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1.We should recycle ________ (纸张) and plastic.
2.What is the name of the protective covering for the feet?
A. Socks
B. Shoes
C. Sandals
D. Slippers答案: B
3.Which animal is known for its stripes?
A. Zebra
B. Lion
C. Bear
D. Giraffe答案: A
4.We are _____ (going/come) to the party.
5.The Earth's crust is essential for providing ______ resources.
6.The chemical symbol for yttrium is ______.
7.My ______ is very adventurous.
8.I have a ___ (big) dream.
9. A circuit breaker stops the flow of ______.
10.The _______ can help you learn about responsibility.
11.iana Purchase doubled the size of the _______. (美国) The Magn
12.The book is ________ interesting.
13. A ____ is known for its impressive migration patterns.
14.Julius Caesar was a famous Roman _______. (统治者)
15.The dog is very _____ (可爱).
16.I can't wait to __________ (动词) with my __________ (玩具名) again.
17.The ______ (老虎) is known for its beautiful fur patterns.
18.The _______ of a wave can be visualized through a ripple effect.
19.The _____ (植物保护) laws help preserve native species.
20.My brother has a deep love for __________ (自然).
21.My friend has a ______ (猫咪) that likes to play with yarn.
22.The ice cream is ________ (很好吃).
23.The nurse, ______ (护士), takes care of patients.
24.The __________ (历史的洞察) fosters enlightenment.

26.I play doctor with my medical ________ (玩具名称).
27.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on January 1?
A. New Year's Day
B. Thanksgiving
C. Independence Day
D. Labor Day答案:A
28.I can discover new talents with my ________ (玩具).
29.He _____ (plays/played) video games all day.
30.The fish is _____ around the tank. (swimming)
31.The first electric refrigerator was invented in _______. (1913年)
32.My favorite drink is ________ (橙汁) for breakfast.
33.Listen and tick.听录音,勾出每个人所喜欢的颜色。

34.I can ________ (see) the stars at night.
35.This boy, ______ (这个男孩), dreams of being an astronaut.
36.We play _______ during recess.
37._____ (hazelnut) trees produce delicious nuts.
38.The __________ helps to keep the body warm.
39.The _____ (绿色) leaves of the plants are very vibrant.
40.What is the main ingredient in a traditional Spanish paella?
A. Rice
B. Pasta
C. Potatoes
D. Quinoa答案:A
41.The __________ (大萧条) affected economies worldwide in the 1930s.
42.My grandma is my favorite _______ who tells me bedtime stories.
43.Certain plants are ______ (季节性) and bloom at specific times.
44.Astrophotography allows us to capture images of celestial ______.
45.My sister enjoys __________ (参与博物馆活动).
46.The __________ was a time of great technological advancement. (工业革命)
47.The horse neighs softly when it is ______ (快乐).
48.History is often recorded in __________. (书籍)

50.What is the smallest continent by land area?
A. Africa
B. Europe
C. Australia
D. Antarctica答案:C
51.The energy stored in chemical bonds is called ______ energy.
52.The playground is ______ (filled) with laughter.
53.My cousin is a ______. She loves to do yoga.
54.His favorite sport is ________.
55.The _______ (猫) has a playful nature.
56.I think it’s important to ________ (帮助) others.
57.My dad is a __________ (财务顾问).
58.I saw a ________ climbing the tree.
59.Sedimentary rocks can contain ______ from ancient organisms.
60. A __________ is a change where the identity of a substance does not change.
61.How many months have 28 days?
A. One
B. Two
C. Twelve
D. Six答案: C
62.We need to water the ________ (花园).
63.I can ______ (draw) a picture of my family.
64.She has a _____ (dog/cat) at home.
65.The ____ is a small rodent that likes to nibble on seeds.
66.The Earth's crust contains many valuable ______ resources.
67. A catalyst lowers the ______ needed for a reaction.
68. A circuit can be powered by batteries or a ______ source.
69.I play _______ (football) on Sundays.
70.Every holiday, I get a new ____. (玩具名称)
71.climate change) is impacting weather patterns. The ____
72.I like to play ______ (soccer) with my friends.
73.I have a toy _______ that can zoom really fast.
74.The scientist conducts _____ (研究) on climate change.
75. A rabbit is a type of ______.
76.The turtle is very _________. (耐心)
77.The process of making wine involves fermentation of _______.
78.The boy likes to play ________.
79.What is the main ingredient in pizza?
A. Dough
B. Rice
C. Bread
D. Pasta答案:A
80.The chocolate is very _______ (rich).
81. A ______ (金鱼) is often kept as a pet in aquariums.
82.The symbol for gold is ____.
83.The __________ (自然灾害) require preparedness.
84.I love to read books about ________.
85.I want to _______ (学习) about different languages.
86.__________ are substances that absorb heat in a reaction.
87.My friend enjoys playing ____ (video games) after school.
88.The ______ provides shelter for many animals.
89. to ________ (跳舞) at parties. She love
90.The train is _____ the station. (at)
91.My favorite plant has ________ leaves.
92.What is the capital of France?
A. London
B. Berlin
C. Paris
D. Madrid答案:C
93.What color is the flag of Japan?
A. Red and white
B. Blue and white
C. Green and yellow
D. Black and white 答案:A
94.What is the capital of Haiti?
A. Port-au-Prince
B. Cap-Haïtien
C. Les Cayes
D. Jacmel答案:a
95.What do we call a small, fast-moving reptile?
A. Snake
B. Lizard
C. Crocodile
D. Turtle答案:B
96.I enjoy spending time with my __________. (家人)
97.Listenand circle.(听录音,圈出正确的图片)
98. A ______ is a chemical change that produces a new substance.
99.What is 2 + 3?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7答案:B 5
100._____ (蜜蜂) help pollinate many crops.。
