
汽车差速器中英文对照外文翻译文献 FailureanalysisofanautomobiledifferentialpinionshaftAbstractDifferentialisusedtodecreasethespeedandtoprovidemomentincreasefortransmittingthecomingfromtheenginetothewheelsbyturning itaccording tothesuitable angleinvehicles andtoprovide thatinnerandouterturndifferently. Piniongearandshaftattheentrancearemanufactured asasinglepartwhereastheyareindifferentformsaccordingtoautomobileMirrorgearwhichwillworkwiththisgearshouldbecomefamiliar beforetheassembly. Incaseofanybreakdown, theyshouldbechangedasapair.Generally, inthesesystemsthereareweardamagesingears.Thegearinspected inthisstudyhasdamageasaformofshaftfracture.Inthisstudy,failureanalysisofthedifferentialpinionshaftiscarriedout.Mechanicalcharacteristics ofthematerialareobtainedfirst.Then,themicrostructure andchemicalcompositionsaredetermined.Somefractographicstudiesare2020ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved.Keywords: Differential;Fracture;Powertransfer;Pinionshaft1.IntroductionThefinal-drivegearsbedirectlyorindirectly drivenfromtheoutputgearingofthegearbox.Directlydrivenfinaldrivesareusedwhentheengineandtransmission unitscombinedtogethertoformanintegralconstruction. Indirectlydrivenfinaldrivesareusedattherearofthevehiclebeingeithersprungandattachedthebodystructureorunsprungandincorporated intherear-axlecasing.Thefinal-drive gearsareusedinthetransmission systemforthefollowingreasons[1]:(a)toredirectthedrivefromthegearboxorpropeller shaftthrough90°and,(b) toprovideapermanent gearreduction betweentheengineandtheroad-wheels. Invehicles,differential isthemainpartwhichtransmitsthemovementcomingfromtheenginetothewheelsOnasmoothroad,thecomes tobothwheels evenly. Theinner wheel should turnlessandtheouter wheel should turnmoretodotheturning without lateralslippingandbeingflung.Differential, whichisgenerallyplacedinthemiddlepartoftherearbridge,consistsofpiniongear,mirrorgear,differential box,twoaxlegearandtwopinionspidergears.Aschematicillustration ofadifferential isgiveninFig,1.ThetechnicaldrawingofpinionthefracturedshaftisalsogiveninFig,2,Fig.3showsthephotographofthefracturedpinionshaftandthefracturesectionisindicated.In differentials,andpiniongeararemadetogetusedtoeachotherduringmanufacturing andthesameserialnumberisgiven.Bothofthemareoncondition thatthereareanyproblems. Inthesesystems, thecommondamageisthewearofgears[2-4].Inthisstudy,thepinionofthedifferential ofaminibushasbeeninspected. Theminibusisadieselvehicledrivenattherearaxleandhasapassengercapacityof15people.Maximumenginepoweris90/4000HP/rpm,andmaximumtorqueis205/1600Nm/rpm.Itstransmission boxhasmanualsystem(5forward,1back).Thedamagewascausedbystoppingandstartingtheminibusatatrafficlights.Inthisdifferential, entranceshaftwhichcarriesthepiniongearwasbroken. Various studies havebeenmadetodetermine thetypeandpossible reasons ofthedamage. Theseare:?studies carried outtodetermine thematerialoftheshaft;?studiescarriedouttodeterminethemicro-structure; ?studiesrelatedtothefracturesurface.Thereisacloserphotographofthefractured surfacesandfractureareainFig.4.Thefracturewascausedbytakingoutcircularmarkgearseeninthemiddleofsurfaces.2.ExperimentalprocedureSpecimens extractedfromtheshaftweresubjectedtovarioustestsincludinghardnesstestsandmetallographicandscanningelectronmicroscopyaswellasthedeterminationofchemicalcomposition.Alltestswerecarriedoutatroomtemperature.2.1 Chemicalandmetallurgical analysisChemicalanalysisofthefractureddifferentialmaterialwascarriedoutusingaspectrometer. Thechemicalcomposition ofthematerialisgiveninTable1.Chemicalcomposition showsthatthematerialisalowalloycarburizing steeloftheAISI8620type.Hardenability ofthissteelisverylowbecauseoflowcarbonproportion.Therefore,surfaceareabecomeshardandhighlyenduring,andinnerareasbecomestoughbyincreasing carbonproportion onthesurfaceareawithcementation operation. Thisisthekindofsteelwhichisgenerally usedinmechanical partssubjected dotorsionandbending.Highresistance isobtainedonthesurfaceandhighfatigueendurance valuecanbeobtainedwithcompressiveresidual stressbymakingthesurfaceharder[5-7].In whichalloyelements distribute themselves incarbonsteelsdependsprimarily onthecompound andcarbideformingtendencieseachelement. Nickeldissolves intheαferrite ofthesteelsinceithaslesstendency toformcarbides thanironSilicon combines tolimitedextentwiththeoxygenpresentinthesteeltoformnonmetallic inclusions butotherwise dissolves intheferrite.Mostofthemanganese addedcarbonsteelsdissolvesintheferrite.Chromium,whichhasasomewhatstrongercarbide-forming dependsontheiron,partitionsbetweentheferriteandcarbidephases.distributionofchromiumdependsontheamountofcarbonpresentandifotherstrongercarbide-forming elementssuchastitaniumandcolumbiumamountofcarbonpresentandifotherstrongercarbide-forming elementssuchastitaniumandcolumbiumareabsent.Tungstenandmolybdenumcombinewithcarbontoformcarbidesisthereissufficientcarbonpresentandifotherstrongercarbide-forming elementssuchdatitaniumandcolumbiumareabsent.Manganeseandnickellowertheeutectoidtemperature[8].Preliminarystructural examination ofthefaileddifferential materialisshowninFig.5.Itcanbeseenthatthematerialhasamixedstructureinsomeferrite existprobably asaresult ofslowcooling andhighSicontent. HighSicontent inthistypeofsteelimproves thetreatmentsusceptibility aswellasanimprovementofyieldstrengthandmaximumstresswithoutanyreductionofductility[9].Ifthemicro-structure cannotbeinvertedtomartensitebyquenching,areductionoffatiguelimitisobserved.There areareaswithcarbonphaseinFig.5(a).ThereisthetransitionboundaryofinFig.5(b)and(c)showsthematrixregionwithoutcarburization. Asfarasitisseenintherephotographs, thepiecewasfirstthenthequenchingoperationwasdonethantempered.Thissituationcanbeunderstood fromblindmartensite plates.2.2 HardnesstestsThehardnessmeasurements arecarriedoutbyaMetTest-HT typecomputer integrated hardness tester.Theloadis1471N.Themediumhardness valueoftheinterior regionsisobtained asobtainedas43HRC.Microhard-nessmeasurements havebeenmadetodeterminethechanceofhardnessvaluesalongcross-section be-causeofthehardeningofsurfaceduetocarburization. TheresultsofVickershardnessmeasurementunderaloadof4.903NareillustratedinTable2.2.3Inspectionofthefracturedirectobservations ofthepiecewithfracturedsurfacesandSEManalysesaregiveninthischapter.Thecrackstartedbecauseofapossibleproblemthebottomofnotchcausedtheshafttobebrokencompletely. Thecrackstartedontheouterpart,aftersometimeitcontinued beyondcentreandtherewasonlyalittlepartleft.Andthispartwasbrokenstatically duringsuddenstarting ofthevehicleatthetrafficlights.Asacharacteristic ofthefatigue,therearetworegionsinthefracturedsurface.Theseareasmoothsurfacecreatedbycrackpropagation。

外文原文Differential shell process and boring tooling design The motor car engine power transmission shaft and the clutch, and finally to drive around again assigned half shaft drive wheels, in this article, the drive power transmission way, it is the final assembly of the main parts is reducer and differential. Gear reducer is increased, the function of torque and completely on gear meshing gears, between are easy to understand. But more difficult to understand differential, what, why "differential differential"?The car is driven car differential main parts. It is in the power of both half shaft transmission shaft, allowing both half with different speed spinning wheels, satisfy both pure rolling form as possible, reducing equi-distant not tire and ground friction.Spider diagramObject graph theory differentialfunctionalAt the turn of the car wheel track line, if the car is circular arc, turn left at the center, and at the same time, the wheels went arc length, the wheels than to balance the difference, left, and right wheel wheels slowlySlip differentialFaster, with different speed up the distance.If you make a whole after wheel, can accomplish on both sides of the wheel speed difference, is also does not have an automatic adjustment. In order to solve this problem, a hundred years ago, France Renault automotive company founderluis Renault will design a differential this thing.Slip differentialconstituteOrdinary differential planetary wheel planetary gear, by plane (d ifferential shell), half axle gear parts etc. The power of the engine into the differential transmissionStructurePlanetary wheel frame, driven directly by the planets wheel driv e, right and left two half shaft, wheel drive left and right. Meet the design requirements of differential (left) and the shaft speed (right) = 2 (axial rotational speed) planet round frame. When the car goe s, left, right wheel and planetary wheel frame of equal speed, and in a state of equilibrium in the balance among car when turning ro und to destruction, reduce the speed, the wheel speed increase.StructurePrincipleThis adjustment is automatic differential here, involves "minimal energyconsumption principle", namely earth all objects are tend to minimum energy. Such a grain of beans in a bowl, beans will automatically stays in the bowl bottom and never stay in the bowl wall, because the bowl bottom is the lowest energy (potential), it automatically select static (minimum) without energy. In the same way,A 3d effectWheel in turning also will be the lowest power consumption tendency, automatically adjusted according to turn radius of the wheel speed around.When turning wheel, because the pull of the phenomenon, the medial wheel slip phenomenon, two driving wheel at will produce two opposite direction of additional force, due to the "principle of minimal energy consumption, will inevitably lead to the wheel speed different sides, thus destroyed the balance between three and half shaft are reflected by the half axle gear planetary gears, forced to produce the half shaft rotation speed, speed, the medial axis speed slow speed, so as to realize the difference on both sides wheels.If the drive wheels on both sides of the drive shaft with a whole rigid connection, only two wheels at the same Angle rotation. So, when the steering wheel, due to the lateral than inside the distance moved across the wheels, will make the scroll wheel on the slide, and drag on the scroll wheel inside the slip. Even the car run straight road gravamen, because although flat tire surface or rolling radius (but ranging from manufacturing error, wear different tyres, ranging from uneven pressure or carrying of sliding wheel) and cause.When the wheel sliding tire wear, not only aggravate increased power and fuel consumption, still can make steering difficulties, braking performance deterio rated. As for the wheels, and does not occur in structure sliding must ensure each wheel at different angles can rotate.Axis between differential driven wheels usually use bearing spindle support in the, can at any Angle rotation, and drive wheels with two and half shaft rigid connection, between two and half shaft with differential. The differential and called shaft between differential.Many of the drive shaft, and to make each off-road vehicle drive to different velocity rotating, in order to eliminate the bridge of the drive wheels, some in two axles sliding between between shaft with differential.Differential inspection1 differential shell doesn't have any properties of crack, shell and planetary gear differential half shaft washer, contact between gear, should be smooth without groove, If there is a slight groove or wear, can continue to use after grinding, or should be replaced or be repaired.2 the planetary gear differential shell and planetary gear wheel when the fitting clearance shall not greater than 0.1-0.15 mm, half axle gear shaft neck and shell hole for clearance, with no obvious loose labels should be replaced or feeling, or repair.Shell's processing technologyThe processing quality not only affects shell, the assembly precision and accuracy, but also affects the movement of the machine working accuracy, performance and life.There are many kinds of shell structure, its size and form with the structure of the machine and the shell in machine has the different function. But they rema in on the analysis from the craft had a lot in common and its structure features are:(1) appearance is basically composed of six or five plane again into the closed-end polyhedron, integral and combined two,(2) structure shape is more complex. Inside the cavity is often, some places "partition wall, shell and uneven thickness thin.(3) shell walls are usually decorate have parallel hole or vertical hole,(4) on the shell, main processing is the number of plane, in addition to many higher accuracy and precision of supporting bearing with less demanding tighten pore.Shell parts technical requirements:(1) bearing support size precision and accuracy, surface roughness, requirements,(2) position precision including hole axis of the distance between the dimension precision, the same axis parallel degree in each hole, and KongDuan facing the coaxial tolerance of vertical axis holes; etc.(3) to meet the needs and positioning of the shell processing machine assembly request, shell and assembly of shell with the datum plane positioning due and certain degree, and the surface roughness requirements, The bearing hole and assembling a certain distance between datum due to the accuracy requirement of the size.中文译文差速器壳体工艺及工装设计汽车发动机的动力经离合器、变速器、传动轴,最后传送到驱动桥再左右分配给半轴驱动车轮,在这条动力传送途径上,驱动桥是最后一个总成,它的主要部件是减速器和差速器。
机械毕业设计英文外文翻译402驱动桥和差速器 (2)

附录附录ADrive axle/differentialAll vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road.PowerflowThe drive axle must transmit power through a 90° angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels.This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear, which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels.Fig 1 Drive axleRear-wheel driveRear-wheel-drive vehicles are mostly trucks, very large sedans and many sports car and coupe models. The typical rear wheel drive vehicle uses a front mounted engine and transmission assemblies with a driveshaft coupling the transmission to the rear drive axle. Drive in through the layout of the bridge, the bridge drive shaft arranged vertically in the same vertical plane, and not the drive axle shaft, respectively, in their own sub-actuator with a direct connection, but the actuator is located at the front or the back of the adjacent shaftof the two bridges is arranged in series. Vehicle before and after the two ends of the driving force of the drive axle, is the sub-actuator and the transmission through the middle of the bridge. The advantage is not onlya reduction of the number of drive shaft, and raise the driving axle of the common parts of each other, and to simplify the structure, reduces the volume and quality.Fig 2 Rear-wheel-drive axleSome vehicles do not follow this typical example. Such as the older Porsche or Volkswagen vehicles which were rear engine, rear drive. These vehicles use a rear mounted transaxle with halfshafts connected to the drive wheels. Also, some vehicles were produced with a front engine, rear transaxle setup with a driveshaft connecting the engine to the transaxle, and halfshafts linking the transaxle to the drive wheels.Differential operationIn order to remove the wheel around in the kinematics due to the lack of co-ordination about the wheel diameter arising from a different or the same rolling radius of wheel travel required, inter-wheel motor vehicles are equipped with about differential, the latter to ensure that the car driver Bridge on both sides of the wheel when in range with a trip to the characteristics of rotating at different speeds to meet the requirements of the vehicle kinematics.Fig 3 Principle of differentialThe accompanying illustration has been provided to help understand how this occurs.1.The drive pinion, which is turned by the driveshaft, turns the ring gear.2.The ring gear, which is attached to the differential case, turns the case.3.The pinion shaft, located in a bore in the differential case, is at right angles to the axle shafts and turns with the case.4.The differential pinion (drive) gears are mounted on the pinion shaft and rotate with the shaft .5.Differential side gears (driven gears) are meshed with the pinion gears and turn with the differential housing and ring gear as a unit.6.The side gears are splined to the inner ends of the axle shafts and rotate the shafts as the housing turns.7.When both wheels have equal traction, the pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft, since the input force of the pinion gears is divided equally between the two side gears.8.When it is necessary to turn a corner, the differential gearing becomes effective and allows the axle shafts to rotate at different speeds .Open-wheel differential on each general use the same amount of torque. To determine the size of the wheel torque to bear two factors:equipment and friction. In dry conditions, when a lot of friction, the wheel bearing torque by engine size and gear restrictions are hours in the friction (such as driving on ice), is restricted to a maximum torque, so that vehicles will not spin round. So even if the car can produce more torque, but also need to have sufficient traction to transfer torque to the ground. If you increase the throttle after the wheels slip, it will only make the wheels spin faster.Fig 4 Conventional differential Limited-slip and locking differential operationFig 5 Limited-slip differentialDifferential settlement of a car in the uneven road surface and steeringwheel-driven speed at about the different requirements; but is followed by the existence of differential in the side car wheel skid can not be effective when the power transmission, that is, the wheel slip can not produce the driving force, rather than spin the wheel and does not have enough torque. Good non-slip differential settlement of the car wheels skid on the side of the power transmission when the issue, that is, locking differential, so that no longer serve a useful differential right and left sides of the wheel can be the same torque.Limited-slip and locking differential operation can be divided into two major categories:(1) mandatory locking type in ordinary differential locking enforcement agencies to increase, when the side of the wheel skid occurs, the driver can be electric, pneumatic or mechanical means to manipulate the locking body meshing sets of DIP Shell will be with the axle differential lock into one, thus the temporary loss of differential role. Relatively simple structure in this way, but it must be operated by the driver, and good roads to stop locking and restore the role of differential.(2) self-locking differential installed in the oil viscosity or friction clutch coupling, when the side of the wheel skid occurs when both sides of the axle speed difference there, coupling or clutch friction resistance on the automatic, to make certain the other side of the wheel drive torque and the car continued to travel. When there is no speed difference on both sides of the wheel, the frictional resistance disappeared, the role of automatic restoration of differentials. More complicated structure in this way, but do not require drivers to operate. Has been increasingly applied in the car. About non-slip differential, notonly used for the differential between the wheels, but also for all-wheel drive vehicle inter-axle differential/.Gear ratioThe drive axle of a vehicle is said to have a certain axle ratio. This number (usually a whole number and a decimal fraction) is actually a comparison of the number of gear teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear. For example, a 4.11 rear means that theoretically, there are 4.11 teeth on the ring gear for each tooth on the pinion gear or, put another way, the driveshaft must turn 4.11 times to turn the wheels once. The role of the final drive is to reduce the speed from the drive shaft, thereby increasing the torque. Lord of the reduction ratio reducer, a driving force for car performance and fuel economy have a greater impact. In general, the more reduction ratio the greater the acceleration and climbing ability, and relatively poor fuel economy. However, if it is too large, it can not play the full power of the engine to achieve the proper speed. The main reduction ratio is more Smaller ,the speed is higher, fuel economy is better, but the acceleration and climbing ability will be poor.附录B驱动桥和差速器所有的汽车都装有不同类型的驱动桥和差速器来驱动汽车行驶。

附录A 英文文献Final drive\DifferentialAll vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road.PowerflowThe drive axle must transmit power through a 90°angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels.This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear,which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels.Fig 1 Drive axleRear-wheel driveRear-wheel-drive vehicles are mostly trucks, very large sedans and many sports car and coupe models. The typical rear wheel drive vehicle uses a front mounted engine and transmission assemblies with a driveshaft coupling the transmission to the rear drive axle. Drive in through the layout of the bridge, the bridge drive shaft arranged vertically in the same vertical plane, and not the drive axle shaft, respectively, in their own sub-actuator with a direct connection, but the actuator is located at the front or the back of the adjacent shaft of the two bridges is arranged in series. Vehicle before and after the two ends of the driving force of the drive axle, is the sub-actuator and the transmission through the middle of the bridge. The advantage is not only a reduction of the number of drive shaft, and raise the driving axle of the common parts of each other, and to simplify the structure, reduces the volume and quality.Fig 2 Rear-wheel-drive axleSome vehicles do not follow this typical example. Such as the older Porsche or Volkswagen vehicles which were rear engine, rear drive. These vehicles use a rear mounted transaxle with halfshafts connected to the drive wheels. Also, some vehicles were produced with a front engine, rear transaxle setup with a driveshaft connecting the engine to the transaxle, and halfshafts linking the transaxle to the drive wheels.Differential operationIn order to remove the wheel around in the kinematics due to the lack of co-ordination about the wheel diameter arising from a different or the same rolling radius of wheel travel required, inter-wheel motor vehicles are equipped with about differential, the latter to ensure that the car driver Bridge on both sides of the wheel when in range with a trip to the characteristics of rotating at different speeds to meet the requirements of the vehicle kinematics.Fig 3 Principle of differentialThe accompanying illustration has been provided to help understand how this occurs.1.The drive pinion, which is turned by the driveshaft, turns the ring gear.2.The ring gear, which is attached to the differential case, turns the case.3.The pinion shaft, located in a bore in the differential case, is at right angles to the axle shafts and turns with the case.4.The differential pinion (drive) gears are mounted on the pinion shaft and rotate with the shaft .5.Differential side gears (driven gears) are meshed with the pinion gears and turn with the differential housing and ring gear as a unit.6.The side gears are splined to the inner ends of the axle shafts and rotate the shafts as the housing turns.7.When both wheels have equal traction, the pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft, since the input force of the pinion gears is divided equally between the two side gears.8.When it is necessary to turn a corner, the differential gearing becomes effective and allows the axle shafts to rotate at different speeds .Open-wheel differential on each general use the same amount of torque. To determine the size of the wheel torque to bear two factors: equipment and friction. In dry conditions, when a lot of friction, the wheel bearing torque by engine size and gear restrictions are hours in the friction (such as driving on ice), is restricted to a maximum torque, so that vehicles will not spin round. So even if the car can produce more torque, but also need to have sufficient traction to transfer torque to the ground. If you increase the throttle after the wheels slip, it will only make the wheels spin faster.Fig 4 Conventional differentialLimited-slip and locking differential operationFig 5 Limited-slip differentialDifferential settlement of a car in the uneven road surface and steering wheel-driven speedat about the different requirements; but is followed by the existence of differential in the side car wheel skid can not be effective when the power transmission, that is, the wheel slip can not produce the driving force, rather than spin the wheel and does not have enough torque. Good non-slip differential settlement of the car wheels skid on the side of the power transmission when the issue, that is, locking differential, so that no longer serve a useful differential right and left sides of the wheel can be the same torque.Limited-slip and locking differential operation can be divided into two major categories:(1) mandatory locking type in ordinary differential locking enforcement agencies to increase, when the side of the wheel skid occurs, the driver can be electric, pneumatic or mechanical means to manipulate the locking body meshing sets of DIP Shell will be with the axle differential lock into one, thus the temporary loss of differential role. Relatively simple structure in this way, but it must be operated by the driver, and good roads to stop locking and restore the role of differential.(2) self-locking differential installed in the oil viscosity or friction clutch coupling, when the side of the wheel skid occurs when both sides of the axle speed difference there, coupling or clutch friction resistance on the automatic, to make certain the other side of the wheel drive torque and the car continued to travel. When there is no speed difference on both sides of the wheel, the frictional resistance disappeared, the role of automatic restoration of differentials. More complicated structure in this way, but do not require drivers to operate. Has been increasingly applied in the car. About non-slip differential, not only used for the differential between the wheels, but also for all-wheel drive vehicle inter-axle differential/.Gear ratioThe drive axle of a vehicle is said to have a certain axle ratio. This number (usually a whole number and a decimal fraction) is actually a comparison of the number of gear teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear. For example, a 4.11 rear means that theoretically, there are 4.11 teeth on the ring gear for each tooth on the pinion gear or, put another way, the driveshaft must turn 4.11 times to turn the wheels once. The role of the final drive is to reduce the speed from the drive shaft, thereby increasing the torque. Lord of the reduction ratio reducer, a driving force for car performance and fuel economy have a greater impact. In general, the more reduction ratio the greater the acceleration and climbing ability, and relatively poor fuel economy. However, if it is too large, it can not play the full power of the engine to achieve the proper speed. The main reduction ratio is more Smaller ,the speed is higher, fuel economy is better, but the acceleration and climbing ability will be poor.附录B 文献翻译主减速器和差速器所有的汽车都装有不同类型的主减速器和差速器来驱动汽车行驶。

附录英文文献翻译Drive axle/differentialAll vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road.PowerflowThe drive axle must transmit power through a 90° angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels.This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear, which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels.Figure 11 Component parts of a typical driven axle assembly.Differential operationThe differential is an arrangement of gears with two functions: to permit the rear wheels to turn at different speeds when cornering and to divide the power flow between both rear wheels.The accompanying illustration has been provided to help understand how this occurs. The drive pinion, which is turned by the driveshaft, turns the ring gear (1).The ring gear, which is attached to the differential case, turns the case (2).The pinion shaft, located in a bore in the differential case, is at right angles to the axle shafts and turns with the case (3).The differential pinion (drive) gears are mounted on the pinion shaft and rotate with the shaft (4). Differential side gears (driven gears) are meshed with the pinion gears and turn with the differential housing and ring gear as a unit (5).The side gears are splined to the inner ends of the axle shafts and rotate the shafts as the housing turns (6).When both wheels have equal traction, the pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft, since the input force of the pinion gears is divided equally between the two side gears (7).When it is necessary to turn a corner, the differential gearing becomes effective and allows the axle shafts to rotate at different speeds (8).As the inner wheel slows down, the side gear splined to the inner wheel axle shaft also slows. The pinion gears act as balancing levers by maintaining equal tooth loads to both gears, while allowing unequal speeds of rotation at the axle shafts. If the vehicle speed remains constant, and the inner wheel slows down to 90 percent of vehicle speed, the outer wheel will speed up to 110 percent. However, because this system is known as an open differential, if one wheel should become stuck (as in mud or snow), all of the engine power can be transferred to only one wheel.Figure 12 Overview of differential gear operating principles.Limited-slip and locking differential operationLimited-slip and locking differentials provide the driving force to the wheel with the best traction before the other wheel begins to spin. This is accomplished through clutch plates, cones or locking pawls.The clutch plates or cones are located between the side gears and the inner walls of the differential case. When they are squeezed together through spring tension and outward force from the side gears, three reactions occur. Resistance on the side gears causes more torque to be exerted on the clutch packs or clutch cones. Rapid one wheel spin cannot occur, because the side gear is forced to turn at the same speed as the case. So most importantly, with the side gear and the differential case turning at the same speed, the other wheel is forced to rotate in the same direction and at the same speed as the differential case. Thus, driving force is applied to the wheel with the better traction. Locking differentials work nearly the same as the clutch and cone type of limited slip, except that when tire speed differential occurs, the unit will physically lock both axles together and spin them as if they were a solid shaft.Figure 13 Limited-slip differentials transmit power through the clutches or cones to drive the wheel having the best traction.Identifying a limited-slip drive axleMetal tags are normally attached to the axle assembly at the filler plug or to a bolt on the cover. During the life of the vehicle, these tags can become lost and other means must be used to identify the drive axle.To determine whether a vehicle has a limited-slip or a conventional drive axle by tire movement, raise the rear wheels off the ground. Place the transmission in PARK (automatic) or LOW (manual), and attempt to turn a drive wheel by hand. If the drive axle is a limited-slip type, it will be very difficult (or impossible) to turn the wheel. If the drive axle is the conventional (open) type, the wheel will turn easily, and the opposing wheel will rotate in the reverse direction.Place the transmission in neutral and again rotate a rear wheel. If the axle is a limited-slip type, the opposite wheel will rotate in the same direction. If the axle is a conventional type, the opposite wheel will rotate in the opposite direction, if it rotates at all.Gear ratioThe drive axle of a vehicle is said to have a certain axle ratio. This number (usually a whole number and a decimal fraction) is actually a comparison of the number of gear teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear. For example, a 4.11 rear means that theoretically, there are 4.11 teeth on the ring gear for each tooth on the pinion gear or, put another way, the driveshaft must turn 4.11 times to turn the wheels once. Actually, with a 4.11 ratio, there might be 37 teeth on the ring gear and 9 teeth on the pinion gear. By dividing the number of teeth on the pinion gear into the number of teeth on the ring gear, the numerical axle ratio (4.11) is obtained. This also provides a good method of ascertaining exactly which axle ratio one is dealing with.Another method of determining gear ratio is to jack up and support the vehicle so that both drive wheels are off the ground. Make a chalk mark on the drive wheel and the driveshaft. Put the transmission in neutral. Turn the wheel one complete turn and count the number of turns that the driveshaft/halfshaft makes. The number of turns that the driveshaft makes in one complete revolution of the drive wheel approximates the axle ratio.Figure 14 The numerical ratio of the drive axle is the number of the teeth on the ring gear divided by the number of the teeth on the pinion gear.译文:驱动桥/差速器所有的车辆有一些类型的驱动桥/差速器总成包含在传动系统中。

外文翻译汽车差速器Failure analysis of an automobile differential pinion shaftAbstractDifferential is used to decrease the speed and to provide moment increase for transmitting the movement coming from the engine to the wheels by turning it according to the suitable angle in vehicles and to provide that inner and outer wheels turn differently. Pinion gear and shaft at the entrance are manufactured as a single part whereas they are in different forms according to automobile types. Mirror gear which will work with this gear should become familiar before the assembly. In case of any breakdown, they should be changed as a pair. Generally, in these systems there are wear damages in gears. The gear inspected in this study has damage as a form of shaft fracture.In this study, failure analysis of the differential pinion shaft is carried out. Mechanical characteristics of the material are obtained first. Then, the microstructure and chemical compositions are determined. Some fractographic studies are carried out to asses the fatigue and fracture conditions.Keywords: Differential; Fracture; Power transfer; Pinion shaft1. IntroductionThe final-drive gears may be directly or indirectly driven from the output gearing of the gearbox. Directly driven final drives are used when the engine and transmission units are combined together to form an integral construction. Indirectly driven final drives are used at the rear of the vehicle being either sprung and attached to the body structure or unsprung and incorporated in the rear-axle casing. The final-drive gears are used in the transmission system for the following reasons [1]:(a) to redirect the drive from the gearbox or propeller shaft through 90° and,(b) to provide a permanent gear reduction between the engine and the driving road-wheels.In vehicles, differential is the main part which transmits the movement coming from the engine to the wheels. On a smooth road, the movement comes to both wheels evenly. The inner wheel should turn less and the outer wheel should turn more to do the turning without lateral slipping and being flung. Differential, which is generally placed in the middle part of the rear bridge, consists of pinion gear, mirror gear, differential box, two axle gear and two pinion spider gears.A schematic illustration of a differential is given in Fig. 1. The technical drawing of the fractured pinion shaft is also given in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the photograph of the fractured pinion shaft and the fracture section is indicated.In differentials, mirror and pinion gear are made to get used to each other during manufacturing and the same serial number is given. Both of them are changed on condition that there are any problems. In these systems, the common damage is the wear of gears [2–4]. In this study, the pinion shaft of the differential of aminibus has been inspected. The minibus is a diesel vehicle driven at the rear axle and has a passenger capacity of 15 people. Maximum engine power is 90/4000 HP/rpm, and maximum torque is 205/1600 Nm/rpm. Its transmission box has manual system (5 forward, 1 back). The damage was caused by stopping and starting the minibus at atraffic lights. In this differential, entrance shaft which carries the pinion gear was broken. Various studies have been made to determine the type and possible reasons of the damage.These are:studies carried out to determine the material of the shaft;studies carried out to determine the micro-structure;studies related to the fracture surface.There is a closer photograph of the fractured surfaces and fracture area in Fig. 4. The fracture was caused by taking out circular mark gear seen in the middle of surfaces.Fig. 1. Schematic of the analysed differential.Fig. 2. Technical drawing of the analysed pinion shaftFig. 3. The picture of the undamaged differential pinion analysed in the studyFig. 4. Photographs of failed shaft2. Experimental procedureSpecimens extracted from the shaft were subjected to various tests including hardness tests and metallographic and scanning electron microscopy as well as the determination of chemical composition. All tests were carried out at room temperature.2.1. Chemical and metallurgical analysisChemical analysis of the fractured differential material was carried out using a spectrometer. The chemical composition of the material is given in Table 1. Chemical composition shows that the material is a low alloy carburising steel of the AISI 8620 type.Hardenability of this steel is very low because of low carbon proportion. Therefore, surface area becomes hard and highly enduring, and inner areas becomes tough by increasing carbon proportion on the surface area with cementation operation. This is the kind of steel which is generally used in mechanical parts subjected do torsion and bending. High resistance is obtained on the surface and high fatigue endurance value can be obtained with compressive residual stress by making the surface harder [5–7].In which alloy elements distribute themselves in carbon steels depends primarily on the compound- and carbide-forming tendencies of each element. Nickel dissolves in the a ferrite of the steel since it has less tendency to form carbides than iron. Silicon combines to a limited extent with the oxygen present in the steel to form nonmetallic inclusions but otherwise dissolves in the ferrite. Most of the manganese added tocarbon steels dissolves in the ferrite. Chromium, which has a somewhat stronger carbide-forming tendency than iron, partitions between the ferrite and carbide phases. The distribution of chromium depends on the amount of carbon present and if other stronger carbide-forming elements such as titanium and columbium are absent. Tungsten and molybdenum combine with carbon to form carbides if there is sufficient carbon present and if other stronger carbide-forming elements such as titanium and columbium are absent. Manganese and nickel lower the eutectoid temperature [8].Preliminary micro structural examination of the failed differential material is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the material has a mixed structure in which some ferrite exist probably as a result of slow cooling and high Si content. High Si content in this type of steel improves the heat treatment susceptibility as well as an improvement of yield strength and maximum stress without any reduction of ductility [9]. If the microstructure cannot be inverted to martensite by quenching, a reduction of fatigue limit is observed.Table 1Chemical analysis of the pinion gear material (wt%)Fe C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni 96.92 0.235 0.252 0.786 0.044 0.016 0.481 0.151 0.517 and fracture surfaces.Fig. 5. Micro structure of the material (200·).There are areas with carbon phase in Fig. 5(a). There is the transition boundary of carburisation in Fig. 5(b) and (c) shows the matrix region without carburisation. As far as it is seen in these photographs, the piece was first carburised, then the quenching operation was done and than tempered. This situation can be understood from blind martensite plates.2.2. Hardness testsThe hardness measurements are carried out by a MetTest-HT type computer integrated hardness tester. The load is 1471 N. The medium hardness value of the interior regions is obtained as 43 HRC. Micro hardness measurements have been made to determine the chance of hardness values along the cross-section because of the hardening of surface area due to carburisation. The results of Vickers hardness measurement under a load of 4.903 N are illustrated in Table 2.2.3. Inspection of the fractureThe direct observations of the piece with fractured surfaces and SEM analyses are given in this chapter. The crack started because of a possible problem in the bottom of notch caused the shaft to be broken completely. The crack started on the outer part, after some time it continued beyond the centre and there was only a little part left. And this part was broken statically during sudden starting of the vehicle at the traffic lights. As a characteristic of the fatigue fracture, there are two regions in the fractured surface. These are a smooth surface created by crack propagation and a rough surface created by sudden fracture. These two regions can be seen clearly for the entire problem as in Fig. 4. The fatigue crack propagation region covers more than 80% of the cross-section.Table 2Micro hardness values Distance from surface (lm) 50 100 200 400 CenterValues HV (4903N) 588 410 293 286 263Fig.Fig. 6. SEM image of the fracture surface showing the ductile shear.Fig. 7. SEM image of the fracture surface showing the beach marks of the fatigue crack propagation.Shaft works under the effect of bending, torsion and axial forces which affect repeatedly depending on the usage place. There is a sharp fillet at level on the fractured section. For this reason, stress concentration factors of the area have been determined. Kt = 2.4 value (for bending and tension) and Kt = 1.9 value (for torsion) have been acquired according to calculations. These are quite high values for areas exposed to combined loading.These observations and analysis show that the piece was broken under the influence of torsion with low nominal stresses and medium stress concentration [10].The scanning electron microscopy shows that the fracture has taken place in a ductile manner (Fig. 6). There are some shear lips in the crack propagation region which is a glue of the plastic shear deformations. Fig. 7 shows the beach marks of the fatigue crack propagation. The distance between any two lines is nearly 133 nm.3. ConclusionsA failed differential pinion shaft is analysed in this study. The pinion shaft is produced from AISI 8620 low carbon carburising steel which had a carburising, quenching and tempering heat treatment process. Mechanical properties, micro structural properties, chemical compositions and fractographic analyses are carried out to determine the possible fracture reasons of the component. As a conclusion, the following statements can be drawn:The fracture has taken place at a region having a high stress concentration by a fatigue procedure under a combined bending, torsion and axial stresses having highly reversible nature.The crack of the fracture is initiated probably at a material defect region at the critical location.The fracture is taken place in a ductile manner.Possible later failures may easily be prevented by reducing the stress concentration at the critical location.AcknowledgementThe author is very indebted to Prof. S. Tasgetiren for his advice and recommendations during the study.H. Bayrakceken / Engineering Failure Analysis 13 (2006) 1422–1428References[1] Heisler H. Vehicle and engine technology. 2nd ed. London: SAE International; 1999.[2] Makevet E, Roman I. Failure analysis of a final drive transmission in off-road vehicles. Eng Failure Anal 2002;9:579–92.[3] Orhan S, Aktu¨rk N. Determination of physical faults in gearbox through vibration analysis. J Fac Eng Arch Gazi University2003;18(3):97–106.[4] Tas getiren S, Aslantas K, Ucun I. Effect of press-fitting pressure on the fatigue damages of root in spur gears. Technol Res: EJMT2004;2:21–9.[5] Nanawarea GK, Pableb MJ. Failures of rear axle shafts of 575 DI tractors. Eng Failure Anal 2003;10:719–24.[6] Aslantas K, Tas getiren S. A study of spur gear pitting formation and life prediction. Wear 2004;257:1167–75.[7] Savas V, O¨ zek C. Investigation of the distribution of temperature on a shaft with respect to the deflection. Technol Res: EJMT2005;1:33–8.[8] Smith FW. Principles of materials science and engineering. 3rd ed. USA: McGraw-Hill Series; 1996. p. 517–18.[9] ASM metal handbook, vol. 1. Properties and selection, irons, steels, and high performance alloys; 1991.[10] Voort GFV. Visual examination and light microscopy. ASM handbook metallography and microstructures. Materials Park(OH): ASM International; 1991. p. 100–65.汽车差速器小齿轮轴的失效分析摘要差速器的作用是根据车辆合适的角度, 通过将运动转向, 为运动传输减速或者提供瞬间加速, 这个运动来自引擎, 到车轮去, 使内外车轮转动不同。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Drive axle/differentialAll vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road.PowerflowThe drive axle must transmit power through a 90°angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels.This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear, which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels.Fig 1 Drive axleRear-wheel driveRear-wheel-drive vehicles are mostly trucks, very large sedans and many sports car and coupe models. The typical rear wheel drive vehicle uses a front mounted engine and transmission assemblies with a driveshaft coupling the transmission to the rear drive axle. Drive in through the layout of the bridge, the bridge drive shaft arranged vertically in the same vertical plane, and not the drive axle shaft, respectively, in their own sub-actuator with a direct connection, but the actuator is located at the front or the back of the adjacent shaftof the two bridges is arranged in series. Vehicle before and after the two ends of the driving force of the drive axle, is the sub-actuator and the transmission through the middle of the bridge. The advantage is not only a reduction of the number of drive shaft, and raise the driving axle of the common parts of each other, and to simplify the structure, reduces the volume and quality.Fig 2 Rear-wheel-drive axleSome vehicles do not follow this typical example. Such as the older Porsche or Volkswagen vehicles which were rear engine, rear drive. These vehicles use a rear mounted transaxle with halfshafts connected to the drive wheels. Also, some vehicles were produced with a front engine, rear transaxle setup with a driveshaft connecting the engine to the transaxle, and halfshafts linking the transaxle to the drive wheels.Differential operationIn order to remove the wheel around in the kinematics due to the lack of co-ordination about the wheel diameter arising from a different or the same rolling radius of wheel travel required, inter-wheel motor vehicles are equipped with about differential, the latter to ensure that the car driver Bridge on both sides of the wheel when in range with a trip to the characteristics of rotating at different speeds to meet the requirements of the vehicle kinematics.Fig 3 Principle of differentialThe accompanying illustration has been provided to help understand how this occurs.1.The drive pinion, which is turned by the driveshaft, turns the ring gear.2.The ring gear, which is attached to the differential case, turns the case.3.The pinion shaft, located in a bore in the differential case, is at right angles to the axle shafts and turns with the case.4.The differential pinion (drive) gears are mounted on the pinion shaft and rotate with the shaft .5.Differential side gears (driven gears) are meshed with the pinion gears and turn with the differential housing and ring gear as a unit.6.The side gears are splined to the inner ends of the axle shafts and rotate the shafts as the housing turns.7.When both wheels have equal traction, the pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft, since the input force of the pinion gears is divided equally between the two side gears.8.When it is necessary to turn a corner, the differential gearing becomes effective and allows the axle shafts to rotate at different speeds .Open-wheel differential on each general use the same amount of torque. To determine the size of the wheel torque to bear two factors: equipment and friction. In dry conditions, when a lot of friction, the wheel bearing torque by engine size and gear restrictions are hours in the friction (such as driving on ice), is restricted to a maximum torque, so that vehicles will not spin round. So even if the car can produce more torque, but also need to have sufficient traction to transfer torque to the ground. If you increase the throttle after the wheels slip, it will only make the wheels spin faster.Fig 4 Conventional differentialLimited-slip and locking differential operationFig 5 Limited-slip differentialDifferential settlement of a car in the uneven road surface and steering wheel-driven speed at about the different requirements; but is followed by the existence of differential in the side car wheel skid can not be effective when the power transmission, that is, the wheel slip can not produce the driving force, rather than spin the wheel and does not have enough torque. Good non-slip differential settlement of the car wheels skid on the side of the power transmission when the issue, that is, locking differential, so that no longer serve a useful differential right and left sides of the wheel can be the same torque.Limited-slip and locking differential operation can be divided into two major categories:(1) mandatory locking type in ordinary differential locking enforcement agencies to increase, when the side of the wheel skid occurs, the driver can be electric, pneumatic or mechanical means to manipulate the locking body meshing sets of DIP Shell will be with the axle differential lock into one, thus the temporary loss of differential role. Relatively simple structure in this way, but it must be operated by the driver, and good roads to stop locking and restore the role of differential.(2) self-locking differential installed in the oil viscosity or friction clutch coupling, whenthe side of the wheel skid occurs when both sides of the axle speed difference there, coupling or clutch friction resistance on the automatic, to make certain the other side of the wheel drive torque and the car continued to travel. When there is no speed difference on both sides of the wheel, the frictional resistance disappeared, the role of automatic restoration of differentials. More complicated structure in this way, but do not require drivers to operate. Has been increasingly applied in the car. About non-slip differential, not only used for the differential between the wheels, but also for all-wheel drive vehicle inter-axle differential/.Gear ratioThe drive axle of a vehicle is said to have a certain axle ratio. This number (usually a whole number and a decimal fraction) is actually a comparison of the number of gear teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear. For example, a 4.11 rear means that theoretically, there are 4.11 teeth on the ring gear for each tooth on the pinion gear or, put another way, the driveshaft must turn 4.11 times to turn the wheels once. The role of the final drive is to reduce the speed from the drive shaft, thereby increasing the torque. Lord of the reduction ratio reducer, a driving force for car performance and fuel economy have a greater impact. In general, the more reduction ratio the greater the acceleration and climbing ability, and relatively poor fuel economy. However, if it is too large, it can not play the full power of the engine to achieve the proper speed. The main reduction ratio is more Smaller ,the speed is higher, fuel economy is better, but the acceleration and climbing ability will be poor.翻译:驱动桥和差速器所有的汽车都装有不同类型的驱动桥和差速器来驱动汽车行驶。

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Failure analysis of an automobile differential pinion shaft AbstractDifferential is used to decrease the speed and to provide moment increase for transmitting the movement coming from the engine to the wheels by turning it according to the suitable angle in vehicles and to provide that inner and outer wheels turn differently. Pinion gear and shaft at the entrance are manufactured as a single part whereas they are in different forms according to automobile types. Mirror gear which will work with this gear should become familiar before the assembly. In case of any breakdown, they should be changed as a pair. Generally, in these systems there are wear damages in gears. The gear inspected in this study has damage as a form of shaft fracture.In this study, failure analysis of the differential pinion shaft is carried out. Mechanical characteristics of the material are obtained first. Then, the microstructure and chemical compositions are determined. Some fractographic studies are 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Differential; Fracture; Power transfer; Pinion shaft1. IntroductionThe final-drive gears may be directly or indirectly driven from the output gearing of the gearbox. Directly driven final drives are used when the engine and transmission units are combined together to form an integral construction. Indirectly driven final drives are used at the rear of the vehicle being either sprung and attached to the body structure or unsprung and incorporated in the rear-axle casing. The final-drive gears are used in the transmission system for the following reasons [1]:(a) to redirect the drive from the gearbox or propeller shaft through 90°and,(b) to provide a permanent gear reduction between the engine and the driving road-wheels.In vehicles, differential is the main part which transmits the movement coming from the engine to the wheels On a smooth road, the movement comes to both wheels evenly. The inner wheel should turn less and the outer wheel should turn more to do the turning without lateral slipping and being flung. Differential, which is generally placed in the middle part of the rear bridge, consists of pinion gear, mirror gear, differential box, two axle gear and two pinion spider gears.A schematic illustration of a differential is given in Fig, 1. The technical drawing of pinion the fractured pinion shaft is also given in Fig, 2, Fig. 3 shows the photograph of the fractured pinion shaft and the fracture section is indicated.In differentials, mirror and pinion gear are made to get used to each other during manufacturing and the same serial number is given. Both of them are changed on condition that there are any problems. In these systems, the common damage is the wear of gears [2-4]. In this study, the pinion shaft of the differential of a minibus has been inspected. The minibus is a diesel vehicle driven at the rear axle and has a passenger capacity of 15 people. Maximum engine power is 90/4000 HP/rpm, and maximum torque is 205/1600 Nm/rpm. Its transmission box has manual system (5 forward, 1 back). The damage was caused by stopping and starting the minibus at a traffic lights. In this differential, entrance shaft which carries the pinion gear was broken. Various studies have been made to determine the type and possible reasons of the damage. These are:•studies carried out to determine the material of the shaft;•studies carried out to determine the micro-structure;•studies related to the fracture surface.There is a closer photograph of the fractured surfaces and fracture area in Fig. 4. The fracture was caused by taking out circular mark gear seen in the middle of surfaces.2. Experimental procedureSpecimens extracted from the shaft were subjected to various tests including hardness tests and metallographic and scanning electron microscopy as well as the determination of chemical composition. All tests were carried out at room temperature.2.1 Chemical and metallurgical analysisChemical analysis of the fractured differential material was carried out using a spectrometer. The chemical composition of the material is given in Table 1. Chemical composition shows that the material is a lowalloy carburizing steel of the AISI 8620 type.Hardenability of this steel is very low because of low carbon proportion. Therefore, surface area becomes hard and highly enduring, and inner areas becomes tough by increasing carbon proportion on the surface area with cementation operation. This is the kind of steel which is generally used in mechanical parts subjected do torsion and bending. High resistance is obtained on the surface and high fatigue endurance value can be obtained with compressive residual stressby making the surface harder [5-7].In which alloy elements distribute themselves in carbon steels depends primarily on the compound and carbide forming tendencies of each element. Nickel dissolves in the αferrite of the steel since it has less tendency to form carbides than iron Silicon combines to a limited extent with the oxygen present in the steel to form nonmetallic inclusions but otherwise dissolves in the ferrite. Most of the manganese added to carbon steels dissolves in the ferrite. Chromium, which has a somewhat stronger carbide-forming depends on the iron, partitions between the ferrite and carbide phases. The distribution of chromium depends on the amount of carbon present and if other stronger carbide-forming elements such as titanium and columbium amount of carbon present and if other stronger carbide-forming elements such as titanium and columbium are absent. Tungsten and molybdenum combine with carbon to form carbides is there is sufficient carbon present and if other stronger carbide-forming elements such da titanium and columbium are absent. Manganese and nickel lower the eutectoid temperature [8]. Preliminary micro structural examination of the failed differential material is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the material has a mixed structure in which some ferrite exist probably as a result of slow cooling and high Si content. High Si content in this type of steel improves the heat treatment susceptibility as well asan improvement of yield strength and maximum stress without any reduction of ductility [9]. If the micro-structure cannot be inverted to martensite by quenching, a reduction of fatigue limit is observed.There are areas with carbon phase in Fig. 5(a). There is the transition boundary of carburization in Fig. 5(b) and (c) shows the matrix region without carburization. As far as it is seen in there photographs, the piece was first carburized, then the quenching operation was done than tempered. This situation can be understood from blind martensite plates.2.2 Hardness testsThe hardness measurements are carried out by a MetTest-HT type computer integrated hardness tester. The load is 1471 N. The medium hardness value of the interior regions is obtained as obtained as 43 HRC. Micro hard-ness measurements have been made to determine the chance of hardness values along cross-section be-cause of the hardening of surface area dueto carburization. The results of Vickers hardness measurement under a load of 4.903 N are illustrated in Table 2.2.3 Inspection of the fractureThe direct observations of the piece with fractured surfaces and SEM analyses are given in this chapter. The crack started because of a possible problem in the bottom of notch caused the shaft to be broken completely. The crack started on the outer part, after some time it continued beyond the centre and there was only a little part left. And this part was broken statically during sudden starting of the vehicle at the traffic lights. As a characteristic of the fatigue , there are two regions in the fractured surface. These are a smooth surface created by crack propagation and a rough surface created by sudden fracture. These two regions can be seen clearly for the entire problem as in Fig. 4. The fatigue crack propagation region covers more than 80% of the cross-section.Shaft works under the effect of bending, torsion and axial forces which affect repeatedlydepending on the usage place. There is a sharp fillet at level on the fractured section. For this reason, stress concentration factors of the area have been determined. K t = 2.4 value (for bending and tension), and K t = 1.9 value (for torsion) have been acquired according to calculations. These are quite high values for areas exposed to combined loading.These observations and analysis show that the piece was broken under the influence of torsion with low nominal stresses electron microscopy shows that the fracture has taken place in a ductile manner (Fig.6). There are some shear lips in the crack propagation region which is a glue of the plastic shear deformations. Fig. 7 shows the beach marks of the fatigue crack propagation. The distance between any lines is nearly 133 nm.3. ConclusionsA failed differential pinion shaft is analysed in this study. The pinion shaft is produced from AISI 8620 low carbon carburising steel which had a carbursing, quenching and tempering heat treatment process. Mechanical properties, micro structural properties, chemical compositions and fractographic analyses are carried out to determine the possible fracture reasons of the component. As a conclusion, the following statements can be drawn:•The fracture has taken place at a region having a high stress concentration by a fatigue procedure under a combined bending, torsion and axial stresses having highly reversible nature.•The crack of the fracture is initiated probably at a material defect region at the critical location.•The fracture is taken place in a ductile manner.•Possible later failures may easily be prevented by reducing the stress concentration at the critical locationAcknowledgementThe author is very indebted to Prof. S. Tasgetiren for his advice and recommendations during the srudy.References[1]Heisler H. Vehicle and engine technology. 2nd ed. London: SAE International; 1999.[2]Makevet E, Roman I. Failure analysis of a final drive transmission in off-road vehicles. EngFailure Anal 2002;9:579-92.[3]Orhan S, Aktu ¨rk N. Determination of physical faults in gearbox through vibrationanalysis. J Fac Eng Arch Gazi University 2003;18(3):97–106..[4]Tasgetiren S, Aslantas ? K, Ucun I. Effect of press-fitting pressure on the fatiguedamages of root in spur gears. Technol Res: EJMT 2004;2:21–9.[5]Nanawarea GK, Pableb MJ. Failures of rear axle shafts of 575 DI tractors. EngFailure Anal 2003;10:719–24.[6]Aslantas K, Tasgetiren S. A study of spur gear pitting formation and life prediction.Wear 2004;257:1167–75.[7]Savas V, O ¨ zek C. Investigation of the distribution of temperature on a shaft withrespect to the deflection. Technol Res: EJMT 2005;1:33–8.[8]Smith FW. Principles of materials science and engineering. 3rd ed. USA: McGraw-HillSeries; 1996. p. 517–18.[9]ASM metal handbook, vol. 1. Properties and selection, irons, steels, and highperformance alloys; 1991.[10]Voort GFV. Visual examination and light microscopy. ASM handbook metallographyand microstructures. Materials Park (OH): ASM International; 1991. p. 100–65.汽车差速器小齿轮轴的失效分析摘要差速器是用来降低速度增加扭矩并根据合适的角度向两轮传递动力。

TRANSMISSIONManual transmission is one of the most common transmission, referredto as MT. Its basic structure in a single sentence is a central axis, twoinput shaft, namely, the axial and axial oart, they constituted the transmission of the subject, and, of course, a reverse axis. Manual transmission gear transmission and manual, contain can in axial sliding gears, through different meshing gears to change gear of torsional purpose.The typical structure and principle of the manual transmission.Input shaft also says, it's in front of the spline shaft directly withclutch platen, thus the spline set by the engine relay of torque. The firstshaft gear meshing gears, often with oart as input shaft, and the gear on oart will turn. Also called shaft, because even more solid shaft of gear. The output shaft, and the second shaft position have the drive shaftgear, may at any time and under the influence of the control devices and the corresponding oart gear, thus changing the speed and torque itself. The output shaft is associated with tail spline shaft torque transmissionshaft, through to drive to gear reducer.Predictably, transmission gear drive forward path is: input shaftgear - oart gnaws gnaws gear - because the second shaft gear - corresponding corresponding gear. Pour on the axle gear can also controldevice, by moving axis in the strike, and the output shaft gear and oart gear, in the opposite direction.Most cars have five forward and reverse gear, each one has certain ratio,the majority of gear transmission more than 1, 4 gears transmission is 1, called directly, and ratio is less than 1 of article 5 gear shift accelerated called. The output axis gear in the mesh position, can acceptpower transmission.Due to the gearbox output shaft to input shaft and the speed of theirgear rotating, transform an "synchronization problem". Two rotating speeddifferent meshing gears forcibly inevitable impact and collision damage gear. Therefore, the old transmission shift to use "two feet clutch" method, ShengDang in neutral position shift to stay for a while, in the space location on the door, in order to reduce gear speed. But this operation is more complex, difficult to grasp accurately. Thereforedesigners to create "synchronizer", through the synchronizer will makethe meshing gears reach speed and smooth.Currently the synchronous transmission adopts is inertial synchronizer, it mainly consists of joints, synchronizer lock ring etc,it is characteristic of the friction effect on achieving synchronization.Mating, synchronizer and mating locking ring gear tooth circle have chamfering (locking horns), the synchronizer lock ring inside surface ofgear engagement ring and the friction surface contact. The lock horns with cone when designing the proper choice, has been made to the surface friction of meshing gears with gear synchronous, also can rapid producesa locking function, prevent the synchronous before meshing gears. When synchronous lock ring of gear engagement with surface contact surface, the outer circle in friction torque under the action of gear speed rapiddecrease (increase) or to synchronous speed equal, both locking ring spunconcurrent, relative to lock ring gear synchronous speed is zero, thus inertia moment also disappear, then in force, driven by the junction of unimpeded with synchronous lock ring gear engagement, and further to engagement with the engagement ring gear tooth and complete shift process.functional (1) change ratio, meet different driving conditions for tractionengine, the need to work in the favorable conditions and meet the speed may request. In a wide range of vehicle speed changing the size and automobile driving wheel on the size of the torque. Due to the differentdemands, automobile driving conditions of vehicle speed and torque can drive in a broad range of change. For example, in high speed can be reachedon 100km/h, while in the urban district, speed in 50km/h. In the empty flat roads, road, very little resistanceWhen When carrying carrying carrying uphill, uphill, uphill, driving driving driving resistance resistance resistance was was was great. great. great. And And And the thecharacteristics of automobile engine speed range is lesser, and torque changes more cannot meet the actual conditions range. (2) drive backward, to satisfy the need to drive car backwards. Realizing the backing, engine crankshaft are generally only to a direction,and sometimes need to back, so, often used in the transmission of reverseto realize the car drive backward.(3) in power, interruption, idle running engine starting, auto shift or need to stop the dynamic output, interrupted to transfer the power ofthe drive wheels.(4), when the clutch engagement realize gap, gearbox can not power output. For example, can ensure drivers in engine flameout loosen the clutch when leaving drivers seat.constituteBy continuously variable transmission gearbox and speed control twoparts. The main function of the variable transmission torque and speed is the change of numerical and direction, The main function of theoperation is controlled transmission mechanism, realize thetransformation of transmission ratio, shift to speed torque. Principle,Mechanical transmission main application of the principle of geartransmission velocity. Say simply, there are a number of differenttransmission gearbox group of gear pair of vehicle, and behavior, is alsoshifting gears trunk by manipulating institutions make different gearpair work. As in low-speed, ratio of gear pair work, and in high-speed, let ratio of small gear pair work.Classification,1, according to the change of transmission, transmission way, there can be divided into grade level and synthetical three.(a) : several levels of transmission ratio, can choose the fixed by gear. And can be divided into: gear axis of ordinary gear transmission and fixed gear planetary gear (part) of planetary gear transmission axisof rotation.b) stepless type transmission: ratio can be continuous variation within a certain range, commonly, mechanical and electric hydraulic typeetc.(c) comprehensive type transmission by a class type, transmission andstepless type transmission, the ratio of the maximum and minimum values can be in between the scope for several section stepless change.2, press control can be divided into compulsory manipulation, transmission, automatic control and semi-automatic control 3 kinds.(a) mandatory manipulation of transmission by direct manipulation, change gear shift lever drivers.(b) automatic control type transmission ratio of choice and change: the shift is automatic. Drivers simply manipulate accelerated pedal, transmission can according to the engine speed and load control signal signal actuator, realize the transformation of gear.(c) semi-automatic control type transmission can be divided into twokinds: one kind is part of gear, automatic shift gears, manual (mandatory)shift, Another kind is selected by button in mining under gear clutch pedalor accelerated release pedal, the executing agency to shift. Transmission of maintenance1 transmission gears maintenanceTransmission gears are always changing speed, load, gear toothsurface by bluntThe impact of load, which struck gear tooth surface (especially) damage. Common injuries are:(1) gear transmission is worn gear under normal working conditions, shows the wear uniform angled tooth gear, long wear along the directionTooth thickness shouldof the tooth should not exceed 30 percent longer,not exceed usd, Gear tooth surface area of not less than two-thirds, Running gear mesh clearance shall be commonly used, 0.15-0.26 mm to 0.8 mm limit, Gear engagement between 0.10-0.15 mm, should use limit for 0.60mm. Available batches or soft metal rivalries. If more than clearance method for measuring the pairs, should be replaced.due to fail togear clearance is mainly(2) gear teeth,broken toothmeet the requirements, gear meshing parts or work under great impact load.If you are not greater than 2mm edge of gear oil can smile ShiXiuafter-grinding continue to use, If the scope or have more than three pairs,should smile.(3) often mesh surface of the helical gear often wear face due. 10-0.30mm, in order to ensure that the axial clearance, if tooth gear good operation within the wear, can repair tank, but the amount of grinding grinding should not exceed. 50.(4) often meshing gears shaft neck, needle roller bearing and wear into seat hole hole meshing gears seat with needle bearings and shaft neckwith clearance should be 0.01 - three 0.08 mm, otherwise must be changed.2 the overhaul. Transmission shellGearbox shell is transmissions, to ensure the basis of each part of the transmission is correct position, work under load. Common injuries are:(1) the abrasion of shell bearing hole hole wear will destroy its bearing assembly relation with the bearing, the direct impact of input, output shaft transmission position relative to the hole. Bearing seat with0-0.03 mm clearance shall be used for the maximum limit, should be replacedor 0.10 mm) shell or pile hole repair.(2) shell threaded holes repair note oil ROM plug hole, dumping screwhole threads connecting bolts damage and between shellThreaded hole, can take damage with screw repair.3 transmission shaft of maintenanceTransmission in the process of operation, each bearing the torsionalmoment of change, and bending moment, JianChi part is under pressure, impact and sliding friction etc. Various axial load of common injuries are:(1) the shaft neck and neck too worn wear axis gear axis will not onlyoffset, and can bring the change gear clearance, when making noisetransmission shaft neck. Also make coordination relationship with bearingdamage, may cause ablation. So roller bearings in a place with no more than 0.02 axis wear mm needle bearing shaft neck wear with place, otherwisethan 0.07 mm landscape change or chrome.side of thein stress and more seriouswear JianChi wear(2) JianChispline. JianChi with check, when more than 0.25 or and wear with more thanusd keyway apprentice, gear engagement mm, combining with the gear with JianChi weeks, according to the mm apprentice woodruff key and shaft neckkeyways apprentice to JianChi 0.08 mm over there when the keyway weeks, or should be repaired or replaced shaft.(3) transmission shaft bending thimble resist transmission shaft withmaintenance on both ends of the roof, using pinhole batches of shaft radial micrometers, check the deviation should be less than 0.10 mm) pressure correction repair.4 synchronizer overhaulA. lock ring type inertial synchronizer ring maintenance: lock hornscone a about six degrees - 7 degrees, in use, cone Angle deformation ofrapid synchronous, and not be change in time. B. B. locking locking locking pin pin pin type type type inertial inertial inertial synchronizer: synchronizer: synchronizer: locking locking locking pin pin pin type type synchronizer major damage for cone rim wear, when, cone-disk cone rim on the thread of groove depth 0.40 mm wear to 010mm deep, should be replaced.If the cone rim are scratching, face to face, but two turning machining, must not be more than 1mm should be replaced.变速器手动变速器是最常见的变速器,简称MT MT。

外文原文:TransmissionsTransmissions have to compromise on either ride comfort or efficiency, but a new approach to the dog engagement gearbox could improve both.With tightening emissions regulations, carmakers are not just confining their efforts to improving combustion and after-treatment. Many are finding that modern engines are so advanced that the benefits of some engine technologies are small compared to the huge development costs involved.It's important to look at the whole vehicle in order to improve emissions. As the second most expensive piece of kit in the car, the transmission is the logical next place to look.Of all transmission technologies, the manual gearbox is the most efficient; around 96percent of the energy that is put in comes out of the other end. But not everyone can drive one or wants to. Because you have to dip the clutch pedal, it's less comfortable to drive in heavy traffic. It makes the driver tired and the torque interruptions' head-nod effect on passengers can be wearing.The driver's clutch control and corresponding torque interruptions are also the manual's weak point. When accelerating up through the gearbox, each up-shift requires the driver to cut the torque momentarily by lifting the gas pedal and dipping the clutch. It may just take a second to complete the operation, but during this time the vehicle is losing speed and acceleration.At the opposite and of the spectrum is the traditional automatic. Its shift quality is good thanks to its torque converter, but efficiency is relatively poor despite recent advances. Because of this ,a lot of the current research is trying to find an efficient alternative to the conventional automatic.The main technologies are continuously variable transmissions (CVTs); dual clutch transmissions(DCTs) and automated manual transmissions(AMTs).They all offer different benefits over the conventional planetary automatic.The CVT uses a belt chain or toroidal shaped dish drive to vary an infinite number of gear ratios. It has improved efficiency and cost when compared to conventional automatics.Its advantage comes from its simplicitu. It consists of very few components; usually a rubber or metal-link belt; a hydraulically operated driving pulley, a mechanical torque-sensing driving pulley, microprocessors and some sensors.The transmissions works by varying the distance between the faces of the two main pulleys.The pulleys have V-shaped grooves in which the connecting belt rides. One side of the pulley is fixed axially; the other side moves, actuated by hydraulics.When actuatec, the cylinder can increase or reduce the amount of space between the two sides of the pulley. This allows the belt to ride lower or higher along the walls ofthe pulley, depending on driving conditions. This changes the gear ratio. A torodial-type design works in a similar way but runs on discs and power-rollers.The "stepless" nature of its design is CVT's biggest draw for automotive engineers. Because of this, a CVT can work to keep the engine in its optimum power range, thereby increasing efficiency and mileage. A CVT can convert every point on the engine's operating curve to a corresponding point on its own operating curve.The transmission is most popular with Japanese carmakers and Japanese supplier JATCO is a major producer. But in the US and Europe driving styles are different. Uptake has been slow despite Audi and other manufacturers having offered CVT otions on their ranges.The DCT is, in effect, two manual gearboxes coupled together. Gear shifts are made by switching from one clutch on one gearbox to another clutch on the other. The shift quality is equal to a conventional automatic, but slip, fluid drag and lydraulic losses in the system result in only slightly improved efficiency and acceleration over the conventional planetary automatic. Developing the control strategy is costly too."Recent advances in conventional automatic technology have weakened the argument to develop and set up production for CVT or DCT." says Bill Martin, managing director of transmission firm zeroshift. "Some carmakers have cancelled DCT projects because of the cost."The cheapest way to build an automatic is with an AMT. AMTs use actuators to replace the clutch pedal and gear stick of a conventional manual. They keep the high efficiency and acceleration of a manual gearbox, but the shift quality on some models is lacking. Torque interruptions and the head-nod effect are the most common complaint.so what is the alternative? There are always new ideas in transmissions, but Zeroshift says that its technology has efficiency benefits over a manual, delivering fuel economy improvements to city driving. Shift quality can also be equal to that of a refined automatic.Zeroshift's approach is an upgrade to the AMT. The synchromesh is replaced with an advanced dog enqaqement system.Dog engagement has been used for many years in motor sport to allow fast shifts. Conventional dog boxes are unsuitable for road use as the large spaces between the drive lugs or "dogs" create backlash, an uncomfortable shunt caused by the sudden change in torque direction.Zeroshift's technology solves this problem by adding a second set of drive dogs. It has also made each of the two sets of dogs only capable of transmitting torque in one or other opposing directions. "By controlling the engagement and disengagement of the two sets you can shift into the new gear befor disengaging the previous gear, "says Martin. "The shift quality is smoother than a typical modern six-speed automatic luxury car."The shift is instant and the torque is not interrupted.This philosophy is used for both up and down shifts."In conventional AMT there is an emissions spike during a shift due to the need to back off and reintroduce throttle, this is eliminated by going seamless, "says Martin. "This also reduces fuel consumption."It is a relative newcomer to the transmission sector, but the firm says that it is already attracting the attention of major European and US carmakers. The big draw is as a low-cost alternative to DCT, says Martin.Because the manual gearbox architecture is largely maintained, production costs and complexity are not greater than for a conventional AMT. Development of the controls side is also considerably cheaper. Music to the ears of engineers trying to cut emissions and costs."Most of the carmakers have seen the system at least once," says Martion. "Some signed us immediately. Some have said not yet. None have said no. "That may be the clearest sign yet that when it comes to powertrain developments, carmakers are starting to focus on the transmission.HOW ZWROSHIFT WORKSThe hardware consists of two sets of bullets. mounted and actuated on two independent bullet rings. both sets of bullets run on the common hub, which is attached to the shaft with splines.Each bullet has a special profile. On one side they have an angled face for engagement. These are diagonally opposed, allowing the bullet to have a drive function for one gear and an overrun function for the other gear. The engagement faces taper backwards slightly to ensure the bullet latches onto the engaged gear under load.the opposite corners have a ramp, which pushes the bullet out of the previous gear once the new gear has been engaged.In neutral both bullet rings are positioned midway between the ratios. To select first gear, the bullets are moved into mesh with the engagement dogs.The bullets are actuated via shift forks conected to the shift actuators.The driving bullets lock first gear to the output shaft and transfer torque from the gearwheel onto the output shaft. The first gear overrun bullets are also moved into gear to lock the wheel to the output shaft in the opposite direction. This transfrs torque from the gearwheel onto the output shaft when the throttle closes and the engine overruns. This eliminates the backlash you'd expect from a dog engagement gearbox.To shift up with an open throttle, first gear's overrun bullets are unloaded and move in to engage second gear. This is followed by the previous driving ring which becomes unloaded when second gear is taken up.If the bullet is stopped from engaging fully-dog-face to dog-face-the second gear wheel opens an engagement window due to the relative speed difference. With the bullet pushed against the engagement dog compliance between the fork and actuator allows the stored energyto fire the bullet into the window.The first gear overrun bullets have now become the second gear drive bullets. As second gear takes over, the load is removed from the first gear drive bullets. These bullets are now no longer held by their retention angie and can be either moved out ofgear by actuators or pushed out of gear by contact with the ramp face of the bullet.The first gear drive bullets then move across into engagement with second gear. In second gear, the roles of the bullets are reversed.Audi RoadjetAudi plans to add comfort, luxury and practicality without increasing emissions The Roadjet concept, first shown at Detroit in January 2006,indicates a number of technical directions that Audi going to take in the coming year. The firm is focusing on interior design, powertrain, chassis, electronics and safety innovations.These new directions will help Audi strengthen its position in the sub-luxury market that it previously had to itself. Audi has two main tactics to attract new customers in the US. It is breaking into the sports utility vehicle(SUV)and compact utility vehicle(CUV)markets.It also introduces new luxury and lifestyle features to strengthen its position in the US; sales there still lag behind those of BMW, Lexus and Mercedes-Benz. The recently launched Q7 off-road luxury vehicle is a late bid to capitalise on the SUV boom.In Europe, the carmaker's technical innovations such as aluminium construction, four-wheel-drive, and novel powertrain technologies have been successful. But if Audi wants to increase its US market share, it needs to innovate in those areas valued by American customers: comfort, luxury and practicality.Audi's designers have focused on this in the interior. They have devised a new wrap-around instrument panel shape to replace the more functional design in existing models. They have expanded the vehicle's multi-media interface (MMI)control system, used for cruise control, suspension, climate and entertainment separate controls. Combined with an upgraded climate system, occupants can set their own individual climate settings.Soft, warm, earthy colours are used in the Roadjet to create a feeling of well-being. The concept uses high quality functional materials: the upholstery is fine leather; the floor is neoprene. The space between the rear seats can house a range of optional equipment: the show car featured an espresso coffee machine. Storage boxes and baby carriers are more realistic alternatives.To enhance practicality, the rear seats slide backwards and forwards diagonally to increase shoulder and leg-room or rear load space. When the rear seats are in their most forward position, an oblique-facing child seat can be used behind the seats.Roadjet's load bay features an eletrically extending load floor to ease loading, offering unmerous lashing points to secure luggage items. The sliding seats and extending load floor are very likely to enter production on Audi's Q5 and A4 models.To heighten the sense of luxury, the concept uses a costly 1,000W Bang & Olufsen sound system with 14-speakers.This incorporates a "digital voice support" function that uses microphones and the car's speakers to pick up and amplify passengers' voices to ensure clear conversation even at high speeds.In a bid to improve road safety, convenience and traffic management, carmakers are working to common standards to develop a new in-car system to talk to other cars androadside wireless olcal area networks. In traffic jams, bad weather or accident situations, cars send information to emergency services, other cars and traffic computers. The Roadjet concept featres previews such a system.The weight of all the new electronics and luxury equipment in this segment, combined with customers' growing demand for power is having a negative effect on exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. Audi is looking at sophisticated technical solutions to balance the equation.Roadjet's 3.2-litre gasoline direct injection engine is based on an existing engine but features a new fixed intake manifold with an integral vacuum reservoir to increase its output. This is combined with a two-stage cam operated variable valve lit technology to increase output.Despite the sports car performance, the Roadjet's overall fuel consumption is slightly lower than the current A4 Quattro 3.2FSI.The valve train technology, due to enter production later in 2006,lets the engine perform economically and smoothly during normal driving, switching automatically to more responsive, more powerful characteristics when the driver demands.Roadjet also has the first Audi application of speeddependent variable ratio dynamic steering for a stable highspeed motorway ride but with enhanced control on twisty country roads. Electronically-controlled variable rate dampers automatically adjust from soft and comfortable to firm and sporty to enhance safety and handling.Audi's engineers have electronically linked all of these systems to create three driver-selectable programmes: dynamic, comfort and sport. Each programme adjusts the dampers, steering, gearbox and engine eletronics to give different driving experiences.Roadjet's body styling marks a new direction for the carmaker.At 1.55m high with a wheelbase 4.7m long and 2.85m wide, the concept is roomy. The firm has used a combination of sharp feature lines and careully-sculpted concave-section doors to disguise the height. While the trademark LED tail lights are likely to enter production unchanged, steerable xenon gas discharge lights will replace the LEDs in the headlamps.Around the end of 2007 Audi will launch the Q5 CUV, based on the next A4 platform. Smaller and lighter than the Q7,it will be well placed to compete in the profitable CUV segment in the US. The Roadjet previews elements of the interior and exterior styling of this model.The Q5 will need to be more rugged to match the outdoor lifestyle image of the CUVsegment. At the same time, for the European market, the Roadjet's sharp style previews the next A4 model range, which may produce a new hatchback body in 2007 to join the conventional saloon and Avant estate. The dashboard and other new interior refinements are likely to spread across the rest of the Audi range over the next 24 months.中文译文:变速器变速箱通常不得不在舒适性和效率之间做出选择,但一种新型的“犬牙啮合式”变速箱可以同时改善这两种性能。

附录附录ADrive axle/differentialAll vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road.PowerflowThe drive axle must transmit power through a 90°angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels.This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear, which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels.Fig 1 Drive axleRear-wheel driveRear-wheel-drive vehicles are mostly trucks, very large sedans and many sports car and coupe models. The typical rear wheel drive vehicle uses a front mounted engine and transmission assemblies with a driveshaft coupling the transmission to the rear drive axle. Drive in through the layout of the bridge, the bridge drive shaft arranged vertically in the same vertical plane, and not the drive axle shaft, respectively, in their own sub-actuator with a direct connection, but the actuator is located at the front or the back of the adjacent shaft of the two bridges is arranged in series. Vehicle before and after the two ends of the driving force of the drive axle, is the sub-actuator and the transmission through the middle of the bridge. The advantage is not only a reduction of the number of drive shaft, and raise the driving axle of the common parts of each other, and to simplify the structure, reduces the volume and quality.Fig 2 Rear-wheel-drive axleSome vehicles do not follow this typical example. Such as the older Porsche or Volkswagen vehicles which were rear engine, rear drive. These vehicles use a rear mounted transaxle with halfshafts connected to the drive wheels. Also, some vehicles were produced with a front engine, rear transaxle setup with a driveshaft connecting the engine to the transaxle, and halfshafts linking the transaxle to the drive wheels.Differential operationIn order to remove the wheel around in the kinematics due to the lack of co-ordination about the wheel diameter arising from a different or the same rolling radius of wheel travel required, inter-wheel motor vehicles are equipped with about differential, the latter to ensure that the car driver Bridge on both sides of the wheel when in range with a trip to the characteristics of rotating at different speeds to meet the requirements of the vehicle kinematics.Fig 3 Principle of differentialThe accompanying illustration has been provided to help understand how this occurs.1.The drive pinion, which is turned by the driveshaft, turns the ring gear.2.The ring gear, which is attached to the differential case, turns the case.3.The pinion shaft, located in a bore in the differential case, is at right angles to the axle shafts and turns with the case.4.The differential pinion (drive) gears are mounted on the pinion shaft and rotate with the shaft .5.Differential side gears (driven gears) are meshed with the pinion gears and turn with the differential housing and ring gear as a unit.6.The side gears are splined to the inner ends of the axle shafts and rotate the shafts as the housing turns.7.When both wheels have equal traction, the pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft, since the input force of the pinion gears is divided equally between the two side gears.8.When it is necessary to turn a corner, the differential gearing becomes effective and allows the axle shafts to rotate at different speeds .Open-wheel differential on each general use the same amount of torque. To determine the size of the wheel torque to bear two factors: equipment and friction. In dry conditions, when a lot of friction, the wheel bearing torque by engine size and gear restrictions are hours in the friction (such as driving on ice), is restricted to a maximum torque, so that vehicles will not spin round. So even if the car can produce more torque, but also need to have sufficient traction to transfer torque to the ground. If you increase the throttle after the wheels slip, it will only make the wheels spin faster.Limited-slip and locking differential operationFig 5 Limited-slip differentialDifferential settlement of a car in the uneven road surface and steering wheel-driven speedat about the different requirements; but is followed by the existence of differential in theside car wheel skid can not be effective when the power transmission, that is, the wheel slipcan not produce the driving force, rather than spin the wheel and does not have enoughtorque. Good non-slip differential settlement of the car wheels skid on the side of the powertransmission when the issue, that is, locking differential, so that no longer serve a usefuldifferential right and left sides of the wheel can be the same torque.Limited-slip and locking differential operation can be divided into two major categories:(1) mandatory locking type in ordinary differential locking enforcement agencies toincrease, when the side of the wheel skid occurs, the driver can be electric, pneumatic ormechanical means to manipulate the locking body meshing sets of DIP Shell will be withthe axle differential lock into one, thus the temporary loss of differential role. Relatively simple structure in this way, but it must be operated by the driver, and good roads to stop locking and restore the role of differential.(2) self-locking differential installed in the oil viscosity or friction clutch coupling, when the side of the wheel skid occurs when both sides of the axle speed difference there, coupling or clutch friction resistance on the automatic, to make certain the other side of the wheel drive torque and the car continued to travel. When there is no speed difference on both sides of the wheel, the frictional resistance disappeared, the role of automatic restoration of differentials. More complicated structure in this way, but do not require drivers to operate. Has been increasingly applied in the car. About non-slip differential, not only used for the differential between the wheels, but also for all-wheel drive vehicle inter-axle differential/.Gear ratioThe drive axle of a vehicle is said to have a certain axle ratio. This number (usually a whole number and a decimal fraction) is actually a comparison of the number of gear teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear. For example, a 4.11 rear means that theoretically, there are 4.11 teeth on the ring gear for each tooth on the pinion gear or, put another way, the driveshaft must turn 4.11 times to turn the wheels once. The role of the final drive is to reduce the speed from the drive shaft, thereby increasing the torque. Lord of the reduction ratio reducer, a driving force for car performance and fuel economy have a greater impact. In general, the more reduction ratio the greater the acceleration and climbing ability, and relatively poor fuel economy. However, if it is too large, it can not play the full power of the engine to achieve the proper speed. The main reduction ratio is more Smaller ,the speed is higher, fuel economy is better, but the acceleration and climbing ability will be poor.附录B驱动桥和差速器所有的汽车都装有不同类型的驱动桥和差速器来驱动汽车行驶。

附录A 英文文献Drive axle/differentialAll vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road.PowerflowThe drive axle must transmit power through a 90°angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels.This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear, which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels.Rear-wheel driveRear-wheel-drive vehicles are mostly trucks, very large sedans and many sports car and coupe models. The typical rear wheel drive vehicle uses a front mounted engine and transmission assemblies with a driveshaft coupling the transmission to the rear drive axle. Drive in through the layout of the bridge, the bridge drive shaft arranged vertically in the same vertical plane, and not the drive axle shaft, respectively, in their own sub-actuator with a direct connection, but the actuator is located at the front or the back of the adjacent shaft of the two bridges is arranged in series. Vehicle before and after the two ends of the driving force of the drive axle, is the sub-actuator and the transmission through the middle of the bridge. The advantage is not only a reduction of the number of drive shaft, and raise the driving axle of the common parts of each other, and to simplify the structure, reduces the volume and quality.Some vehicles do not follow this typical example. Such as the older Porsche or Volkswagen vehicles which were rear engine, rear drive. These vehicles use a rear mounted transaxle with halfshafts connected to the drive wheels. Also, some vehicles were produced with a front engine, rear transaxle setup with a driveshaft connecting the engine to the transaxle, and halfshafts linking the transaxle to the drive wheels.Differential operationIn order to remove the wheel around in the kinematics due to the lack of co-ordination about the wheel diameter arising from a different or the same rolling radius of wheel travel required, inter-wheel motor vehicles are equipped with about differential, the latter to ensure that the car driver Bridge on both sides of the wheel when in range with a trip to the characteristics of rotating at different speeds to meet the requirements of the vehicle kinematics.The accompanying illustration has been provided to help understand how this occurs.1.The drive pinion, which is turned by the driveshaft, turns the ring gear.2.The ring gear, which is attached to the differential case, turns the case.3.The pinion shaft, located in a bore in the differential case, is at right angles to the axle shafts and turns with the case.4.The differential pinion (drive) gears are mounted on the pinion shaft and rotate with the shaft .5.Differential side gears (driven gears) are meshed with the pinion gears and turn with the differential housing and ring gear as a unit.6.The side gears are splined to the inner ends of the axle shafts and rotate the shafts as the housing turns.7.When both wheels have equal traction, the pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft, since the input force of the pinion gears is divided equally between the two side gears.8.When it is necessary to turn a corner, the differential gearing becomes effective and allows the axle shafts to rotate at different speeds .Open-wheel differential on each general use the same amount of torque. To determine the size of the wheel torque to bear two factors: equipment and friction. In dry conditions, when a lot of friction, the wheel bearing torque by engine size and gear restrictions are hours in the friction (such as driving on ice), is restricted to a maximum torque, so that vehicles will not spin round. So even if the car can produce more torque, but also need to have sufficient traction to transfer torque to the ground. If you increase the throttle after the wheels slip, it will only make the wheels spin faster.Limited-slip and locking differential operationDifferential settlement of a car in the uneven road surface and steering wheel-driven speed at about the different requirements; but is followed by the existence of differential in the side car wheel skid can not be effective when the power transmission, that is, the wheel slip can not produce the driving force, rather than spin the wheel and does not have enough torque. Good non-slip differential settlement of the car wheels skid on the side of the power transmission when the issue, that is, locking differential, so that no longer serve a useful differential right and left sides of the wheel can be the same torque.Limited-slip and locking differential operation can be divided into two majorcategories:(1) mandatory locking type in ordinary differential locking enforcement agencies to increase, when the side of the wheel skid occurs, the driver can be electric, pneumatic or mechanical means to manipulate the locking body meshing sets of DIP Shell will be with the axle differential lock into one, thus the temporary loss of differential role. Relatively simple structure in this way, but it must be operated by the driver, and good roads to stop locking and restore the role of differential.(2) self-locking differential installed in the oil viscosity or friction clutch coupling, when the side of the wheel skid occurs when both sides of the axle speed difference there, coupling or clutch friction resistance on the automatic, to make certain the other side of the wheel drive torque and the car continued to travel. When there is no speed difference on both sides of the wheel, the frictional resistance disappeared, the role of automatic restoration of differentials. More complicated structure in this way, but do not require drivers to operate. Has been increasingly applied in the car. About non-slip differential, not only used for the differential between the wheels, but also for all-wheel drive vehicle inter-axle differential/.Gear ratioThe drive axle of a vehicle is said to have a certain axle ratio. This number (usually a whole number and a decimal fraction) is actually a comparison of the number of gear teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear. For example, a 5.12 rear means that theoretically, there are5.12 teeth on the ring gear for each tooth on the pinion gear or, put another way, the driveshaft must turn 5.12 times to turn the wheels once. The role of the final drive is to reduce the speed from the drive shaft, thereby increasing the torque. Lord of the reduction ratio reducer, a driving force for car performance and fuel economy have a greater impact. In general, the more reduction ratio the greater the acceleration and climbing ability, and relatively poor fuel economy. However, if it is too large, it can not play the full power of the engine to achieve the proper speed. The main reduction ratio is more Smaller ,the speed is higher, fuel economy is better, but the acceleration and climbing ability will be poor.附录B 文献翻译驱动桥和差速器所有的汽车都装有不同类型的驱动桥和差速器来驱动汽车行驶。

差速器外文By ordinary differential planetary gear, the planet round rack (differential shell) and half axle gears, etc parts. By the power of the engine, direct drive shaft into differential planetary wheel frame, again by the planets wheel drive left, right, two half shaft are respectively driven wheels left and right. Differential design requirements meet: (left) + (right shaft speed shaft speed) = 2 (planets wheel frame speed). When the automobile moher, left, right wheel and planetary wheel frame three speed equal in balance, while in the car when turning three equilibrium state is destroyed, cause the medial wheel speed decreases, and the lateral wheel RPM increases.Automotive differential is driven axle Lord pieces. Its function is to both sides half shaft transmission power, while allowing both sides half shaft in different speed rotating, satisfy both sides wheel as pure rolling forms do isometric driving, reducing tire and the surface friction.Differential this adjustment is automatic, here involves "minimal energy consumption principle", namely earth all objects are inclined to consumption minimum state. For example a grain of beans into a bowl, beans will automatically stays in the bowl bottom and never stay in bowl wall, because bowl bottom is lowest energy position (potential), it automatically select static (minimum) without constantly kinetic energy movement. In the same way, Wheel in cornering would also automatically tendency of the lowest energy consumption in accordance with state, automatically turning radius adjusting right wheels speed.When cornering, due to the lateral friction wheel dragged phenomenon, medial wheel have slip phenomenon, two driving wheel now can produce two opposite direction of additional force, as a result of "minimal energy consumption principle", which inevitably leads on both sides of the wheel speed difference, thus destroyed three balance relationship, and through the half shaft are reflected in half axle gear, forcing planetary gear produce rotation, make the lateral half shaft speed faster, medial half axle planetismal, thus realize both sides wheel speed difference.If the drive wheels on either side of the drive axle shaft to the use of a whole rigid connection, the two wheels can only at the same Angle rotation. So, when the vehicle steering wheel drive, due to the lateral than medial wheels moved across the distance is big, will make the lateral wheels in rolling produced simultaneously slippery procrastinate, and medial wheels in rolling produced simultaneously slip. Even the car run straight road gravamen, because although pavement straight but tyres or rolling radius range (tyre manufacture error, wear different, by the uneven or pneumatic ranging caused by the wheels of sliding).Wheel when not only aggravate sliding tire wear, increase power and fuel consumption, still can make the vehicle steering difficulties, braking performance becomes poor. For the wheel as far as possible will not occur in the structure of sliding, must guarantee the wheels can come with different Angle rotation.Axis between differential: usually driven wheel bearings for support on spindle, enable to any Angle rotation, and drive wheels respectively with two root half axle rigid connection, in between two root half shaft with differential. This differential also called shaft between differential.slowly, right wheels faster, with different speed to compensate for the distance of the differences.If after axles make it a whole, he couldn't do it on both sides of the wheel speed difference, namely can't do an automatic adjustment. In order to solve this problem, as early as in a hundred years ago, France Renault automotive company founder luis Renault will design a differential in this thing.Modern vehicles on the differential usually according to its work characteristics into gear type differential and slip differential two kinds big.The structure of the Cherokee open-die differential is typical of planetary gear set structure, only the sun wheel and outside the pinion gear ring are the same. In this planetary gear set, driving gear is planet shelf, passive round is two SUNS wheel. Through the planetary gear set the transmission properties we know, if the planet shelf as ZhuDongZhou, two SUNS wheel speed and rotation direction is not affirmatory, even two SUNS wheel rotation direction is the opposite.Vehicle condition, this differential moher, feature is to two and a half shaft transmission torque of the same. In a driving wheel impending case, if the drive shaft rotation, have adhesion is uniform the driving wheels of driving force, if there is no drive shaft rotation is accelerated, have adhesion the driving wheels driving force equals impending wheel Angle acceleration and rotary inertia of the product.Vehicle turning tires don't skid condition, connect the two halves of the differential shaft torque direction is opposite, give the vehicle driving forward, and only the inside of the wheel, the planet shelf and medial sun round by the isokinetic transmission between became deceleration transmission, driving sensation is accelerated speed corners than straight more powerful.The advantages of open-die differential is installed in the pavement turned driving on the best effect. Weakness is in a driving wheel loss adhesion, under the situation of another nor driving force.Open-die differential is the suitable scope that all paving road traffic, front axle and rear axle driver drive can be installed.2. Limited slip differentialLimited slip differential used for parts make up open-die differential transmission in off-road defects, it is in the open differential institution improved, and the differential shell side increase friction between gear piece, corresponding to the planetary gear set speaking, is the planet shelf and the sun round between increased friction slices, increase the sun wheel and planet shelf free rotating resistance torque.Limited slip differential provide additional torque, and friction slices transfer of power and two driving wheel rotation difference of concerned.In open-die differential structure to improve on LSD, cannot produce 100% limited slip, because the limited slip coefficient, the higher the vehicles to the characteristics of the poor.LSD have open-die differential transmission characteristics and mechanical structure. Advantage is to provide certain limited slip torque, defect is turning performance becomes poor, friction slices limited life.LSD is the suitable scope paving road surface and mild off-road. Usually used for the drive. Former drove generally does not installed, because LSD interfere steering, limited slip coefficient, the greater the steering the more difficult.Three. The lock type differential (mechanical locking check, electric the lock, pneumatic locking check)In order to guarantee the off-road vehicles in complex conditions, driving performance through certain mechanical structure of the differential locked achieve two half axle synchronous rotation. Through the analysis of planetary gear set is the planetary gear set of gear mechanisms locked, guarantee the planet shelf wheel with the sun, and two SUNS round between the transmission ratio between is 1:1. Can the sun to the wheel and planet shelf the lock, can put the planet shelf and planetary gear locked, still can put two SUNS wheel locked.The lock type differential, without the lock, its transmission characteristics and open-die differential exactly the same as that in the lock, under the situation of transmission ratio was fixed for 1:1.The advantages of this differential in off-road self-evident that provides the biggest drawback is the driving force, the differential lock up the situation, vehicle steering extremely difficult, Existing single wheel inherit engine 100% torque possible, half shaft will because torque excessive deformation or break, Vehicles in the process of steering bearings, two and a half by opposite torque, if both sides tires adhesion are large, would wring half axle. Moreover, this kind of differentials, the vehicle process execution lock up the action will produce larger noise.Four. Electronic differentials lockElectronic differentials lock and the aforesaid compared, without changing the structure and characteristics of open-die differential, but use ABS or EBD systemto implement unilateral braking skid wheels movement, limit of two driving wheel rotation difference, guarantee the drive wheels momentum.Advantages: good safety, won't damaged vehicle. Faults: need ABS and costly; EBD system, In the harsh off-road conditions, electronic product reliability as mechanical products; Unilateral wheel driving force, as the lock type differential. 1, gear type differential:When driving wheel rotation difference exists about when, differential assigned to slow turns driving wheel torque is greater than turn fast driving wheel torque. This kind of differential torque partitioning characteristics can satisfy the car in good pavement moving. But when the automobile in bad the road, but serious influence through capacity. E.g. when a car driving wheel into muddy road, although another driving wheel in good road, the car was often cannot advance (known as slips). At this point in the muddy road on the driving wheels in-situ slip, in good road wheels is motionless. This is because in the muddy road wheels and road surface adhesion between the lesser, road only through this round of half-and-half shaft role of smaller reaction torque, therefore differential assigned to this round of torque also small, although another driving wheel and better road to improve adhesion of the larger, but because average distribution characteristics of torque, which make this drive wheels can only also assigned to the drive wheels with slip equal amounts of torque, so that the driving force to overcome driving resistance, cars can't advance and motivation is expended in slip driving wheel. At this time to floor not only made the car ahead, instead of waste fuel, accelerate parts wear, especially tire wear is intensified. Effective solutions are: slicer slip driving wheel under the mud or in this wheel mat dry soil, gravel, branches, hay, etc. 2, slip differential:In order to improve the car in a bad way through capacity, some off-road vehicle and limousines screwup slip differential. Slip differential characteristics are, when driving wheel in a bad way side slip, can make the most or all torque in good road to the driving wheels, to take full advantage of the drive wheels adhesion to generate enough force, that car start or continue to drive.1. Differential shell there cannot be any properties of crack, shell and planetary gear gaskets, differential half axle gear contact between, should be smooth without groove, If there is a slight groove or wear, can continue to use after grinding, otherwise must be changed or be repaired.2 the planetary gear differential shell and planetary gear wheel when the fitting clearance must not be more than 0.1-0.15 mm, half axle gear shaft neck and shell with holes for clearance fit, should have no obvious loose feeling, otherwise desert must be changed or repair.。
差速器和后车轴 英文文献

Differential and Rear AxlesThe differential is part of the rear-axle-housing assembly, which includes the differential, rear axles, wheels, and bearings. If the car were to be driven in a straight line without having to make turns, then no differential would be necessary. However, when the car rounds a turn, the outer wheel must travel farther than the inner wheel. The differential permits the two rear wheels to rotate different amounts when the car goes around a turn, while still delivering power to both rear wheels.The rear axles are attached to the wheels and have bevel side gears on their inner ends. The differential case is assembled on the left axle but can rotate on a bearing independently of the axle.The differential case supports the differential-pinion gear on a shaft, and this gear meshes with the two bevel gears. The ring gear is attached to the differential case so that the case rotates with the ring gear when the later is driven by the drive pinion.The driving power enters the differential through the drive pinion on the end of the propeller shaft. The drive pinion is meshed with a large ring gear so that the ring gear revolves with the pinion.Attached to the ring gear (through the differential case) is a differential-pinion shaft on which are assembled two differential-pinion gears. Each rear car wheel has a separate axle, and there are two side gears splined to the inner ends of the two wheel axles. The two differential-pinion gears mesh with these two side gears. When the car is on a straight road, the two differential-pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft, but they do exert pressure on the two side gears so that the side gears turn at the same speed as the ring gear, causing both rear wheels to turn at the same speed, also.The differential case is supported in the carrier by two tapered-roller side bearings. This assembly can be adjusted from side to side to provide the proper backlash between the ring gear and pinion and the required side bearing preload. This adjustment is achieved by threaded bearing adjusters on some units and the placement of selective shims and spacers on others.The differential case is supported in the carrier by two tapered-roller side bearings. This assembly can be adjusted from side to side to provide the proper backlash between the ring gear and pinion and the required side bearing preload. This adjustment is achieved by threaded bearing adjusters on some units and the placement of selective shims and spacers on others.Transaxle final drive gears provide the means for transmitting transmission output torque to the differential section of the transaxle. The differential section of the transaxle has the same components as the differential gears in a RWD axle and basically operate in the same way. The power flow in transversely mounted power trains is in line with the wheels and therefore the differential unit does not need to turn the power 90 degrees.When the car rounds a curve, the outer wheel must turn faster than the inner wheel. To permit this, the two pinion gears rotate on their pinion shaft, transmitting more turning movement to the outer side gear than to the inner side gear. Thus, the side gear on the outer-wheel axle turns more rapidly than the side gear on the inner-wheel axle. This permits the outer wheel to turn more rapidly while the car is rounding the curve.There are two basic types of axle: dead axles and live axle. The dead axle does not rotate; the wheel rotates on it. A common example is the axle on a horse- drawn wagon. Live axles are attached to the wheel so that both the wheel and the axle rotate together. Live axles are classified according to the manner in which they are supported: semi-floating, three-quarter-floating, and full-floating.Propeller Shaft and Universal JointThe propeller shaft is a drive shaft to carry the power from the transmission to the rear-wheel axles. It connects the transmission main, shaft carries through the propeller shaft to the differential at the rear axles. Rotary motion of the transmission main shaft carries through the propeller shaft to the differential, causing the rear wheels to rotate.The propeller-shaft design must take two facts into consideration. First, the engine and transmission are more or less rigidly attached to the car frame. Second, the rear-axle housing (with wheels and differential) is attached to the frame by springs. As the rear wheels encounter irregularities in the road, the springs compress or expand. This changes the angle of drive and the distance between the transmission and the differential, and the propeller shaft may take care of these two changes. That is to say, as the rear axle housing, with differential and wheels, moves up and down, the angel between the transmission output shaft changes. The reason the propeller shaft shortens as the angel increases is that the rear axle and differential move in a shorter arc than the propeller shaft. The center point of the axle-housing arc is the rear-spring or control-arm attachment to the frame. In order that the propeller shaft may take care of these two changes, it must incorporate two separate types of device. There must be one or more universal joints to permit variations in the angel of drive. There must also be a slip joint that permits the effective length of the propeller shaft to change.The propeller shaft may be solid or hollow, protected by an outer tube or exposed. Some applications include bearings at or near the propeller shaft center to support the shaft. The two-section propeller is supported by a center bearing and coupled together by universal joints. A universal joint is essentially a double- hinged joint consisting of two Y-shaped yokes, one on the driving shaft and the other on the driven shaft, and across-shaped member called the spider. The four arms of the spider, known as trunnions, are assembled into bearings in the ends of the two shaft yokes. The driving shaft causes the spider to rotate, and the other two trunnions of thespider cause the driven shaft to rotate. When the two shafts are at an angel to each other, the bearings in the yokes permit the yokes to swing around on the trunnions with each revolution. A variety of universal joints have been used on auto mobiles, but the types now in most common use are the spider and two-yoke, the constant-velocity, and the ball-and-trunnion joints.A slip joint consists of outside splines on one shaft and matching internal splines in the mating hollow shaft, the splines cause the two shafts to rotate together but permit the two to move endwise with each other. This accommodates any effective change of length of the propeller shaft as the rear axles move toward or away from the car frame.差速器和后车轴差速器是后车轴体系的一部分,此体系包括差速器,后车轴,轮子和轴承。
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其功能是传递两侧半轴的动力,同时允许两半轴以不同的速度旋转,同时能够满足按照国家标准的自动的最低能量消耗的趋势,在转弯时自动接受转向半径来调整右轮转速,由于横向摩擦轮拖动现象,内侧车轮有滑动现象,现在两个驱动轮可以产生两个相反方向的附加力,因此符合最小的能源消耗原理, 这不可避免地导致了两侧车轮的速度差,从而摧毁了三个平衡关系,并通过半轴齿轮体现出来。
3. 锁式差速器(机械锁定检查,电锁,气动锁紧检查)为了保证越野车在复杂条件下的驾驶性能,通过一定机械结构的差速器锁定,实现两个半轴的同步旋转。
4 .电子锁差速器电子锁差速器和上述开模差速器比较,在结构和特性上不发生改变,但通过使用ABS或EBD系统来实现制动单侧打滑车轮的运动,限制两个驱动轮旋转差,保证驱动轮的动力。
1. 差速器壳体不可以有任何性质的裂纹,外壳和行星齿轮垫片,差速器半轴齿轮之间的接触,应是光滑没有凹槽的,如果有轻微的凹槽或磨损,经过研磨可以继续使用,否则就必须更换新的或者进行修复。
原文:Something about the differentialBy ordinary differential planetary gear, the planet round rack (differential shell) and half axle gears, etc parts. By the power of the engine, direct drive shaft into differential planetary wheel frame, again by the planets wheel drive left, right, two half shaft arerespectively driven wheels left and right. Differential design requirements meet: (left) + (right shaft speed shaft speed) = 2 (planets wheel frame speed). When sides wheel as pure rolling forms do isometric driving, reducingtire and the surface friction.Differential this adjustment is automatic, here involves " minimal energy consumption principle", namely earth all objects are inclined to consumption mini mum state. For example a grain of beans into a bowl, beans will automatically stays in the bowl bottom and never stay in bowl wall, because bowl bottom is lowest energy position (potential), it automatically select static (minimum) without constantly kinetic energy movement. In the same way, Wheel in cornering would all the automobile moher, left, right wheel and planetary wheel frame three speed equal in balance, while in the car when turning three equilibrium state is destroyed, cause the medial wheel speed decreases, and the lateral wheel RPM increases.Automotive differential is driven axle Lord pieces. Its function is to both sides half shaft transmission power, while allowing both si-des half shaft in different speed rotating, satisfy both so automatically tendency of the lowest energy consumption in accordance with state, automaticaly turning radiu adjusting right wheels speed When cornering, due to the lateral friction wheel dragged phenomenon, medial wheel have slip phenomenon, two driving wheel now can produce two opposite direction of additional force, as a result of minimal energy consumption principle", which inevitably leads on both sides of the wheel speed difference, thus destroyed three balance relationship, and through the half shaft are reflected in half axle gear, forcing planetary gear produce rotation, make the lateral half shaft speed faster,medial half axle planetismal, thus realize both sides wheel speed difference.If the drive wheels on either side of the drive axle shaft to theuse of a whole rigid connection,the two wheels can only at the sameAngle rotation. So, when the vehicle steering wheel drive, due to the lateral than medial wheels moved across the distance is big, will make the lateral wheels in rolling produced simultaneously slippery procrastinate, and medial wheels in rolling produced simultaneously slip. Even the car run straight road gravamen, because although pavement straight but tyres or rolling radius range (tyre manufacture error, weardifferent, by the uneven or pneumatic ranging caused by the wheels of sliding)Wheel when not only aggravate sliding tire wear,increase power and fuel consumption, still can make the vehicle steering difficulties,braking performance becomes poor.For the wheel as far as possiblewill not occur in the structure of sliding, must guarantee the wheelscan come with different Angle rotation.Axis between differential:usually driven wheel bearings for support on spindle, enable to any Angle rotation, and drive wheels respectively with two root half axle rigid connection, in between two root half shaft withdifferential. This differential also called shaft between differential.If after axles make it a whole, he couldn't do it on both sides of the wheel speed difference,namely can't do an automatic adjustment. In order to solve this problem, as early as in a hundred years ago, France Renaultautomotive company founder luis Renault will design a differential in this thing. Modern vehicles on the differential usually according to its work characteristics into gear type differential and slip differential two kinds big.1. Open-die differential The structure of the Cherokee open-die differential is typical of planetary gear set structure, only the sun wheel and outside the pinion gear ring are the same. In this planetary gear set, driving gear is planet shelf, passive round is two SUNS wheel. Through the planetary gear set the transmission properties we know, if the planet shelf as Zhudong Zhou, two SUNS wheel speed and rotation direction is not affirmatory, even two SUNS wheel rotation direction is the opposite.Vehicle condition, this differential moher, feature is to two and a half shaft transmission torque of the same. In a driving wheel impending case, if the drive shaft rotation, have adhesion is uniform the driving wheels of driving force, if there is no drive shaft rotation is accelerated,have adhesion the driving wheels driving force equals impending wheel Angle acceleration and rotary inertia of the product Vehicle turning tires don't skid condition, connect the two halves of the differential shafttorque direction is opposite, give the vehicle driving forward, andonly the inside of the wheel, the planet shelf and medial sun round by the isokinetic transmission between became deceleration transmission, driving sensation is accelerated speed corners than straight more powerful.The advantages of open-die differential is installed in the pavement turned driving on the best effect. Weakness is in a driving wheel loss adhesion, under the situation of another nor drivingforce.Open-die differential is the suitable scope that all paving road traffic, front axle and rear axle driver drive can be installed.2. Limited slip differentialLimited slip differential used for parts make up open-die differential transmission in off-road defects, it is in the open differential institution improved,and the differential shell side increase friction between gear piece, corresponding to the planetary gear set speaking, is the planet shelf and the sun round between increased friction slices, increase the sun wheel and planet shelf free rotating resistance torque.Limited slip differential provide additional torque, and friction slices transfer of power and two driving wheel rotation difference of concerned.In open-die differential structure to improve on LSD, cannot produce 100% limited slip, because the limited slip coefficient, the higher the vehicles to the characteristics of the poor.LSD have open-die differential transmission characteristics and mechanical structure. Advantage is to provide certain limited slip torque,defect is turning performance becomes poor, friction slices limited life.LSD is the suitable scope paving road surface and mild off-road. Usually used for the drive. Former drove generally does not installed, because LSD interfere steering,limited slip coefficient, the greater the steering the more difficult.3. The lock type differential(mechanical locking check, electric the lock, pneumatic locking check)In order to guarantee the off-road vehicles in complex conditions, driving performance through certain mechanical structure of the differential locked achieve two half axle synchronous rotation. Through the analysis of planetary gear set is the planetary gear set of gearmechanisms locked, guarantee the planet shelf wheel with the sun, and two SUNS round between the transmission ratio between is 1:1.Can the sun to the wheel and planet shelf the lock, can put the planetshelf and planetary gear locked,still can put two SUNS wheel locked.The lock type differential,without the lock, its transmission characteristics and open-die differential exactly the same as that in the lock, under the situation of transmission ratio was fixed for 1:1.The advantages of this differential in off-road self-evident that provides the biggest drawback is the driving force, the differential lock up the situation, vehicle steering extremely difficult, Existing single wheel inherit engine 100% torque possible, half shaft will because torque excessive deformation or break, Vehicles in the process of steering bearings two and a half by opposite torque, if both sides tires adhesion are large, would wring half axle.Moreover, this kind of differentials, the vehicle process execution lock up the action will produce larger noise.4 . Electronic differentials lockElectronic differentials lock and the aforesaid compared,without changing the structure and characteristics of open-die differential, but use ABS or EBD system to implement unilateral braking skid wheels movement, limit of two driving wheel rotation difference, guarantee the drive wheels momentum.Advantages: good safety,won't damaged vehicle. Faults:need ABS and costly; EBD system, In the harsh off-road conditions, electronic product reliability as mechanical products; Unilateral wheel driving force, as the lock type differential.5. gear type differential:When driving wheel rotation difference exists about when, differential assigned to slow turns driving wheel torque is greater than turn fast driving wheel torque. This kind of differential torque partitioningcharacteristics can satisfy the car in good pavement moving. But when the automobile in bad the road, but serious influence through capacity. E.g. when a car driving wheel into muddy road, although another driving wheel in good road,the car was often cannot advance (known as slips). At this point in the muddy road on the driving wheels in-situ slip, in good roadwheels is motionless. This is because in the muddy road wheels and road surface adhesion between the lesser, road only through this round of half-and-half shaft role of smaller reaction torque,therefore differential assigned to this round of torque also small,although another driving wheel and better road to improve adhesion of the larger, but because average distribution characteristics of torque, which make this drive wheelscan only also assigned to the drive wheels with slip equalamounts of torque, so that the driving force to overcome driving resistance, cars can't advance and motivation is expended in slip driving wheel. At this time to floor not only made the car ahead,instead of waste fuel, accelerate parts wear, especially tire wear is intensified.Effective solutions are: slicer slip driving wheel under the mud or in this wheel mat dry soil, gravel, branches, hay,etc.6. slip differential:In order to improve the car in a bad way through capacity, some off-road vehicle and limousines screwup slip differential. Slip differential characteristics are,when driving wheel in a bad way side slip, can make the most or all torque in good road to the driving wheels, to take full advantage of the drive wheels adhesion to generate enough force, that carstart or continue to drive.1. Differential shell there cannot be any properties of crack, shell and planetary gear gaskets,differential half axle gear contact between, should be smooth without groove, If there is a slight groove or wear, can continue to use after grinding, otherwise must be changed or be repaired.2 the planetary gear differential shell and planetary gear wheel when the fitting clearance must not be more than 0.1-0.15 mm, half axle gear shaft neck and shell with holes for clearance fit, should have no obvious loose feeling, otherwise desert must be changed or repair.五分钟搞定5000字毕业论文外文翻译,你想要的工具都在这里!在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。