3. Show the Value. They will buy more! 展示价值 顾客会买更多!
•Execute company signing programs ensure the accuracy of utilize shelf labels,flags, signs, beanflips, and to sign every item correctly to ensure every customer sees the value of the merchandise. •遵守公司的标牌政策,正确使用旗标、标牌、立式标签和货架标签进行正确标价以 确保每一位顾客都能看到商品的价值。
The Five Commitments of Merchandising 商品五项承诺
To achieve a high level of in-stock and merchandise presentation on the sales floor, utilize the Five Commitments of Merchandising Guide to execute these Five Commitments. 为了在楼面取得高标准的商品展示和库存控制, 我们利用商品五项承诺指南实现 我們的承诺.
The Five Commitments of Merchandising 商品五项承诺
•Ensure comfortable, safe and sanitary shopping environment. Maintain clean floors and restrooms. •确保舒适安全卫生的购物环境,维护清洁的楼面和卫生间
羊奶粉工作总结及计划## English Answer.Goat Milk Powder Work Summary and Plans.In the past year, our company's goat milk powder business has made significant progress under the concerted efforts of all employees. Sales revenue has increased by 30% compared to the previous year, and market share has expanded by 5%. This is the result of our unremittingefforts in product development, marketing and sales, and customer service.1. Product development.In order to meet the diverse needs of consumers, wehave launched a number of new goat milk powder products in the past year. These products include:Goat milk powder for infants.Goat milk powder for children.Goat milk powder for adults.Goat milk powder for the elderly.These products have been well received by the market and have helped us to increase our sales revenue.2. Marketing and sales.We have also strengthened our marketing and sales efforts in the past year. We have increased our advertising budget and have launched a number of new marketing campaigns. These campaigns have helped us to raise awareness of our brand and to reach new customers.We have also expanded our sales channels. We now sell our products through a variety of channels, including online retailers, supermarkets, and convenience stores. This has helped us to reach a wider range of consumers.3. Customer service.We are committed to providing excellent customer service. We have a dedicated team of customer service representatives who are available to answer questions and resolve problems. We also have a money-back guarantee on all of our products.4. Plans for the future.We are confident that our goat milk powder business will continue to grow in the future. We have a number of plans in place to continue to grow our sales revenue and market share. These plans include:Continuing to develop new products.Expanding our marketing and sales efforts.Improving our customer service.We believe that by implementing these plans, we can make our goat milk powder business the number one choicefor consumers.## 中文回答:羊奶粉工作总结及计划。
目录1.企业介绍 (2)1.1企业名称 (2)1.2企业销售的产品 (2)1.3企业类型及经营范围 (2)1.4企业服务对象 (2)1.5企业的目标和宗旨 (2)1.6对未来的发展和计划 (3)2.企业的市场分析 (3)2.1企业的市场机会 (3)2.2企业的顾客分析 (3)2.3企业具体的竞争力和赢利能力 (3)2.3.1相约酸辣自身资源分析 (3)2.3.2与其他酸野店的差异分析 (4)2.3.3相约酸辣的自身特色 (4)2.3.4SWOT分析 (4)3.企业的营销计划 (5)3.1企业出售的产品或服务 (5)3.1.1产品的采购与储运 (5)3.2确定出售的产品或服务价格 (5)3.3企业销售方式 (6)3.4营销策略 (6)3.4.1主要采取的策略 (6)3.4.2市场促销活动计划 (6)3.5销售预测 (6)4.企业的管理 (7)4.1企业的组织机构 (7)4.2企业的日常管理要求 (8)4.3企业管理的基本费用预测 (8)5.企业财务计划 (8)5.1企业的资产 (8)5.2销售预测和成本计划 (8)5.2.1销售收入预测 (9)5.2.2销售和成本预测 (10)5.2.3现金流量计划 (11)6.创办企业的行动计划 (12)澳洲商品创业计划书1.企业介绍1.1企业名称:___XXXXXX公司位于上海自贸区,成为时间2016.6.1,上海进出口贸易有限公司,创建人XXXX公司注册资金万RMB.1.2企业销售的产品以进口奶制品为主1.3企业类型及经营范围我们是一家以进出口贸易为主的商业集团以上海为基点,面向全中国1.4企业服务对象面向全国中高、中、低端消费群,我们的产品,上至老年人,下到新生儿,均可适用1.5企业的目标和宗旨1、客户至上的经营理念了解客户需求,满足客户在购买、体验商品时,所在的环境中,有愉悦的心情,让客户如至归家的归属感2、一切秉承诚信的宗旨正所谓“诚招天下客,誉从信中来。
E XPORTING P RESCRIBED G OODSDRAFTN EW E XPORTER K IT-A G UIDE TO B ECOMINGA N E XPORTER OF D AIRY P RODUCTSTable of Contents1PURPOSE 2 2BACKGROUND 2 3DEFINITIONS 2 4R EFERENCES3 E XPORTER R ESPONSIBILITIES4 5W HAT DO I NEED TO DO TO EXPORT? 4 6W HAT ARE THE COSTS OF EXPORTING MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS? 5 7A PPLYING FOR AN E XPORT P ERMIT5 7.1E XPORT A PPLICATION INFORMATION5 7.2W HEN DO I NEED AN E XPORT P ERMIT6 7.3H OW DO I OBTAIN AN E XPORT P ERMIT6 7.4H OW DO I OBTAIN ACCESS TO EXDOC? 8 7.5M ANUAL P ROCESSING8 7.6W HEN DO I NEED A H EALTH C ERTIFICATE? 8 7.7R E ISSUE OF H EALTH C ERTIFICATES9 8W HAT MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS IS ELIGIBLE FOR EXPORT? 9 8.1D ECLARATION OF C OMPLIANCE9 9R EQUIREMENT TO RETAIN RECORDS 10 10AQIS RESPONSIBILITIES 10 10.1D AIRY I NDUSTRY N OTICES AND D AIRY I NDUSTRY A DVICES 10 10.2Audits 10 10.3P ROVIDING A PPROVALS F OR A PPROVED E XPORT P ERMIT I SSUERS 11 11FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 11 12S ANCTIONS14 13F URTHER I NFORMATION 14 14A PPENDIX 1A PPROVED E XPORT P ERTMIT I SSUER Q UESTIONNAIRE 15 15A PPENDIX 2-E XPORT C LEARANCE P ROCEDURES 17 16A PPENDIX 3-EXDOC T EST P ROCEDURE 191PURPOSEThe information contained in this document will provide guidance on the appropriate documented procedures that need to be in place in order for an exporter to obtain export documentation.2BACKGROUNDThe Export Control Act 1982 (ECA) enables AQIS to issue export certificates to meet importing country requirements, to meet the requirements of legislation or to confirm matters in relation to goods exported.The ECA prohibits exports for prescribed goods, including milk and milk products, unless certain conditions are met including issue of export permits and that the goods are made available for inspection as required.The Export Control (Prescribed Goods – General) Orders provide for registration of premises and management of export registered establishments.The Export Control (Milk and Milk Products) Orders provide specific requirements to enable compliance with importing country requirements and provision of export certification.The Export Control (Fees) Orders provide details of the fees that apply for services provided by AQIS.3DEFINITIONSECA Export Control Act 1982PGGOs Export Control (Prescribed Goods – General) Orders 2005Milk Orders Export Control (Milk and Milk Products) Orders 2005Fees Orders Export Control (Fees) OrdersDRU Dairy Review UnitEXDOC AQIS’ electronic export documentation systemRFP Request for Permit, the mechanism for obtaining export permitsand certificates through EXDOCORDR RFP has been initiated but does not have sufficient information to obtain an export permit in EXDOCINIT RFP has sufficient information to obtain an export permit but not ahealth certificate in EXDOC but the export permit has not been issued FINL RFP has sufficient information to obtain an export permit and a healthcertificate in EXDOC but the export permit has not been issuedINSP RFP has an export permit but there is insufficient information for ahealth certificate to be issued in EXDOCHCRD Health Certificate Ready – export permit issued waiting for healthcertificate to be issued in the EXDOC system but the health certificatehas not been issuedCOMP Export permit and health certificate have been issued in EXDOC PID Primary Industry DairyEDN Export Declaration Numberetc.) of the exported product, not the immediate container of the product, which is the packaging in direct contact with the food.Milk and milk products The Export Control (Milk and Milk Products) Orders 2005 apply to the following products:(a) milk (other than colostrum) obtained from an animal of the bovine species; and(b) the following milk products derived from milk (other than colostrum) obtained from an animal of the bovine species:(i) flavoured milk and modified milk;(ii) cream and thickened cream;(iii) butter, butter concentrate, buttermilk, concentrated buttermilk, dairy blend, ghee (clarified butter) and anhydrous milk fat (butter oil);(iv) casein, caseinate and cheese;(v) whey, whey cream and concentrated whey cream;(vi) cultured milk and yoghurt;(vii) butter milk powder, lactose powder, milk sugar, powdered milk, skim milk powder, whey powder, milk protein powder, condensed milk, milk minerals and other milk concentrates; (viii) dips containing yoghurt, cream cheese or other dairy base; any other like milk product a major component of which is milk.If an importing country requires certification for other products, then the Export Control (Milk and Milk Products) Orders 2005 may apply.Major component means the ingredient in a milk product which:(a)comprises the largest proportion of the milk product by weight or volume; or(b)is in such a proportion by weight or volume that if the ingredient is withdrawn from the milk product, the milk product would no longer have the stated or implied described characteristics.Preparation For milk and milk products means the processing, packing,storage, treatment, handling or loading of milk and milk productsEuropean Union Member States Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, , Malta, , Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, RomaniaPRA Pre Receival Advice4R EFERENCESLegislation:•Export Control (Milk and Milk Products) Orders 2005•Export Control Act 1982•Part II Export and entry for export of prescribed goods•Export Control (Prescribed Goods – General) Orders 2005•Export Control (Fees) Orders 2001Procedures and Guidelines:Export Procedures Checklist: provided at Appendix ???Approved Export Permit Issuer checklist: provided at Appendix ???Importing Country Requirements for Exporting Australian Dairy Products -a vailable at .au/dairyEXDOC, Endorsements. will be available at .au/dairy or by request to dairy@.auEXDOC, Option & Defaults. will be available at .au/dairy or by request to dairy@.auDairy Export Program Operations Manual provides Standard Operating Procedures, Work Instructions and Information Sheets that detail how the dairy export inspection system operates.Dairy Industry Notices advise exporters, dairy EXDOC users and dairy export registered of requirements for export of milk and milk products. Dairy Industry Notices are d istributed via email or by the AQIS website.Dairy Industry Advices provide information to exporters, dairy EXDOC users and dairy export registered of requirements for export of milk and milk products. Dairy Industry Advices are d istributed via email or by the AQIS websiteNew users of EXDOC. Appendix ??? provides details of the activities that need to be tested prior to progression into EXDOC ProductionIndex E XPORTER R ESPONSIBILITIESExporters must comply with export legislation and importing country requirements.5W HAT DO I NEED TO DO TO EXPORT?The exporter must:•Export milk and milk products that are eligible for export – see section 8•Be in possession of a declaration of compliance for all milk and milk products to be exported – see section 8.1•Obtain a valid export permit prior to exporting the milk and milk products – see section 7.3.2•Obtain health certificates in accordance with importing country requirements – see section 7.6•Document procedures for obtaining export documentation that ensures compliance with export legislation and importing country requirements – seeAppendix 2•Retain records in relation to export documentation obtained – see section 9 Please note that there are no licence requirements for exporting milk and milk products.6W HAT ARE THE COSTS OF EXPORTING MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS?The details of fees for dairy export documentation, inspection, auditing and other in office services are provided at .au/aqis/export/dairy/fees-charges. The Dairy Export Program is a fully cost recovered product in accordance with Government Policy. Fees and charges are determined to align costs with beneficiaries. The fees are legislated in the Export Control (Fees) Orders which can be found at .au/legislation. Outstanding payments of fees are routinely managed and long term outstanding debt will result in suspension of services provided by AQIS.7A PPLYING FOR AN E XPORT P ERMITWhenever you export a prescribed milk or milk product you must obtain a valid export permit before your milk and milk products are exported ie. on or before the departure date of the consignment.AQIS is the government authority responsible for issuing export certification. In order to maintain the integrity of the export certification, AQIS must ensure that there is an appropriate system in place across Australia that underpin the production of safe food and compliance with legislation and all importing country requirements. Any claims made in export certification must be able to be substantiated.Export permits may be issued by AQIS authorised officers or by approved export permit issuers. Approved export permit issuers are approved by AQIS when they demonstrate that they have the knowledge and systems in place to ensure that all export permits issued are in compliance with export legislation and importing country requirements.7.1E XPORT A PPLICATION INFORMATIONExport applications must be completed to obtain an export permit. The method of export application may be through the RFP using EXDOC or manually using forms EX28 or EX222. Exporters must ensure product exported complies with all legislative and importing country requirements. An exporter completing an exportthe permit is true and complete and that the exporter is in possession of a Declaration of Compliance.Where an export application is presented for approval it must contain the following information:1.The name and address in Australia of the person who intends to export thefood;2.The registration number of the establishment at which the food is last prepared(other than merely stored, handled or loaded);3.Each of the dates on which the food is prepared (other than merely stored,handled or loaded);4.If Australia is not the country of origin of the food⎯the country of origin ofthe food;5.The name and address of the consignee, or if a government certificate is notrequired⎯the words “to order”;6.The intended port of loading of the food;7.The intended date of departure of the ship or aircraft onto which the food is tobe loaded;8.The airline flight number or the name of the ship and the voyage number;9.The intended port of discharge of the food;10.The country that is the intended final destination of the food;11.The net contents of the food and number and type of packages (if any) inwhich the food is packed;12. A full description of the food, include the type of product, the pack type andpreservation (for example chilled, frozen or un-refrigerated);13.Any other information requiredAny other information required means information required to comply with specific importing country requirements, export legislation or to support claims made on the application. In EXDOC this includes that the exporter must confirm that they are in possession of a Declaration of Compliance, confirm if there are any dairy imported ingredients in the milk and milk products to be exported and confirm that information in the RFP is true and correct.7.2W HEN DO I NEED AN E XPORT P ERMITWhen you are exporting milk and milk Products, as defined in the Export Control (Milk and Milk Products) Orders 2005an export permit is required unless the consignment contains less than 10 kg of prescribed goods and the importing country does not require an export certificate or it is being exported to New Zealand and New Zealand does not require an export certificate nor is the product to be exported to another country from New Zealand or further processed and exported to another country from New Zealand.7.3H OW DO I OBTAIN AN E XPORT P ERMITThere are two approved methods of applying for an export permit; these are either electronically via EXDOC or manually using a prescribed form.Most export permits and export certificates are issued through the EXDOC system.requested with the lodgement of the Request for Permit (RFP). The export permit has not been issued until the RFP reaches the INSP, HCRD or COMP status. Requests received prior to 5.00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time to process RFPs are generally completed on that day provided all requirements have been met by the exporter and registered establishments involved.Manual documentation is provided as a contingency option. The issue of manual documentation requires additional time to perform the same checks that automatically occur within EXDOC. Exporters must allow sufficient time for manual documentation to be verified. Manual documentation may take more than 3 days to process as the document may need to be physically transferred between a number of AQIS officers with all automated checks requiring manual validation.When applying for an export permit using a manual form, the exporter must use either an EX28 (Notice of Intention to Export) or an EX222 (Export Clearance Declaration).7.3.1W HO CAN ISSUE AN E XPORT P ERMIT?AQIS authorised officers and Approved Export Permit Issuers can issue export permits within the conditions of their approval. If AQIS is to authorise an export permit through EXDOC, then exporters must email dairy.exdoc@.au on or before the date of departure requesting approval prior to export of the milk and milk products.7.3.2W HAT IS A V ALID E XPORT P ERMIT?A valid export permit must be issued by an authorised officer or Approved Export Permit Issuer prior to export of the consignment and remains valid for 28 days after it’s issued.7.3.3H OW CAN I BECOME AN A PPROVED E XPORT P ERMIT I SSUER?AQIS will approve Approved Export Permit Issuers who:•Can demonstrate their understanding of the requirements of the Milk Orders, EXDOC and importing countries – Appendix 1 gives an indication of keyareas of understanding that must be demonstrated.•Have documented Export Procedures that describe how they issue export permits to meet the above requirements – Appendix 2 provides details of thekey areas that must be documented in the Export Procedures.7.3.4W HAT CONDITIONS NORMALLY APPLY TO A PPROVED E XPORT P ERMITI SSUERS?Approved Export Permit Issuers can only issue export permits under the following•Compliance with their documented Export Procedures•Compliance with importing country requirements as provided at.au/dairy•Prior to export of the milk and milk products to be exported•The consignment is not destined for the European Union7.4H OW DO I OBTAIN ACCESS TO EXDOC?The AQIS electronic export software system is called EXDOC and is used by exporters to generate export permits and health certificates. Exporters gain access to EXDOC through third party software systems. Details of these systems are provided at .au/EXDOC. The website also provides information in relation to:7.5M ANUAL P ROCESSINGProcessing an Export permit manually requires submitting your request via forms. These forms are known as an EX222 or EX28. These forms can be obtained directly from the AQIS documentation section.EX222 can be signed by Approved Export Permit Issuers and would be used when contingency arrangements are required.EX28 Notice of Intention must be completed t permit has been completed it needs to be submitted to the documentation section for signingWhen export documentation is obtained using manual documentation, a copy of the manufacturers and exporters declaration must accompany the export permit.7.6W HEN DO I NEED A H EALTH C ERTIFICATE?Obtaining a health certificate is the final step in the documentation process. Most countries require a Health Certificates to enable entry of the product being exported. Many importing countries have specific requirements for the issue of health certificates. These requirements must be met or health certificates will not be able to be issued. An example is that some countries require health certificates to be issued prior to export of the consignments. AQIS is unable to issue a health certificate for these countries if it is not issued prior to export of the consignment.The process for obtaining a health certificate is electronically by progression of the EXDOC RFP to COMP status. For manual documentation a separate form to the export permit (Forms EX222 or EX28) must be completed. In most cases this is a form EX46. However, there are a range of specific certificates required forOnce you have obtained your export permit number (either as an approved permit issuer or from AQIS) the RFP will be at a status of HCRD. At this stage you e-mail DRU dairy.exdoc@.au and request that your RFP be set to a status of complete and a corresponding health certificate will be generated.Depending on the country of destination the Health Certificate can be received in a number of ways. Some countries do not accept a facsimile signature and as such must be printed in the AQIS regional office for manual signing (in these cases the print location must be set to AQIS eg MEL). For those countries that accept a facsimile signature you can elect to have the certificate printed in your office (providing you have a duplex laser printer and a supply of security paper It can be printed in your office)7.7R E ISSUE OF H EALTH C ERTIFICATESIn the event you require a change to an issued health certificate then you can request AQIS amend the document and reprint the certificate. Changes can only be made to consignee and shipping details. If the change is to date of departure or flight/ship name/number then no cost is incurred as these changes are generally not in the exporters control. If other changes are made and a certificate is printed then replacement documentation fees apply.Where a health certificate has been re-printed the original certificate MUST be returned to the DRU as soon as possible.8W HAT MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS IS ELIGIBLE FOR EXPORT?Milk and milk products must meet the following conditions to be eligible for export: •Manufactured at an export registered premises that is registered for the operation occurring at the establishment – see New Registrations Kit •Be produced in accordance with an Approved Arrangement covering the milk and milk products to be exported for the market to which it is destined – see.au/dairy Guidelines for Approved Arrangements •Be stored and handled in export registered premises that is registered for the operation occurring at the establishment – see New Registrations Kit •Have a valid declaration of compliance and transfer documentation demonstrating that the product has always been within the export chain – see.au/dairy Information Sheet on Requirements for TransferDocumentationAQIS routinely conducts audits to confirm compliance with these requirements.8.1D ECLARATION OF C OMPLIANCEAny application for an export permit must contain a statement from the exporter that they are in possession of a manufacturer’s declaration (declaration of compliance), The manufacturer’s declaration, the declaration must state that the food being exported complies with the requirements of the export orders.Further information is available at .au/dairy see the Information Sheet – Requirements for Declarations of ComplianceWhen manual documentation is submitted to AQIS, a copy of the manufacturers and exporters declaration must accompany the export permit.9R EQUIREMENT TO RETAIN RECORDSAn integral part of the Australian dairy export inspection system is the demonstration to importing authorities that there is a sound basis for an export permit and health certificate being issued. For this reason adequate records must be available.The issuing of an export permit and health certificate is the final step in an entire quality assurance system that covers the manufacture, storage, transportation and certification of the product being exported. All certification issued confirms that each step is in place in accordance with importing country and export legislation requirements. Each step must be able to be substantiatedExporters are required to keep and maintain records that verify compliance with legislation and importing country requirements for a minimum of three years from export of the consignment. Examples of these records to have and maintain include: •Copies of all export permits and health certificates issued,•Copies of all transfer documents and declarations of compliance for all products exported in each consignment•Copies of test results, labels etc that show compliance•Record of security paper used•Record of any AQIS seal used•Copies of any manual permits and or health certificates issued•Your export procedures manual10AQIS RESPONSIBILITIESAQIS is the Competent Authority responsible for issuing export certification in compliance with export legislation and importing country requirements. AQIS must ensure that adequate systems are in place to substantiate any claims made on export certificates and demonstrate to importing countries that their requirements are met. AQIS must ensure that registered establishments and exporters comply with export legislation and importing country requirements to meet theseobligations.10.1D AIRY I NDUSTRY N OTICES AND D AIRY I NDUSTRY A DVICESThe Dairy Review Unit will provide regular newsletters and updates. These newsletters will be distributed to manufactures & exporters of dairy products and provide updated information on changes within the industry, importing country requirements, certification issues etc.10.2AuditsApproved Auditors and AQIS perform random audits on dairy export registered establishments and exporters to confirm compliance with export legislation and importing country requirements. These audits provide AQIS with the basis tosafety standards, product integrity, traceability and documentation requirements are met. This enables maintenance of market access when importing countries accept the Australian dairy export system.10.3P ROVIDING A PPROVALS F OR A PPROVED E XPORT P ERMIT I SSUERSAQIS will approve Approved Export Permit Issuers when individuals demonstrate that the meet requirements detailed in Section 7.3.311FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSW HAT HAPPENS IF I DON’T GET AN EXPORT PERMIT PRIOR TO THE DATE OF DEPARTURE?If you fail to obtain an export permit prior to the date of departure then you are in breach of export legislation. The incident will require full investigation. You should immediately notify AQIS. AQIS will email you details of information required to enable determination of the next steps. Dependant on information obtained, the product may be required to be returned to Australia or the product be destroyed at the destination country or a letter may be issued in relation to the consignment or sanctions may be applied against the exporter that could include prohibition from exporting, notification to compliance, mandatory load-out inspections and or removal of AQIS approval to validate your own export permits.W HAT IS A PRESCRIBED GOOD?A prescribed good are goods declared to be prescribed under the Export Control Act 1982. These include:•Milk and Milk Products•Meat and Meat Products•Hay and Straw•Game, Poultry and Rabbit Meat•Fish and Fish Products•Egg and Egg Products•Animals•Mung Beans•Organic Produce•Plant and Plant ProductsA RE T HERE E XCEPTIONS TO THOSE G OODS THAT ARE P RESCRIBED G OODS?The following goods are not prescribed goods:(a)Goods that are ships’ stores or aircraft stores, being goods brought intoor shipped into Australia for the use of the passengers and crew or forthe service of the ship on a voyage, or the aircraft on a flight fromAustralia;(b)Goods, other than fish, that are not produced, processed ormanufactured in Australia;(c)Goods, other than fish, that have not been produced, processed ormanufactured in Australia, being goods that have been imported intoAustralia and held in bond;(d)Goods, other than fish, that are imported into Australia and re-exportedin the same covering and under the same trade description as thecovering and trade description in or under which, as the case may be,they were imported;(e)Goods that are consigned to an external territory for consumptionwithin the Territory;(f)Goods that are consigned to a resources industry structure that isinstalled within the Joint Petroleum Development Area, forconsumption on the structure.(g)All dairy products to New ZealandD O YOU REQUIRE AN E XPORT P ERMIT FOR MILK OR MILK PRODUCTS FROM AN ANIMAL OTHER THAN BOVINE?Milk and milk products produced with sheep or goat milk or any other species than bovine is not regulated by the Milk Orders unless export certification required by the importing country.W HAT IS AN INGREDIENT?An ingredient means any substance (including a food additive) that is part of the milk and milk product including raw materials or processing aids but does not include water.A RE THERE EXCEPTIONS WHERE YOU DON’T NEED A PERMIT TO EXPORTYes there are some exceptions, Shipments under 10kg (per consignment) are not considered a prescribed good and therefore no export requirements apply (unless it is an importing country requirement, you should always check with your buyer first)Or where the product is a Liquid processed food exported in a consignment of no more than 10 litresC AN M ILK AND M ILK P RODUCTS FORE XPORT BE MANUFACTURED ANYWHERE?Milk and milk products for export as food must be prepared at an establishment that is registered with AQIS in respect of the operations for the preparation of the food undertaken. Subsequent to the manufacture of milk and milk products, milk and milk products for export must be stored in AQIS registered establishments that are registered for the operation occurring at the establishment.H OW DO I KNOW IF AN ESTABLISHMENT IS REGISTERED WITH AQIS?You can ask the company for their AQIS registration number and a copy of their current export registration certificate. If the establishment is a store then you should ask them if they have AQIS registration to store dairy commodities. This information can be verified by contacting the AQIS Dairy Export Program.W HAT IS A REGISTERED E STABLISHMENT?A dairy export registered establishment is an establishment registered with AQIS in accordance with the Export Control (Prescribed Goods - General) Orders 2005W HAT IS A DECLARATION OF C OMPLIANCE?A declaration of compliance is a declaration made by the manufacture of the milk and milk products confirming that the milk and milk products were produced in compliance with the requirements of export legislation and importing countries. Exporters declaration is the declaration that they are in possession of the manufacturers declaration of compliance for all milk and milk products in the consignment that is to be exported and that all information provided in export documentation is true and complete.W HAT IS AN APPROVED EXPORT PERMIT ISSUER?An approved export permit issuer means a person that has been given approval to issue their own export permits under subclause 16.5 of Schedule 9 of the Milk Orders.H OW DO I MEET IMPORTING COUNTRY REQUIREMENTS?The Dairy Review Unit provides a list of importing country requirements at.au/dairy. This list provides information on the importing requirements of all countries.The DRU Dairy Industry Notices and Dairy Industry Advices also provide information on importing country requirementsW HEN I AM APPROVED TO SIGN MY OWN PERMITS DO I STILL NEED TO SEND AQIS A REQUEST TO PRINT THE HEALTH CERTIFICATE?Yes, initially you will have to send an e-mail request to dairy.exdoc@.au and request approval for a health certificate.If an exporter demonstrates a history of compliance and knowledge, then there is the capability for AQIS to grant approval to by-pass this step, this process is known as Total Electronic Documentation (TED). When the export program feels you have attained this level then we will contact you to advise of your optionsW HAT S YSTEMS DO I NEED IN PLACE TO APPROVED MY OWN E XPORT P ERMITS?A person may apply for approval as an Approved Export Permit Issuer details of the requirements are included in Section 7.3.3 and Appendix 1 and 2. In short, you need to demonstrate a sound understanding of export legislation and importing country requirements and the Exporter must have a documented process that captures all the steps and procedures that you will take to ensure that you meet export legislation and the importing country requirements of the country you are exporting to as described in this document.。
INTERNATIONAL DAIRY AGREEMENT编者注:《国际奶制品协议》是世界贸易组织管辖的诸边贸易协议,协议的宗旨是在市场条件尽可能稳定的条件下,以进出口国家互利为原则,扩大奶制品贸易及其自由化,促进发展中国家的社会和经济的发展。
The Parties to this Agreement, Recognizing the importance of milk and dairy products to the economy of many countries in terms of production, trade and consumption; Recognizing the need, in the mutual interests of producers and consumers, and of exporters and importers, to avoid surpluses and shortages, and to maintain prices at an equitable level; Noting the diversity and interdependence of dairy products; Noting the situation in the dairy products market, which is characterized by very wide fluctuations and the proliferation of export and import measures; Considering that improved cooperation in the dairy products sector contributes to the attainment of the objectives of expansion and liberalization of world trade, and the implementation of the principles and objectives concerning developing countries agreed upon in the Tokyo Declaration of Ministers dated 14 September 1973; Determined to respect the principles and objectives of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and, in carrying out the aims of this Agreement, effectively to implement the principles and objectives agreed upon in the said Tokyo Declaration;认识到牛奶及奶制品对很多国家经济(生产、贸易和销售)的重要性;认识到为了生产者和消费者、出口者和进口者的共同利益而避免过剩和短缺,以及把价格稳定在公平的水平上的必要性;注意到奶制品的品种的繁杂以及它们之间的相互依赖关系;注意到以大幅度波动为特点的奶制品市场的状况以及进出口措施的增多;考虑到改进奶制品部门的合作,有助于扩大世界贸易及其自由化的实现亦有助于1973年9月14日通过的关于多边贸易谈判的《东京宣言》中达成的关于发展中国家的原则和目标的执行;决心尊重关税和贸易总协定(以下简称“总协定”)的原则和目标,并在实现本协议的目标的过程中,有效地贯彻上述《东京宣言》中达成的原则和目标。
TW 53畜牧中英对照术语
蜂疗〈牧〉 阿拉伯马 〈牧〉 阿拉伯马 〈牧〉 人工授精 〈牧〉 人工授精 〈牧〉 人工授精 〈牧〉 人工授精 〈牧〉 禽流感 〈牧〉 禽流感病毒 背膘 〈牧〉 蚕箔 = 蚕匾〈牧〉 畜舍 〈牧〉 落膘 〈牧〉→掉膘 luòbiāo〈牧〉〈 农〉 蜂 →黄; 马 ②〈牧〉 蜂粮〈牧〉 蜂舞 〈牧〉 蜂胶〈牧〉 蜂王浆 =蜂乳 王浆; 蜂王精;〈牧〉 蜂巢=蜂房〈牧〉 菜牛 蜂巢=蜂房〈牧〉 蜂蜡〈牧〉 蜂刺〈牧〉 头羊 公山羊 禽流感 〈牧〉 禽流感病毒 江猪 黑腿病 〈畜牧〉 瘤胃臌胀 〈兽医〉 蓝舌病 〈兽医〉 公猪 桑蚕 骨粉 〈农〉 骨粉 〈农〉 牦牛 ﹦旄牛〈牧〉 瘤牛 〈牧〉 黄牛〈牧〉 疯牛病 〈牧〉→牛海绵状脑病 〈牧〉 繁育 〈牧〉 繁育体系 肉仔鸡 蚕褐僵病 〈农〉 水牛 〈牧〉 公山羊 母水牛 公牛 犍牛 =阉牛〈牧〉 牛蛙 〈牧〉 犍牛 =阉牛〈牧〉 饲槽 〈牧〉 驴〈牧〉 番鸭 〈牧〉 犊牛 产犊〈牧〉
Chinese 媾疫 〈兽医〉 蜂群〈牧〉 蜂毒〈牧〉 绵羊 〈牧〉 初乳 〈牧〉 饲槽 〈牧〉
蚕眠 〈农〉
倒圈 〈畜〉
掉膘 〈牧〉 落膘 〈牧〉→掉膘 luòbiāo〈牧〉〈 农〉 定牧 〈牧〉 出栏 〈牧〉 水牛 蜂螨〈农〉 蚕豆象 〈农〉 鸭雏儿 →育[yù] 雌蜂 〈农〉 雏〈牧〉 蜂鸟〈农〉 畜栏 公猪 〈农〉 公羊 〈农〉 雏〈牧〉 豆猪=米猪〈牧〉〈畜〉 雌蜂 〈农〉 公羊 〈农〉 蚕茧 〈牧〉〈农〉 种公牛 雌蜂 〈农〉 幼畜 牧草学 〈牧〉 畜疫防治站 〈畜〉 畜疫〈畜〉 边虫病〈兽医〉 畜牧业〈牧〉 家畜繁育 兽疫〈牧〉 畜牧场 〈牧〉 畜力〈牧〉 畜牧业〈牧〉 家畜改良站 畜牧业〈牧〉 畜力〈牧〉 畜牧〈牧〉 畜牧学 〈牧〉 畜禽 〈牧〉 存栏家畜 羚羊 炭疽 〈牧〉 口蹄疫〈牧〉 口蹄疫病毒 蜜蜂 〈牧〉
销售工作计划书英文翻译1. IntroductionThe Sales Work Plan outlines the strategies and tactics that will be implemented to achieve sales targets and objectives. This plan aims to provide a roadmap for the sales team to follow, ensuring alignment with overall business goals and objectives. By following this plan, the sales team will be able to maximize their efforts and achieve optimum results.2. Executive SummaryThe executive summary provides a brief overview of the sales work plan, highlighting the main objectives and strategies. It also outlines the key performance indicators that will be used to measure the success of the plan. The executive summary serves as a quick reference for senior management and stakeholders, summarizing the main points of the plan.3. Sales ObjectivesThe sales objectives section outlines the specific goals that the sales team aims to achieve. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). By setting clear and realistic objectives, the sales team will have a clear direction and focus.4. Target Market AnalysisThe target market analysis evaluates the potential customer base and identifies the most lucrative market segments to target. This analysis will provide insights into customer preferences, needs, and behavior, allowing the sales team to tailor their sales strategies accordingly.5. Sales StrategiesThe sales strategies section details the specific strategies that will be employed to achieve the sales objectives. These strategies may include but are not limited to, prospecting, lead generation, building customer relationships, and closing sales. Each strategy should be clearly defined and accompanied by a timeline for implementation.6. Sales TacticsThe sales tactics section breaks down the sales strategies into actionable steps and activities. These tactics outline the specific actions that the sales team will take to execute the strategies. It includes details such as target accounts, channels to reach potential customers, and key messages to convey during sales interactions.7. Sales Team Structure and RolesThis section provides an overview of the sales team structure and the roles and responsibilities of each team member. It outlines the reporting structure andcommunication channels within the sales team. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, the sales team will be able to work together more efficiently and effectively.8. Sales Performance MeasurementThe sales performance measurement section outlines the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the sales plan. These KPIs should be aligned with the sales objectives and reflect the desired outcomes. Examples of KPIs include sales revenue, conversion rate, customer retention rate, and average customer value.9. Sales BudgetThe sales budget section outlines the financial resources required to implement the sales plan. It includes details such as sales staff salaries, marketing and advertising expenses, travel and accommodation costs, and training budget. By allocating appropriate resources to each aspect of the sales plan, the sales team will have the necessary support to execute their strategies effectively.10. Sales Plan Implementation TimelineThe sales plan implementation timeline provides a detailed schedule of when each strategy and tactic will be executed. It includes milestones and deadlines for key activities, allowing the sales team to track their progress and make necessary adjustments. The timeline should be realistic and achievable, taking into account external factors such as industry trends and market conditions.11. Risk Assessment and MitigationThe risk assessment and mitigation section identifies potential risks and challenges that could hinder the successful implementation of the sales plan. It includes a contingency plan for each identified risk, outlining the steps that will be taken to mitigate or overcome the risk. By proactively addressing potential risks, the sales team will be better prepared to handle unexpected obstacles.12. ConclusionThe Sales Work Plan serves as a roadmap for the sales team to achieve their objectives. By following this plan and continuously monitoring performance, the sales team can make necessary adjustments to maximize their effectiveness. Regular reviews and updates of the plan will ensure that it remains relevant and aligned with changing market conditions. With a well-designed and implemented sales work plan, the sales team will be able to drive revenue growth and contribute to the overall success of the business.。
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is a producer-owned company, working in partnership with industry and government to achieve a profitable and sustainable red meat and livestock (cattle, sheep and goats) industry in Australia. Meat & Livestock Australia has the responsibility of providing marketing and, research and development services to over 47,000 cattle, sheep and goat producer members and the broader red meat industry to help them meet community and consumer expectations.Marketing activities undertaken on behalf of the Australian red meat industry are focused on the consumer - the primary source of demand. These activities also focus on areas of demand generation, where it is unfeasible for individual enterprises to take the initiative, either through lack of commercial incentive or insufficient resources.To ensure marketing programs developed by Meat & Livestock Australia have the best possible chance of success, Meat & Livestock Australia and the industry make sure that they are informed about relevant consumer and food service trends. Meat & Livestock Australia uses consumer and trade research (e.g. retailers such as supermarkets and butchers) to stay in touch with consumer and food trends. Meat & Livestock Australia also uses market research to assess the effectiveness of Meat & Livestock Australia marketing programs.Some examples of the types of market research that are regularly conducted by Meat & Livestock Australia marketing includes research to evaluate:●which consumers marketing campaigns need to target●how certain groups of consumers need to be targeted●the impact marketing campaigns are likely to have on consumers●the impact of all marketing activities on changing consumer attitudes and behavior●Australian meat purchasing behaviorMeat & Livestock Australia is a valuable source of market and consumer information for red meat producers and retailers. Market research findings are communicated to the industry and consumers via:●monthly purchasing reports●domestic market briefs●feedback●consumer newsletters●trade newsletters●media releasesIn the early 2000s MLA was faced with negative consumer sentiment with many Australians believing eating red meat (beef and lamb) could have adverse long-term health effects. In 2001 market research showed that more than half of Australian mothers (57%) thought they should limit red meat consumptions for health reasons.Science informs us that red meat provides a wide range of essential nutrients including protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins, selenium, vitamin D, and long chain omega-3s. Trimmed of fat, red meat is generally lean and contains low levels of saturated fats and cholesterol. Lean red meat plays animportant role in a healthy diet for all Australians.Current Australians Dietary Guidelines recommend that Australians should eat lean red meat 3-4 times per week, particularly children, adolescent, and the elderly.A snapshot of how MLA used market research to generate demand for red meatSince uncovering these truths in 2001, MLA has used a phased marketing communication campaign to change consumer attitude and behavior. Each phase has been used to communicate a message designed to change consumer attitudes. Once saturation is reached, a new phase commences. Marketing communication campaigns have involved television and print commercial targeting consumers in addition to communications targeting retailers and health care professionals (e.g. dietitians).Phase1The Phase 1 campaign focused on feeling good and the TV commercials featured dancing butchers. Market research was used to monitor the effectiveness of Phase 1.Once attitude were no longer changing, work commenced on Phase 2.Phase 2In a bid to further shift stubborn consumer attitudes MLA used science, consulting world experts in anthropology, Paleolithic nutrition and archaeology-including Prof.Robert Winston(BBC's 'The Human Body').Their efforts helped to uncover an essential but poorly known truth, that red meat was essential to human evolution. When 'man' descended from the trees and started to eat red meat, humans came to be. Crudely put-the difference between man and ape is red meat.Meat & Livestock Australia turned to consumer research next to explore how consumers would react to these scientific ideas. Early concept research conducted by Julie Dang in 2005 identified that:1.The concept that man is meant to eat red meat was confronting to consumers.2.The implication that without red meat we would not have evolved beyond apes caused consumers real discomfort.3.The execution of any advertising campaign that attempted to communicate these ideas would need to be watertight-the idea caused such discomfort that people would look for a way to avoid engaging. The insights gained in market research showed that consumers would prefer to escape the communication than to acknowledge the truth it contains. Inaccuracy or carelessness in execution would give consumers‘wriggle room’Market research also explored the characteristics of the perfect presenter for the advertising-actor Sam Neil.Five years on, a potent campaign conducted in two phases has changed consumer attitudes towards red meat in Australia. From a conviction that they should limit the amount of red meat in the home, mothers increasingly believe it is essential for well-being and are well on their way to serving lean red meat 3-4 times a week. Red meat is now positioned in consumers' minds as an essential food:1.An essential part of a healthy diet (87%)2.Needs to be eaten 3-4 times a week(62%)3.'V ery healthy'(56%)The shift in attitudes pre- and post-advertising are shown in table 3.5This shift in consumer attitudes has helped Meat & Livestock Australia to change behavior. While several factors have contributed to the growth in red meat sales, the change in the nutritional reputation of red meat has had a significant impact on sales. Beef consumption returned to 1990 consumption levels in 2006.In five years, consumer expenditure per annum on red meat has grown from $6.3 billion(2001) to $8.7 billion(2006)-a massive growth of $2.4 billion. Much of this growth has been attributed to the red meat campaign.澳洲肉类及畜牧业(MLA)是一个生产商独资企业,在行业和政府的合作伙伴关系,实现了盈利和可持续的红色肉类和牲畜(牛,绵羊和山羊)行业在澳大利亚工作。
• Tatura manufactures butter塔图拉生产奶油
• Tatura exports butter塔 图拉出口奶油
• Tatura manufactures spray dried powders.塔 图拉生产喷雾干燥的 奶粉
TMI is part of the Bega Group, the Bega Group has a turnover of appromixitlyA$1billion, has A$500million worth of
assets and employs 1,200 staff over five manufacturing sites. Tatura contributes $308 million in turnova’s Infant formula is produced using world leading spray drying and wet mix technology 塔图拉婴儿配方奶 粉采用世界上最先进的喷雾枯燥和湿混技术
Tatura supplier 217: Friesian dairy cows grazing on pastures in the Goulburn Valley. 塔图拉第217号供给农场: 黑白花奶牛放牧在高宾谷的草原上
Concentrate Heating 浓缩加热
Spray Drying喷雾枯燥 Magnet磁吸 Packing包装
Dry Micro Ingredients 微干成分
Nitrogen Carbon Dioxide 氮气、二氧化碳
澳大利亚力促乳业生物科学创新作者:暂无来源:《农产品市场周刊》 2016年第7期薇薇澳媒ACB News 1 月20 日报道,维多利亚州农业部长普尔福德(Jaala Pulford) 和澳大利亚乳业局(Dairy Australia)主席埃克斯(Geoff Akers) 联合宣布,维州政府将携手澳乳业局为“乳业生物科学”(DairyBio)科研计划提供资金补助,以期在牧草培植及奶牛群体遗传学改良领域做出更多创新性突破。
据悉,维州政府和国家研发合作组织(RDC)将在未来5 年内向维州乳业领域陆续投放补助资金4500 万澳元,旨在加强在乳业生物科学领域的研发合作,这将有助于维州乃至全国乳业产能及盈利能力的持续提升。
普尔福德称,这项投资计划预计将在未来25 年将为全澳乳制品生产商间接创造出近25 亿澳元收入,同时有利于带动地方就业与经济发展。
他指出,联邦重视并支持农业研发,将在DairyBio 项目基础上通过乳业局进一步出资2230 万澳元。
天然植物激素可防治农作物害虫蓝建中日本新研究发现, 将一种植物激素喷洒到作物上能够驱除害虫, 而另外一种植物激素则能吸引害虫。
在农作物和周边植物上配合使用两者, 有望不依赖化学农药来保护作物。
日本理化学研究所和东京大学等机构的研究小组发现, 给园艺花卉洋金花的幼苗喷洒一次茉莉酸后,两周后平均每两株洋金花上只有一只蓟马, 只有未喷洒茉莉酸的幼苗的约四分之一。
反之, 如果给洋金花幼苗喷洒水杨酸, 则每株幼苗上的蓟马数量是未喷洒时的1.5 倍以上。
养羊及副产品的项目计划书英文回答:Project Proposal: Sheep Farming and By-Product Production.Introduction:I am excited to present my project proposal for a sheep farming and by-product production venture. This project aims to establish a sustainable and profitable business by raising sheep for their meat, wool, and other valuable by-products. In this proposal, I will outline the key aspects of the project, including the market analysis, financial projections, and operational plan.Market Analysis:The sheep farming industry has seen significant growth in recent years, with increasing demand for sheep meat andwool. This project will target both the domestic and international markets, capitalizing on the growing popularity of organic and ethically-sourced products. By offering high-quality sheep products, we can tap into the niche market and establish a loyal customer base.Financial Projections:To ensure the financial viability of the project, a detailed financial analysis has been conducted. The initial investment will cover the purchase of sheep, construction of suitable housing and grazing areas, and the necessary equipment. The revenue streams will come from the sale of sheep meat, wool, and other by-products such as lanolin and sheepskin. Based on market research and projected sales, a comprehensive financial forecast has been developed to estimate the return on investment and profitability of the venture.Operational Plan:The success of the project relies on efficient andeffective operations. The sheep will be raised in a healthy and natural environment, with access to ample grazing land and proper veterinary care. The sheep will be fed a balanced diet to ensure optimal growth and productivity. The wool will be sheared at regular intervals, and the meat will be processed and packaged according to industry standards. By implementing best practices in animal husbandry and production processes, we can deliver high-quality products to our customers.Example:For example, let's say we have a flock of 100 sheep. We can expect to shear each sheep and obtain an average of 4 kg of wool per year. This would give us a total of 400 kg of wool. If we sell the wool at $10 per kg, we can generate $4,000 in revenue from wool alone. Additionally, if each sheep yields an average of 20 kg of meat, we can produce a total of 2,000 kg of meat. Assuming a selling price of $8 per kg, we can generate $16,000 in revenue from meat sales. This example demonstrates the potential profitability of the project.中文回答:项目计划书,养羊及副产品生产。
食品产业行动 计划
食品产业行动计划英文回答:The Food Industry Action Plan.The Food Industry Action Plan (FIAP) is a voluntary initiative launched by the European Commission in 2013. It aims to promote a healthier and more sustainable food system by encouraging the food industry to take action in four key areas: reformulation, innovation, consumer information, and marketing to children.Reformulation.Reformulation involves modifying the nutritional composition of food products to make them healthier. This can be done by reducing the content of unhealthy ingredients, such as sugar, salt, and saturated fat, and increasing the content of healthy ingredients, such as fiber, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables.Innovation.Innovation is about developing new and healthier food products. This can involve using new ingredients, new processing techniques, and new packaging.Consumer Information.Consumer information is about providing consumers with clear and accurate information about the nutritional value of food products. This can be done through food labeling, advertising, and other marketing materials.Marketing to Children.Marketing to children is about restricting the marketing of unhealthy food products to children. This can be done through advertising restrictions, product placement restrictions, and school food policies.Progress.The FIAP has made significant progress since its launch in 2013. The food industry has reformulated over 10,000 food products, developed over 3,000 new healthier food products, and invested heavily in consumer information and marketing to children.Challenges.Despite the progress that has been made, there arestill some challenges to overcome. One challenge is the need to make further progress on reformulation. Another challenge is the need to ensure that consumers have access to affordable healthy food products.The Way Forward.The FIAP is an important initiative that is helping to promote a healthier and more sustainable food system. However, there is still more work to be done. The food industry, governments, and consumers all need to work together to overcome the challenges and achieve the goalsof the FIAP.中文回答:食品产业行动计划。
牛奶制作销售服务流程英文回答:Milk Production, Manufacturing, and Distribution Process.1. Raw Milk Production.Dairy cows are raised on farms and their milk is collected in bulk tanks.The milk is cooled to preserve its quality and prevent spoilage.Milk is transported to processing plants in refrigerated tankers.2. Milk Processing.Pasteurization: Milk is heated to a specifictemperature for a set duration to kill harmful bacteria.Homogenization: Milk is passed through a machine that breaks down the fat globules, creating a smooth consistency.Standardization: Milk's fat content is adjusted tomeet consumer preferences.3. Packaging and Distribution.Pasteurized milk is packaged in various containers, including cartons, bottles, and jugs.Packaged milk is stored in refrigerated warehouses and distribution centers.Distributors deliver milk to retail stores and other establishments.4. Sales and Marketing.Milk producers and manufacturers engage in marketingcampaigns to promote their products.Consumers purchase milk at retail stores, online platforms, and other channels.5. Quality Control and Monitoring.Milk is subject to rigorous testing throughout the production and distribution process to ensure its safety and quality.Regulatory agencies monitor milk production and distribution to meet industry standards.6. Sustainability.Dairy farms implement sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact.Milk processing plants adopt energy-efficient technologies and reduce waste.Distributors optimize transportation routes to reduce carbon emissions.中文回答:牛奶生产、制造和销售服务流程。
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding exporter requirements for exporting dairy products out of Australia ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is a dairy product?Under Australian export legislation, a prescribed dairy product is generally any milk or milk product obtained from a bovine (cow). It does not normally include colostrum, sheep or goat milk products, ice-cream or cheesecake, however countries like the European Union (EU) and China require certification for these types of products. You should check with your buyer to confirm requirements for goods not normally prescribed by DAFF. Examples of a prescribed milk product include, liquid milk, cream, butter, buttermilk, casein, cheese, whey, milk powder and milk protein powder, infant formula, condensed milk, dips containing yoghurt or cream cheese and any other like milk products where milk is the major ingredient.Major ingredient means that the sum total of all the dairy ingredients must be the largest component (i.e. the first ingredient listed on the label).Do I need DAFF approval to send dairy products overseas?Several factors determine when you require approval from DAFF to export dairy products out of Australia.∙Commercial shipments greater than 10kg (per consignment) can only be exported from Australia under conditions approved by DAFF (export permit, health certification). An ‘export permit’ enables you to get the product out of Australia and a ’h ealth certificate’ enables you to get the product in at the other end.∙Shipments less than 10kg (per consignment) are not considered a prescribed dairy product and therefore no export requirements apply. For example, you can purchase dairy products from the supermarket and send them overseas as long as the total amount is not more than 10 kg in weight. However, countries like the EU require DAFF certification to clear the goods, regardless of the quantity. In these cases you will need DAFF approval prior to export.∙Shipments of any quantity to New Zealand (NZ) are also exempt from the export requirements, therefore you do not need DAFF approval prior to export.∙Generally non bovine dairy products (sheep milk, goat milk) or products like colostrum, ice-cream or cheesecake do not require DAFF approval, except if you are exporting them to the EU and China where you will need DAFF approval prior to export.Can I export prescribed dairy products purchased from the supermarket or chemist?There are two occasions where dairy products purchased outside the export chain, such as a supermarket or a non export registered establishment can be exported.1.When the total shipment is equal to or less than 10kg (importing country dependant).2.Where the dairy product is imported and not further processed in Australia. In this case DAFF can onlyapprove/certify product manufactured in Australia. If you wish to export this type of product you will need to ask your buyer what documents they need to clear the goods. If documentation is required you will need to contact the manufacturer in the country of origin.How do I get DAFF approval to export my prescribed dairy products?To gain approval to export your dairy products there are several conditions that must be met prior to export.∙An application to export a prescribed dairy product is called a request for an export permit or RFP.∙When an RFP is approved you will be issued with an export permit and health certificate∙All RFPs must be completed electronically through the EXDOC system (Electronic Export Documentation).If you don’t have the software please see link for details of costs and process involved. You can eitherpurchase the software of have the software company prepare the export documents for you.∙All requests for export must be submitted prior to the date of departure and must be submitted for each individual shipment. Please allow sufficient time for the documents to be processed and goods inspected if required∙In order to be listed as the exporter on your export documents you must be registered as an exporter in the EXDOC system (see form).∙You must purchase the goods from an export registered establishment and they must also be stored in a DAFF export registered dairy establishment (i.e. goods must always remain in the export chain).Prescribed dairy goods purchased or stored outside the export chain (registered with DAFF for dairyproducts) are not eligible for export.∙If the goods are moved from the manufacturer then they can only be moved to an export registered warehouse, store or freight forwarder.∙The manufacturer of the dairy goods must issue you with a declaration of compliance, ie a statement identifying that the dairy products being exported are eligible for export and a declaration that the product has been prepared to meet importing country requirements where applicable (see example).∙You must ensure that any specific importing country requirements are met prior to export and where applicable reflected on the declaration of compliance. See the Manual of Importing Country Requirements for further details (MICoR).Do I need to submit supporting documents (product test results, declarations of compliance) with my export permit application?In some circumstances DAFF will ask you to present these documents to verify that the prescribed dairy products are eligible for export. If these documents are not available then an export permit will not be granted.In addition to the above there are some countries, such as the European Union or Algeria where these documents are required for each export permit application.Regardless of when they are requested, you must always have copies before you apply for the export permit.My customer has asked to include additional information on the health certificate, can DAFF make changes to these documents?Health certificates are government to government documents and cannot be amended or altered to suit customer requirements. If your customer advises that the change is a government requirement then they will need to provide evidence, such as a government letter advising that these changes are needed to clear the goods.My customer has advised me that I need to apply for an import permit and provide a certificate of free sale before I export my dairy products, how do I do this?DAFF cannot issue an import permit, as it is a commercial process that you will need to work through with your customer.DAFF can issue a letter of free sale or good manufacturing. To organise this you will need to contact the export documentation area with details of your requirement dairy.exdoc@.auWhat is the cost involved in obtaining an export permit and health certificateThe details of fees for dairy export documentation, inspection, auditing and other in office services are provided at .au/aqis/export/dairy/fees-charges.RFP and Health certificate = $21 total for both documentsLetter of Free Sale = $100Replacement Health Certificate = $500Further Information: Visit our website @.au/aqis/export/dairy/new-exporters or our importing country requirements site @ .au/micor or email us @dairy@.au。
Contract Agreement for Australian ProductsThis Contract Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Your Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of Australia ("Supplier"), and [Customer's Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Customer's Country] ("Customer").BACKGROUNDA. The Supplier is engaged in the business of manufacturing and supplying high-quality Australian products.B. The Customer is interested in purchasing and importing the Supplier's products for distribution in [Customer's Country].NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Product Description and SpecificationsThe Supplier agrees to supply the Customer with [Product Name], which shall conform to the specifications set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Product"). The Product shall be manufactured in accordance with the applicable standards and regulations in Australia.2. Order and DeliveryThe Customer agrees to place orders for the Product with the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The Supplier shall use reasonable efforts to fulfill the Customer's orders within a reasonable time after receipt of the orders. The Supplier shall be responsible for the packaging and shipping of the Product to the Customer's designated delivery location in [Customer's Country].3. Price and Payment TermsThe price of the Product (the "Price") shall be as set forth in the Supplier's quotation or price list in effect at the time of the order,unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. The Customer shall make payment for the Product by wire transfer or such other payment method as the Supplier may approve in writing. The payment shall be due within [number of days] after the date of the invoice issued by the Supplier.4. Exclusive Distribution RightsThe Supplier grants to the Customer the exclusive rights to distribute the Product in [Customer's Country]. The Customer agrees not to distribute the Product outside of [Customer's Country] without the prior written consent of the Supplier.5. Intellectual PropertyThe Supplier represents and warrants that it has the right to use and distribute the Product and that the Product does not infringe any intellectual property rights of third parties. The Supplier shall indemnify and hold the Customer harmless against any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or resulting from any actual or alleged infringement of any intellectual property rights by the Product.6. WarrantyThe Supplier warrants that the Product shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship and shall conform to the specifications set forth in Exhibit A. The Supplier's sole obligation under this warranty shall be, at its option, to replace or repair any Product that is defective or does not conform to the specifications, or to refund the purchase price for such Product.7. ConfidentialityThe parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, except as may be required by law or court order. The Supplier also agrees to maintain the confidentiality of any customer information provided by the Customer.8. Term and TerminationThis Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue for a term of [number of years] unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms hereof. either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any material provision of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [number of days] after receipt of written notice thereof.9. Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance。
红酒营销策划方案英文原版Executive Summary:This red wine marketing plan aims to target wine enthusiasts and increase the market share for our brand. We will focus on building brand awareness, expanding distribution channels, creating customer loyalty, and implementing effective promotional activities. By utilizing innovative marketing strategies, we aspire to strengthen our position in the highly competitive red wine industry.1. Introduction:1.1 Objectives:- Increase brand awareness by 25% within the first year- Achieve a 15% growth in sales within the first year- Establish brand loyalty through customer retention activities- Expand distribution channels to new markets1.2 Market Analysis:- Growing red wine market worldwide- Increasing demand for premium and high-quality red wines- Key competitors in the market: well-established wineries and boutique vineyards2. Target Market:Our primary target market will be wine enthusiasts, aged between 25-54, with a passion for exploring new wine labels and flavors. We will also target individuals who enjoy hosting social events, such as parties, dinners, and wine tastings.3. Branding and Positioning:3.1 Brand Identity:Our brand will represent elegance, sophistication, and premium quality. We will highlight the unique characteristics and flavor profiles of our red wines, targeting individuals seeking a memorable wine drinking experience.3.2 Positioning Strategy:We will position our red wines as distinctive, with a focus on quality production techniques, such as vineyard selection, grape harvesting, and winemaking processes. By conveying our brand as a symbol of luxury, we aim to differentiate ourselves from competitors.4. Product:4.1 Product Development:- Conduct research and development to create new wine blends and flavors- Collaborate with renowned winemakers to offer exclusive limited-edition bottles4.2 Packaging:- Elegant and stylish bottle and label design representing the brand values- The use of eco-friendly and sustainable packaging materials to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers5. Distribution:5.1 Expanding Distribution Channels:- Establish partnerships with high-end restaurants, bars, and hotels- Collaborate with wine retailers and specialty stores to expand reach- Develop an online store with nationwide shipping capabilities5.2 Supply Chain Management:- Implement an efficient logistics network to ensure timely delivery- Establish long-term relationships with reliable suppliers to maintain product quality6. Promotion:6.1 Advertising:- Utilize both traditional and digital channels to reach target audience- Place advertisements in lifestyle magazines, online platforms, and wine industry publications- Partner with influencers and wine experts to promote the brand6.2 Public Relations:- Organize wine tasting events and press launches to create a buzz around the brand- Sponsor high-profile wine festivals, trade shows, and industry events to increase brand visibility- Develop partnerships with local charities and organizations to foster community engagement6.3 Digital Marketing:- Utilize social media platforms to engage with followers and share wine knowledge- Create a comprehensive website featuring wine information, blogs, and online purchasing options- Implement targeted email marketing campaigns to inform customers about new releases and promotions7. Customer Loyalty:7.1 Wine Clubs and Subscriptions:- Offer exclusive membership programs with benefits suchas pre-releases and discounts- Implement a subscription-based service deliveringregular shipments of curated wine selections7.2 Customer Relationship Management:- Develop a customer database to track preferences and purchasing behavior- Send personalized emails and special offers to enhance customer engagement and retention8. Sales Forecast:Based on market analysis and anticipated consumer demands, we project a steady increase in sales and market shareover the next few years. We will regularly evaluate and adjust our sales and marketing strategies to ensure ongoing success.9. Conclusion:This red wine marketing plan outlines a comprehensive approach to expanding brand awareness, increasing sales, and fostering customer loyalty. By targeting wine enthusiasts and positioning our wines as symbols ofluxury and quality, we aim to capture the hearts of our target audience and achieve significant growth in the competitive red wine market. Through innovative promotional activities, strategic partnerships, andexceptional customer service, we are confident in our ability to captivate wine lovers around the world.。
W T O简明术语AAccession 加入(世界贸易组织)Acceptable risk level 可接受的风险水平ACP---African、Caribbean and Pacific 非加太国家Actionable subsidy 可诉补贴Ad valorem tariff 从价税Aggregate measurement of support(AMS)(农业国内支持)综合支持量Agreement on Agriculture 《农业协议》Agreement on Textiles and Clothing(ATC)《纺织品与服装协议》Air transport services 空运服务Amber box measures (农业国内支持)“黄箱”措施Annex 附件Annual bound commitment(农业国内支持)年度约束水平Anti-circumvention 反规避Anti-competitive practice 反竞争行为Anti-dumping duty 反倾销税Audiovisual services 视听服务Automatic licensing 自动许可Appendix 附录Appeal (争端解决)上诉Appellate body (争端解决)上诉机构Appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection 适当的动植物卫生保护水平Acquisition of intellectual property rights 知识产权的获得Arbitration 仲裁Areas of low pest or disease prevalence 病虫害低度流行区Assessment of risk 风险评估Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)东南亚国家联盟(东盟)Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations(ANCER)《澳大利亚新西兰紧密经济关系协定》BBerne Convention 《伯尔尼公约》Base tariff level 基础税率Basic Instrument and Selected Documents(BISD)《基本文件和资料选编》Basic telecommunication services 基础电信服务Best information available (反倾销)可获得的最佳信息Blue box measures (农业国内支持)“蓝箱”措施Balance-of-payments(BOP)provisions 国际收支条款Built-in agenda (世界贸易组织)既定议程Business services 商务服务Bound level 约束水平Bretton Woods Conference 布雷顿森林会议CCairns Group 凯恩斯集团Causal link 因果联系Ceiling bindings (关税)上限约束Central Product Classification(CPC)《(联合国)中心产品分类》Challenge Procedures (政府采购)质疑程序Clean report of findings 检验结果清洁报告书Codex Alimentarius Commission(CAC)食品法典委员会Common Agriculture Policy(CAP)(欧洲共同体)共同农业政策Communication services 通信服务Conciliation 调解Confidential information 机密信息Conformity assessment procedures 合格评定程序Circumvention 规避Combined tariff 复合税Commercial presence (服务贸易)商业存在Committee on Trade and Development(CTD)贸易与发展委员会Committee on Trade and Environment(CTE)贸易与环境委员会Compensation 补偿Competition policy 竞争政策Complaining party (争端解决)申诉方Computed value 计算价格Consensus 协商一致Constructed value (反倾销)结构价格Consultation 磋商Consumption abroad (服务贸易)境外消费Copyright 版权Council for Trade in Goods(CTG)货物贸易理事会Counterfeit trademark goods 冒牌货Counter-notification 反向通知Countervailing duty 反补贴税Contraction parties 关税与贸易总协定缔约方Cross border supply (服务贸易)跨境交付Cross retaliation 交叉报复Currency retention scheme 货币留成制度Current market access(CMA)现行市场准入Current total AMS (农业国内支持)现行综合支持量Customs duty 关税Customs tariff 海关税率,海关税则Customs value 海关完税价值Customs valuation 海关估价Customs union 关税同盟DDeveloped member 发达成员Developing member 发展中成员Direct payment (农业国内支持)直接支付Distribution services 分销服务Domestic industry 国内产业Domestic production 国内生产Domestic sales requirement 国内销售要求Domestic subsidy 国内补贴Domestic support (农业)国内支持Dispute Settlement Body 争端解决机构Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes(DSU)《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》Due restraint (对农产品反补贴)适当克制Dumping 倾销Dumping margin 倾销幅度EEconomies in transition 转型经济体Enabling clause 授权条款Enforcement of intellectual property rights 知识产权法Equivalence (检验检疫标准)等效性European Communities(EC)欧洲共同体European Free Trade Association (EFTA)欧洲自由贸易联盟Electronic commerce 电子商务Enquiry point 咨询点European Union 欧洲联盟Exhaustion of intellectual property rights 知识产权权利用尽Existing subject matter (知识产权)现有客体Ex officio 依职权Export credit 出口信贷Export credit guarantee 出口信贷担保Export subsidy 出口补贴FFall-back method (海关估价)“回顾”方法Findings 争端解决调查结果First-come first served 先来先得Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO)联合国粮农组织Food security 粮食安全Foreign direct investment(FDI)外国直接投资Foreign exchange balancing requirement 外汇平衡要求Free-rider 搭便车(指根据最惠国待遇享受其他成员贸易减让而不进行相应减让的成员)Free trade area 自由贸易区GGATT 1947 《1947年关税与贸易总协定》GATT 1994 《1994年关税与贸易总协定》General Agreement on Trade in Service(GATS)《服务贸易总协定》General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT)《关税与贸易总协定》General Council 总理事会General exceptions 一般例外Geographical indications (知识产权)地理标识Genetically Modified Organisms(GMO)转基因生物Good offices 斡旋Government procurement 政府采购Green box measures (农业国内支持)“绿箱”措施Grey area measures 灰色区域措施General Preferential System(GPS)普惠制HHarmonized Commodity Description and Coding System(HS)《商品名称及编码协调制度》Havana Charter 哈瓦那宪章Horizontal commitments (服务贸易)水平承诺IIdentical product 相同产品Illustrative list 例示清单Import deposits 进口押金Import licensing 进口许可Import substitution 进口替代Import surcharge 进口附加税Import variable duties 进口差价税Industrial designs 工业设计Infant industry 幼稚产业Information Technology Agreement(ITA)《信息技术协议》Injunctions 禁令Initial negotiating rights (INRs)最初谈判权(初谈权)Integration process 一体化进程Intellectual property rights(IPRs)知识产权Internal taxes 国内税International Labor Organization (ILO ) 国际劳工组织International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际货币基金组织International Organization for Standardization (ISO)国际标准化组织International Plant Protection Convention 《国际植物保护公约》International Textile and Clothing Bureau (ITCB)国际纺织品与服装局International Trade Organization (ITO)国际贸易组织International Trade Center (ITC)国际贸易中心International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行JJudicial review 司法审议Judicial person (服务贸易)法人KLLayout-designs(Topographies)of integrated circuits 集成电路外观设计(拓扑图)Least-developed countries (LDCs)最不发达国家License fee (知识产权)许可费Like product 同类产品Limited tendering (政府采购)有限招标Local content requirement 当地含量要求Local equity requirement 当地股份要求Mad-cow disease 疯牛病Maintenance of intellectual property rights 知识产权的维护Maritime transport services 海运服务Market access 市场准入Market boards 市场营销机构Market price support 市场价格支持Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization 《建立世界贸易组织马拉喀什协定》Marrakesh protocol 《马拉喀什协定书》Material injury 实质损害Medication 调停Minimum market access (MMA)最低市场准入Minimum values (海关估价)最低限价Most-favored-nation treatment (MFN)最惠国待遇MFN exemptions (服务贸易)最惠国待遇例外Ministerial conference 部长级会议Modalities 模式Modulation of quota clause (保障措施)配额调整条款Movement of natural persons 自然人流动Multi-Fiber Arrangement (MFA)《多种纤维协定》Multilateral trade negotiations (MTNs)多边贸易谈判Mutual recognition agreement 相互承认协议NNational treatment 国民待遇Natural person 自然人Negative standard (原产地)否定标准Neighboring rights (版权)邻接权New issues (世界贸易组织)新议题Non-actionable subsidy 不可诉补贴Non-automatic licensing 非自动许可Non-discrimination 非歧视Non-violation complaints 非违规之诉North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)《北美自由贸易协定》Notification obligation 通知义务Non-tariff measures(NTMs)非关税措施Non-trade concern 非贸易关切Nullification or impairment (利益)丧失或减损Offer (谈判)出价Open tendering (政府采购)公开招标Orderly marketing arrangement (OMA)有序销售安排Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OEDC)经济合作与发展组织Original member (世界贸易组织)创始成员PPanel 争端解决专家组Paris convention 《巴黎公约》Patents 专利Peace clause 关于农产品反补贴的和平条款Pest or disease-free area 病虫害非疫区Pirated copyright goods 盗版货Plurilateral agreement 诸边协议Positive standard (原产地)肯定标准Presence of natural person 自然人存在Preshipment inspection 装运前检验Price verification (装运前检验)价格核实Price undertaking (反倾销)价格承诺Principal supplying interest 主要供应利益Product mandating requirement 产品授权要求Product-to-product method 产品对产品(谈判)方法Production subsidy 生产补贴Professional services 专业服务Prohibited subsidy 被禁止的补贴Protocol accession 加入议定书Protocol of Provisional Application of GATT 关贸总协定临时适用协议书Provisional application 临时适用Prudential measures 审慎措施QQuads 四方集团(至美国、欧盟、日本和加拿大)Quantitative restrictions 数量限制Quantity trigger level (农业特殊保障措施)数量触发水平RReciprocity 对等Recommendations (争端解决)建议Reference years 参照年Regional trade agreements 区域贸易协议Request (谈判)要价Responding Party (争端解决)应诉方Restrictive business practices 限制性商业惯例Risk analysis 风险分析Risk assessment 风险评估Roll-back 逐步退回Rome convention 《罗马公约》Round (知识产权)使用费Rules of origin 原产地规则SSafeguards 保障措施Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS)measures 卫生与植物措施Schedule of commitments (服务贸易)承诺表Schedule of concessions (货物贸易)减让表Sectoral negotiations 部门谈判Security exceptions 安全例外Selective tendering (政府采购)选择性招标Separate customs territory 单独关税区Serious injury 严重损害Serious prejudice 严重侵害Simple average tariff 简单平均关税Similar product 类似产品Special and differential(S&D)treatment provisions 特殊与差别待遇条款Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)(国际货币基金组织)特别提款权Special safeguard(SSG)measures (农产品)特殊保障措施Specific tariff 从量税Specificity (补贴)专项性Standardizing bodies 标准化机构Standards 标准Standstill 维持现状State trading enterprises (STEs)国营贸易企业Subsidy 补贴Subsidies in general 一般补贴Substantial supplying interest 实质供应利益Substantial transformation (产品)实质改变Suspend concessions 暂停减让TTariffs 关税Tariff bindings 关税约束Tariff classification 税则归类Tariff concessions 关税减让Tariff equivalent 关税等值Tariff escalation 关税升级Tariff headings 税目Tariffication 关税化Tariff line 税号Tariff peaks 关税高峰Tariff rate quotas/ Tariff quotas (TRQ)关税配额Technical assistance 技术援助Technical barriers to trade(TBT)技术性贸易壁垒Technical regulationsTelecommunication services 电信服务Terms of reference (TOR)(争端解决专家组)职责范围Textile Monitoring Body (TMB)(关税与贸易总协定)纺织品监督机构Textile Surveillance Body (TSB) (关税与贸易总协定)纺织品监督机构Tokyo Round Codes 东京回合守则Total AMS (农业国内支持)综合支持总量Trade-balancing requirement 贸易平衡要求Trade facilitation 贸易便利化Trade in civil aircraft 民用航空器贸易Trade in goods 货物贸易Trade in services 服务贸易Trademark(TM)商标Trade Policy Review Body (TPRB)贸易政策审议机构Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM)贸易政策审议机制Trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPs)与贸易有关的知识产权Trade-related investment measures (TRIMs)Trade remedies 贸易救济(措施)Trade-weighted average tariff 贸易加权平均关税Transaction Value 成交价格Transition economies 转型经济体Transitional safeguard measures (纺织品)过渡性保障措施Transparency 透明度Transport services 运输服务Trigger prices (农产品特殊保障措施)触发价格UUndisclosed information (知识产权)未公开信息United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易与发展会议Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合VVariable duties 差价税Value-added telecommunication services 增值电信服务Voluntary export restraints (VERs)自愿出口限制WWaiver (义务)豁免Washington Treaty 《华盛顿条约》Withdraw concessions 撤回减让World Customs Organization(WCO)世界海关组织World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)世界知识产权组织World Trade Organization(WTO)世界贸易组织WTO Members 世界贸易组织全体成员WTO Secretariat 世界贸易组织秘书处。
1.中澳自贸协定对澳农业将有巨大拉动作用 [J], 万方
2.中澳自贸协定签署我国煤炭行业面临澳煤冲击 [J],
3.中澳签订自贸协定后中澳乳制品贸易分析 [J], 李雪
4.中新和中澳自贸协定对中国乳业的影响 [J], 刘艺卓
5.中新和中澳自贸协定对中国乳业的影响 [J], 刘艺卓;
Company Profile Translation Exercise 1Company Profile 1Purpose, Mission & Values目标,使命和价值Enliven International is a value-oriented company. We believe that doing business involves a proper exchange of value-value given for value received. As you learn about our purpose, mission, values, compensation plan, and exclusive products, you will see what sets us apart.美商茵莱国际公司是一家以价值为导向的公司。
Our Purpose目标Enliven International exists to make a lasting difference in the lives of people by helping them gain control over their finances, health, and time.美商茵莱国际公司旨在通过帮助人们控制财产,健康和时间来使他们的人生非同凡响Our Mission使命To empower our distributors to effectively market innovative products that promote good health and well-being.让我们的经销商销售创新产品, 让顾客延年益寿,生活幸福Our Core Values核心价值We believe that business involves a proper exchange of values-value given for value received. Therefore, we seek to emulate and live by the following core values:因为我们相信,事业的发展是建立在彼此适当的互动互惠的价值交流之上,所以我们一下面的核心价值作为发展理念We value personal freedom我们注重个人自由We believe that people should be empowered to control their own lives in terms of their health, their income, their time and their lifestyle.我们相信人们应该拥有控制自己的健康,收入,时间和生活方式的权利。
玛氏策划书英文回答:As the Director of Mars Exploration for NASA, I am thrilled to present the Mars Exploration Strategy,outlining our ambitious plans for unlocking the secrets of the Red Planet.Our mission is bold: to explore Mars, seek evidence of past and present life, and pave the way for future human exploration. We will achieve this through a series of groundbreaking missions, leveraging cutting-edge technology and international collaboration.Phase 1: Reconnaissance and Orbiter Missions。
Like scouts venturing into uncharted territory, we will begin with Reconnaissance and Orbiter Missions to map Mars' surface, study its atmosphere, and identify potential landing sites for future missions. These missions willprovide a comprehensive view of Mars, informing our subsequent exploration efforts.Phase 2: Rover and Lander Missions。
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项目概述6000万元来自EKN(瑞典出口信贷机构)1500万元来自Delaval●5000万元来自澳大利亚政府对研发的税收补助●3000万元的权益来自Harris family●5000万元的权益来自潜在投资者股票发售●Harris family正在积极寻找5000万元的股权认购,Harris family 已经收到2000万元的承诺,目前正在寻找剩余3000万元的投资者●40%的利率相当于5000万元巨大的潜在增长力●有能力将奶牛数目从14000头(12000处于哺乳期)提升到20000头(17000处于哺乳期)●发展模式将在全球复制(Harris family 已经为增长预留了很大空间)●高质量的婴幼儿奶粉产品巨大的机遇雷文斯沃思目前拥有与穆伦比基河接壤的耕地40000公顷,穆伦比基河是澳大利亚流量最大、最主要的河流之一。
目前雷文斯沃思成功经营一个棉花种植运营中心,预计2011年6月30日,公司收入为2300万元,EBITDA 为700万元,2012年EBITDA为1200万元。
雷文斯沃思公司现有股东,Harris family 数代人从事农业生产,并且是澳大利亚最大的小麦、棉花、牛肉生产商之一,更值得一提的是,Harris family拥有澳大利亚最大的灌溉许可权。
Harris Family正在积极寻求5000万元的股权投资用于综合乳品和奶粉工厂的建设。
牛乳-包括现有的雷文斯沃思饲养厂基础设施和扩张计划:建立一个Free Stall和自动化的乳制品产能达到12000头奶牛供给162百万升牛奶。
甲烷沼气池 - 利用牛粪发电,以满足大部分奶粉生产的能耗,估计25,000兆瓦时每年。
Ravensworth 的垂直整合的系统竞争优势的关键是质量最高,成本最低的奶粉产品在全球的生产。
”-瑞银全球乳业报告●供给-“从历史角度看,许多发展中国家的需求由该国本土产业的发展所提供,但其长期的需求空缺难以由其本土产业的增长所满足,这意味着对国际贸易需求的持续,并且价格将持续的坚挺”-瑞银全球乳业报告●长期的牛奶价格 - “现有的生产和一些长期来看新的供给来源,将与其他作物,如大豆,谷物和棉花争夺耕地。
Harris Family 已经承诺认购3000万元权益以其土地作为贡献。
单个大棚的EBITDA 为170万美元,两个为300万。
在项目建成后,项目产生的EBITDA 总额为6400万美元,其中种植业700万,畜牧业1650万,奶粉制造3600万,沼气设备700万(减去期间费用250万)。
(a)代表银行对雷文斯沃思公司土地资产的评估价值(b)代表购入奶牛(第一阶段2500,第二阶段11500,共计14000,其中12000在哺乳期)(c)奶牛分别安置在12个大棚内,每个大棚有1000个哺乳期的奶牛(d)代表机械挤奶设备及乳品机械(e)奶粉厂的外部工程,包括厂方(f)奶粉厂的设备(g)沼气发电设备外部工程+厂方(h)沼气发电设备的外部工程(i)运营资金总额(j) 现有股权哈里斯家庭的土地价值9000万美元,现有债务6000万美元,实际提供股权价值为3000万美元。
(k)投资者的外部股权投资(l) 澳大利亚产业研发退税资格的项目,代表经营性现金流。
(m)EFIC AAA级的担保资金(n) 澳大利亚银行“风险”的曝光排名与非洲经委会保证享有同等效力(o)EKN AAA级的担保(p)Delaval透露其将会提供最多达1500万美元的担保的债务义务(q)全部资金的来源股票发售公司已从EFIC(澳大利亚出口信贷机构)和EKN(瑞典出口信贷机构)获得贷款,并且需要从外部投资者募集5000万澳元用以建设项目。
Harris Family提议进行投资前估值,项目的实施下表展示了项目进行的步骤:管理团队畜牧业●Peter Phillipzen(总经理+董事)-曾就职于Moxy family乳业,负责管理乳业经营的全部工作,管理3500头奶牛。
●Dr Ed Koppel(乳业顾问)-广泛的畜群管理与构建经验,曾运营10000头以上的大型牧场(最近管理沙特一家18000头奶牛的大型牧场)(丰富的饲养经验,设计口粮组成与配比,以达到每头牛每天的40升的产量)●Jason Haines-主要的放牧人,在过去的15年中曾在澳大利亚各个大型牧场放牧。
●Wayne Johnston-雷文斯沃思前饲养经理,从事饲养管理工作并喂养15000头肉牛。
●Ron Harris/Peter Paradise-在饲养方面富有经验,在雷文斯沃思公司牧场曾管理15000头奶牛(通过承包严重干旱条件下的周边农场饲料)。
种植业●Ron Harris and Adam Harris(有30年广泛的玉米和小麦生产历史)●在雷文斯沃思公司有10年小麦和玉米生产管理经验●管理雷文斯沃思公司现有的团队和承包商(50+),最近的棉花产量为每公顷3000+奶粉生产●Tony Brady 曾经在Murray Goulburn任首席生产工程师7年。
●Peter Philipzen and Ron Harris同时负责管理此项事业。
TetraLaval 拥有124年固体奶粉生产、研发与包装经验。