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【摘要】By using portable photosynthetic instrument Li-6400 with combination of stable carbon ( 13 C ) isotope labeling technique, the δ13 C values and relevant photosynthetic indicators of Jatropha nigroviensrugosus CV Yang and ordinary Jatropha curcas at different flowering periods were measured and analyzed. The results showed that there were significant different among δ13 C values, Pn, Tr, Gs and Ci, The leaf δ13 C values, Pn, Tr and Gs of Jatro-pha nigroviensrugosus during leaf bud period was higher than that of flower bud period, Ci-flower bud>Ci-leaf bud . The leaf δ13 C values, Tr, Gs and Ci of ordinary Jatropha curcas during flower bud period was higher than that of leaf bud period, Pn-leaf bud>Pn-flower bud , for Jatropha nigroviensrugosusδ13 C-flower
bud>δ13 C-cymelet flower>δ13 C-mature flower , and ordinary Jatropha curcas was on the contrary. The changes in material and energy transport showed that a large number assimilate nutrients were transported to leaf bud for differentiation and development of leaf bud to the flower bud during the leaf bud period of Jatropha nigroviensrugosus, a large number of assimilates nutrients were transpor-ted to the flower bud for male flower differentiation and morphogenesis during the leaf bud period of
ordinary Jatro-pha curcas. The differences ofδ13 C value content in leaf
and inflorescence were related with the amount of male and female flowers bloom, the inflorescence with higherδ13 C value ha d a higher proportion of male and female flowers.For Jatropha curcas, the control of female flower differentiation of may occur in the conversion period from leaf bud to flower bud, the control of flowering amount may occur in the period of inflorescence development.%利用便携式光合仪Li-6400,并结合稳定碳(13C)同位素标记技术,研究分析皱叶膏桐和普通膏桐不同开花期的δ13 C值及
结果表明:不同生长期的枝条叶片δ13 C值、Pn、Tr、 Gs和Ci的差异均显著,皱叶膏桐叶片δ13 C值、 Pn、 Tr和Gs表现为叶芽期>花芽期, Ci表现为花芽期>叶芽期,普通膏桐δ13 C值、 Tr、 Gs和Ci均表现
为花芽期>叶芽期, Pn表现为叶芽期>花芽期;皱叶膏桐不同时期δ13 C值表现出花芽>小花序>成熟花序,普通膏桐则正相反。
两树种不同时期营养物质的转运变化显示,叶片和花序δ13 C值含量的差异与雌雄花开花量相关,较高δ13 C值的花序具有较高雌雄花比例。
1.膏桐叶浸提液对其种子萌发的影响 [J], 何承忠;李旦;龙娇;江涛;李贾林;胥辉
2.膏桐叶浸提液对其种子发芽的化感效应 [J], 何承忠;钟玲;何汉凤;李旦;胥辉
3.膏桐苗木根、茎、叶的物质在其年生长期内累积状态的研究 [J], 单海伟;郎南军;和丽萍;赵琳;郑科
4.伴生种植皱叶黑膏桐对美藤果植株生长和结实的影响 [J], 杨成源;路卫华;温琼文;龙云峰;;;;
5.皱叶膏桐和普通膏桐花芽分化过程中内源激素的变化 [J], 肖枫;赵杨;何花;王秀荣