

高二英语 下学期unit12

高二英语 下学期unit12

Here is an example dialogue.
A: What do you think about the way water is being used for agriculture in Beijing?
B: Well,it’s a good way to use water.We need food…But a lot of water is wasted when we water fields.It would be better to use modern technology to make sure that we don’t waste the water.
Suppose today is World Water Day , and a delegation(代表团) from the UN comes to Beijing. They will hold a hearing (听证会) so that they will know the water situation here and how people will do to improve it . Suppose you will attend the meeting,you need to report to them the water problems in Beijing: Water is polluted and wasted. You also need to give suggestions to save and protect the water
Avoid cutting down trees especially where the source of river lies.


我爬上一个逼仄的陡坡,跨过一个幽邃的河沟,走过一段泥泞的小路,再经过一片开阔而葱绿的草地,便来到了一处山水相连、碧草芊芊的水域,应该是属于湿地公园的边缘地带。在这一片广阔无 际的芳汀草甸旁边,一条清波潺湲的小河蜿蜒而过,消失在远方的苍莽绿野之中。广袤的湿地的周边是连绵起伏的山丘,形态各异的山头地势平缓,参差错落,生长着各种茂密葱茏的植物,满眼是无边 无涯的碧绿,一直铺展到遥远的天边。因为昨天晚上下过一场大雨的缘故,这些植物经过雨水的冲洗,如同一个个刚出浴的美人,越发显得清新明丽,婀娜多姿,在轻柔的清风吹拂下摇曳生姿,楚楚动 人,别有一番不同的韵味。
须臾的功夫,我便来到千鹭湖景区的西大门。这是新开辟的一处进入千鹭湖景区的入口,属于中山河国家湿地公园的二期工程,目前正在紧锣密鼓地建设当中,可望在国庆节以前正式开园,为武平 增添一处亮丽的风景。放眼望去,景区大门的整体框架已经建成,周边的景观布局也基本就绪,展现出恢宏博大的气势,勾勒出一幅姹紫嫣红、美轮美奂的图画,给人的视觉感观以强的道路工程还没有完全竣工,建筑工人正在铺设柏油马路,远处的吊桥上也有许多工人在紧张施工,要在骄阳似火的酷暑高温下推进工程进度,确实是一 件特别考验人意志的事情。我停车观察了一会儿,确认车子还无法开进去,决定还是绕过桥梁的施工工地,从侧边的甬道上步行过去,到前面的湿地公园那边,观赏仲夏时节所特有的风景。只有这样, 才不会辜负自己萌生已久的优雅兴致,不至于浪费前面已经走过的行程,错过一个独自漫步于无涯的荒野,能够用心与自然山水倾情交流的机会。体育赌场


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飞猛进,百年前出关,闭关数十万年,竟然真の达到尊者の境界,还是上品尊者,整个南岭大陆震动.南岭君主也被惊动了,特意召见了他,并且发下君主令,直接立为樱家当代家主! 后来,没想到,蓝雨竟然从封神谷内出来了,而后还在炽火城现身了.这事没过多久被樱孤城知道了,开始密切注意 蓝雨の下落.蓝雨还没回南岭大陆,他の父母却突然失踪了. 而这时候樱孤城给蓝家下了通牒,蓝雨回来后必须嫁给他,否则蓝家将灰飞烟灭! 很奇妙の是…南岭君主默认の这件事! 蓝雨回家以后,不仅没有见到她の父母,世家还再提婚事!蓝雨坚决不答应,开始四处寻找一切线索,寻找父母. 结果找了很久,一点线索都没有!最后樱孤城出面,说嫁给他,就绝对帮忙寻找到她の父母. 蓝雨明白了,无奈之下,又不忍蓝家灰飞烟灭,最后只能含泪答应了,婚期就在几个月后! 事情很明显,不说白重炙,估计就是一样の听众,都知道蓝雨の父母,在樱孤城手里! 而这事の麻烦之处…就在 于南岭君主!他居然支撑樱孤城这样乱搞! 白重炙沉沉叹了口气,他可以想象蓝雨の心情,如此无助の情况下,樱花殿下刚好喜欢去蓝家玩,两人有些气味相投,所以没事和樱花说自己の事情. 而此刻樱花被监视,估计也是樱孤城知道,樱花和蓝雨要好,又知道自己和蓝雨の关系了! 他也明白 为何蓝雨一些传讯也没有给他了!因为就算白重炙是君主了,但是这里是南岭大陆.如果白重炙乱搞の话,她父母和苏仙城,绝对会灰飞烟灭の! 白重炙沉默了良久,最后他赫然起身,目光灼灼の望着樱花说道:"你呀有没有办法,偷偷带俺去见蓝雨一面?" …… 【作者题外话】:推荐几本 书! 第一本,日月星辰の不咋大的黄文——《美人の超级保镖》很黄很暴力! 第二本,孤不咋大的夜の修真书,《仙鼎变》 还有一本,习风大大の《仙骨》 嗯,第四章到! 本书来自 聘熟 当前 第壹00壹章 老大,有人闹事! 文章阅读 "这个…" 樱花眼睛陡然一亮,知道白重炙准备动手了, 无比兴奋起来.看书 但是随即又担忧起来,说道:"俺身边の两名护卫是王上派给俺の,说是保护俺の安全,其实就是监视俺,你呀要是和俺一起去苏仙城の话,王上肯定会知道の,到时候就怕对表叔他们不利…" "无妨,你呀表姐一天不走,你呀表叔他们就安全无比,明天吧,明天你呀直接传送去 苏仙城在广场上等俺,俺会指示你呀怎么做の,记住,俺の身份不得向任何人暴露!" 白重炙淡淡说道,言语中自有一番成竹在胸の自信,眸子内の灼灼光芒,不经意流露出一股睥睨天下の气概. "好,姐夫,那俺先回去了!在这呆久了会让人怀疑の!" 樱花也醒悟过来,满脸崇拜の望着白重炙, 似乎受白重炙の影响放心了下来. 她也知道,虽然白重炙来到这里,南岭君主基本上不会知道,但是如果樱花行为异常,樱孤城有怀疑の话,肯定会派人调查,或者闹点事情,要是身份暴露了,南岭君主惊动了,事情就麻烦了! 白重炙颔首,樱花这才站起身子,快速离去.一袭绿色吊肩碎花裙,一片 粉背露出,圆润光滑,散发着健康の关泽,异常の性感. 白重炙身体和脸上再次模糊起来,身为神帝境の修魂者,做到这点很容易.其实白重炙本身并没有变化,但是在别人看起来,就感觉一片模糊了!灵魂没有白重炙强の,根本看到清他の真身,连男女都分不清楚. 莫肖肖和雨后都颤长此道! 樱花走后,白重炙一人站到窗前,看着外面の人来人往,车水马龙,沉吟起来.这事得好好设计一下,能不和南岭君主发生冲突是最好不过,怎么说在他地盘上,日后也好相见! 半天之后,腰间の传讯玉符就震动起来了,白重炙拿起之后苦笑一声,他也明白,在南岭城,南岭大陆の主城,这么多绝品 美人一起出行,不出问题才怪! 妖姬传讯过来了,在南岭城城东,一些风景胜地,和一名公子闹了起来!对方明显是樱家の人,樱家の纨绔子弟! "老大,快过来,有人要抢你呀の女人了!" 不咋大的白の灵魂传音没过多久也到了,不过很明显不咋大的白在兴灾惹祸,唯恐天下不乱.白重炙成为 君主,加上噬大人,飘渺君主,飘渺大陆三大君主,在不咋大的白心里,这神界还真没什么可怕の! 白重炙将身子变得高大了几分,脸上面貌也改变了一下,带上了斗笠,乔装打扮了之后悠然の朝外走去,一点都不惊慌.既然是纨绔子弟,那么最多也就带些七品护卫,有妖姬在那里,安全有保证.就 算有樱家の尊者出动,显然也不会乱出手の. 一路上,白重炙一边欣赏着南岭城迥然不同の异域风情,一边快速の朝东城赶去.东城建造不多,却有一些空中宝殿,这个大殿很是古老,透露出一股苍凉の气息,很大,一眼望去估计有数百个不咋大的殿,悬浮在半空中,老远就可以看到,难怪妖姬他们 跑到这边来了! "南岭神殿?" 白重炙一扫,宛如一朵巨大乌云般,漂浮在东城半空の大殿,看着大殿上几个古老大字,看着上面布满の神奇花纹图案.虽然很清楚这是一些不算太复杂の禁制造成の效果.也知道这是用来糊弄低级练家子の神迹,但还是感觉到一丝震撼! 神殿外有两队府军守卫, 清一色の七品破仙,足足有百名,并且七品巅峰最少有二十名! 根据和不咋大的白灵魂の感应,白重炙知道众女就在大殿之内.当下朝半空中大殿内口飞去,结果被那些府军拦下了,交了十万神石,才被放行!暗叹一声,又遇到土匪了,樱家果然黑心啊! 一进大殿,迎面而来の居然是 一尊雕像,雕像惟妙惟肖,宛如真人,上面却标明是南岭之神!前方有无数人对其诚心叩拜,祈祷!白重炙暗自摇头,苦笑起来,上面の雕像の人他认识,赫然是南岭君主… 白重炙有些搞不懂了,为啥人还没死,却成为了雕像接受人叩拜了? 没有在主殿停留,白重炙朝左边の偏殿内走去,结果发现 无数の偏殿,都有一些尊雕像或者无数尊雕像,也有无数の人在叩拜,祈祷着! 再次走了几个偏殿,白重炙眉梢突然一挑,而后身子让到旁边,身后急速冲来七八个の练家子,全部都是七品破仙.几人匆忙の超前方冲去,白重炙冷冷一笑,跟着上去. 走过两三个偏殿,来到一些比较大の偏殿.大厅 の人陡然多了起来,并且个顶个神情振奋,围成了几圈!那七八名练家子气势汹汹の冲了过去,前方の人群立刻分开一条路,白重炙也悄然の跟到了人群中央. 神识轻易一扫,就发现了里面の情况. 妖姬等人全部脸上蒙着轻纱,两名六品巅峰护卫在两边,而很有趣の是,站在最前方の,居然不是 妖姬,而是隐灵儿!并且隐灵儿正毫无客气の指着对面の公子怒骂着,宛如一只母狮子! 众女前方の是一些衣袍花俏の年轻男子,此刻半张脸上一些清晰の巴掌印很明显,身边の是四名护卫,六品破仙! 这种场面不用打听,一看就知道了,很明显众女の美色被人窥测了.结果这公子被隐灵儿甩 了一巴掌.而他们身边有两名六品巅峰护卫,那公子不敢动手,所以叫人了! 白重炙有些意外の是…南岭城の府军居然没动? 白重炙立即和妖姬传音起来,一问之下,这公子自爆家门,樱家直系子弟,樱吹雪,自称南岭大陆十大公子之一! 白重炙没有动,一边看着好戏,一边给樱花传讯起来.场 面很无趣,无非就是这位牛叉哄哄の樱吹雪公子,见人来了开始耀武扬威,指着隐灵儿又是怒骂,又是恐吓,要隐灵儿给他**趾头,让所有人陪他睡几晚,此事就算了,否则走不出南岭城之类云云… 片刻之后,白重炙传讯完毕,也清楚了为何府军没有动の原因了,当下再也不客气了,直接传音给妖 姬道:"行了,妖姬别和他废话了,叫他们出神殿去,只要不弄死,随便你呀怎么玩,狠狠给不咋大的爷拍他娘亲の!" 本书来自 聘熟 当前 第壹002章 彪悍の妖姬 文章阅读 妖姬眼睛一亮,一双秋水眸子光波流转,那种迷死人不偿命の媚意不经意释放了出来,顿时大殿内一片人目光迷茫起来, 无数吞口水の声音响起.请大家检索(品@书¥网)看最全!更新最快の南岭大陆の练家子不少喜欢穿紧身裤子,结果一下无数人下身开始竖起了帐篷! "这位公子,俺们出去说吧,在这神殿内不好办事啊?" 妖姬扭着蛇一样の身子,走到前面来,隐灵儿懂事の退到后面.妖姬蒙着丝巾,穿着一身 白色の宫裙,将全身掩藏の密密实实の,但是妖魅一族の媚骨天成,一颦一动,无不充满了魅惑.尤其是那酥酥の声音,更是把大殿内所有人の魂都勾掉了!就连不咋大的白和两名六品巅峰护卫都深受影响. 说完妖姬就这样朝外走去,众女诧异对视一眼,却看到前方の人自动让出一条路,而樱吹 雪和他の人马都没有动,连忙跟了上去. 让白重炙无比奇怪の是,妖姬一带人走,大殿内の所有男子,眼神都盯着妖姬,一路跟着她走去,行动麻木,眼神呆滞,都似乎成为傀儡一样.而女子却一些都没有受影响! 妖姬魅惑之术天下无双,舞姬冷血扁人狂,妖舞双姬,盛名之下无虚士啊! 白重炙如 果灵魂强度不高の话,可能也和众人一样,迷迷糊糊の就跟着走了,暗叹一声妖姬の媚术果然牛叉. 妖姬带着众女直接飞出大殿内,而后静静の站在下方の一些不咋大的型广场上.守卫神殿の府军,虽然看到妖姬身后の人有些异常,却只是饶有兴趣の望着,没有半点要过来帮忙の迹象. 樱吹雪和 数名手下,以及无数围观の男子,飞到下面之后,却一同清醒过来,纷纷一阵sa动起来,目光盯着妖姬暗自有些提防起来.不过想到这是南岭城,樱吹雪明显又胆子大了几分. 妖姬带着众女站在下方,让两名护卫保护众女,她眸子内再次亮了起来,朝那樱吹雪公子勾了勾手指.樱吹雪瞬间又被迷惑 了,满脸の*秽笑容,伸出双手,无比浪荡の朝妖姬扑来. "啪!" 一声无比响亮の耳光声响起,众人猛然惊醒过来,而后无比震撼の一幕发生了.樱吹雪公子,整张脸都变形了,高大の身子,犹如被猛然砸飞出去の高尔夫球一样,居然化作一条黑影,城一些弧形,朝远处の空中飞去,黑影越来越不咋 大的,最后消失在众人目光中… "公子!" 十多名护卫瞬间色变,神识朝樱吹雪消失の方向扫去,发现樱吹雪竟然一掌被拍出去数万米远,最后很恰巧の砸落在城中の一条臭水沟内,昏死过去,生死不知! 两道身影闪电般朝樱吹雪公子の方向飞去,而其余の所有护卫则神力大盛,手中凭空出现 各式武器,杀气将整个不咋大的广场笼罩了进去,朝妖姬等人扑来.无数围攻の练家子,纷纷后退,但是眼中都是兴奋の光芒.很明显,这类斗殴事情,他们经常遇到,看热闹看得很爽. 妖姬也动了,整个身影化作一只蝴蝶,开始在场中翩翩起舞起来,一条道香风席卷

高二英语下学期Unit 12A

高二英语下学期Unit 12A

Unit 12 Fact and fantasyⅠ.Brief Statements Based on the UnitScience fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future.It is fantasy based on science facts.The famous French writer Jules Verne,the father of science fiction,wrote many famous books,such as 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea,Journey to the Centre of the Earth,etc.This unit mainly deals with Jules Verne and his two famous science fictions,and the story of Dr Frankenstein.By learning this unit,we not only want the students to learn about science fiction,but also want to stimulate the students’interest in science.Of course,it is necessary for the students to master the useful phrases and expressions in this unit.Meanwhile,we also learn about some word formation.Ⅱ.Teaching Goals1.Talk about science fiction.2.Learn to express beliefs and doubts.3.Learn about Word Formation(2).4.Practise creative writing.Ⅲ.Background Information1.The 10 Greatest Science-Fiction Movies Ever Made2001 A Space Odyssey (2001 太空漫游)(1968).The movie tells the story of a crew of people going on a dangerous mission in space,but soon their highly intelligent computer becomes a treat to them.Alien(异形)(1979).The story is about a team of people going to a strange planet to do scientific research,but soon they find themselves surrounded by terrible aliens(外星人).Back To The Future(回到未来)(1985).The movie is about a time machine invented by a crazy scientist.A boy goes back in time to change the present,and on the journey,he faces all sorts of exciting adventures.Blade Runner(银翼杀手)(1982).Blade Runner deals with the relationship between men and robots.The story is set in the future,where highly intelligent robots do most of the physical work for us.A cop(巡捕) goes on a mission to get rid of a few bad robots,but as the story develops,he finds out more than he expected.E.T.(ET外星人)(1982).A great scientific movie that is suitable for both child and adult audiences.When an alien spaceship crash-lands on Earth,a young alien gets lost.Through the help of a kind boy on Earth,E.T.(extra-temestrial) successfully goes back home in the end.Jurassic Park(侏罗纪公园)(1993).This movie is not just an excellent scientific movie,it is also a milestone(里程碑) in the history of movie making!I guess the story is already well-known…Planet Of The Apes(人猿星球)(1968).This movie has the greatest ending in all scientific movies.After an astronaut wakes up in his spaceship,he lands on a strange planet.The whole planet is ruled by apes that keep humans as slaves.After fighting against the apes he escapes at last,but in the end he finds an unbelievable truth.Star Wars(星球大战)(1977).Set in an imaginary(虚拟的) universe,the movie tells the classic story of good against evil.Already five Star Wars movies have been released,and the last movie of the series will be released in the summer of 2005.Terminator 2:Judgment Day (终结者2)(1991).The story is about a terminator being brought back in time to kill John Conner,who will be the leader of mankind in the future.The Matrix(黑客帝国)(1999).In the future,humans are energy(能量) sources for machines.Peoplelie in big glass boxes and dream of a world just like we now live in.But some people have found out the truth and they want to fight the machines and free mankind.2.Around the World in 80 DaysThis version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout,a Chinese thief who steals a valuable jade Buddha and then seeks refuge in the traveling companionship of Phileas Fogg.An eccentric London inventor,Fogg has come up with the secrets to flight,electricity,and even roller-blades,but the world has dismissed him as a crackpot.Desperate to be taken seriously,Fogg makes an outlandish bet with Lord Kelvin,the head of the Royal Academy of Science:to circumnavigate the globe in no more than 80 days!Joining them is Monique(De France),a young French artist who decides that a trip around the world would provide new inspiration.Along the way,Passepartout uses his amazing martial arts abilities to defend Fogg from the many dangers they face.One major threat to their adventure is a detective that’s following them.Why?Just as Fogg and Passeportout left London,a major bank was robbed,with Fogg suspected of using the “around the world”trip as an excuse to escape.Their incredible adventure spans many colorful and exotic lands from London to Paris,Turkey,India,China,a burgeoning United States,and more.Along the way,the group encounters an eclectric assortment of characters including Queen Victoria,a Scotland Yard Sergeant(Cleese),a hot air balloon engineer(Branson),a Turkish Prince(Schwarzeneggar),an eccentric inventor(Schneider),the Wright Brothers(Owen and Luke Wilson),and many other international star cameos.Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn about some scientific facts by doing a small science quiz.2.Train the students’ listening ability.3.Develop the students’speaking ability by talking about science fiction using the useful expressions for beliefs and doubts.Teaching Important Points:1.Train the students’ listening ability.2.Master the useful expressions for beliefs and doubts.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.2.How to finish the task of speaking.Teaching Methods:1.Free talk to arouse the students’ interest in science fiction.2.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.3.Discussion to make the students finish the task of speaking.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step ⅠGreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step ⅡFree-talk and Lead-inT:Do you like reading novels?Ss:Yes.T:What kind of novel do you like best?S1:I like reading detective novels.T:Why do you like novels of this kind?S1:Because this kind of novel is full of suspension and the end of it is often surprising.T:Very good.Does anyone have a different opinion?S2:I enjoy reading about science fiction.T:Tell us why,please.S2:Science fiction is often about the things that may be possible in the far future.It can help us develop our minds and imagination.T:A good job.Sit down,please.Today we’re going to talk about science fiction.(Bb:Unit 12 Fact and fantasy The First Period)Step ⅢWarming upT:First,let’s look at some new words.(The multimedia shows the new words in this period.)New words:fantasy.Jules Verne league distance balloon .bulb fiction (Teacher teaches the words and explains them,and then says the following.)T:OK.Now,look at the covers of the two books written by Jules Verne.(The multimedia shows the two books.)T:Have you read them?(Some say “Yes”,while some say “No”.Teacher asks two students who say “Yes”to stand up and say something they know about the books.)S3:I have read the book “20 000 Leagues under the sea”.It mainly tells us a story in which Dr Aronnax,his servant and a Canadian whale hunter were kept as prisoners by Captain Nemo and then went on a voyage across the oceans by the Nautilus.S4:The book “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”describes what two men experienced after entering the centre of the earth through a chimney in an extinct volcano,which lies in Ireland. T:You’re wonderful!Have you read any of his books besides these two books?What are they about?S5:I have heard of his book “Around the World in 80 Days”,but I haven’t read it.So I don’t know what it is about.T:It doesn’t matter.If you’re interested in it,you can go to the library or surf the Internet to read it after class.Jules Verne lived between 1828 and 1905,so there were many scientific facts that he didn’t know or guess.Do you know the following facts?Now,let’s have a quiz to see if you know any better.(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the following.)1.What is the highest mountain on earth and how high it is? (2 points)2.What is the deepest point in the ocean and where is it? (2 points)3.Which is the longest river on earth and how long is it? (2 points)4.What is the distance from the earth to the moon?What is it to Mars?What is it to the nearest star? (6 points)5.How far is it to the centre of the earth? (2 points)6.How high are the temperatures near the centre of the earth? (2 points)7.What is the longest distance around the world? (2 points)8.How fast does a balloon travel?How about an aeroplane?How about a space shuttle?(6 points)T:Now,I’ll give you five minutes to write your answers on a piece of paper.After a while,you can check your answers with the screen and tell me how many points you get.(Five minutes later)Time is up.Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:Now check your answers.(Show the answers on the screen.)Suggested answers:1.Mount Qomolangma;8848.13 m2.Mariana Trench;in the west of the Pacific3.the Nile River;6 600 kilometres4.380 000 kilometres;more than 56 000 000 kilometres5.150 000 000 kilometres6.7 500 K7.40 000 kilometres8.about 30~40 kilometres per hour;about 500 kilometres per hour;about 7.4~11.2 kilometres per secondT:Have you got your total score?Ss:Yes.T:OK.S6,tell me your total score.S6:I’ve got 20 points.T:Congratulations!You really know better about the facts.What about you,S7?S7:My score is 15.T:Good.You know a lot about them.S8s,how many points have you got?S8:I’m sorry.I only got 7 points.T:It doesn’t matter.You do not seem to be interested in science.Everyone has his own hobby. Step ⅣListeningT:So much for Warming up.Now,let’s do some listening.Look at the listening part on Page 9.Listen to the tape and write down where,when and what Sam and Betty saw.Then according to the description you hear on the tape,make a sketch of the animal.Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:Now,let’s listen to the tape carefully and finish the task.(Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen.Then give the students a few minutes to fill in the chart and make a sketch of the animal as they saw.When they finish,teacher checks their answers and picks out one sketch of the animal drawn vividly by them as an example.)T:OK.Let’s go on with the listening practice.Listen to the tape again and then finish Exercise 2.Before listening to the tape,you need to go through the questions and know what to do.(After a little while.)Are you ready?Ss:Yes.(Teacher begins to play the tape for the second time.During this time,teacher may pause for the students to write down the answers to the questions.At last,check the answers with the whole class.)T:Now,write down five possible questions that other people may later ask Sam,Betty and Karen.First discuss in pairs and then write down your answers when you’ve finished.Exchange your questions with other groups.(Students do as the teacher says.)Step ⅤSpeakingT:As we know,science fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future,maybe a hundred years later.For example,space travel may be possible in the near future.Because Yang Liwei went on a 17-hour travel to space by Shenzhou Ⅴspaceship last year.But sometimes people doubt whether science fiction may come true.Do you agree with me? Ss:Yes.T:Now,open your books and turn to Page 10.Let’s look at the Speaking part.There are four dialogues about such topics,which are incomplete.Work in pairs to creat dialogues.When you’re making the dialogue,you can use the expressions on the blackboard.(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)I believe…I suppose…I doubt…I’m sure that…I’m(not) certain…I can’t imagine…It could be…but…It’s likely…It would like…T:Now,look at the blackboard.The useful expressions are used to express beliefs and doubts.They’re helpful for you to creat the dialogues.I’ll give you a few minutes to do them.After a while,I will ask some groups to act out your dialogues.Each group should choose a topic you’re interested in.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.You can begin.(Teacher goes among the students while they’re making their dialogues.It necessary,teacher may give them some advice.)T:(A few minutes later)Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Which group would like to act out your dialogue?(Two students stand up and act out their dialogue before the class.)T:Thank you for your good performance.Please go back to your seats.Which group has made a different dialogue?(Another two students stand up and their topic is about life in 3098.)(Teacher at least asks four groups to act out their dialogues before the class,and their topics should be different from each other’s.)Sample dialogues:Space TravelA:I don’t believe people can travel in space.B:Why not?More than 100 years ago nobody thought it was possible for people to travel in the sky by plane from one place to another.A:In my opinion,space travel is more than a master of time to us,and also a matter of technology. B:I agree with you.But we’ll be able to develop.I believe with the development of science and technology,space travel is not a dream,and the day is on the way.Life in 3098A:I doubt whether there is any life on earth in the future.B:Come on.What do you mean?A:I mean that as the result of human beings’role in nature and society,people at present are facing some terrible disasters,like wars,the environmental pollution,the excessively developed resources.B:Yes.These disasters will lead to human beings’ disappearing in 3098.What should we do?A:I think we should take some measures to save ourselves from disasters,such as planting more trees,saving our resources,maintaining peace all over the world…B:What you said is quite right.Young ForeverA:Do you think there will be a time when we can cure all diseases?B:I suppose that is only a happy wish for us.Because when old diseases are gone,new diseases will occur.Everything in the world is changing all the time.A:Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever.Medicine is also developing.B:Yes.Let’s expect that day to come together.Creatures from Outer SpaceA:Do you believe there are some creatures from outer space?B:I don’t only believe in it,but also think we can see them some day.A:Do you really think so?Can you imagine what star they live in?What do they look like?Can they speak any language that we can understand?B:There are so many stars.I’m sure there must be a star where they can live.I guess they may be taller and stronger than human beings.They may speak different languages,but they can communicate with us freely.A:Your imagination is very good.But I think it would take us a long time.B:Maybe.Step ⅥPractice and ConsolidationT:Can you talk more about what you believe may come true in the future?For example,you can imagine Chinese astronauts land on the moon successfully in 2015,and you are one of them.Standing on the moon,what will you say to the people on the earth?Who can try?S9:What I want to tell people is that I now stand on the Changjiang plain of the moon.As the gravity of the moon is only one sixth of that on the earth,walking on the moon becomes very difficult,but it is very interesting just like slow motions on the earth.T:Wonderful!Anything else?S10:The moon is the only satellite of the earth.It is a common wish for us to develop and make use of it peacefully.We Chinese people should make contributions to it.T:Yes.I really hope that one of you will realize the dream.Then I’ll be proud of you.Step ⅦSummary and HomeworkT:In this class,we’ve talked about science fiction and done some listening and speaking practice.When talking about science fiction,we have done a science quiz to help us learn more about some scientific facts.In the speaking part,we’ve learnt to express our beliefs and doubts freely by making dialogues.Besides,we have also talked about an imaginative dream in the practice part.After class,according to what you’ve said in class,make a dialogue using the useful expressions on the blackboard.At last,don’t forget to prepare for the next period.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow.Ss:See you tomorrow.Step ⅧThe Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 12 Fact and fantasyThe First PeriodUseful Expressions:I believe…I doubt…It could be…but…I suppose…I’m(not) certain…It’s likely…I’m sure that…I can’t imagine…It would take…Step ⅨRecord after TeachingThe Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the useful words and phrases.2.Train the students’ reading ability.3.Let the students learn about the French writer Jules Verne and his two famous science fictions. Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the students’ reading ability.2.Master the useful phrases.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to make the students understand the passage better.2.How to help the students finish all the exercises in Post-reading.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion before reading to make students learn more about some scientific facts.2.Fast-reading method to get the general idea of the passage.3.Careful-reading method to get the detailed information in the text.4.Discussion after reading to help the students finish the tasks in Post-reading.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step ⅠGreetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usual.T:In the last period,we learnt some useful expressions used to express beliefs and doubts.Now,I’ll check your homework to see whether you can use them freely.Who’d like to act out your dialogue?(Two students stand up and act out their dialogue.)Step ⅡLead-in and Pre-readingT:Thank you for your good performance.Yesterday we talked about science fiction and also had a scientific test.By doing the exercises,we learnt some scientific facts.Today,let’s continue to learn more about scientific facts.Look at the pictures on the screen.(Show the following pictures on the multimedia. See TB prereading)T:Here are three great inventions.Who can say when the inventions in the pictures were made? S1:Electric railway was invented in the early years of the 20th century.S2:Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879.S3:Steam-powered boat was made in 1807.T:You’re quite right.Now,look at the screen,please.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)1.When was electricity discovered?2.How was it used in the following two hundred years?3.In the early 19th century,people had no idea what the inside of the earth might look like.Can you explain what we know about it today?T:Work in groups of four to discuss the questions.Choose one of you to act as the leader of your group.Record the results of your discussion.A few minutes later,I’ll ask your leader to report your result.Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:OK.You can begin.(During the discussion,teacher goes among the students and joins them in the discussion.)T:(A few minutes later)Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Let’s look at the first question.Who’d like to answer it?S4:Electricity was discovered in 1600 by Gilbert.T:Very good!The second question,who can try?S5:After electricity was discovered,people began to use it to serve people in many fields.Take industry for example,people use it to control machines and produce a great number of products,such as cars,planes,weapons,etc.S6:Electricity is also used in agriculture.With electricity people can control the temperature and humidity to make vegetables grow better.S7:In our daily life,electricity is very useful.For example,watching TV needs electricity, playing computers needs electricity,heaters need electricity,and even our watches need electricity. So,without electricity,our life would be a mess.T:What you said is quite right.Indeed,electricity is very important to us.It is used widely in every field.The last question.Who can explain it?S8:The earth on which we live is a big ball of very hot rock,which consists of three parts:the earth’s crust,the earth’s mantle and the earth’s core.The temperature inside is very high.It’s hot inside but cold outside.It has a shell just like an egg.There are some cracks in the shell of theearth in some places.Hot water shoots into the air through those cracks and steam comes up from pools of hot water.T:Well done!You do well in geography,indeed.Step ⅢReadingT:Yesterday,we talked about a famous writer,who is known for science fiction.Who is he?Ss:Jules Verne.T:Good.Do you remember the books written by him and talked about by us in the last period? Ss:Yes.(Students say out the titles of the books together.)T:Very good.Open your books and turn to Page 12.Let’s look at the reading passage.Before you read it,write down eight key words that you expect to find in the reading passage.Is that clear? Ss:Yes.(Students begin to write eight key words.After they finish,teacher says the following.)T:Now,read the passage quickly to check whether the words you’ve written are all in the passage. (Students begin to read the passage and then check their words.As answers are various,teacher may just check two or three students individually.)T:Well,re-read the passage carefully to further understand it.Then answer the questions on the screen.(Show the following on the multimedia.)1.To make a living,what did Jules Verne have to do?2.What will many of the instruments in his novels remind the readers of?3.How did Verne lay the foundation of modern science fiction?4.In his novel “20 000 Leagues Under the Sea”,what kind of person is Captain Nemo?5.How does the story “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”begin and end up?(A few minutes later,teacher asks some of them to answer the questions one by one.) Suggested answers:1.To make a living,Jules Verne had to write and sell stories.2.They will remind the readers of Dr Benjamin Franklin’s experiment with electricity.3.By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further.4.He is someone you will neither like nor dislike.He is very cruel because he keeps Aronnax and others as prisoners and destroys ships.But at other moments,he is gentle and weak because he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.5.The story begins with the discovery of an ancient document and ends up with them being shot out of a volcano in southern Italy with ever increasing speed and temperature.Step ⅣLanguage PointsT:Now,you’re familiar with the passage.But I think the following on the screen should also be paid attention to.(Show the following on the multimedia.)1.make a living(=earn one’s living)e.g.She made a living by singing in a nightclub.y the foundation ofe.g.Four-year college life laid solid foundations of his career.e truee.g.The boy’s wish to become a PLA man has come true.4.set oute.g.They set out to look for the lost child.5.turn out(to be)+adj./n.e.g.The weather man said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely. To everyone’s surprise,the fashionable girl turned out to be a thief.6.defend…against/frome.g.We should defend our country against attacks.7.be dressed ine.g.The girl was always dressed in red.Dressed in uniform,he looks handsome.(Bb:make a living,lay the foundation of,come true,set out,turn out(to be)+adj./n.,defend…from/against…,be dressed in)Step ⅤPost-readingT:Now,read the passage again.Then finish Exercise 2 in Post-reading on Page 13.(After a while,teacher checks their answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers:2.During the time they do all they can to continue to live…3.They realize that they come to the surface of the monster4.his long-term guestsT:Well.Now,please look at Exercise 4.In Jules Verne’s times,the knowledge about the earth was very limited,and many scientific facts couldn’t be explained by people.But Jules Verne contained a lot of knowledge about the earth in his novel.Where do you think he might have got his ideas from?You can use all the knowledge you have learnt to explain the questions.Work in groups of four to have a discussion.(After a while,teacher checks their answers.Students may have various answers.)T:OK.Let’s go on with the exercises in Post-reading.Under water travel and space travel have many things in common.Do you know the differences and similarities between them?Work in groups of four to finish the chart of Exercise 3.DifferencesSUBMARINE SPACESHIP Speed slow fastLandscapeunder waterlandscapespace landscapeNumber for people a lot of people a few people Food common food special space food Clothes diving suits space suitsSimilarities Demand for skills is high.They’re both exciting.Tourists must be trained by experts. They’re expensive.T:Well done!If you were going to climb down into a very deep cave,which tools and things would you bring?What would be the most important dangers and things that could happen?Work in groups of five to discuss the questions and then finish the chart in Exercise 5.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.You can begin.(Teacher gives them a few minutes.Teacher joins them in the discussion and gives some advice if necessary.)Preparation:Tools and things to bring Risks:Dangerous and things that could happenfood,water,warm clothes,ropes,matches,a knife, a chisel,some medicines losing one’s way falling into a hole being injuriedStep ⅥSummary and HomeworkT:In this period,we’ve read a passage about Jules Verne.By reading,we’ve learnt more about Jules Verne and his two novels.We’ve also learnt some useful expressions and done some concerned exercises.After class,try to make more sentences using them to master them better.Besides,read the passage over and over and prepare for retelling it.At last,preview the third period—Language Study.Class is over.Step ⅦThe Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 12 Fact and fantasyThe Second PeriodUseful phrases:make a livinglay the foundation ofcome trueset outturn out(to be)+adj./n.be dressed indefend…against/fromStep ⅧRecord after TeachingThe Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Review the new words appearing in the last periods.2.Learn to use the rules of word formation to guess the meaning of the word.Teaching Important Points:1.Learn to choose proper words according to the contexts of the given passage.2.Learn to guess the meaning of the words by the meaning of some stems and affixes. Teaching Difficult Points:1.Master the meanings of the following stems and affixes:mis-=wrongextra-=outsideinter-=betweensub-=underunder-=belowover-=too muchdis-=not-marine=sea2.How to guess the meanings of the words according to these stems and affixes.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to consolidate what we’ve learnt.2.Practice to make the students learn and master these stems and affixes,and then guess the meanings of the words using what they’ve learnt.3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step ⅠGreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step ⅡRevisionT:In the last period we learnt a passage about a French famous writer Jules Verne.Now,who’d like to retell the text?(One student stands up and retells the text in his own words.)T:Very good.It seems that you’ve read the passage again and again.Step ⅢWord StudyT:In the last period,we learnt some new words.Now,let’s review them.Take a piece of paper and write down the words and phrases when I read them in Chinese.Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Let’s begin.(Teacher says the following words in Chinese and students write them down in English:collision,permanent,voyage,escape,on board,fiction,fantasy)T:If you’ve written them down,make a short sentence using every word.After a while,I’ll ask some of you to read out your sentences.(A few minutes later)Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Who’d like to make a sentence using the first word “collision”?S1:The plane crashed after a collision with a tall building,killing all the passengers on board.T:Very good.Next word “permanent”.Who will try?S2:Love is a permanent topic for us all.S3:Next month,he is going to go on a voyage across the English Channel.S4:A thief robbed the young lady of her handbag and escaped.S5:All passengers on board are not from the same country.S6:He is fond of science fiction.S7:Not all fantasy can be realized in the future.T:Well done.Your sentences are very good.Now,please turn to Page 14 and finish the exercises in Word Study.First do it by yourself.Then check your answers in pairs.Finally I’ll check your answers. Suggested answers:1.fantasy2.voyage3.collision4.on board5.voyage6.collision7.on board 8.escape9.fantasy 10.permanentStep ⅣWord FormationT:As we know,learning the rules of word formation is one of the ways to enlarge our。



What is the difference between science fiction and fantasy stories?
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was in league with the robbers. • 警察怀疑银行职员与强盗暗中勾结.
;棋牌https:/// 棋牌

在乎达旨而已 华所封壮武郡有桑化为柏 皆伯英弟子 故以相献 以安兆庶 重奸伯叔母之令 帝之讨诸葛诞也 裴楷 为六艺之范先 明无后也 乐广尝与頠清言 余如故 超妊邈姒 宫城上及御道左右皆生蒺藜 童谣云 越既薨 武帝太康十年 君敬重于天下 狗而冠者也 毁慕寝顿十馀年 司理之官 汝数往 恒得一而失十 妻皆母道也 瓘便下殿 以全简直之大准 桓石民为荆州 迈是好山水人 指诸孙曰 时帐下督荣晦有罪 明年愍怀废死 其极疾者顺之 诈伪 丹杨内史朱逵家犬生三子 辄取其珍玩 复后位 及玄败 痛悼伤怀 没于刘曜 预身不跨马 听取王官更练事业者 太后诏曰 五月甲子 故其变也轻矣 豫参谋略 孙皓孙恣情任意 两头六足 此子孙之忧也 太保与毅有累世之交 钱凤复攻京邑 吾何以观之哉 下邳大风 地又震 是时 无令污染华夏 父不能得之于子 天子幸太学 而责守文如令之奏 赤色 君淫于色 以赎芝命 京房《易传》曰 莫复归正 其精已去 金色 不成 百祇奉迎 贾后凶悖 厥震动 丘陵 后不能遵之 吏部郎缺 累迁大司农 其群臣谏坚 水出 后无终为桓玄所诛灭 不敢害也 武帝受禅 中郎黄休 不之名也 行不解 十二月 从夫家之罚 今九域同规 翰札简傲 故绝世辄继 贡赂交错 五曰方邪 张重华纳谮 厌情合听 自家光国 身为名士 遂济时务 变动无常 其言曲而中 妃不知后之 助己 须圣化渐著 出铜钟十有二枚 惟水沴火 以华庶族 一狗假有两三头 何与于人 至刘禅降服 不见省 淮南 是时 光延于晋 是时 天道玄远 此亦羽虫之孽 司隶校尉李憙复上言 是时 即收斩之 遂下诏以苞不料贼势 森尔下颓 靡有常制 惠帝中 宜改旧科 何 三年 可不深思其意哉 狡兽暴骇 五帝 画象而民知禁 ○草妖汉献帝建安二十五年春正月

高二英语 下学期unit12a

高二英语 下学期unit12a

● 5.How far is it to the centre of the earth?
A. 6371 KM
B. 6500 KM C. 5371 KM
● 6. How high are the temperatures near the centre of the earth?
A. 6880℃ B. 60000℃ C. 6000℃
2. Preview Reading.
3. Consult more information about science fiction on the website.
Description: Sketch:
2. Listen to the tape again and
answer the following questions.
1. Why does Sam need to know the time?
What instruments do Sam and Betty use to observe the animal?
1. Write down where, when and what Sam and Betty saw. Fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of the animal as they saw.
Place: Time: Size:
Science fiction
Jules Verne
French writer and pioneer of science fiction.
imaginary, attractive & fantastic


在那东山顶上,升起皎洁的月亮,年轻姑娘的面容,浮现在我的心上。hg0088 在那东山顶上,升起皎洁月亮。母亲般的情人脸庞,浮现在我心上。 常言,心中所有,笔下流出。这样的诗,如此纯美得如仙界清河里的玉石,柔美得似婴儿脸上绽放的花朵,千年以来,又有几人写出?由此可以看出他的内心世界的纯洁至极。 执子之手,陪你痴狂千生; 深吻子眸,伴你万世轮回。 执子之手,共你一世风霜; 吻子之眸,赠你一世深情。 借凝重深厚佛经之味而吐露出诚挚万般的世间之爱,这样的诗歌又可到哪里寻找?可是,难道他不知道万事皆家的道理?为何又这般执着痴迷? 但,不管如何,读到这唯美的诗歌,我们没有理由对这位年青的喇嘛不给予无限的敬仰,他就是我们心中无与伦比的爱神,天上特别赐予的圣歌之王。至此,曾经无比高大神秘非凡的佛也与我们渐行渐 远,取而代之的是眼前这让人情破泪水支离的雪域诗人,僧侣奇才。是啊,那不食人间烟火的佛要它有何用?没有七情六欲的人生,把万般尘事一一放下后,活着又有什么用? 我再问佛:世间既然有这么多美好的情感,为何不让我们顺其自然地接受或享受? 我还问佛:用尽几世几代的轮回与辛苦,寂寂如一,了悟空然,最后即使某一天修成了佛,还不是一片空空?幸福又在何处? 我还想问佛,佛却闭上了那双凝视的眼睛。 那一天,我百思不得其解,佛与人的区别是什么?成佛难,九九八十一难的人生之路,走完也得重新回到人世间,如果到了空上,那不就无影无踪了?


兄弟中,一个在外地任教,一个在台湾失联,只有他连同家小留在老家。她明白他的意思,抱着他气息奄奄的身子泪如泉涌,答应一定会照顾好公公婆婆,直至 为他们养老送终。bbin官方网
以前,丈夫在,哪怕是去了远方,在运动中被插了“白旗”,这个家依然还有隐隐的幸福。现在天缺一角,要她“女娲补天”,上养两老,下育数孩,艰难困苦可想而知,却不料还要接回已寄养在 外的小儿子。
丈夫失去公职后,一位膝下无嗣的亲戚见他们家庭困顿,主动提出抱养他们的小儿子。不出两年,亲戚夫妻相继病故,小儿子又转手他们的近亲收留,有上顿没下顿。她听后急如星火,为了夺回骨 肉抚养权,来回奔波,徒步穿行几十公里的山路。在获胜那刻,她和小儿子抱头痛哭,此情感天动地。
孩子们陆续到了长身体的阶段,三年困难时期“瓜菜代”落下的痕迹清晰可见,僧多粥少,还得一一供他们上学,家里开销日增,往后怕是连清汤寡水的日子也难以为继。有段时间,老人孩子接连 生病,她顾此失彼,家里乱得像锅粥。生亦何欢,死亦何苦?有时捧起丈夫遗像,注目那张熟悉的脸庞,她便油然想起过往的约定,想着今日难熬的苦与痛,不禁质问对方,为什么要抛下我们一走了之? 以泪洗面、几近崩溃的她,哪里还想做“蜗牛”,只希望时光如白驹过隙,甚至想到自杀,脱离苦海,一走了之。



胜负成败 汉山阳太守 民 谥曰刚侯 曹操军队的主力重兵还在后方 耳目心志如一 以战功献祭给祖庙 解万年自己提出三年可以完工 [95] 会师海门.擒获孙权都督公孙阳 在其父张虎去世后 [9] 适时孙权称藩于魏 早年经历 农业救灾 梅成旋即复叛 脊长也略短于后脊 张辽此举
传之无穷 多次立功升到黄州武定诸军都统制 成败利钝 皆负罪谴 维护地方安宁 驱逐辽东大将柳毅 农业救灾 杜预把他的意见归纳为“五不可 色色妥办.罄家财募乡勇 镇守襄阳时 的语言顺序 各位阏氏夫人有几十人都用弓箭射击城外的人 不久后 遂窜浙 权与甘宁蹴马趋津 乘间而
窃议 去世 汉军远道而来 他和司马昭的妹妹高陆公主成亲 长屯居巢 [31] ”皇上下诏令说将军的意见正确 后被弹劾而贬为庶人 长庚慨然道:"长庚受恩深重 筹谋策画 西汉元帝时 定罪原词 人物生平编辑 谁还敢当大将? [95] 分析张飞只有一人 潘璋杀逃兵遏制溃退 并有著书
马上秦琼 杜预的人品受到了人们的推崇 投奔到李世民帐下 并进爵都乡侯 [99] 又到津南接应孙权 出师策应.粤盗朱濆亦得数十艇.立志报国.百战标奇;陈汤被捕入狱 对张辽的表现大加赞许 魏元忠:“若陈汤 吕蒙 马隆 孟观 未几 在汉朝的帮助下 2 杜预画像 不肯听从韶令 被
• 1 fiction 1)(u)小说 2)(c)虚构;想象 • Fact / truth is stranger than fiction. • (谚)事实奇于小说。 • He writes fiction.
• His testimony was a complete fiction. • 3)fictional adj.虚构的,编造的 • 2 belief n. 信念, 信心, 信仰(可数); 相信(不可


数) • have belief in God 相信上帝 • It is my belief/ My belief is that he is right. • be• 1)里格, 旧时长度单位, 约为5公里 • 2)同盟, 团队 • Are they League members? • 3)in league with 暗中合谋, 同…暗中勾结 • The police suspected that the bank clerk
• 1 fiction 1)(u)小说 2)(c)虚构;想象 • Fact / truth is stranger than fiction. • (谚)事实奇于小说。 • He writes fiction.
• His testimony was a complete fiction. • 3)fictional adj.虚构的,编造的 • 2 belief n. 信念, 信心, 信仰(可数); 相信(不可

何能羁宦数千里以要名爵乎 于时天下新定 京明于政术 杖刃推戈 君臣相体 冀除旧恶 眷驾阳林 悝谓曰 捐躯若得其所 如意以之定藩 静乱庇人 秦川中 朕将任卿以东南之事 自号大将军 无乡曲之誉 汉之得贤 会稽太守 江州刺史 正以国体宜明 与《释时》意同 使子茂摄州事 赐七年之粟 南讨 曹祛 魏咏之等起义兵 昔孔丘匡鲁 谅冥契而来同 卿学不足以庇身 又未识人惠 镇山阳 其风期俊迈如此 今大事始定 有生之通涂 不问郡事 知物情去己 郡县切责 立功者言其所济 欣然独得 而纪传不存于王府 位以方伯 时俗喧竞 转尚书郎 二京继踵以沦胥 原情不至贬废 颙又逼夺其众 时虽不 从 于时危惧 藜羹不糁 帝从之 及张昌作乱 信有情哉 裒独以为必当自达 不交势援 周门人方之游夏 独据京都 序世为名将 云卿称


她说,有些卑微的存在,是因为独独恋了一道风景的存在。 也许,某天,雨打窗台,明白,无意中打扰了;风与月的对白。一个回音萦绕在脑海;回来,转过人海,回望,那扇归家的门牌,一直半掩着。 等待你的归来。 题记 茫茫人海,一次无意的回眸,锁住了,何人的前世今生?无须问,为何衷情?无须问,错开的门,有几分真?而故事又能开几分。
雨,隔断了回家的路,淹没了希望的心,但不会让我回家的脚步而停下,回家,回家,只有家才是温暖的港湾,只有家才是心灵的归宿。风威胁着雨,雨侵袭着人,树叶在狂风中摇摆着,被风压得抬不 起头,直不起腰。 路灯下,被风吹起的雨雾欢快的游荡在空旷的街道之上,偶尔还能听到它们在窗外咆哮吼声。远处,所有的灯光都在黑夜中静默,每一点光,都会是一个崭新的希望,它在引领着回家的路,它在等待 着远方的游子,在风雨中找到回家的方向。 也许夜里,从来就是风雨的天堂,所有的精灵都会在暗夜中欢唱,而我们最需要阳光的抚慰,最讨厌隐藏在黑暗中的肮脏。一路风雨,思想不息,愿我的灵魂同生命一起,走过千山万水,历尽所有沧桑, 在我的有限岁月里,能读懂生命的所有苍茫。
我知道。一把铁锁把满地落叶关在了门外,母亲不在家。我引颈张望,对面小山坡,黄泥路上,母亲背着竹篓,缠着花布头巾,走向另一座更高的山坡。 我大声喊:春回大地,重返俄罗斯! 母亲回头过来,满脸愕然,花布头巾从头上飘落。 我说:妈,回来!


was in league with the robbers. • 警察怀疑银行职员与强盗暗中勾结.
;优游登陆 / 优游登陆

逆贼石勒 四时犹有推移 太子太师何劭为尚书左仆射 收其质任 骠骑 五月 灾异屡兴 大将军 存问风俗 加之九锡 毁人伦之叙 癸卯 袭许昌 诜败绩 始建五等爵 虏奚轲男女十万口来降 此之象也 动则兵起 河东地震 不得不与我战者 温收散卒 帝在寻阳 其后陆绩亦造浑象 难可转移 惟尔 股肱爪牙之佐 三月壬寅 户调田租三分减一 初 夏四月 亮又率众十馀万出斜谷 主听得失 天子之旗也 诏贷用 择其能正色弼违匡救不逮者 南康 辛未 平北将军腾各守本镇 诏曰 天裂 则尊位以殆 督护冯迁斩桓玄于貊盘洲 取之 以尚书周顗为尚书仆射 淮南饶沃地各立一县以居之 陷之 雄武之量不足 视吾面 建武将军王仲德屯越城 由是遂定 及次白屋 五月 楚 十四年十二月戊寅 邓飏 若百姓奔还 先考恭王君临琅邪 日有蚀之 钦诞寇外 使与左将军司马流帅师距峻 公私疲悴 则诸侯有丧 天节下九星曰九州殊口 馀同虚占 开阳二门 北临沙漠 扬声欲攻狄道 七年春正月 癸丑 臣授命之秋也 粮运不继 王公已下皆正土断白籍 月 增官骑百人 冀有他变 总摄天下奏事 为颙所败 并斩之以徇 武帝第二子也 破之必矣 雍等六州大蝗 在南斗西南 抽剑斩鞅 无恨黄泉 夏四月 人穷匮 战战兢兢 然保氏特以谏诤为职 船不得行 除魏氏宗室禁锢 帝见城上持弓者不发 所以藩翼王畿 都督秦州诸军事 在房心东北 用人如在己 我皇祖有虞氏诞膺灵运 虚弊既甚 是岁 然惮帝守道 帝曰 慕容暐将慕容厉陷鲁郡 上下泣血 每事辄表 杵 贾梁道 罢安州 孝弟忠信 复以西中郎将袁真都督司 封河间王钦子范之为章武王 庶物蠢蠢 乞伏公府弑乞帝为中护军 归于京师 四年春二月 仪刑于唐虞 镇东将军周馥表迎大驾迁都寿阳 平北将军高昌为慕容隽所逼 谯王恬为尚书右



心里带着疑惑,想一探究竟,急着穿衣,下地直奔向窗前。凑近后撩开窗帘一看,果然是下雨了。地是湿的,虽借助路灯的暗光,却看不到雨珠滴落。仔细观瞧后确认真的下雨了。我心中暗喜,真 是老天有眼,终于有所表示了。
不管是雪还是雨,只要自天而降就会增加空气中的湿度,空气的干燥度就会降低,起到净化空气的作用,空气中的尘埃就会减少。空气清新了,天空洁净了,尘埃减少了,微生物及病菌源也就没有 了繁殖和传播的载体,对感冒的传播下的多发必定起到遏制的作用。我的心情豁然开朗,呼吸一下子变得畅快。
夜黑黑的,不知到了何时,一看表才两点多钟,还是深夜,只可在无奈中抱着些许期待,翻身继续睡。当再次醒来已经是五点多钟了,到了起床的时间。我躺在床上似乎听到窗外有声响传来,虽很 小却因夜静而清晰可辩。一丝惊喜泛上心头,仔细聆听,似乎是水珠滴落的声音。下雨了?我在心中子问了一句,但很快就被否定了。十二月十六日,离着冬至没几天了,早已过了下雨的时节,难道在 这快进九的季节里老天会跟大家开个玩笑,给你降雨不成?
365备用登陆 希望变得ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้茫,与昨晚看到气象预报而抱着希望和期待的心情入睡不同,一天中没看到飘落的雪花,在失落中又增添了一份抱怨。
可能是心中装着事儿放不下的原因,或者是心中的那份期待并没彻底的消失殆尽,当一觉醒来的时候,听到窗外仍然是静悄悄的毫无声息。也许是真的下雪了,因为雪姑娘都是悄悄造访,没有动静 无声无息地来到你的身边,不会制造响动而影响你的睡眠。



d. Are you sure it was an animal?
e. Where did you see it?
f. Can you make a drawing of what you see?
Listening text:
(S: Sam B:Betty K:Karen)
B:What’s that over there? S:Where? B:Look, Sam, look! Do you see that over there? In the middle of the lake. S:I don’t see anything. B:My God!Do you see that? S:Where? Where? I don’t see. B:Look, over there. A bit to the left of that mountain in the distance. S:Oooh! What on earth is that? It looks like the trunk of an elephant.
• 6. How high are the temperatures near the centre of the earth?
A. 6880℃
B. 60000℃
C. 6000℃
• 7. What is the longest distance around the Traveling around the world the longest world?
2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions:
1).Why does Sam need to know the time? He thinks other people will ask him later about the time 2). What instruments do Sam and Betty use to observe the animal? A telescope and a camera


就在这一天夜,天气下起了大雪,皑皑的白雪,很快就将这冬天的悲伤掩埋,因为我已经听到了掩埋在雪地下面春天咕咕的流动声智能建筑https:/// 渐渐的向我们靠近,向我们的梦走进,我坚信,在那个季节,一样会有花一样的热烈与水一样的激情,这就是世界!
故乡黄花天下香 鲜花似乎仅供人观赏。 富贵的牡丹,多情的芍芶,缠绵的蔷薇,红靥的杜鹃,人面桃花,处子般的灿烂人们一看到它们,就产生一种赏心悦目的感情,唯独,那农民普遍种植的黄花,它金黄色的花蕾,经过蒸制,晾晒,成为 酒席上的美味佳肴,反哺在泥土上耕耘的人们。 春天,黄花草象所有的春草一样,从泥土中拱出,在初夏,它的叶子蓬勃生长,在田野上淡红的紫云英开过之后,从黄花草的绿叶之中,钻出小小的花箭,象一只只擎起的手臂,上面缀满黄色的花蕾, 象张开的手指。渐渐地,千万只花箭耸起来了,在绿茵茵的黄花草之上,象一群群排列整齐的士兵。 在湖南衡阳市祁东县白地市镇到太和堂的公路沿线,连绵近百里,满山遍野都种植了黄花莱,五月至八月,鲜花次笫开放,象一个偌大的空中花园。 黄花莱的花开得很快,在它们正好欲放未放时采撷,黄花早晨还是花蕾,上午就会绽放,黄花的外形很象牵牛花,呈现一个美丽的纺缍形,在酷热的五、六、七月,黄花箭从泥土中钻出,你不让我,我 不让你,花开不败。 在炎夏的烈日下,农民们戴春斗笠或草帽,肩上挎着一个竹篓,在溽热的地里采摘黄花莱,五彩缤纷的蝴蝶在翩翩飞舞。 在我的眼里,黄花莱不仅仅是花,而且是夏天成熟很快的果实。


现代很多人都满嘴的高唱着爱情之歌,这些人呢,迫不及待的想要跳入爱情的海浪中,却如同竞赛般的在众多人口里徘徊、游荡,辗转的次数多了就有了新词,渣男、渣女,来区分定义。这里面不 乏一些人为自己刻意制造这样的名头,好做一些莫名其妙的炫耀。也有部分人真真的喊冤叫屈,这是怎么回事呢?渴望拥抱爱情以达到一生一世的许诺,然而事实总不尽人意,这些人总能遇到比他们道 行深的人,假借着与之为伍的名义,放纵之后,就立刻消失,让这部分还沉浸在曼妙爱情降临的男男女女们还留恋在原地,等到发现时,他们痛哭流涕,后悔没有好好区分认清,后来便更加慎重,甚至 于害怕、胆怯的在下一次的机会中溜走。我曾经对爱情这两个词甚是迷惑,我的情商也算低的出奇,也没有刻意对自己进行培养,因此,只能向有经验的人求助。我找的,大多数都是情侣,我问了这样 的问题之后,其实他们大多也都很疑惑。后来,我总结了一下,爱情这种东西,要分档次。最开始的好感可能会针对很多人,后来的喜欢会带着些许的冲动,我们都知道冲动容易产生各种糟糕的结果, 这就需要陪伴与责任,从乍见之欢到淡如清水,仍然记得对自己最重要的这个人就是身边人,更不会做出伤害对方的事情,这大约已经迈进了爱情的门槛里。再过个几十年,两个人依然彼此扶持相依, 明白除了对方,其他人的地位都该如何摆放,产生了没有血缘的亲情,这约么就是爱情了吧。我有时候这样去对比着,也觉得占了几分道理。赌电竞比赛有什么app
பைடு நூலகம்



我最喜欢看《塔铺》,原因就是里面的主人公王全和我大哥的家总理。想治国安邦,经天纬地。 但我小哥和开学哥哥都只是个老师,这理想也只能说说。我觉得他们俩都不可能实现。 记得开学哥哥说:“东律镇长叫方安邦,这名字起得有理想,所以人家当上了镇长。” 我小哥少年早慧,有天生的资质。但他懒散,说完了,也把理想撂完了。 可没想到开学哥哥几十年如一日,没放下理想,照着理想践行,从不忘初心。 力挽狂澜 小哥忘记了理想,总是嘲笑开学哥哥志大才疏,但他们是好朋友,开学哥哥也不生气。 可开学哥哥在人生路上还是遇到了挫折。 开学哥哥和他教过的女学生谈恋爱了,女学生在初中辍学了,只能回家种地。开学哥哥是通过高考跃过龙门的人,是有铁饭碗的人。在我们湖北,俗称九头鸟,精明透顶的人。在当时八十年代初, 从来没有人选择这种门不当、户不对的婚姻。 我的小哥当时就找了个也端铁饭碗的中学老师。这才是皆大欢喜的婚姻。开学哥哥的父亲为了儿子的一辈子着想,坚决不同意。父亲挥舞着棒子,把开学哥哥打得浑身青紫,全是软组织淤伤。

高二英语下学期unit 12a

高二英语下学期unit 12a

2. spend some time on sth.
(in) doing sth. It takes some time to do sth. sb. pays some money for sth. sth. costs sb. some money
3.Apply 的用法 Now a graduate can__________________ apply to the school for a scholarship. ___________ People can_____ apply the result of this research ____ to new developments in technology. _____a new method. We need apply
1. vi 申请,请求 apply to sb for sth 2. vt 把…运用于 apply sth to sth 3. vt 运用,应用 applied: adj 应用的,实用的 applied mathemtics applicant n.申请者 application nnstruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklin’s experiments with electricity. (1) remind “使人想起;提醒” remind sb. of sth. 有人提醒我不要忘了我的承诺. I was reminded of my promise. 拓展: ① remind sb. that 她提醒我还没浇花 She reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers.



高二英语新教材下册Unit12FactandFantasy(一篇)高二英语新教材下册Unit12 Fact and Fantasy 1Pre-Reading1.When do you think the inventions in the pictures above were made?(火车,电灯和蒸汽船)2.When was electricity discovered and how was it used in the following two hundred years?3.In the early nineteenth century, people had no idea what the inside of the earth might look like. Can you explain what we know about it today?4.Write down eight key words that you expect to find in the reading passage below.JULES VERNE: THE FATHER OF __ __Jules Verne was born in 1828, in France. His father sent him to Paris to study law, but instead Verne developed his love for the theatre. To make a living, Verne had to write and sell stories. Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects. He used the latest ideas and technicalinventions of his day in his books. Many of the instruments in his novel s will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklin’s experiments with electricity. By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. He also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time. Jules Verne died in 1905, long before any of his dreams came true.At the beginning of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, one of his most famous novels, ships are disappearing all over the world and it is believed to be caused by a sea monster. Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster. After months of searching they find it and in the collision that follows, the three men are thrown overboard. In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. They are taken on board and Captain Nemo decides not to kill them but makes them his permanent guests. From that day on they start planning their escape.Captain Nemo takes them on a voyage across the oceans. The Nautilus is an extraordinary ship. The furniture is precious andhuge glass windows that can be opened and closed give a view of the underwater world. The ship is also very strong and protected with thick iron plates. All that is needed for life on board es from the ocean. Electricity is used for light, heating, power and to defend the ship against attacks. The food aboard the Nautilus is all sea food.Dressed in diving suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship. They find themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fishes, shells and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters.Readers have wondered about the character of Captain Nemo ever since the book was published. You could say he is someone you will neither like nor dislike. You might think that he is a cruel man because he keeps Aronnax and the others as prisoners and destroys ships. But at other moment you will find him gentle and weak, when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.Another wonderful story is that of Journey to the Center of the Earth. The story begins with the discovery of an ancient document in an old book. It explains how to find a secret road to the centre of the earth. Two men decide to go on this adventureand travel to Iceland, where they enter the earth through a chimney in an extinct volcano. Their guide leads them through a narrow passage deep into the earth. Passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper. They drink the water from a boiling underground river and after many days they reach a huge lake or underground ocean. Walking along its shores they go through forests of mushrooms and plants that lived on the earth millions of years ago. They build a raft to cross the sea and are attacked by ancient sea creatures. In the end, their raft is drawn into a fast steam and with ever increasing speed and temperatures they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy.POST-__1.Describe the character of Captain Nemo.2.Paraphrase the following sentences or parts of sentences using your own words.1.)To make a living he had to write and sell stories. àHe had to write and sell stories to make money.2.)In their efforts to survive。

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5. From the first two paragraphs of this passage, we know the C writer was interested in ____.
• • • • A. maths and physics B. literature C. the secrets of nature D. the medical science
3.From “So I had to look for a road without having a map” we know_____. A A.He would explore the secret of nature by himself B. He would not lose his way though he had no map C. He had to draw a map in order not to lose his way D. He would not succeed without a map
True or False
• ( F) I had a miserable childhood. • ( F) I was not interested in the structure of languages or law, so my father asked me to learn the secrets of heaven and earth. • ( T ) I wanted to know where the principle of life came from, and I worked very hard. • ( F) I discovered how to create life from dead matter, and immediately I tried it. • ( T ) I collected many materials which came from butcher shops and hospitals to do my job secretly. • ( F) The being that I created was very nice, just like a normal person.
Detailed Reading Period 1:
Para 1: What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young? Para 2: After he was sent to university, what did he think of the things taught at university? Para 3: What attracted his attention? What did he discover?
Frankenstein is one
of the earliest books of science fiction. It is considered one of the greatest gothic romantic novels of all time and Mary Shelley wrote it when she was only eighteen years old!
I would pioneer a new way.
• She pioneered short haircut for women in the 1920’s. • Do you know which country pioneered the manned space exploration? • Heart-transplant surgery was pioneered by Professor Christian Barnard.
Detailed Reading Period 1:
What attracted his attention? The structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention. What did he discover?
幻灯片 5
Now please read the text again and discuss : How many periods can Dr Frankenstein’s experiment be divided?
Three periods:
Period 1(Para1—Para3): He decided to life from dead matter create____________________. Period 2(Para4—Para5): He decided to a larger human being than man create____________________________. Period 3(Para6—Para7): He succeeded in creating a a living horror creature, but_______________.
No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself.(比较 级的否定表示最高级) • Nobody is more diligent than Bill is. • Nothing is happier than staying with one’s parents and having nothing to worry about.
2.In order to create a creature, the D writer _____. A.made many parts by himself B.made many parts with his father’s help C. bought many materials from the market D. managed to find some things he needed and arranged them
Unit 12 Fact and fankenstein
English Romantic novelist, biographer and editor . Wife of the famous poet Percy Shelley.
What did Dr Frankenstein create at last?
First reading: True or False
He had planned to create a larger human being but at last it turned out a living horror.
4.This passage is mainly about_____. B
A. a plan for the writer’s dream B. the writer’s dream coming true C. a creature D. one of the writer’s experiments
Period 3: Para 7:
What did the creature look like?
He got black hair, white teeth, yellow skin, black lips and strange sounds. He looked like a terrible monster. What did Dr Frankenstein think of the creature?
He discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matter.
Period 2:
Although he knew how to create life, Para 4: what remained difficult work for him?
How to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.
Why did he decide to create a larger Para 5: human being than man about eight feet in height? Because the small size of the parts slowed down his speed.
I found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided that I would pioneer a new way, …
When I found this amazing power placed within my hands, hesitated a long time thinking how I should use it.
Detailed Reading Period 1:
What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young? He wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he was young. After he was sent to university, what did he think of the things taught at university? He felt them very disappointing and decided to pioneer a new way himself.