



Unit 11.Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the otherbeing labor.时间是美国人注意节约的两个要素之一,另一要素是劳力。

2.Once the sands have run out of a person's hourglass, they cannot bereplaced.时光一去不复返。

3. A foreigner's first impression of the US is likely to be that everyone is in arush—often under pressure.外国人对美国的第一印象很可能是:每个人都匆匆忙忙──常常处于压力之下。

4.Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, westart talking business very quickly.既然我们通常是通过工作而不是社交来评估和了解他人,我们就开门见山地谈正事。

5.We, therefore, save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for socialweekend gatherings.因此,我们把大多数个人拜访安排在下班以后的时间里或周末的社交聚会上。

6.To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relationto the significance of the matter at hand.就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。

7.This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here,whereas the postal service is less efficient.其部分原因在于这样一个事实:美国的电话服务是一流的,而邮政服务的效率则差一些。



原文:The outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia has had a huge impact on the global economy, and all countries are facing巨大 challenges. In this context, China has taken a series of measures to promote economic recovery and stabilize employment. These measures include increasing infrastructure investment, strengthening support for the real economy, and promoting the development of the digital economy. At the same time, China is also actively promoting international cooperation to jointly address the global economic crisis.








英翻中:介电常数A constant electric交叉学科Interdisciplinary固体材料Solid materials热容Hot for 力学性质Mechanical properties电磁辐射Passage of electromagnetic radiation材料加工Materials processing弹性系数Flexible coefficient弹性模数Flexible number of modes直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系Until recently scientists managed to understand the structural elements and attributes of the relationship between材料工程学主要解决材料的制造问题和材料的应用问题Material engineering mainly to solve the problem and create material application材料的加工过程不但决定了材料的结构,同时决定了材料的特征和性能Materials processing process is not only to the structure and decided that the material characteristic and performance材料的力学性能与其所受外力或负荷而导致的变形有关Material mechanical properties with the external force or in the deformation of the load通常,温度低于室温时,金属合金的强度性质降低,而延展性、破碎韧度和拉伸性能增强Usually, the temperature is lower than room temperature, the metal alloy the strength of nature and extent of strong, broken and enhance the performance从材料的角度来说,应力是一种在材料内部所分布的力,它可以平衡所施加的负荷并与其发生相互作用From the standpoint, stress is one of the material inside the distribution of the balance, it can be applied load and interaction with the actual工程应变可定义为:所施加里力方向上的材料的改变量与材料原始长度的比值Project strain which can be defined as :gary force in the direction of the material change in the original length of the ratio of the material高强度和高延展性的材料比低强度和低延展性的材料的韧性高Strong and highly ductile material of low strength and less extent than material toughness high中反英:The mechanical properties of metals determine the range of usefulness of a material and establish the service life that can be expected金属力学性能确定范围一个材料的用处,建立使用寿命那能被期望Therefore,multiple tests are commonly conducted to determine mechanical properties and values reported can be an average value or calculated statistical minimum value因此,多种的测试一般地领着到确定机械性能,价值报告可以是一个平均值或计算统计最小值The way a material is loaded greatly affects its mechanical properties and largely determines how, or if, a component will fail; and whether it will show warning signs before failure actually occurs 方式一个材料被载非常影响它的机械性能,主要地确定如何,或如果,一个元件会失败;是否它会显示警告标志以前失败其实发生However, a bar loaded in bending will have a stress distribution that changes with distance perpendicular to the normal axis不管,一个酒吧间载里弯曲将一个应力分布那变动同距离垂直垂直轴Elastic deformation only occurs in a material when stresses are lower than a critical stress called the yield strength弹性变形只发生在一个物质的日子应力比一个更低临界应力呼吁屈服强度。









三、实训准备1. 翻译资料搜集:在实训前,我们首先对会议主题进行了深入研究,搜集了与会议相关的资料,包括中英两国贸易政策、行业动态等。

2. 术语学习:针对会议可能涉及的专业术语,我们进行了系统学习,确保在翻译过程中准确表达。

3. 模拟练习:为了提高实战能力,我们进行了多次模拟练习,包括角色扮演、现场口译等。

四、实训过程1. 译前准备:在会议开始前,我们与主办方进行了沟通,了解会议流程、参会人员等信息,并提前熟悉会议资料。

2. 现场口译:会议开始后,我们按照事先安排好的座位,认真聆听讲话者的发言,并迅速将其翻译成中文。




3. 译后总结:会议结束后,我们对翻译过程进行了总结,分析自己在翻译过程中存在的问题,并提出改进措施。

五、实训反思1. 专业知识的重要性:在翻译过程中,专业知识对准确表达至关重要。


2. 口语表达能力:口译工作不仅要求我们具备扎实的翻译功底,还要求我们具备良好的口语表达能力。


3. 应变能力:在实际翻译过程中,我们可能会遇到各种突发状况,如专业术语不熟悉、讲话者语速过快等。






例如,英文名言“To be or not to be, that is the question”被林纾翻译成“生存还是毁灭,这是个问题”,这一翻译简洁明了,既保留了原文的意境,又符合中文的表达习惯。

另一个例子是英文名言“All that glitters is not gold”被林纾翻译成“闪光的东西未必都是金子”,这一翻译同样非常精彩,传达了原文的哲理。







1. Slowly, a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness.慢慢地,我心里产生了一种阴暗的空虚感,它开始吞噬我的幸福2. My father wasn’t too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race, but I assured him that this time it would be nothing like that.我父亲对回到那种忙忙碌碌的生活不怎么感兴趣,但我向他保证,这一次绝对会有所不同。

3. As fate would have it, my life would soon change again, and in a very big way.像是命运的安排,我的生活很快又发生了变化,而且变化很大。

4. While my surroundings were different and strange, they were also exciting and fun.我的环境不一样了,它既很陌生,但同时又激动人心,很有趣。

5.Advertising is part literature, part art, and part show business.广告业是宣传印刷,是艺术,也是娱乐。

6. Advertising can be found as far back as the public criers of ancient Greece—who, for a fee,shouted out messages about a company’s products to one and all.广告业可以追溯到古希腊街头巷尾叫卖的小贩们——他们大声喊叫,把公司的产品信息传递给每个人,并因此获得一定的报酬。



1. The planning计划职能包括定义组织的目标;制定全面战略以实现这些日标开发一个全面的分居汁划体系,以综合和协调各种活动。

2. Planning establishes.计划是一种协调过程。


3. For the在大多数情况下.基层管理者的计划活动主要是制定作业计划。


4. Strategic plans战略计划覆盖较长的时间(通常为5年或更长),涉及广泛的问题,并包括制定目标。


5. Commitment concept许诺概念是指计划期限应该延伸到足够远,以便在此期限中能够实现当前的许诺。


6. Three contingency.计划过程存在着三种权变因素,包括管理者所处的组织层次,环境的不确定性以及未来许诺的时间长度。

7. Traditional objective传统的目标设定的方法是指目标由组织的最高管理者设定然后分解成子目标落实到组织的各个层次上。


8. Management by目标管理是一套系统,在这个系统中,下级与他们的上司共同确定具体的绩效目标,并且定期检查完成目标的进展情况,而奖励则是根据目标的完成情况来确定的。

9. Strategic management战略管理过程包含八个步骤,是一个制定战略计划、实施战略和评价战赂的过程。

10. The term SWOT analysis.SWOT分析是指分析组织内部的优势和劣势以及外部的机会和威胁,以便发现组织能够开发的细分市场。

11. The BCG matrixBCG短阵区分出四种业务组合:古里、现金牛、问号相瘦狗。

12. Management assesses管理者通过分析产业书支配竞争规则的力量(进入障碍、咎广品、购买者和供应者的讨价能力、竞争者之间的竞争),选择最能发挥竞争优势的竞争战略(成本领先、差别化、专·化欠略)。



英语英翻中1 Jefferson felt that the present should never be chained to custom which have lost their usefulness.Jefferson(杰斐逊)认为绝不可以用那些已经无用的习俗老缚住“现在”的手脚。

2 There are two sides to every question if you take one side with decision will of course resent your action.每个问题都有两面性,如果你坚决站在一面并根据它有效而采取行动,那么站在另一面的那些人当然会对你的行动怨恨不满。

3 More than once at two or three in the morning , after lying awake for an hour ,I’d get out of bed, dress and drive to the hospital to see the patient myself .It was the only way I could find the pea of mind I needed to relax不止一次,在我躺了一个小时还睡不着之后,我会在凌晨两三点钟从床上跳起来,穿好衣服,驾车去医院亲自探视病人,唯有这样我才能找到安心休息需要的内心平静。

4 More and more states are requiring students to pass competency tests in order to receive their high school diplomas. And many educators fear that an increase in the use of state exams will lead to a corresponding rise in cheating. A case in point is students in New York state who faced criminal misdemeanor charges for prossessing ,and selling advance copies of state Regents examinations.越来越多的州要求学生通过能力测试以取得中学毕业文凭。



Man has subdued and disciplined electricity and compelled it to serve the interests of society.人类降服并控制了电,迫使它为人类社会的利益服务。

However, despite their imperfect tools, they worked together stubbornly , collectively, and were able to attain results .然而,尽管工具不甚完备,他们却能同心协力,顽强工作,并总是有所收获。

Science and man's practical transforming activities have made humanity aware of the enormous geological role played by the industrial transformation of the earth.科学与人类改变大自然的实践活动已经使人类意识到了工业在改变地球的进程中对地质产生的重大影响。

At present the previous dynamic balance between man and nature and between nature and society as a whole, has shown ominous signs of breaking down.目前,人与自然以及自然与社会整体之间过去存在的动态平衡,已呈现崩溃的迹象。

This was all done in the name of civilization , which meant the places where man had made his home, where the earth was cultivated, where the forest had been cut down.这一切都是打着“文明”的旗号进行的,所谓“文明”,就是人类在哪里建立家园,耕耘土地,哪里的森林就被砍伐。



IEC1-031. I see such a difference in New York City, for example, from when I first moved here more than 20 years ago: people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance to get off first, never saying “Thank you” when others hold a door open for them, or “Please” when they want a coworker to hand them something, never giving a wave or nod of appreciation when another motorist lets them pull out into traffic.譬如,我在纽约就看到这样的差别,与我20多年前刚搬来时大不相同了:人们蜂拥走进楼梯,却没有让电梯里的人先出来;别人为他开门时,从来不说“谢谢”;需要同事给他递东西时,从来不说“请”;当其他开车人为他们让道时,也从不挥手或点头表示谢意。

2. Haven’t you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier?难道你没有注意到那些最和蔼、最慷慨的人似乎越来越漂亮吗?3. The note was lovely enough, but even lovelier was the fact that the guest had also included a recipe for a dish I’d complimented her on at an earlier gathering.那封短信已经够可爱的了,然而更加可爱的是这位客人还在信中附上了一道小菜的制作方法,那是在前一次聚会时我对她大加赞赏的一道菜。



高中组英翻中1.Animal have a few cries that serve as signals, but even the highest apes haven't been found able to pronounce words, even with the most intensive professional instructions.动物会发出几种叫声作为信号,然而人们发现,即使是最高级的猿经过强化的专业训练也不能说出话来。

2. The Shang Hai Expo will draw 70 million visitors, an average of 400000 a day. It will be the first time for the 157-year-old event to be held in a developing country.上海世博会将吸引7000万人前来参观,平均每天40万人次。


3.Our firm is a joint-stock enterprise based in San Francisco and we employ about 200,000 people around the world.我们公司是总部设在旧金山的合资企业。

在全球约有20万名雇员4.This company has a registered capital of 20 million US dollars and specializes in importing and exporting a great variety of agricultural products.本公司注册资金2000万美元,专营各种农产品的进出口。

5.Positioned as an ideal platform for light industry products, Hong Kong spring Fair continued to attract buyers from all over the world. A total of 4800 buyers attended the four-day event.作为轻工产品,相互交流的理想的平台,香港春交会不断吸引着来自世界各地的买家,共有4800位客户参加了此次为期4天的展会。





As a Chinese myth tells, the Sky was made at first, than was the Earth. The ox has been regarded by ancient Chinese as a creature that cultivated the land at the very beginning of its forming.2009,岁在已丑,牛在湖南!全球金融危机一片深绿之中,中国人均GDP悄然跨越3000美元关口,大陆内需市场的财富闸门豁然开启;湖南挺进万亿俱乐部,区域经济财富井喷的临界点骤然打开!Hunan has been compared to an ox since there is a buoyant market in this Province in 2009, the animal year of Ox according to the Lunar Calendar: it has joined the ranks of provinces or municipalities with a capital surpasses ¥1,000b, and broken the bindings of regional economy development with a eruption of the fountain of wealth. This has happened in a background of the global financial cirisis and deep economy recessions, as China’s GD P per capita has increased over $3,000 and a flow of wealth rushed out of water lock opened in the domestic market on the mainland.扩大内需的国家战略,中部崛起、两型(资源节约型,环境友好型)试验区的世纪变局,已然在这里生成政策变现的巨大商机:一季度,湖南GDP攀升至2409.34亿元,13.1%的加速度创下全国第四的佳绩;规模工业(全部国有企业和销售收入在500万元以上的企业).增加值745.46亿元,18.8%的增速使其抢进全国前3的序列;在湖南弯道超车的黄金赛道上,46家世界500强企业加足马力,61家央企有备而来,四大国有银行频频加大授信额度……动力澎湃的信心数据,铺陈出一幅牛气冲天的湖南上行图!Materialized national policies like enlarging domestic market potential together with the rising of central China and the building of energy-efficient and environment-friendly experimental zones have brought about great commercial opportunities in this area. The GDP of Hunan has increased to ¥240.934b by a rate of 13.1% in the first quarter of this year, ranking the fourth place nationwide. Meanwhile, state-owned businesses and corporations with a sales revenue over 500million Yuan have totally gained, 18.8% by rate, a capital of ¥74.546b, racing into the top three of China. Participants in this fast-growing region include: 46 ambitious corporations among the world top 500, 60 well-prepared Central enterprises and 4 State-owned banks offering higher line of credit. Concrete figures like these add vigor and confidence to this province and assure it of a dramatic development upward.中翻英2:杂文类文学批评无用(季羡林)On the futility of literature criticism读最近一期的《文学批评》,,里面有几篇关于“红学”的文章引起了我的注意。

中医英语 英翻中

中医英语 英翻中

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) emphasizes the holistic approach to health and sees the body as a whole system that includes the mind, body, and spirit. TCM focuses on the balance and harmony of the body's internal organs, energy flow, and overall well-being. TCM practitioners use a variety of techniques such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, and dietary therapy to help restore balance and treat a wide range of health conditions. TCM also places a strong emphasis on preventive care and seeks to address the root cause of illness rather than just treating symptoms.




考研英语 英翻中练习题(1)

考研英语 英翻中练习题(1)

考研英语英翻中习题(1)Every country with a monetary system of its own has to have some kind of market in which dealers in bills, notes, and other forms of short term credit can buy and sell. The “money market”, is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short term credit. The need for such facilities arises in much the same way that a similar need does in connection with the distribution of any of the products of a diversified economy to their final users at the retail level . If the retailer is to provide reasonably adequate service to his customers, he must have active contacts with others who specialize in making or handing bulk quantities of whatever is his stock in trade. The money market is made up of specialized facilities of exactly this kind. It exists for the purpose of improving the ability of the retailers of financial services—commercial banks, savings institutions, investment houses,lending agencies, and even governments—to do their job. It has little if any contact with the ind viduals or firms who maintain accounts with these various retailers or purchase their securities or borrow from them.【参考译文】每一个拥有独立金融系统的国家都应该有这样的市场:在这里,汇票、期票和其他形式的短期信贷可以进行买卖。



1.enjoy 翻成①享受...的愉悦【例】:enjoy surfing 享受冲浪的愉悦2.fellow passenger 翻成①旁边的乘客【例】Pay attention toyour fellow passengers. 译:注意坐在你旁边的乘客。

3.chances are 翻成有可能【例】Chances are you’ll seeplenty of them with their heads down. 译:有可能你会看见许多人头低着。

4.an increased number of ... 翻成正在增长的...5.begin noticing 翻成开始注意到6.Florida chiropractor(脊柱按摩师)Dean Fishman begannoticing an increased number of his patients complaining of neck and shoulder pain. 翻成佛罗里达的脊柱按摩师戴安费施曼开始注意到受到脖子肩膀疼痛折磨的人越来越多。

7.He traced these symtom s to the overuse of hand-helddevices,specificly the action of bending the neck, and created the term “Text Neck”翻成“他把这些症状的原因归结于过度使用手持设备,尤其是埋头(我怀疑这个不对,因为埋头不一定弯脖子)弯脖子这个动作,并且(为其)创造了新名词——鸭脖。

8.He founded the Text Neck Institute in an effor to treat andeducate those suffering from Text Neck. 翻成:“他设立了鸭脖协会致力于(这里我曾翻为“意在”,但是这样就没有effort的意思了,所以翻成致力于更贴切)治疗教育那些鸭脖患者。



英译中专项练习1.The atmosphere is not so capable of storing heat as ocean currents.A) 大气不像海流那样能储存热。

B) 海流比大气能储存更多的热量。

C) 大气储存热量的能力不如海流强。

D) 大气层就像海流一样,不能储存热量。

2.People’s attitudes towards gift giving may vary from country to country.A) 人们的态度是国家之间要互送礼物。

B) 不同国家的人对送礼的看法各不相同。

C) 国与国之间人们对礼物的看法不尽相同。

D) 各国人们送礼的做法都在变化。

3.Not all the new drugs have been sufficiently tested for safety.A) 所有的新药都未进行必要的安全检查。

B) 所有的新药都未必进行过充分的安全检查。

C) 并非所有的新药都进行了必要的安全检查。

D) 并非所有的新药都经过了充分的的安全检测。

4.First of all, our purpose is to apply science and technology to the solution of practical problems.A) 首先,提供解决实际问题的科学技术是我们的目标。

B) 首先,我们的目标是运用科学技术来解决实际问题。

C) 首先,我们的目标是在解决实际问题中依靠科学技术。

D) 首先,我们申请科技项目的目的是解决实际问题。

5.There is not quite so much activity in the stock exchange.A) 股票交易活动不是很多。

B) 股票交易没有那么多赚头。

C) 证券交易所里交易不怎么活跃。

D) 股市交易活动不像过去那么多。

6.It is quite common that customers don’t bargain about prices in the city.A) 常见的是城市的顾客不会讨价还价。

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The Cold Chain and its LogisticsAuthors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom 1. OverviewWhile Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separation of these same regions is still a very important reality. The greater the physical separation, the more likely freight can be damaged in one of the complex transport operations involved. Some goods can be damaged by shocks while others can be damaged by undue temperature variations. For a range of goods labeled as perishables, particularly food, their quality degrades with time since they maintain chemical reactions which rate can be mostly mitigated with lower temperatures. It takes time and coordination to efficiently move a shipment and every delay can have negative consequences, notably if this cargo is perishable. To ensure that cargo does not become damaged or compromised throughout this process, businesses in the pharmaceutical, medical and food industries are increasingly relying on the cold chain technology.The cold chain refers to the transportation of temperature sensitive products along a supply chain through thermal and refrigerated packaging methods and the logistical planning to protect the integrity of these shipments.Specialization has led many companies to not only rely on major shipping service providers such as the United Parcel Service (UPS) and FEDEX, but also more focused industry specialists that have developed a niche logistical expertise around the shipping of temperature sensitive products. The potential to understand local rules, customs and environmental conditions as well as an estimation of the length and time of a distribution route make them an important factor in global trade. As a result, the logistics industry is experiencing a growing level of specialization and segmentation of cold chain shipping in several potential niche markets within global commodity chains. Whole new segments of the distribution industry have been very active in taking advantage of the dual development of the spatial extension of supply chains supported by globalization and the significant variety of goods in circulation. From aneconomic development perspective, the cold chain enables many developing countries to take part in the global perishable products market. From a geographical perspective, the cold chain has the following impacts:•Global. Specialization of agricultural functions permitting the transport of temperature sensitive food products to distant markets. Enables the distribution of vaccines and other pharmaceutical or biological products.•Regional. Can support the specialization of functions and economies of scale, such as specialized laboratories.•Local. Timely distribution to the final consumer, namely grocery stores and restaurants.2. Emergence of Cold Chain LogisticsWhile global commodity chains are fairly modern expansions in the transportation industry, the refrigerated movement of temperature sensitive goods is a practice that dates back to 1797 when British fishermen used natural ice to preserve their fish stock piles. This process was also seen in the late 1800s for the movement of food from rural areas to urban consumption markets, namely dairy products. Cold storage was also a key component of food trade between colonial powers and their colonies. For example, in the late 1870s and early 1880s, France was starting to receive large shipments of frozen meat and mutton carcasses from South America, while Great Britain imported frozen beef from Australia and pork and other meat from New Zealand. By 1910, 600,000 tons of frozen meat was being brought into Great Britain alone. The first reefer ship for the banana trade was introduced in 1903 by the United Food Company. This enabled the banana to move from an exotic fruit that had a small market because it arrived in markets too ripe, to one of the world's most consumed fruit.The temperature controlled movement of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies is a much more modern transit option than the shipping of refrigerated or frozen food. Since the 1950s, logistical third party companies began to emerge and institute new methods for successfully transporting these global commodities. Before their emergence, cold chain processes were mostly managed in house by the manufacturer.In the United States, Food and Drug Administration restrictions and accountability measures over the stability of the cold chain incited many of these companies to rely on specialty couriers rather than completely overhauling their supply chain facilities.A specialized industry was thus born. The value of the cold chain in the preservation of expensive vaccines and medical supplies was only beginning to be recognized when these logistical providers started to appear. As awareness began to grow, so did the need for efficient management of the cold chain.The reliance on the cold chain continues to gain importance. Within the pharmaceutical industry for instance, the testing, production and movement of drugs relies heavily on controlled and uncompromised transfer of shipments. A large portion of the pharmaceutical products that move along the cold chain are in the experiment or developmental phase. Clinical research and trials is a major part of the industry that costs millions of dollars, but one that also experiences a failure rate of around 80%. According to the Healthcare Distribution Management Association, of the close to 200 billion dollars in pharmaceutical distribution, about 10% are drugs that are temperature sensitive. This makes the cold chain responsible for transporting a near 20 billion dollar investment. If these shipments should experience any unanticipated exposure to variant temperature levels, they run the risk of becoming ineffective or even harmful to patients.Temperature control in the shipment of foodstuffs is a component of the industry that has continued to rise in necessity with international trade. As a growing number of countries focus their export economy around food and produce production, the need to keep these products fresh for extended periods of time has gained in importance. Increasing income levels create a change in diet with amongst others a growing appetite for fresh fruit and higher value foodstuffs such as meat and fish. Persons with higher socioeconomic status and with more economic means are more likely to consume vegetables and fruit, particularly fresh, not only in higher quantities but also in greater variety. Consumers with increasing purchase power have become preoccupied with healthy eating, therefore producers and retailers have responded with an array of exotic fresh fruits originating from around the world.Any major grocery store around the world is likely to carry tangerines from South Africa, apples from New Zealand, bananas from Costa Rica and asparagus from Mexico. Thus, a cold chain industry has emerged to service these commodity chains. In 2002, an estimated 1200 billion dollars' worth of food was transported by a fleet of 400,000 refrigerated containers (Reefers). Alone, the United States imports about 30% of its fruits and vegetables and 20% of its food exports can be considered perishables. The uncompromised quality and safety of this food is often taken for granted, despite being the main reason behind the ability to sell the food. The cold chain serves the function of keeping food fresh for extended periods and eliminating doubts over the quality of the food products. In all the supply chains it is concerned with, cold chain logistics favor higher levels of integration since maintaining temperature integrity requires a higher level of control of all the processes involved. It may even incite third party logistics providers to acquire elements of the supply chain where time and other performance factors are the most important, even farming. This may involve the acquisition of produce farms (e.g. oranges) to insure supply reliability.3. Providing Temperature Controlled EnvironmentsThe success of industries that rely on the cold chain comes down to knowing how to ship a product with temperature control adapted to the shipping circumstances. Different products require different temperature level maintenance to ensure their integrity throughout the travel process. For instance, the most common temperature standards are "banana" (13 °C), "chill" (2 °C), "frozen" (-18 °C) and "deep frozen" (-29 °C). Staying within this temperature is vital to the integrity of a shipment along the supply chain and for perishables it enables to insure and optimal shelf life. Any divergence can result in irrevocable and expensive damage; a product can simply lose any market or useful value.Being able to ensure that a shipment will remain within a temperature range for an extended period of time comes down largely to the type of container that is used and the refrigeration method. Factors such as duration of transit, the size of the shipment and the ambient or outside temperatures experienced are important in deciding what type of packaging is required. They can range from small insulated boxes that requiredry ice or gel packs, rolling containers, to a 53 footer reefer which has its own powered refrigeration unit. The major cold chain technologies involve:•Dry ice. Solid carbon dioxide, is about -80°C and is capable of keeping a shipment frozen for an extended period of time. It is particularly used for the shipping of pharmaceuticals, dangerous goods and foodstuffs. Dry ice does not melt, instead it sublimates when it comes in contact with air.•Gel packs. Large shares of pharmaceutical and medicinal shipments are classified as chilled products, which means they must be stored in a temperature range between 2 and 8°C. The common method to provide this temperature is to use gel packs, or packages that contain phase changing substances that can go from solid to liquid and vice versa to control an environment. Depending on the shipping requirements, these packs can either start off in a frozen or refrigerated state. Along the transit process they melt to liquids, while at the same time capturing escaping energy and maintaining an internal temperature.•Eutectic plates. The principle is similar to gel packs. Instead, plates are filled with a liquid and can be reused many times.•Liquid nitrogen. An especially cold substance, of about -196°C, used to keep packages frozen over a long period of time. Mainly used to transport biological cargo such as tissues and organs. It is considered as an hazardous substance for the purpose of transportation.•Quilts. Insulated pieces that are placed over or around freight to act as buffer in temperature variations and to maintain the temperature relatively constant. Thus, frozen freight will remain frozen for a longer time period, often long enough not to justify the usage of more expensive refrigeration devices. Quilts can also be used to keep temperature sensitive freight at room temperature while outside conditions can substantially vary (e.g. during the summer or the winter).•Reefers. Generic name for a temperature controlled container, which can be a van, small truck, a semi or a standard ISO container. These containers, which are insulated, are specially designed to allow temperature controlled air circulation maintained by an attached and independent refrigeration plant. The term increasingly apply torefrigerated forty foot ISO containers.Perishable or temperature sensitive items are carried in refrigerated containers (called "reefers"), that account for a growing share of the refrigerated cargo being transported around the world. While in 1980 33% of the refrigerated transport capacity in maritime shipping was containerized, this share rapidly climbed to 47% in 1990, 68% in 2000 and 90% in 2010. About 1.69 million TEUs of reefers were being used by 2009. All reefers are painted white to increase the albedo (share of the incident light being reflected; high albedo implies less solar energy absorbed by the surface) with the dominant size being 40 high-cube footers (45R1 being the size and type code). For instance a low albedo container can have its internal temperature increase to 50 °C when the external temperature reaches 25 °C on a sunny day while a high albedo container see its internal temperature increase to only 38 °C under the same conditions.The refrigeration unit of a reefer requires an electric power source during transportation and at a container yard. Regular containerships have 10 to 20% of their slots adapted to carry reefers, with some ships having up to 25% of their slots being dedicated. It is important to underline that the refrigeration units are designed to maintain the temperature within a prefixed range, not to cool it down. This implies that the shipment must be brought to the required temperature before being loaded into a reefer, which requires specialized warehousing and loading / unloading facilities. A new generation of reefers is coming online, which are equipped with an array of sensors monitoring effectively the temperature and shutting the cooling plant when unnecessary. This enables to improve the reliability of temperature control and well as extend the autonomy of the reefer.The growth of the intermodal transportation of reefers has increasingly required transport terminals, namely ports, to dedicate a part of their storage yards to reefers. This accounts between 1% to 5% of the total terminal capacity, but can be higher for transshipment hubs. The stacking requirements simply involve having an adjacent power outlet, but the task is more labor intensive as each container must be plugged and unplugged manually and the temperature to be monitored regularly as it is theresponsibility of the terminal operator to insure that the reefers keep their temperature within preset ranges. This may also forbid the usage of an overhead gantry crane implying that the reefer stacking area can be serviced by different equipment. Even if reefers involve higher terminal costs, they are very profitable due to the high value commodities they transport.4. The Setting and Organization of Cold ChainsMoving a shipment across the supply chain without suffering any setbacks or temperature anomalies requires the establishment of a comprehensive logistical process the maintain the shipment integrity. This process concerns several phases ranging from the preparation of the shipments to final verification of the integrity of the shipment at the delivery point:•Shipment preparation. When a temperature sensitive product is being moved, it is vital to first assess its characteristics. A key issue concerns the temperature conditioning of the shipment, which should be already at the desired temperature. Cold chain devices are commonly designed to keep a temperature constant, but not to bring a shipment to this temperature, so they would be unable to perform adequately if a shipment is not prepared and conditioned. Other concerns include the destination of the shipment and the weather conditions for those regions, such as if the shipment will be exposed to extreme cold or heat along the transport route.•Modal choice. Several key factors play into how the shipment will be moved. Distance between the origin and the final destination (which often includes a set of intermediary locations), the size and weight of the shipment, the required exterior temperature environment and any time restrictions of the product all effect the available transportation options. Short distances can be handled with a van or truck, while a longer trip may require an airplane or a container ship.•Custom procedures. If the freight crosses boundaries, custom procedures can become very important, since cold chain products tend to be time sensitive and more subject to inspection than regular freight (e.g. pharmaceuticals and biological samples). The difficulty of this task differs depending on the nation (or economic bloc) and the gateway since there are variations in procedures and delays.•The "Last Mile". The last stage is the actual delivery of the shipment to its destination, which in logistics is often known as the “last mile”. Key considerations when arranging a final delivery concern not only the destination, but the timing. Trucks and vans, the primary modes of transportation for this stage, must meet the specifications necessary to transfer the cold chain shipment. Also important is the final transfer of the shipment into the storage facilities as there is potential for a breach of integrity.•Integrity and quality assurance. After the shipment has been delivered, any temperature recording devices or known temperature anomalies must be recorded and made known. This is the step of the logistical process that creates trust and accountability, particularly if liability for a damaged shipment is incurred. If problems or anomalies that compromise a shipment do occur, an effort must be made to identify the source and find corrective actions.Therefore, the setting and operation of cold chains is dependent on the concerned supply chains since each cargo unit to be carried has different requirements in terms of demand, load integrity and transport integrity.5. Food TransportationThere is a variety of methods for the transport of food products with the banana accounting for the world's most significant commodity transported in the food cold chain with 20% of all seaborne reefers trade. Land, sea and air modes all have different structures for keeping food fresh throughout the transport chain. Innovations in packaging, fruit and vegetable coatings, bioengineering (controlled ripening), and other techniques reducing the deterioration of food products have helped shippers extend the reach of perishable products. For food products such as fruits and vegetables, time has a direct impact on their shelf life and therefore on the potential revenue a consignment may generate. Concomitantly, new transport technologies have permitted the shipment of perishable products over longer distances. For instance, improved roads and intermodal connections along the African coast reduced transport time for food to European markets from 10 days to 4 days.Certain domestic or transnational supply chains may only require one transportationmode, but many times ground shipments are one link in a combination of transport modes. This makes intermodal transfer critical for the cold chain. Intermodal shipments typically use either 20 or 40 footers refrigerated containers that are capable of holding up to 26 tons of food. The container makes loading and unloading periods shorter and less susceptible to experiencing damage. The environments in these containers are currently controlled electronically by either plugging into a generator or power source on the ship or truck, but early food shipments would cycle air from stores of wet or dry ice to keep the food refrigerated. The efficiency of cold chain logistics permitted the consolidation of cold storage facilities.Moving away from ice refrigeration has allowed for much greater distances to be traveled and has greatly increased the size of the global food market, enabling many developing countries to capture new opportunities. Another efficient mode for transporting foodstuffs is air travel. While this is a preferred form of travel for highly perishable and valuable goods due to its ability to move much faster over longer distances, it does lack the environment control and transfer ease of the ground and sea transports. Also, during the flight the cargo is stored in a 15°C – 20°C environment, but close to 80% of the time the package is exposed to exterior weather while waiting to be loaded onto the plane or being moved to and from the airfield. This is troubling considering the value of the food and the importance placed behind quality and freshness. In order for this form of food transport to experience growth among market users, more uncompromising strategies and regulations will have to be embraced and enacted.Food transportation is an industry that has fully adapted to the cold chain and can, despite the problems with air transport, be considered the most resilient, particularly since a large majority of food products have a better tolerance to temporary variations of transport temperatures. As a result, small errors can be compounded without the concern of irreversible damage. For instance, for the transportation of produces, for every hour of delay in the pre-cooling of shipments, an equivalent one day loss of shelf life must be accounted. The usage of refrigerated containers has particularly helped, since they account for more than 50% of all the refrigerated cargo transportedin the world. Source loading can be an important factor extending the shelf life of a cold chain product since it is loaded in a reefer directly at the place of production without additional handling. For instance, source loading into a reefer can expand the shelf life of chilled meat by about 25 days (from 30-35 days to 55-60 days) from conventional methods and thus considerably expand the market potential of the product.The efficiency and reliability of temperature controlled transportation has reached a point which allows the food industry to take advantage of global seasonable variations, meaning that during the winter the southern hemisphere can export perishable goods to the northern hemisphere while an opposite trade, generally of smaller scale, takes place during the summer. Countries such as Chile have substantially benefited from this and have developed an active agricultural and food transformation industry mainly servicing the North American market during the winter, but also with several niche markets such as wine. A similar issue concerns some African countries such as Kenya that have developed a fresh produce and flower industries catering the European market. The fast food industry is also an active user of cold chain logistics as every outlet can be considered as a factory, with dozens of workers with schedules and shifts, inventory management and the supply chain of components (many of which are temperature sensitive), and which are assembly lines producing quality-controlled and high-volume products.冷链及其物流1.概观虽然全球化使世界小得多的地区之间的相对距离,这些地区的物理分离仍是一个非常重要的现实。
