media company -传媒公司

100th anniversary in 2012
Logo History
• • • • • • • • • God-father 《教父》(1966) Chinatown 《唐人街》1974 Raiders of the lost ark 《夺宝奇兵》 1981 Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》(1994) Brave heart 《勇敢的心》 Mission: impossible 《碟中谍》 1996 Titanic 《泰坦尼克号》 1997(a joint production with 20th Century Fox ) Face/off 《变脸》 1997 Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》 1998 Tomb Raider 《古墓丽影》2001 Madagascar 《马达加斯加》2005 Transformers 《变形金刚》 2007 (producer: Steven Spielberg ) The Avengers 《复仇者联盟》 (2012) Iron man 3 《钢铁侠3》 (2013 )(名誉发 行)
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MGM Tower, former company headquarters highlighted by the famous Leo - The Lion logo at the top
Development History
1.MGM was founded in 1924 by Marcus Loew(马尔科斯· 洛夫 ) (Metro Pictures,Goldwyn Pictures Corporation and Louis . Mayer Pictures. ) 2.In 1928, MGM released The Viking(《北欧海盗》), the first complete Technicolor feature with sound. From then on, MGM regularly produced several films a year in Technicolor, The Wizard of OZ(《绿野仙踪》) and Northwest Passage 《西北航道》) being two of the most notable. (Golden age) 3.After the second world war, MGM developed into a independent production company. 4..In 1959, with the release of its nearly four-hour Technicolor epic Ben-Hur 《宾虚》 , the film was critically acclaimed, and won 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. 5. Financial troubles: On November 3, 2010, MGM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Attempted sale and bankruptcy protection(破产保护) MGM emerged from bankruptcy on December 20, 2010
mass media(大众传媒)

Mass mediaMass media are institutions of mass communication; they serve as the channels through which messages are passed from the source to the destination. From the founding of the United States to the present day, mass media have played an important role in nearly all the important events of the nation. Nowadays, new media has become a significant element in everyday life. The global network of the Internet connects people and information via computers. Mass media unquestionably influence every dimension of people’s lives.Mass media denotes a section of the media specifically designed to reach a large audience. The term was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks,mass-circulation newspapers and magazines. However, some forms of mass media such as books and manuscripts had already been in use for centuries.Mass media includes Internet media (like blogs, message boards, podcasts, and video sharing) because individuals now have a means to exposure that is comparable in scale to that previously restricted to a select group of mass media producers. The communications audience has been viewed by some commentators as forming a mass society with special characteristics, notably atomization or lack of social connections, which render it especially susceptible to the influence of modern mass-media techniques such as advertising and propaganda.The term public media is less used and is defined as "media whose mission is to serve or engage a public." Marshall McLuhan, one of the biggest critics in media's history, brought up the idea that "the medium is the message".Mass media are very important tools of communication, through which information is passed to even the farthest end of the world. They enable us to communicate with each other by helping us to overcome the barriers of time and apace.Kinds1、TVAfter World War II, people’s homeswere invaded by a powerful new force --television. The idea of seeing "live" showsin the living room was immediatelyattractive. The effects of this powerfulmedium are still being measured.Television has developed since World WarII into the most popular medium in the USand UK, one that has had great influenceon American way of life. Virtually everyAmerican household -- 98% in 1999 -- has at least one TV set. Seven in ten Englishmen in 1991 reported getting most of their news from TV. Three large privately-owned networks -- NBC, CBS and ABC -- claimed 90 percent of the TV market from the 1950s through the 1970s with free broadcasts.Cable TelevisionHowever, the rapid spread of pay cable TV in the 1980s broke the hegemony of the big three. By 1999, close to 70% of American households had subscribed to cable TV. Cable TV, carried by coaxial and fiber-optic cables, originated in 1948 to better serve individuals in mountainous or geographically remote areas who could not receive over-the-air TV stations. The genesis of cable as it is known today stems from development of the domestic communications satellite, approved by the Federal Communications Commission in January 1973.The new technology offered cable programmers a cost-effective method of national and international distribution. In December 1975, Home Box Office, an all-movie channel owned by Time, Inc., became the first programmer to distribute its signal via satellite. The next service to use the satellite was a local television station in Atlanta owned by Ted Turner. It became known as the first "superstation," bouncing its signal off a satellite to reach a nationwide audience. The same technology allowed Turner in 1980 to found the Cable News Network, CNN, the world's first 24-hour all-news channel. By early 1993, MTV, the leading American rock music TV network, had an audience of 46 million in the United States and 32 other countries. Cable television has also been successfully used to reach very defined audiences. Beginning in the late 1970s, a growing number of U.S. cable systems began "narrowcasting" or offering television programming with an entire channel tailored to a narrow section of the audience.Advancing digital technology and increasing wiring of U.S. cities with fiber-optic cable that permits massive transmission of digital signals are giving cable TV subscribers a host of new interactive services. The convergence of the computer with TV is permitting a host of new "interactive" services in which the viewer no longer watches passively, for example "Movies on demand" which allows a viewer to choose between several thousand videos is one interactive service. Another example is "shop-at-home" channels.Public TelevisionU.S. public television stations are independent and serve community needs. All public television organizations are linked nationally, however, through three national organizations: the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), created by Congress in 1967 to channel federal government funding to stations and independent producers; the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), formed in 1969 and which today distributes programming and operates the satellite system linking all public TV stations; and the Association of Public Television Stations (APTS), which helps member public TV stations with research and planning. In addition to these public TV stations, there area growing number of noncommercial stations run by Christian evangelistic ministries, which are, for the most part, supported by donations from viewers and member churches.2、MagazinesThe late 1800s saw the start of opinion journals still influential a century later, including the Atlantic Monthly, the Nation, and Harper's. The largest readerships were won, however, by magazines that catered to people's increasing leisure time and appetite for consumer goods, magazines such as Cosmopolitan, the Ladies Home Journal, and the Saturday Evening Post. Publishers were no longer just selling reading material; they were selling readers to advertisers. Because newspapers reached only local audiences, popular magazines attracted advertisers eager to reach a national audience for their products. By the early 1900s, magazines had become major marketing devices.At the same time, a new breed of newspaper and magazine writer was exposing social corruption. Called "muckrakers," these writers sparked public pressure for government and business reforms. Yet magazines did not truly develop as a powerful shaper of news and public opinion until the 1920s and 1930s, with the start of the news weeklies. Time was launched in 1923 by Henry Luce (1898-1967). Intended for people too busy to keep up with a daily newspaper, Time was the first magazine to organize news into separate departments such as national affairs, business and science. Newsweek, using much the same format, was started in 1933. Other prominent news weeklies are Business Week and U.S. News and World Report.Magazine publishers have increasingly tried to appeal to clearly-defined audiences. Computer technology has helped publishers to target special-interest audiences. As a result of this specialization, the number of periodicals published in the United States jumped from 6,960 in 1970 to close to 10,000 in 1999.3、RadioThe beginning of regularcommercially licensed sound broadcastingin the United States in 1920 ended theprint monopoly over the media andopened the doors to the more immediateand pervasive electronic media. By 1928,the United States had three national radionetworks - two owned by NBC (theNational Broadcasting Company), and oneby CBS (the Columbia BroadcastingSystem).Though mostly listened to for entertainment, radio's instant, on-the-spot reports of dramatic events drew huge audiences throughout the Great Depression of the 1930s and World War II. President Franklin Roosevelt recognized the potential of radio to reach the American public, and during his four terms (1933-1945), his radio "fireside chats" informed the nation on the progress of policies to counter the Depression and on developments during World War II. After World War II, television's visual images replaced the audio-only limitation of radio as the predominant entertainment and news vehicle. Radio adapted to the new situation by replacing entertainment programs with a format of music interspersed with news and features. In the 1950s, automobile manufacturers began offering car radios as standard accessories, and radio received a big boost as Americans tuned in their car radios as they drove to and from work.The expansion and dominance of FM radio, which has better sound quality but a more limited range than traditional AM, represented the major technical change in radio in the 1970s and 1980s. FM radio, aided by the invention of ever smaller portable radios and inexpensive "Walkman" headsets, dominates music programs, while AM has shifted to "talk" and news formats. Barely in existence 25 years ago, "talk radio," in which celebrities and experts from various fields answer listener "call-in" questions and offer their advice on various topics, has grown spectacularly in recent years. It has contributed to the comeback of AM radio. Both FM and AM radio have become increasingly specialized. Music formats, for instance, comprise a variety of specializations -- the top five in 1991 being "country and western," "adult contemporary," "top 40," "religious" and "oldies."In an era in which TV is clearly the glamour medium, the reach of radio is still awesome. Ninety-nine percent of American households in 1999 had at least one radio; the average is five per household. Every day, radio reaches 80 percent of the U.S. population at one time or another. Revenues more than doubled from $8.4 billion in 1990 to more than $17 billion in 1999.In 1998, the number of U.S. commercial radio stations had grown to 4,793 AM stations and 5,662FM stations. In addition, there are 1,460 public radio stations in the United States. Most of these stations are run by universities and public authorities for educational purposes and are financed by public and/or private funds, subscriptions and some underwriting. NPR (National Public Radio) was incorporated in February 1970 under the 1967 Public Broadcasting Act. NPR was created to provide leadership in national newsgathering and production and to act as a permanent nationwide interconnection of noncommercial stations.4、NewspaperThe first U.S. newspaper, PublickOccurrences: Both Foreign andDomestick, first published on September25, 1690 lasted only one day before itwas suppressed by British colonialauthorities. Other newspapers quicklysprang up, however, and by 1730, thecolonial press had gained sufficientstature to seriously challenge Britishgovernors. Historians consider the birthof America's free-press tradition to havebegun with the 1734 trial of John PeterZenger for seditious libel. After theRevolutionary War (1775-1783), thisconcept found a home in the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press..." These 14 words made it possible for a free press to develop over the next two centuries as one of America's strongest watchdogs over government actions and protectors of individual rights. In fact, one of America's greatest political journalists was one of its first, Thomas Paine. Paine's stirring writings urging independence made him the most persuasive "media" figure of the American Revolution against Britain in 1776.By the early 1800s, the United States had entered a period of swift technological progress that marked the real beginning of the "modern media." The inventions of the steamship, the railroad and telegraph brought communications out of the age of windpower and horses. The high-speed printing press was developed, driving down the cost of printing. Expansion of the educational system taught more Americans to read. Publishers realized that a profitable future belonged to cheap newspapers with large readerships and increased advertising. The press went from a small upper class readership to mass readership in just a few years. It was a time that shaped a breed of editors who set the standard for generations of Americanjournalists. Many of these men were hard-headed reformers who openly sided with the common men, opposed slavery and backed expansion of the frontier. They combined idealism with national pride, and their papers became the means by which great masses of new immigrants were taught the American way of life.By the 1820s, about 25 dailies and more than 400 weeklies were being published in the United States. Horace Greeley founded the New York Tribune in 1841, and it quickly became the most influential newspaper in America. Other important dailies, such as the New York Times, Baltimore Sun, and Chicago Tribune were founded in the 1850s. Two media giants, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, began building their newspaper empires after the Civil War (1861-1865). Their fierce competition produced "yellow journalism" -- sensational and often inaccurate reporting aimed at attracting readers. "Chain" newspapers under the same ownership became a dominant feature in the early 20th century. In addition to the front-running Hearst chain, the Scripps-Howard and Cowles chains grew following World War I. That trend accelerated after World War II, and in 1990, a total of 135 groups owned 1,228 daily newspapers, accounting for about 75 percent of all U.S. dailies. In 1971, there had been 66 cities with two or more dailies owned by separate companies, while in 1995 there were only 36.In spite of the serious competition from television after World War II, more than two-thirds of American adults read a daily newspaper on an average weekday. The top five daily newspapers by circulation are: the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. The number of dailies dropped from 1,763 in 1946 to 1,438 in 1999. However, the number of Sunday papers rose from 497 in 1946 to 905 in 1999, bringing total daily and Sunday papers to 2,388. This figure represents the highest number of newspapers with the highest total circulation -- 115 million -- for any country in the world.Today, American newspapers face competition not only from network TV, but from a whole spectrum of targeted and specialized media, including personalized web services, local cable programming, interactive television, special-interest publications, catalogs and other direct-mail initiatives. Newspapers are relying on new technology to meet the challenge. Through the Internet, electronic newspapers can be transmitted to hand-held computers and printed using personal computers.FunctionMass media function in various ways. Below are listed the most commonly seen.First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.Second, mass media persuade us mostly through advertisements. As we can see, newspapers, magazines and TV are filled with all kinds of colourful, persuasive advertisements which tempt us to buy their products.Third, mass media give us entertainment. Television and radio broadcasting provide us with a big variety of programmes every day. Films, books, magazines, etc. give us daily amusement.In a word, mass media will be all the more important in the future and their fufietions will enormously expand. Limited by apace, only a few examples are mentioned here.。

Marketing Management营销管理New Products Development新产品开发Service Industry Marketing服务业营销Advertising广告Business Negotiation商业谈判International Marketing国际市场营销Sales Channels销售渠道Public Relationship公共关系Consumer Behavior消费者行为Systems of Management Information管理信息系统Marketing Research营销调研accessibility 可进入性accessory equipment markets 附属设备市场account management policies 客户管理策略positioning定位additions to existing product lines 现有产品线的增加administered vertical marketing systems 管理式垂直营销系统market segmentation市场细分sales promotion销售促进advertising feedback 广告反馈advertising frequency 广告频率advertising media 广告媒体advertising reach 广告接受人数advertising message 广告信息advertising source 广告信息来源agent middleman 代理商allowance 折让alteration 退换American Marketing Association 美国营销协会annual marketing plan 年度营销计划assurance 保证attitudes of consumers 消费者态度availability 可获得性/供货能力awareness (产品)知晓度/知名度baby boomers 婴儿潮出生的一代人backward channels for recycling 回收的后向渠道backward integration 后向垂直一体化banner advertisements 横幅标语广告bar codes 条形码barter 实物交易basic physical needs 基本生理需要BCG Grow-Share Matrix 波士顿增长-份额矩阵before tests 事前测试Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc. 行为扫描信息源公司behavioral analysis 行为分析behavioral hierarchies 行为层级benchmarking 基准benefit clusters 利益群体benefits 利益Benz 奔驰billing 帐单birth rate 出生率blanket purchase order 一揽子采购合同blind-paired comparison testing 双盲比较测试blue collars 蓝领bottom line 底线/盈亏一览结算线brand awareness 品牌意识/认知brand extensions 品牌扩展brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度brand mark 品牌标志brand name 品牌名称brand positioning 品牌定位brand recognition 品牌识别brand strategies 品牌战略brand 品牌branding strategy 品牌化战略branding 品牌化brand's equity 品牌的价值break-even analysis 盈亏平衡分析break-even volume 盈亏平衡产量breath of product assortment 产品线的宽度breath or diversity of product lines 产品线的宽度或多样性bribery 贿赂British Airways 英国航空公司brokers 经纪人budgeting 预算bundle 捆绑Bureau of Census 人口统计局business strength rating 商业能力评分business plan 商业计划business position 经营地位business sector 商业部门business services markets 商业服务市场business strategies 经营战略business unit strategy 经营单位战略buyback allowances 回购折让buyback arrangements 产品返销buyers' bargaining power 买方的讨价还价能力buyers 采购者buying behavior 购买行为buying center 采购中心buying inertia 购买惯性buying intention 购买意图buying offices 连锁商店的进货中心buying power index (BPI) 购买力指数buying situation 采购情况/类型buying task 采购任务capital gains 资本收益capital invested in product 产品投入资本Carnival 嘉年华cash cows 现金牛类cash discounts 现金折扣catalogue sales 目录销售categorization of perception 感知分类categorization 分门别类centralization 集中化chameleons/followers 变色龙/跟随者channel alternatives 可选择的营销渠道channel conflicts 渠道冲突channel decisions 渠道决策channel functions 渠道功能channel institutions 渠道组织结构channel management 渠道管理channel objectives 渠道目标channel of distribution 分销渠道channel power 渠道权力channel-control strategies 渠道控制战略channel-design decisions 渠道设计决策channel-management decisions 渠道管理决策channels of communication 传播渠道choice criteria 选择标准closing a sale 结束销售clothing retailers 服装零售商co-branding 联合品牌code of ethics (职业)道德标准coercive power 强制权cognitive dissonance 认识的不协调collection of data 数据收集collection 收款co-marketing alliances 联合营销联盟combination compensation plan 结合式薪酬方案commitment 承诺communication channels 传播渠道communication process 传播过程communication 信息交流/沟通communications media 传播媒体company personnel 公司员工comparative advertisements 比较广告comparison of brands 品牌比较compensation deals 补偿处理compensation plan 酬金方案compensation/rewards 酬金/奖励compensatory 补偿性的competition and industry evolution 竞争和行业演变competition-orientated pricing 竞争导向定价法competitive advantage 竞争优势competitive (supply-side) evolution 竞争(供方)演变competitive factors 竞争因素competitive intelligence 竞争情报/信息competitive parity promotion budgeting 竞争均势促销预算法competitive strategy 竞争战略competitive strength 竞争优势/能力competitor analysis 竞争者分析complaint handling 投诉处理component materials and parts markets 组成材料和零部件市场computerized ordering 计算机化的订购conclusive research 确定性研究conditions of demand 需求情况conflict and resolution strategies 冲突和解决战略conformance to specifications 与规格一致conformance 一致性confrontation strategy 对抗战略conjoint measurement 联合测度法conjunctive model 联合模型consumer decision-making 消费者(购买)决策consumer goods channels 消费品分销渠道Consumer Goods Pricing Act, USA 美国消费品定价法案consumer goods 消费品consumer markets 消费品市场consumer needs 消费者需求consumer packaged-goods firms 消费者包装食品公司consumer promotion 消费者促销consumer tests 消费者测试consumer/household market 消费者/家庭市场consumers' perceptions 消费者感知consumption 消费contests 竞赛contingency planning 权变计划contract construction 契约建筑业contract manufacturing 契约制造业contraction/strategic withdrawal strategy 收缩/战略性撤退战略contractual entry modes 契约式进入模式contractual vertical marketing systems 合约式垂直营销系统contribution margin analysis 边际贡献(贡献毛利)分析contribution margin 边际贡献control strategies 控制战略convenience food stores 便利食品商店convenience goods 便利品convenience 服务的便利性Cool Whip 清凉维普co-operative advertising 合作性广告co-ordination and conflict resolution 协调与冲突解决co-production 合作生产core benefit proposition (CBP) 核心利益方案/提议corollary-data method 推定数据法corporate HQ 公司总部corporate scope 公司(经营)范围corporate strategy 公司战略corporate vertical marketing systems 公司式垂直营销系统corporate/institutional advertising 团体/社会公共机构广告corrective action 矫正行动cost analysis 成本分析cost effectiveness 成本有效性cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略cost of capital 资本成本cost of goods sold (COGS) 产品销售成本cost reductions 降低成本产品cost-and-volume relationship 成本-数量关系cost-oriented pricing 成本导向定价法cost-plus/mark-up pricing 成本加成/溢价定价法costs and benefits of marketing functions 营销职能的成本和效益costs of competitors 竞争者成本costs of distribution 分销成本countertrade 对等贸易coupons 优惠券courtesy 礼貌coverage of geographic market 地域性市场的范围coverage of relevant retailers 相关零售商的销售范围credibility 信誉credit terms 信贷条款critical assumptions 关键假设cross-elasticity 交叉弹性customary pricing 习惯性定价法customer analysis 顾客分析customer contact 顾客接触customer demand 顾客需求customer intimacy 顾客亲密度customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度customer need 顾客需要customer organization of sales force 按客户组织销售队伍customer retention 顾客维系/保留customer satisfaction 顾客满意度customer segment pricing 顾客细分市场定价customer service 顾客服务customer-oriented pricing 顾客导向定价法customers' perception 顾客感知customers' preferences 顾客偏好customers' price sensitivity 顾客的价格敏感度customizing 定制data collection 数据收集data confidentiality 数据保密data research 数据研究data sources 数据来源dealers 经销商deceptive advertisements 欺骗性广告deciders 决策者declining markets 衰退市场decoding 解码defect rate 缺陷率defender strategy 防御型战略defensive new-product development strategy 防御性新产品开发战略defensive positioning 防御性定位delivery time 交付时间delivery 配送demand characteristics 需求特征demand curve 需求曲线demand-oriented pricing 需求导向定价法demographic environment 人口统计环境department stores 百货商店dependability 可靠性deregulation 放松管制derived demand 衍生需求descriptive research 描述性研究design decisions 设计决策desired percentage mark-up on retail 预期零售利润率desired percentage return 预期回报率determinant attributes 关键属性determinants 决定因素different responses 差别反应differentiated defender strategy 差异化防御战略differentiated marketing 差异化营销differentiation over time 不同时间的差异differentiation strategy 差异化战略differentiation 差异化diffusion of innovation theory 创新扩散理论dimension 因素dimensions of quality 质量维度direct costing profitability analysis 直接成本盈利性分析direct mail 直接邮寄direct marketing via advertising media 通过广告媒体的直接营销direct marketing 直接营销direct product profitability (DPP) 直接产品盈利性/利润率direct selling 直销discount rate 贴现率discount stores 折扣商店discount 折扣discount/premium price policies 折扣/溢价策略discriminate analysis 差异分析法discriminatory adjustments 歧视价格调整discriminatory pricing adjustments 歧视定价调整disjunctive model 分离模型display space 陈列空间disposable income 可支配收入dissonance-attribution hierarchy 不和谐-归属层次结构distribution channel designs 分销渠道设计distribution channel objectives 分销渠道的目标distribution channel 分销渠道distribution decisions 分销决策distribution policies 分销策略distribution 分销distributor/store (private labels) brands 分销商/私有品牌distributors 分销商diversification 多元化divest 撤退divest 出让divestment or liquidation 收回投资或清算dividend 红利dogs 瘦狗类domestic target marketing strategies 国内目标市场定位的营销战略dropping products 放弃产品dry cleaning 干洗dual/two channel distribution systems 双重分销系统duplication (媒体)重复DuPont 杜邦公司durability 耐用性early VS late adoption 早期采购与后期采购earnings per share 每股收益economic and technological factors 经济技术因素economic power 经济权economies of scale 规模经济education services 教育服务effectiveness 有效性efficiency 效率emergency goods 急需品emotional appeals 情感诉求empathy 移情作用empirical evidence 经验性实例empowerment 授权encoding 编码end use 最终使用endorsement 赞同engineering (产品)工程设计entrepreneurial strategy 企业家战略entry strategies 进入战略environment and packaging disposal 环境与包装处理environment factors 环境因素environmental scanning 环境扫描/分析environmental strategy 环境战略establishment 机构ethical audit (公司)伦理审计ethics of marketing 营销伦理道德ethnic composition 种族构成European Community 欧共体evaluation and reward systems 评估与奖励体系evaluation and selection of supplier 评估和选择供应商evaluation of alternatives 评估替代品/各种选择evaluation of brands 品牌评估event sponsorship 事件赞助event 活动everyday low-price (EDLP) 天天低价evoked set 引发的组合evolution of market 市场演变exchange 交换exclusive dealing 独家销售exclusive distribution 独家分销executive summary 执行摘要exhibition media 展示广告媒体existing market 现有市场exit barriers 退出壁垒expansion path 扩张途径expectation measures (顾客)预期测度expectations of customers 顾客期望expected unit sales 预计产量expected value 期望价值experience curve 经验曲线experimental research 实验性研究expert power 专长权exploratory research 探索性研究export agents 出口代理(商)export jobbers 出口批发商export management company 出口管理公司export merchants 出口贸易商export 出口exporting 出口商品extended use strategy 扩大使用战略extending volume growth 扩大市场份额external data sources 外部数据来源external environment 外部环境extrapolation of past sales trends 过去销售趋势推测法facilitating agencies 辅助/中介机构factor analysis 因素分析法fads 时尚family branding 家族品牌family life cycle 家庭生命周期family structure 家庭结构arm products 农产品fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) 快速变动的消费品fear appeals 恐惧/顾虑诉求features 特征Federal Department Stores 联邦百货商店Federal Trade Code (FTC)联邦贸易法案FedEx (Federal Express) 联邦快递feedback data 反馈数据field test marketing 实地市场测试financing 融资fisheries 渔业fit and finish 结实度与外观fixed costs 固定成本fixed salary 固定工资flanker strategy 侧翼进攻战略flanker/fighting brand 战斗品牌flanking and encirclement strategies 侧翼进攻与围堵战略flat organizational structure 扁平的组织结构FOB origin pricing FOB产地定价法focus strategy 集中战略followers 追随者Ford 福特公司foreign middlemen 国外中间商forestry 林业formalization 形式/规范化formulate 制定fortress/position-defence strategy 防御堡垒战略Fortune 《财富》杂志forward integration 向前一体化franchise systems 特许系统franchising 特许经营free call numbers 免费电话号码free goods 免费商品freight-absorption pricing 免收运费定价法fringe benefits 小额津贴frontal attack strategy 正面进攻战略full costing profitability analysis 全成本盈利性分析full-service wholesalers 全方位服务的批发商functional competencies and resource allocation 职能能力与资源分配functional efficiency 职能效率functional organization of sales force 按销售职能组织销售队伍functional organizational structure 职能型组织结构functional performance 功能性能functional strategy 职能战略games 比赛gap 差距gatekeepers 信息传递者general behavioral descriptors 一般行为变量General Electric (GE) 通用电气General Foods Corporation 通用食品general merchandise discount chains 大众商a品折扣连锁店General Motors 通用汽车geodemographics 区域人口统计特征geographic adjustments 地理调整geographic distribution 地理分布geographical organization of sales force 按地区组织销售队伍global adjustments 全球调整global elite consumer segment 全球精英消费品市场global expansion 全球扩张global marketing control 全球营销控制global markets 全球市场global niche strategy 全球机会战略global standardization strategy 全球标准化战略global teenage segment 全球青少年市场globalization 全球化global-market expansion 全球市场扩张goals 总目标going-rate/competitive parity pricing 竞争性平价定价法goods producers 产品制造商Goodyear 固特异轮胎government agencies 政府机构government buyers 政府采购者government market 政府市场government regulation 政府管制greenhouse effect 温室效应grey market 灰色市场gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值gross margin 毛利gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值gross profit 毛利gross rating points (GRPs) 总级别指数group/category product manager 类别产品经理growing markets 成长市场growth rate of market 市场增长率growth stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成长阶段growth-extension strategies 增长扩张战略growth-market strategies for market leaders 市场领导者的市场增长战略growth-market strategy 成长性市场战略growth-market targeting strategy 成长性市场定位战略guarantee/warranty 保证/担保guarantees 保证hard technology 硬技术Harvard Business Review 《哈佛商业评论》harvest 收获harvesting pricing 收获定价法harvesting strategy 收获战略health care 医疗保健health maintenance organizations (HMOs) (美国)卫生保健组织heavy buyer 大客户Heileman Brewing CompanyHeinz 亨氏食品helpfulness 有益性Hertz 赫兹(美国汽车租赁巨头)Hewlett-Packard 惠普公司hierarchy of strategy 战略的层次high margin/low-turnover retailers 高利润/低周转率的零售商high market share global strategy 高市场份额全球战略high-contact service system 高接触服务系统high-involvement product 高参与产品high-involvement purchase 高参与购买hight market share 高市场份额战略Holiday Inns 假日旅馆homogeneous market 同质市场household/family life cycle 家庭生命周期household 家庭hybrid technology 混合技术idea generation 创意的产生/生成ideas for new products 新产品创意/构想idea-screening process 创意筛选过程identification of segments 识别细分市场Illinois Tool Works 伊利诺斯工具厂image pricing 形象定价imitative positioning 模仿定位imitative strategy 模仿战略impact evaluation 影响评估impersonal sources 非个人的信息来源implementation and control of marketing programs 营销计划的执行和控制implementation 实施improvements in or revisions of existing products 现有产品的改良或修正impulse buying 冲动购买impulse goods 冲动购买品incentives 激励income 收入increased penetration strategy 增加渗透战略indirect costing profitability analysis 间接成本盈利性分析individual brand 个别品牌individual value 个人价值industrial goods & services 工业产品和服务industrial goods channels 工业品分销渠道industry attractiveness 行业吸引力industry attractiveness-business position matrix 行业吸引力-业务地位矩阵I ndustry dynamics 产业动态industry evaluation 产业评估industry evolution 产业演变inelastic 缺乏价格弹性influencers 影响者infocommunications industry 信息通信行业infomercials 商业信息广告information age 信息时代information search 信息搜集information technology 信息技术informative 告知性的ingredient 成份in-home personal interview 个人家庭访谈in-house use tests 内部使用测试innovation 创新innovativeness 创新性installation 设施in-store display 店内展示in-store positioning 店内布局in-store promotion 店内促销intangibles 无形integrated marketing communication plan (IMC) 整合营销传播计划integration of perception 感知整合integration 整合Jaquar 美洲豹Jell-O 吉露jobbers 批发商Johnson & Johnson 强生joint ventures 合资jury of executive opinion 行政管理人员群体意见法just noticeable difference (JND) 恰巧注意到的差异just-in-time (JIT) management system 准时制管理体系just-in-time purchasing arrangements 及时采购安排Kao 花王Keiritsu 凯莱通Kellogg 凯洛格公司Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 肯德基key account management 主要客户管理key accounts 关键客户key benefits 核心利益key environmental issue identification 确定主要的环境问题key variables 关键变量key/house accounts 关键/机构客户Kmart 凯玛特Kodak 柯达Komatsu 小松公司Kraft 卡芙laboratory tests 实验室测试leapfrog strategy 蛙跳战略learning hierarchy 学习层级结构legal services 法律服务legislation 立法legitimate power 法定权level of compensation 酬金水平level of technical sophistication 技术的复杂程度Levi Strauss 李维·史特劳斯Levi's 列维斯(全球最大的牛仔服制造商)lexicographic model 词典编纂模型lifestyle 生活方式limited-servicewholesalers 有限服务的批发商line extension 产品线扩展line filling 产品线填充line stretching 产品线延伸list price 订价Lloyd's of London 伦敦劳埃德保险公司localizaiton strategy 本地化战略location pricing 场所定价location 位置lodging 房屋出租logistical alliances 后勤联盟long-term memory 长期记忆lost customer 失去的顾客Louis Vuitton 路易·威登(法国著名时尚品牌)low-contact service system 低接触服务系统low-cost defender 低成本防御型low-cost position 低成本地位low-involvement hierarchy 低参与程度层级结构Lucent Technologies 朗讯科技macro risks 宏观风险macroenvironment 宏观环境macrosegmentation 宏观细分mail-order retailers 邮购零售商maintaining market share 保持市场份额maintenance strategy 保持战略management overhead 管理费mandatory adaptation 强制性适应manufacturer brand 制造商/全国性品牌manufacturers' agents/representatives 生产商的代理商/销售代表manufacturers' export agents (MEA) 制造商出口代理manufacturers' sales offices/branches 生产商的销售办事处/分支机构manufacturing process 制造过程manufacturing 制造业market aggregation strategy 整体市场战略market attractiveness factors 市场吸引力因素market attractiveness 市场吸引力market attractiveness/business position matrix市场吸引力/业务地位矩阵market circumstances 市场环境market demorgraphics 市场人口分布/统计特征market dimension 市场量度market entry strategies 市场进入战略market exclusion 市场排斥market expansion strategy 市场扩张战略market factors 市场因素market followers 市场跟随者market growth rate 市场增长率market hirarchy 市场等级market inclusion 市场纳入market leaders 市场领导者market measurement 市场测量market opportunity analysis 市场机会分析market oriented 以市场为导向的market position factors 市场地位因素market positioning analysis 市场定位分析market potential measurements 市场潜力测度market research 市场研究market segment 细分市场market segmentation 市场细分market share 市场份额market targeting 目标市场选择market 市场marketability 市场开拓能力market-entry strategies 市场进入战略marketing action plan 营销行动计划marketing audit 营销审计marketing channel 营销渠道marketing codes of conduct 营销行为规范marketing communication 营销沟通/传播marketing concept 营销观念marketing control 营销控制marketing decision support systems (MDSS) 营销决策支持系统marketing environment audit 营销环境审计marketing flows and functions 营销过程和职能marketing function area audit 营销功能领域的审计marketing implications of 对营销的影响marketing information system 营销信息系统marketing institutions 营销机构marketing management 营销管理marketing message 营销信息marketing mix 营销组合marketing policy 营销策略marketing productivity area audit 营销生产力领域的审计marketing program components 营销计划内容marketing program 营销计划/方案marketing relationship 营销关系marketing research 营销研究marketing strategy 营销战略market-management organizational structure 市场管理组织结构mark-up price 产品/溢价价格Marlboro 万宝路Marriott Hotel 万豪酒店mass-market penetration strategy 大规模市场渗透战略mass-market strategy 大市场战略matrix organizational structure 矩阵组织结构Matsu****a 日本松下电子mature conformists 成熟的随大流者mature markets 成熟市场mature stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成熟阶段McDonald's 麦当劳McDonnell Douglas 麦道公司MCI电讯公司(前世界通信公司)MDSS (Marketing-Decision Support System) 市场决策支持系统measurability 可测度性measure or index 测量指标measurement criteria 计量标准media audiences 媒体受众medical and health services 医疗卫生服务Medico Containment Servicesmemory of consumers 消费者记忆Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰Mercer Management Consulting 美国美智管理顾问公司merchandising 推销merchant middlemen 国内贸易中间商merchant wholesalers 商业批发商message structure 信息结构Michael Porter 迈克尔-波特micro risks 微观风险microsegmentatioin 微观细分Miller Tyding ACT, USA 米勒·泰丁法案minging 矿业Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M)明尼苏达矿业和制造公司Minolta 美能达miscellaneous sources 多方面来源mission 宗旨missionary selling 推销式销售Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 三菱重工modified rebuy 调整再购monosegment positioning 单一细分市场定位Monsanto 孟山都农业生物技术公司moral appeals 伦理/道德诉求morals 道德Motorola 摩托罗拉multichannel distribution 多渠道分销multidimensional scaling 多维等级法multilevel selling 多级销售multinational coporations (MNCs) 跨国公司multiple test markets 多测试市场multiple-brand strategy 多品牌战略multiple-factor index 多因素指数法multisegment positioning 多重细分市场定位mutual trust 相互信任Nabisco Biscuit 纳贝斯克饼干公司national account management 全国性客户管理national market 国内市场National Semiconductor 美国国家半导体公司natural products 天然产品NEC 日本电子net sales 净销售额network computer (NC) 网络计算机new business selling 新业务销售new buy 购入新产品new entrants 新进入者new markets 新市场new materials 新材料New Prod screening model 新普罗德筛选模型new product lines 新产品线new products 新产品new-product development 新产品开发new-product ideas 新产品创意Newsweek 《新闻周刊》new-task buying 全新采购new-to-the-world products 世界性新产品niche penetration strategy 壁龛/机会市场渗透战略niche-market strategy 壁龛市场战略Nike 耐克Nissan 尼桑no-brand brand name 无品牌的品牌名称no-frills product 无虚饰产品noise in communication system 传播系统中的噪音non-financial rewards 非物质性奖励措施non-probability sampling 非概率抽样non-profit organization 非盈利组织non-store retailing 无店铺零售业number of stockouts 迟滞数目object-and-task method of promotion budgeting 目标-任务促销预算法objectives and strategy area audit 目标与战略领域的审计objectives 具体目标observation 观察法occupancy costs 房屋占用成本occupation/position 职业/职位odd pricing 奇/余数定价法OEM (original equipment manufacturer) 原始设备制造商oeverall quality 总体质量off-invoice discounts 发票之外的折扣offsets 抵消交易Omega 欧米加on-air testing 广播测试OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)欧佩克(石油输出国组织)opening relationships 建立关系operating supplies 生产供应品operational excellence运作管理水平opinion leaders 意见领导者opportunity cost 机会成本order cycle time 订货周期order processing 订单处理organisational level 组织层次organizaitonal requirement planning 组织需求计划organization area audit组织领域的审计organization buying center 组织采购中心organizational customer 组织顾客organizational direct selling 组织直销organizational markets组织市场organizational purchasing 组织采购organzational structure组织结构outdoor enthusiasts 户外运动爱好者out-of-home media 户外广告媒体overall cost leadership全面成本领先overheads 日常开支overseas direct investment 海外直接投资ownership of new product 新产品所有权parties involved 交换中的各方payment terms 支付条款pay-off control 支出控制penetration pricing 渗透定价Pepsi-Cola 百事可乐perceived customer value 顾客感知价值perceived quality 感知到的质量perceived value 感知到的价值percentage of sales promotion budgeting method销售额百分比促销预算法perceptions of consumers 消费者感知/理解perceptual (product) pisitioning 感知(产品)定位perceptual map 感知图perceptual organization 感知组织perceptual vigilance 感性的警惕performance dimension 业绩标准performance evaluation 业绩评估performance measures 表现/业绩测度performance objective 绩效目标performance standards 绩效标准performance 功能perishability 非持久性personal selling 人员推销personal sources 个人的信息来源personnel development 人力资源开发persuasive 说服性的pharmaceuticals industry 医药行业physical (product) positioning 物理(产品)定位physical descriptors 物理变量physical distribution 实物分销Pillsbury 皮尔斯博瑞pioneers 先入者Pizza Hut 必胜客place utility 地点效用planning and control system area audit 计划与控制系统领域的审计point of sale information 销售点信息portfolio models for resource allocation 资源配置的资产组合模式position intensity 地位集中程度positioning 定位possession utility 拥有效用post-purchase dissonance 购买后的不协调post-purchase evaluation 购买后评估post-purchase/after-sale service 售后服务potential advantages 潜在优势potential customer 潜在顾客potential market 潜在市场potential target market潜在目标市场power in distribution 分销权力power of buyers 购买者能力power of suppliers 供应商能力predatory pricing 掠夺性定价法pre-empting scarce resources 先占稀缺资源preferential treatment 特惠待遇premiums 额外奖励present competitors 现有的竞争者presenting sales message 提供销售信息price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性price fixing 价格设定price leaders 价格领导者price lining 价格排列定价法price promotion 价格促销price quotation 报价price sensitivity 价格敏感度price structure 价格结构price 价格price/earnings ration 价格/收益比price-off promotions 降价促销price-setting process 定价过程pricing adjustments 定价调整pricing policies 价格策略pricing 定价primary demand 基本需求primary sources 第一类/主要数据print media 印刷媒体private/for-profit organization 私营/盈利性组织PRIZM (Potential Rating Index for Zip Markets)按邮政区划为基础的潜力等级指数proactive new-product development strategy 进取型新产品开发战略probability sampling 概率抽样problem formulation 界定问题problem identificatioin 确定问题process management 过程管理Procter & Gamble (P&G) 宝洁公司product line 产品线product availability 产品的可获得性product category 产品类别product class 产品类别product decisions 产品决策product design 产品设计product development 产品开发product dimension or attributes 产品维度/属性product evolution 产品演变product features 产品特征product intent share 产品倾向份额product leadership 产品领导能力product life cycle (PLC) 产品生命周期product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线product line 产品线product manager audit 产品经理审计product offering 供应品product organizaiton of salesforce 按产品组织销售队伍product policies 产品策略product positioning 产品定位product quality 产品质量product scope 产品范围product space 产品位置product specifications 产品规格product systems 产品体系product type 产品类型product usage 产品用途product(ion)-oriented organization 产品/生产导向型组织production 生产product-line pricing adjustments 产品线定价调整product-management organizational structure 产品管理组织结构product-market entry control 产品-市场进入控制product-related behavioral descriptors 与产品相关的行为变量product's market characteristics 产品的市场特征product-use testing 产品使用测试pro-environment 环保profit impact of market strategy (PIMS) 市场战略的利润影响profitability analysis 盈利性分析profitability 盈利性/盈利能力profitable survivor strategy 有利可图的生存者战略project-company resource compatibility 项目与公司资源的协调性projected profit-and-loss statement 预计损益表projective tests 投影测试Promotion decisions 促销决策promotion mix 促销组合promotion policies 促销策略promotion 促销promotional allowance 促销折让promotional effort 促销努力promotional pricing 促销定价promptness 及时性propector strategy 探索型战略prospecting for customers 寻找顾客psychographics 心理统计特征psychological cost 心理成本psychological pricing 心理定价法public organization 公共组织public relations 公共关系public utilities 公共设施publicity 公共宣传pull strategy for control of distribution channels分销渠道控制的拉式战略pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张purchase predisposition 购买倾向purchasing agent 采购代理purchasing contract 采购合同purchasing manager/agent 采购经理/代理purchasing power perity (PPP) 购买力平价指数push money/spiffs 佣金push stragtegy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的推式战略qualifying prospects 审查潜在顾客资格quality dimensions 质量维度quality 质量quantity discount 数量折扣question marks 问题类questioning 询问法quotas 定额raw materials 原材料。

今日美国――迪斯尼公司THIS IS AMERICA - The Disney CompanyBy Jerilyn WatsonBroadcast date: January 14, 2001VOICE ONE:Walt Disney was one of America’s most famous film producers. He created Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and some of the world’s most successful entertainment businesses. I’m Bob Doughty.Walt Disney's 'Magic Kingdom'VOICE TWO:And I’m Doug Johnson. The world of Walt Disney is our report to day on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA.(("WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR" INSTEAD OF THEME))VOICE ONE:Film artist and producer Walt Disney died in Nineteen-Sixty-Six. Yet his work and influence live on. People around the world watch Disney movies and Disney television programs. They buy Disney music, books, videos, toys, clothes and games. They attend Disney shows. They stay in Disney hotels and ride on a Disney passenger ship. They visit Disney entertainment1parks in the United States, France and Japan.VOICE TWO:Last month was the one-hundredth anniversary2of the birth of Walt Disney. He was born in Nineteen-Oh-One in Chicago, Illinois3. InNineteen-Twenty-Three, Walt Disney moved to Hollywood, California. He hoped to become a movie producer or director. However, he could not find a job. So he decided to make animated4 movies or cartoons. Walt Disney was an artist.He wanted to bring his pictures to life. A cartoon is a series of drawings on film. Each drawing is a little different from the one before it. Eachshows a tiny change in movement. When we see the movie, the cartoon people and animals appear to move. They speak with voices recorded by actors.Walt Disney believed that animated movies could be just as popular as movies made with real people. He decided he needed a cartoon hero. So he created Mickey Mouse.This cartoon mouse had big eyes and ears. He stood on two legs like a human. He wore white gloves on his hands. Disney’s first short cartoon films starring Mickey Mouse gained great success. Both the mouse and his creator became famous.VOICE ONE:In Nineteen-Thirty-Two, Disney produced the first cartoon filmed in the full-color process called Technicolor5. Mickey Mouse was the main character in this movie, called “Flowers and Trees.” Disney served as the voice of his mouse.Disney created cartoons with other characters including Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Pluto the dog. These cartoons were very popular. But Walt Disney wanted to make other kinds of animated movies too.VOICE TWO:Disney’s first full-length cartoon movie was completed inNineteen-Thirty-Seven. It was “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”became one of Hollywood’s most successful movies.Disney made a number of other extremely popular cartoon films during the Nineteen-Forties and Nineteen-Fifties. They include “Fantasia6,”“Cinderella7,”“Pinocchio8,”“Dumbo” and “Bambi.”Disney’s skills in this animation process made him one of the world’s most successful movie artists. Film experts say that without Walt Disney, the art of animation would not have developed so fully.In the Nineteen-Fifties, Disney started producing live-action films with actors. He also started producing several popular television series.VOICE ONE:In Nineteen-Sixty-Four, Disney made a popular film called “Mary Poppins.”It told about a woman who cares for other people’s children. Human actors shared the action with cartoon characters. “Mary Poppins” was one of Disney’s last productions.For about forty years, other filmmakers praised and honored the work of Walt Disney. He won thirty-two Academy Awards for his movies. He also received honors for scientific and technical inventions in filmmaking. However, Walt Disney was not just a great artist and filmmaker. He also gained great success in business.((MUSIC BRIDGE: "IT’S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL"))VOICE TWO:In Nineteen-Fifty-Five, Walt Disney opened an entertainment park in Anaheim, California, near Los Angeles. He called the park Disneyland. He wanted it to be the happiest place on Earth. It re-created places from Disney movies. It also showed real places as Disney imagined them. For example, one area looked like a nineteenth-century town in the American West. Another area looked like the world of the future. Disneyland had many exciting rides for children of all ages and for adults too.Pluto, Minnie and GoofyDisneyland was so successful that Walt Disney developed plans for a second entertainment and educational park. The project was called Walt Disney World. It opened near Orlando, Florida in Nineteen-Seventy-One, five years after Disney died. It was larger than Disneyland and had many more activities.VOICE ONE:Today, the Disney Company continues Walt Disney’s w ork and traditions. Michael Eisner became the company chief in Nineteen-Eighty-Four. At the time, the company was not making successful films. It was depending on the entertainment parks for much of its profits.Mister Eisner changed that situation. He ordered that old Disney cartoons, programs and films be sold to television stations. He approved the production of programs and movies for adults. He expanded the idea of the Disney parks to Japan and France. Disney parks opened in Tokyo9 in Nineteen-Eighty-Four and in Paris in Nineteen-Ninety-Two.Led by Mister Eisner, the Disney Company continues to build entertainment centers. Disney’s California Adventure park opened last year in Anaheim, next to Disneyland. It cost one-point-four-thousand-million dollars. California Adventure is smaller than Disneyland. It celebrates10the state of California, not some make-believe place.The park has three areas. Paradise Pier celebrates the great American amusement11 park. It has the wor ld’s longest roller coaster, called “California Screamin.’” It is almost two-thousand meters long. The park also has a ride that makes people feel like they are hang-gliding in the air over famous areas in California. They include Yosemite National Park12, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Sierra Mountains.The second area in California Adventure is called Hollywood Pictures Backlot13. It shows visitors the movie-making industry. The third area, called The Golden State, shows important places in California including agricultural14 areas.There are also new Disney parks in Paris and Tokyo. Disney Studios Europe will open this year next to Disneyland Paris. It will bring a little bit of Hollywood to France. Tokyo DisneySea opened recently next to Tokyo Disneyland. It has seven areas that celebrate exploration and discovery of the seas.((MUSIC BRIDGE FROM "LION KING"))VOICE ONE:The Disney Company earns about twenty-five-thousand-million dollars a year. It is one of the largest media companies in the world. It operates movie and television companies. In Nineteen-Ninety-Five it bought the Capital Cities A-B-C media company which includes the A-B-C television network. The Disney Company recently bought a group of international cable television channels. It also owns sports teams.The Disney Company also has become a major Broadway theater producer in New York City. Its stage productions of “Beauty and the Beast” and “The Lion King” have been among the most popular plays on Broadway15.The company continues to make successful animated films. Its latest movie is a computer-animated film produced with the Pixar Company. It is called “Monsters, Incorporated.” It was the third most popular movie in the United States last year.Last year, however, a weak economy and the September terrorist attacks hurt the Disney Company. It lost money on its Internet operations. Sales of products at Disney stores decreased. The A-B-C television network lost viewers and advertising sales. Attendance at the Disney parks fell. The company cut four-thousand jobs last year. Most financial experts, however, say the Disney Company will improve in the future. They believe people around the world will always enjoy Disney entertainment.(("WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR" INSTEAD OF CLOSING THEME))VOICE ONE:This program was written by Shelley Gollust and Jerilyn Watson. It was produced by George Grow. I’m Bob Doughty.VOICE TWO:And I’m Doug Johnson. Join us again next week for another report about life in the United States on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA.1.Entertainment [♏⏹♦☜♦♏♓⏹❍☜⏹♦] n.款待, 娱乐, 娱乐表演2.Anniversary [ ✌⏹♓☜♦☜❒♓] n.周年纪念3.Illinois [ ♓●♓⏹♓☎✆] n.伊利诺斯州(美国州名)4.Animated [ ✌⏹♓❍♏♓♦♓♎] adj.活生生的, 活泼的, 动的, 愉快的5.Technicolor [ ♦♏⏹✋✈●☜☎❒✆] n.鲜艳的色彩,人工色彩6.Fantasia [♐✌⏹♦♏♓☜ ♦] n.幻想曲7.Cinderella [ ♦♓⏹♎☜❒♏●☜] n.灰姑娘8.Pinocchio n.童话中的主角9.Tokyo [ ♦☜◆☜◆] n.东京(日本)10.Celebrate [ ☯♦♏●♓♌❒♏♓♦] v.庆祝, 祝贺11.Amusement [☜❍◆❍☜⏹♦], 消遣12.Yosemite National Park (美国加利福尼亚州中部)约塞米蒂国家公园13.Backlot [♊♌✌●♦] n.(电影制片厂的)外景场地14.Agricultural [ ✌♈❒♓✈●♦☞☜❒☜●] adj.农业的, 农艺的15.Broadway [ ♌❒♎♦♏♓] n.纵贯纽约市的大街道, 百老汇。

广告术语中英文对照AAA(美国广告院校协会)American Academy of Advertising AAAA, 4A’s (美国广告代理商协会) American Association of Advertising Agencies ABC (广告发行量稽查会) Audit Bureau of CirculationsAMA (美国市场营销协会) American Marketing AssociationAIO (行为、兴趣、观点数据库) activity, interesting, opinionIAA (国际广告协会) International Advertising Associ ationPOP广告 point of purchases SWOT分析、优劣势分析 strength, weakness, opportunity, th reat案头研究desk research版权copyright包装package保存率keeping rate报价quotation, cost es timate备忘录memo调查对象interviewee, responden t, participant比稿competition, pitch 比较广告comparative advertisin g边际效用marginal utility标题headline标志logo, mark草稿rough草图sketch插图illustration差异性(策略)differentiation蒙太奇montage 免费赠品 give away 命名n aming模仿co py模型 mod el, pattern目标对象target audience尼尔逊电视调查报告 Nielsen Television In dex频率 f requency品牌br and品牌策略 brand strategy品牌个性(人格化) brand personali ty品牌购买趋势brand mo mentum品牌管家 brand steward品牌经理br and manager品牌联想bran d linkage品牌识别brand identity产品核心概念 product concept产品名称测试name test产品效用benefit产品形象 product image产品原型product prototype产品原型测试prototype test产品周期product life-cycle产品属性product attribute陈列display冲击力impact出口广告export advertising传播,沟通communication传播策略 communication strategy 创意creative创意草图idea sketch创意策略creative strategy创意概念 creative concept创意提案creative presentation 创意总监creative director (CD) 从众follow促销活动promotion打样color proof打字照排typesetting大众传播 mass communication代理商agent导演director到达率reach到达频率frequency第一知名度 top of mind (TOM)点子idea电话调查telephone interview电视广告commercial电视媒体 TV media调查员 interviewer定量研究quantitative research 定位positioning定性研究 quality research动画animation动机motivation, motion 动机分析 motivation analysis动机强度 motivation intension独家赞助sponsored event独特销售理论unique selling proposition (USP)发行量 circulation菲林,胶片film分类广告 classified advertising 分散式媒体组合assorted media mix分色color separation 分销distribution风险知觉perceived risk服务质量 serve quality负片negative覆盖率coverage概念concept概念测试 concept test感觉sense个人收视率personal audience rating 个性,性格personality工作进度报告 status report公共关系public relations公益广告non-commercial adverti sing构图 layout购买 purchase, buy购买后分析 post-buy-analysis购买环境shopping environment 购买决策 purchase decision购买决定因子 purchase decision factor购买率 purchase rate购买模型purchase model购买频率purchase frequency购买者buyer购买周期 purchase period购买准备 purchase preparation关键词 keyword观察法 observe method广播电视网network广播媒体broadcast media广告advertising (AD) 广告标语advertising slogan广告测试 advertising test广告策略 advertising strategy广告创意 advertising creative广告创作人员 creator广告对象 advertising target广告概念advertising concept 广告稿效果调查 copy test广告歌曲commercial song广告代理商,广告公司advertising agency广告管理 advertising managemen t广告计划 advertising plan广告监测advertising monitor, advertising track 广告精读率 attentive readership sc ore广告客户 client广告目标 advertising goal广告目的 advertising objective 广告牌 billboard广告认知效果 advertising recognition eff ect广告时代 Advertising Age (AD Ag e)广告诉求advertising appeal 广告文案 advertising copy广告效果advertising effect, advertising impac t广告效果监测 advertising impact track广告音乐 jingle广告占有率share of voice广告招贴poster广告作品advertisement国际广告媒体international media国际消费者协会consumer international (CI) 互联网调查 internet survey户外广告 outdoor advertising黄金时段 prime time基本动机 basic motivation集中式媒体组合 concentrated media mix记忆 memory, recall家庭结构family structure家庭类型family type家庭收视率 household rating价格测试price test价值观valuation剪辑 trimming简报briefing交互媒体 interactive media脚本 storyboard街头调查 street interview进口广告 import advertising经销商dealer竞争者competitor剧本大纲synopsis决策模型 decision mode l决策者decision开机率 sets in use 客户client, a ccount客户策划人 account planner客户简报client briefi ng客户经理account mana ger客户主管 account super visor客户总监account dire ctor蓝图 blue prin t老年群体old age mass 累积到达率cumulative rea ch理性广告rational adve rtising连锁超市 chain super-ma rket品牌替代率 brand replaceme nt品牌喜爱度brand leverage 品牌形象 brand image 品牌形象跟踪 brand image track (BIT)品牌占有率brand share品牌知名度 brand awareness 品牌忠诚度 brand loyalty 品牌重复购买率 brand retention品牌转换brand shift品牌资产brand equity普及率diffusion rate企业广告 corporate adv ertising企业理念corporate ph ilosophy企业形象corporate im age企业形象识别corporate identi ty (CI)千人成本cost per thousand(million) (CP T CPM)潜意识,下意识sub-consciousness 潜在市场 potential mar ket青年群体 youth mass 情感 feeling 情感广告emotional adv ertising区域广告regional adv ertising全面服务代理商 full service agency 人口统计 demographic人员测量仪(个人收视监测仪) people meter认知 perceive, recognize认知度 recognition rate认知广告recognition a dvertising认知模型 recognize mod el入户访问 in-house interview商品成长期 growth stage 商品成熟期maturit y stage商品导入期introd uction stage商品衰退期 decli ne stage商圈 t rade area少年群体j uvenile mass设计design设计核心概念design c oncept社会阶层 socie ty class社会意识socie ty-consciousness社会因素 soc iety factor深度访谈 in-de pth interview生活风格(形态) life st yle生活态度数据库 attitud e-value database时尚style, fashio实验法 e xperiment method实验性营销test marketing使用者user市场导向market ing oriented市场调查 marke ting research市场潜力marke t potential市场渠道 m arket channel市场细分 seg mentation市场营销 m arketing市场营销组合mar keting mix市场占有率 mar ket share事件event视觉成型 visua lize视听占有率a udience share收视(听)率 audienc e rating收视监测仪 vid eo meter收视率调查 r ating research受教育程度educati on level售货员salesman数据库database诉求appeal态度a ttitude态度测量 attitud e measurement提案 prese ntation, proposal提示知名度 aided brand a wareness统计指标 statistic i ndex投放时间表cue list, transmission schedule投射法研究 proje ct method完稿finis hed artwork网页广告 web a dvertising未提示知名度un-aided brand awareness文稿撰写人 copywriter 问卷q uestionnaire习惯habit习惯研究 hab it study。
Social Media Company; Facebook

Running Head: A REPORT ON DATA MANAGEMENT FOR STARTUP COMPANY 1Social Media CompanyStudent NameInstitutional AffiliationDateAccording to Mark Zuckerberg, the idea of starting Facebook was to create a free world where people would get access to information they require and, at the same time, share information, thus serves as a social platform. Massive accumulation of data is the crucial point, and it involves capturing data from different activities such as an economic transaction. Some of the examples of data flow include corporate government database (Zuboff, 2015), Private and Public Surveillance Cameras, Computer-mediated financial transactions, and Self-driving cars. Googles show the use of surveillance Cameras in street view as logic in the accumulation of data. Surveillance capitalism refers to the collection of these data streams with the purpose of "predicting and modifying human behavior as a means of generating revenue and market control" (Zuboff, 2015). Therefore the paper seeks to analyze some of the damages on the reputation of the company (Stilgoe, Owen & Macnaghten, 2013).Big data is a complex data set from a new source (Zuboff, 2015); examples of data flow include corporate and government databases, computer-mediated economic transactions, and data exhaust. Face book beacon relied on third-parties cookies to track users. When the lighthouse was discontinued in 2009, many users knew about social media tracking across the web. In 2010 graph application programming interface was developed to enable third-party developers to create third-party apps like games. The media platform uses a filter bubble to provide more information to users. Cambridge Analytica researched a technique of using Facebook likes to project human personalities in 2013.Based on the analysis, in the year 2015, a lot of data about many Facebook users in America were gathered without their consent; results show that the data was used to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 general election in the United States. The objective was achieved by forming a personality profile using the data. For instance, on election interference, the spread of fake news on the 2018 Facebook Platform aboutPresidential Election in the United States of America caused anger among the Supporters of the rival group (Carlson, 2018). As a result, they lost trust in the information being spread in the social arena. For instance, "Pope Francis shocks the World endorses Donald Trump for President, Releases Statement."In another event, before the Presidential elections, Russia formed the Internet Research Agency whose objective is to influence the outcome of the vote. The workers were trained to create disagreement on social media by spreading false reports about elections. Internet Research Agency created pages such as Black Life Matters Protesters, Anti-immigration groups, and Tea Party Activists for the intention to spread incorrect information about Clinton to voters perceived as a minority in her base. In turn, it has created negative publicity for the company (Cohen, 2019). Measures implemented by Facebook to control the spread of false news include encouraging posts from friends and demeaning content from organizations.Facebook is considered to breach the privacy of the users in scenarios where confidential information, like the names of the users, have been made accessible to some internet tracking companies and advertising companies; this process can result in data loss. Some people, upon realizing that there is a breach of privacy while using Facebook, they have lost confidence in using the social media platform. Cybersecurity refers to the protection of a computer system from theft or damage of hardware, software data, and from service interruption or misleading (Council on CyberSecurity, 2014). Managing cybersecurity entails hiring cybersecurity talent, and establishing corporate policy, best practice linking cybersecurity planning to workforce planning. Cybersecurity strategy involves fostering a cohesive team, develop a risk-based approach, and assessing capabilities and limitations. Specific apps such as Instagram and Whatapp have been designed to safeguard the privacy of the users. The applications ensure thatEnd – to- End encryption is maintained; it implies that only the Sender and Receiver can read messages between them. Privacy has enabled people to interact more freely .Cybersecurity is necessary to an organization like financial entities , government agencies because they process and store large amount of data which is sensitive when unauthorized persons getaccess. Components of cybersecurity include database secutity, network security,and application security. ( Council on cybersecutity 2014).The algorithm has impacted negatively on the users; for instance, when you search on something on Google, then you an ad on Facebook for the product. The algorithm has resulted in some of the generational social media effects such as depression, loneliness, and anxiety. Due to the increase in the use of a smartphone, young people spend most of their time on social media, thus reduced activities like hanging out with friends. Reports have indicated that reducing access to social media to about thirty minutes in a day will lead to an improvement in the well being. Besides, some of the effects of social media are mental health and radicalization. False information about terrorism spread over the social platform has been the catalyst of radicalization. Also, the study shows that emotional contagion experiment can lead to depression because many users of Facebook post more negative post compared to positive ones. The use of an automated system to regulate sensitive content in Facebook's new feed has been implemented ((Thornton & Danaher, 2018).Loss of data is damage that may accrue to the company as a result of mismanagement of database; Innovation has enabled new mechanism to be developed inorder to facilitate the manner of carrying out transactions, In 2019, Facebook launched their currency known as Libra, which is integrated to Whatapp, Messenger, and Blue app. A blockchain is a decentralized, immutable (unforgeable), valid, potentially unstoppable computing system. New use cases forBitcoin’s underlying technology (the “blockchain”) were developed (e.g., Namecoin for decentralized DNS) The main idea is to help people carry out cashless transactions, thus forms the solution to cryptocurrency. Decentralized Autonomous Organization runs on a blockchain that uses smart contracts for sales, enables innovations in funding and capital investment. Surveillance Capitalism refers to giving money value to data relating to human character and migration pattern this data is retrieved through online platform (König, 2019).In conclusion, serious measures should be put in place to enhance the privacy and confidentiality of the database of the company. The repercussion attributed to mishandling data related to a company can result in severe losses. The policy forms the focal point for the success or failure of the company. For that reason, severe penalties need to be put in place to help curb the misuse of the data of the company.ReferencesCouncil on CyberSecurity. (2014). Cybersecurity Workforce Handbook: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Workforce. October. Arlington, VA: Council on CyberSecurity.Available at: https:///wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Cybersecurity-Workforce-Handbook.pdf.[Read only pp. 6-55]Carlson M. (2018). Facebook in the News. Digital Journalism 6(1): 4–20.DOI:10.1080/21670811.2017.1298044.Stilgoe, J., Owen, R., & Macnaghten, P. (2013). Developing a framework for responsible innovation. Research Policy, 42(9), 1568-1580. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2013.05.008 Petre, C., Duffy, B. E., & Hund, E. (2019). “GamCohen, J. (2019). Review of Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. Surveillance & Society, 17(1/2), 240-245. doi:10.24908/ss.v17i1/2.13144Thornton, P., & Danaher, J. (2018). On the Wisdom of Algorithmic Markets: Governance by Algorithmic Price. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3314078König, P. (2019). Dissecting the Algorithmic Leviathan: On the Socio-Political Anatomy of Algorithmic Governance. Philosophy & Technology. doi: 10.1007/s13347-019-00363-wZuboff, S. (2015). Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization. Journal of Information Technology 30(1): 75–89. DOI:10.1057/jit.2015.5.Question 2For New entity to thrive in the industry, it faces many challenges from well-established companies. For that reason, it has to make a massive investment in technology to acquire a competitive advantage. Cannatrace company is a newly formed company that deals in the supply of products related to Cannabis to consumers. The company has a strategy to establishes itself in the industry to gain a competitive edge among its rival organizations. It follows that Cannatrace prefers to make a business model dealing with software technology. Some of the benefits attributed to this venture include excellent packages, concern to government regulators, and the capability to work for non-government companies (Hatten, 2018).The goal of this technology is to enable the consumers to be able to verify the quality of the product to determine if it meets the set standards, which include proper certification, laboratory tested, and ethically harvested. In this manner, Cannatrace will meet the need to gain mileage in the industry, because it will create product differentiation, and in turn, increase the customer base. On the other hand, there are particular challenges the company faces like social engineering, direct access to the system "software bug," this can lead to loss of vital information when an unauthorized person gets access to the data. Specific mitigative measures have been put in place to ensure cybersecurity (Council on CyberSecurity, 2014), like educating the end-users, secure design by using correct codes, embracing good practices for software development, for example, security-enhanced programming language( Söderholm et al., 2019).The use of an android app like Apple iPod and Google Search has facilitated transactions; a customer with a smartphone can use Calibra, which serves as media to facilitate trade to make payment at a low cost. Proper security measures must be practiced to prevent access to the database by the hackers. Mismanagement of the data results in a decline inrevenue. Customers may lose confidence in the company. As a result, the profit margin will decline. An investor needs to know the plans laid down for the company to make huge returns in the future. Andreessen Horowitz, in this case, is an investor in the Cannatrace company and expects to recover the capital invested; it is worried that issues related to mismanagement of the data may result in loss. By establishing a Corporate policy such as malware defenses, account control, and monitoring, a company will be in a position to ensure data protection (Saviotti, 2018).Specific regulations put in place by the government, dealing with benefits of the workers, minimum wage rates, and health safety measures of the workers should be adhered to by the company to avoid penalties that may accrue to the company such as loss of the trading license. Worker compensation insurance is a very significant policy that the company should uphold at all times since it takes into consideration the plight of the workers. Also, the retirement security act ensures that the employees get their full benefits upon retirement. Immigration Act requires that all persons who are entitled to work in the country must possess the relevant documents such as Visas. Consequently, the company should abide by this regulation. Environmental Act requires that the entity should engage in environment-friendly business activities such as emission of toxic gases to the atmosphere, disposal of waste products in the water catchment areas should be avoided at all costs (Cebula et al., 2016).The company should take into consideration the taste and preference of the customers to produce quality products that suit the demand of the consumers using tools like big data (Zuboff, 2015); in this event, proper research needs to be conducted to gather information concerning the products and how it impacts the lives of the consumers. The entity also needs to maintain market niche among the target population; in this manner, the consumer base willincrease in the future if the company produces products that meet the need of the consumers (Aprile et al., 2016). Ethics and values in the digital society should also be considered, such as the company's personal privacy policy, the scope of data collection and use (Stilgoe et al., 2013).In conclusion, for a startup company to thrive in the industry, it should develop a competitive advantage, to enable it to withstand competition among well-established firms in the industry. To realize this objective, the company should invest more capital in technological progress in terms of research. A lot of focus should be made to address the plight of consumers and investors. Lastly, government regulations should be followed strictly.ReferencesCouncil on CyberSecurity. (2014). Cybersecurity Workforce Handbook: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Workforce. October. Arlington, VA: Council on CyberSecurity.Available at: https:///wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Cybersecurity-Workforce-Handbook.pdf.[Read only pp. 6-55]Hatten, T. S. (2018). Small Business Management: Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage. SAGE Publications.Söderholm, P., Hellsmark, H., Frishammar, J., Hansson, J., Mossberg, J., & Sandström, A.(2019). Technological development for sustainability: The role of networkmanagement in the innovation policy mix. Technological Forecasting and SocialChange, 138, 309-323.Saviotti, P. P. (2018). The role of variety in economic and technological development.In Evolutionary theories of economic and technological change (pp. 172-208).Routledge.Cebula, R., Rossi, F., & Clark, J. (2016). The impact of higher quality government regulation of business and greater economic freedom on living standards. Journal ofEntrepreneurship and Public Policy.Aprile, M. C., Caputo, V., & N ayga Jr, R. M. (2016). Consumers’ preferences and attitudes toward local food products. Journal of food products marketing, 22(1), 19-42. Stilgoe J, Owen R and Macnaghten P (2013) Developing a Framework for Responsible Innovation. Research Policy 42(9): 1568–1580. DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2013.05.008. Available at:https://www-sciencedirect-/science/article/pii/S0048733313000930.A REPORT ON DATA MANAGEMENT FOR A STARTUP COMPANYZuboff, S. (2015). Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization. Journal of Information Technology 30(1): 75–89. DOI:10.1057/jit.2015.5.。

The Walt Disney company(at the beginning、beauty and the beast、breaking free、I still believe、can you feel the love tonight、The Walt Disney Company (The Walt Disney Company, referred to as the Walt Disney Company), is the world's largest entertainment and media companies, the world's most respected entertainment media company, according to the turnover in the second largest global media companies (after the U.S. Time Warner).The Walt Disney Company owns the world's first branded entertainment and Disney Television (Disney), a television and entertainment (the largest U.S. distributor of the film), theme parks and resorts (the world's largest theme park group), the media network (with one of the three major U.S. broadcasters ABC, sports brand ESPN), consumer goods (the world's largest children's consumer brands, the world's largest group of children's books) and so on.The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923, when Walt Disney is just the two brothers and Roy Disney Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio, and now Disney has become one of the world's largest entertainment companies, and constantly strives to provide the most special entertainment experience, and the company has been adhering to the constant pursuit of quality and innovation of tradition.As an integrated entertainment giant, Walt Disney company has many subsidiaries and business are many aspects involved, and the Walt Disney Company will be those of many big business is divided into four parts, they are: entertainment, theme park resorts, consumer products and media networks: Walt Disney Entertainment (Studio Entertainment)The Walt Disney Company in this part of the business are built on. This part of the core business is the world famous Walt Disney animated films and live-action movie business. The department is responsible for including Disney, Touchstone, Miramax films worldwide distribution and many other brands, the company DVD video release. And is also responsible for the musical, theatrical and other Disney on Ice production, distribution, and multi-brand Disney Records release.Disney theme park resort (Parks and Resorts)The department is responsible for the Disney theme parks worldwide operations, design and construction.In addition to global five Disney resorts, theme parks outside of 11, also has two giant cruise ships Disney Cruise Line. (beauty and the beast)Now let’s call back its history。
公关 广告 英文术语

策划(plan):公关活动PR activity公关公司PR partner投标书tender book提案proposal公司介绍company profile公关策略PR Strategy传播策略communication strategyxx新闻宣传News communication about xx公关公司职责Responsibility of PR Agency传播目标Objective目标受众Target Audience传播现状分析Corporate Communication SWOT Analysis优势Strength (S)劣势Weakness (W)机遇Opportunity (O)威胁Threat (T)负责人Stakeholder新闻宣传News communication媒体沟通Media Communication新媒体开拓New Media Exploited最少12名来自业内或公司的具有领导地位的资深公共关系实践者组成的小组a panel of at least 12 leading senior PR practitioners from agency and in-house environmentsxx上市后新闻宣传News communication after xx launch危机公关Crisis PR根据实际情况进行跟进处理Crisis management according to actual situationxx 舆论环境Public environment for xx核心媒体群策略Strategy of Key Media group结合实际需求进行新媒体开拓To exploited new media according to actual need强化媒体的掌控Strengthen the control of mediaxx 新闻资料准备News files preparation for xxxx 后续宣传Communication after xx区域性in local areas本月重点工作To-do list of this month其他工作 Others日常新闻宣传Daily news communication媒体分析Analysis of Media重点监测The key point monitor list媒体监测总结Monitor Conclusion意见领袖opinion Leader中坚力量core group传统核心团队Traditional Group新锐团队New core group出发点Basic point建立品牌形象 Set up the image今年的促销活动Promotional Activity of the Year吸引注意力的促销活动attention-grabbing promotional event 2008年公关环境PR circumstance 2008活动(event):合作项目cooperation project圆桌会议roundtable meeting会场布置Venue Arrangement设计方案Design proposal地面设计floorplan贵宾室VIP room签到处reception透视图perspective drawing指引牌设计directional signage design邀请函invitation单独插页a separate page inside折叠线folding line胸卡breast-card备选设计方案alternative design背景设计backdrop designxx 后期维护工作(相册制作等)Maintenance work after xx(picture files made ) 活动前期沟通宣传Pre-event Communication活动过程跟踪沟通During-event Communication and follow-up活动内容和细节建议Event Detail Recommend活动(形式)策划Event Plan活动(线下:会展、路演、促销等)Eventsxx 成员小型媒体沙龙xx member media salon华南媒体沙龙活动Huanan media salon event媒体食宿安排Accommodation Arrangement参加规则Rules of entry礼物建议Gift Recommend颁奖时间Awards Presentation相关网页的设计制作 Homepages Design and Production颁奖仪式场地安排Awarding Ceremony Venue Arrangement现场活动执行支持On-Site Support支持材料/辅助材料Support material活动后分析总结报告After-Event Summary Report访问日程Visit Agenda日程Agenda地点Venue现场制作物设计制作Decoration Design and production设计作品制作并完成Design work finalizationlogo的设计制作Designing and making the the logo of xxxx 项目展厅布置VI设计制作 Exhibition hall display and VI design on xx Project电子杂志的设计制作并提交The on-line journal design and completionxx 前期准备工作Preparation work for xxxx 跟进工作Some following work about xxxx vi设计制作 The VI design about xx执行(exect):中国国内媒体Chinese domestic media业内、商贸媒体Industry/trade media大众媒体General media国际媒体中国通讯员China based international correspondents中国主流媒体China key media核心媒体拜访Visit Key Media政府Government主要传播信息Key Message摘除网络负面声音,BBS,Blog灌水Drop negative information in internet and information release on BBS and Blog媒体邀请(待定)Media Invitation(Suspending)媒体邀请(邀请媒体建议、邀请函撰写发送跟踪)Media Invitation(Media listrecommend/invitation letter/invite follow up)活动前期沟通宣传Pre-event Communication活动过程跟踪沟通During-event Communication and follow-up媒体食宿安排Accommodation Arrangementxx 项目,发布频次7篇,传播量字14000字xx,the releasing frequency are 7 pieces, communication volume are 14000 wordsxx项目,发布频次25篇,传播量38837字xx, the releasing frequency are 25 pieces, communication volume are 38837 words费用预算(budget):合同contract税费 tax入场费entry fee基础公关费用明细表Budget List on Basic PR Expenses媒体维护费用expense on media relations maintenace危机公关费用expense on crisis management政府公关费用 expense on government relations公关培训费用expense on public relations training新闻稿撰写费用expense on news articles writing月服务费用 expense on PR.service费用总计total expenses序号order项目program费用预算budget项目说明explanations服务费用service fee其他相关:窄播Narrowcasting新闻发布News release有新闻价值的Newsworthy在线沟通On-line communications在线媒体关系On-line media relations 在线监测On-line monitoring在线宣传Online publicity评论文章Op-Ed说服 Persuasion产品宣传信 Pitch letter专题报告Position paper新闻发布会Press conferences媒体监测Press monitoring媒体关系Press relations新闻界Press印刷媒体Print media印刷出版物Print publications产品促销Product promotion产品宣传Product publicity项目小组Project team公众抱负Public aspiration公众态度Public attitudes公众意识Public awareness公共事务管理 Public issues management公众情绪Public mood公众需要 Public need舆论Public opinion公共政策预测Public policy forecasting公关广告Public relations advertising公关公司 Public relations agency公关咨询与调研 Public relations counseling and research 公关部 Public relations department公关目标/战略 Public relations objectives/strategies公关计划Public relations plan公关方案Public relations programs公关策略Public relations tactics公众意见Public sentiment公益宣传广告Public service announcement宣传Publicity问卷 Questionnaire监管当局Regulatory authorities调研Research危机沟通Risk communication摘要文章Round-up article促销Sales promotion样本 Sample卫星连线访谈Satellite media tours轰动手法Sensationalism形势分析Situational analysis社会预期Societal expectations软性新闻Soft news特殊利益团体Special interest groups 演讲 Speech演讲稿写作Speech-writing扭曲事实Spin代言人 Spokesperson备用声明Standby statement股东Stockholders托词Subterfuge上下级沟通Supervisory communications 供应商Suppliers调查Surveys电台访谈节目Talk radio目标受众Target audience电话沟通Telephone communication第三方认可Third-party endorsement高层管理Top management行业协会Trade associations行业展览Trade show真相Truth电视访谈TV interviews双向沟通Two-way communication价值观Value视讯会议Video conferences视讯发行Video news releases网络公关Web relations网上新闻室Web site newsroom网站 Web site国际互联网World Wide Web写作Writing(范文素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.SING PAO MEDIA ENTERPRISES LIMITED*(Provisional Liquidators Appointed)(incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)(Stock Code: 8010)ANNOUNCEMENTThis announcement is made pursuant to Rule 17.10 of the GEM Listing Rules and Inside Information Provisions under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571, Laws of Hong Kong). Reference is made to the announcements dated 15 July 2015, 17 July 2015 and 22 July 2015 regarding the status of Sing Pao Media Enterprises Ltd (the “Company”) following the appointment of Mr Edward Middleton and Ms Wong Wing Sze Tiffany, both of KPMG, as Joint and Several Provisional Liquidators (the “Provisional Liquidators”).UPDATE ON THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE COMPANYAfter having conducted an extensive investor search, the Provisional Liquidators are pleased to announce that they have today received and accepted a revised offer of investment from the Company’s Chairman, Mr Gu Zhuoheng (“Offer”). The terms of the Offer are confidential, subject to contract and the fulfilment of certain conditions, including sanction from the High Court of Hong Kong. The Provisional Liquidators will make the necessary Court application as soon as possible. Pending the completion of these steps, the terms of the Offer enable the essential operations of the Company's subsidiaries to continue, as well as for the publication and circulation of the Sing Pao Daily News to resume on 6 August 2015.The Provisional Liquidators will make further announcements as and when appropriate to update shareholders and the investing public on the progress of the Offer.CONTINUED SUSPENSION OF TRADING IN THE SHARESTrading in the shares of the Company has been suspended since 28 April 2005 and will remain suspended until further notice.By order ofSing Pao Media Enterprises Limited(Provisional Liquidators Appointed)Edward Simon Middleton andWong Wing Sze TiffanyJoint and Several Provisional Liquidators Hong Kong, 31 July 2015* For identification purpose only。

Marketing Management营销管理New Products Development新产品开发Service Industry Marketing服务业营销Advertising广告Business Negotiation商业谈判International Marketing国际市场营销Sales Channels销售渠道Public Relationship公共关系Consumer Behavior消费者行为Systems of Management Information管理信息系统Marketing Research营销调研accessibility 可进入性accessory equipment markets 附属设备市场account management policies 客户管理策略positioning定位additions to existing product lines 现有产品线的增加administered vertical marketing systems 管理式垂直营销系统market segmentation市场细分sales promotion销售促进advertising feedback 广告反馈advertising frequency 广告频率advertising media 广告媒体advertising reach 广告接受人数advertising message 广告信息advertising source 广告信息来源agent middleman 代理商allowance 折让alteration 退换American Marketing Association 美国营销协会annual marketing plan 年度营销计划assurance 保证attitudes of consumers 消费者态度availability 可获得性/供货能力awareness (产品)知晓度/知名度baby boomers 婴儿潮出生的一代人backward channels for recycling 回收的后向渠道backward integration 后向垂直一体化banner advertisements 横幅标语广告bar codes 条形码barter 实物交易basic physical needs 基本生理需要BCG Grow-Share Matrix 波士顿增长—份额矩阵before tests 事前测试Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc. 行为扫描信息源公司behavioral analysis 行为分析behavioral hierarchies 行为层级benchmarking 基准benefit clusters 利益群体benefits 利益Benz 奔驰billing 帐单birth rate 出生率blanket purchase order 一揽子采购合同blind-paired comparison testing 双盲比较测试blue collars 蓝领bottom line 底线/盈亏一览结算线brand awareness 品牌意识/认知brand extensions 品牌扩展brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度brand mark 品牌标志brand name 品牌名称brand positioning 品牌定位brand recognition 品牌识别brand strategies 品牌战略brand 品牌branding strategy 品牌化战略branding 品牌化brand’s equity 品牌的价值break—even analysis 盈亏平衡分析break-even volume 盈亏平衡产量breath of product assortment 产品线的宽度breath or diversity of product lines 产品线的宽度或多样性bribery 贿赂British Airways 英国航空公司brokers 经纪人budgeting 预算bundle 捆绑Bureau of Census 人口统计局business strength rating 商业能力评分business plan 商业计划business position 经营地位business sector 商业部门business services markets 商业服务市场business strategies 经营战略business unit strategy 经营单位战略buyback allowances 回购折让buyback arrangements 产品返销buyers’ bargaining power 买方的讨价还价能力buyers 采购者buying behavior 购买行为buying center 采购中心buying inertia 购买惯性buying intention 购买意图buying offices 连锁商店的进货中心buying power index (BPI)购买力指数buying situation 采购情况/类型buying task 采购任务capital gains 资本收益capital invested in product 产品投入资本Carnival 嘉年华cash cows 现金牛类cash discounts 现金折扣catalogue sales 目录销售categorization of perception 感知分类categorization 分门别类centralization 集中化chameleons/followers 变色龙/跟随者channel alternatives 可选择的营销渠道channel conflicts 渠道冲突channel decisions 渠道决策channel functions 渠道功能channel institutions 渠道组织结构channel management 渠道管理channel objectives 渠道目标channel of distribution 分销渠道channel power 渠道权力channel—control strategies 渠道控制战略channel—design decisions 渠道设计决策channel-management decisions 渠道管理决策channels of communication 传播渠道choice criteria 选择标准closing a sale 结束销售clothing retailers 服装零售商co-branding 联合品牌code of ethics (职业)道德标准coercive power 强制权cognitive dissonance 认识的不协调collection of data 数据收集collection 收款co-marketing alliances 联合营销联盟combination compensation plan 结合式薪酬方案commitment 承诺communication channels 传播渠道communication process 传播过程communication 信息交流/沟通communications media 传播媒体company personnel 公司员工comparative advertisements 比较广告comparison of brands 品牌比较compensation deals 补偿处理compensation plan 酬金方案compensation/rewards 酬金/奖励compensatory 补偿性的competition and industry evolution 竞争和行业演变competition-orientated pricing 竞争导向定价法competitive advantage 竞争优势competitive (supply—side) evolution 竞争(供方)演变competitive factors 竞争因素competitive intelligence 竞争情报/信息competitive parity promotion budgeting 竞争均势促销预算法competitive strategy 竞争战略competitive strength 竞争优势/能力competitor analysis 竞争者分析complaint handling 投诉处理component materials and parts markets 组成材料和零部件市场computerized ordering 计算机化的订购conclusive research 确定性研究conditions of demand 需求情况conflict and resolution strategies 冲突和解决战略conformance to specifications 与规格一致conformance 一致性confrontation strategy 对抗战略conjoint measurement 联合测度法conjunctive model 联合模型consumer decision—making 消费者(购买)决策consumer goods channels 消费品分销渠道Consumer Goods Pricing Act, USA 美国消费品定价法案consumer goods 消费品consumer markets 消费品市场consumer needs 消费者需求consumer packaged-goods firms 消费者包装食品公司consumer promotion 消费者促销consumer tests 消费者测试consumer/household market 消费者/家庭市场consumers' perceptions 消费者感知consumption 消费contests 竞赛contingency planning 权变计划contract construction 契约建筑业contract manufacturing 契约制造业contraction/strategic withdrawal strategy 收缩/战略性撤退战略contractual entry modes 契约式进入模式contractual vertical marketing systems 合约式垂直营销系统contribution margin analysis 边际贡献(贡献毛利)分析contribution margin 边际贡献control strategies 控制战略convenience food stores 便利食品商店convenience goods 便利品convenience 服务的便利性Cool Whip 清凉维普co-operative advertising 合作性广告co—ordination and conflict resolution 协调与冲突解决co-production 合作生产core benefit proposition (CBP) 核心利益方案/提议corollary-data method 推定数据法corporate HQ 公司总部corporate scope 公司(经营)范围corporate strategy 公司战略corporate vertical marketing systems 公司式垂直营销系统corporate/institutional advertising 团体/社会公共机构广告corrective action 矫正行动cost analysis 成本分析cost effectiveness 成本有效性cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略cost of capital 资本成本cost of goods sold (COGS)产品销售成本cost reductions 降低成本产品cost-and-volume relationship 成本—数量关系cost—oriented pricing 成本导向定价法cost—plus/mark—up pricing 成本加成/溢价定价法costs and benefits of marketing functions 营销职能的成本和效益costs of competitors 竞争者成本costs of distribution 分销成本countertrade 对等贸易coupons 优惠券courtesy 礼貌coverage of geographic market 地域性市场的范围coverage of relevant retailers 相关零售商的销售范围credibility 信誉credit terms 信贷条款critical assumptions 关键假设cross—elasticity 交叉弹性customary pricing 习惯性定价法customer analysis 顾客分析customer contact 顾客接触customer demand 顾客需求customer intimacy 顾客亲密度customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度customer need 顾客需要customer organization of sales force 按客户组织销售队伍customer retention 顾客维系/保留customer satisfaction 顾客满意度customer segment pricing 顾客细分市场定价customer service 顾客服务customer—oriented pricing 顾客导向定价法customers' perception 顾客感知customers’ preferences 顾客偏好customers’ price sensitivity 顾客的价格敏感度customizing 定制data collection 数据收集data confidentiality 数据保密data research 数据研究data sources 数据来源dealers 经销商deceptive advertisements 欺骗性广告deciders 决策者declining markets 衰退市场decoding 解码defect rate 缺陷率defender strategy 防御型战略defensive new—product development strategy 防御性新产品开发战略defensive positioning 防御性定位delivery time 交付时间delivery 配送demand characteristics 需求特征demand curve 需求曲线demand-oriented pricing 需求导向定价法demographic environment 人口统计环境department stores 百货商店dependability 可靠性deregulation 放松管制derived demand 衍生需求descriptive research 描述性研究design decisions 设计决策desired percentage mark-up on retail 预期零售利润率desired percentage return 预期回报率determinant attributes 关键属性determinants 决定因素different responses 差别反应differentiated defender strategy 差异化防御战略differentiated marketing 差异化营销differentiation over time 不同时间的差异differentiation strategy 差异化战略differentiation 差异化diffusion of innovation theory 创新扩散理论dimension 因素dimensions of quality 质量维度direct costing profitability analysis 直接成本盈利性分析direct mail 直接邮寄direct marketing via advertising media 通过广告媒体的直接营销direct marketing 直接营销direct product profitability (DPP)直接产品盈利性/利润率direct selling 直销discount rate 贴现率discount stores 折扣商店discount 折扣discount/premium price policies 折扣/溢价策略discriminate analysis 差异分析法discriminatory adjustments 歧视价格调整discriminatory pricing adjustments 歧视定价调整disjunctive model 分离模型display space 陈列空间disposable income 可支配收入dissonance-attribution hierarchy 不和谐-归属层次结构distribution channel designs 分销渠道设计distribution channel objectives 分销渠道的目标distribution channel 分销渠道distribution decisions 分销决策distribution policies 分销策略distribution 分销distributor/store (private labels)brands 分销商/私有品牌distributors 分销商diversification 多元化divest 撤退divest 出让divestment or liquidation 收回投资或清算dividend 红利dogs 瘦狗类domestic target marketing strategies 国内目标市场定位的营销战略dropping products 放弃产品dry cleaning 干洗dual/two channel distribution systems 双重分销系统duplication (媒体)重复DuPont 杜邦公司durability 耐用性early VS late adoption 早期采购与后期采购earnings per share 每股收益economic and technological factors 经济技术因素economic power 经济权economies of scale 规模经济education services 教育服务effectiveness 有效性efficiency 效率emergency goods 急需品emotional appeals 情感诉求empathy 移情作用empirical evidence 经验性实例empowerment 授权encoding 编码end use 最终使用endorsement 赞同engineering (产品)工程设计entrepreneurial strategy 企业家战略entry strategies 进入战略environment and packaging disposal 环境与包装处理environment factors 环境因素environmental scanning 环境扫描/分析environmental strategy 环境战略establishment 机构ethical audit (公司)伦理审计ethics of marketing 营销伦理道德ethnic composition 种族构成European Community 欧共体evaluation and reward systems 评估与奖励体系evaluation and selection of supplier 评估和选择供应商evaluation of alternatives 评估替代品/各种选择evaluation of brands 品牌评估event sponsorship 事件赞助event 活动everyday low-price (EDLP)天天低价evoked set 引发的组合evolution of market 市场演变exchange 交换exclusive dealing 独家销售exclusive distribution 独家分销executive summary 执行摘要exhibition media 展示广告媒体existing market 现有市场exit barriers 退出壁垒expansion path 扩张途径expectation measures (顾客)预期测度expectations of customers 顾客期望expected unit sales 预计产量expected value 期望价值experience curve 经验曲线experimental research 实验性研究expert power 专长权exploratory research 探索性研究export agents 出口代理(商)export jobbers 出口批发商export management company 出口管理公司export merchants 出口贸易商export 出口exporting 出口商品extended use strategy 扩大使用战略extending volume growth 扩大市场份额external data sources 外部数据来源external environment 外部环境extrapolation of past sales trends 过去销售趋势推测法facilitating agencies 辅助/中介机构factor analysis 因素分析法fads 时尚family branding 家族品牌family life cycle 家庭生命周期family structure 家庭结构arm products 农产品fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) 快速变动的消费品fear appeals 恐惧/顾虑诉求features 特征Federal Department Stores 联邦百货商店Federal Trade Code (FTC)联邦贸易法案FedEx (Federal Express) 联邦快递feedback data 反馈数据field test marketing 实地市场测试financing 融资fisheries 渔业fit and finish 结实度与外观fixed costs 固定成本fixed salary 固定工资flanker strategy 侧翼进攻战略flanker/fighting brand 战斗品牌flanking and encirclement strategies 侧翼进攻与围堵战略flat organizational structure 扁平的组织结构FOB origin pricing FOB产地定价法focus strategy 集中战略followers 追随者Ford 福特公司foreign middlemen 国外中间商forestry 林业formalization 形式/规范化formulate 制定fortress/position—defence strategy 防御堡垒战略Fortune 《财富》杂志forward integration 向前一体化franchise systems 特许系统franchising 特许经营free call numbers 免费电话号码free goods 免费商品freight-absorption pricing 免收运费定价法fringe benefits 小额津贴frontal attack strategy 正面进攻战略full costing profitability analysis 全成本盈利性分析full-service wholesalers 全方位服务的批发商functional competencies and resource allocation 职能能力与资源分配functional efficiency 职能效率functional organization of sales force 按销售职能组织销售队伍functional organizational structure 职能型组织结构functional performance 功能性能functional strategy 职能战略games 比赛gap 差距gatekeepers 信息传递者general behavioral descriptors 一般行为变量General Electric (GE)通用电气General Foods Corporation 通用食品general merchandise discount chains 大众商a品折扣连锁店General Motors 通用汽车geodemographics 区域人口统计特征geographic adjustments 地理调整geographic distribution 地理分布geographical organization of sales force 按地区组织销售队伍global adjustments 全球调整global elite consumer segment 全球精英消费品市场global expansion 全球扩张global marketing control 全球营销控制global markets 全球市场global niche strategy 全球机会战略global standardization strategy 全球标准化战略global teenage segment 全球青少年市场globalization 全球化global—market expansion 全球市场扩张goals 总目标going—rate/competitive parity pricing竞争性平价定价法goods producers 产品制造商Goodyear 固特异轮胎government agencies 政府机构government buyers 政府采购者government market 政府市场government regulation 政府管制greenhouse effect 温室效应grey market 灰色市场gross domestic product (GDP)国内生产总值gross margin 毛利gross national product (GNP)国民生产总值gross profit 毛利gross rating points (GRPs)总级别指数group/category product manager 类别产品经理growing markets 成长市场growth rate of market 市场增长率growth stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成长阶段growth—extension strategies 增长扩张战略growth-market strategies for market leaders 市场领导者的市场增长战略growth—market strategy 成长性市场战略growth-market targeting strategy 成长性市场定位战略guarantee/warranty 保证/担保guarantees 保证hard technology 硬技术Harvard Business Review 《哈佛商业评论》harvest 收获harvesting pricing 收获定价法harvesting strategy 收获战略health care 医疗保健health maintenance organizations (HMOs)(美国)卫生保健组织heavy buyer 大客户Heileman Brewing CompanyHeinz 亨氏食品helpfulness 有益性Hertz 赫兹(美国汽车租赁巨头) Hewlett-Packard 惠普公司hierarchy of strategy 战略的层次high margin/low-turnover retailers 高利润/低周转率的零售商high market share global strategy 高市场份额全球战略high—contact service system 高接触服务系统high—involvement product 高参与产品high-involvement purchase 高参与购买hight market share 高市场份额战略Holiday Inns 假日旅馆homogeneous market 同质市场household/family life cycle 家庭生命周期household 家庭hybrid technology 混合技术idea generation 创意的产生/生成ideas for new products 新产品创意/构想idea-screening process 创意筛选过程identification of segments 识别细分市场Illinois Tool Works 伊利诺斯工具厂image pricing 形象定价imitative positioning 模仿定位imitative strategy 模仿战略impact evaluation 影响评估impersonal sources 非个人的信息来源implementation and control of marketing programs 营销计划的执行和控制implementation 实施improvements in or revisions of existing products 现有产品的改良或修正impulse buying 冲动购买impulse goods 冲动购买品incentives 激励income 收入increased penetration strategy 增加渗透战略indirect costing profitability analysis 间接成本盈利性分析individual brand 个别品牌individual value 个人价值industrial goods & services 工业产品和服务industrial goods channels 工业品分销渠道industry attractiveness 行业吸引力industry attractiveness-business position matrix 行业吸引力-业务地位矩阵I ndustry dynamics 产业动态industry evaluation 产业评估industry evolution 产业演变inelastic 缺乏价格弹性influencers 影响者infocommunications industry 信息通信行业infomercials 商业信息广告information age 信息时代information search 信息搜集information technology 信息技术informative 告知性的ingredient 成份in—home personal interview 个人家庭访谈in—house use tests 内部使用测试innovation 创新innovativeness 创新性installation 设施in-store display 店内展示in—store positioning 店内布局in-store promotion 店内促销intangibles 无形integrated marketing communication plan (IMC) 整合营销传播计划integration of perception 感知整合integration 整合Jaquar 美洲豹Jell—O 吉露jobbers 批发商Johnson &Johnson 强生joint ventures 合资jury of executive opinion 行政管理人员群体意见法 just noticeable difference (JND) 恰巧注意到的差异just-in—time (JIT)management system 准时制管理体系just—in-time purchasing arrangements 及时采购安排Kao 花王Keiritsu 凯莱通Kellogg 凯洛格公司Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)肯德基key account management 主要客户管理key accounts 关键客户key benefits 核心利益key environmental issue identification 确定主要的环境问题key variables 关键变量key/house accounts 关键/机构客户Kmart 凯玛特Kodak 柯达Komatsu 小松公司Kraft 卡芙laboratory tests 实验室测试leapfrog strategy 蛙跳战略learning hierarchy 学习层级结构legal services 法律服务legislation 立法legitimate power 法定权level of compensation 酬金水平level of technical sophistication 技术的复杂程度Levi Strauss 李维·史特劳斯Levi’s 列维斯(全球最大的牛仔服制造商)lexicographic model 词典编纂模型lifestyle 生活方式limited—service wholesalers 有限服务的批发商line extension 产品线扩展line filling 产品线填充line stretching 产品线延伸list price 订价Lloyd’s of London 伦敦劳埃德保险公司localizaiton strategy 本地化战略location pricing 场所定价location 位置lodging 房屋出租logistical alliances 后勤联盟long—term memory 长期记忆lost customer 失去的顾客Louis Vuitton 路易·威登(法国著名时尚品牌)low-contact service system 低接触服务系统low—cost defender 低成本防御型low-cost position 低成本地位low-involvement hierarchy 低参与程度层级结构Lucent Technologies 朗讯科技macro risks 宏观风险macroenvironment 宏观环境macrosegmentation 宏观细分mail-order retailers 邮购零售商maintaining market share 保持市场份额maintenance strategy 保持战略management overhead 管理费mandatory adaptation 强制性适应manufacturer brand 制造商/全国性品牌manufacturers' agents/representatives 生产商的代理商/销售代表manufacturers’export agents (MEA)制造商出口代理manufacturers' sales offices/branches 生产商的销售办事处/分支机构manufacturing process 制造过程manufacturing 制造业market aggregation strategy 整体市场战略market attractiveness factors 市场吸引力因素market attractiveness 市场吸引力market attractiveness/business position matrix市场吸引力/业务地位矩阵market circumstances 市场环境market demorgraphics 市场人口分布/统计特征market dimension 市场量度market entry strategies 市场进入战略market exclusion 市场排斥market expansionstrategy 市场扩张战略market factors 市场因素market followers 市场跟随者market growth rate 市场增长率market hirarchy 市场等级market inclusion 市场纳入market leaders 市场领导者market measurement 市场测量market opportunity analysis 市场机会分析market oriented 以市场为导向的market position factors 市场地位因素market positioning analysis 市场定位分析market potential measurements 市场潜力测度market research 市场研究market segment 细分市场market segmentation 市场细分market share 市场份额market targeting 目标市场选择market 市场marketability 市场开拓能力market—entry strategies 市场进入战略marketing action plan 营销行动计划marketing audit 营销审计marketing channel 营销渠道marketing codes of conduct 营销行为规范marketing communication 营销沟通/传播marketing concept 营销观念marketing control 营销控制marketing decision support systems (MDSS)营销决策支持系统marketing environment audit 营销环境审计marketing flows and functions 营销过程和职能marketing function area audit 营销功能领域的审计marketing implications of 对营销的影响marketing information system 营销信息系统marketing institutions 营销机构marketing management 营销管理marketing message 营销信息marketing mix 营销组合marketing policy 营销策略marketing productivity area audit 营销生产力领域的审计marketing program components 营销计划内容marketing program 营销计划/方案marketing relationship 营销关系marketing research 营销研究marketing strategy 营销战略market-management organizational structure 市场管理组织结构mark-up price 产品/溢价价格Marlboro 万宝路Marriott Hotel 万豪酒店mass-market penetration strategy 大规模市场渗透战略mass-market strategy 大市场战略matrix organizational structure 矩阵组织结构Matsu****a 日本松下电子mature conformists 成熟的随大流者mature markets 成熟市场mature stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成熟阶段McDonald’s 麦当劳McDonnell Douglas 麦道公司MCI电讯公司(前世界通信公司)MDSS (Marketing—Decision Support System) 市场决策支持系统measurability 可测度性measure or index 测量指标measurement criteria 计量标准media audiences 媒体受众medical and health services 医疗卫生服务Medico Containment Servicesmemory of consumers 消费者记忆Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰Mercer Management Consulting 美国美智管理顾问公司merchandising 推销merchant middlemen 国内贸易中间商merchant wholesalers 商业批发商message structure 信息结构Michael Porter 迈克尔—波特micro risks 微观风险microsegmentatioin 微观细分Miller Tyding ACT, USA 米勒·泰丁法案minging 矿业Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M)明尼苏达矿业和制造公司Minolta 美能达miscellaneous sources 多方面来源mission 宗旨missionary selling 推销式销售Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 三菱重工modified rebuy 调整再购monosegment positioning 单一细分市场定位Monsanto 孟山都农业生物技术公司moral appeals 伦理/道德诉求morals 道德Motorola 摩托罗拉multichannel distribution 多渠道分销multidimensional scaling 多维等级法multilevel selling 多级销售multinational coporations (MNCs)跨国公司multiple test markets 多测试市场multiple—brand strategy 多品牌战略multiple—factor index 多因素指数法multisegment positioning 多重细分市场定位mutual trust 相互信任Nabisco Biscuit 纳贝斯克饼干公司national account management 全国性客户管理national market 国内市场National Semiconductor 美国国家半导体公司natural products 天然产品NEC 日本电子net sales 净销售额network computer (NC) 网络计算机new business selling 新业务销售new buy 购入新产品new entrants 新进入者new markets 新市场new materials 新材料New Prod screening model 新普罗德筛选模型new product lines 新产品线new products 新产品new-product development 新产品开发new-product ideas 新产品创意Newsweek 《新闻周刊》new-task buying 全新采购new-to—the-world products 世界性新产品niche penetration strategy 壁龛/机会市场渗透战略niche-market strategy 壁龛市场战略Nike 耐克Nissan 尼桑no—brand brand name 无品牌的品牌名称no—frills product 无虚饰产品noise in communication system 传播系统中的噪音non—financial rewards 非物质性奖励措施non-probability sampling 非概率抽样non-profit organization 非盈利组织non—store retailing 无店铺零售业number of stockouts 迟滞数目object-and-task method of promotion budgeting 目标—任务促销预算法objectives and strategy area audit 目标与战略领域的审计objectives 具体目标observation 观察法occupancy costs 房屋占用成本occupation/position 职业/职位odd pricing 奇/余数定价法OEM (original equipment manufacturer)原始设备制造商oeverall quality 总体质量off-invoice discounts 发票之外的折扣offsets 抵消交易Omega 欧米加on-air testing 广播测试OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)欧佩克(石油输出国组织)opening relationships 建立关系operating supplies 生产供应品operational excellence运作管理水平opinion leaders 意见领导者opportunity cost 机会成本order cycle time 订货周期order processing 订单处理organisational level 组织层次organizaitonal requirement planning 组织需求计划organization area audit组织领域的审计organization buying center 组织采购中心organizational customer 组织顾客organizational direct selling 组织直销organizational markets组织市场organizational purchasing 组织采购organzational structure 组织结构outdoor enthusiasts 户外运动爱好者out—of—home media户外广告媒体overall cost leadership全面成本领先overheads 日常开支overseas direct investment 海外直接投资ownership of new product 新产品所有权parties involved 交换中的各方payment terms 支付条款pay—off control 支出控制penetration pricing 渗透定价Pepsi—Cola 百事可乐perceived customer value 顾客感知价值perceived quality 感知到的质量perceived value 感知到的价值percentage of sales promotion budgeting method销售额百分比促销预算法perceptions of consumers 消费者感知/理解perceptual (product)pisitioning 感知(产品)定位perceptual map 感知图perceptual organization 感知组织perceptual vigilance 感性的警惕performance dimension 业绩标准performance evaluation 业绩评估performance measures表现/业绩测度performance objective绩效目标performance standards 绩效标准performance 功能perishability 非持久性personal selling 人员推销personal sources 个人的信息来源personnel development 人力资源开发persuasive 说服性的pharmaceuticals industry 医药行业physical (product) positioning 物理(产品)定位physical descriptors 物理变量physical distribution 实物分销Pillsbury 皮尔斯博瑞pioneers 先入者Pizza Hut 必胜客place utility 地点效用planning and control system area audit 计划与控制系统领域的审计point of sale information 销售点信息portfolio models for resource allocation 资源配置的资产组合模式position intensity 地位集中程度positioning 定位possession utility 拥有效用post—purchase dissonance 购买后的不协调post—purchase evaluation 购买后评估post—purchase/after-sale service 售后服务potential advantages 潜在优势potential customer 潜在顾客potential market 潜在市场potential target market潜在目标市场power in distribution 分销权力power of buyers 购买者能力power of suppliers 供应商能力predatory pricing 掠夺性定价法pre-empting scarce resources 先占稀缺资源preferential treatment 特惠待遇premiums 额外奖励present competitors 现有的竞争者presenting sales message 提供销售信息price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性price fixing 价格设定price leaders 价格领导者price lining 价格排列定价法price promotion 价格促销price quotation 报价price sensitivity 价格敏感度price structure 价格结构price 价格price/earnings ration 价格/收益比price-off promotions 降价促销price-setting process 定价过程pricing adjustments 定价调整pricing policies 价格策略pricing 定价primary demand 基本需求primary sources 第一类/主要数据print media 印刷媒体private/for—profit organization 私营/盈利性组织PRIZM (Potential Rating Index for Zip Markets)按邮政区划为基础的潜力等级指数proactive new—product development strategy 进取型新产品开发战略probability sampling 概率抽样problem formulation 界定问题problem identificatioin 确定问题process management 过程管理Procter & Gamble (P&G)宝洁公司product line 产品线product availability 产品的可获得性product category 产品类别product class 产品类别product decisions 产品决策product design 产品设计product development 产品开发product dimension or attributes 产品维度/属性product evolution 产品演变product features 产品特征product intent share 产品倾向份额product leadership 产品领导能力product life cycle (PLC) 产品生命周期product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线product line 产品线product manager audit 产品经理审计product offering 供应品product organizaiton of salesforce 按产品组织销售队伍product policies 产品策略product positioning 产品定位product quality 产品质量product scope 产品范围product space 产品位置product specifications 产品规格product systems 产品体系product type 产品类型product usage 产品用途product(ion)-oriented organization 产品/生产导向型组织production 生产product—line pricing adjustments 产品线定价调整product—management organizational structure 产品管理组织结构product-market entry control 产品-市场进入控制product-related behavioral descriptors 与产品相关的行为变量product's market characteristics 产品的市场特征product-use testing 产品使用测试pro—environment 环保profit impact of market strategy (PIMS) 市场战略的利润影响profitability analysis 盈利性分析profitability 盈利性/盈利能力profitable survivor strategy 有利可图的生存者战略project—company resource compatibility 项目与公司资源的协调性projected profit—and-loss statement 预计损益表projective tests 投影测试Promotion decisions 促销决策promotion mix 促销组合promotion policies 促销策略promotion 促销promotional allowance 促销折让promotional effort 促销努力promotional pricing 促销定价promptness 及时性propector strategy 探索型战略prospecting for customers 寻找顾客psychographics 心理统计特征psychological cost 心理成本psychological pricing 心理定价法public organization 公共组织public relations 公共关系public utilities 公共设施publicity 公共宣传pull strategy for control of distribution channels分销渠道控制的拉式战略pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张purchase predisposition 购买倾向purchasing agent 采购代理purchasing contract 采购合同purchasing manager/agent 采购经理/代理purchasing power perity (PPP)购买力平价指数push money/spiffs 佣金push stragtegy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的推式战略qualifying prospects 审查潜在顾客资格quality dimensions 质量维度quality 质量quantity discount 数量折扣question marks 问题类questioning 询问法quotas 定额raw materials 原材料。

宣传公司业务英语作文范文Promoting Company Business。
In today's competitive business world, it is essential for companies to promote their business effectively in order to increase their visibility and attract new customers. In this essay, I will discuss some effective ways to promote a company's business.Firstly, companies can use social media platforms to promote their business. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great tools for companies to reach out to potential customers and build their brand. Companies can create engaging content, share their products and services, and interact with their followers to build a strong online presence.Secondly, companies can participate in trade shows and exhibitions to showcase their products and services. Trade shows and exhibitions provide companies with an opportunityto meet potential customers face-to-face and demonstrate their products and services. This can help companies to build relationships with potential customers and generate new leads.Thirdly, companies can use email marketing to promote their business. Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach out to potential customers and promote products and services. Companies can create targeted email campaigns, offer discounts and promotions, and provide valuable content to their subscribers to keep them engaged.Fourthly, companies can use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve their visibility online. SEO involves optimizing a company's website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages. This can help companies to attract more traffic to their website and generate new leads.Lastly, companies can use traditional advertising methods such as print ads, radio ads, and TV commercials to promote their business. Although traditional advertisingmethods can be expensive, they can be effective in reaching a large audience and building brand awareness.In conclusion, promoting a company's business is essential for success in today's competitive business world. By using social media platforms, participating in trade shows and exhibitions, using email marketing, improvingtheir visibility online through SEO, and using traditional advertising methods, companies can effectively promotetheir business and attract new customers.。
The walt Disney company

The walt Disney company(at the beginning、beauty and the beast、breaking free、I still believe、can you feel the love tonight、when I look at you)The Walt Disney Company (The Walt Disney Company, referred to as the Walt Disney Company), is the world's largest entertainment and media companies, the world's most respected entertainment media company, according to the turnover in the second largest global media companies (after the U.S. Time Warner).The Walt Disney Company owns the world's first branded entertainment and Disney Television (Disney), a television and entertainment (the largest U.S. distributor of the film), theme parks and resorts (the world's largest theme park group), the media network (with one of the three major U.S. broadcasters ABC, sports brand ESPN), consumer goods (the world's largest children's consumer brands, the world's largest group of children's books) and so on.The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923, when Walt Disney is just the two brothers and Roy DisneyDisney Brothers Cartoon Studio, and now Disney has become one of the world's largest entertainment companies, and constantly strives to provide the most special entertainment experience, and the company has been adhering to the constant pursuit of quality and innovation of tradition.As an integrated entertainment giant, Walt Disney company has many subsidiaries and business are many aspects involved, and the Walt Disney Company will be those of many big business is divided into four parts, they are: entertainment, theme park resorts, consumer products and media networks:Walt Disney Entertainment (Studio Entertainment)The Walt Disney Company in this part of the business are built on. This part of the core business is the world famous Walt Disney animated films and live-action movie business. The department is responsible for including Disney, Touchstone, Miramax films worldwide distribution and many other brands, the company DVD video release. And is also responsible for the musical, theatrical and otherDisney on Ice production, distribution, and multi-brand Disney Records release.Disney theme park resort (Parks and Resorts)The department is responsible for the Disney theme parks worldwide operations, design and construction.In addition to global five Disney resorts, theme parks outside of 11, also has two giant cruise ships Disney Cruise Line. (beauty and the beast)Now let’s call back its history。

一、新闻英语参考答案1. Headline(标题):The headline of a news article is a concise and attention-grabbing summary of the main story. It aims to capture the reader's interest and provide a glimpse into the content of the article.2. Breaking news(突发新闻):Breaking news refers to the latest and most important news stories that are happening in real-time. These stories are often unexpected and have a significant impact on society.3. Exclusive interview(独家采访):An exclusive interview is an interview that is granted to only one news organization or journalist. It provides unique insightsor information that is not available elsewhere.4. Press conference(新闻发布会):A press conference is a formal meeting where a spokesperson or public figure addresses the media and answers their questions. It is often used to make important announcements or clarify information.二、广告英语参考答案1. Target audience(目标受众):The target audience refers to the specific group of people that an advertisement is designed to reach and influence. It is important for advertisers to understand their target audience in order to create effective and persuasive ads.2. Call to action(号召行动):A call to action is a statement or instruction that encourages the viewer or reader of an advertisement to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or visiting a website. It is a crucial element in driving consumer engagement.3. Branding(品牌推广):Branding refers to the process of creating a unique and recognizable image or identity for a product or company. It involves the use of consistent visual elements, such as logos and slogans, to establish a strong brand presence in the market.4. Product placement(植入式广告):Product placement is a form of advertising where branded products or references are strategically placed within movies, TV shows, or other forms of media. It aims to subtly promote the product and create a positive association with the audience.三、影视英语参考答案1. Plot(剧情):The plot of a movie or TV show refers to the sequence of events and actions that make up the story. It includes the main conflict, character development, and resolution.2. Cinematography(摄影技术):Cinematography is the art and technique of capturing and recording images on film or digital media. It involves variousaspects such as camera angles, lighting, and composition to create visually appealing and meaningful shots.3. Soundtrack(原声音乐):The soundtrack of a movie or TV show is the music that accompanies the visuals. It helps to set the mood, enhance emotions, and create a more immersive viewing experience.4. Box office(票房):Box office refers to the amount of money that a movie earns from ticket sales. It is often used as a measure of a film's commercial success and popularity.四、社交媒体英语参考答案1. Hashtag(话题标签):A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the '#' symbol that is used to categorize and organize content on social media platforms. It helps users discover and participate in conversations about specific topics.2. Influencer(社交媒体影响者):An influencer is an individual who has a significant following on social media and can influence the opinions and behaviors of their audience. They often collaborate with brands to promote products or services.3. Viral(病毒式传播):When something goes viral on social media, it means that it spreads rapidly and extensively among users. This can be a video, meme, or any other piece of content that captures the attention and interest of a large audience.4. Engagement(互动):Engagement refers to the level of interaction andinvolvement that users have with social media content. It can include likes, comments, shares, and other forms of participation.总结:传媒英语参考答案大全涵盖了新闻、广告、影视和社交媒体等领域常见的词汇和短语。

公司多媒体部门职责The media department of a company plays a crucial role in creating and managing the company's public image through various communication channels. It is responsible for crafting and disseminating information about the company to both internal and external audiences, including employees, customers, partners, andthe media. 多媒体部门在公司中扮演着至关重要的角色,通过各种沟通渠道打造和管理公司的公共形象。
One of the key responsibilities of a media department is to develop and implement effective communication strategies that align withthe company's goals and objectives. This includes creating a consistent and compelling brand message that resonates with the target audience, as well as identifying the most appropriate channels and platforms to reach them. 多媒体部门的一项关键职责是制定并实施与公司目标一致的有效沟通策略。

影视中的英语公司介绍作文Introduction to an English Film and Television Company。
As one of the leading film and television production companies in the United Kingdom, ABC Productions has beenat the forefront of creating high-quality and innovative content for audiences worldwide. With a rich history and a commitment to excellence, ABC Productions has established itself as a powerhouse in the entertainment industry.Founded in 1995, ABC Productions has consistently delivered groundbreaking films and television shows that have captivated audiences and garnered critical acclaim.The company's diverse portfolio includes a wide range of genres, from drama and comedy to action and science fiction. With a focus on storytelling and character-driven narratives, ABC Productions has been able to connect with audiences on a deep and emotional level.One of the key strengths of ABC Productions is itsability to attract top talent from both in front of and behind the camera. The company has worked with some of the most talented actors, directors, and writers in the industry, and has a reputation for nurturing emergingtalent as well. This commitment to excellence has resulted in a string of successful projects that have resonated with audiences and critics alike.In addition to its work in film and television production, ABC Productions has also made a name for itself in the field of digital content. The company has embraced new technologies and platforms, creating engaging and immersive experiences for audiences across the globe. From interactive web series to virtual reality experiences, ABC Productions continues to push the boundaries ofstorytelling and entertainment.ABC Productions is also dedicated to fosteringdiversity and inclusion in its projects. The company has been a vocal advocate for representation in the entertainment industry, and has actively sought out stories and voices from underrepresented communities. Thiscommitment to diversity has not only enriched the company's content, but has also helped to create a more inclusive and equitable industry as a whole.Looking to the future, ABC Productions remains committed to pushing the boundaries of storytelling and entertainment. With a slate of exciting new projects in development, the company is poised to continue its legacy of creating compelling and impactful content for audiences around the world. Whether it's through film, television, or digital media, ABC Productions is dedicated to bringing stories to life in new and exciting ways.In conclusion, ABC Productions is a powerhouse in the entertainment industry, with a rich history of creating high-quality and innovative content. From its commitment to excellence and talent, to its embrace of new technologies and dedication to diversity, ABC Productions continues to be a leader in the field of film and television production. As the company looks to the future, audiences can expect even more groundbreaking and captivating content from this dynamic and forward-thinking company.。

关于招募记者的英文作文As a media company, we are constantly looking for talented and dedicated journalists to join our team. The role of a journalist is crucial in delivering accurate and insightful news to the public, and we are committed to recruiting individuals who are passionate aboutstorytelling and reporting.We are seeking journalists who have a strong grasp of the principles of journalism, including objectivity, accuracy, and integrity. They should have excellent research and writing skills, and be able to work undertight deadlines. The ability to generate story ideas and conduct interviews is also essential for this role.In addition, we are looking for journalists who are adaptable and versatile, and can cover a wide range of topics and issues. Whether it's politics, business, entertainment, or sports, our journalists should be able to tackle any subject with professionalism and enthusiasm.A successful candidate should also be familiar with digital media and social platforms, and be able to producemultimedia content such as videos and podcasts. They should be comfortable using various tools and software to enhance their storytelling and engage with our audience.We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment, and encourage journalists from all backgrounds to apply. We believe that a diverse team leads to richer storytelling and a better understanding of the world around us.If you are a passionate and dedicated journalist who is looking for a challenging and rewarding opportunity, we would love to hear from you. Please send us your resume, along with samples of your work, and a cover letter outlining why you would be a great fit for our team.作为一个媒体公司,我们一直在寻找有才华和敬业的记者加入我们的团队。
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北京云锐国际文化传 互公司当前拥有四大主营业务,即影视全流程制作、影视IP研 唯优印象(北京)国 发、投资出品与娱乐营销,形成了覆盖电影、电视剧、电视 际文化传媒股份有限 综艺节目、广告视频、网生内容等全类型的后期制作与娱乐 公司 营销业务格局,在影视行业中享有较高的品牌知名度。 是中国公路客运电视联播网UNIMEDIA的创立者与独立运营 商,中国公路客运电视媒体联播网是建立于全国3000多个 北京玖众传媒股份有 公路客运站的全国性商业电视广告媒体发布平台。 媒体形 限公司 式:在全国重点城市的3000余个公路客运站高密度覆盖安 装42-52寸电视显示终端、广告刷屏设备,从而实现公路客 运站人流聚集区的传播热点。
大型活动策划与运营:大型演出、节庆、赛事及会展论坛等 活动的整体运营与策划执行 娱乐整合营销:商业品牌娱乐整合营销、创意策略服务、明 星商务代言及PR公关业务 移动互联产品开发:开发移动互联网客户端,构建粉丝社 区,打造大数据平台。 影视制作与发行:影视剧、网剧和电视节目的项目投资、制 作与发行。 艺人经纪与包装:包含艺人包装与经纪,音乐制作、演出与 代言。 艺术教育与培训:建立“名家在线+移动客户端绑定+线下 组织培训+小明星培养+舞台演出实践”的全新培训平台。 文化产业投资:投资成新兴文化产业项目和创新型文化服务 业项目 七大板块相生相长,覆盖文化传媒产业链各个关节,最终形 成大传媒产业闭环生态产业链! 是集品牌策划、公关传播、媒体整合、互动展示、市场调研 服务于一体的大型整合传播机构。
触动传媒是国内最大的出租车内互动媒体,通过安装出租车 头枕后的互动荧屏系统将这一理念付诸实现。
锐力传播,是专业的媒体邀请公司,提供专业的上海媒体邀 请,北京媒体邀请,广州媒体邀请,深圳媒体邀请和媒体邀 约服务――您值得信赖的媒体邀约服务商。可以对网站,报 纸,杂志,电视,视频网站等各类新闻媒体记者进行邀约,为 各类发布会(新闻发布会、新产品发布会、品牌发布会)进 行媒体邀请,服务上海、北京、广州、深圳等全国超过50个 城市的邀约媒体企业。 昌荣传播,中国领先的综合广告与媒体服务商,目前拥有传 统服务板块、数字媒体服务板块、内容营销创新板块三大核 心服务板块,包括“昌荣广告、昌荣数字、昌荣精准、昌荣 体育、昌荣娱乐”五大业务板块在内的服务体系,可以为客 户提供一站式整合传播解决方案。 上海亚瀚文化传媒(集团)有限公司是一家综合全案型服务 公司,是全国优秀的提供媒介计划与购买、品牌形象策划、 影视制作、公关活动以及互联网整合营销的专业服务商 业务分布于影视、教育、旅游、互联网等领域以高品质的影 视IP运营及整合营销
Media company : ( #1-10 是中国排名前10, 其他的排名未知 )
Introduction / service
中视传媒主营影视拍摄、电视节目制作与销售、影视拍摄基 地开发和经营、影视设备租赁和技术服务、媒体广告代理等 业务。
四大业务板块:以电影、电视剧、艺人经纪等业务为代表的 华谊兄弟 - 华谊兄弟 影视娱乐板块; 以电影城、电影世界、电影小镇、文化城等 传媒股份有限公司 业务为代表的品牌授权与实景娱乐板块;以游戏、新媒体、 (下面有14个公司 ) 粉丝社区等业务为代表的互联网娱乐板块以及第四大业务板 块产业投资板块。 凤凰传媒 产业领域主要是出版、发行、印务、影视、文化酒店、文化 地产、金融投资、艺术品经营等板块,控有凤凰传媒、凤凰 股份、上海法普罗和江苏新广联四家上市公司。
上海亚瀚文化传媒 (集团)有限公司
公司业务主要致力于新媒体开发与信息科技服务,是上海市 上海新兴媒体信息传 高新技术企业、上海市信息家电行业协会会员, 主要业务: 播有限公司 数字电视媒体,公站亭媒体
媒体资源: 网络媒体 中国之翼 中国之韵 澳门之翼 国际航空报 机上电 视媒体 机上广播媒体 登机牌 致力于 打造以中国超大型城市门户高铁枢纽和国内顶尖商务 楼宇为主的全球规模最大、场景最震撼的大场景营销中心! 业务涉及高铁大站,品牌专柜,楼宇互动,首都户外
品牌咨询/策划, 品牌公关/营销, 新一代电子商务, 影视/ 文创的运营 媒体资源: 全国机场媒体,大型创意媒体 , 常规媒体,深 圳北站媒体, T3贵宾楼媒体, 地
公司以品牌顾问、公关活动、媒体整合为主要战略方向,着 深圳市十方度文化传 力服务高端生活方式类品牌。服务领域涵盖服饰/珠宝、飞 播有限公司 机/游艇、金融/投资、商业/地产、娱乐/电影、文化/艺术、 会所/酒店、美容/健康等行业。 深圳市同舟传媒有限 同舟至于力于打造产品、互联网、影视相结合的创新营销模 式。 企业宣传片,产品宣传片,创意广告短片,MG动画 公司 片, 致力于提供专业、完整、高质、快捷的品牌形象建设服务, 广州曦望文化传播股 帮助客户提高知名度、增强美誉度、维护忠诚度,实现企业 份有限公司 业务的持续增长和持久发展。 广州百恒文化传播有 公关活动,影视制作,推广营销,器重策略规划 限公司 广州与亨文化传播有 目前公司业务包括创意表现、平面设计、室内装饰、品牌推 限公司 广策划、活动策划、媒介传播等。 森迈文化传播公司 社会化营销, 创意视频制作, 精准媒体投放, 公关活动, SEO优化
北京立闻文化传媒有 是一家拥有全国地铁出入口媒体资源的专业媒体公司, 公司 限公司 拥有全国主要城市地铁口的滚动灯箱媒体 公司主营业务包括安徽广播电视台五大地面媒体广告独家经 金鹃传媒科技股份有 营,合肥地铁1号线广告代理独家经营、央视、省外媒体及 省内城市电视台广告代理,全国互联网等新媒体广告经营、 限公司 品牌综合代理、影视内容生产、会展策划、公关服务等全媒 体广告运营。 主流媒体:电视、广播、报纸、杂志、地铁、公交、高铁、 媒力·中国 航空、户外、楼宇、社区、网络等各种媒体广告形式。 灵臻传播集团,是一家专业从事全品牌战略服务、全媒体整 深圳市灵臻广告有限 合代理、新媒体开发与运营、公关互动营销、影视拍摄制作 公司 的综合性传播集团 华数集团拥有有线网络业务、手机电视与互联网电视等全国 新媒体业务以及宽带网络业务方面的运营牌照,覆盖海量传 华数传媒控股股份有 统媒体和新媒体用户,包括3000万有线电视家庭用户、1亿 限公司 互联网电视覆盖用户、5600万华数手机电视用户,已与800 家全球内容供应商达成合作,业务遍及中国大陆除西藏以外 的所有省(市、自治区)。 现代资讯传播有限公 数字媒体,出版刊物,展览 司 整合各大直播平台,微信KOL,微博大号民,今日头条,腾 讯,网易,新浪,搜狐等全网渠道优质自媒体资源。专注为 国内大、中、小企业提供专注、高效的广告投放。
上海金仕达多媒体有 核心业务—高等教育信息化, 传统业务—多媒体设计制作 限公司 业务:为企业提供各类多媒体设计制作服务。 业务范围覆盖品牌管理咨询、活动营销策划、新媒体数字营 厦门市天艺传媒股份 销、传统广告投放等,形成了候车亭、路名牌、厦门航空舱 内媒体、厦门国际游轮中心媒体等海陆空360°全媒体覆盖, 有限公司 为客户提供投放策略、创意策划、整合营销的服务体系,助 力企业发展 华铁传媒集团拥有覆盖全国所有高铁动车组到达城市的列车 华铁传媒集团 媒体资源,包含高铁动车组平面媒体、音频广播媒体、视频 媒体等,以及迎合市场下沉需求的普速列车媒体。
玖亿(北京)国际传 公司主营业务:品牌设计&策划、活动策划&执行、新媒体 媒广告有限公司 、数字技术营销、数字视频。 是一家整合全媒体网络资源的广告平台,也是一家提供数据优 化解决方案的互联网企业
上海基美文化传媒股 是全国最大的地铁网络流媒体运营商,同时也是国内最专业 份有限公司 的全媒体电影娱乐商务整合传播服务机构之一 上海鸠申文化传播股 E2E创新精准体验营销 : 精准校园营销/ 精准娱乐营销/精 份有限公司 准运动营销/精准淘人群营销 在原策划、公关、品牌推广的服务内容上,开发品牌与内容 上海知行文化传媒有 创意的整合营销工作 限公司 携手行业头部影视资源,提供品牌内容娱乐营销、内容创制 和正版影视剧衍生商品授权合作等整合服务 盛视天橙传媒 为客户提供涵盖影视广告、企业(城市)形象宣传片、产品 宣传推广片、公益宣传片、微电影、网络剧、工作汇报片等 视频相关服务。
重点布局电影、电视剧、动画等影视业务,旗下更拥有光线 影业、青春光线、彩条屋等独立电影品牌,同时通过投资、 光线传媒 (E视网) 并购拓展互联网新媒体、VR、直播、电商、游戏、音乐、 艺人经纪、现场娱乐等领域,构建贯通上下游并具备产品运 营核心竞争力的投资平台和产业生态系统。 本山传媒 主要为中国12-35岁的年轻消费群体提供偶像艺人、唱片及 演唱会、电影、电视剧、综艺节目、图书等优质娱乐内容及 衍生产品。
点时传媒 (长春点 设计、代理、发布国内各类广告;企业形象策划、礼仪庆典 时文化传媒有限公 服务、营销策划 司) 南方传媒 南方传媒以图书、报刊、音像制品、电子出版物、网络读物 、框架媒体和其它媒介产品的编辑、出版、代理、批发及零 售,书报刊印刷、包装装潢印刷、印刷物资销售、出版物进 出口、版权贸易为主要业务。 中国最大移动电视频道联播网+覆盖全国公共交通Wi-Fi网络 运营商 电梯媒体,终视卖场,晶视影院
公司致力于通过智能化的数字广告技术和培养专业的数字化 营销顾问,为国内外广告主提 供提供全方位、个性化营销解决方案