Applied High-Tc Superconducting Electrical Machines
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Reemergence of superconductivityin pressurized quasi-one-dimensional superconductor K2Mo3As3Cheng Huang1,2*, Jing Guo1,4*, Kang Zhao1,2*, Fan Cui1,2, Shengshan Qin1,2, Qingge Mu1, Yazhou Zhou1, Shu Cai1,2, Chongli Yang1, Sijin Long1,2, Ke Yang3, Aiguo Li3,Qi Wu1, Zhian Ren1,2, Jiangping Hu1,2 and Liling Sun1,2,4†1Institute of Physics and Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,Chinese Academy ofSciences, Beijing 100190, China2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China3Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facilities, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201204, China4Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan, Guangdong 523808, China Here we report a pressure-induced reemergence of superconductivity in recently discovered superconductor K2Mo3As3, which is the first experimental case observed in quasi-one-dimensional superconductors. We find that, after full suppression of the ambient-pressure superconducting (SC-I) state at 8.7 GPa, an intermediary non-superconducting state sets in and prevails to the pressure up to 18.2 GPa, however, above this pressure a new superconducting (SC-II) state appears unexpectedly. High pressure x-ray diffraction measurements demonstrate that the pressure-induced dramatic change of the lattice parameter c contributes mainly to the emergence of the SC-II state. Combined with the theioretical calculations on band strcture, our results suggest that the reemergemce of superconductivity is associated with the change of the complicated interplay among different orbital electrons, driven by the pressure-induced unisotropic change of the lattice.The discoveries of the copper oxide and iron-based high-T c unconventional superconductors have generated considerable interest over the past 30 years due to their unusal superconducting mechanism and great potential for application. A common feature of these superconductors is that they contain d orbital electrons in their quasi-two-dimentional lattice that results in intriguing superconductivity and other exotic properties [1-6]. Recently, a family of CrAs-based superconductors with superconducting transition temperatures (T c) of 2.2 - 8.6 K were found in X2Cr3As3 (X=Na, K, Rb, Cs) compounds, which possess the features of containing d orbital electrons in a quasi-one-dimensional lattice [7-10] and many unconventional properties [11]. Soon after, a new family of quasi-one-dimmensional MoAs-based superconductors Y2Mo3As3(Y= K, Rb, Cs) with T c s from 10.4 K to 11.5 K was discovered [12-14]. The properties of the upper critical field and specific-heat coefficient of the Y2Mo3As3 superconductors are similar to those of X2Cr3As3.The crystal structure of the Y2Mo3As3 superconductors is same as that of X2Cr3As3, crystallized in a hegxagonal unit cell without an inversion symmetry [12]. The alkali metallic atoms serve as the charge reservoir and the Mo-As chains are responsible for their superconductivity [12]. Since these superconductors host non-centrosymmetric structure that usually connects to the unconventional pairings and exotic physics, they have received considerable attentions in the field of superconductivity researches [15-19].Pressure tuning is a clean way to provide significant information on evolution among superconductivity, electronic state, and crystal structure without changing the chemical composition, and eventually benefits for a deeper understanding of the underlying physics of the puzzling state emerged from ambient-pressure materials[2,20-24]. Earlier high pressure studies on X2Cr3As3(X=K and Rb) below ~4 GPa found that its superconductivity can be dramatically suppressed by external pressure [25,26], however, high pressure studies on the K2Mo3As3 superconductor is still lacking. In this study, we performed the in-situ high pressure transport measurements on the K2Mo3As3 sample up to 50 GPa to know what is new for this compound under high pressure.The polycrystalline (wire-like) samples, as shown in the inset of Fig. 1a, were synthesized using a conventional solid-state reaction method, as described in Ref. [12]. High pressure was generated by a diamond anvil cell made from a Be-Cu alloy with two opposing anvils. Diamond anvils with 300 culets (flat area of the diamond anvil) were used for the experiments. In the resistance measurements, we used platinum foil as electrodes, rhenium plate as gasket and cubic boron nitride as insulating material. The four-probe method was employed to determined pressure dependence of superconducting transition temperature. In the high-pressure ac susceptibility measurements, the sample was surrounded by a secondary coil (pickup coil), above which a field-generating primary coil was wounded [21, 27]. High-pressure angle dispersive x-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out at beamline 15U at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. A monochromatic x-ray beam with a wavelength of 0.6199 Å was adopted. The pressure was determined by ruby fluorescence method [28]. Given that the sample reacts with the pressure transmitting mediums under pressure, no pressure medium was adopted in all high-pressure measurements.Figure1a shows the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of the ambient-pressure sample with an onset T c of about 10.4 K, in good agreement with the previous report [12]. Figure 1b-1d show the high pressure results. It is seen that theresistance at 1.2 GPa shows a remarkable drop starting at ~9.2 K and reaches zero at ~ 4.5 K (inset of Fig. 1b), indicating that the applied pressure decreases the onset T c from 10.4 K to 9.2 K. Upon further increasing pressure to 1.5 GPa, the sample loses its zero resistance and its T c shifts to lower temperature, reflecting that the superconductivity of this polycrystalline sample is highly sensitive to the applied pressure. Then, T c decreases continuously with a rate of d T c/d P= -1.19 K/GPa until cannot be detected at 8.7 GPa down to 1.6 K (Fig. 1b). The non-superconducting state persists to the pressure of 18.2 GPa, at which unexpectedly another remarkable resistance drop is found at ~ 4.6 K (Fig. 1c). This drop becomes more pronounced with further compression (Fig. 1d), and plunges about 92% at 47.4 GPa. Moreover, we find that the onset temperature of the new resistance drop shifts to high temperature with increasing pressure initially (the inset of Fig. 1d), reaches a maximum (~8.1 K) at ~ 30 GPa and saturats up to ~38 GPa. By applying higher pressure to 47.4 GPa, the temperature of the drop displays a slow decline (inset of Fig. 1d).To confirm whether the new resistance drop observed in K2Mo3As3 is related to a superconducting transition, we applied magnetic field to the sample subjected to 19.6 GPa and 41.8 GPa, respectively (Fig. 2a and 2b). It can be seen that this new resistance drop shifts to lower temperature with increasing magnetic field and almost suppressed under the magnetic field of 3.5 T and 4.0 T for the compressed sample at 19.6 GPa and 41.8 GPa, respectively. These results indicate that the new resistance drop should be resulted from a superconducting transition. The alternating-current (ac) susceptibility measurements were also performed for the sample subjected to 20 GPa - 44 GPa down to 1.5 K, the lowest temperature of our instrument, but the diamagnetism is not detected. By our analysis, the failure of the measurements on the diamagnetism may be related to the low volume fraction of the pressure-induced superconducting phase.We extract the field (H) dependence of T c for K2Mo3As3 at 19.6 GPa and 41.8 GPa (Fig. 2a and 2b) and plot the H(T c) in Fig. 2c. The experimental data is fitted by using Ginzburg-Landau (GL) formula, which allows us to estimate the values of the upper critical magnetic field (H C2) at zero temperature: 4.0 T at 19.6 GPa and 4.8 T at 41.8 GPa (Fig. 2c). Note that the upper critical fields obtained at 19.6 GPa and 41.8GPa are lower than their corresponding Pauli paramagnetic limits (10.3 T and 14.8T, respectively), suggesting that the nature of the pressure-induced superconducting state may differ from that of the initial superconducting state.To investigate whether the observed reemergence of superconductivity in pressurized K2Mo3As3 is associated with the pressure-induced crystal structure phase transition, we performed in-situ high pressure XRD measurements. The XRD patterns collected at different pressures are shown in Fig. 3. No structure phase transition is observed under pressure up to 51.6 GPa. And all peaks shift to higher angle due to the shrinkage of the lattice, except for the (002) peak. It is found that the (002) peak, which is realted to the parameter c, shifts toward to the lower angle starting at 8.8 GPa. Upon further compression, it becomes more pronounced. We propose that the left shift of the (002) peak may be a consequence of the pressure-induced elongation of the polycrystalline wire-like samples (the direction of the wire length is the c-axis of the K2Mo3As3 crystal lattice) due to their preferred orientation under pressure (see the right panel of Fig. 3). At higher pressure, the wire-like samples aline themselves perpendicular to the pressure direction applied.We summarise our results in Fig. 4a.The pressure-T c phase diagram clearly reveals three distinct superconducting regions: the initial superconducting state (SC-I), intermediary non-superconducting state (NSC) and the pressure-induced superconducting state (SC-II). In the SC-I region between 1 bar and 8.7 GPa, T c issuppressed with applied pressure, and not detectable above 8.7 GPa. In the SC-II region, T c increases with pressure and reaches the maximum (8.1 K) at 30 GPa. Upon further compression, T c shows slow a slight decline. This is the first observation of reemerging superconductivity in one-dimensional superconductors, to the best of our knowledge.We extract the lattice parameters and volume as a function of pressure, and summarise these results in Fig. 4b. It is found that the lattice constant a displays a decrease monotonously with pressure, while the lattice constant c shows a complicated relation with pressure applied. In the SC-I region, the parameter c shrinks upon increasing pressure, but it unusually expands in the NSC region. At the pressure of 18.2 GPa, the superconductivity reemerges and the lattice constant a and c decrease simultaneously with pressure again as what is seen in the SC-I region, implying that the pressure-induced elongation effect on the wire-like sample is satuated. The pressure dependence of the volume for K2Mo3As3 is shown in the inset of the Fig. 4b, displaying that the sample volume remains almost unchanged due to the increase of parameter c and the decrease of parameter a concurrently with elevating pressure in the NSC region. The strong correlation between the lattice parameters and the superconductivity in pressurized K2Mo3As3 suggests that the remarkable change of parameter c may paly an important role for the development of the SC-II state.To understand the underlying correlation between T c and the electronic state in K2Mo3As3 further, we performed the first-principles calculations on its electronic structure, based on our XRD results, by using the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method (see the Supplemental Material [29]). We find that the percentage of the density of states (P-DOS) at Fermi level for K2Mo3As3 is dominated by the electrons from the d xy and d x2-y2 orbitals in the pressure range investigated, with a secondary contribution from the d z2,p x and p y orbitals, and the P-DOSs of the p z, d xz, d yz and sorbitals are relatively small (see the Supplemental Material [29]). We note that, in the NSC and SC-II regions, the P-DOSs of the d xy, and d x2-y2orbitals decrease continuously with elevating pressure over the experimental range investigated, however, the change trend of the P-DOSs contributed by the d z2 and the p x as well as the p y orbitals displays differently. In the NSC region, the P-DOS of the d z2 orbital exibits a remarkable increase, while that of the p orbitals shows a slow decline (Fig. 4c). As the P-DOSs of the d z2 orbital and p orbitals reach a maximum and minimum respectively, SC-II state appears. Note that the T c value of the SC-II state increases upon compression in the pressure range of 18.2 GPa – 27 GPa, just where the P-DOS of the d z2 orbital displays a decrease again. Meanwhile, the P-DOSs of the p x and p y orbitals appear an increase in the same pressure range. Further compression from 27 GPa to 40 GPa, T c of the SC-II state stays almost constant, and the corresponding P-DOSs of the d z2 and p orbitals show a small change (Fig. 4c). These results suggest that the emergence of the SC-II state in K2Mo3As3 and its T c change with pressure are the consequence of the interplay among the different orbital electrons.In conclusion, the pressure-induced reemergence of the superconductivity is observed for the first time in the qausi-one-demensional superconductor K2Mo3As3. An intimate correlation between T c’s of the ambient-pressure and high-pressure superconducting states, lattice parameters and the density of state contributed by d z2, p x and p y orbitals have been revealed. We find that the initial superconducting state (SC-I) is suppressed by pressure at 8.7 GPa, and then an intermediary non-superconducting (NSC) state sets in and stabilizes up to 18 GPa. Subsequently, a new superconduting state (SC-II) emerges and prevails up to 47.4 GPa. Our synchrotron x-ray diffraction results indicats that the reemergence of superconductivity is not associated with anycrystal structure phase transition. In combination of theoretical calculations on the band strcture, our results suggest that the appearance of the SC-II state found in this material is a consenquence of the dramatic interplay among different orbital electrons due to the pressure-induced lattice change. We hope that the results found in this study will shed new light on understanding the correlation among superconductivity, electronic and lattice structures in unconventional quasi-one dimentional superconductors.AcknowledgementsWe thank Prof. V. A. Sidorov for useful discussions. The work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0302900, 2016YFA0300300 and 2017YFA0303103), the NSF of China (Grants No. U2032214, 12004419 and 12074414) and the Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB25000000). J. G. is grateful for support from the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the CAS (2019008).*contributed equally to this work.†To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: llsun@Reference[1].J. G. Bednorz and K. A. Müller, Possible high T c superconductivity in the Ba-La-Cu-O system, Z. Phys. B 64, 189 (1986).[2].M. K. Wu, J. R. Ashburn, C. J. Torng, P. H. Hor, R. L. Meng, L. Gao, Z. J. 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The insets of figure (b) and (d) display enlarged views of the the resistance in the low temperature regime.Fig. 2 Temperature dependence of resistance under different magnetic fields for K2Mo3As3measured at 19.6 GPa (a) and 41.8 GPa (b), respectively. (c) Plot of superconducting transition temperature T c versus critical field (H C2) for K2Mo3As3 at 19.6 GPa and 41.8 GPa, respectively. The dished lines represent the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) fits to the data of H C2.Fig. 3 X-ray diffraction patterns collected in the pressure range of 3.8 – 51.6 GPa for K2Mo3As3. The right panel schematically shows the evolution of the preferred orientation of the wire-like samples under pressures. SC-I and SC-II stand for the ambient-pressure superconducting state and the reemergence supercnducting states, respectively. NSC represents non-superconducting state.Fig 4 Superconductivity, crystal and electronic structure information for the qausi-one-dementional superconductor K2Mo3As3. 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Current-Induced Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Granular High-T_c Superconductors
a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0108311v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s u p r -c o n ] 20 A u g 2001CURRENT-INDUCED SUPERCONDUCTOR-INSULATOR TRANSITION INGRANULAR HIGH-T c SUPERCONDUCTORSY.Kopelevich*,C.A.M.dos Santos**,S.Moehlecke*,and A.J.S.Machado**(*)Instituto de F ´isica ”Gleb Wataghin”,Universidade Estadual de Campinas,Unicamp 13083-970,Campinas,S˜a o Paulo,Brasil(**)Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais,FAENQUIL,12600-000,Lorena,S˜a o Paulo,BrasilI.INTRODUCTIONThe occurrence of either superconducting or insulatingstate in a zero-temperature limit (T →0)under variation of system parameters such as,for instance,microscopic disorder in homogeneous thin films [1–5]or charging en-ergy/Josephson energy ratio in granular superconductors [6,7],is one of the fundamental problems in the condensed matter physics which continuously attracts an intense re-search interest.It has also been shown both theoretically [8]and experimentally that the superconductor-insulator transition in two-dimensional (2D)superconductors can be tuned by applied magnetic field.The field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition has been measured in amorphous [5,9–11]and granular [12]thin films,fabri-cated 2D Josephson-junction arrays [13,14],and bulk lay-ered quasi-2D superconductors such as high-T c cuprates [15,16].On the other hand,in granular superconductors both applied magnetic field and electrical current affect the Josephson coupling between grains [17–19].Besides,a zero-temperature current-driven dynamic transition from a vortex glass to a homogeneous flow of the vortex mat-ter is expected to occur in disordered Josephson junc-tion arrays [20],suggesting the intriguing possibility of a current-induced superconductor-insulator transition,analogous to the field-tuned transition [21].In this paper we report a systematic study of electrical current effects on the superconducting properties of gran-ular high-T c superconductors.The here presented results demonstrate the occurrence of superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition driven by the applied electri-cal current,and provide evidence that the dynamics of Josephson intergranular vortices plays a crucial role in this phenomenon.II.SAMPLES AND EXPERIMENTAL DETAILSPolycrystalline single phase Y 1−x Pr x Ba 2Cu 3O 7−δsamples were prepared using a solid state reaction method with a route similar as described in [22]and char-acterized by means of x-ray powder diffractometry,andoptical and scanning electron microscopy.The analysis showed that the samples are granular materials consist-ing of grains with an average size d ∼5µm.The su-perconducting transition was measured both resistively and with a SQUID magnetometer MPMS5(Quantum Design).Electrical transport dc measurements in ap-plied magnetic field H ≤100Oe,produced by a cop-per solenoid,were performed using standard four-probe technique with low-resistance (<1Ω)sputtered gold con-tacts.No heating effects due to current were observed for I ≤100mA,our largest measuring current.In order to eliminate thermoelectric effects,the measurements were performed inverting the applied current.Below we present the results of measurements per-formed on Y 1−x Pr x Ba 2Cu 3O 7−δsample with x =0.45close to the critical Pr concentration x c ≈0.57above which superconductivity has not been detected [22].The sample superconducting transition temperature (onset)T c 0=33K,the resistivity at the superconducting tran-sition ρN (T c 0)=20mΩcm,and dimensions l x w x t =12.6x 1.94x 1.24mm 3.III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONFigures 1–4present the resistance vs.temperature data obtained in a vicinity of T c 0=33K for various applied currents and magnetic fields.As Figs.1–4il-lustrate,the superconducting transition temperature on-set T c 0is both current-and field-independent.On the other hand,the zero-resistance superconducting state is destroyed by the application of both the electrical current and magnetic field.The superconducting order parameter Ψ=Ψ0e iφhas two components;a magnitude Ψ0and a phase φ.Be-cause T c 0(and hence Ψ0)remains unchanged,the low-temperature finite resistance in our sample originates from thermal and/or quantum fluctuations in the phase locking.In the context of granular superconductors,T c 0can be identified with the transition temperature of indi-vidual grains,and the phase fluctuations –with fluctuat-ing Josephson currents between grains.In the absence of external field,the critical current is that corresponding to a vortex creation and its motion,neglecting pinning.However,in granular superconductors with a very weak coupling between grains,the Earth’s magnetic field H E ∼0.5Oe (which has not been shielded in the experiments)can easily penetrate the sample.Then,the criticalvarious at the at no variousOe. various Oe.variousOe.fromtemperatures and at no appliedfield.As can be seen from Fig.5, the V(I)dependencies can be very well described by the equationV=c(T,H)(I−I th(T,H))n(T,H),(1) where I th(T,H)is the threshold current.Thus,at T=4.6K,I th=5mA and the corresponding current density(I th/cross section of the sample)j th=0.21A/cm2.T=13fitting3(T=(T=8=8K);13K).fieldH c 1J ∼8π2j c 0λL /c ∼0.2mOe,taking the maximum Josephson current densityj c 0∼10j th [23,26]and the typ-ical value of the intragranular London penetration depth λL ∼0.1µm (<<d).The obtained value of H c 1J is much smaller than the Earth’s magnetic field,indeed,i.e.our sample is deeply in the mixed state.Below the threshold current I th (H,T)the vortex mo-tion is strongly suppressed or zero.The I-V charac-teristics described by the Eq.(1)are expected in the regime where the interaction between vortices and the pinning potential dominates the vortex-vortex interac-tion [20,27–29].As the applied current increases,the V(I)curves ap-proach a linear regime of flux flow where the differential resistance R d =dV/dI is current-independent,see Fig.6.Inset in Fig.6exemplifies V(I)measured at T =13K and demonstrates that at large enough currents the V(I)can be fitted by the equationV (I )=R ff (I −I cf ).(2)Here R ff is the flux-flow resistance and I cf is the so-called dynamical critical current.In this high-current regime vortices move coherently,only weakly interacting with the pinning no K (△),13K;0.215performed at various applied fields revealed that I d (H)is a decreasing function of field.Such a crossing has also been measured in Mo 77Ge 23films [30]and reproduced in numerical simulations [31]which show that the pinned fraction of vortices rapidly decreases for I >I d (H).Figure 7presents typical resistance hysteresis loops R(H)measured at T =4.2K for various currents.These measurements were performed after cooling the sample from T >T c 0to the target temperature in a zero ap-plied field.As shown in Fig.7,the resistance R cor-responding to the increasing |H |branch is larger than that corresponding to the decreasing |H |branch result-ing in “clockwise”R(H)hysteresis loops.Previous stud-ies [32–34]showed that the “clockwise”R(H)hystere-sis loops are essentially related to the granular sample structure where the resistance is determined by the mo-tion of Josephson intergranular vortices.In increasing magnetic field larger than the first critical field of the grains (H >H c 1g ),the pinning prevents Abrikosov vor-tices from entering the grains,and flux lines (Joseph-son vortices)are concentrated between grains leading to the intergrain field higher than the external applied field.When the applied field is decreased,the pinning prevents Abrikosov vortices being expelled from the grains result-ing in a lower density of Josephson intergrain vortices as compared to that in the increasing field.Thus,the data of Fig.7provide an unambiguous evidence that the resistance in our sample is governed by the motion of intergranular Josephson vortices in both low-and high-current limits.and I =60mA,demonstrating that the sample resistance is governed by the motion of intergranular Josephson vortices;arrows indicate the magnetic field direction in the measure-ments.We note further that the resistance R(T)=V(T)/I in the low-temperature limit reveals a crossover from the metallic-like (dR/dT >0)to the insulating-like (dR/dT <0)behavior as the applied current isincreased,see Figs.1-4.The results presented in Figs.1-4indi-cate also the existence of a field-dependent current I c (H),separating the metallic-like (I <I c (H))and insulating-like (I >I c (H))resistance curves,at which the resis-tance is temperature-independent.The occurrence of the temperature-independent resistance R c =(V/I)|I c can clearly be seen in Fig.8where a crossing of current-voltage I-V isotherms at I c (H)measured for two applied fields is shown.The inset in Fig.8depicts I c (H)and I d (H)which illustrates that for a given field I c (H)>I d (H).In other words,the crossing of I-V curves takes place in the regime where the interaction between Joseph-son vortices dominates that with the pinning ).Inset to to the zero-resistance (R =0)superconducting state.With in-creasing vortex density and above some critical field H c vortices delocalize and Bose condense,leading to the in-sulating state.The theory predicts a finite-temperature scaling law [2,3,8]which allows for experimental testing of the zero-temperature superconductor-insulator transition.It is assumed in this analysis that a sample is superconduc-tor or insulator at T =0when dR/dT >0or dR/dT <0,respectively.Besides,because the magnitude of the superconducting order parameter Ψ0(T c 0)remains unchanged on each grain as the intergranular resistance R(T,H,I)undergoes the transition from metallic-like to insulating-like behavior,the hard-core boson model [2,3,8]should be a good approximation in our analysisof the superconductor-insulator transition driven by the applied current.The resistance in the critical regime of the quantum transition is given by the equationR (δ,T )=R c f (|δ|/T 1/zν),(3)where R c is the resistance at the transition,f(|δ|/T 1/zν)is the scaling function such that f(0)=1,z and νare critical exponents,and δis the deviation of a variable parameter from its critical value.Assuming δ=I -I c (δ=H -H c in the case of a field-tuned transition)we plotted in Figs.9-11,R =V/I vs.|δ|/T 1/αfor three applied fields.In each case,the exponent αwas obtained from log-log plots of (dR/dI)|I c vs.T −1.The expected collapse of the resistance data onto two branches distin-guishing the I <I c from the I >I c data is very clear in Figs.9-11.scaling =16.26.7K scaling mA,(△),T the re-sults presented in Figs.9-11should be considered as empirical ones,the very good scalingfit strongly suggests the occurrence of a zero-temperature current-induced superconductor-insulator transition.Notably,the here found exponentsαagree nicely with most of the data obtained in the scaling analysis of thefield-tuned transi-tion[5,9–16].scalingmA,α),T= In conclusion,we would like to emphasize that the here studied superconductor-insulator transition driven by the electrical current is essentially related to the dynamics of Josephson intergranular vortices.Actually,as the above results demonstrate,the crossing of I-V characteristics takes place in thefluxflow regime.We stress that the crossover current I c(H)is smaller than the maximum su-percurrent I0=(2e/ )E J(E J is the Josephson coupling energy)that the Josephson junctions can support.In other words,both tunneling Cooper pairs and moving Josephson vortices are present at the I c(H)which play a dual role as discussed in the context of thefield-tuned transition[8].A self-consistent analysis would require the existence of zero-temperature“depinning”transition in the Joseph-son vortex matter driven by the applied current.The occurrence of such a transition in disordered Josephson junction arrays has theoretically been predicted,indeed [20].All these indicate that the current-induced superconductor-insulator transition can be considered as the dynamical counterpart of the magnetic-field-tuned transition.Finally,we point out that similar results were obtained on Y1−x Pr x Ba2Cu3O7−δ(x=0.5)and Bi2Sr2Ca1−x Pr x Cu2O8+δ(x=0.54)granular supercon-ductors.V.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors would like to thank Enzo Granato for the fruitful discussions.This study was supported by FAPESP and CNPq Brazilian science agencies.New Superconductors”in H.Ehrenreich and D.Turnbull (eds.)Solid State Phys.42(1989)91.[26]C.J.Lobb,D.W.Abraham,and M.Tinkham,Phys.Rev.B27(1983)150.[27]P.Berghuis and P.H.Kes,Phys.Rev.B47(1993)262.[28]S.Bhattacharya and M.J.Higgins,Phys.Rev.Lett.70(1993)2617.[29]Y.Enomoto,K.Katsumi,and S.Maekawa,Physica C215(1993)51.[30]M.C.Hellerqvist,D.Ephron,W.R.White,M.R.Beasly,and A.Kapitulnik,Phys.Rev.Lett.76(1996)4022;M.C.Hellerqvist and A.Kapitulnik,Phys.Rev.B56(1997)5521.[31]S.Ryu,M.Hellerqvist,S.Doniach,A.Kapitulnik,andD.Stroud,Phys.Rev.Lett.77(1996)5114.[32]Y.Kopelevich,V.V.Lemanov,and V.V.Makarov,Sov.Phys.Solid 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作文未来超导技术450字的英文回答:Superconducting technology is poised to revolutionize various industries and sectors in the future. With itsability to conduct electricity with zero resistance, superconductors have the potential to greatly enhanceenergy efficiency, transportation systems, and even medical applications.In terms of energy efficiency, superconductingmaterials can significantly reduce energy loss during transmission and distribution. This means that electricity can be transmitted over long distances without any loss of power, leading to more efficient and cost-effective energy systems. This technology can also be applied to power grids, allowing for better management and stability.In the transportation sector, superconductors can revolutionize the way we travel. Magnetic levitation(maglev) trains, which use superconducting magnets to float above the tracks, can achieve incredible speeds and efficiency. This technology has the potential to transform long-distance travel, making it faster, safer, and more environmentally friendly.Furthermore, superconducting technology can greatly benefit the medical field. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, which use superconducting magnets, provide detailed and accurate images of the human body. This technology has revolutionized medical diagnosis and treatment, allowing for earlier detection of diseases and more precise surgical procedures.In conclusion, the future of superconducting technology is bright. Its potential to enhance energy efficiency, revolutionize transportation, and improve medical applications cannot be overstated. As research and development in this field continue to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative and practical applications of superconductors in the near future.中文回答:超导技术有望在未来革新各个行业和领域。
Two gaps make a high-temperature superconductor
IOP P UBLISHING R EPORTS ON P ROGRESS IN P HYSICS Rep.Prog.Phys.71(2008)062501(9pp)doi:10.1088/0034-4885/71/6/062501Two gaps make a high-temperature superconductor?S H¨ufner1,2,M A Hossain1,2,A Damascelli1,2and G A Sawatzky1,21AMPEL,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,British Columbia,V6T1Z4,Canada2Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,British Columbia,V6T1Z1,CanadaReceived27February2008,infinal form2April2008Published2May2008Online at /RoPP/71/062501AbstractOne of the keys to the high-temperature superconductivity puzzle is the identification of theenergy scales associated with the emergence of a coherent condensate of superconductingelectron pairs.These might provide a measure of the pairing strength and of the coherence ofthe superfluid,and ultimately reveal the nature of the elusive pairing mechanism in thesuperconducting cuprates.To this end,a great deal of effort has been devoted to investigatingthe connection between the superconducting transition temperature T c and the normal-statepseudogap crossover temperature T∗.Here we present a review of a large body ofexperimental data which suggests a coexisting two-gap scenario,i.e.superconducting gap andpseudogap,over the whole superconducting dome.We focus on spectroscopic data fromcuprate systems characterized by T maxc ∼95K,such as Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ,YBa2Cu3O7−δ,Tl2Ba2CuO6+δand HgBa2CuO4+δ,with particular emphasis on the Bi-compound which has been the most extensively studied with single-particle spectroscopies.(Somefigures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)This article was invited by Professor L Greene.Contents1.Introduction12.Emerging phenomenology32.1.Angle-resolved photoemission42.2.Tunneling52.3.Raman scattering52.4.Inelastic neutron scattering52.5.Heat conductivity63.Outlook and conclusion6 Acknowledgments6 References71.IntroductionSince their discovery[1],the copper-oxide high-T c superconductors(HTSCs)have become one of the most investigated class of solids[2–24].However,despite the intense theoretical and experimental scrutiny,an understanding of the mechanism that leads to superconductivity is still lacking.At the very basic level,what distinguishes the cuprates from the conventional superconductors is the fact that they are doped materials,the highly atomic-like Cu 3d orbitals give rise to strong electron correlations(e.g. the undoped parent compounds are antiferromagnetic Mott–Hubbard-like insulators),and the superconducting elements are weakly-coupled two-dimensional layers(i.e.the celebrated square CuO2planes).Among the properties that are unique to this class of superconducting materials,in addition to the unprecedented high superconducting T c,the normal-state gap or pseudogap is perhaps the most noteworthy.The pseudogap wasfirst detected in the temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation and Knight shift in nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic susceptibility studies[25].The Knight shift is proportional to the density of states at the Fermi energy;a gradual depletion was observed below a crossover temperature T∗,revealing the opening of the pseudogap well above T c on the underdoped side of the HTSC phase diagram(figure1).As the estimates based on thermodynamicx (c)Tx (a)x(b)T* T cT*T cT*T cFigure1.Various scenarios for the interplay of pseudogap(blue dashed line)and superconductivity(red solid line)in thetemperature-doping phase diagram of the HTSCs.While in(a)the pseudogap merges gradually with the superconducting gap in the strongly overdoped region,in(b)and(c)the pseudogap lines intersect the superconducting dome at about optimal doping(i.e.maximum T c).In most descriptions,the pseudogap line is identified with a crossover with a characteristic temperature T∗rather than a phase transition;while at all dopings T∗>T c in(a),beyond optimal doping T∗<T c in(b)and T∗does not even exist in(c).Adapted from[12].quantities are less direct than in spectroscopy we,in the course of this review,concentrate mainly on spectroscopic results; more information on other techniques can be found in the literature[5].As established by a number of spectroscopic probes, primarily angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,[26,27] the pseudogap manifests itself as a suppression of the normal-state electronic density of states at E F exhibiting a momentum dependence reminiscent of a d x2−y2functional form.For hole-doped cuprates,it is largest at Fermi momenta close to the antinodal region in the Brillouin zone—i.e.around (π,0)—and vanishes along the nodal direction—i.e.the(0,0) to the(π,π)line.Note however that,strictly speaking, photoemission and tunneling probe a suppression of spectral weight in the single-particle spectral function,rather than directly of density of states;to address this distinction,which is fundamental in many-body systems and will not be further discussed here,it would be very interesting to investigate the quantitative correspondence between nuclear magnetic resonance and single-particle spectroscopy results.Also,no phase information is available for the pseudogap since,unlike the case of optimally and overdoped HTSCs[28],no phase-sensitive experiments have been reported for the underdoped regime where T∗ T c.As for the doping dependence,the pseudogap T∗is much larger than the superconducting T c in underdoped samples,it smoothly decreases upon increasing the doping,and seems to merge with T c in the overdoped regime,eventually disappearing together with superconductivity at doping levels larger than x∼0.27[5–24].In order to elaborate on the connection between pseudogap and high-T c superconductivity,or in other words between the two energy scales E pg and E sc identified by T∗and T c,respectively,let us start by recalling that in conventional superconductors the onset of superconductivity is accompanied by the opening of a gap at the chemical potential in the one-electron density of states. According to the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer(BCS)theory of superconductivity[29],the gap energy provides a direct measure of the binding energy of the two electrons forming a Cooper pair(the two-particle bosonic entity that characterizes the superconducting state).It therefore came as a great surprise that a gap,i.e.the pseudogap,was observed in the HTSCs not only in the superconducting state as expected from BCS, but also well above T c.Because of these properties and the hope it might reveal the mechanism for high-temperature superconductivity,the pseudogap phenomenon has been very intensely investigated.However,no general consensus has been reached yet on its origin,its role in the onset of superconductivity itself,and not even on its evolution across the HTSC phase diagram.As discussed in three recent papers on the subject [12,15,17],and here summarized infigure1,three different phase diagrams are usually considered with respect to the pseudogap line.While Millis[15]opts for a diagram like the one infigure1(a),Cho[17]prefers a situation where the pseudogap line meets the superconducting dome at x 0.16(figures1(b)and(c));Norman et al[12]provide a comprehensive discussion of the three different possibilities. One can summarize some of the key questions surrounding the pseudogap phenomenon and its relevance to high-temperature superconductivity as follows[12,15,17]:1.Which is the correct phase diagram with respect to thepseudogap line?2.Does the pseudogap connect to the insulator quasiparticlespectrum?3.Is the pseudogap the result of some one-particle bandstructure effect?4.Or,alternatively,is it a signature of a two-particle pairinginteraction?5.Is there a true order parameter defining the existence of apseudogap phase?6.Do the pseudogap and a separate superconducting gapcoexist below T c?7.Is the pseudogap a necessary ingredient for high-T csuperconductivity?In this review we revisit some of these questions,with specific emphasis on the one-versus two-gap debate.Recently,this latter aspect of the HTSCs has been discussed in great detail by Goss Levi[30],in particular based on scanning-tunneling microscopy data from various groups[31–33].Here we expand this discussion to include the plethora of experimental results available from a wide variety of techniques.We0. n e r g y (m e V )Hole doping (x)T c (K )Figure 2.Pseudogap (E pg =2 pg )and superconducting (E sc ∼5k B T c )energy scales for a number of HTSCs with T max c ∼95K(Bi2212,Y123,Tl2201and Hg1201).The datapoints were obtained,as a function of hole doping x ,by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES),tunneling (STM,SIN,SIS),Andreev reflection (AR),Raman scattering (RS)and heat conductivity (HC).On the same plot we are also including the energy r of the magnetic resonance mode measured by inelastic neutron scattering (INS),which we identify with E sc because of the striking quantitative correspondence as a function of T c .The data fall on two universal curvesgiven by E pg =E max pg (0.27−x)/0.22and E sc =E max sc [1−82.6(0.16−x)2],with E maxpg =E pg (x =0.05)=152±8meV and E maxsc =E sc (x =0.16)=42±2meV (the statistical errors refer to the fit of the selected datapoints;however,the spread of all available data would be more appropriately described by ±20and ±10meV ,respectively).show that one fundamental and robust conclusion can be drawn:the HTSC phase diagram is dominated by two energy scales,the superconducting transition temperature T c and the pseudogap crossover temperature T ∗,which converge to the very same critical point at the end of the superconducting dome.Establishing whether this phenomenology can be conclusively described in terms of a coexisting two-gap scenario,and what the precise nature of the gaps would be,will require a more definite understanding of the quantities measured by the various probes.2.Emerging phenomenologyThe literature on the HTSC superconducting gap and/or pseudogap is very extensive and still growing.In this situation it seems interesting to go over the largest number of data obtained from as many experimental techniques as possible,and look for any possible systematic behavior that could be identified.This is the primary goal of this focused review.We want to emphasize right from the start that we are not aiming at providing exact quantitative estimates of superconducting and pseudogap energy scales for any specific compound or any given doping.Rather,we want to identify the general phenomenological picture emerging from the whole body of available experimental data [5,9,13,16,18,34–72].We consider some of the most direct probes of low-energy,electronic excitations and spectral gaps,such as angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES),scanning-tunneling microscopy (STM),superconductor/insulator/normal-metal(SIN)and superconductor/insulator/superconductor (SIS)tunneling,Andreev reflection tunneling (AR)and Raman scattering (RS),as well as less conventional probes such as heat conductivity (HC)and inelastic neutron scattering (INS).The emphasis in this review is on spectroscopic data because of their more direct interpretative significance;however,these will be checked against thermodynamic/transport data whenever possible.With respect to the spectroscopic data,it is important to differentiate between single-particle probes such as ARPES and STM,which directly measure the one-electron excitation energy with respect to the chemical potential (on both side of E F in STM),and two-particle probes such as Raman and inelastic neutron scattering,which instead provide information on the particle-hole excitation energy 2 .Note that the values reported here are those for the ‘full gap’2 (associated with either E sc or E pg ),while frequently only half the gap is given for instance in the ARPES literature.In doing so one implicitly assumes that the chemical potential lies half-way between the lowest-energy single-electron removal and addition states;this might not necessarily be correct but appears to be supported by the direct comparison between ARPES and STM/Raman results.A more detailed discussion of the quantities measured by the different experiments and their interpretation is provided in the following subsections.Here we would like to point out that studies of B 2g and B 1g Raman intensity [19,40,52],heat conductivity of nodal quasiparticles [70,71]and neutron magnetic resonance energy r [42]do show remarkable agreement with superconducting or pseudogap energy scales as inferred by single-particleTable1.Pseudogap E pg and superconducting E sc energy scales (2 )as inferred,for optimally doped Bi2212(T c∼90–95K),from different techniques and experiments.Abbreviations are given in the main text,while the original references are listed.Experiment Energy meV ReferencesARPES—(π,0)peak E pg80[34,35]Tunneling—STM…70[18,36]Tunneling—SIN…85[37]Tunneling—SIS…75[38,39]Raman—B1g…65[40]Electrodynamics…80[5,41]Neutron—(π,π) r E sc40[42]Raman—B2g…45[40]Andreev…45[43]SIS—dip…40[39]probes,or with the doping dependence of T c itself.Thus they provide,in our opinion,an additional estimate of E sc and E pg energy scales.As for the choice of the specific compounds to include in our analysis,we decided to focus on those HTSCs exhibiting a similar value of the maximum superconductingtransition temperature T maxc ,as achieved at optimal doping,so that the data could be quantitatively compared without any rescaling.We have therefore selected Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ(Bi2212),YBa2Cu3O7−δ(Y123),Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ(Tl2201) and HgBa2CuO4+δ(Hg1201),which have been extensivelyinvestigated and are all characterized by T maxc ∼95K[73](with particular emphasis on Bi2212,for which the most extensive set of single-particle spectroscopy data is available). It should also be noted that while Bi2212and Y123are ‘bilayer’systems,i.e.their crystal structure contains as a key structural element sets of two adjacent CuO2layers, Tl2201and Hg1201are structurally simpler single CuO2-layer materials.Therefore,this choice of compounds ensures that our conclusions are generic to all HTSCs with a similar T c, independent of the number of CuO2layers.A compilation of experimental results for the magnitude of pseudogap(E pg=2 pg)and superconducting(E sc∼5kB T c) energy scales,as a function of carrier doping x,is presented infigure2(only some representative datapoints are shown,so as not to overload thefigure;similar compilations were also obtained by a number of other authors)[5,9,13,16,42,43,52, 57,60,70,74,75].The data for these HTSCs with comparableT max c ∼95K fall on two universal curves:a straight linefor the pseudogap energy E pg=2 pg and a parabola for the superconducting energy scale E sc∼5k B T c.The two curves converge to the same x∼0.27critical point at the end of the superconducting dome,similarly to the cartoon of figure1(a).In order to summarize the situation with respect to quantitative estimates of E pg and E sc,we have listed in table1the values as determined by the different experimental techniques on optimally doped Bi2212(with T c ranging from 90to95K).While one obtains from this compilation the average values of E pg 76meV and E sc 41meV at optimal doping,the numbers do scatter considerably.Note also that these numbers differ slightly from those given in relation to the parabolic and straight lines infigure2(e.g.E maxsc= 42meV)because the latter were inferred from afitting of superconducting and pseudogap data over the whole doping range,while those in table1were deduced from results for optimally doped Bi2212only.It is also possible to plot the pseudogap E pg and superconducting E sc energy scales as estimated simultaneously in one single experiment on the very same sample.This is done infigure3for Raman,tunneling and ARPES results from Bi2212and Hg1201,which provide evidence for the presence of two energy scales,or possibly two spectral gaps as we discuss in greater detail below,coexisting over the whole superconducting dome.2.1.Angle-resolved photoemissionThe most extensive investigation of excitation gaps in HTSCs has arguably been done by ARPES[9,10,26,27,34,35,54–66,76–80].This technique provides direct access to the one-electron removal spectrum of the many-body system;it allows,for instance in the case of a BCS superconductor[29], to measure the momentum dependence of the absolute value of the pairing amplitude2 via the excitation gap observed for single-electron removal energies,again assuming E F to be located half-way in the gap[9,10].This is the same in some tunneling experiments such as STM,which however do not provide direct momentum resolution but measure on both sides of E F[18].The gap magnitude is usually inferred from the ARPES spectra from along the normal-state Fermi surface in the antinodal region,where the d-wave gap is largest;it is estimated from the shift to high-binding energy of the quasiparticle spectral weight relative to the Fermi energy.With this approach only one gap is observed below a temperature scale that smoothly evolves from the so-called pseudogap temperature T∗in the underdoped regime,to the superconducting T c on the overdoped side.We identify this gap0. doping (x)T c(K)Figure3.Pseudogap E pg and superconducting E sc energy scales (2 )as estimated,by a number of probes and for different compounds,in one single experiment on the very same sample. These data provide direct evidence for the simultaneous presenceof two energy scales,possibly two spectral gaps,coexisting in the superconducting state.The superconducting and pseudogap lines are defined as infigure2.with the pseudogap energy scale E pg=2 pg.This is also in agreement with recent investigations of the near-nodal ARPES spectra from single and double layer Bi-cuprates[57,76,77], which further previous studies of the underdoped cuprates’Fermi arc phenomenology[78–80].From the detailed momentum dependence of the excitation gap along the Fermi surface contour,and the different temperature trends observed in the nodal and antinodal regions,these studies suggest the coexistence of two distinct spectral gap components over the whole superconducting dome:superconducting gap and pseudogap,dominating the response in the nodal and antinodal regions,respectively,which would eventually collapse to one single energy scale in the very overdoped regime.2.2.TunnelingThe HTSCs have been investigated by a wide variety of tunneling techniques[13,18,36–39,44–51],such as SIN[38,51],SIS[37–39],STM[18,36,46],intrinsic tunneling[47–50]and Andreev reflection,which is also a tunneling experiment but involves two-particle rather than single-particle tunneling(in principle,very much like SIS) [13,43,72].All these techniques,with the exception of intrinsic tunneling3,are represented here either in thefigures or table.Similarly to what was discussed for ARPES at the antinodes,there are many STM studies that report a pseudogap E pg smoothly evolving into E sc upon overdoping[18,31]. In addition,a very recent temperature-dependent study of overdoped single-layer Bi-cuprate detected two coexisting,yet clearly distinct,energy scales in a single STM experiment[32]. In particular,while the pseudogap was clearly discernible in the differential conductance exhibiting the usual large spatial modulation,the evidence for a spatially uniform superconducting gap was obtained by normalizing the low-temperature spectra by those just above T c 15K.These values have not been included infigures2and3because T c 95K;however,this study arguably provides the most direct evidence for the coexistence of two distinct excitation gaps in the HTSCs.One can regard Andreev reflection(pair creation in addition to a hole)as the inverse of a two-particle scattering experiment such as Raman or INS.A different view is also possible:SIN tunneling goes over to AR if the insulator layer gets thinner and thinner[13];thus a SIN tunneling,as also STM,should give the same result as AR.However while SIN and STM measure the pseudogap,AR appears to be sensitive to the superconducting energy scale E sc(figure2).We can only conjecture that this has to do with the tunneling mechanisms actually being different.3The most convincing tunneling results showing two coexisting gaps were actually obtained by intrinsic tunneling[47–50],in particular from Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ(Bi2201)[48].However,because this technique suffers from systematic problems[50],and one would anyway have to scale the Bi2201data because of the lower value of T c and in turn gap energy scales,these results were not included infigures2or3.Since intrinsic tunneling is in principle a clean SIS experiment which measures pair energies through Josephson tunneling, a refinement of the technique might provide an accurate estimate of both superconducting and pseudogap simultaneously,and is thus highly desirable.SIS tunneling experiments[39]find E pg/E sc 1for Bi2212at all doping levels.There are,however,some open questions concerning the interpretation of the SIS experiments. This technique,which exploits Josephson tunneling,measures pair spectra;the magnitude of E pg can readily be obtained from the most pronounced features in the spectra[39].The signal related to E sc is seen as a‘sideband’on the E pg features;it does not seem obvious why,if the E sc signal did originate from a state of paired electrons,it would not show up more explicitly.2.3.Raman scatteringLight scattering measures a two-particle excitation spectrum providing direct insight into the total energy needed to break up a two-particle bound state or remove a pair from a condensate. Raman experiments can probe both superconducting and pseudogap energy scales,if one interprets the polarization dependent scattering intensity in terms of different momentum averages of the d-wave-like gap functions:one peaked at(π,0) in B1g geometry,and thus more sensitive to the larger E pg which dominates this region of momentum space;the other at(π/2,π/2)in B2g geometry,and provides an estimate of the slope of the gap function about the nodes,(1/¯h)(d /d k)|n, which is more sensitive to the arguably steeper functional dependence of E sc out of the nodes[19,40,52,53].One should note,however,that the signal is often riding on a high background,which might result in a considerable error and data scattering.At a more fundamental level,while the experiments in the antinodal geometry allow a straightforward determination of the gap magnitude E pg,the nodal results need a numerical analysis involving a normalization of the Raman response function over the whole Brillouin zone,a procedure based on a low-energy B2g sum rule(although also the B2g peak position leads to similar conclusions)[52].This is because a B2g Raman experiment is somewhat sensitive also to the gap in the antinodal direction,where it picks up,in particular,the contribution from the larger pseudogap.2.4.Inelastic neutron scatteringInelastic neutron scattering experiments have detected the so-called q=(π,π)resonant magnetic mode in all of the T c 95K HTSCs considered here[16].This resonance is proposed by some to be a truly collective magnetic mode that, much in the same way as phonons mediate superconductivity in the conventional BCS superconductors,might constitute the bosonic excitation mediating superconductivity in the HTSCs. The total measured intensity,however,amounts to only a small portion of what is expected based on the sum rule for the magnetic scattering from a spin1/2system[8,16,24, 42,68,69];this weakness of the magnetic response should be part of the considerations in the modeling of magnetic resonance mediated high-T c superconductivity.Alternatively, its detection below T c might be a mere consequence of the onset of superconductivity and of the corresponding suppression of quasiparticle scattering.Independently of the precise interpretation,the INS data reproduced infigure2show that the magnetic resonance energy r tracks very closely, over the whole superconducting dome,the superconductingenergy scale E sc∼5k B T c(similar behavior is observed, in the underdoped regime,also for the spin-gap at the incommensurate momentum transfer(π,π±δ)[81]).Also remarkable is the correspondence between the energy of the magnetic resonance and that of the B2g Raman peak.Note that while the q=(π,π)momentum transfer observed for the magnetic resonance in INS is a key ingredient of most proposed HTSC descriptions,Raman scattering is a q=0probe.It seems that understanding the connection between Raman and INS might reveal very important clues.2.5.Heat conductivityHeat conductivity data from Y123and Tl2201fall onto the pseudogap line.This is a somewhat puzzling result because they have been measured at very low temperatures,well into the superconducting state,and should in principle provide a measure of both gaps together if these were indeed coexisting below T c.However,similarly to the B2g Raman scattering, these experiments are only sensitive to the slope of the gap function along the Fermi surface at the nodes,(1/¯h)(d /d k)|n; the gap itself is determined through an extrapolation procedure in which only one gap was assumed.The fact that the gap values,especially for Y123,come out on the high side of the pseudogap line may be an indication that an analysis with two coexisting gaps might be more appropriate.3.Outlook and conclusionThe data infigures2and3demonstrate that there are two coexisting energy scales in the HTSCs:one associated with the superconducting T c and the other,as inferred primarily from the antinodal region properties,with the pseudogap T∗. The next most critical step is that of addressing the subtle questions concerning the nature of these energy scales and the significance of the emerging two-gap phenomenology towards the development of a microscopic description of high-T c superconductivity.As for the pseudogap,which grows upon underdoping, it seems natural to seek a connection to the physics of the insulating parent compound.Indeed,it has been pointed out that this higher energy scale might smoothly evolve,upon underdoping,into the quasiparticle dispersion observed by ARPES in the undoped antiferromagnetic insulator[82,83]. At zero doping the dispersion and quasiparticle weight in the single-hole spectral function as seen by ARPES can be very well explained in terms of a self-consistent Born approximation[84],as well as in the diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo[85]solution to the so-called t–t –t –J model.In this model,as in the experiment[82,83],the energy difference between the top of the valence band at(π/2,π/2)and the antinodal region at(π,0)is a gap due to the quasiparticle dispersion of about250±30meV.Note that this would be a single-particle gap .For the direct comparison with the pseudogap data infigure2,we would have to consider 2 ∼500meV;this,however,is much larger than the x=0 extrapolated pseudogap value of186meV found from our analysis across the phase diagram.Thus there seems to be an important disconnection between thefinite doping pseudogapand the zero-doping quasiparticle dispersion.The fact that the pseudogap measured in ARPES and SINexperiments is only half the size of the gap in SIS,STM,B1gRaman and heat conductivity measurements,points to a pairinggap.So although the origin of the pseudogap atfinite dopingremains uncertain,we are of the opinion that it most likelyreflects a pairing energy of some sort.To this end,the trend infigure2brings additional support to the picture discussed bymany authors that the reduction in the density of states at T∗isassociated with the formation of electron pairs,well above theonset of phase coherence taking place at T c(see,e.g.[86,87]).The pseudogap energy E pg=2 pg would then be the energy needed to break up a preformed pair.To conclusively addressthis point,it would be important to study very carefully thetemperature dependence of the(π,0)response below T c;anyfurther change with the onset of superconductivity,i.e.anincrease in E pg,would confirm the two-particle pairing picture,while a lack thereof would suggest a one-particle band structureeffect as a more likely interpretation of the pseudogap.The lower energy scale connected to the superconductingT c(parabolic curve infigure2and3)has already been proposedby many authors to be associated with the condensationenergy[86–89],as well as with the magnetic resonance inINS[90].One might think of it as the energy needed totake a pair of electrons out of the condensate;however,fora condensate of charged bosons,a description in terms of acollective excitation,such as a plasmon or roton,would bemore appropriate[24].The collective excitation energy wouldthen be related to the superfluid density and in turn to T c.In thissense,this excitation would truly be a two-particle process andshould not be measurable by single-particle spectroscopies.Also,if the present interpretation is correct,this excitationwould probe predominantly the charge-response of the system;however,there must be a coupling to the spin channel,so as tomake this process neutron active(yet not as intense as predictedby the sum rule for pure spin-1/2magnetic excitations,whichis consistent with the small spectral weight observed by INS).As discussed,one aspect that needs to be addressed to validatethese conjectures is the surprising correspondence betweenq=0and q=(π,π)excitations,as probed by Raman andINS,respectively.We are led to the conclusion that the coexistence of twoenergy scales is essential for high-T c superconductivity,withthe pseudogap reflecting the pairing strength and the other,always smaller than the pseudogap,the superconductingcondensation energy.This supports the proposals thatthe HTSCs cannot be considered as classical BCSsuperconductors,but rather are smoothly evolving from theBEC into the BCS regime[91–93],as carrier doping isincreased from the underdoped to the overdoped side of thephase diagram.AcknowledgmentsSH would like to thank the University of British Columbiafor its hospitality.Helpful discussions with W N Hardy,。
固_固接触界面热传输研究 2008
式表明, 热导率与平均自由程成正比。结合界面
厚度的分析, 界面层热导率是否如体材热导率一
样, 是一种本质属性, 值得深入细致地研究。因为
厚度不同而变化, 导致热导率也会发生变化, 所以
界面层热导率还取决于几何参数 ) ) ) 界面层厚度。
图 4 界面层上的热载子传输示意图
种接触, 界面层厚度 D具有与两个扩散极限之和
D1 + D2 相同的量级 ) ) ) 微米量级, D~ ( D1 + D2 )。
综合以上三种接触界面层厚度的界定, 在纳
微米厚度范围内的接触界面层内, 热载子 (声子、
电子、光子 )存 在散射、扩散、反射、辐射等行 为,
这些行为使热载子的平均 自由程受到限 制而变
关键词: 接触界面层; 热载子; 微尺度传热; 接触热传导
The invest iga tion of solid- solid contact in terfa ce th erm a l tr an sfer
Sh i Ling1, Yu X inm ing1, W angH uiling2, W u Xue jun1 ( 1. School of Chem istry and Environm ent Engineer ing, Jianghan Un iversity, Wuhan 430056, Ch ina; 2. Laboratory of Cryogen ics, H uazhong Un iversity of Sc ience and Technology, W uhan 430074, Ch ina) Abstr ac t: The concept of contact inte rface laye r was exp la ined. Based on the contact inte rface laye r, the th ickness and therma l conductivity of contact in terface laye r we re discussed, and the d iffusive and radiative therm a l conduction were occurred in contact inter face layer. The m echanism ofm icro- structure was shown up. The contact interface therm al resistance m ode l( C ITR ) was set up, the calcu lated va lue of the CITR was com pared with the va lue of DMM and exper im enta l datum, the results show that the lim ita tion of the DMM is hurd led. These are he lpful of the m icro- structure therm al transfer ana lysis. K eyword s: Contact interface layer, Therm al carr ie r, M icro- sca le the rm al transfe r, Contact conduction
Advantage of HTS DC Power TransmissionHuibin Zhao, Jianxun Jin, Xiao LuCenter of Applied Superconductivity and Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChengdu, Chinajxjin@Abstract—High T c superconducting (HTS) cables and their application to build a DC power transmission system with the advantages of high transport current capability and no resistive transmission loss have been studied. Technical assessments of the DC electrical power transmission system behaviors with the use of the HTS DC cable technology have been carried out. The HTS DC cable and its DC power transmission system models have been built, and the analysis results obtained mainly include the magnetic field distribution of the HTS cable and the HTS DC power transmission system performances.Keywords-HTS cable; DC transmission system; power transmission loss; Ansoft / Maxwell; MatLab simulationI.I NTRODUCTIONThe resistive energy losses consumed on power transmission lines become enormous as the high capacity delivery power required by the dramatically developed society. Using high T c superconducting (HTS) cables HTS technology is an alternative way to resolve the principal technical difficulties to achieve high efficiency in power transmissions [1]. The HTS cable will especially benefit to DC power transmission due to zero resistive loss and lowering voltage levels [2,3]. The DC networks can operate with low voltage and high current allowing direct connection of the generators to the rectifiers, eliminating the need for high voltage insulation and transformers.The HTS DC cable technology will be presented in this paper. Power transmission performance studied by numerical simulations using the Matlab/Simulink, and analysis of the system loss and advantage will also be presented.II.D EVELOPMENT OF S UPERCONDUCTING C ABLESThere are a few countries which have initiated HTS cable development programs. The world’s first applicable HTS cable 30 m / 12.5 kV / 1.25 kA with three single phases [4] developed by the Southwire, was constructed during the first two quarters of 1999, installed by the third quarter of 1999, energized on Jan. 6, 2000, and inauguration on Feb. 18, 2000. The second superconducting 30 m / 30 kV / 104 MW cable system [5] designed with a room temperature dielectric and based on a HTS Bi-2223 tape technology has been developed, installed and operated in the public network of Copenhagen Energy in a two-year period between May 2001 and May 2003. The third HTS cable project for a 30 m / 35 kV / 2 kA, 3 phases, warm dielectric HTS power cable system [6] is operated in China, which has been installed in the China southern power grid at the Puji substation in Kunming, Yunnan province in 2004. Fig. 1 is the 30 m HTS cable operated at the Puji substation, the loads of the cable are the company’s production workshops. American, Japan et al plough into the investigation of HTS AC cables, their object and hope is to realize short distance (< 500 m), low loss, and high capacity power transmission. AC electric power transmission currently is the main way of power delivery and commonly used, which somehow results to HTS DC cable investigation lagged to HTS AC cables. The HTS zero resistance is observed only in DC currents, therefore a HTS DC cable and its DC transmission has better performance than for the AC case in which HTS AC loss exists. With the use of HTS DC cables, the transmission line voltages can be lower than conventional cables when the same power is transmitted because of the greater transmitting current capability, and also the AC/DC convertors on the termination of DC transmission cable become simple and lowcost consequently.Figure 1. HTS cable site at Puji substation in China [6].Compared with Bi-based HTS tapes - the first generation (1G) HTS wire and the current most suitable HTS wire for making cables [7,8], the Yttrium based oxide Y1Ba2Cu3O6+x tapes - the second generation (2G) HTS wires, its anisotropism is relatively infirmness and have higher I c near liquid nitrogen temperature with higher magnetic field tolerance. The I c of the 2G HTS tape produced has reached uniform high J c with applicable long lengths. According to the preparation process of the 2G HTS tapes, leaving out noble metal silver used to produce Bi-based HTS tapes, the cost is lower than the 1G Bi based HTS tapes, meanwhile the carrying capacity is higher than the 1G HTS tapes, and the superconducting performance is better at high magnetic field than the 1G HTS tapes. The 2G HTS tapes made in United States have reached to a kilometer level in a single length, and also a few hundred meters in a single length in Japan [9]. The HTS wire production cost hasProceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference onApplied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic DevicesChengdu, China, September 25-27, 2009ID1191been reduced, but the practical HTS application cost still needs to add up the HTS material and its refrigeration cost [10]. The price predominance of new MgB 2 superconductor worked at 20-30 K is distinct. In recent years, some methods have been used to prepare MgB 2 tapes or long wires.Recently, a 0.5 m long experimental HTS DC cable has been built with the 2G HTS wires for technical verification, which has 1.6 kA transport current capability in total and its engineering current density J e ~ 104 A/cm 2 operated at 77 K.III. HTS DC C ABLE AND A NALYSISThe basic HTS DC cable configuration includes a protection shell, a thermal shield, an insulation layer, a HTS layer, and a cooling pipe. The designed HTS layer is made using the Bi-2223/Ag HTS wire. The J e in the level of 104 A/cm 2 - 77 K forms the HTS cable with a very high capability for highly rated transport currents, e.g. this gives 10 kA with cross-section area S = 2 cm 2 and filling factor λ (= S HTS /S HTSLayer ) = 0.5, and with surface field constant ~ 40 mT/kA.The rated HTS layer current is generally given by I = [1-k (J c )]J c S HTSLayer λ, where k (J c ) is a self field related coefficient.As is shown in Fig. 2, the cold dielectric (CD) HTS DC cable design has a concentric structure, the main body of this cable from inner to outer is former layer, compound conductor layer that is copper composite with paralleled placed HTS tapes, dielectric layer, compound shield layer, and thermally insulated double wall cryostat covering the whole cable. The liquid nitrogen goes through the hollow former and return at the other end in the space between the outer layers of HTS tapes and below the cryostat. The CD cable structure is shown in Table I. The total current is 1 kA in conductor layer, current density uses 50 A/mm 2, and the filling factor is one.Figure 2. HTS cable structure of DC power transmission.Magnetic fields in and around the experimental HTS cables are analyzed using Ansoft/Maxwell to simulate the field distribution, where the HTS is set as ordinary linear material with the total conductor layer current of 1 kA and relative permeability is 1.Figure 3. Field distribution along radius in a CD HTS cable model.Fig. 3 illustrates the simulated results of magnetic fields distribution along the cable radius from zero to 15 mm. The magnetic field is distributed mainly between the conductor layer and shield layer, almost zero field at the outer areas of the cable. The shield current with the same magnitude but reverse direction to the conductor current, and produced a shield to the magnetic fields produced by conductor current. The total fields act upon the HTS tape include the self field and field which generated by the other HTS tapes in the cable less than 0.025 T.The warm dielectric (WD) HTS DC cable design has also a concentric structure, the main components from inner to outeris former, compound conductor that is copper composite with paralleled placed HTS tapes, thermally insulated double wall cryostat, and ordinary dielectric material covering the whole cable. The liquid nitrogen goes through the hollow former and return at other channel. The WD cable structure is also shown in Table I. Fig. 4 illustrates the simulated results of magnetic fields distribution in and around the WD cable model in Ansoft/Maxwell, where (a) is magnetic fields distribution of the whole cable, and (b) is magnetic fields distribution alongthe radius from zero to 15 mm. There are magnetic fields distributed around the WD cable as shown in the Fig. 4, and it could introduce interference. The CD cable has a favorite field distribution than the WD cable.(a) Magnetic field distribution(b) Magnetic field distribution along the radius of the WD cableFigure 4. Distribution of magnetic field in WD HTS cable model.TABLE I.E XPERIMENTAL HTS C ABLE M ODELSComponent / Outer Radius (mm)CD cableWD cableLN 2 pipe / 8 LN 2 pipe / 8 Former / 9 Former / 9 Insulator1 / 9.4 Insulator1 / 9.4 Cu1 / 10.5 Cu1 / 10.5Conductor(YBCO Tape) / 10.8 Conductor(YBCO Tape) / 10.8 Cu2 / 11Cu2 / 11Insulator2 / 12 Heat insulator / 12 Cu3 / 13 - Shield(YBCO HTS Tape) / 13.3- Cu4 / 13.5 -0.0125B /T0.0250 5 10 15 R/mm B /T5 10 150.0125R/mm0.025IV. HTS DC T RANSMISSION S YSTEM AND A NALYSISThe HTS DC power transmission system mainly include some aspects as follows: HTS DC cable design; dc/ac conversion technology; joints between HTS wires and conventional metals; cooling technologies and so on. Fig. 5 shows the simplified HTS DC power transmission system model.AC systemAC systemCooling systemHTS DC LineTerminalTerminalFigure 5. HTS DC power transmission system schematic.Most of DC transmission systems adopt 12-pulse current convertors using two 6-pulse thyristor bridges connected in series. The converted current transformer provides current, reactive power required by the convertors is provided by a set of AC filters used to prevent the odd harmonic currents 11th, 13th and high pass filters from spreading out on the AC system on each side, and on the each side of the DC line has a smoothing reactor. Fig. 6 illustrates a DC power transmission system using a HTS cable. Matlab/Simulink has been used toset up a model to analysis the performance of a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system. The example in this section is modeling a HVDC transmission line using 12-pulse thyristor convertors. Perturbations can be applied to examine the system performance. A 1 kMW (500 kV, 2 kA) DC interconnection is used to transmit power from a 500 kV, 5 kMVA, 60 Hz system to a 345 kV, 10 kMVA, 50 Hz system.Figure 6. A thyristor-based 12-pulse HVDC link using a HTS cable.Fig. 7 shows the sending power and receiving power of theDC transmission system, the front segment of the curve corresponds to the ramped start-up, and the middle pulse segment of the curve corresponds to the DC line fault and AC grounding fault and the resuming process. The power obtained in simulation is from measuring the active power at the sendingAC and receiving AC system. The sending power subtracted by the receiving power gives the transmission system total power losses which include the loss consumed by transformers, filters, convertors and transmission lines.Figure 7. Sending and receiving power (p.u.).Fig. 8 shows that the loss of the system increases with the increase of resistance on transmission line and the decrease of transmission voltage level. When the line resistance keeps unchanged, reduces the voltage level, the loss of the system increases in the meantime. If HTS technologies are used, even if at a lower voltage level, the loss is still lower than that of the normal DC transmission system having a higher voltage level. Parameters are changed to deactivate the steps applied on the current references in the Master Control, and in the Inverter Control and Protection. In the DC Fault block, change the multiplication factor of 100 to 1, so that a fault is now applied at t = 0.7 s and ended at t = 0.8 s. The DC voltage and current on the side of rectifier and inverter under different line resistance shown in Fig. 9, where V 1 and I 1 are the voltage and current on the condition of 0.015 Ω/km DC line used and V 2 and I 2 are that of a 0.00015 Ω/km DC line adopted. the DC current increases to about 2.2 p.u. because of the discharge of capacitance on the DC line, the rectifier firing angle is forced to increase by the DC fault protection when detecting the low DC voltage on the side of rectifier, the rectifier now operates in inverter mode, The DC line voltage becomes negative and the energy stored in the line is returned to the AC system, causing rapid extinction of the fault current, about at 1.1 s, the DC line current come back to 1.0 p.u.. There are some oscillations produced on the voltage and current at the side of inverter during the fault used on the DC line at the side of rectifier. When reducing the line resistance, the DC current changes as the same regulation as the high line resistance, i.e. the DC fault restoration does not influenced when HTS DC cable used. Then in the DC Fault block, change the multiplication factor of 1 to 100, so that the DC fault is now eliminated. In the AC Fault block, change the multiplication factor in the switching times to 1, so that a line-to-ground fault is applied at t = 0.7 s at the inverter. Start the simulation and observe the waveforms shown in Fig. 10. A line-to-ground fault is applied and at the begin time of the ground fault applied, the DC line current on the side of rectifier and inverter up to 2 p.u., shown as I 1 andü Sending power--- Receiving powerthe voltage decrease to negative value shown as V1 quickly, during the AC grounding fault, the fault current drops to a small value, following with oscillations in the DC voltage and currents till the fault is ended at t = 0.8 s. The system recover approximately at t = 1.1 s. Then, decrease the line resistance to 0.00015 Ω/km, restart simulation and obtained V2 and I2, the change regulation of which are same to V1 and I1. We can conclude that the decrease of line resistance dose not influence the restoration of AC grounding fault too.Curve 1 is the loss of 400 kV, 2.5 kA, R = 0.015 Ω/km DC line.Curve 2 is the loss of 500 kV, 2 kA, R = 0.015 Ω/km DC line.Curve 3 is the loss of 400 kV, 2.5 kA, R = 0.00015 Ω/km DC line.Curve 4 is the loss of 500 kV, 2 kA, R = 0.00015 Ω/km DC line.Figure 8. Power transmission energy loss comparisons (p.u.).Figure 9.DC voltage and current at DC line fault.Figure 10. DC voltage and current at AC grounding fault.In this part, the thyristor-based HVDC link in MATLAB/Simulation is used to analyze the steady performance, which related to the line losses and voltage levels; and dynamic performance include the DC and AC fault and the restoration. The simulation results show that HTS technology can be applied to HVDC system with more benefits and no additional disadvantage.There are three components, i.e. convertor station, HTS cable system and grounding system, which are mainly included in the HTS DC transmission system. Therefore the total loss includes the convertor station loss on each side of the cable system, the loss of the cable system itself and grounding system.The loss of convertor station can be obtained by calculating the loss of each component in the convertor station, the percentages of different loss items of convertor station [10]: Convertor transformers ~50 %; Thyristor valves ~35 %; Smoothing reactors ~5 %; AC filters ~5 %; Other losses ~5 %. It shows that convertor transformers and thyristor take up the principal loss of the convertor station. So reducing the loss consumed by convertor transformers and thyristors is critical to decrease the total convertor station loss.HTS DC cable has no reactive power and virtually no loss in the insulation, leaving only the heat leak as a loss source. This makes the design and optimization of DC HTS cables much less complex than in the AC case.R EFERENCES[1]J. X. Jin, “High efficient dc power transmission using high-temperaturesuperconductors,” Physica C, vol. 460–462, pp. 1443–1444, 2007.[2]Q. Huang, J. X. Jin, and J. B. Zhang, “Simulation analysis of longdistance dc transmission based on HTS technology,” Electric Power, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 45-49, March 2006.[3]J. X. Jin, C. M. Zhang, and Q. Huang, “DC power transmission analysiswith high T c superconducting cable technology,” Nature Sciences, vol.1, no. 1, pp. 27–32, Dec., 2006.[4]J. P. Stovall, J. A. Demko, P. W. Fisher, M. J. Gouge, J. W. Lue, U. K.Sinha, J. W. Armstrong, R. L. Hughey, D. Lindsay, and J. C. 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Dou, “A high temperature superconducting winding andits techniques,” Physica C, vol. 341-348, no. 1-4, pp. 2593-2594, 2000. [9]Y. W. Ma, Science and News, March 2007, Institute of Sci. and Tech.Information of China.[10] D. Politano, M. Sjostrom, G. Chnyder, and J. Rhyner, “Technical andeconomical assessment of HTS cables,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 2477-2480, March 2001.。
n=1、1.5、2时,结的类型分别为SIS(Superconductor Insulator Superconductor)、SINS(Superconductor Insulator Metal Superconductor)和SNS(Superconductor Metal Superconductor)。
作文未来超导技术450字的英文回答:Superconducting technology is poised to revolutionize our future in numerous ways. With its ability to conduct electricity without any resistance, superconductors have the potential to greatly enhance the efficiency and performance of various devices and systems. From transportation to healthcare, superconducting technology holds immense promise.In the field of transportation, superconducting technology can lead to the development of high-speed trains that can travel at unprecedented speeds. Maglev trains, which use superconducting magnets to levitate and propel the train, can reach speeds of up to 600 km/h. This not only reduces travel time significantly, but also offers a more comfortable and efficient mode of transportation.Moreover, superconducting technology can revolutionizethe healthcare industry. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, which utilize superconducting magnets, provide detailed and accurate images of the body's internal structures. This technology has greatly advanced medical diagnostics and has become an indispensable tool for doctors in diagnosing various conditions and diseases.Furthermore, superconducting technology has the potential to greatly enhance the efficiency of power transmission and storage. Superconducting cables can transmit electricity with minimal losses, reducing energy wastage and increasing the overall efficiency of the power grid. Additionally, superconducting energy storage systems can store excess energy during off-peak hours and release it during peak demand, ensuring a stable and reliable power supply.中文回答:超导技术有望在许多方面彻底改变我们的未来。
在全球新材料研究领域中,功能材料约占 85 % 。
高温氧化物超导体的出现,突破了温度壁垒,把超导应用温度从液氦( 4.2K)提高到液氮(77K)温区。
另外,高温超导体都具有相当高的上临界场[H c2 (4K)>50T],能够用来产生20T以上的强磁场,这正好克服了常规低温超导材料的不足之处。
A High-Temperature Superconducting Maglev Dynamic Measurement System
A High-Temperature Superconducting MaglevDynamic Measurement SystemJiasu Wang,Suyu Wang,Changyan Deng,Youwen Zeng,Longcai Zhang,Zigang Deng,Jun Zheng,Lu Liu, Yiyun Lu,Minxian Liu,Yaohui Lu,Yonggang Huang,and Ya ZhangAbstract—The dynamic measurement of high temperature superconducting(HTS)magnetic levitation(Maglev)vehicle is a very important and difficult problem.In order to investigate the dynamic characteristics behavior of HTS Maglev,an HTS Ma-glev dynamic measurement system(SCML-03)was successfully developed in Applied Superconductivity Laboratory(ASCLab)of Southwest Jiaotong University,P.R.China.The system is mainly constituted by the circular permanent magnet guideway(PMG), liquid nitrogen vessel,data acquisition and processing,mechanical drive,autocontrol and so on.The PMG isfixed along the circum-ferential direction of a big circular disk with diameter1500mm. The maximum linear velocity of the PMG is about300km/h when the circular disk rotates round the central axis at1280rpm.The liquid nitrogen vessel with high temperature superconductors is placed above the PMG,and the vessel is not three-dimensional rigid connection with measurement sensor devices.These sensors can detect weak force change from three-dimensional directions. The maximal vertical and horizontal support force of the system are3350N and500N,respectively.Test process and results of the HTS Maglev dynamic test system are reported.Index Terms—Dynamics,high-temperature superconductors, Maglev,YBCO bulk.I.I NTRODUCTIONI N ORDER to investigate the magnetic levitation(Maglev)properties of high temperature superconducting(HTS) Maglev vehicle over the NdFeB permanent magnet guideway (PMG),an HTS Maglev measurement system(SCML-01)was developed in1999[1].The SCML-01can measure Maglev properties between an YBaCuO bulk and a permanent magnet (PM)or PMG,which was principally employed in onboard HTS Maglev equipment over one or two PMGs.Based on the original research results from SCML-01,thefirst man-loading HTS Maglev test vehicle in the world was successfully devel-oped in2000[2].Soon,several HTS Maglev vehicles prototype over the NdFeB PMG got birth in Germany,Russia,Brazil and Japan[3]–[5].Afterfive years,an update HTS Maglev Measurement System(SCML-02)with more functions and higher precision was developed to extensively investigate the Maglev properties of YBaCuO bulk with PM or PMG[6].A lot of precious experimental results were obtained[7],like levitation force,guidance force and their stiffness,and cross stiffness.All these experimental parameters are very helpfulManuscript received August22,2007.This work was supported by the Na-tional High Technology Research and Development Program of China(National 863Program)(2005AA306150)and the National Natural Science Foundation in China(50377036,50677057).The authors are with the Applied Superconductivity Laboratory(AS-CLab),Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu610031,China(e-mail: jsywang@;asclab@).Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TASC.2008.920568Fig.1.The design scheme of principal part of the HTS Maglev dynamic testsystem(not including power supply and measurement control desk).to evaluate load ability of the HTS Maglev vehicle.But therunning performance above PMG can not be measured by theabove measurement systems.For the further engineering application of the HTS Maglevvehicle,the dynamic Maglev properties should be clearly un-derstood.From this viewpoint,an HTS Maglev dynamic testsystem(SCML-03)has been designed and successfully devel-oped in Applied Superconductivity Laboratory(ASCLab)ofSouthwest Jiaotong University,P.R.China.The test process andresults of the HTS Maglev dynamic test system are reported inthis paper.II.S YSTEM D ESCRIPTIONWhen the HTS Maglev vehicle runs along the PMG,it isdifficult to measure its dynamic properties.In SCML-03,therotational motion of a circular PMG instead of the motion ofYBaCuO bulk was taken to equivalently measure the dynamicinteraction,that is,the circular PMG can rotate to different speedwhile the onboard HTS Maglev equipment isfixed above thePMG,as shown in Fig.1.The main part of SCML-03,shown in Fig.1,is composedof the vertical and horizontal servo motors,three-dimensionalmeasurement,liquid nitrogen vessel,circular PMG,drive de-vice,data acquisition and processing,autocontrol and so on.The principal part of the SCML-03is shown in Fig.2.Thetotal technical parameters of the principal part of the SCML-03are3.3m long,2.4m wide and3.15m high.The total weight is13.95t(circular disk of PMG weight of0.6t included).1051-8223/$25.00©2008IEEEFig.2.The photo of principal part of the HTS Maglev dynamic test system(No the measurement control desk).A DC motor is used to drive the circular PMG to rotate and control the rotational speed.The rotation direction of the DC motor is translated into the horizontal rotation direction of the circular PMG by a gear redirection case.The circular PMG is fixed along the circumferential direction of a big circular disk with diameter1500mm.The rotating unbalance of the big cir-cular disk is less than20g.The maximum linear velocity of the PMG is about300km/h when the circular disk rotates round the central axis at1280rpm.The rotation speed error of the circular disk is less than3%.The dynamic vertical levitation force is measured when the circular PMG is rotated by different speed.The three-dimensional measuring seat isfixed on the hori-zontal load.The seat can be moved along the horizontal direc-tion which is perpendicular to the tangent direction of the cir-cular PMG.Therefore,the HTS Maglev dynamic guidance force can be measured at one time.Six force sensors are used to mea-sure the vertical,transverse,and longitudinal direction forces on the liquid nitrogen vessel.In order to measure the three-dimen-sional dynamic response the liquid nitrogen vessel is connected to the three-dimensional measuring seat by the elastomers. The autocontrol of all components are completed by the total control desk.Both measurement and control soft is developed on basis of Labview soft of National Instrument.The servo motor movement and the circular PMG speed are controlled by both program soft and relative control card.The data acquisition and processing are achieved by self-developed program.In order to calibrate measurement precision of the dynamic measurement system,11ch Noise&Vibration Measurement System made in B&K are used.III.T HE F UNCTIONS AND T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS The SCML-03can measure the dynamic properties in oppo-site motion between the vehicle and the PMG.The main mea-surement functions include:1)Dynamic stability measurement of HTS Maglev equipment(liquid nitrogen vessel included HTSCs)at different ve-locity;2)Measurement of levitation force and guidance force of bothsingle and multi HTSCs specimens;3)Measurement of levitation force stiffness and guidanceforce stiffness of both single and multi HTSCsspecimens;Fig.3.The measurement scene of the HTS Maglev dynamic test system. 4)Measurement of levitation force and guidance force changeat different levitation gap;Main technical specifications:1)Diameter of the circular PMG1500mm;2)Maximal linear speed of the circular PMG300km/h;3)Rotation speed precision of the circularPMG3%;4)Vertical maximal displacement200mm;5)Horizontal maximaldisplacement50mm;6)Positionprecision0.05mm;7)Vertical maximal support force3350N;8)Horizontal maximal support force500N;9)Force sensorprecision1%.IV.S TABILITY OF THE D YNAMIC T EST S YSTEMThe important properties of the dynamic test system are the self stability.The rotating unbalance of the PMG circular disk is less than20gm.The rotating unbalance value can satisfied the system measurement needs.The other important parameter of the dynamic test system is the self stability of the liquid ni-trogen vessel and the body frame.In order to confirm the self sta-bility,11ch Noise&Vibration Measurement System are used. A4507-004B accelerometer isfixed on the body frame,and four4507-004B accelerometers arefixed on the clamp device of liquid nitrogen vessel.The vibrations of the perpendicular and horizontal directions on the clamp device are measured by two sensors respectively.The photo of the measurement scene of the SCML-03is shown in Fig.3.The vibration spectrums of the body frame and the clamp device of the liquid nitrogen vessel are measured at the rota-tion speed of50rpm,100rpm,200rpm,300rpm,and400 rpm,respectively.The vibration spectrum of the clamp device of the liquid nitrogen vessel includes both the perpendicular di-rection and the horizontal direction.The auto-spectrum of the body frame at400rpm is shown in Fig.4.The cross-spectrums of the perpendicular direction and the horizontal direction on the liquid nitrogen vessel at400rpm are shown in Figs.5and6, respectively.There is not the liquid nitrogen vessel on the clamp device when these vibration spectrums are measured.Fig.7shows the vibration measuring results of the body frame and the clamp device of the liquid nitrogen vessel(the perpendicular and the horizontal direction)at the rotation speed of50rpm,100rpm,200rpm,300rpm,and400rpm, respectively.The Fig.7(a)shows the measuring vibration results without the liquid nitrogen vessel on the clamp device. The Fig.7(b)shows one with the liquid nitrogen vessel.AfterWANG et al.:A HIGH-TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTING MAGLEV DYNAMIC MEASUREMENT SYSTEM793Fig.4.The auto-spectrum of the body frame at 400rpm.Fig.5.The cross-spectrum of the perpendicular direction on the clamp device of the liquid nitrogen vessel at 400rpm.Fig.6.The cross-spectrum of the horizontal direction on the clamp device of the liquid nitrogen vessel at 400rpm.twenty-four YBCObulks in the vessel is cooled the zero field,vibration properties are measured at the levitation gap of 20mm and the lateral displacement of 0mm.Experimental results show the vibration of the body frame is increased quickly with increase of the rotation speed,and the vibration of the clamp device with or without the liquid nitrogen vessel is increased slowly with increase of the rotation speed.It indicates that the three-dimensional measuring seat have the function of vibration isolation.The vibration of the clamp device with the liquid nitrogen vessel can satisfied measurementrequirements.Fig.7.The vibration measuring results of the body frame and the clamp device of the liquid nitrogen vessel (the perpendicular and the horizontal direction)at the rotation speed of 50rpm,100rpm,150rpm,200rpm,300rpm,and 400rpm,respectively:(a)the measuring results without the liquid nitrogen vessel on the clamp device and (b)one with the liquid nitrogenvessel.Fig.8.Measurement results of the levitation forces of YBCO bulk by zero fieldcooling.Fig.9.Measurement results of the guidance forces of YBCO bulk at 15mm levitation gap of the field cooling.V .M EASUREMENT OF HTS M AGLEV P ROPERTIESThe main distinguish between the SCML-03and previous HTS Maglev measurement system [1]–[6]is to measure the Ma-glev performance at the running case.By SCML-03,both levi-tation forces and guidance forces are measured experimentally at different velocity.The experimental results of the levitation forces and the guid-ance forces of YBCO bulk measured with the SCML-03are shown in Fig.8and Fig.9respectively.The levitation forces of YBCO bulks are measured by zero field cooling (ZFC),and the guidance forces of YBCO bulk are measured at 15mm field cooling height.Those measurement results verified that the794IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY ,VOL.18,NO.2,JUNE2008Fig.10.(a)Experimental results of the levitation force of zero field cooling YBCO bulks at time intervals of 12s and (b)special rotation speed (the levitation gap of 10mm).Fig.11.Experiment results of the guidance force of field cooling YBCO bulks at the time intervals of 12s,the levitation gap of 15mm,and special rotation speed.SCML-03is applicable for measurement of the levitation and the guidance forces at movement state.In order to proof the applicability of the measurement re-sults of the levitation forces and the guidance forces of YBCO bulks,the changes of the measurement results with different measuring time and different rotation speed are investigated ex-perimentally.The experiment conditions are the rotation speed of 50rpm,100rpm,200rpm,300rpm,and 400rpm,respec-tively,and each time intervals of 12s.The experimental results of the levitation force of ZFC YBCO bulks at the time intervals of 12s and special rotation speed are shown in Fig.10.The ex-perimental results are measured at the levitation gap of 10mm.Fig.10indicates that the changes of measured levitation forces at time intervals of 12s are small,especially at 300rpm and 400rpm.The higher PMG rotation speed,the smaller of levitation forces change.At the levitation gap of 10mm the most changes of measured levitation forces in 48s period are 0.54N (300rpm)and 0.10N (400rpm),respectively.The levitation forces decrease with the increase of rotation speed.The decrease value of the levitation forces is 22.98N when the rotation speed is changed from 50rpm to 400rpm at the time intervals of 12s,and the decrease percent of the lev-itation forces is 7.4%.The reason of decrease of the levitation forces is probably attributed to the little uniformity of the cir-cular PMG’s magnet field along the circumferential direction.The experimental results of the guidance force of field cooling YBCO superconductor bulks at the time intervals of 12s,levitation gap of 15mm,and special rotation speed are shown in Fig.11.It indicates that the changes of measuredguidance forces at the time intervals of 12s are small,especially at 300rpm and 400rpm.The higher PMG rotation speed,the smaller of levitation forces change.The experimental results of the guidance forces are not better than that of the levitation forces.The most changes of measured guidance forces in per 48s are 0.28N (300rpm)and 0.79N (400rpm),respectively.VI.C ONCLUSIONIn order to investigate the dynamic force behavior of HTS Maglev,an SCML-03HTS Maglev dynamic test system was successfully developed in Applied Superconductivity Labora-tory (ASCLab)of Southwest Jiaotong University,P.R.China.To our knowledge,SCML-03is the first dynamic test system which can measure the dynamic levitation and guidance force properties to simulate HTS Maglev vehicle runs above PMG within 300km/h forward velocity up to now.The main measurement functions include the dynamic stability of HTS Maglev equipment (liquid nitrogen vessel included HTSCs),the levitation force and guidance force of both single and multi HTSCs specimens,the levitation force and guidance force rigidity of both single and multi HTSCs specimens,the levitation force and guidance force change at levitation gap,and so on.The main technical specifications include the diameter of the circular PMG 1500mm,the rotating unbalance of the big cir-cular disk less than 20gm,the maximal linear speed of the cir-cular PMG 300km/h,the rotation speed precision of the circularPMG 3%,the vertical maximal displacement 200mm,the ver-tical maximal support force 3350N,and the horizontal maximal support force 500N.The vibration of the clamp device with the liquid nitrogen vessel is increased very slowly with the increase of rotation speed,so the vibration of the clamp device can satisfied mea-surement requirements.Moreover Maglev parameters at the dif-ferent rotation speed are obtained by the feasible measurement system,SCML-03.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors thank Mr.R.Zhao for his help in skilled fabrication.R EFERENCES[1]J.S.Wang et al.,“High Tc superconducting magnetic levitation mea-surement system,”(in Chinese)High Technol.Lett.,vol.10,no.8,pp.56–58,2000.[2]J.S.Wang et al.,“The first man-loading high temperature supercon-ducting Maglev test vehicle in the world,”Physica C ,vol.378–381,pp.809–814,2002.[3]L.Schultz et al.,“Superconductively levitated transport system—TheSupraTrans project,”IEEE Trans.Appl.Supercond.,vol.15,pp.2031–2035,2005.[4]R.M.Stephan,R.Nicolsky,M.A.Neves,A.C.Ferreira,and R.deAndrade, al.,“A superconducting levitation vehicle prototype,”Physica C ,vol.408–441,pp.932–934,2004.[5]M.Okano,T.Iwamoto,M.Furuse,S.Fuchino,and I.Ishii,“Run-ning performance of a 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专利名称:SUPERCONDUCTING ELEMENT 发明人:IWASHITA SETSUYA,NATORI EIJI 申请号:JP18210690申请日:19900710公开号:JPH0469985A公开日:19920305专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To improve yield and to obtain an oxide superconducting element having high reproducibility and high integration by miniaturizing the element to be continuously miniaturized at the same position by ion implanting in an ultrahigh vacuum state therefor. CONSTITUTION:A superconducting thin film 16 is formed in an MBE chamber, and three elements are simultaneously deposited by K-cell by using metals of yttrium 10, barium 11 and copper 12 as substances to be deposited. Then, the film is transferred into an ion implanting device evacuated in vacuum to pressure of the same degree as that in the chamber by opening a valve 7. It is previously evacuated in vacuum to shorten the time as compared with the case in which film forming and miniaturizing are independently conducted. It is ion implanted to form an insulating part 17. Thereafter, Ag 18 is formed, two superconducting electrodes are connected to form a microbridge, a metal mask 20 is injected directly under a substrate, and Ag 9 is deposited about800Angstrom by using a K-cell.申请人:SEIKO EPSON CORP更多信息请下载全文后查看。
作文未来超导技术450字的英文回答:Superconducting technology has the potential to revolutionize the future in numerous ways. One of the most exciting prospects is the development of high-speed magnetic levitation trains. These trains use superconducting magnets to float above the tracks, eliminating friction and allowing for incredibly fast and efficient travel. For example, the maglev train in Shanghai can reach speeds of up to 430 km/h, making it one of the fastest trains in the world.Another area where superconducting technology is making a big impact is in medical imaging. MRI machines use superconducting magnets to produce detailed images of the inside of the body. These machines are incredibly valuable for diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions, from tumors to torn ligaments. In fact, I recently had an MRI scan on my knee after a skiing accident, and the imageswere so clear that the doctors were able to pinpoint the exact location of the injury.In the future, I believe that superconductingtechnology will continue to advance and become even more integrated into our daily lives. For example, we may seethe development of superconducting power lines that can transmit electricity with minimal loss, leading to more efficient and sustainable energy distribution. Additionally, superconducting quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize computing by solving complex problems at speeds that are currently unimaginable.Overall, the future of superconducting technology is incredibly exciting, and I can't wait to see how it will continue to shape the world around us.中文回答:超导技术有着许多潜力,未来有望在多个领域引起革命性变化。
超导合金英文作文Superconducting alloys are a fascinating area of research in the field of materials science. These alloys possess unique properties that make them highly desirablefor various applications. For instance, they exhibit zero electrical resistance at low temperatures, allowing for efficient transmission of electricity. This remarkable characteristic has the potential to revolutionize power generation and distribution systems.Moreover, superconducting alloys also have the abilityto generate intense magnetic fields. This property opens up possibilities for their use in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, particle accelerators, and even levitating trains. Imagine a world where trains float above the tracks, eliminating friction and enabling high-speed transportation!In addition to their electrical and magnetic properties, superconducting alloys are also known for their incredible strength. This strength, combined with their ability towithstand extreme temperatures, makes them ideal for applications in aerospace and defense industries. These alloys can be used to build lightweight yet sturdystructures for aircraft and spacecraft, enhancing their performance and durability.Furthermore, superconducting alloys have shown promisein the field of energy storage. By utilizing their abilityto store large amounts of electrical energy, these alloys can be used to develop more efficient and compact batteries. This could revolutionize the way we store and utilize energy, leading to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.Additionally, superconducting alloys have the potential to revolutionize the field of quantum computing. Their unique properties allow for the creation of qubits, the basic building blocks of quantum computers. These qubitscan store and process information in a way that is exponentially faster than traditional computers. This could lead to breakthroughs in fields such as cryptography, drug discovery, and optimization problems.In conclusion, superconducting alloys are a fascinating area of research with immense potential. Their unique properties make them highly desirable for various applications, ranging from power generation and transportation to aerospace and quantum computing. Continued research and development in this field will undoubtedly lead to exciting advancements that will shape the future of technology.。
关键词:超导现象量子力学抗磁性新兴技术正文:1 911年荷兰物理学家卡姆林·奥尼斯发现水银温度在4K附近其电阻完全消失,几十年间科学家不断发现多种元素或合金在特定的温度下电阻突变为0的现象,称为超导现象。
Superconductivity and Application【Abstract】Superconductivity refers to the phenomenon that materials’ resistance drop to zero in a certain temperature. A material with such characteristic is called a superconducting material. Since the superconducting material was discovered in 1911,scientists have got rapid progress on it. The critical temperature of superconductor has increased from several kelvin to dozens kelvin. The application of superconducting technology has great potential and development prospects. This article introduced the development of superconductivity,the properities of superconductivity and the application of superconductivity. It is believed that with the development of superconductivity, superconductor will be used in more high-tech fields.【Key words】superconductivity;superconductor;application1.Development of superconductivity1.1 History of SuperconductivityIn 1911, the Dutch physicist Onnes[1] cooled mercury to -40℃, solidify the mercury into a linear. Then he lowered the temperature 4.2K (-269 ° C) using liquid nitrogen. And added voltage across the mercury .He found that the resistance disappeared when the temperature was slightly below 4.2K. He called this new state of mercury as superconducting state. Later, he also found that Tin and Lead also have superconductivity.The temperature superconductivity occurs near absolute temperature(-273℃). The practical value is not high. In order to find superconducting phenomenon of materials with a high critical transition temperature, countless scientists struggled for nearly 60 years. Until 1973, some British and American scientists had found a niobium - germanium alloy ,whose critical temperature is 23K (-250 ℃). Later,a study led by the Chinese-American scholar Zhu Jingwu and Chinese physicist Zhao Zhongxian found superconducting materials with critical temperature of 98K (-175 ℃) and 78.5K (-194.5 ℃). In 1991, scientists from the United States and Japan found a spherical carbon (carbon 60) molecules has superconductivity ,if incorporate of potassium, cesium, neodymium and other elements. Some scientists also predicted that materials may become superconducting in room temperature, and then superconducting materials may cause an industrial and technological revolution in the world, like semiconductor materials.1.2 Development of superconductivityThe development of superconducting technology can be divided into three stages: the study of low temperature superconductivity theory, the influence of superconducting material on magnetic field and the research of high temperature superconducting material.1.2.1 The development of low temperature superconducting materials.In 1933, Meissner and Olsenfeld[2] discovered another important property. When the metal in the superconducting state, the original magnetic field present in the body was squeezed out . So the superconducting magnetic flux density is zero. People definited this phenomenon as the Meissner effect. The discovery of the Meissner effect realized people that the superconducting state is actually a thermodynamic state. The complete conductivity and the complete diamagnetism are the two basic characteristics of superconductor. In 1955, Bartin proposed three key factors for superconducting phenomena: electron phonon interaction; energy gap exists; Velocity (momentum space).In 1955, Cooper uses the quantum field theory,to consider the role of mutual attraction from the dynamic.They found that two electronic ,whose momentum and spin are the same size but in the opposite direction ,combined with each other near the Fermi surface.This combination of electron pairs was named "Cooper pair".The two electrons of Cooper pairs are in a bound state , the energy is even lower than the Fermi surface energy, forming a superconducting energy gap.Until 1957,the first article on superconductivity was published in the Journal Physical Review.And the theory was named BCS theory. The establishment of BCS theory indicates that the explanation of superconductivity has entered the microcosmic stage from the macroscopic phenomenological stage.1.2.2 The development of high temperature superconducting materials.In1986,Muller and Bai Nuode found La-Ba-Cu-O superconductor has a transition temperature of 36K,in Swiss IBM laboratory.Which opened the development of high-temperature superconductivity.In the end of 1987,the critical superconducting temperature of the T1-Ba-Ca-Cu-O material was increased to 125K.Which means the development and application of superconductor has entered a new level.In April 2001,Tsinghua University Research Center of Applied Superconductivity successfully developed a 340m high-temperature superconducting Bismuth line[3].And at the end of that year ,the first high-temperature Bismuth wire production line was completed.In October 10, 2009, the United States scientists synthetic material (Tl4Ba) Ba2Ca2Cu7O13 +, it’s superconducting temperature was 254K, only 19 ℃to the freezing point . It is a greatsignificance for the promotion of practical application of superconductivity.In short,the development of superconducting materials has gone through a period,from simple to complex, from single system to multi-system process. The discovery of copper high-temperature superconductors has a huge impact on the field of science and technology.2.The properities of superconducting materials2.1 Zero resistance effectWhen temperature drops below a certain value,the resistance of the superconducting material suddenly becomes zero.This is called the zero resistance effect[4] of the superconducting material, which is also known as superconductivity.In 1911, Kamerlin Onnes found an unusual phenomenon: as the temperature dropped, the resistance of mercury did not descend smoothly, but suddenly dropped to zero at 4.15K. This is the first time people discovered the superconductivity. In later experiments ,people found that the mutation temperature has nothing to do with mercury’s purity,only concluded that the more pure mercury is, the more sharp mutations shows.Scientists also found this properity in other materials such as Pb, Zn and AL . A conclusion was maded: the resistance of materials can disappear when the critical conditions (critical current Ic, critical magnetic field Hc, critical temperature Tc, etc.) are simultaneously met. This is called zero resistance phenomenon of superconductivity.At low temperature, with the disappearance of resistance, the material appears a new state, which is called superconducting state. The material is called superconducting material, the temperature when the resistance disappear is called the critical temperature ,or transition temperature. The resistance of the superconductor is 1010 times lower than its resistance at 0°C. The resistivity of the superconductor is less than 10-23Ω·cm.While the resistivity of the copper is1.6×10-6Ω·cm at 0 ℃.So the resistance of the superconductor can be regarded as zero.2.2 Meissner effectBefore 1933,people equalled superconductor with perfect conductor.Perfect conductor is an illusion of the ideal body,which has no resistance.There is no electric field in perfect conductor,neither is time-varying magnetic induction intensity.That is, the magnetic field inside the perfect conductor is kept as the moment the perfect conductor loss resistance.We can consider it as the magnetic flux distribution is "frozen" in the sample,while the change of external magnetic field can not change the magnetic pass distribution inside the frozen sample.Until 1933, two German physicists, Olsenfeld and Meissner discovered Meissner effect.When they measure the magnetic field distribution inside the tin single crystal ballsuperconductor,a phenomeno occurred their attention. In the magnetic field,If cool the metal into the superconducting state, the superconducting magnetic lines will discharge in a sudden, and the magnetic induction line can not pass through its body. That means once superconducting material entered into the superconducting state, the intensityin side the superconductor magnetic field is constant to zero. No matter the conductor is the first magnetic field after cooling, or the first cooling after the magnetic field, as long as it becomes the superconducting state, the superconductor will be all the magnetic induction line from the body. This complete diamagnetism of the superconductor is another essential properity of the superconductor.2.3 Isotope effectThe critical temperature(Tc) of the superconductor is related to its isotope mass(M). The higher the mass, the lower the critical temperature.This phenomeno is called the isotope effect[5]. Take mercury for example, a mercury isotope with an atomic weight of 199.55 has a TC of 4.18 , however a mercury isotope of 203.4 has a TC of Josephson effectFirst, introduce the Tunneling Effect. Between two pieces of metal ,sandwichs very thin insulating layer (the thickness is about several nanometers, such as oxide film).When the potential energy is applied to form a potential barrier V, the fine particles can pass through the potential barrier V from the insulating layer side to reach the other side in the condition of E <V . This physical phenomenon is called the Tunneling Effect .Then, introduce the Josephson Effect. The Josephson effect, also known as the tunneling effect or the barrier penetration.It is a quantum effect determined by the fluctuation of the microscopic particles. According to classical mechanics analysis, the particles can not pass through the barrier,as the barrier is higher then particles. But according to quantum mechanical analysis , the particles have a certain probability to go through the barrier, in the other side of the barrier. Because according to the quantum mechanical analysis ,there are reflection near the barrier ,as well as wave function. The Josephson effect is a quantum effect of the microscopic world, which is impossible to see in macroscopic world. To microscopic particles, quantum mechanics proves that it can pass through the barrier, which is exactly confirmed by studies. Under normal circumstances, the tunneling probability of tunneling effect is very small. It can be considered that the tunneling effect does not affect the macroscopic effect.3.Superconducting Materials and Applications3.1 Classification of superconducting materialsAccording to their critical transition temperature, superconducting materials can be divided into low-temperature superconducting materials and high-temperature superconducting materials.3.1.1 low-temperature superconducting materialsLow-temperature superconducting materials (Tc <30K),working at liquid helium’s temperature and is divided into metals, alloys and compounds. Nb has practical value in low-temperature with a Tc of 9.3 K. Nb-based materials have been made into film[6],used in weak current. Nb-based materials are binary or ternary alloys composed of β-phase solid solution, Tc is above 9 K. In the strong electromagnetic field, NbTi superconducting materials are used as high-energy physics accelerator, detectors, plasma magnetic confinement, superconducting energy storage, superconducting motor and medical magnetic resonance human imager, etc . low-temperature equipment made of Nb and NbN film, has been used for military and medical detection of very weak electromagnetic signals. However,because of materials must be used in liquid helium temperature, the cost is high . So its application is limited.3.1.2 High-temperature superconducting materialsHigh-temperature superconducting material is the superconducting material whose critical temperature is above 30K (now usually be considered more than 77K) and the resistance is close to zero.Because the superconducting material has zero resistance and complete diamagnetism, it only needs very little electric energy, and obtain stable strong magnetic field. It can be used to manufacte AC superconducting generators. Superconducting coil magnets can increase the generator's magnetic field to 50,000 to 60,000 gaussian and no energy loss. More important, the single power generation capacity increased 5 to 10 times than conventional generators,which is up to 1 MW. While the volume is reduced bya half, the whole weight reduction 1/3,and the efficiency increased by 50 %.3.2 Applications of superconducting materialsThe zero-resistance effect allows the current to flow through the superconductor without heat loss, and the current can form a strong current in the wire without any resistance, resulting in a super-strong magnetic field. There are three main usage of superconducting technology: superconducting cables, superconducting generators, superconducting transformers and superconducting current limiter,and so on. The United States is the first country to develop and use superconducting cable, in 1992. Superconducting cable mainly composed by the cable body, terminal and low temperature refrigeration device.Nondestructive testing is a widely used detection technology.SQUID non-destructive testing technology. SQUID can detect small changes in the field, increase the depth of detection, improve the resolution, and can determine the internal defects and corrosion of multi-layer alloy conductor materials. This is what other means of detection can notfinish. SQUID is used to detect internal corrosion in industry. And in military, it can be used to detect mines or submarines.Now, scientists are studying superconductivity for its application on magnetic suspension trains and superconducting bearings.Superconducting suspension trains are suspended with the track. There are not any firction between rail and the train. Maglev train is easy to repair. The energy consumption is only half of a car. The noise is only 65 decibels.And the speed is 300 km/h. It uses current power to drive, does not emit pollution, is a green means of transport.Magnetic bearings are mainly used in high-speed rotation of the site. Using the complete diamagnetism of the superconductors, the frictionless suspension bearings can be made. Which avoids mechanical wear, reduces energy consumption and noise, and has the advantages of maintenance-free, high speed, high precision and good dynamic characteristics. Magnetic bearings can be applied to high-speed centrifuge, flywheel energy storage, aerial gyroscope and other high-speed rotation system.4.ConclusionThe research of superconducting materials is an emerging science and technology in the world today. As superconducting materials can affect many important areas of human life, the material scientists are competing to explore its structure and performance, in order to find a high critical temperature of superconducting materials. It’s believed that superconductivity and it’s applications will become the core technology of the 21st century, to benefit all mankind.Reference[1] 郭奕玲,沈慧君. 物理学史. 北京:清华大学出版社,1997.[2] 刘兵. 著名超导物理学家列传[M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,1988:107-116.[3] 马龙飞,宫成等.高温超导电缆的发展与趋势 [J]. 电子技术应用,2014,(z1).[4] 马文蔚,苏惠惠. 物理学原理在工程技术中的应用[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社,1992.[5] 肖军. 超导现象及同位素效应的理论解释.[6] 冯瑞华,姜山. 超导材料的发展与研究现状[J]. 超导技术,2007:520-526.。
高温超导材料物理研究IntroductionSuperconductors, materials that can conduct electricity with essentially zero resistance, have fascinated scientists and engineers for over a century. However, traditional superconductors require extreme cooling, typically to temperatures close to absolute zero, making their practical applications quite limited. In the mid-1980s, high-temperature superconductors were discovered, revolutionizing the field of low-temperature physics. These materials exhibit superconductivity at relatively higher temperatures, making them potentially useful in a variety of engineering applications. In this article, we will discuss the physical properties and ongoing research efforts in the field of high-temperature superconductors.Types of High-Temperature SuperconductorsThere are several different types of high-temperature superconductors, each with its peculiar properties and characteristics. The most common types are cuprates, iron-based superconductors, and fullerides.Cuprates are copper-based oxides that exhibit high-temperature superconductivity. These materials are layered and are highly anisotropic in their electronic properties.Iron-based superconductors (also known as "FeSCs") were first discovered in 2008 and are comprised of metal Fe atoms arranged in a certain crystal structure. The electronic structure of these materials is more three-dimensional than cuprate superconductors, which could lead to different types of potential applications.Fullerides are molecular compounds composed of carbon atoms arranged in a hollow spherical shape, similar to a soccer ball. These materials can act as electron acceptors and could redefine the field of organic semiconductors.Physical PropertiesSuperconductivity is characterized by the fact that electrons can move through the material without resistance. This unusual property of high-temperature superconductors arises from their electronic band structure, or in other words, the way electrons move and interact with each other within the material. The essential factors that determine the superconducting properties of these materials are the strength of the electron-electron interactions, the density of electronic states near the Fermi level, and the topology of the electronic energy band structure.Another crucial property of high-temperature superconductors is their vortex state. When a magnetic field is applied to the superconductor, vortices form, which can hinder the flow of electric current through the material. Understanding the physics of vortexdynamics is central to optimizing the performance of high-temperature superconductors for different applications.Ongoing ResearchThe fundamental mechanisms behind high-temperature superconductivity remain under intense research, involving theoretical studies, simulations, and experiments. One significant area of recent research is the impact of doping in high-temperature superconductors. Doping refers to the controlled introduction of impurities into the material to change its electronic properties. Doping can be used to modify the electronic properties of the material, such as its density of states and electronic band structure.Another area of current research is the use of high-pressure synthesis to modify the electronic structure of these materials. Applying pressure to the sample can change how the atoms are arranged in the material, thus altering its electronic properties.Finally, the development of new methods for manipulating vortices in high-temperature superconductors is an active area of research, including the use of artificial pinning centers and magnetic field modulation.ApplicationsHigh-temperature superconducting materials have the potential for a wide range of applications, such as power transmission lines, MRI machines, and High-energy particle accelerators. Other potential usesinclude advanced computing and communication, quantum computing, and electric power storage.ConclusionThe discovery of high-temperature superconductors has opened a new frontier in the field of condensed matter physics. Understanding the physical properties and mechanisms behind these materials is central to unlocking their full potential for various applications. The ongoing research efforts in this field are expected to yield exciting discoveries in the coming years, making high-temperature superconductors a fascinating field of study.。
超导电力技术的发展与超导电力装置的性能检测胡 毅1,唐跃进2,任 丽2,蔡 炜1,陈轩恕1,石 晶2,陈 磊2,张翌晖2,郭 芳2(1.国网武汉高压研究院,武汉430074;2.华中科技大学超导电力研究中心,武汉430074)摘 要:充分利用国内各种优势资源开展超导电力技术的研究与开发,对于提高我国电力设备行业在国际市场上的竞争力及电力系统的技术经济性能均有重大的意义。
关键词:超导电力技术;电力系统;超导电缆;超导磁储能系统;超导变压器;超导限流器中图分类号:TM26文献标志码:A 文章编号:100326520(2007)0720001208基金资助项目:国网武汉高压研究院科研基金(062SH080)。
Project Supported by Scientific Research Foundation of Wuhan High Voltage Research Institute of SGCC (062SH080).Development of Superconducting Pow er T echnology and Performance T estof Superconducting Pow er DeviceHU Y i 1,TAN G Yue 2jin 2,REN Li 2,CA I Wei 1,CH EN Xuan 2shu 1,SH I Jing 2,CH EN Lei 2,ZHAN G Yi 2hui 2,GUO Fang 2(1.Wuhan High Voltage Research Instit ute of SGCC ,Wuhan 430074,China ;2.R &D Center of Applied Superconductivity ,Huazhong Univercity of Science and Technology ,Wuhan 430074,China )Abstract :Application of superconducting power technology to conventional power industry is the inevitable step in the development of power industry.The development strategy of superconducting power technology ,f ull utilization of domestic dominant resource and establishment of superconducting power experiment and research base ,that has considerable significance in the continual development of national economy ,were reviewed.The present research state and key subjects in superconducting power technology were summarized.And ,the focal research points in fu 2ture superconducting power areas was presented.Finally ,the test items of some typical superconducting power de 2vices was discussed as the first step of the research for performance test and standard of superconducting power de 2vices.K ey w ords :superconducting power technology ;power system ;superconducting cable ;SM ES ;superconducting transformer ;SFCL0 引 言随着电力系统容量的增大、系统结构复杂化以及电力用户对供电品质要求的提高,电力系统已突显出了若干技术难题,如电力安全、高密度供电、高品质供电、高效率输送电等[1]。
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Applied High-Tc Superconducting Electrical MachinesTsutomu Hoshino,Itsuya Muta,Taketsune Nakamura,Graduate School of Engineering,Kyoto University,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto 606-8501, –Superconductivity is key technol-ogy for 21st century.To suppress emission of green house effect gas,applied superconductivity is impor-tant.In this paper,the current status of supercon-ducting power machines such as generator and mo-tor are described.Most of all studies are the step of demonstration of idea and possibility.There are large gap between physical idea and actual appara-tus.Further collaboration between scientists and en-gineers has been required.1.IntroductionUse of conventional energy fuels (such as oil,nat-ural gas,and coal)leads to the green house effect that is responsible for global warming,and to the acid rains that greatly damage the agricultural lands.Emissions of different parts of the world to the suc-cessively increase in CO 2concentrations are shown in Fig.1.Some 160nations adopted the historic Kyoto Protocol 11December 1997at the global warming conference formally known as the Third Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Conven-tion on Climate Change (COP3).The draft agree-ment,which must be ratified by 55countries,calls on industrialized nations to cut six greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide,methane,nitrous oxide and three fluorine compounds)by average of 5.2percent be-tween 2008and 2012.Delegates will again take up the heavily debated issue of emissions trading at the 1998Buenos Aires climate change conference.Un-1970198019902000Fiscal YearC O 2 (c a r b o n M t )Fig.1CO 2emission of different parts of the world[1].Table 1R &D Status of Superconducting ElectricalMachines.apparatus type status generator homopolar L=Cfield superconducting L=C,H=B fully superconducting L=B,H=Amotor synchronous machine A ∼Blinear induction A ∼C linear synchronous A ∼C flux pump A ∼Cphase com-pensator synchronous compen-satorC A:basic technology,B:feasibility study,C:practica-bility verification,L:low temperature superconduc-tor,H:high temperature superconductorder its terms,38developed nations agreed to reduce world-wide emissions.These countries are divided into eight groups,and their “targets”range from a reduction of 8percent to and increase of 10percent [1].Applied superconductivity is one of solutions to decrease such emissions.There are many applied superconducting apparatus,such as:generator,mo-tor,rotating condenser,transformer,reactor,SMES,power transmission cable,current lead,current lim-iter,magnetic bearing,magnetic separation,mag-netic stirrer,magnetic brake,MRI,magnetic levi-tation,digital information processing device,milli-submilli-meter wave sensor,magnetic measurement for living body.In this paper the current status of superconducting power machines are summarized as shown in Table 1especially HTS application [2].2.GeneratorSuperconducting AC generators which are being actively studied in various countries have many mer-its compared with conventional generators,e.g.,im-provement of efficiency,power system stability and operation performances,and reduction in size and weight,etc.First generator was developed by MIT.Furthermore,France,Russia,China,Japan,Korea and India are promoting the development.In Japan,it has been progressed as a project of the Agency of Instudrial Science and Technology of MITI and the demonstration test of 70MW generator have been continued as the final stage of 12years.In Korea,3year project of 1MW geneator has been carred out by Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute.In these researches low temperature superconductorFig.2HTS rotor and stator assembly[3]. (LTS)was used.Available characteristics of LTS is not enough to introduce these generators.GE Corporate Research(U.S.A.)started100MVA HTS rotatingfield winding type synchronous gener-ator,which operated at16∼25K from1993.Its purpose was(1)generator design,element develop-ment and evaluation of energy and economics,(2) HTS wire development,prototype saddle shape coil fabrication.This project quitted until development of proper HTS wire.Westinghouse Science&Technology Center and American Superconductor Corporation present con-ceptual design of1MW generator for Mobile Radar (MR)applications as shown in Fig.2[3].Thefield winding of generator consists of HTS coils.The cool-ing of thefield winding is provided by heat exchange with helium gas cooled by a Gifford-McMahon cry-ocooler.Total losses are estimated as10343W.This work was supported by the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and the Air Force Research Laboratory Propulsion Directorate.Kovalev et al.reported two types of alternators[4].Thefirst is a synchronous machine containinga stationaryfield winding made from HTS Bi-based were placed into a cryostat,which is cooled by liq-uid may be seen that critical current becomes10times higher at LH2temperature.This machine provides the output power3kVA for rotat-ing speed12000rpm.The second alternator is an electrical machine consisting of a conventional three phase stator winding and the rotor is constructed from bulk YBCO elements.3.Motor60%of power demand is from the motor load.The 70%of motor demand is occupied by large scale mo-tor such as over350kW.If one to two percent of the efficiency is increased,it is great energy save for hu-man.The development of small sized motor using bulk material has been domestically progressed by private companies for the golf-cart use.The R&D ac-tivities of it have been progressed in Germany,Russia andEngland.Fig.3Photograph of completed subset along with individual subcoil[5].Fig.4Cross section of the rotor[7]. 3..1Synchronous MotorThere are several type synchronous motor such as HTSfield winding,HTS permanent magnet type,re-luctance type,and hysterisis type motor.Rockwell Automation and Reliance Electric(U.S.A.)studies air core AC synchronous machine with Bi-2223wire from1994.It operates at20∼40K cooled by closed Brayton cycle cryocooler.In phase II stage,R&D of HTS wire and coil,development of cooling system and verification of1,000hp HTS motor[5].In Fig.3thefinal coil-set is shown.Its operating temperature is33K andfield winding cur-rent is134A.Tampere University of Technology built a HTS synchronous machine of1.5kW and1500rpm as afirst step in an attempt to develop electric machin-ery for special purposes such as ship propulsion[6]. The working temperature of the SC coils is chosen to20K,liquid hydrogen will be used for cooling. From May1996,Yonsei University(Korea)per-forms project of rotatingfield winding synchronous motor with BSCCO tape rated220V and25A[7,8]. The rotor includes liquid nitrogen cryostat.The cross section of the rotor is shown in Fig. 4.Its operating condition were1800rpm,77∼85K,DC 4Afield current.Its output was450W.The team;Technical University Budapest and University of the Negev reported an experimental HTS synchronous machine[9].The machine is ex-Fig.5Longitudinal view of the model machine[9]. Fig.6Superconducting2pole reluctance motor[10].cited with NdFeB rare-earth permanent magnets on the rotor and BSCCO rod-shaped armature conduc-tors on the stator.The operating temperature is60∼64K.The cross-section of the machine is shown in Fig.5,which has4poles and2symmetrical phases.Superconducting reluctance motors(2poles and4 poles)with YBCO bulk material have been built and tested up to more than10kW at77K by Oswald Electromotoren GmbH et al.[10]as shown in Fig.6. Obtained maximum force density of6N/cm2exceeds the values of conventional asynchronus machines by a factor of four.A series of two pole hysteresis HTS motors with output power rating from1kW(50Hz)yo4kW (400Hz)was constructed and successfully tested by the cooperation of Moscow State Aviation Institute and Institut f¨u r Physikalische Hochtechnologie[11].A new class of motor/generator utilizes the mag-neticflux trapping capability of HTS by J.R.Hull et al.[12].The rotor consists of a cylindricalshell Fig.7Calculatedflux lines for infinitely long prism of HTS array[12].Fig.8An illustration of the CD/NSWC motor witha cutaway view of its internal components[14].composed of HTS segments that act as trapped-field magnets,magnetized in such a way that a dipole magneticfiled is produced in the interior of the shell as shown in Fig.7.The motor is constructed from 32rectangular Y-Ba-Cu-O parallelepipeds measur-ing32mm×32mm×13mm and the c-axis in the short dimension.The operating temperature is not fixed.3..2Homopolar MotorNaval Surface Warfare Center(U.S.A.)started ho-mopolar DC motor project in1992[13].The output power were122hp at28K(liquid neon)and320hp at4.2K(liquid helium)with Bi-2223and Bi-2212. With Bi2223HTS wire,the shaft power developed by the dc homopolar motor with its HTSfield mag-net operating at a temperature of4.2K and a current of120A was125kW as shwon in Fi.8[14].This power was produced with an armature current of30 kA and a rotational speed of11700rpm.3..3Brushless DC MotorThere were many prototype reports as shown in Fig.9[13].IRC in Superconductivity starts bulk YBCO permanent magnet type motor project at Oc-tober1996.The project purpose is tofind the design rule with bulk HTS magnet at77K.Fig.9Rotor of brushless DC trappedflux motor[13].4.Superconducting WireThe specifications of available HTS wire are not enough to apply the system as shown in Table2∼3.Many effort to develop HTS wire should be done simultaneously with system study.If the J e=200 kA/cm2(overall J c)is achieved,the system design will be changed.Y-123PVD method samples show high J c such as J c=3,000kA/cm2for short sample and J c=300kA/cm2for1m length sample.5.ConclusionThe novel projects on HTS power machine are de-scribed.Many projects started in90th.Almost idea to apply superconducting machines was pro-posed and demonstrated.It is required a long period to develop system under proper pilots with feasibil-ity study.The collaboration between differentfield scientists and engineers such as physicist,electric en-gineer,mechanical engineer and cryogenic engineer has been required.[References][1]T.Hoshino,I.Muta,K.H.Hussein:“Separate-ly-excited DC motor performances energized by photovoltaic power”,Proc.ICEM98,2,696–701 (1998)[2]New Energy and Industrial Technology De-velopment Organization(NEDO):“Report on the leading research and development for the generic technologies of AC superconducting power equipment”(1999)[3]S.K.Singh,D.W.Schrbarth,E.S.Ortoli,J.R.Repp,O.R.Christianseon,J.H.Parker,Jr.J.W.Carr,Jr.:“Conceptual design of a high temperature superconducting generator”,IEEE Trans.,AS-9,2,1237–1240(1999)[4]L.K.Kovalev,K.V.Ilyushin, A. ri-onoff,K.L.Kovalev,V.T.Penkin,ri-onoff:“Alternators which use htsc wire coils and bulk YBCO materials”,Proc.ICEC17,379–382 (1998)[5]D.Aized,B.B.Gamble,A.Sidi-Yekhle,J.P.Voccio,D.I.Driscoll,B.A.Shoykhet,B.X.Zhang:“Status of the1,000hp HTS motor de-velopment”,IEEE Trans.,AS-9,2,1197–1200 (1995)[6]R.Mikkonen,L.S¨o derlund,J.-T.Eriksson:“The design and construction of a1500W HTS superconducting synchronous machine”,IEEE Trans.,MAG-32,4,2377–2380(1996)[7]M.K.Song,W.K.Jang,Y.S.Yoon,C.W.Moon,G.W.Hong,S.J.Lee,T.K.Ko:“Sta-bility analysis of high-Tc superconductinjg tape through magneticfield analysis of the high-Tc superconducting synchronous motor”,Proc.KI-ASC1st Conference’99,81–84(1999)[8]M.K.Song,Y.S.Yoon,W.K.Jang,T.K.Ko,G.W.Hong,I. 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