



检索号37-F2792C B-D11嘉峪关宏晟电热有限责任公司二期工程2×300MW机组电容式电压互感器技术规范书1 总则1.1 本规范书适用于嘉峪关宏晟电热有限责任公司二期工程330kV电容式电压互感器及其辅助设备的结构、功能、设计、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。

1.2 本设备技术规范书提出的是最低限度的技术要求,并未对一切技术细节作出规定,也未充分引述有关标准和规范的条文,供方应提供符合本规范书和工业标准的优质产品,以保证电厂的安全可靠的运行。

1.3 如果供方没有以书面形式对本规范书的条文提出异议,则意味着供方提供的设备完全符合本规范书的要求。


1.4 本设备技术规范书所使用的标准如遇与供方所执行的标准不一致时,按较高标准执行。

1.5 本设备技术规范书经供需双方确认后作为订货合同的技术附件,与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。

1.6 本设备技术规范书未尽事宜,由供需双方协商确定。

1.7 本规范书应遵循如下最新标准或规范,单不仅限于此:GB/T4703 《电容式电压互感器》GB311.1 《高压输变电设备的绝缘》GB311.2-GB311.6 《高电压试验技术》GB/T4705 《耦合电容器及电容分压器》DL/T 726 《电力用电压互感器订货技术条件》GB1207 《电压互感器》《防止电力生产重大事故的二十五项重点要求》2 设备运行环境条件2.1 周围空气温度最高温度:+38.4℃最低温度:-31.6℃2.2 日照强度:0.1W/cm2(风速0.5m/s)2.3 海拔高度:1621m2.4 最大风速:34m/s2.5 环境相对湿度: 47%2.6 地震烈度VII度水平加速度:0.25g垂直加速度:0.125g2.7 污秽等级III级,外绝缘泄漏比距≥ 2.65cm/kV(对最高运行线电压363kV)2.8累年最大覆冰厚度10cm(风速不大于15m/s)2.9工程条件:2.9.1 系统概况1)系统额定电压:330kV2)系统最高电压:363kV3)系统额定频率:50Hz4)系统中性点接地方式:直接接地2.9.2 安装方式:户外落地安装3技术要求3.1 基本额定参数系统额定工作电压:330kV最高工作电压:363kV额定一次电压:330/3kV额定频率:50Hz测量用主二次绕组电压:100/3V保护用主二次绕组电压:100/3V辅助电压绕组:100V额定输出及准确等级(在二次额定电压和负荷功率因数0.8时)TYD3-330/3-0.005H 330/3/0.1/3/0.1/3/0.1kV 6台测量级:0.2级250VA保护级:3P级300VA剩余:3P级100VA额定电容量:0.005 F(误差值应不超过-5%~+5%)3.2 绝缘水平系统中性点接地方式:中性点直接接地方式雷电冲击耐受电压(峰值)(1.2/50s):1175kV截波:1300kV工频耐压(有效值):510kV3.3 可见电晕及无线电干扰在1.1Um/3下,户外晴天夜晚无可见电晕,其无线电干扰值不超过250V。



东方希望包头稀土铝业有限责任企业电厂新一期后2X155MW 工程220KV 电压互感器技术规范书同意:审查:编制:东方希望包头稀土铝业有限责任企业电厂新一期后2X155MW 工程2006年3月目次1.总则2.技术要求3.设施规范4.供货范围5.技术服务6.买方工作7.工作安排8.备品备件及专用工具9.质量保证和试验10.包装、运输和储藏1总则本设施技术规范书合用于东方希望包头稀土铝业有限责任企业自备电厂新一期工程电压互感器,它提出了该设施的功能设计、构造、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。







2 技术要求2.1 应按照的主要现行标准《高压输变电设施的绝缘配合》GB4703 《电容式电压互感器》GB2706 《沟通高压电器动热稳固试验方法》GB763 《沟通高压电器在长久工作时的发热》GB/T16434 《高压架空线路和发电厂、变电所环境污划分级及外绝缘选择标准》GB5273 《变压器、高压电器和套管的接线端子》GB2900 《电工名词术语》GB1207 《电压互感器》GB1984 《沟通高压断路器》GB191 《包装贮运标记》GB7674 《SF6关闭式组合电器》GB2536 《变压器油》GB156 《标准电压》2.2 环境条件四周空气温度最高温度:+40 ℃最低温度:-40 ℃最大日温差:25 ℃日照强度:W/cm 2(风速 0.5m/s)海拔高度:1034 m最狂风速:30 m/s环境相对湿度:68 %地震烈度:8 度加快度:污秽等级:III 级覆冰厚度:10 mm工程条件系统概略1. 系统额定电压 : 220 kV2. 系统最高电压 : 252 kV3. 系统额定频次 : 50 Hz4.系统中性点接地方式 : 直接接地安装地址:户外安装方式:单相电压互感器的基本技术参数型式:额定频次: 50HZ额定电压比: (220/ √√3)/0.1 KV额定负荷及正确等级:当功率因数为0.8 时, 应知足以下要求 :绕组额定容量 (VA) 正确等级仪表用100张口三角300 3P额定二次电压 :仪表用线圈 : √3 KV张口三角线圈 : 0.1 KV二次绕组极限输出 : VA绝缘水平:工频耐压 ( 有效值 ):≥ 390KV额定雷电冲击耐压,( 峰值 ): ≥950KV2.5 技术性能要求电压分压器介质损失因数:在10 ℃~ 40℃额定电压下不大于(膜纸 ),(油纸 )。



安宁市裕青鑫峰投资有限责任公司110kV裕青鑫峰总降压站工程110kV电容式电压互感器招标技术规范书云南电力设计咨询研究院2011年01月货物需求一览表目录1. 总则 (1)2. 环境条件 (3)3. 设备技术要求 (4)4. 试验 (6)5. 质量保证及管理 (6)6. 技术服务、设计联络、工厂检验和监造: (6)附录A 投标方提供的设备技术数据 (8)附录B 备品备件 (9)附录C 专用工具和仪器仪表 (9)附录D 包装及标志 (10)附录E 主要外购件清单 (11)附录F 技术偏差表 (11)1.总则1.1本技术协议适用于110kV电容式电压互感器(以下简称“设备”),包括电压互感器本体、备品备件及专用工具。


1.3 投标技术文件中应提供技术偏差表,并提供不低于所供产品技术要求的全部型式试验报告。


1.4 投标人或供货方 (包括分包厂)应已设计、制造和提供过同类设备,且技术参数应与本工程相类似,或较规定的条件更严格,至少有3组2年以上的商业运行经验。


1.5 规范书所使用的标准如遇与供货方所执行的标准不一致时,按较高标准执行。

1.6 规范书经买卖双方确认后,作为合同的附件,与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。

1.7 本规范书中涉及有关商务方面的内容,如与招标文件的《商务部分》有矛盾时,以《商务部分》为准。

1.8 本规范书未尽事宜,由招标人和投标人在合同技术谈判时双方协商确定。

1.9 合同签订后,供货方应在2周内,向买方提出一个详尽的生产计划,包括设备设计、设计联络会、材料采购、设备制造、厂内测试以及运输等项的详情,以确定每部分工作及其进度。

1.10 如有延误,供货方应及时将延误交货的原因、后果及采取的补救措施等,向买方加以说明。



配电变压器, 15/0.4 kV注意:所有需要的标准值是,配电变压器容量400 KVA,500 KVA,630 KVA,800 KVA,1250 KVA 15千伏电压等级水平。

25kVA,50kVA, 100kVA,200kVA 315kVA, 400 kVA,500 kVA,630kVA,800 kVA &1250 kVA容量,33/0. 4kv的配电变压器注意:所有需要的标准值是,配电变压器容量400 KVA,500 KVA,630 KVA,800 KVA,1250 KVA 15千伏电压等级水平。

2.2三相柱式配电变压器技术标准(33/0.4kV & 15/0.4kV)试用范围本节为配电变压器指定了详细的要求:包括为户外用的15/0.4 kV and 33/0.4kv三相双线圈油浸自冷配电变压器所需要的头顶安装的(双电杆安装的)配件以及配电站所需用部件。

标准变压器的设计、制造和试验应当遵循:∙IEC 60354: 油浸变压器运转指南∙IEC 60296: 未使用矿物质绝缘的变压器油规格特殊工作条件变压器会经常置于不平衡负荷下工作,变压器要用避雷针防护。

另外, 指定的服务条款在通常技术条件下会被作为交货附加条件。






Loss Capitalization Values资金总额损失值变压器的设计应尽量减少总的变压器成本基础上的投资成本和损失成本变压器的设计应当在投资成本和损失成本基础上,使总成本最小化。

变压器在正常技术参数水平之外的损耗,应当承担一下金额的损失:负载损耗1000 USD/kW空载损耗4000 USD/kW机械设计变压器应当有油枕,吸湿器(硅胶),所有变压器应当适合户外服务。



濮阳曹楼110kv变电站工程110kv电压互感器技术标书设计单位: 濮阳市蓝图电力设计企业8月目次1总则2 使用条件3 技术参数和性能要求4 试验附录A 投标商应提供技术数据附录B 技术偏差表附录C 备品备件附录D 专用工具及仪表1总则1.1通常要求1.1.1 本规范书适适用于濮阳曹楼110千伏变电站工程所使用110千伏电压互感器订货招标。


1.1.2本设备技术规范书提出是最低程度技术要求, 并未对一切技术细节作出要求, 也未充足引述相关标准和规范条文, 卖方应提供符合本规范书和相关标准优质产品。

1.1.3 假如卖方没有以书面形式对本规范书条文提出异议, 则表示卖方提供设备完全符合本规范书要求。

如有异议, 不管是多么微小, 都应在报价书中以“对规范书意见和同规范书差异”为标题专门章节中加以具体描述。

1.1.4 本设备技术规范书所使用标准如遇与卖方所实施标准不一致时, 按较高标准实施。

1.1.5 本设备技术规范书经买、卖双方确定后作为订货协议技术附件, 与协议正文含有相同法律效力。

1.1.6本设备技术规范书未尽事宜, 由买卖双方协商确定。












电压互感器误差测量系统购置技术规范书1 总则1.1 一般规定1.1.2 本规范书提出的是最低限度的技术要求,并未对一切技术细节作出规定,也未充分引述有关标准和规范的条文,投标人应提供符合DL、GB、IEC最新版本的标准和本规范书的优质产品。


1.1.3 如果投标人没有以书面形式对本规范书的条文提出异议,则意味着投标人提供的设备完全符合本规范书的要求。


1.1.4 规范书所使用的标准如遇与投标人所执行的标准不一致时,应按较高标准执行。

1.1.5 规范书经买卖双方确认后,作为合同的附件,与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。

1.1.6 本规范书中涉及有关商务方面的内容,如与招标文件的《商务部分》有矛盾时,以《商务部分》为准。

1.1.7 本规范书未尽事宜,由招标人和投标人在合同技术谈判时双方协商确定。

1.1.8 投标人需提供满足技术规范书要求所必须的硬件、软件和各项服务和现场调试,并达到本规范书所要求的性能指标。

1.1.9 在技术规范中涉及的供货要求也作为本供货范围的补充,若在安装、调试、运行中发现缺项、漏项由供方补充,且不发生任何费用问题。

1.1.10 投标人提供详细供货清单,清单中依次说明型号、数量、产地、生产厂家等内容。


1.1.11 投标人对标书做出书面应答,提供产品认定的主要技术文件、产品主要技术参数表和主要部件配置表。



1.2 投标人应提供的资格文件投标方在投标时,必须至少提供以下技术文件供招标方审查:(1)提供设备的技术文件和样本;(2)提供设备的供货范围,包括所有硬件、软件、服务和有关资料等;(3)供货清单;(4)招标方所要求的其它说明、资料等。



电压互感器技术规范书-电压互感器技术规范书G-YC99-61国家电力公司电力规划设计总院1999年10月北京工程编号:工程电压互感器技术规范书签署:编制单位:年月前言为了加强设备管理和规范、指导设备招(议)标工作,原电力部电力规划设计总院先后以电规技(1994)25号文和电规技(1995)73号文下达了编制下列设备技术规范书的任务:1.1 主变压器技术规范书 G-YC99-60-11.2 联络变压器技术规范书 G-YC99-60-21.3 起动/备用变压器技术规范书 G-YC99-60-31.4 高压厂用工作变压器技术规范书 G-YC99-60-42 电压互感器技术规范书 G-YC99-613 电流互感器技术规范书 G-YC99-624.1 油浸式并联电抗器技术规范书 G-YC99-63-14.2 干式空芯并联电抗器技术规范书 G-YC99-63-25 断路器技术规范书G-YC96-646 隔离开关技术规范书 G-YC96-657 氧化锌避雷器技术规范书 G-YC96-668 离相封闭母线技术规范书 G-YC96-679 运煤自动化设备技术规范书 G-YC99-68本设备技术规范书是上述设备技术规范书中的一本。










电压互感器技术规范书12020年5月29日东方希望包头稀土铝业有限责任公司电厂新一期后2X155MW工程220KV电压互感器技术规范书批准:审核:编制:22020年5月29日东方希望包头稀土铝业有限责任公司电厂新一期后2X155MW 工程年 3月目次1.总则2.技术要求3.设备规范4.供货范围5.技术服务6.买方工作7.工作安排8.备品备件及专用工具9.质量保证和试验32020年5月29日10.包装、运输和储存1总则1.0.1本设备技术规范书适用于东方希望包头稀土铝业有限责任公司自备电厂新一期工程电压互感器,它提出了该设备的功能设计、结构、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。

1.0.2 本设备技术规范书提出的是最低限度的技术要求,并未对一切技术细节作出规定,也未充分引述有关标准和规范的条文,卖方应提供符合工业标准和本规范书的优质产品。






2技术要求2.1应遵循的主要现行标准GB/T311.1 <高压输变电设备的绝缘配合>GB4703 <电容式电压互感器>GB2706 <交流高压电器动热稳定试验方法>GB763 <交流高压电器在长期工作时的发热>GB/T16434 <高压架空线路和发电厂、变电所环境污52020年5月29日。



配电变压器, 15/0.4 kV注意:所有需要的标准值是,配电变压器容量400 KVA,500 KVA,630 KVA,800 KVA,1250 KVA 15千伏电压等级水平。

25kVA,50kVA, 100kVA,200kVA 315kVA, 400 kVA,500 kVA,630kVA,800 kVA &1250 kVA容量,33/0. 4kv的配电变压器注意:所有需要的标准值是,配电变压器容量400 KVA,500 KVA,630 KVA,800 KVA,1250 KVA 15千伏电压等级水平。

2.2三相柱式配电变压器技术标准(33/0.4kV & 15/0.4kV)试用范围本节为配电变压器指定了详细的要求:包括为户外用的15/0.4 kV and 33/0.4kv三相双线圈油浸自冷配电变压器所需要的头顶安装的(双电杆安装的)配件以及配电站所需用部件。

标准变压器的设计、制造和试验应当遵循:•IEC 60354: 油浸变压器运转指南•IEC 60296: 未使用矿物质绝缘的变压器油规格特殊工作条件变压器会经常置于不平衡负荷下工作,变压器要用避雷针防护。

另外, 指定的服务条款在通常技术条件下会被作为交货附加条件。






Loss Capitalization Values资金总额损失值变压器的设计应尽量减少总的变压器成本基础上的投资成本和损失成本变压器的设计应当在投资成本和损失成本基础上,使总成本最小化。

变压器在正常技术参数水平之外的损耗,应当承担一下金额的损失:负载损耗1000 USD/kW空载损耗4000 USD/kW机械设计变压器应当有油枕,吸湿器(硅胶),所有变压器应当适合户外服务。



光伏发电30MWp工程110kV电压互感器技术规范书年月批准:审核:校核:编写:目录110 KV电压互感器供货需求表 (1)2项目概况 (2)3 项目建设环境条件 (2)4适用技术标准 (3)5技术要求 (4)6供货范围 (7)7备品、备件及专用工具 (7)8包装、标识、运输 (7)8.1 基本要求 (7)装运标志 (8)8.2 特殊要求 (8)9技术服务 (8)9.1 设计资料要求 (8)9.2 制造厂工地代表要求 (9)9.3 在卖方工厂的检验和监造 (10)9.4 卖方负责的培训服务 (10)10质量保证和试验 (10)10.1质量保证 (10)10.2试验 (11)10.3 其它事项 (12)附录A投标人需填写的表格 (13)110 kV电压互感器供货需求表其中:0.5(3P)为组合方式,说明该二次卷即要满足测量用的电压误差准确级,又要满足保护用时所要求的3P准确级,因该二次卷需接测量和保护。





1 总则(1)本规范书适用于光伏发电30MWp工程中126kV电压互感器设备。







110kV电压互感器技术规范书光伏发电30MWp工程110kV电压互感器技术规范书年月批准:审核:校核:编写:目录110 KV电压互感器供货需求表 (1)2项目概况 (2)3 项目建设环境条件 (2)4适用技术标准 (3)5技术要求 (4)6供货范围 (7)7备品、备件及专用工具 (7)8包装、标识、运输 (7)8.1 基本要求 (7)装运标志 (8)8.2 特殊要求 (8)9技术服务 (8)9.1 设计资料要求 (8)9.2 制造厂工地代表要求 (9)9.3 在卖方工厂的检验和监造 (10)9.4 卖方负责的培训服务 (10)10质量保证和试验 (10)10.1质量保证 (10)10.2试验 (11)10.3 其它事项 (12)附录A投标人需填写的表格 (13)110 kV电压互感器供货需求表其中:0.5(3P)为组合方式,说明该二次卷即要满足测量用的电压误差准确级,又要满足保护用时所要求的3P准确级,因该二次卷需接测量和保护。





1 总则(1)本规范书适用于光伏发电30MWp工程中126kV电压互感器设备。





132KV GIS SPECS 132kV 高压开关规范

132KV  GIS SPECS 132kV 高压开关规范

FEWA-PL-SS-E-0050 REV.0TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (132 kV INDOOR METAL-ENCLOSED SF6 GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR)Page1.0 TYPE OF 132KV SWITCHGEAR AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 42.0 CURRENT RATING 43.0 CONNECTIONS TO OUTGOING CIRCUITS 54.0 PLUG-IN TYPE CABLE TERMINATION 55.0 BUSBAR AND CONNECTION GAS CHAMBERS 66.0 CIRCUIT-BREAKERS 87.0 CIRCUIT-BREAKER OPERATING MECHANISM 87.1 Spring Charged Operating Mechanisms 98.0 DISCONNECTING AND EARTHING SWITCHES 109.0 INTERLOCKING 1110.0 AUXILIARY SWITCHES AND CONTACTORS 1211.0 CURRENT TRANSFORMERS 1212.0 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS 1313.0 SF6 IMMERSED INSULATION 1414.0 HV CABLE AND GIS TESTING FACILITY 1515.0 SEALING OF ENCLOSURES 1516.0 GAS LOSSES 1617.0 LOCAL CONTROL CUBICLE 1618.0 EARTHING SYSTEM 1719.0 LOCKING DEVICES 1820.0 ANTI-CONDENSATION HEATERS 1821.0 GAS HANDLING EQUIPMENT 1822.0 INSTALLATION 1823.0 REMOVAL/INSERTION OF LINKS FOR HV CABLE TESTS AND PRIMARYINJECTION 1924.0 TESTS 19 24.1 Type Tests 19 24.2 Routine Tests 2124.3 Site Tests: 2425.0 RATINGS 2426.0 APPLICABLE STANDARDS 2827.0 NAME PLATE / RATING PLATE / CIRCUIT LABELS 2828.0 TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS & GUARANTEED PARTICULARS: 2929.0 CIVIL CO-ORDINATION: 2930.0 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS TO BE INCLUDED WITH TENDER OFFER: 2931.0 CO-ORDINATED SCHEME 291.0 TYPE OF 132KV SWITCHGEAR AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTSThe switchgear shall be of the SF6 gas insulated three phase or single phase encapsulated type, suitable for accommodation within a building and capable of continuous operation under the climatic conditions existing at the Site. Duplicate busbar switchgear shall be provided with busbar selector disconnectors as specified in the Schedules to facilitate the changeover of individual circuits from one busbar to the other with the circuit on load and a bus coupler closed.The arrangement of the switchboard shall be such that all units face in the same direction. Particular emphasis is placed on the provision of adequate clearance between chambers to facilitate maintenance.The design of the switchboard shall be such as to enable extensions to be added at either end with the minimum of disturbance to the installed equipment and without circuit outages or complete shutdown of the substation. The design shall allow high voltage testing of extended busbars portion and bay with the second busbar and all other feeders in service. The equipment offered shall be adequately protected from all types of system voltage surges and any equipment necessary to satisfy this requirement over and above that specified shall be included.Easy access shall be provided for all equipment, which needs regular checking and / or maintenance, by means of fixed type ladders, platforms or similar facilities. A mobile platform to reach any equipment, all manual operating handles, etc. shall be supplied within the overall quoted price of GIS.The design shall include all facilities necessary to enable the performance of the specified site checks and tests to be carried out. The Contractor shall state the test facilities provided and indicate any attachments or special equipment provided for this purpose.Circuit-breakers, disconnectors, earth switches, VTs, CTs cable termination chambers, all and any other chambers and components must be capable of withstanding a gas over pressure of 130% of normal operating pressure continuously.All grounding system, special tools and tackles, SF6 gas for site filling, O & M manuals etc. required for erection, operation, testing and maintenance of GIS shall be supplied within the quoted price. The embedded plates and channels for the GIS foundations and maintaining floor tolerances shall be provided by GIS supplier. Anchoring bolts for fixing GIS and LCCs shall also be supplied by the GIS supplier.2.0 CURRENT RATINGEvery current-carrying part of the switchgear including current transformers, disconnecting switches, busbars, connections and joints shall be capable of carrying its specified rated normal current continuously under IEC rating and in no part shall the temperature rise exceed the values IEC specified in relevant Standards. The derated current rating to site ambient (50o C) shall be declared in the technical schedules against above items.Every part of the switchgear shall also withstand, without mechanical or thermal damage the instantaneous peak currents and rated short-time currents pertaining to the rated breaking capacity of the circuit breaker as per relevant single line diagram. Rated duration of short-circuit shall be taken as one second. The primary rating of the current transformers shall not differ from that of the associated circuit breakers unless specified otherwise.The design of sliding type current carrying connectors and joints shall be such that they meet the aforementioned conditions over the full permitted range of movement. Where such joints may be made or adjusted on Site, full details of alignment procedure, together with any necessary alignment tools or gauges shall be described in the maintenance manual and included in the supply of special tools.3.0 CONNECTIONS TO OUTGOING CIRCUITSCable header suitable for connecting plug-in type cable termination shall be provided as specified for the outgoing circuits. When the circuits are connected via cables directly to the SF6 switchgear terminals the sealing ends shall be to the specification given in Clause 4.Design of cable termination equipment must ensure that the following conditions are maintained throughout the life of the equipment.(a) The insulating material, either gas or oil, from inside the cable does notescape and penetrate the switchgear enclosure.(b) The SF6 gas does not enter the cable from the enclosure.(c) The cable sealing end does not introduce moisture into the gas in the sealingend enclosure.(d) The sealing end is capable of withstanding the cable test voltages anddifferential pressures without damage including overpressure of +130% ofnormal operating pressure.(e) Manually operated disconnecting links shall be provided for facilitating cabletesting without removing the termination from the switchgear end for eachcable circuits and without degassing.4.0 PLUG-IN TYPE CABLE TERMINATIONCable header ends shall be suitable for terminating the cables specified directly into the GIS switchgear using 132kV plug-in type cable termination. The bushing part (socket) of plug-in-type termination system and accessories shall be supplied, installed and tested by the GIS manufacturer as part of GIS scope of supply. The dimensions and terminal arrangements, shall be submitted for approval by the Authority before manufacturing is commenced. Cable header ends shall be suitable for connecting 2 cables per phase with cross section of 630 mm2 copper/XLPE 132 kV cable for all feeders. At present one cable shall be connected and the spare cable sealing ends shall be provided with dummy plugs within the quoted price. However, for IBT circuits, cable header shall be suitable for terminating 1 No., 1Cx630 sq.mm. Cu/XLPE cable per phase. For all circuits, GIS shall be complete with the bushing part (socket), connecting conductors, shields, accessories, etc.Where required to reduce local heating when single-core cables are adopted, non-magnetic gland plates shall be provided or alternatively, non-magnetic inserts.The cable termination fixing requirements shall be co-ordinated with cable termination manufacturer for fixing the cable termination. (Plug-in type)The cable termination matching with the bushing part shall also be supplied as per B.O.Q.Removable links shall be provided close to the GIS to enable cable sheath tests to be carried out.All cable terminals shall be of adequate size to ensure no overheating takes place at rated current.Insulators used in the manufacture of cable sealing ends shall be sound, free from defects and thoroughly verified so that the glaze or surface treatment is not depended upon for insulation.The insulators and fittings shall be unaffected by the filling media or rapid temperature changes likely to arise when operating in the Site conditions.5.0 BUSBAR AND CONNECTION GAS CHAMBERSThe switchgear units shall be divided into several gas-filled compartments, sealed from each other by gas- tight partitions so that any leakage may be quickly localised. The various gas zones shall be further sub-divided when necessary to restrict any internal arcing damage, and to enable gas-handling procedures to be completed with the minimum of delay. The partitions should confine any internal faults to a respective section of the switchgear. Enclosures shall be designed to minimise burn through in the event of internal arcing. The gas zone partitioning shall preferably be carried out either between busbar disconnectors and busbar or along the busbars, between each two circuits. The metal cladding enclosure for the switchgear shall be made from non-magnetic material, preferably aluminium alloy.Busbar of each bay shall have separate gas compartment partitioned from adjacent bay. Each cable head shall be in separate gas compartment for circuits with two cable head. Gas barrier insulators shall be painted with yellow colour.CTs shall be located in a separate gas compartment.Busbars chambers shall be so arranged as to allow maintenance on one busbar, i.e. gas removal, and retain the other busbar and circuits in service.The busbar phase conductor shall be copper or aluminium adequately supported by cast resin insulators or other approved material equally supported, at least at both ends of each section making provision for free axial movement of conductor.Proposals for the partitioning of gas zones shall be clearly indicated on the drawings submitted with the tender. The length of circuit outgoing bus-duct belonging to one gas zone shall be limited to maximum 20m. Gas volumes and duration of gas handling procedures shall also be indicated in the technical schedules.Total time for gas evacuation and filling of the largest chamber shall not exceed 10 hours.The equipment and connections within each compartment shall be so arranged as to allow ready removal and replacement of any section with minimum isolation and disturbance of adjacent pressurised sections.This feature should also permit the erection and testing of extension units alongside equipment already in service with the minimum of outage time being required for final connections. All external gas pipe work shall be connected via vacuum, non-returncouplings of proven design, which will enable joints to be broken and remade without loss of gas.Suitable arrangements shall be provided for the thermal expansion and contraction of the busbars and busbar chambers without detriment to the current carrying capacity or gas volume.Devices shall be provided for each section of switchgear as appropriate to allow for pressure relief to the switchgear room. All relief devices shall be located such that operation of the devices shall not endanger personnel working on the equipment or in the vicinity of the equipment. Where necessary the devices shall be fitted with cowls to deflect any gases or fragmented parts away from locations where personnel may be expected to be present.GIS enclosures shall be clearly marked with SLD mimic diagram to identify gas compartment zones, disconnectors, circuit breakers, earthing switches, current transformers, voltage transformers and other primary devices contained therein. The method proposed shall be subject to the approval of the Authority. The colour of mimic shall be as per Vol. II, Section 6.0. Partitioning of gas zone s on the GIS shall be clearly marked with “YELLOW” paint on the GIS enclosure.Each separate gas zone must be provided with its own device for monitoring continuously the gas density, which must be temperature compensated. These devices shall be arranged to give individual compartment indication and initiation of remote alarms. The gas density monitors shall be grouped in not more than two locations per bay and shall be positioned to enable easy reading from the floor level. All gas density monitors, including the one for outdoor bus duct zones, shall be accommodated in the switchgear room, unless otherwise approved by the Authority.All gas monitors shall be fitted with minimum 2 contacts for stage 1 & stage 2 alarms whereas for circuit breaker stage-1 alarm and stage-2 lockout.Means shall also be provided to facilitate the regular maintenance checking of moisture content. Each gas-filled chamber shall be fitted with static filters to absorb any moisture, which may be present. In addition filters for removal of SF6 decomposition products shall be provided in those compartments in which arcing or corona discharge can take place.In chambers equipped for 132kV cable sealing ends a manual disconnecting link must be provided to allow easy isolation between the cable sealing end and the main connections. It must be possible to open this link without removal/refitting of the main connections and any other main equipment installed in the enclosure. Necessary interlock shall be provided for safety of operation.In order to compensate for any small variations in floor level, each compartment shall be fitted with means of adjustment (jacking screws or similar). Such adjustments shall be fully described in the maintenance manuals provided by the manufacturer.Gas barriers shall be gas tight and of sufficient strength and factor of safety to withstand short circuit forces and the maximum pressure differential that can occur under internal fault conditions. The gas barrier withstand pressure shall be more than that of bursting disc. It shall be possible to vacuum any chamber with adjacent chambers having full pressure.6.0 CIRCUIT-BREAKERSCircuit breakers shall be puffer or Self-Generating Gas Pressure type and shall use the SF6 gas conforming to IEC or other approved standard as the insulating medium as well as for arc quenching.Circuit breakers shall be single break type.The circuit breakers shall be suitable for an operating sequence of O - 0.3 sec – CO – 3 min - CO. Circuit breakers shall comply with IEC standard 62271-100 and shall have valid type test report based on the above standard conducted on an independent test lab or witnessed by independent observers. Evidence of type test report as per the standard shall be submitted alongwith offer. The capacitive current switching, line charging and cable charging current, restrike performance, mechanical & electrical endurance, making and breaking current etc. shall be as per IEC 62271-100. The circuit breakers shall have first pole to clear factor of 1.5. The transient recovering voltage performance shall be as per IEC. All circuit breakers whether cable or OHL shall be suitable for auto reclose duty.The offered circuit breakers alongwith operating mechanism shall preferably be type tested for mechanical endurance class M2.If the bidder does not have circuit breakers of class M2 in the production range, alternately class M1 may also be offered.If the circuit breakers are not type tested as per the IEC 62271-100, the new type tests shall be conducted preferably in an independent test laboratory. If tests are performed on manufacturer‟s premises, the tests shall be witnessed by independent observers. The above tests shall be conducted without any cost implication to FEWA.A lockout feature shall be incorporated to prevent operation of the circuit-breaker whenever the gas pressure falls to a value below which it would be incapable of performing in accordance with its rated duty. Gas monitors shall be temperature compensated.An alarm feature shall also be incorporated to give indication of falling gas pressure prior to the lockout of the circuit breaker.Suitable facilities shall be included for gas sampling and for draining and replenishing the gas volume for maintenance. Absorption of moisture and the decomposition products of arcing or discharge in the gas shall be achieved by integral filters.The switch room arrangement shall allow for full mobility of the gas handling plant along the switch room.Offers of circuit breakers shall include proof that a satisfactory period of commercial service experience of not less than three years in climatic conditions similar to the UAE has been obtained with the type and rating put forward; failure to provide this proof may result in rejection of the tender.7.0 CIRCUIT-BREAKER OPERATING MECHANISMThe circuit-breaker operating mechanism shall be of motor charged spring operated. Operation will normally be from a remote or supervisory position but facilities shall be provided for operation locally by electrical release and by direct manual release from storedenergy devices when the circuit breaker is isolated for maintenance. It shall be possible to padlock each local control function in the open position. Operation counters of non-resetable type shall be fitted to all circuit-breaker mechanisms.The mechanism and its control scheme shall be such that, in the event of an electrical tripping pulse being applied to the circuit-breaker during the closing stroke, or of the mechanism failing to latch in the closed position, the circuit-breaker shall open fully and in such a manner as to be capable of interrupting its rated breaking current. Mechanical indicator shall be provided for CB “ON” and CB “OFF” position.The mechanism and its control scheme shall be such that the mechanism shall not make repeated attempts to close the circuit- breaker when the control switch is held in the CLOSE position in the event of failure to latch on the first closing attempt or in the event of a trip signal being given to the circuit-breaker.The electrical closing and tripping devices, including direct acting solenoid coils and solenoid operated valves, shall be capable of operation over the ambient temperature range when the voltage at their terminals is any value within the voltage range stipulated in IEC 62271-100 and in addition over the range of all operating conditions of the batteries and chargers.The circuit breakers shall be provided with two trip coils.The operating mechanism shall be suitable for a rated operating sequence of O-0.3 sec-CO-3 min-CO.7.1 Spring Charged Operating MechanismsSpring operated mechanisms with proved satisfactory service experience shall be arranged for motor charging but means shall also be provided for charging by hand.When fully charged the spring mechanism shall have sufficient stored energy to permit the operating sequence O-CO/2CO to be performed following the loss of supply to the charging motor.A mechanical indicating device shall be provided to indicate the state of the spring. The indication shall be visible with the doors of the mechanism cabinet closed. An auxiliary switch shall give the remote indication of "spring discharged".The mechanism shall be charged automatically, for further operation, as soon as the circuit breaker has completed a closing operation. The time required to power charge the spring shall not exceed 30 seconds.The spring shall be fully charged before it can be released to close the circuit breaker. It shall not be possible for the breaker to close whilst the spring is being charged.Spring closing mechanisms shall be designed such that it is not possible for a fully charged spring to be released inadvertently due to external shock or vibration caused by the breaker opening under short circuit conditions or any other cause.The mechanisms shall be provided with means for charging the spring by hand. During this process no electrical or mechanical operation of the mechanism shall endanger the operator or damage the equipment.An indicating device shall be provided at the local control panel and the main control room and also over the supervisory system to indicate a spring failing to be charged by a preset time after circuit breaker closing.Means shall be provided for discharging the spring when the circuit breaker is in the open position without the circuit breaker attempting to close.8.0 DISCONNECTING AND EARTHING SWITCHESDisconnecting and earthing switches shall be arranged to permit safe maintenance of any section of the equipment when the remainder is alive. Disconnecting switches shall be arranged for operation while the equipment is alive, but will not be required to break current other than the charging currents of open busbars and connections (circuit breaker bushings) or load currents shared by parallel disconnectors under the conditions of this Specification.Disconnectors of earth switches shall comply with the requirement of IEC 62271-102.Disconnectors shall preferably be housed in compartments partitioned from circuit breakers.Line disconnectors gas zones must be separated from the cable sealing ends or outdoor bushing gas zone.Switch mechanisms shall be so designed that the disconnector cannot be opened by forces due to currents passing through it and shall be self-locking in both the "open" and "closed" positions. The mechanism shall open and close all three phases simultaneously.Power operated drives shall be provided which shall be suitable for local, remote and supervisory control (supervisory control of earth switches is not required) and should be fitted with a removable emergency manual operation facility. It should be possible to lock-off the manual and local facility and padlock the mechanism in the open and closed positions with the motor automatically disengaged.Local mechanical position indicators shall be provided on disconnecting and earthing switches and shall be visible from ground level.For safe earthing of the busbars and feeders, high-speed fault making spring driven earth switches shall be provided. The contacts of these earth switches shall have the same fault making capability as that of the circuit breaker. With earthing switches of the high speed fault making type it shall be impossible to complete a slow close operation.Each section of busbar, which can be electrically isolated from other sections of busbar by means of disconnectors or circuit breakers shall incorporate high speed earthing switches as specified above. The mechanisms of the high speed earthing switches shall be spring operated. It shall be possible to charge the spring by d.c. motor and manually. During the manual charging of the spring, motor operation shall be prevented. The spring shall not be charged when the earthing switch is in open position, but the charging of the spring shall be initiated as a sequence of the closing operation.Slow speed maintenance earthing switches shall be operated locally only with the mechanism driven with a d.c. motor and manually. During the manual operation the supply circuit of the d.c. motor shall be automatically disconnected. Interlocks shall be provided to prevent unintentional use of this earthing equipment.Earthing switches shall be arranged such that, with a minimum use of tools and special fittings, they may be used to facilitate such tests as CT primary injection, timing, voltage drop and resistance measurement without the necessity to open gas-filled compartments. The current rating and insulation level of the injection contact assemblies shall be adequate for the required testing parameters. Detailed means of performing these tests shall be provided. All earthing switches shall have insulation terminals to enable CT primary injection, timing test, cable fault detection, etc. without shut down of busbars or adjacent bays. The earth switch insulation terminal shall have a continuous voltage rating of 10kV and current rating of at least 1250A for 15 minutes.9.0 INTERLOCKINGAn interlocking scheme shall be provided which takes into account the following basic requirements.(a) To safeguard maintenance personnel who may be working on one section ofthe equipment with other sections live.(b) To prevent incorrect switching sequences which could lead to a hazardoussituation to plant, equipment and personnel.(c ) To prevent earthing of live circuits.(d) To prevent simultaneous operation of two or more devices of the same bay.The interlocking scheme shall be electrical for all operational interlocks and preferably of the mechanical/key type for maintenance safety interlocks but shall be effective when the equipment is being controlled from driving mechanisms local control cabinet, remote control panels or system control centre.All mechanical interlocks shall be applied at the point at which hand power is used so that stress cannot be applied to parts remote from that point.All electrical interlocks shall so function as to interrupt the operating supply and a system of interlocks shall be provided which shall cover the emergency hand operation of apparatus which is normally power operated. Failure of supply or connections to any electrical interlock shall not produce or permit faulty operation. Electrical bolt interlocks shall be energised only when the operating handle of the mechanism is brought to the working position. Visible indication shall be provided to show whether the mechanism is locked or free. Means, normally padlocked, shall be provided whereby the bolt can be operated in the emergency of a failure of interlock supplies.Where key interlocking is employed tripping of the circuit breaker shall not occur if any attempt is made to remove the trapped key from the mechanism. Any local emergency tripping device shall be kept separate and distinct from the key interlocking.All disconnecting devices shall be interlocked with associated circuit-breakers and disconnectors in the same station so that it shall not be possible to make or break current on a disconnecting device unless a parallel circuit in that station is already closed.In double busbar stations the provision for on-load changeover of busbars is required. The busbar disconnecting devices shall be so interlocked with the appropriate busbar coupling and sectioning equipments that sections or sets of busbars cannot be paralleled by means of the busbar disconnecting devices unless a parallel circuit is already closed through thecircuit-breakers of the appropriate busbar coupling and sectioning equipment. In all other circumstances, the busbar disconnecting devices of equipment other than busbar sectioning and coupling equipment shall be so interlocked that their respective circuit breakers can only be coupled to one set of busbars at a time. It shall not be possible to parallel sections of busbars except through the circuit breakers of the busbar coupling and sectioning equipment. The bus coupler CB tripping shall be inhibited during on-load bus transfer and trip circuit faulty alarm shall be initiated in such situation.10.0 AUXILIARY SWITCHES AND CONTACTORSAuxiliary switches shall be provided on all circuit breakers and disconnectors for local and remote & SCADA indication, control and interlocking. Repeat relays of special robust design may be used where necessary. Busbar protection should have direct driven auxiliary contacts for CT circuits. With each circuit-breaker, disconnecting device, and earthing device, there shall be supplied all necessary auxiliary switches, contactors and mechanisms for indication, protection, metering, control, interlocking, supervisory and other services. All such auxiliary switches shall be enclosed in dust free housing. Not less than ten spare auxiliary switch ways shall be provided with each circuit breaker, disconnector and earth switches. All auxiliary switches shall be wired up to a terminal board in the local control cubicle of the switchgear whether they are in use or not in the first instance and shall be arranged in the same sequence on all equipment.Each busbar disconnector shall be supplied with three Nos. early make late break type, direct driven auxiliary contacts to be used for busbar protection CT circuits.Switches shall be provided to interrupt the supply of current to the tripping mechanisms of the circuit breakers directly after the operation of the latter has been completed. All such switches and mechanisms shall be mounted in approved accessible positions clear of the operating mechanism and shall be adequately protected. The contacts of all auxiliary switches shall be strong and shall have a positive wiping action when closing. Direct acting auxiliary switch contacts shall be used in conjunction with busbar protection schemes.If sufficient aux. contacts are not available, the contacts shall be multiplied by using suitable latching relays (bistable relays) so that the failure of DC supply shall not cause a mal-operation or undefined position of circuit breakers, disconnectors or earth switches.If any discrepancy between the aux. contacts and latching relay contacts, this shall be monitored and alarmed locally and for remote indication.All repeat relays are subject to approval of FEWA.11.0 CURRENT TRANSFORMERSCurrent transformers shall be of the toroidal core type preferably encapsulated in epoxy resin.The current transformers shall contain no hygroscopic materials, which could affect the moisture contents of the SF6 gas in the CT chamber.The rated short-time thermal current shall not be less than the through fault capacity of the associated circuit breakers.。



目录一通用部分1.1一般规定 (1)1.2投标人应提供的资质文件 (1)1.3工作范围和进度要求 (1)1.4对设计图纸、说明书和试验报告的要求 (2)1.5标准和规范 (4)1.6投标时必须提供的技术数据和信息 (4)1.7备品备件 (5)1.8专用工具和仪器仪表 (5)1.9安装、调试、试运行和验收 (5)2性能要求 (5)2.1外观工艺要求 (5)2.2结构要求 (6)2.3安装要求 (6)2.4铭牌要求 (6)2.5设备防腐 (6)2.6附件 (6)2.7其他 (7)3试验 (7)3.1型式试验(含特殊试验及其他试验) (7)3.2例行试验 (8)3.3现场试验 (8)4设计联络、监造和检验、技术服务 (9)4.1设计联络会 (9)4.2监造和检验 (9)4.3技术服务 (11)1标准技术参数表 (12)2项目单位需求部分 (16)2.1货物需求及供货范围一览表 (16)2.2必备的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表供货表 (16)2.3图纸资料提交 (17)2.4工程概况 (17)2.5使用条件 (17)3投标人响应部分 (18)3.1投标人技术响应及技术偏差表 (18)3.2220kV电容式电压互感器销售运行业绩表 (19)3.3主要部件材料表 (19)3.4推荐的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表供货表 (19)二专用部分1标准技术参数表 (12)2项目单位需求部分 (16)2.1货物需求及供货范围一览表 (16)2.2必备的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表供货表 (16)2.3图纸资料提交 (17)2.4工程概况 (17)2.5使用条件 (17)3投标人响应部分 (18)3.1投标人技术响应及技术偏差表 (18)3.2220kV电容式电压互感器销售运行业绩表 (19)3.3主要部件材料表 (19)3.4推荐的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表供货表 (19)一通用部分1总则1.1一般规定1.1.1 投标人应具备招标公告所要求的资质,具体资质要求详见招标文件的商务部分。




7 建设规模2.7。

1 变电部分远景规模:本变电站规划安装1台15MV A主变,电压等级为132/33kV,132kV出线2回,单母线接线;33kV出线6回,单母线接线;本期规模:本变电站本期安装1台15MV A主变,电压等级为132/33kV,132kV出线2回,单母线接线;33kV出线3回,单母线接线;2.7.2线路部分本期开断Juia–Rabai的132kV线路1回,仅涉及π入的终端塔一级。






3组屏方案(1)132kV距离保护柜2面,每面柜内含:距离保护装置1台,三相操作箱1台.(2) 132kV母线保护柜1面.(3)132kV故障录波器柜1面。


1.4 对相关专业的要求要求电气专业给继电保护专业在本站及对侧132kV站的132kV线路侧提供电流互感器二次绕组至少3组:距离保护 1组母线保护 1组故障录波 1组3.2 系统调度自动化3.2.1调度组织关系该变电站由肯尼亚国家调度中心调度管理,调度信息直送至肯尼亚国家调度中心。

3.2.2 远动系统功能本站远动信息按无人值班设计。


2.3 远动终端的技术要求变电站二次部分采用自动化监控系统,同时由于远动信息需通过专线方式上传调度。

3.3 电能计量装置及电能量远方终端计量点设置:132kV,33kV线路侧;主变高、中、低压侧;计量信息内容:132kV、33kV线路有功、无功电量;向调控上传远动信息采用专线传输方式,采用IEC60870-5—101专线传输时,传输速率为600~1200bit/s,采用数字接口通信时,传输速率为2400bit/s。



孟加拉锡莱特(Sylhet) 1X150MW 燃机工程项目设备制造质量132KV电压互感器监造服务计划编制:周玲审核:丁兆强会签:批准: 杨泉上海机电工业工程监理有限公司2011 年 3 月监造计划说明一、合同关系:(该设备采购合同号:SEC/110-D—2010-010)1、设备采购单位:上海电气集团股份有限公司2、设备供货单位:平高集团高压开关有限公司代表签字:日期:3、设备监造单位:上海机电工业工程监理有限公司代表签字:日期:二、编制依据:1、上海机电工业工程监理有限公司(以下简称监理公司)受上海电气电站工程公司(以下简称工程公司)委托,根据工程公司质保部提供的技术协议、质量条款和业主的QAP编制监造计划书;2、监理公司与设备供应方在协商一致后,完成本监造计划书的定稿;3、本监造计划书经工程公司质保部审批确认后执行 .三、其它说明1、监理公司与设备供应方应严格按监造计划书确定的质量见证点执行;2、在监造过程中发现不符合时,监理工程师应在《质量见证记录表(B)》中注明不符合内容,并及时向设备供应方开出《质量见证不符合通知单》;3、签发的《质量见证不符合通知单》应获得供应方签字认同,以便供应方及时整改,并在3个工作日内向工程公司质保部提交(无论供应方确认或不确认) ;4、监理工程师向设备供应方开出不符合通知单,需经工程公司质保部批复后,才能签发该设备或部件的验收合格通知单。

INSTRUCTION 说明The following be used in this document for according to the ISO9001—2000 standard:根据ISO9001-2000标准,本文使用如下简写:H:Holding Point。

The process can not advance to next operations/works if the witnesses from customer or organization do not attend the test or inspection stated in the process. If the witnesses agree in word the process can advance to next。



计量用电流互感器订货及验收技术条件(试行)1 范围本技术条件适用于XX范围内,额定电压≤10kV、频率为50Hz的计量用电流互感器(或电流互感器的计量绕组)的选型、订货及验收。


2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中的应用而构成本标准的条文。



GB 1208—2006 电流互感器DL/T725—2000电力用电流互感器订货技术条件JJG1021-2007电力互感器JJG313—2010 测量用电流互感器3 技术要求3.1 结构要求a) 结构宜采用固体绝缘整体浇注的形式,表面应光洁、平整、色泽均匀。


b) 具有一次绕组的电流互感器,一次绕组应采用平板型出线端子并附有供连接用的全套紧固零件.穿心式的电流互感器穿心孔不应小于表1的值。

c) 电流互感器的二次接线端子的螺钉直径应为6mm,螺钉头为外六角加十字槽。



d) 二次接线端子应有用聚碳酸脂制成的透明防护罩.此防护罩应可方便加封,应能防止直接或间接接触到接线螺钉.e) 铭牌标志应清晰,可防紫外线辐射,在使用寿命期内不褪色。



f) 在互感器的本体位于二次接线端子面的上方,应用激光蚀刻出电流互感器的编号,其字体高度应不小于8mm。





表1测量用电压互感器的误差限值2 测量用电压互感器必须符合本规程和相应的技术标准所规定的全部技术要求。

二检定设备和条件3 主要设备3.1 标准电压互感器或工频电压比例标准器(以下简称标准器)。

标准器的准确度级别及技术性能,应满足如下要求:3.1.1 标准器应比被检电压互感器高两个准确度级别,其实际误差应不大于被检电压互感器误差限值的1/5。


3.1.2 标准器的变差(电压上升和下降时两次所测得的误差值之差)应不大于标准器误差限值的1/5。

3.1.3 在检定周期内,标准器的误差变化不得大于其误差限值的1/3。

3.1.4 标准器必须具有法定计量检定机构的检定证书。



3.2 误差测量装置:由误差测量装置所引起的测量误差,应不大于被检电压互感器误差限值的1/10。



3.3 监视用电压表检定时,外接监视电压互感器二次工作电压用的电压表准确度级别应为1.5级以上,在同一量程的所有示值范围内,电压表的内阻抗应保持不变。

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抗震设防烈度: 6度,设计基本地震加速度0.05g.。






(8)电容分压器电容额定值:15000 (单位:pF,投标方提供)


对完整的一相电容式电压互感器先预加电压0.8×1.3Um保持10s,然后降到局部放电测量电压1.1Um/√3,在此电压下保持至少1min,局部放电量不大于10PC(出厂试验);或保持1h,每10min测量的局部放电量不大于10PC (型式试验)。












电容式电压互感器低压端对地杂散电容不大于(300+0.05C N)pF(C N为电容分压器总电容),杂散电导不大于50μs。

耦合电容器能承受至少1A的稳态高频电流(等效于400Ω电阻上产生400W 功率的电流均方根值)而不发生损坏或性能变化。































































