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My Name Is Li Hua and I Want a Tree Planting Day
Hi everyone! My name is Li Hua and I am 8 years old. I love trees! They are so pretty and green. Trees make me happy. But I am worried because I see less and less trees around my city these days. More and more buildings and roads are being built instead of parks with trees. This makes me sad.
I think we need to do something to make sure there are more trees, not less. Trees are really important for so many reasons! Here are some of the reasons why I love trees and why we should plant more of them:
Trees Make the Air Better
Trees are like fresh air makers! They take in carbon dioxide and bad air, and make oxygen for us to breathe. Isn't that amazing? With more trees we can have fresher, cleaner air. It's no fun to play outside when the air is dirty and polluted.
Trees Keep Us Cool
Have you ever stood under a big tree on a hot sunny day? It feels so much cooler and nicer in the shade of the tree. Trees act like natural umbrellas that block some of the sun's heat. The more trees we have, the cooler our neighborhoods will be. Wouldn't it be great to be able to play outside more without getting too hot?
Trees Are Home for Animals
So many animals like birds, squirrels, and insects make their homes in trees. If we cut down too many trees, what will happen to all those animals? They'll have nowhere to live! Trees are like big apartment buildings for wildlife. We need to make sure they have enough homes.
Trees Make Everything Look Beautiful
My city used to have so many tree-lined streets and pretty parks. But now there is just concrete everywhere. It's so ugly and boring! Trees make everything look much more beautiful with their colorful flowers, shapes, and green leaves. They make our world a more fun and interesting place.
Those are just some of the reasons why I think trees are so important. But I know what you're thinking - trees take a long time to grow from tiny seeds into big shade trees. You're right,
we can't just make a million new trees appear tomorrow. It's going to take work!
That's why I think we need a special day every year called "Tree Planting Day." On Tree Planting Day, everyone would come together and plant tree seedlings all around the city. Imagine classrooms, families, companies, everyone putting new baby trees in the ground!
If we all planted just a few seedlings every Tree Planting Day, soon there would be trees everywhere again. In 10 or 20 years, they would grow big and tall. Our city would be green, healthy, and beautiful again. The animals would have homes, and we could enjoy the cool, shady streets and parks.
But we have to start now by planting those first seedlings. Then we need to be patient, gentle, and nurture those little trees as they grow up year after year. We'll water them, protect them from animals that might eat the young saplings, and give them fertile soil. Taking care of baby trees is like looking after a pet or younger sibling - it takes work but it's worth it!
I'm just a kid, but I really want Tree Planting Day to happen. I wish I could make it happen myself, but I need everyone's help. We need our teachers, parents, government officials, park
workers, everyone to agree this is a good idea. Then we can all work together to make Tree Planting Day a yearly tradition.
Who wants to have the first Tree Planting Day this year? I'll be one of the first to start digging holes and putting seedlings in the ground! Let's do it for cleaner air, cooler summers, more animals, and a beautiful green city again. Let's make Tree Planting Day happen!
Thank you all for reading. I hope you want to help plant more trees too. We can make our city special by bringing trees back! Let's get started!
Your friend,
Li Hua
Dear Friends, Teachers and Principal,
My name is Li Hua and I am a student in 5th grade here at Sunshine Elementary School. I love our beautiful school and city, but I have an idea that can make it even prettier and greener! I think we should start a new tradition of planting trees every year on Arbor Day.
What is Arbor Day? Arbor Day is a special holiday just for celebrating trees! It is like Earth Day, but instead of cleaning up litter, we plant new trees. Having an Arbor Day tree planting at our school would be so much fun. We could all work together to make our campus look awesome with fresh new trees everywhere!
Trees are really important for the environment. They help make the air cleaner by taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen for us to breathe. Trees also provide shade to keep us cool on hot sunny days. Their roots help prevent soil erosion and their branches give homes to birds, squirrels and other woodland creatures. Without trees, the world would be a very different and unhealthy place!
On Arbor Day, every student could help dig holes and put new tree saplings in the ground around our school grounds. The little trees would grow bigger and bigger each year, giving us more shade and fresh air. We could have a special ceremony each Arbor Day, maybe with music and dancing to celebrate the new trees. As the trees grow up year after year, they will make our school look so beautiful and natural.
I already asked my mom and dad, and they said they would donate some money to buy the first tree saplings to get us
started. But we will need the whole school to pitch in too, with every class collecting spare change over time to pay for more trees, shovels, etc. The student council could organize different events and fundraisers to get the whole school community involved in supporting our Arbor Day traditions.
Once we got Arbor Day started, we could make it an annual tradition where every year we plant new trees in different areas around campus. That way year after year, our school would get greener and prettier with new adult trees everywhere you look. Just imagine how nice it will look in 10 or 20 years with large shady oaks, pines, cherry blossoms and more all over! Our children and grandchildren could enjoy the cool shade and beautiful scene that we created.
I have so many more ideas too! We could have a contest for students to come up with tree themes and designs for different sections of campus. Like maybe have a "Cherry Blossom Circle" area with pink flowering trees, or a "Sharon Fruit Grove" with fruit trees, or an "Oklahoma Oaks Trail" line of mighty oak trees. The classes that raise the most money could get to pick the tree designs for the following year.
We could alsoopperate with community groups and nonprofits that focus on environmental protection and tree
planting. They could give our school discounts on tree saplings and supplies, or even send volunteers to help us do the planting and pitch in. Plus, it would be great to partner with outside experts who could teach us about tree care, environmental science, and all the reasons why trees are important for a healthy planet.
A school Arbor Day would be such an amazing tradition to start! It would make our campus prettier, freshen the air, prevent erosion, give homes to cute critters, and most importantly teach us all about the importance of trees and protecting our environment. As students we can be leaders in this effort, coming together as a community to literally grow more green spaces that we can enjoy for decades.
I really hope you will all support my idea to establish an Arbor Day tree planting tradition at Sunshine Elementary! It will take some effort and planning from all of us students, teachers, parents and staff. But I know we can make it happen if we work together. Let's make our school even more beautiful and do our part for the environment at the same time! Please let me know if you have any other ideas too. Thank you for your consideration!
Li Hua
5th Grade, Class 5B
My Name is Li Hua and I'm in 4th Grade
Hi everyone! My name is Li Hua and I'm a student in 4th grade. I really love nature and trees. Trees are so awesome - they give us oxygen to breathe, shade to keep us cool, and homes for birds and other animals. Trees are our friends!
But there is a big problem. More and more trees are being cut down for houses, roads, and buildings. Areas that used to be full of green forests are becoming concrete jungles instead of real jungles. This makes me really sad.
Trees Help the Planet
Did you know that trees absorb the bad carbon dioxide gas that comes from cars, factories, and electricity plants? The more trees we have, the more clean air we get to breathe. Trees also help prevent soil erosion and provide moisture to keep the ground healthy.
Having more trees makes our towns and cities much prettier too. Trees have such beautiful colored leaves in the fall. Climbing trees and building treehouses is one of the best parts of being a
kid. I love hiding out in a treehouse reading books and using my imagination.
Arbor Day is Coming!
That's why I want all of us to get excited for the upcoming Arbor Day holiday! Arbor Day is a special day celebrating trees and it's the perfect time to plant more. Just one kid planting one tree can make such a big difference over time as that tree grows big and tall.
If every kid in our school planted just one seedling on Arbor Day, we could fill our community with thousands of new trees in just a few hours. Imagine how much better the air would be to breathe and how much nicer our neighborhoods would look covered in green leaves instead of plain concrete.
We could have a tree planting party and turn it into a fun event. We could learn about different types of trees and which ones are best for our local climate. We could dig holes and put the seedlings in the ground. We could water them and cover them with mulch. Taking care of a new baby tree would be like raising a pet!
Making a Change
Trees are not just important for our own town though. Planting billions of new trees across the whole world is one of the best ways to fight global warming and climate change. Rising temperatures caused by human pollution are threatening animals, creating more droughts, intensifying hurricanes, and causing other scary problems. Getting more trees into the ground would absorb some of those bad gases and cool things off.
It might seem like just one kid can't possibly make that big of a difference. But even tiny pebbles can eventually grow into huge mountains if you keep adding them together, one small piece at a time. Every new tree counts!
What if each kid in our school planted one seedling, then we inspired kids at other schools to do it too? Eventually word could spread around the entire country and the whole world about kids coming together on Arbor Day to plant trees everywhere. It would be an incredible world-changing movement started by us!
Let's Make it Happen!
So who wants to help me lead an Arbor Day tree planting drive this year? We could make signs and posters to spread awareness. We could ask local garden stores to donate seedlings and gardening tools. We could look for volunteers to help kids
dig properly and choose the right spots. Our parents and teachers could get involved and turn it into an awesome community event.
Imagine the news reporters coming to our school and filming all of us working hard, getting dirty, and making the world a little bit better and greener. We would be the real superheroes saving the day and saving the planet! Kids planting trees can truly change the world.
This needs to be more than just a one-day thing though. We should treat every day like Arbor Day and always be looking for opportunities to plant more trees wherever we can. If we keep it up year after year, the trees we plant will grow bigger and bigger. We will witness with our own eyes how our efforts paid off in creating aGreener, healthier, more beautiful community for everyone to enjoy.
Trees are not just great,trees are absolute magic! Let's make this Arbor Day one that we will never forget. Let's get our hands dirty and start planting the future that we want to see. Who's with me?!
My Proposal for an Arbor Day Tree Planting
Hi everyone! My name is Li Hua and I'm a student in 4th grade. I love trees and plants and I think we should do something special to celebrate Arbor Day this year by planting lots of new trees. Here is my big idea!
What is Arbor Day?
Arbor Day is a holiday when we celebrate trees and their importance. The name "Arbor Day" comes from the Latin word "arbor" which means tree. It's a day to plant new trees and appreciate all the amazing things trees do for us and the environment.
The first Arbor Day was celebrated way back in 1872 in Nebraska in the United States. A guy named J. Sterling Morton loved nature and thought Nebraska needed more trees, so he proposed a special day just for planting trees. Over one million trees were planted in Nebraska on that very first Arbor Day! Soon, Arbor Days spread to other states and then other countries adopted the idea too.
Why Trees Are Awesome
I think trees are just about the coolest things ever. Here are some of the reasons why trees are so incredibly awesome:
Trees make oxygen for us to breathe! Through photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We need that oxygen to stay alive.
Trees provide shade and shelter. Their branches and leaves create nice shady spots to get out of the hot sun. Birds, squirrels and other animals also use trees as homes and shelters.
Trees are beautiful! With their interesting shapes, bright flowers, and changing leaf colors, trees make our world so much prettier. Imagine how boring it would be without any trees around.
Trees give us food like apples, oranges, nuts and maple syrup. Yum!
Trees help prevent soil erosion. Their roots hold the soil in place and prevent it from washing or blowing away.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants, filtering the air we breathe. Trees make the air cleaner for us!
Trees provide wood for making all sorts of things like paper, furniture, buildings and even baseball bats.
Trees are just fun to climb, build treehouses in, and play around!
As you can see, trees are totally amazing and important for the environment and our lives. That's why we need to protect them and plant more.
My Awesome Arbor Day Plan
Okay, here is my idea for the best Arbor Day celebration ever.
I think our whole school should come together to plant a bunch of new trees around the campus and neighborhoods. Can't you just picture how great it would look to have a lots of new green trees everywhere?
First, we need to pick a good variety of trees to plant. Different types of trees are better suited for different environments and climates. We should do some research and pick trees that will do well in our local area. Maybe we can plant some fruit trees, shade trees, flowering trees and trees that will turn pretty colors in the fall.
Next, we need to figure out where to plant the trees. Picking the right locations is really important. Some good places could be around our school buildings, playgrounds, sports fields, and neighborhood streets. We should map out exactly where each tree can go.
Then, we need to get supplies like shovels, bags of soil or mulch, hoses or water buckets to water the new trees, and whatever else we might need. I wonder if local garden stores or nurseries would be willing to donate some supplies or give us a discount since it's for an Arbor Day project?
We're also going to need a bunch of young trees to actually plant! Again, maybe we can get tree nurseries or farms to donate some trees or give us a special price. We should definitely try to get free or low-cost trees since we need a lot of them.
Finally, we need participation from everyone - teachers, parents, custodians, and lots of student volunteers! Planting a whole bunch of trees will require a huge group effort from our whole school community working together.
The more people who participate, the merrier! We can break everyone up into different teams with team leaders. Some teams can dig the holes, some can position and plant the trees, some can put mulch or stakes around them, some can water them, and so on. It'll be like a big sustainable assembly line!
I really think an Arbor Day tree planting could be a wonderful annual tradition for our school. Just imagine how beautiful and green our campus and neighborhoods will look in just a few years as those tiny new trees grow bigger and bigger.
Won't it feel awesome knowing we all came together to make a positive difference for the environment?
Trees are so important for alle reasons I mentioned before - producing oxygen, preventing soil erosion, absorbing pollutants, providing shade and homes for wildlife, and just making the world a nicer, prettier place in general. Planting trees is something we can do to give back to nature.
Well, that's my idea! Let me know what you think. With everyone's participation, I know we could make this Arbor Day tree planting celebration really big and successful. The trees we plant today will bring beauty and benefits for many years to come. Thanks for listening, and let's get planting!
My Big Idea for Arbor Day
Hi there! My name is Li Hua and I'm 10 years old. I go to Sunshine Elementary School here in Beijing. Today I want to tell you about my big idea to make Arbor Day even more amazing!
First, let me tell you what Arbor Day is all about. Arbor Day is a special holiday in China when we celebrate trees and nature. It happens every year on March 12th. On Arbor Day, people all
across the country plant trees, go to parks, and learn about how important trees are for the environment.
Trees are really, really important, you see. They make the air we breathe nice and clean by taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. Trees also provide homes for birds, squirrels, and other woodland creatures. Plus, they look beautiful with their green leaves, colorful flowers, and cool shapes! I love climbing trees too - it's so much fun.
But here's the problem. There aren't enough trees in lots of places, especially in big cities like Beijing where I live. Cutting down too many trees is really bad for the planet. It makes air pollution worse and takes away animal habitats. That's why we need to plant more trees, especially on Arbor Day!
And that's where my amazing idea comes in! I think we need to get all the students at my school, and every other school, to go outside on Arbor Day and plant brand new trees. Can you imagine how incredible that would be?? Thousands of kids working together to make China a greener, cleaner, more beautiful place!
Here's how I think it could work. A few weeks before Arbor Day, we would have special lessons at school all about trees and the environment. We'd learn why trees are so important, how to
properly plant and care for them, and fun facts about different tree species. The city government could provide baby tree seedlings for every student to plant.
Then on Arbor Day, we'd go outside to parks, gardens, school yards, and anywhere else that needs new trees. We could dig holes, put the seedlings in the ground, cover them with soil and water them. I bet we could even get high school students, teachers, parents and community members to help out too! What an incredible sight it would be to see all those people coming together to make our city bloom.
After we plant the baby trees, we'd need to take care of them by watering them and keeping them safe from pests. We could even give them fun names and visit "our" trees regularly to make sure they are growing big and strong. Think of the pride we'd feel watching those little seedlings turn into mighty trees over the years.
Once the trees are bigger, they would provide shade for kids to play under. Birds could make nests in the branches. Flowers and fruits might even grow! Plus, we'd get the amazing feeling of doing something positive to protect the environment we all share. Breathing in that fresh, clean air from the trees we planted ourselves would feel so good.
My idea is a win for everyone. Kids get to have fun while learning about nature. Schools and communities get an influx of beautiful new trees and greenery. And most importantly, the whole planet benefits from cleaner air, more habitats for cute critters, and a cooler environment. Trees really are amazing!
I'm just one kid, but I really hope people listen to my idea. I would be so proud and happy if schools across Beijing, and maybe even the whole country, started an Arbor Day tree planting tradition with their students. It would show that kids can make a big difference when they work together caring for the world around them.
So what do you say, friends? Are you ready to get your hands dirty and plant some trees with me this Arbor Day? Let's make our neighborhoods, our cities, and our entire country greener and healthier for generations to come! Let's get planting!。
