2018年汽车行业市场调研分析报告目录第一节传统汽车表现分化,新能源汽车仍高速增长 (6)一、传统车回归微增长,自主品牌崛起是最大亮点 (6)二、新能源汽车调整后逐步恢复 (10)第三节自主品牌向上突破时机已成熟 (12)一、自主品牌向上突破迫在眉睫 (12)1、自主品牌乘用车以低价、低级别为主 (12)2、细分行业景气度下行,高速增长难再现 (14)3、车型更新加快、合资车企价格下探,市场竞争日趋激烈 (15)(1)自主车型更新加快 (16)(2)合资车企价格下探 (16)4、补贴即将退出,政策红利不复 (16)二、自主品牌向上突破已具备条件 (19)1、近几年自主品牌产品力显著提升 (19)(1)自主品牌新车百车故障数显著下降 (19)(2)自主车企核心部件供应能力不断提高 (21)(3)自主车企设计水平日新月异 (21)2、需求层面:多重因素利好自主车企向上升级 (22)(1)消费升级,增换购需求增加 (22)(2)年轻一代代消费群体对自主品牌认可度提高 (23)3、部分自主品牌正进行高端化尝试 (24)三、重点企业之长城汽车分析 (25)第四节自主崛起背景下,四条主线筛选汽车零部件标的 (27)一、自主零部件崛起正当其时 (27)1、传统上,自主零部件企业市场份额小、盈利能力差 (27)2、自主零部件崛起正当其时 (28)二、自主零部件企业增长路径 (29)1、受益客户销量增长 (29)2、商用车转乘用车 (30)3、客户升级 (31)4、产品链升级与拓展 (32)三、重点企业分析 (32)1、宁波高发 (32)2、华懋科技 (33)3、富临精工 (34)第五节新能源汽车:竞争加剧,龙头受益 (35)一、政策趋紧趋严,规范行业发展 (35)二、新能源汽车产销环比逐步修复,专用车是弹性主要来源 (39)三、竞争深化下看好行业龙头 (46)四、重点企业分析 (52)1、江淮汽车 (52)2、国轩高科 (53)图表目录图表1:汽车销量Q2继续回落,或为全年低点 (6)图表2:乘用车市场明显回落 (6)图表3:商用车市场阶段性见顶 (7)图表4:SUV市场增长仍然强劲 (8)图表5:轿车市场增速回落至负增长 (8)图表6:MPV市场止跌,回升有限 (9)图表7:新能源汽车月度销量 (10)图表8:2017年1-5月新能源汽车销量构成 (11)图表9:分品牌乘用车市场结构-低端市场 (12)图表10:分品牌乘用车市场结构-中端市场 (12)图表11:主要自主品牌乘用车平均成交价 (13)图表12:自主销量前39名乘用车车型-级别分类 (14)图表13:各级别SUV车型-份额占比 (15)图表14:各级别SUV车型销量及其增速(单位:万) (15)图表15:自主品牌乘用车2009-2017市场份额 (17)图表16:自主品牌乘用车2009-2017销量增速 (18)图表17:自主品牌已具备向上突破条件 (19)图表18:15-16主要自主品牌新车质量变化对比 (20)图表19:2016年分国别乘用车PPH得分 (20)图表20:乘用车消费人群结构变化 (22)图表21:乘用车购置群体中90后人数占比 (23)图表22:年轻一代(90后)对各国品牌汽车偏好指数 (24)图表23:80后对各国品牌汽车偏好指数 (24)图表24:我国汽车零部件企业主营业务收入(合计)(单位:万亿元) (27)图表25:自主零部件崛起的必要与充分条件 (28)图表26:自主品牌整车崛起带动自主零部件企业发展 (29)图表27:受益客户销量增长的(潜在)标的 (30)图表28:A股市场商用车转乘用车(潜在)标的 (30)图表29:自主零部件企业通过创新发展进入附加值更高的产业链 (31)图表30:自主零部件企业进行产品链升级与拓展 (32)图表31:2017年新版补贴与2015年补贴对比(按最高补贴及地补1:1配套计) (35)图表32:2016年新能源车国家补贴初步审核情况 (36)图表33:16年与17年前5批新能源汽车推广目录车型分布 (37)图表34:新能源乘用车月度销量 (40)图表35:2017年1-5月纯电动乘用车分类别销量 (40)图表36:2017年1-5月纯电动乘用车销售级别分布 (41)图表37:2017年1-5月新能源车销量排名 (41)图表38:今年以来新能源客车月度产量 (42)图表39:2017年1-4月新能源客车产量同比下滑明 (43)图表40:今年以来新能源专用车月度产量 (44)图表41:2017年1-4月新能源专用车产量下滑 (44)图表42:2013-2018年中国动力电池企业数量 (47)图表43:国内动力电池需求量与产能 (47)图表44:新能源汽车行业竞争日趋激烈 (48)图表45:新能源汽车产业链价值重塑,向下游倾斜 (49)表格目录表格1:主要自主车企17年(拟)推出的小型与紧凑型SUV (16)表格2:2009-2010与2015-2017乘用车购置税政策对比 (17)表格3:核心部件供应能力显著增强 (21)表格4:部分自主品牌推出高端化车型(品牌) (25)表格5:16年年底以来新能源汽车相关政策 (37)表格6:17年前五批目录车型配套电池类别 (38)表格7:17年前五批目录车型能量密度分布 (39)表格8:新能源汽车产量预测 (45)表格9:国内动力电池需求预测 (46)表格10:新能源汽车企业投资及产能规划 (47)表格11:电池材料、电机、动力电池及新能源整车的集中度情况 (50)表格12:国内锂离子动力电池集中度逐步提升 (51)第一节传统汽车表现分化,新能源汽车仍高速增长一、传统车回归微增长,自主品牌崛起是最大亮点4-5月汽车销量增速继续下滑,或是全年低点。
2018年汽车行业市场调研分析报告目录第一节乘用车:预计3 季度销量增速有望转正,盈利向优势车企集中 (5)一、预计3 季度销量增速将转正 (5)二、轿车存货环比下降 (6)三、存量博弈下,优势车企胜出 (7)第二节新能源汽车:预计下半年需求有望持续回升 (9)一、新能源汽车需求持续 (9)二、预计下半年新能源乘用车需求持续释放 (10)三、新能源商用车销量环比增长 (12)四、预计新能源客车销量有望季度环比增长,龙头强者恒强 (13)第三节动力电池:预计下半年出货量快速回升 (16)一、动力电池:预计下半年将环比回升 (16)二、三元电池出货量快速增长 (17)三、龙头电池强者恒强 (18)第四节零部件:布局细分领域龙头及进入全球配套体系公司 (20)一、细分领域龙头及进入全球配套体系的公司受行业增速放缓影响小 (20)二、布局细分领域龙头公司,4季度有望迎来估值切换 (21)第五节行业投资策略 (23)第六节风险提示 (24)图表1:乘用车月度销量及同比增速(万辆) (5)图表2:乘用车季度销量及同比增速(万辆) (5)图表3:轿车累计库存及库存销量比 (6)图表4:主要乘用车车企市场份额 (7)图表5:上汽、吉利、广汽、长城市场份额趋势 (7)图表6:新能源汽车月度销量比较 (9)图表7:新能源汽车季度销量比较 (10)图表8:新能源乘用车月度销量比较 (10)图表9:新能源乘用车季度销量比较 (11)图表10:新能源乘用车企业市场份额比较 (12)图表11:新能源商用车月度销量比较 (12)图表12:新能源商用车季度销量比较 (13)图表13:主要新能源客车企业累计销量(1-7 月) (14)图表14:新能源客车市场份额比较(2016) (14)图表15:新能源客车市场份额比较(2017年1-7月) (15)图表16:动力电池历年出货量(GWH) (16)图表17:各类型动力电池累计出货量比较(GWH) (17)图表18:动力电池出货量比较(GWH) (17)图表19:2016年动力电池市场份额 (18)图表20:2017年1-7月动力电池市场份额 (19)图表21:主要投资标的 (23)表格1:汽车零部件公司业绩预告(百万元) (20)表格2:细分领域龙头的零部件公司 (21)。
2018年全球拖车挂钩市场研究报告目录—英文版Published by QYResearchMar. 2018Global Trailer Hitch Market Research Report 2018Hard Copy: 2900 USDPDF Copy (single user): 2900 USDEnterprise wide License: 5800 USDPages: 146Tables and Figures: 193Published Date: July 2018Publisher: QYR Automobile Research CenterSummaryThe global trailer hitch market has developed for many years and now it has developed maturely in the world, especially in Europe, North America, Australia etc. Currently the global trailer hitch market is dominated by the players from Europe and North America, like Bosal ACPS MVG, AL-KO (Sawiko), Brink Group, Tow-Trust Towbars Ltd and GDW Group from Europe; while Horizon Global Corporation, CURT Manufacturing LLC and B&W Trailer Hitches from North America. Horizon Global Corporation is a leader of trailer hitch through acquisitions to strengthen its market position, like Horizon Global Corporation acquired Witter Towbars and Westfalia-Automotive in 2013 and 2016. Now Horizon Global Corporation has several brands to produce and sell trailer hitch in the world, like Westfalia-Automotive from Germany, TriMotive, Draw Tite and Reese from United States, Hayman Reese from Australia, Hidden Hitch from Canada while Witter Towbars from UK.The global Trailer Hitch market is valued at USD 846 million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD 1064 million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 2.8% between 2018-2025.Top Trailer Hitch Manufacturers Covered in This report:Horizon Global CorporationCURT Manufacturing LLCB&W Trailer HitchesBosal ACPSMVGAL-KO(Sawiko)Brink GroupTow-Trust Towbars LtdGDW GroupOther PlayersMarket Breakdown by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeAsia-Pacific1Other regionsMarket Breakdown by Type:Class I Trailer HitchClass II Trailer HitchClass III Trailer HitchClass IV Trailer HitchClass V Trailer HitchMarket Breakdown by Application:RVsVans/Pickup TruckBoat TrailersOther2Table of Contents1 Trailer Hitch Market Overview (1)1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Trailer Hitch (1)1.2 Trailer Hitch Segment by Types (2)1.2.1 Global Trailer Hitch Production and Growth Rate Comparison by Types(2013-2025) (2)1.2.2 Global Trailer Hitch Production Market Share by Types (3)1.2.3 Class I (3)1.2.4 Class II (4)1.2.5 Class III (4)1.2.6 Class IV (5)1.2.7 Class V (6)1.3 Global Trailer Hitch Segment by Applications (7)1.3.1 Global Trailer Hitch Consumption Comparison by Applications (2013-2025) (7)1.3.2 Cars, SUV and ATVs (8)1.3.3 Recreational Vehicle (RV)/Motorhomes (8)1.3.4 Vans/Pickup Truck (9)1.3.5 Boat Trailers (9)1.4 Global Trailer Hitch Market by Regions (10)1.4.1 Global Trailer Hitch Revenue Comparison by Regions (10)1.4.2 North America Trailer Hitch Status and Prospect (2013-2025)s (10)1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Trailer Hitch Status and Prospect (2013-2025) (11)1.4.4 Europe Trailer Hitch Status and Prospect (2013-2025) (12)1.5 Global Market Size of Trailer Hitch (2013-2025) (13)1.5.1 Global Trailer Hitch Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025) (13)1.5.2 Global Trailer Hitch Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025) (13)2 Global Trailer Hitch Market Competition by Manufacturers (15)2.1 Global Trailer Hitch Production and Share by Manufacturers (15)2.2 Global Trailer Hitch Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018) (17)2.3 Global Trailer Hitch Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018) (19)2.4 Manufacturers Trailer Hitch Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area, Product Types (20)2.5 Trailer Hitch Market Competitive Situation and Trends (21)2.5.1 Trailer Hitch Market Concentration Rate (21)2.5.2 Trailer Hitch Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers (21)2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion (22)3 Global Trailer Hitch Capacity, Production, Revenue by Regions (23)3.1 Global Trailer Hitch Production and Market Share by Regions (2013-2018) (23)3.2 Global Trailer Hitch Revenue and Market Share by Regions (2013-2018) (25)3.3 Global Trailer Hitch Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018) (26)3.4 North America Trailer Hitch Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018) (27)3.5 Europe Trailer Hitch Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018) (27)3。
汽车市场调研报告英语范文**Executive Summary**The global automobile market, driven by technological advancements, consumer preferences, and environmental regulations, is constantly evolving. This comprehensive market research report aims to provide a detailed analysis of the current market landscape, identify key trends, and forecast future growth opportunities.**Market Overview**The automobile industry has witnessed significant changes in recent years, with the emergence of electric vehicles (EVs) and connected car technology. Thetraditional combustion engine segment, however, still holds a significant market share. The report analyzes the sales performance of various vehicle types, including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and electric vehicles.**Market Segmentation**The market is segmented based on vehicle type, fuel type, and region. The passenger car segment is further classified into sedans, SUVs, hatchbacks, and others. Thefuel type segment includes gasoline, diesel, and electric. Regionally, the market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.**Market Dynamics**Drivers: Rising urbanization, improving economic conditions, and increasing consumer awareness about environmental sustainability are driving the growth of the automobile market. Additionally, government policies promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and infrastructure development for EV charging stations are fueling the market's expansion.Restraints: High initial costs of electric vehicles, limited charging infrastructure, and concerns about battery technology are some of the key restraints limiting the market's growth.Opportunities: The increasing demand for connected car technology, autonomous driving, and advanced safety features offers significant opportunities for the automobile industry. Additionally, the growing popularityof electric scooters and motorcycles presents a new market segment for manufacturers to explore.Threats: Technological advancements and changing consumer preferences can pose a threat to traditional automobile manufacturers. Rising competition from new entrants and stringent environmental regulations could further challenge the industry's profitability.**Competitive Landscape**The report profiles the leading automobile manufacturers, analyzing their product portfolios, market strategies, and financial performance. Key players include Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, Ford, BMW, Tesla, and others. The report also evaluates the competitive landscape and provides insights into potential mergers and acquisitions.**Market Forecast**The report forecasts the automobile market's growth over the next five years, considering various factors such as technological advancements, consumer preferences, and environmental regulations. It predicts a steady growth inthe electric vehicle segment, driven by government policies and consumer demand for sustainable transportation solutions.**Conclusion**In conclusion, the automobile market is poised for significant growth, driven by technological advancements, consumer preferences, and environmental regulations. Manufacturers need to stay agile and innovate to capitalize on the market's opportunities and overcome its challenges. The report provides valuable insights and recommendations for companies to navigate the evolving landscape and achieve sustainable growth.**中国汽车市场调研报告****执行摘要**全球汽车市场受技术进步、消费者偏好和环保法规的推动,正在不断演变。
汽车市场调研报告英语范文Diving into the automotive market is like exploring a labyrinth of innovation, competition, and consumer preference. The automotive industry is not just a reflection of the economy; it's a pulse that beats with the rhythm of technological advancements and societal shifts. In this comprehensive market research report, we delve into the heart of the automotive world, examining the trends, challenges,and opportunities that shape this dynamic sector.The global car market is a testament to human ingenuity, with electric vehicles (EVs) leading the charge towards a sustainable future. As governments worldwide tighten emission standards, the demand for EVs is skyrocketing, propelled by advancements in battery technology and a growing awareness of environmental issues. However, the traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) still holds a significant share, with emerging markets driving sales as they seek to meet the growing demand for personal transportation.Consumer behavior is another fascinating aspect of the automotive market. Buyers are no longer just looking for a means of transportation; they seek an experience. Connectivity, safety features, and infotainment systems are now standard expectations, and manufacturers are racing to integrate the latest technologies into their vehicles. Therise of autonomous driving is on the horizon, promising a future where cars are not just driven but are intelligentcompanions on the road.Competition in the automotive market is fierce, with established giants like Toyota, Volkswagen, and General Motors facing off against new entrants like Tesla and a host of Chinese automakers. Each player brings its unique strengths and strategies to the table, from Tesla's innovative approach to electric mobility to the cost-effective models offered by Chinese manufacturers.The report also highlights the impact of economic factors on the automotive market. Fluctuations in oil prices, trade policies, and currency exchange rates all play a role in shaping the industry's landscape. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect, disrupting supply chains and altering consumer behavior, with a temporary shift towards private vehicles as a safer alternative to public transport.In conclusion, the automotive market is a complex ecosystem of innovation, competition, and consumer trends. As we navigate through this report, we uncover the forces that drive this industry forward, providing insights that can guide strategic decisions for manufacturers, investors, and policymakers alike. The future of the automotive market is not just about the next big thing; it's about the next big leap in how we connect, commute, and coexist with our vehicles.。
关于汽车市场研究报告的英语作文-概述说明以及解释English:Title: A Research Report on the Automotive MarketIntroduction:The automotive market is a dynamic and ever-changing industry that plays a crucial role in the global economy. In this research report, we will delve into various aspects of the automotive market, including sales trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies.Sales Trends:One of the key areas of focus in this research report is the analysis of sales trends in the automotive market. By examining data from the past decade, we can identify patterns and gain insights into the factors that drive sales. This analysis will help us understand the market dynamics and predict future trends.Consumer Preferences:Understanding consumer preferences is vital for automakers to develop and market their products effectively. Through surveys andinterviews, we will gather data on consumers' preferences regarding vehicle type, brand, features, and pricing. This information will enable us to provide valuable recommendations to automakers on product development and marketing strategies.Emerging Technologies:The automotive industry is experiencing a technological revolution, with advancements in electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and connected cars. In this report, we will explore these emerging technologies and assess their impact on the market. We will also analyze the challenges and opportunities they present for automakers and the overall industry.Conclusion:In conclusion, this research report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the automotive market. By examining sales trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies, we can gain valuable insights into this ever-evolving industry. This information will be beneficial for automakers, industry professionals, and investors in making informed decisions and developing strategies for success.中文:标题:关于汽车市场研究报告介绍:汽车市场是一个动态而不断变化的行业,在全球经济中起着至关重要的作用。
调研汽车市场英文作文Automobile Market ResearchThe automobile market, a vast and diverse landscape, continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate. Driven by advancements in technology, changing consumer preferences, and evolving regulatory frameworks, the industry is witnessing transformative shifts that are shaping its future.At the forefront of these changes is the emergence of electric vehicles (EVs). As concerns about environmental sustainability and carbon emissions gain prominence, consumers are increasingly leaning towards greener alternatives. EVs, with their zero-emission credentials and lower running costs, are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in urban areas with dense populations and high pollution levels. Manufacturers are responding to this trend by investing heavily in EV technology, leading to a surge in the number of models available on the market.Autonomous driving is another technology that is revolutionizing the automotive sector. The promise of self-driving cars, which can navigate roads safely and efficiently without human intervention, is attracting significant interest from both consumers and automakers. While fully autonomous vehicles are still in the early stages of development, many modern cars now come with advanced driver assistance systems that provide partial autonomy in certain situations, such as parking or highway driving.Connectivity is another key trend shaping the automotive market. With the advent of in-car Wi-Fi and integrated infotainment systems, cars are becoming increasingly connected to the internet and other devices. This connectivity not only enhances the driving experience but also opens up new business opportunities for automakers, who can offer personalized services and content to their customers.The rise of car-sharing and ride-hailing services is also having a profound impact on the automotive market. These services, which allow individuals to rent or share cars rather than own them, are reducing the overall demand for private vehicles. As a result, manufacturers are looking to adapt their business models tocater to this new demand, offering more flexible ownership options and subscription-based services.In conclusion, the automobile market is undergoing significant transformation, driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences. The emergence of electric vehicles, autonomous driving, connectivity, and new ownership models are shaping the industry's future, presenting both challenges and opportunities for automakers. As the market continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how these trends will play out and what new innovations will emerge to further transform the automotive landscape.。
关于汽车市场研究报告的英语作文Title: Report on the Automotive Market ResearchIntroduction:The automotive industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the world. It plays a significant role in the global economy and is constantly evolving with advancements in technology and changes in consumer preferences. In this report, we will analyze the current trends and developments in the automotive market, as well as provide insights into the future of the industry.Market Overview:The automotive market is experiencing steady growth, driven by factors such as rising disposable incomes, urbanization, and increasing demand for personal transportation. In addition, advancements in technology, such as electric and autonomous vehicles, are reshaping the industry and creating new opportunities for growth. However, the market is also facing challenges, such as regulatory changes, trade tensions, and environmental concerns.Key Players:The automotive market is dominated by a few key players, with companies such as Toyota, Volkswagen, and General Motors leading the way in terms of sales and market share. These companies are investing heavily in research and development to stay ahead of the competition and meet changing consumer demands. In addition, new entrants, such as Tesla and Chinese automakers, are disrupting the market with innovative products and business models.Consumer Trends:Consumer preferences in the automotive market are shifting towards more sustainable and technologically advanced vehicles. Electric vehicles are gaining popularity due to their lower operating costs and environmental benefits, while autonomous vehicles are seen as the future of transportation. In addition, consumers are demanding more connectivity and customization options in their vehicles, driving manufacturers to offer more advanced features and services.Future Outlook:The future of the automotive market looks promising, with continued growth expected in emerging markets such as China and India. Electric and autonomous vehicles are expected to become more mainstream, as governments and consumersprioritize sustainability and safety. However, the industry will face challenges such as regulatory changes, cybersecurity threats, and supply chain disruptions, which will require companies to innovate and adapt to stay competitive.Conclusion:In conclusion, the automotive market is a dynamic andfast-paced industry that is constantly evolving with changes in technology, consumer preferences, and regulatory requirements. By staying ahead of the curve and investing in innovation, companies can position themselves for success in the future. As we look towards the future, it is clear that the automotive market will continue to be a key driver of economic growth and technological advancement worldwide.。
调研汽车市场英文作文Nowadays, the automobile market is a dynamic and competitive industry that plays a crucial role in the global economy. With advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences, the automotive sector is constantly evolving. In this research, we aim to analyze the current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the automobile market to provide valuable insights for industry stakeholders.Our study will focus on key aspects such as market segmentation, consumer behavior, regulatory policies, technological innovations, and competitive landscape. By examining these factors, we hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of the automotive market dynamics and identify potential areas for growth and development.Furthermore, we will conduct surveys, interviews, and data analysis to gather relevant information and draw meaningful conclusions. By leveraging both qualitative and quantitative research methods, we aim to present a comprehensive overview of the automobile market and offer strategic recommendations forindustry players.Through this research, we seek to contribute to the body of knowledge on the automobile market and provide valuable insights for businesses, policymakers, and consumers. By staying informed about the latest trends and developments in the industry, stakeholders can make informed decisions and drive innovation and growth in the automotive sector.中文翻译:如今,汽车市场是一个充满活力和竞争激烈的行业,在全球经济中扮演着至关重要的角色。
全球汽车研究报告英文Global Automotive Research ReportIn recent years, the global automotive industry has experienced rapid development and significant changes. This research report aims to provide an overview of the current state of the industry and highlight key trends and future projections.Firstly, the report examines the state of the global automotive market. The demand for automobiles remains high, with emerging markets such as China, India, and Brazil leading the growth. In contrast, mature markets like the United States and European countries are experiencing slower growth rates. Electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology are emerging as key drivers of change in the industry. Government regulations and consumer preference for eco-friendly transportation are contributing to the increasing adoption of electric vehicles. Meanwhile, autonomous driving technology is becoming more advanced, with major automakers and technology companies investing heavily in research and development.Secondly, the report analyzes the major players in the global automotive industry. Traditional automakers such as Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, and Ford continue to dominate the market. However, new players and technology companies like Tesla, Google, and Apple are challenging the status quo with their innovative products and services. The competition is intense, driving industry players to invest in research and development to stay ahead.Furthermore, the report discusses the key trends shaping the automotive industry. Connected cars, which enable vehicles to communicate with each other and with the surrounding infrastructure, are gaining popularity. This technology has the potential to improve safety, efficiency, and convenience. The sharing economy is also impacting the industry, with ride-sharing and car-sharing services gaining traction. This shift in consumer behavior is leading automakers to adapt their business models to accommodate these new trends.Lastly, the report provides future projections for the global automotive industry. Electric vehicles are expected to become more mainstream as technology improves and infrastructure for charging stations expands. Autonomous driving technology is projected to revolutionize transportation, with fully autonomous vehicles becoming a reality within the next decade. Additionally, the rise of mobility services is expected to reshape the traditional ownership model, with consumers opting for shared and on-demand transportation solutions.In conclusion, the global automotive industry is undergoing significant changes driven by emerging technologies and shifting consumer preferences. Electric vehicles, autonomous driving, connected cars, and the sharing economy are key trends shaping the future of the industry. Industry players need to adapt and invest in research and development to remain competitive in this dynamic and evolving landscape.。
全球汽车研究报告英语Global Automotive Research ReportIntroduction:The global automotive industry is undergoing rapid changes spurred by advancements in technology and increased focus on sustainability. In this research report, we will explore various aspects of the global automotive industry, including market trends, emerging technologies, and environmental impact.1. Market Trends:The global automotive industry is experiencing a shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous driving. EV sales have been steadily growing, driven by government incentives and consumer demand for sustainable transportation solutions. Moreover, the rise of ride-sharing services has led to increased demand for car-sharing and mobility services.2. Emerging Technologies:Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) are transforming the automotive industry. AI-powered systems are being used for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. IoT enables vehicles to be connected to a network, allowing for real-time data exchange and improved vehicle performance and safety.3. Environmental Impact:The automotive industry is one of the major contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, car manufacturers are increasingly focusing on developing electric and hybrid vehicles toreduce the environmental impact. Additionally, advancements in battery technology are making EVs more efficient and affordable.4. Regional Analysis:The global automotive market is segmented into various regions, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World. North America and Europe have traditionally been the major markets for automotive sales, but Asia-Pacific is emerging as a key market due to a growing middle class and increasing urbanization.5. Key Players:The global automotive industry is dominated by major players such as Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, and Ford. These companies invest heavily in research and development to stay competitive and drive innovation within the industry. However, there are also many emerging players in the electric vehicle space, such as Tesla and NIO, who are challenging the traditional automotive giants.Conclusion:In conclusion, the global automotive industry is going through a transformative phase, driven by technological advancements and increasing environmental concerns. The shift towards electric vehicles and autonomous driving is reshaping the market, while emerging technologies like AI and IoT are revolutionizing vehicle capabilities. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be crucial for car manufacturers to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the competition and address the pressing challenges of sustainability.。
英文卖车调研报告模板Car Market Research Report1. IntroductionThe purpose of this research report is to analyze the current trends and potential opportunities in the car market. This report aims to provide an overview of the car market, including key players, consumer preferences, and market dynamics.2. MethodologyThis research report is based on primary and secondary data sources. Primary data was collected through surveys and interviews with car dealerships, car owners, and car buyers. Secondary data was collected from industry reports, market research publications, and online sources.3. Market OverviewThe car market is a highly competitive industry consisting of various players, including automobile manufacturers, dealerships, and online platforms. The market is driven by consumer demand, technological advancements, and changing preferences.4. Key PlayersThe key players in the car market include major automobile manufacturers such as Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, and BMW. These companies have a strong presence in the globalmarket and offer a wide range of vehicles to cater to different consumer segments.5. Consumer PreferencesConsumer preferences in the car market are diverse and can vary based on factors such as price, brand reputation, fuel efficiency, safety features, and design. According to the survey conducted, the top considerations for car buyers were reliability, fuel efficiency, and affordability.6. Market DynamicsThe car market is influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, government regulations, and technological advancements. For example, changes in fuel prices and taxation policies can impact consumer demand and sales. Additionally, advancements in electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology have the potential to disrupt the traditional car market.7. OpportunitiesDespite challenges in the market, there are several opportunities for growth and innovation. For instance, the increasing demand for electric vehicles presents an opportunity for automobile manufacturers to develop eco-friendly and sustainable vehicles. Furthermore, the rise of online car-buying platforms allows for convenient and transparent transactions for both buyers and sellers.8. ChallengesThe car market also faces several challenges, including the rising cost of production, market saturation, and changing consumer preferences. Car manufacturers need to constantly innovate and adapt to these challenges to remain competitive in the market.9. ConclusionIn conclusion, the car market is a highly dynamic and competitive industry. Consumer preferences, technological advancements, and government regulations play a significant role in shaping the market. Despite challenges, there are opportunities for growth and innovation. Car manufacturers need to stay abreast of market trends and consumer preferences to succeed in this ever-evolving industry.。
英文卖车调研报告范文Market Research Report: Automotive Sales Trends Introduction:This report presents an analysis of the current trends in the automotive industry, focusing specifically on car sales. The objective of this research is to provide insights into consumer preferences, market demand, and potential growth opportunities for car manufacturers and dealers. Through a combination of primary and secondary research, we aimed to gather data and information to enable informed decision-making. Methodology:The research process involved a two-step approach. Initially, we conducted a comprehensive review of the existing literature, which included industry reports, market studies, and customer reviews. This step provided a foundational understanding of relevant theories, frameworks, and recent developments. Subsequently, primary research was conducted through surveys and interviews with a sample group comprising car owners, potential buyers, and industry experts.Findings:1. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are gaining popularity:Our research indicated a growing interest in electric vehicles, driven by environmental concerns and government incentives. Survey results revealed that over 60% of respondents expressed willingness to consider purchasing an electric vehicle within the next five years. The increasing availability of charginginfrastructure, improved battery technology, and the development of stylish and affordable EV models have contributed to this trend.2. SUVs and crossover vehicles dominate the market:Another significant finding is the dominance of SUVs and crossover vehicles in the car market, particularly in North America and China. The survey results showed that close to 70% of respondents preferred larger vehicles due to their spaciousness, higher driving position, and perceived safety. This preference has led to a decline in sales of sedans and compact cars, prompting manufacturers to focus their production on SUVs and crossovers.3. Online car buying is becoming more popular:The rise of digital technologies has transformed the way consumers purchase cars. It was noted that an increasing number of buyers are engaging in online research and transactions. Platforms such as online marketplaces, manufacturer websites, and social media channels are now playing a crucial role in the car buying process. Respondents cited reasons such as convenience, access to a larger inventory, and the ability to compare prices as the key motivations for this shift towards online car buying.4. Customer satisfaction and after-sales service are pivotal:While factors such as price, brand reputation, and vehicle features remain important in influencing car purchase decisions, customer satisfaction and after-sales service emerged as critical considerations. According to our survey, over 80% of respondents indicated that positive word-of-mouth recommendations played a significant role in their decision-making process. Consequently, car manufacturers and dealers need to focus on deliveringexceptional customer service, efficient maintenance, and reliable warranty coverage to retain and attract buyers.Conclusion:In conclusion, this research report highlights several key trends in the automotive industry that car manufacturers and dealers should consider. The rising popularity of electric vehicles, the dominance of SUVs and crossover vehicles, the increasing shift towards online car buying, and the significant influence of customer satisfaction and after-sales service have been identified as vital factors shaping the market. By understanding these trends and adapting their strategies accordingly, businesses can position themselves for success in an increasingly competitive industry.。
英语汽车调研报告Automobile Survey ReportIntroduction:This report presents the findings of a recent survey conducted to understand the preferences and opinions of consumers regarding automobiles. The survey aimed to gather insights into the factors that influence car purchasing decisions and explore trends in the automotive industry. A total of 500 respondents participated in the survey, providing valuable data for analysis.Demographics:The survey sample comprises respondents from various age groups, with the majority falling within the 25-45 years range. The gender distribution was relatively balanced, with 52% male and 48% female respondents. The participants were predominantly from urban areas, accounting for 80% of the sample.Car Ownership:The survey revealed that the majority of respondents (62%) currently own a car, while 38% do not. Among those who do not own a car, the primary reason cited was the availability of public transportation alternatives.Preference for Vehicle Type:When asked about their preferred vehicle type, 42% of the respondents expressed a preference for sedans, followed by SUVs (30%), hatchbacks (18%), and sports cars (10%). This indicates that sedans remain the most popular choice among consumers.Factors Influencing Car Purchase:Price and fuel efficiency emerged as the two most crucial factors influencing car purchase decisions, chosen by 68% and 65% of respondents, respectively. Other factors included safety features (51%), brand reputation (48%), technological features (46%), and size (40%).Electric Vehicles:A notable finding from the survey is the growing interest in electric vehicles (EVs). Around 45% of respondents stated their willingness to consider purchasing an EV for their next car, citing environmental concerns and lower operating costs as the main reasons.Preferred Car Brands:The survey also explored the preferred car brands among respondents. The top three brands identified were Toyota (25%), followed by Volkswagen (18%) and BMW (15%). This data reflects the brand preferences prevalent in the market. Automotive Accessories:Inquiring about car accessories, respondents showed the most interest in in-car infotainment systems (40%), followed by parking sensors/cameras (30%) and automatic emergency braking systems (20%). These findings indicate that consumers value technology-driven features that enhance convenience and safety. Conclusion:The results of this survey provide valuable insights into consumer preferences and opinions in the automotive industry. The findingssuggest a strong affinity towards sedans, with price and fuel efficiency being crucial factors in car purchasing decisions. The growing interest in electric vehicles indicates a shift towards more eco-friendly choices. Furthermore, the survey highlights the importance of technological features and brand reputation when selecting a car. This information can be beneficial to car manufacturers and marketers in understanding consumer needs and developing strategies to cater to the evolving demands of the automobile market.。
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Published by QYResearch
Mar. 2018
Global Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Research Report 2018
Hard Copy: 2900 USD
PDF Copy (single user): 2900 USD
Enterprise wide License: 5800 USD
Pages: 142
Tables and Figures: 139
Published Date: Jan 2018
Publisher: QYR Automotive Research Center
This report studies the Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top manufacturers in global and major regions, and splits the Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market by product type and applications/end industries.
The major players in global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market include
Delphi (Aptiv)
Continental AG
Arada (Lear)
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of Vehicle to Everything (V2X) in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), covering
North America
On the basis of product, the Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market is primarily split into
On the basis on the end users/applications, this report covers
Road Safety Service Automatic Parking System Emergency Vehicles
Auto Car Service
Table of Contents
1 Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Overview (1)
1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Vehicle to Everything (V2X) (1)
1.2 Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Segment by Types (Product Category) (2)
1.2.1 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Production and Growth Rate (%) Comparison
by Types (Product Category) (2015-2025) (3)
1.2.2 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Production Market Share (%) by Types
(Product Category) in 2016 (3)
1.2.3 V2V (4)
1.2.4 V2I (4)
1.2.5 V2P (6)
1.3 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Segment by Applications (7)
1.3.1 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Consumption Comparison by Applications
(2015-2025) (7)
1.3.2 Road Safety Service (8)
1.3.3 Automatic Parking System (9)
1.3.4 Emergency Vehicles (9)
1.3.5 Auto Car Service (10)
1.4 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market by Regions (2015-2025) (11)
1.4.1 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Size (Million USD) Comparison by
Regions (2015-2025) (11)
1.4.2 North America Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Status and Prospect (2015-2025) (12)
1.4.3 China Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Status and Prospect (2015-2025) (13)
1.4.4 Euorpe Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Status and Prospect (2015-2025) (14)
1.4.5 Japan Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Status and Prospect (2015-2025) (15)
1.5 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Size (2015-2025) (16)
2 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Competition by Manufacturers (17)
2.1 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue and Market Share (%) by Manufacturers
(2016-2017) (17)
2.2 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Gross margin by Manufacturers (2016-2017) (19)
2.3 Manufacturers Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area,
Product Types (21)
2.4 Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Competitive Situation and Trends (22)
3 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Capacity, Production, Revenue by Regions (2015-2020).. 24
3.1 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue (Million USD) and Market Share (%) by
Regions (2015-2020) (24)
3.2 Global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin (%)
(2015-2020) (27)
3.3 North America Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate
(2015-2020) (28)
3.4 Euorpe Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2015-2020)
3.5 China Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2015-2020)。