Tablet Chip 分析
• Chip实验技术仍面临成本高、实验操作复杂、数据分析难度大
• 通过改进芯片设计和实验技术,可以降低实验成本和误差,提
• 通过引入新的数据分析和生物信息学方法,可以提高数据分析
• 芯片制作和实验操作需要较高的技术要求,成本较高
• 实验过程中容易产生误差,需要严格的实验质量控制
• 数据量庞大,需要专业的生物信息学知识和统计分析方法进行分析
• 探针是一段与目标分子互补的DNA
• 荧光标记法是通过荧光染料标记目标
• 通过探针与目标分子的结合,实现对
• 放射性标记法是通过放射性同位素标
• 网络图是一种用于展示基因或蛋白质之间相互关系的图像,可
• Chip实验技术的创新主要体现在芯片设计、实验技术、数据分
• 芯片设计方面,可以通过优化探针排列、提高探针密度等方法,
SOP一、总纲1.简介1. 1 原理组织芯片(tissue chip),又称组织微阵列(tissue microarray ,TMA),是生物芯片(组织芯片、基因芯片、蛋白质芯片、细胞芯片)技术的一个重要分支,是将许多不同个体组织标本以规则阵列方式排布于同一载体(使用载玻片最多)上,利用免疫组化、原位杂交等技术分析目的基因的表达差异,进行同一指标的原位组织学研究。
1.2 组织芯片的发展及其应用组织芯片的雏形是Barrifora 等(1986)最早建立的;Wan 等(1987)创造了带有一个管中空隙中心的石蜡嵌入来决定单克隆抗体的染色模式,经过10 年发展,Kononen 等(1998)首先提出组织芯片(tissue chip ,TC),并首次成功运用组织芯片技术对乳腺癌组织中6 种基因的表达情况进行了研究,证实了该技术的实用价值并宣告组织芯片概念的诞生。
Fejzo 等(2001)成功的研制出冰冻组织芯片并利用它进行了非放射性RNA 原位杂交,荧光原位杂交(FISH)和免疫组化等试验。
该技术自1998 年问世以来,以其大规模、高通量、标准化等优点得到大范围的推广应用。
ChIP实验精讲(做科研的必看)染色质免疫共沉淀(ChIP)概述ChIP:chromatinimmunoprecipitation assay,染色质免疫沉淀技术。
ChIP应用1、检测体内反式因子与DNA的动态作用,研究组蛋白的各种共价修饰与基因表达的关系;2、CHIP与基因芯片相结合建立的CHIP-on-ChIP 方法已广泛用于特定反式因子靶基因的高通量筛选;3、CHIP与体内足迹法相结合,用于寻找反式因子的体内结合位点;4、RNA-CHIP用于研究RNA在基因表达调控中的作用。
试验流程一、交联染色质免疫沉淀技术1. 细胞甲醛交联和收集注意事项:①需要优化甲醛使蛋白质和DNA交联的时间。
交联的时间一般为2-30 分钟。
1.1 取1直径10cm培养皿的细胞。
加入甲醛至终浓度为0.75%(V/V),使蛋白和DNA 交联。
1.2 室温下,轻摇10 分钟。
1.3 加入甘氨酸至终浓度为125 mM,室温下放置5 分钟,以终止交联。
1.4 吸去培养基,用冰冷PBS 洗细胞2 次。
1.5 使用细胞刮刀,加入5ml 冰冷PBS,刮下细胞,收集至一个50 ml 离心管中。
1.6 再用 3 ml 冰冷PBS 洗培养皿2次,至50ml 离心管中。
1.7 4℃,1000 g,离心5分钟收集细胞。
1.8 吸弃上清,用SDSLysis Buffer重悬沉淀(每1 X 107 个细胞加800 μl)。
ChIP原理及实验方法ChIP(Chromatin Immunoprecipitation)是一种用于研究蛋白质与DNA相互作用的实验方法。
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and and pri vacy vacy p p rote ction ction a a ct ct o o f f 19881988计算机查找和隐案私保护法案Compute r net wo rk 络计算机网络compute r suppo rt spe ciali s t 家计算机支持专家compute r t echni cian 员计算机技术人员compute r t raine r 师计算机教师Conne ction ction de de vice 备连接设备Conne ctivi ty 接连接Con sume r-to -con sume r 人个人对个人coo kie s-cu tte r p rog ram s 信息记序录截取程序coo kie s 序信息记录程序cracker 手解密高手cumulative t rauma rauma didi s o rde r 积累性损伤错乱 Cyberca Cybercash sh 金电子现金Cyberspa Cyberspace ce 间计算机空间cynic 愤者世嫉俗者[编辑本段]DData ba s e 库数据库da taba se se file file files s 件数据库文件Data ba se mana ger 数据理库管理Data bu s 线数据总线Data projecto projector r 机数码放映机De skto p system system unit unit 元台式电脑系统单元De stination stination file file 件目标文件Digital Digital came came ra s 机数码照相机Digital Digital noteb noteb oo ks 本数字笔记本Digital Digital bideo bideo camera 数码机摄影机Di screte -speech re cognition system 不连续语言识统别系统Do cument 档文档do cument file s 件文档文件Dot -mat ri x x p p rinte r 机点矩阵式打印机Dual -scan -scan monito monito monitor r 器双向扫描显示器Dumb Dumb te te rminal 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国外ChIP-染色质免疫共沉淀实验方法-real time PCR
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Analysis for Protein-DNA InteractionsWeike Si, 6/22/05; Commented by TCH 8/6/05General Background and ConsiderationsChIP is a widely used method to identify specific proteins associated with aregion of the genome, or in reverse, to identify regions of the genomeassociated with specific proteins. These proteins can be isoforms ofhistones modified at a particular amino acid or other chromatin associatedproteins. When employed with antibodies that recognize histonemodifications, ChIP can be used to “measure” the amount of themodification. An example of this would include measurement of the amountof histone H3 acetylation associated with a specific gene promoter regionunder various conditions that might alter expression of the gene. Histonesare not the only proteins that can be studied using this technique. Much ofthe recent interest has been in analyzing transcription factor distributionthroughout the genome or at specific loci.When performing ChIP, cells are first fixed with formaldehyde tocrosslink proteins to DNA and then chromatin is harvested from the cellsand subjected to an immunoselection process, which requires the use ofspecific antibodies. Any DNA sequences cross-linked to the protein ofinterest will co-precipitate as part of the chromatin complex. After theimmunoselection of chromatin fragments and purification of associatedDNA, the detection of specific DNA sequences is performed. If the DNAwhich will be detected is associated with the protein or histone modificationbeing examined, the relative representation of that DNA sequence will beincreased (or enriched) by the immunoprecipitation process.Generally, standard PCR is performed to identify the DNA sequence(the gene or region of the genome) associated with the protein of interest.The relative abundance of a specific DNA sequence isolated via theprotein-specific immunoselection is compared to DNA obtained when usingan unrelated antibody control. DNA fragments are run on gels to facilitate quantitation of the PCR products. A much more accurate alternative to standard PCR is real time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). Cloning of sequences from a ChIP experiment is also possible, to create libraries of fragments that are enriched for those that interact with a particular protein. The combination of chromatin IP with microarray applications (ChIP on chip) is a novel technique that is becoming more popular, allowing the generation of genome-wide maps of protein-DNA interactions or histone modifications.References:Das PM, et al., Biotechniques 37: 961-969, 2004Luo, R.X., et al., Cell 92: 463-473, 1998.Braunstein, M., et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 16: 4349-4356, 1996.Manabe, I., et al., J. Clin. Invest. 107: 823-834, 2001.Cervoni, N., & Szyf, M., J. Biol. Chem. 276: 40778-40787, 2001.Materials and ReagentshiTE Buffer: 50mM Tris-HCl, 10mM EDTA, pH 7.5.PBS: 10mM Na2HPO4 (dibasic, anhydrous), 2mM KH2PO4 (monobasic, anhydrous), pH 7.4, 150mM NaCl, 10mM sodium phosphate.Formaldehyde: from Fisher ScientificChIP Lysis Buffer: 50mM HEPES/KOH pH 7.5, 150mM NaCl, 1mM EDTA, 1% Triton X-100, 0.1% SDS, 0.1% sodium deoxycholate. Add protease inhibitors prior to use.High Salt ChIP Wash Buffer: 50mM HEPES, pH 7.5 by KOH, 500mM NaCl, 1mM EDTA, 1% Triton X-100,0.1% SDS, 0.1% sodium deoxycholate. Add protease inhibitors prior to use. Protease Inhibitor Cocktail: Complete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail tablets (Roche Biochemicals). One tablet per 10ml of PBS or Lysis Buffer.ChIP Elution Buffer: hiTE Buffer containing 1% SDS.Protein A/G agarose: Sepharose 4B Protein G beads (GE Health Amersham Pharmacia). Glycine: 2.5M Glycine.Sonicator: Fisher Scientific F60 Model5M NaClPart I. Optimization of DNA ShearingOne of the important parameters for ChIP assay is to establish optimal conditions required for shearing cross-linked DNA to 200-1000 base pairs in length. Optimal conditions required for shearing cross-linked DNA to 200-1000 base pairs in length depend on the cell type, cell concentration per lysis buffer and thesonicator equipment, including the power settings and number of pulses.We are using Fisher’s F60 Sonicator and our experience shows DNA is sheared to theappropriate length with 12-second pulses x 4-5 (i.e., keep 1~2min. between pulses; makesure samples are on ice all times)at 80% of maximum power (i.e., Setting = 14). Oncesonication conditions have been optimized, keep cell number consistent for subsequentexperiments. You’re strongly encouraged to optimize the DNA shearing condition using thefollowing two methods. Method #1 is simplistic and should be initially used to obtain thepreliminary settings for further testing described in Method #2. If you have already obtainedsome of the sonication conditions, you can directly proceed with Method #2.Be sure to keep the sample on ice at all times as the sonication generates heat whichwill denature the DNA and proteins. Check the size of sonicated DNA by gelelectrophoresis after reversion of cross-links.Method #1: Direct use of purified genomic DNA.1. Add 1~2ug of purified genomic DNA into the 2-5ml microfuge tubes (the # of tubes willdepend on how many sonication conditions you want to test). Bring up the volume in each tube to 200ul with ddH2O, Keep samples on ice.2. Perform sonication (Fisher’s F60 model) by changing either the power settings (e.g., fullscale = 20; 80% = 16; and 70% = 14) and/or the number of 10 to 15-second pulses(usually between 3 to 5 times). Please keep samples on ice all time; wait for 1-2 min.between pulses to avoid rapid heating up of the samples.3. Transfer the sonicated DNA samples to a fresh set of 1.7ml tubes. Perform ethanolprecipitation using our regular lab protocol.4. Resuspend the DNA samples in 10-20ul of ddH2O. Load onto the1.2% ~ 1.5% agaroseminigel and run it for 40-60min at 60-70 volts. Ideally, the center of the DNA smearshould migrate along the 500bp-position.Method #2: Use of the cross-linked cells.Note: Whenever possible, place samples on ice.1. Plate C3H10 cells in one T-75 flask (in 20ml complete medium) at 70% confluency at37C 5% CO2 incubator. It should reach 80-90% confluency overnight, yielding ~1 x 107 cells.2.Crosslink proteins to DNA by adding 540ul of 37% Formaldehyde directly to the 20mlcells culture medium (at a final concentration of 1% Formaldehyde). Incubate the flask room temperature for 5-10 minutes.3. Add 1.0ml of 2.5M Glycine (final concentration 125 mM) to the medium for 10min, at roomtemperature to quench the formaldehyde.4. Aspirate medium, removing as much medium as possible. Wash cells using 5 ml of icecold PBS containing protease inhibitors (i.e., we are using Roche’s Complete PI cocktail tablets). Note: Add protease inhibitors to PBS just prior to use.5. Add 2ml cold PBS, and scrape cells into a 50-ml conical tube.6. Pellet cells for 3000 rpm, 5 minutes at 4ºC. Remove PBS and add 2.0 ml ChIP LysisBuffer containing protease inhibitors to lyse cells for 30 min on ice.7. Prepare multiple 200µl aliquots for sonication. Note: The 200 ul of ChIP Lysis Buffer is per 2 X 106cells; if more cells are used, the resuspended cell pellet should be divided into 200µl aliquots so that each 200µl aliquot contains ~1 X 106 cells.8. Sonicate lysate to shear DNA to lengths between 200 and 1000bp being sure to keepsamples ice cold (e.g., 80% power ×12sec×4times, between pulses incubate on ice for 1-2min).9. Recover DNA by phenol/chloroform extraction, ethanol precipitation, wash ×2. Runsamples (e.g., 20ul per sample) in 1.5% agarose gel to visualize shearing efficiency.Part II. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation ProtocolNote: Numerous controls can be set up. Most common ones are treated (e.g., AdWnt3A) vs.untreated (e.g., AdGFP), and/or gene-specific antibody (e.g., anti-β-catenin) vs.non-specific antiserum (e.g., a control IgG). Additionally, PCR reactions can be carried out to detect control genomic loci (e.g., GAPDH promoter region). A. In Vivo Crosslinking and LysisPrior to starting this section:•Obtain ice for incubation of PBS (see Step 3) and for incubating culture dish (see Step 6).•Prepare 1X PBS and put on ice. This will be used for washes and needs to be ice cold.•Warm SDS Lysis Buffer to room temperature to ensure SDS is in solution before proceeding with cell lysis.1. Plate C3H10 T1/2 cells in T-75 flasks at 70-80% confluency.2. Infect cells with an optimal titer of AdWnt3A or AdGFP in T-75 flasks containing 20ml ofgrowth media. For C3H10T1/2 cells, there are approximately 1 x 107 cells per T-75flask. This will generate a preparation of chromatin that can be used for up to 5 separate immunoprecipitations per flask.3. At 36 to 45hrs after infection, add 540µl of 37% Formaldehyde to 20ml of growth media(Final concentration is ~1%) to crosslink and gently swirl the flask to mix.4. Incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes.10m l of ice cold 1X PBS to a separate tube for every T-75 flask and remove5. Meanwhile,add one tablet of the Complete PI tablet. Put on ice.6. Add1.0ml of2.5M Glycine (final concentration 125 mM) to each T-75 flask to quenchexcessive Formaldehyde.7. Swirl to mix and incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.8. Aspirate medium as completely as possible, being careful not to disturb the cells.10ml of cold 1X PBS to wash cells.9. Add10. Remove PBS. Add 1.0ml cold PBS containing Protease Inhibitor Cocktail. Scrape cells from each flask into a microfuge tube. Spin at 700xg at 4°C for <5 min. to pellet cells. 11. During spin, prepare ~10ml of ChIP Lysis Buffer containing Complete PI InhibitorsCocktail .12. Resuspend cell pellet in 1.0ml of ChIP Lysis Buffer with PI cocktail. Cell Density isimportant for reliable cell lysis. Adjust accordingly if different cell concentrations aredesired as the ratio of lysis buffer to cell (for every 1x107 C3H10T1/2 cells,1.0ml of Lysis Buffer is recommended for this protocol).13. Aliquot between 200µl per microfuge tube. Lysate can be frozen at -80°C at this step.14. If optimal conditions for sonication have already been determined, proceed to Section B.B. Sonication to Shear DNAPrior to starting this section:Optimal conditions required for shearing cross-linked DNA to 200-1000bps in length need to be determined as described in Part I.1. If desired, remove 5µl of cell lysate from Section A, Step 13 for agarose gel analysis ofunsheared DNA. If lysate from Section A, Step 13 was previously frozen, thaw on ice.2. Sonicate cell lysate on ice using the conditions optimized in Part 1, Method #2. Shearedcross-linked chromatin can be stored at -80°C for up to a few months.3. Spin at 12,000-15,000 x g at 4°C for 10 minutes to remove insoluble material,transfersupernatant into new sterile microtubes in 100µl aliquots. Each 100µl aliquot contains 2 x 106 cell equivalents of lysate which is enough for one immunoprecipitation.C. Immunoprecipitation (IP) of Crosslinked Protein/DNAenough ChIP Lysis Buffer containing protease inhibitors for the number of1. Preparedesired immunoprecipitations and store on ice.• Each IP requires the addition of 900µl of ChIP Lysis Buffer with PIs.• Samples include Wnt3A vs. GFP-treated; anti-β-catenin vs. mouse IgG control. Insome cases, no antibody/IgG controls can also be set up.2. Prepare one microfuge tube containing 100µl of sheared crosslinked chromatin (SectionB, step 3) for the number of desired immunoprecipitations and put on ice. If lysate has been previously frozen, thaw on ice.• Alternatively, if multiple immunoprecipitations will be performed from the same lysate preparation, place the entire volume for the number of desired immunoprecipitations in one large tube that will be able to accommodate a volume of 1.1ml for each IP.• Each 100µl will contain ~2 x 106 cell equivalents of chromatin.400µl of ChIP Lysis Buffer into each tube containing 100µl of cell lysate/chromatin.3. Add4. Add60µl of pre-washed Protein G Agarose for each IP.• The Protein G Agarose is 50% slurry, which should be washed in ChIP Lysis Buffer containing PI cocktails twice. Gently mix by inversion before removing.• This step serves to “preclear” the chromatin, i.e., to remove proteins or DNA that may bind nonspecifically to the Protein G agarose.5. Incubate for 1 hour at 4°C with rotation.6. Pellet agarose by brief centrifugation (3000-5000 x g for 1 minute).• Do not spin Protein G Agarose beads at high speeds. Applying excessive g-force may crush or deform the beads and cause them to pellet inconsistently.10µl (1%) of the supernatant as Input and save at 4°C until Section D, step 1.7. Remove• If different chromatin preparations are being carried together through this protocol,remove 1% of the chromatin as Input from each.supernatant by aliquoting 400-500 µl into fresh microfuge tubes.the8. Collect9. Add the immunoprecipitating antibody to the supernatant fraction:• For anti-β-catenin, add 1.0-10µg of antibody per tube.• For the negative control, Normal Mouse IgG, add 1.0µg of antibody per tube.10. Incubate at 4°C for 2~4 hours with rotation.• It may be possible to reduce the incubation time of the IP. This depends on manyfactors (antibody, gene target, cell type, etc.) and will have to be tested empirically. 11. Add 100µl of Protein G Agarose (pre-washed with ChIP Lysis Buffer) for 1 hour at4°C with rotation.• This serves to collect the antibody/antigen/DNA complex.12. Pellet Protein G Agarose by brief centrifugation (3000-5000 x g for 1 minute) andremove the supernatant fraction.13. Wash the Protein G Agarose-antibody/chromatin complex by resuspending the beads in1.0ml each of the cold buffers containing PI cocktail in the order listed below andincubating for 3-5 minutes on a rotating platform followed by brief centrifugation (3000-5000 x g for 1 minute) and careful removal of the supernatant fraction:a) ChIP Lysis Buffer wash 5min × 2 times, at RTb) High Salt ChIP Lysis Buffer (w/0.5M NaCl) wash 5min × 2 times, at RTc) ChIP Lysis Buffer wash 5min × 1 times, at RTd) hiTE buffer wash 5min × 1 times, at RTD. Elution of Protein/DNA ComplexesPrior to starting this section:• Bring ChIP Elution Buffer to room temperature. A precipitate may be observed but will go into solution once room temperature is achieved.• Set water bath to 65°C for use in Section E.1. MakeChIP Elution Buffer for all IP tubes and all Input tubes (see Section C, step 7).Input tubes (see Section C, step 7), add 200µl of Elution Buffer and set aside at 2. Forroom temperature until Section E.100µl of Elution Buffer to each tube containing the antibody/agarose complex. Mix 3. Addby flicking tube gently.4. Incubate at room temperature for 15 minutes.5. Pellet agarose by brief centrifugation (3000-5000 x g for 1 minute) and collectsupernatant into new microfuge tubes.6. Repeat steps 4-6 and combine eluates (total volume = 200µl).E. Reverse Crosslinks of Protein/DNA Complexes to Free DNA1. To all tubes (IPs and Inputs) add 8µl of 5M NaCl and incubate at 65°C for 4-5 hours (orovernight) to reverse the DNA – Protein crosslinks (Note: This step can also becarried out in PCR heating blocks). After this step the sample can be stored at -20°C and the protocol continued the next day.2. Optional: to all tubes, add 1µl of RNase A and incubate for 30 minutes at 37°C.3. Optional: add 4µl 0.5M EDTA, 8µl 1M Tris-HCl and 1µl Proteinase K and incubate at45°C for 1-2 hours.F. DNA Purification and Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis1. To each uncrosslinked sample (~200µl), add 100µl of 7.5M (NH4)2OAc and 250µl ofPC-8. Perform PC-8 extraction as our regular lab protocol. Repeat PC-8 extraction(s) if necessary.2. To each sample, add 5µl seeDNA co-precipitate to each sample and mix well. Add700µl cold 100% ethanol. Spin samples (in 1.7ml Eppendorf tubes) at top speed for 5 min. Wash pellets with 70% ethanol twice. Air-dry the pellets.3. Dissolve samples in 100µl ddH2O. Samples are ready for being used for real-time PCR/regular PCR analysis or Kept at -20C or -80C.PCR /regular PCR use our regular lab protocols.4. Performreal-time。
嵌入式计算机系统同通用型计算机系统相比具有以下特点:1.嵌入式系统通常是面向特定应用的嵌入式CPU与通用型的最大不同就是嵌入式CPU 大多工作在为特定用户群设计的系统中,它通常都具有低功耗、体积小、集成度高等特点,能够把通用CPU中许多由板卡完成的任务集成在芯片内部,从而有利于嵌入式系统设计趋于小型化,移动能力大大增强,跟网络的耦合也越来越紧密。
ChIP-Seq ProtocolI.Sonication via Diagenode sonicator•Ensure Diagenode Chiller is filled with dH20. Turn sonicator on and set chiller to 4C.•Resuspend 1 protease inhibitor cocktail (PIC) tablet in 1ml of ultrapure water to obtain a 50X concentrate. PIC is stable for 1 day but can be used up to 1 week if sample is spiked withphenylmethane sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF).A.Nuclei preparation1.Thaw cross-linked cells on ice for ~10min.2.Add nuclei lysis buffer (NLB) to cells to achieve a concentration of ~20 X 106 cells per 0.4 ml ofbuffer, taking into consideration the initial volume of the cell pellet.3.Add 50X PIC to a final concentration of 1X (and if needed 200X PMSF). Add 1M sodiumbutyrate to a final concentration of 10mM.4.Resuspend and break up any cell clumps by gently pipeting. Incubate for 10min on ice.5.Aliquot 0.4ml of sample into one 15ml Falcon polypropylene tubes.B.Chromatin Shearing1.Clean Diagenode “tip probes” well with 70% ethanol and dH20 before and after each use.2.Screw the probes into the 15ml tube containing the sample to sonicate. Ensure probes are centeredwithin tubes and incubate on ice for ~3min.3.Set metal “O” rings in place on sonicator machine and set samples in position.4.Sonicate twice for 15min, using settings below. Ensure caps have not come loose after eachshearing interval.On = 0.5 minOff = 0.5 minSetting = “H”5.Sonicated sample should appear transparent in color. Samples can be further sonicated anadditional 5-15 min if needed.6.Aliquot samples into a 1.7ml tube. Centrifuge at max speed for 10min at 4C. Transfersupernatant to a labeled conical tube, taking care not to disturb the pellet.7.Per 0.1ml of sonicated sample in NLB, add the following buffers per ratio below:•0.9ml ChIP Dilution Buffer (CDB)•0.5ml RIPA-150•28ul 50X PIC•7ul of 200X PMSF (if needed)•14ul of 1M sodium butyrate8.Reserve 100ul of sample for QC purposes and store the rest at -80C. After chromatin shearingefficiency is checked, samples can be stored as 1.4ml aliquots at -80C.9.If needed, reserve a 200ul aliquot for input control library use.•Add the following to input control and incubate for 4hrs at 65C: 275ul of 1xTE buffer, 30ul 5M NaCl, 25ul of 20% SDS and 1ul of RNAseA.•Allow samples to cool slightly and add 5ul of Proteinse K. Incubate O/N at 55C.•Clean using phenol/chloroform extraction and phase-lock tubes (see below for procedure).•EtOH precipitate and resuspend in 100ul of Qiagen EB. Quantify using Qubit HS kit.C.Chromatin Shearing Efficiency Analysis (QC)1.Add 400ul of PK Digestion Buffer and 5ul of Proteinase K to 100ul of sheared chromatin.Incubate for at least 2hours to O/N at 55C.2.Clean samples via phenol/chloroform extraction using phase lock tubes.•Spin a 2ml phase lock tube at RT for 30sec at 14000g to pellet gel.•In the fume hood, aliquot sample into phase lock tube and add an equal volume ofphenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol. Mix well.•Spin at RT for 5min at 14000g.•Aliquot sample into a new 1.7ml tube and prepare for ethanol precipitation.3.Ethanol precipitation.•Add 2X volume of 100% ethanol, 0.1X volume of 3M sodium acetate, and 1ul of glycogen to sample. Incubate at -80C for at least 30min.•Remove sample from freezer and briefly thaw.•Pellet sample by spinning at max speed for 10min at 4C. Remove supernatant carefully.•Wash pellet with 1ml of cold 70% ethanol. Spin at max speed for 5 min at 4C.•Carefully remove supernatant and repeat wash step.•Carefully remove supernatant and allow pellet to dry.•Resuspend pellet in 50ul of elution buffer.4.Quantify sample using nanodrop. Calculate stock sheared chromatin concentration.5.Check fragment size by running 1ug of sample on a 1.2% agarose gel at 100V for 45min (ideallybetween 100-500bp).II.Chromatin Immunoprecipitation using 100ug of sheared chromatin equivalentCTCF & Histone mods using Invitrogen M-280 sheep anti-rabbit Dynabeads (Invitrogen #112-04D) Day 1 (work on ice and use filtered tips)1.Mix Dynabeads well. Per chart below, aliquot appropriate vol of beads to PGC low-bind tubes.2.Add 1ml of cold 1X PBS to beads and gently vortex to mix.3.Place tube in magnetic stand. Invert several times to mix. Allow beads to clump for ~1min.4.Pipet off 1X PBS. Repeat wash step two more times.5.Add specific Ab adjusted to 500ul with RIPA-150 to rinsed Dynabeads.NOTE: For CTCF, more than 1 IP may be required to generate ChIP DNA for lib construction.6.Pre-bind Ab for 6 hours at 4C on rocker.7.Record catalogue and lot numbers of Ab for future reference.8.Place Ab-bound Dynabeads in magnetic stand. Invert several times. Allow beads to clump anddiscard supernatant. Keep beads on ice.9.If sonicated chromatin is >3 months old, pellet any precipitate by spinning sample at max speedfor 5min at 4C.10.Add 100ug of chromatin to Ab-bound Dynabeads. Gently mix and place on rocker O/N at 4C.Day 21.Place tube in magnetic stand. Invert several times. Allow beads to clump. Discard supernatant.2.Perform the following wash steps with 0.8ml of COLD buffer. Flick tubes to resuspend beads.Incubate each wash for 5min on rocker at 4C. Place tube in magnetic stand. Invert several times.Allow beads to clump and discard supernatant.• 1 times with RIPA-150• 2 times with RIPA-500• 2 times with RIPA-LiCl. Aspirate suds after second wash.• 2 times with 1xTE Buffer, pH8.0. Don’t need to incubate on rocker at this step. Aspirate suds after final wash.3.Resuspend beads in 200ul freshly made Direct Elution Buffer.4.Add 1ul of RNase A and incubate for 4hrs at 65C to reverse crosslink (briefly vortex sample every½ hour for the first few hours).5.Quick spin sample. Place in magnetic stand. Allow beads to clump and transfer supernatant to anew low-bind tube.6.Add 3ul of Proteinase K and incubate O/N at 55C.Day 31.Purify the reverse-crosslinked sample using phase lock tubes and EtOH precipitation.2.Resuspend sample in 25ul of Qiagen elution buffer.3.Quantify using Qubit HS kit and proceed to library construction.Material1. 1.7ml siliconized PP tubes: PGC Scientific #16-8110-092.2ml Heavy Phase Lock Tubes: Fisher #FP23028303.Diagenode Sonicator4.Glycogen: Roche #109013930015.Magnetic separation stand: Invitrogen # 123-21D6.Nanodrop7.Phenylmethane sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF): Sigma #934828.Protease inhibitor cocktail-EDTA-Free (PIC): Roche #118735800019.Proteinse K: Fisher #EO049110.RNase A: Fisher #NC949995911.Qubit HS kit: Invitrogen #Q32854Buffers and Solutions : Filter solutions1.1M Sodium Butyrate (100X): Filter using 0.2-0.45 micron filter : Store at 4C•Sodium butyrate 5.5g Sigma # B5887•ddH20 50mlCaution: Sodium butyrate is irritating to the lungs2.10% Sodium Deoxycholate: Filter using 0.2-0.45 micron filter : Store at RT•Sodium deoxycholate 2g•ddH20 20mlCaution: Sodium deoxycholate is irritating to the lungs3.Nuclei Lysis Buffer (NLB): (50mM Tris-HCl pH8, 10mM EDTA pH8, 1% SDS) : Store at RT• 1.0M Tris-HCl pH8 2.5 ml•0.5M EDTA pH8 1 ml•20% SDS 2.5 ml•ddH20 44 ml•Total Vol 50 ml4.ChIP Dilution Buffer (CDB): (50mM Tris-HCl pH8, 0.167M NaCl, 1.1% Triton X-100, 0.11% sodiumdeoxycholate) : Store at 4C• 1.0M Tris-HCl pH8 2.5 ml•5M NaCl pH8 1.67 ml•10% Triton X-100 5.5 ml Sigma #T9284•10% sodium deoxycholate 0.55 ml Sigma # D6750•ddH20 39.78 ml•Total Vol 50 ml5.PK digestion Buffer (10mM Tris-HCl pH8, 1mM EDTA pH8, 0.5% SDS) : Store at RT• 1.0M Tris-HCl pH8 0.5 ml•0.5M EDTA pH8 0.1 ml•20% SDS 1.25 ml•ddH20 48.15 ml•Total Vol 50 ml6.RIPA-150 (50mM Tris-HCl pH8, 0.15M NaCl, 1mM EDTA pH8, 0.1% SDS, 1% Triton X-100, 0.1% sodiumdeoxycholate) : Store at 4C• 1.0M Tris-HCl pH8 2.5 ml•5M NaCl pH8 1.5 ml•0.5M EDTA pH8 0.1 ml•20% SDS 0.25 ml•10% Triton X-100 5 ml•10% sodium deoxycholate 0.5 ml•ddH20 40.15 ml•Total Vol 50 ml7.RIPA-500 (50mM Tris-HCl pH8, 0.5M NaCl, 1mM EDTA pH8, 0.1% SDS, 1% Triton X-100, 0.1% sodiumdeoxycholate) : Store at 4C• 1.0M Tris-HCl pH8 2.5 ml•5M NaCl pH8 5 ml•0.5M EDTA pH8 0.1 ml•20% SDS 0.25 ml•10% Triton X-100 5 ml•10% sodium deoxycholate 0.5 ml•ddH20 36.65 ml•Total Vol 50 ml8.RIPA-LiCL (50mM Tris-HCl pH8, 1mM EDTA pH8, 1% Nonidet P-40, 0.7% sodium deoxycholate, 0.5MLiCl2) : Store at 4C• 1.0M Tris-HCl pH8 2.5 ml•0.5M EDTA pH8 0.1 ml•10% Nonidet P-40 5 ml Roche #11332473001•10% sodium deoxycholate 3.5 ml•7.5M LiCl2 3.3ml VWR #101175-850•ddH20 35.6 ml•Total Vol 50 ml9. 1 X TE Buffer pH8.0 (10mM Tris-HCl pH8, 1mM EDTA pH8) : Store at 4C• 1.0M Tris-HCl pH8 0.5 ml•0.5M EDTA pH8 0.1 ml•ddH20 49.4 ml•Total Vol 50 ml10.Direct Elution Buffer (10mM Tris-HCl pH8, 0.3M NaCl, 5mM EDTA pH8, 0.5%SDS) : Make fresh each use• 1.0M Tris-HCl pH8 0.1 ml•5M NaCl 0.6 ml•0.5M EDTA pH8 0.1 ml•20% SDS 0.25 ml•ddH20 8.95 ml•Total Vol 10 ml。
结果新健胃包芯片制剂中最佳提取条件为75℃甲醇回流提取1.5 h,8%盐酸酸化后,再提取2.0 h,有效成分的提取率最高,总蒽醌类成分最稳定。
[Abstract] Objective To optimize the extraction factors of Rhubarb total anthraquinones ingredients in Xin Jianwei chip tablet,and to improve the quality standards to strengthen the quality control of products. Methods The extractive method was conducted a single-factor investigation,and the extraction temperature and time,and hydrolysis time were optimizated.The content of Rhubarb total anthraquinones ingredients in preparation used as an indicator of quality control was determined by HPLC method. Results The optimal extractive conditions of preparation were determined as follows:reflux extraction of methanol at 75℃for 1.5 h,then,8% hydrochloric acid for acidification,and continued to extract for 2.0 h,at this time,the extraction rate of active components was the highest,and total anthraquinones ingredients were most stable. Conclusion This method is stable and feasible,and it can be used as quality control method of the preparation.[Key words] Xin Jianwei chip tablet;Rhubarb total anthraquinones;Extractive factors新健胃包芯片由陈皮、大黄、黄芩、苍术等中药组成,是在新健胃片剂型的基础上进行工艺改进的新药品种,具有清热燥湿、制酸和胃之功效[1],方中大黄具有清热解毒之功效,是方中主药。
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ChIP_原理及实验方法ChIP(Chromatin Immunoprecipitation)是一种常用的分子生物学实验技术,用于研究蛋白质与染色质之间的相互作用。
4. 切割染色质:使用限制性内切酶或超声波等方法将染色质切割成适当的片段。
labchip 检测原理
labchip 检测原理Labchip检测原理Labchip是一种基于微流控芯片技术的高通量生物分析平台,可以实现快速、准确、自动化的生物样品分析。
触摸板芯片触摸板芯片(Touchpad Chip)是一种用于接收和处理触摸输入的集成电路。
为了实现这一功能,触摸板芯片通常包含以下几个主要组件:1. 传感器阵列(Sensor Array):触摸板芯片上安装了一个由许多传感器组成的阵列。
2. 控制逻辑(Control Logic):控制逻辑负责接收传感器阵列传输过来的信号,并对其进行处理。
3. 数字转换器(Analog-to-Digital Converter,ADC):ADC负责将从传感器阵列接收到的模拟信号转换为数字信号。
4. 总线接口(Bus Interface):总线接口允许触摸板芯片与处理器之间进行通信。
触摸板芯片的工作原理可以简单概括为以下几个步骤:1. 当用户触摸触摸板时,传感器阵列会感知到用户手指的位置和压力,并将这些信号传输给控制逻辑。
2. 控制逻辑会分析传感器阵列传输过来的信号,并确定用户的手势操作。
3. 控制逻辑会将经过处理的触摸输入数据转化为计算机可理解的指令,并通过总线接口将这些指令传输给处理器。
4. 处理器根据接收到的指令执行相应的操作。
贴壁细胞chip实验原理及步骤-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以是关于贴壁细胞chip的基本介绍和背景信息。
此外,贴壁细胞chip 还可以应用于细胞力学研究,如细胞的拉伸、压缩和应变等。
1.2 文章结构文章结构是指文章整体的组织方式和框架。
根据芯片类型和规格,调整分析参数以提 高准确性。
将ChipAnalyzer与其他EDA工具结合使 用,实现更全面的芯片分析功能。
ChipAnalyzer具有高效的计算能力和数据处理能力,能够快速完成大规模的基因 组数据分析。
ChipAnalyzer可以读取多种芯片设计文件格式,如EDA、 IP-XACT等,方便用户导入芯片设计数据。
ChipAnalyzer提供了多种分析功能,如逻辑分析、功耗分 析、可靠性分析等,可以帮助工程师深入了解芯片的工作 原理和性能。
该软件提供了友好的用户界面和详细的教程,使得用户可以轻松上手并快速掌握 数据分析技能。
• 可扩展性:ChipAnalyzer具有良好的可扩展性,可以根据 用户需求进行定制和扩展,满足不同领域和场景的需求。
该软件依赖于特定的硬件和软件环境,需要在特定的操作系统上 运行,可能限制了其应用范围。
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input是ChIP实验中的一种阳性对照,样品经过超声破碎后取出一部分作为input,input 不进行ChIP实验,因而包含样本超声后释放的所有DNA、蛋白质。
最后, ChIP测序数据分析时更离不开input,input是寻找结合峰(也就是Peak Calling)的定盘星。
在ChIP测序分析中,我们将input和IP的reads平均覆盖深度做归一化处理,采取input的reads作为背景,使用MACS软件对比input和IP的reads的归一化平均覆盖深度(normalized average depth),进行Peak Calling。
有input,才有Peak Calling举个栗子,上面这张图是在组蛋白H3K4me3的ChIP测序项目KC2018-CXXX中的一个结果图,它展示了基因转录起始位点至终止位点(TSS-TES)及上下游3kb范围内的input和IP的reads的分布,横坐标为基因位置,纵坐标为reads的覆盖深度(归一化)。
它可以反映组蛋白H3K4me3修饰分布情况:在该范围内input 由于没有富集,其reads分布较为平均,而IP的reads覆盖深度则有明显的变化:在TSS附近显著增加,然后在TSS-TES内逐渐降低,在TES处达到最低。