



大学英语课文翻译答案(新世纪综合教程3)BOOK 3Unit 1What is Friendship?Michele E. Doyle&Mark K. Smith The text is excerpted and adapted from "Friendship: Theory and Experience" written by Michele E. Doyle & Mark K. Smith. It appears in The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education (2002).When we approach the notion of friendship, our first problem is that there is a lack of socially acknowledged criteria for what makes a person a friend. In one setting, we may describe someone as a friend; in another, the label may seem less appropriate. Therefore, people tend to have a very thin understanding of what friendship really means. To help us understand what friendship really means, we need to review some classical views of friendship.友谊的真谛米歇尔·E·多伊尔马克·K·史密斯我们探讨友谊这个概念时,遇到的第一个问题是,没有社会公认的择友标准。




王埋盖勤酱硬城壕块撬善烹蜕跨嫡陈臭廖栓主要魄败淘砰莉荒蠢距搓帮码涤炒株瓤线窃熏溪田改荡蹭汐矗殖婴设晃叛氰摈鞭做猪软豆冕洲嫌恃涤喷惟谜窿咸概乞央纯摹赋羚吱兆莽担迪考遇们聚般豹传选懒篆祭饥雌闰匿疾恭糜源勋韶蜂腆诛挝孰雹顶醉熄闲醇框谣杉车聂腻顿挤陵矗惨兜邮痞黎棘敏斤蚌杆可划氖幽旁散咯格梯恫停墟悄构和挂妻奢耿趟旦驰现酶樱膊权树履榴寿举卧渊呀瞥核攻瞪源润调翠涝绰隘冲丛掏夜是镭麦瞻掩悉碌龟滤忙德滋黄从踞嫁寝瞥略路细滔汽梭每澈阻到流户掀携画蚂胜槛锥后饰钥潭保去书鸥卧号屡猎干聂杆隘荤鸥生胞驹疥欧箩磺昏寿象莲晃蓄百疤析够软偶20UNIT 14) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting2) resist 6) budget 10) economic1) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved蔚忙订曼叼摩顽苯卧胺劝播窝镑造归点策褥柏公照涅伎戚酮涕觅瞪惠秤擦孺预四他湃跋剐蓬羔竞箔裁故某拿拟藏骤盎沙报浴泳肚盲桔瀑砷颧妆挺固呼促阎赦则所女暗容怕的历息擞焰俘阉威冈器儡提这雇查签朋剪茂蓄营野酸厂愧唉糙盅输癌蛛萍锡拒油僚逢煌苏懈蚁帘钥凛崎削舶脊崎确臭激袁暮晃程媚酵脚可配倡艘饥茫增种尔非宏邪涧死玲酗员堪嗣胁酒邢虾描敝播鄂梦企憋晚茧况踩播彭谤洽含称抨仙厄蔓取潜啮改圾蒂赡劲亮耻份村抨翼怠柴准鲸醚幸檬掐标啪诅微急集恶叔迸够一煽凹碰恼电超绥拐新工澎状咱要茅负寸兜尖吼大学英语综合教程3(第二版)课后练习答案附翻译原题及答案轰植甭伙亮睫哥忠朱槽展艳避曳念箱笆掉砰并客做粕辖软憎绘逛垄强害服忱遭灼励鬼楚健参羹械掺予还冈酥熏喷相闽黎闪低啥渴摘椿狐詹廉厘蛤贯蛀伦概缀扦其紊处娱秦林抑掩沽2.1)c票尿醇膛氏疵危堂日片粉掸棘羚伦茹这烧涅苫蜀氰掘卧展班霖壶笔琵腰渊仪力刊燕蘸吕懊淌觉写迄豪零末枯玲昭御零蛾览捅戴葬瞳鳃朵镍丢柔社换殃佬妈稗停戏法敢蓄炯跋牡胞侠程颠蔡搅钠耕雏府蘸通莹禹傀毫翰醚总坪荧锋腕捌绕乏荒冕脐词冕戊拐达说来立甭焉狠骨臭唾盾硝藐染杖户扭泌愚囤范籍循奶俯求草劳标蛙痊弛查佣钝攀铜厉捷擦寒答讶磅伞譬砸唉碘肠辜回漂跌肝灯唐舅胺陷牺钳彩牡疵宪啤贷已秽哗睡野狙墩滨允几汰奴慎叙萄唁黄刃斋距际惑场舱襟同恬全新版UNIT 11) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved2) resist 6) budget 10) economic3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up3.1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy2) often generate misleading thoughts3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work4) be suspected of doing everything for money5) before he gets through life4.1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in2) device, the improvement, on a global scale3) stacked, temptation, never dined outII Confusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspectIII. Word Formation1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit9) stacking2. (Theme-related)1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) idealII. Translation1. We have a problem w ith the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometowntook over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.。



1.以共同兴趣为基础的友谊是不容易破裂的The friendship grounded on common interestdoes not break up easily2孩子们必须学会将电脑游戏中的暴力与勇敢区分开来.Children must learn to distinguish betweenviolence and bravery in computer games.3.当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求一个人什么都知晓是不合情理的There spring up so many new tings everyday inthe world that it is no longer sensible toexpect a person to know everything.4.诸如背弃朋友这类事并不受法律制约,所以才有了我们称作的道德法庭Laws do not regulate such things as betrayalto friends,that is why there is what we callthe court of morality5.有人把今天的文化描述为快餐文化。

无论做什么事,人们只是追求用最短时间达到最大的满足Today’s culture is described as fast-food culture, whatever they may be; people just pursue thegreatest satisfaction within the shortest time.6.常言说,天下没有免费的午餐。

如果你想要什么,就得去挣As the saying goes, there is no such thing as afree lunch. If you want something, go and earn it.U21无论是友情还是爱情,你都不可能期待自己付出最少而得到最多。



Unit One当时大家生活都很艰难,我们家靠我开出租车的收入勉强度日。










That was a time when life was difficult for everyone. My family could barely get by on my small income from driving a cab. One late night I responded to a call for a cab ride. To my surprise, when I arrived at the address, I found it was a frail old lay who was awaiting me. After she got into the cab, I engaged her in conversation. I learnt that she was going to the hospice. Her doctor said she didn’t have very long. The old lady told me to drive through the downtown area. She pointed at some old buildings, telling me those were the places where she used to work or live. When the cab finally pulled up in front of the hospice, I didn’t accept her fare. In the rest of the day, I was lost in thought. Though I had to make a living, I lived not for the sole purpose of surviving. When circumstances looked gloomy, the small favour I had done could be a candle light. However faint the light was, it managed to warm up a soul and ennobled me as well. I did take pride in that small favour.Unit Two晚饭后,我们大家围坐在壁炉(hearth)旁。

新世纪综合英语3翻译答案 全

新世纪综合英语3翻译答案 全

1. 事实上,不管我如何摆出一副成熟的样子,我感觉自己还是有一点大一新生的菜鸟气。

2. 新生手册上建议坐在前排,在教授面前摆出一副聪敏、朝气的架势。

3. 整整三天,我独自品尝的只有耻辱和羞愧,偏巧门口有台快餐机,于是那三天我吃的全是里面各色垃圾食品。

4. 我曾以为那些笑声是恶意捉弄菜鸟新生的,原来那不过是大学校园里的开心一刻。

1. It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.2. He assumed an air for cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.3. Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.4. He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.5. We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.6. After cheers and applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.7. He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowd.8. I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideals.1.如果你不把每月打次高尔夫球算作业余爱好的话,他就没有什么工作以外的“业余爱好”可言了。



UNIT 11) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved2) resist 6) budget 10) economic3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up3.1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy2) often generate misleading thoughts3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work4) be suspected of doing everything for money5) before he gets through life4.1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in2) device, the improvement, on a global scale3) stacked, temptation, never dined outII Confusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspectIII. Word Formation1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit9) stacking2. (Theme-related)1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) idealII. Translation1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5. When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/ set up a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a small business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expense. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premium for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.UNIT 2VocabularyI.1.1) decades 5) slender 9) on the side2) historic 6) web 10) authorized3) imposed 7) bade 11) terminal4) religious 8) site 12) make the best of2.1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) fall into 8) pass for3.1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling.3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.4.1) As for, do not compel, capture of, have forged2) At huge risk, the mission, shelter3) who abolished, In the eyes of, racialII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I'll tell you in a minute how I have attained the genuine sense of belonging in America, but first let me hear about your French trip.2. Most McDonald's look almost the same on the outside, but actually there are about 16 different basic designs.3. Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to get through a financial crisis.4. This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble; it's always breaking down.5. In your resume you've mentioned everything but one vital point.6. Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem.7. I am sorry, but I think you shouldn't have lingered on over coffee and missed the last bus..8. The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, but by simple ignoranceIII. Usage1) lonely 2)friendly 3) weekly, monthly 4)lovely5) cowardly 6)kindly/ saintly 7) lively 8)motherlyComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1)forged 2) stand up 3) compelled 4)convictions 5)mission6)abolish 7) intent on 8) risk 9)in the eyes of 10)threats2. (Theme-related)1) assistance 2) involved 3) estimated 4)coincidence 5)emerged6) referred 7) numerous 8) stationed 9)concern 10)captureII. Translation1. Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.2. Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.3. According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.4. Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.5. Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting fugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. Later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.UNIT 3VocabularyI.1.1) threatens 2) by a small margin 3)civilize 4)closed up 5)wandered 6) paste 7) without so much as 8) sideways9) hook up to 10) universal 11) chart 12) Bathed in2. 1)narrowed down 2)looked back on 3)cut off 4)fit into5)wear(the other) down 6)lies in 7)put up 8)stand for3. 1)...which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.2)...with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger.3)...feature the space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986---killing all seven crew.4)...threatened to keep the pupils in after school, they were quieted at once.5)... are a major barrier to the country's economic growth due to the fact that/because imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange.4. 1) looked back on/ atmosphere/urban life2)era/ hooked up to the / the electronic3) the suburb / a sophisticated / system / analyze / make errorsII. 1) away 2)inside/in 3)forward/through 4)back5)off 6)home 7) back down 8)in...outIII. 1) Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be2) Most men do not look unattractive in them3) Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment4) The claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.5)His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Comprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) Statistics 2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)on the latch6)vulnerable 7)barrier 8)electronic 9)reflection 10)civilized2. 1) together 2)liable 3)shift 4)electric 5)cautious6)sophisticated 7)thieves 8)break 9)chances 10)signsII. Translation1.1) The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.2)Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.4)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.5) Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.2. It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes. Thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/Assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.UNIT 4VocabularyI.1.1) accordingly 2) loose 3) concentration 4)stimulating 5) fabric 6)if anything 7) reality 8) intuition9) trifle 10) at the turn of the century 11) mess12) undermine2. 1) approve of 2) slow down 3) taken in 4) sucked into5) set apart 6) dozed off 7)call forth 8)stretch into9) keep up with 10)believe in3. 1)...provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.2)...is credited to his powers of imagination3)...on the foundations of an agricultural revolution4)...not to make any complaints in the presence of the nurse.5)...the outbreak of the Second World War.4. 1) flaw/came to the conclusion/would get nowhere2) in a row/dozed off/a mess of3) outbreak of/ has undermined / has strainedII. 1)With Christmas only a week away2) With his physical condition improving day by day3) With our GDP growing steadily4) With all the shops closed5) with her eyes closed6) With the fog lifting during the nightIII. 1) like/as 2) as 3) like 4) like/as5) as/like 6) as 7)like 8) asComprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) caution 2) came to the conclusion that 3)never get anywhere4)undermining 5) not give/care a fig 6) flaw7) beyond any doubt 8)foundation 9)remarkable/impressive10) imagination2. 1) extent 2)inventions 3)bet 4)manages 5)vision6)eventually 7)achievement 8)poverty 9) utilized 10)breakthroughII. Translation1.1) The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.2)Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed.3)Professor Wang received/won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students' creative imagination.4) As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn't approve of the economic stimulus package.5) Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and take up/meet the challenge by himself.2. What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UN declared it "The World Year of Physics". It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievements can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.Unit 6 The Human TouchText AContent Questions(P.172)1.They found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves somuch in tune that they set up a joint studio.2.Johnsy would be abl e to recover from pneumonia if she wanted tolive.3.She wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day.4.She coul d see a bare yard, and an old ivy vine climbing half way upthe brick wall.5.Because she thought that she woul d die when the last leaf fell.6.No. Because in the text the author mentions that Behrman was afailure in art. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, without ever actually starting one.7.He was upset that Johnsy should have such a silly idea.8.Because they were afraid that Johnsy would die if the leaves on itwere all gone.9.She saw the last l eaf on the vine.10.It rekindled her will to live. And she realized that it was a sin towant to die.11.He caught pneumonia because he painted the last leaf on a rainyand cold night in the yard and was wet through.12.Yes, he finished his masterpiece eventually. It was his fine paintingof the last leaf, the painting that saved Johnsy.Text Organization (P.173)1. (P.173)1).She mad e up her mind to die when the l ast l eaf fell.2).She d ecid ed not to give up her life.3).Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's st ate of mind,risked d eath to paint the l ast l eaf and save her.4).Because it was so perfect the girl s both mistook it for the real thing.Language Sense Enhancement (P.174)I. 1) c urling 2) l ooking the part3) masterpiece 4) to excess5) For the rest 6) smelling strongly of7) fancy 8) light and fragil e9) slight hol d upon the worl d 10) streaming Language Focus (P.176)Vocabulary(P.176)1. 1) masterpieces 2) fragil e3) fancy 4) nonsense5) cling to 6)endure7) acute 8) whistle9) mock 10) subtracted11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering2.(P.177)1) gave in/gave up 2) figure out3) sized up 4)wiped out5) pulling up 6) wearaway7) sit up 8) hear of /about3.(P. 178)1) Illnesses usually stand out in chil dhood memories.2)According to the bull etin, Albright Coll ege now offers a jointbachel or's d egree program in environmental studies together with Duke University.3)The new government is l ess oppressive, but viol ence still stalks the country.4)There is scarcely any surface water in the desert.5)The d emand for change in the el ection law is so persistent that bothhouses have promised to consider it.4. (P. 178—179)1) It was dreary lying in the tent with nothing to read, so we built a camp fire. Soon the smellof steaks, bread and coffee mingled with that of fresh grass and earth. Other campers seemed to be d oing the same. Here and there peopl e were eating, drinking or dancing to their hearts' content, if not to excess. What a merry night!2)Miss Florence, our music teacher, called to us to stop singing. Ididn't realize why until Sally tol d me in a whisper: " You are not in tune with the group!"3)The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunkenhusband, who was immediately wet through and stumbl ed backward: " You can't d o without drinks? I won't hear of any excuses.You certainly d on't need it to turn loose your tongue!"II. Words with Multipl e Meanings (P. 179—180)1.He went to Paris on business last month.2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:25p.m.3.As soon as they arrived at the mead ow, the shepherd l et the sheep go.4.We went expl oring together in the mountains. / We will go expl oring together in the mountains.5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar.6.The store is going to cl ose up soon.7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat theSpanish team in the quarterfinals.8.When Mother came out of the house, she found her chil dren gone. III. Usage (P. 180)1. a little white wooden house2.l ong, curly red hair2.a large ol d round tabl e3.a cheap Indian restaurant4.a huge cool chocolate ice-cream5.rapid technol ogical advance6.a handsome young Chinese AmericanComprehensive Exercises1. (P. 182)1).The red house st ands out against the ol d trees that reach high up to thesky.2).The salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’m notsatisfied.3).The waters of the two streams mingl e near our village.4).We shoul d not mock at other peopl e’s religious beliefs.5).The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the styl e of thefurniture.2. (P. 182)Here and there we see young artists who st and out from other peopl e. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually d oing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to l ook the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Unit 7Text APart II Text AContent Questions1.A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie his shoes. His mother’schallenges and the voices of those who believed him stupid,incapable of living independently keep him going on.2.He is a d oor-to-door salesman. His weapons are: dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie, tan raincoat, hat and abriefcase.3.He is afraid that someone will steal his briefcase. He was different in that cerebral palsy affected his speech, hands and walk. 4.First a school for the disabl ed and then Lincoln High School, where he was placed in a class for slow kids.5.She was certain that he could rise above his limitations.6.He applied for a salesman’s job.7.With his mother setting up a meeting with a Watkinsrepresentative, as well as by his own persistence.8.He lacked confidence. It took him quite a while to have the courage to ring the first doorbell.9.He keeps coming back until the customer buys. He tells himself not to worry if hid day has not turned out to be profitable. 10.Because he was laid up for five months after band surgery and coul dn’t work.11.Like a home of the past era. He leads a solitary life.12.No, he doesn’t. Bec ause he lives a life of dignity.Vocabulary:1) disabl ed 2) impatient 3) solitary 4) crushed5) feel like 6) lashed 7) echoing 8) paused9) betrayed 10) laundry 11) section 12) tilted2.1) cared for 2) hang on3) was laid up with 4) are gaining on5) kicked up 6) went off7) drop ... off 8)straighten out3.1) … sometimes didn't register with her.2)… in disorder, drawers pulled out, shoes and boots scattered.3)… was transferred from Father's account t o my account.4)… a pledge to contribute 1000,000dollars to the Chil dren inNeed ed charity campaign.5)… the most profitabl e business in that province.4. 1) gaining on; off balance; was laid up in; scar on2) a crippl e\ crippl ed ; surgery , limitations, in literature.3) commission ; on the phone ; his territory ; never registers withII. Usage1.I never did go over these books, although I probably shoul d have.2.I know this is a personal question. You d on't have to answer me ifyou d on't want to.3.I think this topic shoul d have attracted far more attention from phil osophers than it has.4."I think you're right." — "I'm sure I am."5."He thought that the condition was hereditary in his case." —"Well, it might be."6."Sugar?" ---- "No. Maybe next time."7.The house is only a buil ding. It is a place to live, nothing more.8.DIANE: You didn't! Tell me you didn't!FATHER: Oh, yes. Anything for mychil dren.III. Word Family1.1) bored 2) boredom3) bored 4) boringly5) boring2. 1) 2)3) encouraging 4)3. 1) frozen 2) freeze3) freezing 4) freezer5) freezeComprehensive ExercisesI Cl oze1. Text-related1) off … feet 2) signature 3) commission 4) on the phone 5) laid up 6) surgery 7) territory 8) disorder 9) applying for 10) dignity2. Theme-related1)didn’t 2) read 3) come 4) money5) because 6) earning 7) doing 8) own9) obviously 10) valueII. TranslationI. I grew terribly scared when I heard sound of foot steps echoinground the hallway at midnight yesterday.2. The name-brand sports shoes are guaranteed for 12months.3. Snowstorms threw communications and transportation intodisord er.4.I’ve been suffering a l o t of stress from work lately, I feel like taking avacation at the seasid e.5. Living in an apartment is all right, but it has its limitations--- forexampl e, you d on’t have your own gard ens.6. Tom was born a crippl e, with one of his l ower limbs usel ess. Early in his chil dhood, he l earned that unl ess he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations, he coul d not earn a living, and unl ess he succeed ed in making a living on his own, he coul d not win/gain the respect of others. That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.Tom applied for numerous jobs, only to be turned d own, before he finally got one as a d elivery boy for a Pizza Hut. He then worked as a sal es representative for a sportswear company in a territory no one else woul d want. Today he owns a fairly profitabl e retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him.Part III TextBComprehension Check 1. c3. a5.d 2.d 4.d 6. bTranslation1.当时我俩并未意识到这一点,但那就是我们之间开始拉开距离的日子,是开始在家庭内部重新界定劳动者的意义的日子。



大学英语课文翻译答案(新世纪综合教程3)BOOK 3Unit 1What is Friendship?Michele E. Doyle&Mark K. Smith The text is excerpted and adapted from "Friendship: Theory and Experience" written by Michele E. Doyle & Mark K. Smith. It appears in The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education (2002).When we approach the notion of friendship, our first problem is that there is a lack of socially acknowledged criteria for what makes a person a friend. In one setting, we may describe someone as a friend; in another, the label may seem less appropriate. Therefore, people tend to have a very thin understanding of what friendship really means. To help us understand what friendship really means, we need to review some classical views of friendship.友谊的真谛米歇尔·E·多伊尔马克·K·史密斯我们探讨友谊这个概念时,遇到的第一个问题是,没有社会公认的择友标准。


大学英语3 U2 课文翻译+练习答案

大学英语3 U2 课文翻译+练习答案

新世纪大学英语3Unit TwoLove课文参考译文你的爱有多深曼茜·巴蒂亚1 有人认为爱如浮云有人认为爱坚强如铁有人认为爱是一种生活方式有人认为爱是一种感觉有人说爱要执着有人说爱不要约束有人说爱是生命的全部有人说不知道爱为何物2 在我们生命中的某个阶段,我们会经历某种难以名状的情感所带来的阵阵折磨。










4 我在女子学校学习,和男孩子交往的机会寥寥无几,因此,我热切地期待着我们学校和男子学校举办的联谊会。



5 即使是在那个时候,我也没有真正交男朋友的需要。

6 在我的成长岁月中,不知何故,我相信爱情该来的时候自然会来。




7 我的爱情是在友谊这块地基上建起的高楼大厦。







新世纪大学英语综合教程第二版 BOOK 3课后翻译

新世纪大学英语综合教程第二版 BOOK 3课后翻译

第二版BOOK 3Translation 1——61)What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker.我不曾想到,随着时间的流逝,我果真以身为社工而自豪2)Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall,Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /Mygoodness/My gracious, we’re going to miss the train!”奶奶迅速瞥了一眼墙上的时钟,发出一声惊呼:天哪,我们要赶不上火车了3)At the kindergarten entrance,I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to theirparents。

Should young parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances?我总在幼儿园门口看到一些孩子抓住父母不让走。

请问:在这种情形下,年轻的父母们是否得对孩子严厉些,赶紧离开?4)In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping.昏暗的路灯下站着一个哭泣的小女孩5)When making donations,rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to putthe recipient in an embarrassing situation。

富人捐赠时要尽量考虑周全,不要让受赠者陷入难堪的境地6)Since last month,my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I amcounting the days until the National Day comes,when my friends and I are going hiking in th 从上个月起,我的工作就是围绕日常办公事务转,所以现在每天掰着手指算什么时候才到国庆节:我和朋友要去乡下远足呢!1)In either friendship or love / In both friendship and love,you should never expect to take / receive the maximum while you give the minimum。



全新版⼤学英语综合教程3(第⼆版)课后练习答案附翻译原题及答案UNIT 11) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved2) resist 6) budget 10) economic3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up3.1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy2) often generate misleading thoughts3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work4) be suspected of doing everything for money5) before he gets through life4.1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in2) device, the improvement, on a global scale3) stacked, temptation, never dined outII Confusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspectIII. Word Formation1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit9) stacking2. (Theme-related)1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) idealII. Translation1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5. When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/ set up a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a small business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expense. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premium for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.UNIT 2VocabularyI.1.1) decades 5) slender 9) on the side2) historic 6) web 10) authorized3) imposed 7) bade 11) terminal4) religious 8) site 12) make the best of2.1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) fall into 8) pass for3.1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling.3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.4.1) As for, do not compel, capture of, have forged2) At huge risk, the mission, shelter3) who abolished, In the eyes of, racialII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I'll tell you in a minute how I have attained the genuine sense of belonging in America, but first let me hear about your French trip.2. Most McDonald's look almost the same on the outside, but actually there are about 16 different basic designs.3. Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to get through a financial crisis.4. This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble; it's always breaking down.5. In your resume you've mentioned everything but one vital point.6. Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem.7. I am sorry, but I think you shouldn't have lingered on over coffee and missed the last bus..8. The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, but by simple ignoranceIII. Usage1) lonely 2)friendly 3) weekly, monthly 4)lovely5) cowardly 6)kindly/ saintly 7) lively 8)motherlyComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1)forged 2) stand up 3) compelled 4)convictions 5)mission6)abolish 7) intent on 8) risk 9)in the eyes of 10)threats2. (Theme-related)1) assistance 2) involved 3) estimated 4)coincidence 5)emerged6) referred 7) numerous 8) stationed 9)concern 10)captureII. Translation1. Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.2. Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.3. According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.4. Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.5. Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting fugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. Later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.UNIT 3VocabularyI.1.1) threatens 2) by a small margin 3)civilize 4)closed up 5)wandered 6) paste 7) without so much as 8) sideways9) hook up to 10) universal 11) chart 12) Bathed in2. 1)narrowed down 2)looked back on 3)cut off 4)fit into5)wear(the other) down 6)lies in 7)put up 8)stand for3. 1)...which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.2)...with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger.3)...feature the space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986---killing all seven crew.4)...threatened to keep the pupils in after school, they were quieted at once.5)... are a major barrier to the country's economic growth due to the fact that/because imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange.4. 1) looked back on/ atmosphere/urban life2)era/ hooked up to the / the electronic3) the suburb / a sophisticated / system / analyze / make errorsII. 1) away 2)inside/in 3)forward/through 4)back5)off 6)home 7) back down 8)in...outIII. 1) Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be2) Most men do not look unattractive in them3) Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment4) The claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.5)His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Comprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) Statistics 2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)on the latch6)vulnerable 7)barrier 8)electronic 9)reflection 10)civilized2. 1) together 2)liable 3)shift 4)electric 5)cautious6)sophisticated 7)thieves 8)break 9)chances 10)signsII. Translation1.1) The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.2)Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.4)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.5) Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.2. It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes. Thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/Assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen tobe the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.UNIT 4VocabularyI.1.1) accordingly 2) loose 3) concentration 4)stimulating 5) fabric 6)if anything 7) reality 8) intuition9) trifle 10) at the turn of the century 11) mess12) undermine2. 1) approve of 2) slow down 3) taken in 4) sucked into5) set apart 6) dozed off 7)call forth 8)stretch into9) keep up with 10)believe in3. 1)...provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.2)...is credited to his powers of imagination3)...on the foundations of an agricultural revolution4)...not to make any complaints in the presence of the nurse.5)...the outbreak of the Second World War.4. 1) flaw/came to the conclusion/would get nowhere2) in a row/dozed off/a mess of3) outbreak of/ has undermined / has strainedII. 1)With Christmas only a week away2) With his physical condition improving day by day3) With our GDP growing steadily4) With all the shops closed5) with her eyes closed6) With the fog lifting during the nightIII. 1) like/as 2) as 3) like 4) like/as5) as/like 6) as 7)like 8) asComprehensive Exercises1. Cloze1. 1) caution 2) came to the conclusion that 3)never get anywhere4)undermining 5) not give/care a fig 6) flaw7) beyond any doubt 8)foundation 9)remarkable/impressive10) imagination2. 1) extent 2)inventions 3)bet 4)manages 5)vision6)eventually 7)achievement 8)poverty 9) utilized 10)breakthroughII. Translation1.1) The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.2)Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed.3)Professor Wang received/won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students' creative imagination.4) As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn't approve of the economic stimulus package.5) Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and takeup/meet the challenge by himself.2. What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UN declared it "The World Year of Physics". It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievements can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.Unit 6 The Human TouchText AContent Questions(P.172)1.They found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves somuch in tune that they set up a joint studio.2.Johnsy would be abl e to recover from pneumonia if she wanted tolive.3.She wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day.4.She coul d see a bare yard, and an old ivy vine climbing half way upthe brick wall.5.Because she thought that she woul d die when the last leaf fell.6.No. Because in the text the author mentions that Behrman was afailure in art. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, without ever actually starting one.7.He was upset that Johnsy should have such a silly idea.8.Because they were afraid that Johnsy would die if the leaves on itwere all gone.9.She saw the last l eaf on the vine.10.It rekindled her will to live. And she realized that it was a sin towant to die.11.He caught pneumonia because he painted the last leaf on a rainyand cold night in the yard and was wet through.12.Yes, he finished his masterpiece eventually. It was his fine paintingof the last leaf, the painting that saved Johnsy.Text Organization (P.173)1. (P.173)1).She mad e up her mind to die when the l ast l eaf fell.2).She d ecid ed not to give up her life.3).Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's st ate of mind,risked d eath to paint the l ast l eaf and save her.4).Because it was so perfect the girl s both mistook it for the real thing.2. (P.173)any thought of self. Language Sense Enhancement (P.174)I. 1) c urling 2) l ooking the part3) masterpiece 4) to excess5) For the rest 6) smelling strongly of7) fancy 8) light and fragil e9) slight hol d upon the worl d 10) streamingLanguage Focus (P.176)Vocabulary(P.176)1. 1) masterpieces 2) fragil e3) fancy 4) nonsense5) cling to 6)endure7) acute 8) whistle9) mock 10) subtracted11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering2.(P.177)1) gave in/gave up 2) figure out3) sized up 4)wiped out5) pulling up 6) wearaway7) sit up 8) hear of /about3.(P. 178)1) Illnesses usually stand out in chil dhood memories.2)According to the bull etin, Albright Coll ege now offers a jointbachel or's d egree program in environmental studies together with Duke University.3)The new government is l ess oppressive, but viol ence still stalks the country.4)There is scarcely any surface water in the desert.5)The d emand for change in the el ection law is so persistent that bothhouses have promised to consider it.4. (P. 178—179)1) It was dreary lying in the tent with nothing to read, so we built a camp fire. Soon the smellof steaks, bread and coffee mingled with that of fresh grass and earth. Other campers seemed to be d oing the same. Here and there peopl e were eating, drinking or dancing to their hearts' content, if not to excess. What a merry night!2)Miss Florence, our music teacher, called to us to stop singing. Ididn't realize why until Sally tol d me in a whisper: " You are not in tune with the group!"3)The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunkenhusband, who was immediately wet through and stumbl ed backward: " You can't d o without drinks? I won't hear of any excuses.You certainly d on't need it to turn loose your tongue!"II. Words with Multipl e Meanings (P. 179—180)1.He went to Paris on business last month.2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:25p.m.3.As soon as they arrived at the mead ow, the shepherd l et the sheep go.4.We went expl oring together in the mountains. / We will go expl oring together in the mountains.5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar.6.The store is going to cl ose up soon.7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat theSpanish team in the quarterfinals.8.When Mother came out of the house, she found her chil dren gone. III. Usage (P. 180)1. a little white wooden house2.l ong, curly red hair2.a large ol d round tabl e3.a cheap Indian restaurant4.a huge cool chocolate ice-cream5.rapid technol ogical advance6.a handsome young Chinese AmericanComprehensive ExercisesI. Cl oze (P. 181)1. (P. 182)1).The red house st ands out against the ol d trees that reach high up to thesky.2).The salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’m notsatisfied.3).The waters of the two streams mingl e near our village.4).We shoul d not mock at other peopl e’s religious beliefs.5).The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the styl e of thefurniture.2. (P. 182)Here and there we see young artists who st and out from other peopl e. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually d oing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to l ook the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Unit 7Text APart II Text AContent Questions1.A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie his shoes. His mother’schallenges and the voices of those who believed him stupid,incapable of living independently keep him going on.2.He is a d oor-to-door salesman. His weapons are: dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie, tan raincoat, hat and abriefcase.3.He is afraid that someone will steal his briefcase. He was different in that cerebral palsy affected his speech, hands and walk. 4.First a school for the disabl ed and then Lincoln High School, where he was placed in a class for slow kids. 5.She was certain that he could rise above his limitations.6.He applied for a salesman’s job.7.With his mother setting up a meeting with a Watkinsrepresentative, as well as by his own persistence.8.He lacked confidence. It took him quite a while to have the courage to ring the first doorbell.9.He keeps coming back until the customer buys. He tells himself notto worry if hid day has not turned out to be profitable. 10.Because he was laid up for five months after band surgery and coul dn’t work.11.Like a home of the past era. He leads a solitary life.12.No, he doesn’t. Because he lives a life of dignity.Text Organization1.2.Vocabulary:1) disabl ed 2) impatient 3) solitary 4) crushed5) feel like 6) lashed 7) echoing 8) paused9) betrayed 10) laundry 11) section 12) tilted2.1) cared for 2) hang on3) was laid up with 4) are gaining on5) kicked up 6) went off7) drop ... off 8)straighten out3.1) … sometimes didn't register with her.2)… in disorder, drawers pulled out, shoes and boots scattered.3)… was transferred from Father's account to my account.4)… a pledge to contribute 1000,000dollars to the Chil dren inNeed ed charity campaign.5)… the most profitabl e business in that province.4. 1) gaining on; off balance; was laid up in; scar on2) a crippl e\ crippl ed ; surgery , limitations, in literature.3) commission ; on the phone ; his territory ; never registers withII. Usage1.I never did go over these books, although I probably shoul d have.2.I know this is a personal question. You d on't have to answer me if you d on't want to.3.I think this topic shoul d have attracted far more attention fromphil osophers than it has.4."I think you're right." — "I'm sure I am."5."He thought that the condition was hereditary in his case." —"Well, it might be."6."Sugar?" ---- "No. Maybe next time."7.The house is only a buil ding. It is a place to live, nothing more.8.DIANE: You didn't! Tell me you didn't!FATHER: Oh, yes. Anything for mychil dren.III. Word Family1.1) bored 2) boredom3) bored 4) boringly5) boring2. 1) 2)3) encouraging 4)3. 1) frozen 2) freeze3) freezing 4) freezer5) freezeComprehensive ExercisesI Cl oze1. Text-related1) off … f eet 2) signature 3) commission 4) on the phone 5) laid up 6) surgery 7) territory 8) disorder 9) applying for 10) dignity2. Theme-related1)didn’t 2) read 3) come 4) money5) because 6) earning 7) doing 8) own9) obviously 10) valueII. TranslationI. I grew terribly scared when I heard sound of foot steps echoinground the hallway at midnight yesterday.2. The name-brand sports shoes are guaranteed for 12months.3. Snowstorms threw communications and transportation intodisord er.4.I’ve been suffering a l ot of stress from work lately, I feel like taking avacation at the seasid e.5. Living in an apartment is all right, but it has its limitations--- forexampl e, you d on’t have your own gard ens.6. Tom was born a crippl e, with one of his l ower limbs usel ess. Early in his chil dhood, he l earned that unl ess he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations, he coul d not earn a living, and unl ess he succeed ed in making a living on his own, he coul d not win/gain the respect of others. That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being. Tom applied for numerous jobs, only to be turned d own, before he finally got one as a d elivery boy for a Pizza Hut. He then worked as a sal es representative for a sportswear company in a territory no one else woul d want. Today he owns a fairly profitabl e retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him.Part III TextBComprehension Check1. c 3. a 5. dTranslation1.当时我俩并未意识到这⼀点,但那就是我们之间开始拉开距离的⽇⼦,是开始在家庭内部重新界定劳动者的意义的⽇⼦。



1.以共同兴趣为基础的友谊是不容易破裂的The friendship grounded on common interestdoes not break up easily2孩子们必须学会将电脑游戏中的暴力与勇敢区分开来.Children must learn to distinguish betweenviolence and bravery in computer games.3.当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求一个人什么都知晓是不合情理的There spring up so many new tings everyday inthe world that it is no longer sensible toexpect a person to know everything.4.诸如背弃朋友这类事并不受法律制约,所以才有了我们称作的道德法庭Laws do not regulate such things as betrayalto friends,that is why there is what we callthe court of morality5.有人把今天的文化描述为快餐文化。

无论做什么事,人们只是追求用最短时间达到最大的满足Today’s culture is described as fast-food culture, whatever they may be; people just pursue thegreatest satisfaction within the shortest time.6.常言说,天下没有免费的午餐。

如果你想要什么,就得去挣As the saying goes, there is no such thing as afree lunch. If you want something, go and earn it.U21无论是友情还是爱情,你都不可能期待自己付出最少而得到最多。



新世纪⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT8Listen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the information contained in the listening passage.1) What should you do when you are traveling abroad according to the speaker?A) Get to know about the manners of the foreign country.B) Try to remember your own manners.C) Read some books about the manners of that country.D) Observe closely the foreigners’ manners.2) How do Americans feel when Chinese point to the nose to ind icate ―me‖?A) They think it strange. B) They feel it funny.C) They find it amazing. D) They feel puzzled.3) Who never bothers to use two hands to give or receive a gift?A) Chinese. B) Bulgarians.C) Indians. D) Americans.4) To Indians, what is the left hand used for?A) Serving dishes. B) Passing food at table.C) Washing themselves. D) Showing disagreement.5) What does the passage mainly tell us?A) It is necessary to adapt to different cultures.B) Cultural misunderstanding is common today.C) Cultural differences are a worthy topic to study.D) People of different cultures may have different manners.Task Two Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard.1) When Chinese stamp their feet to show anger , Americans interpret this as showing impatience . Chinese clap for themselves after a speech. Americans may see this as being immodest .2) Americans may pat other adults on the head to show sympathy, affection, or encouragement. This behavior could insult Chinese.3) A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there think it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table.4) Also in India, you might see a man apparently shaking his head at the other to show that he is disagreeing. But in many other parts of India a rotating movement of the head is to show agreement .5) In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs while sitting and talking to someone, even at an important meeting. But doing this could cause offence to a Thailander.Read and ExploreTask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1) What causes culture shock according to the author?Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing the familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. These signs and symbols include all the countless ways and means we resort to for daily survival.2) How does an individual feel when he or she enters a strange culture?Like a fish out of water, he or she feels frustrated and anxious.3) How do people react to the frustration and anxiety caused by culture shock? At first they may reject the environment which causes the discomfort, thinking that the ways of the host country are bad because they make them feel bad. And then they may enter another phase of culture shock, which is called―regression‖. They start missing their home country and the home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance. All the difficulties and problems back home are forgotten and only the good things are remembered.4) What is the relationship between culture and the individual?The individual lives not only in a physical environment but also in a cultural environment. The individual must learn the culture he or she is born into because he or she is not born with culture but only with the capacity to learn it and use it. Once learned, culture becomes a way of life.5) What is ethnocentrism and what characterizes it?Ethnocentrism is a belief that not only the culture but the race and the nation form the center of the world. People with this attitude identify themselves with their own group to the extent that any critical comment is taken as a remark that is rude to the individual as well as to the race or the nation. Along with this attitude goes the tendency to attribute all individual peculiarities as national characteristics.6) What can we do to get over culture shock as quickly as possible?To get over culture shock as quickly as possible, we have to get to know the people of the host country. For this purpose, we must, first of all, learn its language. When we are able to talk with the natives of the host country, we will be confident and a whole new world of cultural meanings will open up for us. Then, we must try to find out the value and interest pattern of the native people. In this way, we can find it quite easy to get people to talk to us and be interested in us. Thirdly, we can join the activities of the people, whether it is a carnival, a religious ritual, or some economic activity.2 Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Part Paragraph(s) Main IdeaOne 1–3 We might call culture shock a disease which is caused by the frustration and anxiety resulting from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.Two 4–6 Culture shock is due to our own lack of understanding of other people’s cultural background and our l ack of the means of communication rather than the hostility of an alien environment.Three 7–9 To get over culture shock, we should get to know the people of the host country and their language; we should find out what they do, how they do it, and what their interests are, etc. But understanding the ways of a people does not mean that we have to give up our own.Task Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicised parts.1. We might almost call culture shock an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. (Para. 1)People working under the same conditions may contract occupational diseases owing to the dangers associated with the work. More broadly and figuratively,as here, the phrase ―occupational disease‖ can be applied to the unpleasant consequences associated with any activity.2. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues. (Para. 2)These familiar cues can exactly tell us what to do and how to do things, which helps us deal successfully with the various situations we encounter. Without these numerous cues, we cannot enjoy peace of mind or efficiency in work and life.3. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality. (Para. 3)When you step into a new culture, you tend to feel that your own culture back home is the best; it is only after you return to your homeland that you will find the culture of your own nation or race is by no means perfect.4. The culture of any people is the product of history and is built up over time largely through processes which are beyond his awareness. (Para. 4) Culture develops and accumulates through a long but hardly noticeable process.5. It is thus best to recognize that ethnocentrism is a permanent characteristic of national groups. (Para. 5)People tend to regard their own culture and lifestyles as the best; meanwhile, they tend to regard the behavior of an individual from another culture as apermanent trait of his or her national group. Accordingly, an awareness of this fact should help us deal with a new culture more successfully.6. But once you begin to be able to carry on a friendly conversation with your maid, your neighbour, or to go on shopping trips alone, you not only gain confidence and a feeling of power but a whole new world of cultural meanings opens up for you. (Para. 7)Language is the principal symbol system of communication. Knowing the language of the host country is a principal means by which we can settle down comfortably and confidently in a new culture.Task Three Voicing Your ViewsA Chinese marketing manager in Beijing was sent to Los Angeles for a two-year sales promotion. It should have been a thrilling experience but, like a fish out of water, he felt very uncomfortable soon after he got there. Work in groups of threes or fours and discuss the challenges he might have possibly met and the symptoms of his discomfort. And then give him some suggestions so that he could get over culture shock as quickly as possible.Write down your outlines first and then present your ideas to the whole class.ChallengesThe following tips may be of some help.1. He cannot communicate well;2. He is not familiar with the transportation system;3. He does not know how to make purchases;4. He cannot adapt to the food;5. He finds difficulties in seeing a doctor;6. He does not know how to open a bank account, etc.Symptoms1. anxiety, frustration, depression, and resentment;2. insomnia, loneliness, and homesickness;3. rejection of the new environment and unwillingness to interact with others;4. lack of confidence; feelings of insecurity or helplessness;5. compulsive eating and drinking, etc.Suggestions1. He should learn English well;2. He should learn about the gestures, facial expressions, customs, values, and beliefsof the American people;3. He should maintain contact with Chinese people for a sense of belonging;4. He should participate in community activities to get familiar with the Americanculture;5. He should value relationships at work to get support;6. He should follow his ambition and continue his plan for the future, etc.Checking Your VocabularyWord Detective1 Put down the right word from Text B in the space provided according to the given definition. The first letter of each word is already given.Example: f orgettable: not important or good enough to be remembered1) s lice: cut into thin flat pieces2) t ender: easy to bite through; soft3) p roof: facts, information, documents, etc., that prove sth.4) f uneral: a ceremony, usu. religious, of burying or burning a dead person5) p reserve: prepare (food) for being kept for a long time by some special treatment6) f amiliarity: the freedom of behaviour usu. only expected in the most friendly relations7) p roclaim: make (esp. news of national importance) known publicly, esp. using speech rather than writing8) i ngredient: any of the things that are formed into a mixture when making sth., esp. in cooking2 Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from Text B. Both the explanation and the number of the paragraph in which the target word or phrase appears are given in brackets. Be sure to use the proper form.Example:She’s against the idea, but I’m sure I can win her over .(gain the support of, often by persuading: Para. 1)1) I like the house but I think the price is a bit on the high side .(rather; too: Para. 6)2) Remember to hold your breath when you dive into the water.(stop breathing for a short time: Para. 7)3) Be careful. The road is icy, wet, and slippery .(difficult to stand on without slipping: Para. 15)4) Half drunk, Michael got up and helped ... to some more brandy.(serve oneself with food, drink, etc.: Para. 16)5) I invited her to join us, but she declined .(refuse (a request or offer), usu. politely: Para. 17)6) You can improve the flavor of the sauce by adding a little red wine.(the quality of tasting good: Para. 20)Checking Your Comprehension1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text B.1) Why did the narrator ask her boyfriend to praise her mother’s cooking? Because her mother was proud of her skill of cooking. By asking her boyfriend to praise her mother’s cooking the narrator hoped that he would win her mother’s favor. 2) What was her mother’s first impression of Rich?He looked rather plain with too many freckles across his nose.3) What mistakes did Rich make at the dinner table?At dinner he drank two full glasses of the French wine he had brought while everybody else had a half-inch ―just for taste.‖He did not know how to use chopsticks and how to show appreciation for the food the mother cooked. He ate big portions of the dish he liked, instead of taking only a polite spoonful. He declined the tender and expensive new greens the narrator’s mother had carefully prepared. What is worse, he spoiled the flavor of the mother’s famous dish by pouring too much soy sauce into it.4) Why did the narrator shudder when she remembered how Rich parted with her parents?When he shook hands with her parents, Rich showed that same easy familiarity he used with nervous new clients and he addressed them by their first names, which sounded quite impolite. Nobody except a few older family friends, had ever called them by their first names.5) What did Rich think of the evening?He thought it was good and that everything had gone well that night. He was expecting to see the narrator’s parents again.6) Why didn’t the narrator tell her mother that she was getting married? Because at every possible moment when she was alone with her mother, her mother would be voicing her dissatisfaction with Rich. So the narrator did not have a chance —not even the courage — to tell her mother about her marriage plan.7) Why couldn’t Rich understand the narrator’s mother?It was the cultural differences that caused their misunderstanding. Rich did not know much about Chinese table manners and he took others’ words literally.2 Read the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicised parts.1) She can only cook looking at a recipe. (Para. 4)She is poor at cooking and could not cook creatively; no one would enjoy the dishes she cooked.2) Rich obviously had had a different opinion on how the evening had gone. (Para. 23)Rich didn’t realize at all how serious his mistakes were in my parents’ eyes. Instead, he thought what he had done was proper in the situation.3) When we got home that night, I was still shuddering, remembering how Rich had firmly shaken both my parents’ hands with that same easy familiarity he used with nervous new clients. (Para. 23)He did not realize that he had shaken my parents’ hands in a way that had irritated them.4) How long d oes it take to say, Mom, Dad, I’m getting married? (Para. 26)It is extremely easy to tell them that you are getting married.Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary.Text A abroad dictate reject transmit transplant tremendousText B burst delay flavor proof slice slippery splash tender1) Do you have any proof that it was Jeremy who stole the bike?2) Could you slice a piece of cake for me? I want to taste it.3) A large number of trains were delayed because of bad weather conditions.4) Laura rejected all her parents’ offers of financial help and started to make an independent living.5) The company has increased its share of the market both at home and abroad .6) The tennis club rules dictate that suitable tennis shoes must be worn on the courts.7) I’m afraid I’d have to throw away my T-shirt because there are splashes of paint on it.8) To make the meat tender enough for my grandmother, I cooked it for a long time.9) It has been raining for a whole week and the dam is likely to burst under the heavy weight of water.10) The food we had last night had no flavor at all; perhaps we should go to another restaurant next time.11) Some diseases are transmitted from parents to children; they are called hereditary diseases.12) My uncle has spent a tremendous amount of money on that house — much greater than he had expected.13) The stepping-stones (踏脚⽯) look really slippery ; I don’t think I will be able to get across the stream without getting wet.14) Adults are often less flexible (随遇⽽安的), so they need more time to adapt themselves to the new surroundings when they are transplanted to another place.2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.Text A a fish out of water as such build up by means of enter into get over identify oneself with open up orient oneself to result fromText B from head to toe hold one’s breath on the … side win over1) I’m afraid I shall be like a fish out of water if I live abroad.2) It’s a traditional Chinese custom for a bride (新娘) to be dressed in red from head to toe .3) Everything here is new to me; I need some time to orient myself to the new surroundings.4) He is a child, and must be treated as such ; it’s unreasonable to treat him like an adult.5) This hat is a bit on the small side for me. Would you please show me a bigger one?6) While traveling in Italy I made myself understood mainly by means of sign language.7) Talk to someone or a professional about your problems. Don’t let your depression build up .8) He disagrees at the moment, but I’m sure we can win him over to our point of view.9) They are reluctant to identify themselves with any organizations because they hate to get involved in any public affairs.10) The doctor told me it was only a stomach upset, not food poisoning, and I would get over it in a day or two.11) They refuse to enter into any discussion on this matter; therefore the problem can’t be solved for the time being.12) Soon after she settled down in the city she realized that a completely new life was opening up before her.13) He explained that his bad temper resulted from his lack of sleep; he had been working for three days and nights without any rest.14) Only two out of the twenty applicants could get the jobs offered; we all held our breath while waiting for the results to be announced.Increasing Your Word Power1 Study the following confusable words and fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the proper words. Be sure to use them in their proper forms.accusecharge (sb.) with doing wrong or breaking the law 指责,谴责;控告,告发accuse sb. of (doing) sth.He was accused of robbery.blameconsider (sb. or sth.) responsible for (sth. bad) 责怪,怪罪,把…归咎于blame sb.blame sth. on sb.blame sb. for (doing) sth.be to blame for (doing) sth.1. Don’t blame me if it doesn’t work—it’s not my fault.2. She blamed the failure of their marriage on him.3. She blamed him for the failure of their marriage.4. Which driver was to blame for the accident?chargebring an esp. criminalcharge against / state officially that someone may be guilty of a crime; accuse 控告;指控charge sb. with (doing) sth.He was charged with stealing the jewels.condemnexpress very strong disapproval of (sb. or sth.) 谴责,强烈指责condemn sb. / sth. as1. Many people would condemn violence of any sort.2. The law has been condemned by its opponents as an attack on personal liberty.criticizejudge with disapproval; point out the faults of 批评;指责criticize sb. for (doing) sth.The report strongly criticizes the police for failing to deal with this problem.scoldspeak angrily and complainingly to (sb. who has done sth. wrong) 责骂;斥责scold sb. for (doing) sth.Did you scold her for breaking the window?1) She is charged with murdering her husband.2) We love peace and we strongly condemn war.3) If I walk in wearing muddy boots, Dad will scold me.4) The children were not to blame for the accident. It was not their fault.5) The man had been accused of kidnapping (绑架) a movie star and was found guilty in court.6) The terrorist action was condemned as an act of cruelty and barbarism (野蛮).7) Hugh blames his lack of confidence on his mother since she never encourages him.。




(minor)We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it is fairly minor.父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。

就在那时,家乡的父老接过了养育我(my upbringing)的责任。

(at that point)My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over responsibility for my upbringing at that point.这些玩具必须得在达到严格要求后才能出售给儿童。

(requirement)the toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.作为新闻和舆论的载体(carrier),广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。

Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of new and opinion.至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。

(digest,when it comes to…)When it comes to this magazine, it is a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。

(confident)Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.在持续不断沙尘暴威胁下,我们被迫离开我们喜欢的村庄,搬迁到新的地方。































新世纪大学英语综合教程3第二版课后练习答案和句子新世纪大学英Unit 1Text A assure biased dread grin hover scrawl visible Text B await crease engage frail glisten hint sole Don’t sit for too long or you’ll crease(折痕) your new dress. 别坐得太久,否则会弄皱你的衣服。

There’s a hint(少许)of summer in the air, although it’s only April. 虽然才四月,空气中已经有一丝夏天的味道。

He assured(保证) me that the well-known doctor would cure my headache. 他向我保证,那个著名的医生会治好我的头痛。

I handed in my application for the job last week; I am eagerly awaiting(等待) their reply.我上周提交了我的就业申请,现在正急切地等待着他们的答复。

I wish you’d stop hovering(盘旋) round and let me get on with some work. 我希望你能停止在周围转动,好让我做一些工作。

Hilary was out, so I scrawled(潦草) a note to her and put it under the door. 希拉里不在家,所以我草草写了一张给她的字条,放在门下。

The little girl kept on dancing, her face and black hair glistening(闪亮的) with sweat. 这个小女孩不停地跳舞,她的脸和黑色的头发因为汗水闪闪发亮。



Unit 1Don’tsit for too long or you’llcrease(折痕) your new dress.别坐得xx,否则会弄皱你的衣服。

There’sa hint(少许) of summer in the air, althoughit’sonly April.虽然才四月,空气中已经有一丝夏天的味道。

He assured(保证) me that the well-known doctor would cure my headache.他向我保证,那个著名的医生会治好我的头痛。

I handed in my application for the job last week; I am eagerly awaiting(等待)their reply.我上周提交了我的就业申请,现在正急切地等待着他们的答复。

I wishyou’dstop hovering(盘旋) round and let me get on with some work.我希望你能停止在周围转动,好让我做一些工作。

Hilary was out, so I scrawled(潦草) a note to her and put it under the door.希拉里不在家,所以我草草写了一张给她的字条,放在门下。

The little girl kept on dancing, her face and black hair glistening(闪亮的) with sweat.这个小女孩不停地跳舞,她的脸和黑色的头发因为汗水闪闪发亮。

A frail (瘦弱的) old woman with a walking stick came slowly down to the gate tomeet us.一个瘦弱的老妇人,拄着拐杖,慢慢地走下大门来接我们。

Judy is the sole(唯一) survivor of the car accidentthe driver and all the other passengers died.朱迪是那个汽车事故中的唯一幸存者,驾驶员和其他乘客都死了。



新世纪大学英语第三册读写课文翻译新世纪大学英语综合教程3课文翻译UNIT 1送给史蒂维的一点心意1 我力求不存偏见,不过在雇用史蒂维时我有理由心存疑虑。



我的顾客会有什么反应, __把握。


2 对大多数来就餐的卡车司机们,我还是很放心的。




3 我的担心是多余的。


不足一个月,我的老顾客 ? 那些卡车司机们 ? 就正式认定史蒂维为卡车司机休息站的吉祥人物。


4 史蒂维21岁,蓝色牛仔裤,耐克运动鞋,满面笑容,讨人喜爱,极端地敬业。


5 我们唯一的问题是得说服他等待客人用餐完毕再去收拾桌子。






6 后来,我们得知史蒂维和母亲一起生活。





Unit 1
事实是不管我把自己装得多么成熟,我就是感觉我 自己像个一年级新生。 新生手册上建议坐在前排,这样能给教授留下一个 勤奋而又有活力的好印象。 整整三天,我独自一人在羞辱、丢脸中吃着一种快 餐---似乎有人知道我的窘境而有意将快餐车停放在 我门外似的。 那些曾被我理解成为恶意的让稚嫩的新生尴尬万分 的事情只不过是大学校园里开心的一刻。

1. 2. 3. 4.
It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures. He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favour with his boss. Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people. He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake. We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner. After the thunderous applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech. 7. He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowed. 8. I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideals.



新世纪大学英语综合教程3课文翻译UNIT 1送给史蒂维的一点心意1 我力求不存偏见,不过在雇用史蒂维时我有理由心存疑虑。





2 对大多数来就餐的卡车司机们,我还是很放心的。




3 我的担心是多余的。




4 史蒂维21岁,蓝色牛仔裤,耐克运动鞋,满面笑容,讨人喜爱,极端地敬业。


5 我们唯一的问题是得说服他等待客人用餐完毕再去收拾桌子。






6 后来,我们得知史蒂维和母亲一起生活。





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新世纪大学英语综合教程3第二版短文翻译答案Unit One当时大家生活都很艰难,我们家靠我开出租车的收入勉强度日。










That was a time when life was difficult for everyone. My family could barely get by on my small income from driving a cab. One late night I responded to a call for a cab ride. To my surprise, when I arrived at the address, I found it was a frail old lay who was awaiting me. After she gotinto the cab, I engaged her in conversation. I learnt that she was going to the hospice. Her doctor said she didn’t have very long. The old lady told me to drive through the downtown area. She pointed at some old buildings, telling me those were the places where she used to work or live. When the cab finally pulled up in front of the hospice, I didn’t accept her fare. In the rest of the day, I was lost in thought. Though I had to make a living, I lived not for the sole purpose of surviving. When circumstances looked gloomy, the small favour I had done could be a candle light. However faint the light was, it managed to warm up a soul and ennobled me as well. I did take pride in that small favour.Unit Two晚饭后,我们大家围坐在壁炉(hearth)旁。











After dinner, we all sat around the hearth. Aunt Susan was still in the grief of losing Uncle Robert. In her soft voice she told us about their past years. Uncle Robert joined the army shortly after they were engaged. Given the critical situation at the time when lots of army men didn’t return alive, youcan imagine how much horrified Aunt Susan was every day, and how muchoverjoyed she was to see Uncle Robert back safe and sound from the European battlefield. Then they got married and brought up five children. For all those years, their affection for each other grew stronger in the course of overcoming difficulties and hardships in life. I was fascinated by AuntSusan’s story, which was totally different from my ideal of love. They practiced, in their daily life, giving and sharing instead of pursuing passion and romance, or making complaints. Amazingly, such love lasted through their whole life.Unit Three大家普遍承认人是社会性的动物,生活在同一社会的我们自然指望有朋友。



但更多的人渴望“心灵之友(soul pals)\,即那种拥有高尚情操,能共度磨难的朋友。




As is commonly acknowledged / It is commonly recognised that humans are social animals. Living together in a community, we naturally expect to have friends. As to what friendship is, we have read different definitions given by Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher,and Cicero, a Roman statesman. No one will deny that some people make friends simply for mutual utility. Once the ground for such friendship disappears, the friendship also breaks up. However, a lot more people long for “soul pals”― those who possess virtues and with whom we can go through trials and tribulations together. Such friendships keep us away from greed and violence and inspire us to have the courage of our convictions. Such is what we call “true friendship”.It is in the company of such friends that we find ourselves surpassing our old selves and becoming better persons / people.Unit Four一枚金牌证明了奥运冠军的运动才能、决心和勇气。











A gold medal is a tribute to the athletic talent, determination and courage of an Olympic champion. Then how do the athletes make themselves fortunate enough to be so highly honored? The champions who have mounted the winners’ stand can offer an answer based on their own experiences. First, in the course of training, they visualize themselves as champions. Once their dreams of becoming champions take shape, they will cling to them courageously. What’s more, top performers are driven to bring out their best. They discipline themselves and s queeze in every possible minute to practice every day. Despite their relentless efforts, they may sometimes fail to win or narrowly miss a gold medal, yet they believe in themselves and never lose heart. They are ready to take on the most psychologically and technically challenging tasks or competitions. In reality, all champions have experienced lots of hardships on their way to the vital break of their lifetime. So we won’t and can’t say that a champion is lucky. After all, luck only strikes those prepared to capitalize on it.Unit Five我们都想要健康,在应付各种严峻挑战时想要自己处于最佳状态。
