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vba词典用法VBA词典用法VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)是一种用于宏编程的语言,可用于在Microsoft Office应用程序中自动化任务。



创建词典可以使用CreateObject函数创建一个新的词典对象:Dim dict As ObjectSet dict = CreateObject("")添加键值对可以使用Add方法向词典中添加键值对:"key1", "value1""key2", "value2"访问键值可以通过键来访问词典中的值:value = dict("key1")判断键是否存在可以使用Exists方法来判断指定键是否存在于词典中:If ("key1") Then' 键存在于词典中End If删除键值对可以使用Remove方法来删除指定键值对:"key1"遍历词典可以使用For Each语句来遍历词典中的键值对:Dim key As VariantDim value As VariantFor Each key Invalue = dict(key)' 处理键值对Next key获取词典大小可以使用Count属性来获取词典中键值对的数量:size =清空词典可以使用RemoveAll方法来清空词典中的所有键值对:判断词典是否为空可以使用Count属性来判断词典是否为空:If = 0 Then' 词典为空End If总结VBA词典是一种非常有用的数据结构,在处理键值对时提供了方便的方法和属性。
















urwtest参数说明English answer:urwtest is a program that tests the functionality of the Unicode Regular Expressions (URE) library. The library is used by many programs to perform complex text processing tasks, such as finding and replacing text, searching for patterns, and validating input.The urwtest program can be used to test the following aspects of the URE library:Character classes: Character classes are used to match characters that have certain properties, such as being a letter, a digit, or a whitespace character.Anchors: Anchors are used to match characters at the beginning or end of a string, or at the beginning or end of a line.Quantifiers: Quantifiers are used to match characters that occur a certain number of times.Grouping: Grouping is used to group characters together so that they can be treated as a single unit.Backreferences: Backreferences are used to match characters that have been previously matched.The urwtest program can be used to test the URE library by providing a regular expression and a string to match. The program will then output whether the regular expression matches the string.The urwtest program has a number of options that can be used to control its behavior. These options include:-v: Verbose output. This option causes the urwtest program to output more information about the regular expression and the string being matched.-i: Case-insensitive matching. This option causes theurwtest program to ignore the case of the characters in the regular expression and the string being matched.-m: Multiline matching. This option causes the urwtest program to treat the string being matched as a multiline string.-s: Dotall matching. This option causes the urwtest program to treat the dot (.) character in the regular expression as matching any character, including newline characters.-x: Extended syntax. This option causes the urwtest program to allow the use of whitespace characters and comments in the regular expression.The urwtest program can be a useful tool for testing the functionality of the URE library. It can be used to verify that regular expressions are working as expected, and to troubleshoot problems with regular expressions.Here are some examples of how to use the urwtestprogram:$ urwtest 'abc' 'abc'。







它的基本语法如下:value = dict.getlabel(key, default_value)其中,dict是一个字典对象,key是要查找的键,default_value是在找不到指定键时返回的默认值。







Python# 定义员工工资字典employee_dict = {'Alice': 5000, 'Bob': 6000, 'Charlie': 4500}# 获取员工工资salary = employee_dict.getlabel('Alice')# 打印结果print(salary) # 输出:5000在上述示例中,我们通过调用getlabel方法获取字典employee_dict中键'Alice'对应的值。









⼀、词典——不可不靠⼀则译界轶闻:我国⼀位知名学者在⼀篇谈论翻译与"杂学"的⽂章中举了⼀个例⼦:…going vegetarian and repeating'Om manipadme hum'a hundred times between each bite of lettuce,他认为句中的On mani Padme hum相当于《济公传》中的"奄摩呢叭尔哞",并断⾔此词组"词典不能帮忙".⽂章发表后,北⼤有⼈写信给他指出:Ommani padme hum见于商务印书馆的《综合英汉⼤辞典》第858页,有汉译,还有英⽂释义,所以并不是"字典不能帮忙的那些个东西"的好例⼦。



38年之后,有⼈在《中国翻译》(P.38)上写道:Textile finishes have in general become a "no-no" in today's market place…(句中的)no-no词典上根本查不到,经推敲的结果译为"⽆⼈问津"则较为适合。


Dice! Master手册说明书

Dice! Master手册说明书

Dice! Master手册这是Dice!于2021.7.31更新先驱版2.5.2后对应的Master手册(点此下载pdf)。



本手册中[DiceData]一律指代Dice!存档目录,当前版本格式为[框架根目录]/Dice[DiceQQ]目录更新说明从2.5.0+版本升级从低版本升级到2.5.0+框架说明管理面板控制台指令全局配置用户策略云操作不良记录个性化扩展指令自定义回复自定义回执文本支持作者常见问题登录失败账号屏蔽网络连接失败附录更新历史后记更新说明(2.5.2)支持自定义文本使用sample转义多选一自动清理过期用户数据(默认360天)高频指令通知将显示最后一次指令的内容增加入群后对同系Dice!的识别降低jrrp失败向后台报错的频率修复单次清群上限无作用的bug修复st格式错误导致CPU100%的恶性bug修复了一些其他bug更新说明(2.5.1)优化{pc}丢失、群昵称获取失败等问题扩展通知窗口级别,允许.send notice允许自定义定时任务优化lua跨平台编码问题lua预设函数新增到18个更新说明(2.5.0)允许安装lua脚本指令本体独立于框架,必须由Dice驱动器装载使用.admin ListenSelfEcho/ListenGroupEcho自定义是否接收自己的私聊/群聊消息补充了对自身的指令频度监控,避免自我响应使用.admin GroupInvalidSize自定义协议无效的群规模开启对同系Dice的识别缓存今日人品,允许lua调用默认自动保存间隔调整为5分钟QQ框架(Dice!2.5.0+)2.5.0版本,Dice!本体由酷Q插件改为了独立于框架的dll,由作为框架插件的DiceDriver加载,具体能实现的接口视框架条件而不同。




dictionary的用法"dictionary" 是一个英语单词,可以用作名词,表示一本收录词汇、解释词义、提供用法示例等信息的书籍或在线资源。

以下是"dictionary" 的一些常见用法:1. 纸质词典:"dictionary" 最传统的形式是一本印刷的词典书,其中包含各种词汇的定义、拼写、发音、词性等信息。


* 例句:I keep a dictionary on my desk for quick reference.2. 电子词典:随着技术的发展,人们也使用电子形式的词典,可以在电脑、平板电脑或智能手机上使用。


* 例句:I often use an online dictionary to check the meanings of unfamiliar words.3. 专业词典:有些词典专注于特定领域,如法律词典、医学词典、科技词典等。


* 例句:As a medical student, I frequently refer to a medical dictionary to understand complex terms.4. 双语词典:提供一个词汇项的两种语言的对应翻译,用于学习外语。

* 例句:I use a French-English dictionary to improve my language skills.5. 在线词典:许多人现在倾向于使用在线词典,例如Merriam-Webster Online、Cambridge Dictionary、Oxford English Dictionary Online等。


* 例句:When in doubt, I search for the word in an online dictionary.总的来说,"dictionary" 是一个有关词汇解释和语言学学科的广泛使用的术语,可用于描述各种形式的词典资源。





一、什么是dictionary?Dictionary是一种无序、可变的、以键值对(key-value pairs)形式存储数据的数据结构。

它与列表(list)、元组(tuple)和集合(set)不同,dictionary 中的每个元素都是由键和值组成的。


每个键值对都是"key: value"的形式,多个键值对之间用逗号分隔。

下面是一个创建dictionary的示例:my_dict = {"name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "New York"}print(my_dict)上述代码将创建一个名为my_dict的dictionary,其中包含三个键值对:name: John、age: 25和city: New York。

运行代码将输出整个dictionary:{"name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "New York"}三、如何访问dictionary中的值?通过使用键来访问dictionary中的值。

可以使用方括号([ ])或get()方法来获取值。

下面是几个访问dictionary值的示例:my_dict = {"name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "New York"}# 使用方括号print(my_dict["name"])# 使用get()方法print(my_dict.get("age"))上述代码将分别输出:John25四、如何修改dictionary中的值?可以通过给键赋予新的值来修改dictionary中的值。



使用词典的好处英语作文The Advantages of Using a Dictionary.The dictionary is a invaluable tool that has been a constant companion in the journey of acquiring knowledge and understanding. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it serves as a guiding star for those seeking clarity in the vast and often-confusing ocean of words and their meanings. The benefits of using a dictionary arenumerous and diverse, spanning across various aspects of life and learning.Firstly, dictionaries are essential for language learning. Whether one is a beginner or an advanced learner, a dictionary provides a solid foundation upon which tobuild vocabulary and comprehension skills. It allows learners to explore new words, understand their meanings, and gain insights into their usage and context. This, in turn, enhances their ability to communicate effectively and express themselves more precisely.Moreover, dictionaries foster critical thinking and independent learning. When faced with an unfamiliar word, instead of relying solely on external sources or guesses, learners can consult a dictionary to verify its meaning and explore its various usages. This process not only helps in comprehending the word but also encourages learners tothink critically and question the language they encounter.In addition, dictionaries are also invaluable resources for writers and researchers. They provide accurate definitions and examples, enabling writers to use words with precision and clarity. This is especially crucial when writing for academic or professional purposes, where precision and clarity are paramount. By consulting a dictionary, writers can avoid common pitfalls like misusage and ambiguity, ensuring that their work is both accurate and impactful.Furthermore, dictionaries are cultural repositoriesthat preserve the richness and diversity of languages. They document the evolution of words and phrases, reflectingchanges in society, technology, and culture. By exploring a dictionary, one can gain insights into the historical and cultural backgrounds of words, understanding how they have shaped our worldviews and experiences.Moreover, in the digital age, dictionaries have evolved to become even more user-friendly and comprehensive. Online dictionaries, for instance, offer instant access to definitions, examples, and even audio pronunciations, making it easier for learners to grasp new words quickly. Additionally, they often provide additional features like word histories, synonyms, and antonyms, expanding thelearner's knowledge beyond the immediate word in question.However, it is important to note that whiledictionaries are invaluable resources, they should not be treated as替代品 for good reading and writing practices. A dictionary can provide definitions and examples, but it cannot teach one how to use words effectively in context. This requires regular practice and exposure to good writing, which is why it is essential to read widely and write regularly.In conclusion, the benefits of using a dictionary are numerous and far-reaching. They are essential tools for language learning, writers, and researchers alike, providing accurate definitions, examples, and insights into the language we use. In the digital age, they have become even more accessible and comprehensive, making it easierfor learners to explore and understand the vast and diverse world of words. By embracing the use of dictionaries, we can enhance our language skills, foster critical thinking, and gain a deeper understanding of the rich cultural heritage of languages.。



masterbateTitle: Mastering the Art of Self-Pleasure: A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction:Masturbation, also commonly known as self-pleasure or self-stimulation, is a natural and healthy sexual activity that is practiced by people of all genders and ages. Despite its universal presence, it is still a topic that can be shrouded in myths, misinformation, and cultural taboos. This comprehensive guide will uncover the facts, techniques, benefits, and considerations related to masturbation, helping individuals better understand and explore this intimate aspect of their sexuality.I. Understanding Masturbation:1. Defining Masturbation:- Masturbation refers to the act of pleasuring oneself sexually, typically involving the stimulation of one's own genitals to achieve sexual release or orgasm.2. Myth Busting:- Addressing common misconceptions surrounding masturbation, including negative cultural beliefs and religious taboos.3. Cultural Perspectives:- Exploring how different cultures and societies view and approach masturbation.4. Normalizing Masturbation:- Emphasizing that masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual expression, devoid of shame or guilt.II. Physical and Mental Health Benefits:1. Stress Relief:- Highlighting how masturbation can reduce stress, promote relaxation, and release tension.2. Sleep Improvement:- Exploring how masturbation can enhance sleep quality by triggering the release of endorphins and promoting a sense of tranquility.3. Mood Enhancement:- Discussing the positive impact of masturbation on mental well-being, including the release of dopamine and serotonin, which can uplift mood and reduce anxiety and depression.4. Improved Body Image and Self-Esteem:- Exploring how self-pleasure can help individuals develop a positive relationship with their bodies and improve self-image and self-confidence.III. Techniques and Tips:1. Exploring Arousal:- Identifying the factors that contribute to sexual arousal, including physical, mental, and environmental stimuli.2. Understanding Sensation:- Discussing techniques to enhance pleasure, such as maintaining a relaxed state, exploring erogenous zones, and experimenting with different forms of touch.3. Lubrication:- Highlighting the importance of lubrication during masturbation and suggesting various lubricant options.4. Vibrators and Sex Toys:- Providing an overview of the wide range of sex toys available for self-pleasure and tips on their safe and effective use.IV. Solo versus Partnered Masturbation:1. Benefits of Solo Masturbation:- Exploring how solo masturbation allows individuals to discover their own bodies and preferences, enabling better communication and satisfaction in future intimate relationships.2. Partnered Masturbation:- Discussing the potential benefits of including masturbation as a shared sexual activity within a relationship, promoting intimacy, and enhancing communication.V. Considerations and Precautions:1. Hygiene:- Emphasizing the importance of maintaining clean hands and hygiene practices during masturbation to prevent infections and promote overall health.2. Frequency:- Providing guidance on how to find a healthy balance and avoid excessive or compulsive masturbation.3. Privacy and Safety:- Offering tips for ensuring privacy, creating a safe and comfortable environment, and protecting personal information when engaging in self-pleasure.4. Age and Consent:- Highlighting the importance of age-appropriate education about masturbation while respecting cultural and legal norms regarding consent.Conclusion:By delving into the realm of masturbation, this comprehensive guide aims to dispel myths, address taboo narratives, and empower individuals to embrace their sexual selves. It is imperative to recognize and normalize masturbation as a healthy and natural aspect of human sexuality that can contribute to overall well-being and personal growth. While techniques and preferences may vary from person to person, the guide provides a foundation for individuals to discover their own pleasure and explore a deeper understanding of their bodies.。



介绍词典的用法英语作文Looking up words in a dictionary is a common practice for English language learners. Dictionaries are essential tools for expanding vocabulary, improving pronunciation, and understanding word meanings. They provide a wealth of information about words, including their definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and usage examples. With a dictionary in hand, you can explore the English language and enhance your language skills.Dictionaries are not only useful for finding the meanings of words but also for learning how to pronounce them correctly. Many dictionaries provide phonetic transcriptions that guide learners in pronouncing words accurately. By following the symbols and pronunciation guides, learners can develop their speaking skills and sound more like native speakers. So, whenever you come across a new word, don't hesitate to check its pronunciation in the dictionary.Another benefit of using a dictionary is that it helps learners understand the different meanings and uses of words. Words often have multiple meanings, and dictionaries provide clear explanations and examples to help learners grasp these nuances. For example, the word "run" can mean to move quickly, to manage or control, or to function. By consulting a dictionary, learners can easily understand which meaning is appropriate in a specific context.Dictionaries also offer synonyms and antonyms, which are valuable resources for expanding vocabulary and improving writing skills. Synonyms are words with similar meanings, while antonyms are words with opposite meanings. By using synonyms and antonyms, learners can add variety and depth to their writing, making it more engaging and precise. So, next time you're looking for the right word to use, turn to a dictionary and explore its synonyms and antonyms.Furthermore, dictionaries often provide information on word origins and etymology. This knowledge not only satisfies curiosity but also helps learners understand thehistorical and cultural contexts of words. By knowing the roots and origins of words, learners can make connections between different words and expand their vocabulary even further. So, take advantage of the etymology sections in dictionaries and discover the fascinating stories behind words.In conclusion, dictionaries are indispensable tools for English language learners. They provide not only word definitions but also pronunciation guides, synonyms, antonyms, and etymology. By using a dictionary, learners can enhance their vocabulary, improve their pronunciation, and deepen their understanding of the English language. So, make it a habit to consult a dictionary whenever you encounter a new word, and let it be your guide on your language learning journey.。



抄英语字典作用英语作文English: A dictionary is a very important tool for anyone studying the English language. It serves as a guide to the meaning, pronunciation, and usage of words. With a dictionary, one can quickly look up unfamiliar words encountered while reading or listening, which helps in expanding vocabulary and improving language skills. Additionally, a dictionary provides synonyms, antonyms, and examples of how words are used in sentences, making it a valuable resource for learners to deepen their understanding of the language. Apart from being a language reference, a dictionary can also serve as a learning tool for language learners to explore word origins, variations in meaning, and the correct spelling of words. In today's digital age, online dictionaries further enhance the accessibility and convenience of using a dictionary, making it an indispensable companion for English learners.中文翻译: 词典是在学习英语的人们非常重要的工具。



- Dictionary是Python中的一种数据结构,用于存储键值对。

- 字典内的键必须是唯一且不可变的类型,例如字符串、整数或元组。


- 字典通过键来访问对应的值,键可以用方括号[]或者get()方法来获取。


- 字典是无序的,不能通过索引来访问。

- 字典可以使用赋值运算符来插入、修改和删除键值对。

- 字典还提供了一些有用的方法来操作键值对,例如keys()可以返回所有的键,values()可以返回所有的值,items()可以返回所有的键值对。

- 字典的长度可以通过len()函数来获取。

- 可以使用in关键字来判断一个键是否存在于字典中。

- 字典可以通过for循环对键值对进行迭代,也可以使用字典推导式来创建新的字典。



词典对英语好处英语作文The Benefits of Using a Dictionary in Learning English。

As an English learner, using a dictionary is one of the most important tools to improve your language skills. A dictionary is a book or an electronic device that lists words in alphabetical order and provides their meanings, pronunciations, and usage examples. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of using a dictionary in learning English.First and foremost, a dictionary helps you expand your vocabulary. Vocabulary is the foundation of any language, and the more words you know, the better you can express yourself. By using a dictionary, you can learn new wordsand their meanings, which will help you understand English texts and communicate more effectively. Moreover, a dictionary can also provide synonyms and antonyms of a word, which can help you express yourself in a more precise and nuanced way.Secondly, a dictionary can improve your pronunciation. English pronunciation can be tricky, and even native speakers sometimes struggle with certain words. By using a dictionary, you can learn the correct pronunciation of a word, which will help you speak English more fluently and confidently. Many dictionaries also provide audio pronunciations, which can be especially useful for non-native speakers.Thirdly, a dictionary can help you understand the context of a word. English words can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which they are used. By using a dictionary, you can learn the different meanings of a word and how to use it in different contexts. This will help you understand English texts more accurately and avoid misunderstandings.Fourthly, a dictionary can improve your writing skills. Writing in English can be challenging, and using the right words and expressions is crucial for effective communication. By using a dictionary, you can learn newwords and expressions that can help you write more clearly and persuasively. Many dictionaries also provide usage examples, which can help you understand how to use a word in a sentence.Finally, using a dictionary can be a fun and rewarding experience. Learning new words and their meanings can be exciting, and it can also help you appreciate the beauty and richness of the English language. Moreover, using a dictionary can be a great way to challenge yourself and improve your language skills.In conclusion, using a dictionary is an essential tool for any English learner. It can help you expand your vocabulary, improve your pronunciation, understand the context of a word, improve your writing skills, and make learning English a fun and rewarding experience. So, next time you encounter a new word, don't hesitate to look it up in a dictionary!。



关于在线词典的英语作文英文回答:Online dictionaries have become an essential tool in my daily life. Whenever I come across a word that I don't know the meaning of, I immediately turn to online dictionaries for help. One of the main reasons I rely on online dictionaries is the convenience they offer. I can easily look up a word on my phone or computer anytime, anywhere. This is especially helpful when I'm reading articles or books in English and encounter unfamiliar vocabulary.Another reason I love using online dictionaries is the wealth of information they provide. Not only do they give me the definition of a word, but they also offer examples of how the word is used in context, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation guides, and even translations into different languages. This comprehensive information helps me understand the word better and use it correctly in my own writing and conversations.In addition, online dictionaries are constantly updated with new words and meanings, ensuring that I have access to the latest language trends and developments. This iscrucial for someone like me who is always trying to improve my vocabulary and language skills. Furthermore, online dictionaries often have interactive features such as quizzes, word of the day, and language games, which make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable.Overall, online dictionaries have revolutionized the way I learn and use language. They are my go-to resourcefor expanding my vocabulary, improving my writing, and enhancing my communication skills. I can't imagine navigating the English language without the help of online dictionaries.中文回答:在线词典已经成为我日常生活中不可或缺的工具。





二、技术准备在开始之前,我们需要准备以下的工具和技术:1. Python编程语言2. 网络爬虫库(例如BeautifulSoup)3. 网络请求库(例如requests)三、步骤1. 分析网页结构我们需要分析目标字典网页的HTML结构,找到需要的词语解释和例句所在的标签和类。


2. 发起网络请求使用Python的网络请求库(例如requests),我们可以发送一个GET请求到目标字典网页,获取到网页的HTML内容。

```pythonimport requestsurl = '目标字典网页的URL'response = requests.get(url)html = response.text```3. 解析网页内容接下来,我们使用BeautifulSoup库来解析网页的HTML内容,找到词语解释和例句所在的标签和类。


```pythonfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupsoup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')```4. 提取数据一旦我们找到了词语解释和例句所在的标签和类,我们可以使用BeautifulSoup提供的方法来提取这些数据。

```pythonword_definition = soup.find('词语解释的标签和类').text example_sentence = soup.find('例句的标签和类').text```在一些网页中,词语解释和例句可能会包含在多个标签或类中,此时我们需要使用更加复杂的方法来进行提取。

说文解字活背英文单词之五 为什么「辞典」叫

说文解字活背英文单词之五 为什么「辞典」叫

说文解字活背英文单词之五为什么「辞典」叫为什么「辞典」叫"dictionary"?何以两件事「相互矛盾、抵触」的情况称为" contradiction"?为什么「告别」是" valediction"?人是有情感会思辨的动物;每天我们都试图透过「言语」(speech)来「说出」(speak out)自己的感觉与思想。

英语中用于表示「谈话」或「言语」的字汇里多半含有" dict"、" log" 或" loqu" 的字根,因囿于篇幅,本文先谈构词数量较多的"dict"。

" dict" 这个拉丁字根的原意是" speak;say"(言、说),但一个人说话的效果与成败完全在于他/她的「措辞与说法」(diction -- choice of words),而辞典便是措辞、语法的「集大成」(-ary),故称为dictionary。

此外,别人在听了我们的措辞、说法之后,可能会提出「完全不同或对立的」(contra)说法,这时就形成了" contradiction"(反驳,对立,矛盾,抵触)。

如果两人到了无话可说的地步,那就要勇敢地互道「再见」(vale=farewell),该是「告别」(valediction=say goodbye)的时候了。

明白了dict 这个拉丁字根的来由,我们便可轻易领会下列词汇的语意:1. diction﹝﹞n. (dict = to speak = way of speaking)措辞;用字;语法2. dictation﹝﹞n. [dict = to speak(loudly to be recorded by another or to give orders)] 口述;听写;命令3. dictator ﹝﹞n. 口述者;命令者;独裁者4. dictatorial﹝﹞adj. 独裁的;独断自大的5. contradict ﹝﹞v.(contra + dict = against + say = say against )反驳;抗辩;矛盾;抵触6. contradiction﹝﹞n.(反驳;矛盾;抵触)7. contradictory﹝﹞adj.;n. 相反的;矛盾的;矛盾对立8. predict﹝﹞v.(pre + dict = before + say = say before)预言;预报9. prediction ﹝﹞n. 预言;预报10. valediction ﹝﹞n.(vale + dict = farewell + say = say goodbye)告别;告别辞接下来我们且看上列辞汇如何在生活中「诉说」它们的故事:1. The effectiveness of your speech depends on your diction.你的演说效果在于你的用字是否得当。



staff_dic = {"name":"灭霸", "age": 10000, "hobbies":["打响指", "扣脚"]}
hobbies= staff_dic.get("hobby",[])
staff_dic["hobbies"] = hobbies
staff_dic.setdefault("hobbies", []).append("毁灭宇宙")

python 词典用法

python 词典用法

python 词典用法Python词典用法Python中的词典是一种无序、可变且可索引的数据类型,由键值对构成。


以下是关于Python词典的一些常见用法:1. 创建词典:可以使用花括号{}或dict()函数创建一个空的词典。

例如:```empty_dict = {}another_empty_dict = dict()```2. 添加和更新键值对:使用键作为索引,可以很方便地向词典中添加新的键值对或更新已有的键值对。

例如:```my_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}my_dict['gender'] = 'female' # 添加新的键值对my_dict['age'] = 26 # 更新已有的键值对```3. 访问词典中的值:通过键来访问词典中的值。


例如:```my_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}print(my_dict['name']) # 输出:Aliceprint(my_dict['gender']) # 抛出KeyError异常```4. 遍历词典:可以使用for循环遍历词典中的所有键值对。

例如:```my_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}for key, value in my_dict.items():print(key, value)```输出:```name Aliceage 25```5. 删除键值对:使用del关键字可以从词典中删除指定的键值对。

例如:```my_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}del my_dict['age'] # 删除指定的键值对```6. 判断键是否存在:使用in关键字可以判断键是否存在于词典中。


























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Accounting DictionaryAlphabetical list English - GermanAlphabetical list German - EnglishEnglish Deutschabsorption Verteilung der Gemeinkosten (dasAuffangen der GK)accountant Finanzbuchhalteraccelerated depreciation vorzeitige Abschreibung,Sonderabschreibungaccount Abrechnung, Kontoaccounting Buchhaltung, Rechnungswesenaccounting concepts (principles,rules)Grundsätze der Buchhaltungaccounting equation Bilanzgleichungaccounting ratios Kennzahlenaccounting transaction Buchungssatzaccounts payable Gläubiger, Lieferverbindlichkeiten (UK-creditor)accounts receivable Schuldner, Lieferforderungen (UK- debtor) accruals and deferrals Abgrenzungenaccrued expenses, accruals Eigene Rückstellung, passive Antizipationenaccumulated depreciation Wertberichtigung zu Posten desAnlagevermögensactivity based costing (abc)Prozesskostenrechnungactivity unit Bezugsgrößeadditional paid-in capital Rücklage - bei Ausgabe der Aktien erzieltesAgioadjustments Um-, Nach- und Abschlussbuchungenadvance deposits Anzahlungen von Kunden (PassiveRechnungsabgrenzung)allocation of expenses Kostenumlage(Verrechnung) aufKostenstelleallowance for doubtful accounts Wertberichtigungen zu Forderungen (UK-provision for bad debts)amortisation Schuldentilgung, Abschreibung vonimmateriellen Vermögenswertenannual report Jahresbericht, Jahresabschluss apportionment of expenses Kostenverteilung auf Kostenstellen appreciation Wertsteigerungabsorption costing Vollkostenrechnungasset Vermögen, Aktivaauditing Prüfungswesenauthorized share capital (US - stock)autorisiertes Grundkapitalavoidable costs Differenzkostenbad debts Uneinbringliche Forderungenbalance sheet Bilanzbank statement Kontoauszugbasis of allocation der Schlüssel zur Verteilung der Kostenbill of exchange Wechselbookkeeper Buchhalterbookkeeping Buchführungbudget Etat, Haushaltsplan, Betriebsplan budgetary control Budgetkontrollebusiness transaction Geschäftsfallcapacity ratio Kapazitätskennzahlcapital Kapital, Kapitalkonten, Eigenkapitalcapital account Privatkonto, Eigenkapitalkontocapital expenditure Investitionen in Anlagevermögencapital gearing (leverage)Kapitalstrukturcapital reserve Kapitalrücklagecapitalize aktivieren (kapitalisieren)carriage inwards Eingangsfracht (aktiviert oder nichtaktiviert)carriage outwards Ausgangsfrachtcash book Kassabuchcash discount Skontocash flow jener Betrag über den der Betriebunternehmerisch disponieren kanncash purchase Warenankauf in Barcash sales Warenverkauf in Barcertificate of deposit Einzahlungsbelegcertified public accountant Wirtschaftsprüfer (UK=charteredaccountant)chart of accounts Kontenrahmencheque book Scheckheft (US-Check)collective bargaining agreement Kollektivvertragcommercial paper Wertpapierecommitted costs fixe Kostencommon stock Stammaktion (US-Ordinary shares) company Gesellschaft, Unternehmen,Kapitalgesellschaftconsistency rule Grundsatz der materiellen Bilanzkontinuität(§201 Abs 2 Z 1 HGB)construction in progress Im Bau befindliche Anlagencontinuous allotment method Iteratives Verfahren zur..continuous weighted averagemethod gleitendes Durchschnittspreisverfahrencontra Bezeichnung für Eintrag im Kassabuch:Kassa an Bankcontract of employment Dienstvertragcontribution (margin)Deckungsbeitragcontribution accounting Deckungsbeitragsrechnungcontribution to the fund for buildingcondominiums or apartments Wohnbauförderungsbeitrag (WF) corporation tax Körperschaftssteuercost accounting Kostenrechnungcost allocation Kostenumlage(Verrechnung) aufKostenstellecost ascertainment Feststellung der Kostencost benefit analysis Nutzwertanalysecost centre Kostenstellecost centre accounting Kostenstellenrechnungcost driver“Kostentreiber”, Maßgröße desProzessumfangs (“Bezugsgröße)cost of goods sold, cost of sales Herstellungskostencost of sales method Umsatzkostenverfahrencost recovery Kostendeckungcost types Kostenartencost-volume profit analysis (cvp)Kostenorientierter Verfahrensvergleich undBreak-even Analysecredit Habencredit limit Kreditlinie, Kreditlimitcredit note Gutschrift an Kunden, auchGutschriftanzeigecredit purchase Wareneinkauf auf Zielcredit sale Warenverkauf auf Zielcreditor account Lieferantenkonto, Verbindlichkeiten ausLieferungen & Leistungencreditor(s)Gläubiger, Lieferverbindlichkeiten (US-accounts payable)cumulative preference shares kumulative Vorzugsaktiencurrent account Girokontocurrent assets Umlaufvermögencurrent liabilities kurzfristige Verbindlichkeitendebenture Schuldverschreibung, FestverzinslichesInhaberwertpapierdebit Solldebit note Gutschrift von Lieferanten, auchLastschriftanzeigedebtor Schuldner, Lieferforderungen (US-accountsreceivable)debtor account Kundenkonto, Forderungen aus Lieferungen& Leistungendecision accounting Entscheidungsrechnungdelivery note Lieferscheindemand deposit Kontokorrentkontodepletion method of depreciation Substanzabschreibungdeposit account Sparkontodepreciation Abschreibungendirect costs Einzelkosten, direkt einem Produktzurechenbare Kostendirect debit Zahlung mittels Einzugsermächtigungdirect material costs Materialeinzelkostendiscount factor Abzinsungsfaktordiscounted payback Dynamische Amortisationsrechnung discounting Abzinsungdiscounts allowed Skontoaufwand (Kundenskonti)discounts received Skontoertragdividend Dividende, Anteil der Aktie am Reingewinn double entry accounting doppelte Buchhaltungdoubtful debts Zweifelhafte (dubiose) Forderungendrawer Aussteller eines Schecks (Trassant) drawings Privatentnahmendual aspect rule entspricht dem Grundsatz derordnungsgemäßen Buchführung (§189 HGB) elimination method Normalverrechnungssatzverfahren zur... employers contribution to a fund forInsolvenz-Entgeltsicherungsgesetz (IE) payment of salaries and wages incase of insolvencyemployers contribution to the fundEntgeltfortzahlung (EF)for illness-remuneration of workersonly.endorsement Indossament, einen Scheck girierenentity rule entspricht dem Grundsatz derordnungsgemäßen Buchführung (§189 HGB) equity Eigenkapitalexpenditure Ausgaben, Aufwendungenexpenses Betriebskosten, Aufwendungenface value Nenn-, Nominalwertfactoring der Verkauf von Forderungenfactoring Factoring, Forderungsankauffactory or works overhead expenses Gemeinkostenfamily/children remuneration Familienbeihilfefinal accounts Bilanz sowie Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung financial accounting Finanzbuchhaltungfinancial budget Finanzplanfinancial management Finanzmanagementfinancial statement Finanzbericht, Abschlussfixed assets Anlagevermögenfixed budget starres Budgetfixed costs Fixkostenfixed deposit Festgeldflexible budget Sollkostenfolio columns Referenzspalte (z.B. Belegnr.)forecast Erwartungsrechnunggeneral journal Journal, Grundbuchgeneral ledger Hauptbuchgeneral social security act ASVGgoing concern rule Grundsatz der Unternehmensfortführung(§201 Abs 2 Z 2 HGB)goods for own use Eigenverbrauchgoodwill Verschmelzungsmehrwert, Geschäftswert gross loss Rohverlustgross pay Bruttogehalt/Lohngross profit Rohgewinn, entspricht einem Gewinn vorGemeinkostenhire purchase Raten-, Teilzahlungskaufhire purchase Mietkaufhistoric cost (syn. gross bookvalue)Anschaffungswerthistoric cost rule Anschaffungswertprinziphouse bank Bankkontoimpersonal accounts Bestands-, Ertrags- und Aufwandskontenimprest system System des Wiederauffüllens nachAbrechnung der Kasseincidental expenses Nebenkostenincome (syn. revenue)Ertrag, Einnahmeincome statement Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung (UK-Trading,Profit & Loss account)income tax Einkommenssteuer, Körperschaftssteuer(corporation tax)indirect costs Gemeinkosteninput tax Vorsteuerintangible fixed assets immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände interdepartmental service costs innerbetriebliche Leistungeninterim dividend Abschlagsdividende, Zwischendividende internal cost allocation Innerbetriebliche Leistungsverrechnung internal rate of return interner Zinsfußinternal revenue service Finanzbehördeinventories Vorräte, Lagerbestand (UK-stock) investment Iinvestition, Beteiligung, Wertpapierissued share capital (US - stock)ausgegebenes Kapitaljob order costing Stückkostenrechnungjournal Journal, Grundbuch der Buchhaltungkey ratios(Spitzen)kennzahlleasehold Pachtvertrag, Mietvertragleasehold Miete, Pachtledger, book of account Teil der Buchhaltung (z.B. Hauptbuch) lender Kredit- Darlehensgeber, Geldgeberliabilities Verbindlichkeiten, Schulden (auch Haftung),Passivalimited company Ges.m.b.H. (Private) oder AG (Public) liquidity Liquidität, kurz Zahlungsfähigkeitlisted company an der Börse notiertes Unternehmenloan Kredit, Darlehen, auch Anleihelong-term liabilities langfristige Verbindlichkeitenmanagerial (management) accounting Rechnungswesen mit besonderem Zweck der Unternehmensleitungmanufacturing account Herstellkontomanufacturing cost Fertigungskostenmanufacturing overhead Fertigungsgemeinkostenmargin Gewinnspannemargin of safety Sicherheitsspannemarginal costing Grenzkostenpreiskalkulationmarginal costs Grenzkostenmarketable securities Wertpapiere des Umlaufvermögensmark-up(Preis)aufschlagmatching rule Grundsatz der Periodenabgrenzung (§201 2Z 5 HGB)materiality rule Grundsatz der Wesentlichkeitmoney measurement rule entspricht dem Grundsatz derordnungsgemäßen Buchführung (§189 HGB) mortgage Hypotheknarrative Beschreibung des Geschäftsfalles im Journal national insurance Sozialversicherungnational insurance withholding Sozialversicherungsbeiträgenet book value Buchwert, Restwertnet loss Nettoverlustnet pay Nettogehalt/Lohnnet present value Kapitalwertnet profit Netto-, Reingewinnnominal accounts Ertrags- und Aufwandskontennominal ledger Teil der Erfolgsbilanzkonten im Hauptbuch nominal value Nenn-, Nominalwertnon-production overhead Nebenkostenstellenotes Anhangnotes receivable Schuldscheineobjectivity rule entspricht in etwa dem Grundsatz derWillkürfreiheitobsolescence Veralterung, Verschleißoperating result Betriebsergebnisopportunity costs Opportunitätskostenordinary shares Stammaktion (UK-Common Stock)other direct expenses Sonderkosten der Fertigungoutput tax, value added tax Mehrwertsteueroverdraft facilityÜberziehungskreditoverhead costs (expenses)Gemeinkostenovertime payÜberstundenabgeltungpar value Nenn-, Nominalwertpartnership Personengesellschaftpayback Amortisation, Rendite, Rückzahlung payback time Amortisationszeitpayee Zahlungsempfängerpaying-in slip Einzahlungsbelegperiodicity rule entspricht dem Stichtagprinzip (§201 HGB) personal accounts Personenkontenpetty cash book Portokassenbuchpetty cash, float Nebenkasse, Portokasseplc, public limited company Aktengesellschaftpost einen Geschäftsfall verbuchenpreference shares Vorzugsaktien (UK-Preferred stock) preferred stock Vorzugsaktien (US-Preference shares) preliminary expenses Gründungskostenpremises Haus mit Grundpremium bond Sparprämienanleihepremium payment Variable Gehaltsbestandteilepre-opening expenses Aufwendungen zur Betriebsingangsetzungprepaid expenses, prepayments Eigene Vorauszahlungen, AktiveTransitorienpre-tax profit Gewinn vor Steuernprime cost Fertigungseinzelkosten (gesamt)private company personenbezogene Kapitalgesellschaft,Ges.m.b.H.private ledger Hilfsbuch - enthält Privatkontenproduct costing Kostenträgerrechnungproduct, product unit, service Kostenträgerproduction cost Herstellungskostenproduction overhead Fertigungsgemeinkostenproduction volume ratio Fertigungskennzahlprofit Gewinn, Erfolgprofit and loss account Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung, Erfolgsbilanzprofit centre Profit Center, Ergebniseinheit,Erfolgsbereichprofitability Rentabilität, Ertragskraftproperty Immobilien, Liegenschaftenproposed dividend ausgewiesene, aber noch nichtausgeschüttete Dividendeprovision for bad debts Wertberichtigungen zu Forderungen (US-allowance doubtful a/c)prudence rule Grundsatz der Vorsicht, Imparitätsprinzip(§201 Abs. 2 Z 4 HGB)public company (corporation)Publikumsgesellschaft (AG)purchases Kauf, Wareneinkaufpurchases account Vorrat (Handelswaren, Rohstoffe) purchases invoice Eingangsrechnungpurchases journal Wareneingangsjournalpurchases ledger Lieferantenkartei,quantitative rule entspricht dem Grundsatz derordnungsgemäßen Buchführung (§189 HGB) rates Steuern auf Haus- und Grundbesitzratio analysis Kennziffernanalysereal accounts Aktive und passive Bestandskonten realization rule Realisationsprinzip (§201 2 Z 4 lit a HGB) receipt; receipts Quittung; Einnahmenreceipts Einnahmenreducing balance depreciation Degressive Abschreibungreimbursement for travel expenses Auslagenersatz Reisekostenrelevance rule entspricht am ehesten dem Grundsatz derder Bilanzklarheit (§195 HGB)remuneration Bezügereporting Berichtswesenreserve (see capital r., revenue r.)Rücklageretained profit (earnings)einbehaltene (unverteilte, nichtausgeschüttete, thesaurierte) Gewinnereturn outwards journal Journal Warenrücksendungen anLieferantenreturns inwards Warenrücksendungen von Kundenreturns inwards journal Journal Warenrücksendungen von Kunden returns outwards Warenrücksendungen an Lieferanten revenue (syn. Income)Erlös, Einkünfterevenue expenditure Betriebsaufwandrevenue owing Fremde Rückstände, Aktive Antizipationen revenue receipt Erträgerevenue reserve Gewinnrücklageroyalties Lizenzgebühren, Tantiemensales Umsatz, Erlösesales invoice Ausgangsrechnungsales journal Warenausgangsjournalsales ledger Kundenkarteisales volume Absatzsecurities Wertpapiere und Effektenservice cost centre Hilfskostenstelleservice department apportionment Innerbetriebliche Leistungsverrechnung severance pay Abfertigungshare Aktieshare capital Aktenkapitalshare premium Agio aus Aktienemissionshareholder Aktionärshareholders' equity Eigenkapital (Equity capital, Owners' equity) shareholders' funds Eigenkapitalshares Aktiensocial security exempt amounts Beitragsfreie Entgeltesole trader Einzelkaufmannsolvency Zahlungsfähigkeitspecial allowances Sonderausgabenstandard cost Plankostenstanding order Dauerauftragstatement Abrechnung, Saldenbestätigung,Kontoauszugstock Vorräte, Lagerbestand (US-inventory),Effekten, Aktienstock account Warenbestandskontostock exchange Wertpapierbörsestock valuation Inventurbewertungstock turn Lagerumschlagstraight line depreciation Lineare Abschreibungsunk costs Istkosten der Vergangenheitsurcharges Zuschlägetangible fixed assets Sachanlage (-vermögen)target costing Zielkostenrechnungtax assessment basis Steuerbemessungsgrundlagetax relief Freibetrag, Steuerabsetzbetragtemporary cash investment Befristete Barinvestitiontrade credit Warenkredit. Lieferantenkredittrade discount Rabatt, Händlerrabatttrade union contributions Gewerkschaftsbeitragtrading account Erfolgskonto (ohne Einbeziehung derGemeinkosten)transfer prices Verrechnungspreisetrial balance Saldenliste, Probebilanz (Summen-,Saldenbilanz)turf accountant Buchmachervalue added tax Mehrwertsteuervariance analysis Soll-Ist Vergleichvat account Mehrwertsteuer Zahllastvat payable Umsatzsteuervat receivable Vorsteuervat return Umsatzsteuer Voranmeldungvoucher, slip Belegwithdrawals Privatentnahmenwork in progress unfertige Erzeugnisseworkers association contributions Arbeiterkammerumlage (KU)working capital (net)Nettoumlaufvermögenworksheet AbschlußtabelleDeutsch English“Kostentreiber”, Maßgröße descost driverProzessumfangs (“Bezugsgröße)Abfertigung severance payAbgrenzungen accruals and deferrals Abrechnung, Konto accountAbrechnung, Saldenbestätigung, Kontoauszug statementAbsatz sales volume Abschlagsdividende, Zwischendividende interim dividendAbschlußtabelle worksheetAbschreibungen depreciationAbzinsung discountingAbzinsungsfaktor discount factorAgio aus Aktienemission share premium Aktengesellschaft plc, public limited company Aktenkapital share capitalAktie shareAktien sharesAktionär shareholderAktive und passive Bestandskonten real accountsaktivieren (kapitalisieren)capitalizeAmortisation, Rendite, Rückzahlung paybackAmortisationszeit payback timean der Börse notiertes Unternehmen listed companyAnhang notesAnlagevermögen fixed assetsAnschaffungswert historic cost (syn. gross bookvalue)Anschaffungswertprinzip historic cost ruleAnzahlungen von Kunden (PassiveRechnungsabgrenzung)advance deposits Arbeiterkammerumlage (KU)workers association contributions ASVG general social security actAufwendungen zur Betriebsingangsetzung pre-opening expenses(Preis)Aufschlag mark-upAusgaben, Aufwendungen expenditureAusgangsfracht carriage outwards Ausgangsrechnung sales invoiceausgegebenes Kapital issued share capital (US - stock) ausgewiesene, aber noch nichtausgeschüttete Dividende proposed dividendAuslagenersatz Reisekosten reimbursement for travel expenses Aussteller eines Schecks (Trassant)drawerautorisiertes Grundkapital authorized share capital (US -stock)Bankkonto house bankBefristete Barinvestition temporary cash investment Beitragsfreie Entgelte social security exempt amounts Beleg voucher, slipBerichtswesen reportingBeschreibung des Geschäftsfalles im Journal narrativeBestands-, Ertrags- und Aufwandskonten impersonal accounts Betriebsaufwand revenue expenditure Betriebsergebnis operating resultBetriebskosten, Aufwendungen expensesBezeichnung für Eintrag im Kassabuch: Kassaan Bank contraBezüge remunerationBezugsgröße activity unitBilanz balance sheetBilanz sowie Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung final accountsBilanzgleichung accounting equationBruttogehalt/Lohn gross payBuchführung bookkeepingBuchhalter bookkeeperBuchhaltung, Rechnungswesen accountingBuchmacher turf accountantBuchungssatz accounting transaction Buchwert, Restwert net book valueBudgetkontrolle budgetary controlDauerauftrag standing orderDeckungsbeitrag contribution (margin) Deckungsbeitragsrechnung contribution accounting Degressive Abschreibung reducing balance depreciationder Schlüssel zur Verteilung der Kosten basis of allocationder Verkauf von Forderungen factoringDienstvertrag contract of employment Differenzkosten avoidable costsDividende, Anteil der Aktie am Reingewinn dividenddoppelte Buchhaltung double entry accounting Dynamische Amortisationsrechnung discounted paybackEigene Rückstellung, passive Antizipationen accrued expenses, accruals Eigene Vorauszahlungen, Aktive Transitorien prepaid expenses, prepayments Eigenkapital equityEigenkapital shareholders' funds Eigenkapital (Equity capital, Owners' equity)shareholders' equity Eigenverbrauch goods for own use einbehaltene (unverteilte, nichtausgeschüttete, thesaurierte) Gewinne retained profit (earnings)einen Geschäftsfall verbuchen postEingangsfracht (aktiviert oder nicht aktiviert)carriage inwards Eingangsrechnung purchases invoice Einkommenssteuer, Körperschaftssteuer(corporation tax)income taxEinnahmen receiptsEinzahlungsbeleg certificate of deposit Einzahlungsbeleg paying-in slipEinzelkaufmann sole traderEinzelkosten, direkt einem Produktzurechenbare Kosten direct costsEntgeltfortzahlung (EF)employers contribution to the fund for illness-remuneration of workers only.Entscheidungsrechnung decision accounting entspricht am ehesten dem Grundsatz der derBilanzklarheit (§195 HGB)relevance ruleentspricht dem Grundsatz derordnungsgemäßen Buchführung (§189 HGB)dual aspect ruleentspricht dem Grundsatz derordnungsgemäßen Buchführung (§189 HGB)entity ruleentspricht dem Grundsatz derordnungsgemäßen Buchführung (§189 HGB)money measurement rule entspricht dem Grundsatz derordnungsgemäßen Buchführung (§189 HGB)quantitative ruleentspricht dem Stichtagprinzip (§201 HGB)periodicity ruleentspricht in etwa dem Grundsatz derWillkürfreiheit objectivity ruleErfolgskonto (ohne Einbeziehung derGemeinkosten)trading accountErlös, Einkünfte revenue (syn. Income) Ertrag, Einnahme income (syn. revenue)Erträge revenue receiptErtrags- und Aufwandskonten nominal accounts Erwartungsrechnung forecastEtat, Haushaltsplan, Betriebsplan budgetFactoring, Forderungsankauf factoringFamilienbeihilfe family/children remuneration Fertigungseinzelkosten (gesamt)prime cost Fertigungsgemeinkosten manufacturing overheadFertigungsgemeinkosten production overhead Fertigungskennzahl production volume ratio Fertigungskosten manufacturing costFestgeld fixed depositFeststellung der Kosten cost ascertainment Finanzbehörde internal revenue service Finanzbericht, Abschluss financial statement Finanzbuchhalter accountant Finanzbuchhaltung financial accounting Finanzmanagement financial management Finanzplan financial budgetfixe Kosten committed costsFixkosten fixed costsFreibetrag, Steuerabsetzbetrag tax reliefFremde Rückstände, Aktive Antizipationen revenue owing Gemeinkosten factory or works overheadexpensesGemeinkosten indirect costsGemeinkosten overhead costs (expenses) Ges.m.b.H. (Private) oder AG (Public)limited companyGeschäftsfall business transaction Gesellschaft, Unternehmen,Kapitalgesellschaft company Gewerkschaftsbeitrag trade union contributions Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung (UK-Trading,Profit & Loss account)income statementGewinn- und Verlustrechnung, Erfolgsbilanz profit and loss account Gewinn vor Steuern pre-tax profitGewinn, Erfolg profitGewinnrücklage revenue reserve Gewinnspanne marginGirokonto current accountGläubiger, Lieferverbindlichkeiten (UK-creditor)accounts payableGläubiger, Lieferverbindlichkeiten (US-creditor(s)accounts payable)gleitendes Durchschnittspreisverfahren continuous weighted averagemethodGrenzkosten marginal costs Grenzkostenpreiskalkulation marginal costingGrundsatz der materiellen Bilanzkontinuitätconsistency rule(§201 Abs 2 Z 1 HGB)Grundsatz der Periodenabgrenzung (§201 2 Z5 HGB)matching ruleGrundsatz der Unternehmensfortführung(§201 Abs 2 Z 2 HGB)going concern ruleGrundsatz der Vorsicht, Imparitätsprinzipprudence rule(§201 Abs. 2 Z 4 HGB)Grundsatz der Wesentlichkeit materiality ruleGrundsätze der Buchhaltung accounting concepts (principles,rules)Gründungskosten preliminary expensesGutschrift an Kunden, auch Gutschriftanzeige credit noteGutschrift von Lieferanten, auchLastschriftanzeigedebit noteHaben creditHauptbuch general ledgerHaus mit Grund premisesHerstellkonto manufacturing account Herstellungskosten cost of goods sold, cost of sales Herstellungskosten production costHilfsbuch - enthält Privatkonten private ledgerHilfskostenstelle service cost centreHypothek mortgageIinvestition, Beteiligung, Wertpapier investmentIm Bau befindliche Anlagen construction in progress immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände intangible fixed assets Immobilien, Liegenschaften propertyIndossament, einen Scheck girieren endorsementinnerbetriebliche Leistungen interdepartmental service costs Innerbetriebliche Leistungsverrechnung internal cost allocation Innerbetriebliche Leistungsverrechnung service department apportionmentInsolvenz-Entgeltsicherungsgesetz (IE)employers contribution to a fund for payment of salaries and wages in case of insolvencyinterner Zinsfußinternal rate of return Inventurbewertung stock valuationInvestitionen in Anlagevermögen capital expenditureIstkosten der Vergangenheit sunk costsIteratives Verfahren zur..continuous allotment method Jahresbericht, Jahresabschluss annual reportjener Betrag über den der Betriebunternehmerisch disponieren kanncash flowJournal Warenrücksendungen an Lieferanten return outwards journal Journal Warenrücksendungen von Kunden returns inwards journal Journal, Grundbuch general journalJournal, Grundbuch der Buchhaltung journalKapazitätskennzahl capacity ratioKapital, Kapitalkonten, Eigenkapital capitalKapitalrücklage capital reserve Kapitalstruktur capital gearing (leverage) Kapitalwert net present value Kassabuch cash bookKauf, Wareneinkauf purchasesKennzahlen accounting ratios (Spitzen)Kennzahl key ratiosKennziffernanalyse ratio analysisKollektivvertrag collective bargaining agreement Kontenrahmen chart of accountsKontoauszug bank statement Kontokorrentkonto demand depositKörperschaftssteuer corporation taxKostenarten cost typesKostendeckung cost recoveryKostenorientierter Verfahrensvergleich undBreak-even Analyse cost-volume profit analysis (cvp) Kostenrechnung cost accountingKostenstelle cost centre Kostenstellenrechnung cost centre accountingKostenträger product, product unit, service Kostenträgerrechnung product costingKostenumlage(Verrechnung) auf Kostenstelle allocation of expenses Kostenumlage(Verrechnung) auf Kostenstelle cost allocationKostenverteilung auf Kostenstellen apportionment of expenses Kredit- Darlehensgeber, Geldgeber lenderKredit, Darlehen, auch Anleihe loanKreditlinie, Kreditlimit credit limitkumulative Vorzugsaktien cumulative preference shares Kundenkartei sales ledgerKundenkonto, Forderungen aus Lieferungen &Leistungen debtor accountkurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten current liabilities Lagerumschlag stock turnlangfristige Verbindlichkeiten long-term liabilities Lieferantenkartei,purchases ledger Lieferantenkonto, Verbindlichkeiten ausLieferungen & Leistungen creditor accountLieferschein delivery noteLineare Abschreibung straight line depreciationLiquidität, kurz Zahlungsfähigkeit liquidityLizenzgebühren, Tantiemen royaltiesMaterialeinzelkosten direct material costs Mehrwertsteuer output tax, value added tax Mehrwertsteuer value added taxMehrwertsteuer Zahllast vat accountMiete, Pacht leaseholdMietkauf hire purchaseNebenkasse, Portokasse petty cash, floatNebenkosten incidental expenses Nebenkostenstelle non-production overheadNenn-, Nominalwert face valueNenn-, Nominalwert nominal value。
