

ABS8 系统介绍及安装要求

ABS8 系统介绍及安装要求

P ressure in w heel cylinder
Solenoid W heel circum ferential
control valve
a c c e le r a tio n
Wheel speed Reference speed Vehicle speed
ABS 8: Roadmap / 路线图
ABS 8 roadmap 路线图
自识别系统配置(默认为4S/4M) UDS 的诊断协议 EEBD (增强型电子制动力分配) 支持ASR单独的制动控制 支持全部的ASR功能 电磁阀大连生产 ECU 国内生产 支持闪码诊断和故障信息显示
evolution package I
制动 / 底盘管理 分别集成ESP功能的ABS制动防 抱死系统和EBS电子制动控制系 统
空气供给和处理 单缸、双缸空气压缩机 模块化空气处理系统 电子控制
Knorr-Bremse Group
轮端制动 / 制动气室
膜片和弹簧制动气室 分别应用于牵引车和挂车的盘式 制动器 鼓式制动器(包括自动间隙调整 臂)
ASR 制动控制
Brake Light
安装ASR电磁阀和发动机的CAN线后,车 辆具有全部的ASR功能.
如果车辆只安装ASR阀而不连接发动机 CAN线,ABS8 系统支持单独的制动控制



汽车设计-ABS齿圈设计规范ABS齿圈设计规范编制校对审核版本R01⽇期摘要本⽂为汽车制动器轮毂单元ABS传感器的齿圈设计规范. 适⽤范围本规范适⽤于车⽤液压盘式制动器.⽬录见下页版本更新记录状态:N-新版R-修订D-删除⽬录1.⽬的、范围 (2)2.ABS系统的结构及⼯作原理 (2)3.ABS的布局和种类 (3)4.ABS齿圈的种类 (4)1)独⽴齿圈结构 (4)2)集成式齿齿圈轮毂单元: (5)5.ABS齿圈的材料及尺⼨ (6)1)齿圈的材料 (6)2)齿圈的齿数 (7)6.齿圈的布置与传感器的安装 (8)1)齿圈和传感器的布置 (9)2)齿圈的安装 (9)3)传感器的安装 (10)4)传感器与齿圈的间隙 (11)5)齿圈的间隙计算 (12)7.试验验证 (13)8.注意事项 (14)ABS齿圈的设计1.⽬的、范围本规范描述了汽车制动器ABS齿圈⼯作原理及开发规范,⽤于指导ABS 齿圈的开发设计以及与传感器的匹配设计。












bb:: 车车轮轮加加速速度度
λλ:: 滑滑移移率率
© Knorr-Bremse Shanghai Ltd. ABS6 Training 12/2004
record KBKR Atzkern front-axle IRM
U.J. Atzkern 11/61
应急/驻车 制动,挂车
齿圈 齿圈
© Knorr-Bremse Shanghai Ltd. ABS6 Training 12/2004
控制 气源
齿圈 齿圈
U.J. Atzkern 24/61
© Knorr-Bremse Shanghai Ltd. ABS6 Training 12/2004
AABBSS电电气气控控制制单单元元是是高高度度敏敏感感的的电电子子器器件件 •• AABBSS EECCUU禁禁止止溅溅上上水水、、泥泥浆浆、、灰灰尘尘或或机机械械应应力力作作用用如如掉掉到到地地上上等等 •• 除除电电线线插插头头之之外外禁禁止止用用手手指指或或其其它它物物体体接接触触端端子子 •• 在在EECCUU和和线线束束连连接接时时禁禁止止对对车车辆辆焊焊接接施施工工 •• EECCUU连连接接好好后后,,禁禁止止用用车车辆辆自自身身以以外外的的蓄蓄电电瓶瓶启启动动发发动动机机 •• 电电池池连连接接不不可可靠靠时时禁禁止止启启动动马马达达((发发电电机机)) •• 禁禁止止打打开开EECCUU或或修修理理已已损损坏坏的的EECCUU
ABS 控制循环测量结果图
VVFF:: 车车辆辆参参考考速速度度 VVRR:: 制制动动的的车车轮轮速速度度



针对ABS线束设计的设计准则总结如下:设计准则1:符合不同功能的系统方案的接线图连接要求(1) ABS/ASR/EBL E版本(4S/4M—S传感器;M电磁阀))接线图如图1所示。



电磁阀棕色线(EV)控制进气口,蓝色线(A V)控制排气口。




V AR的控制模式:受控桥的右侧车轮的电磁阀排气阀门A V接线,受控桥的左侧车轮的电磁阀进气阀门EV接线;受控桥的右侧车轮的电磁阀进气阀门EV为开路,受控桥的左侧车轮的电磁阀出气阀门A V为开路。

MAR的控制模式:受控桥的右侧车轮的电磁阀进气阀门EV接线,受控桥的左侧车轮的电磁阀排气阀门A V接线;受控桥的右侧车轮的电磁阀出气阀门A V为开路,受控桥的左侧车轮的电磁阀进气阀门EV为开路。


电源线必须带符合ISO/DIS 8820的片式保险,保险片容量严格按接线图要求选用,不允许加大。





美国船级社船舶入级与建造规范(ABS:2010)第二部分第一章船体材料第一节一般规定1试验和检验1.1 通则所有用于船体及船上设备入级的材料的检验和试验,必须经过验船师的认可并符合以下相关或同等的要求。


1.2制造商认可(2003)1.2.1 (2010)船体建造所用全部钢质材料要在本社认可的制造厂家生产,钢厂经试验表明该材料适合焊接成型。

钢厂的轧制产品的审批要符合第二部分附录41.2.2 (2006)制造厂应负责确保在运行中坚持有效的工艺规程和生产控制。






1.3 试验及试验数据1.3.1 目视检查验船师要确认工厂及产品是按照本社的质量保证方案建造的。

1.3.2 制造商的数据要确认制造商提供的数据并经验船师核查。

1.3.3 其他试验确认供应商提供的数据,安程序进行抽样检查,并经验船师审核。


1.5 ABS质量保证方案对轧制品的认证板材和型材要由验船师验证通过机械性能测试,并符合本社质量保证方案。




1.11 结构管如果管子要用在结构上,则需进行2-3-12中的物理试验。



ABS齿圈设计规范编制校对审核版本R01日期摘要本文为汽车制动器轮毂单元ABS传感器的齿圈设计规范. 适用范围本规范适用于车用液压盘式制动器.目录见下页版本更新记录状态:N-新版R-修订D-删除目录1.目的、范围 (2)2.ABS系统的结构及工作原理 (2)3.ABS的布局和种类 (3)4.ABS齿圈的种类 (4)1)独立齿圈结构 (4)2)集成式齿齿圈轮毂单元: (5)5.ABS齿圈的材料及尺寸 (6)1)齿圈的材料 (6)2)齿圈的齿数 (7)6.齿圈的布置与传感器的安装 (8)1)齿圈和传感器的布置 (9)2)齿圈的安装 (9)3)传感器的安装 (10)4)传感器与齿圈的间隙 (11)5)齿圈的间隙计算 (12)7.试验验证 (13)8.注意事项 (14)ABS齿圈的设计1.目的、范围本规范描述了汽车制动器ABS齿圈工作原理及开发规范,用于指导ABS 齿圈的开发设计以及与传感器的匹配设计。


















从理论上实现了ABS 的控制功能,完成了设计要求。


关键词:防抱死制动系统电子控制单元门限值滑移率轮速传感器ABSTRCTAnti-lock Braking System (ABS) is an important device to improve the active safety of vehicle. ABS can greatly improve steering control ability during the brake maneuver and shorten stopping distance. Today with the improvement of the vehicle speed, ABS is applied widely.With the car as the research object, the research on ABS has been carried on. And a series of work were finished:The dynamic situation of wheel was analyzed. Then, the model of hydraulic ABS was built and assured main complication affect the wheeler appendiculate coefficient.By comparing the capability of electromagnetism rotate speed sensor with Houer rotate speed sensor, we chose the later, and have designed a sensor of this kind.Via analyse the control system structure, we have designed a real-time system with the singlechip 80c196kc produced by Intel company .It comprises with signal input, singlechip system, output, drive electro circuit and otherwise parts of hardware segment.After comparing the different projects of the controllers, the method of logic rate has been comfirmed, and the combination of acceleration and slippage rate as been chose as control parameters. The time gate method to calculate the wheel rotate speed was adopted.In this paper, based on the knowledge I have mastered, I designed a ABS system and realized the control function in theory, accomplished my assignment. I have gotten a in-depth understand of motorcar trig theory and equipment. It widen my knowledge scope, improved my ability of solving problems.Kyewords: ABS electronic control slippage gate rotate speed sensor目录1 防抱死制动系统概述 (1)1.1 ABS的功能 (1)1.2 防抱死制动系统的发展历史 (2)1.3 防抱死制动系统的发展趋势 (3)1.4 国内ABS系统研究的理论状态和具有代表的ABS产品公司 (5)2 防抱死制动系统基本原理 (7)2.1 制动时汽车的运动 (7)2.1.1 制动时汽车受力分析 (7)2.1.2 车轮抱死时汽车运动情况 (8)2.2 滑移率定义 (10)2.3 滑移率与附着系数关系 (10)2.4 制动时车轮运动方程 (12)2.5 采用防抱死制动的必要性 (13)2.6 防抱死制动系统的基本工作原理 (14)3 防抱死制动系统硬件设计 (18)3.1 防抱死制动系统的布置形式与组成 (18)3.1.1防抱死制动系统的布置形式 (18)3.1.2防抱死制动系统的基本组成 (21)3.2 80C196KC最小系统 (23)3.2.1 CPU简介 (24)3.2.2 时钟电路设计 (28)3.3 防抱死制动系统轮速传感器选择 (29)3.3.1霍尔传感器的设计 (32)3.3.2霍尔开关电路的选择 (32)3.3.3传感器齿盘的设计 (34)3.4 防抱死制动调压系统工作过程9 (35)3.5 电源设计 (39)3.6 信号输入电路设计 (39)3.7 电磁阀驱动电路的设计 (40)3.8 泵电机驱动电路的设计 (43)3.9 ABS系统报警LED灯设计 (44)3.10 EPROM和RAM的扩展 (45)3.11故障诊断硬件电路设计 (47)3.12硬件抗干扰设计 (48)3.13车轮制动器的选择 (52)4 防抱死制动系统软件设计 (54)4.1 控制方案和控制参数的选取 (55)4.2 控制参数及其计算 (56)4.2.1门限减速度的求取 (56)4.2.2门限加速度的求取 (58)4.2.3路面识别技术 (58)4.2.4车身参考速度的确定 (58)4.3 控制过程 (62)4.4 程序设计 (65)5 结论与展望 (67)5.1 研究工作总结 (67)5.2 防抱死制动系统发展方向 (67)参考文献 (70)英文翻译 (68)附录 (77)致谢 (84)1 防抱死制动系统概述1.1 ABS的功能汽车ABS在高速制动时用来防止车轮抱死,ABS是英文Anti-lock Brake Syetem的缩写,全文的意思是防抱死制动系统,简称ABS。

ABS规范 文档

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Additionall y, Rulesupplementsareavailable fordownload. • Legal Disclaimer• Adobe ® Reader v.7 or higherrequiredAdditionally, Rulesupplementsareavailable for download.| Title | LastUpdate| PubDate|Categor y Filter: | Conventiona l Ocean Service | Design & Analysi s | Equipment & Component Certificatio n|| Offshor e | Othe r | Special Servic e | Survey & Inspectio nTechnical BulletinsRestricted ABS RestrictedFile ExchangeGeneric Rules for Conditions of Classification, Materials andWelding, and Surveys After Constructione Jan. 2010Generic Rules for Conditions of Classification, Materials and Welding, and Surveys After ConstructionEffectiv e Jan. 20112011 十一月-08-2010 List of ABS Notations and Symbols 2003 九月-02-2010Supplemental Guides for Optional Class Notations2007 十一月-09-20102Steel Vessel Rules2010 Effectiv e Jan.20102010九月-02-20102 Steel Vessel Rules 2011 Effectiv e Jan.20112011九月-02-20103 Aluminum Vessels 1975十一月-01-2010 4Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers and Intracoastal Waterways - 2007Effectiv e Jan. 20072007十一月-09-20105Steel Vessels Under90 Meters (295 Feet) in Length 2006 - See archiveforprevious version2006七月-01-20105 Steel Vessels Under Effectiv 2011九月-02-201090 Meters (295 Feet) in Length e January 20116 Mobile OffshoreDrilling Units(2008)2008 -Seearchiveforpreviousversions2008 十一月-09-20107 UnderwaterVehicles, Systemsand HyperbaricFacilities Effective January20102010 十一月-09-20108 Single PointMoorings 1996 十一月-09-20109 Bulk Carriers forService on the GreatLakes1978 四月-01-200810 Steel Barges Effective Jan.2009 2009 十一月-09-201011 Steel FloatingDrydocks2009 九月-16-200912 Reinforced PlasticVessels 1978 十一月-01-201013 Certification of CargoContainers1998 六月-01-200114 NondestructiveInspection of HullWelds 2002 十一月-09-201015 Burning Crude Oiland Slops in Mainand AuxiliaryBoilers1978 一月-02-197818 Ballast WaterExchangeProcedures1999 一月-01-199921 Ships Burning Coal1980 十一月-09-201022 Materials andWelding 2006, Part 2006 2006 十一月-09-2010Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP)24Material Selection and Inspection ofInert Gas Systems1980 七月-01-198027 Approved Listings 27 Approved Welding Consumables29 Offshore Installations 1997 十一月-09-2010 31 Heavy Fuel Oil 1984 一月-02-1984 37 Offshore Racing Yachts 1994 十一月-09-2010 39Certification of Offshore Mooring Chain20092009一月-04-201045Certification of Container Securing Systems2010 十月-04-201049Inspection, Maintenance and Application of Marine Coating Systems2007十一月-29-200757 Certification of Drilling Systems 2006 十一月-09-2010 59Preparing Fishing Vessels Stability Booklet1990一月-01-199061 High Speed Craft 2001 七月-01-2010 62 Motor Pleasure Yachts2000十一月-09-2010 63Facilities on Offshore InstallationsEffectiv e Jan. 2009 2009 十一月-09-2010 64 Subsea Pipeline Systems 2006 三月-20-2008 69Certification of Oil Spill Recovery1993一月-01-199373 Hull ConditionMonitoringSystems1995 八月-01-200574 Assessing HullGirder ResidualStrength forTankers1995 七月-01-199575 Improvement forStructuralConnections andSample StructuralDetails - ServiceExperience andModifications forTankers1995 七月-01-199577 Improvement forStructuralConnections andSample StructuralDetails - ServiceExperience andModifications for BulkCarriers1995 十月-02-199578 Assessing HullGirder ResidualStrength for BulkCarriers 1995 十一月-01-199582 Floating ProductionInstallations 2009Edition2009 十一月-09-201086 Application ofErgonomics toMarine Systems2003 四月-01-200387 Shipbuilding andRepair QualityStandard for HullStructures DuringConstruction2007 三月-23-200788 Automatic or RemoteControl andMonitoring Systems 2003 十一月-09-2010for Vessels in Port90 Application ofSynthetic Ropes forOffshore Mooring1999 三月-01-199991 Prevention of AirPollution fromShips1999 三月-01-199992 Marine Health,Safety, Quality andEnvironmentalManagement 2009 -Seearchiveforpreviousversions2009 十一月-09-201094 Bridge Design andNavigationalEquipment/Systems 2000 十一月-09-201096 Materials andWelding/Supplementary Requirements forNaval Vessels2000 七月-01-201097 Risk AssessmentApplications for theMarine and OffshoreOil and GasIndustries2000 六月-01-200098 Passenger Vessels2001 十一月-09-201099 EnvironmentalProtection Notationfor Vessels2009 九月-09-2009100 Vessels Intended toCarry Water 2005 十一月-30-2005101 'Dynamic LoadingApproach' forFloating Production,Storage andOffloading (FPSO)Installations2010 五月-25-2010 102 Crew Habitability on 2001 十二月Ships-01-2003103 Passenger Comforton Ships 2001 十二月-01-2003104 Spectral-BasedFatigue Analysis forFloating Production,Storage andOffloading (FPSO)Installations2010 五月-25-2010105 Crew Habitability onOffshoreInstallations 2002 十二月-01-2003106 Gravity-BasedOffshore LNGTerminals 2010 十一月-09-2010107 Liftboats Effective Jan.2009 2009 十一月-09-2010108 Membrane TankLNG Vessels2002 十月-28-2008109 High Speed NavalCraft - 2007Effective Jan.20072007 十一月-09-2010110 IntegratedTug-Barge (ITB)CombinationsIntended to Operateon the Great Lakes 2002 十一月-01-2002111 Ship Security (SEC)Notation2005 三月-01-2005112 Propulsion Systemsfor LNG Carriers 2005 十二月-09-2005113 'Dynamic LoadApproach' and DirectAnalysis for HighSpeed Craft2003 二月-01-2003114 Automatic or RemoteControl andMonitoring forMachinery andSystems (other than2003 十月-03-2008propulsion) on Offshore Installations115 Fatigue Assessmentof OffshoreStructures 2003 十一月-09-2010116 Review and Approvalof Novel Concepts2003 六月-02-2003 117 Risk Evaluations forthe Classification ofMarine-RelatedFacilities2003 六月-02-2003118 Rebuilding VesselsLess Than 90 meters(295 feet) in Length 1997 十一月-01-2003119 Ergonomic Design ofNavigation Bridges2003 十月-01-2003120 Surveys UsingRisk-BasedInspection for theOffshore Industry 2003 十二月-01-2003121 Survey Based onReliability-CenteredMaintenance2003 八月-01-2005122 Alternative Designand Arrangementsfor Fire Safety2004 七月-01-2010123 Subsea RiserSystems2006 三月-20-2008124 Dynamic AnalysisProcedure forSelf-ElevatingDrilling Units2004 一月-02-2004125 Spectral-BasedFatigue Analysis forVessels 2004 十一月-16-2009126 Buckling andUltimate StrengthAssessment forOffshore Structures2004 七月-01-2010128 Propulsion ShaftingAlignment2006 四月-01-2006130 StrengthAssessment ofCargo TankStructures Beyond0.4L Amidships in OilCarriers 150 Metersor More in Length2004 五月-01-2004131 Inert Gas System forBallast Tanks2004 六月-01-2004132 Reliability-CenteredMaintenance2004 七月-01-2004133 Assessment ofParametric RollResonance in theDesign of ContainerCarriers2004 六月-06-2008134 SafeHull FiniteElement Analysis forHull Structures 2004 十二月-01-2004136 Ice Class2005 十月-28-2008137 FRP HydrocarbonProduction PipingSystems 2005 十一月-09-2010138 Vessels Intended toCarry CompressedNatural Gas in Bulk2005 四月-01-2008139 Tailshaft ConditionMonitoring (TCM)2005 十一月-09-2010140 'SafeHull-DynamicLoading Approach'for Vessels 2006 十二月-01-2006141 Fire-FightingSystems2005 五月-02-2005 142 Investigation ofMarine Incidents2005 九月-24-2009144 Liquefied GasCarriers with 2010 -Seearchive2010 九月-17-2009Independent Tanks forpreviousversion2006 六月-05-2006 145 VesselManeuverability2006 五月-01-2007 146 Vessels With OilRecoveryCapabilities147 Ship Vibration2006 四月-01-20062006 七月-10-2009 148 StrengthAssessment ofMembrane-TypeLNG ContainmentSystems UnderSloshing Loads2006 七月-10-2009 149 Sloshing andStructural Analysis ofLNG Pump Tower2006 五月-01-2006 150 Control of Harmonicsin Electrical PowerSystems2010 八月-05-2010 151 Vessels Operating inLow TemperatureEnvironments152 Lifting Appliances2007 十一月-09-2010153 Coating Performance2009 七月-01-2010 Standard (CPS)2007 二月-09-2009 154 Means of Access toTanks and Holds forInspection155 Mobile Offshore2007 二月-25-2009 Units Operating onNorwegianContinental Shelf,N-Notation2007 三月-30-2007 156 Hull Inspection andMaintenanceProgram157 Hull Survey for New 2007 九月-02-2010158 Green Passport(GP)2008 五月-23-2008159 Surveys DuringConstruction ofMembrane TankLNG Carriers 2008 十二月-15-2009160 Mobile OffshoreUnits 2008 十一月-09-2010162 Comfort - Yacht(COMF(Y)) andComfort Plus - Yacht(COMF+(Y))2008 十一月-09-2010163 Crew Habitability onWorkboats2008 一月-06-2009 164 ILO Maritime LabourConvention, 20062009 十月-13-2010 165 Application ofHigher-Strength HullStructural Thick SteelPlates in ContainerCarriers2009 四月-06-2010166 Compliance with theILO Maritime LabourConvention, 2006Title 3Requirements2009 十月-13-2010167 EnvironmentalProtection Notationfor Offshore Units,Floating Installations,and Liftboats2010 三月-04-2010 168 Well Test Systems2010 三月-04-2010169 Floating OffshoreLiquefied GasTerminals 2010 十一月-09-2010170 Rapid ResponseDamageAssessment2010 七月-01-2010 171 Ballast Water 2010 十月-20-20102009 八月-16-2010 US RuleSupplements (ACP -AlternateComplianceProgram)2005 九月-01-2005 GarbageManagementManualRule Downloads Archive (Updates for publications other than those currentlyavailable)(Adobe Acrobat ® Reader version 7 or higher is required)Printing PDF DocumentsWhen printing an ABS Rule or Guide in Adobe PDF format you may experiencedifficulty if your printer does not recognize Adobe PostScript. All modern desk topprinters are PostScript compatible. Some network printers are not. If you experiencedifficulty, please contact your IT department or download the necessary driver fromthe Adobe website.Download the Adobe PostScript DriverLegal DisclaimerThe content of all original ABS Rules and Guides is the subject of intellectual propertyrights reserved by ABS. Except for the permission granted below, nothing containedherein shall be construed as conferring upon the user in any manner any license, titleor ownership of or in any intellectual property right of ABS.ABS hereby grants the user permission to download, copy and use, including postingto the user's Intranet site, the material posted in the electronic format. The user herebyagrees that any copy of the materials, in part or in whole, that the user makes shallretain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained therein and that the information will not be altered in any manner.ABS makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided in the posted electronic files represents complete, current and accurate information. However, the user has sole responsibility for maintaining the currency of the information accessed in this manner. ABS, its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and employees shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication, use of or reliance on any information accessed in this manner.Current ABS approved printed versions of all Rules and Guides are available from ABS . Current ABS approved electronic versions of all Rules and Guides are most effectively accessed by establishing a hyperlink of your local Intranet directly to the ABS Rules and Guides on the ABS web site.Latest FeaturesBrowse FeaturesEnergy News Focuses on Offshore Regulatory EnvironmentChanges in the offshore exploration regulatory environment are the focus of this edition of Energy News. Read More Ballast Water Exchange InformationABS has updated its Guide for Ballast Water Exchange which specifies the requirements for obtaining the optional class notation Ballast Water Exchange (BWE). The latest version of the Guide is available for free download. Read Moretest NewsBrowse NewsABS Fleet Breaks 170m gt MarkThe ABS-classed fleet has broken through the 170m gross tons threshold. The latest statistics show the fleet as standing at 11,055 vessels aggregating 170.29m gt representing an increase of more than 9m gt to date in 2010. Read MorePeter Tang-Jensen Awarded SNAME’s Prestigious David W. Taylor Medal SNAME awarded the David W. Taylor Medal for notableachievementinnavalarchitecture or marine engineering to ABS Senior Vice President ofTechnology Peter Tang-Jensen atthe society’sAnnual Banquet.Read MoreABS OverviewThe third largestclassificationsociety in theworld based ongross tonnage,ABS currentlyleads the marketon newbuildingorders. TheABS-classed fleethas shown anunbroken patternof growth over thelast 17 years.Latest Marine NewsABS Fleet Breaks 170m gt Mark The ABS-classed fleet has broken through the 170m gross tons threshold. The latest statistics show the fleet asstanding at 11,055 vessels aggregating 170.29m gt representing an increase of more than 9m gt to date in 2010.Read full story Browse Marine News & EventsLatest Marine FeatureBallastWaterExchangeInformationABS hasupdated itsGuide forBallast WaterExchangewhichspecifies therequirementsfor obtainingthe optionalclassnotation Ballast Water Exchange (BWE). The latest version of the Guide is available for freedownload. Read fullstory Browse Marine FeaturesABS OverviewABS has been the preferred classification society for the offshore and energy industry for more than 50 years. Acknowledged by the industry as a technology leader in the offshore and energy markets, ABS offers practical standards for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of offshore drilling and production units and gas carriers.Latest Offshore NewsRepublic of Kazakhstan Accepts ABS as a RecognizedOrganizationABS and The Republic of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Transport and Communication (MTC) have concluded an agreement granting ABS RO status, able to act on behalf of the country’s maritime Administration.Read full story Browse Offshore News & EventsLatest Offshore FeatureEnergy News Focuses on Offshore Regulatory EnvironmentChanges in the offshore exploration regulatory environment are the focus of this edition of Energy News.Read full story Browse Offshore Features。



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ABS规范 ABS中文版

ABS规范 ABS中文版

ABS规范 ABS中文版ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSINGSTEEL VESSELS2004ABS 钢质船舶建造规范2004 (仅供参考) 技术中心办公室 2004 年 6 月说明:技术中心办公室将根据实际需要逐步组织翻译并在局域网中共享。

ABS 目录第一篇:入级条件规范2004 年修改通知第一章:入级范围与条件第一节:入级第二节:船级的中止与取消第三节:船级符号第二篇:材料与焊接前言第一章:船体构造的材料第一节:一般要求第二节:普通强度船体结构钢第三节:高强度船体结构钢第四节:低温材料第五节:船体钢铸件第六节:船体钢锻件第二章:设备第一节:锚第二节:锚链第三节:链用轧制钢条第三章:机械、锅炉、压力容器及管路的材料第一节:一般要求第二节:机械、锅炉和压力容器用钢板第三节:无缝锻钢汽-水筒第四节:无缝钢压力容器第五节:锅炉及过热器管第六节:锅炉铆钉及牵条螺栓钢及铆钉第七节:机械钢锻件第八节:机械用热轧棒钢第九节:机械、锅炉及压力容器用铸钢件第十节:球状铸铁件第十一节:灰铸铁件第十二节:钢管第十三节:用于低温-18?0?以下的管路、阀及配件第十四节:青铜铸件第十五节:奥氏体不锈钢螺旋桨铸件第十六节:无缝铜管第十七节:无缝红铜管第十八节:无缝铜管第十九节:冷凝器及热交换器管第二十节:铜镍管路第二十一节:蒙乃尔铜镍管路附录 1:第二部分13 章要求的有损或无损测试及其验证之责任附录 4:批准轧制船体结构钢生产商的方案第四章:焊接与装配第一节:船体建造第二节:锅炉、非燃式压力容器、管系及工程部件第三节:焊接试验第四节:管路附录 2:填充金属的认可要求附录3:填充金属对 ABS 钢的适用范围第三篇:船体构造与设备规范 2004 年修改通知第一章:总言第一节:定义第二节:一般要求第二章:船体结构与布置第一节:总纵强度第二节:船壳板第三节:甲板第四节:船底部结构第五节:肋骨第六节:强肋骨和舷侧纵桁第七节:梁第八节:支柱,甲板纵桁及强横梁第九节:水密舱壁及舱门第十节:深舱第十一节:上部建筑、舱面室及起重机甲板第十二节:机械处所和轴隧第十三节:船首、船首框架及舵角第十四节:舵第十五节:甲板开口的防护第十六节:船壳开口的防护第十七节:舷墙、栏杆、舷门、舷门灯、通风筒、液舱排气及溢流口第十八节:舱内衬板、舱壁护条及钢结构的防护第十九节:焊接设计第三章:分舱及稳性第一节:一般要求第四章:消防措施第一节:结构防火第五章:设备第一节:锚泊、系泊及拖缆设备第六章:航行第一节:可见度第七章:船体建造过程中的试验、测试与检查第一节:液舱、舱壁和舵的密性试验第二节:测试第三节:检查第四篇:舰船系统与机械规范 2004 年修改通知第一章:总言第一节:机械的入级第二章:原动机第一节:柴油机第二节:涡轮增压器第三节:汽轮机第四节:蒸汽轮机第三章:推进及机动机械第一节:齿轮 1 总言 1(1 应用范围1(3 定义 1(5 应送审的图纸及资料 3 材料 3(1 材料规格及测试要求 3(3 可替用材料测试要求 5 设计 5(1 轮齿精加工 5(3 轴承 5(5 齿轮箱体 5(7 检测途径5(9 齿轮箱轴的计算 5(11 圆柱齿轮及斜齿轮的额定值 5(13 替用的齿轮额定值标准 5(15 多原动机输入的齿轮箱 7 齿轮箱的管路系统 9 齿轮箱的测试、检测与认证 9(1 材料测试 9(3 动态平衡 9(5 工厂检查 9(7 齿轮箱的认证 9(9 船上试用附录 1 圆柱齿轮和斜齿轮的额定值附录 2 配件指南附录 3 齿轮参数第二节:推进器轴系第三节:螺旋桨第四节:转向齿轮装置第五节:推力器及动态定位系统第四章:锅炉、压力容器及消防设备第一节:锅炉、压力容器及消防设备附录 1:设计规范第五章:甲板及其它机械第一节:起锚机第六章:管路系统第一节:一般规定第二节:金属管第三节:塑料管第四节:船舶管路系统及液舱第五节:内燃机管路系统第六节:蒸汽轮机管路系统第七节:其它管路系统第七章:消防系统第一节:一般规定第二冢禾厥獯墓娑?第三节:灭火系统及设备第八章:电气系统第一节:一般规定第二节:系统设计第三节:电气设备第四节:船上安装与测试第五节:特殊系统第九章:推进远程控制与自动控制第一节:一般规定第二节:推进远程控制第三节:ACC 符号第四节:ACCU 符号第五节:装配、测试与试车第六节:计算机控制系统第七节:设备第十章:除推进外辅助机械与系统的遥控与监测第一节:水密舱壁门、船壳体门及对外门第五篇:特殊船型规范 2004 年修改通知第一章:运输散装油的船舶(船长在 150 米(492 英尺)以上) 第一节:介绍第二节:设计考虑因素及一般要求第三节:负荷标准第四节:初始船材尺度标准第五节:总强度评估第六节:船体结构超过 0.4L 船腹第七节:装油及关联系统第二章:运输散装油的船舶(船长在 150 米(492 英尺)以内) 第一节:介绍第二节:船体结构第三节:装油及关联系统第三章:运输矿石或大宗货物的船舶(船长在 150 米(492 英尺)以上) 第一节:介绍第二节:设计考虑因素及一般要求第三节:负荷标准第四节:初始船材尺度标准第五节:总强度评估第六节:船体结构超过 0.4L 船腹第七节:货物安全第四章:运输矿石或大宗货物的船舶(船长在 150 米(492 英尺)以内) 第一节:介绍第二节:船体结构第三节:货物安全第五章:运输集装箱的船舶(船长 130 米(427 英尺)至 350 米(1148 英尺)) 第一节:介绍第二节:设计考虑因素及一般要求第三节:负荷标准第四节:初始船材尺度标准第五节:总强度评估第六节:船体结构超过 0.4L 船腹第七节:货物安全第六章:运输集装箱的船舶(船长 130 米(427 英尺)以内) 第一节:介绍第二节:船体结构第三节:货物安全附录 1:安全船体建造监控程序指南第七章:客轮第八章:运输散装液化气的船舶第一节:总言第二节:船舶残存能力及货舱位置第三节:船舶布置第四节:货物密封度第五节:加工压力容器及液体、汽体及压力管路第六节:建造用材料第七节:货物压力温度控制第八节:货舱排气系统第九节:环境控制第十节:电气装配第十一节:防火与灭火第十二节:货舱区域机械通风第十三节:使用仪器(表、气体检测及货物装卸装置) 第十四节:人身防护第十五节:货舱装载极限第十六节:货物用作燃料第十七节:特殊要求第十八节:操作要求第十九节:最低要求总结第九章:运输散装化学品的船舶第一节:总言第二节:船舶残存能力及货舱位置第三节:船舶布置第四节:货物密封度第五节:货物驳运第六节:建造用材料第七节:货物温度控制第八节:货舱通风及除气布置第九节:环境控制第十节:电气装配第十一节:防火与灭火第十二节:货舱区域机械通风第十三节:使用仪器第十四节:人身防护第十五节:特殊要求第十六节:操作要求第十六节 A:保护海洋环境的附加措施第十七节:最低要求总结第十八节:本标准不适用化学品的清单第十九节:从事海上液体化学废品焚化工作船舶的要求第二十节:液体化学废品的运输第十章:运输车辆的船舶第一节:介绍第二节:车辆基座第三节:人车运输第四节:货物安全第六篇:附加项目与系统规范 2004 年修改通知第一章:冰海航行加强第一节:一般冰级第二节:波罗的海冰级第二章:运输冷冻货物的船舶第一节:总言第二节:应送审的图纸与数据第三节:船体建造第四节:货物装卸设备第五节:冷冻货物处所第六节:冷冻机械第七节:辅助系统第八节:灭火系统与设备第九节:电气系统第十节:使用仪器,控制及监控用第十一节:氨冷冻系统第十二节:受控空气系统第十三节:冷冻货物容器基座第十四节:冷冻散装食品液体油轮第十五节:冷冻鱼容器第十六节:测试第七篇:建成后检查的规范规范 2004 年修改通知前言第一章:建成后检查的条件第一节:一般信息第二章:检查间隔第一节:未限定用途的船舶第二节:大湖区行驶的船舶第三节:河道及近岸内航道的船舶第四节:拖至洋面后检查第三章:船体检查第一节:所有船舶内部检查要求第二节:未限定用途的船舶第三节:大湖区行驶的船舶第四节:河道及近岸内航道的船舶第四章:入干船坞检查第一节:检查要求第五章:艉轴检查第一节:检查要求第二节:允许轴承磨损第六章:机械检查第一节:总言第二节:检查要求第三节:大湖区行驶的船舶第七章:锅炉检查第一节:检查要求第八章:船自动及遥控系统第一节:年度检查第二节:定期特别检查第九章:附加系统与设备的检查要求第一节:货物制冷系统第二节:船体状况监控系统第三节:一人操纵系统第四节:推进冗余系统第五节:快速释放系统第六节:推力器及动态定位系统第七节:蒸汽喷射控制系统第八节:灭火系统第九节:安全辅助系统第十节:离岸装配支持用途第十一节:残油回收用途第十二节:自控、遥控及监控系统第十三节:驾驶台设计及导航设备或系统第十章:钢质浮式干船坞第一节:检查间隔第二节:船体检查第三节:机械检查第十一章:水下搬运装置、系统及增压供氧设备第一节:总言第二节:检查间隔第三节:年度检查第四节:定期特别检查第五节:驳运损失检查第六节:观察孔的更换第十二章:近海赛艇与帆船第一节:检查间隔第二节:船体检查第三节:机械检查第2篇材料与焊接第3章机器、锅炉、受压容器及管系用材第7节机器钢锻件 2-3-7第2篇材料与焊接第3章机器、锅炉、受压容器及管系用材第7节机器钢锻件1.13 检测经最终的热处理工序后由检测员检测所有锻件,应无缺陷。



U.S. SUPPLEMENTTOABS RULES FOR STEEL VESSELS UNDER 90 METERS (295 FEET) IN LENGTH FORVESSELS CERTIFICATEDFOR INTERNATIONAL VOYAGES1 JANUARY 2003AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPINGM I S S I O N S T A T E M E N TThe mission of the American Bureau of Shipping is to serve the public interest as well as the needs of our clients by promoting the security of life, property and the natural environment, primarily through the development and verification of standards for the design, construction and operational performance of marine-related facilities.Q U A L I T Y & E N V I R O N M E N TA L P O L I C YIt is the policy of the American Bureau of Shipping to be responsive to the individual and collective needs of our clients as well as those of the public at large, to provide quality services in support of our mission, and to provide our services consistent with international standards developed to avoid, reduce or control pollution to the environment.All of our client commitments, supporting actions, and services delivered mustbe recognized as expressions of Quality. We pledge to monitor our performance as an on-going activity and to strive for continuous improvement.We commit to operate consistent with applicable environmental legislationand regulations and to provide a framework for establishing and reviewing environmental objectives and targets.CONTENTSABS MISSION STATEMENT ANDQUALITY & ENVIRONMENTAL POLICYINTRODUCTIONSECTIONSI. SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS TO CURRENT ABS RULES II. SOLAS INTERPRETATIONS NOT ADDRESSED BY ABS RULES III. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS NOT CONTAINED IN ABS RULES, MARPOL OR SOLASIV. SURVEYS AFTER CONSTRUCTIONACP CLASSIFICATION SURVEY CHECK SHEET ACP CSACP STATUTORY SURVEY CHECK SHEET ACP SSACP ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY CHECK SHEET ACP ESV. SURVEYS DURING CONSTRUCTIONACP NEW CONSTRUCTION SURVEY CHECK SHEET ACP NCS VI. PASSENGER VESSELS – SOLAS INTERPRETATIONS NOT ADDRESSED BY ABS RULESVII. RECORD OF REVISIONSVIII. ADDENDUM 1. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS THAT APPLY TO OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS (OSV’S) ENROLLED ORTO BE ENROLLED IN THE ALTERNATE COMPLIANCEPROGRAM & CHECK SHEETINTRODUCTIONThose who use this Supplement are asked to review the current ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 90 Meters (295 Feet) in Length. Please be aware of the "Scope and Conditions of Classification." This Supplement does not change the scope or conditions of ABS Classification. It is a reference document within the ABS Quality System. The Check Sheets contained in this Supplement are also for reference only and are not to be used in the performance of a Survey. The controlled Check Sheets are available through the normal distribution of controlled documents. The most recent revisions may be obtained from the ABS Surveyor-in-Charge.As part of their regulatory reform initiative, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) established a task group consisting of USCG personnel and ABS Engineers to conduct a comparison of the applicable requirements contained within Title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Subchapters "D", and "I" to the similar applicable regulations contained in 1974 SOLAS (as amended), the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. The purpose of this effort was to identify redundancies and to determine if the International Conventions and ABS Class Rules would provide an equivalent level of safety to those regulations contained within 46 CFR Subchapters "D", and "I". Over 370 separate regulations were examined, and it was determined that many of the CFR requirements were satisfied by either the ABS Rules alone, 1974 SOLAS (as amended) alone, MARPOL 73/78 alone, or a combination of all three of these regulations.The results of the task group's study was codified into a document titled "U.S. Supplement to ABS Rules for Steel Vessels for US Flag Vessels that are Certificated and Classed for International Voyages." This Supplement identified those USCG requirements which are in addition to the ABS Rules and the International Conventions. This publication, subsequently modified to include Subchapter "H", is used in lieu of 46 CFR Subchapters "D", “H”, and "I" for plan review and inspections delegated to ABS by the USCG. The use of the U.S. Supplement is restricted to those vessels which participate in the USCG's Alternate Compliance Program (ACP) with ABS. The procedures for enrollment in the Alternate Compliance Program are addressed in NVIC 2-95, Ch. 1.In 1998, as a result of the success of the ACP for large vessels, industry demand, and the similarity between the requirements in the ABS Steel Vessel Rules and the ABS Steel Vessels Under 90 Meters (295 Feet) in Length Rules, a new supplement is being issued when the ABS. Under 90 Meter Rules are used for smaller vessels in the Alternate Compliance Program.Applicability of this Supplement is limited to existing vessels that meet the following conditions and new vessels that are intended to meet the following conditions:A. A Cargo vessel over 500 gross tons ITC or aPassenger Vessel carrying 12 or more passengers or an OSV over 500 gross tons;B. Greater than 150 feet in scantling length;C. Certificated for international voyage.D. Issued ICLL, SOLAS and MARPOL Certificates.E. Has electrical plants with an aggregate capacity of 75 kW orgreater; andF. Issued and maintains a valid Certificate of Documentation (US Flag)The Supplement is divided into seven sections:Section I contains supplemental requirements in areas where there are cites in the ABS Under 90m Rules for which the USCG have additional requirements. For ease of reference, each of these cites is identified by the corresponding ABS Rule number. If a Rule cite does not apply to the vessel under consideration, then the associated supplement requirement does not apply.Section II contains the interpretations of 1974 SOLAS (as amended) from the U.S. Administration for those areas in which the USCG has amplifying or additional requirements. For ease of reference, each of these cites is identified by the corresponding SOLAS cite. If a SOLAS cite is not applicable to the vessel under consideration, then the associated interpretation does not apply.Section III contains supplemental requirements in areas not contained in the ABS Rules, MARPOL or SOLAS for which the USCG has requirements. For ease of reference, each of these cites is identified by subject area title and an arbitrarily assigned paragraph identifier.Section IV contains the check sheets to be used both during and after construction.Section V contains the check sheet to be used during construction.Section VI contains the U.S. Administration's interpretation of 1974 SOLAS (as amended) for the technical review of passenger vessels. The check sheets for surveys are pending enrollment of a vessel. Section VII contains the record of revisions commencing after 1 August 1997.Section VIII Addendum 1 expands the ACP to include OSV’s and the additional requirements that apply to Subchapter LThere are specific cites within this document where U.S. domestic standards are specified as mandatory for certain systems, equipment or components. U.S. Federal law is one of the reasons why many items are mandatory. It is recognized that there exist alternative standards developed by regulatory bodies and industry, both internal and external to the United States, which would define systems, equipment or components that are equivalent to those being specified herein. To the extent authorized by USCG Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular No. 2-95, Change-1 (NVIC 2-95, Change-1), as amended and supplemented, ABS is empowered to accept alternatives built to these international/industry standards and grant the requested equivalency provided the equivalency evaluation is reviewed and forwarded by ABS with its comments and recommendations to the USCG-MSC for final approval.In the normal course of technological advancement and application, it is entirely possible that new systems, equipment or components will be available for use onboard vessels covered by this program. In the event that existing design requirements are not applicable, it is incumbent on the owner, builder or his designer to seek from ABS as early as possible a determination of the requirements which will be applied in such cases.Incorporated in this revision is the full authorization for ABS to act as agents of the USCG to review plans and conduct surveys on behalf of the USCG for vessels enrolled in the Alternate Compliance Program. This authorizes ABS to issue all of the relevant documents to support the issuance of a full-term USCG Certificate of Inspection (COI) by the local Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection (OCMI). Under no circumstance is ABS authorized to endorse or issue a Certificate of Inspection.Under ACP, a voluntary program, the owner may elect to have ABS conduct surveys on existing vessels on behalf of the USCG. For new construction, a request is required from both the shipyard and the owner since enrollment in this program will influence both parties.The controlling documents pertaining to vessels enrolled in ACP are 1974 SOLAS (as amended), MARPOL 73/78, NVIC 2-95, Change-1 (dated 1 August 1997), Volume II, Section B, Chapter 9 of the USCG Marine Safety Manual, the ABS Steel Vessel Rules, the ABS Steel Vessels Under 90 Meters Rule, and this Supplement.A vessel enrolled in the Alternate Compliance Program must satisfy all the requirements contained in the applicable sections of the International Conventions, ABS Rules and the U.S. Supplement, prior to the issuance of the COI.PROCEDURES FOR ENROLLMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN ACPThe process for enrollment in ACP is defined in the USCG Marine Safety Manual, Volume II, Section B, Chapter 9.NEW CONSTRUCTIONFor new construction, since the design, fabrication sequences, and construction cost may be affected by the intended enrollment of a proposed new construction in ACP by the owner, it is imperative that the shipyard and owner consult with ABS as early in the design phase as possible. It is prudent to discuss the proposed enrollment in depth as soon as possible to establish the basic fundamentals and administrative clarifications. Upon the completion of such a meeting, both the shipyard and the owner are to forward a written request to ABS to confirm their intentions. For the shipyard, this could be accomplished in concert with the forwarding of the ABS Request for Classification Survey Details (Form A.B.122). For survey purposes, the owner is to forward a separate letter to the local ABS Office or Regional Office (Survey Manager) to confirm their intention regarding the enrollment of the vessel. While this will assist in the proper processing within ABS, it is very important to note that the application for enrollment in ACP is to be forwarded to the USCG in accordance with NVIC 2-95, Change-1.EXISTING VESSELSWith existing vessels, the owner or operator applies for enrollment by submitting an Application for Inspection of U.S. Vessel (Form CG-3752) to the OCMI, indicating their desire to have their vessel participate in the program. The USCG will subsequently authorize the ABS Program Manager and the local ABS Survey Office to commence the process. A "Hand Over Survey," discussed later in this text, will be scheduled at a mutually-convenient time. Upon completion of this Survey, the owner/operator will receive official notification from the USCG indicating the enrollment status.RE-FLAGGINGFor vessels intending to re-flag to U.S. Flag, it is envisioned that:a) for existing vessels intended to be certificated under the U.S . flag for the first time, theSupplement will apply in a similar manner to other vessels but with additional requirements or changes.b) NVIC 10-81 is the guiding document for re-flagging.c) the USCG accepted Vessel Deficiency Report or "Gap Analysis" augments the definition of thestandards applied to the specific vessel.HOW TO WITHDRAWIn order to withdraw from ACP, the owner is to advise the USCG in writing. If this is agreeable to the USCG, all data applicable to the vessel during the time period the vessel was enrolled in the program will be forwarded to the USCG for incorporation into the USCG computer files. Upon accomplishment of the information transfer, the owner would then continue the required inspections directly under the jurisdiction of the USCG.HAND OVER SURVEYFor existing vessels, a "Hand Over Survey" must take place. The Survey is simply a time for the attending USCG and ABS staff to compare notes. The USCG will confirm that the history of the vessel has been properly entered into the ABS Status System. Then the Surveyors and Inspectors will agree on the resolution of any 835s and outstanding requirements. At this time, the USCG will also confirm to the Surveyors that the vessel is in compliance with all CFRs or will advise on those areas that must be corrected. The Surveyor and the Inspector will then complete the ABS Record of Safety Equipment. This record will ensure that the requirements of the USCG continue. The Record of Safety Equipment is to be a permanent part of the vessel’s documents.WHAT HAPPENS WITH THE CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION?An ACP vessel will still have a Certificate of Inspection on board. However, it will be distinctively different in that it will not contain details of life-saving appliances and fire-extinguishing equipment. The ABS Status will contain the major details of the vessel.WHAT HAPPENS IF THE VESSEL IS DAMAGED?It is the responsibility of the vessel’s Master to report Marine Damages, as defined in 46 CFR 4.03 to the cognizant USCG Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection (OCMI). ABS takes the lead in determining "Fitness to Proceed" and is obliged to share this with the local OCMI. If the vessel poses a pollution threat to the environment, such as a Class I structural failure, the local OCMI will take precedence. This decision must be coordinated with the Surveyor in Charge.REPORTABLE CASUALTYA reportable marine casualty or accident means a casualty or accident involving any vessel within the navigable waters of the U.S., its territories or possessions, or any casualty or accident involving a US Flag vessel anywhere in the world. This definition of marine casualty or accident does not pertain to public vessels.The definition is contained in 46 CFR 4.05-1, NOTICE OF MARINE CASUALTY, as follows:Immediately after addressing all resultant safety concerns, the owner, agent, master, operator, or person in charge, shall notify the nearest Marine Safety Office or USCG Group Office whenever a vessel is involved in a marine casualty consisting of:1. An unintended grounding, or an unintended strike of (allision with) a bridge;2. An intended grounding, or an intended strike of a bridge, that creates a hazard to navigation, theenvironment, or the safety of a vessel, or that meets any criterion of paragraphs 3 through 7;3. A loss of main propulsion, primary steering, or any associated component or control that reducesthe maneuverability of the vessel;4. An occurrence materially and adversely affecting the vessel’s seaworthiness or fitness for serviceor route, including but not limited to fire, flooding, or failure of or damage to fixed fire-extinguishing systems, life-saving appliances, auxiliary power generating equipment, or bilge pumping systems;5. A loss of life;6. An injury that requires professional medical treatment (treatment beyond first aid) and, if theperson is engaged or employed on board a vessel in commercial service, that renders the individual unfit to perform his or her routine duties; or7. An occurrence causing property damage in excess of $25,000 including the cost of labor andmaterials to restore the property to its condition before the occurrence, but not including the cost of salvage, cleaning, gas-freeing, drydocking, or demurrage.HOW TO HANDLE THE FORM 835The USCG issues their recommendations and deficiencies on a form numbered CG-835. It has become common usage to simply refer to the USCG outstandings and deficiencies as "835s". It is intended that the USCG offices will assist ABS Surveyors by providing the liaison with other USCG offices in dealing with CG-835s. The ABS Surveyor is not expected to communicate directly with a USCG office other than the one in his local area.The 835 is under the control of the USCG office that did the inspection and wrote the requirements. ABS will be given copies of the 835s for inclusion on the ABS Status as an Outstanding Recommendation. ABS may survey and indicate that an 835 has been satisfactorily completed. This will be done by the writing of a miscellaneous report that receives normal distribution plus one additional copy for the USCG office that wrote the 835. It is the responsibility of the local OCMI to forward the 835 to the appropriate persons to cancel the 835 in the USCG files. ABS Surveyors may "clear" 835 items, on ACP vessels only. This may be done on other US Flag vessels; however, it requires prior approval from the OCMI that issued the 835.In those situations where compliance with an 835 has not been satisfied, the USCG office that issued the 835 must be contacted for further advice. This will be done through the OCMI at the port where the vessel is being surveyed. It is important to note that the ABS Surveyor does not have the right to extend or modify the 835.NO SAIL ITEMSThis is a term normally used by the USCG when the condition of a vessel is suspect or has deteriorated or has sustained excessive damages. ABS has the same concerns. However, the ABS terminology differs. ABS defines no sail items in various sections of the ABS Process Instructions. ABS does not use the term "Seaworthy." The term used in ABS is "Fitness to Proceed." A vessel is not considered Fit to Proceed if it has suffered structural damage that affects the longitudinal strength of the vessel or its watertight integrity. It also applies if the vessel has lost propulsion, steering or electrical generation capacity, including redundant systems. Any of the foregoing would generate a report of noncompliance with the Rules and be listed as an "Outstanding Recommendation." Conversely, if the problem lies with SOLAS or MARPOL items, it would be listed as a "Deficiency." Deficiencies that would prevent a vessel from sailing would be: (1) Loss of life-saving appliances such as life boats; (2) Lack of life-saving appliances; (3) Failure of critical parts of the fire-extinguishing system. Examples of "No Sail" items are inoperable fire pumps or depleted fixed fire-extinguishing systems. On occasion an item that is a deficiency will also be an outstanding recommendation against Class. The emergency fire pump is such an item. The emergency fire pump is required both for Class and for the Safety Equipment Certificate to be issued and/or remain valid.OUTSTANDING RECOMMENDATIONS (OSR)This is the term used by ABS to define areas of noncompliance with the Rules. Classification is maintained by a series of Annual Surveys and Periodical Surveys that allow the Class Society an opportunity to survey a vessel and maintain a record of its compliance with the Rules. It also allows ABS to confirm that the owner is maintaining the vessel in a satisfactory condition. A single Outstanding may not necessarily affect the Class of the vessel. Consideration is given to allow time to make corrections or to reach a more appropriate port. A number of Outstanding Recommendations or a major Outstanding Recommendation may be sufficient to question the "fitness of the vessel to proceed."WHAT HAPPENS IF ANNUAL OR SPECIAL SURVEYS MUST BE EXTENDED?ACP survey extensions must be processed through the Survey Manager, ABS Americas. The maximum survey extension will be three months and shall not alter the baseline date for the survey concerned. Except for the Special Surveys, all other surveys have windows of time in which they are to be completed. A series of letters are sent to the owner advising of due dates and overdue dates. Provided there are no special circumstances to consider, the Class of the vessel is in jeopardy and will be canceled 90 days after the due date.DRYDOCKING EXTENSIONSRegardless of the circumstances, the USCG retains the ultimate authority for granting dry-docking extensions to ACP vessels. Under extenuating circumstances, ABS allows extensions of dry dockings. The vessel must have no record of a grounding since the last dry-docking, and a Survey must be conducted. For a 30 day extension, a general examination of the vessel is conducted. For extensions of 31 days up to 90 days, a modified Under Water Survey In Lieu of Dry-docking (UWILD) is required. In the modified survey a record of the examination is made on photographs. The diver has a free swim of the bottom. Extensions of 91 days up to one year are normally done to allow the vessel’s surveys to be harmonized with IMO requirements. A one year extension requires a full Under Water Survey in Lieu of Dry-docking, including two-way voice and video communications between the Surveyor and the diver. It would be considered unusual to do a one year extension under any other circumstances.UNDER WATER SURVEY IN LIEU OF DRYDOCKINGAn ACP UWILD guide was developed for vessels enrolled in ACP. The Guide for Underwater Surveys In Lieu of Drydocking for Vessels Enrolled in the ABS Based USCG Alternate Compliance Program is now included in NVIC 2-95, Change 1.OVERSIGHTThe USCG, in delegating surveys to ABS, still retains the ultimate responsibility that vessels meet regulatory requirements. Crucial to fulfilling this responsibility is active and viable oversight by the USCG of surveys conducted by ABS on behalf of the USCG.The foundation of this oversight is ABS’s World Wide ISO 9001 Certified Quality System. As with any successful quality system, it is a smoothly functioning in-service process verification scheme. It provides a source of continuous and timely opinion related to the effectiveness of the processes in place to meet customer requirements. An added benefit is the information it provides to both clients and managementto prove that controlled work is being accomplished. In this respect it is very important in facilitating the delegation to ABS of USCG vessel inspection. It provides a framework that will be used in the USCG oversight program for delegated responsibilities.Oversight will consist of internal and external audits of ABS by the USCG. It will also consist of annual boardings of the vessels to conduct renewal and mid-period COI inspections. The boardings will be similar to those done in Port State Inspections. A check sheet describing the considerations to expand the boardings is a part of the USCG Marine Safety Manual, Volume II, Section B, Chapter 9.I. SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS TO CURRENT ABS RULES(see Addendum 1 for additional requirements pertaining to OSV’s)Cite: 1-1-5/1 Other Regulations – General I-1 Cite: 3-3-1/3.1 Intact Stability I-1 Cite 3-3-1/3.3 Damage Stability I-1 Cite: 4-1-1/13.1 Category A Machinery Spaces I-1 Cite: 4-1-1/13.3 Machinery Spaces I-1 Cite: 4-1-1/31 Boilers and Pressure Vessels I-1 Cite: 4-2-1/7.1 Internal Combustion Engines and Reduction Gears – Fuel Oil Injection I-2 System – StrainersCite: 4-2-1/9.9 Internal Combustion Engines and Reduction Gears – Lubricating Oil I-2 Systems – FiltersCite: 4-3-3/11 Steering Gear – Control System I-2 Cite: 4-3-3/11.9 Steering Gear – Instrumentation and Alarms I-2 Cite: 4-4-1/1 Vessels Subject to Damage Stability Requirements I-2 Cite: 4-4-2/7 Pumps and Piping Systems – Plastic Pipes I-3 Cite: 4-4-2/11 Pumps and Piping Systems – Valves I-3 Cite: 4-4-3/9.5 Pumps and Piping Systems - Vent Pipes – Size I-3 Cite: 4-4-7/3.1 Pumps and Piping Systems – Cargo Piping System I-4 Cite: 4-4-7/5.5 Pumps and Piping Systems – Ballast System I-4 Cite: 4-4-7/5.9 Pumps and Piping Systems – Cargo Systems – Cargo Heating Systems I-4 Cite: 4-4-7/5.19 Pumps and Piping Systems – Cargo Systems – Cargo Vapor Emission I-4SystemsControlCite: 4-5-1/3.5 Fire Extinguishing Systems – Fire Pumps, Fire Mains, Hydrants and I-5 Hoses – Fire MainCite: 4-6-2/5.5.2 Electrical Installations – Shipboard Systems – Emergency Services – I-5 Power Supply – GeneratorCite: 4-6-2/5.9 Electrical Installations – Shipboard Systems – Emergency Switchboard I-5 Cite: 4-6-2/13.3 Electrical Installations – Shipboard Systems – Navigation Light System I-6Cite: 4-6-2/15.1.2 Electrical Installations – Shipboard Systems – Engine Order Telegraphs I-6Cite: 4-6-4/7.15.4 Electrical Installations – Machinery and Equipment – Emergency I-7 Switchboard -Equipment and InstrumentationCite: 4-6-6/9.3 Electrical Installations – Specialized Vessels and Services – I-7CarriersChemicalCite: 4-9-1/1 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – General (SVR) Required I-8 Plans and DataCite: 4-9-1/7 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – General – Required Plans 1-8 Data(SVR) andCite: 4-9-1/5.1.10 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – General – Safety Systems I-9 4-9-1/9.9&(SVR)Cite: 4-9-2/1 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – Remote Propulsion Control I-9Requirements(SVR) SystemCite: 4-9-3/1 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – ACC – General I-9 (SVR)Cite: 4-9-3/3 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – ACC/ACCU – I-9Requirements(SVR) SystemCite: 4-9-3/9 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – ACC/ACCU – I-9 (SVR) Monitoring in Centralized Control StationCite: 4-9-3/13.9.1 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation - ACC/ACCU – I-9 & 4-9-4/3.7 Continuity of Power(SVR)Cite: 4-9-3/15.5.1 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – ACC/ACCU – I-9 (SVR) Fire Detection and Alarm SystemsCite: 4-9-3/15.5.2 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation – ACC/ACCU – I-10 (SVR) Propulsion Machinery Space – Fire Safety – Fire Main SystemCite: 5-1-1/1.13 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk – Pressure Vacuum Valves I-10 (SVR)Cite: 5-8-5/1 Vessels Intended to Carry Liquefied Gases in Bulk – Process Pressure I-10 (SVR) Vessels and Liquid, Vapor, and Pressure Piping SystemsCite: 5-8-19 Vessels Intended to Carry Liquefied Gases in Bulk – I-10 (SVR) Summary of Minimum Requirements –Explanatory Notes to the Summary of Minimum RequirementsCite: 5-9-5/2 Vessels Intended to Carry Liquefied Gases in Bulk – Piping Fabrication I-10 (SVR) and Lining DetailsCite: 6/5.5 Vessels Intended to Carry Passengers – Automatic Sprinkler I-10 (Passenger Vessel Systems Guide)I. SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS TO CURRENT ABS RULESCite: 1-1-5/1 Other Regulations – GeneralCargo Gear is to be certified in accordance with the ABS ‘Requirements for Certification of Construction and Survey of Cargo Gear on Merchant Vessels, 1975 or the Guide for Certification of Cranes, 1991 as applicable for the type of cargo gear being provided.As an alternative, evidence of approval by the International Cargo Gear Bureau may be submitted.Cite: 3-3-1/3.1 Intact StabilityIntact stability for cargo and passenger vessels is to comply with the applicable parts of Subchapter S. It has been determined that IMO Resolution A.749 (18) - "Code on Intact Stability" is equivalent to the intact stability requirements of Subchapter S. Where the intact stability requirements contained in IMO Resolution 749 (18) are used, the Regulations contained in Subparts B - Lifting and E - Towing of Subchapter S are also to be satisfied, where applicable. All recommendations that appear in the Code on Intact Stability are required and considered mandatory.Cite: 3-3-1/3.3 Damage StabilityRelative to damage stability please note that all dry cargo vessels over 80 meters in length, that change flag to US, shall be considered to be new vessels for compliance with the probabilistic damage stability regulations in SOLAS, 1974, as amended, Chapter II-1, Part B-1, regardless of the actual build date. Cite: 4-1-1/13.1 Category A Machinery SpacesMachinery spaces of Category A are those spaces and trunks to such spaces that contain: internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion; or internal combustion machinery used for purposes other than main propulsion where such machinery has in the aggregate a total power output of not less than 375 kW (500hp); or any oil fired boiler, or other similar oil fired equipment such as an inert gas generator, incinerator wasted disposal unit, etc., or any oil fired unit.Cite: 4-1-1/13.3 Machinery SpacesMachinery spaces are all machinery spaces of Category A and all other spaces containing propelling machinery, boilers, oil fuel units, steam and internal combustion engines, generators and major electrical machinery, oil filling stations, refrigerating, stabilizing, ventilation and air conditioning machinery, and similar spaces, and trunks to such spaces.Cite: 4-1-1/31 Boilers and Pressure VesselsBoilers, pressure vessels and heat exchangers are to comply with the requirements specified in Section 4-4-1 of the ABS Steel Vessel Rules or the ASME Code. Associated controls and piping systems are to comply with 4-4-1, 4-6-1 and 4-7-1 of the Steel Vessel Rules, as applicable. Boilers, pressure vessels and heat exchangers manufactured to any other standard will be considered on a case-by-case basis.。



XX/XXX XXX X3-XX7-2006
1 范围


2 引用标准
GB/T2828.1-2003 第1部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划
GB/T13594-2003 《机动车和挂车防抱制动性能及试验方法》
3.1 标识

3.2 外观质量

3.3 性能

4.1 目测检验3.1、3.2。

4.2 性能检测采用检查供应商提供的检测报告。

5 检验规则和合格判据
5.1 入厂检验
5.1.1 合格分承制方供应的ABS防抱死装置只进行标识和外观质量复验。

5.1.2 标识采用全验方式。

5.1.3 外观质量按GB/T 2828.1-2003一次抽样方案进行,一般检查水平为Ⅱ,AQL值为4.0。

5.2 定期确认检验






















ABS全称为“Anti-lock Braking System”,即防抱死制动系统。
















第2部分部分材料体结构材料第1章船体结构材料一般要求第1节一般要求1 检验和检查验和检查总则1.1 总则所有已经过认证或计划认证的船体结构和船用设备的材料的检验和检查要符合验船师的要求并符合以下或与以下等同的要求。


制造商的认可(2003)1.2 制造商的认可1.2.1 (2005)船体结构用轧制状态产品应由通过本船检局对该钢种认证的钢厂制造。



1.2.2 (2006)制造厂商有责任在生产期间确保执行现行的工艺规程和生产控制及遵守制造规范。







1.3 检验和检验数据1.3.1 目击检验标志W标明,除非设备已注册并且产品的制造是按照“船检局的质量保证大纲”,否则验船师要目击检验。

1.3.2 制造厂数据标志M标明,检验数据要由制造厂提供,而不必由验船师对所采用步骤或所取得的结果进行核实。

1.3.3 其它检验标志A标明对这些检验,检验数据应由供货厂商提供并由验船师审查以核实所采用步骤和其所目击的随机检验符合船检局规范要求。


1.5 根据“ABS质量保证大钢”的轧制产品认证一经申请,将由验船师根据是否符合“ABS质量保证大钢”来决定是否通过钢板、型钢和棒材的认证,而无需由验船 师目击证明机械性能试验。

ABS上盖设计说明书 Microsoft Word 文档

ABS上盖设计说明书 Microsoft Word 文档

ABS上盖设计说明书 Microsoft Word 文档————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:目录第一章1。

前言 (3)第二章塑料成型工艺基础2。

1 上盖的造型设计 (3)2.2 上盖塑料ABS的结构与工艺特性 (4)第三章塑件工艺性分析3.1 工艺性分析 (5)3。

2 注塑机的选择 (6)3.3 分型面的选择 (7)3。

4 根据塑件本身的几何形状及生产批量确定型腔数目 (7)3.5 确定注射成型的工艺参数 (7)第四章浇注系统的设计4.1 普通浇注系统的设计 (8)第五章成型零部件的结构设计5。

1 型腔的结构设计 (12)5.2 型芯结构的设计 (13)5.3 定位圈的设计 (14)5.4 成型零部件的工作尺寸的计算 (14)第六章结构零部件的设计6。

1 注射模架的选择 (18)6。

2 合模导向机构的设计 (18)第七章推出机构的设计7.1 推出机构设计原则 (19)7。

2 推出机构的选择 (20)7。

3 推出力的计算 (20)7.4 推出机构工作原理图 (20)第八章加热、冷却系统的设计8.1 冷却回路的尺寸确定 (21)8.2 冷却回路的布置 (22)第九章主要尺寸的校核9.1 模具厚度的校核 (22)9.2 开模行程的校核 (23)9.3 注射模具的工作原理装配图 (23)第十章心得体会 (23)第十一章参考文献 (24)第一章绪论前言本课题是关于上盖的塑料注塑模具的设计,在正确分析塑件的结构,技术要求及企业的生产实际情况后进行塑件的注射模设计。




ABS 规范机械性能化学成分

ABS 规范机械性能化学成分






7. 机械性能
7.1 船用普通级别铸钢机械性能要求(2006)



试验按2-1-1/11.11中所述要求进行,需在0℃(32℉) 时冲击值大于等于27J (20 ft-lbs)。

7. 机械性能(2008)
注: 如有大件锻件需进行两次拉力试验,抗拉强度不得超过70N/mm2 (7kg/mm2, 10000 psi).。

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3.3.13 IO2, IO3, IO4_L
3.3.14 Stop Light Switch (SLS)
3.4 Connector Pin Assignment
3.4.1 Standard/Premium Cab ECU
3.4.2 Standard/Premium Frame ECU
1.5 Abbreviations and Symbols
2. General Product Description
2.1 Antilock Braking System
2.2 ABS Control
2.2.1 Control Modes
2.2.2 Off Road ABS
2.2.3 Retarder Brake System Control
4.4.5 Seal/Corrosion Integrity
4.4.6 Chemical
4.4.7 Gravel Bombardment
4.4.8 Protection Grade
4.5 Mechanical (24V ECU Cabin Mount)
4.5.1 Vibration
2.9 ABS Components
2.9.1 ABS Vehicle Installation Schematic
2.9.2 Wheel Speed Sensor (WSS)
2.9.3 Pressure Modulation Valve (PMV)
2.10 System Configuration
Valid version of this document is filed on network only. No distribution service for this printout.
Specification for Electronic Control Unit
3.3.8 Retarder Disable Driver (RET)
3.3.9 Diagnostic and PLC Data Links
3.3.10 CAN Data Link
3.3.11 Switch Input (ORS)
3.3.12 Output TC lamp and Input TC Switch (TCL/TCS)
Modification first draft first revision revision
This document is property of the “KNORR-BREMSE SfN GmbH”. It is confidential and it is not permitted to make copies without authorization. All rights belong to “KNORR-BREMSE SfN GmbH”.
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Y 486 R10 202
T/ESS1.1-Smd 25.04.05
Printing history:
Rev. Date
1.0 12.03.04 Smd
2.0 02.04.04 Smd
2.1 25.04.05 Smd
Sheet all all all
2.3 Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD)
2.4 Booster failure treatment
2.5 Automatic Traction Control (ATC)
2.5.1 ATC Function Overview
2.5.2 Operating Modes
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Y 486 R10 202
T/ESS1.1-Smd 25.04.05
Table of contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative Reference
1.3 Related Documents
1.4 Part Numbers and Supported Features
4.1.4 Retarder Disable (RET)

4.1.5 Warning Light Driver (WL) with Diagnostic Switch Input
4.1.6 Traction Control Lamp Driver with Traction Control Switch (TCL/TCS)
2.10.6 Lift Axle Configuration
2.10.7 Inter Axle Lock Configuration
2.10.8 Brake Monitoring Configuration
3. Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
3.1 General
Valid version of this document is filed on network only. No distribution service for this printout.
Specification for Electronic Control Unit
3.2 ECU Design
3.3 Assemblies and Modules in the ECU
3.3.1 Power Supply
3.3.2 Computer
3.3.3 Speed Sensor Circuits
3.3.4 Valve Relay
This document is property of the “KNORR-BREMSE SfN GmbH”. It is confidential and it is not permitted to make copies without authorization. All rights belong to “KNORR-BREMSE SfN GmbH”.
3.4.3 Connector Pin Description
3.5 Wiring Schematic
4. Operating Conditions
4.1 Electrical
4.1.1 Power Supply
4.1.2 Speed Circuits
4.1.3 ABS Solenoid Drivers (PCV.., TCV.., DIFF, IO2/3)
4.2.3 Automatic Tire Size Alignment
4.3 Mechanical/Climate (12V ECU Cabin Mount)
4.3.1 Mechanical Vibration
4.3.2 Drop Test
4.3.3 Temperature
4.3.4 Combined Environment “AGREE”
2.10.1 Configuring the ECU
2.10.2 ABS Component Configurations
2.10.3 Retarder Configurations
2.10.4 Drag Torque Control Configurations
2.10.5 Traction Control Configurations
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T/ESS1.1-Smd 25.04.05
3.3.5 Solenoid Drivers
3.3.6 Warning Light Driver and optional Diagnostic Switch (WL)
3.3.7 Warning Light Driver- Trailer (WLT)
4.5.2 Mechanical Shock
4.5.3 Drop Test
4.6 Climate (24V ECU Cabin Mount)
4.6.1 Temperature Range
4.6.2 Humidity
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