

Schmalz SNG-AP needle grippers产品说明说明书

Schmalz SNG-AP needle grippers产品说明说明书

Needle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-APNeedle stroke max. 3 mm to max. 20 mm (variable)Needle grippers SNG-AP•Needle gripper for handling non-rigid and highly porous materials(primarily textiles)•Handling materials that are difficult to grip using vacuum such as composite textiles, fleece, filter materials, insulation and foam materials etc.•Flexible handling of materials with changing stacking height due to free selectable stroke adjustmentSystem design needle grippers SNG-AP•Driven by double-acting pneumatic cylinders •High-strength housing with lightweight design (1)•Three sizes with needle strokes of max. 3 mm, 10 mm or 20 mm •Adjustment wheel (2) with scale for continuous, simultaneous stroke adjustment•Ten needles (3) with diameters of 0.8 mm or 1.2 mm (depending on the model)•Insertion angle of 30° or 45° (depending on the model)•Optional sensors for monitoring the needle end positions•Can also be mounted with the Schmalz holder system HTSNeedle grippers SNG-AP being used for handling composite textiles•Intersecting needles and small gripping area>Safe handling, even of small and very unstable workpieces •Low weight and double-acting pneumatic cylinders >High acceleration for minimized cycle times •Tool-free simultaneousneedle stroke adjustment up to a maximum of 20 mm >Individual adaptation to different workpiece geometries; fast start of operations and set-up time •One central pneumatic drive>Synchronous extension and retraction of the needles; reduces the need for couplings and hoses •Blow off function for fast and reliable load release >High level of process reliability and exactpositioning; short cycle times •Quick and tool-free cleaning of the needles and replacing the needle modules>Low maintenanceNeedle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-APNeedle stroke max. 3 mm to max. 20 mm (variable)Needle gripper SNG-AP is delivered assembled. The product consists of:•Gripper of type SNG-AP – available with various needle diameters and strokesAvailable spare parts: needle modules, maintenance coverAvailable accessories: mounting plate, holder system, add-on kit sensor**Set of sensor and mounting element***Note: suitable screw in push fittings can be found under "Screw in push fittings" in section "Filters and Connections"**Set of two coveragesy o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mNeedle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-APNeedle stroke max. 3 mm to max. 20 mm (variable)SNG-APNeedle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-APNeedle stroke max. 3 mm to max. 20 mm (variable)HTS-A2 AP SNGHTS-A3 AP SNGBEF-PLy o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mNeedle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-VNeedle stroke 0 mm to 7 mm (variable)Needle grippers SNG-V•Needle gripper for handling non-rigid and highly porous materials(primarily textiles)•Handling materials that are difficult to grip using vacuum such as composite textiles, fleece, filter materials, insulation and foam materials etc.System design needle gripper SNG-V•Robust aluminum housing (1)•Drive via double-acting pneumatic cylinders (2)•10 needles with diameter 1.2 mm (3)•Insertion angle 30°•Continuously variable stroke adjustment (4)•Optional mounting with holder system HTSNeedle grippers SNG-V being used for handling composite textiles•Intersecting needles >High holding force, even for flexible, non-rigid workpieces •Minimized active contact surface>Handling of small workpieces possible•Double-acting pneumatic cylinders>Very short cycle times •Variable needle stroke>Individual adjustment for different workpiecethicknesses, sizes and shapes •One pneumatic connection point for both pneumatic cylinders>Saves pneumatic tubes and connectors; ensuressynchronous movement of needlesNeedle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-VNeedle stroke 0 mm to 7 mm (variable)Needle gripper SNG-V is delivered assembled.Available spare parts: needle module Available accessories: mounting plate**Including mounting screwsy o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mNeedle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-VNeedle stroke 0 mm to 7 mm (variable)SNG-V 10 1.2 VBEF-PL SNGNeedle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-MNeedle Stroke 3 mmNeedle grippers SNG-M•Needle gripper for handling of flexible, non-rigid components •Handling of materials which are difficult to grip with vacuum, such as composite textiles, fleece, filters, woven fibreglass or carbon-fibre, woven aramide, foam materials, etc.System design needle grippers SNG-M•Robust aluminum housing •Four needles (2)•Activated by compressed air, needles retracted by springs on the right (1) or optional above (3)•Insertion angle 30°•The needle gripper can be optionally connected using a mounting plateNeedle grippers SNG-M being used for handling structured foam materials•Very small size>Optimal for installation in restricted spaces •Needles retracted by springs >Only one control signal •Synchronised extension of the needles>Safe handling of the work-pieces•Optionally available with adapter flange plate>Perfect adaptation to other mounting componentsy o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mNeedle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-MNeedle Stroke 3 mmNeedle gripper SNG-M is delivered assembled. The assembly consists of:•Gripper of type SNG-MAvailable spare parts: needle piston Available accessories: mounting plate**Note: suitable screw in push fittings can be found under "Screw in push fittings" in section "Filters and Connections"Needle GrippersNeedle Grippers SNG-MNeedle Stroke 3 mmSNG-M 4 0.8BEF-PL SNGy o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。



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使用高品质的吸汗网布内衬,吸汗性强,避免闷脚,臭脚现象SP2010512安全鞋符合欧洲防滑标准最高等级SRC-双密度双色一次性注塑PU 大底,低密度PU 舒适层(灰色层)* 减少因运动产生的震动感* 降低因长期站立或运动的劳累感,高密度PU 触地层(黑色层)* 有效防止磨损* 全新的设计以及科学的密度保证安全鞋在各种地面上的优越防滑性能产品标准:1、防刺穿标准号:GB21148-2007每只鞋做四点测试,穿透鞋底所需的力不应小于1100 牛2、防静电标准号:GB21148-2007在干燥和潮湿环境中调节后,电阻值应在100K 欧和1000M3、欧洲电绝缘标准号:LD12011-2009工频试验电压6KV ,持续时间1分钟,泄露电流小于等于1.8 毫安4、欧洲防滑标准标准号:EN ISO 20334:2004/ A1:2007摩擦系数测试环境前脚掌后跟肥皂水在瓷砖上≥0.28≥0.32SRA 甘油在铁板上≥0.13≥0.18SRB 标准产品标准III* 两种测试环境均通过,则为防滑最高标准SRC 。

5、耐油性标准号:GB21148-2007按照GB/T20991—2007中8.6.1方法检测时,体积增大不超过12%如果按照GB/T20991—2007中8.6.1方法检测后,试样体积收缩超过0.5%,或者硬度增加超过10个邵尔A 单位,则按照GB/T20991—2007中8.6.2方法进一步取样和测试,连续屈挠150 000次,切口增长不超过6 mm 。

Honeywell SCBA (自主式氧气保障装置) 3L 200bar 紧急氧气设备说明书

Honeywell SCBA (自主式氧气保障装置) 3L 200bar 紧急氧气设备说明书

France PartenairesOù acheterIndustries chimiques Pétro-chimieNuméro de référence1815732Type de produitProtection respiratoireGammeSCBA (Appareil de protection respiratoire autonome)LigneSystèmes de filtration à air compriméMarqueHoneywellMarque anciennement connue sous le nom deSPERIANIndustriePrésentation généraleCaractéristiqueSifflet d’alarme puissant de fin d’autonomie en matière composite, positionné près de l’oreilles et qui ne consomme pas d’air (air réinjecté dans la cagoule).AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueCoussin gonflable.Caractéristiques & AvantagesBio-S-Cape avec bouteilled’air 3L / 200 bar , Acier, 15minutesCODE ARTICLE: 1815732Le Bio-S-Cape est un appareil respiratoire d’évacuationd’urgence à air comprimé conçu pour offrir une grandefacilité de mise en place, combinée à uneprotection respiratoire optimale. Il est contenu dans unsac de transport dont l’ouverture déclencheautomatiquement l’apport en air respirable contenu dansla bouteille. Une légère surpression dans la cagouleévite tout risque d’inhalation de gaz toxiques. Le réglagede la cagoule est automatique grâce au coussin d’airgonflable intégré au niveau de la nuque. Ce systèmepermet une bonne stabilisation de la cagoule sur la tête,offre un meilleur confort respiratoire et laisse les mainslibres pendant l’installation, garantissant un niveau desécurité maximal. Un sifflet d’alarme situé prêt de l’oreilleindique lorsque la réserve d’air est sur le point d’êtreterminée.Sécurité accrueCaractéristiqueLe flexible de la cagoule est à l’arrière sur le côté de la cagoule.AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueFlexible anti-pincement.AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueRevêtement intérieur noir de la cagouleAvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueSystème anti-déchirure sur le joint de cou.AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueSystème d’évacuation des liquides dans le sac.AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueEtiquette d’identification accessible par l’intérieur du sacAvantageSimplicité d'utilisationCaractéristiquePositionnement de l’étiquette dans l’axe du sacAvantageSimplicité d'utilisationCaractéristiqueSurpression maintenue dans la cagouleAvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueDétendeur déclenché automatiquement dès l’ouverture du sacAvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueUne cagoule avec une large visibilité qui s’adapte à tous les types de visage et d’environnements AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueUn grand choix de bouteillesAvantageConfort accruCaractéristiqueMaintenance simplifiéeAvantageSimplicité d'utilisationEBAEN 1146:2005, ISO 23269-1:2008, SOLAS, MED, IMO, MSCCagoulePVC résistant (couleur orange), ouverture rapide, bandes réfléchissantes, plombage de sécurité, grande fenêtre, Système d’évacuation des liquidesMatériau de la cagoulePolyurethaneHarnais de sac à dosPVC résistant (couleur orange), ouverture rapide, bandes réfléchissantes, plombage de sécurité, grande fenêtre, Système d’évacuation des liquidesMatériau du harnais de sac à dosPVC (orange)PneumatiqueBio-S-Cape avec bouteille d’air 3L / 200 bar , Acier, 15 minutesDétendeur Niveau 1Déclenchement automatique à l’ouverture du sac; incluant un raccord de chargement intégré ENTempérature d'utilisation nominale-15°C/+60°CMallette de transport en optionCoffret mural pour stockage Bio-S-CapeEPI catégorie EU3Assurance qualitéISO 9001 / 2000Certification EUEU AttestationCertificationsEN 1146:2005REACHConformité au règlement CE 1907/2006 (REACH)The substance(s) listed below may be contained in this product above the threshold level of 0.1% byweight of the listed article.Références des produits vendus en Europe Substance > 0,1 %Nom de la substance Numéro CASNo Substance ContentAdditional Certification LinkMED certificateManuel d'utilisationBIO-S-CAPE user manual© Honeywell International Inc.。

































PRODUCT DATA65-0237-1CP-UM-5109E® U.S. Registered TrademarkCopyright © 2000 Honeywell Inc. • All Rights ReservedC6097A,BPressure SwitchesAPPLICATIONThe C6097 Pressure Switches are safety devices used in positive-pressure or differential-pressure systems to sense gas or air pressure changes.FEATURES•For use with natural gas, liquid propane (LP) gas, or air.•Diaphragm-actuated safety-limit switch.•Switch can be wired to turn on alarm.•C6097A models break control circuit at setpoint on pressure fall.•C6097B models break control circuit at setpoint on pressure rise.•Lockout with manual reset and recycle options.•Lockout models have external manual reset button.•Removable transparent cover protects scaleplate and adjusting knob.•Pipe tappings allow selection of positive pressure, differential pressure (air only) or venting connections (NPT mount only).•1/4 in. NPT or flange mount models for direct mounting to Honeywell Integrated Valve Train.•Optional switch position indicator lamp available.•IP54 enclosure standard.•Ranges: 0.4 to 5 in. wc, 3 to 21 in. wc, 12 to 60 in. wc or 1.5 to 7 psi.•Surge orifice.ContentsApplication ........................................................................1Features ...........................................................................1Specifications ...................................................................2Ordering Information ........................................................2Installation ........................................................................4Wiring ...............................................................................5Settings and Adjustments .................................................5Operation and Checkout ..................................................6C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—12ORDERING INFORMATIONWhen purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINE® wholesaler or distributor, refer to theTRADELINE® Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number.If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or phone:1.Your local Home and Building Control Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory).2.Home and Building Control Customer Logistics Honeywell Inc., 1885 Douglas Drive NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386 (612) 951-1000In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitée, 155 Gordon Baker Road, North York, Ontario M2H 3N7.International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A.SPECIFICATIONSModels:C6097A Pressure Switch: Breaks a circuit when pressure falls to scale setting. See Table 1.C6097B Pressure Switch: Breaks a circuit when pressure rises to scale setting. See Table 1.Table 2 shows switch ratings and Table 3 shows alternate electrical ratings when used with Honeywell Flame Safeguard Programmers.Minimum Ambient Temperature: -40°F (-40°C).Maximum Ambient Temperature: 140°F (60°C).Connections (Depending on Model):1/4-18 NPT tapping for main or high-pressure connection.1/8-27 NPT tapping for vent or low-pressure connection (air only).Flange mount for connection to Honeywell Integrated Valve Train (internal vent only, no external connections).Scale Range:0.4 to 5 in. wc (0.10 kPa to 1.25 kPa).3 to 21 in. wc (0.75 to 5.23 kPa).12 to 60 in. wc (3.0 kPa to 15 kPa).1.5 to 7 psi (10.3 kPa to 48 kPa).Approvals:Underwriters Laboratories Inc. listed.Canadian Standards Association listed.Factory Mutual: Approved.Industrial Risk Insurers: Acceptable.CSD-1 AFB: Acceptable.Accessories:32003041-001 C6097 Cover for manual reset models.32003040-001 C6097 Cover for recycle models.32003039-001 Position Indication Lamp Kit.Dimensions: See Fig. 1 and 2.Fig. 1. C6097 1/4 in. NPT Mount dimensions in in. (mm).C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES365-0237—1a Acceptable media: Natural gas, liquid propane (LP) gas, and air .Table 1. Pressure Switch Model Selection.Model Operating Pressure Range Manual Reset DifferentialNon-Manual ResetDifferentialDifferential Type Maximum Rated Pressure(continuous) (psi)Manual Reset Media a Switch Action at Setpoint Comments Maximumat Minimum Setpoint Maximumat MaximumSetpoint Nominal Maximum C6097A10040.4 to 5 in. wc——0.16 in. wc 0.24 in. wc Additive2.9 No Air/Gas Breaks N.O. to C.connection on pressure fall.1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1012 3 to 21 in. wc2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1020 3 to 21 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A103812 to 60 in. wc 10 in. wc 12 in. wc —— 4.8Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A104612 to 60 in. wc10 in. wc12 in. wc—— 4.8Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1053 3 to 21 in. wc—0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc 4.3No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1061 3 to 21 in. wc ——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A107912 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A108712 to 60 in. wc—— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A10950.4 to 5 in. wc 0.6 in. wc 1.0 in. wc —— 2.9Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1103 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——9.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1111 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——9.3Yes Air/Gas 14 in. NPT Mount C6097A1129 1.5 to 7 psi ——0.1 psi 0.39.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1137 1.5 to 7 psi——0.1 psi 0.39.3No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A12100.4 to 5 in. wc——0.16 in. wc 0.24 in. wc 2.9No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A12280.4 to 5 in. wc ———— 2.9Yes Air/Gas Flange MountC6097B100212 to 60 in. wc 10 in. wc 12 in. wc ——Subtractive4.8Yes Air/Gas Breaks N.C. to C. connectionon pressure rise.1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B101012 to 60 in. wc10 in. wc12 in. wc —— 4.8Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1028 3 to 21 in. wc2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT MountC6097B1036 3 to 21 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1044 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——21.0Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1051 1.5 to 7 psi1.1 psi1.4 psi ——21.0Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B1069 3 to 21 in. wc ——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B107712 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B108512 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B1093 1.5 to 7 psi ——0.1 psi 0.3 psi 21.0No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1101 1.5 to 7 psi——0.1 psi 0.3 psi 21.0No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B11193 to 21 in. wc——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3NoAir/Gas1/4 in. NPT MountC6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—14Table 2. Switch Ratings (Amperes)Table 3. Alternate Electrical Ratings when used withHoneywell Flame Safeguard Programmers.Fig. 2. C6097 Flange Mount dimensions in in. (mm).INSTALLATIONWARNINGExplosion or Fire Hazard.Can cause severe personal injury, death or property damage.Observe all safety requirements each time a control is installed on a burner.When Installing this Product...1.Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them can damage the product or cause a hazardous condition.2.Check the ratings given in the instructions and on the product to make sure that the product is suitable for your application.3.Installer must be a trained, experienced service technician.4.After installation is completed, check out product operation as provided in these instructions.WARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard.Can cause serious personal injury or death.Disconnect power supply before beginning installation. More than one disconnection can be involved.MountingNOTE:On flange models, remove the label holding theO-ring in place and make sure O-ring seal is in place before mounting the pressure switch on the valve.The C6097 models allow NPT or flange (directly to valve) mounting. The NPT models have a hexagonal fitting with a 1/4 in. NPT tapping, which is the high pressure connection, in differential applications. The bleed fitting is 1/8 in. NPTtapped. In differential pressure control applications using air only, connect the lower pressure to the bleed fitting. See Fig. 1 and Table 1. In applications using combustible gases, vent the bleed tapping according to applicable standard code or jurisdictional authority.C6097 models with flange mount can be fitted directly toHoneywell Integrated Valve Train (model specific). See Fig. 2 and Table 1. The flange mount models vent internally, with no external tap.Mount the C6097A,B in any position.Leak CheckAfter installation, perform a leak check on the pressure switch:1.Turn on main gas. Make sure gas has reached thepressure switch (e.g., high gas pressure switch)2.Check installation for gas leaks using a gas leak detector or a soap solution.120/240 Vac, 50/60 HzInductive Full Load 3.0Locked Rotor18.0Resistive5.0DeviceRatingIgnition Transformer 540 VA Pilot Valve 50 VAMain Valve400 VA with 2-1/2 times inrush.C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES565-0237—1WIRINGWARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard.Can cause serious personal injury or death.Disconnect power supply before beginning installation. More than one disconnection can be involved.Make sure that all wiring agrees with all applicable localcodes, ordinances and regulations. An opening is provided to accommodate rigid conduit or armored cable for line voltage operation (see Fig. 3 and 4). Do not overload the switch contacts (see Switch Ratings in the Specifications section). The switching schematic is shown in Fig. 5.Fig. 3. C6097 (manual reset switch model)with cover removed.Fig. 4. C6097 (recycle model) with cover removed.SETTINGS AND ADJUSTMENTSPressure Setpoint Adjustmentdial (Fig. 3, 4 and 5) clockwiseto decrease the pressure setting.Fig. 5. C6097 schematic.C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—16OPERATION AND CHECKOUTOperationThe manual reset C6097A diaphragm actuates the snap-acting switch to break a control circuit and lock out when pressure falls to the scale setting. The recycle C6097Amodels recycle automatically when the control circuit returns to scale setting plus differential.The manual reset C6097B diaphragm actuates the snap-acting switch that breaks a control circuit and locks out when the pressure rises to the scale setting. The recycle C6097B models recycle automatically when the control pressure falls to the scale setting minus differential.Manual ResettingThe C6097A manual reset models lock out when pressure falls to the scale setting and require manual resetting after the pressure rises to scale setting plus differential to resume normal operation.The C6097B manual reset models lock out when pressure rises to the scale setting and require manual resetting after the pressure falls to scale setting minus the differential to resume normal operation.To reset, once normal operating pressure is restored, push the reset button in as far as it goes, then release.IMPORTANTLockout models cannot be made to recycleautomatically by permanently holding in the reset lever.CheckoutC6097 Gas Fuel Application1.Set cutoff pressure.2.Open main supply line. Depress reset lever on lockout models until switch makes control circuit.3.Set controller and limit switch to call for heat.4.For C6097A: Close the manual gas shutoff valve. C6097 should open control circuit when pressure reaches cutoff point.For C6097B: Open the manual gas shutoff valve, wait a few minutes for the pressure to rise; then lower the scale setting until the switch breaks control circuit and locks out.5.For C6097A: Open the shutoff valve, return thepressure switch to its original setting and press the reset button (if necessary).For C6097B: raise setting to normal and press reset button (if necessary).6.Allow system to operate through at least one complete cycle to make sure all components are functioning properly.C6097A Air Application1.Set cutoff pressure.2.Turn on fan.3.Block fan inlet or filter area. Switch should break control circuit when pressure drops to cutoff point. Manual reset models lock out.4.Remove obstruction. Press reset lever (manual reset models) and allow system to operate through at least one complete cycle to be sure all components are functioning properly.765-0237—165-0237—1 G.R. Rev. 4-00Home and Building Control Home and Building ControlHoneywell Asia Pacific Inc.Honeywell Inc.Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée Room 3213-3225Honeywell Plaza 155 Gordon Baker Road Sun Hung Kai Centre P.O. Box 524North York, Ontario No. 30 Harbour Road Minneapolis, MN 55408-0524M2H 3N7Wanchai Hong KongHoneywell Latin American Region Honeywell Europe S.A.480 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway 3 Avenue du Bourget Suite 2001140 Brussels Sunrise FL 33325Belgium。

霍尼韦尔 S10010 S20010 A使用说明书

霍尼韦尔 S10010 S20010 A使用说明书

® U.S. Registered TrademarkEN0B-0463GE51 R0418Copyright © 2018 Honeywell Inc. • All rights reservedS10010 / S20010SPRING RETURN DIRECT-COUPLED DAMPER ACTUATORS10/20 Nm (88/177 lb-in) FOR MODULATING AND FLOATING CONTROLPRODUCT DATAGENERALThese direct-coupled damper actuators provide modulating / floating control for: ∙ air dampers, ∙ VAV units, ∙ air handlers, ∙ ventilation flaps, ∙ louvers, and∙ reliable control for air damper applications with up to1.5 m 2 / 16 sq.ft (10 Nm / 88 lb-in) or 4.6 m 2 / 50 sq.ft. (20 Nm / 177 lb-in) (seal-less dampers; air friction-dependent).FEATURES∙ Self-centering shaft adapter ∙ Removable access cover∙ Mechanical end limits (non-adjustable)∙Rotation direction selectable by choice of mounting orientation∙ Mountable in any orientation (IP54 only whenmounted on a horizontal shaft with access cover below the shaft)∙ Mechanical position indicatorSPECIFICATIONSSupply voltage S10010 / S20010 24 VAC ±20% / 24 VDC, 50/60 Hz Nominal voltage S10010 / S20010 24 VAC / 24 VDC, 50/60 Hz All values stated hereinafter apply to operation under nominal voltage conditions. Power consumption Holding Driving S10010 5 VA / 5 W 14 VA S20010 5 VA / 5 W 16 VA Ambient limitsAmbient operating limits -40...+60 ︒C Ambient storage limits -40...+70 ︒C Relative humidity 5...95%, non-condensing SafetyProtection standard IP54 Overvoltage category III Lifetime Full strokes 60000 Repositions 1.5 million Full stroke spring return 60000 MountingRound damper shaft 10...27 mm Square damper shaft 13...19 mm Shaft length 25 mm End switch (when included) Rating 5 A (resistive) / 3 A (induct.) Triggering points 7︒ / 85︒ Torque rating S10010 10 Nm (88 lb-in) S20010 20 Nm (177 lb-in) Runtime 90 sec (50 Hz) Spring return timing 20 sec (50 Hz) Rotation stroke 95︒ ± 3︒ Dimensions see Fig. 8 on page 6 Weight 3.2 kg Noise rating Driving 40 dB(A) Holding 20 dB(A) (no audible noise) Spring return 50 dB(A)SmartAct S10010, S20010 – PRODUCT DATAEN0B-0463GE51 R0418 2MODELSorder numbersupply voltage end switchespower consumption torque S1001024 VAC / 24 VDC-- 14 VA (driving) / 5 VA (holding) 10 Nm (88 lb-in) S10010-SW2 2 S20010-- 16 VA (driving) / 5 VA (holding)20 Nm (177 lb-in)S20010-SW2 2Product Identification SystemFig. 1. Product Identification SystemOPERATION / FUNCTIONSContents of Package1 Self-centering shaft adapter2 Retainer clip3 Rotational angle scales (0...90° / 90...0°)4 Mechanical end limits (non-adjustable)5 Hex wrench for manual adjustment6 Rotation direction switch7 Access coverRotary MovementThe actuators are designed to open a damper by driving the damper shaft in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.NOTE: Actuators are shipped in the fully-closed (springreturn) position.Position IndicationAn arrow molded into the hub points to tick marks on the label to indicate the hub rotary position.CCW to close (failsafe position)CW to open90°0°45°CW to close (failsafe position)CCW to open90°0°45°Fig. 2. Mounting orientationSmartAct S10010, S20010 – PRODUCT DATA3 EN0B-0463GE51 R0418Manual Adjustment IMPORTANTTo prevent equipment damage, before manual adjustment, you must remove power.The actuator can be operated with no power present. Use this feature during installation or to move and lock the damper or valve shaft position when there is no power.Operating the Manual PositioningTo operate the manual positioning with no power, proceed as follows:1. If the power is ON, turn it OFF.2. Insert the supplied hex wrench (key) as shown in Fig.3. 3. Rotate the key in the direction indicated on the cover.4. Once the desired position has been reached, hold the keyto prevent the spring return from moving the actuator. 5. With the key held in place, use a screwdriver to turn thegear train lock pin in the indicated direction until the detent is reached.NOTE: At the detent, the pin resists further rotation.6. Remove the key without rotating it further.Releasing the Manual PositioningTo release the manual positioning with no power present, proceed as follows:1. Insert the supplied key.2. Turn the key ¼ of a turn in the direction indicated on thecover.3. Remove the key without engaging the gear train lock pin.4. The spring will return the actuator to the failsafe position.NOTE: Once power is restored, the actuator will return tonormal automated control.Fig. 3. Manual positioningInternal End SwitchesNOTE: Only those actuators for which "-SW2" has beenspecified when ordering (e.g.: "S10010-SW2") feature internal end switches.The internal end switches are set to switch from "common" to "normally open" at angles of 7° (±3°) and 85° (±3°), respectively, from the totally counterclockwise position.Fig. 4. Internal end switch triggering pointsMechanical Stroke Limit ReductionFor applications requiring a span of less than 95°, a simple adjustment can be made. When the rotational mounting of the shaft coupling is changed, the actuator drives less than the full 95° stroke.The stroke is adjustable in 5° increments. Once adjusted, the actuator drives until the shaft coupling reaches themechanical stop (part of the housing). The stop causes the motor to discontinue driving, and the shaft coupling drives no farther. When the actuator returns, it stops at the fail-safe position.To set the fail-safe position, proceed as follows:1. Remove the retainer clip from the shaft coupling and set itaside for later use.2. Remove the shaft coupling from the actuator.3. Rotate the coupling to the desired fail-safe position,aligning it based on the stroke labeling. See Fig. 5.EXAMPLE: Setting the shaft coupling to an approx. fail-safeposition of 35° (as indicated on the housing) limits the stroke to 60° (see Fig. 5).4. Install the shaft coupling at this position.5. Replace the retainer clip on the shaft coupling using thegroove of the coupling.6. If necessary, replace the holder and position indicator onthe shaft coupling.SmartAct S10010, S20010 – PRODUCT DATAEN0B-0463GE51 R0418 4Fig. 5. Stroke reductionINSTALLATIONThese actuators are designed for single-point mounting.IMPORTANTTo prevent equipment damage, before manual operation, you must remove power.Mounting InstructionsAll information and steps are included in the Installation Instructions supplied with the actuator.Mounting PositionThe actuators can be mounted in any position (IP54 only when mounted on a horizontal shaft with access cover below the shaft). Choose a mounting position permitting easyaccess to the actuator's cables and controls. When stationing outdoors, equip with suitable cover to protect against UV and rain.Mounting Bracket and ScrewsIf the actuator is to be mounted directly on a damper shaft, use the mounting bracket included in the delivery package.Self-Centering Shaft AdapterThe self-centering shaft adapter can be used for shafts having various diameters and shapes (round: 10...27 mm; square: 13...19 mm).In the case of short shafts, the shaft adapter may be reversed and mounted on the duct side.StrokeThe stroke amounts to 95° ( 3°) and is mechanically limited by end limits (non-adjustable).WiringConnecting to the Power SupplyIn order to comply with protection class II, the power source of 24 V actuators must be reliably separated from the network power supply circuits as per DIN VDE 0106, part 101.Access CoverTo facilitate wiring the actuator to the controller, the access cover can be detached from the actuator.IMPORTANTRemove power before detaching the access cover. Once the access cover has been removed, please take care to avoid damaging any of the parts now accessible.Fig. 6. Access cover (S10010-SW2)Fig. 7. S10010-SW2 with access cover removedSmartAct S10010, S20010 – PRODUCT DATA5 EN0B-0463GE51 R0418Wiring DiagramsS10010 / S20010S10010-SW2 / S20010-SW2NOTE: Internal end switches S1 and S4 must be connected to the same power source.SmartAct S10010, S20010 – PRODUCT DATAManufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental & Energy Solutions Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Rolle, Z.A. La Pièce 16, Switzerland by its Authorized Representative:Home and Building Technologies Honeywell GmbH Böblinger Strasse 1771101 Schönaich, Germany Phone +49 (0) 7031 637 01 Fax +49 (0) 7031 637 740 EN0B-0463GE51 R0418Subject to change without noticeDIMENSIONS40M I N . 64247MIN. 76MIN. 76757ANTI-ROTATION BRACKET230 mm2 mm20 mm13 mm7 mm10 mmSHAFT ADAPTERALTERNATE POSITION1005050MIN. 15MIN. 155SHAFT ADAPTER SUITABLE FOR SHAFTS WITH LENGTH OF 25 ... 80 mmWHEN THE SHAFT ADAPTER IS INSTALLED IN ALTERNATE POSITION, THE POSITION INDICATOR IS NOT VISIBLE.170 (190)20...25 NmFig. 8. Dimensions (in mm)。



编号:(X)X K02-001特种劳动防护用品生产许可证实施细则××××-××-××公布××××-××-××实施国家质量监督检验检疫总局目录1 总则.....................................................................2 工作机构.................................................................3 企业申请生产许可证的基本条件.............................................4 许可程序.................................................................4.1 申请和受理.............................................................4.2 企业实地核查...........................................................4.3 产品抽样与检验.........................................................4.4 审定与发证.............................................................4.5 集团公司的生产许可.....................................................5 审查要求.................................................................5.1 企业生产特种劳动防护用品应执行的产品标准及相关标准.....................5.2 企业生产特种劳动防护用品必备的生产设备和检测设备.......................5.3 特种劳动防护用品出厂检验项目...........................................5.4 特种劳动防护用品生产许可证企业实地核查办法.............................5.5 特种劳动防护用品生产许可证检验规则.....................................6 证书和标志...............................................................6.1 证书...................................................................6.2 标志...................................................................7 委托加工备案程序.........................................................8 监督检查.................................................................9 收费.....................................................................10 生产许可证工作人员守则..................................................11 附则.................................................................... 附件1 特种劳动防护用品生产许可证检验机构名单及检验产品范围................ 附件2 特种劳动防护用品生产许可证企业实地核查办法.......................... 附件3 生产许可证企业实地核查报告.......................................... 附件4 企业实地核查轻微缺陷项汇总表........................................ 附件5检验报告............................................................. 附件6 本细则与旧版细则主要内容对照表......................................特种劳动防护用品生产许可证实施细则1 总则1.1为了做好特种劳动防护用品生产许可证发证工作,依据《中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例》(国务院令第440号)、《中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例实施办法》(国家质检总局令第80号)、《国家质量监督检验检疫总局关于修改〈中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例实施办法〉的决定》(国家质检总局令第130号)、《关于电线电缆等12类产品生产许可由省级质量技术监督部门负责审批发证的公告》(国家质检总局2009年第16号公告)、《关于摩托车头盔等11类产品生产许可由省级质量技术监督部门负责审批发证的公告》(国家质检总局2010年第89号公告)、《关于印发<工业产品生产许可省级发证工作规范>的通知》(国质检监[2006]413号)等规定,制定本实施细则。



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/霍尼韦尔SP2010911防砸防静电防护安全鞋Lancer 防静电 保护足趾 安全鞋 米色款 描述
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• 尺码 35-47。

HORIBA CS-900非接触化学浓度监测仪说明书

HORIBA CS-900非接触化学浓度监测仪说明书

Non-Contact Chemical Concentration Monitor
Please read the operation manual before using this product to assure safe and proper handling of the product.
The specifications, appearance or other aspects of products in this catalog are subject to change without notice. Please contact us with enquiries concerning further details on the products in this catalog. The color of the actual products may differ from the color pictured in this catalog due to printing limitations. It is strictly forbidden to copy the content of this catalog in part or in full. The screen displays shown on products in this catalog have been inserted into the photographs through compositing. All brand names, product names and service names in this catalog are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Vaporeta Golden Vap GX 使用手册说明书

Vaporeta Golden Vap GX 使用手册说明书

Vaporeta GoldenVap GXManual de Uso2021Características técnicasDescripción y accesoriosÍndiceVaporeta Golden Vap GXManual de usoIntroducciónPuesta en MarchaSomos Golden Vap010*******Asistencia Técnica06El generador de vapor Golden Vap es uno de los sistemas más avanzados y eficaces que existen en el mercado que le permitirá obtener excelentes resultados en limpiezas de toda índole.La fuerza del vapor de agua es suficiente paraconseguir desincrustar cualquier tipo de suciedad y potenciar el brillo de cualquier rincón por inaccesible que parezcaCon una eficacia demostrada clínicamente del 99,9% contra virus, bacterías y gérmenes , Golden Vap es también el aliado perfecto en ladesinfección gracias a la gama de accesoriosespecíficos como la Pistola de desinfección Sanix de todo tipo de espacios, tanto domésticos como profesionales.Súmate a la limpieza ecológica , respetando el medio ambiente ya que nuestro sistema nonecesita de productos químicos nocivos: Tan sólo vapor de agua.Bienvenidos a Golden VapIntroducciónVaporeta Golden Vap GX2021Caratcerísticas técnicasEstas son las prestaciones de tu máquina de vaporTensión230 VFrecuencia50 HzPotencia de caldera2000 WPotencia de plancha800WPotencia máxima total2000WCapacidad útil del deposito2,5 litrosCapacidad total del deposito4,2 litrosTemperatura máxima de caldera150 ºCTemperatura máxima plancha185 ºCInterruptor de encendido Selector de potencia Conector de accesoriosIndicador de presión de agua Potencia de vapor acumulada Tapón de seguridad Recoge cables Tapón de vaciado1. de controlVaporeta Golden Vap GXDescripción y accesoriosEstas son las prestaciones de tu máquina de vaporDesde el año 1992, este modelo ha estado en constante evolución hasta llegar al actual modelo GX, el más avanzado y seguro.La ergonomía de su armadura externa, se ha modificado para ofrecer una mayor comodidad en su manipulación sin perder su bellezaclásica. Es moderna, robusta y segura, fabricada con materiales como el policarbonato, metales y aleaciones especiales.La caldera es de acero INOX 316 10/10 de espesor, su resistenciaeléctrica esta protegida por acero INCOLAY y su potencia de 2000W optimiza el sistema de control de temperatura. Su aislante térmico de grafito/nylon tiene propiedades únicas que lo hacen termorresistente e ignífugo, lo que permite conservar al máximo la temperatura del interior a 140ºC.Además, es totalmente respetuoso con el medio ambiente ya que no deja residuos, no es tóxico y es totalmente reciclable.La vaporeta GX incorpora tiene instalados diferentes fusibles que protegen las placas electrónicas de última generación, de manera que si se produce una subida de tensión, estas quedan protegidas y no se daña ninguno de los circuitos.Estas son las prestaciones de tu máquina de vaporEl tapón, de triple sistema, dota a nuestra máquina de la máxima seguridad ya que si se produce un exceso de presión, el tapón se bloquea, impidiendo su apertura y va liberándola poco a poco. Nuestra máquina incorpora un tapón de drenado que permite vaciar la máquina completamente, de modo que podemos eliminar los depósito de cal y suciedad. Esto nos permite, además de ofrecer unos resultados de plancha excelentes, sin restos de cal, alargar sustancialmente la vida útil de la caldera.La nueva manguera de limpieza incorpora un sistema de seguridad que junto con una segunda asa mucho mas ergonómica, hacen que todos los accesorios sean mucho mas ligeros y fáciles de utilizar, tanto en altura como en suelo.La plancha, que incorpora, es el modelo Black Iron, ligera, ergonómica y con suela súper deslizante.Además el modelo GX incorpora un recoge-cables para guardar de manera cómoda y segura el cable eléctrico.Abrir el tapón de seguridadCon una leve presióndesbloquearemos el sistema de seguridad del tapón de nuestra máquina para, posteriormente,desenroscarlo por completo.Puesta en marchaTe explicamos paso a paso como poner en marcha tu VaporetaRellena de agua tu VaporetaPara hacerlo de forma segura,utiliza el biberón suministrado con los accesorios de tu máquinaEnchufa la máquinaEs en este momento cuando debes enchufar tu vaporeta a una fuente de corriente.Enciende la máquinaPresiona los botones de encendido de tu máquina y espera unos minutos.Luz VerdeCuando el piloto verde de tumáquina se encienda significaráque ya está lista para comenzar a ser usada.Conecta la mangueraEs el momento de conectar la manguera o flexo de limpieza al conector frontal de tu máquina.Selecciona la potenciaPara ello utiliza los interruptores provistos en tu manguera de limpieza.Conecta tu accesorioConecta el accesorio que necesites a tu manguera de limpieza.Estamos listosTu vaporeta está ahora preparada para que comiences a disfrutar de las ventajas de la limpieza convapor ¡Buen trabajo010203040506070810En Golden Vap y Asistencia Técnica Lady Vap SL llevamos más de 30 añoscomprometidos con la calidad y seguiremos garantizando las reparaciones de su máquina de vapor de por vida.Confía todas tus reparaciones a un servicio técnico oficial, desde las pequeñas averías hasta el desgaste por el paso del tiempo y de su uso, Asistencia Técnica Lady Vap S.L.conseguirá la mejor solución para su máquina de vapor.Asistencia técnicaReparaciones garantizadas de por vida010203Solicita tu revisiónSolicita una revisión de tu máquina para que siempre esté a puntoSolicita presupuesto¿Tu vaporeta no funcionacorrectamente? Nuestro Servicio Técnico se encargará de valorar su reparación sin com`p romisoReparaciones garantizadasRecambios originales y la mejor atención. En Asistencia Técnica Lady Vap SL garantizamos las reparaciones de tu máquina.Los virus pueden convertirse en un problema, por suerte el VAPOR es capaz de crear un ambiente un 99,9% libre de virus, gérmenes y bacterias sin necesidad de usar productos químicos, gracias al poder el vapor de agua a alta temperatura.Protege tu hogar y a los tuyos con los mejores generadores de vapor del mercado y obtén resultados de limpieza y desinfección inmejorables.En Golden Vap llevamos más de 35 años proporcionándote las mejores soluciones de desinfección y limpieza para tu hogar y/o negocio.Gracias por confiar en el sistema de limpiezaecológico más avanzado del mercadoPaseo de la Castellana 179 1ºizquierda 28046915716700******************Somos Golden VapMás de 35 años a tu servicioEl llamado vapor seco a más de160ºC que genera cualquiera denuestras máquinas es 100%efectivo contra virus y bacteriassin necesidad de usar agentesagresivos que puedancomprometer el bienestar de losespacios tratados.Esto convierte a nuestrasvaporetas en el aliado perfectopara infinidad de sectoressensibles , desde el médico hastala hostelería pasando por elcomercio, transportes y todosaquellos en los que la presenciay tránsito de usuarios y clienteses determinante.ÁR E A S D EA P L I C A C I ÓNR E C O M E N D A D AProtege a tus clientes y usuarios con los mejores generadores de vapor del mercado y obtén resultados de limpieza y desinfección inmejorables sin necesidad de usar productos químicos y disminuyendo así el impacto medioambiental .B E A P R OSistema VIRUCIDA efectivo contra COVID19 229Ebasado en el test UNI EN ISO 16777: 2018915716700 - 645679993Paseo de la Castellana 179 - 1º izq 28046 | Madrid。



abrasion耐磨试验机accessory配件ABSacrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin丙烯晴丁二烯苯乙烯树脂action of sulphur vapor test耐硫化测试activation活化activator活化剂adhesion test粘着测试adhesive胶水adjust调整aerobic shoe有氧舞蹈鞋after ski boot雪靴age resister抗老化剂aging tester老化试验机air gun气枪all man-made material全人造材料alligator skin鳄鱼皮aluminum last铝楦alongation test延伸率试验amboss压花; 压纹ambossed leather压(印)花皮ambossing machine压纹机ambroidered刺绣embroidery shoe绣花鞋amary tape grinding machine砂带研磨机amery wheel grinding machine砂轮研磨机amery leather; patent leather漆皮amalfi construction条状外帮式凉鞋结构american size scale美制尺度amphibious boot水陆两用靴angle on insole中底发角aniline finish leather苯染皮ankle boot短靴, 足果靴ankle足裸anteiope leather羚羊皮antique oil安第古油appearance外观applique装饰品approve认可apron鞋头盖arch cookie月眉片; 脚掌弓形片arch support足弓垫arch足弓arithmetic grading算朮级放artificial leather人造皮artisan; shoemaker鞋匠assembly成型,装配athleisure shoe休闲运动鞋available size运动鞋适用尺寸B baby shoe婴儿鞋back cone height后锥体高度back cone top plane width后锥面宽度back cone top plane后锥顶平面back cone后锥体back height后帮高度; 后跟高度back part width后踵宽度back part后踵back seam height鞋后踵高度back seam tack后踵高度位置back seam鞋后踵缝合bak stay后贴片back stap too high后带太高back stap鞋后片?还是鞋后带? back tab overlay后套接片back lab后上片backer补强衬里backing补强衬里bagging袋翻法balance均衡ball girth足掌围ball足掌ballerina无内里平底女鞋ballet shoe芭蕾舞鞋balmoral banlnry橡胶用密闭式混合机bar shoe条扣鞋barring条状之补强车缝base plane基础平面baseball shoe棒球鞋basketball shoe篮球鞋beachcomber海滩鞋beaded shoe串珠鞋面beaded鞋面饰珠beige灰棕色; 米色belly皮革肚边部位bending test弯曲试验binding滚边black黑色blade针杆blending agent混合剂blended insole叠合中底blind eyelet隐藏式鞋眼blowing agent发炮剂Bluches外耳式鞋blue蓝色boa长毛布boat shoe船用鞋boaded leather搓纹皮bond接着bone骨色BONTEX中底板的一家厂商boot vamp moulding machine靴面定型机boot靴, 长统靴bootee轻巧女靴bottom鞋底台bottom filler底部填充物bottom patten底部纸样bottom thread缝鞋底的线bottom view底视图bow蝴蝶结bowling shoe保龄球鞋box纸盒印刷box printing纸盒印刷boxing鞋面格状补强车缝boxing shoe拳击鞋boy’s shoe男童鞋brand name商标名称breast line跟胸线breat of heel鞋跟腹墙breathable leather透气皮bridging agent架桥剂bright color明亮的颜色brocade shoe浮花织棉鞋brogue布洛克鞋brown咖啡色brush毛刷buck skin公鹿皮buckle子母扣, 饰扣buff软牛皮buffalo hide水牛皮built heel叠式鞋跟bull hide公牛皮burgundy酒红色burnished leather打蜡皮burnishing皮边整烫bursting strength tester破裂强度试验机butt臀部皮革butted seam平头接缝buttress heel nail鞋跟固定钉built heel叠式鞋跟bull hide 公牛皮burgundy酒红色burnished leather打蜡皮burnishing皮边整烫bursting strength tester破裂强度试验机butt臀部皮革butted seam平头接缝buttress heel nail鞋跟固定钉dark blue深蓝色dark color暗色decoration装饰物decoreative stitching装饰车缝deep color深色deer skin鹿皮defects surface皮面瑕疵denim牛仔布design设计design of style型式设计designer设计师die斩刀digitizer数位板diluent稀释剂direct injection直接射出成型direct vulcanized process直接硫化制程dispersion kneader捏合机distance between stitchings线距dogtail quarter狗尾式后帮double check复查, 双重检查double loop terry双圈毛巾布double sole双层底double stitching车双针draft草图dress shoe盛装鞋dressed leather熟皮dressing涂鞋油dressy盛装的, 考究的drilling machine钻孔机dry process PU leather干式PU皮dry time干燥时间drying干燥drying tunnel干燥箱duck细帆布dull color暗色duraplush长丝绒dust collector集尘器Dutch Boy toe荷兰式男鞋头Dutchman填隙片dyeing decoloring tester染色脱色试验机Eedging饰边egg crate蛋装法elastic band松紧带elegant幽雅的alongation test延伸率试验amboss压花; 压纹ambossed leather压(印)花皮ambossing machine压纹机ambroidered刺绣embroidery shoe绣花鞋amary tape grinding machine砂带研磨机amery wheel grinding machine砂轮研磨机amery leather; patent leather漆皮engineer boot工程靴English size scale英制尺度equipment设备espadrille包麻底台布面鞋ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)EVA sheetEVA塑胶片EVA soleEVA底everyday general purpose日常穿著exercise aandal健康鞋exhibition last样品楦eye针眼eyelet鞋眼eyelet fasting machine鸠目机eyelets punching打鞋眼eyelet puncher鞋眼打孔机eyelet stay鞋眼片eyestay鞋眼syestay lining鞋眼内里eyestay overlay鞋眼饰片eyestay reinforcer鞋眼补强Ffabric布料; 纤维fabric/textile footwear direct moulded construction face-to face packingfacing鞋正面fashion流行时尚; 流行款式fashion boot流行长靴fastening固定feather edge底边缘felt shoe毛毡鞋ferule铁套管filler填充物; 填腹finish整饰fishing wader钓鱼鞋fitness shoe健身邉有? fitting试穿fitting stool试穿凳fixing整理flake white片白flange heel凸缘形跟flared heel细腰形跟flash trimming machine鞋底溢料削除机flat bed sewing machine平台式针车flat foot扁平足flaty shoe平底便鞋flesh side生皮内层flesher绵羊榔皮flexibility弯曲性flexing tester曲折测试机floater 轻便鞋flocked leather舒美绒皮foam pasting machine泡棉贴合机floding machine滚边机floding包边; 折边foot脚football shoe足球鞋foot guage量脚器foot measurement脚的测量foot pad鞋垫footwear鞋类footwear of leather皮鞋footwear of plastic塑胶鞋footwear of rubber橡胶鞋footwear of textile fabric纺织鞋fore & hind shank前后肢铁心foreman领班forepart前段; 鞋头前片forepart centerline楦底面前段中心线forepart featherline plane前段帮脚线切面forme半面平版forme cutting半面平版样剪裁formula配方foxing边条较常用的应该是指后套---FT所谓外后蹄foxing underlay后套里层foxing underlay logo后套下片商标foxing like band类似边条foxing logo后套商标foxing reiforcer后套补强; 边条补强freezing tester耐寒试验机French size法国尺码fringe鞋面之须坠front cone heigth前锥体高度front cone profile前锥体侧视图front cone前锥体frosting吐霜frye boot马靴full-breast heel卷跟full-grain leather珠面皮full-iron bottom全铁片楦底full lining全内里full size全套尺寸full sock全片式鞋垫function功能fur长毛绒布Ggender性别geometric grading几何级放get mildew发霉Gibson吉布生鞋girth meaurement围度测量glazed leather镜面皮glue胶水glue cleaning machine清胶机goat skin山羊皮golf shoe高尔夫球鞋Goodyear welt construction固特异延条结构Goodyear welt shoe固特异延条鞋gore松紧带grade级放grade increment级放尺寸grade radio级放率grading级放grading by hands手工级放grading theory级放原理grain leather珠面皮green绿色grey灰色grind edge of shoe磨鞋边grinding腰边grip the foot包住脚groove针车沟gross weight毛重guide导杆gum boot长统橡胶靴gusset boot侧边装有松紧带的短靴gusset折档: 三角片gym shoe健身鞋Hhairy起毛half boot中统靴half iron bottom半铁片楦底half sock半截式鞋垫hammer锤子hand cutting手裁切hand tag吊牌hardness guage硬度计hardness plank硬板hardness tester硬度计heat resistance耐热性heat sealing热熔结合heat setting热定型heat shrinkage test热收缩试验heated chamber加热器具heating加热heavy重heavy duty wear耐用鞋类heel appearance后跟外观heel breast鞋跟腹墙heel centerline后跟座中心线heel covering包鞋跟heel crown跟踵heel cup鞋跟杯heel curve后踵背弧度heel curve angle后踵弧度角度heel aelevation楦跟高度heel feather line plane后跟帮脚线切面heel fit on outsole后跟与底密接heel flap卷跟皮heel height后跟高度heel impact test鞋跟冲击试验heel lasting后帮heel lift天皮heel not straight跟不正heel pad鞋跟踵垫heel pitch鞋跟斜度heel plate后跟铁片heel point后跟端点heel seat后跟heel seat pounding & shaping machine后踵整形机heel seat width后跟座宽度heel steel tip鞋跟铁片heifer skin小母牛皮herring bone forme鱼骨法hide大件皮high cut高统hinge钮键hinge cut两截式楦hinge last插销孔hinge pin holes钮键插销hinge slot键槽hook魔术勾带hydrolysis水解Iimpression外观in pair配双industrial/safety footwear工作安全鞋infant’shoe婴儿鞋infants’婴儿injection-moulded PU射出PU injection-moulded PVC射出PVC inner booty鞋舌内套inner box label内盒标inner box内盒inner sole中底indside forme内腰平面样insole pattern中底纸样inspector检查员instep girth背围instep point脚背JJapanese size日本尺码jockey boot骑马用鞋jogging shoe慢跑鞋joined together接合jute cloth麻布Kkangaroo skin袋鼠皮kid skin小羊皮kiln干燥室kiltie鞋面之须坠kip skin小牛皮knee boot长统靴knife刀子kraft牛皮纸kung fu shoe功夫鞋。

霍尼韦尔 N2024 N20230 产品说明书

霍尼韦尔 N2024 N20230 产品说明书

® U.S. Registered TrademarkEN0B-0320GE51 R0204Copyright © 2004 Honeywell Inc. • All rights reserved N2024 / N20230 N3424 / N34230ACTUADORES DE COMPUERTA 20/34 Nm (177/300 lb-in)CONTROL FLOTANTE / 2-POSICIONESDATOS PRODUCTOGENERALEstos actuadores de compuerta de acople directo proporcionan control flotante o a dos posiciones para:• Compuertas de aire,• Unidades VAV,• Unidades de aire acondicionado,• Aletas ventilación,• persianas, y• cualquier aplicación de control de compuertas de hasta4.6 m2 / 50 sq.ft. (20 Nm / 177 lb-in) o 7.8 m2 / 85 sq. ft.(34 Nm / 300 lb-in) CARACTERISTICAS• Nuevo adaptador de eje autocentrado• Cubierta con accesos para facilitar cableado• Embrague para ajuste manual• Límites mecánicos de giro• Interruptores auxiliares instalables en campo• Precableado• Dirección de rotación seleccionable mediante interruptor• Se puede montar en cualquier orientación (no IP54 si está bocabajo)• Indicador de posición mecánica ESPECIFICACIONESAlimentaciónN2024 / N3424 24 Vac ±15%, 50/60 HzN20230/N34230 230 Vac ±15%, 50/60 Hz Tensión nominalN2024 / N3424 24 Vac, 50/60 HzN20230/N34230 230 Vac, 50/60 HzTodos los valores sucesivos, válidos para operar en condiciones de tensión nominal.ConsumoN2024 6 VA / 6 WN20230 8 VA / 8 WN3424 9 VA / 9 WN34230 13 VA / 10 WLímites ambientalesLímites ambientales operación -20...+60 °C (-5...+140 °F)Límites ambientales almacenaje -40...+80 °C (-40...+175 °F) HR 5...95%, sin condensación CablesLongitud 1 m (39")Materiales libre de siliconaSeguridadProtección standard IP54Clase Protección II según EN 60730-1Categoría sobretensión IIIVidaCarreras completas 60000Reposiciones 1.5 millonesMontajeEjes redondos 10...27 mm (3/8...1-1/16")Ejes cuadrados 10...18 mm (3/8...11/16");45° pasosLongitud eje min. 22 mm (7/8")Interruptor auxiliar (si lo incluye)Ratio 5 A (resistivo) / 3 A (inductivo) Angulo giro 5° / 85°ParN2024 / N20230 20 Nm (177 lb-in)N3424 / N34230 34 Nm (300 lb-in)Tiempo recorrido110 seg (50 Hz) / 95 seg (60 Hz) Rotación95°± 3°Dimensiones ver “Dimensiones” en 8Peso (sin cables) 1.45 kg (3 lbs. 3 oz.)Ruido40 dB(A) max. a 1 mSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 2MODELOSModeloAlimentación Int. auxiliaresfeedback ConsumoPar N2024 / N2024-2POS 24 Vac -- --N2024-SW2 24 Vac 2 --N2024-P10K24 Vac -- 10 k Ω 6 VA / 6 W N20230 / N20230-2POS 230 Vac -- --N20230-SW2 230 Vac 2 --N20230-P10K 230 Vac -- 10 k Ω 8 VA / 8 W 20 Nm(177 lb-in) N3424 24 Vac -- -- 9 VA / 9 W N34230 230 Vac ---- 13 VA / 10 W34 Nm (300 lb-in)Sistema Identificación ProductoFig. 1. Sistema Identificación ProductoOPERACION/FUNCIONESFig. 2. Unidades de ajuste y elementos de controlLeyenda para Fig. 2:1 Adaptador de eje auto centrable2 Clip retenedor3 Escalas ángulo rotación (0...90° / 90...0°)4 Limitadores mecánicos de giro (sólo modelos 20 Nm[177 lb-in])5 Botón de embrague6 Varilla antirrotación7 Interruptor de dirección de rotación 8 Cubierta de acceso1. Cable interruptor auxiliar interno 9 Cable de control y alimentaciónContenidos de la empaquetaduraLa empaquetadura incluye el actuador propiamente dicho (ver componentes de 1 a 10 (ver Fig. 2), los tornillos de la varilla antirrotación, y la placa y tornillos de montaje SM.Movimiento rotativoLa señal de control y su correspondiente dirección de rotación (a favor o contra agujas del reloj) se puedeseleccionar mediante interruptor (ver componente 7 de Fig. 2). Para asegurar el completo cierre de compuertas, el actuador tiene una carrera de rotación de 95°.En cuanto se alimenta, el actuador puede empezar afuncionar. Al quitar alimentación, el actuador mantiene su posición. Para cableado, ver apartado “Diagramas de Cableado” en la página ¡Error! Marcador no definido..SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N342303 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204Interruptor dirección rotaciónFig. 3. Interruptor sentido rotación• Dir("") es la posición por defecto. En esta posición,internamente el actuador sitúa las direcciones de rotación según se ve en el apartado “Diagramas de Cableado” de las páginas 5 y 6.• "Service/Off ": En esta posición, se cancela cualquierseñal de control, habilitando al actuador para ser operado manualmente (ver apartado “Ajuste Manual”). Así, eloperador puede hacer operaciones de mantenimiento sin tener que quitar la tensión al actuador. Para volver amodo de control, ajustar este interruptor en la posición de rotación deseada. • Rev(""):En esta posición, internamente el actuador sitúa las direcciones de rotación según se ve en el apartado “Diagramas de Cableado” de las páginas 5 y 6.Control Flotante o Dos PosicionesEl actuador puede trabajar con control a dos posiciones (abrir/cerrar) o (al menos que específicamente sea un modelo identificado como 2-POS ) como flotante (a tres hilos). Ver diagramas de cableado.Señal de FeedbackLos actuadores equipados con un potenciómetro defeedback dan un feedback de posición mediante un valor resistivo del potenciómetro (ver fig 4).Fig. 4. Ajustes Señal de RealimentaciónSi mientras el actuador no está rotando, el usuario embraga y reposiciona manualmente el adaptador, la señal derealimentación seguirá ahora la nueva posición a la que el eje ha sido liberado.SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 4Indicador de PosiciónEl adaptador de eje indica el ángulo de rotación en escalas (0...90° / 90...0°) (ver Fig. 5).Fig. 5. Indicador PosiciónAjuste ManualIMPORTANTEPara evitar dañar el equipo, hay que quitaralimentación o ajustar el interruptor de dirección de rotación a "Service/Off" antes del ajuste manual.Tras quitar alimentación (o poner el interruptor de sentido de rotación en "Service/Off") el tren de engranajes se puede desenganchar mediante el botón de embrague, permitiendo girar el eje manualmente hasta cualquier posición. La señal de realimentación marcará ahora la nueva posición..Limitación de la carrera de rotaciónHay dos limitadores mecánicos (solo en los modelos de20 Nm [177 lb-in]) para limitar al ángulo de giro deseado (ver Fig. 6).Fig. 6. Limitadores mecánicosLos limitadores mecánicos se pueden asegurar con fuerza en su lugar según la Fig. 7. Es importante que engrane los topes perfectamente una vez apretados los tornillos.Fig. 7. Ajuste Correcto / incorrecto de los limitadoresSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N342305 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204Interruptores Auxiliares InternosNOTA: Sólo los actuadores con referencia final "-SW2"especificada (p.e..: "N2024-SW2") están equipados con interruptores auxiliares.Los interruptores auxiliares internos están ajustados para cambiar de común a normalmente abierto a ángulos de 5° y 85°, respectivamente, desde posición totalmente antihorariaFig. 8. . Interruptores Auxiliares InternosINSTALACIONEstos actuadores están diseñados para montaje a puntoúnico. .IMPORTANTEPara evitar dañar al equipo, quitar alimentación o ajustar el interruptor de sentido de giro a posición "Service/Off" antes de la operación manual. .Instrucciones de montajeToda la información de los pasos a seguir se suministran con el actuador.Posición de montajeLos actuadores se pueden montar en cualquier orientación (no es IP54 si se monta bocabajo; ver Fig. 9). Escoger una orientación que permita fácil acceso a los cables e interruptores).Fig. 9. Montaje para IP54Varilla de montaje y tornillosSi el actuador se monta directamente sobre el eje de lacompuerta, usar la varilla y tornillos de montaje incluidos en la empaquetadura.Adaptador de Eje Auto AjustableSe puede ajustar a ejes de varios diámetros (10...27 mm [3/8...1-1/16"]) y formas (cuadrados y redondos). En caso de ejes cortos, el adaptador de eje se puede volver y montar del lado del conducto.Limitación de carrera con limitadores mecánicosLos limitadores mecánicos (sólo en modelos de 20 Nm [177 lb-in) permiten limitar el giro entre 0...90° en incrementos de 3°.CableadoConectar a AlimentaciónPara cumplir con clase II, la fuente de alimentación de 24 V de los actuadores ha de estar separados de circuitos de alimentación de red según DIN VDE 0106, apartado 101.Cubierta de accesoPara facilitar el cableado entre actuador y controlador, existe una cubierta desmontable en el actuador.IMPORTANTEQuitar alimentación antes de desmontar lacubierta. Una vez desmontada, tener cuidado de no dañar las partes internas entonces accesibles .Fig. 10. Cubierta Acceso (N2024-SW2)SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 6Según el modelo, la cubierta de acceso puede tener una o dos regletas de terminales, con sus leyendas descriptivas de terminales.SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230 Diagramas CableadoN2024 / N2024-2POS / N3424N2024-SW2N2024-P10K7 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 8NOTA: Los interruptores auxiliares S1 y S4 se deben conectar a la misma fuente de alimentación .NombreCable conexión terminal Cable color Impresión Flotante Dos posiciones1 azul 1 24 Vac ⊥ 24 Vac ⊥2 marrón 2 24 Vac (a derechas) 24 Vac ∼Alimentación y señal 3 blanco 3 24 Vac (a izquierdas) 24 Vac señal controlS1 negro S1_común S2 negro S2= Normalmente cerrado CCW (izqda) 5° S3 negro S3≡ Normalmente abiertoS4 gris S4_común S5 gris S5= Normalmente cerradoInterruptoresauxiliares (cuando se incluyan) CW (drcha) 85° S6 gris S6≡ Normalmente abiertoP1 blanco P1 Totalmente a derechasP2 blanco P2 Señal RealimentaciónpotenciómetroP3 blanco P3 Totalmente a izquierdasSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230 N20230 / N20230-2POS / N34230N20230-SW2N20230-P10K9 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 10NOTE: Los interruptores auxiliares S1 y S4 se deben conectar a la misma fuente de alimentaciónNombreCable conexión terminal Cable color Impresión Flotante Dos posiciones1 azul 1 230 Vac ⊥ 230 Vac ⊥2 marrón 2 230 Vac (a derechas) 230 Vac ∼Alimentación y señal 3 blanco 3 230 Vac (a izquierdas) 230 Vac señal controlS1 negro S1_común S2 negro S2= Normalmente cerrado CCW (izqda) 5° S3 negro S3≡ Normalmente abiertoS4 gris S4_común S5 gris S5= Normalmente cerradoInterruptoresauxiliares (cuando se incluyan) CW (drcha) 85° S6 gris S6≡ Normalmente abiertoP1 blanco P1 Totalmente a derechasP2 blanco P2 Señal RealimentaciónpotenciómetroP3 blanco P3 Totalmente a izquierdasSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N3423011 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204ACCESORIOS OPCIONALESLos siguientes accesorios opcionales están disponibles por separado al actuador:.Kit Interruptores auxiliaresModelo: SW2Los interruptores auxiliaries internos son instalables en campo, conteniendo dos contactos libremente ajustables.Kit Cubierta AccesoModelo: WB20 Para salida cables.Contiene:• 1 cubierta de acceso con tornillo • 2 conectores de cable• 2 tapas de protección antipolvoREPUESTOSKit RepuestosModelo: A7209.2071El kit de repuestos contiene:• Varilla antirrotación y tornillos • Placa de montaje SM y tornillos • Tornillo Acceso Cubierta• Tapa de plástico protectora para protección standardP54• Tornillo y retenedor para limitación mecánica del giroKit de varilla antirrotaciónModelo: A7209.2073El Kit de varilla antirrotación se puede pedir por separado.Contiene:• 10 varillas antirrotación • 20 tornillosKit de placa de montajeModelo: A7209.2072El kit de placa de montaje se puede pedir por separado.Contiene:• 10 placas de montaje • 20 tornillosSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230DIMENSIONESAutomation and Control SolutionsHoneywell GmbHBöblinger Straße 17D-71101 SchönaichPhone: (49) 7031 63701Fax: (49) 7031 637493Subject to change without notice. Printed in Germany Manufacturing location certified toEN0B-0320GE51 R0204。

霍尼韦尔SP2013T1003 电绝缘安全鞋

霍尼韦尔SP2013T1003 电绝缘安全鞋

霍尼韦尔SP2013T1003 电绝缘安全鞋
6、符合欧洲最高防滑标准SRC,EN ISO 20334:2004/ A1:2007 ,只有两种测试环境均通过,则为防滑最高标准SRC
SP2013T1001 35~47 T1防静电、保护足趾安全鞋
SP2013T1002 35~47 T1防静电、保护足趾、防刺穿安全鞋
SP2013T1003 35~47 T1电绝缘安全鞋

Safety Jogger安全鞋产品手册说明书

Safety Jogger安全鞋产品手册说明书

常备现货 / 优惠价格产品手册中文版 03/2020INDUSTRIAL PROFESSIONAL TACTICAL工业安全鞋 专业功能鞋 军警鞋/靴官方网站:扫描二维码关注官方微信平台侧面拉链LIGHTWEIGHT HIKING SPORTS 在线下单 | INDUSTRIAL工业安全鞋新款黑色海蓝海蓝海蓝黑色200891201005卡其海蓝棕色棕色黑色200601200607200127200251200724200230200229860201860200860203860100861201861200BALTO S1海蓝010594010554灰色010618迷彩黑色200159861202ULTIMA S3米黄VOLCANO S3ENERGETICA S3WORKERPLUS S3861500840400830300861000200271褐色200272200532200257870600870500870800870700871200871100811200860900AURA S3 0879********X1110 S3 811000811100200084810500200086200101810400810300200442200956810800810700新款白色黑色黑色海蓝010726 200585200588 200191200233 200438201011 0851******** 840303200232010528010*********大底鞋头中底内衬鞋垫X1100N79 EH010636防寒毛内里防寒毛内里防寒毛内里新款大底鞋头中底内衬鞋垫防护等级码段DEBBIE S3NORDIC S3BESTBOY252 S3010546820500200681200161820100850400850300850600811600200274871500850100可触屏操作可触屏操作可触屏操作ACCESSORIES 配饰(手套系列新款新款PROSHIELD 4X42F010800011041550200550100520400510200520100530100520300防砸鞋头在线下单 | PROFESSIONAL专业功能鞋海蓝淡紫电绿电蓝黑色白色海蓝白色白色白色白色碎花黑色黑色黑色碎花黑色桃红桃红桃红淡蓝淡蓝黑色白色桃红073001073501073401073601073201073101073301电绿海蓝白色淡蓝072602072202072109072203SONIC 海蓝白色黑色桃红电绿电蓝淡紫076310076010076410076210076110076510076610海蓝白色黑色电绿电蓝淡紫077606077304077801077105077211077903088001088501088601010528白色010527白色黑色010807010808黑色010764037102037402037202037902037901037401037201037101037501027805027905021101021501021401非金属防砸鞋头新款海蓝海蓝白色白色白色白色白色碎花白色白色白色白色白色白色黑色黑色黑色黑色桃红桃红桃红桃红桃红淡蓝淡蓝淡蓝淡蓝碎花白色灰碎花淡紫023201023101023401023901白色027502027102027402027902021405021105021205047102047202淡蓝047103047101047501047401047301047201041201027104027904027803027103021804021104115102115501115101115901041101041401黑色010591010579白+海蓝海蓝白+海蓝黑色黑色黑+灰色白+桃红白+桃红桃红淡紫白+淡蓝淡蓝浅灰白+浅灰白+浅灰黑色粉红黑色白色黑色白色黑色010831010827010518010485010484010482010481127702127802127201127401127701127804127904127403057806057305057405010049010050010493010490010520057205057705黑色黑色侧面拉链侧面拉链侧面拉链侧面拉链SECURITY 安防系列LAW ENFORCEMENT 军队、执法在线下单 | TACTICAL 军警鞋/靴200486200984SHARK DUNE 大底鞋头中底内衬TROOPER 大底鞋头中底内衬鞋垫防护等级码段海蓝海蓝白色桃红浅灰浅灰大底鞋头中底内衬鞋垫防护等级码段黑色057903057404057703057803057104057804057704200530200757010563200913201012CWH工业安全鞋 专业功能鞋 军警鞋/靴欧洲Meersbloem Melden 42 9700 Oudenaarde BelgiumPhone: +32 55 33 44 44 *********************俄罗斯Невский проспект 55 А191025 Санкт-ПетербургРоссияТелефон: +7 812 313 92 96*********************美国Fitron Americas Incsuite220, 9250 Wilshire Blvd.Beverly Hills CA90212-USAPhone: +1 877 669 9727***********************中国Niu Dun Industrial estateHengli, Wang Niu Dun, DongguanGuangdong ProvinceChina (postal code 523216)Phone: +86 769 3901 8500*****************************欧洲设计常备现货 / 优惠价格。




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United KingdomIndustryReference Number1788005Product TypeRespiratory ProtectionRangeReusable APRBrand HoneywellBrand formerly known asFERNEZ by WillsonIndustryProduct Use• For use with full-face mask and half-mask equipped with an RD40 connector• For protection against organics gasses and vapours with a boiling point greater than 65°C and solid and liquid particlesOverviewFeature• Light and resistant plastic casing.Feature• Suitable for use in specific zone as free-metal zone and/or nuclear industryFeature• Performance requirements for gas and particles significantly above standard for excellent filtration efficiency over extensive period of time.Feature• Canister made of high-grade charcoal, additionally treated for optimal gas absorption.Features & BenefitsRD40 Plastic Filters A2P3PRODUCT NUMBER: 1788005Honeywell offers a broad choice of plastic canisters. Itsplastic filter range covers many hazardous gases, vapors and/or particulates in many applications.The Honeywell plastic filter range provides a cost-effectiveprotection, without compromise on its quality.This plastic filter is tested according to the EN14387 and theEN143 standard.Feature• Specific canister structure for low breathing resistance and more comfort for the userFeature• Low profile so as not to obstruct the field of visionFeature• Multipurpose and can be used with existing respirators.Feature• Safe storage between periods of use (plastic cover)Filters CartridgesStandardParticle filters efficiency (EN143) EN14387 (Gas/vapours and combined filters for respiratory with negative pressure) -Conformed to the requirements of the European Community Directive 89/686/EEC (Personnal Protective Equipment), belongs to the EC Category III and is CE marked, followed by the identification of the certification body (0194), which assure the quality control (according to the article 11B).Protection TypeCombinationConnection TypeRD40MaterialABS material with plastic cover High Activated charcoal Ø106mm - 285grE.C. Declaration of ConformityEC Category PPE3Quality AssuranceISO 9001 / 2000EC Certificate Number0070-236-079-03-03-0027EC AttestationEC AttestationEC Attestation Number0070-236-079-03-03-0027Declaration of conformity APAVE - 1788005/supplementary/documents_and_downloads/secured/pic_sku_-_certificates/4294989352/1033.aspx1788005 A2P3 tested substances/supplementary/documents_and_downloads/respiratory_protection/reusable_respirators/4294974294/1033.aspxPIC SKU - Pictures/assets/0/324/500/51887/06368eb7e1b74b558a1fc0a53876b865.jpgUser ManualUser Manual FiltersLife CycleDepends on absorption capacity, concentration of contaminant, humidity and user breathingStorage Information5 years after date of manufacturing6 months after opening- Store the filters in a cool, dry, location with the caps attached- The maximum permissible storage period is specified on the filter- Storage temperature range: -20°C / +50°C- Maximum humidity during storage: 80%Care InstructionsControls before useUsers must• Ensure that the level of protection offered by the respirator is sufficient for the type and concentration of contaminant(s) in the work area• Respect the shelf life figuring on the filter• Check the seal pointsLimitations of use• For use only by trained and qualified personal• Do not use where the oxygen level or the atmosphere is less than 17%• Do not use with organic gases and vapours with a boiling point below 65°C• After use, an opened canister must be repacked properly with its caps if it is likely to be re-used. It must be replaced no later than within 6 months after opening.• If a user identifies the break through of the canister by the smell or taste of a gas, the canister must bereplaced immediately• If the breathing resistance of the canister increased significantly, it must be changed.• Filter with a mass over 300 g may not be used fitted directly onto half-masksDisposal• Canister must be disposed in accordance with the local waste disposal regulationsEAN Code7312557880053Packaging Specs Individual Box31 x 26 x 12cmUnit of MeasureCMQuantity per Box/Pack/CaseSales unit per boX of 5 units of 1,580kg© Honeywell International Inc.。

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二、霍尼韦尔SP2010510防静电安全鞋符合欧洲防滑标准最高等级SRC-双密度双色一次性注塑PU 大底,低密度PU 舒适层(灰色层)
* 减少因运动产生的震动感
* 降低因长期站立或运动的劳累感,高密度PU 触地层(黑色层)
* 有效防止磨损
* 全新的设计以及科学的密度保证安全鞋在各种地面上的优越防滑性能
1、防刺穿标准号:GB21148-2007每只鞋做四点测试,穿透鞋底所需的力不应小于1100 牛
2、防静电标准号:GB21148-2007在干燥和潮湿环境中调节后,电阻值应在100K 欧和1000M
3、欧州电绝缘标准号:LD12011-2009工频试验电压6KV ,持续时间1分钟,泄露电流小于等于1.8 毫安
4、欧洲防滑标准标准号:EN ISO 20334:2004/ A1:2007摩擦系数测试环境前脚掌后跟肥皂水在瓷砖上≥0.28≥0.32SRA 甘油在铁板上≥0.13≥0.18SRB 标准
产品标准III* 两种测试环境均通过,则为防滑最高标准SRC 。

A 单位,则按照GB/T20991—2007中8.6.2方法进一步取样和测试,连续屈挠150 000次,切口增长不超过6 mm 。
