EBS 标准客车说明书
S VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLA KS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECK TLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-LERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKE DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOV I-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYDROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIM• UTES & VANS • PANTECHS • MINI BUSES • TRAYS & HIAB • PRIME MOVERS• SEMI TRAILERS• FLAT DECKS• A & B TRAILERS• EXTENDABLES• SKELS• DROP DECKS•TAUTLINERSUtes1T UteVans1T Van1.5T vanMini Buses (drivers available)s8 seater Mini Bus12 seater Mini Bus14 seater Mini Bus25 seater Mini BusLuggage TrailersPantechs3T Pantech with tail lift (auto or manual)6T Pantech with full tail lift6T Pantech with walk up board8T Pantech with tuck away tail lift8T Pantech with walk up board Tautliners6T Tautliner - 10 pallet with tail lift6T Tautliner - 10 pallet without tail lift8T Tautliner - 12 pallet with tuck away tail lift 8T Tautliner - 12 pallet without tail lift8T Tautliner - 14 pallet with full tail lift8T Tautliner - 14 pallet without tail lift12T Tautliner - 14 pallet with full tail lift 12T Tautliner - 14 pallet without tail lift Trays2T Tray with drop sides3T Tray with tail lift & gates6T Tray with or without gates8T Tray with or without gates12T Tray with container pins Prime MoversSingle rated with sleeperBDouble rated with sleeperBrand new Kenworths & Argosys available in automatic or manualHiab8T Tray with front mounted craneSemi TrailersFlat Decks40’ Flat Deck Tri Axle45’ Flat Deck Tri AxleExtendables19 mtr Flat Deck extendable18 mtr Drop Deck extendable21mtr Flat Extendable Tri AxleSkels40’ Skel with 3 way pins40’ Retractable Skel Tri axleOpen Drop Decks45’ Open Drop Deck with 3 way pins - With or without gatesTautliners45’ Flat Tautliner45’ Drop Deck Tautliner with mezz floor 45’ Drop Deck TautlinerA TrailersA Flat with container pinsA Drop Deck with mezzanine floorA+B SetsFlat open setsFlat Tautliner setsDrop deck Tautliner setsECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDAB RAYS SKELS DROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-T XTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A -TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEM RAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERSShort or long term hireSouthern Cross Truck Rentals offer shortor long term rentals. Our vehicles can be hired as needed – hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.24 Hour emergency service Southern Cross Truck Rentals provides24 hour roadside assistance. In caseof emergency, breakdown or accident involving your hire vehicle call 4633 6100.1800TRUCKHIRE mobile AppIf you’re in and out of the office, why not download our App from the App Store for a quick quote.One way rentalsSouthern Cross offers One Way rentals from Sydney to most capital cities.Call us or visit our website to see our One Way deals.Corporate cardOur CorporateCard offers asignificant discountto businesses whichhave a large fleetor contracted drivers. To find out more about our Corporate Card contact our Sales Department.Truck & Driver Hire Equipment GuideLet us do the driving for youSouthern Cross Truck & Bus Driver Hiresupplies both truck & bus drivers.Depending on your job, you can choose tohire Southern Cross Truck & Bus Driver Hiredrivers either at an hourly or project rate.Included in your price are all drivers’workers’ compensation and travelrequirements and, having a fleet of over140 vehicles at our disposal, we can easilysupply vehicles should you require.S VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLA KS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECK TLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-LERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKE DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOV I-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYDROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIMFor more informationCall 02 4633 6100or visit .auSouthern Cross Truck Rentals149 Smeaton Grange Road, Smeaton Grange NSW 2567• Long & short term hire • Vehicle relocations • Vehicle delivery• Vehicle pick up • One way rentals • Corporate card• Driver hire (LR to MC)• Truck & driver hire。
产生 制 动滞后 现象 , 动距 离增加 , 全性 降低 而且 制 安 制 动 系 的成 本 比较 高 。而 E S是 用 电子 元 件来 控 B
制 制 动 力 的大 小 和 各 轴 制 动 力 的 分 配 , 方 面 避 免 一
了气 压 升降 时的流 动 时 间 , 得 制 动 响 应 时 间相 应 使 减少 ; 一方 面 当踩下 制动 踏板 时 , 各轴 上 同时产 另 在 生制 动 响应 , 使 得 制 动 距 离 减 短 , 擦 片 磨 损 均 也 摩 匀, 大大 提高 了制 动安 全性 。
第 4期 2 0 0 6年
术与研究 ・设计 ・ 算 ・ 究 ・ 计 研
E S在 客 车上 的 应用 B
沈 国华 ,钱 晓 东 ,何 健
( 州 亚 星 客 车 股 份 有 限 公 司 , 苏 扬 州 2 5 0 ) 扬 江 2 0 9
如 图 1 示 , B 由几个 压 力 控 制 模 块 1 、 所 E S 5行
( ) 引 力 控 制 系统 ( CS或 AS 。T S牵 1牵 T R) C 引力 控 制系统 是 防止驱 动 轮滑转 ( R) 电子控 制 AS 的 系统 。当汽 车在起 步 、 加速 或上坡 时 , 一旦 驱动 轮上 的驱动 力超过 该 轮地 面附 着 力 的允许 极 限 时 , 动 驱 轮 将开 始滑 转 , 时 AS 的 控 制 系 统 就 会 发 出信 此 R 号, 降低 发动 机 的输 出功率 和扭矩 , 而避 免驱 动轮 从 打滑 。 () 控 行 车 制 动 系 统 ( P ) 2电 E B 。AB 、 R 两 S AS 系统都 只能在 极 限状 态—— 紧急 制动 或急 加速 时发 挥 控制 调节作 用 , E B则 使用 电子 信号 对 常 规行 而 P 车 制动 时各 制动 气 室 的充 气 和 排 气 过程 进 行 控 制 , 使得 常 规制 动时各 轮能 及 时准确 地实 施制 动 。 ( ) 控 制 动 力 分 配 系 统 ( B 。 E D 制 动 力 3电 E D) B 分 配装 置是 在 汽车 制 动 的 瞬 间 , E U 根 据 各 种 由 C 传感 器 给 出的信 号 , 分别 计 算 出各 个 轮 胎 的摩 擦 力 数值, 然后通 过调 整制 动装 置 , 到 制动力 与摩 擦力 达 的匹配 , 以保 证 车辆 的平稳 和安 全 。
目录安全注意事项 (1)第一章概述 (2)一、应用 (2)二、技术规格 (4)三、工作原理 (5)第二章系统流程 (7)一、空气系统流程 (8)二、润滑油系统流程 (10)三、冷却系统 (11)第三章螺杆空气压缩机的安装及使用 (12)第四章螺杆空气压缩机的维护与保养 (14)一、润滑油的规范及使用保养 (14)二、安全阀的调整 (15)三、油细分离器及油过滤器的更换 (16)四、冷却器的清理 (16)五、日常保养 (17)第五章常见故障排除表 (18)第六章检修 (20)一、联轴器叶轮组立 (22)二、进气阀 (24)三、空气滤清器 (26)第七章配件采购指导 (27)附录:螺杆空气压缩机专用润滑油检测标准 (28)安全注意事项压缩空气和电都具有危险性。
编写: 校对:审核:
注:此表上面部分由工程部填写后随规范下发, 与WABCO技术人员落实ECU中输入内容。FT-W-ZG-H26-02A
IndexAccessories and Modifications.... 158Accessories................................. 158Additional Safety Precautions.. 159Modifications............................. 159ACCESSORY (Ignition KeyPosition)........................................ 70Accessory Power Socket................ 92Additives, Engine Oil..................... 212Airbag (SRS)...................................... 9Air Cleaner Element...................... 226Air Conditioning............................... 98Maintenance............................... 233Usage............................................. 98Air Conditioning Filter.................. 234Air Outlets (Vents)........................ 100Air Pressure, Tires........................ 235Normal Driving.......................... 236Alcohol in Gasoline........................ 298Antifreeze....................................... 215Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)Indicator Light.................... 55, 179Operation.................................... 177Anti-theft Steering ColumnLock (69)Appearance Care........................... 225Ashtrays............................................ 94Audio System................................. 106Automatic Speed Control................ 66Automatic Transmission............... 170Capacity, Fluid........................... 294Checking Fluid Level................ 221Shifting........................................ 170Shift Lever Position Indicator.. 170Shift Lever Positions................. 170Shift Lock Release (174)BatteryCharging SystemIndicator............................ 54, 281Jump Starting............................. 277Maintenance............................... 229Specifications............................. 294Before Driving............................... 151Belts, Seat........................................... 8Beverage Holder.............................. 88Body Repair.................................... 263BrakesAnti-lock System (ABS) (177)Break-in, New Linings .............. 152Fluid............................................ 224Bulb Replacement..................... 247Parking.......................................... 86System Indicator.................. 54, 284Wear Indicators......................... 176Braking System.............................. 176Break-in, New Car......................... 152Brightness Control, Instruments... 61Brights, Headlights......................... 60Built-in Table.................................... 89Bulb ReplacementBack-up Lights........................... 248Brake Lights............................... 248Cargo Area Light....................... 252Ceiling Light............................... 252Front Parking Lights................. 247Front Side Marker Lights......... 247Headlights.................................. 246High-mount Brake Light.......... 251Interior Light.............................. 252License Plate Lights.................. 249Rear Side Marker Lights.......... 248Specifications (295)CONTINUEDIndexBulb ReplacementSpotlight...................................... 252Turn Signal Lights..................... 247Bulbs, Halogen. (246)Capacities Chart............................. 294Carbon Monoxide Hazard.............. 49Cargo Area Light............................. 95Cargo Floor Pockets........................ 92Cargo Hooks..................................... 93Carrying Cargo.............................. 160Cassette PlayerCare.......................................... 136Operation.................... 112, 133, 148CAUTION, Explanation of .............. ii CD Changer........................... 115, 129CD Player....................... 115, 127, 144Center Pocket.................................. 91Center Table..................................... 87Certification Label......................... 292Chains............................................. 241Change Oil...................................... 213How to......................................... 213When to (202)Changing a Flat Tire ..................... 266Changing Engine Coolant............. 217Charging System Indicator .... 54, 282Checklist, Before Driving............. 151Childproof Door Locks................... 75Child Safety...................................... 21Child Seats........................................ 21Tether Anchorage Points........... 40Cleaner, Air................................... 226CleaningAluminum Wheels..................... 257Carpeting..................................... 259Exterior......................................... 256Fabric............................................ 260Interior........................................ 259Seat Belts.................................... 261Vinyl............................................ 260Windows....................................... 260Clock, Setting the ........................... 87Clutch Fluid................................... 224CO in the Exhaust......................... 300Cold Weather, Starting in............. 167Consumer Information*................ 306Controls, Instruments and.............. 51CoolantAdding (215)Checking..................................... 156Proper Solution.......................... 215Replacing.................................... 217Temperature Gauge.................... 57Corrosion Protection..................... 262Crankcase Emission ControlSystem......................................... 300Cruise Control Operation............... 66Customer Relations Office.. (306)DANGER, Explanation of................. ii Dashboard........................................ 52Daytime Running Lights................. 60Defects, Reporting Safety............. 310Defog and Defrost......................... 103Defogger, Rear Window................. 63Defrosting the Windows............... 103Dimensions..................................... 294Dimming the Headlights ................ 60DipstickAutomatic Transmission........... 221Engine Oil................................... 155Directional Signals........................... 61Disc Brake Wear Indicators.........176IndexDisposal of Used Oil...................... 214DoorsLocking and Unlocking............... 70Power Door Locks....................... 71DOT Tire Quality Grading........... 296Downshifting, 5-speed ManualTransmission.............................. 168Drive Belts...................................... 234Driving............................................ 163Economy..................................... 157In Bad Weather.......................... 180In Foreign Countries................. 299Driving Guidelines. (164)Economy, Fuel............................... 157Emergencies on the Road............. 265Battery, Jump Starting.............. 276Brake System Indicator............ 284Changing a Flat Tire................. 266Charging System Indicator...... 282Checking the Fuses................... 286Low Oil Pressure Indicator...... 281Malfunction Indicator Lamp.... 283Overheated Engine. (279)Emergency Brake............................ 86Emergency Flashers....................... 63Emergency Towing....................... 290Emission Controls......................... 300EngineCoolant Temperature Gauge ..... 57Malfunction IndicatorLamp.................................... 54, 282Oil Pressure Indicator......... 54, 281Oil, What Kind to Use............... 211Overheating................................ 279Specifications............................. 294Starting........................................ 166Ethanol in Gasoline ....................... 298Evaporative Emission Controls.... 300Exhaust Fumes................................ 49Expectant Mothers, Use of SeatBelts by......................................... 19Exterior, Cleaning the. (256)Fabric, Cleaning............................. 260Fan, Interior...................................... 98Features, Comfort andConvenience (97)Filling the Fuel Tank..................... 157FiltersAir................................................ 226Air Conditioning........................ 234Oil................................................ 2135-speed Manual TransmissionChecking Fluid Level................ 222Shifting the................................. 169Flashers, Hazard Warning.............. 63Flat Tire, Changing a.................... 213FluidsAutomatic Transmission ........... 221Brake........................................... 224Clutch.......................................... 224Manual Transmission............... 222Power Steering........................... 225Rear Differential........................ 223Windshield Washer................... 220FM Stereo RadioReception.................................... 125Folding Rear Seat............................ 82Foreign Countries, Driving in...... 299Four-way Flashers (63)CONTINUEDIndexFuel.................................................. 152Fill Door and Cap....................... 153Gauge............................................ 57Octane Requirement................. 152Oxygenated................................ 298Reserve Indicator......................... 55Tank, Filling the......................... 153Fuses, Checking the. (285)Gas Mileage, Improving................ 157Gasohol........................................... 298Gasoline.......................................... 152Fuel Reserve Indicator................ 55Gauge............................................ 57Octane Requirement................. 152Tank, Filling the......................... 153Gas Station Procedures................. 153GaugesEngine Coolant Temperature .... 57Fuel................................................ 57Speedometer................................ 56Tachometer.................................. 56Gearshift Lever PositionsAutomatic Transmission (170)5-speed ManualTransmission.......................... 169Glass Cleaning............................... 261Glove Box.. (77)Halogen Headlight Bulbs.............. 246Hazard Warning Flashers............... 63HeadlightsAiming......................................... 244Daytime Running Lights............. 60High Beam Indicator................... 55Reminder Beeper......................... 60Replacing Halogen Bulbs ......... 246Turning on.................................... 60Head Restraints............................... 79Heating and Cooling........................ 98High Altitude, Starting at.............. 167High-Low Beam Switch .................. 60High-mount Brake Light............... 237Hood Latch..................................... 227Hood, Opening the ........................ 154Horn................................................... 59Hydraulic Clutch............................ 224Hydroplaning. (180)Identification Number, Vehicle.... 292IgnitionKeys............................................... 69Switch............................................ 69Timing Control System............. 285Important Safety Precautions .......... 6Indicator Lights, InstrumentPanel.............................................. 53Infant Restraint................................ 29Infant Seats....................................... 29Tether Anchopage Point............. 40Inflation, Proper Tire .................... 235Normal Driving.......................... 236Inside Mirror.................................... 85Inspection, Tire.............................. 237Instrument Panel............................. 53Instrument Panel Brightness......... 61Interior Cleaning............................ 259Interior Light.................................... 94Introduction.. (i)Jacking up the Vehicle..................269。
普通钥匙 .............................................10 遥控钥匙 .............................................10 遥控钥匙的钥匙头(以下简称钥匙头)的伸/缩 .............11 更换遥控钥匙电池 .....................................12 车门和锁 ........................................... 13 防止车辆被盗 .........................................13 中控门锁系统 .........................................14
《产品使用手册》与《用户保修保养手册》明确了本公司与用户之间就有关产品的质量保证责任、售后服务方面的权利与义务产生 和终止的约定。请务必在使用本公司产品之前认真阅读《产品使用手册》与《用户保修保养手册》。若您的汽车因为滥用、疏忽、 不正确使用或未经批准进行改装等而导致损失,用户将丧失提出索赔的权利,任何保修申请将被上汽大通汽车有限公司授权服务商 (以下简称“本公司授权服务商”)拒绝。 各个国家和地区对改装和加装都有严格限制。未经许可不得擅自改变车辆结构、车辆电路系统以及所有车辆零部件。私自改造或变 更这些系统或零部件,不仅会使相关部件和系统的性能降低或引起故障甚至可能引发火灾,严重时还会给驾乘人员带来伤害和生命 危险。 未经本公司许可授权,本出版物不得复制、存储在检索系统中,也不得以电子、机械记录或其它任何方式进行传播。
重汽ebs维修手册一、EBS系统概述1. EBS作用电子制动系统(EBS)是重型汽车的关键部件之一,主要负责控制车辆的制动、加速和转向等功能。
2. EBS组成EBS主要由传感器、控制器、执行器等部件组成。
People’s expectation toward individual mobility requires more than just a convenient means of transportation. The old understanding of cars has becomeoutdated. A car represents individuals’ lifestyles, and it became an integral part of their lives. At the same time, the automobile industry has experienced seismic change. Hyundai Motor Company has grown rapidly to become one of the largest automakers, backed by world class production capability and superior quality. We have now reached a point where we need a qualitative approach to bring bigger ideas and relevant solutions to our customers. This is an opportunity to move forward and we have developed a new brand slogan that encapsulates our willingness to take a big leap. Led by our new slogan and the new thinking underlying it, we will become a company that keeps challenging itself to unlock new possibilities for people and the planet.Hyundai Motor CompanyGEN. LHD 1208 ENG Copyright © 2012 Hyundai Motor Company. All Rights Reserved.CountyA Coach with a Passion for TravelIts dimensions are small but where looks are concerned it numbers among the greats.And it offers maximum comfort for your passengers.It's the County. The smooth outer shell with its flush panoramic windows is practically easyto clean and maintain.Further, practical and functional outside mirrors ensure excellent all-round vision.In short, County is impressive in every respect.UNIVERSE Express NobleFront Bumper and Fog LampSide RepeaterFixed Type Side Glass Electric Chrome-Coated Rear Spoiler (Optional)Rear BumperRear GarnishNew N ew N ewN ewD R I V I N GHuman - Oriented Hyundai DesignRoomy CabinFor greater passenger comfort, the cabin is now wider andtaller to provide best in-class comfort and convenience.Full- FormedInstrument Panellumbar supportdriver fatigueon long trips.Bucket-Type Driver SeatProviding excellent thigh and lower backsupport, this fully adjustable seat providesa cradle of comfort and is effectivein helping keep the driver alert.Passenger Seat Overhead Shelves Steering Wheel Driver's HangerFuel Lid CenterAir Conditioning Louvers andN ew N ew N ewP O W E RSmooth, Responsive and EconomicalThe County's D4DD 4-cylinder common rail direct injection(CRDi) turbo diesel engine is ideal for the travel. 140ps at 2,800rpm ensures impressive performance, and 5-speed transmission guarantees smooth gearshifts. The County also has disc brakes with ABS for active safety.155ps / 2,900rpm•Displacement : 3,907cc•Max. Torque : 59kg.m/1,400rpm120ps / 2,900rpm115ps / 3,400rpm 140ps / 2,800rpmTCI NAD4DB D4DB-d120ps / 3,200rpm100ps / 3,400rpmD4DCD4AFD4AL D4DDEURO-ⅢEURO-ⅣThe new CRDi(common rail direct injection) engine in the Hyundaiproduces 150ps and is capable of very fast acceleration with hightorque even at low rpm.Disc Brakes Load Sensing Proportioning Valve Exhaust Brake9+10 Brake Booster ABS(Anti-Lock Brake System)cause the vehicle to skid out of control andwhile driving under slippery road conditions.WITH ABSWITHOUT ABSBRAKE APPLIED The New EngineD4GA(TCI)150ps / 2,500rpmN ewLONG BODYSTANDARD BODY735mmDurability Test on Rough Engine Baythe new box-type frame representsa significant improvement overthe previous rail-type and offersgreater resistance againstbending and torsionalforces.Box-Type FrameFront Independent Suspension Rear Long Span Taper SpringChassis Durability Test Pre-HeaterN ew N ewElectro Static Immersion SystemElectro static immersion system guarantees 100 percent coverage forgreaterresistance against rust.Semi-Cloth SeatSwing Out Type DoorLinoleum Floor MatRear Luggage H-470 Audio Systems Double Locking System Door StepStep surfaces is textured to prevent slipping when wet.Automatic Folding-DoorFeaturing a highly reliable mechanism, the auto folding door will provide years of trouble-free use.(Deluxe model)H-420 Audio Systems1. More room for standing Convenience for entry and exitMicrophone (Option)21EquipmentsPower SteeringThis optional feature (Deluxe only)reduces the steering effort andenhances driver comfort andconvenience.SpeakersHigh fidelity 5.25-inch speakersdeliver concert hall-like acousticsfor your listening pleasure.Door PocketFor a convenience of driver, largedoor pocket is provided to carryvariety of small goods for travel.Electric VentilatorThe electric fan improves cabinventilation and comes with theair conditioning package option.Tilt SteeringThe steering wheel angle can beeasily adjusted to suit the driverpersonal preferences. (Standard)Door SwitchThe one touch-type door switch islocated at the driver fingertips andis easy to use.Free-Flow VentilatorThe free-flow ventilator circulatesa steady stream of air throughoutthe cabin for the greater comfortof the passengers and driver.Roof VentilatorCentrally located roof ventilatorprovides an auxiliary source offresh air and always comes inhandy.Telescopic SteeringThis standard feature enables thedriver to position the wheel at aperfect height for relaxed drivingand a perfect view of the gaugecluster.Glove BoxThe spacious glove box is locatdein front of the co-driver seat andprovides a handy storage space forpersonal items and travel essentials.Fuse BoxLocated below the instrumentpanel for easy fuse checks andreplacements.Radial Tires &Wheel CoversRadial tire is standard on theall models.Rear View Mirror & Overhead LampWhile a console in the roof servessome map-reading lights forconvenient, wide inside rear viewmirror enhances safe driving.Fluorescent LampPassengers will appreciate thebright illumination provided bythe fluorescent lamp.(Standard on Super model)Gear BoxUsing cable linkages, gear shiftsnow require a shorter strokeand reduced effort for the greaterconvenience and comfort of the driver.Large Windsield WiperLarge windshield wipers guarantee better visibility to driverat any bad weatherSunvisorDriver and passenger sunvisorsblock out the sun for safer, moreconfident driving. (Driver: Standard.Passenger: Option)Digital ClockIts overhead location lets everyonesee the time.(Package option with A/Con)Power ClutchHydraulic assistance requires lessclutch pedal effort thus reducingdriver fatigue.Color GuideCK(Soft beige / Milky Brown)MB(Scarlet Red / Soft Beige White)EY(Soft Blue / Vanilla White)HJ(Sunny Yellow)。
上海万象汽车制造有限公司 SXC6110GBEV8 纯电动系列城市客车使用说明书
目录1车辆标识 (4)2整车参数 (6)3整车外观布局 (8)4车内布局 (12)5仪表及控制装置 (15)6新能源系统 (29)7驾驶员安全、节能操作规范 (38)8安全装置 (47)9车辆日常维护工艺规范 (50)10车辆的维护与保养 (56)1车辆标识1.1整车标志图1.1.1车辆前部图1.1.2车辆尾部1.2整车铭牌SXC6110GBEV8系列整车铭牌贴在车厢内前门梯步正前方,如图1.2.2。
compartment (Minibus) •• Quickclear heated windscreen •• 230V power socket •• Super Bright LED loadspace lights •• Ford Easy Fuel system
•• Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system with Curve Control Load Adaptive Control Roll Stability Control Hill Start Assist Trailer Sway Control Traction Control Emergency Brake Warning Torque Vectoring Control
•• Lane Keeping Alert 4 •• Driver Alert •• Speed Limiter •• Rear View Camera with
Trailer Hitch Assist 5 •• Parking distance sensors, front and rear 6 •• Auto Headlights with rain sensing wipers •• Static Cornering Lights 7
•• Tyre Pressure Monitoring 2
Features vary according to model and trim series. Some features are optional at extra cost
EBS 250W Bass Head 产品说明书
EBS REIDMAR250W BASS HEADD ESIGNED AND D EVELOPED BY EBS S WEDEN AB G RINDSTUVÄGEN 44-46,SE-16733B ROMMA ,S WEDEN+4687350010,F AX :+4687350005E-MAIL :*(****************Users Manual250W BASSHEADContents:Page:Introduction 2Block Diagram3Front Panel Controls4Page:Rear Panel Connections 6Specifications8REIDMARINPUT:GAIN:CHARACTER:COMP/LIMIT:FILTER SECTION:BALANCED OUTPUT:EFFECT LOOP:LINE OUT:PHONES OUT:POWER AMP:AUXILIARY INFO:Input Impedance 2Mohms //100pF Gain Range min/max -oo/+30dB Gain Peak LED+10dBvFrequency Response +0/-3dB 20-20.000HzFilter:Type Shelving High/Low Pass Gain:Lo +7dB @40Hz Mid -2dB @800Hz Hi+3dB @10kHz Compressor Gain 0dB Attenuationmax 24dB Compression Ratio max 3:1Attack (80%)typ <10ms Release (80%)typ 100msBass Filter:Type12dB/oct.Shelving Gain Range +/-18dB @60Hz Middle Filter:TypeBandpass Filter Frequency Range 100-6.000Hz Q -Boost 0.7-1.1Q -Cut0.8->10Gain Range +/-12-15dB Treble Filter:TypeShelvingGain Range +/-18dB @6kHz Bright:TypeShelvingGain Range +15/-0dB @10kHz Output LevelNominal -10dBv Frequency Response +0/-3dB 10-20k HzXLR Connections 1-GND,2-Hot,3-Cold OptionsGND Lift,Pre/Post EQ Loop Signal Level nominal-10dBv GainUnity (1:1)Output Impedance 100ohmsInput Impedance >50kohms //100Output Impedance 100ohms Signal Level nominal0dBvImpedancerecommended 32-200ohmsContinuous Output Power @4ohms 250W RMS @8ohms 125W RMS ProtectionShort circuit,High temperature Power Requirements max 400WMains Protection:T2A Fuse (230V)T4A Fuse (100/120V)Dimensions (WxDxH)max36cm x 25cm x 7.5cm 14”x 9.8”x 3.0”Weight:3.2kg (7.1lbs.)Specifications are subject to change without notice!SPECIFICATIONSINTRODUCTIONWelcome to the EBS Reidmar Bass Head! The EBS Reidmar250provides a full bodied,warm and transparent tone throughout the entire range.It is equipped with EBS renowned built in compressor, professional balanced XLR-output,Character filter and an efficient4-Band EQ that lets you master the sound.The Reidmar does not compromise on the tone, it uses and benefits from all the250Watts,without getting muddy or clipping,giving a powerful and highly portable amp with an impressive tone that will handle any stage or studio session gig.The EBS Reidmar handles a4Ohm load and is the perfect companion to a stack of Mini size ClassicLine or NeoLine cabinets,or used with a single full size EBS cabinet.The Reidmar amp is designed and developed in the heart of Sweden by EBS.GETTING STARTED...1.Carefully unpack the bass head.2.Check that all knobs are set fully counter clockwise besides the EQ controls marked BASS,MIDDLE and TREBLE whichshould be set to mid position.Make alsosure all push switches are set to their outer positions.Now the EBS Reidmars settings are"zeroed"and ready to be personalized.3.Connect one or more speaker cabinets to the speaker output.Make sure the totalimpedance is not below4ohms.4.Turn on the POWER switch.5.Plug in your bass.While plucking thestrings as hard as you would during your hardest playing,gradually increase theGAIN knob unit the peak LED starts toflash at peaks.6.Move over to the VOLUME knob andadjust for the desired output volume.BUILDING THE SOUND...7.The first tonal shaping circuitry is thenext to the GAIN control.This filters provides a preshape EQprior of further fine tuning of your sound.8.Enable the filters by pressing thepushbutton and explore the filtersection.Play your bass.Note that thereisn't any difference in sound yet.9.The filters are basically of the boost/cutdesign.This means that the level controlsmarked with+and-signs,either boost orcuts the selected frequency band.Further,the MIDDLE section has got a frequencycontrol for precise adjustment of themidrange.10.Gradually increase or decrease the level andvary the frequency of the middle filter whenoperating the middle filter.Notice how thesound is effected.An A/B comparison can bemade by toggling the filter active switch.11.Proceed to the COMP/LIMIT knob.This controladjusts the compression and is useful whenplaying very dynamic or loud.12.Turn up the COMP/LIMIT knob to mid and maxposition.Notice how the peaks in volume willstraighten out as you play harder and harder.13.Now,go on to the BRIGHT and turn it half wayup.Play your bass.The BRIGHT filter is a highpass filter which works on the highest fre-quencies of the bass to give enhanced ambianceand presence.Character FilterFilterActiveThis was a brief introduction and as you go onfurther in this manual,you will learn how to useand utilize all of the useful features that theoffers you.EBSReidmarGOOD LUCK!F UNCTIONAL D ESCRIPTION R EAR P ANEL:146235BALANCED OUTPUTGND LIFT SWITCHPRE/POST EQ SWITCH-A balanced outputfunctions as a high quality line box forconnecting to PA mixing consoles or to studio orbroadcast recording units,with high noiseimmunity.The volume level does not effect thisoutput.-Lifting ground is agreat aid in many occasions eliminating groundnoise and hum.When required,set this switch toposition to disconnect the ground from thebalanced output.-The settingsends the signal after the andsections to the balanced output.The settingoutputs the signal after the entire preamp.LiftPrePostGain CharacterEFFECTS LOOP–This is a serial effects loopfor the use of external units such as box or rackeffects.Nominal level is set for use withstandard stomp boxes.The loop puts the external effects after thefilter and compressor sections.LINE OUT-This is a fullrange output that willdrive multiple poweramps,extending the powerof the system.The signal present at this output istaken after the volume control.PHONES-Connect standard headphones tothis output.This output automatically mutes theinternal poweramp and line output LINE OUTwhen connected.78910SPEAKER OUTPUTSYSTEM FANMAINSPOWER–Connect yourspeakers here.Care should be taken whenconnecting speakers so that the minium totalimpedance is not lower than4ohms.–The amps performance ismaintained among other techniques with a fancontrolling the temperature of the unit.Since theamp may shut down due to high temperature;–Connect only to the indicated mainsAC voltage and replace fuse if needed only withsame type and value.-Switches the amp on or off.Note:Lower impedance than4ohms may causepermanent damage to the amp.EBS will not take responsibility foreventual hearing damages caused by thepowerful EBS Reidmar.Make sure not to cover the ventilation openingsof the amp!IMPORTANT!REAR PANEL DESCRIPTIONFRONT PANELCONTROLSBright Bass +Treble7VOLUME -The VOLUME knob controls all volume in the unit,controlling the poweramp and LINE output.The balanced output (XLR)is not affected by the setting of this knob.8PILOT LAMP -Indicates power oncondition.BLOCK DIAGRAMThe LED intensity dynamically indicates the amount of compression during play.–This switch actives the filter section described under point 6.-The filter section contains four enhanced performance filters:is a 'shelving'type 12dB/oct slope phase compensated bass filter with a wide gain range.is a shelving type filter controlling the higher mids and treble registers,giving presence and ambience to the sound.is an advanced high pass filter capable of producing bright high treble timbre,without adding practically any noise.FILTERACTIVE FILTERS BASS MIDDLE TREBLE BRIGHT has an extended frequency range of 100-6000Hz.This filter facilitates total control over the mids,with a wide bandwidth giving a natural and non-peaking result using frequency dependent gain.In addition,at minimum setting this filter facilitates a notch function,suitable for cutting an exact frequency or eliminating acoustic coupling.56BassMidrangeTrebleFRONT PANELCONTROLSF UNCTIONAL D ESCRIPTION F RONT P ANEL C ONTROLS :INPUT CHARACTER FILTER -A low noise,high impedance instrument input that will interface with passive and active instruments perfectly.-The EBS Reidmar provides a preshape filter,,which operate independently from the other preamp functions.This gives the user the opportunity to preshape the sound before the final processing with the other features of the preamp.When pressed to inner position,boost is achieved in bass and treble ranges respectively,while the midrange has a slight drop in gain.Character 13GAIN COMP/LIMIT -Control to adjust the instruments'signal strength to the right operating level in the EBS Reidmar.For optimum basic signal level,turn up the GAIN knob until the PEAK led starts flashing from the strongest signal from the instrument.-A low noise compressor limiter that works fast and effectively,tightening up the sound and preventing the bass head from saturating at peaks when approaching the headroom limit.A string may be plucked very hard and fast,without any greater difference in level or side effects.The COMP/LIMIT knob sets the compression ratio,i.e.The signal strength relation between the input and output;the higher ratio the more compression.Note:A correctly set GAIN is vital for the signal processing to work properly in the .EBS Reidmar 24Character ONFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION。
EBS MultiDrive用户手册说明书
USERS MANUALB L S EBS M D LACK ABEL ERIES ULTI RIVES S S AMPLE OUND ETTINGSThe following examples below show a few of the many sonic possibilities of the EBS MultiDrive.STANDARD OVERDRIVETIGHT DISTORTIONSMOOTH TUBE SOUNDThis is an example of a standard overdrive setting with a good clean edgy sound together with untouched low end for better e high setting for Drive and compensate the level with the Volume.This is the fullrange distortion mode,useful for affecting the overall sound.This mode gives less low end with harder compression and gives the possibility to create fuzz-like sound when tweaking the e a moderate setting for Drive for normal operation.The tubesim mode activates the second tube simulator giving higher compression,less attack and tube-like sounds.This position is useful for edging up your sound while obtaining the warmth and body of the classical vintage tubes.MY PERSONAL SOUNDT h a n k y o u f o r p u r c h a s i n g t h e i s a n u l t r a c o m p a c t a n d r o b u s t b o x ,c a p a b l e o f p r o d u c i n g s u s t a i n ,o v e r d r i v e a n d m a n y o t h e r u s e f u l h o t ,“t u b e a m p ”,d i s t o r t e d s o u n d s .T h e o v e r d r i v e e n g i n e t h a t m a k e s t h i s a l l p o s s i b l e i s a s i m u l a t i o n c i r c u i t ,w h i c h e m u l a t e s a c l a s s i c v i n t a g e s t y l e p r e a m p t u b e .T h e E B S M u l t i D r i v e 's h i g h q u a l i t y m a k e s t h i s p e d a l a p e r f e c t c h o i c e f o r t h e r e c o r d i n g e n v i r o n m e n t ,a s w e l l a s l i v ep l a y i n g .p e d a l .i n p u r e c l a s s A w i t h a w i d e g a i n r a n g e E B S B l a c k L a b e l M u l t i D r i v e p e d a l !T h e E B S M u l t i D r i v e W e h o p e y o u 'l l e n j o y u s i n g t h eE B S M u l t i D r i veI L E DF S N D I C A T O R O O T W I T C HI n d i c a t e s w h e n t h e p e d a l i s a c t i v e .T h i s L E D s h o u l d g l o w w h e n t h e p e d a l i n s w i t c h e d o n .W h e n t h i s L E D s t o p sl i g h t i n g y o u s h o u l d r e p l a c e t h e b a t t e r y a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e .S w i t c h e s t h e p e d a l o n o r o f f .T h i s s w i t c h u s e s n o i s e l e s s F E T -s w i t c h i n g f o r r a p i ds w i t c h i n g d u r i n g p l a y .T C H E O N T R O L SA C T I V E /P A S S I V E S w i t c h(n e x t t oo u t p u t j a c k )S e t t h i s s w i t c h t o A C T I V E p o s i t i o n i f y o u a r e p l a y i n g a n a c t i v e i n s t r u m e n t o r i f y o u h a v e t h e p e d a l c o n n e c t e d t o a n e f f e c t s l o o p .I f y o u a r e p l a y i n g a p a s s i v e i n s t r u m e n t ,s e t t h i s s w i t c h t o P A S S I V E .I T I S V E R Y I M P O R T A N T T H A T T H I S S W I T C H I S S E TH C B OWTOHANGE ATTERY 1)Carefully remove the four screws holding the bottom plate.2)Remove the bottom plate gently.3)Replace the old battery with a new one of the same type,9V alkaline type;6LR61.4)Gently place back the bottom plate,and make sure no cables are squeezed.Attach the four mounting screws using moderate tension.The EBS Phantom Power System™makes it possible to power the EBS MultiDrive with 9V DC directly from the EBS Drome,Gorm,Fafner and 1V2/Classic amps.Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to do this.H EBS P P ™OWTO USE THEHANTOM OWER 1)Connect a stereo ¼”instrument cable (TRS,tip-ring-sleeve)between the EBS MultiDrive pedal and the EBS amp.2)Activate the phantom power on the amp.This is made with a flick of a switch on most EBS amps.Please consult the manual for the EBS amp you are using.3)Connection done.You should now have power in the pedal,even if the input jack is left open.POWERNote that only the pedal that is directly connected to the EBS amp can be powered with phantom power.This means that if you have more than one pedal,ONLY THE LAST one can use the EBS Phantom Power™.1)Is a ¼”STEREO cable used between the pedal and the amp?2)Is there power available on the RING connection of the ¼”plug?T S G ROUBLE HOOTING UIDEPlease consult the following checkpoints,before consulting one of the authorized EBS service centers.*EBS Sweden AB guarantees no error free operation when using a DC adapter other than the EBS AD-9.Warranty is void if higher voltage than 9.3V has been used to power the EBS MultiDrivepedal.-Replace cable to a ¼”STEREO cable.-Make sure the phantom power is activated on the amp.-Check cable.1)Does the cable(s)work properly?2)Are the ¼”plugs properly connected all the way in?3)Are the Instrument cable attached to the Right (input)jack,and the Amp cableconnected to the Left (output)jack?4)Does the pedal have a battery,and is the battery OK?5)Does the indicator LED light When pressing the foot switch alternatively?6)Does the instrument work?7)Does the amplifier work and is the volume turned up?8)If you are using a DC adapter,Are you using an EBS AD-9?-Replace cable(s).-Push the ¼”plugs all the way in.-Reconnect input and output jacks.-Put a new battery in the pedal.-Replace battery.-Check the instrument at your nearest service center.-Turn up volume or check the amp at your nearest service center.-Check the voltage and polarity of the adapter you are using.*T S EBS M D ECHNICAL PECIFICATIONS ULTI RIVENominal Input Level -8dBv (actrive)or -20dBv (passive)Power Requirements 9V DC Regulated,15mA max*.Dimensions Width Height Depth ()Weight450g (1lb.)Input Impedance 200kohms Dry Bandwidth +0/-3dB 20-20k Hz Effect Bandwidth +0/-3dB35-12k Hz Drive Gain Range 0-60dB min ModesStandard,Flat or Tubesim Mode 70mm (2.8")115mm (4.5")35mm 1.4"Specifications are subject to change without notice.EBS Sweden AB ·Framnäsbacken 12·SE-17166Solna ·SwedenPhone:+46-8-7350010·Fax:+46-8-7350015Web:http://www.ebs.bass.se E-mail:******************U H SEFUL INTSIn order to obtain best possible operation from the EBS MultiDrive,check the hints below on how to improve and find your own personal sound.1)If you have an active instrument,try switching to the passive mode.This will increase the gain in the distortion circuit to its’maximum.This allows for tighter highcompressed sounds and is a way to use the MultiDrive as a pure distortion pedal.2)As in point 1above,switch to active mode even if you are using a passive instrument.This will not give you as much gain,but sometimes when using the pedal to spice up your sound instead of distorting,you may find the gain range more detailed.You need to use fairly low settings on the volume knob to keep a good balance between the bypassed level and the active level.3)Try using the MultiDrive pedal as one of the first pedals in your effects chain.This is because the gain stage will amplify every small noise from other pedals being used before the MultiDrive.4)The MultiDrive is excellent for use in an effects loop.In this setup you can use the pedal as a post-filterenhancement stage.It could be a good choice to make your solid state amplifier sound like a full tube amp.*EBS recommends the use of the EBS AD-9power supply,which supplies a well stabilized power to the EBS MultiDrive and all your other pedals that operate with a 9V battery.The high current capacity,650mA,makes it possible to supply all pedals with only one adapter,EBS AD-9!。
Volvo FE 电子断风系统(EBS)中的静态拖车盒子(TRBR-STA)说明书
Cuando el freno del remolque está activado, se enciende un icono en el cuadro de instrumentos.Control de freno para remolque estáticoEl control de freno para remolque estático (TRBR-STA) es una opción para vehículos Volvo FE con sistema de frenado electrónico (EBS,Electronic Brake System).Con esta opción, los frenos de servicio del remolque se pueden activar con un pulsador. Esto sólo es posible cuando la velocidad se encuentra por debajo de 4 km/h. Cuando el freno de remolque estáactivado, se enciende un icono en el cuadro de instrumentos. Los frenos del remolque se desactivan cuando el conductor suelta la palanca de freno. El conductor puede utilizar esta función paracomprobar si el remolque está enganchado correctamente antes de empezar a circular o en un tren de remolques.Esta función que depende de la velocidad se ha implementadosegún la legislación europea, incluso para los países en los que no sepermite el control manual del freno del remolque.CARACTERÍSTICAS Y VENTAJASFrenos del remolque activados sin activar los frenos del camió activación se muestra en el cuadro de instrumentos.Cumple los requisitos de la legislación europea.HOJA DE DATOS Control de freno para remolque estático TRBR-STA Volvo Truck CorporationSPA 2013-06-17 Version 01。
Volkswagen CAB Chassis 说明书
Important NotesChassis DimensionsCab Height: +328 mm for CAB-HSLP, -262 mm for CAB-LDAY, -262 mm for CAB-LSLP, +16 mm for CAB-SLP.Front Axle to Back of Cab: +431 mm for CAB-HSLP and CAB-SLP, -69 mm for CAB-LDAY, +425 mm for CAB-LSLP.D-measure includes a front clearance of 50 mm and for rigid trucks also a subframe of 100 mm.Height can vary ± 20 mm for leaf and ± 10 mm for air suspension.All dimensions are for unladen chassis and any tag axles down. Chassis height used: CHH-HIGH.Rear overhang used for vehicle weight calculation is the maximum rear overhang (N Max.) for selected wheelbase.Height change when chassis height CHH-MED,FRAME300: 0 mm. Chassis weight includes oil, water, AdBlue, 0 litres fuel and without driver. Kerb weight can vary ± 3%.Turning diameters are theoretically calculated.Legal weights can differ from country to country.For more detailed weight information, including optional equipment weights, ask your Volvo sales contact to enter your specification into the Volvo Weight Information system (WIS).Do NOT use this drawing for bodybuilding. Refer to Volvo Bodybuilder Instructions and chassis assembly drawing FM84RF3A.Chassis Dimensions [mm]WB Wheelbase 4600 4900 5100 5600 A Overall Chassis Length 9860 10310 10660 11410 D Center of rear axle to front of body 4035 4335 4535 5035 N Rear Overhang (Min.) 825 825 825 1225 N Rear Overhang (Max.) 2525 2675 2825 3075 T Theoretical Wheelbase 4288 4588 4788 5288 Y Center of Gravity for Payload (Min.) 510 606 669 826 Y Center of Gravity for Payload (Max.) 510 606 669 826 W Body Length (Min.) 7049 7459 7732 8417 W Body Length (Max.) 7049 7459 7732 8417 Chassis Weights [kg]Front Axles 6250 6215 6205 6170 Rear Bogie 2710 2775 2835 2930 Kerb Weight 8960 8990 9040 9100 Payload (including body, driver, fuel, etc.) 17040 17010 16960 16900 Turning Diameter [mm]Turning Circle Diameter Kerb to Kerb 19000 20000 20600 22200Turning Circle Diameter Wall to Wall 20400 21400 22000 23600Plated Weights [kg] Plated Design Gross Vehicle Weight 26000 34000 Gross Combination Weight 44000 44000 Front Axles 11000 13000 Rear Bogie 15000 21000■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).■ CHH-HIGH Chassis Height (high) approx. 1025-1050mm (depending on tyre selection)□ CHH-XHIG Chassis Height (extra high) approx. 1100-1162mm (depending on tyre selection)□ RADD-G2 Rear air suspension-high clearance ■ RADD-GR Rear air suspension■ FM-DAY5 Day cab□ FM-HSLP5 Globetrotter Cab □ FM-LDAY5 Low day cab□ FM-LSLP5 Low Sleeper Cab □ FM-SLP5 Sleeper Cab■ EU5SCR-M Eu5 SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction ( mandatory ) □ EU6SCR Eu6 SCR (Particulate Filter + EGR) Single Stage Turbo□ D13S460A Eu6 Fuelface 13 litre 460hp engine□ D13S500A Eu6 Fuelface 13 litre 500hp engine (Single Stage Turbo)■ D13C460 Engine, 13C litre, 460hp, 2300nm □ D13C500 Engine, 13C litre, 500hp, 2500nm□ D13K460 Eu6 13 litre engine 460hp/2300nm/345kW □ D13K500 Eu6 13 litre engine 500hp/2500nm/368kW■ EBR-VEB+ Volvo Engine Brake + (VEB+)■ AT2612 Volvo I-shift-12 speed automatic transmission (2600nm) □ SPO2812 Volvo Dual Clutch I-shift - 12 speed semi power shift with overdrive (2800nm)□ ASO-C Crawler gears□ ASO-ULC Ultra low crawler gears□ RTS2310A Single reduction tandem 23t GCW100t ■ RTS2370B Single reduction tandem 23t GCW70tPackages □INFODF Information Platform with Dynafleet Support ■ INFOMED Information Platform-Medium□ INFONDF Information Platform with Navigation & Dynafleet SupportChassis □ FST-AIR Air bag front suspension■ FST-PAR Parabolic leaf spring front suspension□ FST-PAR3 3 leaf parabolic front springs (stiffer than normal)□ FSLS-BAS Front Susp. levelling stroke - Standard■ FAL13.0 Front axle rating: 13,000 kg □ FAL16.0 Front axle load 16 tonnes■ FSTAB Front stabilizer, normal stiffness□ FSTAB2 Front stabiliser bar increased stiffness □ FSTAB3 Heavy duty front stabiliser bar■ RAL21 Rear suspension load rating: 21,000 kg■ RSTAB1 Rear stabiliser bar□ RSTAB3 Heavy duty rear stabiliser bar□ ACTST-TO Volvo Dynamic Steering□ ASFE-PO Dynamic Steering Active Features - Personal Settings & Oversteer Guidance□ PSS-DUAL Dual power steering system ■ PSS-SING Single power steering system□ PSP-VAR2 Power steering pump with electronic control variable displacement■ EBS-MEDElectronic Brake System (EBS) contains ABS, Traction control, Hill start aid Diff lock control, Brake assistWheel brake monitoring, EBS status□ AUXPARK Auxiliary parking brake■ FST8080 Frame section thickness 8mm□ FIL-EEEF Liner (inner) from end of engine to end of frame □ FIL-FBEBLiner (inner) - front of bogie to end of bogie□ FIL-TXEB Liner (inner) - trans x-mem to end of bogie □ FIL-TXEF Liner (inner) - trans x-mem to end of frame■ BBOX-L Battery box mounted on LHS chassis rail■ 2BATT225 2x225 Ah batteries□ BATTAMP Battery amperage indicator (in the DID)■ MSWI-C Isolation toggle switch LHS of chassis□ MSWI-R Isolation switch on key fob (press door lock twice to isolate)■ R415A66 RHS 415 litre alloy fuel tank w/o step Min volume 330l Max volume 415l■ ADTP-L AdBlue tank position - LHS■ ADB032 AdBlue tank 32 litres □ ADB064 AdBlue tank 64 litres □ ADB090 AdBlue tank 90 litres■ FCAP-L Fuel tank cap with lock■ ESH-RIGH Muffler horizontal, right exhaust outlet□ ESH-VERT Muffler horizontal, vertical exhaust outlet on right hand side□ EXST-SSP Stainless steel exhaust stack□ TBC-NZL Trailer brake connections (suzi coils)□ TRBR-HCR Hand controlled trailer brake, reduced pressure □ TRBR-STA Stationary trailer brake control□ TRB-STRE Automatic trailer brake activation (stretch brake)■ TL-LED LED tail lightsRims and Tyres □ RT-AL 10 stud alloy disc rims (with long wheel studs) □ RT-ALDP 10 stud dura-bright alloy disc rims (with long wheel studs) □ RT-ALDPD 10 stud dura-bright alloy disc rims (with short wheel studs) ■ RT-ALDU 10 stud alloy disc rims (with short wheel studs) □ RT-ALP 10 stud polished alloy disc rims (with long wheel studs) □ RT-ALPDU 10 stud polished alloy disc rims (with short wheel studs) □ SPWT-D Spare rim & tyre equal to drive □ SPWT-F Spare rim & tyre equal to steer □ SWCP-T2 Transport mounted spare wheel □ JACK-12T 12 tonne capacity jack with brace □ JACK-15T 15 tonne capacity jack and brace■ TOOL-BAS Basic tools □ TOOLKIT Tool kit complete□ INFLAHOS Tyre inflation hose (18 metres)Powertrain equipment ■ TRAP-HD Heavy Duty Transmission Internals ■ DRM-BE Drive Mode - Balanced Economy □ DRM-E Drive Mode - Economy □ PVT-MAP Preview Topography Information (by a high resolutioncommercial topography map)■ CRUIS-E Extended cruise control (additional fuel saving functions)□ AMSO-AUT Manual gear shift in automatic mode. □ AVO-ENH AMT Vocational option - enhanced □ APF-ENH Enhanced I-shift PTO functions □ CD43-O Dual plate clutch 430 mm diameter■ TC-MAOH2 High performance transmission cooler■ 2COM1080 High volume air compressor□ 2COM1100 Air compressor. 1100 litres/minute (Eu6) ■ AIRIN-HI High air intake, roofline position □ AIRIN-LO Low air intake, rear of cab position ■ ACL1ST-S Air cleaner with two stage filter element■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS). □ 24A150BL Alternator - 150 Amp (Eu6) □ 24A180BL Alternator - 180 Amp (Eu6) ■ 24AL150B Alternator - 150 Amp□ PRIM-EL Pump prime - electrical ■ PRIM-MAN Pump prime - manual□ FUEFE2LW Dual fuel filter, engine mounted with water separator-large ■ FUEFE2SW Dual fuel filter, engine mounted with water separator-small□ PTER-100 PTO engine rear mounted with flange DIN100/ISO7646 □ PTER-DIN Power Take Off / splined shaft groove (female) DIN5462. □ PTER1400 Rear engine mounted power-take-off with flange SAE 1410□ HPE-F101 F1-101 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-F41 F1-41 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-F51 F1-51 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-F61 F1-61 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-F81 F1-81 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted□ HPE-T53 F2-53/53 twin flow hyd pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-T70 F2-70/53 twin flow hyd pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-V45 V1-45 variable pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-V75 V1-75 variable pump rear engine mounted□ PTR-D Low speed PTO with DIN connection □ PTR-DH High speed PTO with DIN connection □ PTR-DM Medium speed PTO with DIN connection □ PTR-F Rear PTO trans.flange 100% speed□ PTRD-D PTO with 2 DIN connections rear + 1 DIN connection front □ PTRD-F PTO with 1 DIN + 1 flange connection rear□ HPG-F101 F1-101 hydraulic pump gearbox mounted □ HPG-F41 F1-41 hydraulic pump gearbox mounted □ HPG-F61 F1-61 hydraulic pump gearbox mounted □ HPG-F81 F1-81 hydraulic pump gearbox mounted□ DRC-AMIIDPF regeneration- auto initialise/manual on demand/manual inhibit□ ACCLF-D Acceleration Limiting Feature - Disabled □ ACCLF-E Acceleration Limiting Feature - Enabled■ ESP-BAS1 ESP package (tractor/trailer combinations with ABS/EBS OrRigids with standard COG)■ HWSS-ACB ACC & forward collision warning & emergency braking. ■ LSS-DW With lane departure system ■ LCS2 Lane Change Support with Side Collision Avoidance (LHS) ■ DAS-W Driver alert support warning □ RSENS-W Rain sensor to activate wipers □ CU-ECC Climate controlled air conditioning ■ CU-MCC Manual controlled air conditioning □ IMMOBIL Engine immobiliser □ ALARM-B Anti-theft alarm (cab) ■ ISUNS-DS Interior side sunvisor - driver's door □ ISUNF-B Interior front sunvisor - standard □ ISUNF-MD Interior front sunvisor - with mirror (driver's side) □ ISUNF-RE Interior sunvisor - front (electric) ■ ISUNF-RM Interior sunvisor - front (manual) □ ADFS 2 din slots in front shelf■ BUPALARM Reverse alarm □ LOADIND Load indicator, electronic controlled suspension (SUSPL-EC) □ REMC-MF Multifunction wireless remote control ■ FIREX25A Fire extinguisher 2.5 kg■ WRITEPAD Storable steering wheel fit clip board ■ DST-CF5 Fully adjustable driver's comfort seatAir suspension, heated, integrated safety belt□ SBD-RED Red safety belts, pass. & driver seats■ SBPRE-DS Drivers seat belt pretensioner■ PST-BAS1 Basic passenger's seat□ PST-CF5Fully adjustable passenger comfort seat Air suspension, heated, safety belt□ SBPRE-PS Passenger seatbelt pretensioner□ ARMRE-BB Armrests both sides - driver's & passenger's seat ■ ARMRE-DB Armrests both sides - driver's seat ■ ARU-BAS Seat armrest upholstery - basic■ FMAT-RUB Floor mats - rubber□ FMAT-TX2 Floor mats - textile & rubber □ LBK70 Lower bunk 700mm wide □ MATL-FI Spring Mattress Lower Bunk - Firm (100kg +) □ MATL-SF Mattress lower bunk - semi firm□ OLMAT-BA Mattress overlay - basic □ TBK70F Top bunk 700mm wide, foldable □ SAFE Safe box at bed-end □ ETSB-F Engine tunnel storage box □ ETSB-FR Engine tunnel storage box & rear cab wall □ ETSB-R Rear cab wall storage □ RUS-BAS Rear upper cab storage - 154 litres for Sleeper/Globetrotter &60 litres for Day Cab□ RUS-HIG Rear upper cab storage - 245 litres □ TABLE Table □ REF-ICPK Refrigerator prep kit (on engine tunnel) □ REFR-RUS 28 litre refrigerator in upper rear storage□ MICRO-PK Prep kit for microwave □ BOTH-D Bottle holder in driving area ■ INLI-BAS Interior night lights □ INLI-NL Interior white and red (night) light □ INLI-NLD Interior light including night light and dimmer function□ ARL-FLEX Flexible reading lamp (snake light) □ RH-ER Roof hatch-electric (metal emergency exit) ■ RH-MTR Roof hatch-manual (tinted glass & rear opening)□ SWIND-PS Cab passenger side aux. window■ AWIND-RF Cab rear window- fitted □ VANMIR Vanity mirror □ AS-FUS Auxiliary shelf, front upper storage □ INFOT-PK LCD screen mount - 6kgs max Cab exterior □ EXTL-BA2 Standard exterior trim level (Version 2) ■ EXTL-BAS Standard exterior trim level ■ DGLAS-H Hardened door glass □ DGLAS-L Laminated door glass■ LOCK-REM Central door locking with remote control ■ BUMP-B Bumper - plastic □ BUMP-B2 Bumper - steel □ BUMP-SP Bumper spoiler ■ BUGNET Insect net in front of radiator ■ CTILTP-E Electrical cab tilt pump □ FCABS-A Front cab suspension-air bellows ■ FCABS-M Front cab suspension-mechanical spring □ RCABS-A Rear cab suspension-air bellows ■ RCABS-M Rear cab suspension-mechanical spring□ MIRCFCPX Electrically heated & operated convex glass mirrors with frontmonitoring camera on passenger side.monitoring camera on passenger side.□ AMIR-F20 Close view mirror■ SUNV-H Exterior sunvisor□ AD-ROOF Aero-dynamic roof mounted deflector□ AD-SIDES Aero-dynamic cab side deflectors□ GUARD-W Windscreen stoneguard■ HL-BASIC Standard head lamps□ HL-LED LED headlights□ HL-CLEAN Head lamp cleaning system□ HLP-ST Headlamp protection-steel□ HL-ADJ Headlight adjustment - manual■ DRL-LED V-shaped LED daytime running light□ DRIVL2 Integrated driving lamps■ UDRIVL Without driving lights□ FOGL-WC Integrated fog lamps□ CL-STAT Corner light-static□ ASL-RF2 Auxiliary spotlights inside Globetrotter sign box■ IDLAMP-A Identification lamps-amber□ BEACON-P Beacon light wire preparation□ SPOTP-F Aux spotlamp preparation, 280W maximum□ CSGN-GTR Globetrotter decal□ ANT-CBR Antenna for CB radio, single antennaSuperstructure□ SWL-2FW 2 white side working lamps (forward facing)□ SWL-2RW 2 white side working lamps (rearward facing)□ SWL-4W 4 white side working lamps□ SWL-PK Wiring prep for chassis-mounted working lamps-2 positionswitch□ WL-CHPK Chassis mounted working lamp prep kit□ WLC-H2W 2 x H3/70W high mounted work lamps with white lens.□ WLC-PKH Prep kit for high mounted work lamps.□ ECBB-HIG Body builder module - cab module■ ECBB-MED Body builder module - cab module■ BBCHAS3 Body builder chassis electrical interface, 3 x 7 pin connectors□ FRFS-BS Frame rail free space-both sides■ AESW2 2 flexible switches (AUX1 and AUX2).□ AESW2PK 2 flexible switches (AUX1 & AUX2) + additional 4 flexibleswitches■ AUXSW-4 Wiring prep. for 4 extra bodybuilder switches (switches notincluded)Delivery services■ TGW-4GWL Telematics Gateway with 4G/LTE & WLAN□ FMS-PK Fleet management system gateway□ DRUT2 "My Truck" smartphone app. 2 year prepaid■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).。
pag e79.Identification Numbers The Vehicle Identification Number (V.I.N.) is stamped on a plate attached to the top left side of the dashboard.It also appears on the Certification label attached to the left rear door jamb, as well as under the hood on the body, directly behind the engine.NOTE:The V.I.N. is also provided in bar code on the Certification label.The Engine Number is stamped on the right front side of the engine block.The Transmission Number appears on a label on the top edge of the transmission where it attaches to the engine.VEHICLEIDENTIFICATIONNUMBERCERTIFICATIONLABELAUTOMATICTRANSMISSIONNUMBER VEHICLE IDENTIFICATIONNUMBERMANUALTRANSMISSION NUMBERENGINE NUMBERDOT Tire Quality Grades The tires on your car meet Federal Safety Requirements. All tires are also "graded" according to Department of Transportation (DOT) standards for tread wear, traction and temperature.Tread WearThe tread wear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified government test course. For example, a tire graded 150 would wear one and one half (1-1/2) times as well on the government course as a tire graded 100.The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual conditions of their use, however, and may depart significantly from the norm due to variations in driving habits, service practices and differences in road characteristics and climate.TractionThe traction grades, from highest to lowest, are A, B, and C, and they represent the tire's ability to stop on wet pavement as measured under controlled conditions on specified government test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C may have poor traction performance.The traction grades assigned are based on braking (straight ahead) traction tests and do not include cornering (turning) traction.(cont'd)Three gradesare shown on thetire sidewallTIREWHEEL RIMTemperatureThe temperature grades are A (the highest), B and C representing the tire's resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat when tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Sustained high temperature can cause the material of the tire to degenerate and reduce tire life, and excessive temperature can lead to sudden tire failure. The grade C corresponds to a level of performance which all passenger car tires must meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109. Grades B and A represent higher levels of performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum required by law.The tire temperature grade is established for a tire that is properly inflated and not overloaded. Excessive speed, underinflation, or excessive loading, either separately or in combination, can cause heat buildup and possible tire failure.Emission ControlsSources of EmissionsThe combustion process produces carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons. The evaporation of fuel in the fuel tank also produces hydrocarbons. Control of oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons is very important since, under certain conditions, when subjected to sunlight, they react to form photochemical smog. Carbon monoxide does not react to form smog, but it is toxic. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. has developed a number of systems which are highly effective in reducing carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons.The Clean Air ActThe Clean Air Act requires all vehicle manufacturers to explain in writing, the operation and maintenance of their emission control systems.Maintenance instructions are included on pages 58 — 63; the operation of each system is explained on the following. Replacement PartsThe emission control systems on your new Honda were designed, built and certified to conform with the Federal regulations implementing the Clean Air Act. Honda recommends only the use of new, genuine Honda parts or their equivalent. The use of other replacement parts which are not of equivalent quality may impair the effectiveness of your car's emission control systems. Crankcase Emission Control SystemTo prevent crankcase emissions, your car is equipped with a Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) System which routes blowby gases from the crankcase, through the PCV valve and intake manifold, into the combustion chamber.(cont'd)Emission Controls (cont'd)Evaporative Emission Control SystemThe Evaporative Emission Control System is designed to prevent fuel vapors from escaping into the atmosphere.Fuel vapors from the fuel tank are directed into the charcoal canister where they are adsorbed and stored while the engine is stopped or idling. When the coolant temperature rises to a certain value, the vapors are drawn into the engine through the throttle body and the intake manifold during normal engine operation. Engine Exhaust Emission ControlsThe engine exhaust emission control systems are designed to control combustion during idle, acceleration, cruise, and deceleration. These systems are entirely separate from the crankcase and evaporative emission control systems described previously.HONDA PGM Fl SystemThe PGM-FI system consists of three independent sub-systems;Air Intake, Electronic Control and Fuel Control, thus allowing more accurate control of air/fuel ratios under all operating conditions.The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) detects the amount of air drawn into the cylinders and determines the amount of fuel to be injected to provide the optimum air/fuel ratio for all engine needs.Ignition Timing Control SystemThis system automatically controls the ignition timing to reduce the amount of HC and NOx.Catalytic ConverterThree Way CatalystThe catalyst is used to convert hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the exhaust gas,to carbon dioxide (CO2), dinitrogen (N2) and water vapor.Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)[California automatic models with 1.5 engine]The EGR system is designed to control the formation of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) caused when fuel mixture burns at high temperature. It works by recirculating exhaust gas through the EGR valve and intake manifold into the combustion chambers where it reduces peak temperature by diluting the air/fuel mixture.Catalytic Converter A catalytic converter is installed in the exhaust system to help clean-up the harmful exhaust gases that can cause air pollution.To be effective, the converter must work at high temperature, so don't park your car over dry grass, leaves or anything else that could burn easily.To stay effective, the converter must not be contaminated by leaded gasoline; use only unleaded gas as explained on page 39.CAUTION:The converter can be overheated and damaged if it's fed too much unburned fuel mixture from the engine, so:— Don't push or tow the car to start it; if the battery is dead, jump start the car as shown on page 103.— Don't turn the key off while the engine is running above idle speed.— Don't change the ignition timing, or remove any emission control parts.— Use only the spark plugs specified in this manual.— Don't keep driving your car if it isn't running properly, or if its CHARGE warning light comes on; have it checked by your Honda dealer.CATALYTIC CONVERTERWarranty ServiceWarrantyThe following warranties are provided with every new vehicle:1. New Car Limited Warranty2. Emission Control Systems Defects Warranty3. Emission Performance Warranty4. Original Equipment Battery Limited Warranty5. Rust Perforation Limited Warranty6. Accessory Limited Warranty7. Replacement Parts Limited Warranty8. Replacement Muffler Lifetime Limited Warranty9. Seat Belt Limited Warranty10.Replacement Battery Limited WarrantyYour car's original tires are covered by their manufacturer. Tire warranty information is in a separate booklet.All warranty details pertaining to your car can be found in the Warranty booklet provided with your new car except the required maintenance schedule which is contained here in the Owner's Manual.If you are unable to obtain warranty service or are dissatisfied with the warranty decision or service you received at an authorized Honda dealership, you should review the matter with that dealership's Service Manager. This will normally resolve your problem. If it does not resolve your problem you should appeal the decision with the owner of the dealership. Please bear in mind that your problem will likely be resolved at the dealership, using the dealer's facilities, equipment and personnel. So it is very important that your initial contact be with the dealer or his management.After following these steps, if you wish to have the matter reviewed by American Honda you should contact the Zone Office serving your area, as shown on the map on the inside of the back cover. When contacting American Honda, please provide the Zone Office with the following information:Vehicle Identification NumberServicing Dealer Name and AddressDate of PurchaseMileage on your CarYour Name, Address, and Phone NumberNature of ProblemSelling DealerAfter a review of the facts, you will be advised of what can be done.Reporting Safety DefectsIf you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying American Honda Motor Co., Inc.If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign.However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or American Honda Motor Co., Inc.To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-800-424-9393 (or 366-0123 in Washington, D.C. area) or write to:NHTSA, U.S. Department of TransportationWashington, D.C. 20590.You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from the Hotline.。
Engine Type
Bore x Stroke Displacement Compression ratio Spark plugs
Alignment Toe-in
Front Rear Front Rear Front
Specif ications
12 V ʵ 36 AH/5 HR
Dimensions Length Width Height Wheelbase Track
Front Rear
Weights Gross vehicle weight rating
Air Conditioning Refrigerant type Charge quantity Lubricant type
HFC-134a (R-134a) 25ʵ27 oz (700ʵ750 g)
Approx. 17.1 US gal (64.7 )
Engine oil
See page 340 or the fuse label attached to the inside of the fuse box door on each side of the dashboard. See page 339 or the fuse box cover.
Water cooled 4-stroke, DOHC i-VTEC 4-cylinder, gasoline engine
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中央处理模块(CM) →计算各个桥和挂车控制的所需的制动力
480 104 000 0
480 104 007 0
480 104 000 0
480 204 002 0
480 204 002 0
472 173 316 0
472 173 316 0
ABS 电磁阀
472 195 018 0
472 195 018 0
441 032 … 0 比例继动阀
比例继动阀是用来调节前桥压力的,比例继动阀由比例电磁阀,压力传感器,继 动阀构成,由 CM 控制。 CM 产生的电流值传输到比例继动阀时会转变成相应的控制压力,来控制 PRV 中 的继动阀,PRV 的输出压力和控制压力成一定比例。 无论在什么情况下(包括电回路损坏,PRV 的电磁阀不工作),继动阀可以通过 制动信号传输器输出的备压信号来控制。 ESC 控制模块
ESC 模块是汽车稳定性控制模块,选装。它由转向角度传感器,横向加速度传感 器组成,所以需要把 ESC 模块装在汽车重心附近。 在 ESC 模块的技术说明和外形图上有 ESC 模块的安装要求,和模块方向定位要 求。对牢固性,大气环境影响等都有严格的要求。如安装存在问题,将会影响 ESC 模块的正常工作。ESC 模块在车辆上的安装位置需要汽车生产商和 WABCO 公司 共同决定。ESC 模块可通过四口电缆和 EBS 模块相连接。 其他部件
EBS 系统的其他部件还有:
ABS 电磁阀(和传统 ABS 电磁阀一样)
轮速传感器(和传统 ABS 轮速传感器一样)
所有这些部件和传统 ABS 气路制动控制的部件一样。混装时,ABS 电磁阀和轮速
传感器需满足 WABCO 公司的相应的要求。
2.1.4 4S4M 系统
2.5 由系统属性决定整车参数 2.5.1 由系统属性决定的温度参数 2.5.2 由系统属性决定的电压参数 2.5.3 由系统属性决定的压力参数
2.6 安全概念 2.6.1 错误监测 2.6.2 故障显示 2.6.3 故障环境下关闭 EBS 功能
2.7 KWP2000 诊断 3 技术资料
3.1 介质/压力 3.2 工作电压和电流 3.3 轮速测量 转向角度传感器
转向角度传感器为 ESC 系统测量转向轮的转向角度。WABCO 公司推荐安装自己 的转向角度传感器。此传感器通过 CAN 通信向 ESC 模块提供绝对的转向角度。 此传感器通过 J1939 连接,点火开关处供电工作。下线时,此传感器需标定为零, 可以通过 EBS 诊断软件标定。 用别的公司角度传感器时,须得到 WABCO 公司的认可。前提是此传感器达到 WABCO 公司的要求。
1.2.1 威伯科零部件说明
下面文件详细说明了 EBS 产品及其系统功能
480 003 ….
480 003 ….
446 135 041 0
446 135 041 0
480 202 004 0
480 202 004 0
480 104 009 0
注意:如果制动踏板没有行程,那么制动信号传输器将不会工作。 保持制动信号传输器的干净,防止由于泥土,踏板的污染而产生残留行程。如果 驾驶员没有踩踏板,那么 BST 的两个开关应都处于开启状态,否则容易造成永久 制动。 中央处理模块
中央处理模块(CM)监督和控制整个制动系统,CM 接收制动信号传输器传过来的 制动信号,根据制动信号,计算判断前、中、后桥和挂车的制动力,产生相应的 制动减速度。前桥的制动压力可以通过比例继动阀(PRV)来调节。通过传统 ABS 传感器来测量轮速。当车轮抱死时,通过 ABS 电磁阀来调节制动气室中的压力。 前桥采用修正的独立控制。通过 EBS 的 CAN 通信系统实现 CM 和后桥控制模块 的连接。其他汽车部件如发动机 ECU,缓速器 ECU,传动轴 ECU 可以通过 SAE J1939 定义地址来实现 CAN 连接。带电控系统的挂车可以通过标准挂车接头 ISO 11992 来连接。
注意:如果气回路 1 和 2 的供气气压通过 SAE J1939 CAN 通信传输,那么 EBS 系统必须要 求:
回路 1 =后桥 回路 2 =前桥
图 2 EBS 2p/1e 系统,6*2 6S6M 系统 6*2 车的所需额外部件为: 1. 第三桥的桥控模块(AMZ) 2. 两个轮速传感器(14)
日期 08.01.2007 08.01.2007
2 系统结构和功能
这份文件详细说明了 EBS 功能及其相关部件。WABCO 公司不允许使用这份文件中没有说明的任何 部件。任何没有授权的修改会造成车辆系统制动的不安全性。
2.1 系统结构
EBS 系统包括两条气控回路。制动控制由两条气控回路和一条电控回路组成,这样的结构称 为 2p/1e-EBS
客车和城市公交车 EBS1C 技术说明 空气全制动系统
4S4M 和 6S6M 系统 ESC 系统
内容介绍: 1 序言
1.1 汽车应用 1.2 相关文件
1.2.1 威伯科零部件说明 1.2.2 接线图 1.2.3 补充文件 2 系统结构和功能 2.1 系统结构 2.1.1 布置图 2.1.2 系统定义 2.1.3 主要部件的描述 2.1.4 4S/4M 系统的描述 2.2 制动管理功能 2.2.1 制动力分配 2.2.2 减速度控制 2.2.3 持续制动管理(DBI) 2.2.4 辅助制动(抑制摩擦制动 RBR) 2.2.5 制动磨损传感器管理 2.2.6 制动辅助功能 2.2.7 挂车控制(客车) 2.2.8 进站停车 2.2.9 坡道起步 2.2.10 制动舒适性功能和后桥制动力分配 2.3 控制功能的介绍 2.3.1 ABS 控制功能 2.3.2 ASR 控制功能 2.3.3 拖拽扭矩控制 2.3.4 轮速监控和轮速补偿 2.3.5 汽车稳定性控制 ESC 系统 2.3.6 参数设置 2.4 控制功能的实现 2.4.1 电子电气气路 2.4.2 ABS 控制功能 2.4.3 ATC 控制功能 2.4.4 ESC 控制功能 挂车控制阀
挂力传感器组成。CM 通过比例电磁阀和继动阀来控制挂车接头处的压力, 在正常工作时备压系统是关闭的。 备压阀
备压阀是一个三位两通电磁阀。它由中央控制模块(CM)控制。在正常工作情况 下时,电磁阀是关闭制动信号传输器 1 回路的备压。当损坏时,通过此备压来控 制后桥控制模块的继动阀,来实现制动控制(可参考 EBS 系统的布线图)。 后桥控制模块
后桥控制模块控制后桥两边的制动压力。它包括两个独立的控制回路(通道 A 和 B),每个通道包含一个输入输出的电磁阀,继动阀和压力传感器。两个通道都是 由集成在后桥模块上的 ECU 来控制。 后桥的备压回路在电回路损坏时,可直接控制后桥控制模块。
后桥两端的轮速可以通过 ABS 传感器来测量,当有抱死或打滑趋势时,调节制动 气室压力。磨损传感器可选装,如果带磨损传感器,那么就可以测量左右摩擦蹄 片的磨损度。
6.2 系统功能测试 7 可靠性
7.1 FMEA 设计 7.2 确认测试 8 规则和法则 9 缩写词 10 附录 10.1 故障模式下 EBS 功能关闭 10.2 EBS 故障代码
1 序言
1.1 车辆应用
根据 RREG70/156/EWG 和 UN/ECE/WP29/在 R.E.3 上的决议,M3 类制动系统配置需如下:
4*2 和 6*2 的公交车
客车需带 ESC 系统
可选带 O1 类或 O1 类挂车
大约 140 千米/小时
大约 30 千米/小时
1.2 相关文件
441 032 … 0
ESC 控制模块
446 065 025 0
446 065 025 0
441 120 003 0
441 120 003 0
1.2.2 接线图
下述文件详细说明了 EBS 系统的接线和布线
841 200 215 0
1.2.3 补充文件
DM1 中 EBS 的 KWP2000/SPN 故障代码 PD_Standard_Bus_11.pdf
CAN SAE J1939 通讯报文信息
车辆 ESC 功能具体参数