



()1、dog tiger ()2、how her ()3、four father ()4、nose skirt ()5、look ruler ()6、lovely hurry ()7、eleven seven ()8、library like ()9、football hot ()10、father family


()1、boy banana ()2、ruler robot ()3、eleven library ()4、afternoon family ()5、for five ()6、look book ()7、skate swim ()8、hot hamburger ()9、table tennis ()10、tiger orange


()1、dog bag ()2、cat cake ()3、tiger this ()4、look good ()5、wow how ()6、have hot ()7、mango grape ()8、pineapple like ()9、some dog ()10、behind horse


()1、cool book ()2、look ruler

()3、sixteen nice ()4、many have

()5、can cat ()6、no do

()7、bag bed ()8、hurry have

()9、crayon cake ()10、fat grape


()1、nice behind ()2、nice cool ()3、father breakfast ()4、orange great ()5、try you ()6、jump uncle ()7、about ouch ()8、apple grape ()9、pig pineapple ()10、cow how


()1、skate swim ()2、doll robot ()3、can cat ()4、Helen have ()5、mother farm ()6、cherry hurry ()7、lion it ()8、bag good ()9、wonderful orange ()10、eleven log


()1、come mother ()2、apples please

()3、get dog ()4、pencil stand

()5、orange green ()6、nice class

()7、bag log ()8、look library

()9、father family ()10、cat father



2、these toy animals


4、on the log


6、They’re cute.

7、那个男孩 8、Look at the picture.

9、你的叔叔 10、Make a wish!

11、一些熊猫 12、cute and fat

13、喜欢狗 14、on the mat 15、孩子们 16、in the tree 17、这只大象 18、on the log 19、看…… 20、my big bag


1、做一个水果沙拉 11、cute and fat

2、一些葡萄 12、look at

3、我们的水果沙拉 13、have a dog

4、真好看! 14、like animals

5、两个芒果 15、purple grapes

6、多少 16、a hot cake

7、这只猴子 17、nice and sweet

8、喜欢猫 18、Here you are.

9、一只大象 19、how many mangoes

10、一只老虎 20、a sweet mango


1、一些香蕉 7、how nice

2、有一只芒果 8、a fruit salad

3、真好看! 9、have a look

4、两只菠萝 10、some grapes

5、一只苹果 11、like mangoes

6、我们的学校 12、his pineapple

找出下面单词画线部分与其它一个不同的选项,把序号填在括号里。()1、A、light B、window C、picture D、in

()2、A、good B、look C、school D、book

()3、A、pen B、name C、have D、like

()4、A、cup B、duck C、bus D、student

()5、A、thin B、that C、thank D、mouth

( )6、A、sports B、photo C、go D、OK

()7、A、plane B、name C、he D、cake

()8、A、ruler B、worker C、water D、her

()9、A、seat B、teacher C、tea D、heavy

()10、A、plane B、have C、bag D、happy

()11、A、thin B、sit C、like D、with

()12、A、fat B、cat C、cap D、name

()13、A、under B、ruler C、blue D、rule

( )14、A、thirty B、twenty C、many D、yes ( )15、A、game B、same C、name D、green

()16、A、seat B、meet C、head D、clean

()17、A、chair B、air C、hair D、near

()18、A、elephant B、home C、seven D、egg ()19、A、name B、same C、apple D、pen ()20、A、father B、fat C、has D、have

()21、A、coat B、boat C、goat D、board

()22、A、who B、what C、where D、with

()23、A、window B、wait C、wall D、who

()24、A、dog B、orange C、notebook D、monkey ()25、A、bus B、use C、uncle D、duck

()26、A、light B、kite C、right D、in

()27、A、red B、white C、hate D、late

()28、A、desk B、help C、egg D、like

()29、A、go B、home C、come D、so

()30、A、come B、colour C、doctor D、mother ()31、A、long B、look C、ruler D、wall

()32、A、door B、floor C、school

()33、A、want B、wall C、who D、what

()34、A、computer B、dog C、orange D、ox

()35、A、picture B、chicken C、five D、it

()36、A、window B、brown C、boat D、coat ()37、A、look B、book C、room D、cook

()38、A、fan B、fat C、bag D、plane

()39、A、heavy B、bread C、seat D、head

()40、A、how B、yellow C、window

()41、A、fifty B、light C、milk D、sit

()42、A、computer B、music C、ruler

( )43、A、colour B、music C、science D、cat

()44、A、thin B、big C、like D、is

()45、A、classroom B、face C、case D、same ()46、A、let B、she C、pen D、seven

()47、A、have B、fat C、name D、hat

( )48、A、teacher B、heavy C、speak D、tea ()49、A、table B、bag C、fat D、hat

()50、A、shelf B、she C、bedroom D、let


辨音综合训练题(——Coco) 一、圈出出划线部分的发音不同的一个 1. tree street great 2. many any scarf 3. cats fathers classrooms 4. his letter riddle 5. forty shorts teacher 6. ball park walk talk 7. block soft glove 8. socks hot whose 9. shoes whose good 10. book food football 11. asks baskets grass 12. arms stars markets 13. classes glasses basketballs 14. goat boat rain 15. ninety time cinema 16. dry fly happy 17. here dear there 18. picture sure curtain 19. who whose when 20. water wash watch 21. cow coin box 22. show snow yellow now 23. where what white write 24. can car cousin nice 25. shoes sweaters jeans socks 26. thank with that brother 27. name game table father 28. city ice dance doctor 29. live fish cinema coin 30. they eight rain key 二.判断下列画线部分读音是否相同。(相同√不同×) ()1. A. teacher B. bread ()2. A. train B. wait ()3. A. climb B. subway ()4. A like B. pig ()5. A foot B school ()6. A bus B usually ( ) 7.A stop B go ( ) B plane 三.找出下列画线部分读音不同的一组 1. thirty her turkey thirsty 2. where there wear pear 3. flower trousers blouse house 4. when watch between write 四.找出划线部分的发音不同的一个 1. ( ) A. that B. thirty C. Thursday D. math 2. ( ) A. fast B. radio C. cake D. shape 3. ( ) A. stove B. open C. go D. love 4. ( ) A. mouth B. thank C. three D. this 五、找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的的一项。 1. black ( ) A. come B. grandma C.chair 2. moon ( ) A. who B. open e 3. art ( ) A. what B. garden C.apple 4. teach ( ) A. learn B. tea C.sweater 5. dance ( ) A. rabbit B. afternoon C.day 6. tomorrow ( ) A. phone B. sock C. tomato


四年级下学期英语辨音题 一、判断发音是否相同 ,相同写“T”,不同写“F” 1. wait play () 2. cake apple () 3. train bag () 4. make name () 5. like little () 6. wife sit () 7. try fly ()8. pain wait () 9. boy my () 10. toy joy () 11. go no () 12. so do () 13. know now ()14. rose not ()15. how house () 16. how flower () 17. dear bear () 18. pear near () 19. deer cheer ()20. pair chair () 21. great meat () 22. pig big () 23. her dirty () 24. her teacher () 二、判断下面划线字母发音是否相同 , 相同写“T”,不同写“F” 1. five nice () 2. bed we () 3. stop hot () 4. week eat () 5. dish hi () 6. use under () 7. like pizza ()8. cat father () 9. egg he () 10. ask park () 11. sun hungry () 12. cut put () 13. come from () 14. under uncle ()15. sing evening () 16. bed head () 17. bird girl () 18. learn shirt () 19. juice who ()20. food foot () 21. learn near () 22 drop hot ()23. short shirt () 三、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F” ()1、dog tiger ()2、how her ()3、four father ()4、nose skirt ()5、look ruler ()6、lovely hurry ()7、eleven seven ()8、library like ()9、football hot ()10、father famil ()11、boy banana ()12、ruler robot ()13、eleven library ()14、afternoon family ()15、for five ()16、look book ()17、skate swim ()18、hot hamburger ()19、table tennis ()20、tiger orange 四、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。 ()1、dog bag ()2、cat cake ()3、tiger this ()4、look good ()5、wow how ()6、have hot ()7、mango grape ()8、pineapple like ()9、some dog ()10、behind horse ()11、cool book ()12、look ruler ()13、sixteen nice ()14、many have ()15、can cat ()16、no do ()17、bag bed ()18、hurry have ()19、crayon cake ()20、fat grape


辨音题小练习 一、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。 ()1、dog tiger ()2、how her ()3、four father ()4、nose skirt ()5、look ruler ()6、lovely hurry ()7、eleven seven ()8、library like ()9、football hot ()10、father family 二、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。 ()1、boy banana ()2、ruler robot ()3、eleven library ()4、afternoon family ()5、for five ()6、look book ()7、skate swim ()8、hot hamburger ()9、table tennis ()10、tiger orange

同的写“×”。 ()1、dog bag ()2、cat cake ()3、tiger this ()4、look good ()5、wow how ()6、have hot ()7、mango grape ()8、pineapple like ()9、some dog ()10、behind horse 四、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“√”,不同的写“×”。 ()1、cool book ()2、look ruler ()3、sixteen nice ()4、many have ()5、can cat ()6、no do ()7、bag bed ()8、hurry have ()9、crayon cake ()10、fat grape


四年级下册练习辨音题汇总 令狐采学 一.判断下列单词中划线部分读音是否相同,对的打√,不相同的打×。 ()1.uncle sun ()2.about playground ()3.English long ()4.grape name ()5.Music nice ()6.not welcome ()7.table skate ()8.food good ()9.down window()10.pity swim ()11.Tuesday Sunday ()12.books lessons ()13.get she()14.sleep meet ()15.school Chinese ()16.day Monday ()17.football school ()18.watch afternoon ()19.ten desk ()ke grape ()21.she meet ()22.red behind ()23.try family()24.easy great 二.判断下列各组单词中划线部分读音与所给例词相同单词,将其序号写在括号内。

()1.grape A.skate B.Maths C.afternoon ()2.hamburger A.class B.Saturday C.cake ()3three A.bread B.tea C.lesson ()4.desk A.she B.every C.pen ()5.subject A.Tuesday B. Music C.but ()6.Chinese A.music B. Friday C.think ()7.Wednesday A.today B.Monday C.play ()8.wrong A.season B.cold C. tomorrow ()9.lunch A.school B.watch C.sandwich ()10.whose A.who B.when C.where 三.选出下列每组单词中划线部分发音与其他两个不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内。 ()1.A.white B.river C.like ()2.A.hot B.hello C.dog ()3.A.skate B.make C.and ()4.A.sweater B.bread C.eat ()5.A.fine B.English C.morning


四年级下册练习辨音题汇总 一.判断下列单词中划线部分读音是否相同,对的打√,不相同的打×。()1.uncle sun()2.about playground ()3.English long()4.grape name ()5.Music nice()6.not welcome ()7.table skate()8.food good ()9.down window()10.pity swim ()11.Tuesday Sunday()12.books lessons ()13.get she()14.sleep meet ()15.school Chinese()16.day Monday ()17.football school()18.watch afternoon ()19.ten desk()ke grape ()21.she meet()22.red behind ()23.try family()24.easy great 二.判断下列各组单词中划线部分读音与所给例词相同单词,将其序号写在括号内。 ()1.grape A.skate B.Maths C.afternoon ()2.hamburger A.class B.Saturday C.cake ()3three A.bread B.tea C.lesson

()4.desk A.she B.every C.pen ()5.subject A.Tuesday B. Music C.but ()6.Chinese A.music B. Friday C.think ()7.Wednesday A.today B.Monday C.play ()8.wrong A.season B.cold C. tomorrow ()9.lunch A.school B.watch C.sandwich ()10.whose A.who B.when C.where 三.选出下列每组单词中划线部分发音与其他两个不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内。 ()1.A.white B.river C.like ()2.A.hot B.hello C.dog ()3.A.skate B.make C.and ()4.A.sweater B.bread C.eat ()5.A.fine B.English C.morning ()6.A.English B.Music C.time ()7.A.move B.glove C.some ()8.A.cake ke C.bag


找出下面单词画线部分与其它一个不同的选项,把序号填在括号里。()1、A、cake B、snake C、grapes D、apple ()2、A、face B、lake C、cat D、hate ()3、A、apple B、bag C、cat D、cake ()4、A、hat B、make C、cake D、name ()5、A、we B、me C、egg D、he ()6、A、she B、bed C、pen D、desk ()7、A、plane B、name C、he D、cake ()8、A、bike B、milk C、rice D、kite ()9、A、ice-cream B、teacher C、tea D、heavy ()10、A、ice-cream B、fish C、pig D、window ()11、A、thin B、sit C、like D、with ()12、A、kite B、like C、bike D、big ()13、A、under B、ruler C、blue D、rule ()14、A、home B、box C、nose D、rose ()15、A、game B、same C、name D、me ()16、A、box B、fox C、lock D、hole ()17、A、orange B、home C、nose D、notebook ()18、A、student B、cute C、music D、cup ()19、A、bus B、cup C、cute D、umbrella ()20、A、tube B、toothbrush C、music D、student ()21、A、cake B、hat C、wake D、name


六年级下册练习辨音题汇总 一.判断下列单词中划线部分读音是否相同,对的打T,不同的打F ()1.potatoes mangoes ()2.food cook ()3.breakfast great ()4.out shout ()5.flew few ()6.happily fly ()7.there where ()8.long friend ()9.balls lions ()10.noodles food 二.选出下列单词中划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项()1.A.have B.chat C.grass ()2.A.teeth B.thing C.this ()3.A.work B.short C.horse ()4.A.bear B.near C.dear ()5.A.mouse B.cousin C.shout ()6.A.bite B.hit C.finally ()7.A.crossing B.other C.porridge ()8.A.fast B.safety C.wake ()9.A.weather B.healthy C.easy ()10.A.loudly B.shout C.young ()11.A.window B.show C.clown ()12.A.balloon B.room C.cook ()13.A.bear B.year C.near

()14.A.begin B. end C.behind ()15.A.cheer B.children C.school ()16.A.shout B.about C.should ()17.A.short B.for C.doctor ()18.A.more B.oil C.toy ()19.A.teeth B.three C.there ()20.A.stamps B.noodles C.caps ()21.A.teacher B.healthy C.dream ()22.A.world B.work C.fork ()23.A.moon B.cook C.wood ()24.A.ocean B.care C.cook ()25.A.asked B.painted C.washed 三.选出下列单词中划线部分读音与所给例词相同的选项()1.country A.mouth B.young C.loudly ()2.fair A.where B.here C.hear ()3.diet A.flied B.piece C.quiet ()4.clown A.brown B.window C.follow ()5.koala A.cross B.Oxford C.ocean ()6.weather A.heavy B.read C.teacher ()7.out A.country B.about C.cousin ()8.kangaroo A.look B.book C.room


六年级辩音练习(推荐生考试)一、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请 选出。 ( )1. A. clothes B. home C. hello D. sorry ( )2. A. duty B. student C. bus D. excuse ( )3. A. clock B. those C. go D. coat ( )4. A. bus B. put C. cup D. up ( )5. A. down B. brown C. yellow D. how ( )6. A. desk B. next C. dress D. we ( )7. A. cake B. hat C. baby D. same ( )8. A. look B. room C. school D. broom ( )9. A. think B. thank C. they D. three ( )10. A. school B. Chinese C. chair D.teacher 二、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请 选出。 1.A.with B .then C. clothes D. month 2.A.mean B. meant C. bread D .heavy 3.A.popular B .half C. aunt D.last 4.A.food B. noodle C. foot D. broom 5.A.don’t B. hope C. ago D. body 6.A.down B. crow C. how D. town 三、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请 选出。 1、A、bag B、map C、thank D、class 2、A、no B、row C、one D、old 3、A、five B、bike C、fine D、English 4、A、desk B、yes C、eleven D、pencil 5、A、good B、book C、afternoon D、goodbye 6、A.go B.some C.son D.mother 7、A.window B.how C.now D.down 8、A.us B.mum C.duty D.but 9、A.China B.school C.chair D.teacher


辨音题解题方法 强化识记:1.ir, or, ur, er 在重读音节中发/ ?:/, 如: bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her; 在弱读音节中发/?/如,over, father, mother, doctor, colour, 2.n在k, c 前发/?/,如think, thank, drink, uncle, pink; ng在单词中发 /?g/如English, England, stronger, 3.oo在t,d,k前发短音/u/,如foot, look, good, book, cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/,如school, room, soon, zoo, 4.th发/θ/的情况①动词,如think,thank, throw ②数词,如three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth ③不定代词,如thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/e/的情况:①亲属关系,如father, mother, brother ②指示代词,如 this,that, these, those, the ③人称代词,如 they, them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with, without 5.ch读 /t∫/;ck 读/k/; ph读/f/; th 读 /θ/或/e;/; sh 读/?/; wh 读/w/; ng 读:/?/ 特殊单词辨音小结:常考!务必记好! gr ea t/ei/ w a ter/?:/ m a ny/e/ f oo d/u:/ n oo dle/u:/ id ea /i?/th ea tre /i?/ ag ai n/ei/ h our不发音clim b不发 音 s ay s/e/ al so/?:l/ wh o/h/ wh ose/h/ s ch ool /k/ u s ually/?/ or a nge /i/ h a ve /?/ s ure/∫/ hou ses/ziz/ 单词辨音常见方法: 分类选择法、对照选择法、分类排列法等。由于英语单词的拼法和读音之间有差异, 因此就要求我们不仅能辨认音标,而且要掌握每个音标的正确读音,从而正确拼读 出每一个单词。 正确做好单词辨音,最重要的是先理清题意,辨清是哪一种类型,然后看清每题 考察的是哪一个字母或字母组合的发音。简而言之,弄清考查题意和范围,是单词 辨音题的基本解题思路。 第一种:从下列各组单词中,找出一个与括号里所给单词 划线部分发音相同的单词。 1) (sunny) /?/A. busy/i/ B. rubbish/?/ C. true /u:/D. huge /ju:/ 答 案是B哦 2) (orderly ) /?:/ A. doctor /?/词尾弱读发短音 B. worldly/?:/ C. worker /?:/D. ordinary /?:/ 答案是D,这个题还可以通过观察单词来作对哦。orderly和ordinary 外观很像 3) (forest) /?r/ A. forecast /?:/B. foreign/?r/ C. foreleg/?:/ D. forefather /?:/这个题有点难,外观都一样,怎么选呢?还是要看哪一个单词里面的r发/r/的 音 第二种:下列各组单词的划线部分有三个读音相同,另一个读音不同,请找出这个 单词。 1) A. industrial/?/ B. industry/?/ C. publish/?/ D. public /?/这题考 察的非常细节哦,industrial和industry很难区分。 2) A. comrade /i/B. palace/i/ C. village /i/D. ordinary /?/注意:comrade


四年级下学期英语辨音题 找出下面单词画线部分与其它一个不同的选项,把序号填在括号里。()1、A、cake B、snake C、grapes D、apple ()2、A、face B、lake C、cat D、make ()3、A、apple B、bag C、cat D、cake ()4、A、hat B、make C、cake D、name ()5、A、we B、me C、egg D、he ()6、A、she B、bed C、pen D、desk ()7、A、lake B、name C、he D、cake ()8、A、bike B、milk C、rice D、kite ()9、A、ice-cream B、teacher C、tea D、bread ()10、A、ice-cream B、fish C、pig D、window ()11、A、thin B、sit C、like D、with ()12、A、kite B、like C、bike D、big ()13、A、A、sit B、dinner C、six D、Chinese ()14、A、table B、home C、ten D、time ()15、A、game B、same C、name D、me ()16、A、cold B、cool C、cloudy D、nice ()17、A、orange B、home C、nose D、notebook ()18、A、student B、cute C、music D、cup ()19、A、bus B、cup C、cute D、umbrella ()20、A、tube B、toothbrush C、music D、student ()21、A、cake B、hat C、wake D、name ()22、A、who B、what C、where D、with ()23、A、window B、white C、what D、who ()24、A、whose B、whom C、who D、what ()25、A、these B、those C、this D、thank ()26、A、that B、there C、this D、thin ()27、A、red B、pen C、she D、when ()34、A、how B、cow C、now D、yellow ()35、A、hi B、chicken C、like D、time


六年级上单词辨音专项练习题 题型一、辨别下列各组单词划线发音,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×” 1、()boy toilet 2、()picture pig 3、()jump music 4、()lot go 5、()model song 6、()where there 7、()vase name 8、()read red 9、()Halloween green 10、()good room 11. ( ) world morning 12. ( ) duck pumpkin 13. ( ) day make 14. ( )pig ski 15. ( ) toilet bedroom 题型二、辨别下列各组单词划线发音,相同的打“T”,不同的打“F”。 1 tooth school ( ) 2 make take ( ) 3 yet yes ( ) 4 high ill ( ) 5 duty club ( ) 6 grow glow ( ) 7 housewife loudly ( ) 题型三、判断划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D ”。 ( ) 1、after class ( ) 2、dance cat ( ) 3、skate face ( ) 4、father fat ( ) 5、basketball plane ( ) 6、can and ( ) 7、beside nine ( ) 8、milk behind ( ) 9、clock song ( ) 10、some hot ( ) 11. head teacher ( ) 12 public but ( ) 13. where their ( ) 14. boat coat ( ) 15 date race ( ) 16.danger work ( ) 17.balloon football ( ) 18.litter sign 题型四、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ( ) 1.A. pick B. in C. site D. it ( ) 2.A. pear B. there C. where D. here ( ) 3.A. her B. skirt C. first D. sister ( ) 4.A. plant B. map C. blanket D. hand ( ) 5.A. pulled B. milked C. picked D. cooked ( )6.A. model B. other C. jump D. mother ( )7.A. over B. her C. teacher D. paper


Lesson 14 1.( )A .too B. book C. look D. cook 2.( )A. actor B. her C. doctor D. teacher 3.( )A .meet B. see C . please D. this 4.( )A. white B. is C. isn’t D. silver 5.( )A. what B. bad C. hat D.dad 6.( )A. white B. which C. whose D. wheel 7.( )A . put B. but C. come D. brother 8.( )A. dress B. many C .any D. bag 9.( )A .daughter B. autumn C. August D. doctor 10.( )A .bread B. teacher C . speak D. beach Lesson 16 1.( )A. wake B. make C. take D. any 2. 3.( )A. kitchen B. Jenkins C . big D. meet 4. 5.( )A. camera B. panda C .America D. China 6.( )A. girl B. worker C. turn D. birthday 7.( )A. thanks B. cinema C. careful D. key 8.( )A .height B. burglar C . green D. gate 9.( )A .key B. grey C .may D. play 10.


四年级辨音题 一、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。 ()1、dog tiger ()2、how her ()3、four father ()4、nose skirt ()5、look ruler ()6、lovely hurry ()7、eleven seven ()8、library like ()9、football hot ()10、father family 二、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。 ()1、boy banana ()2、ruler robot ()3、eleven library ()4、afternoon family ()5、for five ()6、look book ()7、skate swim ()8、hot hamburger ()9、table tennis ()10、tiger orange 三、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“√”,不同的写“×”。 ()1、dog bag ()2、cat cake ()3、tiger this ()4、look good ()5、wow how ()6、have hot ()7、mango grape ()8、pineapple like ()9、some dog ()10、behind horse

四、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“√”,不同的写“×”。 ()1、cool book ()2、look ruler ()3、sixteen nice ()4、many have ()5、can cat ()6、no do ()7、bag bed ()8、hurry have ()9、crayon cake ()10、fat grape 五、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“√”,不同的写“×”。 ()1、nice behind ()2、nice cool ()3、father breakfast ()4、orange great ()5、try you ()6、jump uncle ()7、about ouch ()8、apple grape ()9、pig pineapple ()10、cow how 六、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“√”,不同的写“×”。 ()1、skate swim ()2、doll robot ()3、can cat ()4、Helen have ()5、mother farm ()6、cherry hurry ()7、lion it ()8、bag good ()9、wonderful orange ()10、eleven log 七、判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“√”,不同的写“×”。


六年级辩音练习(推荐生考试) 下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 ( )1. A. clothes _ B. home C. hello _ D. sorry ( )2. A. duty B. stude nt C. bus D. excuse ( )3. A. clock _ B. those_ C. go D. coat_ ( )4. A. bus _ B. put _ C. cup_ D. up _ ( )5. A. dow n B. brow n C. yellow D. how ( )6. A. desk _ B. next C. dress D. we _ ( )7. A. cake _ B. hat C. baby D. same ( )8. A. look _ B. room_ C. school D. broom_ ( )9. A. think_ B. thank C. they D. three ( )10. A. schoo]_ B. Chinese C. chair D.teachej F列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 1. A. witJr B .then C .clothes D. month 2. A. mean B m§ant C .bread D . heavy 3. A. popular B .half C .aunt D . last 4. A. food B n oodle C .foot_ D . broom 5. A. don' t B hope C .ago D . body 6. A. down B crow_ C .how D . town 三、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请 选出。 1、A、bag B 、map C 、thank D 、class 2、no B 、row C 、one D 、old 3、A、five B 、bike C 、fine D 、English 4、A、desk B 、yes C 、eleven D 、pencil 5、A、good B 、book C 、after noon D 、goodbye 6、A. go B .some C .son D .mother 7、A. wi ndow B .how C .now D .down 8、A. us B .mum C .duty D .but 9、A. Chi na B .school C .chair D .teacher 10、 A. come B .nice C .coat D .clock 四、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 1. A. think B . thank C . English D . student


小学生辨音题(一) 一、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ( )1.A.family B.dance C. happy D. hand( )2.A.brotherB. her C. rememberD. Peter ()3.A.year B. hear C. there D. earphone ( )ually B. just C. under D. up ()5.A.sweater B. team C. bread D. head ( ) 6.A. pick B. in C.site D. it ( ) 7.A. pear B. there C. where D. here ( ) 8.A. her B. skirt C. first D. sister ( ) 9.A. plant B. map C. blanket D. hand () 10.A. pulled B. milked C. picked D. cooked ( )11. A. bag B. map C.grade D. can ()12. A.farm B. warm C. far D.park ( )13. A. collect B.carrot C. o’clock D. holiday ( )14. A. bird B. girl C. skirt D. firefly ( )15. A.class B. grass C. taste D. L ast ( ) 16. A. teaB. meat C. weather D. Beach ( ) 17. A. back B. fast C. have D. Map( ) 18. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party ( )19. A. school B.tooth C. chooseD. good ( ) 20. A.book B. too C. look D. cook ( ) 21. A. June B.ruler C. put D.menu ( ) 22. A. push B. fun C. sun D. cut () 23. A. tigerB. her C. officer D. ov er ( ) 24. A. go B. no C. cold D. hot ( ) 25.A.like B. lion C. pizza D.Friday ( ) 26.A. teacher B. seat C. weather D. please


小学生辨音题(一) 一、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 () B. dance C. happy D. hand er B. her C. remember D. Peter () B. hear C. there D. earphone () B. just C. under D. up eater B. team C. bread D. head ( ) . pick B. in C. site D. it ( ) . pear B. there C. where D. here ( ) . her B. skirt C. first D. sister ( ) . plant B. map C. blanket D. hand ( ) . pulled B. milked C. picked D. cooked ()11. A. bag B. map C. grade D. can ()12. A. farm B. warm C. far D. park ()13. A. collect B. carrot C. o’clock D. holiday ()14. A. bird B. girl C. skirt D. firefly ()15. A. class B. grass C. taste D. Last ( ) 16. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. Beach ( ) 17. A. back B. fast C. have D. Map ( ) 18. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party ( ) 19. A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good ( ) 20. A. book B. too C. look D. cook ( ) 21. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu ( ) 22. A. push B. fun C. sun D. cut ( ) 23. A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over ( ) 24. A. go B. no C. cold D. hot ( ) . like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday ( ) . teacher B. seat C. weather D. please ( ) . yellow B. brown C. window D. Know 二.看图,写出下列句子的空缺单词。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. My sister’s . near the . on the tall . ’d like four . is her . like . is a map. is a bike. is Uncle Dan’s . girl is .
