分析测试经验介绍 (104 ~ 109)超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时检测地龙药材中4种黄曲霉毒素含量及阳性结果确证郭 晶1,张 进1,李文君1,李正刚2(1. 通化市食品药品检验所,吉林 通化 134000;2. 四平市食品药品检验所,吉林 四平 136000)摘要:建立超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定地龙药材中黄曲霉毒素B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2的含量,并对阳性结果进行确证. 样品经70%甲醇提取、免疫亲和柱净化、超高效液相色谱柱分离、三重四极杆质谱检测,并采用离子峰度比进行阳性结果确证. 结果表明,4种黄曲霉毒素的线性关系良好(r >0.999 5),回收率在91.2%~95.6%范围内.黄曲霉毒素B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2的检出限分别为0.10、0.038、0.11、0.038 µg/kg. 方法专属性好,灵敏度高,准确性好,可以进行最终阳性检出的判定. 15批地龙药材中6批黄曲霉毒素确证阳性检出, 证明地龙药材较易被黄曲霉毒素污染.关键词:地龙;超高效液相色谱-串联质谱;黄曲霉毒素;阳性结果确证中图分类号:O657. 63 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1006-3757(2024)02-0104-06DOI :10.16495/j.1006-3757.2024.02.005Simultaneous Determination of Four Aflatoxins in Pheretima by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry andConfirmation of Positive ResultsGUO Jing 1, ZHANG Jin 1, LI Wenjun 1, LI Zhenggang2(1. Tonghua Institute for Food and Drug Control , Tonghua 134000, Jilin China ;2. Siping Institute for Food andDrug Control , Siping 136000, Jilin China )Abstract :A method for simultaneous determination of aflatoxins B 1, B 2, G 1, and G 2 in pheretima was been established by ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS), and the positive results was confirmed. The samples were extracted by 70% methanol, purified by a immunoaffinity columns, separated by UPLC-MS/MS, detected by triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, and confirmed by ion peak ratio. The results showed that the linear relationship of the four aflatoxins were good (r >0.999 5), and the recoveries ranged from 91.2% to 95.6%. The limits of detection for aflatoxin B 1, B 2, G 1, and G 2 were 0.10, 0.038, 0.11, 0.038 µg/kg, respectively. The method has a good specificity, high sensitivity, good accuracy, and can be used to determine the final positive detection. Aflatoxin were positively detected in 6 out of 15 batches of pheretima , which proved that the Pheretima were more susceptible to contamination by aflatoxins.Key words :Pheretima ;UPLC-MS/MS ;aflatoxin ;confirmation of positive results收稿日期:2024−01−10; 修订日期:2024−03−05.基金项目:吉林省中药材标准及中药饮片炮制规范(项目编号:JLPZGF-2020-052)作者简介:郭晶(1979−),女,副主任药师,研究方向为药品质量标准通信作者:李正刚(1982−),男,硕士,医药工程师,研究方向为中药质量标准,E-mail :*****************.第 30 卷第 2 期分析测试技术与仪器Volume 30 Number 22024年3月ANALYSIS AND TESTING TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTS Mar. 2024黄曲霉毒素(aflatoxins, AF)是一种毒性极强的剧毒物质,被各个国家的癌症研究机构列为Ⅰ类致癌物. 黄曲霉毒素主要是由黄曲霉、寄生曲霉产生的次生代谢产物,是一组化学结构类似的化合物[1-2],主要包括AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、AFG2,多存在于土壤、动植物、各种坚果中[3],在湿热环境下出现黄曲霉毒素污染的概率最高. 黄曲霉毒素的危害性在于对人及动物肝脏组织的慢性毒性作用,长期积累可导致肝癌甚至死亡[4-5]. 各国药典均对黄曲霉毒素在中药材或中草药中的限量作了规定,如《欧洲药典》规定AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、AFG2总量在中草药中的限量不得高于4 µg/kg,《美国药典》规定AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、AFG2总量在中草药中的限量不得高于20µg/kg,《中华人民共和国药典》规定其总量在中药材中的限量不得高于10 µg/kg[6].地龙药材标准收载在《中华人民共和国药典》2020版一部[7]. 采收时需要及时剖开腹部,除去内脏和泥沙. 由于地龙生长在土壤环境中,故其被AF污染的风险较大. 目前AF测定的方法主要有液相色谱-柱后碘衍生化法或光化学衍生化法-荧光检测器以及酶联免疫法,但以上方法均存在假阳性的误判可能性,当超出标准限值时均需要采用质谱检测器进行阳性确证[8]. 本研究采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS)同时测定不同产地多批次地龙药材中AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、AFG2的含量,并对阳性结果进行确证,从而准确的判定检出情况,为地龙药材中AF污染情况提供参考.1 试验部分1.1 仪器和试剂BT125D型电子天平(北京赛多利斯仪器天平有限公司),TDL-5-A型离心机(上海安亭科学仪器厂),AB SCIEX QTRAP® 5500型超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱(美国AB SCIEX公司). 超高压液相色谱柱(岛津科技有限公司),免疫亲和柱(青岛普瑞邦生物工程有限公司,规格:3 mL,批号:2J1J24-4).AF混合对照品溶液:AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、AFG2标示质量浓度分别为1.04、0.38、1.08、0.38µg/mL,批号:610001-202006,来源于中国食品药品检定研究院. 氯化钠和醋酸铵(国药集团化学试剂有限公司,分析纯),甲醇和乙腈(Flsher Scientific,色谱纯),纯化水为自制.本次收集到不同产地和批次的地龙药材共15批,基本信息如表1所列.表 1 地龙药材样品基本信息Table 1 Basic informations of Pheretima samples药材编号样品名称产地DL1广地龙海南文昌DL2广地龙广东肇庆DL3广地龙广东韶关DL4广地龙广东韶关DL5广地龙广西玉林DL6广地龙广西北海DL7沪地龙湖北襄阳DL8沪地龙河南濮阳DL9沪地龙河南安阳DL10沪地龙浙江嘉兴DL11沪地龙河南焦作DL12沪地龙浙江金华DL13沪地龙江西赣州DL14沪地龙江西九江DL15沪地龙江西宜春1.2 仪器工作条件1.2.1 色谱条件色谱柱:Shim-pack XR-ODS,3.0 mm×75 mm (1.8 µm);以10 mmol/L醋酸铵溶液为流动相A,甲醇为流动相B;柱温:25 ℃;流速:0.3 mL/min. 按表2中的程序进行梯度洗脱.表 2 梯度洗脱程序Table 2 Gradient elution procedure时间/min流动相A/%流动相B/%0~4.565~1535~854.5~615~085~1006~6.50~65100~356.5~1065351.2.2 质谱条件离子源:电喷雾离子源(ESI源);监测模式:正离子扫描下的多反应监测模式(MRM);喷雾压强:0.21 MPa;干燥气流速:8 L/min;干燥气温度:550 ℃;毛细管电压:5 500 V;三重四极杆离子对及相关电压参数设定如表3所列.第 2 期郭晶,等:超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时检测地龙药材中4种黄曲霉毒素含量及阳性结果确证1051.3 标准曲线绘制分别精密量取AF混合对照品溶液100、50、25µL于10 mL容量瓶中,用甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,即得标准曲线溶液1、2、3. 分别精密量取1 mL标准曲线溶液2、0.1 mL标准曲线溶液1于10 mL容量瓶中,用甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,即得标准曲线溶液4、5. 精密量取1 mL标准曲线溶液4于10 mL 容量瓶中,用甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,即得标准曲线溶液6.1.4 供试品溶液制备取供试品粉末约15 g(过四号筛网),精密称定,置于均质瓶中,加入氯化钠3 g、70%甲醇溶液75 mL,12 000 r/min高速搅拌2 min,4 500 r/min离心5 min,取上清液15.0 mL,置于50 mL量瓶中,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀,4 500 r/min离心10 min,取续滤液20.0 mL. 通过免疫亲合柱,流速3 mL/min,用20 mL水洗脱,洗脱液弃去,使空气进入免疫亲合柱,将水挤出,再用适量甲醇洗脱,收集洗脱液,置于2 mL量瓶中,加甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,用微孔滤膜(0.22 µm)滤过,取续滤液,即得.2 结果与讨论2.1 免疫亲和柱技术和质谱测定法的优势免疫亲和柱技术是利用抗原、抗体之间高度特异性结合对目标物进行净化富集的一种实验技术,预置在柱体内的特异性抗体选择性结合样本中的待测物,杂质不被结合流出柱外,柱上结合的目标物再被洗脱液洗脱,从而实现目标物的高效净化和浓缩[9].质谱法是使待测化合物产生气态离子,再按质荷比(m/z)将离子分离、检测的分析方法,检测限可达10−15~10−12 mol数量级. 相比较液相色谱法,测试样品需要的量较少,其检测灵敏度也大幅度提高,且其较好的专属性可以作为液相色谱检出情况的进一步确证,大大降低误判阳性检出的情况[10-13]. 2.2 线性范围和检出限分别精密吸取1.3项下系列混合对照品溶液5µL,注入液相色谱仪,测定峰面积,以进样质量浓度(ng/mL)为横坐标,峰面积为纵坐标,绘制标准曲线.结果如表4所列,4种黄曲霉毒素的线性关系良好(r>0.999 5).取不含AF的样品15 g,加入0.15 mL标准曲线溶液1,余下操作同1.4项下供试品溶液制备,1.2项下仪器工作条件测定,以信噪比(S/N)为3作为4种黄曲霉毒素的检出限(limit of detection,LOD),结果如表4所列,AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、AFG2的LOD分别为0.10、0.038、0.11、0.038 µg/kg,表明方法灵敏度较高.表 4 回归方程、线性范围和检出限Table 4 Regression equations, linear ranges and limits of detection组分名称回归方程r线性范围/(ng/mL)LOD/(µg/kg)S/N AFB1y=33 600x –1 3600.999 90.104~10.4000.10 4.5AFB2y=30 900x – 4 8800.999 80.038~3.8000.038 3.1AFG1y=26 150x – 6 3400.999 80.108~10.8000.11 4.2AFG2y=21 200x + 2 9200.999 80.038~3.8000.038 3.32.3 精密度考察取5 µL 1.3项下标准曲线溶液1,在1.2项下仪器条件及测定方法下分别连续进样6次,测定各组分的色谱峰面积. 测试结果:AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、表 3 质谱条件Table 3 Conditions of mass spectrometer序号组分名称母离子/(m/z)子离子/(m/z)碎裂电压/V碰撞能量/eV1AFB1313.1285.1*16034241.0207512AFB2315.1287.1*18937259.1200393AFG1329.1243.1*16338311.1180314AFG2331.1313.1*18535245.118842注:*定量离子对106分析测试技术与仪器第 30 卷AFG2色谱峰面积相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为1.3%、2.2%、1.8%和2.2%,表明仪器的精密度良好.2.4 稳定性试验取1.3项下标准曲线溶液1,分别于0、4、8、16、18、24 h 按1.2项下仪器条件进样5 µL,记录所测各组分峰面积. 测试结果:AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、AFG2色谱峰面积RSD分别为2.6%、2.2%、2.5%和2.3%,结果表明在24 h内测定结果稳定.2.5 重复性和回收率试验由于15批次地龙药材中仅部分检出AFB1、AFB2,故在加标回收试验中进行方法的重复性考察.称取不含AF的地龙药材(编号:DL1)粉末约15 g,各6份,分别精密加入AF混合对照品溶液75 µL,其余操作同2.1.2项下供试品溶液制备,按2.2项下条件分别测定各组分的色谱峰面积,结果如表5所列. 由表5可见,AFB1、AFB2、AFG1、AFG2的平均回收率分别为95.6%、93.4%、93.2%、91.2%,加标测定值的RSD分别为1.9%、2.0%、1.7%和2.6%,表明该方法的回收率满足要求,方法的重复性良好.2.6 样品测定取15批次地龙药材,按照1.4项下方法制备供试品溶液,1.2项下仪器条件进行测定,结果如表6所列,结果表明在6批地龙样品中检测出AFB1和AFB2,质谱总离子流图如图1所示.表 6 样品测定结果Table 6 Determination results of samples/(µg/kg)样品编号AFB1质量分数AFB2质量分数AFG1质量分数AFG2质量分数总质量分数DL1/////DL2/////DL3/////DL4 6.80.53//7.33 DL5/////DL6/////DL77.80.35//8.15 DL8 6.50.31// 6.81 DL9 4.30.24// 4.54 DL10/////DL11/////DL12/////DL13 3.10.43// 3.53 DL14 2.50.31// 2.81 DL15/////注:“/”:未检出2.7 阳性结果确证中药组成成分相较于西药组成成分复杂多样,三重四极杆质谱是以母离子及子离子组成的离子对进行检测,由于样品基质成分的复杂性,单个离子对出现干扰的情况在试验过程中偶有发生. 然而一个化合物在质谱检测器的离子源中被固定碰撞电压击碎产生的多个碎片离子之间具有相对固定的比例,故采用离子对峰面积的比值进行比较更具有专属性,UPLC-MS/MS法通常采用离子峰度比对结果进一步确证阳性检出,即:如果样品检出色谱峰的保留时间与对照品一致,并且在扣除背景后的表 5 方法的重复性和回收率试验结果Table 5 Experimental results of repeatability andrecovery of method添加质量分数加入质量/ng实测质量/ng回收率/%平均回收率/%RSD/%AFB1 (5 µg/kg)78.0074.2195.1495.6 1.9 78.0073.1193.7378.0075.5396.8378.0076.5298.1078.0072.9993.5878.0075.2396.45AFB2 (2 µg/kg)28.5026.1291.6593.4 2.0 28.5025.2390.7728.5026.7893.9628.5027.0194.7728.5027.3295.8628.5026.5593.16AFG1 (5 µg/kg)81.0077.4495.6093.2 1.7 81.0075.2692.9181.0075.3693.0481.0074.8292.3781.0076.3594.2681.0073.7891.09AFG2 (2 µg/kg)28.5025.1591.0591.2 2.6 28.5026.2292.0028.5025.4789.3728.5025.1188.1128.5027.0194.7728.5026.2892.21第 2 期郭晶,等:超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时检测地龙药材中4种黄曲霉毒素含量及阳性结果确证107质谱图中,所选择的监测离子对均出现,而且所选择的监测离子对峰面积比与对照品的监测离子对峰面积比一致,则可判定样品中存在该真菌毒素.经计算本试验检出的6批阳性样品的离子峰度比AFB 1分别为75.3%、75.2%、75.1%、75.3%、75.2%、75.1%,相对平均偏差均小于0.2%. AFB 2分别为85.0%、85.1%、85.1%、85.2%、85.3%、85.0%,相对平均偏差均小于0.2%. 均在允许偏差±20%内,确证样品阳性检出.3 结论由多批次样品检验情况可以初步得出,地龙药材中黄曲霉毒素的污染主要为黄曲霉毒素B 1和B 2.地龙药材在产地初加工过程中需去除泥沙,而泥沙为黄曲霉毒素污染的重要来源,如果泥沙去除不净、保存不当、遇湿热环境,则黄曲霉毒素含量容易超标[14-17]. 因此地龙药材的黄曲霉毒素监测检验非常必要[18-21]. 试验结果表明,UPLC-MS/MS 法操作简便、专属性好、灵敏度高、重复性好,能够对地龙药材的阳性结果作出准确判定,故将在中药材的黄曲霉毒素污染检测中发挥重要作用.参考文献:刘丽娜, 李海亮, 李耀磊, 等. 中药真菌毒素质量控制概况、限量标准制定及有关问题的思考[J ]. 中草药,2023,54(19):6197-6207. [LIU Lina, LI Hailiang, LI Yaolei, et al. Overview on quality control of mycotox-ins in traditional Chinese medicine, limit requirements and discussion on related issues [J ]. Chinese Tradition-al and Herbal Drugs ,2023,54 (19):6197-6207.][ 1 ]沈立, 汤燕, 陈铁柱, 等. 固相萃取液质联用测定川产道地药材黄精、麦冬中10种真菌毒素[J ]. 药物分析杂志,2023,43(8):1369-1380. [SHEN Li, TANG[ 2 ]Yan, CHEN Tiezhu, et al. Determination of 10 my-cotoxins in Polygonati Rhizoma and Ophiopogonis Radix as a genuine regional drug of Sichuan by solid-phase extraction coupled with LC-MS/MS [J ]. 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Trans IT-CRISPR Transfection Reagent 产品说明书
Trans IT-CRISPR® Transfection ReagentCatalog Number T1706Product DescriptionTrans IT-CRISPR is a non-liposomal polymeric transfection reagent for efficient delivery of CRISPR/Cas components. Trans IT-CRISPR allows for simple, fast and efficient delivery of CRISPR DNA, guide RNA and RNP (Cas9-gRNA ribonucleoprotein) complexes to various cell types, including primary cells. Also,Trans IT-CRISPR effectively delivers siRNA duplexes into various cell lines.*Simple protocols for easy optimization in delivering CRISPR/Cas components to cells in DNA, guide RNA and RNP formats.*Efficient delivery to various cell lines, including common cell types and difficult to transfect cell types.Storage/StabilityTrans IT-CRISPR Transfection Reagent is shipped on wet ice. Upon receipt, please store at –20°C. With proper handling and storage, this product remains stable for one year from the date of purchase.Precautions and DisclaimerThis product is for R&D use only, not for drug, household, or other uses. Please consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices. SIGMA-ALDRICH CRISPR PLASMID DNA TRANSFECTIONTips for Plasmid DNA TransfectionOptimize reaction conditions for different cell types to ensure successful transfections. The suggestions provided in this protocol yield high efficiency plasmid DNA transfection using the Trans IT-CRISPR Transfection Reagent. Table 1 lists recommended starting conditions depending on culture vessel size. • Cell density at transfection:The recommended cell density for most cell types is ≥ 80% confluence. Determine the optimal cell density for each cell type in order to maximize transfection efficiency. Split cells 18–24 hours before transfection to ensure that the cells are actively dividing and reach the appropriate cell density at the time of transfection.• DNA purity:Use highly purified, sterile, and contaminant-free DNA for transfection. Plasmid DNA preparations that are endotoxin-free and have A260/280 absorbance ratio of 1.8–2.0 are desirable. DNA prepared using mini-prep kits is not recommended as it might contain high levels of endotoxin.• Ratio of Trans IT-CRISPR to DNA: Determine the best Trans IT-CRISPR: DNA ratio for each cell type. Start with 3 µl of Trans IT-CRISPR per 1 µg of DNA. Vary the amount of Trans IT-CRISPR from 2–6 µl per 1 µg DNA to find the optimal ratio. Table 1 provides recommended starting conditions.• Complex formation conditions: Prepare Trans IT-CRISPR: DNA complexes in serum-free growth medium. Recommendation: Opti-MEM TM I Reduced-Serum Medium, without antibiotics. • Cell culture conditions:Culture cells in the appropriate medium, with or without serum. There is no need to perform a medium change to remove the transfection complexes.• Presence of antibiotics:Transfection complexes can be added directly to cells grown in complete culture medium containing serum and low levels of antibiotics (0.1–1X final concentration ofpenicillin/streptomycin mixture). Do not include antibiotics during the complex formation step.• Post-transfection incubation time : Determine the best incubation time post-transfection for each cell type. The optimalincubation time is generally 24–72 hours, but will vary depending on the goal of the experiment, nature of the plasmid used, and cell doubling time.Sigma-Aldrich CRISPR Plasmid DNATransfection Protocol per Well of a 6-Well Plate in Human Osteosarcoma (U2OS) Cells and a Human Immortalized Liver Cell Line (HepaRG)The following procedure describes how to perform plasmid DNA transfections using the Trans IT-CRISPR transfection reagent in 6-well plates. The surface areas of other culturevessels are different and transfections must be scaled accordingly (see Table 1 as an example).Plate Cells∙ Approximately 18-24 hours beforetransfection, plate cells in 2.5 mlcomplete growth medium per well in a 6-well plate. For most cell types, cultures should be ≥ 80% confluent at the time of transfection.o For adherent U2OS andHepaRG cells : Plate at a density of 2.5 x 105 cells/ml.o For other adherent cells : Platecells at a density of 0.8–3.0 × 105 cells/ml.∙ Incubate cell cultures overnight.Prepare Trans IT-CRISPR: DNA CRISPRcomplexes (Immediately before transfection)∙ Warm Trans IT-CRISPR to roomtemperature and vortex gently before using.∙ Place 250 µl of Opti-MEM ® I Reduced –Serum Medium in a sterile tube.∙ Add between 2 – 4 µg of Sigma-AldrichCRISPR plasmid DNA.Table 1. Recommended starting conditions for DNA transfections with Trans IT-CRISPR Transfection Reagent DNACulture vessel 96-well48-well 24-well12-well6-well10-cm dishT75 flaskSurface area0.35 cm 2 1 cm 2 1.9 cm 2 3.8 cm 2 9.6 cm 2 59 cm 2 75 cm 2 Complete growth medium92 µl 263 µl 0.5 ml 1 ml 2.5 ml 15.5 ml 19.7 ml Serum-free medium 9 µl 26 µl 50 µl 100 µl 250 µl 1.5 ml 1.9 ml DNA (1 µg/µl stock)0.1 µl0.26 µl0.5 µl1 µl2.5 µl15 µl19 µlFor the all-in-one Sigma-Aldrich CRISPR FP vectors, add 4 µg of plasmid. For the dual vector Sigma-Aldrich CRISPR plasmids, add 2 µg of U6-gRNA only plasmid and 2 µg of CMV-Cas9-FP only plasmid.∙ Pipet gently to mix completely.∙ Add 3-6 µl Trans IT-CRISPR (1.5 µl ofTrans IT-CRISPR per 1 µg of CRISPR plasmid DNA) to the diluted DNA mixture.∙ Pipet gently to mix completely.∙ Incubate at room temperature for 15-30minutes to allow sufficient time for complexes to form.Distribute the complexes to cells in complete growth medium∙ Add the Trans IT-CRISPR: DNAcomplexes drop-wise to different areas of the wells.∙ Gently rock the culture vessel back andforth and from side-to–side to evenly distribute the Trans IT-CRISPR: DNA complexes.∙ Incubate for 48 hours. It is notnecessary to replace the complete growth medium with fresh medium. ∙ Harvest cells and assay as required.Delivery of purified recombinant Cas9 protein and guide RNA Ribonucleoprotein Complexes (RNPsRecent papers have shown the efficacy of delivering the CRISPR components by combining purified Cas9 protein-guide RNA ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. Trans IT-CRISPR transfection reagent has been tested in U2OS and HepaRG cells for efficient delivery of Cas9-gRNA RNP complexes to induce efficient site-specific mutations at targeted genomic regions. Protocols for both IVT gRNA and synthetic crRNA & tracrRNA are listed below. Prepare Trans IT-CRISPR: In Vitro Transcribed gRNA/Cas9 Protein CRISPR complexes (Immediately before transfection) Use between a 1.2 and 5 molar excess of in vitro transcribed RNA to Cas9 protein.∙Pipet between 1.2 and 5 µg of in vitro transcribed RNA to a sterile tube on ice.∙Add between 5 and 10 µg of Cas9protein to the in vitro transcribed RNA,mix gently and incubate on ice for 30minutes.∙ Warm Trans IT-CRISPR to roomtemperature and vortex gently beforeusing.∙Place 250 µl of Opti-MEM TM I Reduced –Serum Medium to the Cas9Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) sterile tube.∙Add between 5 - 6.25 µl of Trans IT-CRISPR to the diluted Cas9 RNP.∙Pipet gently to mix completely.∙Incubate at room temperature for 15 –30 minutes to allow sufficient time forcomplexes to form.Prepare Trans IT-CRISPR: SygRNA™Synthetic crRNA & tracrRNA /Cas9Protein CRISPR complexes (Immediatelybefore transfection)Use a between a 1 and 5 molar excess of SygRNA™ synthetic crRNA & tracrRNA to Cas9 protein.∙Pipet between 30 and 300 pmol each of synthetic crRNA and tracrRNA into asterile tube on ice (typically between 1.5and 15 µl of 20 µM synthetic RNA stocksolutions).∙Add between 5 and 10 µg of Cas9protein (30 to 60 pmol) to the syntheticcrRNA and tracrRNA, mix gently andincubate on ice for 30 minutes.∙ Warm Trans IT-CRISPR to roomtemperature and vortex gently beforeusing.∙Place 250 µl of Opti-MEM I Reduced –Serum Medium to the Cas9 RNP steriletube.∙Add between 5 - 6.25 µl of Trans IT-CRISPR to the diluted Cas9 RNP.∙Pipet gently to mix completely.∙Incubate at room temperature for 15 –30 minutes to allow sufficient time forcomplexes to form.Distribute the complexes to cells in complete growth medium∙ Add the Trans IT-CRISPR: RNPcomplexes drop – wise to different areasof the wells.∙Gently rock the culture vessel back-and- forth, and from side-to–side to evenlydistribute the Trans IT-CRISPR: RNPcomplexes.∙Incubate for 24-72 hours. It is notnecessary to replace the completegrowth medium with fresh medium.∙Harvest cells and assay as required.The Trans IT-CRISPR transfection reagent can also be used to deliver siRNA duplexes for gene silencing experiments.Increase knockdown efficiency by using Trans IT-CRISPR transfection reagent.MISSION® siRNA TRANSFECTIONImportant Tips for Optimal siRNA TransfectionOptimize reaction conditions for each cell type to ensure successful transfections. The suggestions below yield high efficiency knockdown of target gene expression using the Trans IT-CRISPR Transfection Reagent. For siRNA, please refer to Table 2 for recommended starting conditions depending on culture vessel size.• Cell density: The recommended cell density for most cell types is ≥ 80% confluence. Determine the optimal cell density for each cell type in order to maximize transfection efficiency. Plate the cells 18–24 hours before transfection to ensure that the cells are actively dividing and reach the appropriate cell density at the time of transfection.• Volume of Trans IT-CRISPR : Each cell type responds differently to a given transfection reagent.As a starting point, test 7.5 µl of Trans IT-CRISPR per well of a 6-well plate. For further optimization, test three amounts of Trans IT-CRISPR, e.g. 5 µl, 7.5 µl, and 10 µl per well of a 6-well plate.• siRNA dilution : Dilute siRNA using the manufacturer’s recommended buffer.Alternatively, use 100 mM NaCl in 50 mM Tris, pH 7.5, made with RNase-free water. Do not use water alone to dilute siRNA, as this may result in denaturation of the siRNA at low concentrations.• siRNA concentration : siRNA used fortransfection should be highly pure, sterile, and the correct sequence. Depending on the type of experiment, the optimal final siRNAconcentration for transfection is typically within the range of 10–50 nM. As a starting point, we recommend 25 nM siRNA (final concentration in well).• Proper controls : We recommendtransfecting a non-targeting siRNA (Sigma-Aldrich MISSION® siRNA Universal Negative Controls SIC001 or 6-FAM-labeled SIC007) to verify that the gene expression knockdown or phenotype is attributed to the gene-specificsiRNA. Additionally, independent transfection of three to four siRNA duplexes targeting aparticular gene minimizes the possibility that the observed phenotype is due to off-target effects.• Complex formation conditions : Prepare Trans IT-CRISPR: siRNA complexes in serum-free growth medium. Recommended: Opti-MEM TM I Reduced-Serum Medium.• Cell culture conditions : Culture cells in the appropriate medium, with or without serum There is no need to perform a medium change to remove the transfection complexes. Trans IT-CRISPR yields improved transfectionefficiencies when transfections are performed in complete growth medium (instead of serum-free medium) without a post-transfection medium change.• Presence of antibiotics : Antibiotics will inhibit transfection complex formation andtherefore should be excluded from the complex formation step. Transfection complexes can be added to cells grown in complete culturemedium containing low levels of antibiotics (0.1–1X final concentration of penicillin/streptomycin mixture).• Transfection incubation time : The optimal incubation time can be determined empirically by testing a range from 24–72 hours post-transfection, depending on the stability of the target mRNA and its encoded protein. When quantifying knockdown efficiencies at the mRNA level, assaying at 24 hours post-transfection is often sufficient. When quantifying knockdown efficiencies at the protein level, longer post-transfection incubation may be necessary particularly if the target protein has a long cellular half-life.Table 2. Recommended starting conditions for siRNA transfections with Trans IT-CRISPR Transfection Reagent siRNA Culture vessel 96-well48-well24-well12-well6-well 10-cm dish T75 flask Surface area0.35 cm 2 1 cm 2 1.9 cm 2 3.8 cm 2 9.6 cm 2 59 cm 2 75 cm 2 Complete growth medium92 µl 263 µl 0.5 ml 1 ml 2.5 ml 15.5 ml 19.7 ml Serum-free medium 9 µl 26 µl 50 µl 100 µl 250 µl 1.5 ml 1.9 ml MISSION® siRNA (10 µM stock) 25 nM final0.25 µl 0.7 µl 1.4 µl 2.8 µl 6.8 µl 42.5 µl 54 µl TransIT-CRISPR0.3 µl0.78 µl1.5 µl3 µl7.5 µl45 µl57 µlRelated Products∙CRISPR Custom Plasmid and RNA, Catalog Number CRISPR/crisprs∙ CRISPR CMV-CAS9-2A-GFP Plasmid, Catalog Number CAS9GFPP∙ CRISPR CMV-CAS9D10A-2A-GFP Plasmid, Catalog Number CAS9D10AGFPP∙CRISPR Universal Negative Control 1, Catalog Number CRISPR06∙ Custom SygRNA TM, Catalog NumberVC40003∙SygRNA™ Cas9 Synthetic tracrRNA,Catalog Number TRACRRNA05N-5NMOL∙Cas9-NLS from Streptococcus pyogenes, Catalog Number CAS9PROT∙Enhanced specificity Cas9-NLS fromStreptococcus pyogenes, Catalog NumberESPCAS9PRO∙Cas9 Recombinant protein fromStreptococcus pyogenes, Catalog NumberTGEN-CP∙Cas9 Nickase Recombinant protein from Streptococcus pyogenes, Catalog NumberTGEN-CNP∙ MISSION® siRNA duplexes, predesigned and custom/siRNA∙ MISSION® siRNA Universal NegativeControl #1, Catalog Number SIC001∙MISSION® siRNA Fluorescent Universal Negative Control #1, 6-FAM, CatalogNumber SIC007∙MISSION TRC 3 – LentiORF Collection /lentiorf Opti-MEM is a registered trademark of Life Technologies, Inc.SygRNA is a trademark and MISSION is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC.MIRUS, TransIT and Trans IT-CRISPR are registered trademarks of Mirus Bio LLC.JW,PA,PHC 07/17-2©2017 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. All rights reserved. SIGMA-ALDRICH is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, registered in the US and other countries. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for their particular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see product information on the Sigma-Aldrich website at and/or on the reverseside of the invoice or packing slip.。
DOI:10.16658/ki.1672-4062.2024.01.019司美格鲁肽联合达格列净、二甲双胍在肥胖型2型糖尿病合并非酒精性脂肪肝患者中的疗效分析叶娟,陈冬,邱振汉,吴盛钊安徽省淮南市寿县人民医院内分泌科,安徽寿县232200[摘要]目的研究司美格鲁肽联合达格列净、二甲双胍在肥胖型2型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, T2DM)合并非酒精性脂肪肝(Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, NAFLD)患者中的疗效。
[关键词] 司美格鲁肽;达格列净;二甲双胍;肥胖;2型糖尿病;非酒精性脂肪肝[中图分类号] R587.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2024)01(a)-0019-04Efficacy of Smaglutide Combined with Dapagliflozin and Metformin in Pa⁃tients with Obese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseYE Juan, CHEN Dong, QIU Zhenhan, WU ShengzhaoDepartment of Endocrinology, Huainan Shouxian People's Hospital, Shouxian, Anhui Province, 232200 China[Abstract] Objective To study the efficacy of semiglutide combined with dapagliflozin and metformin in patients with obese type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods A total of 80 obese patients with T2DM combined with NAFLD were selected from the department of endocrinology of Shouxian People's Hospital from June 2021 to June 2023. They were divided into control group and observation group according to ran⁃dom number table method, 40 cases each. The control group received metformin with dagagliflozin, and the observa⁃tion group was treated with semegallutide on the basis of the control group. Comparing the efficacy and the incidence of adverse drug reactions after 12 weeks of treatment. Results The homa-ir insulin resistance index, blood glucose in⁃dex, blood lipid index and liver function index were significantly lower than that of the control group, and the differ⁃ences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). The body mass index in the observation group was (28.19±0.92) kg/m2, which was lower than (30.12±1.47) kg/m2in the control group , and the difference was statistically significant (P< 0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions was not significant (P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion In the treatment of obese T2DM [作者简介]叶娟(1990-),女,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为内分泌科与代谢病。
分子生物学词汇(中英文对照表 )
第一页A band|A带A chromosome|A染色体[二倍体染色体组中的正常染色体(不同于B染色体)] A site|[核糖体]A部位ABA|脱落酸abasic site|脱碱基位点,无碱基位点abaxial|远轴的abequose|阿比可糖,beta脱氧岩藻糖aberrant splicing|异常剪接aberration|象差;畸变;失常abiogenesis|自然发生论,无生源论ablastin|抑殖素(抑制微生物细胞分裂或生殖的一种抗体)abnormal distrbution|非正态分布abnormality|异常,失常;畸形,畸变ABO blood group system|ABO血型系统aboriginal mouse|原生鼠abortin|流产素abortion|流产,败育abortive egg|败育卵abortive infection|流产(性)感染abortive transduction|流产(性)转导ABP|肌动蛋白结合蛋白abrin|相思豆毒蛋白abscisic acid|脱落酸abscission|脱落absolute|绝对的absolute configuration|绝对构型absolute counting|绝对测量absolute deviation|绝对偏差absolute error|绝对误差absorbance|吸收,吸光度absorbed dose|吸收剂量absorbent|吸收剂absorptiometer|吸光计absorptiometry|吸光测定法absorption|吸收absorption band|吸收谱带absorption cell|吸收池absorption coefficient|吸收系数absorption spectroscopy|吸收光谱法absorption spectrum|吸收光谱;吸收谱absorptive endocytosis|吸收(型)胞吞(作用) absorptive pinocytosis|吸收(型)胞饮(作用) absorptivity|吸光系数;吸收性abundance|丰度abundant|丰富的,高丰度的abundant mRNAs|高丰度mRNAabzyme|抗体酶acaricidin|杀螨剂accedent variation|偶然变异accelerated flow method|加速流动法accepting arm|[tRNA的]接纳臂acceptor|接纳体,(接)受体acceptor site|接纳位点,接受位点acceptor splicing site|剪接受体acceptor stem|[tRNA的]接纳茎accessible|可及的accessible promoter|可及启动子accessible surface|可及表面accessory|零件,附件;辅助的accessory cell|佐细胞accessory chromosome|副染色体accessory factor|辅助因子accessory nucleus|副核accessory pigment|辅助色素accessory protein|辅助蛋白(质)accommodation|顺应accumulation|积累,累积accuracy|准确度acenaphthene|二氢苊acene|并苯acentric|无着丝粒的acentric fragment|无着丝粒断片acentric ring|无着丝粒环acetal|缩醛acetaldehyde|乙醛acetalresin|缩醛树脂acetamidase|乙酰胺酶acetamide|乙酰胺acetate|乙酸盐acetic acid|乙酸,醋酸acetic acid bacteria|乙酸菌,醋酸菌acetic anhydride|乙酸酐acetification|乙酸化作用,醋化作用acetin|乙酸甘油酯,三乙酰甘油酯acetoacetic acid|乙酰乙酸Acetobacter|醋杆菌属acetogen|产乙酸菌acetogenic bacteria|产乙酸菌acetome body|酮体acetome powder|丙酮制粉[在-30度以下加丙酮制成的蛋白质匀浆物] acetomitrile|乙腈acetone|丙酮acetyl|乙酰基acetyl coenzyme A|乙酰辅酶Aacetylcholine|乙酰胆碱acetylcholine agonist|乙酰胆碱拮抗剂acetylcholine receptor|乙酰胆碱受体acetylcholinesterase|乙酰胆碱酯酶acetylene|乙炔acetylene reduction test|乙炔还原试验[检查生物体的固氮能力] acetylglucosaminidase|乙酰葡糖胺糖苷酶acetylglutamate synthetase|乙酰谷氨酸合成酶acetylsalicylate|乙酰水杨酸;乙酰水杨酸盐、酯、根acetylsalicylic acid|乙酰水杨酸acetylspiramycin|乙酰螺旋霉素AchE|乙酰胆碱酯酶achiral|非手性的acholeplasma|无胆甾原体AchR|乙酰胆碱受体achromatic|消色的;消色差的achromatic color|无色achromatic lens|消色差透镜achromatin|非染色质acid catalysis|酸催化acid fibroblast growth factor|酸性成纤维细胞生长因子acid fuchsin|酸性品红acid glycoprotein|酸性糖蛋白acid hydrolyzed casein|酸水解酪蛋白acid medium|酸性培养基acid mucopolysaccharide|酸性粘多糖acid phosphatase|酸性磷酸酶acid protease|酸性蛋白酶acid solvent|酸性溶剂acidic|酸性的acidic amino acid|酸性氨基酸acidic protein|酸性蛋白质[有时特指非组蛋白]acidic transactivator|酸性反式激活蛋白acidic transcription activator|酸性转录激活蛋白 acidification|酸化(作用)acidifying|酸化(作用)acidolysis|酸解acidophilia|嗜酸性acidophilic bacteria|嗜酸菌acidophilous milk|酸奶aclacinomycin|阿克拉霉素acoelomata|无体腔动物acomitic acid|乌头酸aconitase|顺乌头酸酶aconitate|乌头酸;乌头酸盐、酯、根aconitine|乌头碱aconitum alkaloid|乌头属生物碱ACP|酰基载体蛋白acquired character|获得性状acquired immunity|获得性免疫acridine|吖啶acridine alkaloid|吖啶(类)生物碱acridine dye|吖啶燃料acridine orange|吖啶橙acridine yellow|吖啶黄acriflavine|吖啶黄素acroblast|原顶体acrocentric chromosome|近端着丝染色体acrolein|丙烯醛acrolein polymer|丙烯醛类聚合物acrolein resin|丙烯醛树脂acropetal translocation|向顶运输acrosin|顶体蛋白acrosomal protease|顶体蛋白酶acrosomal reaction|顶体反应acrosome|顶体acrosome reaction|顶体反应acrosomic granule|原顶体acrosyndesis|端部联会acrylamide|丙烯酰胺acrylate|丙烯酸酯、盐acrylic acid|丙烯酸acrylic polymer|丙烯酸(酯)类聚合物acrylic resin|丙烯酸(酯)类树脂acrylketone|丙烯酮acrylonitrile|丙烯腈actidione|放线(菌)酮[即环己酰亚胺]actin|肌动蛋白actin filament|肌动蛋白丝actinin|辅肌动蛋白[分为alfa、beta两种,beta蛋白即加帽蛋白] actinmicrofilament|肌动蛋白微丝actinometer|化学光度计actinomorphy|辐射对称[用于描述植物的花]actinomycetes|放线菌actinomycin D|放线菌素Dactinospectacin|放线壮观素,壮观霉素,奇霉素action|作用action current|动作电流action potential|动作电位action spectrum|动作光谱activated sludge|活性污泥activated support|活化支持体activating group|活化基团activating transcription factor|转录激活因子activation|激活;活化activation analysis|活化分析activation energy|活化能activator|激活物,激活剂,激活蛋白activator protein|激活蛋白active absorption|主动吸收active biomass|活生物质active carbon|活性碳active center|活性中心active chromatin|活性染色质active dry yeast|活性干酵母active dydrogen compounds|活性氢化合物active ester of amino acid|氨基酸的活化酯active hydrogen|活性氢active immunity|主动免疫active oxygen|活性氧active site|活性部位,活性中心active transport|主动转运active uptake|主动吸收activin|活化素[由垂体合成并由睾丸和卵巢分泌的性激素]activity|活性,活度,(放射性)活度actomyosin|肌动球蛋白actophorin|载肌动蛋白[一种肌动蛋白结合蛋白]acute|急性的acute infection|急性感染acute phase|急性期acute phase protein|急性期蛋白,急相蛋白acute phase reaction|急性期反应,急相反应[炎症反应急性期机体的防御反应] acute phase reactive protein|急性期反应蛋白,急相反应蛋白acute phase response|急性期反应,急相反应acute toxicity|急性毒性ACV|无环鸟苷acyclic nucleotide|无环核苷酸acycloguanosine|无环鸟苷,9-(2-羟乙氧甲基)鸟嘌呤acyclovir|无环鸟苷acyl|酰基acyl carrier protein|酰基载体蛋白acyl cation|酰(基)正离子acyl chloride|酰氯acyl CoA|脂酰辅酶Aacyl coenzyem A|脂酰辅酶Aacyl fluoride|酰氟acyl halide|酰卤acylamino acid|酰基氨基酸acylase|酰基转移酶acylating agent|酰化剂acylation|酰化acylazide|酰叠氮acylbromide|酰溴acyloin|偶姻acyltransferase|酰基转移酶adamantanamine|金刚烷胺[曾用作抗病毒剂]adamantane|金刚烷adaptability|适应性adaptation|适应adapter|衔接头;衔接子adapter protein|衔接蛋白质adaptin|衔接蛋白[衔接网格蛋白与其他蛋白的胞质区]adaptive behavior|适应性行为adaptive enzyme|适应酶adaptive molecule|衔接分子adaptive response|适应反应[大肠杆菌中的DNA修复系统]adaptor|衔接头;衔接子adaxial|近轴的addition|加成addition compound|加成化合物addition haploid|附加单倍体addition line|附加系additive|添加物,添加剂additive effect|加性效应additive genetic variance|加性遗传方差additive recombination|插入重组,加插重组[因DNA插入而引起的基因重组] addressin|地址素[选择蛋白(selectin)的寡糖配体,与淋巴细胞归巢有关]adducin|内收蛋白[一种细胞膜骨架蛋白,可与钙调蛋白结合]adduct|加合物,加成化合物adduct ion|加合离子adenine|腺嘌呤adenine arabinoside|啊糖腺苷adenine phosphoribosyltransferase|腺嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶adenoma|腺瘤adenosine|腺嘌呤核苷,腺苷adenosine deaminase|腺苷脱氨酶adenosine diphoshate|腺苷二磷酸adenosine monophosphate|腺苷(一磷)酸adenosine phosphosulfate|腺苷酰硫酸adenosine triphosphatase|腺苷三磷酸酶adenosine triphosphate|腺苷三磷酸adenovirus|腺病毒adenylate|腺苷酸;腺苷酸盐、酯、根adenylate cyclase|腺苷酸环化酶adenylate energy charge|腺苷酸能荷adenylate kinase|腺苷酸激酶adenylic acid|腺苷酸adenylyl cyclase|腺苷酸环化酶adenylylation|腺苷酰化adherence|粘着,粘附,粘连;贴壁adherent cell|贴壁赴 徽匙牛ㄐ裕┫赴 掣剑ㄐ裕┫赴?/P>adherent culture|贴壁培养adhering junction|粘着连接adhesin|粘附素[如见于大肠杆菌]adhesion|吸附,结合,粘合;粘着,粘附,粘连adhesion factor|粘着因子,粘附因子adhesion molecule|粘着分子,粘附分子adhesion plaque|粘着斑adhesion protein|粘着蛋白,吸附蛋白adhesion receptor|粘着受体adhesion zone|粘着带[如见于细菌壁膜之间]adhesive|粘合剂,胶粘剂adhesive glycoprotein|粘着糖蛋白adipic acid|己二酸,肥酸adipocyte|脂肪细胞adipokinetic hormone|脂动激素[见于昆虫]adipose tissue|脂肪组织adjust|[动]调节,调整;修正adjustable|可调的adjustable miropipettor|可调微量移液管adjustable spanner|活动扳手adjusted retention time|调整保留时间adjusted retention volume|调整保留体积adjuvant|佐剂adjuvant cytokine|佐剂细胞因子adjuvant peptide|佐剂肽adjuvanticity|佐剂(活)性adoptive immunity|过继免疫adoptive transfer|过继转移ADP ribosylation|ADP核糖基化ADP ribosylation factor|ADP核糖基化因子ADP ribosyltransferase|ADP核糖基转移酶adrenal cortical hormone|肾上腺皮质(激)素adrenaline|肾上腺素adrenergic receptor|肾上腺素能受体adrenocepter|肾上腺素受体adrenocorticotropic hormone|促肾上腺皮质(激)素adrenodoxin|肾上腺皮质铁氧还蛋白adriamycin|阿霉素,亚德里亚霉素adsorbent|吸附剂adsorption|吸附adsorption catalysis|吸附催化adsorption center|吸附中心adsorption chromatography|吸附层析adsorption film|吸附膜adsorption isobar|吸附等压线adsorption isotherm|吸附等温线adsorption layer|吸附层adsorption potential|吸附电势adsorption precipitation|吸附沉淀adsorption quantity|吸附量adult diarrhea rotavirus|成人腹泻轮状病毒advanced glycosylation|高级糖基化advanced glycosylation end product|高级糖基化终产物 adventitious|不定的,无定形的adverse effect|反效果,副作用aecidiospore|锈孢子,春孢子aeciospore|锈孢子,春孢子aequorin|水母蛋白,水母素aeration|通气aerator|加气仪,加气装置aerial mycelium|气生菌丝体aerobe|需氧菌[利用分子氧进行呼吸产能并维持正常生长繁殖的细菌] aerobic|需氧的aerobic bacteria|需氧(细)菌aerobic cultivation|需氧培养aerobic glycolysis|有氧酵解aerobic metabolism|有氧代谢aerobic respiration|需氧呼吸aerobic waste treatment|需氧废物处理aerobiosis|需氧生活aerogel|气凝胶aerogen|产气菌aerolysin|气单胞菌溶素Aeromonas|气单胞菌属aerosol|气溶胶aerosol gene delivery|气溶胶基因送递aerospray ionization|气喷射离子化作用aerotaxis|趋氧性[(细胞)随环境中氧浓度梯度进行定向运动]aerotolerant bacteria|耐氧菌[不受氧毒害的厌氧菌]aerotropism|向氧性aesculin|七叶苷,七叶灵aetiology|病原学B cell|B细胞B cell antigen receptor|B细胞抗原受体B cell differentiation factor|B细胞分化因子B cell growth factor|B细胞生长因子B cell proliferation|B细胞增殖B cell receptor|B细胞受体B cell transformation|B细胞转化B chromosome|B染色体[许多生物(如玉米)所具有的异染质染色体] B to Z transition|B-Z转换[B型DNA向Z型DNA转换]Bacillariophyta|硅藻门Bacillus|芽胞杆菌属Bacillus anthracis|炭疽杆菌属Bacillus subtillis|枯草芽胞杆菌bacitracin|杆菌肽back donation|反馈作用back flushing|反吹,反冲洗back mutation|回复突变[突变基因又突变为原由状态]backbone|主链;骨架backbone hydrogen bond|主链氢键backbone wire model|主链金属丝模型[主要反应主链走向的实体模型]backcross|回交backflushing chromatography|反吹层析,反冲层析background|背景,本底background absorption|背景吸收background absorption correction|背景吸收校正background correction|背景校正background gactor|背景因子background genotype|背景基因型[与所研究的表型直接相关的基因以外的全部基因]background hybridization|背景杂交background radiation|背景辐射,本底辐射backmixing|反向混合backside attack|背面进攻backward reaction|逆向反应backwashing|反洗bacmid|杆粒[带有杆状病毒基因组的质粒,可在细菌和昆虫细胞之间穿梭]bacteremia|菌血症bacteria|(复)细菌bacteria rhodopsin|细菌视紫红质bacterial adhesion|细菌粘附bacterial alkaline phosphatase|细菌碱性磷酸酶bacterial artificial chromosome|细菌人工染色体bacterial colony|(细菌)菌落bacterial colony counter|菌落计数器bacterial conjugation|细菌接合bacterial filter|滤菌器bacterial invasion|细菌浸染bacterial motility|细菌运动性bacterial rgodopsin|细菌视紫红质,细菌紫膜质bacterial vaccine|菌苗bacterial virulence|细菌毒力bactericidal reaction|杀(细)菌反应bactericide|杀(细)菌剂bactericidin|杀(细)菌素bactericin|杀(细)菌素bacteriochlorophyll|细菌叶绿素bacteriochlorophyll protein|细菌叶绿素蛋白bacteriocide|杀(细)菌剂bacteriocin|细菌素bacteriocin typing|细菌素分型[利用细菌素对细胞进行分型]bacterioerythrin|菌红素bacteriofluorescein|细菌荧光素bacteriology|细菌学bacteriolysin|溶菌素bacteriolysis|溶菌(作用)bacteriolytic reaction|溶菌反应bacteriophaeophytin|细菌叶褐素bacteriophage|噬菌体bacteriophage arm|噬菌体臂bacteriophage conversion|噬菌体转变bacteriophage head|噬菌体头部bacteriophage surface expression system|噬菌体表面表达系统bacteriophage tail|噬菌体尾部bacteriophage typing|噬菌体分型bacteriophagology|噬菌体学bacteriopurpurin|菌紫素bacteriorhodopsin|细菌视紫红质bacteriosome|细菌小体[昆虫体内一种含有细菌的结构]bacteriostasis|抑菌(作用)bacteriostat|抑菌剂bacteriotoxin|细菌毒素bacteriotropin|亲菌素bacterium|细菌bacteroid|类菌体baculovirus|杆状病毒bag sealer|封边机baking soda|小苏打BAL 31 nuclease|BAL 31核酸酶balance|天平balanced heterokaryon|平衡异核体balanced lethal|平衡致死balanced lethal gene|平衡致死基因balanced linkage|平衡连锁balanced pathogenicity|平衡致病性balanced polymorphism|平衡多态性balanced salt solution|平衡盐溶液balanced solution|平衡溶液balanced translocation|平衡易位balbaini ring|巴尔比亚尼环[由于RNA大量合成而显示特别膨大的胀泡,在多线染色体中形成独特的环]Balbiani chromosome|巴尔比亚尼染色体[具有染色带的多线染色体,1881年首先发现于双翅目摇蚊幼虫]ball mill|球磨ball mill pulverizer|球磨粉碎机ball milling|球磨研磨balloon catheter|气囊导管[可用于基因送递,如将DNA导入血管壁]banana bond|香蕉键band|条带,带[见于电泳、离心等]band broadening|条带加宽band sharpening|条带变细,条带锐化band width|带宽banding pattern|带型banding technique|显带技术,分带技术barbiturate|巴比妥酸盐barium|钡barly strip mosaic virus|大麦条纹花叶病毒barly yellow dwarf virus|大麦黄矮病毒barnase|芽胞杆菌RNA酶[见于解淀粉芽胞杆菌]barophilic baceria|嗜压菌baroreceptor|压力感受器barotaxis|趋压性barotropism|向压性barr body|巴氏小体barrel|桶,圆筒[可用于描述蛋白质立体结构,如beta折叠桶]barrier|屏障,垒barstar|芽胞杆菌RNA酶抑制剂[见于解淀粉芽胞杆菌]basal|基础的,基本的basal body|基粒basal body temperature|基础体温basal component|基本成分,基本组分basal expression|基础表达,基态表达basal granule|基粒basal heat producing rate|基础产热率basal lamina|基膜,基板basal level|基础水平,基态水平basal medium|基本培养基,基础培养基basal medium Eagle|Eagle基本培养基basal metabolic rate|基础代谢率basal metabolism|基础代谢basal promoter element|启动子基本元件basal transcription|基础转录,基态转录basal transcription factor|基础转录因子base|碱基;碱base analog|碱基类似物,类碱基base catalysis|碱基催化base composition|碱基组成base pairing|碱基配对base pairing rules|碱基配对法则,碱基配对规则base peak|基峰base pire|碱基对base ratio|碱基比base stacking|碱基堆积base substitution|碱基置换baseline|基线baseline drift|基线漂移baseline noise|基线噪声basement membrane|基底膜basement membrane link protein|基底膜连接蛋白basic amino acid|碱性氨基酸basic fibroblast growth factor|碱性成纤维细胞生长因子basic fuchsin|碱性品红basic medium|基础培养基basic number of chromosome|染色体基数basic protein|碱性蛋白质basic solvent|碱性溶剂basic taste sensation|基本味觉basidiocarp|担子果basidiomycetes|担子菌basidium|担子basipetal translocation|向基运输basket centrifuge|(吊)篮式离心机basket drier|篮式干燥机basket type evaporator|篮式蒸发器basonuclin|碱(性)核蛋白[见于角质形成细胞,含有多对锌指结构] basophil|嗜碱性细胞basophil degranulation|嗜碱性细胞脱粒basophilia|嗜碱性batch|分批;批,一批batch cultivation|分批培养batch culture|分批培养物batch digestor|分批消化器batch extraction|分批抽提,分批提取batch fermentation|分批发酵,(罐)批发酵batch filtration|分批过滤batch operation|分批操作batch process|分批工艺,分批法batch reactor|间歇反应器,分批反应器batch recycle cultivation|分批再循环培养batch recycle culture|分批再循环培养(物)bathochrome|向红基bathochromic shift|红移bathorhodopsin|红光视紫红质,前光视紫红质batrachotoxin|树蛙毒素[固醇类生物碱,作用于钠通道] baytex|倍硫磷BCG vaccine|卡介苗bead mill|玻珠研磨机bead mill homogenizer|玻珠研磨匀浆机bean sprouts medium|豆芽汁培养基beauvericin|白僵菌素becquerel|贝可(勒尔)bed volume|(柱)床体积bee venom|蜂毒beef broth|牛肉汁beef extract|牛肉膏,牛肉提取物beet yellows virus|甜菜黄化病毒Beggiatoa|贝日阿托菌属[属于硫细菌]behavior|行为;性质,性能behavioral control|行为控制behavioral isolation|行为隔离behavioral thermoregulation|行为性体温调节behenic acid|山yu酸,二十二(烷)酸belt desmosome|带状桥粒belt press|压带机belt press filter|压带(式)滤器bench scale|桌面规模,小试规模benchtop bioprocessing|桌面生物工艺[小试规模]benchtop microcentrifuge|台式微量离心机bend|弯曲;弯管;转折bending|弯曲;转折,回折beneficial element|有益元素bent bond|弯键bent DNA|弯曲DNA,转折DNAbenzene|苯benzhydrylamine resin|二苯甲基胺树脂benzidine|联苯胺benzilate|三苯乙醇酸(或盐或酯)benzimidazole|苯并咪唑benzodiazine|苯并二嗪,酞嗪benzoin|苯偶姻,安息香benzophenanthrene|苯并菲benzopyrene|苯并芘benzoyl|苯甲酰基benzoylglycine|苯甲酰甘氨酸benzyl|苄基benzyladenine|苄基腺嘌呤benzylaminopurine|苄基氨基嘌呤benzylisoquinoline|苄基异喹啉benzylisoquinoline alkaloid|苄基异喹啉(类)生物碱benzylpenicillin|苄基青霉素berberine|小檗碱Bertrand rule|贝特朗法则bestatin|苯丁抑制素[可抑制亮氨酸氨肽酶的一种亮氨酸类似物]C value|C值[单倍基因组DNA的量]C value paradox|C值悖理[物种的C值和它的进化复杂性之间无严格对应关系]C4 dicarboxylic acid cycle|C4二羧酸循环cachectin|恶液质素[即alfa肿瘤坏死因子]cadaverine|尸胺cadherin|钙粘着蛋白[介导依赖(于)钙的细胞间粘着作用的一类跨膜蛋白质,分为E-,N-,P-等若干种,E表示上皮(epithelia),N表示神经(neural),P表示胎盘(placental)] cadmium|镉caerulin|雨蛙肽cage|笼cage compound|笼形化合物cage coordination compound|笼形配合物cage effect|笼效应cage structure|笼形结构[非极性分子周围的水分子所形成的有序结构]calbindin|钙结合蛋白calciferol|麦角钙化(固)醇calcimedin|钙介蛋白[钙调蛋白拮抗剂]calcineurin|钙调磷酸酶[依赖于钙调蛋白的丝氨酸—苏氨酸磷酸酶]calcionin|降钙素calcium binding protein|钙结合蛋白(质)calcium binding site|钙结合部位calcium channel|钙通道calcium chloride|氯化钙calcium influx|钙流入calcium mediatory protein|钙中介蛋白(质)calcium phosphate|磷酸钙calcium phosphate precipitation|磷酸盐沉淀calcium pump|钙泵calcium sensor protein|钙传感蛋白(质)calcium sequestration|集钙(作用)calcyclin|钙(细胞)周边蛋白calcyphosine|钙磷蛋白[是依赖于cAMP的蛋白激酶的磷酸化底物]caldesmon|钙调(蛋白)结合蛋白[主要见于平滑肌,可与钙调蛋白及肌动蛋白结合] calelectrin|钙电蛋白[最初发现于鳗鱼电器官的一种钙结合蛋白]calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase|(小)牛小肠碱性磷酸酶calf serum|小牛血清calf thymus|小牛胸腺calgranulin|钙粒蛋白calibration|校准,标准calibration curve|校正曲线calibration filter|校准滤光片calibration protein|校准蛋白calicheamycin|刺孢霉素[来自刺孢小单胞菌的抗肿瘤抗生素,带有二炔烯官能团] calicivirus|杯状病毒calli|(复)胼胝体,愈伤组织[用于植物];胼胝[见于动物皮肤]callose|胼胝质,愈伤葡聚糖callose synthetase|愈伤葡聚糖合成酶callus|胼胝体,愈伤组织[用于植物];胼胝[见于动物皮肤]callus culture|愈伤组织培养calmodulin|钙调蛋白calnexin|钙联结蛋白[内质网的一种磷酸化的钙结合蛋白]calomel|甘汞calomel electrode|甘汞电极calorie|卡calpactin|依钙(结合)蛋白[全称为“依赖于钙的磷脂及肌动蛋白结合蛋白”]calpain|(需)钙蛋白酶calpain inhibitor|(需)钙蛋白酶抑制剂calpastatin|(需)钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白calphobindin|钙磷脂结合蛋白calphotin|钙感光蛋白[感光细胞的一种钙结合蛋白]calprotectin|(肌)钙网蛋白[骨骼肌肌质网膜上的钙结合蛋白]calretinin|钙(视)网膜蛋白calsequestrin|(肌)集钙蛋白calspectin|钙影蛋白calspermin|钙精蛋白[睾丸的一种钙调蛋白结合蛋白]caltractin|钙牵蛋白[一种与基粒相关的钙结合蛋白]Calvin cycle|卡尔文循环,光合碳还原环calyculin|花萼海绵诱癌素[取自花萼盘皮海绵的磷酸酶抑制剂]calyptra|根冠calyx|花萼cambium|形成层[见于植物]cAMP binding protein|cAMP结合蛋白cAMP receptor protein|cAMP受体蛋白cAMP response element|cAMP效应元件cAMP response element binding protein|cAMP效应元件结合蛋白Campbell model|坎贝尔模型camphane|莰烷camphane derivative|莰烷衍生物camphore|樟脑camptothecin|喜树碱Campylobacter|弯曲菌属Campylobacter fetus|胎儿弯曲菌属Canada balsam|加拿大香脂,枞香脂canaline|副刀豆氨酸canalization|[表型]限渠道化,发育稳态[尽管有遗传因素和环境条件的干扰,表型仍保持正常]canavanine|刀豆氨酸cancer|癌症cancer metastasis|癌症转移cancer suppressor gene|抑癌基因cancer suppressor protein|抑癌基因产物,抑癌蛋白(质)candicidin|杀假丝菌素candida|念珠菌属Candida albicans|白色念珠菌candle jar|烛罐cannabin|大麻苷;大麻碱canonical base|规范碱基canonical molecular orbital|正则分子轨道canonical partition function|正则配分函数canonical sequence|规范序列cantharidin|斑蝥素canthaxanthin|角黄素canyon|峡谷[常用于比喻某些生物大分子的主体结构特征]cap|帽,帽(结构)cap binding protein|帽结合蛋白cap site|加帽位点capacitation|获能[特指镜子在雌性生殖道中停留后获得使卵子受精的能力]capacity|容量capacity factor|容量因子capillarity|毛细现象capillary|毛细管;毛细血管capillary absorption|毛细吸收capillary action|毛细管作用capillary attraction|毛细吸力capillary column|毛细管柱capillary culture|毛细管培养capillary electrode|毛细管电极capillary electrophoresis|毛细管电泳capillary free electrophoresis|毛细管自由流动电泳capillary gas chromatography|毛细管气相层析capillary isoelectric focusing|毛细管等电聚焦capillary isotachophoresis|毛细管等速电泳capillary membrane module|毛细管膜包capillary transfer|毛细管转移[通过毛细管作用进行核酸的印迹转移] capillary tube|毛细管capillary tubing|毛细管capillary zone electrophoresis|毛细管区带电泳capillovirus|毛状病毒组capping|加帽,加帽反应;封闭反应;帽化,成帽capping enzyme|加帽酶capping protein|[肌动蛋白]加帽蛋白caprin|癸酸甘油酯caproin|己酸甘油酯capromycin|卷曲霉素,缠霉素caproyl|己酸基caprylin|辛酸甘油酯capsid|(病毒)衣壳,(病毒)壳体capsid protein|衣壳蛋白capsidation|衣壳化capsomer|(病毒)壳粒capsular polysaccharide|荚膜多糖capsulation|包囊化(作用),胶囊化(作用)capsule|荚膜capsule swelling reaction|荚膜肿胀反应capture|捕捉,俘获capture antigen|捕捉抗原[酶免疫测定中用于捕捉抗体的抗原]capture assay|捕捉试验carbamyl|氨甲酰基carbamyl ornithine|氨甲酰鸟氨酸carbamyl phosphate|氨甲酰磷酸carbamyl phosphate synthetase|氨甲酰磷酸合成酶carbamyl transferase|氨甲酰(基)转移酶carbamylation|氨甲酰化carbanion|碳负离子carbanyl group|羰基carbene|卡宾carbenicillin|羧苄青霉素carbenoid|卡宾体carbocation|碳正离子carbodiimide|碳二亚胺carbohydrate|糖类,碳水化合物carbohydrate fingerprinting|糖指纹分析carbohydrate mapping|糖作图,糖定位carbohydrate sequencing|糖测序carbol fuchsin|石炭酸品红carboline|咔啉,二氮芴carbon assimilation|碳同化carbon balance|碳平衡carbon cycling|碳循环carbon dioxide|二氧化碳carbon dioxide compensation|二氧化碳补偿点carbon dioxide fertilization|二氧化碳施肥carbon dioxide fixation|二氧化碳固定carbon dioxide tension|二氧化碳张力carbon fiber|碳纤维carbon fixation|碳固定carbon isotope|碳同位素carbon isotope analysis|碳同位素分析carbon isotope composition|碳同位素组成carbon monoxide|一氧化碳carbon source|碳源carbonate|碳酸盐,碳酸酯carbonate plant|碳化植物carbonic anhydrase|碳酸酐酶carbonium ion|碳正离子carbonyl|羰基carbonylation|羰基化carboxydismutase|羰基岐化酶,核酮糖二磷酸羧化酶 carboxydotrophic bacteria|一氧化碳营养菌carboxyglutamic acid|羧基谷氨酸carboxyl|羧基carboxyl protease|羧基蛋白酶carboxyl terminal|羧基端carboxyl transferase|羧基转移酶carboxylase|羧化酶carboxylation|羧(基)化carboxylic acid|羧酶carboxymethyl|羧甲基carboxymethyl cellulose|羧甲基纤维素carboxypeptidase|羧肽酶[包括羧肽酶A、B、N等]carcinogen|致癌剂carcinogenesis|致癌,癌的发生carcinogenicity|致癌性carcinoma|癌carcinostatin|制癌菌素cardenolide|强心苷cardiac aglycone|强心苷配基,强心苷元cardiac cycle|心动周期cardiac glycoside|强心苷cardiac receptor|心脏感受器cardiohepatid toxin|心肝毒素[如来自链球菌]cardiolipin|心磷脂cardiotoxin|心脏毒素cardiovascular center|心血管中枢cardiovascular disease|心血管疾病cardiovirus|心病毒属[模式成员是脑心肌炎病毒]carlavirus|香石竹潜病毒组carmine|洋红carminomycin|洋红霉素carmovirus|香石竹斑驳病毒组carnation latent virus|香石竹潜病毒carnation mottle virus|香石竹斑驳病毒carnation ringspot virus|香石竹环斑病毒carnitine|肉碱carnitine acyl transferase|肉碱脂酰转移酶carnosine|肌肽[即beta丙氨酰组氨酸]carotene|胡萝卜素carotene dioxygenase|胡萝卜素双加氧酶carotenoid|类胡萝卜素carotenoprotein|胡萝卜素蛋白carpel|[植物]心皮carrageen|角叉菜,鹿角菜carrageenin|角叉菜胶carrier|载体,运载体,携载体;携带者,带(病)毒者,带菌者 carrier ampholyte|载体两性电解质carrier catalysis|载体催化carrier coprecipitation|载体共沉淀carrier DNA|载体DNAcarrier free|无载体的carrier phage|载体噬菌体carrier precipitation|载体沉淀(作用)carrier state|携带状态carriomycin|腐霉素,开乐霉素cartridge|[萃取柱的]柱体;软片,胶卷;子弹,弹药筒casamino acid|(水解)酪蛋白氨基酸,酪蛋白水解物cascade|串联,级联,级联系统cascade amplification|级联放大cascade chromatography|级联层析cascade fermentation|级联发酵casein|酪蛋白,酪素casein kinase|酪蛋白激酶[分I、II两种]Casparian band|凯氏带[见于植物内表皮细胞]Casparian strip|凯氏带cassette|盒,弹夹[借指DNA序列组件]cassette mutagenesis|盒式诱变casting|铸,灌制CAT box|CAT框[真核生物结构基因上游的顺式作用元件]catabolism|分解代谢catabolite gene activator protein|分解代谢物基因激活蛋白 catabolite repression|分解代谢物阻抑,分解代谢产物阻遏catalase|过氧化氢酶catalytic active site|催化活性位catalytic activity|催化活性catalytic antibody|催化性抗体,具有催化活性的抗体catalytic constant|催化常数[符号Kcat]catalytic core|催化核心catalytic mechanism|催化机理catalytic RNA|催化性RNAcatalytic selectivity|催化选择性catalytic site|催化部位catalytic subunit|催化亚基cataphoresis|阳离子电泳cataract|白内障catechin|儿茶素catechol|儿茶酚,邻苯二酚catecholamine|儿茶酚胺catecholamine hormones|儿茶酚胺类激素catecholaminergic recptor|儿茶酚胺能受体catenane|连环(体),连锁,链条[如DNA连环体];索烃catenating|连环,连接catenation|连环,连锁,成链catenin|连环蛋白[一类细胞骨架蛋白,分alfa/beta/gama三种] catharanthus alkaloid|长春花属生物碱cathepsin|组织蛋白酶[分为A、B、C、D、E…H、L等多种]catheter|导管cathode layer enrichment method|阴极区富集法cathode ray polarograph|阴极射线极谱仪cation acid|阳离子酸cationic acid|阳离子酸cationic catalyst|正离子催化剂cationic detergent|阳离子(型)去污剂cationic initiator|正离子引发剂cationic polymerization|正离子聚合,阳离子聚合 cationic surfactant|阳离子(型)表面活性剂cationization|阳离子化cauliflower mosaic virus|花椰菜花叶病毒caulimovirus|花椰菜花叶病毒组caulobacteria|柄病毒Cavendish laboratory|(英国)卡文迪什实验室caveola|小窝,小凹caveolae|(复)小窝,小凹caveolin|小窝蛋白cavitation|空腔化(作用)cavity|沟槽,模槽,空腔dammarane|达玛烷dammarane type|达玛烷型Dane particle|丹氏粒[乙型肝炎病毒的完整毒粒]dansyl|丹(磺)酰,1-二甲氨基萘-5-磺酰dansyl chloride|丹磺酰氯dansyl method|丹磺酰法dantrolene|硝苯呋海因[肌肉松弛剂]dark current|暗电流dark field|暗视野,暗视场dark field microscope|暗视野显微镜,暗视场显微镜 dark field microscopy|暗视野显微术,暗视场显微术 dark reaction|暗反应dark repair|暗修复dark respiration|暗呼吸dark room|暗室,暗房dark seed|需暗种子data accumulation|数据积累data acquisition|数据获取data analysis|数据分析data bank|数据库data base|数据库data handling|数据处理data logger|数据记录器data logging|数据记录data output|数据输出data processing|数据处理data recording|数据记录dauermodification|持续饰变daughter cell|子代细胞daughter chromatid|子染色单体daughter chromosome|子染色体daughter colony|子菌落[由原生菌落续发生长的小菌落]daunomycin|道诺霉素daunorubicin|道诺红菌素de novo sequencing|从头测序de novo synthesis|从头合成deactivation|去活化(作用),失活(作用),钝化deacylated tRNA|脱酰tRNAdead time|死时间dead volume|死体积deadenylation|脱腺苷化DEAE Sephacel|[商]DEAE-葡聚糖纤维素,二乙氨乙基葡聚糖纤维素 dealkylation|脱烷基化deaminase|脱氨酶deamination|脱氨(基)death phase|死亡期[如见于细胞生长曲线]death point|死点deblocking|去封闭debranching enzyme|脱支酶,支链淀粉酶debris|碎片,残渣decahedron|十面体decane|癸烷decantation|倾析decanting|倾析decapacitation|去(获)能decarboxylase|脱羧酶decarboxylation|脱羧(作用)decay|原因不明腐败decay accelerating factor|衰变加速因子decay constant|衰变常数deceleration phase|减速期[如见于细胞生长曲线]dechlorination|脱氯作用deciduous leaf|落叶decline phase|[细胞生长曲线的]衰亡期decoagulant|抗凝剂decoding|译码,解码decomposer|分解者[可指具有分解动植物残体或其排泄物能力的微生物] decompression|降压,减压decondensation|解凝(聚)decontaminant|净化剂,去污剂decontaminating agent|净化剂,去污剂decontamination|净化,去污decorin|核心蛋白聚糖[一种基质蛋白聚糖,又称为PG-40]dedifferentiation|去分化,脱分化deep colony|深层菌落deep etching|深度蚀刻deep jet fermentor|深部喷注发酵罐deep refrigeration|深度冷冻deep shaft system|深井系统[如用于污水处理]defasciculation factor|解束因子[取自水蛭,可破坏神经束]defective|缺损的,缺陷的defective interfering|缺损干扰defective interfering particle|缺损干扰颗粒,干扰缺损颗粒defective interfering RNA|缺损干扰RNAdefective interfering virus|缺损干扰病毒defective mutant|缺损突变体,缺陷突变型,缺陷突变株defective phage|缺损噬菌体,缺陷噬菌体defective virus|缺损病毒,缺陷病毒defense|防御,防卫defense peptide|防卫肽defense response|防御反应,防卫反应defensin|防卫素[动物细胞的内源性抗菌肽]deficiency|缺乏,缺损,缺陷deficient|缺少的,缺损的,缺陷的defined|确定的defined medium|确定成分培养基,已知成分培养液defintion|定义defoliating agent|脱叶剂defoliation|脱叶deformylase|去甲酰酶[见于原核细胞,作用于甲酰甲硫氨酸]degasser|脱气装置degassing|脱气,除气degeneracy|简并;简并性,简并度degenerate|简并的degenerate codon|简并密码子degenerate oligonucleotide|简并寡核苷酸degenerate primer|简并引物degenerate sequence|简并序列degeneration|退化,变性degenerin|退化蛋白[与某些感觉神经元的退化有关]deglycosylation|去糖基化degradable polymer|降解性高分子degradation|降解degranulation|脱(颗)粒(作用)degree of acidity|酸度degree of dominance|显性度degree of polymerization|聚合度degron|降解决定子[决定某一蛋白发生降解或部分降解的序列要素] deguelin|鱼藤素dehalogenation|脱卤(作用)dehardening|解除锻炼dehumidifier|除湿器dehydratase|脱水酶dehydrated medium|干燥培养基dehydration|脱水(作用)dehydroepiandrosterone|脱氢表雄酮dehydrogenase|脱氢酶dehydrogenation|脱氢(作用)dehydroluciferin|脱氢萤光素deionization|去离子(作用)deionized|去离子的deionized water|去离子水deionizing|去离子(处理)delayed early transcription|(延)迟早期转录[可特指病毒]delayed fluorescence|延迟荧光delayed heat|延迟热delayed hypersensitivity|延迟(型)超敏反应delayed ingeritance|延迟遗传delayed type hypersensitivity|迟发型超敏反应deletant|缺失体deletion|缺失deletion mapping|缺失定位,缺失作图deletion mutagenesis|缺失诱变deletion mutant|缺失突变体deletion mutantion|缺失突变deletional recombination|缺失重组delignification|脱木质化(作用)deliquescence|潮解delivery flask|分液瓶delocalized bond|离域键。
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第43 卷 第 4 期2024 年4 月Vol.43 No.4511~522分析测试学报FENXI CESHI XUEBAO (Journal of Instrumental Analysis )UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS 法分析鉴定鸡血藤中药复方提取物的化学成分谢灿辉1,贾德政1,胥爱丽2,邬旻珊1,肖观林2,毕晓黎2,张素中3,曹颖男3*(1.广州中医药大学 第五临床医学院,广东 广州 510405;2.广东省中医药工程技术研究院 广东省中医药研究开发重点实验室,广东 广州 510095;3.广州新华学院 药学院,广东 广州 510520)摘要:应用超高效液相色谱-四极杆-飞行时间串联质谱(UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS )技术定性鉴别鸡血藤中药复方提取物的化学成分。
采用Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C 18色谱柱(100 mm×2.1 mm ,1.7 µm ),以0.1%甲酸水溶液-乙腈为流动相进行梯度洗脱,电喷雾离子源正、负离子模式扫描。
UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS 技术为鉴别鸡血藤中药复方中化学成分提供了简便、快速、准确的方法,鉴定得到的各个化学成分涵盖了组方中各味药材的主要成分,可为该复方的质量标准及药效物质研究提供实验依据和理论基础。
关键词:UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS ;鸡血藤中药复方提取物;化学成分;裂解规律中图分类号:O657.63;R282.6文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4957(2024)04-0511-12Analysis of Chemical Constituents in Jixueteng Formula Extract byUPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MSXIE Can -hui 1,JIA De -zheng 1,XU Ai -li 2,WU Min -shan 1,XIAO Guan -lin 2,BI Xiao -li 2,ZHANG Su -zhong 3,CAO Ying -nan 3*(1.School of the Fifth Clinical Medicine ,Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine ,Guangzhou 510405,China ;2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Research and Development in Traditional Chinese Medicine ,Guangdong Provincial Engineering Technology Research Institute of T.C.M.,Guangzhou 510095,China ;3.School of Pharmcy of Guangzhou Xinhua University ,Guangzhou 510520,China )Abstract :The chemical components of the Jixueteng formula extract were qualitatively identified us⁃ing ultra -high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time -of -flight tandem mass spectrome⁃try (UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS ) technology. A Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C 18 chromatographic col⁃umn (100 mm×2.1 mm ,1.7 µm ) was employed ,with a mobile phase consisting of 0.1% formic ac⁃id solution-acetonitrile using a gradient elution. The flow rate was set at 0.3 mL/min and the column temperature at 30 ℃. MS analysis was based on electrospray ion source with positive and negative ion mode scanning. The identification of compounds was conducted through the mass spectrometry data⁃base ,compound fragmentation patterns ,and relevant literature. In this experiment ,a total of 82 compounds were identified ,mainly including flavonoids ,phenylpropanoids ,and terpenoids. Among them ,there were 22 types of flavonoids ,24 types of phenylpropanoids ,25 types of terpe⁃noids ,4 types of phenolic acids ,6 types of steroids ,and 1 type of amino acids. Additionally ,10 new chemical components were discovered for the first time when the herbal ingredients were com⁃bined to form a compound. UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS technology provides a convenient ,fast ,and ac⁃curate method for identifying chemical components in the Jixueteng formula extract. The identifieddoi :10.12452/j.fxcsxb.23120738收稿日期:2023-12-07;修回日期:2024-01-31基金项目:2021年度广东省重点建设学科科研能力提升项目(2021ZDJS143);2021年省属科研机构稳定性支持项目(粤财科教[2021]113号);广州市科技计划项目(202102080588)∗ 通讯作者:曹颖男,博士,教授,研究方向:中药药理学,E -mail :85394092@研究报告512分析测试学报第 43 卷chemical constituents can cover the main active ingredients of the herbal compound,providing exper⁃imental evidence and theoretical foundation for quality standardization and pharmacological researchof the compound.Key words:UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS;Jixueteng formula extract;chemical constituents;fragmen⁃tation pattern近年来癌症的发病率逐年上升,肿瘤的发生发展与机体的免疫功能低下密切相关。
生物技术进展 2023 年 第 13 卷 第 4 期 596 ~ 603Current Biotechnology ISSN 2095‑2341研究论文Articles重组贻贝粘蛋白的表征及功效评价李敏 , 魏文培 , 乔莎 , 郝东 , 周浩 , 赵硕文 , 张立峰 , 侯增淼 *西安德诺海思医疗科技有限公司,西安 710000摘要:为了推进重组贻贝粘蛋白在医疗、化妆品领域的应用,对大肠杆菌规模化发酵及纯化生产获得的重组贻贝粘蛋白进行了表征及功效评价。
经Edman 降解法、基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱、PITC 法、非还原型SDS -聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法、凝胶法、改良的Arnow 法对重组贻贝粘蛋白进行氨基酸N 端测序、相对分子量分析、氨基酸组成分析、蛋白纯度分析、内毒素含量测定、多巴含量测定;通过细胞迁移、斑马鱼尾鳍修复效果对重组贻贝粘蛋白进行功效评价。
结果显示,获得的重组贻贝粘蛋白与理论的一级结构一致,蛋白纯度达95%以上,内毒素<10 EU ·mg -1,多巴含量大于5%;重组贻贝粘蛋白浓度为60 μg ·mL -1时能够显著促进细胞增殖的活性(P <0.01);斑马鱼尾鳍面积样品组与模型对照组相比极显著增加(P <0.001)。
关键词:贻贝粘蛋白;基因重组;生物材料;表征;功效评价DOI :10.19586/j.20952341.2023.0021 中图分类号:S985.3+1 文献标志码:ACharacterization and Efficacy Evaluation of Recombinant Mussel Adhesive ProteinLI Min , WEI Wenpei , QIAO Sha , HAO Dong , ZHOU Hao , ZHAO Shuowen , ZHANG Lifeng ,HOU Zengmiao *Xi'an DeNovo Hith Medical Technology Co., Ltd , Xi'an 710000, ChinaAbstract :In order to promote the application of recombinant mussel adhesive protein in the medical and cosmetics field , the recombi⁃nant mussel adhesive protein obtained from scale fermentation and purification of Escherichia coli was characterized and its efficacy was evaluated. Amino acid N -terminal sequencing , relative molecular weight analysis , amino acid composition analysis , protein purityanalysis , endotoxin content , dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA ) content of recombinant mussel adhesive protein were determined by the following methods : Edman degradation , matrix -assisted laser desorption ionization time -of -flight mass spectrometry (MALDI -TOF -MS ), phenyl -isothiocyanate (PITC ), nonreductive SDS -polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS -PAGE ), gel method , modified Ar⁃now. The efficacy of recombinant mussel adhesive protein was evaluated by cell migration and repairing effect of zebrafish tail fin. Re⁃sults showed that the obtained recombinant mussel adhesive protein was confirmed to be consistent with the theoretical primary structure , protein purity of more than 95%, endotoxin <10 EU ·mg -1, DOPA content above 5%. When the recombinant mussel adhesive protein concentration was 60 μg ·mL -1, the effect of promoting cell proliferation was the most obvious , and it had very significant activity (P <0.01). The caudal fin area of zebrafish in sample group was significantly increased compared with model control group (P <0.001). The results indicated that recombinant mussel adhesive protein can promote cell migration and repair healing and has the potential to be used as biomedical materials.Key words :mussel adhesive protein ; gene recombination ; biological materials ; representation ; efficacy evaluation贻贝粘蛋白(mussel adhesive protein , MAP )也称作贻贝足丝蛋白(mussel foot protein ,Mfps ),收稿日期:2023⁃02⁃24; 接受日期:2023⁃03⁃31联系方式:李敏 E -mail:*******************;*通信作者 侯增淼 E -mail:***********************.cn李敏,等:重组贻贝粘蛋白的表征及功效评价是海洋贝类——紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincalis)、厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viri⁃dis)等分泌的一种特殊的蛋白质,贻贝中含有多种贻贝粘蛋白,包括贻贝粘蛋白(Mfp 1~6)、前胶原蛋白(precollagens)和基质蛋白(matrix proteins)等[1]。
Title Originator Highest Dev Status 111In-capromab pendetide Cytogen Corp Launched111In-imciromab pentetate Janssen Biotech Inc Launched131I-chTNT-1/B Peregrine Pharmaceuticals Inc Launched131I-metuximab Fourth Military Medical University PLA Launchedbrentuximab vedotin Seattle Genetics Inc Launchedgemtuzumab Wyeth Research Launchedibritumomab tiuxetan IDEC Pharmaceuticals Corp Launchedtrastuzumab emtansine Genentech Inc LaunchedATL-101, ATLAB Cornell University Phase 3 Clinical inotuzumab ozogamicin Wyeth Research Phase 3 Clinical oportuzumab monatox (intratumoral, head and neck cancer), Viventia University of Zurich Phase 3 ClinicalRIGS CC49Navidea Biopharmaceuticals Inc Phase 3 ClinicalABT-414Abbott Laboratories Phase 2 ClinicalCDX-1401Celldex Therapeutics Inc (pre-merger)Phase 2 Clinical glembatumumab vedotin CuraGen Corp Phase 2 ClinicalLMB-2National Cancer Institute Phase 2 Clinical lorvotuzumab mertansine ImmunoGen Inc Phase 2 Clinical moxetumomab pasudotox National Cancer Institute Phase 2 Clinical oportuzumab monatox (intravesicular, bladder cancer), Viventia University of Zurich Phase 2 ClinicalPSMA-ADC Cytogen Corp Phase 2 ClinicalRG-7593Genentech Inc Phase 2 ClinicalRG-7596Genentech Inc Phase 2 ClinicalSAR-3419ImmunoGen Inc Phase 2 Clinical212-Pb-TCMC-trastuzumab National Cancer Institute Phase 1 ClinicalActimab-A PDL BioPharma Inc Phase 1 ClinicalAGS-16M8F Agensys Inc Phase 1 Clinicalanti-CD3/anti-CD20 bispecific antibody-armed activated T-cells (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma), Wayne State University/Barbara Ann KarmanosCancer Institute Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute Phase 1 ClinicalASG-5ME Agensys Inc Phase 1 ClinicalBAY-79-4620MorphoSys AG Phase 1 Clinical citatuzumab bogatox Viventia Biotech Inc Phase 1 Clinical doxorubicin-loaded anti-EGFR immunoliposomes (solid tumors), UniversityHospital Basel University Hospital of Basel Phase 1 ClinicalHuM195/rGel (intravenous infusion, AML/CML/meylodisplastic syndrome),Targa Therapeutics Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Phase 1 ClinicalIMGN-529ImmunoGen Inc Phase 1 ClinicalIMGN-853ImmunoGen Inc Phase 1 ClinicalIMMU-132Immunomedics Inc Phase 1 Clinical labetuzumab-SN-38Immunomedics Inc Phase 1 ClinicalNHS-IL-12National Cancer Institute Phase 1 ClinicalRG-7450Genentech Inc Phase 1 ClinicalRG-7458Genentech Inc Phase 1 Clinical RG-7598Genentech Inc Phase 1 Clinical RG-7599Genentech Inc Phase 1 Clinical RG-7600Genentech Inc Phase 1 Clinical RG-7636Genentech Inc Phase 1 Clinical SAR-566658ImmunoGen Inc Phase 1 Clinical T-Guard University Medical Center St Radboud Phase 1 Clinical vorsetuzumab mafodotin Seattle Genetics Inc Phase 1 Clinical 131I-catuximab (colorectal cancer), Pacific Meinuoke Fourth Military Medical University PLA Discovery177Lu-tetraxetan-tetulomab (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma), Nordic Nanovector Nordic Nanovector AS Discovery227Th-epratuzumab (hematological cancer), Algeta Algeta ASA Discovery227Th-rituximab (cancer), Algeta Algeta ASA Discovery227Th-trastuzumab (cancer), Algeta Algeta ASA Discovery4s3-0014s3 Bioscience Inc Discovery4s3-0024s3 Bioscience Inc Discovery64Cu-NOTA-ALT-836Altor BioScience Corp DiscoveryAA-A225Actinium Pharmaceuticals Inc Discovery AbGn-107AbGenomics Corp Discovery Actimab-B Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Discovery Actimab-C Actinium Pharmaceuticals Inc Discovery Actimab-P Actinium Pharmaceuticals Inc Discovery adalimumab + anti-Ang2 Zybody (rheumatoid arthritis/inflammatory boweldisease), Zyngenia Zyngenia Inc DiscoveryAGS-15E ADC Agensys Inc DiscoveryAGT-160ArmaGen Technologies Inc DiscoveryAGT-185ArmaGen Technologies Inc DiscoveryAGT-190ArmaGen Technologies Inc Discovery amanitin-trastuzumab conjugate (cancer), Heidelberg Pharma Heidelberg Pharma Holding Ltd Discoveryanti-CD133-immunotoxin conjugates (photochemical internalization, cancer),PCI Biotech PCI Biotech Holding ASA Discoveryanti-ET8R-MC-vc-PAB-MMAE Genentech Inc Discoveryanti-NaPi3b antibody-drug conjugate (cancer), Genentech/Roche Genentech Inc Discovery antibody drug conjugates (cancer), Sanofi Sanofi Discovery antibody-drug conjugates (cancer), ADC Therapeutics ADC Therapeutics Sarl Discovery antibody-drug conjugates (cancer), Seattle Genetics/Oxford BioTherapeutics Seattle Genetics Inc Discovery antibody-drug conjugates (TAP, cancer), Lilly Eli Lilly & Co Discovery antibody-IFN lambda conjugates (cancer), Immunomedics Immunomedics Inc Discovery anticancer therapy (TAP technology), Amgen Amgen Inc DiscoveryAPH-0912Aphios Corp Discovery Aurixin BioIntegrator DiscoveryAZ-05Allozyne Inc Discovery BIOO-1BIOO Therapeutics DiscoveryBIOO-2BIOO Therapeutics Discovery BIOO-3BIOO Therapeutics Discovery BIOO-4BIOO Therapeutics Discovery BIOO-5BIOO Therapeutics Discovery BIOO-6BIOO Therapeutics Discovery BIOO-7BIOO Therapeutics Discovery botulinum toxin B inhibitor (injectable, heteropolymer mAbs, botulism),Immunome Immunome Inc Discovery BT-2111biOasis Technologies Inc Discovery C2-2b-2b Immunomedics Inc Discovery CDX-014CuraGen Corp Discovery chiHEA-125-Ama Heidelberg Pharma Holding Ltd Discovery CK-22-(20)-(20)Immunomedics Inc Discovery complement factor H-derived short consensus repeat-antibody constructs(infection), LysoVac University of Innsbruck Discovery Cymac-001Cytoguide ApS Discovery CYP-Ab Cytune Pharma Discovery D2C7-based immunotoxins (glioma), Duke University Duke University Discovery EGFR modulators (antibody conjugates, PIT, cancer), Aspyrian Aspyrian Therapeutics Inc Discovery engineered cysteine drug conjugates mAbs (cancer), Seattle Genetics Seattle Genetics Inc Discovery epratuzumab-SN-38Immunomedics Inc Discovery ETBs (cancer), Molecular Templates/ Imclone Molecular Templates Inc Discovery Fluorescent-labeled bevacizumab (imaging, ocular disease), Mivenion mivenion Gmbh Discovery gemcitabine + paclitaxel (prodrug, nanomAb, cancer), ImmunePharmaceuticals Immune Pharmaceuticals Corp Discovery Herceptin:Endostatin-P125A University of Miami Discovery hLL1-CL2A-SN-38Immunomedics Inc Discovery hPAM4-CL2A-SN-38Immunomedics Inc Discovery human monoclonal antibody-toxin conjugates (myocardial infarction), Celdara Celdara Medical LLC Discovery HuMax-TF-ADC Genmab A/S Discovery IFNalpha-fused mAbs (HBV infection), Roche Roche Holding AG Discovery IL-13 receptor alpha 2 inhibitors (iv, cancer), Pfizer Pfizer Inc Discovery IMGN-289ImmunoGen Inc Discovery intracellular antibodies (Intraphilin, inflammatory diseases/infectiousdiseases/ophthalmic diseases), Permeon Biologics Permeon Biologics Inc Discovery mapp-66Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc Discovery MB-2003Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc Discovery monoclonal antibody-drug conjugates, Chirogenix/ImmunoGen/Celltrion Chirogenix Co Ltd Discovery MP-Ter-ADC MediaPharma Srl Discovery N01-OX2Intellect Neurosciences Inc Discovery PC-91ProCell Therapeutics Inc Discovery ProstaLite PhotoBiotics Ltd Discoveryrecombinant mAb-biocide fusion proteins (oral/Directed Biocide,cryptosporidium infection), ioGenetics ioGenetics Inc Discovery SGN-CD33A Seattle Genetics Inc Discovery SGN-LIV1A Seattle Genetics Inc Discovery SL-101Stemline Therapeutics Inc Discovery SYD-983Synthon Biopharmaceuticals Discovery T01-OX2Intellect Neurosciences Inc Discovery TBL-0306L Transgene Biotek Ltd Discovery TBL-0306M Transgene Biotek Ltd Discovery TBL-0805E Transgene Biotek Ltd Discovery thio-trastuzumab-mpeo-DM1Genentech Inc Discovery trastuzumab-PNU-159682 antibody-drug conjugate (cancer), Genentech Genentech Inc Discovery veltuzumab-IFN alpha 2b conjugate (cancer), IBC/Immunomedics IBC Pharmaceuticals Inc Discovery BIIB-015Biogen Inc Suspended Pretarget technology (gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma), NeoRx Poniard Pharmaceuticals Inc Suspended125I-AnnA1 IgG Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center No Development Reported131I-CC49-SCA Enzon Labs Inc No Development Reported177Lu-capromab pendetide Cytogen Corp No Development Reported90Y-capromab pendetide Cytogen Corp No Development Reported99mTC-BERH2Medac GmbH No Development Reportedanti-CD133-vcMMAF Seattle Genetics Inc No Development Reportedanti-CD22 antibody drug-conjugates, Medarex/BMS Medarex Inc No Development Reportedanti-PSMA antibody-drug conjugates (cancer), Medarex Medarex Inc No Development Reportedantibody-drug conjugates (solid tumors), Daiichi Sankyo Seattle Genetics Inc No Development ReportedAVE-9633ImmunoGen Inc No Development Reportedbectumomab Immunomedics Inc No Development ReportedCA125/MUC16-targeting antibody-drug conjugate (ovarian cancer),Genentech Genentech Inc No Development Reportedcathepsin B-sensitive prodrugs, BMS Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical ResearchInstituteNo DevelopmentReportedCC49 humanized radioimmunoconjugates, National Cancer Institute,University of Alabama at Birmingham National Cancer Institute No Development ReportedCD4-BFFI Roche Holding AG No Development ReportedCHB-111ViRexx Medical Corp No Development ReportedCHT-25University College London No Development ReportedCMD-193Wyeth No Development ReportedCNTO-95 immunoconjugates (cancer), Centocor Janssen Biotech Inc No Development Reportedconjugated PEI/anti-CD133 mAb plasmid-based gene therapy (brain tumor),Discovery genomics Discovery Genomics Inc No Development ReportedcT84.66City of Hope No Development Reporteddelta 9-cadherin targeting antibody (gastric cancer), Actinium Helmholtz Zentrum München No Development Reporteddiphtheria toxin, RCT Research Corporation Technologies No Development Reporteddoxorubicin-C225 conjugate (STEALTH), SEQUUS SEQUUS Pharmaceuticals Inc No Development ReportedDTPA-BrE-3University of Colorado System No Development ReportedDXL-625InNexus Biotechnology Inc No Development ReportedG3.519-PAP-S Tanox Inc No Development ReportedhuHMFG1-caspase Antisoma plc No Development ReportedIMGN-007ImmunoGen Inc No Development ReportedIMGN-009ImmunoGen Inc No Development Reportedimmunoconjugate (cancer MN), Bayer Bayer AG No Development ReportedImmuRAID-AFP-99mTc, Immunomedics Immunomedics Inc No Development ReportedIMTOX 22-97A University of Texas Southwestern MedicalCenterNo DevelopmentReportedKSB-201KS Biomedix Holdings plc No Development ReportedLA22-radioimmunoconjugates (cancer), Welson/Peking University Welson Pharmaceuticals Inc No Development Reportedlabetuzumab Immunomedics Inc No Development ReportedLMB-1, NIH National Institutes of Health No Development ReportedLu-177-trastuzumab Tarbiat Modares University No Development ReportedLymphoScan Immunomedics Inc No Development ReportedMDX-11Medarex Inc No Development ReportedMDX-1203Medarex Inc No Development ReportedMDX-1206Medarex Inc No Development Reportedmonoclonal-porphyrins, Quadra Logic QLT Inc No Development Reportedmonoclonals, Quest Quest Biotechnology Inc No Development ReportedNogo receptor modulators, Biogen Idec Yale University No Development ReportedONS-1210Oncobiologics Inc No Development ReportedOP-06 program (cancer), Onco-Pharmakon Onco-Pharmakon Inc No Development Reportedpaclitaxel analogs and immunoconjugates (cancer), Bioxel Bioxel Pharma Inc No Development ReportedPE38-conjugated anti-CD30 immunotoxin, NCI National Cancer Institute No Development Reportedprostate-specific MAb, NIH National Institutes of Health No Development ReportedR-1549The UK Imperial Cancer Research Fund No Development Reportedradiolabeled Tx3.833Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center No Development Reportedscu-PA-59D8Bristol-Myers Squibb Co No Development ReportedSGN-17/19Seattle Genetics Inc No Development Reportedtaxane-monoclonal antibody conjugates, ImClone ImClone Systems Inc No Development Reportedtranscobalamin (vitamin B12) receptor-targeting mAbTCR23-saporinconjugate (cancer), Kyto Kyto Biopharma Inc No Development Reportedtrastuzumab-autophilic peptide conjugate (breast cancer), InNexusBiotechnology InNexus Biotechnology Inc No Development Reportedtrastuzumab-MC-vc-PAB-MMAF Genentech Inc No Development ReportedTRP-targeted antibody conjugate (Yttrium 90/MX-DTPA), SomantaPharmaceuticals Immunodex Inc No Development Reportedtucotuzumab celmoleukin EMD Lexigen Research Center Corp No Development ReportedVB4-011Viventia Biotech Inc No Development ReportedVB6-011Viventia Biotech Inc No Development ReportedVB6-050Viventia Biotech Inc No Development ReportedXomaZyme-791XOMA Corp No Development Reportednofetumomab Poniard Pharmaceuticals Inc Withdrawn 131I-81C6Duke University Discontinued 131I-ImmuRAIT-HCG, Immunomedics Immunomedics Inc Discontinued B-B4-DC1ImmunoGen Inc Discontinued CC49 radioimmunoconjugates, University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Alabama at Birmingham Discontinued CD5 monoclonals/RIPs, Italfarmaco Italfarmaco SpA Discontinued CVX-045CovX Pharmaceuticals Inc Discontinued CVX-060CovX Pharmaceuticals Inc Discontinued CVX-241CovX Pharmaceuticals Inc Discontinued CVX-343CovX Pharmaceuticals Inc Discontinued doxorubicin-BR96 conjugate, BMS Bristol-Myers Squibb Co Discontinued doxorubicin-CEA conjugate, Immunomedics Immunomedics Inc Discontinued doxorubicin-LL2 conjugate, Immunomedics Immunomedics Inc Discontinued FAP5-DM1Boehringer Ingelheim Corp Discontinued FGFR4-CovX-Body CovX Pharmaceuticals Inc Discontinued HuM-195-Bi-213PDL BioPharma Inc Discontinued human placental growth factor 1-CVX-2000 monoclonal antibody conjugatedtherapeutic (CovX-body, cancer), CovX CovX Pharmaceuticals Inc Discontinued huN901-CC-1065ImmunoGen Inc Discontinued huN901-DC1ImmunoGen Inc Discontinued ImmuRAID-HCG-99mTc, Immunomedics Immunomedics Inc Discontinued ImmuRAIT-CEA-rhenium-188, Immunomedics Immunomedics Inc Discontinued MDX-214Medarex Inc Discontinued MEDI-547MedImmune LLC Discontinued MLN-2704Cornell University Discontinued Oncolym Peregrine Pharmaceuticals Inc Discontinued Oncolysin B Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Inc DiscontinuedOncolysin CD6Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Inc Discontinued Oncolysin M Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Inc Discontinued Oncolysin S Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Inc Discontinued Oncopurge Poniard Pharmaceuticals Inc Discontinued rhenium-188-LL2, Immunomedics Immunomedics Inc Discontinued SMART ABL-364Novartis AG Discontinued targeted ranpirnase conjugates (cancer), Alfacell Tamir Biotechnology Inc DiscontinuedHighest Dev Status。
总胆汁酸(TBA)测定试剂盒(酶循环法)说明书【产品名称】总胆汁酸(TBA)测定试剂盒(酶循环法)【包装规格】a)试剂1:2×45mL 试剂2:2×15mL b)试剂1:4×60mL 试剂2:4×20mL c)试剂1:2×60mL试剂2:2×20mL【预期用途】用于体外定量测定人体血清中总胆汁酸的含量。
血清中TBA 水平升高见于急性病毒性肝炎、肝硬化、胆汁淤积性胆管炎、慢性活动性肝炎、酒精性肝炎、阻塞性黄疸、肝囊性纤维变性[1]。
【检验原理】胆汁酸被3α-HSD 及THIO-NAD 特异性的氧化,生成3-酮类固及还原型硫代辅酶Ⅰ(THIO -NADH )。
此外,生成的3-酮类固醇在3α羟基类固醇脱氢酶及还原型硫代辅酶Ⅰ(THIO -NADH )存在下,生成胆汁酸及氧化型硫代辅酶Ⅰ(THIO -NAD )。
如上述,据循环酶而放大微量的胆汁酸量,测定在单位时间内生成的还原型硫代辅酶Ⅰ在405nm 处的吸光度变化,可求得样本中总胆汁酸的含量。
【主要组成成分】试剂1主要组分磷酸氢二钠-柠檬酸缓冲液100mmol/L 氧化型硫代辅酶Ⅰ(THIO-NAD)950mg/L还原型辅酶(NADH)6g/L 聚氧乙烯油醇醚适量试剂2主要组分Tris 缓冲液100mmol/L 3α-羟基类固醇脱氢酶(3α-HSDH)12.5KU/L聚氧乙烯油醇醚适量注:不同批号试剂盒中各组分未经试验不可互换。
【适用仪器】艾威德AS-420/AS-660/AS-1200;日立HITACHI 7020型/7060型/7180型/7600型/LABOSPECT 008AS 型;贝克曼AU400/AU480/AU640/AU680/AU2700/AU5400/AU5800/AU5811/AU5821;佳能TBA-FX8/TBA-120FR /TBA-2000FR ;罗氏cobas 8000c 702/cobas 8000c 701/cobas 8000c 502;西门子SIEMENS ADVIA 1800/ADVIA 2400;雅培ABBOTT ARCHITECT c8000/ARCHITECT c16000/ARCHITECT ci8200;西森美康SYSMEX BM6010/C ;科华KHB 卓越310/卓越330/卓越400/卓越450/ZY-1200/ZY-1280;迪瑞CS-240/CS-T300/CS-300B/CS-380/CS-400A/CS-400B/CS-600A/CS-600B/CS-800A/CS-800B/CS-1200/CS-1200ISE/CS-1300B/CS-1400;迈瑞MINDRAY BS-220/BS-330/BS-350E/BS-380/BS-390/BS-400/BS-430/BS-600/BS-800/BS-2000M ;颐兰贝ES-200/ES-380/ES-480;赛诺迈德SUNMATIK-9050型;雷杜Chemray 420;英诺华D280;特康TC6010L ;锦瑞GS400;普康6066。
Inhibitors, Agonists, Screening LibrariesSafety Data Sheet Revision Date:May-24-2017Print Date:May-24-20171. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION1.1 Product identifierProduct name :ABT-737Catalog No. :HY-50907CAS No. :852808-04-91.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstIdentified uses :Laboratory chemicals, manufacture of substances.1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany:MedChemExpress USATel:609-228-6898Fax:609-228-5909E-mail:sales@1.4 Emergency telephone numberEmergency Phone #:609-228-68982. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1 Classification of the substance or mixtureNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.2 GHS Label elements, including precautionary statementsNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.3 Other hazardsNone.3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1 SubstancesSynonyms:ABT737; ABT 737Formula:C42H45ClN6O5S2Molecular Weight:813.43CAS No. :852808-04-94. FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 Description of first aid measuresEye contactRemove any contact lenses, locate eye-wash station, and flush eyes immediately with large amounts of water. Separate eyelids with fingers to ensure adequate flushing. Promptly call a physician.Skin contactRinse skin thoroughly with large amounts of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and call a physician.InhalationImmediately relocate self or casualty to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Avoid mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.IngestionWash out mouth with water; Do NOT induce vomiting; call a physician.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedThe most important known symptoms and effects are described in the labelling (see section 2.2).4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededTreat symptomatically.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing mediaUse water spray, dry chemical, foam, and carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureDuring combustion, may emit irritant fumes.5.3 Advice for firefightersWear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresUse full personal protective equipment. Avoid breathing vapors, mist, dust or gas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas.Refer to protective measures listed in sections 8.6.2 Environmental precautionsTry to prevent further leakage or spillage. Keep the product away from drains or water courses.6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upAbsorb solutions with finely-powdered liquid-binding material (diatomite, universal binders); Decontaminate surfaces and equipment by scrubbing with alcohol; Dispose of contaminated material according to Section 13.7. HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1 Precautions for safe handlingAvoid inhalation, contact with eyes and skin. Avoid dust and aerosol formation. Use only in areas with appropriate exhaust ventilation.7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep container tightly sealed in cool, well-ventilated area. Keep away from direct sunlight and sources of ignition.Recommended storage temperature:Powder-20°C 3 years4°C 2 yearsIn solvent-80°C 6 months-20°C 1 monthShipping at room temperature if less than 2 weeks.7.3 Specific end use(s)No data available.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parametersComponents with workplace control parametersThis product contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.8.2 Exposure controlsEngineering controlsEnsure adequate ventilation. Provide accessible safety shower and eye wash station.Personal protective equipmentEye protection Safety goggles with side-shields.Hand protection Protective gloves.Skin and body protection Impervious clothing.Respiratory protection Suitable respirator.Environmental exposure controls Keep the product away from drains, water courses or the soil. Cleanspillages in a safe way as soon as possible.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesAppearance Light yellow to yellow (Solid)Odor No data availableOdor threshold No data availablepH No data availableMelting/freezing point No data availableBoiling point/range No data availableFlash point No data availableEvaporation rate No data availableFlammability (solid, gas)No data availableUpper/lower flammability or explosive limits No data availableVapor pressure No data availableVapor density No data availableRelative density No data availableWater Solubility No data availablePartition coefficient No data availableAuto-ignition temperature No data availableDecomposition temperature No data availableViscosity No data availableExplosive properties No data availableOxidizing properties No data available9.2 Other safety informationNo data available.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1 ReactivityNo data available.10.2 Chemical stabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactionsNo data available.10.4 Conditions to avoidNo data available.10.5 Incompatible materialsStrong acids/alkalis, strong oxidising/reducing agents.10.6 Hazardous decomposition productsUnder fire conditions, may decompose and emit toxic fumes.Other decomposition products - no data available.11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1 Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Skin corrosion/irritationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Serious eye damage/irritationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Respiratory or skin sensitizationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Germ cell mutagenicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2CarcinogenicityIARC: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.ACGIH: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a potential or confirmed carcinogen by ACGIH.NTP: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a anticipated or confirmed carcinogen by NTP.OSHA: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a potential or confirmed carcinogen by OSHA.Reproductive toxicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Specific target organ toxicity - single exposureClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposureClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Aspiration hazardClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 212. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 ToxicityNo data available.12.2 Persistence and degradabilityNo data available.12.3 Bioaccumlative potentialNo data available.12.4 Mobility in soilNo data available.12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT/vPvB assessment unavailable as chemical safety assessment not required or not conducted.12.6 Other adverse effectsNo data available.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13.1 Waste treatment methodsProductDispose substance in accordance with prevailing country, federal, state and local regulations.Contaminated packagingConduct recycling or disposal in accordance with prevailing country, federal, state and local regulations.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT (US)This substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.IMDGThis substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.IATAThis substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONSARA 302 Components:No chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.SARA 313 Components:This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.SARA 311/312 Hazards:No SARA Hazards.Massachusetts Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act.Pennsylvania Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act.New Jersey Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the New Jersey Right to Know Act.California Prop. 65 Components:This product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or anyother reproductive harm.16. OTHER INFORMATIONCopyright 2017 MedChemExpress. The above information is correct to the best of our present knowledge but does not purport to be all inclusive and should be used only as a guide. The product is for research use only and for experienced personnel. It must only be handled by suitably qualified experienced scientists in appropriately equipped and authorized facilities. The burden of safe use of this material rests entirely with the user. MedChemExpress disclaims all liability for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with this product.Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only.Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 E-mail: tech@Address: 1 Deer Park Dr, Suite Q, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852, USA。
IFCC Aspartate Aminotransferase 检测手册说明书
ASTAspartate Aminotransferase IFCCMANUAL RX MONZAINTENDED USEFor the quantitative in vitro determination of AspartateAminotransferase (AST) in serum and plasma. This product is suitable for manual use and on the Rx Monza analyser.Cat. No. AS 1202 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 70 ml 20 x 2 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 20 x 2 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200416AS 1204 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 105 ml 10 x 10 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 10 x 10 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200423AS 1267 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 105 ml 5 x 20 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 5 x 20 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200430AS 2359 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 5 x 100 ml 5 x 100 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 5 x 100 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200454UV METHODThis is an optimised standard method according to the concentrations recommended by the IFCC.CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE (1,2,3,4)The aminotransferases are a group of enzymes that catalyse the inter conversions of amino acids and α-oxoacids by transfer of amino groups. AST (aspartate aminotransferase or glutamate oxaloacetatetransaminase) has been found in the cytoplasm and the mitochondria of cells that have been studied. In cases of mild tissue damage, e.g. liver, the predominant form of serum AST is that from the cytoplasm, with a smaller amount coming from the mitochondria. Severe tissue damage will result in more mitochondrial enzyme being released. Elevated levels of AST can signal myocardial infarction, hepatic disease, muscular dystrophy and organ damage.Although heart muscle is found to have the most activity of the enzyme, significant activity has also been seen in the brain, liver, gastric mucosa, adipose tissue and kidneys of humans.The IFCC has now recommended (1980) standardised procedures for AST determinations including:-1. optimization of substrate concentrations.2. Employment of Tris buffers (instead of phosphate, which has beenshown to inhibit recombination of the apoenzyme with pyridoxal phosphate).3. Pre-incubation of combined buffer and serum to allow sidereactions with NADH to occur. 4. Substrate start (α-oxoglutarate)5. Optional pyridoxal phosphate activation.This is an optimised standard method according to the recommendations of the IFCC.PRINCIPLEα-oxoglutarate reacts with L-aspartate in the presence of AST to form L-glutamate plus oxaloacetate. The indicator reaction utilises the oxaloacetate for a kinetic determination of NADH consumption. AST -oxoglutarate + L-aspartate L-glutamate + oxaloacetate MDH oxaloacetate + NADH + H + L-malate + NAD +SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION (5) Serum:- Use serum free from haemolysis.Plasma:- EDTA or heparin can be used as the anticoagulant.Plasma should be separated from cells within one hour after collection.Specimens should be refrigerated if not used immediately:-Specimens stored longer than 3 days should be frozen at -20︒C.REAGENT COMPOSITIONContents Concentrations in the TestR1a. Buffer/Substrate Tris buffer 80 mmol/l, pH 7.5 L-aspartate 240 mmol/l R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate α-oxoglutarate 12 mmol/l MDH ≥420 U/l LD ≥600 U/l NADH 0.18 mmol/lSAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS For in vitro diagnostic use only. Do not pipette by mouth.Exercise the normal precautions required for handling laboratory reagents.Solution R1a contains Sodium Azide. Avoid ingestion or contact with skin or mucous membranes. In case of skin contact, flush affected area with copious amounts of water. In case of contact with eyes or if ingested, seek immediate medical attention.Sodium Azide reacts with lead and copper plumbing, to form potentially explosive azides. When disposing of such reagents flush with large volumes of water to prevent azide build up. Exposed metal surfaces should be cleaned with 10% sodium hydroxide.Health and Safety data sheets available on request.The reagents must be used only for the purpose intended by suitably qualified laboratory personnel, under appropriate laboratory conditions.STABILITY AND PREPARATION OF REAGENTS R1a. Buffer/SubstrateContents ready for use. Stable up to the expiry date when stored at +2 to +8︒C.R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate Reconstitute one vial of Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate R1b with the appropriate volume of Buffer/Substrate R1a: 2 ml for the 20 x 2 ml kit (AS 1202) 10 ml for the 10 x 10 ml kit (AS 1204) 20 ml for the 5 x 20 ml kit (AS 1267) Stable for 14 days at +2 to +8︒C or 24 hours at +15 to +25︒C. Cat. AS 2359 5 x 100 mlReconstitute one vial of Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate R1b with a portion of Buffer/Substrate R1a and then transfer the entire contents to bottle R1a rinsing bottle R1b several times. Stable for 14 days at +2 to +8︒C or 24 hours at +15 to +25︒C.MATERIALS PROVIDED Buffer/SubstrateEnzyme/Coenzyme/ -oxoglutarateMATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDEDRandox Assayed Multisera Level 2 (Cat. No. HN 1530) and Level 3 (Cat. No. HE 1532)Randox Calibration Serum Level 3 (Cat. No. CAL 2351) RX series Saline (Cat. No. SA 3854)PROCEDUREAspirate fresh ddH 2O and perform a new Gain Calibration in flow cell mode. Select AST in the Run Test screen and carry out a water blank as instructed.Pipette into a test tube:Sample 0.05 ml Reagent 0.5 mlMix and aspirate into the Rx Monza.CALIBRATION FOR RX MONZAThe use of Saline and Randox Calibration Serum Level 3 isrecommended for calibration. Calibration is recommended with change of reagent lot or as indicated by quality control procedures.FOR MANUAL USEWavelength: 340 nm (Hg 334 nm or Hg 365 nm) Cuvette: 1 cm light path Temperature: 25/30/37︒C Measurement: against airPipette into cuvette: Macro MicroSample 0.2 ml 0.1 ml Enzyme/Coenzyme/ α-oxoglutarate R1 2.0 ml 1.0 mlMix, read initial absorbance after 1 minute. Read again after 1, 2 and 3 minutes. Note: If the absorbance change per minute is between 0.11 and 0.16 at 340/Hg 334 nm 0.06 and 0.08 at Hg 365 nmuse only the values for the first 2 minutes for the calculation.MANUAL CALCULATIONTo calculate the AST activity, use the following formulae:U/l = 1746 x A 340 nm/min U/l = 1780 x A Hg 334 nm/min U/l = 3235 x A Hg 365 nm/minSTANDARDISATIONRandox Calibration Serum Level 3 is traceable to AST reference material JSCC TS01.QUALITY CONTROLRandox Assayed Multisera, Level 2 and Level 3 are recommended for daily quality control. Two levels of controls should be assayed at least once a day. Values obtained should fall within a specified range. If these values fall outside the range and repetition excludes error the following steps should be taken:1. Check instrument settings and light source.2. Check cleanliness of all equipment in use.3. Check water. Contaminants, i.e. bacterial growth, maycontribute to inaccurate results. 4. Check reaction temperature.5. Check expiry date of kit and contents.6. Contact Randox Laboratories Customer Technical Services, Northern Ireland +44 (0) 28 9445 1070.SPECIFICITY/INTERFERENCE (6,7)Gross haemolysis will produce falsely elevated test results. The effects of various drugs on AST activity should be taken intoconsideration in the case of patients receiving large doses of drugs.The analytes below were tested up to the following levels and were found not to interfere: Haemoglobin 250 mg/dl Free Bilirubin 25 mg/dl Conjugate Bilirubin 25 mg/dl Triglycerides 1000 mg/dlIntralipid ® 200 mg/dlA list of substances and conditions known to effect AST activity in vivo is given by both Young et al and Friedman et al. Norepresentation is made by Randox Laboratories Ltd regarding the completeness of these lists and the accuracy of the information contained therein.NORMAL VALUES IN SERUM (8,9) +25︒C +30︒C +37︒C Men up to 18 U/l up to 25 U/l up to 37 U/l Women up to 15 U/l up to 21 U/l up to 31 U/lIt is recommended that each laboratory establish its own reference range to reflect the age, sex, diet and geographical location of the population.SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS The following performance data were obtained using an Rx Monza analyser running at +37o C.LINEARITYThis method is linear up to 562 U/l. If the sample concentration exceeds this value, dilute the sample 1+9 with 0.9% NaCl solution and re-assay. Multiply the result by 10.SENSITIVITYThe minimum detectable concentration of AST with an acceptable level of precision was determined as 9.3 U/l.PRECISIONIntra AssayLevel 2 Level 3Mean (U/l) 35.6 153SD 1.66 1.47CV(%) 4.65 0.96n 20 20Inter AssayLevel 2 Level 3Mean (U/l) 35.6 153SD 1.77 7.10CV(%) 4.96 4.63n 20 20CORRELATIONThis method (Y) was compared with another commerciallyavailable method (X) and the following linear regression equationobtained:Y = 1.07X + 4.9and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.997543 patient samples were analysed spanning the range 28 to 559U/l.REFERENCES1. Wroblewski F, La Due J.S: Ann Intern Med. 1956; 45: 801.2. Wroblewski F, La Due J.S: Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1956;91: 569.3. Bergmeyer HU, Bowers GN Jr, et al: Clin Chem 1977; 23:887.4. Bergmeyer HU, Bowers GN Jr, et al: J.Clin Chem ClinBiochem 1980; 18: 521-534.5. Tietz N W: Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry ed 3.Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co. 1987, pg 372.6. Young D S, et al: Clin Chem 1975, 21; No5.7. Friedman RB, et al: Clin Chem 1980, 26; No4.8. Wallnofer H, Schmidt.E, Schmidt FW, eds: Synopsis derLeberkrankheiten Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1974.9. Thefeld W, et al: Dtsch Med Wschr 1974; 99: 343.Revised 26 Apr 16 biRev. 003THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK。
Filling material A AC 45 UBI / FR 310 5000 Acetic acid (5% at 20°C) Acetic acid (5% at 50°C) Acetic acid (at 40°C) Acetic acid (at 50°C) Acetic acid anhydride Acetoacetate, ethylAcetoacetate, methylAcetone Acetulan Acetyl chloride Acricid 40 EC Acricid liquid Acryl amide Acrylat 38092, solvent base Acrylic acid Acrylic Polymere RDZ 1263 Acrylic Polymere RDZ 2738 Acrylic Polymere RDZ 2771 Acrylic Polymere RDZ 958 Acrylic Polymere RZ 20810 Acrylic Polymere RZ 21376 Acrylic Polymere RZ 421 Activated carbon Activoll EFL Addipast 350 WD black Additol XK 391 Additol XK 406 Adhesion Promoter AMS 70 After Shave Afugan Aircraft fuel Aircraft fuel, Jet A1 Akypo RO 90 VG Akypo RO 90 VG Aldehyde C12 Aldehyde C8 Aldurol VUP 21 Aldurol VUP 51 Alkydal R 35 W Allylic heptylate
观察组尿酮体转阴时间、血糖达标时间、胰岛素用量均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05)。
观察组空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖、糖化血红蛋白均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[关键词] 2型糖尿病;德谷门冬双胰岛素注射液;不良反应;心血管不良事件[中图分类号] R59 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)09(a)-0098-04Discussion on the Clinical Effect and Safety of Insulin Degludec and Insu⁃lin Aspart Injection in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes MellitusLIN Sheng, XIE Ping, CHEN YuDepartment of Endocrinology, Changle District People's Hospital, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, 350200 China[Abstract] Objective To study the clinical effect and safety of insulin degludec and insulin aspart injection in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods A total of 98 patients with type 2 diabetes admitted to Fuzhou Changle District People's Hospital from July 2022 to April 2023 were selected as the study objects and divided into two groups with 49 cases in each group by random lottery method. Both groups were treated with conventional hypoglycemic drugs, the control group was treated with insulin glargine injection, and the observation group was treated with Degu asparton double insulin injection. The clinical therapeutic effect, time of improvement of clinical symptoms, insulin dosage, glucose metabolism index, insulin function index, occurrence of adverse reactions and cardiovascular adverse events were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The time of urine ketone body turning negative, blood glucose reaching standard and insulin dosage in observation group were better than those in control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Fasting plasma glucose, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The function index of islet β cells in observation group was higher than that in control group, the insulin resistance index and fasting insulin was lower than that in control group, the dif⁃ference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the total incidence of [作者简介]林生(1981-),男,本科,副主任医师,研究方向为糖尿病及其并发症的相关临床研究。
PFTBA Calibration Compound (FC-43)安全技术说明书
PFTBA Calibration Compound (FC-43), Part Number 392035300*************(24小时)化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::化学名:全氟三丁胺供应商/ 制造商:安捷伦科技贸易(上海)有限公司中国(上海)外高桥自由贸易试验区英伦路412号(邮编:200131)电话号码: 800-820-3278传真号码: 0086 (21) 5048 2818PFTBA Calibration Compound (FC-43), Part Number 392035300化学品的推荐用途和限制用途392035300部件号:物质用途:供分析化学实验室使用的试剂和标准2 ml(毫升) 安瓿安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013GHS化学品标识:PFTBA 校正化合物 (FC-43),部件号 392035300有关环境保护措施,请参阅第 12 节。
物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013紧急情况概述液体。
H315 - 造成皮肤刺激。
H319 - 造成严重眼刺激。
H335 - 可能造成呼吸道刺激。
H413 - 可能对水生生物造成长期持续有害影响。
物理状态:颜色:气味:生物降解性:GHS危险性类别警示词:警告危险性说明:H315 - 造成皮肤刺激。
H319 - 造成严重眼刺激。
H335 - 可能造成呼吸道刺激。
H413 - 可能对水生生物造成长期持续有害影响。
:防范说明标签要素象形图皮肤腐蚀/刺激 - 类别 2严重眼损伤/眼刺激 - 类别 2AH335特异性靶器官毒性 一次接触 (呼吸道刺激) - 类别 3H413危害水生环境一长期危险 - 类别 4P273 - 避免释放到环境中。
Inhibitors, Agonists, Screening Libraries Data SheetBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY:Y–27632 is an ATP–competitive inhibitor of ROCK–I and ROCK–II , with K i of 220 nM and 300 nM for ROCK–I and ROCK–II , respectively.IC50 & Target: Ki: 220/300 nM (ROCK–I/II)[1]In Vitro: Y–27632 inhibits the ROCK family of kinases 100 times more potently than other kinases including protein kinase C,cAMP–dependent kinase and myosin light chain kinase. Y–27632 prolongs the lag time and delays the appearance of BrdU–labeled cells in a concentration–dependent manner, delays of about 1 and 4 h are noticed in the Swiss 3T3 cells treated with 10 and 100 μM Y–27632, respectively [1]. Y–27632 promotes neuronal differentiation of adipose tissue–derived stem cells (ADSCs). Compared to 1.0and 2.5 μM Y–27632 induced groups, percentages of neuroal–like cells achieved a peak in the 5.0 μM Y–27632 induced group [2].In Vivo: Y–27632 (5 and 10 mg/kg) significantly prolongs the onset time of myoclonic jerks when compare with saline group.Y–27632 (5 and 10 mg/kg) significantly prolongs the onset time of clonic convulsions when compare with saline group [3].Treatment with Dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) causes a significant decrease in rat body and liver weight (DMN–S group) compared with control animals (S–S group). Oral Y27632 (30 mg/kg) essentially prevents this DMN–induced rat body and liver weight loss (DMN–Y group)[4].PROTOCOL (Extracted from published papers and Only for reference)Kinase Assay:[1]Recombinant ROCK–I, ROCK–II, PKN, or citron kinase is expressed in HeLa cells as Myc–tagged proteins by transfection using Lipofectamine, and is precipitated from the cell lysates by the use of 9E10 monoclonal anti–Myc antibodycoupled to G protein–Sepharose. Recovered immunocomplexes are incubated with various concentrations of [32P]ATP and 10 mg of histone type 2 as substrates in the absence or presence of various concentrations of either Y–27632 or Y–30141 at 30°C for 30 min in a total volume of 30 μL of the kinase buffer containing 50 mM HEPES–NaOH, pH 7.4, 10 mM MgCl 2, 5 mM MnCl 2, 0.02% Briji 35, and 2 mM dithiothreitol. PKCa is incubated with 5 μM [32P]ATP and 200 μg/mL histone type 2 as substrates in the absence or presence of various concentrations of either Y–27632 or Y–30141 at 30°C for 10 min in a kinase buffer containing 50 mM Tris–HCl,pH 7.5, 0.5 mM CaCl 2, 5 mM magnesium acetate, 25 μg/mL phosphatidyl serine, 50 ng/mL 12–O–tetradecanoylphorbol–13–acetate and 0.001% leupeptin in a total volume of 30 μL. Incubation is terminated by the addition of 10 μL of 43 Laemmli sample buffer.After boiling for 5 min, the mixture is subjected to SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a 16% gel. The gel is stained withCoomassie Brilliant Blue, and then dried. The bands corresponding to histone type 2 are excised, and the radioactivity is measured [1]. Cell Assay: Y–27632 is dissolved in water and stored [1].[1]HeLa cells are plated at a density of 3×104 cells per 3.5–cm dish. The cells are cultured in DMEM containing 10% FBS in the presence of 10 mM Thymidine for 16 h. After the cells are washed with DMEM containing 10% FBS, they are cultured for an additional 8 h, and then 40 ng/mL of Nocodazole is added. After 11.5 h of theNocodazole treatment, various concentrations of Y–27632 (0–300 μM), Y–30141, or vehicle is added and the cells are incubated for another 30 min [1].Animal Administration: Y–27632 is dissolved in 0.9% NaCl (saline) (Mice)[3].Product Name:Y–27632Cat. No.:HY-10071CAS No.:146986-50-7Molecular Formula:C 14H 21N 3O Molecular Weight:247.34Target:ROCK; ROCK; ROCK Pathway:TGF–beta/Smad; Stem Cell/Wnt; Cell Cycle/DNA Damage Solubility:DMSO: ≥ 32 mg/mLY–27632 is dissolved in saline (final concentration 2%) (Rat)[4].[3][4]Mice[3]Male, inbred Swiss albino mice (2–3 months old) weighing 25–30 g are used. Mice are injected with a sub–convulsive dose of PTZ (35 mg/kg, i.p.) (on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) of each week for a total of 11 injections. After each PTZ injection, mice are observed for 30 min and the occurrence of convulsive activity is recorded. After 30 min, the mice are then injected with either Fasudil (25 mg/kg, i.p.) or Y–27632 (5 mg/kg, i.p.) and returned to their home cages until the next injection. Control mice for Fasudil andY–27632 receives saline.Rat[4]Male Wistar Kind A rats (200–250 g) are used. DMN (1 g/mL) is diluted ten times with saline (final concentration 1%) and 10 mg/kg per day of DMN is injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) on the first 3 days of each week for 4 weeks. Y27632 is given orally once per day at a dose of 30 mg/kg for 4 weeks starting on the day of the first injection of DMN. The dose of 30 mg/kg corrects hypertension in several rat models without toxicity. Twenty rats are randomized into four experimental groups (n=5 in each group) as follows: (1) S–S (injection of saline i.p. and oral administration of saline); (2) S–Y (injection of saline i.p. and oral administration of Y27632); (3) DMN–S (DMN i.p. and oral administration of saline); (4) DMN–Y (DMN i.p. and oral administration of Y27632). The rats are weighed every week. They are sacrificed at the end of the fourth week and the liver is excised. In addition, a blood sample is taken immediately before the rats are sacrificed.References:[1]. Ishizaki T, et al. Pharmacological properties of Y–27632, a specific inhibitor of rho–associated kinases. Mol Pharmacol. 2000 May;57(5):976–83.[2]. Xue ZW, et al. Rho–associated coiled kinase inhibitor Y–27632 promotes neuronal–like differentiation of adult human adipose tissue–derived stem cells.Chin Med J (Engl). 2012 Sep;125(18):3332–5.[3]. Inan S, et al. Antiepileptic effects of two Rho–kinase inhibitors, Y–27632 and fasudil, in mice. Br J Pharmacol. 2008 Sep;155(1):44–51.[4]. Tada S, et al. A selective ROCK inhibitor, Y27632, prevents dimethylnitrosamine–induced hepatic fibrosis in rats. J Hepatol. 2001 Apr;34(4):529–36.Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only.Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 E-mail: tech@Address: 1 Deer Park Dr, Suite Q, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852, USA。
[关键词]医疗设备;专用耗材试剂;医疗设备采购;采购模式;评标[中国图书资料分类号]R318;R197.39[文献标志码]A[文章编号]1003-8868(2021)02-0082-04DOI:1O.19745/j.1OO3-8868.2021038Analysis of procurement mode of medical equipment with specialconsumables and reagentsTANG Hao12,GONG Xiao-shan3,ZHANG He-hua1*,WEI An-hai1,LI Shu-ying1,TAN Qin-wen1(1.Department of Medical Engineering,Daping Hospital,Army Medical University,Chongqing400042,China;2.No.94701 Troops of the PLA,Anqing246000,Anhui Province,China;3.School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging,Army MedicalUniversity,Chongqing400038,China)Abstract The hospital medical equipment with special consumables and reagents had the present situation of its procurement management introduced,and an improved procurement mode was put forward accordingly.The feasibility of the proposed procurement mode was verified by taking the microbiological analyzer(fungus)of the clinical laboratory department of some hospital as an example,and the characteristics and advantages of the mode were analyzed.It was suggested that some countermeasures be taken to solve the problems of low-price bidding in pursuit of later economic benefit including considering the costs of equipment and supporting consumables and reagents comprehensively,formulating evaluation standard and calculation formula scientifically and etc.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2021,42(2):82-85]Key words medical equipment;special consumables and reagent;medical equipment procurement;procurement mode;bid evaluations0引言2019年9月1日,国家卫生健康委员会印发的《医疗机构医用耗材管理办法(试行)》正式实施,文件要求“医疗机构应当加强医疗设备配套使用医用耗材的管理。
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Product Name:
ABT-737CAS No.:
852808-04-9Cat. No.:
Product Data Sheet
C42H45ClN6O5S2Purity :>98%
DMSO 160mg/mL
Biological Activity:
ABT 737i BH3i ti i hibit f B l L B l 2d B l ith EC50f 787M 303M d
Pathways:Apoptosis; Target:Bcl-2 Family DMSO ≥160mg/mL Water
<1.2mg/mL Ethanol <1.2mg/mL
ABT-737 is a BH3 mimetic inhibitor of Bcl-xL, Bcl-2 and Bcl-w with EC50 of 78.7 nM, 30.3 nM and
197.8 nM, respectively; no inhibition observed against Mcl-1, Bcl-B or Bfl-1.
IC50 Value: 78.7 nM(Bcl-xL); 30.3 nM(Bcl-2); 197.8 nM(Bcl-w)
Target: Bcl-2 Family in vitro: ABT-737 displaces Bim from Bcl2's BH3-binding pocket, allowing Bim to activate Bax,
induce mitochondrial permeabilization, and rapidly commit the primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells to death. Knockdown of Mcl-1 with siRNA sensitizes two resistant SCLC cell lines H196and DMS114 to ABT-737 by enhancing the induction of apoptosis. Likewise, up-regulation of Noxa sensitizes H196cells to ABT-737.ABT-737inhibits many SCLC cell lines including NCI-H889,NCI-References:
[1]. Bardwell, Philip D.; Gu, Jijie; McCarthy, Donna; Wallace, Craig; Bryant, Shaughn; The Bcl-2Family Antagonist ABT-737 Significantly Inhibits Multiple Animal Models of Autoimmunity. Journal of
Immunology, 2009, 182(12), 7482-7489sensitizes H196 cells to ABT 737. ABT 737 inhibits many SCLC cell lines including NCI H889, NCI H1963, NCI-H1417, NCI-H146 and etc. Bcl-2 and Noxa may contribute mechanistically to the cellular response to ABT-737 in NCI-H146 cells. A re...
[2]. Sun XP, Zhang X, He C, Qiao H, Jiang X, Jiang H, Sun X.ABT-737 Synergizes with Arsenic Trioxide to Induce Apoptosis of Gastric Carcinoma Cells In Vitro and In Vivo.J Int Med Res.
2012;40(4):1251-64.[3]. Stamelos VA, Redman CW, Richardson A.Understanding sensitivity to BH3 mimetics: ABT-737as a case study to foresee the complexities of personalized medicine.J Mol Signal. 2012 Aug
16;7(1):12.[4]. Clerc P, Carey GB, Mehrabian Z, Wei M, Hwang H, Girnun GD, Chen H, Martin SS, Polster BM.Rapid Detection of an ABT-737-Sensitive Primed for Death State in Cells Using Microplate-Based Respirometry PLoS One 2012;7(8):e42487E Caution: Not fully tested. For research purposes only
Medchemexpress LLC
Based Respirometry.PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e42487. E...。