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could hardly nucleate because they were too scattered in the films. And most of them diffused to the neighboring already existed quantum dot, which obviously increased the average size of quantum dots. In addition, it is found that NH3 plasma treatment can reduce the density of radiative recombination defects effectively, which can improve the open circuit voltage of solar cell.
分类号 学校代码 10487
学 号 M200972013 密级
太阳能电池用 硅量子点的制备与表征
学 位 申请 人 : 张笑 学 科 专 业 : 微电子学与固体电子学 指 导 教 师 : 曾祥斌 教 授 答 辩 日 期 : 2012 年 1 月 4 日
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering
本文采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积法制备了富硅氮化硅薄膜,并利用高温退火 处理促进薄膜中硅量子点的生长。从氮化硅薄膜样品的傅立叶变换红外吸收光谱和 X 射线光电子能谱可以看出,刚沉积的样品中含有大量的 Si-H 和 N-H 键,而随着退火温 度的升高,H 键逐渐断裂使 Si 原子和 N 原子发生重组,薄膜中逐渐形成接近化学计量 比的 Si3N4 相,同时析出少量的纯 Si 相,即表现为 Si 量子点的形成。
同时本文也研究了量子点尺寸与富余硅含量的关系,结果表明随着硅含量的减少, 硅量子点的尺寸先逐渐变小;但当硅含量较少时,由于这些富余的硅原子在薄膜中的 分布较分散,因此它们较难成核,大多数是扩散至附近已经存在的硅量子点,而使薄 膜中量子点的平均尺寸明显增大。此外还研究发现采用 NH3 等离子体处理可以明显减 小薄膜中的辐射复合缺陷密度,使电池的开路电压得到提高。
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074, P.R.China Jan, 2012
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在传统的太阳能电池中,高能光子被吸收产生光生载流子后多余的能量将转换为 热损失,低能光子则无法被吸收,因此能量的利用率较低。而量子点太阳能电池作为 第三代电池,在提高转换效率方面具有很大的潜力。一方面,由于量子限制效应使量 子点的光学带隙可通过尺寸来调控,因此可将其用于多结叠层结构中而扩展对太阳光 的吸收谱;另一方面,量子点的碰撞电离效应可以使一个高能光子产生多个电子空穴 对,因此电池的内量子效率将大大提高。
This paper has deposited silicon rich silicon nitride films by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), and promoted the growing of silicon quantum dots by high temperature annealing. The fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra demonstrated the existence of abundant Si-H and N-H bonds. With the increase of annealing temperature the hydrogen bonds gradually broke resulting in the rearrangement of Si and N atoms that released from hydrogen bonds. Meanwhile, there formed in the films approximately stoichiometric Si3N4 phase and pure silicon phase which indicated the formation of silicon quantum dots. And this can also be shown in the X-ray photoelectron spectra.
1.1 当今能源形势 ......................................................................................... 1 1.2 国内外太阳能电池的发展状况 ............................................................. 2 1.3 本论文的研究目的与意义 ..................................................................... 5 2 量子点电池的理论基础与研究状况 2.1 太阳能电池的工作原理与损失机制 ..................................................... 7 2.2 量子点的特征与性质 ........................................................................... 10 2.3 硅量子点太阳能电池的研究状况 ....................................................... 11 3 硅量子点的制备与表征手段 3.1 硅量子点母体材料的制备 ................................................................... 15 3.2 量子点的分析与表征手段 ................................................................... 17 4 富硅薄膜的制备与硅量子点的生长 4.1 引言 ....................................................................................................... 22 4.2 富硅氮化硅薄膜的制备 ....................................................................... 22 4.3 退火温度对样品结构特性的影响 ....................................................... 24 4.4 退火温度对样品光致发光特性的影响 ............................................... 28 4.5 硅量子点的尺寸随退火温度的变化关系 ........................................... 33 5 硅氮比和钝化处理对氮化硅薄膜的影响 5.1 硅氮比对量子点生长的影响 ............................................................... 35 5.2 氨气等离子体的钝化处理研究 ........................................................... 37
In traditional solar cell,the surplus energy of a high energy photon is lost by thermal after generating a pair of carriers. As for the low energy photon, it can’t be absorbed even. Thus it’s a little low for the utilization of solar energy. As the third generation cell, quantum dot solar cell is of great potentiality in improving the efficiency. On the one hand, the optical gap can be tuned by the size of quantum dot due to the quantum confinement effect (QCE). So quantum dot can extend the absorbing spectra of solar energy when it is used in multi-junction tandem structure. On the other hand, due to the impact ionization effect, a high energy photon can generate several electron-hole pairs, which obviously improved the cell’s quantum efficiency.
From the samples’ photoluminescence (PL) spectra, it can be found that the spectra were originated simultaneously from radiative recombination defects and QCE of quantum dots. According to the quantum luminescence peak position the size of quantum dots were calculated to be about 2.0~2.5nm. With the increasing annealing temperature, there nucleated some new silicon quantum dots, and the already existed quantum dots grew up. Furthermore, the existence of silicon quantum dots can also be demonstrated by raman spectra.
Furthermore, the connection of the size of quantum dots and the content of the rich silicon atoms was also researched. With the decrease of silicon content, the quantum dots tended to be smaller. However, if the silicon content was too small, the rich silicon atoms
Keywords: solar cell, quantum dot, silicon nitride, thermal annealing, photoluminescence
- 目录
摘 要 ........................................................ I ABSTRACT................................................... II 1 前言
Preparation and Characterization of Si Quantum Dots Which Used in Solar Cells
Candidate : Zhang Xiao Major :Microelectronics & Solid State Electronics Supervisor : Professor Zeng Xiangbin
使用荧光光谱仪检测样品的光致发光光谱,结果发现样品的光致发光同时来源于 复合缺陷态和量子点的限制效应,通过量子点发光峰的位置可计算出量子点尺寸约为 2.0~2.5nm。当退火温度逐渐升高时,薄膜内一方面会有新的硅量子点凝析成核,另一 方面已存在的量子点则不断长大。此外,通过样品的激光拉曼光谱分析也能得到一致 的结果。
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