人教版高中英语选修八课件:unit 5 第一学时 reading and comprehension




2. Through the conversation, everything
about our earliest people is mentioned
EXCEPT __D___ .
A. homes
B. tools
C. dress
D. entertainment
3. Our earliest people in the Zhoukoudian
Their clothes were made from animal _s_k_i_n_s. They used _s_h_a_r_p_e_n_e_d_stone tools to_c_u_t_u_p_ the animals and _r_e_m_o_v_e_ their skin. Then smaller _s_c_ra_p__er_s_ were used to clean the fat and meat from them. They had to _r_u_b_ an ample amount of salt inside the skin to make it _s_o_f_t enough. finally, they would have cut it and __se_w__n_the pieces together with _n_e_e_d_l_es_ made of animal bones.
2. Where did early people live? Early people lived in caves.
3. How did early people keep warm? They used fur from animals for clothes and had fires burning all winter.


They ate animal meat, such as tigers and bears, and fish from the lake nearby. They also picked fruit when it was ripe.
Task 2 Choose the best answer
1. Where did the early people live?
Answer the following questions after a careful reading on page 39.
3. How did they keep warm? They might have kept fires burning all winter. They hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep out the cold. 4. What did they use for doors? The archaeologist thinks they may have used animal skins. 5. What did they eat?
A. leaves
B. tree skins
C. cotton
D. animal skins
3.What was the necklace made of ?
A. glass
B. amble
C. animal bones and shells D. metal
4. What was the bone needle used for? A. fixing buttons like we do B. sewing animal skins together to make clothes C. killing animals in a distance D. for decoration

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(37页)

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5Reading   PPT课堂课件(37页)

1. Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.
Descriptions of the relics
Caves Fireplaces in the They might have hung
1)__c_e_n_te_r_ of the animal 4)__s_k_i_n_s_ at the
Step 2 Scanning
Read the text again and write down the three ways in which the life of early people differs from modern ones.
Homes 1)_C__a_v_e_s_, perhaps with skins to keep out the cold.
Tip2: Try to find related words in the question and then read the relevant part
2. Answer the following questions after a careful reading.
1. Why have the English students come to the Zhoukoudian caves? The students want to find out about how early people lived. There are no such sites in England while the Zhoukoudian caves provide an excellent example of a site where early people lived.

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5reading PPT课堂课件(23页)

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5reading PPT课堂课件(23页)
Topic2:__W__h_a_t_w__e__c_a_n_l_e_a_r_n__f_ro__m__a_ needle
Topic 3:___W__h_a__t_w__e__c_a_n__le__a_r_n__f_r_o_m___a_ necklace
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5readi ng PPT课堂课件(23页)(精品)
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
clay lamp Chinese chimes
stone axe
death mask
Unit 5 Reading
Read the explanation and speak out
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5readi ng PPT课堂课件(23页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Listen to the tape carefully and answer the following questions.
1. Why have the English students come to the Zhoukoudian caves?
the word it explains.
1.Intelligent and quick to notice and
understand things; very serious or
adj acute
2. Stop (sb.) from speaking, etc
vt & vi interrupt

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading (共18张PPT)

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading (共18张PPT)
vt. 擦净; 削平; 磨光 n. 刮刀; 刮削器 adj. 足够的; 充足的; 富裕的 adj. 凌乱的; 脏的
primitive adj. 原始的; 远古的; 简陋的 bead n. 小珠子; 滴
botany n. 植物学 botanical adj. 植物学的; 与植物学有关的
analysis n. (pl analyses)分析 seashell n. 海贝壳
tools, such as sharpened stones and needles
* People used them to r_e_m_o_v_e__ animal skins and s_e_w__ the skins into clothes.
a necklace
* It showed that people then cared about their _a_p_p_e_ar_a_n_ce___.
1.To understand something about the life of Peking Man.
2. To find out the topics that the archaeologist talked about and try to retell them.
tools, such as sharpened stones and needles
...... ......
life in the cave
* People made fires to cook food, keep themselves warm in the winter and even _s_c_ar_e_a_w_a_y___ wild animals.



How did Dahu make tools?
choose… begin… now and then… stop…look…try… finally stop when…
Fill the blanks according to the text:
Not having __lo_o_k_e_d_a_h_ea_dand planned better, Lala felt very worried about the preparations for her feast. So she turned for home quickly with her __c_o_ll_ec_tiofnnuts and fruits.
➢3 centimeters…be made of…sew…together
What did they use fire for? Keep … burn… scare…
Which jobs did Dahu do ? Which jobs did Lala do?
Draw the main idea of each paragraph:
Para 1. Lala worried about the preparations for the feast and she hoped the feast could be as good as the one last year.
Para 2. Lala and her families made preparations for the feast.
Para 3. the description of Dahu.
Para 4. how did Dahu make tools.

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading (共18张PPT)

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading (共18张PPT)

Thank you!
以解决自己的问题为目标,这是一个实实在在的道理,正视自己的问题,设法解决它,这是成功的捷径。谁能塌下心来把目光凝集在一个个 小漏洞、小障碍上,谁就先迈出了一大步。 如果我不坚强,那就等着别人来嘲笑。 希望是生命的源泉,失去它生命就会枯萎。 所谓成功,就是在平凡中做出不平凡的坚持。 有人将你从高处推下的时候恰恰是你展翅高飞的最佳时机。 善良的人永远是受苦的,那忧苦的重担似乎是与生俱来的,因此只有忍耐。 相信你行,你就活力无穷。 人生最大的挑战没过于战胜自己! 鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。 人生最大的挑战没过于战胜自己! 你既认准这条路,又何必在意要走多久。 人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。 没有哪一个聪明人会否定痛苦与忧愁的锻炼价值。 没有人能替你承受痛苦,也没有人能抢走你的坚强。 你没那么多观众,别那么累。做一个简单的人,踏实而务实。不沉溺幻想,更不庸人自扰。 好习惯的养成,在于不受坏习惯的诱惑。 如果缺少破土面出并与风雪拚搏的气,种子的前途并不比落叶美妙一分。 勤奋是学习的枝叶,当然很苦,智慧是学习的花朵,当然香郁。 竞争,其实就是一种变相的友谊,在对手的帮助下提高你自己,害怕竞争的人已经输给了对手,注定难取得大的成就。 善良的人永远是受苦的,那忧苦的重担似乎是与生俱来的,因此只有忍耐。
Topic 3:_W__h_a_t_w_e__c_a_n_l_e_a_r_n_f_r_o_m__a_(_n_e_c_k_l_a_ce)
Scanning for specific information
Learning English 49
life in the cave

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5Reading (共30张PPT)

人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5Reading  (共30张PPT)
• D. He s and feels alive
Listen to the tape and write down the missing words according to the text.
• When boiling rock erupts from the volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes _le_s_s__ d_a_m__a_g_e_ than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a _w_a_v_e_ down the mountain causes _fa_r_m_ o__re__da_m__a_g_e_ because it buries everything in its path under the molten rock. However, the eruption itself is really _e_x_c_it_in_g__to watch and I’ll never forget my _fi_rs_t__ _s_ig__h_t _ one. It was in the second week after I arrived in Hawaii.
My bed began_s_h_a_k_in__g
My bed room became as _b_r_ig_h_t_as day
A _s_tr_a_n_g_e_sound
Red hot lava was f_o_u_n_t_a_in_i_n_g_ hundreds of metres into the air
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后摄抑制:可以理解为因为接受了新的内容,而把前 面看过的忘记了
超级记忆法-记忆规 律
TIP1:我们可以选择记忆的黄金时段——睡前和醒后! TIP2:可以在每天睡觉之前复习今天或之前学过的知识,由于不受后摄抑制的 影 响,更容易储存记忆信息,由短时记忆转变为长时记忆。
超级记忆法-记忆规 律
A.early people exchanged things with one another
B.early people were clever enough tos trade between peoples
D.early people always traded their things with others
wore necklace made from 5.________or animal
语篇 理解
Task 4
根据课文“A Visit to the Zhoukoudian Caves”,在 下文空格中填上恰当的词语,使文章连贯完整。
A group of students from England has come to the Zhoukoudian Caves for a visit. An archaeologist 1._i_s _s_h_o_w_i_n_g___(show) them around. The archaeologists have been excavating here for many years.2.__A__ft_e_r__finding human and animal bones 3.___i_n____those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and ornaments, they think it reasonable 4._t_o__a_ss_u_m_ e (assume)they lived in these caves,
C.evidence of some of the earliest people living in the cave
D.trade between early peoples
语篇 理解
Task 3
再次阅读课文“A Visit to the Zhoukoudian Caves”,完 成下列表格。
__G_u_i_d_e_d__b_y__a_n__a_r_c_h_a_e_o_lo_g_i_s_t,__s_tu__d_e_n_ts__c_o_m__in_g__f_r_om __E_n_g_la_n__d__w_i_th___cu__ri_o_s_it_y__v_i_si_t_ed___th_e__Z__h_o_u_k_o_u_d_i_a_n__c_a_v_e_s, __fr_o_m___w_h_e_r_e__th__ey__k_n__ew___a_b_o_u_t__h_o_w__t_h_e__a_n_c_e_st_o_r_s__m_a_d_e_ a __li_v_in_g_ and what they wore.(29 words)
优秀同龄人的陪伴 让你的青春少走弯路
上课认真,笔记认真, 就是成绩不咋地……
上课没事儿还调皮气老师, 笔记有时让人看不懂, 但一考试就挺好…… 小B
目 录/contents
1. 什么是学习力 2. 高效学习模型 3. 超级记忆法 4. 费曼学习法
Homes Tools Dress
Peking man lived in Zhoukoudian Caves made of
1.r_o_c_k_s__a_n_d__t_r_e_e_s__,perhaps with
2.__a_n__im__a_l_s_k_i_n_s__to keep out the cold.
什么是学习力-你遇到这些问题 了吗
总是 比别人 学得慢
一看就懂 一做 就错
看得懂,但不 会做
总是 比别人学得差 不会举一反三
什么是学习力-含 义
管理知识的能力 (利用现有知识 解决问题)
学习知识的能力 (学习新知识 速 度、质量等)
长久坚持的能力 (自律性等)
什么是学习力-常见错误学习 方式
语篇 理解
D.They have found the primitive necklace
2.The fireplaces in the center of the cave suggests that____A____.
A.Peking Man knew how to make fire to keep them warm, cook food and scare animals away, too
They used 3._n__e_e_d_le_s_that were made of 4.________, shabropnenesed stone tools and scraper made by stones.
They wore clothes from animal skins and they also
A.they have found the bones of tigers and bears there
B.they have discovered a needle in the cave
C.they have found human and animals bones in those caves high up the hill as well as tools and ornaments
TIP3:另外,还有研究表明,记忆在我们的睡眠过程中也并未停止,我们的大 脑 会归纳、整理、编码、储存我们刚接收的信息。所以,睡前的这段时间可是 非常宝 贵的,不要全部用来玩手机哦~
TIP4:早晨起床后,由于不受前摄抑制的影响,我们可以记忆一些新的内容或 者 复习一下昨晚的内容,那么会让你记忆犹新。
B.Peking Man knew how to make fire
C.Peking Man was very clever
D.Peking Man used something to make fire
语篇 理解
3.The needle found in the cave indicates that Peking Man___D_____.
5.The main idea of the whole passage is ____B____.
A . an archaeologist showed some objects to the students from France
B.an archaeologist showed some students around the Zhoukoudian Caves
为啥总是听懂了, 但不会做,做不好?
高效学习模型-内外脑模 型
内脑- 思考内化
思维导图& 超级记忆法& 费曼学习法
外脑- 体系优化
知识体系& 笔记体系
超级记忆法-记忆规 律
前摄抑制:可以理解为先进入大脑的信息抑制了后进 入大脑的信息
语篇 理解
5.__r_eg_a_r_d_l_e_s_s_o_f__the cold. They discovered fireplaces in the center of the caves 6.__w__h_e_re__they constructed fires. Some evidence suggests that 7.___o_u_r___ ancestors did wear clothes 8.__m__a_d_e__(make) from animal skins. The archaeologist also shows the students a primitive necklace 9._p_r_e_se_r_v_e_dquite well. Indeed, as the botanical analysis has been specially showing us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake. Perhaps 10.__t_h_e_r_e__was trade between early peoples or they traveled to the seaside on their journeys.
A.was able to make tool at that time
B.was able to repair things
C.was able to make clothes using animals'skins
D.All are correct
4.The primitive necklace suggests that____C____.
超级记忆法-记忆规 律
魔力之七:美国心理学家约翰·米勒曾对短时记忆的广 度进行过比较精准的测定:通常情况下一个人的记忆 广度为7±2项内容。
超级记忆法-记忆规 律 TIP1:我们可以选择恰当的记忆数量——7组之内!
TIP2:很多我们觉得比较容易背的古诗词,大多不超过七个字,很大程度上也 是因 为在“魔力之七”范围内的缘故。我们可以把要记忆的内容拆解组合控制 在7组之内 (每一组不代表只有一个字哦,这7组中的每一组容量可适当加大)。 TIP3:比如我 们记忆一个手机号码18820568803,如果一个一组的记忆,我 们就要记11组,而如果我们拆解一下,按照188-2056-8803,我们就只需要 记忆3 组就可以了,记忆效率也会大大提高。