


如何预防Terson综合征? 健康生活方式
保持健康的饮食、规律的锻炼和良好的作息习惯 。
如何预防Terson综合征? 定期检查
高危人群应定期进行健康检查,监测血压和血糖 水平。
Terson综合征的原因是什么? 风险人群
老年人、高血压患者和有家族病史的人群更易感 染此病。
如何诊断Terson综合征? 临床评估
医生通常会通过病史询问和体征检查来初步判断 。
这种疾病通常发生在脑出血或脑膜下出血的患者 中。
什么是Terson综合征? 发生机制
该综合征的发生与颅内压力增加有关,导致血管 破裂,血液泄漏到视网膜。
什么是Terson综合征? 临床表现
患者可能会经历视力模糊、视野缺损或眼前出现 黑影等症状。
如何预防综合征? 遵循医嘱
按时服用药物并遵循医生的建议,控制潜在疾病 。
Terson综合征的治疗方法是什么? 药物治疗
医生可能会使用药物来降低血压和预防进一步出 血。
Terson综合征的治疗方法是什么? 手术干预


1. 什么是Terson综合征? 2. 谁会受到影响? 3. 何时就医? 4. 如何预防? 5. 如何治疗?
Terson综合征是一种眼科疾病,通常与脑出血相 关,表现为玻璃体出血。
该综合征由瑞士眼科医生Terson首次描述,主要 影响视力。
症状Байду номын сангаас现时
高危人群应定期进行眼科检查,及时发现潜在问 题。
特别是高血压患者,应结合全身健康状况进行综 合评估。
如出现严重头痛、呕吐、意识模糊等症状,需立 即就医。
烟草和酒精会对血管造成损害,增加出血的风险 。
根据医生的建议,可能需要使用抗凝药物或其他 药物进行治疗。
高血压患者、吸烟者和有家族史的人群更容易患 此病。
同时,曾经经历过脑血管疾病的人也是高风险群 体。
Terson综合征多见于中老年人,尤其是50岁以上 的人群。
随着年龄的增长,血管脆弱性增加,风险也随之 上升。



禁止手机进入校园演讲稿英语作文My Fellow Students, Teachers, and Principal:Today I want to talk to you about something that I think is really important for our school. It's an issue that affects every single one of us, and that's the use of mobile phones on campus.I know we all love our phones and they can be super fun and useful. But I also think they are causing some big problems that we need to solve.First of all, mobile phones are a huge distraction in class. How many times have you been trying to listen to the teacher explain something, but someone's phone goes off? Or you see kids texting under their desks when they should be paying attention? It makes it really hard to focus and learn. And don't even get me started on kids playing games on their phones instead of doing their work!I get that we're just kids and sometimes it's tempting to goof off. Believe me, I love games and fun stuff on my phone too. But school is for learning, and we have to take it seriously if we want to be successful later in life. Having phones out and being distracted just makes it harder for everyone.Another big issue is cyber bullying and drama caused by phones. I've seen so many arguments and hurt feelings because of mean texts or social media posts circulating around. It creates a really negative environment where people feel excluded, insulted or ganged up on. That's not what our school should be about. We're supposed to feel safe, respected and able to focus on our work, not dealing with petty drama.I know some people think banning phones altogether is too extreme. They'll say "But what if there's an emergency and I need to contact my parents?" That's a fair point, but I think there are other solutions. What if students had to keep their phones powered off and in their backpacks during class? They could check them during breaks and after school. Or maybe we could have a policy where phones get locked up at the office during the day unless there's a real emergency.The bottom line is that mobile phones, as fun and convenient as they are, just don't belong in elementary school classrooms. They pull our attention away from learning, enable bullying behavior, and send the message that goof-off time is more important than work time. That's not the kind of environment that will set us up for success.I get that changing a long-standing routine like letting kids have phones will be hard at first. But isn't providing the best possible education for all of us worth a little sacrifice and adjustment? Just think how much more focused and productive we could all be without those constant digital distractions.As fun as they are, mobile phones simply don't have a place during school hours. We're here to learn, grow, and prepare for our futures - not to be bombarded by social media drama, video games, and text conversations that pull us off task. We owe it to ourselves to create an environment centered on education, achievement and personal growth.So I'm asking all of us - students, teachers, administrators - let's be bold and take a stand against mobile phone use during the school day. We can pioneer new policies that restrict their use and eliminate distractions. It might be hard at first, but I'm confident it will pay off big time in helping us all reach our full potential.What do you say? Are you with me? Let's make our school a phone-free zone and get back to putting learning first! Our future success depends on it.Thank you.。


如何治疗Shy-Drager综合征? 生活方式调整
患者可以通过饮食调整、适度锻炼和避免长时间 站立来改善症状。
如何治疗Shy-Drager综合征? 康复治疗
物理治疗和职业治疗可以帮助患者改善运动能力 和日常生活功能。
Shy-Drager综合征的确切原因尚不清楚,但可能 与神经细胞的退行性变有关。
这导致自主神经系统无法正常工作,从而引发各 种症状。
谁会得Shy-Drager综合征? 高风险群体
该综合征通常在中老年人群体中发病,男性患者 的比例高于女性。
Shy-Drager综合征的预后如何 ?
Shy-Drager综合征的预后如何? 疾病进展
Shy-Drager综合征是一种进展性疾病,症状可能 会随着时间加重。
Shy-Drager综合征的预后如何? 心理支持
患者及家属可能需要心理支持,以应对疾病带来 的情绪挑战。
1. 什么是Shy-Drager综合征? 2. 谁会得Shy-Drager综合征? 3. 何时可以诊断Shy-Drager综合征? 4. 如何治疗Shy-Drager综合征? 5. Shy-Drager综合征的预后如何?
Shy-Drager综合征的预后如何? 长期管理
定期随访和多学科团队的管理可以帮助患者更好 地应对疾病。




下面是小编整理的关于手机的危害的英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读!手机危害英语演讲稿Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m contestant , Zhai feel really honor to stand here and make a I’m going to look together with you in to this question: Does modern technology make the interpersonal communication better?Have you ever found that there’s one word we use more frequently nowadays? The answer is-awkward. If you do not believe, please imagine this scene. Sunlight floods the earth. The spring breeze is warm and gentle. You’re finally going to meet the one that you usually talk with on the internet. But when it really comes to face to face conversation, you will find it really hard to raise a topic and keep it going. How you wish you two can use Wechat even he or she is just in front of you! It just like someone in your mind keeps shouting that it is so awkward!You are addicted to the virtual world and escaping from the reality. Some people call this phenomenon as embarrassing cancer. It is funny, but it is reallyhappening around us. Such an issue would like the virus spread to every aspect of interpersonal communication. We began to avoid family party, put on headphones to avoid caring, send massages to someone behind the screen, ignoring the people around you. Abandoning yourself to the so-called personal space. Gradually, Walls between people will be built one after another. Walls that we, and even our children, cannot go beyond.I believe Muxin once said," Days were slower in the past. Carriage, horse, and mail did not reach fast. You need your lifetime to just love the person who is right." But now, the world has changed. When you want to strike up a conversation with a girl, you don't need to hide in somewhere, wondering what to say will make her happy. You just need to pick up your phone and search for nearby people without hesitation. Flood of emotion swept over us, leaving only emptiness after ebbing. Emotions lack the process of precipitation, becoming impetuous and cheap. If things go on like this, people will ignore the value of emotion, being a slave of modern technology.Of course, I do not want people to return to theprimitive society. In my opinion, we need modern technology, and there is no doubt that modern technology will play an important role in our communication. In fact, we should make use of it rather than relying on it. Therefore, What we should do is not stubbornly stick to a small circle, but look at the world, look to the future.OK, that's all of my speech, thanks for your listening.手机危害英语演讲稿Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I am Chen Yanrong.Today,I would like to take this opportunity to share my perspective about the influence of Science and Technology. Science and Technology sounds abstract but it can be seen almost everywhere in different concrete forms,such as the lamps above your head, and the cellphones in your hand .Above all,the most closely associated form with our life is the Internet ,of course.As for me ,I have deeply felt the charm of the Internet . My best friend went aboard for further study two years ago . At the begining,I didn't get used to that and therefore suffered from melancholy,tossingand turning late at night,missing her , my spirits didn't sink for too long as it suddenly occured to me that why don't we keep in touch through the Internet? By sharing WeChat moments and using video calls ,we didn't drift apart, but became closer instead. Even though we are tens of thousands of miles apart, I feel like she's always by my side.Science and Technology not only establishes a bridge of communications between friends ,but also offers a broad platform where we can freely express ourselves and maybe resonate with people we've never met you find your life unsatisfying,on the Internet,there 's a free world for you to place your lonely soul. What's more ,we get information through Science and Technology beyond limitations of time and 's why people can unite as one to offer timely help whenever disasters strike.As it walks into tens of thousands of households,Sience and Technology has effectively shortened the distance between people .But I believe some of you are not in favor of this viewpoint ,right?Maybe you think Science andTechnology is the chief culprit that makes the distance between people's hearts farther and farther,since more and more people are getting network addition,paying too much attention to the virtual world rather than people and things around them. From my point of view ,however,Science and Technology is not to blame,because what kind of influence it brings into our life depends on how we make use of it. It's as plain as the nose on your face that Science and Technology does offer us better conditions to bring us together , but we should also keep in mind that only by reflecting on how to use it properly can we fully enjoy the charm of Science and Technology.Science and Technology surrounds and sustains us in the world, making the earth more like a small village where we breathe together ,laugh together and watch the starry sky overhead shoulder to shoulder.。


Terson综合征的预后与预防 教育与意识
提高公众对Terson综合征的认识,促进早期就医 和治疗。
Terson综合征的症状与体征 视力变化
患者可能会出现视力模糊、视野缺损或完全失明 等症状。
Terson综合征的症状与体征 眼底检查
眼底检查可能发现出血、黄斑水肿或视网膜脱落 等表现。
1. 什么是Terson综合征? 2. Terson综合征的症状与体征 3. 如何诊断Terson综合征? 4. Terson综合征的治疗方法 5. Terson综合征的预后与预防
什么是Terson综合征? 定义
Terson综合征是一种由于眼内出血引起的临床综 合征,通常与脑出血或蛛网膜下腔出血相关。
Terson综合征的预后与脑出血的严重程度和治疗 及时性密切相关。
部分患者可恢复良好,但也有可能导致长期视力 损伤。
控制高血压、定期体检、避免剧烈运动等可以降 低脑出血的风险,从而预防Terson综合征的发生 。
CT或MRI扫描可以帮助确认颅内出血的存在和程 度。
这类检查对于排除其他可能的眼部疾病也很重要 。
如何诊断Terson综合征? 眼科检查



手机对人的危害英语作文演讲稿英文回答:In the era of digitalization, the advent of smartphones has revolutionized our lives, providing us with unparalleled access to information, communication, and entertainment. However, alongside the myriad of benefits, concerns have emerged regarding the potential risks and hazards associated with excessive smartphone use.One of the primary concerns is the impact on our physical health. Prolonged screen time can lead to a range of musculoskeletal issues, including neck pain, back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The repetitive motions involved in texting and scrolling can strain muscles and ligaments, leading to chronic discomfort and potential long-term damage. Additionally, the blue light emitted from smartphone screens can disrupt our circadian rhythm, interfering with sleep patterns and overall well-being.Excessive smartphone use has also been linked to mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The constant bombardment of notifications and the pressure to maintain an online presence can lead to a sense of overwhelm and inadequacy. Social media platforms, while facilitating connections, can also foster feelings of isolation and comparison, exacerbating existing mental health conditions or triggering new ones.Moreover, the addictive nature of smartphones can be a significant concern. The dopamine rush triggered by social media interactions and other smartphone activities can lead to compulsive behaviors, interfering with daily responsibilities, relationships, and personal growth. The constant need to check our phones can also lead to distractedness, decreased attention spans, and impaired cognitive abilities.Furthermore, smartphone use can have significant implications for our privacy and security. Personal data, including location, communications, and browsing history, can be collected and shared with third parties without ourexplicit consent. This raises concerns about identity theft, data breaches, and surveillance. The potential for cyberbullying and online harassment further adds to therisks associated with smartphone use.In light of these concerns, it is crucial to take steps to mitigate the potential risks associated with smartphone use and promote responsible and healthy digital habits. Setting limits on screen time, using ergonomic devices, and prioritizing offline activities can help minimize musculoskeletal issues. To address mental health concerns, mindful use, limiting social media consumption, and seeking professional help when needed are essential. Additionally, using privacy-enhancing settings, being cautious about sharing personal information online, and practicing cybersecurity measures can help protect our privacy and security.In conclusion, while smartphones offer undeniable convenience and benefits, it is important to be aware ofthe potential risks and hazards associated with excessive use. By adopting responsible habits and taking precautions,we can harness the power of smartphones while minimizingthe potential negative impacts on our physical, mental, and digital well-being.中文回答:手机对人的危害。


POEMS综合征的治疗方法有哪些? 支持性治疗
物理治疗和职业治疗可以帮助改善生活质量,减 轻症状。
POEMS综合征的治疗方法有哪些? 定期监测
及时调整治疗方案以适应病情变化是十分重要的 。
目前尚无明确的家族聚集性报道,但个别病例中 可见相似症状。
POEMS综合征的病因是什么? 环境因素
某些环境因素可能会增加POEMS综合征的风险, 如长期暴露于化学物质等。
POEMS综合征的病因是什么? 免疫反应
POEMS综合征可能与异常的免疫反应有关,导致 神经损伤和其他症状。
1. 什么是POEMS综合征? 2. POEMS综合征的病因是什么? 3. 如何诊断POEMS综合征? 4. POEMS综合征的治疗方法有哪些? 5. POEMS综合征的预后如何?
POEMS综合征是一种罕见的多发性神经病综合征 ,包含多种症状,如多发性神经病、内分泌异常 、器官肿大、血管增生和皮肤改变。
POEMS综合征的预后如何? 预后因素
预后受多种因素影响,包括早期诊断和治疗及时 性。
早期干预通常会改善患者的生活质量和生存期。Biblioteka POEMS综合征的预后如何?
健康的生活方式和心理支持对患者的整体康复非 常重要。
饮食均衡、适度运动和心理疏导能帮助患者更好 地应对疾病。
POEMS综合征的预后如何? 支持团体



手机危害的英语演讲稿手机危害英语演讲稿Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m contestant NO.*, Zhai Weiwei.I feel really honor to stand here and make a speech.Today I’m going to look together with you in to this question: Does modern technology make the interpersonal communication better?Have you ever found that there’s one word we use more frequently nowadays? The answer is-awkward. If you do not believe, please imagine this scene. Sunlight floods the earth. The spring breeze is warm and gentle. You’re finally going to meet the one that you usually talk with on the internet. But when it really comes to face to face conversation, you will find it really hard to raise a topic and keep it going. How you wish you two can use Wechat even he or she is just in front of you! It just like someone in your mind keeps shouting that it is so awkward!You are addicted to the virtual world and escaping from the reality. Some people call this phenomenon as embarrassing cancer. It is funny, but it is reallyhappening around us. Such an issue would like the virus spread to every aspect of interpersonal communication. We began to avoid family party, put on headphones to avoid caring, send massages to someone behind the screen, ignoring the people around you. Abandoning yourself to the so-called personal space. Gradually, Walls between people will be built one after another. Walls that we, and even our children, cannot go beyond.I believe Mu*in once said, Days were slower in the past. Carriage, horse, and mail did not reach fast. You need your lifetime to just love the person who is right. But now, the world has changed. When you want to strike up a conversation with a girl, you dont need to hide in somewhere, wondering what to say will make her happy. You just need to pick up your phone and search for nearby people without hesitation. Flood of emotion swept over us, leaving only emptiness after ebbing. Emotions lack the process of precipitation, becoming impetuous and cheap. If things go on like this, people will ignore the value of emotion, being a slave of modern technology.Of course, I do not want people to return to the primitive society. In my opinion, we need moderntechnology, and there is no doubt that modern technology will play an important role in our communication. In fact, we should make use of it rather than relying on it. Therefore, What we should do is not stubbornly stick to a small circle, but look at the world, look to the future.OK, thats all of my speech, thanks for your listening.手机危害英语演讲稿Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I am Chen Yanrong.Today,I would like to take this opportunity to share my perspective about the influence of Science and Technology. Science and Technology sounds abstract but it can be seen almost everywhere in different concrete forms,such as the lamps above your head, and the cellphones in your hand .Above all,the most closely associated form with our life is the Internet ,of course.As for me ,I have deeply felt the charm of the Internet . My best friend went aboard for further study two years ago . At the begining,I didnt get used to that and therefore suffered from melancholy,tossing and turning late at night,missing her terribly.Fortunately,my spirits didnt sink for too long as it suddenly occured to me that why dont we keep in touch through the Internet? By sharing WeChat moments and using video calls ,we didnt drift apart, but became closer instead. Even though we are tens of thousands of miles apart, I feel like shes always by my side.Science and Technology not only establishes a bridge of communications between friends ,but also offers a broad platform where we can freely e*press ourselves and maybe resonate with people weve never met before.Whenever you find your life unsatisfying,on the Internet,there s a free world for you to place your lonely soul. Whats more ,we get information through Science and Technology beyond limitations of time and space.Thats why people can unite as one to offer timely help whenever disasters strike.As it walks into tens of thousands of households,Sience and Technology has effectively shortened the distance between people .But I believe some of you are not in favor of thisviewpoint ,right?Maybe you think Science and Technology is the chief culprit that makes the distance betweenpeoples hearts farther and farther,since more and more people are getting network addition,paying too much attention to the virtual world rather than people and things around them. From my point ofview ,however,Science and Technology is not to blame,because what kind of influence it brings into our life depends on how we make use of it. Its as plain as the nose on your face that Science and Technology does offer us better conditions to bring us together , but we should also keep in mind that only by reflecting on how to use it properly can we fully enjoy the charm of Science and Technology.Science and Technology surrounds and sustains us in the world, making the earth more like a small village where we breathe together ,laugh together and watch the starry sky overhead shoulder to shoulder.。


For a long time access the Internet by mobile phone text messaging and so on, the fingers will spasm pain(痉挛疼 痛)。
9.Always hear the sound of phone vibrations.
3.Do not play when charging the phone,as the phone is conductive when charging.
2013年7月15日,新疆网 新疆网《23岁空姐疑充电时玩手机身 亡》报道了南航空姐 马爱伦被曝在手机充电时 通电话,被电击致死。
4.Never make a telephone call on rainy days.
5.always go to the toilet with mobile phone
6.enjoy taking photos for sharing before having meals. Before eating, you must first take pictures with friends sharing food pictures online 。
3.headache The use of mobile phones can cause headaches and fatigue for a long time , and even lead to Senile Dementia。 (A short time memory lose) 4.put mobile phone beside
4.damage our skin
5.cause numbness in the fingers



关于手机危害的英语演讲稿手机危害英语演讲稿Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I am Chen Yanrong.Today,I would like to take this opportunity to share my perspective about the influence of Science and Technology. Science and Technology sounds abstract but it can be seen almost everywhere in different concrete forms,such as the lamps above your head, and the cellphones in your hand .Above all,the most closely associated form with our life is the Internet ,of course.As for me ,I have deeply felt the charm of the Internet . My best friend went aboard for further study two years ago . At the begining,I didnt get used to that and therefore suffered from melancholy,tossing and turning late at night,missing her terribly.Fortunately, my spirits didnt sink for too long as it suddenly occured to me that why dont we keep in touch through the Internet? By sharing WeChat moments and using video calls ,we didnt drift apart, but became closer instead. Even though we are tens of thousands of miles apart, I feel like shes always by my side.Science and Technology not only establishes a bridge of communications between friends ,but also offers a broad platform where we can freely express ourselves and maybe resonate with people weve never met before.Whenever you find your life unsatisfying,on the Internet,there s a free world for you to place your lonely soul. Whats more ,we get information through Science and Technology beyond limitations of time andspace.Thats why people can unite as one to offer timely help whenever disasters strike.As it walks into tens of thousands of households,Sience and Technology has effectively shortened the distance between people .But I believe some of you are not in favor of this viewpoint ,right?Maybe you think Science and Technology is the chief culprit that makes the distance between peoples hearts farther and farther,since more and more people are getting network addition,paying too much attention to the virtual world rather than people and things around them. From my point of view ,however,Science and Technology is not to blame,because what kind of influence it brings into our life depends on how we make use of it. Its as plain as the nose on your face that Science and Technology does offer us better conditions to bring us together , but we should also keep in mind that only by reflecting on how to use it properly can we fully enjoy the charm of Science and Technology.Science and Technology surrounds and sustains us in the world, making the earth more like a small village where we breathe together ,laugh together and watch the starry sky overhead shoulder to shoulder.手机危害英语演讲稿Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m contestant NO.X, Zhai Weiwei.I feel really honor to stand here and make a speech.Today I’m going to look together with you in to this question: Does modern technology make the interpersonal communication better?Have you ever found that there’s one word we use more frequently nowadays? The answer is-awkward. If you do not believe, please imagine this scene. Sunlight floods the earth. The spring breeze is warm and gentle. You’re finally going to meet the one that you usually talk with on the internet. But when it really comes to face to face conversation, you will find it really hard to raise a topic and keep it going. How you wish you two can use Wechat even he or she is just in front of you! It just like someone in your mind keeps shouting that it is so awkward!You are addicted to the virtual world and escaping from the reality. Some people call this phenomenon as embarrassing cancer. It is funny, but it is really happening around us. Such an issue would like the virus spread to every aspect of interpersonal communication. We began to avoid family party, put on headphones to avoid caring, send massages to someone behind the screen, ignoring the people around you. Abandoning yourself to the so-called personal space. Gradually, Walls between people will be built one after another. Walls that we, and even our children, cannot go beyond.I believe Muxin once said," Days were slower in the past. Carriage, horse, and mail did not reach fast. You need your lifetime to just love the person who is right." But now, the world has changed. When you want to strike up a conversation with a girl, you dont need to hide in somewhere, wondering what to say will make her happy. You just need to pick up your phone and search for nearby people without hesitation. Flood of emotion swept over us, leaving only emptiness after ebbing. Emotions lack the process of precipitation, becoming impetuous and cheap. If things go on like this, people will ignore the value of emotion, being a slave of modern technology.Of course, I do not want people to return to the primitive society. In my opinion, we need modern technology, and there is no doubt that modern technology will play an important role in our communication. In fact, we should make use of it rather than relying on it. Therefore, What we should do is not stubbornly stick to a small circle, but look at the world, look to the future.OK, thats all of my speech, thanks for your listening.。

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Newspapers have multiple reports that people being electric shock death during
3.Do not play when charging the phone calls when it’s been recharged. phone,as the phone is conductive when charging.
4.Wash your hands for eating after using your phone.
Thank you !
放映结束 感谢各位批评指导!
谢 谢!
7.Thumb disease caused by the use of mobile phones for a long time.
Bad influence caused by mobile phone diseae
1. Influence our biological clock 2. Do harm to our sight 3. Mobile phone radiation will affect intelligence 4. Damage our skin 5. Cause numbness and Malformation in the fingers
4.Can’t live without mobile phone even whe friends party become less, all just know each other through social networks.
6.Play phone while walking,biking and driving.
Mobile Phone Disease
The disadvantage of mobile phone
Every thing has two sides.High technology brings great convience to our life,yet,we have become more and more dependent on smart phones.that's what we call mobile phone disease.
Some typical symptoms of mobile phone disease
1.Blurred vision and dry eyes
2.Put mobile phone beside the pillow when sleeping
3.Enjoy taking photos for sharing before having meals.
1.There has been a new kind of people: mobile phone party.
ck of sense of security Find themselves don't have my mobile phone, will unconsciously anxiety, and feel it all don't know what to do, where to go, life is lost color.
Learn to use mobile phone healthily
1.Keep a certain distance from your phone when using ,try not to play mobile phone especially in the dark.
2.Please keep at least a meter away from the mobile phone when sleeping,this can weaking cell phone radiation effectively.The best practice is to turn off your phone before sleeping .
What is "mobile phone disease"?
From the pictures above,we can see: "mobile phone disease" is a kind of psychological disease.
It's main symptom is relying on mobile phone too much.