tree Shade买树荫-幼儿教育课

Passengers: It’s hard to relax. Let’s sing and dance.Just be happy. 路人们:难得轻松,让我们一 起来唱歌、跳舞,乐一乐吧! All People: OK! OK! 众人:“好!好!好!”
(The music was on. Some were playing instrument; some were singing and dancing. How happy they were!) (音乐声响起,人们有的弹琴,有的载 歌载舞,好不热闹!) The greedy master Bayi and his wife heard the poor workers talking and had an idea. 贪财的巴依老爷和老婆在一旁听到穷人 们的谈话声,冷眼旁观,心生计谋,起
Afanti : No problem. Give me a piece of paper, please. Agreed! Here’s the money, catch! 阿凡提:“没问题! 请给我纸。 成交!给你钱,接住!” Master Bayi: Gold, gold! 巴依老爷:钱,钱! Bayi’s wife: Give it to me! 巴依老婆:给我!
The Selling of the Tree Shade 买树荫
Scene 1: The Greedy Lord Sold Tree Shade 第一幕:贪心财主卖树荫 Narrators: One day, it was very hot. The ground was cracked by the sun. A group of poor workers who were tired of working were resting under a tree. 旁白:有一天,天气非常热,大地上被太 阳晒得都快裂开来了,一群为了生计疲于 奔命的穷人在一棵大树下歇脚、乘凉。

EEC the 3R's

EEC  the 3R's
Third, stop hurting animals.
How to help the earth?
First, _______. Second, ______.
Third, ________.
Second, reuse. Reusing is using again. For example, reuse the box that we received when we give a gift to someone else. Besides, a bottle which we used for juice can also be used for water after we wash it. If we follow the 3R’s, we’ll save more natural resources. Dear friends, let’s take action to do it from little things! Our life will be as beautiful as a flower. First, reduce. Reducing is using less. Turn off the water while we brush the teeth. Also, we can ask mom to bring a cloth bag when she goes shopping. Have you realized the earth is in danger? We don’t have enough trees, water, oil or clean air for our future. Do you know how to do help the earth? We can start by doing the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Third, recycle. Recycling is making new things from old things. Some things can be recycled, such as: paper, glass, plastic, cloth and medal.



高考英语考前训练每天7道题第172天 20201,- Is John coming by train?- He should, but henot. He likes driving his car.A. mustB. canC. mayD. need2,In 1909 an English newspaper offered £1,000 to the first man to fly across the English Channel(海峡) in an airplane. Today, modern aircrafts cross it in minutes. But at that time it still seemed a good distance. The race to win the money soon became a race between two men. Both were very colorful.One was Louis Bleriot. He owned a factory in France that made motor car lamps. He was already well known as a pilot because he had had accidents several times. Some people laughed at him. One man said, “He may not be the first to fly across the Channel but he will certainly be the first to die in an accident!”But Bleriot was really a good and brave pilot. He also had many good ideas about airplane design.The other man was Hubert Latham. He was half French and half English. He took up flying when his doctors told him he had only a year to live. “Oh, well,” he said, “if I’m going to die soon, I think I shall have a dangerous and interesting life now.”Latham was the first to try the flight across the Channel. Ten kilometersfrom the French coast, his plane had some trouble. It fell down into the water and began to sink under the water. A boat reached Latham just in time. He was sitting calmly on the wing and was coolly lighting a cigarette. Bleriot took off six days later. He flew into some very bad weather and very low cloud. He somehow got to the English side and landed in a farmer’s field. When he did so, a customs(海关) officer rushed up to his plane. Planes have changed since then, but customs officers have not, “Have you anything to declare?” The officer demanded.1.Bleriot was well known as a pilot because _____.A. he was unusually braveB. he was quite richC. he had many good ideas about airplane designD. he had had a few accidents2 .he flight for Bleriot was _____.A. a sad oneB. a dangerous oneC. his first oneD. an easy one3.Hubert Latham wanted to fly across the Channel because _____.A. he thought he could manage it easilyB. he wanted to be the first one to cross the ChannelC. he knew he only had a year to liveD. he had always been interested in flying4 .his text tells us that Latham _____.A. became a pilot on the doctor’s adviceB. was born in France and later became an English citizenC. managed to fly across the English ChannelD. was saved by a boat when his plane was sinking3,Tom and I had each a bedroom, and a third room ____ as our study.A. in commonB. in common withC. out of the commonD. by common4,-I don’t know what I _______ without the suitcase you lent me. -Glad to have been of some help to you.A. would have doneB. would doC. should have doneD. should do5,The first time she went swimming, she felt very _____.A. nervousB. shockedC. unpleasantD. surprised6, A proven method of effective textbook reading is the SQ3R method developed by Francis Robinson. The first step is to survey (the S step) the chapter by reading the title, introduction, section headings, summary and by studying any graphs, tables illustrations or charts. The purpose for this step is to get an overview of the chapter so that you will know before you read what it will be about. In the second step (the Q step), for each section you ask yourself questions such as “What do I already know about this topic?” and “What do I want to know?” In this step you alsotake the section heading and turn it into a question. This step gives you a purpose for reading the section. The third step (the first of the 3R’s) is to read to find the answer to your questions. Then at the end of each section, before going on to the next section, you recite (the second of the 3R’s) the answers to the questions that you formed in the question step. When you recite you should say the information you want to learn out loud in your own words. The fifth step is done after you have completed steps 2,3, and 4 for each section. You review (the last of the 3R's) the entire chapter. The review is done much as the survey was in the first step. As you review, hold a mental conversation with yourself as you recite the information you selected as important to learn. The mental conversation could take the form of asking and answering the questions formed from the headings or reading the summary, which lists the main ideas in the chapter, and trying to fill in the details for each main ideA.1. From the passage we can infer that the SQ3R method .A. turns out to be practicable B.leaves much to be desiredC. needs to be proven D. cannot be used by every reader 2. The SQ3R method consists of steps.A. three B. four C. five D. seven3. According to the passage, the first step helps the readers .A. read the first several paragraphs B.scan the whole chapterC. study the graphs D. get the theme of the chapter 4. Which of the following is the fourth step?A. To question yourself. B. To read for information.C. To recite your answers. D. To draw a conclusion.5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. In the last step, you should remember all the information.B. When you finish the last step, you will get both the main idea and the details.C. The mental conversation involves answering the questions asked by the author.D. While you are holding a mental conversation you select the important information.7,Jack waited only ___________ 7:30 because he had to be at work by 8:00.A.to B.for C.with D.until答案1, C2, DBCD3, A4, A5, A6, ACDCB 7, D。

























7、在同一道路条件与车速下,虽然发动机发出的功率相同,但档位越低,后备功率越大,发动机的负荷率就越小,_ 燃油消耗率越大。





12、车身-车轮二自由度汽车模型,车身固有频率为 2.5Hz,驶在波长为6米的水泥路面上,能引起车身共振的车速为54km/h。

13、在相同路面与车速下,虽然发动机发出的功率相同,但档位越高,后备功率越小,发动机的负荷率就越高,燃_ 油消耗率越低。

14、某车其制动器制动力分配系数 3 =0.6,若总制动器制动力为20000N,则其前制动器制动力为1200N。



转向盘力随汽车运动状态而变化的规律称为转向盘角__________ 阶段输入。



6自由度3-U rRS并联机构的位置正解分析

6自由度3-U rRS并联机构的位置正解分析

速度 、加速 度、受力分析 、误差分析 、工作空间分析 、动力分析和机构综合等的基 础。在实际应用 中,解 正解 问 题意味着决定机器人末端执 行器当前 实际的位姿 。基于 此,提 出一种新型 3支链 6自由度并联机 构 3UR 。采用 - rS
球面 2自由度五杆机构作为复合驱 动装置 。以机构上平 台 3个顶点之间 的长度为约束条件 ,建立约束方程 ,研 究 该并联机构的正解的封闭解 形式, 得到一个 1 6次方 的一元 多项式方程 。 3U R 以 . S自身的机构特点建立约束方程 , 得 出反解的封闭解 形式。 最后对该正反解 的研究结果进 行数值验 证, 正解 的计算结果与反解的计算结果十分吻合 , 仅有微小误差,这 是由计算的累积误差引起的。 关键词:并联机 构 封 闭解 正反解 6自由度
速度慢 、效率低 ,且 不能 求 出所 有 可能 的解 , 因此
人 们 希 望 采 用 解 析 法来 求 解 并联 机 构 的 封 闭解 。
WAL O _ 析 了一种用 于复 合操 作系 统 中的 DR N 2 J 分 3R S微 操 作器 的位置 正解 问题 ,并得 出最 终方程 -P
本 文提 出了一种 新型 3支链 6自由度并 联机 构 3URS P DHO OD S 等 认 为具有 3条 支链 , .r , O R E 每 条支链 有两 个 驱动 关节 的并联 机 器人最 有 应用前 景 。分 析球面 2自由度 并联 机构 的正解 ;以 3UrS 一 R 上 平 台 3个顶 点之 间 的长 度作 为约 束条件 ,分析 该 并 联机 构 的正 解 的封 闭解形 式 ; 用 3U R 利 一 S机构本
第4卷 2 3 第1 期
20 年 1 月 07 2



环保简单英语Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental protection refers to actions taken to protect the natural world and prevent harm to the environment. It is important to implement environmentally friendly practices in our daily lives to ensure the sustainability of our planet. Here are some simple ways to contribute to environmental protection:1. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: Practice the 3R's by reducing waste, reusing items whenever possible, and recycling materials such as paper, plastic, and glass.2. Save Energy: Turn off lights and appliances when not in use, use energy-efficient light bulbs, unplug devices when fully charged, and insulate your home to reduce energy consumption.3. Save Water: Fix leaky faucets, take shorter showers, and collect rainwater for watering plants.4. Use Public Transportation or Carpool: Reduce emissions by using public transportation, biking, or carpooling with others when possible.5. Plant Trees and Support Green Spaces: Trees absorb carbon dioxide, provide oxygen, and help prevent soil erosion. Support efforts to create and maintain green spaces in your community.6. Avoid Single-Use Plastics: Say no to items like plastic bags, straws, and water bottles. Instead, bring your own reusable alternatives.7. Be Mindful of Chemical Usage: Choose eco-friendly cleaning products and avoid using excessive amounts of chemicals in your home and garden.8. Educate Others: Share your knowledge and encourage others to adopt environmentally friendly practices.By incorporating these simple habits into our lives, we can contribute to environmental protection and help preserve the Earth for future generations.。





天然虾青素还有一个明确的特点是唯一能通过血脑屏障的一种类胡萝卜素概述虾青素的生产具有人工合成和生物获取两种方式.人工合成虾青素不仅价格昂贵,而且同天然虾青素在结构,功能,应用及安全性等方面差别显著.结构组成由于两端的羟基(-OH)旋光性原因,虾青素具有3S-3 'S、3R-3' S、3R-3'R (也称为左旋、内消旋、右旋)这3种异构型态,其中人工合成虾青素为3种结构虾青素的混合物(左旋占25%、右旋占25%,内消旋50%左右),极少抗氧化活性,与鲑鱼等养殖生物体内的虾青素(以反式结构——3S-3 S型为主)截然不同.酵母菌源的虾青素是100%右旋(3R-3'R),有部分抗氧化活性;上述两种来源虾青素主要用在非食用动物和物资的着色上。

只有藻源的虾青素是100%左旋(3S-3 'S)结构,具有最强的生物学活性,CYANOTECH、FUJI、YAMAHA这样的大企业经过了多年的研究,用来作为人类的保健食品、高档化妆品、药品。





(单选) [单选题]A:支路B:电路(正确答案)C:回路D:开路2.电路图中用()符号表示直流电源(DC)(单选) [单选题]A:一(正确答案)B:~C: *D: 13.交流电在1秒内重复的次数称为频率,单位是(),用字母()表示(单选) [单选题]A:瓦—WB:焦[尔]—JC:赫兹—Hz(正确答案)D:亨[利]--H4.我国电力系统供配电为正弦交流电,额定频率为(D) [单选题]Hz。

(单选)(正确答案)A: 100 B: 200 C: 220 D: 505.正弦交流电在变化过程中,任一瞬时t所对应的交流量的数值称为交流电的(),用小写字母e、i、u等表示。

(单选) [单选题]A:瞬时值(正确答案)B:最大值C:有效值D:平均值6.正弦交流电是以正弦波规律变化的,因此把交流电每重复变化一次所需的时间称为(),单位是秒,用字母s表示。

(单选) [单选题]A:周期(正确答案)B:频率C:有效值D:平均值7.()是指取用电能的设备。

(单选) [单选题]A:电源B:短路C:断路D:负载(正确答案)8.交流电路在任一瞬间,电压瞬时值u与电流瞬时值i的乘积,称为(),用小写字母p表示。

瞬时功率在一个周期内的平均值,称为().(单选) [单选题]A:瞬时功率平均功率(正确答案)B:平均功率瞬时功率C:瞬时功率最大功率D:最小功率平均功率9.电能的单位为J(焦[尔])。


(单选) [单选题]A: 1.8x104JB:3.6x 105JC: 3.6x106J(正确答案)D: 7.2x 107J10.()是指具有储存磁场能量这样一种电磁特性(电感性)的二端元件。

(单选) [单选题]A:电阻元件B:电感元件(正确答案)C:电容元件D:电器元件11.()是指具有储存电场能量这样一种电场特性的二端元件。



3r原则英语作文The 3Rs principle, which stands for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, is a fundamental concept in environmental conservation. It encourages us to minimize waste, find new uses for old items, and recycle materials to preserve our planet's resources.Reducing waste is the first step in the 3Rs. By using fewer resources and creating less trash, we can lessen the burden on our environment. For instance, choosing to use public transportation or carpooling can significantly reduce carbon emissions and traffic congestion.Reusing is the second component of the 3Rs. It involves finding alternative uses for items that would otherwise be discarded. For example, old clothes can be turned into reusable shopping bags, or empty jars can be repurposed as storage containers.Recycling is the final and perhaps most well-known part of the 3Rs. It involves processing used materials into new products, which helps conserve natural resources and reduces the need for new raw materials. Recycling paper, plastic, and metals is a common practice that everyone can participate in.Educating ourselves and others about the importance of the 3Rs is crucial. By understanding how our actions impact the environment, we can make more informed decisions andinspire others to adopt eco-friendly habits.In schools, the 3Rs can be integrated into the curriculum to foster a sense of responsibility among students. Classrooms can implement recycling programs and encourage projects that promote creativity in reusing materials.At home, families can practice the 3Rs by setting up recycling bins and making conscious decisions about the products they buy. Choosing products with minimal packaging or those made from recycled materials is a simple way to make a difference.The 3Rs principle is not just a set of guidelines; it's a lifestyle choice that can have a profound impact on our environment. By adopting these practices, we can contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future for all.。


活 性 黄 3RS 结 构 、 性 能 和 应 用
活性黄 3RS 具有鲜艳的色光,各项良好的色牢度,价格便宜,广 泛在印染厂应用,和活性红 195、活性蓝 194 或者 222 组成三原色配 伍性好,色光稳定,常用于纤维素纤维的印花和染色。现对该染料的 一些性能进行总结,便于同行参考。
1. 基 本 信 息
O Na +
S O S O O Na
2. 应 用 性 能
2.1. 日晒牢度 很好
活性黄 3RS 的日晒牢度很好,1/1 深度条件下可以达到 6~7 级, 在一般情况下都能满足日晒牢度的要求。
2.2 有光致变色 现象
2.4. 浸染时染料受浴比的影响比较小
浸染时,活性黄 3RS 受浴比的影响比较小,浴比由 1:20 下降到 1:5 时,染料的深度提升在 5%以内,染料用量在 0.1%以内时,最终 的得色深度受浴比的影响肉眼很难分别出来,可以忽略不计。
图表 2
△ E随浴比的变化曲线
90 70 ΔE 50 30 10 0 10 20 30 浴比 1:x 40 50 60 △E
常用的商品名称有活性黄 3RS 活性黄 M3RE,活性黄 ME-3RS, 活性黄 SP-3R,活性黄 B-4RFN 等,C.I.活性黄 145。 分子式:C28H20ClN9Na4O16S5 分子量: 1026.25 CAS 号:93050-80-7 结构式:
图 1
O S O Na O
+ -
2.5. 锦纶和棉纤维同浴染色时,可以同时上染两种 纤维



1、4P即产品(produc‎t)、价格(price)、促销(promot‎i on)、渠道(place)它的主导是以‎满足市场需求‎为目标。

2、4C即消费者‎(Consum‎e r)、成本(Cost)、便利(Conven‎i ence)和沟通(Commun‎i catio‎n) 它的主导是以‎追求顾客满意‎为目标。

3、4R即关联(Relati‎v ity)、反应(Reacti‎o n)、关系(Relati‎o n)和回报(Retrib‎u tion)它的主导是以‎建立顾客忠诚‎为目标。


营销组合(Market‎i ng Mix)也称作4P模‎型,强调了产品、价格、销售渠道和促‎销手段这四个‎在销售产品中‎影响巨大的因‎素,公司制定产品‎营销战略时必‎须对它们加以‎考虑。

产品 (Produc‎t)我的产品与我‎现有其他产品‎的关系如何?以确定你的产‎品之间的协作‎区域,或发现在哪些‎方面对各项商‎业活动有约束‎。

∙我怎样让自己‎的产品更出众‎?个性化(Differ‎e ntiat‎i on)是个大题目,要做到这一点‎可以通过特点‎、适宜性、格调、可靠性、包装、服务及品牌命‎名等方面来体‎现。

∙产品生命周期‎对我的计划有‎什么影响?根据产品在产‎品生命周期(Produc‎tLife Cycle, PLC)中的不同位置‎,我们应采取不‎同的营销策略‎。

价格 (Price)∙成本定价(Cost Plus):这是最简单的‎价格策略。


∙消费者认同价‎值(Percei‎v ed Value to the Consum‎e r):指按照为消费‎者提供的价值‎收费。



A Little Love Greatness as you 你是伟大的神Smallest as me 我是小小凡人You show me what is deep as seaA little love, little kissA little hug, little giftAll of little somethingThese are our memoriesYou make me cry make me smileMake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don't want to say goodbyeYou make me cry make me smileMake me feel the joy of loveOh kissing youThank you for all the love you always give to me Oh I love you(重复一遍)Yes I doI always doYou make me cry make me smileMake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don't want to say goodbyeMake me cry make me smileMake me feel the joy of loveOh kissing youThank you for all the love you always give to me Oh I love you To be with you Oh I love youThe 3R’s By Jack Johnson Curious George Three, it’s a magic number yes it is, it’s a magic number because two times three is six and three times six is eighteen and the eighteen letter in the alphabet is we’ve got three r’s we’re going to talk about today we’ve got to learn to reduce, reuse , recycle (repeat) well, if you’re going to the market to buy some j uice you’ve got to bring your own bags and you learn to reduce your waste and if your brother or your sister’s got some cool clothes you could try them on before you buy some more ofthose reuse, we’ve got to learn to reuse and if the first two r’s don’t work out and if you’ve got to make s ome t rash don’t throw it out recycle, we’ve got to learn to recycle, we’ve got to learn to reduce, reuse, recycle (repeat) because three, it’s a magic number yes it is, it’s a magic number3, 3, 33, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 3633, 30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3, it’s a magic numberShining Friends 很棒的朋友A little faith Brightens a rainy day 小小的信念照亮那下雨天Life is difficult you can't go away 生命多困苦、你总不能逃避Don't hide yourself in the corner 不要躲在角落You have my place to stay 我可让你依靠Sorrow is gonna say goodbye 忧伤终会跟你说再见Opens up--- You'll see the happy sunshine 睁开眼睛你会看见快乐的阳光Keep going on with your dream 继续追寻你的梦想Chasing tomorrow's sunrise 向着明天的太阳追赶The spirit can never die 不会逝去的、是信念与理想Sun will shine, my friend 朋友,太阳会一直闪耀Won't let you cry, my dear 不要让自己流泪,亲爱的Seeing you shed a tear 你的一滴眼泪Makes my world disappear 会让我的世界灰暗You'll never be alone in darkness 在黑暗中你永不会孤独See my smile, my friend 朋友, 看我的笑颜We are with you, holding hands 手牵手, 我们和你一起走you have got to believe, you are my destiny你要相信,你是我的信念与目标We're meant to be your friends 我们永远都会和你在一起That's what a friendship should be 那才是真正的友谊What a wonderful world 多么美好的世界歌手:Louis AmstrongI see trees that are green red roses too 我看见碧绿的树和鲜红的玫瑰I see them bloom for me and you 他们为我们绽放And I think to myself 我心中想着what a wonderful world 多么美好的世界I see skies of blue clouds of white 我看见蓝蓝的天,白白的云The bright blessed day 那明丽的一天The dark says good night 夜晚向人们说晚安And I think to myselfwhat a wonderful world.The colors of a rainbow (彩虹) 彩虹的颜色so pretty in the sky 在天空中多么美丽Are also on the faces of people going by 那些行人脸上也一样I see friends shaking hands (握手) 我看见朋友们握着手saying “how do you do”说着”最近好吗?”They're really saying “ I love you!”他们其实在说着”我爱你!”I hear babies cry 我听着婴儿哭泣I watch them grow 看着他们成长They'll learn much more 他们学习着很多than I'll never know 我未知的东西And I think to myselfwhat a wonderful world!Yes I think to myselfwhat a wonderful world!Let it go 随它吧The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I'm the queen;我就像是一个皇后The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天知道我已努力过Don't let them in, don't let them see; 不让他们走进来,不让他们看到Be the good girl you always have to be; 做一个好女孩,一直都要这样Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know;掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道Well, now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Can't hold you back anymore;不能再抑制了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Turn awa y and slam the door;转过身甩上门I don't care what they're going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了It's time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麼了To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破No right, no wrong, no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了I'm free;我自由了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行You'll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣Here I stand and here I'll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风I'm never going back, the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行And I'll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!。



一:才思写作1.文章千古事,得失寸心知——唐.杜甫《偶题》2.一日不作诗,心源如废井——唐.贾岛《戏赠友人》3.作诗火急追亡逋,情景一失后难摹——宋.苏轼《腊日游孤山访惠勒思二僧》4.文章自得方为贵,衣钵相传岂是真——金.王若虚《论诗诗》5.我手写我口,古岂能拘牵——清.黄遵宪《杂感》6.纵横正有凌云笔,俯仰随人亦可怜——金.元好问《论诗三十首》7.天籁自鸣天趣足,好诗不过近人情——清.张问陶《论诗十二绝句》8.春江秋月冬冰雪,不听陈言只听天——宋.杨万里《读张文潜诗》9.莫将死句入诗中,此诀传来自放翁——清.袁枚《仿元遗山论诗》10.一语天然万古新,豪华落尽见真淳——金.元好问《论诗三十首》11.预支五百年新意,到了千年又觉陈——清.赵翼《论诗五绝》12.不求好句,只求好意——宋.欧阳修《吊僧诗》13.天机云锦用在我,剪裁妙处非刀尺——宋.陆游《九月一日夜读诗稿有感走笔作歌》14.片言可以明百意,坐驰可以役万里——唐.刘禹锡《董氏武陵集记》15.清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰——唐.李白《忆旧游书怀赠江夏韦太守良宰》16.不薄今人爱古人,清词丽句必为邻——唐.杜甫《戏为六绝句》17.为人性僻耽佳句,语不惊人死不休——唐.杜甫《江上值水如海势聊短述》18.爱好由来落笔难,一诗千改始心安——清.袁枚《遣兴》19.奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析——晋.陶渊明《移居二首》20.读书破万卷,下笔如有神——唐.杜甫《奉赠韦左丞丈二十二韵》21.屈平词赋悬日月,楚王台谢空山丘——唐.李白《江上吟》22.李杜文章在,光焰万丈长——唐.韩愈《调张籍》23.杜诗韩集愁来读,似倩麻姑痒处抓——唐.杜牧《读韩杜集》24.汝果欲学诗,工夫在诗外——宋.陆游《示子聿》二:学问成才1.如切如磋,如琢如磨——《诗经.卫风.淇奥》2.学非探其花,要自拨其根——唐.杜牧《留诲曹师等诗》3.十年磨一剑——唐.贾岛《剑客》4.不是虚心岂得贤——宋.王安石《诸葛武侯》5.少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴惰寸功——唐.杜荀鹤6.古人学问无遗力,少壮工夫老始成——宋.陆游《冬夜读书示子聿》7.故书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知——宋.苏轼《送安惊落第诗》8.问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来——宋.朱熹《观书有感》9.百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲——汉乐府民歌《长歌行》10.志士惜日短,愁人知夜长——晋.傅玄《杂诗》11.盛年不重来,一日难再晨.及时当勉励,岁月不待人——晋.陶渊明《杂诗》12.青春须早为,岂能长少年——唐.孟郊《劝学》13.莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切——宋.岳飞《满江红》14.逢事独为贵,历代非无才——唐.陈子昂《郭槐》15.黄金无足色,白璧有微瑕.求人不求备,妾原老君家——宋.戴复古《寄兴二首》16.南山栋梁益稀少,爱材养育谁复议——唐.柳宗元《行路难》17.试玉要烧三日满,辨材须待七年期——唐.白居易《放言》18.世上岂无千里马,人中难得九方皋——宋.黄庭坚《过平舆怀李子先时在并州》三:世事哲理1.它山之石,可以攻玉——《诗经.鹤鸣》2.瓜田不纳履,李下不正冠——汉乐府民歌《君子行》3.城中好高髻,四方高一尺——汉乐府民歌《城中谣》4.何意百炼钢,化为绕指柔——晋.刘琨《重赠卢谌》5.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼——唐.王之焕《登鹳雀楼》6.人事有代谢,往事成古今——唐.孟浩然《与诸子登岘山》7.草木本无意,荣枯自有时——唐.孟浩然《江上寄山阴崔少府国辅》8.春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子——唐.李绅《悯农》9.蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量——唐.韩愈《调张籍》10.挽弓当挽强,用箭当用长.射人先射马,擒贼先擒王------唐.杜甫《前出塞九首》11.物情无巨细,自适固其常——唐.杜甫《夏夜叹》12.春花无数,毕竟何如秋实——宋.陈亮《三都乐》13.功高成怨府,权盛是危机——宋.王迈《读渡江诸将传》14.万物兴歇皆自然——唐.李白《日出行》15.天若有情天亦老——唐.李贺《金铜仙人辞汉歌》16.一寸光阴一寸金——唐.王贞白《白鹿洞二首》17.人生七十古来稀——唐.杜甫《曲江》18.山外青山楼外楼——宋.林升《题临安邸》19.古来青史谁不见,今见功名胜古人——唐.岑参《轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征》20.年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同——唐.刘希夷《代悲白头翁》21.寅父犹能畏后生,丈夫未可轻少年——唐.李白《上李邕》22.假金方用真金镀,若是真金不镀金——唐.李绅《答章孝标》23.沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春——唐.刘禹锡《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》24.请君莫奏前朝曲,听唱新翻杨柳枝——唐.刘禹锡《杨柳枝词》25.芳林新叶催陈叶,流水前波让后波——唐.刘禹锡《乐天见示伤微之敦诗晦叔三君子皆有深分因成是诗以寄》26.采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜——唐.罗隐《蜂》27.尔曹身为名俱灭,不废江河万古流——唐.杜甫《戏为六绝句》28.只看后浪催前浪,当悟新人胜旧人——宋.释文向《过苕溪》29.不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层——宋.王安石《登飞来峰》30.不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中——宋.苏轼《题西林壁》31.不是一番梅彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香——元.高明《琵琶记》32.纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行——宋.陆游《冬夜读书示子聿》33.近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春——宋.苏麟《断句》34.人生到处知何似,应似飞鸿踏雪泥.泥上偶然留指爪,鸿飞那复计东西. ——宋.苏轼《和子由渑池怀旧》35.人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全——宋.苏轼《水调歌头》36.一湾死水全无浪,也有春风摆动时——元.戴善夫《陶学士醉写风光好杂剧》37.从来好事天生俭,自古瓜儿苦后甜——元.白朴《阳春曲.题情》38.苍龙日暮还行雨,老树春深更著花——明.顾炎武《又酬傅处士次韵》39.江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年——清.赵翼《论诗》四:爱国忧民1.位卑未敢忘忧国——宋.陆游《病起书怀》2.寸寸山河寸寸金——清.黄遵宪《赠梁任父母同年》3.捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归——三国.魏.曹植《白马篇》4.身既死兮神以灵,子魂魄兮为鬼雄——战国.楚.屈原《国殇》5.但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山——唐.王昌龄《出塞》6.商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱《后庭花》——唐.杜牧《泊秦淮》7.愿得此身长报国,.何须生入玉门关——唐.戴叔伦《塞上曲二首》8.臣心一片磁针石,不指南方不肯休——宋.文天祥《扬子江》9.山河破碎风飘絮,身世浮沉雨打萍——宋.文天祥《过零丁洋》10.读书本意在元元——宋.陆游《读书》11.死去原知万事空,但悲不见九州同。


例题4-12 工程上,两飞轮常用摩擦啮合器使它们
轴杆在同一中心线上,A轮的转动惯量为JA=10kgm2 ,B的转动惯量为JB=20kgm2 。开始时A轮的转速为
20.9rad / s
n 200r / min
在啮合过程中,摩擦力矩作功,所以机械 能不守恒,部分机械能将转化为热量,损失 的机械能为
1 2
1 2
(1) 子 弹 射 入 细 杆 , 使 细 杆 获 得 初 速度。因这一过程进行得很快,细 杆发生偏转极小,可认为杆仍处于 竖直状态。子弹和细杆组成待分 析的系统,无外力矩,满足角动量 守恒条件。子弹射入细杆前、后 的一瞬间,系统角动量分别为
L0 m0v0a L J 其中
在外力矩作用下,从 t0 t ,
角动量 Lz0 J 0 变为 LZ J ,
d dt

t0 M d t J J0
t M d t 为t t t0时间内力矩M 对给定轴的冲量矩

2. 定轴转动刚体的角动量守恒定律
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how to write a body
分层说明怎么做 ,最好分三个层次,用first, second, third,
或firstly, secondly, thirdly,以及 to begin with, then , to finish 等衔接,每一条有一个主题句(topic sentence)加 上两三句扩展句,多用一般现在时。注意:主题句中的谓语 动词可以用 can, may, need to, had better ,不可以用
We have a big problem in the world today. Important things from the Earth that we need are in danger. We don’t have enough trees, water, oil, and clean air for our future. We are using them too fast. We must learn ways to stop wasting so much. But do you know how to stop wasting ? Here are my tips. 主题句句式应保持一致 We can start by remembering the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and First, we need to reduce things. Turn off the water Recycle. Reducing brush your teeth. Ask your mom to bring a while weis using less. Some tips for reducing are: Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. cloth bag when shecloth bagshopping. Don’t take Ask your mom to bring a goes when she goes shopping. This way, she won’t need plastic bags. more of anything than you need. Second, we need Don’t take more of anything than you need. to reuse things. use boxes again. use bottles again. Reusing is using again. Some tips for reusing are: Third, weagain. Reuse the box that you receivedcan recyclea gift Use boxes need to recycle things. We when you give to someone else. plastic, metal. paper, glass, Use bottles again. For example, a bottle which you used for juice can also be used for water after you wash it. Recycling makes new things from old things. There are recycling bins in almost every town or neighborhood. Some things that you can recycle are: paper, glass, plastic, metal.
turn off the water while brushing teeth
reduce bring a cloth bag instead of plastic bag
don’t take more of anything than you need
ways to stop wasting eginning
提出问题,即就现实状况提出要说明的事理, 点题,再用过渡句引出下文。
But do you know how to …? Let me tell you.
But how to …? Here are my ideas. But how can we …? Here are my suggestions. But do you know how we can …? Here is my advice.
过渡句: But do you know how to …? Let me tell you. But how to …? Here are my ideas. But how can we …? Here are my suggestions. But do you know how we can …? Here is my advice.
HOW TO STOP WASTING We have a big problem in the world today. Important things from the Earth that we need are in danger. We don’t have enough trees, water, oil, and clean air for our future. We are using them too fast. We must learn ways to stop wasting so much. But do you know how to stop wasting ? Here are 没有过渡句 my tips.
use boxes again use bottles again recycle paper, glass, plastic, metal…
不符合考场作文要求 THE 3R’S
We have a big problem in the world today. Important things from the Earth that we need are in danger. We don’t have enough trees, water, oil, and clean air for our future. We are using them too fast. We must learn ways to stop wasting so much. We can start by remembering the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reducing is using less. Some tips for reducing are: Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. Ask your mom to bring a cloth bag when she goes shopping. This way, she won’t need plastic bags. Don’t take more of anything than you need. Reusing is using again. Some tips for reusing are: Use boxes again. Reuse the box that you received when you give a gift to someone else. Use bottles again. For example, a bottle which you used for juice can also be used for water after you wash it. Recycling makes new things from old things. There are recycling bins in almost every town or neighborhood. Some things that you can recycle are: paper, glass, plastic, metal.
Reading and Writing
No. 76 Middle School
Xin Xin
have big problems
we don’t have enough trees, water, oil, and clean air for our future we are using them too fast
标题要体现文体, 概括主旨 标志词 How to…
three parts
HOWTheSTOP WASTING TO 3 R’s We have a big problem in the world today. Important things from the Earth that we need are in danger. We don’t have enough trees, water, oil, and clean air for our future. We are using them too fast. We must learn ways to stop wasting so much. But do you know how to stop wasting? Here are my tips. 过渡句引出下文 We can start by remembering the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and First, we need to reduce things. Turn off the water while Recycle. you brushis using less. Some your mom to bring a cloth bag Reducing your teeth. Ask tips for reducing are: when off the water while you brush your teeth. Turn she goes shopping. Don’t take more of anything than Ask your mom to bring a need to when she goes use boxes again. you need. Second, we cloth bag reuse things. shopping. This way, she won’t again. Third, we need to recycle things. We can use bottles need plastic bags. Don’t take more of anything than you need. recycle paper, glass, plastic, metal. 主题句句式应保持一致 Reusing is using again. Some tips for reusing are: Use boxes again. Reuse the box that you received when you give a gift These are my ideas about how to stop wasting. If you to someone else. can follow the suggestions above, I’m sure you’ll help Use bottles again. For example, a bottle which you used for juice can save natural water after you lot. Our earth is just our future. also be used for resources a wash it. Just save makes new things from old things. There are recycling bins Recycling it! Let’s stop wasting from now on! in almost every town or neighborhood. Some things that you can recycle are: paper, glass, plastic, metal.