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1.An earthquake's effects can be measured using a ______ scale.
2.My puppy loves to chew on ______ (玩具).
3. A _____ (植物社会影响) can enrich community life.
4.I like to ______ after school. (relax)
5.The owl hunts for _________ at night. (猎物)
6.My ________ (玩具名称) is a wonderful companion.
7. A parakeet is a popular ______ (宠物).
8.What is the freezing point of water?
A. 0°C
B. 100°C
C. 50°C
D. 25°CA
9.The main gas in helium balloons is ______.
10.What is the term for a moon that appears larger than usual?
A. Supermoon
B. Blood Moon
C. Harvest Moon
D. Blue Moon
11. A ____ is a gentle creature that enjoys eating fruits and vegetables.
12.What is the main function of leaves on a plant?
A. To grow
B. To photosynthesize
C. To bloom
D. To shedB
13.The ________ (家庭活动) strengthen bonds.
14.My friend is a ______. He collects stamps.
15.The llama is known for its soft _________ (毛).
16.The __________ (古代希腊) introduced democracy.
17.My _____ (外孙) is very energetic.
18.Gravity helps keep the planets in ______.
19. A solvent dissolves a ______.
20.The __________ (历史的教育价值) is immeasurable.
21.Many plants have adapted to survive in extremely ______ conditions. (许多植物已适应在极端条件下生存。
22.I love to visit the ________ (艺术馆) to see paintings.
23.My favorite season is ______ (夏天).
24.What do you call a person who helps sick animals?
A. Vet
B. Doctor
C. Engineer
D. Farmer
25.The chemical formula for potassium acetate is _____.
26.The _____ (peony) blooms in late spring.
27.The __________ (国际合作) is needed for global issues.
28. A chemical that can absorb heat is called a ______.
29.The __________ is bright and cheerful today. (阳光)
30.My sister loves to ________.
31.The _____ (青蛙) catches flies with its long tongue. 青蛙用它的长舌头抓住苍蝇。
32. A cat’s whiskers are very ______ (敏感).
33.I enjoy playing games with my __________. (家人)
34.The sun is ___ (rising) in the morning.
35. A __________ (电气传导) is important for understanding ionic compounds.
36.The dog loves to ______ (fetch) sticks.
37.We have ______ lessons every week.
38.What do we call a baby mouse?
A. Pup
B. Kitten
C. Cuddle
D. Baby
39.Certain plants can grow in ______ (贫瘠的) soil.
40.What is the term for an animal that can live both in water and on land?
A. Mammal
B. Reptile
C. Amphibian
D. FishC
41.What instrument do you blow into to play?
A. Flute
B. Guitar
C. Piano
D. DrumA
42.Dolphins are very _______ animals.
43.The cake is ________ (sweet) and delicious.
44.I draw ______ (图画) for my family.
45.My sister loves __________ (动物).
46.The _____ (海星) can regenerate lost limbs.
47.The dog is ___ (barking/growling).
48.What do we call the beginning of a story?
A. Climax
B. Conclusion
C. Introduction
D. Resolution
49.I have a _______ (goal) to learn a new language.
50.My friend loves to explore __________ (新想法).
51.Chinchillas have very soft ________________ (毛发).
52.The light is very ___ (bright).
53.What do we call the first ten letters of the alphabet?
A. A to J
B. A to Z
C. A to M
D. A to N
54.In ancient Rome, people used to watch _____ (gladiator) fights in the arena.
55.They are watching a _____ (movie/show) on TV.
56. A _____ (马) can carry heavy loads.
57. A substance that increases the rate of a reaction is called a(n) _______.
58.The party is at my ________.
59. A _______ is a reaction that occurs at high pressure.
60.The bear fishes for _____ in the river.
61.The ice cream is ______ (melting) in the heat.
62. A ______ is a graphical representation of the periodic table.
63.I can ___ very well. (run)
64.The ____ can mimic sounds and has colorful feathers.
65.I like to _____ (play) basketball.
66.What do you call a place where you can see animals in their natural habitat?
A. Zoo
B. Sanctuary
C. Aquarium
D. ReserveD
67.What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun?
A. Day
B. Month
C. Year
D. DecadeC
68.Solar panels convert sunlight into ______.
69.My cousin loves to __________ (唱歌) at family gatherings.
70.What is the capital of Malaysia?
A. Kuala Lumpur
B. Jakarta
C. Bangkok
D. Manila
71. A snail carries its _______ on its back.
72.The ______ is known for her gardening skills.
73.My ________ (玩具名称) makes me feel special.
74.The scientific study of matter and its changes is called _____.
75. A horse goes ____.
76.The ________ (旅游业) boosts the economy.
77. A hamster is a small ______.
78.Which planet is known for its storm called the Great Red Spot?
A. Saturn
B. Jupiter
C. Mars
D. NeptuneB
79.Do you know how to __________ (动词) a __________ (玩具名)?
80.What is the term for a person who studies fossils?
A. Paleontologist
B. Archaeologist
C. Geologist
D. BiologistA
81.What do you call the food we eat in the morning?
A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. Snack
82.What is the name of the famous mouse cartoon character?
A. Donald Duck
B. Bugs Bunny
C. Mickey Mouse
D. GoofyC
83.What do you call a person who writes books?
A. Author
B. Artist
C. Musician
D. PainterA
84.What do we call the process of making a film?
A. Filming
B. Recording
C. Directing
D. ProducingA
85.I have a _____ (兄弟) and a sister.
86.What do you call the large body of saltwater?
A. River
B. Lake
C. Ocean
D. PondC
87.The chemical process that breaks down food in our bodies is called ______.
88. A ____ enjoys swimming and is often seen in lakes.
89.The capital of Libya is _____.
90.What is the most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Argon
91.What do you call a small, flying insect that produces honey?
A. Bee
B. Fly
C. Ant
D. Mosquito
92.I can _____ (jump/run) very fast.
93.In math, we learn how to ________ (加法) and ________ (减法). It’s really ________ (有趣).
94.The capital of Hungary is ________ (匈牙利的首都是________).
95.How many seconds are there in a minute?
A. 30
B. 60
C. 90
D. 120
96.Which fruit is yellow and curved?
A. Orange
B. Banana
C. Apple
D. GrapeB
97.I enjoy _______ (参加) sports teams.
98.The leaves change _______ in the fall, creating a beautiful scenery.
99.The zebra's stripes help it blend into ______ (环境).
100.What do you call an animal that eats only meat?
A. Carnivore
B. Herbivore
C. Omnivore
D. Insectivore。