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correct, good, positive, affirmative……好的, 积极的,对的
(二)惯用符号 speak, express, think,……看,说,想,评论 question, problem, issue, inquiry, ask , puzzle, confused, mystery, bewildered,…… 疑问,疑惑,问题是 dangerous, warning, alarming, alert, hazardous, watch out…… sure ,certainly, of course……危险,警告,当 心,值得注意的,当然,肯定的是
(七)国家及组织 • • • • • • • • APEC EU GATT/ WTO NATO G-20 OPEC SC U.N.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Australia----AU Canada------CA China-------CN Germany----DE Egypt------EG Spain----ES France----FR United Kindom----UN Hong Kong----HK India----IN Iraq------IQ Italy------IT
• • • • • • • • • • al-----although bz-----business co-----company com-----communion edu------education eg-----example fz-----finance in-----insurance info------information infra------infrastructure
• channel, tunnel, tube, pipem , ditch…… 渠道 • development, advancement,……发展 • in the past, long before, past time……过 去 • in the future, in the next ……将来 • influence, effect, affect, impact, have bearing on ,……影响,效果, • pressure, stress, burden , load,……压力, 负担
(五)英文字母 • • • • • • • • • y---year 年 M---month 月 w---week h---hour m---minute s---second d---day today tomorrow two years ago,
• • • • • • • • • •
b----but, however, nevertheless c---century e---economy, economics f---finance, financial g---government, n---many, much , several p---politics, policy, party r---reform change, revolution s---science, scientific, society, social k---think , consider, regard, ponder, conceive, suppose, imagine,
about, almost, nearly,……大约,大概 surpass, exceed, more than, superior to,…… 大于,超过,高于 less than , inferior to……少于,低于 plus, add, moreover, besides,……另外,多 minus, deduct, except……减去,除去,除了 action, act,……行为,行动,法案 among, within,……在……之中 belong to 属于 wrong, mistake, bad, notorious, negative……错的,不好的,负面的
represent, symbolize, exemplify, embody, on behalf of , stand for,……特性, 特点; 代表 woman, female,……女性 man , male ……男性 victory, triumph, success, achievement…… 胜利 dollar, money, rich, well-off……美元,钱; 有钱的,富裕的 agreement, treaty, contract, compact ……协 议,决议,合约,条约 halt, stop, complete.……结束,停止,完成, 实现
• • • • • •
Japan----JP Korea, Dem. People’s----KP Republic of Korea-----KR Mexico----MX Russian Federation----RU United States----US
Biblioteka Baidu
• (be)invited, needed, come( here)……邀请, 需要,访问,来到 • to, go (there)……去, 到,走, • increase, improve, enhance, grow, advance, rise , promote update, boost, ……增加,提升,提高,升级,升值 • decline, decrease, reduce, drop, fall descend, sink , weaken, lower, depress, lessen, devaluate, diminish, cut down ,……减少, 下降, 降低,贬值
• Information, message, intelligence,…… 信息,情报,消息 • delete, discard, give up,……删除,废除, 放弃 • trade, exchange, communication, relationship,……贸易,交换,交流,关 于,替代,关联 • underlining, stress, emphasize……强调, 这个 • for example, ,such as……例如
由符号、文字加上斜线以及并列符、连接符和趋向 符等体现句与句之间的逻辑关系。 (一)数学符号 because, due to, thanks to,……因为,由于,幸 亏 so, therefore, consequently……所以,因此,结 果是…… the same as , equal to, similar to,……相同,一 致,公平 difference, disparity……不同,不公平,有差 距……
• state leader, president, chairman, ……国家主席, 总统,领导人 • export……出口 • import……进口 • city, urban , metrapolitan , cosmopolitan……城市, 都市 • village, rural, country, farm, suburb, outskirt,…… 农村,乡下 • important, significant, key, crucial, critical, meaningful, essential, decisive, substantial, • outstanding, distinguished, marked, remarkable, notable, excellent, perfect, emient, famous, wellknown, great, prestigious, extraordinary, magnificent
• nz-----news • tr-----trade • tx----tax, taxation • ag-----agriculture • rec------recreation • gym-----gymnasium • grad----graduates • doc----doctor ……
• complete, whole,……全部的,整个的,所有 的 • aim, objective, goal, target,……目标,目的 • see, notice, watch,……看到,注意到 • pay attention to, highlight, ……重视,强调 • nation, state, republic, kingdom, federal, union, ……国家,民族 • top, head, peak, maximum, crown, • leader, head, director, boss, manager, officer, king ,governor, adminstrator, monitor,……领导,顶点,顶级
• wonderful terrific, fantastic , fabulous ,marvelous,…… • chief primary, major, dominant, overwhelming , most, …… • emphasize, stress, focus , underscore, attach great importance to , lay stress on 重心, 重点,重视;重要的, 主要的,杰出 的 • feature, character, characteristic symbol, sign , attribute, quality, nature, trademark, mark , specialty……
(三)图形符号---这种符号的个性及扩充性很 强
• happy, pleased, excited,……高兴,激动 • unhappy, unsatisfied ,angry,……失望,不满 意,生气 • conference, session, forum, seminar, council meeting, committee, commission, union, ……会议,聚会 • school, college, educational institution.……学校,大学,教育机构