the theme of Ode To A Nightingale by Keats


ode to a nightingale中英对照

ode to a nightingale中英对照

ode to a nightingale中英对照"Ode to a Nightingale" is one of the most celebrated poems written by John Keats. Through this ode, Keats explores the themes of nature, mortality, and the transformative power of art. Below is a Chinese-English comparison of some key aspects and interpretations of the poem.1. Theme of Nature:In the poem, Keats is captivated by the nightingale's song and its connection to the natural world. He feels a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature and seeks to escape the troubles of life through an immersion in its sights and sounds.Chinese: 《莺啼赋》中,济慈被夜莺的歌声所吸引,并感受到它与自然界的联系。


2. Mortality and Transience:Keats reflects upon the transient nature of life, symbolized by the fleeting song of the nightingale. He longingly considers the bird's timeless existence and ponders the brevity of human life. This exploration of mortality serves as a reminder of the ephemeral nature of existence.Chinese: 济慈反思了生命的短暂性,以夜莺歌声瞬间即逝为象征。



最美十首英文诗中英对照1Poetry has always been a profound form of artistic expression, capable of evoking intense emotions and offering profound insights. In this essay, we shall embark on an in-depth exploration and appreciation of ten of the most beautiful English poems.Take Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" for instance. The natural imagery, such as the clouds and the daffodils, conveys a sense of tranquility and beauty. It makes us feel the harmony between human beings and nature, as if we are also wandering in that peaceful scene.Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" is another masterpiece. The passionate emotions it conveys and the ingenious use of symbolic techniques are truly remarkable. The west wind symbolizes both destruction and creation, representing the power of change and renewal.Another poem, "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell, showcases the poet's artful use of language and rhythm to express the theme of love and the passage of time.These poems, each in its unique way, employ vivid imagery, harmonious rhymes, and profound themes to touch our hearts and souls. They make us reflect on life, love, nature, and the human condition. The poets' masterful manipulation of words and emotions enables us toexperience a wide range of feelings, from serenity to excitement, from melancholy to hope.In conclusion, these ten beautiful English poems are not only literary treasures but also windows into the depth of human emotions and thoughts. They continue to inspire and move us, transcending time and space.2Poetry has always been a mirror that reflects the essence of human emotions, culture, and the spirit of different eras. The ten most beautiful English poems are not only linguistic artworks but also profound carriers of historical and cultural connotations.Take Keats' "Ode to a Nightingale" for instance. It vividly embodies the romanticist ideology, with its rich imagination and intense emotions. The poet's longing for the freedom and beauty of the nightingale's world reveals a pursuit of escape from the mundane and an exploration of the unknown. This poem is a reflection of the Romantic movement, emphasizing individual feelings and the beauty of nature.Another remarkable poem is Yeats' "When You Are Old". It delicately analyses the theme of love in different times. The lines express a profound and lasting love that transcends the passage of time. It makes us ponder over the true meaning of love and its endurance through the ages.The ten beautiful poems each have their unique charm and value. They touch our souls, inspire our thoughts, and connect us with the pastand present. They allow us to experience the diversity of human emotions and the depth of cultural heritage. Through the appreciation of these poems, we gain a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves.3When it comes to the most beautiful ten English poems, their artistic charm lies in various aspects. Take Tennyson's "In Memoriam" for instance. Its strict meter and the repeated usage of certain techniques create a solemn and profound atmosphere, evoking a deep sense of mourning. The regularity of the rhythm not only adds a sense of order but also enhances the emotional expression, making the readers feel the intensity of the poet's feelings.Then there is Browning's "Sonnets from the Portuguese". The unique charm of its sonnet form lies in its precise structure and rich emotional layers. The fourteen lines are delicately arranged, with a well-defined rhyme scheme and rhythm, presenting a perfect balance of form and content.Another example could be Wordsworth's poems, where his vivid description of nature and the use of simple yet evocative language bring the beauty of the natural world to life. The imagery employed allows readers to envision the scenes clearly in their minds.The beauty of these poems also lies in the diversity of themes. Some explore love, some reflect on life and death, and some celebrate themagnificence of nature. The poets' masterful use of language and various rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, simile, and personification, enriches the expression and makes the poems more appealing.In conclusion, these ten beautiful English poems are like precious jewels in the treasure chest of literature. They shine with the brilliance of artistic creation and touch the hearts of readers with their profound meaning and exquisite form.4When it comes to the most beautiful ten English poems, they have the power to touch our souls and stir our thoughts in profound ways. Take Frost's "The Road Not Taken" for instance. It makes me ponder over the choices we make in life. Every decision we make leads us down a particular path, and the unchosen roads always remain a mystery, evoking a sense of wonder and perhaps a tinge of regret. This poem reminds me that each choice is significant and shapes our destiny.Another remarkable poem is Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death". It offers a fresh perspective on the theme of death. Rather than being a terrifying end, death is presented as a gentle companion. It makes me realize that death is not something to be feared but a natural part of life's journey.Poetry has this magical ability to express complex emotions and ideas in a concise yet powerful manner. The beauty lies in the rhythm, theimagery, and the hidden meanings that lie beneath the surface. Poems like "Ode to a Nightingale" by Keats transport us to a world of beauty and melancholy. And Shelley's "Ozymandias" makes us reflect on the transience of power and the impermanence of human achievements.The charm of these ten poems lies in their ability to make us feel, to think, and to see the world from different perspectives. They are like precious jewels that shine with the light of wisdom and emotion, enriching our inner world and making us more sensitive and perceptive. They have the power to soothe our hearts during difficult times and inspire us to reach for the stars when we are filled with hope.5When it comes to the appreciation of the ten most beautiful English poems, a profound exploration into their commonalities and individualities is truly captivating. Take the sonnets of Shakespeare and the excerpts from Milton's "Paradise Lost" for instance. The language styles of these two differ significantly. Shakespeare's sonnets are known for their elegance and delicacy, with rich imagery and elaborate rhymes that convey emotions with a gentle touch. On the contrary, Milton's "Paradise Lost" features a grand and majestic language, filled with powerful expressions and epic overtones, presenting themes of morality and the fall of humanity on a much larger scale.Another aspect worth noting is the comparison between modernistpoetry and traditional poetry in terms of their forms of expression. Traditional poetry often adheres to strict rhyme and meter patterns, while modernist poetry breaks free from these constraints, emphasizing personal experiences and inner thoughts through fragmented and experimental structures.Common among these beautiful poems is the power to evoke emotions and thoughts within the readers. Whether it's the love and longing expressed in the traditional works or the exploration of the unknown and unconventional in modern ones, they all offer us a window into the diverse world of human feelings and experiences.However, their differences also lie in the specific themes and the ways they approach these themes. Some poems focus on nature and its beauty, while others delve into the complexity of human relationships or the mysteries of the universe.In conclusion, the ten most beautiful English poems, each with its unique charm and value, contribute to the rich tapestry of English poetry, inviting us to constantly explore and reflect.。



高中英语文学作品单选题30题1. In "Pride and Prejudice", when Elizabeth first met Mr. Darcy, she thought he was _____.A. kind and friendlyB. proud and arrogantC. shy and timidD. humorous and charming答案:B。


A 选项“kind and friendly”(善良友好)与达西先生初登场给伊丽莎白的印象不符;C 选项“shy and timid” 害羞胆小)不符合达西先生的性格特点;D 选项“humorous and charming”(幽默迷人)也不是伊丽莎白最初对他的看法。

B 选项“proud and arrogant” 骄傲自大)准确地描绘了伊丽莎白初遇达西先生时对他的印象。

2. In "Romeo and Juliet", Romeo is often described as _____.A. cautious and rationalB. passionate and impulsiveC. cold-hearted and indifferentD. calm and composed答案:B。

对于(《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的罗密欧,A 选项“cautious and rational”(谨慎理性)不符合他为爱情冲动的形象;C 选项“cold-hearted and indifferent” 冷酷无情)与他对朱丽叶的深情相悖;D 选项“calm and composed”( 冷静沉着)也不符合他热烈追求爱情的性格。

B 选项“passionate and impulsive”( 充满激情且冲动)很好地体现了罗密欧的人物特点。

3. In "To Kill a Mockingbird", Atticus Finch is known for being _____.A. narrow-minded and stubbornB. brave and justC. selfish and greedyD. weak and indecisive答案:B。



高二英语历史流派单选题40题1. Which of the following works is NOT associated with the Renaissance in English literature?A. Romeo and JulietB. HamletC. Paradise LostD. King Lear答案:C。

《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)不是文艺复兴时期的作品,它是约翰·弥尔顿在17 世纪创作的。



2. The Renaissance in English literature is characterized by:A. emphasis on religious devotionB. exploration of human emotions and valuesC. strict adherence to traditional formsD. avoidance of complex language答案:B。


选项A 强调宗教奉献,这并非文艺复兴的主要特点。

选项C 严格遵循传统形式也不符合,文艺复兴时期文学形式有创新。

选项D 避免复杂语言也不正确,这一时期的文学语言丰富多样。

3. Who is the most renowned playwright of the Renaissance in English literature?A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. William ShakespeareC. John MiltonD. Alexander Pope答案:B。

威廉·莎士比亚《(William Shakespeare)是文艺复兴时期英国最著名的剧作家。



Analysis of Ode to a Nightingale by JohnKeats在诗歌的第一节里,诗人主要描写夜莺的歌声给诗人带到了飘飘欲仙的忘我境界,在艰难的现实生活里,诗人感到无情命运对其压迫产生的痛楚:My heart aches,and a drowsy numbness pain My sense,as though of hemlock I had drunk 诗人的心里痛苦,困顿麻木,就象吃了鸦片一样,但是痛苦带来的麻木又使诗人感到一丝慰藉:Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past,and Lethe-wards had sunk;列撕忘川是哈帝斯冥城里的一条让人忘记过去的河流。

作者通过引用这条河流来忘记现实生活的磨难,压迫,在这里诗人大量运用了“^”音来加强痛苦的效果“drunk some,dull,one,sunk”:并且“S”音的重复使用使诗歌具有一种破碎的撕心裂肺的效果,aches,drowsy,numbness,pains,sense,as,drains,两组音的交替出现使人们在朗读过程中深深体会到诗人内心的痛苦,接着,诗歌进入了一个较为欢快的段落,这是因为夜莺的歌声使人感到快意,作者把夜莺比喻成树林里的精灵(Dryad of the tree),为夏日引吭高歌,并且这种欢快的声音在某种程度上引起诗人的嫉妒:This not through envy of the happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness 在第一节诗里'作者先用现实生活带来的痛苦感受来引出夜莺快乐的情感,这种矛盾修饰辞法(paradox)大大加强了诗歌的戏剧效果,让人更感受到夜莺歌声的魅力,从而自然引出了夜莺歌声而产生的快乐意境。




2024年高中英语教师资格考试真题答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Answers to the 2024 High School English Teacher Qualification ExamIntroduction:The 2024 High School English Teacher Qualification Exam is a pivotal assessment for aspiring educators looking to teach English at the high school level. The exam tests candidates' knowledge of English language structure, literature, teaching methodologies, and assessment techniques. In this document, we provide the answers to the exam questions to help candidates prepare effectively.Section 1: English Language Structure1. Identify the correct form of the verb in the following sentence:She (go) to the store yesterday.Answer: went2. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:I am going __________ vacation next month.Answer: on3. Rewrite the sentence using the passive voice:The students are studying Shakespeare in English class.Answer: Shakespeare is being studied by the students in English class.Section 2: English Literature1. Who is the author of the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?Answer: Jane Austen2. What is the central theme of William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"?Answer: Revenge and the moral dilemma of taking action3. Identify the protagonist of Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird."Answer: Scout FinchSection 3: Teaching Methodologies1. Describe the communicative language teaching approach and its benefits.Answer: Communicative language teaching focuses on communication and interaction in the target language. It emphasizes real-world language use, promotes fluency over accuracy, and encourages students to communicate effectively in various contexts.2. How can teachers incorporate technology into English language teaching?Answer: Teachers can use technology to facilitate language learning through online resources, interactive multimedia activities, video conferencing tools, and educational apps. Technology can enhance engagement, collaboration, and personalization in language teaching.3. Discuss the importance of differentiation in teaching English to diverse learners.Answer: Differentiation allows teachers to tailor instruction to meet the individual needs, interests, and learning styles of diverse students. It ensures that all learners have access to meaningful and challenging learning experiences that cater to their abilities and backgrounds.Section 4: Assessment Techniques1. Explain the concept of formative assessment and provide examples of formative assessment tools.Answer: Formative assessment is ongoing, informal assessment that allows teachers to monitor student progress, provide feedback, and adjust instruction. Examples of formative assessment tools include quizzes, exit tickets, peer evaluations, and observation checklists.2. Compare and contrast summative and formative assessment.Answer: Summative assessment evaluates student learning at the end of a unit or course and provides a final grade or score. Formative assessment assesses student progress throughout the learning process and informs instruction to improve learning outcomes.3. How can performance-based assessment enhance English language learning?Answer: Performance-based assessment requires students to demonstrate their language skills in real-world tasks and contexts. It promotes authentic language use, critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, leading to deeper learning and skill development.Conclusion:The answers provided in this document aim to support candidates in their preparation for the 2024 High School English Teacher Qualification Exam. By mastering the key concepts and skills tested in the exam, aspiring teachers can deepen their understanding of English language and literature, teaching methodologies, and assessment techniques, preparing them for success in their future careers as high school English educators.篇22024年高中英语教师资格考试真题答案Part I: Multiple Choice Questions1. What is the main theme of the poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats?A. Nature's beauty and immortalityB. Human suffering and mortalityC. Love and friendshipD. Joy and celebrationAnswer: A. Nature's beauty and immortality2. In "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, who is responsible for King Duncan's murder?A. Lady MacbethB. MacduffC. MacbethD. BanquoAnswer: C. Macbeth3. Which of the following is an example of a simile?A. She is a shining star in the sky.B. The wind whispered through the trees.C. The sun set behind the mountains.D. The flowers danced in the breeze.Answer: A. She is a shining star in the sky.4. What is the main idea of the short story "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant?A. The importance of honesty and integrityB. The consequences of greed and materialismC. The power of love and sacrificeD. The value of friendship and loyaltyAnswer: B. The consequences of greed and materialism5. Who is the author of the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?A. Charlotte BrontëB. Jane AustenC. Emily BrontëD. Charles DickensAnswer: B. Jane AustenPart II: Essay Questions1. Discuss the role of social class in the novel "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. How does the author portray the impact of social status on the characters' lives?Answer: In "Great Expectations," Charles Dickens explores the influence of social class on the characters' lives through the protagonist, Pip. Pip's obsession with becoming a gentleman is driven by his desire to rise above his humble origins and gain acceptance in high society. However, as he climbs the social ladder, Pip realizes that material wealth and social status do not guarantee happiness or fulfillment. Dickens uses Pip's journey tohighlight the emptiness of social climbing and the importance of personal integrity and moral values.2. Analyze the theme of love and sacrifice in the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. How do Romeo and Juliet's actions reflect the depth of their love for each other?Answer: The theme of love and sacrifice is central to "Romeo and Juliet," as the young lovers defy family and societal expectations to be together. Romeo and Juliet's actions reflect the depth of their love through their willingness to risk everything for each other, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles. Their ultimate sacrifice for love highlights the power of true love to transcend societal barriers and conquer all obstacles. Shakespeare's portrayal of Romeo and Juliet's love serves as a timeless testament to the enduring nature of love and the willingness to make sacrifices for what truly matters.Overall, the 2024 high school English teacher qualification exam covers a range of literary works and themes that test candidates' knowledge and understanding of English literature. By studying and mastering the material, candidates can demonstrate their proficiency in the subject and qualify for a career in teaching English at the high school level.篇3Title: Answers to the 2024 High School English Teacher Qualification ExamIntroduction:The 2024 High School English Teacher Qualification Exam is a crucial assessment for individuals aspiring to become English teachers in high schools. In this document, we will provide the answers to the exam questions to help candidates evaluate their performance and gain insights into the expectations of the examiners.Section A: Multiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following is an example of a simile?A) The sun is like a golden ball in the sky.B) The moon shone brightly in the night sky.C) The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.D) The rain fell quietly on the roof.Answer: A) The sun is like a golden ball in the sky.2. Which of the following is a compound sentence?A) I enjoy reading books and playing video games.B) Although it was raining, we still went for a walk.C) The students studied hard for their exams.D) She likes coffee but she prefers tea.Answer: D) She likes coffee but she prefers tea.3. What is a synonym for the word "beautiful"?A) UglyB) PrettyC) PlainD) HideousAnswer: B) PrettySection B: Short Answer Questions1. Define the literary device "foreshadowing" and provide an example from a well-known literary work.Answer: Foreshadowing is a literary device in which the author hints at future events in the story. An example can be found in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," where the witches' prophecy foreshadows Macbeth's eventual downfall.2. Explain the difference between a metaphor and a simile, and provide an example of each.Answer: A metaphor directly compares two unlike things, while a simile uses "like" or "as" to make a comparison. An example of a metaphor is "Time is a thief," while an example of a simile is "Her smile is as bright as the sun."Conclusion:In conclusion, the answers provided in this document aim to assist candidates in their preparation for the 2024 High School English Teacher Qualification Exam. By reviewing the correct answers, candidates can enhance their understanding of key concepts and improve their performance on the exam. Good luck to all the aspiring English teachers!。



IntroductionThe names Wordsworth and Keats are to a certain extent tantamount to Romanticism, especially from the perspective of modern academics.John Keats's "Ode to a Nightingale" and William Wordsworth's "I wandered lonely as a cloud" seem to have been written with the intention of describing a moment in one's life, like that of the fleeting tune of a nightingale or the discovery of a field of daffodils by a lake. Within each of these moments a multitude of emotions are established, with each morphing from one to another very subtly. What are also more subtle about these two poems are their differences. While they do touch on very similar topics, the objects used to personify Keats' ideas on death and immortality differs from Wordsworth's ideas on an inherent unity between man and nature. Thus, the ideas represented by them do diverge at different points in the poems as well.Comparison of John Keats's "Ode to a Nightingale" and William Wordsworth's "I wandered lonely as a cloud"JohnKeats uses this beauty to create a central theme in one of his prominent poems, "Ode to a Nightingale". The beauty in "Ode to a Nightingale" is that of the Nightingale's song. The beautiful song of the nightingale is reminding the poet of his own mortality by singing to his senses. It is the beauty that he sees in the world which makes it apparent that society is destined to perish and die. Keats shows the deepest expression of human mortality in this poem as he discusses the relationship to mature age and how it compares to the fluid song of the Nightingale. The man in the poem longs to flee from the world he lives and join the bird in its world.Keats's symbolism of the Nightingale and the contrast between life and death reveals his changing view of life resulting in the belief of death being his means to overcome pain. Keats begins this revelation by describing the beauty of life, but his use of fantasy words foreshadows a change in his outlook. By using the symbolism of the nightingale, Keats becomes uncertain of his view of life and begins to ponder theconcept of death. In the conclusion, Keats feels deceived by the nightingale's representation of life, and desires death to overcome his pain instead of enduring it in life.As Keats continues his thoughts, he becomes more and more skeptical of life. Fascinated by the nightingale, Keats recognizes the bird's innocence: "What thou among the leaves hast never known, /The weariness, The fever, and the fret". One would fret when uneasy or uncertain towards a matter. Keats reveals that the nightingale is oblivious to the concept of death as it sings its melody. The nightingale is completely free for it does not know about death. Keats becomes tormented by the innocence and freedom of the bird, as all of Keats' uncertainties regarding life and death overwhelm him: "Where but to think is to be full of sorrow". Living his life brings a constant reminder of his pain, driving Keats to change his opinion of life and death.Similarly, as a great poet of nature, William Wordsworth wrote many famous poems to express his love for nature, one of which is "I wandered lonely as a cloud". In the narrative poem, the poet successfully compared his loneliness with the happy and vital daffodils. The daffodils, the symbol of the nature, bring great joy and relief to the speaker. So Wordsworth's conception of nature is that nature has a lot to do with man, it can not only refresh one's soul and fill one with happiness, but it can also be reduced into a beautiful memory which will comfort one's heart when in solitude.I chose the poem "I wandered lonely as a cloud" by William Wordsworth because I like the imagery in it of dancing daffodils. Upon closer examination, I realized that most of this imagery is created by the many metaphors and similes Wordsworth uses. In the first line, Wordsworth says "I wandered lonely as a cloud". This is a simile comparing the wondering of a man to a cloud drifting through the sky.I suppose the wandering cloud is lonely because there is nothing up there that high in the sky besides it. It can pass by unnoticed, touching nothing. Also, the image of a cloud brings to mind a light, carefree sort of wandering. The cloud is not bound by any obstacle, but can go wherever the whim of the wind takes it.This simple poem, one of the loveliest and most famous in the Wordsworthcanon, revisits the familiar subjects of nature and memory, this time with a particularly (simple) spare, musical eloquence. The plot is extremely simple, depicting the poet's wandering and his discovery of a field of daffodils by a lake, the memory of which pleases him and comforts him when he is lonely, bored, or restless. Romantic poet William Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" extols the virtue of nature and highlights the value of participating in its beauty.ConclusionIn "Ode to a Nightingale" and" I wandered lonely as a cloud ", both poems tells of an experience in which the human characters encounters nature in the poems, and the experiences are handled quite differently in the two poems. Natures have always held significance in human lives. They achieved heights unattainable to humans and sung while they did that. These two poets use nature as their muse and also symbolically for the human experience. The two poems, "Ode to a Nightingale" and "I wandered lonely as a cloud", clearly portray both of the poets' treatment on the idea of escape.Both poems construct vivid illusions but insist on their desolating failure. The poems do seem similar in several ways because in both, Keats and Wordsworth do portray symbols of realism while depicting the nature, as well as the spectrum of emotions from grief to joy. The central themes of the two poems are neither a nightingale nor a daffodil, but, the poets' eternal search for a center of refuge in a world of flux. It is through such a conception that Keats and Wordsworth sets to resolve the dichotomy between the world of the ideal and that of reality within the order of experience.Reference[1]Plumly, Stanley.: "The immortal evening: a legendary dinner with Keats, Wordsworth, and Lamb." New Y ork; London: Norton, 2014. pp. 368. (2014)[2]Lau, Beth.: review of Stillinger, Jack. "Romantic complexity: Keats, Coleridge, and Wordsworth." Studies in Romanticism (47:3) 2008, 420-5. (2008)[3]Horrell, William C.: review of Milnes, Tim. "The truth about Romanticism: pragmatism and idealism in Keats, Shelley,Wordsworth and Coleridge."Wordsworth Circle (42:4) 2011, 266-9. (2011)[4]Burkett, Andrew.: review of Roe, Nicholas. "John Keats: a new life." Studies in Romanticism (54:1) 2015, 138-42. (2015)[5]Michael, Timothy.: review of Milnes, Tim. "The truth about Romanticism: pragmatism and idealism in Keats, Shelley, Coleridge." Romanticism (19:1) 2013, 101-3. (2013)[6]Scott, Matthew.: "Wordsworth among the Romantics." In (pp. 749-66) Gravil, Richard; Robinson, Daniel (eds). The Oxford handbook of William Wordsworth. Oxford; New Y ork: [2015:458328]. (2015)[7] Wu, Duncan.: "Wordsworth and sensibility." In (pp. 467-81) Gravil, Richard; Robinson, Daniel (eds). The Oxford handbook of William Wordsworth. Oxford; New Y ork [2015:458328]. (2015)。

ode to a nightingale

ode to a nightingale

ode to a nightingale《夜莺颂》John Keats 约翰·济慈Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!No hungry generations tread thee down;The voice I hear this passing night was heardIn ancient days by emperor and clown:Perhaps the self-same song that found a path Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home, She stood in tears amid the alien corn;The same that oft-times hathCharmed magic casements, opening on the foam Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.在失掉了的仙域里引动窗扉饿的世代无法将你蹂躏永生的鸟,你不会死去今夜,我偶然听到的歌曲当使古代的帝王和村夫喜悦或许这同样的歌也曾激荡露丝忧郁的心,使她不禁落泪站在异邦的谷田里想著家就是这声音常常一个美女望著大海险恶的浪花1.Thou wast not born for death, immortal B ird! A2.No hungry generations tread thee d own; b3.The voice I hear this passing night was h eard a4.In ancient days by emperor and cl own: b5.Perhaps the self-same song that found a p ath c6.Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home, d7.She stood in tears amid the alien corn; e8.The same that oft-times h ath c9.Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam d10.Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn. eThou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!No hungry generations tread thee down;The voice I hear this passing night was heardIn ancient days by emperor and clown:Perhaps the self-same song that found a pathThrough the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,She stood in tears amid the alien corn;The same that oft-times hathCharmed magic casements, opening on the foamOf perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.7Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird! 永生的鸟,你不会死去wast:古代用法,be的第二人称单数过去式。



Part Five Romanticism in EnglandⅠ。

Choose the right answer。

1.Romanticism fights against the ideas of ______。


realism B。

Renaissance C. Enlightenment D。

feudalism2.The main literary stream is ____.A. poetryB. novels C。

prose D. periodicals3.____ has a another name called “The Daffodils”。


“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” B. “Tintern Abbey”C。

“Revolution” D. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"4.Coleridge’s _____ is a “conversation” poem。

A. Frost at Midnight B。

“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”C。

Christabel D. Biographia Literaria5.Byron’s ____ is regarded as the great poem of the Romantic Age.A. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage B。

Hours of IdlenessC。

Lara D. Don Juan6.Prometheus Unbound is ____ masterpiece.A。

Wordsworth's B. Byron's C。

Shelley’s D。

Keats’7.____ lived the longest life。


Wordsworth B. Byron C. Shelley D. Keats8.Keats’ first poem is ____.A. O Solitude B。

ode to a nightingale中英对照

ode to a nightingale中英对照

Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats
I heard a nightingale singing
In a dark and shadowy grove,
A voice so tremulous and true
That I could scarcely hear the note,
It was a melancholy strain
To haunt my woods by night alone,



Ode to a Nightingale

Ode to a Nightingale

“Ode to a Nightingale” 夜莺颂 by John Keats
许梦冰 刘颖 朱婧 何春花 李超
1818年,济慈23岁。那年,诗人患上了肺痨,同时诗人 还处于和范妮· 布恩小姐的热恋中。正如诗人自己说的, 他常常想的两件事就是爱情的甜蜜和自己死去的时间。在 这样的情况下,诗人情绪激昂,心中充满着悲愤和对生命 的渴望。在一个深沉的夜晚,在浓密的树枝下,在鸟儿嘹 亮的歌声中,诗人一口气写下了这首8节80多行的《夜莺 颂》。
And at the end of the ode the poet said:” Do I wake or sleep?” This is another conflict, it shows that the poet is carried away by the immortal song of nightingale, he does not want to leave his ideal world and face the reality, he would like be a man just like a free bird, and this shows that the poet’s looking forward to free and happy life and his immortal eagerness for value of the life. But the deeper he wishes the more painful feeling he would get.

济慈 (1795—1821)19世纪英国著名浪漫主义诗人。 生于伦敦一个马夫家庭。由于家境贫困,诗人丌满16岁就 离校学医,当学徒。1816年,他弃医从文,开始诗歌创作。 1817年诗人出版第一本诗集。1818年,他根据古希腊美 丽神话写成的《安狄米恩》问世。此后诗人进入诗歌创作 的鼎盛时期,先后完成了《伊莎贝拉》、《圣亚尼节前 夜》、《许佩里恩》等著名长诗,还有最脍炙人口的《夜 莺颂》、《希腊古瓮颂》、《秋赋》等诗歌。也是在1818 年,诗人爱上了范妮· 布恩小姐,同时诗人的身体状况也 开始恶化。在痛苦、贫困和甜蜜交织的状况下,诗人写下 了大量的著名诗篇。1821年,诗人前往意大利休养,丌久 病情加重,年仅25岁就离开了人世。





Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂- John Keats 中英双语对照My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains 我的心痛,困顿和麻木My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, 毒害了感官,犹如饮过毒鸩,Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains 又似刚把鸦片吞服,One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk 一分钟的时间,字句在忘川中沉没'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, 并不是在嫉妒你的幸运,But being too happy in thine happiness,-- 是为着你的幸运而大感快乐,That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees 你,林间轻翅的精灵,In some melodious plot 在山毛榉绿影下的情结中,Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,Singest of summer in full-throated ease. 放开了歌喉,歌唱夏季。

O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been 哎,一口酒!那冷藏Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth, 在地下多年的甘醇,Tasting of Flora and the country green, 味如花神、绿土、Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth! 舞蹈、恋歌和灼热的欢乐!O for a beaker full of the warm South, 哎,满满一杯南方的温暖,Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene, 充满了鲜红的灵感之泉,With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, 杯沿闪动着珍珠的泡沫,And purple-stained mouth 和唇边退去的紫色;That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, 我要一饮以不见尘世,And with thee fade away into the forest dim 与你循入森林幽暗的深处Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget 远远的离开,消失,彻底忘记What thou among the leaves hast never known, 林中的你从不知道的,The weariness, the fever, and the fret 疲惫、热病和急躁Here, where men sit and hear each other groan; 这里,人们坐下并听着彼此的呻吟;Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs, 瘫痪摇动了一会儿,悲伤了,最后的几丝白发,Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies; 青春苍白,古怪的消瘦下去,后来死亡;Where but to think is to be full of sorrowAnd leaden-eyed despairs, 铅色的眼睛绝望着;Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, 美人守不住明眸,Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow. 新的恋情过不完明天。



清单诗英语模板作文英文回答:List Poem Template。

A list poem is a type of poem that uses a list to convey a specific message or idea. The list items can be anything from objects to actions to emotions. List poems are often used to create a sense of order or to highlight the importance of certain elements.Structure。

List poems can vary in structure, but they typically follow a basic pattern:1. Title: The title of the list poem should give a brief indication of the topic or theme of the poem.2. List Items: The list items can be arranged in anyorder, although some poets may choose to arrange them in a specific way (e.g., alphabetically, chronologically, etc.).3. Closing Line: The closing line of the list poem can be used to provide a summary or conclusion of the poem.Elements。

List poems can include a variety of elements, including:Imagery: List poems often use vivid imagery to createa strong impression on the reader.Metaphor: List poems can use metaphors to compare two unlike things, creating a deeper meaning.Symbolism: List poems can use symbols to represent abstract ideas or concepts.Personification: List poems can give human qualitiesto non-human things.Alliteration: List poems can use alliteration tocreate a sense of rhythm and flow.Examples。

夜莺颂ode to a nightingale

夜莺颂ode to a nightingale

The lifetime of John Keats
The poet
John Keats (31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821) was an English Romantic poet. He was one of the main figures of the second generation of Romantic poets along with Lord Byron 拜伦 and Percy Bysshe Shelley波比雪莱 , despite his work only having been in publication for four years before his death. Although his poems were not generally well received by critics • ( during his life, his reputation grew after his death, so that by the end of the 19th century he had become one of the most beloved of all English poets. He had a significant influence on a diverse range of poets and writers. Jorge Luis Borges stated that his first encounter with Keats was the most significant literary experience of his life.



关于青春壮志的诗词英文回答:Youthful vigor is a powerful force that drives individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations. It is a time of boundless energy, enthusiasm, and idealism, when the world seems full of possibilities. Poets throughout history have celebrated the vibrancy and audacity of youth, capturing its spirit in verse that continues to inspire and resonate with generations.One of the most famous odes to youthful ambition is "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats. In this poem, the speaker is enraptured by the song of a nightingale, which evokes a sense of yearning and longing. The speakerreflects on the transience of life and the beauty of the natural world, drawing parallels between the nightingale's song and the fleeting nature of human existence. Through the metaphor of the nightingale, Keats explores the themes of youth, mortality, and the pursuit of immortality throughart.Another classic poem that celebrates youthful vigor is "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. This poem is a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity,particularly in the face of adversity. The speaker vows to remain unyielding despite the challenges that may come his way, asserting that he is "the master of my fate, the captain of my soul." "Invictus" has become a beloved anthem of resilience and determination, inspiring countless individuals to overcome obstacles and persevere in their endeavors.In contemporary poetry, the theme of youthful ambition continues to be explored with fresh insights and perspectives. For instance, in her poem "Youth," Amanda Gorman, the youngest inaugural poet in American history, celebrates the power of young people to shape the world. She writes: "We are the leaders of tomorrow, the builders of a better world, the dreamers of a brighter future." Gorman's poem captures the optimism and determination of youth, reminding us of the potential that lies within thehearts of young people.Youthful ambition is a universal theme that transcends time and culture. It is a force that propels individuals forward, inspiring them to dream big and strive for greatness. Through poetry, we can celebrate the vibrancy and audacious spirit of youth, drawing inspiration from the timeless words of poets who have captured its essence.中文回答:青春壮志,是激励着个人追求梦想和抱负的一股强劲力量。

英语 专题分析范文

英语 专题分析范文

英语专题分析范文Question:Analyze the poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats, paying particular attention to its themes, imagery, and use of language. How does the poem explore the relationship between nature and the human experience?English Answer:"Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats is a celebrated Romantic poem that delves into the profound connection between nature and the human psyche. The poem is replete with vivid imagery, evocative language, and a rich exploration of themes revolving around mortality, escapism, and the transformative power of art.Keats's masterful use of imagery immerses the reader in a sensory experience of the natural world. Thenightingale's song is described as "full of the forest'sbreath" and "soft as spring," evoking a sense of ethereal beauty and tranquility. The poet's yearning to escape his earthly concerns is conveyed through images of "darkling" boughs and "faery palaces forlorn," suggesting a realm beyond the limitations of human existence.The poem's language is characterized by its lyrical beauty and philosophical depth. Keats employs rich, evocative verbs such as "plunge" and "fade," capturing the ephemeral nature of the poet's experience. The use of personification, as in "the grass, the thicket, and thefruit-tree wild," imbues the natural world with a sense of consciousness and empathy."Ode to a Nightingale" explores the relationship between nature and the human experience through the lens of the poet's own emotions. The nightingale's song becomes a symbol of escape, a momentary respite from the sorrows of the human condition. However, the poem ultimately acknowledges the impossibility of true escape, as the poet returns to the "fever" and "fret" of human life.In conclusion, "Ode to a Nightingale" is a masterful exploration of nature's transformative power and its relationship to the human experience. Through vivid imagery, evocative language, and profound philosophical insights, Keats celebrates the beauty of the natural world while simultaneously confronting the limitations of human existence.中文回答:约翰·济慈的《夜莺颂》通过生动的意象、动人的语言和丰富的情感,探索了自然与人类体验之间的深刻联系。

Ode to a Nightingale

Ode to a Nightingale

Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale”
out While thou art ing forth thy soul abroad
joy, In such an ecstasy! delight
发出这般的狂喜! happiness,
Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale”
The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild;
White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine;
Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale”
Fast fading violets cover’d up in leaves;
And mid-May’s eldest child,
Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale”
always Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain —
安灵曲funeral son To thy high requiem become a sod.
Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale”

经典名作Ode to a nightingale 夜莺颂

经典名作Ode to a nightingale 夜莺颂

The speaker opens with a declaration of his own heartache. He feels numb, as though he had taken a drug only a moment ago. He is addressing a nightingale he hears singing somewhere in the forest and says that his “drowsy numbness” is not from envy of the nightingale’s happiness, but rather from sharing it too completely; he is “too happy” that the nightingale sings the music of summer from amid some unseen plot of green trees and shadows.In the second stanza, the speaker longs for the oblivion of alcohol, expressing his wish for wine, “a draught of vintage,” that would taste like the country and like peasant dances, and let him “leave the world unseen” and disappear into the dim forest with the nightingale. In the third stanza, he explains his desire to fade away, saying he would like to forget the troubles the nightingale has never known: “the weariness, the fever, and the fret” of human life, with its consciousness that everything is mortal and nothing lasts. Youth “grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies,” and “beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes.”In the fourth stanza, the speaker tells the nightingale to fly away, and he will follow, not through alcohol (“Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards”), but through poetry, which will give him “viewless wings.” He says he is already with the nightingale and describes the forest glade, where even the moonlight is hidden by the trees, except the light that breaks through when the breezes blow the branches. In the fifth stanza, the speaker says that he ca nnot see the flowers in the glade, but can guess them “in embalmed darkness”: white hawthorne, eglantine, violets, and the musk-rose, “the murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.” In the sixth stanza, the speaker listens in the dark to the nightingale, sa ying that he has often been “half in love” with the idea of dying and called Death soft names in many rhymes. Surrounded by the nightingale’s song, the speaker thinks that the idea of death seems richer than ever, and he longs to “cease upon the midnight with no pain” while the nightingale pours its soul ecstatically forth. If he were to die, the nightingale would continue to sing, he says, but he would “have ears in vain” and be no longer able to hear.In the seventh stanza, the speaker tells the nighting ale that it is immortal, that it was not “born for death.” He says that the voice he hears singing has always been heard, by ancient emperors and clowns, by homesick Ruth; he even says the song has often charmed open magic windows looking out over “the foa m / Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.” In the eighth stanza, the word forlorn tolls like a bell to restore the speaker from his preoccupation with the nightingale and back into himself. As the nightingale flies farther away from him, he laments tha t his imagination has failed him and says that he can no longer recall whether the nightingale’s music was “a vision, or a waking dream.” Now that the music is gone, the speaker cannot recall whether he himself is awake or asleep.FormLike most of the ot her odes, “Ode to a Nightingale” is written in ten-line stanzas. However, unlike most of the other poems, it is metrically variable—though not so much as “Ode to Psyche.” The first seven and last two lines of each stanza are written in iambic pentameter; the eighth line of each stanza is written in trimeter, with only three accented syllables instead of five. “Nightingale” also differs from the other odes in that its rhyme scheme is the same in every stanza (every other ode varies the order of rhyme in the final three or four lines except “To Psyche,” which has the loosest structure of all the odes). Each stanza in “Nightingale” is rhymed ABABCDECDE, Keats’s most basic scheme throughout the odes.With “Ode to a Nightingale,” Keats’s speaker begins hi s fullest and deepest exploration of the themes of creative expression and the mortality of human life. In this ode, the transience of life and the tragedy of old age (“where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs, / Where youth grows pale, and spectre-t hin, and dies”) is set against the eternal renewal of the nightingale’s fluid music (“Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird!”). The speaker reprises the “drowsy numbness” he experienced in “Ode on Indolence,” but where in “Indolence” that numbness was a sign of disconnection from experience, in “Nightingale” it is a sign of too full a connection: “being too happy in thine happiness,” as the speaker tells the nightingale. Hearing the song of the nightingale, the speaker longs to flee the human world and join the bird. His first thought is to reach the bird’s state through alcohol—in the second stanza, he longs for a “draught of vintage” to transport him out of himself. But after his meditation in the third stanza on the transience of life, he rejects the idea of being “charioted by Bacchus and his pards” (Bacchus was the Roman god of wine and was supposed to have been carried by a chariot pulled by leopards) and chooses instead to embrace, for the first time since he refused to follow the figures in “Indolence,” “the viewless wings of Poesy.”The rapture of poetic inspiration matches the endless creative rapture of the nightingale’s music and lets the speaker, in stanzas five through seven, imagine himself with the bird in the darkened forest. The ecstatic music even encourages the speaker to embrace the idea of dying, of painlessly succumbing to death while enraptured by the nightingale’s music and never experiencing any further pain or disappointment. But when his meditation causes him to utter the wor d “forlorn,” he comes back to himself, recognizing his fancy for what it is—an imagined escape from the inescapable (“Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well / As she is fam’d to do, deceiving elf”). As the nightingale flies away, the intensity of the speaker’s experience has left him shaken, unable to remember whether he is awake or asleep.In “Indolence,” the speaker rejected all artistic effort. In “Psyche,” he was willing to embrace the creative imagination, but only for its own internal pleasures. But in the nightingale’s song, he finds a form of outward expression that translates the work of the imagination into the outside world, and this is the discovery that compels him to embrace Poesy’s “viewless wings” at last. The “art” of the nightingale is end lessly changeable and renewable; it is music without record, existing only in a perpetual present. As befits his celebration of music, the speaker’s language, sensually rich though it is, serves to suppress the sense of sight in favor of the other senses. He can imagine the light of the moon, “But here there is no light”; he knows he is surrounded by flowers, but he “cannot see what flowers” are at his feet. This suppression will find its match in “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” which is in many ways a companion poem to “Ode to a Nightingale.” In the later poem, the speaker will finally confront a created art-object not subject to any of the limitations of time; in “Nightingale,” he has achieved creative expression and has placed his faith in it, but that expression—the nightingale’s song—is spontaneous and without physical manifestation.。




其中最著名的之一是约翰·凯茵斯(John Keats)的《臣服》(Ode to a Nightingale)。


"Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird! No hungry generations tread thee down; The voice I hear this passing night was heard, In ancient days by emperor and clown"




William Wordsworth⏹What are the main features of Wordsworth’s poetry?⏹back to nature⏹deep love of nature⏹appeal to individual sensations⏹attention to humble folk of rural life⏹simplicity and purity in languageI travelled among unknown men这首诗是采用民谣体创作的经典之作,浪漫主义产生了一定的促进作用。






lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey 赏析It is in blank verse.One of the major themes of the poem is - people\'s change overtime.The title is very clear and literary gives us all the necessary informations like, time, place, date etc. which helps us to understand the poem.Imagination also plays very important role here. His longing to return to this special place a few miles above Tintern Abbey which he absolutely adores. We can see he has been away from this place for five years, and he always thinks about this magical place with its steep lofty cliffs and its beautiful scenery. the poem is about nature and how the speaker revoke his memory when he was in that location.She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways在韵律上,此诗采用谣曲形式(四音步抑扬格与三音步抑扬格相间押交韵),这些语言形式的特点也与诗中乡村姑娘的形象贴合得当,和谐统一。

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What is the theme of Keats's poem Ode To A Nightingale ? How does the poet deal with the theme ?1.The theme of Keats' Ode to the Nightingale , is an attempt of abridging the gap between art and reality .The poet assumes different moods to send his senses into sleep , but initially fails .Hemlock , opium , wine , can do nothing .At last , he with the help of imagination , he transports himself to the realm of beauty wherethe Nightingale is singingat ful-throated ease .The poet assumes such aesthetic state that , his senses leave him .He recalls , his past ventures which he attempted in many a mused rime .In a word the poet feels the ecstasy of art and beauty .But he can not continue that state , as , his senses ,revives and he begins to sing the paean of praise ofthe Nightingale music that has soothed many a trouble tossed hearts , and weary bands .While this was going on , the imagery of a medieval maiden , capriveted by a wicked , magician , and her lonliness , flashed in his imagination .This reminds the poet of his own forlorn -state .He returned to the ground .This relates to Lamb's Dream Children .In Ode to a Nightingale, what qualities does the bird possess that narrator seeks and how do we see this in the poem?1.To know the mind of a bird , one should at least be a bird. Keats attributes the state of aesthetic-delight on the nightingale .It is forgetful of the world of suffering , betrayal , and death .It lives inits ecstasy .As the bird signifies Keats' concept of art and immortality , so does it possesses the beauty of life .In the poem nohungry generations tread itdown .From remotest past to the times of the poet , and further , it continues on its glory of joy .The Biblical Ruth , medieval -emperors , maidens captivated by wicked magicians , - got soothed and delighted with the bird'smusic .Certainly , the poet does not mean an individual bird .From age to age the same trend of music perpetuates .Thisimplies that the stage of art achieved by an artist remains the same .The poet for achieving the state of the bird , tries to send his senses into sleep .With the wings of imagination , he stations himself to the bower of the bliss where the bird is singing with full-throated -ease .1.The nightingale, as Keats describes it, is not a part of the real world "where men sit and hear each other groan..." The bird is a part of something greater and more wonderful. Paradoxically for us, Keats associates this other-worldliness with death. We have to understand, though, that death in this sense means belonging to this other, more wonderful existence.The speaker wants to be removed from the ordinary, mundane world and join that of the nightingale. He hears the bird's song and remarks that "Now more than ever seems it rich to die, / To cease upon the midnight with no pain..." It is not so much that the speaker wants to die as much as he wants to be removed from the real world and become part of the nightingale's.What qualities does the speaker want that the bird has? The bird is care-free and at peace. It has no worldly worries or concerns.In Ode to a Nightingale what is the 6th stanza talking about.same year. Through the poem, the poet delves into various themes like nature, mortality and death. References to mortality and death are profoundly dealt with in stanzas 3 & 6.The 6th stanza deals with death but indirectly. The entire stanza speaks of Keats’s own fear of death. The sixth stanza expresses Keats' own fear of death. “Half in love with ea seful Death “is what he says which means the poet desires a peaceful and comfortable death. The poet explains he does not fear death but the kind of slow, painful death that usually occurs when suffering from consumption. His yearning for a peaceful death is so deep that he has often called it “soft names in many a mused rhyme” The poet is so much in love with peaceful death that the lines 3 &4 seem like a communication with a beloved. The poetpleads with his lover, which is death to help him cease and thaw into the midnight as according to the poet its an enriching experience as expressed in lines 5& 6, ‘Now more than ever it seems it rich to die". He calls upon the nightingale to sing his requiem which he may not be able to hear as he would be on his sod by then.The entire 6th stanza reveals the agony the poet goes through on his impending death as he is also suffering with consumption.Consider "ode to nightingale" as an example of romantic poetry1.Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats par excellence. It is one of the most representative of Romantic poems. It showcases almost all the features of romantic poetry.It is a subjective and lyrical poem which is primarily about the poet's response to and interpretation of the unseen bird's song. The bird is just a stimulus for the self to begin its transcendental flight to a dreamland, but then, the mystical land of fantasy is replete with suffering and the golden pangs of tragedy still, thus marking a subjective oscillation and a return to the sordidly mortal world of reality, as charged by the crucial word "forlorn". The poem employs a synesthetic imagination, evoking all possible senses and the meditative melancholy, the temporal flux and the tragedy of the decaying beauty--all that seemed eternal, being unmade, the melody of the cadence, the emotional primacy, the humanistic assumptions, the mood of awe and wonder---all these elements contributeto the making of this classic of romantic poetry.What is "lethe" in Ode To A Nightingale by John Keats?1.In Greek and Roman mythology, Lethe was one of five rivers in the underworld, or the kingdom of the dead. Drinking from Lethe (whose name means "forgetfulness") caused the souls of the dead to forget all knowledge of their previous lives.Discuss at least two characteristics of Romanticism in John Keat's poem "Ode toa Nightingale".1."Ode to a Nightingale" is an exampleof the romantic attachment tonature. In just the first stanza, the speaker, as a result of the bird'ssinging, writes that his heart aches, and his senses are numb as though he's drank poison or used an opiate, not fromenvy, but because he is so happy for the bird's happiness.The poem also demonstrates the romantic attachment to a romanticizedpast. Allusions abound:o Lethe-wards--toward Lethe, theriver of forgetfulness in Hadeso Dryad--a classical nympho Flora--goddess of flowerso Hippocrene--classical fountainfrom which flowed inspirationThe romanticized past is used to describe the speaker's feelings and the nightingale itself.1.In the poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats, the poet expresses a Romantic nostalgia for the past and alludes to it several times. He ties this in with ideas of beauty, joy, calm andpastoral scenery. In this, John keats appears to express an overpowering urge to run away into escapism. It is said that he wrote this poem in the early warmth of a spring time garden at a friend's house. It is also well known that Keats endured years of painful ill health and had to nurse and watch friends die through similar illnesses. it is little wonder then, given the prevalence of lung illnesses at the time, that he alludes to opiates and vacations. He longs to join the nightingale who will save him and draw him further away into the greenery of the wood.2.T he poet in Ode To ANightingale is an escapist .Heescapes through imagination .On his way the bower of the bliss wher the nightingale is singing infull-throated -ease , , andreturning from the same , heemploys Medieval ism andHellenism .The references of Ruth , emperors and clowns and magiccasement opening in the foam , speak of Keats' love for the middle ages .Again Keats had fascination to Greek arts andculture .The installations like , Flora and country greenfestivals , Bacchus andhis parade , light winged Drayad of trees , etc vivify the poet's love for the ancient Greek -life .Medieval ism and Hellenism are the two major branches of Romanticism .What comparisons can be made between Keat's "Ode to a Nightingale" and "Ode to Melancholy?"1.Notwithstanding the obvious comparison that both poems areodes--lyric poems of elaborateform and exalted or enthusiastic emotion--both works are Romantic in nature, exhibiting atypical characteristics. For one thing, they find beauty in simplicity and plainness as well as in human emotions. Keats reflects on the "sweet-unrest" of his feelings in communion with Nature inboth odes, accepting melancholy as a desirable experience. Inlines 15-18 of "Ode on Melancholy," the poet urges his reader toglut thy sorrow on a morning rose,/Or on the rainbow of the salt sand-wave,/ Or on the wealth of globed peonies;In another juxtaposition, Keats contrasts positive feeling with melancholy in lines 21-25:She dwells with Beauty--Beauty that must die;/And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips/Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh,/Turning to Poisonwhile the bee-mouth sipsSimilarly, in "Ode to a Nightingale, Keats makes this same juxtaposition, the simplicity of the bird's song and making of its nest in Nature with melancholy feeling:Darking I listen, and, for many atime/I have been half in love with easeful Death/Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme (ll. 51-53)And, as in "Ode to Melancholy," Keats also senses the difference between him and Nature. While in "Melancholy" he urges the reader to not tie his sorrow to Nature in lines 5-10, in "Nightingale" the bird "hast never known/The weariness, the fever, and the fret" (ll. 22-23).Sources:/ode-melancholy-text/notes/salem-literatur e-romanticism/ode-nightingale -text/notesPlease explain some of the uncommonly used or unfamiliar words in the poem, "Ode to a Nightingale".1.It would be easier to give you an answer if you would give us the specific words you don't understand. That said, let me explain some of Keats's vocabulary for you.Throughout this poem, Keats alludes to Greek and Roman mythology.o Lethe-wards, in line 4, refers toone of the rivers of Hades. Anyonewho drank its water would forgeteverything he or she knows.o a Dryad, line 7, is a wood nymph,or a goddess that watches over trees o Flora, line 13, refers to plantso Hippocrene, line 16, is afountain that is sacred to the Muses,the goddesses responsible for inspiring all artistso spectre-thin, line 26, is a way of saying "very thin"; "spectre" is another word for "ghost"o Bacchus and his pards, line 32, refers to a painting by Titian, a Renaissance artist. In the painting, Bacchus and Ariadne, Bacchus is standing in a chariot being pulled by leopards. Bacchus is the god of wine and revelry. I've pasted a link to a picture of that painting below.o Poesy, line 33, is a personification of poetry. Keats rejects Bacchus for the "wings of Poesy"o Fays, line 37, refers to fairiesRuth, in lines 66 and 67, is not from mythology but is an allusion to the biblical book of Ruth.I hope this helps you.Sources:/ode-nightingale -salem/ode-nightingale gy/Master7.htmlWhy do the poems of Keats posess a kind of melancholy quality in them?1.The reason why Keats denotes melancholy in his work is because the use of nostalgic and melancholic literary devices is a typical practice among poets and writers of the Romanticperiod. Keats is one of the greatest in his genre, and one of the most significant representatives of this literary movement.This practice is also part of his philosophical view of poetry, which should be able to include"negative capability," the truth of Imagination, and "soul-making."These three capacities are for the poet to give himself completely to the imagery and essence of the poem, to ellaborate in the sensitivities of life, and to make poetry a live-changing project of art.Additionally, Romantic and Gothic writers include other elements to their works: Nostalgia, melancholy, the supernatural, inevitability of fate, tragedy, sadness, deterioration, theruin of the soul, and the feeling of longing.Some additional Romantics/Gothic authors include Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Byron, and Mary Shelley, among others.Sources:/nineteenth-cent ury-criticism/keats-...1.Despite being a romantic, who emphasized emotion over reason, that is to say that Keats relied on his emotions rather than his intellect when writing his poetry, Keats was suffering from tuberculosis which eventually took his life at twenty-five, and age is a factor in ones perceptions of life, and death. So being young, a romantic, and aware of his malady, Keats' tone in much of his poetry is fraught with melancholy. He faced death each day. One of his more。
