民航技术术语缩略词AA/C air condit ionin g 空气调节A/G air/groundA/L autola nd 自动落地A/P autopi lot 自动驾驶A/S airspe ed 空速A/T autoth rottl e自动油门, adjust ment/test 调整/测试ABNORM abnorm al 不正常的AC altern ating curren t 【电】交流电ACARSARINCCommun icati ons Addres singand Report ing System ACCELaccele ratio n, accele rate使增速ACM air cyclemachin e 空气循环机ADC air data comput er 大气资料电脑ADF automa tic direct ion finder自动方位寻找器ADI attitu de direct or indica tor 姿态指示器ADP air driven pump, air driven hydrau lic pump 气动液压泵ADV advanc e 推进AFCS automa tic flight contro l system飞控系统AGL aboveground level地标位AI anti-ice 防冰AIDS aircra ft integr ateddata system整合资料系统AIL ailero n 副翼ALT altitu de 高度ALTM altime ter 高度计ALTN altern ate 交替的ALTNTaltern ate 交替的AMB ambien t 环绕的AMM Airpla ne Mainte nance Manual修护手册ANN announ cemen t 通告ANNUNC annunc iator通告器ANT antenn a 天线AOA angleof attack功角APB auxili ary powerbreake r 辅助的动力断电器APD approa ch progre ss displa y 接近行进显示APL airpla ne 飞机APPR approa ch 接近APPROX approx imate ly 近乎APU auxili ary powerunit 辅助的动力单元ARINCAerona utica l航空学的Radio Incorp orate d【美】有限责任的ARINCIO ARINCI/O errorARNC STP ARINCI/O UART data striperror通用非同步收发传输器ASA autola nd status annunc iator自动落地状况通告器ASP audioselect or panel音频选择面板ASYM asymme trica l 非对称的ATC air traffi c contro l 空中交通管制ATC/DABS air traffi c contro l/discre te addres s beacon system ATT attitu de 姿态ATTNDattend ant 服务员AUTO automa tic 自动装置的AUX auxili ary 辅助的AVM airbor ne vibrat ion monito r 空中震动监视器BB/CRS back course回程BARO barome tric气压计的BAT batter y 电池;蓄电池BFO beat扑动frequ encyoscill ator频率振汤器BITE built-in test equipm ent 装备自我测试BK brake煞住(车)BKGRDbackgr ound(干扰录音或无线电广播的)杂音BPCU bus powercontro l unit 汇流排电力控制单元BRKR breake r 断电器BRT bright发亮的BTB bus tie束缚b reake r 汇流排联系断电器BTL bottle瓶子CC/B circui t breake r 【电】断路器,断路开关C center中央CADC centra l air data comput er 中央大气资料电脑CAPT captai n (飞机的)机长CB circui t breake r 【电】断路器,断路开关CCA centra l contro l actuat or 中央控制致动器CCW counte rcloc kwise逆时针方向的CDU contro l displa y unit 控制显示器CH channe l 频道CHAN channe l 频道CHG change改变CHR chrono graph记时器CHRGRcharge r 充电器CK check检查CKT circui t 【电】电路;回路CL close关闭;盖上;合上CLB climb倾斜向上CLR clear变乾净;变清楚CLSD closed关闭的;封闭的;闭合的CMD comman d 命令CMPTRcomput er 电脑CNX cancel led 取消,废除;中止COL column圆柱(报纸的)栏,段COMM commun icati on 通讯COMP compre ssor压缩机COMPTcompar tment隔间CON contin uous连续的,不断的COND condit ion 状态CONFGconfig urati on 结构;表面配置CONFIG config urati on 结构CONN connec tion连接CONT contro l 控制CP contro l panel控制面板CPCS cabinpressu re contro l system舱压控制系统CPS cycles per second每秒循环CRS course方向CRT cathod e阴极ra y射线tube 阴极射线管CRZ cruise巡航CSEU contro l system electr onics unit 控制系统电子元件CT curren t电流tr ansFO RMer变压器CTN cautio n 注意CTR center中央CU contro l unit 控制元件CUST custom er 顾客;买主CW clockw ise 顺时针方向的CWS contro l wheelsteeri ng掌舵DDA drift漂移angl eDADC digita l air data comput er 数位化大气资料电脑DC direct直系的,指挥curr entDEC decrea se减少, decrem ent减少率DECELdecele rate降低速度DECR decrea se 减少DEG degree度数DEPR depres suriz e 泄压; 压下DEPT depart ure 离开;出发DEST destin ation目标, 目的地DET detect or 探测器DETNTdetent (机械上的)止动装置;棘爪DEV deviat ion 误差;偏航DFDR digita l flight data record erDG direct ional方向的gy ro回转仪罗盘DH decisi on决定h eight高度,海拔DIFF differ entia l 依差别而定的;鉴别性的DIR direct指挥DISC discon nect使分离,分开,断开DISCHdischa rge 释放,排出(液体,气体等)DISCON T discon tinue d 停止,中断DISENG diseng age 解开,解除;使脱离DISP dispat ch 派遣DIST distan ce 距离;路程DK deck (船的) 舱面,甲板DME distan ce measur ing equipm ent 测距仪DMU data manage mentunit 资料管理单元DN down 向下DPCT differ entia l protec tioncurren t transF ORMer【电】变压器DR door 门DSCRTIO discre te分离I/O errorDSPLYdispla y 显示DSPY displa y 显示EEADI electr onicattitu de direct or indica tor 数位化姿态指示器ECON econom y 节约, 经济ECS enviro nment al contro l system环控系统EDP engine driven pump, engine hydrau lic pump 引擎液压泵EEC electr onicengine contro l 引擎电控EFDARS expand ed flight data acquis ition and report ing system EFI electr onicflight instru ments电子化飞行仪表EFIS electr onicflight instru mentsystemEGT exhaus t gas temper ature排气尾温EHSI electr onichorizo ntalsituat ion indica tor 水平状况方位指示器EICASengine indica tingand crew alerti ng system引擎状况警告指示ELEC electr ical与电有关的,电气科学的ELEV elevat ion 高度;海拔EMER emerge ncy 紧急情况ENG engage啮合,接合, engineENT entran ce入口,门口, entryENTMTentert ainme nt 娱乐EPC extern al powercontac tor 外电源接触器EPR engine pressu re ratio推力比EPRL engine pressu re ratiolimit推力比范围EQUIPequipm ent 装备ERR error错误ESS essent ial 必需品EVAC evacua tion撤空;排泄物EVBC engine vane and bleedcontro l 引擎放气控制EXH exhaus t 排出;排气EXT extern al 外部的EXTINexting uish, exting uishe d 灭火器EXTING exting uishi ng 熄灭FF/D flight direct or 飞行引向器F/F fuel flow 燃油流量F/O firstoffice rFAA Federa l美国联邦 Aviati on Admini strat ion行政机构FCC flight contro l comput er 飞行控制电脑FCEU flight contro ls electr onicunit 飞控电子单元FCU fuel contro l unit 燃油控制器FDR feeder餵食器FIM FaultIsolat ion Manual故障隔离手册FL flow 流量FL/CH flight levelchangeFLD field(飞机)场,;(广阔的一大片)地(知识)领域;专业;(活动)范畴FLT flight (飞机的)班次FLUORfluore scent发亮的FMC flight manage mentcomput er 飞行管理电脑FMS flight manage mentsystem飞行管理系统FREQ freque ncy 频率FRM FaultReport ing Manual错误报告手册FSEU flap/slat electr onicunit 副翼电控单元FT feet复, foot单英尺FWD forwar d 前面的GG/S glideslope, ground slope下滑坡度GA go-around重飞GB genera tor breake r 发电机断电器GCB genera tor circui t breake r 发电机断路器GCR genera tor contro l relay发电机控制继电器GCU genera tor contro l unit 发电机控制组件GEN genera tor 发电机GHR ground handli ng relay地面操作继电器GND ground地面GP group团体GPWS ground proxim ity warnin g system地面接近警告GR gear 齿轮;传动装置; (飞机的)起落架GRD ground地面GS ground speed地速GSSR ground servic e select relay地面勤务选择继电器GSTR ground servic e transf er relay地面勤务转换继电器GW gross总量weig ht 总重HH/L high/low 高/低HDG headin g 【航】航向HF high freque ncy 高频HORIZhorizo ntal水平HP high pressu re 高压HSI horizo ntalsituat ion indica tor 水平状况方位指示器HTR heater加热器HYD hydrau lic 液压的IIAS indica ted airspe ed 指示空速IDENTidenti ficat ion 识别;鉴定IDG integr ateddrivegenera torIGN igniti on 点火,发火;点火开关ILLUMillumi nate, illumi nated被照明的;发光的ILS instru mentlandin g system仪降IMP imperi al (度量衡)英制的IN in, input输入INBD inboar d 内侧的INC incorp orate d结合的, increa se增大, increm ent增加INCR increa se 增加IND indica tor 指示器INFC interf ace 分界面INFLTinflig ht 飞行过程中的INHIBinhibi t 抑制禁止INIT initia tion入门;开始实施INOP inoper ative不活动的INPH interp hone对讲机INST instru ment仪器;仪表INT interp hone对讲机INTLKinterl ock 连结INTPHinterp hone对讲机INTMTinterm itten t 时断时续的;周期性的IP interm ediat e pressu re 中间的压力IRS inerti al refere nce system惯性参考系统IRU inerti al惯性的refer enceunit 惯性参考组件ISLN isolat ion 隔离ISOL isolat ion 隔离IVSI instan taneo us瞬时的verti cal speedindica tor 垂直速度指示器MMCDP mainte nance contro l displa y panel修护控制显示面板MCP mode contro l panel模式控制面板MCU modula r模件co ncept观念unitMDA minimu m decisi on altitu de 最小判断高度MIC microp hone扩音器;麦克风MIN minimu m 最小量,最小数;最低限度MM Mainte nance Manual修护手册MOD module组件;单元MON monito r 监视器;监控器MOT motion (机械的)装置,运转MPU magnet ic pickup检波器MSG messag e 信息MSTR master主要的;总的MSU mode select or unit 模式选择组件MTG milesto go 英里MU manage mentunit 管理组件MUX multip lexer多路传输NN/A not applic able可应用的NAC nacell e 引擎舱;气球吊篮NAV naviga tion导航NCD no comput ed data 无法计算资料NEG negati ve 否定的; 反面的【电】负的,阴极的【数】负的NEUT neutra l 中立的NLG nose landin g gear 鼻轮起落架NO. number数,数字NORM normal正常的,正规的,标准的NRM normal正常的,正规的,标准的NVMEMRD non-volati le memory read error故障读错误排除才能消除NVMEMWR non-volati le memory writeerror故障写错误排除才能消除OO2 oxygen氧气OBS observ er 观察员OK okay 对,很好地OPR operat e 运转OPT option选择权OPRN operat ion 操作OUT output输出OUTBDoutboa rd 外部的OVHD overhe ad 头顶(船舱)顶板OVHT overhe at 过热OVRD overri de 权力高於;优先於; 越过OXY oxygen氧气PP/RST pressto reset压下清除故障P/S pitot皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管/static静态的PA passen ger addres s 客舱广播PASS passen ger 旅客PCA powercontro l actuat or 电控致动器PCT percen tage百分比PDI pictor ial deviat ion indica tor 偏航图表示PES passen ger entert ainme nt娱乐s ystemPLA powerlevelanglePLT pilot(飞机等的)驾驶员,飞行员PMG perman anetmagnet genera tor 永磁发电机PNEU pneuma tic 气动PNL panel【电】配电盘;控电板POR pointof regula tion调节POS positi on, positi ve (电池的)阳极【数】正的PPOS presen t当前的出席的 positi onPRESSpressu re 压力PRG FLOW progra m flow error流量程序错误PRIM primar y 首要的,主要的PROC proced ure 程序;手续;步骤PROG MEM ROM memory error唯读记忆体错误PROJ projec tor 投射器PROT protec tion保护,防护;PS pitotstatic皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管PSI pounds per square inch 每平方寸上的压力磅数PSS passen ger servic e system客服系统PSU passen ger servic e unit 客服组件PTT push to talk 发话PTU powertransf er unit 动力传送组件PWR power动力QQAD quick-attach-detach快拆卸;使分离QTS quarts一夸脱的容器QTY quanti ty 数量RR/T rate of turn 回转速率R/W MEM RAM memory error随机存取记忆体错误R right右边的RA radioaltime ter, radioaltitu de 雷达高度RAT ram air turbin e 冲压驱动RCVR reciev er 接受RDMI radiodistan ce magnet ic indica tor 磁场距离指示REC record er 记录器RECIRC recirc ulate再循环REF refere nce 参考REFRIG refrig erati on 冷冻REG regula tor 调节器REL releas e 释放,解放REP repres entat ive 代表性的,典型的REQ requir ed 必须的RES reserv e 储备RESSTA RT powerinterr upt restar t error动力中断重新起动错误REV revers e 倒退,使倒转RF rightfront右前RH righthand 右手RLSE releas e 释放,解放RLY relay【电】继电器RLY/SW relay/switchRMI radiomagnet ic indica tor 磁场方位指示RMT OUT high-speedARINCoutput error汇流排输出错误RN rightnoseROT rotati on 旋转RPM revolu tions循环,(一)周期回转,旋转perminuteRPTG report ing 报导RR rightrear 后方RST reset重新设定RTO reject ed丢弃t akeof f起飞RUD rudder (飞机的)方向舵RW rightwing 右翼RWY runway (机场的)跑道SSAM stabil izertrim/elevat or asymme try limitmodule尾舵飞操组件SAT static air temper ature静压空气温度SEC second第二次SEI standb y engine indica tor 紧急直接引擎指示SEL select选择SELCAL select ive callin g 飞航呼叫SERV servic e 服务SG signal genera tor 信号产生器SLCTDselect ed 选择SLCTRselect or 选择器SOV shut off valve关断阀SP speed速度SPD speed速度SPD BK speedbrake速煞SQL squelc h 压扁SSB single side bandSTA statio n 驻地(各种机构的)站,所,STAB stabil izer安定装置;安定翼STBY standb y 备用STS system status系统状况SURF surfac e 表面SW switch开关SWITCH IN switch inputerrorSYNC synchr onous同步的SYS system系统SYST system系统TT/R thrust revers er 反推力器T.O. takeof f 起飞TACH tachom eter转速计TAI therma l热的an ti-iceTAS true airspe ed 真空速TAT totalair temper ature总温TCC turbin e case coolin g 涡轮(机)冷却TE traili ng edge 后缘(飞机的)襟翼,阻力板TEMP temper ature温度,气温TFR transf er 转换THR thrust推力THROTthrott le 节流阀THRSHthresh old 门槛THRT thrust推力THRU throug h 穿过;通过遍及,在...各处;在...之间,在...之中TIE bus tie系,拴,捆,扎汇流排联系TLA thrust leverangle推力杆角度TMC thrust manage mentcomput er 推力管理电脑TMS thrust manage mentsystem推力管理系统TMSP thrust mode select panel推力选择面板TO TO/takeof f 起飞TOL tolera nce 【机】公差,容限TR transF ORMer【电】变压器 rectif ier【电】整流器TRP thrust rating panel推力等级面板TUNE tuner(频率))调整器;【无】调谐器TURB turbin e 涡轮(机)TURBLturbul ent, turbul ence【气】湍流;(气体等的)紊流UUBR utilit y有多种用途的;通用的bus relay汇流排继电器UPR upperUSB upperside band 【机】传送带(无线电的)波段,频带VV/NAV vertic al naviga tion【经】纵向联合的导航V/S vertic al speed垂直的速率VERT vertic al 垂直的VERT SPD vertic al speed垂直的速率VFY verify验证VG vertic al gyro 垂直回转仪罗盘VHF very high freque ncy 超高频无线电VIB vibrat ion 震动VLD valid合法的;有效的VLV valve【机】阀,活门VOL volume量;额VOLT voltag e 电压;伏特数VOR VHF omni rangereceiv er 方向无线识标VOX voice声音VTR videotape reprod ucer(录音,录影的)播放装置WW/D wiring线路dia gram图解W/W wheelwell 轮舱WA R N w a r n i n g 警告;警报WG wing 机翼WHL wheel轮子; 变换方向WHLS wheels车轮WPT waypoi nt 位子点WSHLDwindsh ield挡风玻璃WX weathe r 天气WXR weathe r 气象雷达XX-CH crosschanne l 交叉频道X-CHAN crosschanne l 交叉频道XDCR transd ucer变换器XMISSI ON transm issio n 传送XMIT transm it 发射XMTR transm itter发射机XPNDRtransp onder询答机YY/D yaw damper阻尼器。
ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast广播式自动相关监视
ADS-R Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Report 报告式自动相关监视
AIRB Basic Airborne Situation Awareness基本空中位置感知
TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System 交通防撞系统
UAT Universal Access Transceiver 通用访问收发机
VDL4 Very High Frequency Data Link Mode 4 甚高频数据链模式4
VSA Visual Separation on Approach 进近目视间隔
NUCp Navigation Uncertainty Category for Position 位置导航不确定性类别
NIC Navigation Integrity Category 导航完整性目录
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始设备制造商
SIL Source Integrity Level 源完整性级别
SURF Basic Surface Situation Awareness基本表面状况感知
SDA System Design Assurance 系统设计保证
TIS-B Traffic Information Service - Broadcast 广播式Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Report交通信息服务
定义和缩略语1. 定义1.1. 适航性是指民用航空器包括其部件及子系统整体性能和操纵特性在预期运行环境和使用限制下的安全性和物理完整性的一种品质,该品质要求航空器应始终处于保持符合其型号设计和始终处于安全运行状态。
1.2. 技术记录本(TLB)用于记录飞机在运营中机组和维修人员发现的故障及维修人员的处理措施,以及所有的计划维修作业,是真实记载飞机适航状况与维修状态的证明文件。
1.3. 飞行记录本(FLB)用以记录飞机飞行时间、机组成员、油液添加等与飞行安全有关的使用信息,是公司营运状态统计工作的重要文件,也是实施航线维修、定期维修工作后提供适航性放行签证的文件。
1.4. 客舱记录本(CLB)用于记录飞机客舱内不影响飞行安全和飞机适航性项目(主要指一些服务性项目)的故障及排除措施,是公司改善服务工作的重要文件。
1.5. 单机档案指每一具体航空器从制造出厂直到退役时的一套完整全面的技术履历,它侧重于归纳整理航空器在整个服役期间所有有意义的使用和维修方面的事实和事件,是核查所有法定技术文件在该航空器上执行情况的基本依据。
1.6. 年检指航空营运人的飞机应当接受局方进行的年度适航性检查,符合CCAR121R2的要求并获得适航证签署或者其他方式的签署后才能继续投入运行。
1.7. 维修是指对航空器或航空器部件所进行的任何检测、修理、排故、定期检修、翻修和改装工作。
1.8. 航线维修指按照航空营运人提供的工作单对航空器进行的例行检查和按照相应飞机、发动机维护手册在航线进行故障和缺陷的处理,包括按照航空营运人机型最低设备清单和外形缺损清单保留故障和缺陷。
1.9. 定期检修(定检)指根据适航性资料,在航空器或者航空器部件使用达到一定时限时进行的检查和修理。
1.10. 一般勤务工作是指航空器进出机场地面引导、停放、推、拖及挡轮档,拿取和堵放航空器的各种堵盖,为航空器提供电源、气源,加(放)水、加(放)油料、充气、充氧,必要的清洁和除冰、雪、霜等为保证航空器正常投入运行实施的勤务工作。
Fuel quantity
Foot, feet
Feet per minute
Flight screw
Flight control
Fuel on board
Flight plan
Air traffic control
Built-in test
Basic landing display
Backup oxygen system
Central processor unit
Cockpit video recording system
Captain; Celsius; center
Civil aviation authority
机上标记英文缩写缩写全称中文AAFT After 后面APPR Approach 出场AIL Aileron 副翼A. ICE Anti-icing 防冰ASAP As soon as possible 越快越好APU Auxiliary power unit 帮助电源装配ASI Air speed indicator 空速表A-SKID Anti-skid 防滑ALT Altimeter 高度表ACCUM Accumulator 蓄压器AIR COND Air condition 空气调节体系ADC Air data computer 大气数据盘算机ALT Altitude 高度ACM Air combat maneuvering 空点灵活性A/A Air to air 空对空A/B AB. After burner 加力ac. Alternating current 交换ACL Automatic carrier landing 主动舰载着陆ACQ Acquisition 获取ACS Automatic channel select 主动频率选择A/D Analog-to-digital 模数ADF Automatic direction finder 主动定向机AFCS Automatic flight control system 主动飞翔掌握A/G Air-to-ground 空对地AM Amplitude modulation 调幅AOA Angle of attack 攻角AOB Angle of bank 侧滑角AVTR Airborne videotape recorder 机载视频磁带记载仪AWCS Airborne weapon control system 机载兵器掌握体系ASSY Assembly 组件AMP Amplifier 放大器A/C Aircraft 飞机ADV AdvisoryAFCS Automatic flight control system 主动飞翔掌握体系AGL Above ground level 离地面高度AIM Air intercept missile 空中拦阻导弹A/P Autopilot 主动驾驶ATC Automatic throttle control 主动油门掌握ATS Air turbine starter 空气涡轮起动器AUG Augment 增长AUTO Automatic 主动ACT Active 激活AFM Airplane flight manual 飞机飞翔手册AH Alert height 预警高度ALT HOLD Altitude hold 保持高度APU Auxiliary power unit 帮助电源ATC Air traffic control 空中交通管束ABN Abnormal 非正常ANT Antenna 天线ALTN Alternate 转换A/P Auto pilot 自驾ARPT Airport 机场A/S Airspeed 空速AWY Airway 航空公司A>B A greater than B A大于BAPT Apartment 舱AVE Avenue 大街ATC Air traffic control 空管BBRT Bright 亮度BAT Battery 电池BRK Brake 刹车BARO Barometric 气压BIT Built-in test 嵌入式实验BLS Basic landing display 根本着陆显示BOX Backup oxygen system 备用氧气体系BALT Barometric altimeter 气压高度表BCN Beacon 信标机BLD Bleed 排气BNK Bank 坡度BRG Bearing 轴承B/CRS Back course 逆航向BNR Binary 二进制BRG Bearing 轴承BTL Bottle 瓶BLK Block 街区BLDG Building 楼BTW by the way 趁便说CCTL Control 把持CAB Cabin 座舱CKPT Cockpit 座舱CLR Clear 消除COMP Compartment 舱CP Center of pressure 压力中间Center of gravity 重心CONT Contactor 接触器CNTR Control 把持C/Bs Circuit breaker 断路器COM Control unit 掌握器CAUT Caution 警告CAPT Captain 上尉CL Climb 爬升CT Continuous 中断COMM Communicator 通信器COMMS Communications 通信CFD Chaff flare dispensing 箔条干扰投放弹CW Clockwise 顺时针CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针CAT Catapult 飞机弹射器CAW Caution, advisory, warning 警告CC. cubic centimeter 立方厘米CP Central processor 中心处理器CRT Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管℃Degree Celsius 摄氏度CC Control converter 掌握转换器CD Countdown 计数C/F Chaff/flare 箔条干扰器CH or CHAN Channel 波道CHKLST Checklist 检讨清单CK Check 检讨CMPTR Computer 盘算机COMM Communication radio 通信电台CPL Couple 巧合CPLD Coupled 巧合的CPU Central processor unit 中心处理器CRS Course 航向CVRS Cockpit video recording system 座舱视频记载体系C Captain; Celsius; center 摄氏度CAA Civil aviation authority 平易近航局CRZ Cruise 巡航CAPT Capture 捕获CHG Change 转变CO Company 公司CONT Continuous 中断CPCU Cabin pressure controller unit 座舱压力掌握器CRG Cargo 货色CTR Center 中间CTL PNL Control panel 掌握面板CVR Cockpit voice recorder 座舱声音记载仪CTU Counter Terrorist Unit 美国反恐局CTR Center 中间CL Close- 封闭CORP Corporation 公司CVRS Cockpit video recording system 座舱视频记载体系DDN Down 向下DEPT Department 部分DECEL Deceleration 减速DU Display unit 显示器DEC Decrease 削减D/A Digital-to-analog 数模dB Decibel 分贝dc. Direct current 直流DD Digital display 数显DEST. Destination 目标地DF Direction finder 定向DG Directional gyro 定向陀螺dc Direct current 直流DDI Digital display indicator 数字显示指导器DISCH Discharge 放电DME Distance measuring equipment 测距器D/D Direct descent 直接降低DIR Direct 偏向DES Descent 降低DEST Destination 目标地DIR TO Direct to 直飞至DISC Disconnect 断开DIST Distance 距离DSPL Display 显示视DIST District 区DR Drive 驱动EEGT Exhaust gas temperature 排气温度表ELEV Elevator 起落舵ELEC Electric 电气EMER Emergency 应急EXT LT External light 外部灯EXT Extension 放下EXCH Exchanger 交换器ECM Electronic countermeasure 电子反抗ECB Electronic control box 电子掌握盒EAS Equivalent airspeed 均衡速度ECS Environmental control system 环控体系ETA Estimated time of arrival 估量抵达时光ECON Economy 经济EPR Engine pressure ratio 发念头压力比EXT Extend 伸出E East 东方ECB Electronic control box 电子掌握盒ECM Engine condition monitoring 发念头状况监督器ECS Environmental control system 情况掌握体系ELV Elevation 起落EMER GEN Emergency generator 应急发电机ESS Essential 本质EST Estimated 估量EXT PWR External power 外动力EXTN Extension 扩大EST Estate 估量FFLT Flight 飞翔FT Foot 英尺FWD Forward 向前Freq. Frequency 频率FQI Fuel quantity indicator 燃油油量表F Fast 快FCF Functional check flight 功效检讨试飞FF Fuel flow 燃油流量F/F Fighter to fighter 战役机对战役机FI Fault isolation 故障隔离FL Flight level 飞翔程度FOD Foreign object damage 外来物打伤FOV Field of view 视场fpm Feet per minute 英尺每分FTJU Fuel tank jettison unit 燃油箱抛放装配℉Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏FCC Flight control computer 飞翔掌握盘算机FCS Flight control system 飞翔掌握体系F-QTY Fuel quantity 燃油量ft Foot, feet 英尺FUS Fuselage 机身FPM Feet per minute 英尺每分F/C Flight screw 空勤FLT CTL Flight control 飞翔掌握FOB Fuel on board 机上燃油F-PLN Flight plan 飞翔筹划FRT Front 前面FWR Flight warning system 飞翔警告体系FAA federal aviation administration 联邦航空治理局FMS Flight management system 飞翔治理体系FL Floor 层GGRND Ground 地面GND Ground 地面GEN Generator 发电机G Ground 地面g. Gravity 重力GCA Ground-controlled approach 地面掌握出场GCU Generator control unit, gun control unit 发电机掌握器GHz Gigahertz 兆赫GT Ground track 地面追踪GPS Global positioning system 全球定位体系GW Gross weight 毛重GS Ground speed 地面速度GMT Greenwich mean time 格林尼治尺度时光GPCU Ground power control unitGRVTY Gravity 重力GW Gross weight 毛重GOVT Government 当局HHYD Hydraulic 液压HP High pressure 高压HDG Heading 航向HUD Head up display 平显HSD Horizontal situation display 程度地位显示器HI High 高度HMD Helmet mounted displayHSI Horizontal situation indicator 程度状况指导器HDG SEL Heading select 航向选择H Hour, hot 小时HC Harness connector 索具接头HCU Hydraulic control unit 液压掌握器HDL Handle 手柄HI High 高度HLD Hold 把持HPV High pressure valve 高压阀HZ Hertz 赫兹HT Height 高度IIDG Integrated drive generator 分解驱动发电机ILS Instrument landing system 内心着陆体系INC Increase 增长IGN Ignition 焚烧IFF Identification friend or foe 敌我辨认器IAS Indicated airspeed 指导空速ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际平易近航组织ICS Intercommunications 内部通信IDG Integrated-drive generator 分解传动发电机IFR Instrument flight rules 内心飞翔规矩IFT In-flight training 飞翔练习IGV Inlet guide vane 进气导流叶片IMN Indicated Mach number 指导马赫数INS Inertial navigation system 惯性导航体系IP Initial point 初始点IR Infrared 红外IRCM Infrared countermeasure 红外电子反抗ICS Inter-cockpit communication system 舱内通信体系ID Identification 辨认INOP Inoperative 不工作INST Instrument 内心INV Invalid 无效IP Instructor pilot 飞翔教员I/P Identification of position 地位辨认ISOL Isolate 隔离Ib(s) Pound(s) 英磅IGS Instrument guidance system 内心导航体系IM Inner marker 内部标记IMM Immediate 立刻INCREM Increment 增量INR Inner 内部INTCP Intercept 拦阻I/O Inputs/outputs 输入.输出IP Intermediate pressure 中心压力ISA International standard atmosphere 国际尺度大气INV Inverter 变流机IMC instrument meteorological conditionsIFS Instrument flight rulesICU intensive care unit 重症监护病房INST Institution/institute 机构INT’L International 国际JJETT Jettison 抛放KKTS Knots 节点KGS Knots ground speedKG Kilogram 千克LLDG Landing 着陆LO Low 低L/G Landing gear 起落架LT Light 灯LP Low pressure 低压L Left 左LOC Local 当地LOC Localizer 定位器LCD Liquid crystal display 液态晶体显示器LE Leading edge 前缘L ENG Left engine 左发LCS Liquid cooling system 液态冷却体系LEF Leading edge flaps 前缘襟翼LI Left inboard 左侧内弦LM Left midboardLO Left outboardLNAV Lateral navigation 侧领导航LRC Long range cruise 远距巡航L Left 左侧LAT Latitude 纬度LAV Lavatory 洗手间LH Left hand 左手LIM Limitation 限制LK Lock 锁定LL Latitude/longitude 纬度/经度LONG Longitude 纵向LVL Level 程度LW Landing weight 着陆重量LORAN Long range navigation 远距导航LCS Liquid cooling system 液冷体系Lbs Pounds 磅lMMED Medium 中心MON Monitoring unit 监控器MLG Main landing gear 主起落架MACH Mach number 马赫数M. Mach 马赫MAD Magnetic azimuth 磁方位MAN. Manual 手动MAX. Maximum 最大MFD Multifunction display 多功效显示器MIL Military 军事MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面MTM Magnetic tape memory 磁带记载MAD Magnetic azimuth detector 磁方位检测器MAX Maximum afterburner thrust 最大加力推力MFS Multifunction switch 多功效开关MIL Military thrustMPCD Multipurpose color display 多功效黑色显示器MTRS or m Meters 米MOD Modify 改装MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面M Magenta, mach, MeterMAG Magnetic 磁力MAG VAR Magnetic variation 磁偏MAINT Maintenance 保护MAX END Maximum endurance 最长中断时光MB MillibarMECH Mechanic 机工MEL Minimum equipment listMIN Minimum; minuteMKR MarkerMLS Microwave landing system 微波着陆体系MLW Maximum landing weightMSG MessageMRI magnetic resonance inspection 核磁共振MIN Ministry 部NNAV Navigation 导航ND Navigation display 导航显示器NORM Normal 正常NAC Nacelle 吊舱NGV Navigation guide vane 导流片nm Nautical miles 海里NOZ Nozzle 喷口NPS Navigation power supply 导航电源NR Number 数字NWS Nose wheel steering 前轮转舵N1 Fan rpm 电扇转速N2 Compressor rpm 紧缩器转速N ACC Normal accelerometer 正常加快器NU Nose up 机头向上ND Navigation displayNDB Nondirectional beaconNAS National airspace systemNAT’L NationalNO NumberNW Nosewheel 前轮OOAT Outside air temperature 外界气温OBC On-board check 机上检讨OSP Overspeed 超速OXY Oxygen 氧气OAT Outside air temperatureOFF/R Off resetOFST Offset 偏移O/P Output 输出OPP Opposite 相反OPT Optimum 乐不雅OURT Outer 外部OVHD Overhead 过火OVSPD Overspeed 超速OEM Original equipment manufacturer 原始装备制作商ORGN OrganizationPPR Pressure 压力PWR Power 电源PNL Panel 面板PSI Per square inch 每英寸PCD Precision course direction 周详航向指导PD Pulse Doppler 脉冲多普勒pph Pounds per hour 镑每小时PPI Plane position indicator 平面地位指导器PRI Primary 初级PTP Point to point 点对点psi Pounds per square inch 磅每平方英寸PB,pb Pushbutton 按钮PERF Performance 机能POS Position 地位PR Pressure 压力PROC Procedure 工艺PROF ProfilePROG Progress 过程PROTEC Protection 防护PT Point 点PTR Printer 打印机PTU Power transfer unitPRM Precision runway monitoringQQT Quantity 数目Q. Dynamic pressure 动压QDC Quick disconnect connector 快卸接头QTY Quantity 数目QFU Runway heading 跑道航向QT Quart (US) 石英RRUD Rudder 偏向舵rpm Revolution per minute 转每分RDR Radar 雷达RECON. ReconnaissanceRF Radio frequency 射频RFI Radio frequency indicator 射频指导器ROM Read-only memory 只读存储器RWR Radar warning receiver 雷达告警吸收器R Right 右RALT Radar altimeter 雷达高度表RAM Radar absorbing material 雷达吸波材料RCDR Recorder 记载仪RCVY Recovery 改出RDR Radar 雷达REJ RejectRNG Range 规模RO Right outboardREST Reset 复位R/T Receiver/transmit 吸收/发射RA Radio altitude 无线电高度RA Radio altitude 无线电高度RCDR Recorder 记载仪RCL RecallRCVR Receiver 吸收机REL Release 摊开REV Reverse 反向REV Reversion 修订版RH Right hand 右手RNG RangeRPTG Repeating 反复的RQRD Required 所需的RTE Route 路线RD RoadRM RoomSSTBY Standby 备用STAT Start up 启动SPD Speed 速度SHUT Shut off 封闭S Slow 慢SW Switch 开关Sq m Square meter 平方米SAM Surface-to-air missile 舰对空导弹SC. Sensor controller 传感器掌握器STAB Stability 稳固性STT Single-target track 单目标追踪SDC Signal data computer 旌旗灯号数据盘算机SEQ Sequence 次序SPD BRK Speedbrake 减速板SPN Spin 螺旋SPECS Specification 规范STAB StabilatorSTD HDG Stored headingSUPT Support 支持S/W Software 软件STAT Static 静态SIM Simulation 模仿SLT SlatSPD LIM Speed limit 限速STS Status 状况SWTG SwitchingSYNC SynchronizeSYS System 体系TTR Transformer/rectifier 变压.整流TEMP Temperature 温度TK Tank 油箱THR Throttle 油门TO Take-off 腾飞TRK Track 追踪TACAN Tactical air navigation 战术空中导航TAS True airspeed 真速TBT Turbine blade temperature 涡轮叶片温度TCA Turbine compressor assembly 涡轮紧缩器组件TED Trailing edge down 后缘向下TEU Trailing edge up 后缘向上TIT Turbine inlet temperature 涡轮进气温度TLN Takeoff, landing, navigation 腾飞.着陆.导航TURB Turbine 涡轮TAC Tactical 战术TAS True air speed 真实空速TE Trailing edge 后缘TCA Terminal control areaTO/GA Takeoff/go around 腾飞/回旋T Tons, temperature 吨.温度TACT Tactical 战术TAT Total air temperatureT/C Top of climbTEMP Temperature 温度TGT Target 目标THR Thrust 推力TMR Timer 计时器T-P Turn point 转弯点TRANS Transition 发射TTG Time to goTECH Technical 技巧UUNLK Unlock 解锁UHF Ultrahigh frequency 超高频UNIV UniversityVV/S Vertical speed 起落速度VIB Vibration 振动VDI Vertical display indicator 起落显示器指导器VEC VectorVERT Vertical 垂直Vg/H. Velocity /height 速度/高度VID Visual identification 视觉辨认V R Rotation speed 转速VTR Videotape recorder 磁带记载仪VV Vertical velocity 起落速度VHF Very high frequency 超高频VOL Volume 音量VLOF Lift off speed 离地速度VR Rotation speed 转速V Volt 伏特VEL Velocity 速度VHV Very high voltage 高压VM Maneuvering speed 灵活速度VMC visual meteorological conditionsVOR very high frequency Omni-directional rangeWWARN Warning 警告WCS Weapon control system 兵器掌握体系WDIR Wind direction 风向WSPD Windspeed 风速WDSHLD Windshield 风挡XXFER TransferXCVR Transceiver 发射吸收器XFR Transfer 传输XMTR Transmitter 发射机XPDR Transponder 发射应答机Yyd Yards 码Y Yellow 黄色。
空中交通管制缩略语大全(ICAO English)A Amber 琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/A Air-to-air 空对空AAL Above Aerodrome Level 高出机场平面ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodrome beacon 机场灯标ABT About 关于ABV Above …以上AC Altocumulus 高积云ACAC Airborne collision avoidance system 机载防撞系统ACC Area control center 区域管制中心ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge 承认,收悉CAN Aircraft classification number 航空器等级序号AD Aerodrome 机场ADA Advisory area 咨询区ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment 自动定向设备ADIZ Air defense identification zone 防空识别区ADR Advisory route 咨询航路ADS Address 收电地址ADVS Advisory service 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AEIS Aeronautical en-route information service 航空的航路情报服务AER Approach end runway 跑道的进近端AERADIO Air radio 航空无线电AES Aerodrome emergency services 机场紧急服务AFB Air force base 空军基地AFCS Automatic flight control system 飞行自动控制系统AFIS Aerodrome flight information service 机场飞行情报服务AFL Above field level 高于场面AFM Affirmative 是的,对的AFS Aeronautical fixed service 航空固定服务AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network航空固定电信网A/G Air to ground 空对地AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids机场、航路和地面助航设施AGL Above ground level 高出地面AGN Again 再,再次AIREP Air report 空中报告ALA Alighting area 着陆区,降落区ALR Alerting 告警ALS Approach lighting system 进近灯光系统ALT Altitude 海拔高度ALTN Alternate 备降,备分AM Amplitude modulation 调幅AMA Area minimum altitude 区域最低高度AMDT Amendment 修订AMS Aeronautical mobile service 航空移动服务AMSL Above mean sea level 高出平均海平面AOC Airport obstacle chart 机场障碍物图AOR Area of responsibility 责任区APCH Approach 进近APP Approach control 进近管制APRX Approximate 大约APU Auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置APV Approve 批准ARO Air traffic services reporting office 空中交通服务报告室ARP Airport reference point 机场基准点ARQ Automatic error correction 自动误差纠正ARR Arrival 到达ARSA Airport radar service area 机场雷达服务区ARSR Air route surveillance radar 空中航路监视雷达AS Altostratus 高层云ASC Ascend to 上升ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available 可用加速停止距离ASPH Asphalt 沥青ASR Airport surveillance radar 机场监视雷达ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间ATC Air traffic control 空中交通管制ATD Actual time of departure 实际离场时间ATF Aerodrome traffic frequency 机场交通频率ATFM Air traffic flow management 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automatic terminal information service 自动终端情报服务ATM Air traffic management 空中交通管理ATN Aeronautical telecommunication network 航空电信网ATS Air traffic service 空中交通服务ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone 机场交通地带AUTH Authorized 授权AUW All up weight 起飞全重AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVBL Available 有用的,可用性AVG Average 平均AWY Airway 航路AZM Azimuth 方位(角)B Blue 兰色(南北向辅航路)BA Braking action 刹车效应BASE Cloud base 云底BC Back course 后航道BCN Beacon 灯标BCST Broadcast 广播BDRY Boundary 边界BFR Before 在…之前BGN Begin 开始BKN Broken 裂云BLDG Building 建筑物BLW Below …以下BRG Bearing 方位(角)BTL Between layers 云层之间,云层飞行BTN Between 在…之间BYD Beyond 超过C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) 摄氏度CAAC Civil aviation administration of China 中国民用航空总局CAB Civil Aeronautics Board (美国)民用航空委员会CAT Clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸CAT Category 分类,类别CB Cumulonimbus 积雨云CEIL Ceiling 云高CGL Circling guidance light(s) 盘旋引导灯CH Channel 波道.CHG Change 改变、换CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查,校核CL Center line 中心线CLBR Calibration 校正CLG Calling 呼叫CLR Clear, clearance 放行,放行许可CLSD Closed 关闭CM Centimeter 厘米CMB Climb to 爬升至CNL Cancel or cancelled 取消CNS Communication, navigation and surveillance 通信、导航和监视COM Communications 通信CONC Concrete 混凝土COND Condition 条件,状况CONT Continue(s) 连续,连续的COORD Coordinates 坐标COP Change-over point 转换点COR Correct or correction 正确,更正CORR Corridor 走廊CPU Central processing unit 计算机中央处理系统CRP Compulsory reporting point 强制性位置报告点CRT Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CTA Control area 管制区CTL Control 管制,控制CTN Caution 注意CTR Control zone 管制地带CWY Clearway 净空道DA Decision altitude 决断高度DCKG Docking 停靠DCT Direct 直线进近,直飞DEG Degree 度DEP Depart/departure 起飞或离场DEPT Department 部门DES Descend to 下降DEST Destination 目的地DEV Deviation 偏航,偏离DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator 离接地距离指示器DH Decision height 决断高DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert, diverting 改航,转向DLA Delay 延误DME Distance measuring equipment 测距仪DP Dew point temperature 露点DPT Depth 深度DR Dead reckoning 推测DRG During 在…期间DS Dust storm 尘暴DSB Double sideband 双边带DUR Duration 持续期,持续时间DVOR Doppler VOR 多普勒全向信标EAT Expected approach time 预计进近时间EET Expected elapsed time 预计航程(经过)时间EFC Expected further clearance 预计进一步放行许可ELEV Elevation 标高EM Emission 发射,发讯EMERG Emergency 紧急,应急ENG Engine 发动机ERR Error 错误EST Estimate 预计,估计ETA Estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间ETD Estimated time of departure 预计离场时间ETE Estimated time enroute 预计航路飞行时间ETO Estimated time over 预计飞越时间EXC Except 除…..之外EXP Expect 预期,希望EXTD Extend 延长、延伸F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏(度)FAA Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局(美)FAC Facilities 设施,设备FAF Final approach fix 最后进近定位点FAP Final approach point 最后进近点FAS Final approach segment 最后进近航段FAX Facsimile transmission 传真FC Funnel cloud 漏斗云FCST Forecast 预报FCT Friction coefficient 摩擦系数FG Fog 雾FIC Flight information center 飞行情报中心FIR Flight information region 飞行情报区FIS Flight information service 飞行情报服务FISA Automated Flight information service 自动飞行情报服务FL Flight level 飞行高度FLD Field 机场,场地FLG Flashing 闪光,照明弹FLT Flight 飞行,飞行航班FM From 自,从FM Frequency modulation 调频FMS Flight management system 飞行控制系统FMU Flight management unit 流量管理单位FNA Final approach 最后进近FPL Filed flight plan 申报的飞行计划FPM Feet per minute 英尺/分FPR Flight plan route 飞行计划路线FR Fuel remaining 剩余油量FREQ Frequency 频率FSL Full stop landing 全停着陆FSS Flight service station 飞行服务站FST First 第一FT Feet 英尺G Green 绿色(东西向主航路)GA General aviation 通用航空GCA Ground controlled approach (radar) 地面管制进近(雷达)GEO Geographic or true 地理的或真的GMT Greenwich mean time 地面管制GP Glide path 下滑道GPS Global positioning system 全球定位系统GRADU Gradually 逐渐地GS Glide slope 下滑坡度GS Ground speed 地速GWT Gross weight 全重H24 24 hour service 24小时服务HBN Hazard beacon 危险信标HC Critical height 临界高HDF High frequency direction finding station 高频定向台HDG Heading 航向HEL Helicopter 直升机HF High frequency (3-30 MHz) 高频HGT Height 高HJ Sunrise to sunset 日出至日没,昼间服务HLDG Holding 等待HN Sunset to sunrise 日没日出至,夜间服务HPA Hectopascal 百帕HS During hours of scheduled operations 按航班开放HIS Horizontal situation indicator 水平状态指示仪HST High speed taxiway turn-off 高速转出滑行道HX Irregular service 非定时服务Hz Hertz (cycles per second) 赫兹(每分钟周数)IAC Instrument approach chart 仪表进近图IAF Initial approach fix 起始进近定位点IAL Instrument approach and landing chart 仪表进近和着陆图IAP Instrument approach procedure 仪表进近程序IAR Intersection of air routes 航路交叉点IAS Indicated airspeed 指示空速IATA International air transport association 国际航空运输协会IBN Identification beacon 识别灯标ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织IDENT Identification 识别,认别标志IF Intermediate approach fix 中间进近定位点IFR Instrument flight rules 仪表飞行规则IGS Instrument guiding system 仪表引导系统ILS Instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统IM Inner marker 内指点标IMC Instrument meteorological conditions 仪表气象条件IMG Immigration 入境,移民IMPT Important 重要INBD Inbound 进场,向台INFO Information 资料,情报INOP Inoperative 不工作INP If not possible 如不可能INPR In progress 在进行中INS Inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统INT Intersection 交叉点,联络道INTER Intermittent 间断的INTL International 国际的INTRG Interrogator 询问器INTRP Interrupted 中断,干扰IR Ice on runway 跑道积冰IS Island 岛屿ISA International standard atmosphere 国际标准大气JTST Jet stream 高空激流KG Kilogram 公斤KHz Kilohertz 千赫KM Kilometer 公里KMH Kilometer(s) per hour 公里/时KT Knots 海里/时KW Kilowatt 千瓦L Locator (Compass) 示位台LAT Latitude 纬度LB Pound 磅LCT Local time 当地时间LDA Landing distance available 可用着陆距离LDG Landing 着陆LDI Landing direction indicator 着陆方向指示器LEN Length 长度LF Low frequency 低频(30-300千赫)LGT Light, lighting 灯,灯光LIH Light intensity high 高强度灯LIL Light intensity low 低强度灯LIM Light intensity medium 中强度灯LLZ Localizer 航向道LMM Locator middle marker 示位台中指点标LOM Locator outer marker 示位台外指点标LONG Longitude 经度LORAN LORAN(long range air navigation system)罗兰(远程导航系统)LT Local time 当地时LVL Level 水平,层M Meters 米MAA Maximum authorized altitude 批准的最大高度MAG Magnetic 磁的MAINT Maintenance 维修,维护MAP Aeronautical maps and charts 航空地图和航图MAPT Missed approach point 复飞点MAR Marine (At sea) 在海上,在海洋MAX Maximum 最大的MB Millibar 毫巴MBZ Mandatory broadcast zone 强制广播区MCA Minimum crossing altitude 最低穿越高度MDA Minimum descent altitude 最低下降高度MDF Medium frequency direction-finding station 中频定向台MEA Minimum en-route altitude 最低航路高度MER True height above MSL 高出平均海平面的真高MET Meteorological 气象的METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)航空例行天气预报(用航空气象电码)MF Medium frequency 中频(300-3000赫兹)MHA Minimum holding altitude 最低等待高度MHz Megahertz 兆赫MID Mid-point (related to RVR) 中间点(关于跑道视程)MIL Military 军用,军事MIN Minutes 分钟MKR Marker radio beacon 无线电指点信标MLS Microwave landing system 微波着陆系统MM Middle marker 中指点标MM Millimeter 毫米MOA Military operating area 军事活动区MOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required) 最小超障余度(要求的)MOD Moderate 中度MOV Move, movement 活动,运动MPH Miles per hour 英里/小时MPS Meters per second 米/秒MPW Maximum permitted weight 最大允许重量MRA Minimum reception altitude 最低接受高度MRG Medium range 中程MS Minus 减,负MSA Minimum sector altitude 最低扇区高度MSG Message 电报MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面MT Mountain 山MTOW Maximum take-off weight 最大起飞重量MTWA Maximum total weight authorized 最大允许全重N Night, north or northern 夜间,北或北方NA Not authorized 不允许,不批准NAT North Atlantic 北大西洋NAV Navigation 导航NAVAID Navigational aid 导航设施NB Northbound 向北飞行的NC No change 无变化NCRP Non-compulsory reporting point 非强制性位置报告点NDB Non-directional radio beacon 无方向性信标NE Northeast 东北NEB North-eastbound 向东北飞的NEG No, negative 不,不是,不正确的NGT Night 夜,夜晚NIL None 没有NM Nautical miles 海里NML Normal 正常NOF International NOTAM office 国际航行通告室NAP Noise abatement procedure 消噪音程序NOTAM Notice to airman 航行通告NR Number 号码,数NW North-west 西北NWB North-westbound 向西北方向飞的NXT Next 下一个,下次OAC Oceanic area control center 海洋管制中心OAS Obstacle assessment surface 障碍物评价面OBS Observe, observed, observation 观测,观察OBST Obstruction 障碍物OCA Oceanic control area 海洋管制区OCA Obstacle clearance altitude 超障高度OCS Obstacle clearance surface 超障面OM Outer marker 外指点标OPN Open 开放OPR Operator, operate, operative 经营人,报务员,运行OPS Operations 运行,运转O/R On request 按要求,按申请OTS Out of service 不工作OVNGT Overnight 过夜PALS Precision approach light system 精密进近灯光系统PANS-OPS Procedures for air navigation services—aircraft operations航行服务程序-航空器运行PAPI Precision approach path indicator 精密进近航径指示器PAR Precision approach radar 精密进近雷达PARL Parallel 平行PCN Pavement classification number 道面等级序号PCZ Positive control zone 绝对管制地带PERM Permanent 永久的PJE Parachute jumping exercise 跳伞训练PLN Flight plan 飞行计划PN Prior notice required 需事先通知POB Persons on board 机上人员PRKG Parking 停机PROB Probability 概率,可能性PROC Procedure 程序PROP Propeller aircraft 螺旋桨航空器PROV Provisional 临时的,暂时的PS Plus 加、正PSG Passing 过往,经过PSGR Passenger 旅客PSN Position 位置PTN Procedure turn 程序转弯PWR Power 电源,功率QDM Magnetic bearing to facility 向台磁方位QDR Magnetic bearing from facility 背台磁方位QFU Magnetic orientation of runway 跑道磁向QTE True bearing 真方位QUAD Quadrant 象限R Red 红色(东西向辅航路)R Radar, right 雷达,右RA Radio altimeter 无线电高度表RAC Rules of the air and air traffic services空中规则和空中交通服务RAG Runway arresting gear 跑道制动装置RAI Runway alignment indicator 对准跑道指示器RB Rescue boat 救生艇RCA Reaching cruising altitude 到达巡航高度RCC Rescue co-ordination center 救援协调中心RCF Radio communication failure 无线电通讯失效RCL Runway centerline 跑道中心线RCLM Runway centerline markings 跑道中心线标志RCLR Recleared 再放行RDL Radial 径向线REC Receive, receiver 收,收到,接收REDL Runway edge light(s) 跑道边灯REF Reference 参阅REG Registration 登记,注册REIL Runway end identification lights 跑道端识别灯RENL Runway end light(s) 跑道端灯REP Reporting point 报告点REQ Request 请求RF Radio facility 无线电设施RFLG Refueling 加油(燃料)RH Right hand 右手(边)RL Report leaving 脱离报告RLCE Request level change en-route 请求在航路上改变高度层RLLS Runway lead-in lighting system 跑道引进灯光系统RMK Remarks 附注,备注RNAV Area navigation 区域导航/领航ROC Rate of climb 上升率,爬升率ROD Rate of descent 下滑率,下降率RPM Revolutions per hour 每分钟的转数RSCD Runway surface condition 跑道道面情况RSR En-route surveillance radar 航路监视雷达RTE Route 航路RTF Radiotelephony 无线电话RTG Radiotelegraphy 无线电报RTHL Runway threshold light(s) 跑道入口灯RTR Remote transmitter/receiver 遥控发射机/接收机RTS Return to service 恢复工作RTT Radio teletypewriter 无线电传打字机RTZL Runway touchdown zone light(s) 跑道接地带灯RVR Runway visual range 跑道视程RVV Runway visibility values 跑道能见度数值RWY Runway 跑道S South 南、南纬SAR Search and rescue 搜寻与援救SB Southbound 向南飞SDBY Stand by 等待,备份SE Southeast 东南SEB South-eastbound 向东南飞SEC Seconds 秒SECT Sector 扇区SELCAL Selective call system 选择呼叫系统SER Service 服务,工作SFC Surface 表面,道面SID Standard instrument departure 标准仪表离场SKED Schedule 定期SLW Slow 慢SMC Surface movement control 地面活动管制SMR Surface movement radar 地面活动雷达SN Snow 雪SNOWTAM Snow NOTAM 雪情通告SRA Special rules area 特殊规则区SRA Surveillance radar approach 监视雷达进近SRE Surveillance radar element 地面管制进近(GCA)的监视雷达部分SRG Short range 短程SSB Single sideband 单边带SSR Secondary surveillance radar 二次监视雷达SST Supersonic transport 超音速运输机STA Strait in approach 直线进近STAR Standard terminal arrival 标准终端进场STD Standard 标准STN Station 站,站位STNR Stationary 静止的STWL Stopway light(s) 停止道灯SUP Supplement 增补,补充SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures 地区补充程序SW Southwest 西南SWB South-westbound 向西南飞SWY Stopway 停止道T Temperature 温度TA Transition altitude 过度高度TAF Aerodrome forecast 机场天气预报TAIL Tail wind 顺风TAR Terminal area surveillance radar 终端区监视雷达TAS True airspeed 真空速TCA Terminal control area 终端管制区TDO Tornado 龙卷风TDZ Touchdown zone 接地区TEMPO Temporary 临时TEND Trend forecast 趋势预报TFC Traffic 交通TGL Touch-and-go landing 连续起落TGS Taxiing guidance system 滑行引导系统THR Threshold 跑道入口TKOF Take-off 起飞TMA Terminal control area 终端管制区TNA Turn altitude 转弯高度TML Terminal 终端,终端机场TOC Top of climb 爬升顶点TODA Take-off distance available 可用起飞距离TORA Take-off run available 可用起飞滑跑距离TP Turning point 转弯点TR Track 航迹,轨迹TRA Temporary reserved airspace 临时备用空域TRL Transition level 过度高度层TROP Tropopause 对流层顶TT Teletypewriter 电传打字机TURB Turbulence 颠簸TVOR Terminal VOR 终端甚高频全向信标TWR Tower 塔台TWY Taxiway 滑行道TWYL Taxiway-link 滑行联络道TXT Text 电文TYP Type of aircraft 机型TYPH Typhoon 台风UAA Upper advisory area 高空咨询区UAB Until advised by…直到由…通知UAC Upper area control center 高空区域管制中心UAD Upper advisory route 高空咨询航路UAR Upper air route 高空航路UFN Until further notice 直至进一步通知UGT Urgent 紧急UHF Ultra high frequency (300-3000MHz) 超高频(300-3000兆赫)UIC Upper information center 高空情报中心UIR Upper flight information region 高空飞行情报区UNL Unlimited 无限制U/S Unserviceable 不能使用USB Upper sideband 上边带UTA Upper control area 高空管制区UTC Coordinated universal time 协调世界时UWY Upper airway 高空航路VAC Visual approach chart 目视进近图VAR Magnetic variation 磁差VASIS Visual approach slope indicator system 目视进近坡度指示系统VDF VHF direction finding station 甚高频定向台VDP Visual descent point 目视下降点VFR Visual flight rules 目视飞行规则VHF Very high frequency (30-300MHz) 甚高频VIP Very important person 要客VIS Visibility 能见度VLF Very low frequency 甚低频VMC Visual meteorological conditions 目视气象条件VNAV Vertical navigation 垂直导航VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in flight供飞行中航空器用的气象情报VOR VHF Omnidirectional range 甚高频全向信标VSP Vertical speed 垂直速度VTOL Vertical take-off and landing 垂直起降VV Vertical visibility 垂直能见度W West, white 西,白色WAC World Aeronautical Chart 世界航图(1:1000,000)WB Westbound 向西飞WDI Wind direction indicator 风向指示器WEF With effect from 自xx起生效WIE With immediate effect 立即生效WIP Work in progress 工程在进行中WO Without 没有WPT Way-point 航路点WRNG Warning 警告,报警WS Wind shear 风切变WT Weight 重量WX Weather 天气X Cross 交叉,十字XNG Crossing 穿越Y Yellow 黄色YDS Zulu time 格林尼治平时Z Coordinated universal time 协调世界时。
空中交通管制缩略语大全(ICAO English)A Amber 琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/A Air-to-air 空对空AAL Above Aerodrome Level 高出机场平面ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodrome beacon 机场灯标ABT About 关于ABV Above …以上AC Altocumulus 高积云ACAC Airborne collision avoidance system 机载防撞系统ACC Area control center 区域管制中心ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge 承认,收悉CAN Aircraft classification number 航空器等级序号AD Aerodrome 机场ADA Advisory area 咨询区ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment 自动定向设备ADIZ Air defense identification zone 防空识别区ADR Advisory route 咨询航路ADS Address 收电地址ADVS Advisory service 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AEIS Aeronautical en-route information service 航空的航路情报服务AER Approach end runway 跑道的进近端AERADIO Air radio 航空无线电AES Aerodrome emergency services 机场紧急服务AFB Air force base 空军基地AFCS Automatic flight control system 飞行自动控制系统AFIS Aerodrome flight information service 机场飞行情报服务AFL Above field level 高于场面AFM Affirmative 是的,对的AFS Aeronautical fixed service 航空固定服务AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network航空固定电信网A/G Air to ground 空对地AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids机场、航路和地面助航设施AGL Above ground level 高出地面AGN Again 再,再次AIREP Air report 空中报告ALA Alighting area 着陆区,降落区ALR Alerting 告警ALS Approach lighting system 进近灯光系统ALT Altitude 海拔高度ALTN Alternate 备降,备分AM Amplitude modulation 调幅AMA Area minimum altitude 区域最低高度AMDT Amendment 修订AMS Aeronautical mobile service 航空移动服务AMSL Above mean sea level 高出平均海平面AOC Airport obstacle chart 机场障碍物图AOR Area of responsibility 责任区APCH Approach 进近APP Approach control 进近管制APRX Approximate 大约APU Auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置APV Approve 批准ARO Air traffic services reporting office 空中交通服务报告室ARP Airport reference point 机场基准点ARQ Automatic error correction 自动误差纠正ARR Arrival 到达ARSA Airport radar service area 机场雷达服务区ARSR Air route surveillance radar 空中航路监视雷达AS Altostratus 高层云ASC Ascend to 上升ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available 可用加速停止距离ASPH Asphalt 沥青ASR Airport surveillance radar 机场监视雷达ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间ATC Air traffic control 空中交通管制ATD Actual time of departure 实际离场时间ATF Aerodrome traffic frequency 机场交通频率ATFM Air traffic flow management 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automatic terminal information service 自动终端情报服务ATM Air traffic management 空中交通管理ATN Aeronautical telecommunication network 航空电信网ATS Air traffic service 空中交通服务ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone 机场交通地带AUTH Authorized 授权AUW All up weight 起飞全重AUX Auxiliary 辅助的A VBL Available 有用的,可用性A VG Average 平均AWY Airway 航路AZM Azimuth 方位(角)B Blue 兰色(南北向辅航路)BA Braking action 刹车效应BASE Cloud base 云底BC Back course 后航道BCN Beacon 灯标BCST Broadcast 广播BDRY Boundary 边界BFR Before 在…之前BGN Begin 开始BKN Broken 裂云BLDG Building 建筑物BLW Below …以下BRG Bearing 方位(角)BTL Between layers 云层之间,云层飞行BTN Between 在…之间BYD Beyond 超过C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) 摄氏度CAAC Civil aviation administration of China 中国民用航空总局CAB Civil Aeronautics Board (美国)民用航空委员会CA T Clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸CA T Category 分类,类别CB Cumulonimbus 积雨云CEIL Ceiling 云高CGL Circling guidance light(s) 盘旋引导灯CH Channel 波道CHG Change 改变、换CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查,校核CL Center line 中心线CLBR Calibration 校正CLG Calling 呼叫CLR Clear, clearance 放行,放行许可CLSD Closed 关闭CM Centimeter 厘米CMB Climb to 爬升至CNL Cancel or cancelled 取消CNS Communication, navigation and surveillance 通信、导航和监视COM Communications 通信CONC Concrete 混凝土COND Condition 条件,状况CONT Continue(s) 连续,连续的COORD Coordinates 坐标COP Change-over point 转换点COR Correct or correction 正确,更正CORR Corridor 走廊CPU Central processing unit 计算机中央处理系统CRP Compulsory reporting point 强制性位置报告点CRT Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CTA Control area 管制区CTL Control 管制,控制CTN Caution 注意CTR Control zone 管制地带CWY Clearway 净空道DA Decision altitude 决断高度DCKG Docking 停靠DCT Direct 直线进近,直飞DEG Degree 度DEP Depart/departure 起飞或离场DEPT Department 部门DES Descend to 下降DEST Destination 目的地DEV Deviation 偏航,偏离DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator 离接地距离指示器DH Decision height 决断高DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert, diverting 改航,转向DLA Delay 延误DME Distance measuring equipment 测距仪DP Dew point temperature 露点DPT Depth 深度DR Dead reckoning 推测DRG During 在…期间DS Dust storm 尘暴DSB Double sideband 双边带DUR Duration 持续期,持续时间DVOR Doppler VOR 多普勒全向信标EAT Expected approach time 预计进近时间EET Expected elapsed time 预计航程(经过)时间EFC Expected further clearance 预计进一步放行许可ELEV Elevation 标高EM Emission 发射,发讯EMERG Emergency 紧急,应急ENG Engine 发动机ERR Error 错误EST Estimate 预计,估计ETA Estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间ETD Estimated time of departure 预计离场时间ETE Estimated time enroute 预计航路飞行时间ETO Estimated time over 预计飞越时间EXC Except 除…..之外EXP Expect 预期,希望EXTD Extend 延长、延伸F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏(度)FAA Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局(美)FAC Facilities 设施,设备FAF Final approach fix 最后进近定位点FAP Final approach point 最后进近点FAS Final approach segment 最后进近航段FAX Facsimile transmission 传真FC Funnel cloud 漏斗云FCST Forecast 预报FCT Friction coefficient 摩擦系数FG Fog 雾FIC Flight information center 飞行情报中心FIR Flight information region 飞行情报区FIS Flight information service 飞行情报服务FISA Automated Flight information service 自动飞行情报服务FL Flight level 飞行高度FLD Field 机场,场地FLG Flashing 闪光,照明弹FLT Flight 飞行,飞行航班FM From 自,从FM Frequency modulation 调频FMS Flight management system 飞行控制系统FMU Flight management unit 流量管理单位FNA Final approach 最后进近FPL Filed flight plan 申报的飞行计划FPM Feet per minute 英尺/分FPR Flight plan route 飞行计划路线FR Fuel remaining 剩余油量FREQ Frequency 频率FSL Full stop landing 全停着陆FSS Flight service station 飞行服务站FST First 第一FT Feet 英尺G Green 绿色(东西向主航路)GA General aviation 通用航空GCA Ground controlled approach (radar) 地面管制进近(雷达)GEO Geographic or true 地理的或真的GMT Greenwich mean time 地面管制GP Glide path 下滑道GPS Global positioning system 全球定位系统GRADU Gradually 逐渐地GS Glide slope 下滑坡度GS Ground speed 地速GWT Gross weight 全重H24 24 hour service 24小时服务HBN Hazard beacon 危险信标HC Critical height 临界高HDF High frequency direction finding station 高频定向台HDG Heading 航向HEL Helicopter 直升机HF High frequency (3-30 MHz) 高频HGT Height 高HJ Sunrise to sunset 日出至日没,昼间服务HLDG Holding 等待HN Sunset to sunrise 日没日出至,夜间服务HPA Hectopascal 百帕HS During hours of scheduled operations 按航班开放HIS Horizontal situation indicator 水平状态指示仪HST High speed taxiway turn-off 高速转出滑行道HX Irregular service 非定时服务Hz Hertz (cycles per second) 赫兹(每分钟周数)IAC Instrument approach chart 仪表进近图IAF Initial approach fix 起始进近定位点IAL Instrument approach and landing chart 仪表进近和着陆图IAP Instrument approach procedure 仪表进近程序IAR Intersection of air routes 航路交叉点IAS Indicated airspeed 指示空速IATA International air transport association 国际航空运输协会IBN Identification beacon 识别灯标ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织IDENT Identification 识别,认别标志IF Intermediate approach fix 中间进近定位点IFR Instrument flight rules 仪表飞行规则IGS Instrument guiding system 仪表引导系统ILS Instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统IM Inner marker 内指点标IMC Instrument meteorological conditions 仪表气象条件IMG Immigration 入境,移民IMPT Important 重要INBD Inbound 进场,向台INFO Information 资料,情报INOP Inoperative 不工作INP If not possible 如不可能INPR In progress 在进行中INS Inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统INT Intersection 交叉点,联络道INTER Intermittent 间断的INTL International 国际的INTRG Interrogator 询问器INTRP Interrupted 中断,干扰IR Ice on runway 跑道积冰IS Island 岛屿ISA International standard atmosphere 国际标准大气JTST Jet stream 高空激流KG Kilogram 公斤KHz Kilohertz 千赫KM Kilometer 公里KMH Kilometer(s) per hour 公里/时KT Knots 海里/时KW Kilowatt 千瓦L Locator (Compass) 示位台LAT Latitude 纬度LB Pound 磅LCT Local time 当地时间LDA Landing distance available 可用着陆距离LDG Landing 着陆LDI Landing direction indicator 着陆方向指示器LEN Length 长度LF Low frequency 低频(30-300千赫)LGT Light, lighting 灯,灯光LIH Light intensity high 高强度灯LIL Light intensity low 低强度灯LIM Light intensity medium 中强度灯LLZ Localizer 航向道LMM Locator middle marker 示位台中指点标LOM Locator outer marker 示位台外指点标LONG Longitude 经度LORAN LORAN(long range air navigation system)罗兰(远程导航系统)LT Local time 当地时LVL Level 水平,层M Meters 米MAA Maximum authorized altitude 批准的最大高度MAG Magnetic 磁的MAINT Maintenance 维修,维护MAP Aeronautical maps and charts 航空地图和航图MAPT Missed approach point 复飞点MAR Marine (At sea) 在海上,在海洋MAX Maximum 最大的MB Millibar 毫巴MBZ Mandatory broadcast zone 强制广播区MCA Minimum crossing altitude 最低穿越高度MDA Minimum descent altitude 最低下降高度MDF Medium frequency direction-finding station 中频定向台MEA Minimum en-route altitude 最低航路高度MER True height above MSL 高出平均海平面的真高MET Meteorological 气象的METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)航空例行天气预报(用航空气象电码)MF Medium frequency 中频(300-3000赫兹)MHA Minimum holding altitude 最低等待高度MHz Megahertz 兆赫MID Mid-point (related to RVR) 中间点(关于跑道视程)MIL Military 军用,军事MIN Minutes 分钟MKR Marker radio beacon 无线电指点信标MLS Microwave landing system 微波着陆系统MM Middle marker 中指点标MM Millimeter 毫米MOA Military operating area 军事活动区MOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required) 最小超障余度(要求的)MOD Moderate 中度MOV Move, movement 活动,运动MPH Miles per hour 英里/小时MPS Meters per second 米/秒MPW Maximum permitted weight 最大允许重量MRA Minimum reception altitude 最低接受高度MRG Medium range 中程MS Minus 减,负MSA Minimum sector altitude 最低扇区高度MSG Message 电报MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面MT Mountain 山MTOW Maximum take-off weight 最大起飞重量MTW A Maximum total weight authorized 最大允许全重N Night, north or northern 夜间,北或北方NA Not authorized 不允许,不批准NA T North Atlantic 北大西洋NA V Navigation 导航NA V AID Navigational aid 导航设施NB Northbound 向北飞行的NC No change 无变化NCRP Non-compulsory reporting point 非强制性位置报告点NDB Non-directional radio beacon 无方向性信标NE Northeast 东北NEB North-eastbound 向东北飞的NEG No, negative 不,不是,不正确的NGT Night 夜,夜晚NIL None 没有NM Nautical miles 海里NML Normal 正常NOF International NOTAM office 国际航行通告室NAP Noise abatement procedure 消噪音程序NOTAM Notice to airman 航行通告NR Number 号码,数NW North-west 西北NWB North-westbound 向西北方向飞的NXT Next 下一个,下次OAC Oceanic area control center 海洋管制中心OAS Obstacle assessment surface 障碍物评价面OBS Observe, observed, observation 观测,观察OBST Obstruction 障碍物OCA Oceanic control area 海洋管制区OCA Obstacle clearance altitude 超障高度OCS Obstacle clearance surface 超障面OM Outer marker 外指点标OPN Open 开放OPR Operator, operate, operative 经营人,报务员,运行OPS Operations 运行,运转O/R On request 按要求,按申请OTS Out of service 不工作OVNGT Overnight 过夜PALS Precision approach light system 精密进近灯光系统PANS-OPS Procedures for air navigation services—aircraft operations航行服务程序-航空器运行PAPI Precision approach path indicator 精密进近航径指示器PAR Precision approach radar 精密进近雷达PARL Parallel 平行PCN Pavement classification number 道面等级序号PCZ Positive control zone 绝对管制地带PERM Permanent 永久的PJE Parachute jumping exercise 跳伞训练PLN Flight plan 飞行计划PN Prior notice required 需事先通知POB Persons on board 机上人员PRKG Parking 停机PROB Probability 概率,可能性PROC Procedure 程序PROP Propeller aircraft 螺旋桨航空器PROV Provisional 临时的,暂时的PS Plus 加、正PSG Passing 过往,经过PSGR Passenger 旅客PSN Position 位置PTN Procedure turn 程序转弯PWR Power 电源,功率QDM Magnetic bearing to facility 向台磁方位QDR Magnetic bearing from facility 背台磁方位QFU Magnetic orientation of runway 跑道磁向QTE True bearing 真方位QUAD Quadrant 象限R Red 红色(东西向辅航路)R Radar, right 雷达,右RA Radio altimeter 无线电高度表RAC Rules of the air and air traffic services空中规则和空中交通服务RAG Runway arresting gear 跑道制动装置RAI Runway alignment indicator 对准跑道指示器RB Rescue boat 救生艇RCA Reaching cruising altitude 到达巡航高度RCC Rescue co-ordination center 救援协调中心RCF Radio communication failure 无线电通讯失效RCL Runway centerline 跑道中心线RCLM Runway centerline markings 跑道中心线标志RCLR Recleared 再放行RDL Radial 径向线REC Receive, receiver 收,收到,接收REDL Runway edge light(s) 跑道边灯REF Reference 参阅REG Registration 登记,注册REIL Runway end identification lights 跑道端识别灯RENL Runway end light(s) 跑道端灯REP Reporting point 报告点REQ Request 请求RF Radio facility 无线电设施RFLG Refueling 加油(燃料)RH Right hand 右手(边)RL Report leaving 脱离报告RLCE Request level change en-route 请求在航路上改变高度层RLLS Runway lead-in lighting system 跑道引进灯光系统RMK Remarks 附注,备注RNA V Area navigation 区域导航/领航ROC Rate of climb 上升率,爬升率ROD Rate of descent 下滑率,下降率RPM Revolutions per hour 每分钟的转数RSCD Runway surface condition 跑道道面情况RSR En-route surveillance radar 航路监视雷达RTE Route 航路RTF Radiotelephony 无线电话RTG Radiotelegraphy 无线电报RTHL Runway threshold light(s) 跑道入口灯RTR Remote transmitter/receiver 遥控发射机/接收机RTS Return to service 恢复工作RTT Radio teletypewriter 无线电传打字机RTZL Runway touchdown zone light(s) 跑道接地带灯RVR Runway visual range 跑道视程RVV Runway visibility values 跑道能见度数值RWY Runway 跑道S South 南、南纬SAR Search and rescue 搜寻与援救SB Southbound 向南飞SDBY Stand by 等待,备份SE Southeast 东南SEB South-eastbound 向东南飞SEC Seconds 秒SECT Sector 扇区SELCAL Selective call system 选择呼叫系统SER Service 服务,工作SFC Surface 表面,道面SID Standard instrument departure 标准仪表离场SKED Schedule 定期SLW Slow 慢SMC Surface movement control 地面活动管制SMR Surface movement radar 地面活动雷达SN Snow 雪SNOWTAM Snow NOTAM 雪情通告SRA Special rules area 特殊规则区SRA Surveillance radar approach 监视雷达进近SRE Surveillance radar element 地面管制进近(GCA)的监视雷达部分SRG Short range 短程SSB Single sideband 单边带SSR Secondary surveillance radar 二次监视雷达SST Supersonic transport 超音速运输机STA Strait in approach 直线进近STAR Standard terminal arrival 标准终端进场STD Standard 标准STN Station 站,站位STNR Stationary 静止的STWL Stopway light(s) 停止道灯SUP Supplement 增补,补充SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures 地区补充程序SW Southwest 西南SWB South-westbound 向西南飞SWY Stopway 停止道T Temperature 温度TA Transition altitude 过度高度TAF Aerodrome forecast 机场天气预报TAIL Tail wind 顺风TAR Terminal area surveillance radar 终端区监视雷达TAS True airspeed 真空速TCA Terminal control area 终端管制区TDO Tornado 龙卷风TDZ Touchdown zone 接地区TEMPO Temporary 临时TEND Trend forecast 趋势预报TFC Traffic 交通TGL Touch-and-go landing 连续起落TGS Taxiing guidance system 滑行引导系统THR Threshold 跑道入口TKOF Take-off 起飞TMA Terminal control area 终端管制区TNA Turn altitude 转弯高度TML Terminal 终端,终端机场TOC Top of climb 爬升顶点TODA Take-off distance available 可用起飞距离TORA Take-off run available 可用起飞滑跑距离TP Turning point 转弯点TR Track 航迹,轨迹TRA Temporary reserved airspace 临时备用空域TRL Transition level 过度高度层TROP Tropopause 对流层顶TT Teletypewriter 电传打字机TURB Turbulence 颠簸TVOR Terminal VOR 终端甚高频全向信标TWR Tower 塔台TWY Taxiway 滑行道TWYL Taxiway-link 滑行联络道TXT Text 电文TYP Type of aircraft 机型TYPH Typhoon 台风UAA Upper advisory area 高空咨询区UAB Until advised by…直到由…通知UAC Upper area control center 高空区域管制中心UAD Upper advisory route 高空咨询航路UAR Upper air route 高空航路UFN Until further notice 直至进一步通知UGT Urgent 紧急UHF Ultra high frequency (300-3000MHz) 超高频(300-3000兆赫)UIC Upper information center 高空情报中心UIR Upper flight information region 高空飞行情报区UNL Unlimited 无限制U/S Unserviceable 不能使用USB Upper sideband 上边带UTA Upper control area 高空管制区UTC Coordinated universal time 协调世界时UWY Upper airway 高空航路V AC Visual approach chart 目视进近图V AR Magnetic variation 磁差V ASIS Visual approach slope indicator system 目视进近坡度指示系统VDF VHF direction finding station 甚高频定向台VDP Visual descent point 目视下降点VFR Visual flight rules 目视飞行规则VHF Very high frequency (30-300MHz) 甚高频VIP Very important person 要客VIS Visibility 能见度VLF Very low frequency 甚低频VMC Visual meteorological conditions 目视气象条件VNA V Vertical navigation 垂直导航VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in flight供飞行中航空器用的气象情报VOR VHF Omnidirectional range 甚高频全向信标VSP Vertical speed 垂直速度VTOL Vertical take-off and landing 垂直起降VV Vertical visibility 垂直能见度W West, white 西,白色WAC World Aeronautical Chart 世界航图(1:1000,000) WB Westbound 向西飞WDI Wind direction indicator 风向指示器WEF With effect from 自xx起生效WIE With immediate effect 立即生效WIP Work in progress 工程在进行中WO Without 没有WPT Way-point 航路点WRNG Warning 警告,报警WS Wind shear 风切变WT Weight 重量WX Weather 天气X Cross 交叉,十字XNG Crossing 穿越Y Yellow 黄色YDS Zulu time 格林尼治平时Z Coordinated universal time 协调世界时。
AC alternating current 交流电ACARS aircraft communicationaddressing and reporting system 飞机通信寻址报告系统CAN aircraft classification number 航空器等级序号ADC air data computer 大气数据计算机ADF automatic direction finder 自动定向仪ADI attitude director indicator 姿态指引仪ADS automatic dependent surveillance 自动向关监视AF audio frequency 音频AIM air man’s information manual 飞行人员资料手册AM amplitude modulate 调幅AMT aircraft maintenance technician 飞机维修技术人员AOA angle of attack 迎角AOG aircraft on ground 停机坪APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置ASR aerodrome surveillance radar 机场监视雷达ATC air traffic control 空中交通管制ATCRBS air traffic control radarbeacon system 空中交通管制雷达系标系统(二次雷达)ATIS automatic terminal informationservice 航站自动情报服务ATM air traffic management 空中交通管理BITE built-in test equipment 自动检测设备CAAC civil aviation administrationof China 中国民航总局CAT clear air turbulence 晴空湍流CCAR China civil aviation regulation 中国民用航空规章CCW counter clock wise 逆时针方向CDU control display unit 控制显示组件CNS communication navigation surveillance 通讯导航监视CG center of gravity 重心DCS departing computer system 计算机离港系统DME distance measuring equipment 测距仪EADI electronic attitude directorindicator 电子姿态指引仪ECS environmental control system 环境控制系统EFIS electronic flight instrument system 电子飞行仪表系统EGT exhaust gas temperature 排气温度EHSI electronic horizontal situationindicator 电子水平状态指示器EICAS engine indication and crew alertsystem 发动机指示及机组警告系统FAA federal aviation regulation 联邦航空局(美国)FIS flight information service 飞行情报服务FIR flight information region 目视飞行区域FMC flight management computer 飞行管理计算机FBO fixed base operator 通用航空服务站FMS flight manage system 飞行管理系统FSS flight service station 飞行服务站GNSS global navigation satellite system 全球卫星导航系统GMT Greenwich mean time 格林尼治平时GPS global positioning system 全球定位系统GPWS ground proximity warning system 近地警告系统HF high frequency 高频HIS horizon situation indication 水平状态指示仪IAS indication airspeed 指示空速,表速IATA international air transport association 国际航空运输协会ICAO international civil aviation organization 国际民用航空组织IFR instrument flight rules 仪表飞行规则ILS instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统IMC instrument meteorological conditions 仪表气象条件INS inertia navigation system 惯性导航系统ISA international standard atmosphere 国际标准大气ISO international organization for standardization 国际标准组织JAA joint aviation administration 联合航空局(欧盟)LCD liquid crystal display 液晶显示器MLS microwave landing system 微波着陆系统MTOW maximum takeoff weight 最大起飞重量MZFW maximum zero fuel weight 最大无燃油重量NDB no direction beacon 无方向信标,中波导航台PCN pavement classification number 道面等级序号PSR primary surveillance radar 一次雷达QFE 场压高度QNE 标准气压高度QNH 修正海压高度RAT ram air turbine 冲压空气涡轮RF radio frequency 射频,无线电频率RNA V area navigation 区域导航RMI radio magnetic indicator 无线电磁(罗盘)指标器RVR runway visual range 跑道视程SATCOM satellite communication 卫星通信SID standard instrument departure 标准仪表离场SIGMET significant meteorology information 重要天气情报SNOWTAM 雪情报告SPI special position identification pulse 位置识别脉冲SSR secondary surveillance radar 二次雷达TAS true air speed 真空速TAT total air temperature 大气总温TCA terminal control area 终端管制区,航站管制区TCAS traffic alert and collision avoidance system 交通警告和防撞系统TH true heading 真航向TMC thrust management system 推力管理系统UHF ultra high frequency 超高频UT universal time 世界时UTC coordinated universal time 协调世界时VFR visual flight rules 目视飞行原则VHF very high frequency 甚高频VMC visual meteorological conditions 目视气象条件VOR very high frequency Omnidirectional radio range 甚高频全向信标VSI vertical speed indicator 升降速度表。
民航英语缩略词III Island 岛屿I Index 指数I Interest 利息,兴趣IA Intermediate Altitude 中间高度IA Iowa 衣阿华州(美)IAA Initial Approach Altitude 起始进近高度IAA Intermediate Approach Area 中间进近区IAC International Air Convention 国际航空公约IAC Instrument Approach Chart 仪表进近图IACAInternational Air CarrierAssociation国际航空公司协会IAF Initial Approach Fix 起始进近定位点IAF Indian Air Force 印度空军Iraqui Air Force 伊拉克空军IALInstrument Approach andLanding Chart仪表进近与着陆图IAO IN And Out Of Clouds 出入云中,云层飞行IAP Istrument Approach Procedure 仪表进近程序IAP International Airport 国际机场IAP Initial Approach Procedure 起始进近程序IAPCH Initial Approach 起始进近IAR Intersection Of Air Routes 航路交叉点IAS Indicated Airspeed 指示空速IATAInternational Air TransportAssoci-ation国际航空运输协会IATSC International AeronauticalTeleco-mmunication SwitchingCenter国际航空电信中继中心IAW In Accordance With 按照,与……一致IB Ibidem 此处同上(拉丁语)I/B Inboard 侧,机IBN Identification Beacon 识别灯标IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路I/C Inspection/Check 检验/检查I/C In Charge Of 负责,主管ICAC Initial Cruise Altitude Capability 起始巡航高度能力International Civil Aircraft国际民用航空器标记ICAMMarkingInternational Civil Aviation国际民航组织ICAOOrganizationICC Inner Combusion Chamber 燃烧室ICD Interface Control Document 互相控制文件ICE Icing 结冰ICE Dry Ice 干冰ICE Iceland 冰岛ICS Inter-Communication System 部通讯系统ICU Instrument Comparator Unit 仪表比较器组件ICU Interface Control Unit 交连控制组件ID Identification 识别ID Idem 同上(拉丁语)ID Dinar 第纳尔(货币单位)ID Identify 鉴定,辨认ID Inside Diameter 径IDB Intergrated Data Base 综合数据库IDD International Direct Dialing 国际直拨IDENT Identify 辩认,鉴定IDENT Identification 识别IDG Integrated Drive Generator 整体驱动发电机IDN Indonesia 印度尼西亚IDNT Identification 识别IDR Instrument Departure Route 仪表离场路线IDR Indonesian Rupiah 印尼卢比(货币单位)IDS Integrated Display System 综合显示系统IDS Interactive Display System 相互作用设计系统IDU Integrated Display Unit 综合显示组件i.e. Id Est, That is 即,也就是IE Ireland 爱尔兰I/E Import And Export 进出口Institute of Electrical and电气和电子工程学院IEEEElectronic EngineersIEM Interational Express Mail 国际快邮Instrument,Electrical Radio and仪表,电气,无线电和电子I.E.R.A.AvionicsIF Intermediate Frequency 中频IF Intermediate Fix 中间定位点IF Initial Fix 起始定位点IF Inflight 在飞行中I/F Instrument Flight 仪表飞行IFA Integrated Fault Analyzer 综合故障分析器International Federation Airline驾驶员协会国际联合会IFALPAPilot AssociationInternational Federation of空通管制员IFATCATrafficController Association 协会国际联合会IFC Instrument Flight Center 仪表飞行中心Identification of Friend or Foe敌我识别器IFEDeviceIFMN Information 情报,消息,信息,资料IFMS Integrated Management System 综合管理系统IFR Instrument Flight Rules 仪表飞行规则IFR Infrared 红外的International Frequency国际频率注册局IFRBRegistration BoardInternational Flight Service国际飞行服务站IFSSStationIntegrated Functional Test综合功能检测系统FTSSystemIFUN If Unable 如不能IG Imperial Gallons 英加仑IGA International General Aviation 国际通用航空IGB Inlet Gearbox 入口齿轮箱IGN Iguiter 点火箱IGN Ignition 点火IGN Ignore 不理睬IGPM Imperial Gallons Per Minute 英加仑IGR Igitur 所以(拉丁语)IGS Instrument Guidance System 仪表引导系统IGS Integrated Graphic System 集成图形系统IGV Inlet Guide Valve 进气道导向活门IGV Inlet Guide Vanes 进气道导向叶片IGVA Inlet Guide Vane Actuator 进气道导向叶片作动器IHP Indicated Horse Power 指示马力IHPH Indicated Horse Power Per Hour 指示马力/小时I/L Import Licence 进口执照IL Illinois 依利诺斯州International Language For国际航空用语ILAAviationILEF Inside Leading Edge Flaps 侧前缘襟翼ILES Inside Leading Edge Station 侧前缘襟翼站位ILLUM Illuminate 照明、亮ILLUS Illustrate 图解ILLUS Illustration 图解ILM Independent Landing Monitor 独立着陆监视器ILO In Lieu Of 代替ILS Instrument Landing System 仪表着陆系统ILS Integrated Instrument System 综合着陆系统ILS Back Beam Only(No Glide仅有ILS背台航道(无下滑道)ILS BBPath)ILS C ILS Autopilot Coupled Approach ILS自动驾驶耦合进近ILS CP ILS Control Panel ILS控制板ILS H Handfloum ILS Approach 人工飞行ILS进近IM Inner Marker 指点标IM Import 进口IMBAL Imbalance 不平衡Instrument Meteorological仪表气象条件IMCConditionsIMD Immediate(Ly) 立即IMDIAT Immediate(Ly) 立即IMDT Immediately 立即IMG Immigrate 移民IMG Immigration 移民局IMG Imperial Gallons 加仑IMI Instrument Memory Indicator 仪表存储指示器IMLI Import Licence 进口执照IMM Immigration 移民局IMM Inflight Maintenance Message 飞行中维护信息IMM Immediately 立即IMMEDT Immediate 立即IMMEDT Immediately 立即IMMG Immigration 移民局IMMIG Immigrant 移民IMMIG Immigration 移民局Intergrated Maintenance Monitor综合维护监控系统IMMSSystemIMO International Money Order 国际汇票IMN Indicated Mach Number 指示马赫数IMP Important 重要的IMP Import 进口IMP Improve 改进,变好IMP Imperial 英制的IMPCE Importance 重要性IMP GAL Imperial Gallons 英加仑IMPER Imperative 紧急的,强制的IMPO Impossible 不可能IMPOSS Impossible 不可能IMPR Improve 改进,变好,好转IMPR Improvement 改进,改善IMPROV Improve 改进,变好IMPSBL Impossible 不可能IMPT Important 重要的IMPT Import 进口IMPV Imperative 紧急的,强制的IMPVD Improved 改进的,变好的IMPVMT Improvement 改进,改善IMR Indicated Mach Reading 指示马赫数Information Management信息管理系统IMSSystemIMT Immediately 立即IMTA Intensive Military Training Area 集中军事训练区IN Inch 英寸N Infant 婴儿IN Inspection 检验,检查IN Input 输入IN India 印度IN Interest 利息,兴趣I/N Inventory Number 清单,INA Initial Approach 起始进近INABL Inability 无能力的INADQT Inadequate 不适合的INB Inbound 进场,向台INB Inboard 机,侧INBD Inboard 机,侧INBD Inbound 进场,向台INBND Inbound 进场,向台INC Include 包括INC Including 包括INC In Cloud 云中INC Incorporated 并入的,联合的INC Increase 增加IN/C In Charge 负责,主管INCD Include 包括INCDT Incident 事件INCE Insurance 保险INCERFA Uncertainty Phase 情况不明阶段INCL Include 包括INCL Including 包括INCL Inclose 封入INCL Inclosure 信封INCLDG Including 包括INCLZ Inclose 封入INCOMG Incoming 进来的,进场的INCON Interconnect 交连INCOR(R) Incorrect 不正确的,错误的INCP Incomplete 未完成的,不完全的INCPLT Incomplete 未完成的,不完全的INCR Increase 增加INCRCT Incrrect 不正确的,错误的INCRS Increase 增加IND Indicator 指示器IND Indicate 指示,表示IND Indication 指示,表示IND Independent 独立的IND Index 指数IND Industry 工业IND India 印度INDEF Indefinite 无限期的,不明确的INDEM Indemnity 赔偿INDENT Indenture 合同,契约INDIR Indirect 不直接的,间接的INDIV Individual 个别的INDR Indoor 室IND SENS Indicator Sensitivity 指示器灵敏度INE Import and Export 进、出口INEV Inevitable 不可避免的INF Interface 交连,交接面INF Information 情报,资料,信息INF Inferior 低劣的INFC Interface 互联,交连,交接面INFD Informed 已通知INFLT Inflight 飞行中INFM Inform 通知,告知INFM Information 情报,资料,信息INFML Informal 非正式的INFO Information 情报,资料,信息INFO Inform 通知,告知INFR Infrared 红外的INH Inhibit 抑制INHAB Inhabitants 居民INHB Inhibit 抑制,禁止INHIB Information 抑制,制动,禁止INHG Inches of Mercury 英寸水银柱IN-IB Inch-Pound 英寸/磅INIT Initiate 起始INIT Initialization 起始,初始化INJC Injection 注射INLB Inch-Pound 英寸/磅INLK Interlock 联锁INO Indian Ocean Region(ICAO) 印度洋地区(国际民航组织)INOP(V) Inoperative 不工作,无效INP If Not Possible 如不能INP Input 输入INPH Interphone 话机INPR In Progress 在进行中INQ Inquiry 询问,询价INQR Inquire 询问,调查INR Inner 部的,侧的INR Indian Ruppee 印度卢比(货币单位)INS Nertial Navigation System 惯性导航系统INS Inches 英寸INS Insurance 保险INS Insurance 保险INSDU INS Display Unit 惯导系统显示组件INSIG Insignificant 无意义的INSL Insulated 绝缘的INSP Inspect 检验,检查INSP(N) Inspection 检验,检查INSPR Inspector 检查员INSR Insurance 保险INSRT Insert 插入INST Instant 紧急的,本月的INST Instrument 仪表INST Install 安装INST Installation 安装,设备INSTD Instead 代替INSTL Install 安装INSTL Installation 安装,设备INSTMT Instrument 仪表INSTNS Instructions 说明,指示INSTR Instrument 仪表INSTR Instruction 说明,指示INSUF Insufficient 不足的INSUL Insulated 绝缘的,保温的INSUL Insulation 绝缘,保温INT Intersection 交叉点INT Interest 利息,兴趣INT International 国际的INT Intermittent 间歇的INT Interrupt 中断INT Intake 入口,进气道INT Intensity 强度INT Interphone 话机INT Internal 部INT Integral 整体的INTAM Internal Notices to Airmen 部航行通告INTC Interconnect 交连INTC Intercept 截获,切入INTCHBLE Interchangeable 可交替的,可互换的INTCHG Interchange 互换,交替INTCON Interconnection 通INTEG Integrator 积分器INTER Intermittent 间歇的INTER Interrupt 中断,打扰INTER Internal 部的INTERCOM Intercommunication 通,话INTERN International 国际的INTERP Interpreter 翻译INT/F International Fare 国际票价INTFC Interface 交连,交接面INTFC Interference 干扰INTIMN Intimation 通告INTK Intake 入口,进气道INTL International 国际的INTL Initial 起始的,开始的INTLK Interlock 联锁INTMD Intermediate 中间的INTMT Intermittent 间歇的INTN Intention 打算,意向INTN International 国际的INTPH Interphone 话机INTPR Interpreter 翻译INTR Interruption 中断INTR Interrupt 中断INTR International 国际的INTRG Interrogator 询问器INTRO Introduction 介绍,引进INTRLN/R Interline Rate 联运运费INTRP Interrupt 中断,干扰INTRP Interruption 中断,干扰INTRST Interest 利息,兴趣INTRSTD Interested 有关的,感兴趣的INTSF Intensify 加强,加剧,强化INTST Intensify 强度INTST Interest 利息,兴趣INTSTD Interested 有关的,感兴趣的INTSV Intensive 密集的INTSV Intensive 密集的INTSVC International Service 国际航班INTSYS Inter System 部系统INTVW Interview 会见,访问INU Inertial Navigation Unit 惯性导航组件INV Invalid 无效的INV Invert 倒的,相反的,逆的INV Invertor 变流机,变压器INV Invoice 发票INV Inventory 清单INV Invain 无效INV Invent 发明INVEST Investigate 调查,考察INVEST Investigation 调查,考察INVIT Invitation 邀请INVMT Investment 投资INVO Invoice 发票INVTR Inverter 变流机,变压器IO In Order 有顺序I/O Input/Output 输入/输出I/O Instead of 代替Indicated Outside Air指示的外界大气温度IOATTemperatureIOC Input/Output Controller 输入/输出控制器IOCE Input/Output Control Element 输入/输出控制元件Inboard Overhead Electronics侧预部电子组件IOEUUnitIOL Inboard Open/loop 开,环路IOU I Owe You 我借你……P Intermediate Pressure 中间压力IPC Illustrated Part Catalog 图解零件目录IPO Integrated Purchase Order 综合购买定货IPS Intermittent Positive Control 间歇性绝对管制IPS Inches Per Second 英寸/秒IPU Instruction Processor Unit 指令处理组件IPV Improve 改进,变好IQ Iraq 伊拉克IR Instrument Restricted Controlled 仪表限制控制空域IR Ice On Runway 跑道上有冰IR Indian Rupee 印度卢比(货币单位)I/R Instrument Restricted 限于仪表飞行I/R Interchangeability/Replaceability 互换性/替换性IRC International Route Charge 国际航线收费IRC Inbound Radar Control 进场雷达管制IRE Irregular 不规则的,不定期的IRE Ireland 爱尔兰Inertial Referenced Flight惯性基准飞行检查系统IRFISInspection SystemIRGAV Change In Aircraft Type 改换机型Change In Equipment Or Lay改变设备或客舱布局IRGEQOutIRGHO Change In Schedule Time 改变班期时刻IRI Iran Rial 伊朗里亚尔(货币单位)IRL Ireland 爱尔兰IRMP Inertial Reference Mode Panel 惯性基准组件面板IRN Iran 伊朗IRP Irregularity Report 非正常情况报告IRPT Interrupt 中断,打扰IRR Iranian Rial 伊拉克里亚尔(货币单位)IRR Irrevocable 不可改变的IRR Instrument Rating Renewal 仪表额定更新IRREG Irregular 不正常,不规则,不定期IRS Inertial Reference System 惯性基准系统IRS/NAV IRS/Navigation 惯性基准系统/导航IRU Inertial Reference Unit 惯性基准组件Inertial Reference Unit惯性基准电子元件IRUEElectronicsIS Island 岛屿IS Iceland 冰岛International Standardization国际标准协会ISAAssociationInternational Standard国际标准大气温度ISAAtmosphereISA If Space Available 如有空吨(座)位ISB Independent Sideband 独立边带ISB Inter System Bus 部系统汇流条ISD Issued 发行的,填开的,发布的ISDU Inertial System Display Unit 惯性系统显示组件ISL Island 岛屿ISL Iceland 冰岛ISLN Isolation 隔离ISM Inertial System Mount 惯性系统架Interim Standard Microwave临时标准微波着陆系统ISMLSLanding SystemISO Isolation 隔离International Standard国际标准组织ISOOrganizationISOL Isolated 独立的,隔离的ISOL Inolation 隔离ISP In-Service Problem 工作中的问题ISS Inertial Sensor System 惯性传感系统ISS Issue 发行,发布ISSS Instrument Source Select Switch 仪表电源选择电门ISU Issue 发行,填开,发布ISWL Isolated Single Wheel load 单轮当量载荷IT Items 项目IT Italian 意大利人,意大利语,意大利的IT In Transit 在运输中ITIN Itinerary 航程ITL Italian Lira 意大利里拉(货币单位)ITM Items 项目ITNL Internal 部的ITNRY Itinerary 航程ITS Integrated Test Specification 综合测试规格International国际电信联盟ITUTelecommunication UnionIU Index Unit 指数单位I/V Instrument/Visual 仪表/目视IVLD Invalid 无效的Instantaneous Vertrical Speed瞬时垂直速度表IVSIIndicatorI/W Inter-changeable 与……互换IWS With Itemized Work Statement 逐条施工说明IXR Runway Intersection 跑道联络道IAS Indicated Airspeed 指示空速ILS Instrument Landing System 仪表着陆系统IRS Instrument Reference System 惯性基准系统。
ALT:Altitude 高度ALTN:Alternate,Alternative 备用的AP:Autopilot自动驾驶APU:Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力装置ATA:Air Transport Association of America 美国航空运输协会ATC:Air Traffic Control空中交通管制CAAC:Civil Aviation Administration of China 中国民航总局CAB:Cabin客舱,座舱DH:Decision Height 决断高DME:Distance Measuring Equipment 测距机ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring 飞机电子集中监控(系统):Electronic Flight Instrument System:电子飞行仪表系统EFISEMER:Emergency 应急的,紧急的FAA:Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局(美国)FADEC:Full Authority digital Engine Control 全权数字式发动机控制FAR:Federal Aviation Regulation 联邦航空条例(美国)FIG Figure 图:Flight Management Computer 飞行管理计算机FMCGPS:Global Positioning System全球定位系统GPWS:Ground Proximity Warning System 近地警告系统IATA:International Air Transport Association国际航空运输协会ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organizition国际民航组织ILS:Instrument Landing System 仪表着陆系统;更多请参考盲降--仪表着陆系统ISA:International Standard Atmosphere 国际标准大气ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织Joint Aviation Administration 联合航空局(欧洲)JAR: Joint Airworthiness Requirements 联合适航条例MEL:Minimum Equipment List 最低设备清单NAV:Navigation 导航PFD:Primary Flight Display 主飞行显示器PN Part Number 零件号PTT: Push-to-Talk 按压通话RA: Radio Altimeter, Radio Altitude 无线电高度表,无线电高度SN: Serial Number 序号TCAS:Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System 防撞系统VHF:Very High Frequency甚高频VOR:VHF Omnidirectional Range 甚高频全向信标ADIRS Air Data/Inertial Reference System 大气资料惯性基准系统Air Data/Inertial Reference Unit 大气资料惯性基准组件ADIRUAOA Angle―of―Attack 迎角APPR Approach 进近ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated 航空无线电公司 Aircraft Recovery Manual 飞机恢复手册ARMARMD Armed 预位ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息互换标准代码ATA Air Transport Association of America 美国航空运输协会AVAIL Available 可用的,可实现的Circuit Breaker 电路跳开关C/BCheck List 检查单C/LCDU Control and Display Unit 控制显示组件CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder 驾驶舱话音记录器DDRMI Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator 数字式距离和无线电磁指示器DEC Declination、Decrease 倾斜,偏角,偏斜、减少DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder 数字式飞行资料记录器DISC Disconnect,Disconnected 脱开,脱开的ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control 发动机全权限数字控制FAIL Failed ,Failure 失效FFS Full Flight Simulator 全动模拟机ISOL Isolation 隔离LRRA Low Range Radio Altimeter 低高度无线电高度表Line Replaceable Unit 航线可更换件LRUMSG Message 信息NAS Navy and Army Standard 海军和陆军标准N/A Not Applicable 不适用NCD No Computed Data 无计算资料OVBD Overboard 机外OVHD Overhead 头顶的OVHT Overheat 过热OVLD Overload 过载OVRD Override 超控OVSP Overspeed 超速Oxygen 氧气OXYPSI Pound Per Square Inch 磅/平方英寸PWR Power 动力,电源QAD Quick-Attach-Detach 快速装卸QFE Field Elevation Atmospheric Pressure 场压QNE Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure 海平面标准气压 Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure 海平面气压QNHRA Resolution Advisory 决断提示RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator 无线电磁指示器SID Standard Instrument Departure 标准仪表离港STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route 标准进港航路UTC Universal Time Coordinated 国际协调时V1 Critical Engine Failure Speed 关键发动机失效速度V2 Takeoff Safety Speed 起飞安全速度V3 Flap Retraction Speed 襟翼收起速度V4 Slat Retraction Speed 缝翼收起速度WPT Waypoint 航路点WXR Weather Radar 气象雷达XPDR Transponder 应答机复飞:GA(Go Around):由于机场障碍或飞机本身发生故障(常见的是起落架放不下来),以及其他不宜降落的条件存在时,飞机中止着陆重新拉起转入爬升的过程,称为复飞。
空中交通管制缩略语大全(ICAO English)A Amber 琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/A Air-to—air 空对空AAL Above Aerodrome Level 高出机场平面ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodrome beacon 机场灯标ABT About 关于ABV Above …以上AC Altocumulus 高积云ACAC Airborne collision avoidance system 机载防撞系统ACC Area control center 区域管制中心ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge 承认,收悉CAN Aircraft classification number 航空器等级序号AD Aerodrome 机场ADA Advisory area 咨询区ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment 自动定向设备ADIZ Air defense identification zone 防空识别区ADR Advisory route 咨询航路ADS Address 收电地址ADVS Advisory service 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AEIS Aeronautical en-route information service 航空的航路情报服务AER Approach end runway 跑道的进近端AERADIO Air radio 航空无线电AES Aerodrome emergency services 机场紧急服务AFB Air force base 空军基地AFCS Automatic flight control system 飞行自动控制系统AFIS Aerodrome flight information service 机场飞行情报服务AFL Above field level 高于场面AFM Affirmative 是的,对的AFS Aeronautical fixed service 航空固定服务AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network航空固定电信网A/G Air to ground 空对地AGA Aerodromes,air routes and ground aids机场、航路和地面助航设施AGL Above ground level 高出地面AGN Again 再,再次AIREP Air report 空中报告ALA Alighting area 着陆区,降落区ALR Alerting 告警ALS Approach lighting system 进近灯光系统ALT Altitude 海拔高度ALTN Alternate 备降,备分AM Amplitude modulation 调幅AMA Area minimum altitude 区域最低高度AMDT Amendment 修订AMS Aeronautical mobile service 航空移动服务AMSL Above mean sea level 高出平均海平面AOC Airport obstacle chart 机场障碍物图AOR Area of responsibility 责任区APCH Approach 进近APP Approach control 进近管制APRX Approximate 大约APU Auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置APV Approve 批准ARO Air traffic services reporting office 空中交通服务报告室ARP Airport reference point 机场基准点ARQ Automatic error correction 自动误差纠正ARR Arrival 到达ARSA Airport radar service area 机场雷达服务区ARSR Air route surveillance radar 空中航路监视雷达AS Altostratus 高层云ASC Ascend to 上升ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available 可用加速停止距离ASPH Asphalt 沥青ASR Airport surveillance radar 机场监视雷达ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间ATC Air traffic control 空中交通管制ATD Actual time of departure 实际离场时间ATF Aerodrome traffic frequency 机场交通频率ATFM Air traffic flow management 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automatic terminal information service 自动终端情报服务ATM Air traffic management 空中交通管理ATN Aeronautical telecommunication network 航空电信网ATS Air traffic service 空中交通服务ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone 机场交通地带AUTH Authorized 授权AUW All up weight 起飞全重AUX Auxiliary 辅助的A VBL Available 有用的,可用性A VG Average 平均AWY Airway 航路AZM Azimuth 方位(角)B Blue 兰色(南北向辅航路) BA Braking action 刹车效应BASE Cloud base 云底BC Back course 后航道BCN Beacon 灯标BCST Broadcast 广播BDRY Boundary 边界BFR Before 在…之前BGN Begin 开始BKN Broken 裂云BLDG Building 建筑物BLW Below …以下BRG Bearing 方位(角)BTL Between layers 云层之间,云层飞行BTN Between 在…之间BYD Beyond 超过C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) 摄氏度CAAC Civil aviation administration of China 中国民用航空总局CAB Civil Aeronautics Board (美国)民用航空委员会CA T Clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸CA T Category 分类,类别CB Cumulonimbus 积雨云CEIL Ceiling 云高CGL Circling guidance light(s) 盘旋引导灯CH Channel 波道CHG Change 改变、换CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查,校核CL Center line 中心线CLBR Calibration 校正CLG Calling 呼叫CLR Clear, clearance 放行,放行许可CLSD Closed 关闭CM Centimeter 厘米CMB Climb to 爬升至CNL Cancel or cancelled 取消CNS Communication,navigation and surveillance 通信、导航和监视COM Communications 通信CONC Concrete 混凝土COND Condition 条件,状况CONT Continue(s)连续,连续的COORD Coordinates 坐标COP Change—over point 转换点COR Correct or correction 正确,更正CORR Corridor 走廊CPU Central processing unit 计算机中央处理系统CRP Compulsory reporting point 强制性位置报告点CRT Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CTA Control area 管制区CTL Control 管制,控制CTN Caution 注意CTR Control zone 管制地带CWY Clearway 净空道DA Decision altitude 决断高度DCKG Docking 停靠DCT Direct 直线进近,直飞DEG Degree 度DEP Depart/departure 起飞或离场DEPT Department 部门DES Descend to 下降DEST Destination 目的地DEV Deviation 偏航,偏离DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator 离接地距离指示器DH Decision height 决断高DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert,diverting 改航,转向DLA Delay 延误DME Distance measuring equipment 测距仪DP Dew point temperature 露点DPT Depth 深度DR Dead reckoning 推测DRG During 在…期间DS Dust storm 尘暴DSB Double sideband 双边带DUR Duration 持续期,持续时间DVOR Doppler VOR 多普勒全向信标EAT Expected approach time 预计进近时间EET Expected elapsed time 预计航程(经过)时间EFC Expected further clearance 预计进一步放行许可ELEV Elevation 标高EM Emission 发射,发讯EMERG Emergency 紧急,应急ENG Engine 发动机ERR Error 错误EST Estimate 预计,估计ETA Estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间ETD Estimated time of departure 预计离场时间ETE Estimated time enroute 预计航路飞行时间ETO Estimated time over 预计飞越时间EXC Except 除…。
民航定义和缩略语————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ定义和缩略语1. 定义1.1. 适航性是指民用航空器包括其部件及子系统整体性能和操纵特性在预期运行环境和使用限制下的安全性和物理完整性的一种品质,该品质要求航空器应始终处于保持符合其型号设计和始终处于安全运行状态。
1.2. 技术记录本(TLB)用于记录飞机在运营中机组和维修人员发现的故障及维修人员的处理措施,以及所有的计划维修作业,是真实记载飞机适航状况与维修状态的证明文件。
1.3. 飞行记录本(FLB)用以记录飞机飞行时间、机组成员、油液添加等与飞行安全有关的使用信息,是公司营运状态统计工作的重要文件,也是实施航线维修、定期维修工作后提供适航性放行签证的文件。
1.4. 客舱记录本(CLB)ﻩ用于记录飞机客舱内不影响飞行安全和飞机适航性项目(主要指一些服务性项目)的故障及排除措施,是公司改善服务工作的重要文件。
1.5. 单机档案ﻩ指每一具体航空器从制造出厂直到退役时的一套完整全面的技术履历,它侧重于归纳整理航空器在整个服役期间所有有意义的使用和维修方面的事实和事件,是核查所有法定技术文件在该航空器上执行情况的基本依据。
1.6. 年检指航空营运人的飞机应当接受局方进行的年度适航性检查,符合CCAR121R2的要求并获得适航证签署或者其他方式的签署后才能继续投入运行。
1.7. 维修是指对航空器或航空器部件所进行的任何检测、修理、排故、定期检修、翻修和改装工作。
1.8. 航线维修ﻩ指按照航空营运人提供的工作单对航空器进行的例行检查和按照相应飞机、发动机维护手册在航线进行故障和缺陷的处理,包括按照航空营运人机型最低设备清单和外形缺损清单保留故障和缺陷。
1.9. 定期检修(定检)指根据适航性资料,在航空器或者航空器部件使用达到一定时限时进行的检查和修理。
航空缩略语一览表航空缩略语一览表机上标志英文缩写缩写全称中文AAFT After 后面APPR Approach 进场AIL Aileron 副翼A. ICE Anti-icing 防冰ASAP As soon as possible 越快越好APU Auxiliary power unit 辅助电源装置ASI Air speed indicator 空速表A-SKID Anti-skid 防滑ALT Altimeter 高度表ACCUM Accumulator 蓄压器AIR COND Air condition 空气调节系统ADC Air data computer 大气数据计算机ALT Altitude 高度ACM Air combat maneuvering 空点机动性A/A Air to air 空对空A/B AB. After burner 加力ac. Alternating current 交流ACL Automatic carrier landing 自动舰载着陆ACQ Acquisition 获取ACS Automatic channel select 自动频率选择A/D Analog-to-digital 模数ADF Automatic direction finder 自动定向机自动飞行控制AFCS Automatic flight controlsystemA/G Air-to-ground 空对地AM Amplitude modulation 调幅AOA Angle of attack 攻角AOB Angle of bank 侧滑角AVTR Airborne videotape recorder 机载视频磁带记录仪机载武器控制系统AWCS Airborne weapon controlsystemASSY Assembly 组件AMP Amplifier 放大器A/C Aircraft 飞机ADV Advisory自动飞行控制系统AFCS Automatic flight controlsystemAGL Above ground level 离地面高度AIM Air intercept missile 空中拦截导弹A/P Autopilot 自动驾驶ATC Automatic throttle control 自动油门控制ATS Air turbine starter 空气涡轮起动器AUG Augment 增加AUTO Automatic 自动ACT Active 激活AFM Airplane flight manual 飞机飞行手册AH Alert height 预警高度ALT HOLD Altitude hold 保持高度APU Auxiliary power unit 辅助电源ATC Air traffic control 空中交通管制ABN Abnormal 非正常ANT Antenna 天线ALTN Alternate 转换A/P Auto pilot 自驾ARPT Airport 机场A/S Airspeed 空速AWY Airway 航空公司A>B A greater than B A大于BAPT Apartment 舱AVE Avenue 大街ATC Air traffic control 空管BBRT Bright 亮度BAT Battery 电池BRK Brake 刹车BARO Barometric 气压BIT Built-in test 嵌入式试验BLS Basic landing display 基本着陆显示BOX Backup oxygen system 备用氧气系统BALT Barometric altimeter 气压高度表BCN Beacon 信标机BLD Bleed 排气BNK Bank 坡度BRG Bearing 轴承B/CRS Back course 逆航向BNR Binary 二进制BRG Bearing 轴承BTL Bottle 瓶BLK Block 街区BLDG Building 楼BTW by the way 顺便说CCTL Control 操纵CAB Cabin 座舱CKPT Cockpit 座舱CLR Clear 清除COMP Compartment 舱CP Center of pressure 压力中心C.G Center of gravity 重心CONT Contactor 接触器CNTR Control 操纵C/Bs Circuit breaker 断路器COM Control unit 控制器CAUT Caution 警告CAPT Captain 上尉CL Climb 爬升CT Continuous 连续COMM Communicator 通讯器COMMS Communications 通讯CFD Chaff flare dispensing 箔条干扰投放弹CW Clockwise 顺时针CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针CAT Catapult 飞机弹射器CAW Caution, advisory, warning 警告CC. cubic centimeter 立方厘米CP Central processor 中央处理器CRT Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管℃Degree Celsius 摄氏度CC Control converter 控制转换器CD Countdown 计数C/F Chaff/flare 箔条干扰器CH or CHAN Channel 波道CHKLST Checklist 检查清单CK Check 检查CMPTR Computer 计算机COMM Communication radio 通讯电台CPL Couple 偶合CPLD Coupled 偶合的CPU Central processor unit 中央处理器CRS Course 航向座舱视频记录系统CVRS Cockpit video recordingsystemC Captain; Celsius; center 摄氏度CAA Civil aviation authority 民航局CRZ Cruise 巡航CAPT Capture 捕获CHG Change 改变CO Company 公司CONT Continuous 继续CPCU Cabin pressure controller unit 座舱压力控制器CRG Cargo 货物CTR Center 中心CTL PNL Control panel 控制面板CVR Cockpit voice recorder 座舱声音记录仪CTU Counter Terrorist Unit 美国反恐局CTR Center 中心CL Close- 关闭CORP Corporation 公司CVRS Cockpit video recording座舱视频记录系统systemDDN Down 向下DEPT Department 部门DECEL Deceleration 减速DU Display unit 显示器DEC Decrease 减少D/A Digital-to-analog 数模dB Decibel 分贝dc. Direct current 直流DD Digital display 数显DEST. Destination 目的地DF Direction finder 定向DG Directional gyro 定向陀螺dc Direct current 直流DDI Digital display indicator 数字显示指示器DISCH Discharge 放电DME Distance measuring测距器equipmentD/D Direct descent 直接下降DIR Direct 方向DES Descent 下降DEST Destination 目的地DIR TO Direct to 直飞至DISC Disconnect 断开DIST Distance 距离DSPL Display 显示视DIST District 区DR Drive 驱动EEGT Exhaust gas temperature 排气温度表ELEV Elevator 升降舵ELEC Electric 电气EMER Emergency 应急EXT LT External light 外部灯EXT Extension 放下EXCH Exchanger 交换器ECM Electronic countermeasure 电子对抗ECB Electronic control box 电子控制盒EAS Equivalent airspeed 平衡速度ECS Environmental control system 环控系统ETA Estimated time of arrival 估计抵达时间ECON Economy 经济EPR Engine pressure ratio 发动机压力比EXT Extend 伸出E East 东方ECB Electronic control box 电子控制盒ECM Engine condition monitoring 发动机状态监视器ECS Environmental control system 环境控制系统ELV Elevation 升降EMER GEN Emergency generator 应急发电机ESS Essential 本质EST Estimated 估计EXT PWR External power 外动力EXTN Extension 扩展EST Estate 估计FFLT Flight 飞行FT Foot 英尺FWD Forward 向前Freq. Frequency 频率FQI Fuel quantity indicator 燃油油量表F Fast 快FCF Functional check flight 功能检查试飞FF Fuel flow 燃油流量F/F Fighter to fighter 战斗机对战斗机FI Fault isolation 故障隔离FL Flight level 飞行水平FOD Foreign object damage 外来物打伤FOV Field of view 视场fpm Feet per minute 英尺每分FTJU Fuel tank jettison unit 燃油箱抛放装置℉Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏FCC Flight control computer 飞行控制计算机FCS Flight control system 飞行控制系统F-QTY Fuel quantity 燃油量ft Foot, feet 英尺FUS Fuselage 机身FPM Feet per minute 英尺每分F/C Flight screw 空勤FLT CTL Flight control 飞行控制FOB Fuel on board 机上燃油F-PLN Flight plan 飞行计划FRT Front 前面FWR Flight warning system 飞行警告系统联邦航空管理局FAA federal aviationadministrationFMS Flight management system 飞行管理系统FL Floor 层GGRND Ground 地面GND Ground 地面GEN Generator 发电机G Ground 地面g. Gravity 重力GCA Ground-controlled approach 地面控制进场发电机控制器GCU Generator control unit, gun controlunitGHz Gigahertz 兆赫GT Ground track 地面追踪GPS Global positioning system 全球定位系统GW Gross weight 毛重GS Ground speed 地面速度GMT Greenwich mean time 格林尼治标准时间GPCU Ground power control unitGRVTY Gravity 重力GW Gross weight 毛重GOVT Government 政府HHYD Hydraulic 液压HP High pressure 高压HDG Heading 航向HUD Head up display 平显HSD Horizontal situation display 水平位置显示器HI High 高度HMD Helmet mounted displayHSI Horizontal situation indicator 水平状态指示器HDG SEL Heading select 航向选择H Hour, hot 小时HC Harness connector 索具接头HCU Hydraulic control unit 液压控制器HDL Handle 手柄HI High 高度HLD Hold 把持HPV High pressure valve 高压阀HZ Hertz 赫兹HT Height 高度IIDG Integrated drive generator 综合驱动发电机ILS Instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统INC Increase 增加IGN Ignition 点火IFF Identification friend or foe 敌我识别器IAS Indicated airspeed 指示空速国际民航组织ICAO International Civil A viationOrganizationICS Intercommunications 内部通讯IDG Integrated-drive generator 综合传动发电机IFRInstrument flight rules 仪表飞行规则IFT In-flight training 飞行训练IGV Inlet guide vane 进气导流叶片IMN Indicated Mach number 指示马赫数INS Inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统IP Initial point 初始点IR Infrared 红外IRCM Infrared countermeasure 红外电子对抗舱内通讯系统ICS Inter-cockpit communicationsystemID Identification 识别INOP Inoperative 不工作INST Instrument 仪表INV Invalid 无效IP Instructor pilot 飞行教员I/P Identification of position 位置识别ISOL Isolate 隔离Ib(s) Pound(s) 英磅IGS Instrument guidance system 仪表导航系统IM Inner marker 内部标志IMM Immediate 立即INCREM Increment 增量INR Inner 内部INTCP Intercept 拦截I/O Inputs/outputs 输入、输出IP Intermediate pressure 中间压力ISA International standard atmosphere 国际标准大气INV Inverter 变流机IMC instrument meteorologicalconditionsIFS Instrument flight rulesICU intensive care unit 重症监护病房INST Institution/institute 机构INT’L International 国际JJETT Jettison 抛放KKTS Knots 节点KGS Knots ground speedKG Kilogram 千克LLDG Landing 着陆LO Low 低L/G Landing gear 起落架LT Light 灯LP Low pressure 低压L Left 左LOC Local 当地LOC Localizer 定位器LCD Liquid crystal display 液态晶体显示器LE Leading edge 前缘L ENG Left engine 左发LCS Liquid cooling system 液态冷却系统LEF Leading edge flaps 前缘襟翼LI Left inboard 左侧内弦LM Left midboardLO Left outboardLNAV Lateral navigation 侧向导航LRC Long range cruise 远距巡航L Left 左侧LAT Latitude 纬度LAV Lavatory 洗手间LH Left hand 左手LIM Limitation 限定LK Lock 锁定LL Latitude/longitude 纬度/经度LONG Longitude 纵向LVL Level 水平LW Landing weight 着陆重量LORAN Long range navigation 远距导航LCS Liquid cooling system 液冷系统Lbs Pounds 磅lMMED Medium 中间MON Monitoring unit 监控器MLG Main landing gear 主起落架MACH Mach number 马赫数M. Mach 马赫MAD Magnetic azimuth 磁方位MAN. Manual 手动MAX. Maximum 最大MFD Multifunction display 多功能显示器MIL Military 军事MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面MTM Magnetic tape memory 磁带记录MAD Magnetic azimuth detector 磁方位检测器MAX Maximum afterburner thrust 最大加力推力MFS Multifunction switch 多功能开关MIL Military thrustMPCD Multipurpose color display 多功能彩色显示器MTRS or m Meters 米MOD Modify 改装MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面M Magenta, mach, MeterMAG Magnetic 磁力MAG VAR Magnetic variation 磁偏MAINT Maintenance 维护MAX END Maximum endurance 最长持续时间MB MillibarMECH Mechanic 机工MEL Minimum equipment listMIN Minimum; minuteMKR MarkerMLS Microwave landing system 微波着陆系统MLW Maximum landing weightMSG MessageMRI magnetic resonance核磁共振inspectionMIN Ministry 部NNAV Navigation 导航ND Navigation display 导航显示器NORM Normal 正常NAC Nacelle 吊舱NGV Navigation guide vane 导流片nm Nautical miles 海里NOZ Nozzle 喷口NPS Navigation power supply 导航电源NR Number 数字NWS Nose wheel steering 前轮转舵N1 Fan rpm 风扇转速N2 Compressor rpm 压缩器转速N ACC Normal accelerometer 正常加速器NU Nose up 机头向上ND Navigation displayNDB Nondirectional beaconNAS National airspace systemNAT’L NationalNO NumberNW Nosewheel 前轮OOAT Outside air temperature 外界气温OBC On-board check 机上检查OSP Overspeed 超速OXY Oxygen 氧气OAT Outside air temperatureOFF/R Off resetOFST Offset 偏移O/P Output 输出OPP Opposite 相反OPT Optimum 乐观OURT Outer 外部OVHD Overhead 过头OVSPD Overspeed 超速原始设备制造商OEM Original equipmentmanufacturerORGN OrganizationPPR Pressure 压力PWR Power 电源PNL Panel 面板PSI Per square inch 每英寸PCD Precision course direction 精密航向指示PD Pulse Doppler 脉冲多普勒pph Pounds per hour 镑每小时PPI Plane position indicator 平面位置指示器PRI Primary 初级PTP Point to point 点对点psi Pounds per square inch 磅每平方英寸PB,pb Pushbutton 按钮PERF Performance 性能POS Position 位置PR Pressure 压力PROC Procedure 工艺PROF ProfilePROG Progress 进程PROTEC Protection 防护PT Point 点PTR Printer 打印机PTU Power transfer unitPRM Precision runway monitoringQQT Quantity 数量Q. Dynamic pressure 动压QDC Quick disconnect connector 快卸接头QTY Quantity 数量QFU Runway heading 跑道航向QT Quart (US) 石英RRUD Rudder 方向舵rpm Revolution per minute 转每分RDR Radar 雷达RECON. ReconnaissanceRF Radio frequency 射频RFI Radio frequency indicator 射频指示器ROM Read-only memory 只读存储器RWR Radar warning receiver 雷达告警接收器R Right 右RALT Radar altimeter 雷达高度表RAM Radar absorbing material 雷达吸波材料RCDR Recorder 记录仪RCVY Recovery 改出RDR Radar 雷达REJ RejectRNG Range 范围RO Right outboardREST Reset 复位R/T Receiver/transmit 接收/发射RA Radio altitude 无线电高度RA Radio altitude 无线电高度RCDR Recorder 记录仪RCL RecallRCVR Receiver 接收机REL Release 放开REV Reverse 反向REV Reversion 修订版RH Right hand 右手RNG RangeRPTG Repeating 重复的RQRD Required 所需的RTE Route 路线RD RoadRM RoomSSTBY Standby 备用STAT Start up 启动SPD Speed 速度SHUT Shut off 关闭S Slow 慢SW Switch 开关Sq m Square meter 平方米SAM Surface-to-air missile 舰对空导弹SC. Sensor controller 传感器控制器STAB Stability 稳定性STT Single-target track 单目标追踪SDC Signal data computer 信号数据计算机SEQ Sequence 顺序SPD BRK Speedbrake 减速板SPN Spin 螺旋SPECS Specification 规范STAB StabilatorSTD HDG Stored heading SUPT Support 支撑S/W Software 软件STAT Static 静态SIM Simulation 模拟SLT SlatSPD LIM Speed limit 限速STS Status 状态。
民航技术术语缩略词AA/C air conditioning 空气调节A/G air/groundA/L autoland 自动落地A/P autopilot 自动驾驶A/S airspeed 空速A/T autothrottle自动油门, adjustment/test 调整/测试ABNORM abnormal 不正常的AC alternating current 【电】交流电ACARS ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACCEL acceleration, accelerate 使增速ACM air cycle machine 空气循环机ADC air data computer 大气资料电脑ADF automatic direction finder 自动方位寻找器ADI attitude director indicator 姿态指示器ADP air driven pump, air driven hydraulic pump 气动液压泵ADV advance 推进AFCS automatic flight control system 飞控系统AGL above ground level 地标位AI anti-ice 防冰AIDS aircraft integrated data system 整合资料系统AIL aileron 副翼ALT altitude 高度ALTM altimeter 高度计ALTN alternate 交替的ALTNT alternate 交替的AMB ambient 环绕的AMM Airplane Maintenance Manual 修护手册ANN announcement 通告ANNUNC annunciator 通告器ANT antenna 天线AOA angle of attack 功角APB auxiliary power breaker 辅助的动力断电器APD approach progress display 接近行进显示APL airplane 飞机APPR approach 接近APPROX approximately 近乎APU auxiliary power unit 辅助的动力单元ARINC Aeronautical航空学的Radio Incorporated【美】有限责任的ARINC IO ARINC I/O errorARNC STP ARINC I/O UART data strip error 通用非同步收发传输器ASA autoland status annunciator 自动落地状况通告器ASP audio selector panel 音频选择面板ASYM asymmetrical 非对称的ATC air traffic control 空中交通管制ATC/DABS air traffic control/discrete address beacon system ATT attitude 姿态ATTND attendant 服务员AUTO automatic 自动装置的AUX auxiliary 辅助的AVM airborne vibration monitor 空中震动监视器BB/CRS back course 回程BARO barometric 气压计的BAT battery 电池;蓄电池BFO beat扑动frequency oscillator 频率振汤器BITE built-in test equipment 装备自我测试BK brake 煞住(车)BKGRD background (干扰录音或无线电广播的)杂音BPCU bus power control unit 汇流排电力控制单元BRKR breaker 断电器BRT bright 发亮的BTB bus tie束缚breaker 汇流排联系断电器BTL bottle 瓶子CC/B circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关C center 中央CADC central air data computer 中央大气资料电脑CAPT captain (飞机的)机长CB circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关CCA central control actuator 中央控制致动器CCW counterclockwise 逆时针方向的CDU control display unit 控制显示器CH channel 频道CHAN channel 频道CHG change 改变CHR chronograph 记时器CHRGR charger 充电器CK check 检查CKT circuit 【电】电路;回路CL close 关闭;盖上;合上CLB climb 倾斜向上CLR clear 变乾净;变清楚CLSD closed 关闭的;封闭的;闭合的CMD command 命令CMPTR computer 电脑CNX cancelled 取消,废除;中止COL column 圆柱(报纸的)栏,段COMM communication 通讯COMP compressor 压缩机COMPT compartment 隔间CON continuous 连续的,不断的COND condition 状态CONFG configuration 结构;表面配置CONFIG configuration 结构CONN connection 连接CONT control 控制CP control panel 控制面板CPCS cabin pressure control system 舱压控制系统CPS cycles per second 每秒循环CRS course 方向CRT cathode阴极ray射线tube 阴极射线管CRZ cruise 巡航CSEU control system electronics unit 控制系统电子元件CT current电流transFORMer变压器CTN caution 注意CTR center 中央CU control unit 控制元件CUST customer 顾客;买主CW clockwise 顺时针方向的CWS control wheel steering掌舵DDA drift漂移angleDADC digital air data computer 数位化大气资料电脑DC direct直系的,指挥currentDEC decrease减少, decrement减少率DECEL decelerate 降低速度DECR decrease 减少DEG degree 度数DEPR depressurize 泄压; 压下DEPT departure 离开;出发DEST destination 目标, 目的地DET detector 探测器DETNT detent (机械上的)止动装置;棘爪DEV deviation 误差;偏航DFDR digital flight data recorderDG directional方向的gyro回转仪罗盘DH decision决定height高度,海拔DIFF differential 依差别而定的;鉴别性的DIR direct 指挥DISC disconnect 使分离,分开,断开DISCH discharge 释放,排出(液体,气体等)DISCONT discontinued 停止,中断DISENG disengage 解开,解除;使脱离DISP dispatch 派遣DIST distance 距离;路程DK deck (船的) 舱面,甲板DME distance measuring equipment 测距仪DMU data management unit 资料管理单元DN down 向下DPCT differential protection current transFORMer【电】变压器DR door 门DSCRT IO discrete分离I/O errorDSPLY display 显示DSPY display 显示EEADI electronic attitude director indicator 数位化姿态指示器ECON economy 节约, 经济ECS environmental control system 环控系统EDP engine driven pump, engine hydraulic pump 引擎液压泵EEC electronic engine control 引擎电控EFDARS expanded flight data acquisition and reporting system EFI electronic flight instruments 电子化飞行仪表EFIS electronic flight instrument systemEGT exhaust gas temperature 排气尾温EHSI electronic horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器EICAS engine indicating and crew alerting system引擎状况警告指示ELEC electrical 与电有关的,电气科学的ELEV elevation 高度;海拔EMER emergency 紧急情况ENG engage啮合,接合, engineENT entrance入口,门口, entryENTMT entertainment 娱乐EPC external power contactor 外电源接触器EPR engine pressure ratio 推力比EPRL engine pressure ratio limit 推力比范围EQUIP equipment 装备ERR error 错误ESS essential 必需品EVAC evacuation 撤空;排泄物EVBC engine vane and bleed control 引擎放气控制EXH exhaust 排出;排气EXT external 外部的EXTIN extinguish, extinguished 灭火器EXTING extinguishing 熄灭FF/D flight director 飞行引向器F/F fuel flow 燃油流量F/O first officerFAA Federal美国联邦Aviation Administration行政机构FCC flight control computer 飞行控制电脑FCEU flight controls electronic unit 飞控电子单元FCU fuel control unit 燃油控制器FDR feeder 餵食器FIM Fault Isolation Manual 故障隔离手册FL flow 流量FL/CH flight level changeFLD field(飞机)场,;(广阔的一大片)地(知识)领域;专业;(活动)范畴FLT flight (飞机的)班次FLUOR fluorescent 发亮的FMC flight management computer 飞行管理电脑FMS flight management system 飞行管理系统FREQ frequency 频率FRM Fault Reporting Manual 错误报告手册FSEU flap/slat electronic unit 副翼电控单元FT feet复, foot单英尺FWD forward 前面的GG/S glide slope, ground slope 下滑坡度GA go-around 重飞GB generator breaker 发电机断电器GCB generator circuit breaker 发电机断路器GCR generator control relay 发电机控制继电器GCU generator control unit 发电机控制组件GEN generator 发电机GHR ground handling relay 地面操作继电器GND ground 地面GP group 团体GPWS ground proximity warning system 地面接近警告GR gear 齿轮;传动装置; (飞机的)起落架GRD ground 地面GS ground speed 地速GSSR ground service select relay 地面勤务选择继电器GSTR ground service transfer relay 地面勤务转换继电器GW gross总量weight 总重HH/L high/low 高/低HDG heading 【航】航向HF high frequency 高频HORIZ horizontal 水平HP high pressure 高压HSI horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器HTR heater 加热器HYD hydraulic 液压的IIAS indicated airspeed 指示空速IDENT identification 识别;鉴定IDG integrated drive generatorIGN ignition 点火,发火;点火开关ILLUM illuminate, illuminated 被照明的;发光的ILS instrument landing system 仪降IMP imperial (度量衡)英制的IN in, input 输入INBD inboard 内侧的INC incorporated结合的, increase增大, increment增加INCR increase 增加IND indicator 指示器INFC interface 分界面INFLT inflight 飞行过程中的INHIB inhibit 抑制禁止INIT initiation 入门;开始实施INOP inoperative 不活动的INPH interphone 对讲机INST instrument 仪器;仪表INT interphone 对讲机INTLK interlock 连结INTPH interphone 对讲机INTMT intermittent 时断时续的;周期性的IP intermediate pressure 中间的压力IRS inertial reference system 惯性参考系统IRU inertial惯性的reference unit 惯性参考组件ISLN isolation 隔离ISOL isolation 隔离IVSI instantaneous瞬时的vertical speed indicator 垂直速度指示器MMCDP maintenance control display panel 修护控制显示面板MCP mode control panel 模式控制面板MCU modular模件concept观念unitMDA minimum decision altitude 最小判断高度MIC microphone 扩音器;麦克风MIN minimum 最小量,最小数;最低限度MM Maintenance Manual 修护手册MOD module 组件;单元MON monitor 监视器;监控器MOT motion (机械的)装置,运转MPU magnetic pickup 检波器MSG message 信息MSTR master 主要的;总的MSU mode selector unit 模式选择组件MTG miles to go 英里MU management unit 管理组件MUX multiplexer 多路传输NN/A not applicable 可应用的NAC nacelle 引擎舱;气球吊篮NAV navigation 导航NCD no computed data 无法计算资料NEG negative 否定的; 反面的【电】负的,阴极的【数】负的NEUT neutral 中立的NLG nose landing gear 鼻轮起落架NO. number 数,数字NORM normal 正常的,正规的,标准的NRM normal 正常的,正规的,标准的NVMEM RD non-volatile memory read error 故障读错误排除才能消除NVMEM WR non-volatile memory write error 故障写错误排除才能消除OO2 oxygen 氧气OBS observer 观察员OK okay 对,很好地OPR operate 运转OPT option 选择权OPRN operation 操作OUT output 输出OUTBD outboard 外部的OVHD overhead 头顶(船舱)顶板OVHT overheat 过热OVRD override 权力高於;优先於; 越过OXY oxygen 氧气PP/RST press to reset 压下清除故障P/S pitot皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管/static 静态的PA passenger address 客舱广播PASS passenger 旅客PCA power control actuator 电控致动器PCT percentage 百分比PDI pictorial deviation indicator 偏航图表示PES passenger entertainment娱乐systemPLA power level anglePLT pilot (飞机等的)驾驶员,飞行员PMG permananet magnet generator 永磁发电机PNEU pneumatic 气动PNL panel 【电】配电盘;控电板POR point of regulation调节POS position, positive (电池的)阳极【数】正的PPOS present当前的出席的positionPRESS pressure 压力PRG FLOW program flow error 流量程序错误PRIM primary 首要的,主要的PROC procedure 程序;手续;步骤PROG MEM ROM memory error 唯读记忆体错误PROJ projector 投射器PROT protection 保护,防护;PS pitot static 皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管PSI pounds per square inch 每平方寸上的压力磅数PSS passenger service system 客服系统PSU passenger service unit 客服组件PTT push to talk 发话PTU power transfer unit 动力传送组件PWR power 动力QQAD quick-attach-detach 快拆卸;使分离QTS quarts 一夸脱的容器QTY quantity 数量RR/T rate of turn 回转速率R/W MEM RAM memory error 随机存取记忆体错误R right 右边的RA radio altimeter, radio altitude 雷达高度RAT ram air turbine 冲压驱动RCVR reciever 接受RDMI radio distance magnetic indicator 磁场距离指示REC recorder 记录器RECIRC recirculate 再循环REF reference 参考REFRIG refrigeration 冷冻REG regulator 调节器REL release 释放,解放REP representative 代表性的,典型的REQ required 必须的RES reserve 储备RESSTART power interrupt restart error 动力中断重新起动错误REV reverse 倒退,使倒转RF right front 右前RH right hand 右手RLSE release 释放,解放RLY relay 【电】继电器RLY/SW relay/switchRMI radio magnetic indicator 磁场方位指示RMT OUT high-speed ARINC output error 汇流排输出错误RN right noseROT rotation 旋转RPM revolutions循环,(一)周期回转,旋转per minuteRPTG reporting 报导RR right rear 后方RST reset 重新设定RTO rejected丢弃takeoff起飞RUD rudder (飞机的)方向舵RW right wing 右翼RWY runway (机场的)跑道SSAM stabilizer trim/elevator asymmetry limit module尾舵飞操组件SAT static air temperature 静压空气温度SEC second 第二次SEI standby engine indicator 紧急直接引擎指示SEL select 选择SELCAL selective calling 飞航呼叫SERV service 服务SG signal generator 信号产生器SLCTD selected 选择SLCTR selector 选择器SOV shut off valve 关断阀SP speed 速度SPD speed 速度SPD BK speed brake 速煞SQL squelch 压扁SSB single side bandSTA station 驻地(各种机构的)站,所,STAB stabilizer 安定装置;安定翼STBY standby 备用STS system status 系统状况SURF surface 表面SW switch 开关SWITCH IN switch input errorSYNC synchronous 同步的SYS system 系统SYST system 系统TT/R thrust reverser 反推力器T.O. takeoff 起飞TACH tachometer 转速计TAI thermal热的anti-iceTAS true airspeed 真空速TAT total air temperature 总温TCC turbine case cooling 涡轮(机)冷却TE trailing edge 后缘(飞机的)襟翼,阻力板TEMP temperature 温度,气温TFR transfer 转换THR thrust 推力THROT throttle 节流阀THRSH threshold 门槛THRT thrust 推力THRU through 穿过;通过遍及,在...各处;在...之间,在...之中TIE bus tie系,拴,捆,扎汇流排联系TLA thrust lever angle 推力杆角度TMC thrust management computer 推力管理电脑TMS thrust management system 推力管理系统TMSP thrust mode select panel 推力选择面板TO TO/takeoff 起飞TOL tolerance 【机】公差,容限TR transFORMer【电】变压器rectifier【电】整流器TRP thrust rating panel 推力等级面板TUNE tuner (频率))调整器;【无】调谐器TURB turbine 涡轮(机)TURBL turbulent, turbulence【气】湍流;(气体等的)紊流UUBR utility有多种用途的;通用的bus relay 汇流排继电器UPR upperUSB upper side band 【机】传送带(无线电的)波段,频带VV/NAV vertical navigation 【经】纵向联合的导航V/S vertical speed 垂直的速率VERT vertical 垂直的VERT SPD vertical speed 垂直的速率VFY verify 验证VG vertical gyro 垂直回转仪罗盘VHF very high frequency 超高频无线电VIB vibration 震动VLD valid 合法的;有效的VLV valve 【机】阀,活门VOL volume 量;额VOLT voltage 电压;伏特数VOR VHF omni range receiver 方向无线识标VOX voice 声音VTR video tape reproducer (录音,录影的)播放装置WW/D wiring线路diagram图解W/W wheel well 轮舱WA R N w a r n i n g 警告;警报WG wing 机翼WHL wheel 轮子; 变换方向WHLS wheels 车轮WPT waypoint 位子点WSHLD windshield 挡风玻璃WX weather 天气WXR weather 气象雷达XX-CH cross channel 交叉频道X-CHAN cross channel 交叉频道XDCR transducer 变换器XMISSION transmission 传送XMIT transmit 发射XMTR transmitter 发射机XPNDR transponder 询答机YY/D yaw damper 阻尼器。
空中交通管制缩略语大全(ICAOEnglish) A Amber 琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/A Air-to-air空对空AAL AboveAerodromeLevel高出机场平面ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodromebeacon 机场灯标ABTAbout关于ABV Above…以上AC Altocumulus 高积云ACAC Airbornecollisionavoidancesystem 机载防撞系统ACC Areacontrolcenter 区域管制中心ACCID Notificationofanaircraftaccident 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge承认,收悉CAN Aircraftclassificationnumber 航空器等级序号AD Aerodrome 机场ADA Advisoryarea 咨询区ADF Automaticdirection-findingequipment 自动定向设备ADIZ Airdefenseidentificationzone 防空识别区ADR Advisoryroute 咨询航路ADS Address 收电地址ADVS Advisoryservice 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AEIS Aeronauticalen-routeinformationservice航空的航路情报服务AER Approachendrunway 跑道的进近端AERADIO Airradio 航空无线电AES Aerodromeemergencyservices 机场紧急服务AFB Airforcebase 空军基地AFCSAutomaticflightcontrolsystem飞行自动控制系统AFIS Aerodromeflightinformationservice机场飞行情报服务AFL Abovefieldlevel 高于场面AFM Affirmative 是的,对的AFS Aeronauticalfixedservice 航空固定服务AFTN Aeronauticalfixedtelecommunicationnetwork航空固定电信网A/G Airtoground 空对地AGAAerodromes,airroutesandgroundaids机场、航路和地面助航设施AGL Abovegroundlevel 高出地面AGN Again 再,再次AIREP Airreport 空中报告ALA Alightingarea 着陆区,降落区ALR Alerting 告警ALS Approachlightingsystem 进近灯光系统ALT Altitude 海拔高度ALTN Alternate 备降,备分AMAmplitudemodulation调幅AMA Areaminimumaltitude 区域最低高度AMDT Amendment 修订AMS Aeronauticalmobileservice 航空移动服务AMSL Abovemeansealevel 高出平均海平面AOC Airportobstaclechart 机场障碍物图AOR Areaofresponsibility 责任区APCH Approach 进近APP Approachcontrol 进近管制APRX Approximate 大约APUAuxiliarypowerunit辅助动力装置APV Approve 批准ARO Airtrafficservicesreportingoffice 空中交通服务报告室ARP Airportreferencepoint 机场基准点ARQ Automaticerrorcorrection 自动误差纠正ARR Arrival 到达ARSA Airportradarservicearea 机场雷达服务区ARSR Airroutesurveillanceradar 空中航路监视雷达AS Altostratus 高层云ASC Ascendto 上升ASDA Accelerate-stopdistanceavailable 可用加速停止距离ASPH Asphalt 沥青ASR Airportsurveillanceradar 机场监视雷达ATA Actualtimeofarrival 实际到达时间ATCAirtrafficcontrol空中交通管制ATD Actualtimeofdeparture 实际离场时间ATF Aerodrometrafficfrequency 机场交通频率ATFM Airtrafficflowmanagement 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automaticterminalinformationservice 自动终端情报服务ATM Airtrafficmanagement 空中交通管理ATN Aeronauticaltelecommunicationnetwork航空电信网ATS Airtrafficservice 空中交通服务ATZ Aerodrometrafficzone 机场交通地带AUTH Authorized 授权AUW Allupweight 起飞全重AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVBL Available 有用的,可用性AVG Average 平均AWY Airway 航路AZM Azimuth 方位(角)B Blue兰色(南北向辅航路)BA Brakingaction 刹车效应BASE Cloudbase 云底BC Backcourse 后航道BCN Beacon 灯标BCST Broadcast 广播BDRY Boundary 边界BFR Before 在…之前BGN Begin 开始BKN Broken 裂云BLDG Building 建筑物BLW Below …以下BRG Bearing 方位(角)BTL Betweenlayers 云层之间,云层飞行BTN Between 在…之间BYD Beyond 超过C DegreesCelsius(Centigrade) 摄氏度CAACCivilaviationadministrationofChina中国民用航空总局CAB CivilAeronauticsBoard (美国)民用航空委员会CAT Clearairturbulence 晴空颠簸CAT Category 分类,类别CB Cumulonimbus 积雨云CEIL Ceiling 云高CGL Circlingguidancelight(s) 盘旋引导灯CH Channel 波道CHG Change 改变、换CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查,校核CL Centerline 中心线CLBR Calibration 校正CLG Calling 呼叫CLR Clear,clearance 放行,放行许可CLSD Closed 关闭CM Centimeter 厘米CMB Climbto 爬升至CNL Cancelorcancelled 取消CNS Communication,navigationandsurveillance通信、导航和监视COM Communications 通信CONC Concrete 混凝土COND Condition 条件,状况CONT Continue(s) 连续,连续的COORD Coordinates 坐标COP Change-overpoint 转换点COR Correctorcorrection 正确,更正CORR Corridor 走廊CPUCentralprocessingunit计算机中央处理系统CRP Compulsoryreportingpoint 强制性位置报告点CRTCathoderaytube阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CTA Controlarea 管制区CTL Control 管制,控制CTN Caution 注意CTR Controlzone 管制地带CWY Clearway 净空道DA Decisionaltitude 决断高度DCKG Docking 停靠DCT Direct 直线进近,直飞DEG Degree 度DEP Depart/departure 起飞或离场DEPT Department 部门DES Descendto 下降DEST Destination 目的地DEV Deviation 偏航,偏离DFTI Distancefromtouchdownindicator 离接地距离指示器DH Decisionheight 决断高DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert,diverting 改航,转向DLA Delay 延误DME Distancemeasuringequipment 测距仪DP Dewpointtemperature 露点DPT Depth 深度DR Deadreckoning 推测DRG During 在…期间DS Duststorm 尘暴DSB Doublesideband 双边带DUR Duration 持续期,持续时间DVOR DopplerVOR 多普勒全向信标EAT Expectedapproachtime 预计进近时间EET Expectedelapsedtime 预计航程(经过)时间EFC Expectedfurtherclearance 预计进一步放行许可ELEV Elevation 标高EM Emission 发射,发讯EMERG Emergency 紧急,应急ENG Engine 发动机ERR Error 错误EST Estimate 预计,估计ETA Estimatedtimeofarrival 预计到达时间ETD Estimatedtimeofdeparture 预计离场时间ETE Estimatedtimeenroute 预计航路飞行时间ETO Estimatedtimeover 预计飞越时间EXC Except 除…..之外EXP Expect 预期,希望EXTD Extend 延长、延伸F DegreesFahrenheit 华氏(度)FAA FederalAviationAdministration 联邦航空局(美)FAC Facilities 设施,设备FAF Finalapproachfix 最后进近定位点FAP Finalapproachpoint 最后进近点FAS Finalapproachsegment 最后进近航段FAX Facsimiletransmission 传真FC Funnelcloud 漏斗云FCST Forecast 预报FCT Frictioncoefficient 摩擦系数FG Fog 雾FIC Flightinformationcenter 飞行情报中心FIR Flightinformationregion 飞行情报区FIS Flightinformationservice 飞行情报服务FISA AutomatedFlightinformationservice 自动飞行情报服务FL Flightlevel 飞行高度FLD Field 机场,场地FLG Flashing 闪光,照明弹FLT Flight 飞行,飞行航班FM From 自,从FMFrequencymodulation调频FMSFlightmanagementsystem飞行控制系统FMU Flightmanagementunit 流量管理单位FNA Finalapproach 最后进近FPL Filedflightplan 申报的飞行计划FPM Feetperminute 英尺/分FPR Flightplanroute 飞行计划路线FR Fuelremaining 剩余油量FREQ Frequency 频率FSL Fullstoplanding 全停着陆FSS Flightservicestation 飞行服务站FST First 第一FT Feet 英尺G Green绿色(东西向主航路)GA Generalaviation 通用航空GCA Groundcontrolledapproach(radar) 地面管制进近(雷达)GEO Geographicortrue 地理的或真的GMT Greenwichmeantime 地面管制GP Glidepath 下滑道GPSGlobalpositioningsystem全球定位系统GRADU Gradually 逐渐地GS Glideslope 下滑坡度GS Groundspeed 地速GWT Grossweight 全重H24 24hourservice 24小时服务HBN Hazardbeacon 危险信标HC Criticalheight 临界高HDF Highfrequencydirectionfindingstation高频定向台HDG Heading 航向HEL Helicopter 直升机HF Highfrequency(3-30MHz) 高频HGT Height 高HJ Sunrisetosunset 日出至日没,昼间服务HLDG Holding 等待HN Sunsettosunrise 日没日出至,夜间服务HPA Hectopascal 百帕HS Duringhoursofscheduledoperations 按航班开放HIS Horizontalsituationindicator 水平状态指示仪HST Highspeedtaxiwayturn-off 高速转出滑行道HX Irregularservice 非定时服务Hz Hertz(cyclespersecond) 赫兹(每分钟周数)IAC Instrumentapproachchart 仪表进近图IAF Initialapproachfix 起始进近定位点IAL Instrumentapproachandlandingchart 仪表进近和着陆图IAP Instrumentapproachprocedure 仪表进近程序IAR Intersectionofairroutes 航路交叉点IAS Indicatedairspeed 指示空速IATAInternationalairtransportassociation国际航空运输协会IBN Identificationbeacon 识别灯标ICAOInternationalCivilAviationOrganization国际民航组织IDENT Identification 识别,认别标志IF Intermediateapproachfix 中间进近定位点IFR Instrumentflightrules 仪表飞行规则IGS Instrumentguidingsystem 仪表引导系统ILS Instrumentlandingsystem 仪表着陆系统IM Innermarker 内指点标IMC Instrumentmeteorologicalconditions 仪表气象条件IMG Immigration 入境,移民IMPT Important 重要INBD Inbound 进场,向台INFO Information 资料,情报INOP Inoperative 不工作INP Ifnotpossible 如不可能INPR Inprogress 在进行中INS Inertialnavigationsystem 惯性导航系统INT Intersection 交叉点,联络道INTER Intermittent 间断的INTL International 国际的INTRG Interrogator 询问器INTRP Interrupted 中断,干扰IR Iceonrunway 跑道积冰IS Island 岛屿ISA Internationalstandardatmosphere 国际标准大气JTST Jetstream 高空激流KG Kilogram 公斤KHz Kilohertz 千赫KM Kilometer 公里KMH Kilometer(s)perhour 公里/时KT Knots 海里/时KW Kilowatt 千瓦L Locator(Compass) 示位台LAT Latitude 纬度LB Pound 磅LCT Localtime 当地时间LDA Landingdistanceavailable 可用着陆距离LDG Landing 着陆LDI Landingdirectionindicator 着陆方向指示器LEN Length 长度LF Lowfrequency 低频(30-300千赫)LGT Light,lighting 灯,灯光LIH Lightintensityhigh 高强度灯LIL Lightintensitylow 低强度灯LIM Lightintensitymedium 中强度灯LLZ Localizer 航向道LMM Locatormiddlemarker 示位台中指点标LOM Locatoroutermarker 示位台外指点标LONG Longitude 经度LORAN LORAN(longrangeairnavigationsystem)罗兰(远程导航系统)LT Localtime 当地时LVL Level 水平,层M Meters 米MAA Maximumauthorizedaltitude 批准的最大高度MAG Magnetic 磁的MAINT Maintenance 维修,维护MAP Aeronauticalmapsandcharts 航空地图和航图MAPT Missedapproachpoint 复飞点MAR Marine(Atsea) 在海上,在海洋MAX Maximum 最大的MB Millibar 毫巴MBZ Mandatorybroadcastzone 强制广播区MCA Minimumcrossingaltitude 最低穿越高度MDA Minimumdescentaltitude 最低下降高度MDF Mediumfrequencydirection-findingstation中频定向台MEA Minimumen-routealtitude 最低航路高度MER TrueheightaboveMSL 高出平均海平面的真高MET Meteorological 气象的METARAviationroutineweatherreport(inaeronauticalmeteorologicalcode)航空例行天气预报(用航空气象电码)MF Mediumfrequency 中频(300-3000赫兹)MHA Minimumholdingaltitude 最低等待高度MHz Megahertz 兆赫MID Mid-point(relatedtoRVR) 中间点(关于跑道视程)MIL Military 军用,军事MIN Minutes 分钟MKR Markerradiobeacon 无线电指点信标MLS Microwavelandingsystem 微波着陆系统MM Middlemarker 中指点标MM Millimeter 毫米MOA Militaryoperatingarea 军事活动区MOC Minimumobstacleclearance(required) 最小超障余度(要求的)MOD Moderate 中度MOV Move,movement 活动,运动MPH Milesperhour 英里/小时MPS Meterspersecond 米/秒MPW Maximumpermittedweight 最大允许重量MRA Minimumreceptionaltitude 最低接受高度MRG Mediumrange 中程MS Minus 减,负MSA Minimumsectoraltitude 最低扇区高度MSG Message 电报MSL Meansealevel 平均海平面MT Mountain 山MTOW Maximumtake-offweight 最大起飞重量MTWA Maximumtotalweightauthorized 最大允许全重N Night,northornorthern 夜间,北或北方NA Notauthorized 不允许,不批准NAT NorthAtlantic 北大西洋NAV Navigation 导航NAVAID Navigationalaid 导航设施NB Northbound 向北飞行的NC Nochange 无变化NCRP Non-compulsoryreportingpoint 非强制性位置报告点NDB Non-directionalradiobeacon 无方向性信标NE Northeast 东北NEB North-eastbound 向东北飞的NEG No,negative 不,不是,不正确的NGT Night 夜,夜晚NIL None 没有NM Nauticalmiles 海里NML Normal 正常NOF InternationalNOTAMoffice 国际航行通告室NAP Noiseabatementprocedure 消噪音程序NOTAM Noticetoairman 航行通告NR Number 号码,数NW North-west 西北NWB North-westbound 向西北方向飞的NXT Next 下一个,下次OAC Oceanicareacontrolcenter 海洋管制中心OAS Obstacleassessmentsurface 障碍物评价面OBS Observe,observed,observation 观测,观察OBST Obstruction 障碍物OCA Oceaniccontrolarea 海洋管制区OCA Obstacleclearancealtitude 超障高度OCS Obstacleclearancesurface 超障面OM Outermarker 外指点标OPN Open 开放OPR Operator,operate,operative 经营人,报务员,运行OPS Operations 运行,运转O/R Onrequest 按要求,按申请OTS Outofservice 不工作OVNGT Overnight 过夜PALS Precisionapproachlightsystem 精密进近灯光系统PANS-OPS Proceduresforairnavigationservices—aircraftoperations 航行服务程序-航空器运行PAPI Precisionapproachpathindicator 精密进近航径指示器PAR Precisionapproachradar 精密进近雷达PARL Parallel 平行PCN Pavementclassificationnumber 道面等级序号PCZ Positivecontrolzone 绝对管制地带PERM Permanent 永久的PJE Parachutejumpingexercise 跳伞训练PLN Flightplan 飞行计划PN Priornoticerequired 需事先通知POB Personsonboard 机上人员PRKG Parking 停机PROB Probability 概率,可能性PROC Procedure 程序PROP Propelleraircraft 螺旋桨航空器PROV Provisional 临时的,暂时的PS Plus 加、正PSG Passing 过往,经过PSGR Passenger 旅客PSN Position 位置PTN Procedureturn 程序转弯PWR Power 电源,功率QDM Magneticbearingtofacility 向台磁方位QDR Magneticbearingfromfacility 背台磁方位QFU Magneticorientationofrunway 跑道磁向QTE Truebearing 真方位QUAD Quadrant 象限R Red红色(东西向辅航路)R Radar,right 雷达,右RA Radioaltimeter 无线电高度表RAC Rulesoftheairandairtrafficservices空中规则和空中交通服务RAG Runwayarrestinggear 跑道制动装置RAI Runwayalignmentindicator 对准跑道指示器RB Rescueboat 救生艇RCA Reachingcruisingaltitude 到达巡航高度RCC Rescueco-ordinationcenter 救援协调中心RCF Radiocommunicationfailure 无线电通讯失效RCL Runwaycenterline 跑道中心线RCLM Runwaycenterlinemarkings 跑道中心线标志RCLR Recleared 再放行RDL Radial 径向线REC Receive,receiver 收,收到,接收REDL Runwayedgelight(s) 跑道边灯REF Reference 参阅REG Registration 登记,注册REIL Runwayendidentificationlights 跑道端识别灯RENL Runwayendlight(s) 跑道端灯REP Reportingpoint 报告点REQ Request 请求RF Radiofacility 无线电设施RFLG Refueling 加油(燃料)RH Righthand 右手(边)RL Reportleaving 脱离报告RLCE Requestlevelchangeen-route 请求在航路上改变高度层RLLS Runwaylead-inlightingsystem 跑道引进灯光系统RMK Remarks 附注,备注RNAV Areanavigation 区域导航/领航ROC Rateofclimb 上升率,爬升率ROD Rateofdescent 下滑率,下降率RPM Revolutionsperhour 每分钟的转数RSCD Runwaysurfacecondition 跑道道面情况RSR En-routesurveillanceradar 航路监视雷达RTE Route 航路RTF Radiotelephony 无线电话RTG Radiotelegraphy 无线电报RTHL Runwaythresholdlight(s) 跑道入口灯RTR Remotetransmitter/receiver 遥控发射机/接收机RTS Returntoservice 恢复工作RTT Radioteletypewriter 无线电传打字机RTZL Runwaytouchdownzonelight(s) 跑道接地带灯RVR Runwayvisualrange 跑道视程RVV Runwayvisibilityvalues 跑道能见度数值RWY Runway 跑道S South 南、南纬SAR Searchandrescue 搜寻与援救SB Southbound 向南飞SDBY Standby 等待,备份SE Southeast 东南SEB South-eastbound 向东南飞SEC Seconds 秒SECT Sector 扇区SELCAL Selectivecallsystem 选择呼叫系统SER Service 服务,工作SFC Surface 表面,道面SID Standardinstrumentdeparture 标准仪表离场SKED Schedule 定期SLW Slow 慢SMC Surfacemovementcontrol 地面活动管制SMR Surfacemovementradar 地面活动雷达SN Snow 雪SNOWTAM SnowNOTAM 雪情通告SRA Specialrulesarea 特殊规则区SRA Surveillanceradarapproach 监视雷达进近SRE Surveillanceradarelement 地面管制进近(GCA)的监视雷达部分SRG Shortrange 短程SSB Singlesideband 单边带SSR Secondarysurveillanceradar 二次监视雷达SST Supersonictransport 超音速运输机STA Straitinapproach 直线进近STAR Standardterminalarrival 标准终端进场STD Standard 标准STN Station 站,站位STNR Stationary 静止的STWL Stopwaylight(s) 停止道灯SUP Supplement 增补,补充SUPPS Regionalsupplementaryprocedures 地区补充程序SW Southwest 西南SWB South-westbound 向西南飞SWY Stopway 停止道T Temperature 温度TA Transitionaltitude 过度高度TAF Aerodromeforecast 机场天气预报TAIL Tailwind 顺风TAR Terminalareasurveillanceradar 终端区监视雷达TAS Trueairspeed 真空速TCA Terminalcontrolarea 终端管制区TDO Tornado 龙卷风TDZ Touchdownzone 接地区TEMPO Temporary 临时TEND Trendforecast 趋势预报TFC Traffic 交通TGL Touch-and-golanding 连续起落TGS Taxiingguidancesystem 滑行引导系统THR Threshold 跑道入口TKOF Take-off 起飞TMA Terminalcontrolarea 终端管制区TNA Turnaltitude 转弯高度TML Terminal 终端,终端机场TOC Topofclimb 爬升顶点TODA Take-offdistanceavailable 可用起飞距离TORA Take-offrunavailable 可用起飞滑跑距离TP Turningpoint 转弯点TR Track 航迹,轨迹TRA Temporaryreservedairspace 临时备用空域TRL Transitionlevel 过度高度层TROP Tropopause 对流层顶TT Teletypewriter 电传打字机TURB Turbulence 颠簸TVOR TerminalVOR 终端甚高频全向信标TWR Tower 塔台TWY Taxiway 滑行道TWYL Taxiway-link 滑行联络道TXT Text 电文TYP Typeofaircraft 机型TYPH Typhoon 台风UAA Upperadvisoryarea 高空咨询区UAB Untiladvisedby…直到由…通知UAC Upperareacontrolcenter 高空区域管制中心UAD Upperadvisoryroute 高空咨询航路UAR Upperairroute 高空航路UFN Untilfurthernotice 直至进一步通知UGT Urgent 紧急UHF Ultrahighfrequency(300-3000MHz) 超高频(300-3000兆赫)UIC Upperinformationcenter 高空情报中心UIR Upperflightinformationregion 高空飞行情报区UNL Unlimited 无限制U/S Unserviceable 不能使用USB Uppersideband 上边带UTA Uppercontrolarea 高空管制区UTC Coordinateduniversaltime 协调世界时UWY Upperairway 高空航路VAC Visualapproachchart 目视进近图VAR Magneticvariation 磁差VASIS Visualapproachslopeindicatorsystem 目视进近坡度指示系统VDF VHFdirectionfindingstation 甚高频定向台VDP Visualdescentpoint 目视下降点VFR Visualflightrules 目视飞行规则VHF Veryhighfrequency(30-300MHz) 甚高频VIP Veryimportantperson 要客VIS Visibility 能见度VLF Verylowfrequency 甚低频VMC Visualmeteorologicalconditions 目视气象条件VNAV Verticalnavigation 垂直导航VOLMETMeteorologicalinformationforaircraftinflight供飞行中航空器用的气象情报VOR VHFOmnidirectionalrange 甚高频全向信标VSP Verticalspeed 垂直速度VTOL Verticaltake-offandlanding 垂直起降VV Verticalvisibility 垂直能见度W West,white 西,白色WAC WorldAeronauticalChart 世界航图(1:1000,000)WB Westbound 向西飞WDI Winddirectionindicator 风向指示器WEF Witheffectfrom 自xx起生效WIE Withimmediateeffect 立即生效WIP Workinprogress 工程在进行中WO Without 没有WPT Way-point 航路点WRNG Warning 警告,报警WS Windshear 风切变WT Weight 重量WX Weather 天气X Cross 交叉,十字XNG Crossing 穿越Y Yellow 黄色YDS Zulutime 格林尼治平时Z Coordinateduniversaltime 协调世界时。
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总则2.2 航空情报出版物中所使用的简缩字* 为非ICAO 简缩字AAA/A AmberAir-to-air琥珀色空对空AAA (Or AAB,AAC…etc, in sequence)(或AAB, AAC……等,按顺序)Amended meteorological message (Message type 修订气象电报(电报种类代号)designator)AAD Assigned altitude deviation 指定高度偏差AAIM Aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring 航空器自主完好性监控AAL Above aerodrome level 高出机场场面ABI Advance boundary information 前方边界信息ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodrome beacon 机场灯标ABT About 大约、关于ABV Above 在上、以上AC Altocumulus 高积云A/C* Aircraft 航空器ACARS (to be pronounced ‘AY-CARS’) Aircraft航空器寻址通信和报告系统(发音为communication addressing and reporting system “AY-CARS”)ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system 机载防撞系统ACC Area control center or area control 区域管制中心或区域管制ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge 承认、证实ACL Altimeter check location 高度表校准位置ACN Aircraft Classification Number 航空器等级序号ACP Acceptance (message type designator) 接受电报(电报种类代号)ACPT Accept or accepted 接受或已接受ACT Active or activated or activity 活动AD Aerodrome 机场ADA Advisory area 咨询区ADC Aerodrome chart 机场图ADDN Addition or additional 增加、附加ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment 自动定向仪ADIZ (to be pronounced ‘AY-DIZ’) Air defence防空识别区(发音为“AY-DIZ”)identification zoneADJ Adjacent 邻近ADO Aerodrome office (specify service) 机场部门(注明服务)ADR Advisory route 咨询航线ADS Automatic dependent surveillance 自动相关监视ADS The address 地址ADSU Automatic dependent surveillance unit 自动相关监视单元ADVS Advisory service 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AES Aircraft earth station 航空器地球站AFIL Flight plan filed in the air 空中申报飞行计划AFIS Aerodrome flight information service 机场飞行情报服务AFM Yes or affirm or affirmative or that is correct 是、肯定、正确AFS Aeronautical fixed service 航空固定服务AFT After… (time or place)…(时间或地点)以后AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network 航空固定电信网 A/G Air-to-ground空对地AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids 机场、航路和地面设备 AGC* Aerodrome ground movement chart 机场地面运行图 AGL Above ground level 高出地面 AGN Again再次、重新 AIC Aeronautical information circular航空资料通报AIDC Air traffic services inter-facility data communication 空中交通服务内设数据通信 AIP Aeronautical information publication航空资料汇编AIRAC Aeronautical information regulation and control 定期制航空资料AIREP Air-report空中报告AIRMET Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations可能影响航空器低空飞行安全的航路天气现象的情报AIS Aeronautical information services 航空情报服务 ALA Alighting area 着陆(水)区 ALERFA Alert phase警戒阶段 ALR Alerting message 警戒电报 ALRS Alerting service告警服务 ALS Approach lighting system 进近灯光系统 ALSTG* Altimeter setting 高度表拨正 ALT Altitude高度ALTN Alternate or alternating (light alternates in colour) 交替(灯光颜色交替变换) ALTN Alternate (aerodrome) 备降机场 AMA Area minimum altitude区域最低高度AMD Amend or amended (used to indicate amendedmeteorological message; message type designator) 修订或修订电报(用以表示修改的气象电报, 电报种类代号) AMDT Amendment (AIP Amendment) 修订(航空资料汇编修订) AMS Aeronautical mobile service 航空移动业务 AMSL Above mean sea level高出平均海平面 AMSS Aeronautical mobile satellite service 航空移动卫星服务 ANC Aeronautical chart —1:500 000 (followed by name/title) ANCS A eronautical navigation chart —small scale (followed by name/title and scale) 航空图-1:500 000 (后随名称/标题) 领航图-小比例尺(后随名称/标题和比例尺)ANS Answer 回答AOC A erodrome obstacle chart(followed by type and name/title) 机场障碍物图(后随种类和名称/标题) AOR* Area of responsibility 责任区 AORC* Air corridor chart 空中走廊图 AP Airport 航空站APAPI (to be pronounced ‘AY -PAPI’) Abbreviated precision approach path indicator 简式精密进近航道指示器(发音为 “AY -PAPI”) APCH Approach进近APDC Aircraft parking/docking chart (followed by name/title) 航空器停放/停靠图(后随名称/标题) APN Apron 停机坪APP A pproach control office or approach control or approach control service 进近管制室、进近管制或进近管制服务APR April四月APRX Approximate or approximately 近似或大约 APSG After passing过……后APV Approve or approved or approval 批准、同意或认可 ARCArea chart区域图ARNG Arrange安排、处理、计划 ARO Air traffic services reporting office 空中交通服务报告室 ARP Aerodrome reference point机场基准点ARP Air-report (message type designator) 空中报告(电报种类代号) ARQ Automatic error correction 自动纠错 ARR Arrive or arrival到达ARR Arrival (message type designator)到达电报(电报种类代号) ARS Special air-report (message type designator) 特别空中报告(电报种类代号) ARSTA rresting (specify (part of) aircraft arresting equipment)拦阻(注明航空器拦阻设备) AS Altostratus 高层云 ASC Ascent to or ascending to 上升至ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available 可用加速停止距离 ASE Altimetry system error 测高系统误差 ASPH Asphalt 沥青AT… A t (followed by time at which weather change isforecast to occur)在…(后随预报天气出现变化的时间) ASPEEDG Airspeed gain 空速加大 ASPEEDL Airspeed loss 空速减小 ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间ATC Air traffic control (in general) 空中交通管制(通称) ATD Actual time of departure 实际离场时间 ATFM Air traffic flow management 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automatic terminal information service 自动航站情报服务ATM Air traffic management 空中交通管理 ATMB* Air Traffic Management Bureau 空中交通管理局 ATN Aeronautical telecommunication network 航空电信网ATP At… (time or place) 在……(时间或地点) ATS Air traffic services 空中交通服务 ATTN Attention 注意、承办AT-VASIS (to be pronounced “AY -TEE-VASIS”)Abbreviated T visual approach slope indicator system简化 T 式目视进近坡度指示系统(发音为“AY -TEE-VASIS”) ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone 机场交通地带 AUG August 八月AUTH Authorized or authorization 授权、批准 AUW All up weight 起飞全重 AUX Auxiliary 辅助AVBL Available or availability 可供使用、 备有、 可用性 AVG Average 平均 AVGAS Aviation gasoline 航空汽油 AWTA Advise at what time able 告知可能时间 AVTUR* Aviation turbine fuel 航空涡轮燃油 AWY Airway 航路 AZM Azimuth方位、方位角 BB Blue蓝色 BA Braking action 制动作用 BASE Cloud base 云底 BCFG Fog patches雾块BCN Beacon (aeronautical ground light) 航空地面灯标 BCST Broadcast 广播 BDRY Boundary 边界 BEC* Because 因为BECMGBecoming变成、成为、转为BFR Before 在……之前 BKN Broken 多云BL… B lowing (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow) 吹、刮(后随 DU (尘),SA (沙)或 SN (雪)) BLDG BLO Building Below clouds 建筑物 云下 BLW Below… ……以下 BOMB Bombing 轰炸 BR Mist轻雾BRFShort (used to indicate the type of approach desired or 小起落航线(用于说明希望或需要的required) 进近方式) BRG Bearing 方位 BRKG Braking刹车BS Commercial broadcasting station 商业广播电台 BTL Between layers 云层中 BTNBetween在……之间CC Center (runway identification) 中心(跑道号码标志) C Degrees Celsius (centigrade) 摄氏度数CAAC* General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 中国民用航空总局 CAT Clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸 CAT Category 分类CAVOK (to be pronounced ‘KAV -OH-KAY’) Visibility, cloudand present weather better than prescribed values or conditions能见度、云和现在天气高于规定数值或条件(发音为“KA V-OH-KAY ”) CB (to be pronounce d ‘CEE B EE’) Cu mulonim bus 积雨云(发音为“CEE BEE ”) CC Cirrocumulus 卷积云CCA (or CCB,CCC…etc, in sequence)Corrected meteorological message (message type designator)(或 CCB,CCC……等,按顺序) 更正气象电报(电报种类代号) CD Candela 国际烛光(发光强度单位) CDN Coordination (message type designator) 协调电报(电报种类代号) CF Change frequency to… 频率改为…… CFM Confirm 证实CGL Circling guidance light(s) 盘旋引导灯 CH Channel 波道CH Channel-continuity-check of transmission 频道通断检查发送CHG Modification (message type designator) 订正电报(电报种类代号) CI Cirrus 卷云CIDIN Common ICAO data interchange network 通用的国际民用航空组织数据交换网 CIG* Ceiling. 云幕CIT Near or over large towns. 城镇附近或上空 CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查、校核 CL Center line 中心线 CLA Clear type of ice formation 明冰 CLBR Calibration 校正 CLD Cloud 云 CLG Calling呼叫CLIMBOUT Climb-out area 爬升脱离区CLR Clear(s) or cleared to…or clearance 放行、准许……、放行许可CLRD Runway(s) cleared (used in METAR/SPECI) 跑道已清扫 (用于 METAR/SPECI ) CLSD Close or closed or closing 关闭 CM Centimeter厘米CMB Climb to or climbing to爬升、爬升至 CMPL Completion or completed or complete 完成、完全 CNL Cancel or cancelled取消CNL Flight plan cancellation (message type designator) 飞行计划取消电报(电报种类代号) CNS Communications, navigation and surveillance 通信、导航和监视 COM Communications 通信 CONC Concrete 混凝土 COND Condition 条件、情况 CONS Continuous连续的、持续的 CONST Construction or constructed 建筑CONT Continue(s) or continued 继续、连续的 COOP* Cooperation合作、 协作 COOR Coordinate or coordination 协调 COORD Coordinates坐标 COP Change-over point转换点COR Correct or correction or corrected (used to indicate corrected meteorological message, message type designator) 更正或更正报(用以表示更正的气象电报; 电报种类代号)CORR* Corridor 走廊 COT At the coast在海岸 COV Cover or covered or covering覆盖、包括CPDLC Controller-pilot data-link communications 管制员-驾驶员数据链通信CPL Current flight plan (message type designator) 现行飞行计划电报(电报种类代号) CRC Cyclic redundancy check 循环冗余校验 CRS* Course 航线、航道、路线 CRZ Cruise 巡航 CS Call sign 呼号 CS Cirrostratus 卷层云 CTA Control area管制区CTAM Climb to and maintain 爬升至并保持 CTC Contact 联络CTL Control 管制、控制 CTN Caution注意、警告 CTR Control zone 管制地带 CU Cumulus 淡积云 CUF Cumuliform 积状云 CUST Customs海关CVR Cockpit voice recorder 驾驶舱话音记录器 CW Continuous wave 等幅波 CWY Clearway净空道DD Downward (tendency in RVR during previous 10 minutes)下降(10 分钟内跑道视程趋势) D… Danger area (followed by identification) 危险区(后随识别代号) DA Decision altitude 决断高度D-ATIS (to be pronounced ‘DEE -ATIS’) Data link automatic terminal information service 数据链自动航站情报服务(发音为 “DEE -ATIS”) DCD Double channel duplex 双波道双工制 DCKG Docking停靠DCP Datum crossing point坐 标 原 点 飞 越 位 置 DCPC Direct controller-pilot communications 管制员-驾驶员直接通信DCS Double channel simplex双波道单工制DCTDirect (in relation to flight plan clearances and type of approach)直飞、直接进近(有关飞行计划许可和进近方式)DEC December 十二月DEG Degrees 度DEP Depart or departure 起飞、离场DEP Departure (message type designator) 起飞电报(电报种类代号)DES Descend to or descending to 下降至DEST Destination 目的地DETRESFA Distress phase 遇险阶段DEV Deviation or deviating 偏航、偏离、偏差DFDR Digital flight data recorder 数字飞行数据记录器DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator 离接地标志的距离DH Decision height 决断高DIF Diffuse 扩散DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert or diverting 转换、转向、改航、备降DLA Delay (message type designator) 延误电报(电报种类代号)DLA Delay or delayed 延误DLIC Data link initiation capability 数据链初始性能DLY Daily 每天、每日DME Distance measuring equipment 测距仪DNG Danger or dangerous 危险DOM Domestic 国内的, 本国的DP Dew point temperature 露点温度DPT Depth 深度DR Dead reckoning 推测领航DR…Low drifting (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand orSN=snow) 低吹(后随DU(尘),SA(沙)或SN (雪))DRG During 在……期间DS Duststorm 尘暴DSB Double sideband 双边带DTAM Descend to and maintain 下降至并保持DTG Date-time group 日时组DTHR Displaced runway threshold 内移的跑道入口DTRT Deteriorate or deteriorating 变坏DTW Dual tandem wheels 四轮车式DU Dust 尘DUC Dense upper cloud 高空浓云DUPE This is duplicate message 重发电报DUR Duration 持续时间、期间D-VOLMET Data link VOLMET 数据链VOLMETDVOR Doppler VOR 多普勒甚高频全向信标DW Dual wheels 双轮DZ Drizzle 毛毛雨EE East or eastern longitude 东、东经EAT Expected approach time 预计进近时间EB Eastbound 向东飞ECL* Exercise caution while landing 着陆时注意ECT* Exercise caution while taking off 起飞时注意EDA Elevation differential area 高程异常地区EEE Error (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) 错号(航空固定服务中使用的程序信号)EET Estimated elapsed time 预计经过时间EFC Expect further clearance 等待进一步许可EFF* Effective 有效的EGNOS E uropean geostationary navigation overlay service (to be pronounced “EGG -NOS”)欧洲地球同步导航覆盖服务(发音为“EGG -NOS”) EHF Extremely high frequency (30 000 to 300 000 MHZ) 极高频(30 000-300 000 兆赫) ELBA Emergency location beacon —aircraft 航空器紧急定位信标 ELEV Elevation 标高 ELR Extra long range 特远程 ELT Emergency locator transmitter 紧急示位信标发射器 EM Emission 发射EMBD E mbedded in a layer (to indicate cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds) 隐嵌在云层中(用以说明隐嵌在其它云层中的积雨云)EMERG Emergency 紧急 END Stop-end (related to RVR) 跑道末端视程仪 ENE East north east 东北东 ENG Engine 发动机 ENR En route 航路上 ENRC En-route chart (followed by name/title) 航路图(后随名称/标题) EOBT Estimated off-block time 预计撤轮挡时间 EQPT Equipment 设施 ER Here…or herewith 此处, 随同 ESE East south east 东南东 EST E stimate or estimated or estimate (as message type designator)预计或预计电报(电报种类代号) ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival 预计到达时间、预计到达ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating departure 预计起飞时间、预计起飞ETE* Estimated time en-route 预计航路时间 ETO Estimated time over significant point 预计飞越重要点的时间 EV Every 每 EXC Except 除……以外 EXER Exercises or exercising or to exercise 演习 EXP Expect or expected or expecting 希望、预计 EXTD Extend or extending延伸FF* Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度数 F Fixed 固定 FAC Facilities设施FAF Final approach fix最后进近定位点FAL Facilitation of international air transport 国际航空运输简化手续 FANS* Future air navigation system 未来航行系统 FAP Final approach point最后进近点FATO Final approach and take-off area 最后进近和起飞区 FAX Facsimile transmission 传真FBL L ight (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, interference or static reports, e.g. FBL RA=light rain)轻度(用以表示天气现象,干扰或静电报告的强度,例如: FBL RA 为小雨) FC Funnel cloud (tornado or water spout) 漏斗云(陆龙卷/水龙卷) FCST Forecast预报 FCT Friction coefficient摩擦系数FDPS Flight data processing system 飞行数据处理系统 FEB February 二月 FEW Few 少数 FG Fog雾FIC Flight information center 飞行情报中心 FIR Flight information region 飞行情报区 FISFlight information service飞行情报服务FISA Automated flight information service 自动飞行情报服务 FL Flight level 飞行高度层 FLD Field 机场, 场地 FLG Flashing 闪烁, 闪光 FLR Flares 照明弹 FLT Flight飞行、航班FLTCK Flight check飞行校验(检查) FLUC Fluctuating or fluctuation or fluctuated 摆动、波动 FLW Follow(s) or following 如下、以下 FLY Fly or flying 飞行 FM From从、自 FM From (followed by time weather change is forecast to begin)从、自(后随预报天气变化开始的时间) FMS Flight management system 飞行管理系统 FMU Flow management unit 流量管理单位 FNA Final approach最后进近 FOT* Units of English system 英制单位 FPAP Flight path alignment point航迹对正点FPL Filed flight plan (message type designator) 申报飞行计划电报(电报种类代号) FPM Feet per minute 英尺/分FPR Flight plan route 飞行计划航线 FR Fuel remaining 剩余燃油 FREQ Frequency 频率 FRI Friday 星期五 FRNG Firing射击FRONT Front (relating to weather) 锋面(有关天气)FRQ Frequent经常的、频繁的、成片的 FSL Full stop landing 全停着陆 FSS Flight service station 飞行服务站 FST First第一FT Feet (dimensional unit) 英尺(长度单位) FTP Fictitious threshold point 假定入口 FU Smoke 烟 FZ Freezing冰冻 FZDZ Freezing drizzle 冻毛毛雨 FZFG Freezing fog 冻雾 FZRA Freezing rain冻雨GG Green 绿色G V ariations from the mean wind speed (gusts)(followed by figures in METAR/SPECI and TAF) 平均风速的变化量(阵风)(后随数字,用于 METAR/SPECI 和 TAF ) G/A Ground-to-air地对空GA Go ahead, resume sending (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal)请发送,恢复发送(航空固定服务中使用的程序信号)G/A/G Ground-to-air and air-to-ground 地对空和空对地GAGAN G PS and geostationary earth orbit augmented navigation全球定位系统和同步地球轨道增强导航GAMET Area forecast for low-level flights 低空飞行的区域预报 GARP GBAS azimuth reference point 陆基增强系统方位基准点 GBAS Ground based augmentation system (to be pronounced “GEE -BAS”)GCA Ground controlled approach system or ground controlled approach 陆基增强系统(发音为“GEE -BAS”)地面控制进近系统、地面控制进近 GENGeneral总则、一般GEO Geographic or true 地理的, 真的 GES Ground earth station 地面地球站 GLDGlider 滑翔机GLONASS (to be pronounced ‘GLO -NAS’) Global orbiting navigation satellite system全球轨道导航卫星系统(发音为 “GLO -NAS”)GMC Ground movement chart (followed by name/title) 地面运行图(后随名称/标题) GND Ground地面GNDCK Ground check地面检查、地面校验 GNSS Global navigation satellite system 全球导航卫星系统 GP Glide path下滑道GPS Global positioning system 全球定位系统 GR Hail雹GRAS Ground based regional augmentation system (to be pronounced “GRASS”) 陆基区域增强系统(发音为“GRASS”) GRASS Grass landing area 草地着陆区GRIB P rocessed meteorological data in the form of grid point values expressed in binary form (aeronautical meteorological code) 二进制压缩处理过的、以网格点数值形式表示的气象资料(航空气象代码) GRVL Gravel砂砾 GS Ground speed地速GS Small hail and/or snow pellets 小雹和/或雪粒 GUND Geoid undulation大地水准面起伏HH24 Continuous day and night service 昼夜服务HAPI Helicopter approach path indicator 直升机进近航道指示器 HBN Hazard beacon危险灯标HDF High frequency direction-finding station 高频定向台HDG Heading 航向 HEL Helicopter直升机HF High frequency (3 000 to 30 000KHZ) 高频(3 000-30 000 千赫) HGT height or height above高或高于HIALS* High intensity approach lighting system 高强度进近灯系统 HIRL* High intensity runway edge light 高强度跑道边灯 HJ Sunrise to sunset 日出至日没 HLDG Holding等待HN Sunset to sunrise日没至日出 HO Service available to meet operational requirements 按飞行需要开放 HOL Holiday节假日 HOSP Hospital aircraft 医救航空器 HPA Hectopascal 百帕斯卡 HR Hours小时HS Service available during hours of scheduled operations 按班期时间开放HURCN Hurricane 飓风HVDF H igh and very high frequency direction-finding stations (at the same location) 高频和甚高频定向台(在同一地点) HVY Heavy 严重的、大的HVY H eavy (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, e.g. HVY RA=heavy rain) 严重的、大的(用以表示天气现象的强度,例如: HVY RA 为大雨) HX No specific working hours 无规定开放时间 HYR Higher 较高、更高 HZ Haze霾HZHertz (cycle per second)赫(周/秒)IIAC Instrument approach chart (followed by name/title) 仪表进近图(后随名称/标题)IAF Initial approach fix 起始进近定位点IAO In and out of clouds 断续云中IAP Instrument approach chart (followed by name/title) 仪表进近图(后随名称/标题)IAR Intersection of air routes 航路交叉点IAS Indicated air speed 指示空速IBN Identification beacon 识别灯标IC I ce crystals (very small ice crystals in suspension,also known as diamond dust) 冰晶(悬浮的极小冰晶,也叫钻石尘)ICE Icing 积冰ID Identifier or identify 识别符、识别IDENT Identification 识别标志、识别IF Intermediate approach fix 中间进近定位点IFF Identification friend/foe 敌我识别器IFR Instrument flight rules 仪表飞行规则IGA International general aviation 国际通用航空ILS Instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统IM Inner marker 内指点标IMC Instrument meteorological conditions 仪表气象条件IMG Immigration 移民、入境IMPR Improve or improving 变好、改进IMT Immediate or immediately 即刻、立即INA Initial approach 起始进近INBD Inbound 进港、归航、向台INC In cloud 云中INCERFA Uncertainty phase 不明阶段INFO Information 资料、情报INOP Inoperative 不工作INP If not possible 如不可能INPR In progress 进行中INS Inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统INSTL Install or installed or installation 安装、装置INSTR Instrument 仪表INT Intersection 交叉点INTL International 国际的INTRG Interrogator 询问器INTRP Interrupt or interruption or interrupted 中断INTSF Intensify or intensifying 加强INTST Intensity 强度IR Ice on runway 跑道结冰ISA International standard atmosphere 国际标准大气ISB Independent sideband 独立边带ISOL Isolated 单独、孤立的JAN JTSTJJanuaryJet stream一月急流JUL July 七月JUN June 六月KKG Kilogrammes 千克KHZ Kilohertz 千赫KM Kilometers 千米KMH Kilometers per hour 千米/小时 KPA Kilopascal 千帕斯卡KT Knots 海里/小时、节 KW Kilowatts千瓦LL Left (runway identification) 左(跑道标志)L Locator (see LM,LO) 示位信标(见中示位信标,外示位信标) L* Low altitude低空L Low pressure area or the centre of low pressure低气压区,低气压中心LAM Logical acknowledgement (message type designator) 逻辑认可电报(电报种类代号) LAN Inland 内地 LAT Latitude纬度LDA Landing distance available可 用 着 陆 距 离 LDAH Landing distance available, helicopter 直升机可用着陆距离LDG Landing着陆LDI Landing direction indicator 着陆方向标 LEN Length长度LF Low frequency (30 to 300KHZ) 低频(30-300 千赫) LGT Light or lighting 灯光、照明 LGTD Lighted照亮 LIH Light intensity high 高强度灯 LIL Light intensity low 低强度灯 LIM Light intensity medium 中强度灯 LLZ Localizer航向信标 LM Locator, middle中示位信标LMM* Locator middle marker 中示位信标和中指点标 LMT Local mean time当地平时LNG Long (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required) 大起落航线(用以说明希望或要求的进近方式)LO Locator, outer外示位信标LOC Local or Locally or location or located 当地、位置、位于 LOM* Locator outer marker 外示位信标和外指点标 LONG Longitude经度LORAN LORAN (long range air navigation system) 罗兰(远程导航系统)LR The last message received by me was… 我收到的最后一份电报是…… LRG Long range远程LS The last message sent by me was… or Last message was… 我发送的最后一份电报是…… LT* Local time 当地时间 LTD Limited有限的LTP Landing threshold point 着陆入口位置 LTT Landline teletypewriter有线电传打字机 LV Light and variable (relating to wind) 微风、风向不定 LVE Leave or leaving 离开LVL level高度、水平面、级别 LYR layer or layered(云)层、分层MM Mach number (followed by figures)马赫数(后跟数字)M Minimum value of runway visual range (follow by figures in METAR/SPECI) 跑道视程最小值(后随数字,用于 METAR/SPECI ) M Meters (preceded by figures) 米(前面为数字) MAA Maximum authorized altitude 最大允许高度 MAGMagnetic磁的MAINT Maintenance维护MALS* Medium intensity approach lights system 中强度进近灯 MAP Aeronautical maps and charts 航空图 MAPT Missed approach point 复飞点 MAR At sea 海洋上 MAR March三月MAS Manual A1 simplex 单工人工等幅电报 MAX Maximum 最大 MAY May五月MBST Microburst微下击暴流 MCW Modulated continuous wave 调制等幅波 MDA Minimum descent altitude最低下降高度MDF Medium frequency direction-finding station 中频定向台MDH Minimum descent height 最低下降高 MEA Minimum en-route altitude最低航路高度MEHT Minimum eye height over threshold (for visual approach slope indicator systems) 过入口最低眼高(用于目视进近坡度指示系统)MET Meteorological or meteorology气象METAR Aerodrome meteorological report (in meteorological code)METAR Aerodrome routine meteorological report (in meteorological code)机场天气报告(气象电码) 机场例行天气报告(气象电码) METREPORT Local routine meteorological report (in abbreviated plain language)本场例行天气报告(简缩明语) MF Medium frequency (300 to 3 000KHZ) 中频(300-3 000 千赫) MHA* Minimum holding altitude最低等待高度MHDF Medium and high frequency direction-finding stations (at the same location)MHVDF Medium, high and very high frequency direction-finding stations (at the same location) 中频和高频定向台(在同一地点) 中频、高频、甚高频定向台(在同一地点)MHZ Megahertz兆赫MID Mid-point (related to RVR) 中间点(用于跑道视程) MIFG Shallow fog 浅雾 MIL Military 军用 MIN Minutes分MIRL* Medium intensity runway edge light 中强度跑道边灯 MIS Missing…漏收、遗失…… MKR Marker radio beacon无线电指点标 MLS Microwave landing system 微波着陆系统 MM Middle marker 中指点标 MNM Minimum最低MNPS Minimum navigation performance specifications 最低导航性能规范 MNT Monitor or monitoring or monitored 监听、监控 MNTN Maintain保持MOA Military operating area军事活动区MOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required)最低超障高度(要求)MOD Moderate (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, interference or static report, e.g. moderate rain=MODRA) 中度(用以表示天气现象、干扰或静电报告的程度,例如:中雨=MODRA ) MON Above mountains 高于山 MON Monday星期一MOPS Minimum operational performance standards 最低运行性能标准 MOTNE M eteorological Operational Telecommunications Network Europe欧洲飞行气象电信网 MOVMove or moving or movement移动,活动MPH* Statute miles per hour 英里/小时 MPS Meters per second米/秒MRA Minimum reception altitude 最低接收高度 MRG Medium range中程MRP ATS/MET reporting point 空中交通服务/气象报告点 MS Minus负、减MSA Minimum sector altiutude 最低扇区高度 MSAL* Minimum safe altitude最低安全高度MSAS Multi-functional transport satellite (MTSAT) satellite-based augmentation system (to be pronounced “EM -SAS”) 多功能传送卫星星基增强系统(发音为“EM -SAS”)MSAW Minimum safe altitude warning 最低安全高度警告 MSG Message电报MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面MSR M essage (transmission identification) has been misrouted (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) 电报(发送标识)路由错误(航空固定服务中使用的程序符号) MSSR Monopulse secondary surveillance radar 单脉冲二次监视雷达 MTMountain山MTOW* Maximum take-off weight 最大起飞重量 MTU Metric units 米制 MTW Mountain waves山地波MTWA* Maximum total weight authorized最大允许全重MVDF Medium and very high frequency direction-finding stations (at the same location) 中频和甚高频定向台(同一位置) MWO Meteorological watch office气象监视台MX Mixed type of ice formation (white and clear) 混合形式的结冰(白色及明冰)NN No distinct tendency (in RVR during previous 10 minutes)无明显趋势(前 10 分钟的跑道视程) N North or northern latitude北、北纬NAIP * National aeronautical information publication 国内航空资料汇编NASC National AIS system center 国家航空情报服务系统中心 NAT North Atlantic 北大西洋NAVNavigation 领航、导航、航行 NAVAID* Navigation aids 导航设备 NB Northbound 往北飞行 NBFR Not before 不早于…… NC No change无变化NCD No cloud detected (used in automated METAR/SPECI)探测无云(用于自动 METAR/SPECI ) NDB Non-directional radio beacon 无方向性无线电信标台NDV N o directional variations available (used in automated METAR/SPECI) 无 可 用 的 方 向 变 量 ( 用 于 自 动 METAR/SPECI ) NE North-east东北NEB North-eastbound往东北飞行NEG No or negative or permission not granted or that is not correct 不、否定、未获批准或不正确 NGT Night夜间NIL None or I have nothing to send to you 没有、 无电报给你 NM Nautical miles 海里 NML Normal正常 NNE North-north-east 北北东 NNW North-north-west北北西 NOFInternational NOTAM office国际航行通告室NOSIG N o significant change (used in trend-type landing forecasts)NOTAM A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning theestablishment, condition or change in anyaeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, thetimely knowledge of which is essential to personnelconcerned with flight operations 无重大变化(用于趋势型着陆预报)航行通告(通过电信发布的有关从事飞行工作的人员必须及时了解的航空设施、服务、程序或危险的建立、情况或改变的通知)NOV November 十一月NOZ Normal operating zone 正常运行区NR Number 号数NRH No reply heard 未收到回答NS Nimbostratus 雨层云NSC Nil significant cloud 无重要的云NSW Nil significant weather 无重要天气NTL National 国家的、国内的NTZ No transgression zone 非超越区NW North-west 西北NWB North-westbound 往西北飞行NXT Next 下次、下一个OOAC Oceanic area control center 海洋区域管制中心OAS Obstacle assessment surface 障碍物评价面OBS Observe or observed or observation 观察、遵守OBSC Obscure or obscured or obscuring 遮蔽、模糊的OBST Obstacle 障碍物OCA Obstacle clearance altitude 超障高度OCA Oceanic control area 海洋管制区OCC Occulting (light) 明暗灯OCH Obstacle clearance height 超障高OCL* Obstacle clearance limit 超障限制OCNL Occasional or occasionally 偶然OCS Obstacle clearance surface 超障面OCT October 十月OFZ Obstacle free zone 无障碍物区OGN Originate 签发人OHD Overhead 从上空飞过、架空OLDI On-line data interchange 联机数据交换OM Outer marker 外指点标OPA Opaque, white type of ice formation 不透明、白色结冰OPC Control indicated is operational control 运行管制OPMET Operational meteorological (information) 飞行气象情报OPN Open or opening or opened 开放OPR Operator or operate or operative or operating oroperational经营人、工作、运行OPS Operations 作业、航行、经营、操作、运转O/R On request 按申请ORD Order 命令OSV Ocean station vessel 海洋导航船只OTLK Outlook (used in SIGMET messages for volcanic ash and tropical cyclones) 展望(用于火山灰云和热带气旋的SIGMET 电报中)OTP On top 云上OTS Organized track system 组合航迹系统OUBD Outbound 离港、飞离OVC Overcast阴天、满天云PP… Prohibited area (followed by identification)禁区(后随识别代号)P Maximum value of wind speed or runway visual r ange (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI and TAF) 跑道视程或风速的最大值(后随数字, 用于 METAR/SPECI 和 TAF ) PA Precision approach精密进近PALS Precision approach lighting system (specify category) 精密进近灯光系统(注明种类) PANS Procedures for air navigation services 空中航行服务程序 PAPI Precision approach path indicator 精密进近航道指示器 PAR Precision approach radar 精密进近雷达 PARL Parallel 平行、纬线PATC P recision approach terrain chart (followed by name/title) 精密进近地形图(后随名称/标题) PAX Passenger旅客PCD Proceed or proceeding 前进、继续前进、进行 PCL Pilot-controlled lighting驾驶员控制的灯光 PCN Pavement classification number 道面等级编号 PDC Pre-departure clearance 起飞前放行 PDG Procedure design gradient 程序设计梯度 PER Performance 功能, 性能 PERM Permanent永久PIB Pre-flight information bulletin 飞行前资料公告 PJE Parachute jumping exercise 跳伞演习 PL Ice pellets冰粒PLA Practice low approach 实施低空进近 PLN Flight plan 飞行计划 PLVL Present level现行高度层 PN Prior notice required 需事先通知 PNR Point of no return不能返航点 PO Dust/sand whirls (dust devils) 尘/沙卷风 POB Persons on board机上人员PPI Plan position indicator 平面位置指示器POSS Possible可能的、可允许的、合适的 PPR Prior permission required 需事先同意 PPSN Present position现在位置PRFG Aerodrome partially covered by fog 机场局部被雾覆盖 PRI Primary 主要 PRKG Parking 停机PROB Probability 可能性、概率 PROC Procedure 程序 PROV Provisional 临时 PS Plus 加、正 PSG Passing 飞过、通过 PSN Position位置 PSP Pierced steel plank穿孔钢板 PSR Primary surveillance radar 一次监视雷达 PSYS Pressure system(s) 增压系统 PTN Procedure turn程序转弯 PTS Polar track structure 极地航迹结构 PWR Power功率、电源 QQDM Magnetic heading (zero wind) 磁航向(无风) QDRMagnetic bearing磁方位。