QoS Guaranteed Network Resource Allocation via Software Defined Networking(SDN)
什么是QoS有什么特点QoS的英文全称为"Quality of Service",中文名为"服务质量"。
QoS是网络的一种安全机制, 是用来解决网络延迟和阻塞等问题的一种技术。
当网络过载或拥塞时,QoS 能确保重要业务量不受延迟或丢弃,同时保证网络的高效运行。
什么是QoS- 去中心化存储QoS的作用是什么
什么是QoS? 去中心化存储QoS的作用是什么
衡量高可用最重要的就是SLA,也就是Service-Level Agreement,一般用9的个数来表述,99.9%就是3个9,99.99%就是4个9。
环形网络的QoS 保证机制环形网络的QoS保证机制环形网络是一种常见的网络拓扑结构,它由一系列节点以环形的方式连接起来。
然而,由于环形网络的特殊结构,QoS(Quality of Service)保证成为了一个重要的问题。
POD为什么会OOM应⽤运⾏在k8s平台上,有时候会发现POD⾃动重启造成业务影响,通过kubectl describe pod可以看到POD重启的原因,如果是OOM killed,则是因为应⽤使⽤内存超过了limit,被OOM killed了。
其实,应⽤被OOM killed应该分为两种情况:1. POD OOM killed;2. 宿主机内存不⾜,跑在宿主机上的进程被OOM killed;这篇⽂章只讨论第⼀种情况。
其实我们在定义POD的时候,可以通过resource requests及limits值,定义POD的资源需求。
根据requests和limits值,POD的QoS分为三种类型:Guaranteed - 如果POD中所有容器的所有resource的limit等于request且不为0,则这个POD的QoS class就是Guaranteed;Best-Effort - 如果POD中所有容器的所有resource的request和limit都没有赋值,则这个POD的QoS class就是Best-Effort;Burstable - 以上两种情况之外就是Burstable了,通常也是毕竟普遍的配置;这三种QoS分别会有什么待遇呢?因为cpu不是⼀种hard limit,cpu到达上限之后会被限制,但不会引起进程被杀;这⾥我们主要看Memory,可以简单这样理解:Guaranteed - 优先级最⾼,它能够确保不达到容器设置的Limit⼀定不会被杀。
当然,如果连宿主机都OOM的话,宿主机也是会根据评分选择性杀进程;Best-Effort - 优先级最低,如果系统内存耗尽,该类型的POD中的进程最先被杀;Burstable - 在系统存在内存瓶颈时,⼀旦内存超过他们的request值并且没有Best-Effort类型的容器存在,这些容器就先被杀掉,当然,内存到达limit时也会被杀;不管是哪种QoS的POD,如果内存使⽤量持续上涨,都是有可能被OOM killed的。
为了满足用户对于网络性能的需求,运营商和企业往往采用QoS(Quality of Service)技术来对网络进行优化。
一、什么是QoS技术QoS(Quality of Service)技术,是指在网络中对网络性能的一种保证机制。
二、QoS技术的主要特点1. 带宽保证:QoS技术可以通过分配带宽资源来保证网络中的重要数据包能够得到足够的带宽进行传输,从而避免网络拥塞导致的延迟问题。
2. 优先级排队:QoS技术可以对数据包进行优先级排队,以确保重要数据包在网络中的传输过程中能够得到更高的优先级,从而减少丢包和延迟。
3. 流量分析和分类:QoS技术可以对网络中的数据流进行分析和分类,根据不同的特征对其进行差异化处理,以满足用户的不同服务需求。
4. 终端协商:QoS技术可以通过与终端进行协商,根据终端的网络条件和QoS策略,实时调整网络传输的参数,以实现网络性能的优化。
三、QoS技术的实现方式1. DiffServ(Differentiated Services):DiffServ是一种基于分类和标记的QoS技术,它通过对数据包进行分类和打标记,从而对不同的流量进行差异化处理。
2. MPLS(Multi-Protocol Label Switching):MPLS是一种通过标签交换来传输数据包的技术。
而在这浩渺的数据海洋中,有一种力量犹如舵手,精准调控着数据传输的质量和效率,这便是我们今天要揭开神秘面纱的主角——QoS(Quality of Service),即网络服务质量。
互联网行业的网络QoS保障技术在互联网行业快速发展的背景下,网络服务质量(Quality of Service, QoS)保障成为了网络运营商和企业用户关注的重要问题。
一、差异化服务(Differentiated Services, Diffserv)差异化服务是一种应用广泛的QoS保障技术,通过在IP数据报头中标记不同的服务等级,实现网络资源的优先分配。
二、积极队列管理(Active Queue Management, AQM)AQM技术是保证网络QoS的重要手段之一。
AQM技术通过改进队列管理算法,例如Random Early Detection (RED)、Random Early Detection with In and Out(RED/INOUT)等,能够在队列即将溢出之前就开始丢弃部分数据包,有效避免了网络拥塞的发生。
三、流量整形(Traffic Shaping)流量整形是一种控制网络流量速率的技术,通过限制传输速率来保证网络传输的平稳性和稳定性。
四、多路径路由(Multipath Routing)多路径路由是一种通过同时使用多个路径传输数据的技术,能够提高网络传输的可靠性和吞吐量。
QoS,也就是Quality of Service,服务质量的意思。
qos原理QoS原理QoS,全称Quality of Service,即服务质量。
1. 流量控制流量控制是指通过限制网络中的数据流量,防止网络过载和拥塞。
常见的流量控制技术包括令牌桶算法和 Leaky Bucket 算法。
Leaky Bucket 算法则是通过一个漏桶来控制数据的传输速率。
2. 拥塞控制拥塞控制是指通过监测网络中的拥塞情况,并采取相应的措施来降低拥塞程度。
TCP 协议中的拥塞避免算法就是一个典型的例子。
Qos是什么?QoS(Quality of Service)服务质量,是网络的一种安全机制,是用来解决网络延迟和阻塞等问题的一种技术。
当网络过载或拥塞时,QoS 能确保重要业务量不受延迟或丢弃,同时保证网络的高效运行。
依发送和接收者看来,数据包从起点到终点的传输过程中会发生许多事情,并产生如下有问题的结果:·丢失数据包- 当数据包到达一个缓冲器(buffer)已满的路由器时,则代表此次的发送失败,路由器会依网络的状况决定要丢弃、不丢弃一部份或者是所有的数据包,而且这不可能在预先就知道,接收端的应用程序在这时必须请求重新传送,而这同时可能造成总体传输严重的延迟。
·延迟- 或许需要很长时间才能将数据包传送到终点,因为它会被漫长的队列迟滞,或需要运用间接路由以避免阻塞;也许能找到快速、直接的路由。
·传输顺序出错- 当一群相关的数据包被路由经过因特网时,不同的数据包可能选择不同的路由器,这会导致每个数据包有不同的延迟时间。
·出错- 有些时候,数据包在被运送的途中会发生跑错路径、被合并甚至是毁坏的情况,这时接收端必须要能侦测出这些情况,并将它们统统判别为已遗失的数据包,再请求发送端再送一份同样的数据包。
QoS简介参数QoS是通过给定的虚连接描述传输质量的A TM性能参数术语。
这些参数包括:CTD、CDV、CER、CLR、CMR和SECBR、ALL service classes、Qos Classes、trafficcontract、traffic control。
qos目标QoS(Quality of Service)是一种网络管理技术,其目标是通过授权和限制网络资源的使用,以实现对网络中各种类型的数据流的不同服务质量的支持和保证。
QoS的主要目标可以概括如下:1. 延迟和延迟变化率:QoS的目标是减少延迟并降低其变化率。
对于实时应用程序,如VoIP(Voice over IP)和视频通信,低延迟和延迟变化率非常重要,以避免数据流中的丢包和抖动。
2. 带宽利用率:QoS的目标是合理利用网络带宽,确保每个数据流都能得到所需的带宽。
3. 安全性和保密性:QoS的目标是确保网络中的数据安全和保密性。
4. 可靠性和可用性:QoS的目标是提高网络的可靠性和可用性。
5. 优先级和分类:QoS的目标是基于应用程序的需求和用户的优先级,对网络流量进行分类和优先处理。
qos的控制策略QoS的控制策略QoS(Quality of Service)是一种网络管理和控制的技术,用于保证网络的性能和服务质量。
常见的流量控制策略有令牌桶算法和Leaky Bucket算法。
而Leaky Bucket算法则是基于漏桶的流量控制算法,它通过设置一个固定容量的漏桶,当数据流入漏桶时,如果漏桶已满,则数据将会被丢弃或延迟传输。
常见的拥塞控制策略有TCP的拥塞控制机制和RED(Random Early Detection)算法。
QoSQoS,英文全称Quality of Service,即服务质量。
IP QoSIP网络服务质量由RFC 2386定义,具体的服务质量指标可以量化为带宽、延迟、延迟抖动、丢失率和吞吐量等。
以下术语都是与IP QoS相关的术语。
IntServ模型RFC1633定义的IntServ模型只是一个基本的体系架构,它规定了在网络上保证QoS 的一些基本要素。
IntServ的基本思想是网络中的每个网络单元,包括主机和路由器,在需要进行数据传输时首先在传输路径上进行资源预留,这种预留是基于流的,相比较DiffServ 来讲,属于精细粒度的预留。
在IntServ中,Flow Specs作为资源预留的描述,RSVP 作为资源预留的信令。
Flow Specs中文翻译成流规范,流规范包括两个方面:1、流是什么样子的?在流描述(T-Specs,Traffic Specification)中定义。
QoS( Quality of Service)即服务质量,其目的是针对各种业务的不同需求,为其提供端到端的服务质量保证。
02、QoS服务模型1、Best-Effort服务模型Best-Effort (尽力而为)是最简单的QoS服务模型,用户可以在任何时候,发出任意数量的报文,而且不需要通知网络。
Best-Effort服务模型适用于对时延、丢包率等性能要求不高的业务,是现在In ternet的缺省服务模型,它适用于绝大多数网络应用,如FTP E-Mail等。
2、I ntServ服务模型IntServ(综合服务)模型是指用户在发送报文前,需要通过信令(Signaling) 向网络描述自己的流量参数,申请特定的QoS服务。
IntServ模型使用了RSVP(Resource Reservation Protocol 协议作为信令,在一条已知路径的网络拓扑上预留带宽、优先级等资源,路径沿途的各网元必须为每个要求服务质量保证的数据流预留想要的资源,通过RSVP信息的预留,各网元可以判断是否有足够的资源可以使用。
一、QoS 概述在任何时刻、任何地址和任何人实现任何媒介信息的沟通是人类在通信领域的永久需求,在IP 技术成熟以前,全部的网络都是单一业务网络,如PSTN 只能开业务,有线电视网只能承载电视业务,网只能承载数据业务等。
由于互联网的流行,IP 应用日趋普遍,IP 网络已经渗入各类传统的通信范围,基于IP 构建一个多业务网络成为可能。
可是,不同的业务对网络的要求是不同的,如安在分组化的IP 网络实现多种实时和非实时业务成为一个重要话题,人们提出了QoS〔效劳质量,Quality of Service〕的概念。
IP QoS 是指 IP 网络的一种力量,即在跨越多种底层网络技术〔FR、ATM、Ethernet、SDH 等〕的 IP 网络上,为特定的业务供给其所需要的效劳。
QoS 包括多个方面的内容,如带宽、时延、时延抖动等,每种业务都对 QoS 有特定的要求,有些可能对其中的某些指标要求高一些,有些那么可能对另外一些指标要求高些。
衡量IP QoS 的技术指标包括以下几个。
(2)时延:指数据包在网络的两个节点之间传送的平均来回时刻,全部实时性业务都对时延有必定要求,如 VoIP 业务,一样要求网络时延小于 200ms,当网络时延大于 400ms 时,通话就会变得无法忍受。
100Mbps 100Mbps
民族 安全 创新 服务
尾丢弃(Tail Drop):当发生拥塞时,接口输出队列被占满, 后面要入队的报文被丢弃。 尾丢弃是最普通的丢弃机制,也是系统默认的丢弃机制。 对TCP流来讲,尾丢弃有以下缺陷: (1)TCP全局同步; (2)TCP饿死、延迟、抖动
服务模型,是指一组端到端的Qos功能 Best-Effort service 尽力而为服务 Integrated service (Intserv) 集成服务
Differentiated service (Diffserv) 区分服务
民族 安全 创新 服务
Best-Effort service
民族 安全 创新 服务
支持为用户提供专用带宽 减少报文的丢失率 避免和管理网络拥塞 流量整形 设置报文的优先级
民族 安全 创新 服务
QOS技术概念 QOS服务模型
网络拥塞的产生和避免 拥塞管理技术
3 4 5
民族 安全 创新 服务
民族 安全 创新 服务
Differentiated service
Differentiated service 区分服务
Diffserv是一个多服务模型,可以满足不同的Qos维护状态,它根据每个报文指定的QoS,来提供特定的 服务,包括进行报文的分类、流量整形、流量监管和排队。 主要实现技术包括CAR,队列技术。
router1(config)#interface serial 0/0
1. 分类和标记:根据数据包的重要性和优先级进行分类,并为不同的类别或数据流分配不同的优先级。
2. 队列管理:根据优先级和服务等级,使用不同的队列管理策略,如FIFO (先入先出)、Priority Queue(优先队列)和Custom Queue(自定义
3. 流量整形:通过控制数据包的发送速率,以避免网络拥塞。
4. 带宽保证:为特定用户或业务提供专用带宽,确保其所需的带宽得到保证。
5. 拥塞避免:当检测到网络拥塞时,采取措施避免拥塞的发生。
6. 错误纠正:使用错误纠正技术,如ARQ(自动重传请求),来检测和纠
7. 数据包排序:在接收端,对乱序到达的数据包进行重新排序,以确保数据的正确顺序。
8. 流量控制:通过控制发送端的数据发送速率,以防止接收端来不及处理数据而造成数据丢失。
9. 负载均衡:通过将流量分散到多个网络路径或服务器上,以平衡网络负载,提高数据处理能力和响应速度。
10. 用户反馈机制:建立用户反馈机制,收集用户对服务的评价和意见,以
QoS Guarantees
Link Layer: critical QoS component
Buffering and bandwidth: the scare resources cause of loss and delay packet scheduling discipline, buffer management will determine loss, delay seen by a call FCFS Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)
Comparing Internet and ATM service classes: how are guaranteed service and CBR alike/different? how are controlled load and ABR alike/different?
Radical changes required!
Possible token bucket uses: shaping, policing, marking
pkts from entering net (shaping) drop pkts that arrive without tokens (policing function) let all pkts pass thru, mark pkts: those with tokens, those without network drops pkts without tokens in time of congestion (marking)
ATM call setup protocol sender initiates call setup by passing Call Setup Message across UNI boundary (i.e., into network) network immediately returns Call Proceeding indication back network must:
QoS: 底线/截止时间(Deadline)
• 数据发送者承担在每一个数据周期的截止时间内发送数据的责任
• 数据接收者希望在在每一个数据周期的截止时间内接收到数据
• 保证接收者的deadline >= 发送者的deadline,否则产生不兼容错
Domain Participant
Repaired Lost
D7 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1
© 2009 Real-Time Innovations, Inc.
QoS: 持久性(Durability)
易失的(VOLATILE)– 发送的数据不被保存 本地临时保存(TRANSIENT_LOCAL)– 数据发送者自己 保存发送过的数据
数据传送 – 时间和命令类型
可靠性(最可靠)+ KEEP_ALL的历史记录,确保所有的 数据均被可靠的传送
© 2009 Real-Time Innovations, Inc.
© 2009 Real-Time Innovations, Inc.
QoS: 可靠性(Reliability)
• 最高效 –不保证数据是否能被接收到(但是可以确保数据到达的先后
• 确保最后N个数据 – 发送所有数据,但仅仅确保最后N个数据被收到
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Quality of Service (QoS) Guaranteed Network Resource Allocation via Software Defined Networking (SDN)Anand V Akella2 and Kaiqi Xiong11College of Computing and Information Sciences 2Cisco Systems, IncRochester Institute of Technology 170 W Tasman Dr.Rochester, NY14623 USA San Jose, CA 95134 USAAbstract - Quality of Service (QoS) – based bandwidth allocation plays a key role in real-time computing systems and applications such as voice IP, teleconferencing, and gaming. Likewise, customer services often need to be distinguished according to their service priorities and requirements. In this paper, we consider bandwidth allocation in the networks of a cloud carrier in which cloud users’ requests are processed and transferred by a cloud provider subject to QoS requirements. We present a QoS-guaranteed approach for bandwidth allocation that satisfies QoS requirements for all priority cloud users by using Open vSwitch, based on software defined networking (SDN). We implement and test the proposed approach on the Global Environment for Networking Innovations (GENI). Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.I.I NTRODUCTIONCloud computing has been one of the emerging technologies in the field of computer science and engineering. Cloud computing has varied offerings in terms of computing and data storage services [1, 2]. As per the NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, there are different types of service models defined for the cloud: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) [3]. Cloud service providers allow cloud users to access their infrastructures without owning physical servers and data storage devices. Moreover, with the rapid growth of Internet and high-speed network devices, cloud users can access their data on the cloud from any geographical location. The benefits of cloud computing are resource sharing through virtualized infrastructures, increased storage, the high availability of resources, and the ease of resource management [4]. A typical cloud service model is shown in Figure 1.The use of multimedia applications has increased tremendously over the past few years. Internet users share the multimedia data on the cloud. Such multimedia data may come from the applications: voice over IP, video conferencing, and online gaming [5]. These multimedia applications need high computation power since the data is accessed by millions of users [5]. Cloud providers encounter several grand challenges in processing the multimedia applications [5]. One of the most important is to meet QoS requirements for each multimedia user or each user application. A multimedia application can be identified and distinguished from others based on its common characteristics such as protocol type TCP/UDP and well-known source destination port numbers [6]. However, multimedia applications are subjected to variable delays and packet drops [6]. Hence, a cloud service provider should allocate enough resources to meet QoS requirements.Figure 1. A Typical Cloud Service ModelVarious techniques have been proposed to enhance the overall QoS of multimedia applications in data centers. The proposed solutions for the QoS for multimedia applications include QoS routing algorithms [7-8]. They can be classified in the following two types: dynamic routing algorithms in which a routing path selection is done based on network link characteristics such as available bandwidth and link utilization, and static routing algorithms in which real-time link characteristics is not considered in packet routing. In both cases, very few studies have been done for end-to-end QoS guaranteed routing. In this research, we propose an approach for ensuring the end-to-end QoS guarantee of each cloud user services. The approach sufficiently considers the service characteristics of each user. It requires us to compute the end-to-end delay of each user’s service requests for the dynamic change of bandwidth allocation. We realize and test the proposed approach via Open vSwitch that is a software-based OpenFlow switch based on SDN. The resulting solutions of our approach are applicable to a variety of cloud applications and services including multimedia applications.The paper is organized in the following manner. Section 2 gives an introduction to Open vSwitch and the two queueing techniques supported by Linux and Open vSwitch. It also describes an overview of the Global Environment for Networking Innovations (GENI) testbed used in our test experiments. Related work is given in Section 3. Section 4 presents our new QoS-guaranteed routing approach. In Sections 5 and 6, we briefly discuss the methodology for our experiment design and validation based on the proposed routing approach. We finally conclude our discussion and givefuture work.2014 IEEE 12th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure ComputingII.B ACKGROUND I NFORMATIONA. Open vSwitchThe Open vSwitch is an OpenFlow enabled software-based switch. It is open source multilayer switch software and ideally suitable for virtual environments [9]. The Open vSwitch has three main components consisting of ovsdbserver, ovs-vswitchd and openvswitch_mod.ko. The ovsdbserver is a database that contains all the switch configurations. The ovs-vswitchd is a daemon used for querying the ovsdbserver to obtain a switch configuration and interact with openvswitch_mod.ko, a kernel module. As shown in Figure 2, the ovs-vswitchd is responsible for flow lookup, port mirroring, and VLAN. The openvswitch_mod.ko is responsible for packet lookup, flow modification and forwarding. The openvswitch_mod.ko is the kernel module to perform task tunneling encapsulation and decapsulation [9]. Open vSwitch supports different features such as VLAN trunking 802.1Q, Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) 802.3ad, QoS, and Netflow. Furthermore, Open vSwitch also supports limited QoS features, the Hierarchical Token Based (HTB) queueing technique, and the Hierarchical Fair Sequence Curve (HFSC) queueing technique.Figure 2. The Components of Open vSwitchB. The Hierarchical Token Based (HTB) Queueing Technique HTB [10] is a replacement for the Class-Based Queueing (CBQ) technique. Both CBQ and HTB are used to control the outbound traffic of a switch on a network link. In both of them, the lower bound and upper bound of available bandwidth is fixed in every queue. In this way, it avoids the monopolization of bandwidth by a single cloud service. HTB ensures us to allocate minimum bandwidth to every service queue and permits us to allocation the rest of bandwidth to each user’s queue based on the priority of each cloud user. For the presentation purpose, we assume that the smaller index a cloud user, the higher priority the user service. That is, a queue with the lower priority value will get the less chunk of the remaining bandwidth and vice-a-versa. The total bandwidth allocated to a queue should be within the defined bandwidth boundary.C. Hierarchical Fair Sequence Curve (HFSC) Queueing TechniqueHFSC [11] is very similar to HTB, except for the process of allocating excess bandwidth differently. It permits the proportional distribution of bandwidth as well as controls latency. The priority-type bandwidth allocation scheme in HTB is not supported in HFSC. D. Global Environment for Networking Environment (GENI) GENI is a virtual laboratory that allows researchers to conduct experiments on at-scale networks [12]. As per the cloud service model, GENI is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). It allows researchers to allocate resources such as servers and storage from different geographical locations. ProtoGENI is part of the GENI implementation that allows researchers to allocate all the supported GENI resources [13]. Flack tool is a graphical user interface (GUI) framework that allows users to allocate resources from ProtoGENI. The INSTOOLS is used to monitor the network traffic of cloud services.III.R ELATED W ORKIn the network of a cloud service provider, multiple paths exist to reach a particular destination. Some paths may be underutilized. In order to meet the desired QoS requirements [7, 8, 13], we hope that the routers along the path should be able to decide whether the path is highly congested so as to efficiently utilize all available network resources in the path. The QoS routing algorithm in [7] is used to make a decision based on following two criteria: (a) Select a path with a minimal cost and, (2) perform load balancing based for available bandwidth in the routers along the path. In [8], the congestion of a network path is identified based on the end-to-end delay and Round-Trip Time (RTT) calculation of the path.A router switches network traffic onto an alternate path in case of congestion in which RTT is more than a predefined threshold.Moreover, the best QoS routing algorithms should be based on the type of application requests and the routing optimal path selection should be done such that the number of packet drops as less as possible [14]. In order for us to achieve better QoS for multimedia applications such as scalable video coding (SVC) [15], the application requests of users called layers can be split and sent through selected paths on multiple path networks. The SVC consists of two layers: base and enhancement. The enhancement layers can be sent on the network path with minimal packet drops. The base layers can be sent on the path with no packet drops. In [16], the authors suggest a QoS routing scheme for those applications that have QoS requirement without affecting the performance of the best effort traffic. The proposed approach in [14] keeps polling each and every resource to check the percentage utilization of links. Hence, this approach leads to excessive use of available resources. In our approach, we present an efficient QoS routing algorithm by taking into consideration the congestion level for the entire path such as delay, available bandwidth and a number of hops.IV.T HE P ROPOSED Q O S-GUARANTEED A PPROACHWe present the mathematical expression for a path election so as to meet QoS requirements in the cloud that serves multiple cloud users. Current studies focus on a single cloud user’s service applications. Instead, in this research we consider multiple cloud users’ service applications.Theproposed QoS-guaranteed approach consists of the following two components: (1) introduce a new metric based on bandwidth, path length or the number of hops, and RTT, and (2) the queueing techniques or policies for multiple cloud users.IV-1. The Metric for Path SelectionLet B0 be the minimum bandwidth allocated to serve a cloud user’s services and B the measured bandwidth that is actually allocated to the user. Furthermore, let T0 be the minimal RTT of cloud services and T the real-time measured RTT of a cloud service. Moreover, denote L0 the minimal length of the path to reach the destination of a cloud service from the source of a user and L the real-time measured length of the path in terms of the number of hops in the path whose value can be determined by using traceroute.We propose a new QoS-guaranteed approach for path selection by introducing the following metric:r = a * (B0 / B) + b * (T / T0 ) + c * (L / L0 ) (1) where a, b and c are constants and their range is between 0 and 1, and a + b + c = 1. The values a, b, and c are determined depending on each cloud service application. For example, for time-sensitive applications, b may be chosen as 1, and a and c may be chosen as 0. Conversely, for multimedia applications, bandwidth becomes very important. Thus, a, b, and c may be chosen as 1, 0, and 0, respectively.IV-2. Queueing Techniques and PoliciesEach cloud user may have different needs. Thus, each router need treat the network packet of each cloud user differently for ensuring the QoS guarantee of all cloud users. Thus, we propose queueing techniques or policies to consider each cloud application type, protocol type, and network ports. We classify cloud user service traffic flows as the two types: QoS service flow and best-effort service flow (simply referred as QoS flow and best-effort flow). We distinguish the best-effort flow from QoS-flow since the best-effort flow is served as the best-effort basis rather than any QoS requirement. Furthermore, QoS flow can be classified as three sub-types in this research, QoS flow-1, QoS flow-2, and QoS flow-3 that represent cloud users to make different levels of payments for their QoS requirement. We assume that the larger number, the higher priority the QoS flow is. For example, QoS flow-3 has a higher priority than QoS flows 1 and 2. At every hop, a router/switch assigns available bandwidth to serve each cloud user’s service according to the queueing techniques in Section II and the user’s network flow priority policies inside a technique by applying them at ingress ports [6]. Most existing studies focus on hop-by-hop bandwidth allocation due to the complexity of end-to-end bandwidth allocation. However, they cannot ensure end-to-end performance guarantee for cloud users. In this research, we use Open vSwitch to control and monitor the end-to-end performance of cloud user services. Therefore, our approach can dynamically adjust and allocate available bandwidth to meet the need of each cloud user. Our performance metrics include bandwidth, end-to-end delay, and the number of hops. When at least one of them does not meet predefined values in the SLA, an alternative path should be calculated via Open vSwitch. Subsequently, the cloud user’s QoS flow should be switched into the alternative feasible path where the cloud user‘s QoS can be guaranteed. In the next section, we shall investigate the performance of the proposed approach.Figure 3. Network Topology. Path 1: nodes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, and Path 2: nodes 1, 2, 5, and 6. This paper focuses on the research studies of Open vSwitch for resource allocation rather than a network topology. A complex topology can be similarly discussed by using the proposed approach here.A sample network topology is shown in Figure 3 where Node 1 is considered as a sender and Node 6 as a receiver. The intermediate nodes, Nodes 2, 3, 4, and 5, are switches running Open vSwitch software. There are two paths that connect the sender with the receiver. Path-1 consists of Nodes 1-2-3-4-6, and Path-2 consists of Nodes 1-2-5-6. These two paths are configured with each link speed of 100 Mbps. Generally speaking, in cloud service provider networks, network paths are often highly congested due to a large number of cloud users. The cloud service provider applies policy based on the service requested by the user and accordingly allocates resources within the network. The cloud service provider can allocate minimum amount of bandwidth to certain groups of users. If the user is willing to pay more for the service, the cloud service provider allocates the excess bandwidth. Hence, the above mentioned equation (1) checks whether the QoS flow gets the minimum assured bandwidth by generating traffic using Iperf and Netperf [16, 17] traffic generator, using ping to measure the congestion in the path and finally measures the length of the path using traceroute.V.E XPERIMENT V ALIDATIONSThe goal of this section is to implement and test our approach presented in Section IV. As shown in Figure 3, a six nodes testbed was set up to evaluate performance of the proposed QoS-guaranteed routing approach. We conducted our experiments in the Utah Emulab that is a part of GENI program [12, 13]. As shown in Figure 4, Open vSwitch, a software-based OpenFlow switch, was installed at intermediate nodes. We used Linux based traffic generators Iperf, and Netperf to write a Perl script for catching traffic performance characteristics in the experiments. We implemented a framework called flow monitor consisting of flow controller and flow client. The basic functionality of the flow controller is to fetch data from the flow client. Based onthe data received from the flow client, the flow controller will decide whether to switch a particular QoS flow on to a feasible path or not. A feasible path is such a path that sufficient bandwidth along the path is available to serve the particular QoS flow. The Flow controller selects the path using a greedy algorithm. In our experiments, we continue to search a new path until the path satisfies the QoS requirement of the QoS flow.The purpose of the flow client is to measure the bandwidth used in the particular QoS flow, congestion level and length of the entire path. That is, measured values are fed into equation (1). Based on the final value of (r), the flow controller makes a decision whether the QoS flow should use either the same service path or a new service path.Figure 4. Flow Monitor Consisting of Flow Controller andFlow ClientThe flow controller and flow client code/program are running on the Open vSwitch (OVS1) node and sender node as shown in Figure 4. The flow controller is the acting as the server waits for the flow client to connect onto the TCP port 9000. We conducted experiments to measure the performance of Open vSwitch for the testbed shown in Figures 3 and 4. Initially, we implemented three different QoS flows denoted as QoS flows 1-3 (refer to Section IV-2 for detail) for clients 1 to 3 on Nodes OVS1, OVS2 and OVS3. On intermediate nodes that are running the Open vSwitch, flows were matched with IP destination addresses and associated with certain queues id’s. Below is the command to be added to a flow. ovs-ofctl add-flow br0priority=65500,in_port=LOCAL,dl_type=0x0800,nw_proto=6 ,nw_src=ANY,nw_dst=,actions=enqueue:1:2 (3) The ovs-ofctl [19] uses a default priority 65500 to match the flow. The field, in_port, represents that port where packets are ingress. Furthermore, a physical interface is part of the virtual bridge interface that is br0. The field, dl_type, matches the ether type and nw_proto matches the protocol id. In this case, TCP packet is matched. Finally, the action field indicates that the packet should be associated with a specified queue and outgoing. We generated service traffic to simulate the real-time environments for three different cloud clients with QoS flows 1, 2, and 3 and a cloud user with the best-effort service traffic. In QoS queueing policies given in Section IV-2, the minimum bandwidth of each client should be less than the overall total bandwidth of the capacity of the link along the service path, and its maximum bandwidth should be more than the capacity of the link. The link capacity of our experiments is 100 Mbps. In our experiments, the minimum bandwidth for Clients 1, 2, and 3 is chosen as 50 Mbps, 30 Mbps, and 10 Mbps, and the maximum bandwidth for Clients 1, 2, and 3 is chosen as 70 Mbps, 50 Mbps, and 20 Mbps. In Figure 3 and 4, Path 1 is highly congested with the three different QoS flows and the best-effort service traffic. Iperf [16] is used to generate service traffic.In what follows, we present a comparison of our experiment results by using the proposed approach with the ones without a use of the proposed approach. As shown in (1), our proposed approach can be realized through either delay or hop information. While the results in Figures 10 and 14 were obtained using delay as a metric or path selection, Figures 6, 9, 13, and 16 are based on per-hop information. Figures 5 and 6 show how much bandwidth is allocated to each client without and with a use of our proposed algorithm, respectively. As shown in Figure 5, the allocated bandwidth to each client except Client 2 is less than its minimum bandwidth when the proposed algorithm is not used. In this case, no QoS can be guaranteed for all clients except Client 2. We further generated TCP and UDP streams by using Netperf [17] to confirm the accuracy of the result.There are a large number of routers between cloud users and cloud providers. It is necessary to measure the per hop bandwidth of each intermediate router/hop instead of measuring the bandwidth of an entire path from client to server to ensure QoS guarantees. Measuring the bandwidth of each hop helps us to find a network bottleneck at an intermediate router. There are two open-source tools called Pathnek and STAB [20, 21] to measure per-hop bandwidth. In our experiments, we used Pathnek to measures the RTT and bandwidth at each node. Figure 6 shows the bandwidth measured at each hop for Path 1 including the intermediate nodes of OVS1, OVS2, and OVS3 between the sender and the receiver. The total bandwidth of link between sender and the OVS1 is 100 Mbps, so each client should have the same bandwidth of 100 Mbps at OVS1 node. From Node OVS1 to OVS2, different flow policies given in Section IV-2 are applied to different QoS flows. Similarly, these QoS flows policies are applied to the link from OVS2 to OVS3. As shown in Figure 6, higher bandwidth is allocated to a higher priority flow. We also conducted the experiments for Path 2. Per-hop bandwidth is shown in Figure 9.Furthermore, we measured the number of packets (i.e., throughput) that each node can achieve at a given point. Both TCP and UDP traffic are generated to represent different user applications in a real-world environment. Figure 7 shows the number of packets per second for Clients 1, 2, and 3 with different TCP flows and the client with the best-effort traffic. In the experiment, Iperf is used to generate TCP traffic for different clients in a duration of 120 seconds. The proposed algorithm is used to automatically switch available path to those clients with higher priority clients to ensuretheguarantee of QoS including bandwidth, RTT, and the number of hop. Figure 10 gives the throughputs of different TCP flows in which our proposed approach is used. For Client 1, the average number of packets per seconds was increased from 5000 in Figure 7 to 8200 in Figure 10. Similar results for other flows are observed in Figures 7 and 10. Allocated bandwidth to each client is shown in Figure 8. Furthermore, Figures 12 and 15 present the end-to-end delay of the transfer of a frame with varied sizes on TCP and UDP without and with a use of our proposed approach, respectively.Moreover, we also perform UDP traffic for Client 1 and TCP traffic for the rest of clients. As shown in Figure 13 without a use of our proposed approach, minimum bandwidth is not ensured for Clients 2 and 3 while Client 1, it is not for Client 1. Figure 11 further shows throughputs for Flows 1, 2, and 3, and best effort traffic. It clearly indicates that the average number of packets per second for Client 1 with UDP traffic was around 8000 with a frame size of about 1024 bytes. In the scenario, we also used the proposed algorithm to monitor bandwidth, RTT, and length for Flows 2 and 3 that permits us to switch Client 2 to Path 2 while Flow 1 is still kept in Path 1. Figure 14 gives a comparison of throughputs for UDP and TCP flows. As shown in Figure 14, the number of packets per second for Client 2 is increased from 1500 to 6000 when a frame size is 1514. As depicted in Figure 16, the bandwidth allocated to Clients 2 and 3 are increased as well.VI.C ONCLUSION &F UTURE W ORKIn this paper, we have studied QoS-guaranteed bandwidth allocation by using Open vSwitch. Such studies are necessary to a variety of cloud applications including voice IP, teleconferencing, and gaming. Cloud services are usually priced on a pay-per-use basis. Thus, customer services often need to be distinguished according to their service priorities and requirements. In this research, we have proposed QoS guaranteed approach to allocating bandwidth for all cloud users by introducing queueing techniques and considering the performance metrics of response time and the number of hops. We have implemented and tested our approach on GENI via Open vSwitch. The proposed approach permits us to select a path to ensure end-to-end QoS guarantees. Experimental results have shown the effectiveness of our approach. In our further study, we will implement and test our approach by using OpenFlow physical switch in at-scale networks.A CKNOWLEDGMENTWe gratefully acknowledge the partial support from National Science Foundation under grants #10656665 and #1303382 and NSF/BBN under grants #1125515 for project #1895 and #1346688 for project #1936. We are also thankful to Praveen Iyengar from RIT, Niky Riga in the GPO at BBN, and Robert Ricci at University of Utah for their helps.R EFERENCES1.R. Buyya, C. S. Yeo, and S. 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