Army of Darkness Defense 抵御黑暗军团
魔法骨人召唤 020045ba (咒语) 020045b0 (法术书)召唤阿瓦克 0200c600召唤迷雾人 020045b8 (咒语) 020045b1 (法术书)召唤怒鬼 020045ba (咒语) 020045b2 (法术书)Restoration治疗不死生物 0200e8d4 (咒语) 0200e8d6 (法术书)斯坦达之圣光 020038b5 (咒语) 02003f4e (法术书)吸血鬼之克星 020038b6 (咒语) 02003f4d (法术书)阳炎 02003f51 (咒语) 02003f51 (法术书)妖术愈合 0200e8d2 (咒语) 0200e8d5 (法术书)吸血鬼大君技能不死之力 02005998血疗 02005994探测所有生物 0200599b迷雾形态 0200599c超自然反应力 0200599e超凡意志 02005995毒爪 02005996暗夜斗篷 02005997吸血鬼锁喉 0200599a召唤石像鬼 02016908躯体诅咒 02008a70狼人技能野兽之力 020059a4 (1级) 02007a3f (2级) 02011cfa (3级) 02011cfb (4级)动物活力 020059a5狼吞虎咽 020059a7野蛮进食 020059a6兄弟图腾 020059aa月之图腾 020059ab恐怖图腾 020059a8捕食者图腾 020059a9复制别人的DLC物品龙骨武器龙骨匕首 02014fcb龙骨长剑 02014fce龙骨双手斧 02014fcf龙骨钉头锤 02014fcd龙骨巨剑 02014fcc龙骨战斧 02014fc3龙骨战锤 02014fd0龙骨弓 020176f1龙骨箭 020176f4工艺制品艾瑟瑞尔头冠 0200575a艾瑟瑞尔盾牌 02005759艾瑟瑞尔法杖 0200575e奥瑞埃尔之弓 02000800奥瑞埃尔盾牌 0200284d血石圣杯 020088eb黎明守卫符文战斧 0201668c黎明守卫符文战锤 02011bad黎明守卫符文盾 02011baf哈孔之剑 020067cf圣尤布的纪念挂坠 02018b91血精灵铠甲远古雪精灵之靴 0200c815远古雪精灵头冠 0200c814远古雪精灵胸甲 0200c816远古雪精灵臂铠 0200c817雪精灵硬皮甲 0200e8de雪精灵硬皮靴 0200e8dd雪精灵硬皮臂铠 0200e8df雪精灵硬皮头盔 0200e8e0雪精灵重甲 020023e9雪精灵重型靴 020023ef雪精灵重型臂铠 020023ed雪精灵重型头盔 020023eb黎明守卫武器黎明守卫战斧 0200d098黎明守卫战锤 0200dd55黎明守卫铠甲黎明守卫铠甲 0200f3fb (红色) 0200f402 (灰色/带单肩甲) 0200f404 (灰色/无肩甲版)黎明守卫靴 0200f400黎明守卫防护头盔 020050d0黎明守卫臂铠 0200f3fe黎明守卫重甲 0200f3fa (灰色) 0200f3f7 (灰色/带镶嵌)黎明守卫头盔 0201989e黎明守卫重盔 02014757黎明守卫重型靴 02014758黎明守卫盾牌 020150b8吸血鬼铠甲吸血鬼铠甲 020191f3 (红色版) 020142c7 (灰色版) 020191f2 (浅灰色)吸血鬼之靴 0200b5de吸血鬼护腕 0201a51f吸血鬼之靴的另一个版本 02019ae1吸血鬼手套 02019ae3吸血鬼兜帽 02019ade吸血鬼领主铠甲 02011a84吸血鬼长袍 02019adf吸血鬼皇室铠甲 0200b5db (红色) 020194c5 (Valerica) 02011a85 (吸血鬼大君)配方冰冻药水配方 0200f39c药剂灵魂外壳精汁 02015a1e血瓶 02018ef3红水斯库麻 0201391d独一无二的锻造品骨鹰项链 0201aa0b巨壳虫头盔 02012e8a服装圣蛾祭祀眼罩 020047da圣蛾祭祀长袍 020047d7圣蛾祭祀便鞋 020047d9塔隆·德莱瑟的长袍 02014c03额外的武器阿卡维尔之剑 02014555鲜血诅咒精灵箭 020098a0冰霜巨人大棒 02012d14主教权杖 0201681e圣光精灵箭 020098a1西风 0200cfb6十字弓十字弓 02008010加强十字弓 0200f19e矮人十字弓 0200b647加强矮人十字弓 0200f19f项链蝙蝠项链 0200a2a7 (凿击项链) 020068ae吸取法力项链 0200f4d7吸取增强项链 0200e803迷雾形态项链 0200a2a6超自然反应力项链 0200a2a8共感项链 0200a2a5石像鬼项链 0200f4d5戒指躯体诅咒戒指 0200a2a4吸取魔爪戒指 0200e7eb尸体复生戒指 0200a2a1吸血鬼锁喉戒指 0200a2a2野兽戒指 0200e7fd博学戒指 0200e7fe石像鬼戒指 0200a2a3骨鹰戒指 02011cf5DLC技能祝福奥瑞埃尔的祝福 02011360先祖之血 0201419b古代污染之血 020149a7龙吼消耗活力 02008a62灵魂之泪 02007cb6召唤杜耐维尔 020030d2魔法骨人召唤 020045ba (咒语) 020045b0 (法术书)召唤阿瓦克 0200c600召唤迷雾人 020045b8 (咒语) 020045b1 (法术书)召唤怒鬼 020045ba (咒语) 020045b2 (法术书)Restoration治疗不死生物 0200e8d4 (咒语) 0200e8d6 (法术书)斯坦达之圣光 020038b5 (咒语) 02003f4e (法术书)吸血鬼之克星 020038b6 (咒语) 02003f4d (法术书)阳炎 02003f51 (咒语) 02003f51 (法术书)妖术愈合 0200e8d2 (咒语) 0200e8d5 (法术书)吸血鬼大君技能不死之力 02005998血疗 02005994探测所有生物 0200599b迷雾形态 0200599c超自然反应力 0200599e超凡意志 02005995毒爪 02005996暗夜斗篷 02005997吸血鬼锁喉 0200599a召唤石像鬼 02016908躯体诅咒 02008a70狼人技能野兽之力 020059a4 (1级) 02007a3f (2级) 02011cfa (3级) 02011cfb (4级)动物活力 020059a5狼吞虎咽 020059a7野蛮进食 020059a6兄弟图腾 020059aa月之图腾 020059ab恐怖图腾 020059a8捕食者图腾 020059a9二十一:炉火物品代码男孩服装蓝色xx00c744绿色xx00c743灰色xx00c745红色xx00c742黄色 xx00c746女孩服装蓝色xx00d81e绿色xx00d81f灰色xx00d820红色xx00d821黄色 xx00d822玩偶xx00c1de木剑 xx004D91烘烤食物 (不知道在哪烘烤)Apple Dumpling xx003533Braided Bread xx0117FFChicken Dumpling xx0117FF Garlic Bread xx0009DCJazbay Crostata xx00353A Juniper Berry Crostata xx003539 Lavender Dumpling xx011801 Potato Bread xx003537 Snowberry Crostata xx00353B饮料Argonian Bloodwine xx003535 Surilie Brothers Wine xx003536烹饪食物Clam Chowder xx00353EPotato Soup xx00353DSteamed Mudcrab Legs xx00353F原料Hawk's Egg xx00F1CCSalmon Roe xx003545食物原料Butter xx00353CJug of Milk xx003534Sack of Flour xx003538Mudcrab Legs xx003540建筑材料Clay xx003043Glass xx005a69Goat Horns xx00303f Hinge xx003011Iron Fittings xx003035 Lock xx003012Nails xx00300fQuarried Stone xx00306c Straw xx005a68。
{Snaga_Band}史那加战团 {Snaga_Band_Mercs}史那加战团 {Goblin_Spears}哥布林战团 {Goblin_Spears_Mercs}哥布林战团 {Orc_Fellers}半兽人巨斧斩首者 {Orc_Halberd}半兽人长戟步兵 {Heavy_Orcs}重装半兽人步兵 {Heavy_Orcs_Mercs}重装半兽人步兵 {Hillmen}山民 {Rhudaur_Axemen}鲁道尔斧兵 {Rhudaur_Scouts}鲁道尔斥候 {Goblin_Trackers}哥布林追踪者
黑暗荣耀Dark Glory is a classic computer game that has been aroundfor many years. It is a fast-paced shooter game where the player takes control of a soldier in a futuristic warzone and fight against various enemies. The game has its origins in classic arcade shooters and has been upgraded with modern graphics and game mechanics.The game play of Dark Glory revolves around the playerfighting waves of enemies and completing different objectives. The player is armed with a variety of weapons and must strategize how to best use them against the different enemies in order to succeed. As the game progresses, new weapons and abilities become available to the player and these can beused to customize the player's approach to the game.Dark Glory has been praised for its intense and fast paced action, as well as its unique atmosphere and aesthetics. The game has also been praised for its balanced difficulty. It offers a challenge to both new and experienced players yet is not so difficult as to be off-putting. This makes it a great game to pick up and play for both casual and hardcore gamers alike.Overall, Dark Glory is an enjoyable shooter game that hasstood the test of time. It is a classic example of a well-made and balanced shooter game that is sure to please fans of intense action.。
暗影之拳- 阿卡丽As balance dictates奉均衡之命。
Without question毫无疑问Whatever's necessary绝不手软Mark acquired.标记已做好。
Another unworthy opponent.哼,又是一个不自量力的。
For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this "s utra" you keep mentioning…我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎So many noobs… will matchmaking ever find true balance?菜鸟真多……匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?Deftly, I travel.我随影而来,随影而去。
Didn't we just run by this same tower?? Are you sure you don't want to want to ask for directions?刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么?你真的不想问问路么?确定一定以及肯定么?Understood明白了Through twilights veil在暮光的帷幕下穿行?Tread lightly.动作要轻Agreed赞成Remain focused保持警惕Hesitation is the seed of defeat.不要错失良机。
Symmetry in all things对称存乎万物之间。
We travel the same path我们是一条道儿上的。
I suggest you run, I want to savor this.你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。
牛头酋长- 阿利斯塔Stampede!将他们冲散!You must follow你必须跟着俺I know the way俺知道该怎么做。
5版暗黑灵族规则书中文化版暗黑灵族规则书中文化——————兵种部分兵种部分译者:兔子(译者:兔子(razkar razkar razkar))校对:校对:a-sick a-sick 寂静之剑版本:试验排版1转载请注黑暗之城的子民书中的这一章节详细介绍暗黑灵族的军队————他们所使用的武器他们所使用的武器他们所使用的武器,,他们的单位以及一些闻名遐迩并带领着你的部队的些闻名遐迩并带领着你的部队的““特殊人物”。
⿊⾊守卫-攻略 ⿊⾊守卫是⼀款战旗类游戏,这款游戏最⼤的特点就是地图⾮常多,超过170张地图可以给玩家带来不⼀样的游戏体验,下⾯是游戏攻略分享,新⼿玩家可以看看。
游戏攻略 ⾓⾊创建 普通模式有三个职业,分别是:战⼠、猎⼈、法师 精英模式有两个基本职业,分别是战⼠和法师,但可⾃由加点变成猎⼈及更多丰富的职业。
战⼠:狂战⼠》盾战》敏战》双持战⼠ ——>猎⼈:⼸箭⼿》弩⼿ 法师:⽕法师》辅助》魔剑⼠ 其中三个职业是的强弱排名:⼸箭⼿》狂战⼠》⽕法师 本攻略中的⾓⾊为前期盾战,后期狂战。
职业选择 本作之所以有些玩家感觉到难,就是因为本作的加点指引实在是太烂了,烂得让⼈吐槽不能,但是掌握之后会觉得职业选择的⾃由度还是蛮⾼的。
【狂战⼠】兵器选择:双⼿剑、双⼿打击武器、斧头与钉锤 游戏⾥⾯有很多属性不错的装备都是为狂战⽽设的,后期拥有⼀击秒⼈的恐怖威⼒。
【盾战】兵器选择:⼔⾸、剑/长剑、斧头与钉锤 游戏⾥⾯每回合⾸次被攻击会先计算格挡,第⼆次之后的攻击只能闪避。
【敏战】兵器选择:⼔⾸、击剑武器、长⽭ 由于这个游戏没有5伤离场的规则,导致敏战虽然很容易将敌⼈达成重伤,但缺少致命的攻击⼒,⽐较容易打酱油。
【双持战⼠】兵器选择:剑/长剑、斧头与钉锤、击剑武器 双持战⼠很特别,他没有专门的技能⽀持,但如果你有相当N B的武器再涂毒。
所以双持战⼠右⼿可以拿格挡兵器,左⼿按攻击兵器,只平A就够了) 【⼸箭⼿】兵器选择:⼸、长⽭ ⼸箭⼿是游戏⾥⾯最强的职业没有之⼀,能配合辅助法师⼀个回合稳定秒杀两个敌⼈,更能⽤万箭齐发秒杀⼤怪。
1.魔兽争霸种族歌曲系列之——人类联盟(Humans)古老的暴风城堡见证着破碎和沧桑无情的战火洗礼散褪去了和平时代的璀璨和辉煌埃维爵士破碎的战枪打磨出不灭的信仰引领联盟抵御外族入侵终止残暴杀戮的最后争抗迷失在沉落的大地洛单伦最后的奇迹将无穷神奇梦幻放入心中那最后的点滴永远铭记双手合十的牧师默读远离硝烟祈祷文经四壁光芒穿过虚无空气连接着不对称的十字形挥舞起手中的剑鲜血模糊了双眼呼啸过飓风闪电守卫着故土眷恋击溃邪恶与谎言辉煌与和平重现坚定着意志上前支撑起永恒信念吟诵凯旋的诗篇拨动赞美的琴弦神圣的荣誉加冕和平到岁岁年年追随着代改朝迁映射出历史侧面祝福庇护到永远传唱着一遍一遍借助卡嘉长萧无上法力将封尘的往事静静回忆那曾经残酷而壮烈的神圣战役失控的高贵灵魂扭曲的宣泄着残暴杀戮的张狂死亡的战斧划开血雨腥风历史的沧桑战争践踏着和平安详庇佑的神圣勋章嗜血的震荡撕裂开邪恶图腾旗下沸腾的战场元素精神力量耗尽坐骑悲叹的凄厉孤军奋战到圣盾破碎血染残阳摆脱心智迷茫唤醒生命信仰抹鲜血谱写一曲战歌荡气回肠天神下凡的曙光燃起灵魂的争抗雷霆一击与风暴之锤迎风而翔,断刃与鲜血洒满了千百年前贫瘠土壤,烈焰突击泪中的暴风雪呼啸而扫过空旷专著的圣光祈祷复活理想静候着落雨抚平洗褪一处处不堪的伤(Esports Human Alliance)点燃起心灵深处沉睡的汹涌火光放逐开堕落族人迷失的灵魂影像涅磐重生展翅于沐圣光后的翱翔振奋与凝重告别一切悲凉与哀伤……2.魔兽争霸种族系列歌曲之——不死亡灵(UnDead)I hate peopleMy patience has endedwhere shall my blood be spilled哀伤之霜冰雪刃,缠绕封冻之巅突破理性极限,写下堕落的誓言抛开荒诞的使命,踏上无悔执着,找寻着遥远指引的魂移梦牵撕毁虚伪的丑恶嘴脸,死亡之约侧显力量坚毅最真实一面死亡的信仰与忠贞告别哀泣悲鸣的眷恋来自地狱深渊亡灵的歌唱诉说起不灭的永恒执念与理想寒风吹带走彷徨冻结残留破碎信仰生命祈祷祝福无奈黯然惆怅怅怅唱响离别的篇章拔起魔剑陌生而熟悉的脸曾经的荣耀的辉煌穿透昨日胸膛诅咒中闪烁泪光倾诉霜之哀伤冻结孤独绽放的凋零燃冷漠缠绕的霜冰阴霾夜幕恐惧降临蔓延堕落蚀侵告别过去与宿命契约之声默默倾听享用灵魂片刻钟宁静感受冰封召唤的引领寻内心深处的声音夕阳逆洒作别曾经寒风唤回梦醒寂寞爬满到双鬓握剑合十苍凉身影一曲豪迈忠贞于亡灵孤独飘舞的披风,蕴含多少沉重前进步伐之中,无法磨灭的伤痛告别史诗的歌颂,冲破命运牢笼,追寻着梦想彼岸的王座冰峰挥血祭下的黑暗遵从,暗潮深渊汹涌,将前世人生彻底抹冻霜之哀伤的悲鸣唤醒短暂而纯粹的夜空…………时空转换……奇幻与现实的交替相织3.魔兽争霸种族系列歌曲之——暗夜精灵(Night Elf)古老的文明起源于艾泽拉斯无上法力黑暗丛林唯不停探索暗夜精灵足迹漫天箭雨!无情穿射过最后的致命一击则以静制动流露无情冷酷沉默的美丽!manaburn 焚化沸腾起自残的法力!献祭燃圆月弯刀指引恶魔复辟冰冷的面具!刀阵剑翼散落在世界的边际转瞬之间!暗影突袭的视野只看到飞舞的风衣斩一处不结创的伤揭开竞技的篇章灵魂碰撞的瞬间迸发出无限的辉煌光标闪烁飞舞在魔兽争霸三的战场捍卫着暗夜精灵无上荣光NE 当月亮升起,当暗夜降临,大地在沉寂,野性的潜力,森林的觉醒,战乱的世界,回复到昔日的宁静NE 当月亮升起,当暗夜降临,大地在沉寂,她无限美丽,她充满神秘,她带来生命和自然那永恒的不熄追随着晚霞领略什么是上古世纪月夜笼罩下欣赏着来自美丽的飘逸野性咆哮的怒吼激发生命无穷潜力对邪恶自然飓风呼啸而起到沉睡之神苏醒沐宁静之雨而接受自然洗礼她遥望着流星飞翔在齐美拉的翅翼当自然再度的回复平寂,梦幻的神话奇迹感受暗夜精灵无限魅力!暗夜的精灵梦中露出了笑容带走了我的忧愁黑色的月光洒满大地和天空寂寞有几个人懂?魔兽世界种族歌曲之部落——Power Of The Horde (部落的力量) blueI am the son of the Wind and Rain,我是狂风与暴雨之子Thunder beckons and I heed the call,响应着雷电的召唤If I die upon this day,如果我在今天死去in battle I will fall...我将战死于沙场Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride.听着,兄弟们,将狼集合,我们将骑着它们拼杀于战场!War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from inside.战鼓掩盖了心跳声,从心底发出的呐喊Storm, Black clouds fill the sky风暴!黑云铺满天际Earth, hear my battlecry大地!听着我的战吼Fire, and Thunder will bring forth火焰!与雷带来力量Death, from the power of the Horde...死亡!以部落的力量!Farseer to the Warsong Clan 战歌部落的先知们to no matter we like hero 我们敬爱英雄Feel the power and the energy,感受这力与能量born of black blood honouring still与生俱来的力量之血依旧荣耀!Feel the Fire burning in my veins,我感受着血管中淌过的火焰the lightning strikes at my command闪电电奉我的命令攻击Storm and Earth, Axe and Fire,风暴与大地,战斧与火焰we come to claim this land 我们前来征服这土地Storm, Black clouds fill the sky风暴!黑云铺满天际Earth, hear my battlecry大地!听着我的战吼Fire, and Thunder will bring forth火焰!与雷带来力量Death, from the power of the Horde...死亡!以部落的力量!(Guitar Solo)(吉他独奏)Surrounded by the enemy,我被敌人包围the wolf among the hounds狼与猎犬混战Thunder turns to silence, sek-ta雷电突然寂静,希克-塔!(兽人语:进攻)the hundred to bring me down.成百上千的敌人企图将我击倒Wolf Brothers falling at my side,狼兄弟倒在我的身边with honour I will die带着荣耀,我将死去Upon the Altar of the Storms,在那风暴祭坛之上I will be reborn我将重生!Storm, Black clouds fill the sky风暴!黑云铺满天际Earth, hear my battlecry大地!听着我的战吼Fire, and Thunder will bring forth火焰!与雷带来力量Death, for I have been reborn...死亡!因为我已重生!!STORM!!风暴啊!!EARTH!!大地啊!!FIRE!!火焰啊!!DEATH!!死亡啊!!The Power of the Horde.....这是部落的力量!。
魔兽争霸英雄语录魔兽争霸英雄语录- You are spellbound!*** 你已经着魔了- Time to raise hell! 呼唤地狱的时刻到了- Your soul is mine!*** 你的灵魂属于我- Hide no longer!*** 你无处可藏- Anatorettador!** 精灵语- Though I be damned! 就算我是被诅咒的!- DuranXXl.** 精灵语- At last. 终于- Hmmm. 唔=骂玩家音效=- I shall fight fire ith fire! 我要以火焰来克制火焰。
- Chaos boils in m veins! 混沌的力量在我血液中沸腾- Demon blood is thiker than... regular blood. 恶魔之血浓于……一般的血- I like m enemies dead and m blades flaming. 最爱看敌人死在我燃烧的刀刃下- I love green trees! Ops, sorr! 你将在火焰中毁灭哦,对不起! - Darknealled, ... but I as on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to *69 Darkness, but his mahine piked up. I elled: "Pik up the phone Darkness", but he ignored me. Darknemust have been sreening his alls. 黑暗之王一度召唤我,……但我在打电话,所以我错过了。
我喊道:“拿起电话呀诎抵酢保撬焕砦摇:诎抵跻欢ㄊ瞧帘瘟怂牡缁啊?br =攻击音效=- For Calendor! 为了Kalimdor- None shall survive! 挡我者死!- Your blood is mine! 喝你的血!- Run for our life! 快逃命吧!- Revenge! 复仇!丛林守护者-=建造音效=- I must safegaurd the land! 保护大地是我的职责。
Comp uter Kn owl edge an d Tech nolo gy精灵的召唤 战歌之城大冒险网游部落幽灵岛副本奖励经验奖励:幽灵海盗副本中的所有怪物都为精英形态。
并且在格拉斯处每天都可以接取到奖励丰富的副本任务, 可以大大提高玩家的练级速度。
掉落奖励:在幽灵海盗副本中,除了可以获 得与野外怪物及BOSS 相同的物品奖励外,还将获得幽灵海盗副本的特有奖励。
注:灵魂宝石及灵魂水晶是升级45级灵魂装 备的必要道具。
神秘的幽灵岛副本在向我们招手,更加绚 丽,更加强悍的灵魂套装在等着我们,一场更加精 彩和神奇的探险旅程开始了。
走吧,一起上路,把 我们的名字镌刻在幽灵岛!玩了两年多的《完美国际》,最喜欢打副本。
副本,已经成了我的游戏生活中不可缺少的一部 分。
去覆霜、刷黄昏……每一个副本都有它背后 的一段渊源,都有着神秘的宝藏。
当全队队员成功 打败BOSS ,装满一包裹的财宝时,那种满足的感 觉——爽啊!“精灵战歌”推出后,游戏中又推出了一个与 之相关的精灵副本——战歌之城。
美轮美奂的场 景,丰厚的精灵宝藏……这里的产出都是小精灵养 成需要的物品,针对性非常强,对于想培养精灵的 玩家来说非常有用。
据说战歌之城是个非常美丽的 空中之城,带着憧憬,期待着收获,我们六个队员 踏上了探险的旅程。
队伍配置: 妖兽一名 芒果两名 羽灵一名 妖精一名 武侠一名地、青之地、赤之地这五个幻界远转之地,每处均 有1个水昭然的化身需要守护。
根据之前看官网专 题对小怪的属性介绍,我们做了一下分配。
赤之路 的怪物木防和物防都比较低,因此由妖精和妖兽守 护;白之路的怪不免晕而且是物理怪,所以建议一 个武侠守就好了;玄之路的怪物防低,攻击也不高 适合芒果守;黄之路水火土防都不高,理论上适合 法师守,不过要是没法师,芒果也是可以顶替一下 的;青之路是金防比较低的法攻怪,所以推荐羽灵 守护。
这里要特别提醒大家,一定要提前分配好, 不然的话到了那里如果来不及分配的话,五个化 身,五个地点,进重了、漏进了就会使得局面混乱 了。
任务/作战/拾获升级工具相类:Establish Battlefield Control, Stand By 战场控制建立,请等待。
Battle Control Online 作战控制连线。
Incoming Transmission 信号输入。
New Objective Received 收到新的任务目标。
Objective Complete 任务目标完成。
Mission Accomplished 任务完成。
Mission Failed 任务失败。
Reinforcements Have Arrived 援军已抵达。
Critical Unit Lost 丧失关键单位。
Critical Strucure Lost 丧失关键建筑物。
Battle Control Terminated 作战连线终止。
Ore Miner Under Attack 采矿车正遭受攻击。
Our Base Is Under Attack 我们的基地正遭受攻击。
Our Ally Is Under Attack 我们的盟友正遭受攻击。
Cannot Deploy Here 无法在此展开。
Unit Promoted 单位(等级)提升。
Unit Lost 丧失单位。
Robot Tanks Offline * 遥控坦克断线。
Robot Tanks Back Online * 遥控坦克恢复连线。
Player Defeated 玩家被击败了。
You Are Victorious 你胜利了。
You Have Lost 你失败了。
Unit Armor Upgraded 单位装甲升级了。
Unit Firepower Upgraded 单位火力升级了。
Unit Speed Upgraded 单位速度升级了。
生产建造/修理类:Building 建筑中Training 训练中。
Unable To Comply, Building in Progress 无法执行,生产进行中。
1iv CREATURESTATISTICSName: Pikemen 枪兵Attack: 4Defense: 5Damage: 1-3Health: 10Speed: 4Ranged: noName: Halberdier 戟兵Attack: 6Defense: 6Damage: 2-3Health: 10Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Archer 弓箭手Attack: 6Defense: 3Damage: 2-3Health: 10Speed: 4Ranged: yesName: Marksman 神射手Attack: 6Defense: 3Damage: 2-3Health: 10Speed: 6Ranged: yesName: Griffin 狮鹫Attack: 8Defense: 8Damage: 3-6Health: 25Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Royal Griffin皇家狮鹫Attack: 9Defense: 9Damage: 3-6Health: 25Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Swordsmen剑士Attack: 10Defense: 12Damage: 6-9Health: 35Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Crusader 十字军Attack: 12Defense: 12Damage: 7-10Health: 35Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Monk 僧侣Attack: 12Defense: 7Damage: 10-12Health: 30Speed: 5Ranged: yesName: Zealot 祭司Attack: 12Defense: 10Damage: 10-12Health: 30Speed: 7Ranged: yesName: Cavalier 骑兵Attack: 15Defense: 15Damage: 15-25Health: 100Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Champion 骑士Attack: 16Defense: 16Damage: 20-25Health: 100Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Angel 天使Attack: 20Defense: 20Damage: 50Health: 200Speed: 12Ranged: noName: Arch Angel 大天使Attack: 30Defense: 30Damage: 50Health: 250Speed: 18Ranged: noName: Centaurs 半人马Attack: 5Defense: 3Damage: 2-3Health: 8Speed: 6Ranged: noName: CentaurCaptain 半人马首领Attack: 6Defense: 3Damage: 2-3Health: 10Speed: 8Ranged: noName: Dwarf 矮人Attack: 6Defense: 7Damage: 2-4Health: 20Speed: 2Ranged: noName: Battle Dwarf战斗矮人Attack: 7Defense: 7Damage: 2-4Health: 20Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Wood Elf 木精灵Attack: 9Defense: 5Damage: 3-5Health: 15Speed: 6Ranged: yesName: Grand Elf 大精灵Attack: 9Defense: 5Damage: 3-5Health: 15Speed: 7Ranged: yesName: Pegasus 飞马Attack: 9Defense: 8Damage: 5-9Health: 30Speed: 8Ranged: noName: Silver Pegasus银飞马Attack: 9Defense: 10Damage: 5-9Health: 30Speed: 12Ranged: noName: DendroidGuard 枯木卫士Attack: 9Defense: 12Damage: 10-14Health: 55Speed: 3Ranged: noName: DendroidSoldier 枯木战士Attack: 9Defense: 12Damage: 10-14Health: 65Speed: 4Ranged: noName: Unicorn 独角兽Attack: 15Defense: 14Damage: 18-22Health: 90Speed: 7Ranged: noName: War Unicorn独角神兽Attack: 15Defense: 14Damage: 18-22Health: 110Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Green Dragon绿龙Attack: 18Defense: 18Damage: 40-50Health: 180Speed: 10Ranged: noName: Gold Dragon金龙Attack: 27Defense: 27Damage: 40-50Health: 250Speed: 162Ranged: noName: Gremlin 小妖精Attack: 3Defense: 3Damage: 1-2Health: 4Speed: 4Ranged: noName: Master Gremlin 大妖精Attack: 4Defense: 4Damage: 1-2Health: 4Speed: 5Ranged: yesName: Stone Gargoyle 石像鬼Attack: 6Defense: 6Damage: 2-3Health: 16Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Obsidian Gargoyle 石像怪Attack: 7Defense: 7Damage: 2-3Health: 16Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Stone Golem石人Attack: 7Defense: 10Damage: 4-5Health: 30Speed: 3Ranged: noName: Iron Golem铁人Attack: 9Defense: 10Damage: 4-5Health: 35Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Magi 法师Attack: 11Defense: 8Damage: 7-9Health: 25Speed: 5Ranged: yesName: Arch Magi 大法师Attack: 12Defense: 9Damage: 7-9Health: 30Speed: 7Ranged: yesName: Genie 神怪Attack: 12Defense: 12Damage: 13-16Health: 40Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Master Genie神怪主Attack: 12Defense: 12Damage: 13-16Health: 40Speed: 11Ranged: noName: Naga 蛇女Attack: 16Defense: 13Damage: 20Health: 110Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Naga Queen蛇妖Attack: 16Defense: 13Damage: 30Health: 110Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Giant 巨人Attack: 19Defense: 16Damage: 40-60Health: 150Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Titan 泰坦巨人Attack: 24Defense: 24Damage: 40-60Health: 300Speed: 11Ranged: yesName: Imp 小怪物Attack: 2Defense: 3Damage: 1-2Health: 4Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Familiar 怪物Attack: 4Defense: 4Damage: 1-2Health: 4Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Gogs 歌革Attack: 6Defense: 4Damage: 2-4Health: 13Speed: 4Ranged: yesName: Magogs 玛各Attack: 7Defense: 4Damage: 2-4Health: 13Speed: 6Ranged: yesName: Hell Hound地狱猎犬Attack: 10Defense: 6Damage: 2-7Health: 25Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Cerebrus 三首猎犬Attack: 10Defense: 8Damage: 2-7Health: 25Speed: 8Ranged: noName: Demon 恶鬼Attack: 10Defense: 10Damage: 7-9Health: 35Speed: 5Ranged: noName: HornedDemon 长角恶鬼Attack: 10Defense: 10Damage: 7-9Health: 40Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Pit Fiends 邪神Attack: 13Defense: 13Damage: 13-17Health: 45Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Pit Lords 邪神王Attack: 13Defense: 13Damage: 13-17Health: 45Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Efreet 火精灵Attack: 16Defense: 12Damage: 16-24Health: 90Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Efreet Sultan烈火精灵Attack: 16Defense: 14Damage: 16-24Health: 90Speed: 13Ranged: noName: Devil 恶魔Attack: 19Defense: 21Damage: 30-40Health: 160Speed: 11Ranged: noName: Arch Devil 大恶魔Attack: 26Defense: 28Damage: 30-40Health: 200Speed: 17Ranged: noName: Skeleton 骷髅兵3Attack: 5Defense: 4Damage: 1-3Health: 6Speed: 4Ranged: noName: Skeleton Warrior 骷髅勇士Attack: 6Defense: 6Damage: 1-3Health: 6Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Walking Dead行尸Attack: 5Defense: 5Damage: 2-3Health: 15Speed: 3Ranged: noName: Zombie 僵尸Attack: 5Defense: 5Damage: 2-3Health: 20Speed: 4Ranged: noName: Wight 幽灵Attack: 7Defense: 7Damage: 3-5Health: 18Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Wraiths 阴魂Attack: 7Defense: 7Damage: 3-5Health: 18Speed: 7Ranged: no Name: Vampire 吸血鬼Attack: 10Defense: 9Damage: 5-8Health: 30Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Vampire Lord吸血鬼王Attack: 10Defense: 10Damage: 5-8Health: 40Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Lich 尸巫Attack: 13Defense: 10Damage: 11-13Health: 30Speed: 6Ranged: yesName: Power Lich尸巫王Attack: 13Defense: 10Damage: 11-15Health: 40Speed: 7Ranged: yesName: Black Knight黑暗骑士Attack: 16Defense: 16Damage: 15-30Health: 120Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Dread Knight恐怖骑士Attack: 18Defense: 18Damage: 15-30Health: 120Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Bone Dragon骨龙Attack: 17Defense: 15Damage: 25-50Health: 150Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Ghost Dragon鬼龙Attack: 19Defense: 17Damage: 25-50Health: 200Speed: 14Ranged: noName: Troglodytes洞穴人Attack: 4Defense: 3Damage: 1-3Health: 5Speed: 4Ranged: noName: InfernalTroglodytes 地狱洞穴人Attack: 5Defense: 4Damage: 1-3Health: 6Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Harpies 鹰身女妖Attack: 6Defense: 5Damage: 1-4Health: 14Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Harpy Hags鹰身女巫Attack: 6Defense: 6Damage: 1-4Health: 14Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Beholders 邪眼Attack: 9Defense: 7Damage: 3-5Health: 22Speed: 5Ranged: yesName: Evil Eyes 毒眼Attack: 10Defense: 8Damage: 3-5Health: 22Speed: 7Ranged: yesName: Medusa 美杜莎Attack: 9Defense: 9Damage: 6-8Health: 25Speed: 5Ranged: yesName: Medusa Queen美杜莎女王Attack: 10Defense: 10Damage: 6-8Health: 30Speed: 6Ranged: yesName: Minotaur 牛头怪Attack: 14Defense: 12Damage: 12-20Health: 50Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Minotaur King牛头王Attack: 15Defense: 15Damage: 12-20Health: 50Speed: 8Ranged: noName: Manticores 蝎狮Attack: 15Defense: 13Damage: 14-20Health: 80Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Scorpicores毒蝎狮Attack: 16Defense: 14Damage: 14-20Health: 80Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Red Dragons赤龙Attack: 19Defense: 19Damage: 40-50Health: 180Speed: 11Ranged: noName: Black Dragons黑龙Attack: 25Defense: 25Damage: 40-50Health: 300Speed: 154Ranged: noName: Goblins 大耳怪Attack: 4Defense: 2Damage: 1-2Health: 5Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Hobgoblins大耳怪王Attack: 5Defense: 3Damage: 1-2Health: 5Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Wolf Riders恶狼骑士Attack: 7Defense: 5Damage: 2-4Health: 10Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Wolf Raiders恶狼斗士Attack: 8Defense: 5Damage: 3-4Health: 10Speed: 8Ranged: noName: Orc 半兽人Attack: 8Defense: 4Damage: 2-5Health: 15Speed: 4Ranged: yesName: Orc Chieftain半兽首领Attack: 8Defense: 4Damage: 2-5Health: 20Speed: 5Ranged: yesName: Ogre 食人魔Attack: 13Defense: 7Damage: 6-12Health: 40Speed: 4Ranged: noName: Ogre Mage 食人魔王Attack: 13Defense: 7Damage: 6-12Health: 60Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Roc 大雕Attack: 13Defense: 11Damage: 11-15Health: 60Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Thunder Bird雷鸟Attack: 13Defense: 11Damage: 11-15Health: 60Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Cyclops 独眼巨人Attack: 15Defense: 12Damage: 16-20Health: 70Speed: 6Ranged: yesName: Cyclops Kings独眼王Attack: 17Defense: 13Damage: 16-20Health: 70Speed: 6Ranged: yesName: Behemoth 比蒙Attack: 17Defense: 17Damage: 30-50Health: 160Speed: 6Ranged: noName: AncientBehemoth 比蒙巨兽Attack: 19Defense: 19Damage: 30-50Health: 300Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Gnoll 狼人Attack: 3Defense: 5Damage: 2-3Health: 6Speed: 4Ranged: noName: GnollMarauders 大狼人Attack: 4Defense: 6Damage: 2-3Health: 6Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Lizardmen 蜥蜴人Attack: 5Defense: 6Damage: 2-3Health: 14Speed: 4Ranged: yesName: Lizard Warrior蜥蜴勇士Attack: 6Defense: 8Damage: 2-5Health: 15Speed: 5Ranged: yesName: Serpent Fly毒蝇Attack: 7Defense: 9Damage: 2-5Health: 20Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Dragon Fly 龙蝇Attack: 8Defense: 10Damage: 2-4Health: 20Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Basilisk 蜥蜴Attack: 11Defense: 11Damage: 6-10Health: 35Speed: 5Ranged: noName: GreaterBasilisk 巨蜥Attack: 12Defense: 12Damage: 6-10Health: 40Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Gorgon 野牛Attack: 10Defense: 14Damage: 12-16Health: 70Speed: 5Ranged: noName: MightyGorgon 蛮牛Attack: 11Defense: 16Damage: 12-16Health: 70Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Wyvern 飞龙Attack: 14Defense: 14Damage: 14-18Health: 70Speed: 7Ranged: noName: WyvernMonarch 飞龙王Attack: 14Defense: 14Damage: 18-22Health: 70Speed: 11Ranged: noName: Hydra 九头怪Attack: 16Defense: 18Damage: 25-45Health: 175Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Chaos Hydra终极九头怪Attack: 18Defense: 20Damage: 25-45Health: 250Speed: 7Ranged: no5Name: Pixie 小精灵Attack: 2Defense: 2Damage: 1-2Health: 3Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Sprite 精灵Attack: 2Defense: 2Damage: 1-3Health: 3Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Air Elemental气元素Attack: 9Defense: 9Damage: 2-8Health: 25Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Storm Elemental 雷元素Attack: 9Defense: 9Damage: 2-8Health: 25Speed: 8Ranged: yesName: Water Elemental 水元素Attack: 8Defense: 10Damage: 3-7Health: 30Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Ice Elemental冰元素Attack: 8Defense: 10Damage: 3-7Health: 30Speed: 6Ranged: yesName: Fire Elemental火元素Attack: 10Defense: 8Damage: 4-6Health: 35Speed: 6Ranged: noName: EnergyElemental 烈火元素Attack: 12Defense: 8Damage: 4-6Health: 35Speed: 8Ranged: noName: EarthElemental 土元素Attack: 10Defense: 10Damage: 4-8Health: 40Speed: 4Ranged: noName: MagmaElemental 石元素Attack: 11Defense: 11Damage: 6-10Health: 40Speed: 6Ranged: noName: PsychicElemental 精神元素Attack: 15Defense: 13Damage: 15-25Health: 80Speed: 9Ranged: noName: MagicElemental 魔法元素Attack: 15Defense: 13Damage: 15-25Health: 80Speed: 9Ranged: noName: Fire Bird 火鸟Attack: 18Defense: 18Damage: 30-40Health: 150Speed: 15Ranged: noName: Phoenix 凤凰Attack: 21Defense: 18Damage: 30-40Health: 200Speed: 21Ranged: noName: Halfling 侏儒Attack: 4Defense: 2Damage: 1-3Health: 4Speed: 5Ranged: yesName: Peasant 农民Attack: 1Defense: 1Damage: 1Health: 1Speed: 3Ranged: noName: Boar野猪骑兵Attack: 6Defense: 5Damage: 2-3Health: 15Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Rogue 盗贼Attack: 8Defense: 3Damage: 2-4Health: 10Speed: 6Ranged: noName: Mummy 木乃伊Attack: 7Defense: 7Damage: 3-5Health: 30Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Nomad游牧骑兵Attack: 9Defense: 8Damage: 2-6Health: 30Speed: 7Ranged: noName: Sharpshooter幻影射手Attack: 12Defense: 10Damage: 8-10Health: 15Speed: 9Ranged: yesName: Gold Golem金人Attack: 11Defense: 12Damage: 8-10Health: 50Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Troll桥梁怪Attack: 14Defense: 7Damage: 10-15Health: 40Speed: 7Ranged: noName: DiamondGolem 钻石人Attack: 13Defense: 12Damage: 10-14Health: 60Speed: 5Ranged: noName: Enchanter 魔幻法师Attack: 17Defense: 12Damage: 14Health: 30Speed: 9Ranged: yesName: Azure Dragon碧龙/圣龙Attack: 50Defense: 50Damage: 70-80Health: 1000Speed: 19Ranged: noName: CrystalDragon 水晶龙Attack: 40Defense: 40Damage: 60-75Health: 800Speed: 16Ranged: noName: Faerie Dragon仙女龙/紫龙Attack: 20Defense: 20Damage: 20-30Health: 500Speed: 15Ranged: no6 Name: Rust Dragon锈龙/毒龙Attack: 30Defense: 30Damage: 50Health: 750Speed: 17Ranged: nov) MONSTER GROUP NUMBERSFew 1-4Several 5-9Pack 10-19Lots 20-49Horde 50-99 Throng 100-249 Swarm 250-499 Zounds 500-999Legion 1000+vi) MONSTERLEVELSLEVEL 1PikemenHalberdierCentaurs Centaur CaptainsGremlin Master GremlinImpFamiliarSkeleton Skeleton WarriorTroglodytes Infernal TroglodytesGoblinsHobgoblinsGnollGnoll MaraudersPixieSpriteHalflingPeasantLEVEL 2ArcherMarksmanDwarfBattle DwarfStone GargoyleObsidian GargoyleGogsMagogsWalking DeadZombieHarpiesHarpy HagsWolf RidersWolf RaidersLizardmenLizard WarriorAir ElementalStorm ElementalBoarRogueLEVEL 3GriffinRoyal GriffinWood ElfGrand ElfStone GolemIron GolemHell HoundCerebrusWightWraithsBeholdersEvil EyesOrcOrc ChieftainSerpent FlyDragon FlyWater ElementalIce ElementalMummyNomadLEVEL 4SwordsmenCrusaderPegasusSilver PegasusMagiArch MagiDemonHorned DemonVampireVampire LordMedusaMedusa QueenOgreOgre MageBasiliskGreater BasiliskFire ElementalEnergy ElementalSharpshooterGold GolemLEVEL 5MonkZealotDendroid GuardDendroid SoldierGenieMaster GeniePit FiendsPit LordsLichPower LichMinotaurMinotaur KingRocThunder BirdGorgonMighty GorgonEarth ElementalMagma ElementalTrollDiamond GolemLEVEL 6CavalierChampionUnicornWar UnicornNagaNaga QueenEfreetEfreet SultanBlack KnightDread KnightManticoresScorpicoresCyclopsCyclops KingsWyvernWyvern MonarchPsychic ElementalMagic ElementalEnchanterLEVEL 7AngelArch AngelGreen DragonGold DragonGiantTitanDevilArch DevilBone DragonGhost DragonRed DragonsBlack DragonsBehemothAncient BehemothHydraChaos HydraFire BirdPhoenixLEVEL 8Faerie DragonLEVEL 10Azure DragonCrystal DragonRust Dragonvii) TOWNSCASTLEPikemanHalberdiersArchersMarksmanGriffinsRoyal GriffinsSwordsmenCrusadersMonksZealotsCavaliersChampionsAngelsArch AngelsRAMPARTCentaursCentaur CaptainsDwarfBattle DwarfWood ElfGrand ElfPegasusSilver PegasusDendroid GuardDendroid SoldierUnicornWar UnicornGreen DragonGold DragonTOWERGremlinMaster GremlinStone GargoyleObsidian GargoyleStone GolemIron GolemMagiArch MagiGenieMaster GenieNagaNaga QueenGiantTitan7INFERNOImpFamiliarGogsMagogsHell HoundCerebrusDemon Horned DemonPit FiendsPit LordsEfreetEfreet SultanDevilArch Devil NECROPOLISSkeleton Skeleton Warrior Walking DeadZombieWightWraithsVampireVampire LordLichPower LichBlack KnightDread KnightBone DragonGhost DragonDUNGEONTroglodytes Infernal TroglodyteHarpiesHarpy HagsBeholdersEvil EyesMedusa Medusa QueenMinotaur Minotaur KingManticoresScorpicoresRed DragonsBlack DragonsSTRONGHOLDGoblinsHobgoblinsWolf RidersWolf RaidersOrcOrc ChieftainOgreOgre MageRocThunder BirdCyclopsCyclops KingsBehemothAncient BehemothFORTRESSGnollGnoll MaraudersLizardmenLizard WarriorSerpent FlyDragon FlyBasiliskGreater BasiliskGorgonMighty GorgonWyvernWyvern MonarchHydraChaos HydraCONFLUXPixieSpriteAir ElementalStorm ElementalWater ElementalIce ElementalFire ElementalEnergy ElementalEarth ElementalMagma ElementalPsychic ElementalMagic ElementalFire BirdPhoenixOTHER (Thesecannot be found intowns. You must havetheir dwellingsoutside of town)HalflingPeasantBoarRogueMummyNomadSharpshooterGold GolemTrollDiamond GolemEnchanterAzure DragonCrystal DragonFaerie DragonRust Dragonviii) RANGEDCREATURESArcherMarksmanMonkZealotWood ElfGrand ElfMaster GremlinMagiArch MagiTitanGogsMagogsLichPower LichBeholdersEvil EyesMedusaMedusa QueensOrcOrc CheiftainsCyclopsCyclops KingsLizardmenLizard WarriorStorm ElementalIce ElementalHalflingSharpshooterEnchanter。
一直很喜欢这段誓言的~最近看到了英文原版,抄过来~~ 长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for
this night, and all the nights to e.。
Army of the Dead《活死人军团(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本
守门人这里是母舰Gatekeeper, this is Mothership.四骑士已经出发The Four Horsemen are on the gallop.允许开门重复开门You are a go to open the stable door. I repeat, open the stable door. 货物装载完毕骑士已经出发The payload is secure, and the Horsemen are en route.(禁区禁止越界)要把我拍得好看Make sure I look cute.过来- Whoo! - Get in here.拉斯维加斯宝贝Vegas, baby.拉斯维加斯Vegas!冲吧宝贝Go, baby. Yeah.-我们做到了 -是的- We did it! - Yeah.我觉得只拍到了“冲吧宝贝”I think it went. Go, baby.来吧Let's go. Let's go.(拉斯维加斯城界)(新婚)Whoo!-出发 -好- Get out of here! - Yeah!我爱生活伙计们I love life, bitches!爱…Love, love, love…你在干什么坐进来我感受得到What are you doing? Get in here. I feel it!知道我们运的是什么吗Any idea what the hell we're hauling?为什么需要全副武装来保护Why we need all this firepower to protect it?什么都有可能Could be anything from a briefcase nuke可能是便携式核武器也可能是宪法原稿to the original copy of the Constitution用国父鲜血写的那份but the one written in the Founding Fathers' blood.行吧或者是…Right. Or like, uh…大脚怪…Bigfoot.我觉得更可能是拉之权杖的杖头I was thinking more like headpiece to the Staff of Ra或是阿梅莉亚埃尔哈特不过是还活着的or, uh, Amelia Earhart but alive.-反正知道的越少越好 -没错-So, the less you know, the better. -True.因为你先上后娶我给你准备了一份小礼物I got you a little present for making an honest woman out of me. 好的什么等等你在说什么Okay. What? Wait, what are you talking about?棒Oh, yeah.好的Okay.来吧好吧Get in there. All right.你有麻烦了先生You are in trouble now, mister.好了我知道了All right, I've got one.会不会是本该留在月球上的登月器How about the lunar lander that was supposedly left on the moon? 对我喜欢天外来客方面的猜测Yeah, I like the thematic extraterrestrial reference,毕竟我们刚从那里出来你懂的seeing as we're just coming from, uh… Well, you know.-你是说有可能 -什么可能-So you're saying there's a chance. -Chance of what?我们运的有可能是…你懂的Chance we're hauling a… Well, you know.圣杯The Holy Grail.对可能会是圣杯Yeah, could be the Grail.不一定真的是圣杯Not the "Grail" Grail但可能是类似圣杯的那种禁忌物but the Holy Grail of things we shouldn't be hauling.你非得让我说出来吗You're gonna just make me say it out loud?我真的…你说得太隐晦了I honestly don't… I mean, you're being cryptic.51区Area 51.秘密机库尸体解剖Secret hangar. Autopsy.好了我说出来吧是外星人All right, I'll say it. It's an alien.-天啊 -小心-Oh, my God! -Look out!黑翼受损Blackwing's hurt.大伙快点Come on, guys. Hustle up.-把东西取出来 -快点- Let's get this thing out! - Hurry up!去这边快点Get this one. Hustle, hustle.多人当场身亡长官Multiple DOAs, sir.不管了他们都死在里面了我们去查看这台车快Never mind. They're dead in there. Let's get to this one. Come on. -大伙查看货物2号♥ -收到- Guys, get to payload two! - Copy that!母舰这里是四骑士收到了吗Mothership, this is the Four Horsemen. Do you copy?收到请说骑士Copy. Go ahead, Horsemen.我们遇到紧急情况母舰请求支援We're in an emergency situation, Mothership. Requesting support. 收到骑士Copy, Horsemen.什么紧急情况What is the nature of your emergency?我们出了严重车祸母舰We've been in a serious accident, Mothership.确定多人死亡We got numerous fatalities for sure.需要救治直升机越快越好We need a medevac ASAP.收到骑士现在派出救治直升机Copy that, Horsemen. Dispatching medevac now.在我联♥系♥救治直升机的同时请保持通话Keep your comms open while I contact the medevac.骑士货物情况如何Horsemen, what is the condition of the payload?货物The payload.货物情况危急Yeah, payload is compromised.被撞开在高速上Looks like it's busted open in the middle of the highway.请稍等骑士Stand by, Horsemen.好了听仔细了All right, listen carefully.召集能行动的人员立刻离开货物Gather whoever can walk or move and get away from the payload immediately. 等等你让我做什么Wait, what are you telling me to do?闭嘴听我说让你的人离开那里Shut the fuck up and listen to me. Get your men out of there, Horsemen.如果他们不能动就别管了明白吗If they can't move, leave them. You understand?立刻离开那里你收到了吗Get away from that location now! Do you copy?是的收到Yeah, yeah, I copy.嘿Hey! Hey!别管了Leave it.什么Do what?-他们让我们别靠近 -什么- They said to stay away from it. - What?他们说别…They said stay…嘿我们得走了Hey, we gotta go.你听到他们怎么说了我们得走了You heard what they said. We need to move now!我们得回去他们需要我们帮助We need to go back. They need our help!不没有什么“他们” 明白吗大家都完了走吧No. There is no "they." You understand? Everyone's fucked. Come on.等等Wait, wait, wait! Wait!不不能停下我们得继续前进No, no, no. We can't stop. We got to keep moving.现在已经够远了没事的We're far enough away now. It's okay.离“没事”差远了It is so not okay.好吧All right, all right.那是什么What was that?它在追杀我们It's hunting us.它走远了我们走It's getting further away. Let's go.-我天你逗我呢 -刚才真的吓坏了- Holy shit. Are you kidding me? - That really scared me.准备好了吗小子们Are ya ready, boys?一、二、三、四…A one, two, three, four…NETFLIX 出品(哲学硕士学位)今早成千上万的抗♥议♥者在国会大厦前举♥行♥游♥行♥Thousands of protesters marched on the Capitol this morning抗♥议♥昨日国会历史性的投票in response to yesterday's historic Congressional vote勉强通过争议性的议案that narrowly ratified the controversial proposal消灭所谓的“丧尸战争”中最后的残余敌人to wipe out the last remains of the so-called Zombie Wars,这一行动以戏剧性的结尾收场which drew to a dramatic end美军伤亡惨重with the US military suffering massive casualties不得不撤退and being forced to retreat拉斯维加斯已经以围墙封闭让丧尸在废弃的城区里游荡as Vegas was walled off with the zombies left inside to haunt the abandoned city.此举标志着总统将采取终极手段兑现竞选承诺This will mark the culmination of the president's efforts to fulfill his campaign promise 消灭拉斯维加斯的丧尸to exterminate Las Vegas'xa0undead population四天后也就是 7月4日独♥立♥日的日落时分by taking the extreme action of dropping a low-yield tactical nuclear bomb将向拉斯维加斯城区on the city of Las Vegas in four days' time,投掷一颗低当量战术核弹coinciding with sunset on the Fourth of July holiday.该总统令促使麦卡伦隔离营The executive order has prompted the full evacuation进行全面疏散of the McCarran quarantine camp,长久以来该隔离营一直是人♥权♥组织抨击的对象which has long been the target of civil rights groups他们认为没有证据证明who have argued that no evidence of infection该营检测到任何感染…has been detected in the camp.打扰了Excuse me.我可以跟那位先生谈谈吗May I talk to that gentleman, please?嘿斯科特有人找你Hey, Scott, you got a visitor.沃德先生Mr. Ward.嘿你是布莱田中对吧Hey. You're Bly Tanaka, right?你找我You want to see me?不是每一位将国防部长It's not every man who saves the secretary of defense从一群嗜血的怪物中救出来from a horde of flesh-eating monsters,并获得自♥由♥勋章的人earns the Medal of Freedom,最后都会沦落到…only to end up…在一家汉堡店工作Working at a burger joint.田中先生我很清楚自己的处境Mr. Tanaka, I am well aware of my situation.事情是这样的Here's the thing.赌城大道下方的地下金库有两亿美元There's $200 million in the basement vault beneath the Strip.是保险公♥司♥给我的理赔金Two hundred million the insurance company already reimbursed me for,不需课税无法追踪un-taxable, untraceable.无法支配Un-spendable.所以需要你That's where you come in.还剩96小时With 96 hours left,政♥府♥已经从隔离区调走了一半多兵力the government has already moved more than half of its military presence out of the quarantine zone,因此那里防卫薄弱which makes it vulnerable.我想让你组建一支小队取出那笔钱I want you to put together a team and get it out.作为交换In exchange,其中五千万美元归你可以和队友分50 million is yours to divvy up amongst whomever you take in with you.有兴趣吗Intrigued?别急着答复我Don't give me an answer.给你一晚上时间考虑Think on it for the night.以表诚意In good faith.再联♥系♥ 沃德先生We'll talk soon, Mr. Ward.你应该感到高兴You should just be happy这是一项政♥府♥出资的医疗方案that this is essentially a government-funded health care solution(隔离:真♥相♥还是恐慌)能有效结束这一切that will put an end to all of this.拜托西恩你知道他们没被感染Come on, Sean. You know they're not infected.如果被感染早就成丧尸了If they were, they would be zombies already.他们是政♥治♥犯They're political prisoners, just people the government政♥府♥不希望他们走上街头doesn't want on the streets.你和我一样清楚如果你移♥民♥身份有问题You know as well as I do, if you have questionable immigration status, 支持同性恋权利或堕胎advocate for gay rights or abortion,过不了多久the next thing you know,他们就会假借公共安全为由they have a temperature gun at your head拿测温枪对准你的脑袋or dragging you out of your house or your car或是把你从家里或车里拖出来under the guise of public safety.我们在内华达沙漠测试过数千枚核弹了We've tested thousands of nukes in the Nevada desert.这次没什么不同This is no different.拉斯维加斯麦卡伦隔离营的被羁留人员请注意Attention detainees of Las Vegas McCarran quarantine camp. 这里正在进行疏散This facility is in an active evacuation.请登上摆渡巴士前往巴斯托Board the shuttle bus forxa0Barstow.请准备好你的临时健康卡Have your current temporary health clearance card上车时向警官出示to present to officials as you board the shuttle.请注意大巴每15分钟一班…Reminder, shuttles will be leaving every 15 minutes.-嘿伙计们 -凯特-Hey, guys. -Kate!嗨我喘不上气了Hi. I can't breathe.-要搬家了开心吗 -开心-You guys excited for the big move? -Yeah!凯特让孩子们把行李打包完Kate, let the kids finish packing.接着干来吧Go on. Come on.凯特我要你答应我一件事Kate, I need you to promise me something.如果我在接下来的几天里遇到不测In case anything happens to me in the next few days,确保孩子们抵达巴斯托好吗just make sure the kids make it out to Barstow. Okay?你什么意思会出什么事What do you mean? What could happen?你认识她吧You know her, don't you?郊狼The coyote.吉塔这不行Geeta, that is not an option.凯特她能带人进去Kate, she helps people get in,撬开老虎机再偷偷溜出来crack a slot machine, slip back out.等到有人发现时你早就没影了Before anyone even knows, you're gone.有了这笔钱我们才能离开这里That money is our ticket out of here,否则我们会永远困在巴斯托or we'll be trapped in Barstow forever.听着这些守卫不在乎我们死活Listen, these guards, they don't give a shit.但只要给他们五千块我和孩子们就能离开这里But for five grand, I can buy my way out, me and my kids.我必须在周五前把孩子们弄出去I have to get the kids out by Friday,我会不择手段保护我的家人and I will do whatever it takes to protect my family.吉塔进去的人Geeta, people that go in there,不一定回得来they don't always come back.算了Just forget it.-嘿等等吉塔别这样 -当我没说好吗-Hey, wait, wait, wait, Geeta, come on. -Just let it go, okay?-这… -嘿- Well… - Hey.有什么问题吗女士们Everything okay here, ladies?怎么你没别的事可做吗What, you don't have anything better to do?凯特…Kate…-你♥他♥妈♥说什么志愿者 -她什么都没说-The fuck you say to me, volunteer? -She didn't say anything.-是这样吗志愿者 -凯特- Is that right, volunteer? - Kate.给我闭嘴Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!好吧Okay.什么你在跟我讲话What? Were you saying something to me?别Don't.不我什么都没说No, I didn't say anything.被感染后的第一个症状就是好斗You know, the first sign of infection is belligerence以及做出出格的举动and actions outside of social norms.看着我不要动Look at me and hold still.没感染Clear.员工班车将在五分钟后出发employee shuttles leave in five minutes.该你了Your turn.如果你想的话If you want,我可以用我的直肠温度计I could use my rectal thermometer.你低了几个小数点You're down a couple of decimal points.你确定没有不舒服You sure you're feeling all right?-你确定没被感染 -我没事-You sure you're not infected? -I… I'm fine.我没事I'm fine. I'm… I feel fine.好吧Well,你们两个都在误差范围内不过小心点you're both within the margin of error, but watch it.赶紧去坐巴士吧志愿者You better be on that bus, volunteer.混♥蛋♥Asshole.你在想什么What were you thinking?你知道他做掉你有多容易吗Do you know how easy it would be for him to make you disappear? 他只需说你体温降了一度All he has to say is that you dropped a degree,没人会去质疑没人and nobody would question it, nobody.-我知道我… -你知道-I know, I'm… -You know?我只是…他…I just… He…无所谓了Look, it doesn't matter.抱歉我只是…I'm sorry. I just…我要你答应我别做蠢事I need you to promise me that you're not gonna do anything stupid. 吉塔不值得冒险Geeta, it's… it's not worth the risk.不你是对的No, you're right.我不会的I won't.我保证好吗I promise. Okay?谢谢Thanks.员工班车将在五分钟后出发……employee shuttles leave in five minutes.妈妈Mom!(可能)喂Yes?田中先生我很为难Mr. Tanaka, I'm in a tough spot.我不太喜欢你I don't like you very much.我不想接这个活免得让你称心如意可是…So I hate giving you the satisfaction of taking the job, but…你最好组建好队伍You'd best to gather your team.你需要一个直升机飞行员一个开锁人You'll need a helicopter pilot and a safecracker.我会把地址发给你I'm gonna text you an address.明天下午4点在那里见Be there at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow.他同意了He's in.我真不想这么说可是…I hate to ask, but…我得送孩子上学可是如果我没法上班…I have to take the kids to school, and if I can't get to my job-- 别担心我会修好的Don't worry, I'll fix it.谢谢玛利亚Thank you, Maria.别担心小心我身上都是油Don't worry about it. Careful, I'm all greasy.沙基把那辆白车借给她Sharkey, give her the white loaner.-谢了玛利亚 -向孩子们问好-Gracias, Maria. -Say hi to the kids.再见Okay. Bye.该死Fuck.嘿Hey.嘿Hey!你觉得这是一个坏主意吗So you think it's a bad idea?拜托斯科特Come on, Scotty.这想都不用想It's not a matter of "think." It's a matter of "is,"绝对是一个坏主意and it is a bad goddamn idea.-你不干是吗 -我没那么说- You're out? - I didn't say that.那你同意了You're in?我也没那么说I didn't say that either.但你有兴趣But you're intrigued.你这家伙还没进门就知道我有兴趣了吧That much I'm guessing your ass knew before you even walked in.想一想I mean, think about it.我们做了那么多事救了那么多人Everything we did, all those people we saved,到头来得到了什么look what it got us.可如果…仅此一次But what if… what if just once,我们为自己干一票呢we did something just for us?我们可能会丧命We could die.是啊我们可能会丧命Yeah, we'll probably die.至少我们中一部分人会Some of us at least.五千万美元Fifty million dollars.五千万美元Fifty million.怎么分不管多少人都平分吗What's the split? Even however many ways?我打算你、我和范德罗一人拿1500万如果他肯干的话Figured you, me, and Vanderohe will take 15 million each, assuming he'll do it. 其他外人…Everybody else who isn't family…其他人不需要知道我们的分成Nobody needs to know our cut.没错Now you're getting it.你的疯子名单上还有谁Who else is on your crazy-ass list?我看到有人来看你了So I see you had a visitor.跟我说说怎么样Talk to me. How'd it go?这是她半年来头一次来看我Well, first time she's come to visit me in six months.我们聊不到35分钟We can't make small talk for more than 35 minutes就会吵起来without it turning into a fight.不过她看起来挺高兴的Still, she seems happy.这才是最重要的我想That's what matters, I suppose.我敢肯定她很感激你I'm sure that she appreciates you, even if you don't realize it. 即使你没意识到这一点-Mmm. -I mean it.我说真的如果她不感激管她呢And if she doesn't… …screw her.这可是大事That's, uh, some heavy shit.你觉得如何So where's your head at?当初我们一起干的时候我们很投入You know, when we were in it, like, when we were really in it, 杀的怪物数不胜数我从来不去想那些怪物的脸I never thought about the faces of all the countless monsters 但我现在意识到but now just realized, you know,它们也是人were people.我现在回想起来But now their faces,全是它们的脸that's all I see.我不知道重游故地会让这种状况减轻还是加剧I don't know if being back in would be better or worse.老天我不知道God, I can't figure that out,但我想也许能让我得到…but I guess there is a chance that it could be…宣泄cathartic.有这个可能There it is.看看这个Would you look at that.他们在90年代初就该核弹袭击拉斯维加斯的可是…They should have nuked Vegas in the early '90s, but…-这太棒了 -皮特丝- This is great. - Peters!我的天Holy shit.怎么样What's up?什么风把你们吹来了What the hell brings you here?工作如何How's the job?烂透了你们来这里做什么Sucks ass. What're you guys doing here?-这个么… -我们在为一个活召集团队-Well-- -We are putting together a crew for a job.是吗多少报酬Yeah? What does it pay?如果顺利的话Well, if it pans out,一天的活能赚两百万美元you make two million dollars for one day's work.-两百万 -不过…-Two million dollars? -But--这只是我的分成我一个人的That's my share. Just for me?如果顺利的话给两百万美元Two million dollars if it pans out?百分百加入Hundred percent. I'm in. Yeah.你不想了解风险或者…You don't want to know the risks or--我为什么要了解风险Why would I want to know the risks? Two million dollars? That's a lot of cash. 两百万美元那可是一大笔钱Listen, I hate my life so deeply,听着我极度厌恶我的生活if I had two million dollars,要是我有两百万my life would change drastically.我的生活可以天翻地覆Yeah. Thank you. Yes.You sure you don't want to know?你确定不想了解Uh…我打赌是跟直升机有关的活I bet it has something to do with a helicopter.没错Yeah.-我负责开直升机 -对-I'm the helicopter guy. Yeah. -Yeah.-等不及了 -好吧- Where do I sign? - Okay.-我加入 -谢谢朋友很高兴见到你- I'm in. - Thanks. Nice seeing you, bud.她一点没变是吧She hasn't changed, has she?是啊跟以前一样怪Nope. Still weird as ever.走吧我去说服下一位Come on. This next one's on me.快点该死Come on. Shit.漂亮宝贝这才对嘛That's it, baby. That's what I'm fuckin' talking about!麦基古兹曼Mikey Guzman.麦基古兹曼这名字有点有印象-Mikey Guzman. Name rings a bell. -Mm-hmm.瞧瞧这个Check this out.(亡灵古兹曼420)麦基古兹曼在东拉斯维加斯为您直播This is your boy,xa0Mikey Guzman, taping live from East Las Vegas. 我们遇到一群…We got a group of…我数了一下至少有五个不过让我再确认一下等等I counted at least five, but let me double-check. Hold on.七个我们遇到了七个蹒跚者Seven. We got seven shamblers.砰妈的一枪干掉两个Boom, motherfucker! Double headshot.- Shit! - Kid's crazy.网上有很多专门讨论他的论♥坛♥There are Reddit forums devoted to this guy.帅气宝贝Swagger, baby!-帅气没错 -干得漂亮-Swagger, man. Hell, yeah. -That's how it's done.非常感谢Thank you very much.@亡灵420古兹曼@GuzmanOfTheDead420.请点赞并订阅Make sure to like and subscribe.那家伙戴着劳力士至少值一万Yo, that motherfucker has a Rolex. That's ten grand at least.嘿Hey!麦基古兹曼Mikey Guzman.有事吗Yo, what's up?想赚五十万吗What would you say about making 500 grand?说吧要我去杀谁I'd say, "Who the hell do I gotta kill?"我喜欢他I love him.(格温多林保险柜与锁具公♥司♥)我们来这里干什么What are we doing here?你告诉我需要一位开锁人这里或许有你需要的人You told me you needed a safecracker. Might be your missing piece. 有兴趣干一天活赚25万吗How would you like to make 250 grand for one day's work?天啊Oh, my God.你打得开吗Can you crack it?-我打得开吗 -对-Can I crack it? -Yeah.我打得开吗Can I crack it?这就好比给我看波提切利的油画《圣母颂歌♥》This is like showing me a picture of Botticelli's Madonna of the Magnificat 然后问我想不想上她and asking me if I want to fuck her.好吧设计了这件绝美艺术品的人Okay, the man who designed this wonderful work of art,汉斯瓦格纳Hans Wagner,他为这个收山之作he named it Der Götterdämmerung取名为“众神的黄昏”for the final chapter in his namesake,出自理查德瓦格纳的经典歌♥剧…Richard Wagner's epic opera,《尼伯龙根的指环》Der Ring des Nibelungen.它能被我打开吗- Mmm. - Can it be opened and by me?我不知道I don't know.-说实话我不知道 -好吧-I honestly don't. -Okay.小心你的手指大手怪先生Watch your fingers, Mr. Big Hand.但在现今的锁匠之中But of the world's living locksmiths,我是最有胜算打开它的人吗do I represent your greatest chance of opening it?我可以谦虚地说:“是的”I can, with humility, say yes.你加入了You're in?是通往另一个世界的大门It's a doorway to another realm, my friends,和神的旨意让你们找到了我and providence has brought you to me.我们要一起迎战We go through it together.-对了你叫什么 -斯科特沃德-By the way, what's your name? -Scott Ward.-什么 -斯科特沃德- Sorry? - Scott Ward.我叫迪特斯科特沃德Dieter, Scott Ward.准备好大干一场了吗Are you ready to play?(拉斯唯复仇)好Yeah.斯科特Scott,这位是达蒙那位是钱伯斯this is Damon. That's Chambers.-他们和我一起的我会付他们钱 -好的-They're with me. They'll be on my dime. -Okay.-你好 -欢迎加入小队- How's it going? - Welcome to the team.斯科特你想告诉我这孩子是来干什么的吗Scott, you want to tell me what's up with the kid?瞧瞧他无意冒犯Look at him. No offense,但他看起来不像是丧尸杀手的料but he doesn't look like zombie killer material.嗨我叫迪特我能打开一切打不开的东西Hi, my name is Dieter, and I'm going to open what cannot be opened. 你在逗我吗Are you kidding me?没有我们需要这孩子打开保险库No, we need the kid to open the safe.要是没了他什么都没了We lose him, we got nothing.来伙计们都过来Let's go, guys. Bring it in.田中先生小队到齐了Mr. Tanaka, team's all here.很高兴今天能见到你们Lovely to have you all gathered here today.了解下你们的目标Meet your target.维加斯布莱大厦The Vegas Bly.你们不能飞进拉斯维加斯You can't fly into Vegas.那里限航It's restricted airspace.但你们能飞出来But you can fly out.北楼“索登”的楼顶上有一架废弃的救援直升机There is an abandoned rescue helicopter on top of the north tower, Sodom. 如果你们都沟通配合好If you coordinate and communicate,一进一出应该很简单this should be a simple in-and-out.你们进城后有32小时的时间You will enter the city with a 32-hour window.不管那里活跃着什么丧尸Whatever zombies are still walking对你们这样的一群硬汉来说都不会是问题should be no problem for a gang of tough hombres such as yourselves.等等Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!不好意思My apologies.具体要怎么杀丧尸How precisely do we do the zombie killing?老天Oh, Jesus.这里还有人没杀过丧尸吗Is there anybody else here who hasn't killed a zombie?我们都了解基本的要点Well, we all know the basics.丧尸、蹒跚者、亡灵不管你想怎么称呼它们Zombies, shamblers, the undead, whatever you wanna call them,它们的要害都是脑子when it comes to killing them, it's all about the brain.脑子Brain.如果冲你过来了瞄准脑袋开枪就那么简单One comes at you, shoot it in the brain. It's that simple. Any questions?有什么问题吗Yes. What if I took a big rock and smashed it into the head?有如果我拿一块大石头砸它脑袋呢Would… would that work?这样可以吗Yeah. Yeah, that, uh…可以因为也是瞄准脑袋了所以可以的that also would still be targeting the brain, so that would work. 明白Copy that.抱歉田中先生请继续Sorry, Mr. Tanaka, please continue.你们从那里向赌城大道前进From there, you move down the Strip.会在两小时内抵达赌场You'll reach the casino in less than two hours.进去后找到发电机You go in and find the generator.保险库就在南楼“格莫拉”的下方…The safe, beneath the south tower, Gomorrah…在走廊的尽头is at the end of a hallway.那里有几处非致命的威慑性机关There, you'll find several nonlethal deterrents.你们要想办法触发它们You'll have to find a way to trigger them.与此同时我们无畏的飞行员兼机械师Meanwhile, our fearless pilot-slash-mechanic要为直升机加油fuels the helicopter.此时保险库大门处Back at the main door,轮到我们的开锁人上场our safecracker gets to work.像一位手术医生或画家那样Like a surgeon or a painter,他的杰作几乎不会发出任何声响his masterpiece rendered in barely audible clicks.最终他用温柔的触碰卸下了她的防御Finally, she succumbs to the sheer dominance之后只要把钱搬上直升机of his gentle touch.向日落飞去Then, all you have to do is load the money on the helicopter所有这些…and fly off into the sunset.在核弹发射前一天完成All this…轻松惬意日本小鸡…a full day before the nuke ever leaves the launchpad.不好意思先生Easy peasy Japanese-y.现在不允许这样说了要说“柠檬挤挤”Sorry, sir.是的可我是…We're not allowed to say that anymore. It's "lemon squeezy" now.我觉得没关系他就是日本小鸡Yeah, but I'm--如你所愿I think it's fine if he's Japanese-y.轻松惬意柠檬挤挤As you wish.来看一看Easy peasy lemon squeezy.好的干得好Take a look.等等Oh. Okay. Good job. Good job.这就是真正的计划要打丧尸Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. This is the real plan? It's zombies?是啊兄弟怎么了我以为你没意见Yeah, bro, what's going on? I thought you were cool with it.你总说如果看到丧尸就会揍爆它You were always talking about how, if you saw a zombie, you'd fuck his shit up. 那都是瞎扯的That was bullshit, man.什么What?去他的我不干了Fuck this. I'm out.这太疯狂了你们都会丧命的This is crazy. You all are gonna die.-老天 -抱歉兄弟- Jesus Christ. - Sorry, brother.业余的Amateurs.嘿达蒙等等Hey, Damon. Wait, man.好了队员们拿好你们的装备早上六点准时见All right, team, grab your load-out bags. See you at 6:00 a.m. sharp. 收到队长Roger that, Cap.等等Now, hold up, hold up.我叫马丁我是田中先生的保安队长My name's Martin. I'm Mr. Tanaka's head of security.有什么需要就跟我说Anything you need, you talk to me.我能弄到你们想要的任何装备I can access any hardware you might want.我会凭借对赌场的渊博知识I'll also be accompanying you on this job陪同你们完成这项任务because of my extensive knowledge of the casino.有什么问题吗Any questions?好的 0600见Good. See you at 0600.06000600?你感觉怎么样How're you feeling?你是个疯子你知道吧You're insane. You know that, right?如果要我选择是死在赌城大道But if it's a choice between dying on the Strip还是继续在汉堡店烤馅饼and spending another day flipping patties at the Lucky Boy,我会为了几百万赌一把I'll gamble on a few million.你想过怎么进去吗Have you given any thought to how you'll get in?想过了Yeah.新到的人需要进行全套健康检查Recent arrivals require a full health inspection.巴斯托隔离中心是一个零容忍♥机构Barstow Quarantine Center is a zero-tolerance facility.如果房♥卡上没有绿色健康标签Without a green health clearance sticker on your key card, 你就不能出入公共区域you will not be permitted in common areas.嘿凯特Hey. Kate.-你来这里做什么 -我要跟你谈谈-What are you doing here? -I need to talk to you.-不 -等等-No. No! -Wait. Whoa!先听我说Just hear me out. Hear me out.我有一个机会…I have an opportunity,我需要你帮忙and I need your help.我知道听起来会很疯狂帮我一个忙吧Look. I know this is gonna sound crazy.帮你But do one thing for me.帮了这个忙For you?我就给你1500万美元Do this one thing, and I can give you $15 million.-1500万 -1500…-Fifteen million? -Fifteen…你没有1500万美元You don't have $15 million.如果你帮我这个忙我就有了If you do this one thing for me, I will.我知道这无法弥补我所做的事I know this is not gonna make up for what I did…无法弥补我是个糟糕的父亲…or what type of father I was.是啊Yeah.但有了1500万你就可以帮助这些人With $15 million, you can help these people.。
SHADEZ -The Black Operations(英文Flash游戏大作夜战1黑色行动攻略)
SHADEZ: THE BLACK OPERATIONS目录SHADEZ: THE BLACK OPERATIONS (1)INTRODUCTION (1)THE OBJECTIVE (2)MAIN MENU (2)STARTING A LEVEL (3)THE INTERFACE (3)BUILDING UNITS (4)UPGRADING (4)STRIKES (5)THE MAP (5)UNIT CONTROL (5)REFERENCE (6)INTRODUCTIONShadez: The Black operations is the first in the series of this game. The player is placed into the role of General of a Mercenary force. This force has been hired by the governments around the world to fight the wars they do not want to fight or they don’t want to declare this, kee ping it top secret and out of the hands of the press.Using your expert knowledge of troop deployment, hardware and airstrikes take on an international determined unconventional enemy army and remove them from existence. This is a test of your skills and if successful the governments will rehire you for other missions and other wars.THE OBJECTIVEThe objective of the game is to destroy the enemy and stop them reaching your base (your base is off the screen to the left). For every unit destroyed funds are earned for you to use to increase the might of your army. Every time an enemy unit makes it to your base then health is deducted, when this reaches then the game is over and you have been destroyed.MAIN MENUOk now we are ready to go. There are 6 clickable areas, Shadez logo (takes you to the developer's website), More Games (goes to the Crazy Monkey games website), Play (goes to the select level screen), Game guide (you are here), Trailer (plays the trailer) and credits. Click play and let's get going.STARTING A LEVELThere are 4 levels to choose from, each level offers a different level of play (from easy to expert), a different size (from short to long) and also the hills and dips offer different types of gameplay and strategy.After selecting the level, you can then view the hiscores for this level. Once you are ready go ahead and click Start war. Please note: the first loading of the game may be longer than the second time.THE INTERFACENow you are in the battle you have a series of tools available to you and some important information you will need to follow. There are three tabs: Units, Strikes and Upgrades, each of these offers different items for you to activate and use on the enemy.Also you can see how much funds you have, the health of your off-screen base and which stage you are on (note: when a stage is complete then you have 30 seconds before the next wave). Also you can control the game speed; you can pause or speed the game up 10 fold (10 times faster).The other thing you can see is the Map, we shall get on to this later in this guide. And then we have the Get help button and some help text at the very bottom.BUILDING UNITSClick on a the Units tab at the bottom and then click on the troop's icon, this will start the process of recruiting and bringing the troop to the war. Once the clock has reached all the way round the troop will appear at the left hand side of the map. He is now ready to fight for your cause.You can build up to 9 units at once and if you want to cancel building a unit then hold the control key and left click on the icon, this will decrement the build count.UPGRADINGClick on the Upgrades tab at the bottom, here you are given a choice of which unit or strike to add to your arsenal. Click on the item you want to upgrade and this will start the processing of upgrading it. Once the clock reaches all the way around then it will disappear and the new item will be added to either to the Units panel or Strikes panel.STRIKESClick on the Strikes tab at the bottom and then select a strike you want to activate. Again once the clock reaches all the way around the strike is ready to launch. Make sure you follow the instructions at the bottom of the screen as different strikes can target different enemy units or they are location base, i.e. a place on the battlefield.THE MAPThe map shows to you where your units are and where the enemy units are. You can also scroll the map here: click and drag the blue box. This blue box shows the area of the battlefield that is visible.Note: You can also use the Arrow keys to scroll the map.UNIT CONTROLWithin in this panel, there is the unit's icon, a short description, some stats (health, armor and speed) and 4 control icons: (From left to right, top to bottom) Proceed (tells the unit to proceed along the battlefield),Stop/Halt (stop at this location and hold ground), Movement control (Not supported in this version) and Unload (only works for the Chinook and off loads it's cargo).Each unit has a limited amount of control. To take control you need to select one of your units with the left button. When selected a blue circle will appear and the panel shown above will also appear, now you can order the unit to do something.REFERENCE。
生产:没钱了Insufficient funds可以造新东西了New construction options开始建造建筑物building开始生产作战单位Training暂停生产On hold取消生产Canceled生产进行中目前不接受新的生产指令Can not comply building in progress 建筑已造好Construction complete单位已造好Unit ready建筑被卖掉Structure sold建筑修理Repairing电力不足生产减缓Low power选定主要建筑物(战车工厂/兵营等)Primary building selected作战:单位已修好Unit repaired单位升级了Unit promoted作战单位被灭Unit lost(战车工厂/兵营/维修厂)建立新的集结点New ___ point established我们的建筑物正遭受攻击Our base is under attack援军(空降部队)准备好了Reinforcements ready进入该建筑盗得金钱Building ininfiltrated cash stolen进入该建筑盗得科技Building ininfiltrated New technology acquired进入该建筑敌方电力切断Building ininfiltrated enemy base power down 进入该建筑敌方雷达探明Building ininfiltrated radar subtouched占领(敌方)建筑Building captured占领科技(油井空降场等)建筑Tech building captured(油井空降场等)建筑被敌占领Tech building lost被敌方盗得金钱Cash stolen桥梁已修好Bridge repaired大兵驻扎建筑物Structure garrisoned脱离驻扎建筑物Structure abandoned(超级武器)选择目标Select target玩家被击败Player defeated你胜利了You are victorious谭雅:shake it,baby!(炸建筑时喊!)move now,boss!(是的,老大!)you`ve gonna order?(你有命令么?)美国大兵:can~ do!(拖长喊:能搞定!)All the move!(保持行动!)Closing in!(接近中!)Sir,yes sir!(是的,先生!)Enemy spotted!(遭遇敌人!)驱逐舰:Man in battlestation!(准备作战!)order`selvier no headache!(抱怨:“发命令的人自己倒不觉得什么!”)间谍:operation on the way!(正在行动中!)You Give me a plan!(给个计划!)yes commandor!(是的指挥官先生!)超时空转换:Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived!(传送部队到达倒记时:5,4,3,2,1,援军到达!——任务版)闪电风暴:lighting storm created!(闪电风暴已经生成!)苏联矿车:war miner is here!(战斗矿车在此!汗!)天启坦克:it is the judgement day!(今天就是审判日!)Soviet power superian!(苏联力量强大无比!)雷达:Spy plane ready!(侦察机完毕!)尤里:tell me your wish~(告诉我你在想什么~ )your mind disclevered!(清除你的个体意识!)苏联动员兵:Attack it!(攻击吧!)Yes comrade!(是,同志!)基洛夫空艇:Giroff Report!(基洛夫刚刚造好.基洛夫报道!)。
terrain n. 地形dirtdirt n. 污垢,泥土sandsand n. 沙子;沙滩,沙地grassgrass n. 草;草地snowsnow n. 雪swampswamp n. 沼泽,湿地roughrough a. 粗糙的;狂野粗暴的;n. 崎岖的荒野subterraneansubterranean a. 地下的;n. 地下lavalava n. 熔岩, 火山岩volcano n. 火山larva n. 幼虫;复数形式为larvaelave v. 洗浴,慢慢冲刷lavatory n. 洗手间, 厕所waterwater n. 水;水体如海、湖、河或溪等大片的水rockriverclear rivericy rivermuddy rivermud n. 泥,泥浆muddy a. 泥泞的lava riverroaddirt roadgravel roadgravel n. 砂砾,砾石cobblestone roadcobblestone n. 圆石, 鹅卵石pebble n. 卵石rubble n. 碎石,瓦砾magic terriancursed groundmagic plainsplain n. 平原,草原proficiency n. 熟练,精通,熟练程度proficient a. 熟练的,精通的clover fieldclover n. 三叶草;苜蓿field n. 原野,旷野neutral n. 中立者,中立国; a. 中立的,中立国的,中性的evil fog holy ground fiery fieldfiery a. 火的,火焰的;炽热的;热烈的,暴躁的lucid poollucid a. 明晰的magic clouds rocklandsterrain objectsderelict shiprelict n. 残余物;寡妇derelict a. 遗弃的=abandoned;n. 遗弃的东西flotsam n. 漂浮的废料shipwreck survivor shipwreckkelpkelp n. 海藻reefreef n. 暗礁buoybuoy n. 浮标,浮筒;救生boatocean bottle sea chestchest n. 胸膛;箱,柜cartographercartograph n. 地图shroud . 掩蔽,遮盖mermaidsmermaid n. 美人鱼maid n. 少女,女仆maiden n. 少女,处女favorable windfavorable a. 赞成的,有利的sirenssiren n. 妖妇whirlpool n. 漩涡,涡流;混乱,纷乱turbulence n. 骚乱,动荡,(液体或气体的)紊乱shipyardshipyard n. 造船厂oak treesoak trees 橡树lemon tree 柠檬树cratercrater n. 火山口,弹坑loglog . 记录;n. 圆木,航海日志flowersholelake mound mound n. 土墩upland n. 丘陵地带mountain mountain n. 山,山脉range n. 山脉ridge n. 山脊outcroppingoutcrop n 露出地面的岩pine treespine n. 松树 v. 消瘦,憔悴rock shrubshrub n. stump矮树,灌木stump n. warrior's tomb 树桩,残余,烟头warrior n. trees hills勇士;战士river deltadelta n.( 河流的 ) 三角洲 abandonded mine alchemist's lab alchemist n. 炼金术士 crystal caverncavern n. 洞穴,岩洞 gem pond gold mineore pitore n. 矿石,含有金属的岩石pit n. 坑 sawmillsawmill n. 锯木厂,锯木机 sulfur dunedune n. 沙丘 water wheelwater wheel 水车 wheel n. 车轮,轮子 taverntavern n. 酒馆,客栈recruit v. 征募新兵 rumor n. 流言,传闻 lake of the scarletswanscarlet n. 猩红色; a. 猩红的,鲜红的,深红的swan n. 天鹅 fountain of fortunefountain n. 泉水,喷泉,源泉 faerie ringfaerie n. 仙子,仙境; a. 仙女的 fairy n. 仙女; a. 仙女的ring n. 环;铃声;打电话;拳击场,用绳子围起来的场地 mystical gardenreplenish v. 补充,再装满 fountain of youth cryptcrypt n. 土窖,地下室,地穴 hill fort obeliskobelisk n. 方尖石塔;问号 trading post sign stablestable a. 稳定的; n. 马厩 tree of knowledge magic wellcactus seer's hutseer n. 预言家,先知者 hut n. 小屋,棚屋 skullskull n. 头骨 sand pitcampfirecampfire n. 营火,篝火;营火会 oasisoasis n.( 沙漠中 ) 绿洲 pyramid corpsecorpse n. 尸体 dead vegetationvegetation n .植物,草木,植被 vegetable n. 蔬菜 lean towindmillwindmill n. 风车redwood observatoryredwood n. 红杉observatory a. 天文台,气象台tile n. 瓦片,瓷砖mandrakemandrake n. 曼德拉草moss n. 苔,藓moss swamp foliagefoliage n. 树叶,植物magic spring scholar watering hole mushroomsmushroom n. 蘑菇fungus n. 菌类,蘑菇复数形式fungi pillar of firepillar n. 柱子,栋梁girder n. 大梁(钢架结构的) beam n. 木结构大梁volcano war machine factory refugee camprefugee camp 难民营refugee n. 难民,流亡者camp n. 营地arenaarena n. 竞技场star axisaxis n. 轴garden of revelationrevelation n. 显示,揭露;启示,揭示learning stone idol of fortuneidol n. 偶像,神像library of enlightenmentenlighten vt. 启发,启蒙,教导marletto tower mercenary campmercenary n. 雇佣兵school of magic university temple dragon utopiautopia n. 乌托邦,完美理想utopian a. 乌托邦式的,梦想的school of war witch hutwitch n. 巫婆,女巫,迷人的女子subterranean gate altar of sacrificealtar n. 祭坛,圣坛cyclops stockpilestockpile n&v. 积蓄,库存dwarven treasurytreasury n. 财政部,国库griffin conservatoryconservatory n. 温室,音乐学校imp cachecache n. 贮藏物medusa stores nega bank dragon fly hivehive n. 蜂房cover of darkness den of thievesden n. 兽穴,洞穴eye of the magi hut of the magi shrine of magic incantationshrine n. 神殿incantation n. 咒语shrine of magic gesture shrine of magic thought lighthouselighthouse n. 灯塔black market monolith oneway entrancemonolith n. 巨石,雕塑monolith oneway exit monolith twoway garrisongarrison n. 驻军,要塞choke . 窒息,哽住,阻塞anti-magic garrison border guard border gate freelancer's guildfreelancer n. 自由作家;自由记者guild n. 行会,协会keymaster's tent prison rally flagrally v. 召集;恢复;n. 拉力赛sanctuary n. 圣堂, 避难所, 动物保护区treasures treasure chest crystal gem gold mercury ore sulfur woodartifactstreasure artifact, minor artifact, major artifact, relic spell scrollartifact scroll n. 卷轴,名册centaur's ax greater gnoll's flail flail n. 连枷ogre's club of havocclub n. 俱乐部,夜总会;棍棒havoc . 大破坏sword of hellfirehellfire n. 地狱之火,严酷的苦难shield of the dwarven lords buckler of the gnoll kingbuckler n. 小圆盾;. 防卫targ of the rampaging orge rampage . 暴跳,狂暴shield of the damned helm of the alabasterunicornalabaster . 雪花石膏helm of chaos crown of the supreme magi hellstorm helmet breastplate ofpetrified wood breastplate n. 胸甲petrify v. 石化,吓呆torso n. 人体躯干scales of the greater basilisk scale n. 鱼鳞tunic of the cyclops king tunic n. 束腰外衣breastplate of the brimstonebrimstone n. 硫磺(石)Clover of FortuneCards of Prophecy prophecy n. 预言,预言能力Ladybird of Luck ladybird n. 瓢虫Badge of Courage badge n. 徽章,像章;标志Crest of Valorcrest n. 头盔;头盔上的装饰valor n. 英勇,勇猛Glyph of Gallantryglyph n. 浮雕gallantry n. 勇敢speculum n. 金属镜,反射镜spyglass n. 小望远镜Garniture of Interference garniture n. 装饰品interference n. 冲突,干涉Surcoat of Counterpoisesurcoat n. 外套,女用外衣counterpoise . 平均,平衡Boots of Polarity polarity n. 极性Bird of PerceptionStoic Watchman stoic n. 哲学;a. 淡泊的Emblem of Cognizance emblem n. 象征, 徽章Statesman's Medal statesman n. 政治家Diplomat's RingAmbassador's Sash ambassador n. 大使sash n. 肩带, 腰带Ring of the Wayfarer wayfarer n. 旅客, 徒步旅行者Equestrian's Gloves equestrian n. 骑士Angel WingsOrb of the Firmament firmament n. 天空, 太空, 苍天Orb of Silt silt n. 淤泥, 残渣Orb of Tempestuous Fire tempestuous a. 暴乱的Orb of Driving Rain driving a. 猛烈的、强烈的、有力的a driving rain大风Recanter's Cloak recant v. 放弃cloak n. 斗蓬Spirit of Oppression oppression n. 压迫, 镇压, 压抑, 苦恼Hourglass of the Evil Hour hourglass n. 沙漏Tome of Fire Magic tome n. 册, 卷, 本, 大本书Tome of Air MagicTome of water MagicTome of earth MagicBoots of Levitation levitation n. 轻轻浮起, 升在空中Golden BowSphere of Permanence Orb of Vulnerability Necklace of Swiftness Bootsof Speed Cape of Velocity Pendant of Dispassion dispassion n. 冷静, 公平pendant n. 垂饰, 下垂物Pendant of Second Sight second sight n. 超人的视力Pendant of Holiness Pendant of Life Pendant of Death Pendant of FreeWill Pendant of Agitation agitation n. 激动, 兴奋, 煽动, 搅动Pendant of Total Recall Pendant of Courage Inexhaustible Cart of Ore Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber Endless Sack of Gold Endless Bag of Gold Endless Purse of Gold Spellbinder's Hat Shackles of Warshackle n. 手铐, 脚镣, 桎梏, 束缚物wield v. 挥Orb of Inhibition inhibition n. 禁止, 阻止, 禁制, 压抑Vial of Dragon Blood Armageddon's Blade Angelic Alliance helm of heavenly enlightenment celestial necklace of bliss celestial a. 天上的bliss n. 极大的幸福;极乐sword of judgmentjudgement = judgment armor of wonder sandals of the saintsandal n. 凉鞋,便鞋lion's shield of courage Cloak of theUndead King amulet of the undertakeramulet n. 护身符undertaker n. 承办者,承担者Vampire's Cowlcowl n. 蒙头斗篷dead man's bootsElixir of Life Ring of Life Vial of Lifeblood vial n. 小瓶Ring of Vitalityvitality n. 活力, 生命力, 生动性Armor of the Damned skull helmethelmet n. 头盔, 钢盔blackshard of the dead knight rib cage rib n. 肋骨shield of the yawning dead Statue of Legion Legs of Legion Loins of Legion loin n. 腰hips 臀部Torso of Legion Arms of Legion Head of Legion Power of the Dragon Father Crown of Dragontooth Necklace of Dragonteeth dragon wing tabard tabard n. 粗大衣red dragon flame tongue flame n. 热情dragon scale shield quiet eye of the dragon Still Eye of the Dragon dragon bone greaves greaves n. 残渣dragon scale armor Titan's Thunder thunder helmet thunder . 雷,打雷,雷鸣titan's gladius gladius n. 短剑titan's cuirass cuirass n. 胸甲sentinel's shield sentinel n. 哨兵Admiral's Hat admiral n. 海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰Sea Captain's HatNecklace of Ocean Guidance guidance n. 指导, 领导Bow of the Sharpshooter sharpshooter n. 神枪手Bow of Elven Cherrywood cherrywood n. 樱桃木Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane bowstring n. 弓弦mane n. 鬃毛Angel Feather ArrowsWizard's WellMystic Orb of Mana orb n. 球, 天体, 圆形物Talisman of Mana talisman n. 护身符, 法宝Charm of Mana charm n. 小饰品Ring of the MagiCollar of Conjuring collar n. 领口,项圈conjure v. 变戏法, 施魔法Ring of ConjuringCape of ConjuringCornucopia cornucopia n. 羊角Everflowing Cloak of CrystalEverpouring Vial of MercuryEversmoking Ring of SulfurRing of Infinite GemsPandora's BoxGrailGrail n. (传说中耶稣在最后的晚餐中用过的)圣杯,圣盘hero skills attack skill defense skill spell power knowledge pathfindingpathfinding 拓荒,探险archeryarchery n. 箭术logisticslogistics n. 后勤学,后勤scoutingscout . 侦察, 搜索;n. 侦察员, 侦察机diplomacy navigation leadershipleadership n. 领导能力, 领导阶层wisdom mysticism luck ballisticsballistics n. 弹道学, 发射学eagle eye necromancynecromancy n. 招魂术;巫术estatesestates n. 状态;不动产, 财产fire magic air magic water magic earth magicscholarscholar n. 学者tacticstactic/tactics n. 策略, 战略artilleryartillery n. 炮的总称, 炮兵的总称learningoffencearmorerintelligencesorcerysorcery n. 巫术, 魔术sorcerer n. 男巫士, 魔术师sorceressn. 女魔法师, 女巫resistanceresistance n. 反抗, 抵抗, 抵抗力, 阻力, 电阻, 阻抗first aidfirst aid 急救spellsmagic arrow visions haste view air disguise disguise v. 假装, 伪装, 掩饰;n. 伪装disrupting ray disrupt v. 使中断, 使分裂, 使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏fortunelightning bolt bolt n. 螺钉, 闪电precisionair shielddestroy undead protection from air hypnotize hypnotize vt. 施催眠术, 使着迷, 使恍惚chain lightning counterstrike dimension door dimension n. 尺寸, 尺度, 维(数), 度(数), 元flymagic mirrorsummon air elementalsummon v. 召集, 召唤, 号召, 鼓起, 振作blesscuredispeldispel vt. 驱散, 驱逐, 使消散protection from water summon boat ice bolt remove obstacle obstacle n. 障碍(物); 妨碍,阻碍,干扰scuttle boatscuttle v. 凿孔沉(船);weakness forgetfulness frost ringfrost n. 霜, 霜冻, 严寒v. 结霜mirthmirth n. 欢笑, 高兴teleport vt.(心灵学用语)心灵运输(物体、人)clone prayerprayer n. 祈祷water walk summon water elemental shield slow stoneskin view earth death rippleripple n. 波纹;v. 起波纹nipple n. 乳头, 奶嘴protection from earth quicksandquicksand n. 流沙animate deadanimate v. 鼓舞;a. 生气勃勃的anti magic earthquake force field meteor showermeteor n. 流星resurrectionresurrection n. 复苏sorrow town portalportal n. 入口implosionimplosion n. 内爆summon earth elemental protection from fire bloodlustbloodlust n. 杀戮欲curse blind fire wallfire ball land mine misfortunemisfortune n. 不幸, 灾祸armageddonarmageddon n. 世界末日战场berserkberserk . 狂暴的(地), 疯的(地) fire shield frenzyfrenzy n. 狂暴, 狂怒infernoinferno n. 阴间, 地狱slayerslayer 杀人者, 凶手sacrificesacrifice . 牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉summon fire elementaltown buildings in commontown hallhall n. 会堂, 礼堂, 大厅, 走廊, 门厅city hall capital fort citadel citadel n. 根据地, 大本营castle tavernblacksmith blacksmith n. 锻工, 铁匠marketplace resource silosilo n. 筒仓, 地窖, [ 空]竖井, (导弹)发射井artifact merchantsmerchant n. 商人a. 商业的, 商人的mage guild shipyardCastleKnight cleric cleric n. 牧师, 传教士brotherhood of the sword griffinbastionbastion n.(可扩大射击范围的)棱堡, 堡垒, 阵地工事lighthouse stables colossuscolossus n. 巨像, 巨人guardhouse, pikeman / halberdier pikeman n. 长枪兵halberdier n. 戟兵guardhouse n. 警卫室, 卫兵室,禁闭室archer's tower, archer / marksman marksman n. 射手, 神射手griffin tower, griffin / royal griffingriffin n.[ 希神] 狮身鹫首的怪兽barracks, swordsman / crusader barracks n. 兵营swordsman n. 剑客crusader n. 十字军战士monastery, monk / zealot monastery n. 修道院,僧侣training ground, cavalier / champion portal of glory, angel /archangelarch n. 拱门, 弓形结构, 拱形;adj. 主要archangel n. 天使长, 大天使TowerAlchemist Wizard library lookout tower sculptor's wings sculptor n. 雕刻家wall of knowledge skyship workshop, gremlin / master gremlin gremlin n.小鬼parapet, stone gargoyle / obsidian gargoyle parapet n. 栏杆obsidian n.[ 矿] 黑曜石, 十胜石gargoyle n. 奇形怪状的雕刻像golem factory, stone golem / iron golemgolem n.(16 世纪希伯来传说中的)有生命的假人Hebrew n. 希伯来人Hebraic a. 希伯来人的mage tower, mage / arch mage altar of wishes, genie / master genie genie n. 妖怪, 鬼golden pavilion, naga /naga queenpavilion n. 大帐蓬, 亭, 阁cloud temple, giant / titan rampart n. 垒, 壁垒, 城墙rangerranger n. 巡逻骑兵DruidDruid n. 德鲁伊教徒(古代高卢人与不列颠人的一种宗教)mystic pond dendroid saplingsdendroid a. 树木状的sapling n. 树苗, 小树fountain of fortune miner's guildminer n. 矿工treasuryspirit guardianguardian n. 护卫者, 保护人, 监护人a. 守护的centaur stable, centaur / centaur captaincentaur n.[ 希神] 人首马身的怪物, 半人马座dwarf cottage, dwarf / battle dwarfcottage n. 村舍, 小别墅homestead, wood elf / grand elf homestead n. 家园, 田产elf n. 小精灵,矮子,淘气鬼grand a. 盛大的, 豪华的, 重大的, 主要的, 极重要的enchanted spring, pegasus /silver pegasusenchant vt. 施魔法, 使迷惑enchanter n. 巫士sprint v. 疾跑冲刺Pegasus n. 飞马dendroid arches, dendroid guard / dendroid soldier unicorn glade, unicorn/ war unicornunicorn n. 独角兽, 麒麟glade n. 林间空地, 一片表面有草的沼泽低地dragon cliff, green dragon / gold dragondungeon n. 地牢overlordoverlord n. 最高统治主, 霸王warlockwarlock n. 术士, 魔术师academy of battle scholars mana vortexvortex n. 旋涡, 旋风, 涡流, (动乱, 争论等的)中心portal of summoning mushroom rings guardian of earthwarren, troglodyte / infernal troglodytewarren n. 养兔场, 拥挤的地方infernal adj. 阴间的, 恶魔的troglodyte n. 穴居人harpy loft, harpy / harpy hagharpy n. 人鸟怪loft n. 阁楼hag n. 女巫, 丑婆, 魔女pillar of eyes, beholder / evil eyebeholder n. 目睹者, 旁观者chapel of stilled voice, medusa / medusa queenchapel n. 小礼堂labyrinth, minotaur / minotaur kinglabyrinth n. 迷宫Minotaur n.[ 希神] 人身牛头怪物manticore lair, manticore / scorpicoremanticore n. 人头狮身蝎尾怪兽lair n. 窝scorpion n. 蝎子dragon cave, red dragon / black dragon necropolis n. 大墓地, 古代的埋葬地DeathKnight necromancernecromancer n. 巫师cover of darkness necromancy amplifier skeleton transformerskeleton n. 骨架, 骨骼, 基干, 纲要unearthed gravesunearth v. 使出土, (从地中)发掘, 掘出soul prison cursed temple, skeleton / skeleton warrior graveyard, walking dead /zombiegraveyard n. 墓地zombie n. 行尸,僵尸tomb of souls, wight / wraithwight n. 人,人类;妖怪wraith n. 鬼魂estate, vampire /vampire lord mausoleum, lich / power lichmausoleum n. 陵墓lich n. 死尸, 尸体hall of darkness, black knight / dread knight dread . 恐惧, 恐怖dragon vault, bone dragon / ghost dragon vault n. 拱顶stronghold n. 要塞, 据点BarbariansBattle Mage ballista yard ballista 投石机freelancer's guild escape tunnel tunnel n. 隧道, 地道hall valhallaValhalla n. 英烈祠mess hall warlord's monumentwarlord n. 军阀, 军阀式首脑monument n. 纪念碑goblin barracks, goblin / hobgoblingoblin n. 顽皮的丑小鬼, 小妖精hobgoblin n. 妖怪, 怪物wolf pen, wolf rider / wolf raiderpen n. 钢笔, 围栏rider n. 骑手raider n. 袭击者orc tower, orc / orc chieftanorc n. 魔鬼, 兽人orge fort, ogre / ogre mage cliff nest, roc / thunderbird roc n. 巨鸟, 大鹏cyclops cave, cyclops / cyclops kingCyclops n. 独眼巨人Behemoth Lair, behemoth / ancient behemoth behemoth n. 巨兽, 庞然大物infernohereticheretic n. 异教徒, 异端者demoniacdemoniac n. 着魔的人,鬼上身的人birthing pool brimstone stormclouds cages castle gate order of fire deity of firedeity n. 神Imp Crucible, imp / familiar imp n. 小鬼, 小淘气, 顽童crucible n. 坩埚,熔炉;熔缸hall of sins, gog / magog kennels, hell hound / cerberus kennel n. 狗窝, 狗屋, 阴沟hound n. 猎犬Cerberus 冥府守门狗demon gate, demon / horned demon horn n. 角horned a. 有角的, 角状的hell hole, pit fiend / pit lord fiend n. 魔鬼, 魔王, 撒旦, 邪神Satan n. 撒旦, 魔鬼fire lake, efreet / efreet sultan sultan n. 苏丹forsaken palace, devil / arch devil forsaken a. 被弃的, 孤独的, 被抛弃的FortressBeastmasterWitchblood obelisk cage of warlords captain's quarters glyphs of fearcarniverous plant carnivora n. 食肉类carnivorours a. 食肉的gnoll hut,gnoll / gnoll marauder marauder n. 掠夺者lizard den, lizardman / lizardwarrior lizard n. 蜥蜴serpent fly hive, serpent fly / dragon flyserpent n. 大毒蛇basilisk pit, basilisk / greater basilisk basilisk n.(神话中的)蜥蜴状妖怪, 蛇怪gorgon lair, gorgon / mighty gorgon wyvern nest, wyvern /wyvern monarch wyvern n. 双足飞龙monarch n. 君主hydra pond, hydra / chaos hydra hydra n. 九头怪蛇conflux n.(=confluence)汇合, 汇合点planeswalker elementalist garden of life magic university aurora borealias magic lantern, pixie / sprite lantern n. 灯笼sprite altar of air, air element / storm element altar of warter, water element / iceelement altar of fire, fire element / energy element altar of earth, earthelement / magma element magma n. 岩浆altar of thought, psychic element / magic element psychic a. 精神的pyre, firebird / phoenix pyre n. 火葬用的柴堆neutral creaturesgold golem diamond golem Frozen Peaks, azure dragonazure n. 天蓝色,苍天,碧空;a.蔚蓝的Crystal Cavern, crystal dragonLavender Lofts, faerie dragon lavender n. 熏衣草Sulfurous Lair, rust dragon sulfurous a. 硫磺的rust n. 铁锈;vt.(使)生锈Enchanter's Hollow, enchanter hollow n. 洞, 窟窿, 山谷Treetop Tower, sharpshooterThatched Hut, halflingthatch n. 茅草屋顶halfling n. 半成年人, 半便士的银币Hovel, peasanthovel n. 简陋的小屋Boar Glen ,boar boar n. 公猪, 野猪, 野猪肉glen n. 峡谷, 幽谷Tomb of Curses, mummyNomad Tent, nomadnomad n. 流浪者, 游牧民Hidden Cavern, rogue rogue n. 流氓, 无赖Troll Bridge, trolltroll . 旋转, 轮唱, 钓鱼troll n. 居住在洞穴或山中的巨人number of creatures few several packpack n. 一群lots hordehorde n. 游牧部落;一大群throngthrong v. 群集;n. 一大群,一堆,一窝swarmswarm n. 蜂群, 一大群zounds legionlegion n. 古罗马军团(约有3000至6000步兵,辅以数百名骑兵), < 书>众多, 大批legend n. 传说。
1.动员兵: Da!(是!), Comrade?(同志,请下令!), Moving out!(出发!),Waiting orders!(等待指示!), Conscript reporting!(动员兵报告!), All that received!(收到!), For the Union!(为了苏维埃!), Attacking!(全力攻击!), You are shot!(你完蛋了!), For the mothers at Russia!(为了远在俄罗斯的母亲!), For the whole country!(为了国家!).2.美国大兵: Sir!Yes sir!(是,长官!), Huh!(明白!), How about some actions!(开始行动吧!}3.尤里新兵: Yuri is Master!(尤里至大!), There is much to learn!(我们学得还不够!), Yes,Mr.Yuri!(遵命,尤里先生!).4.磁爆步兵:Elec-coat ready!(隔电衣穿好了!), Going to source!(向能源区集结!).5.飞行兵:Roger that!(明白!), You've got no place to hide!(你无处可藏!)6.疯狂伊万:It's too quiet here! (这里太安静了!},I've lost a bomb, do you have it?(我有一枚炸弹不见了,是不是在你哪儿?).7.谭雅:Yeah,baby!(哇,太棒了!),Moving out, boss!(头,我出发了!),I've got the order!(我接到命令了!).8.间谍:Mission, sir?(长官,行动吗?), Under cover!(我有伪装!), Operation under way!(即将潜入!), This guy's raggy!(就扮成那个家伙!).9.尤里:My command is your wish!(你只有服从我的指挥!), Turn me your wish! (你最终将加入我这边!).10.狙击手:Sniper ready!(我是狙击手!), Eliminate them!(消灭他们!),Proceeding to the vantage point!(占领制高点!).11.自爆卡车:My target has been found!(我找到目标了!), Let's make a delivery!(集中精力搞运输!), I'm preparing to die!(随时准备献身!), You'll be a smoking creator!(让敌方基地化为火海!).12.辐射工兵:Desolator ready!(辐射炮预备!), Scorch the earth!(撕裂土地!)‚阿塔肯‛指的是正在攻击的意思(attacking),还有buiding(建造中),construction complete(建造完成),insuffition found(矿不足),大兵说how about action(如何行动),另外的还有很多,这个游戏中说的都是英语,只不过为了区别国家因而出现发音不准。
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Army of Darkness Defense 抵御黑暗军团骷髅、亡魂、恶灵等等,强大的黑暗军团正向着亚瑟王的城堡袭来,而你就是一位要在此刻抵抗黑暗军团袭击的英雄,带领着农民、剑客、枪兵、弓箭手、骑士等作战单位,为光明和正义而战。
这款由Backflip工作室出品的《Army of Darkness Defense》是一款塔防类游戏,画面优秀,玩法新颖,大气浑厚的音乐颇有古战争的韵味与跌宕。