八年级英语上Unit5Uni5 A-2



5. A: _D_o_y_o_u_p_l_an__to_w__at_c_h_a_n_a_c_ti_on__m_o_v_ie_?_ (do / plan to watch / action movie) B: _N_o_,_I_p_l_an__to_w__at_c_h_a_c_o_m_e_d_y._ (no / plan to watch / comedy)
Which of these statements do you agree with (√) or disagree with (×)?
Give at least one reason.
1. I think game shows are meaningless. ( ) ____ 2. I can’t stand soap operas. ( ) ____________ 3. I think sitcoms and talent shows are relaxing. ( )
➢ Key sentences: She dresses up like a boy and takes her father's place to
fight in the army. ➢ Writing Practice.
Lead in
What is your favorite cartoon?
Do you want to watch a game show
Unit5 Section B
First Period 1a-1c Second Period 2a-2d Third Period GF Fourth Period 3a-3c
➢ Key words & phrases: army,dress up,take sb.'s place,do a good job

英语人教版八年级上册Unit5 Section A 2a-2d

英语人教版八年级上册Unit5 Section A 2a-2d
2.Have a interview.
设计意图:小组通过采访的形式,让学生能初步运用plan to,hope to, want to, expect to句型来表达自己的计谋与爱好。
3. Make a report.
教学重点:1.运用所学句型“What do you think of…?”“…”对某一事物进行讨论评价。2.运用动词不定式谈论个人打算、喜好和对某事的看法。
4.Make a poster.
步骤4 Summary
步骤5 Emotional education
人教版新目标英语Go for it
上册Unit5 Section A 2a-2d
Do you want to watch a game show?


东莞楼面占地3.2公顷,依据经市政府批准的该地区控制性详细规划,该厂应予搬迁,拟改为商业用地。厂方根据控制性详细规划提出的改建方案经城市规划行政主管部门初审认为可行。然后,厂方依据初审方案找到丁一个投资方,并与其签订了出让协议。投资方未办理 患者,男,18岁。身高172cm,体重100kg,属于肥胖症,医生建议控制饮食减轻体重。应给予的最佳饮食是()A.低纤维素饮食B.低蛋白饮食C.低盐饮食D.低脂饮食E.半流质饮食 转炉装入铁水废钢比是根据。A.废钢资源多少确定的B.是根据废钢资源和吹炼热平衡条件确定的C.是根据铁水废钢市场价确定的D.都不对 下列哪种情况经常会出现轴突支芽因迷走而成为神经瘤A.神经失用B.轴突断伤C.神经断伤D.神经嵌压性损伤E.神经节段性脱髓鞘 肝肺综合征的表现不包括A.慢性肝病的体征B.呼吸困难、肺水肿C.低氧血症D.心源性哮喘E.卧立呼吸 更年期妇女某些器官发生结构与功能退行性变化,主要的器官是。A.外阴B.阴道C.尿道D.卵巢E.乳房 [单选,共用题干题]The(1)isageneraldescriptionofthearchitectureofaworkflowmanagementsystemusedbytheWFMC,inwhichthemaincomponentsandtheassociatedinterfacesaresummarized.Theworkflowenactmentserviceistheheartofaworkflowsystemwhichconsistsofseveral(2).空白(2) 以下不是土地登记代理的基本原则。A.合法原则B.平等自愿原则C.诚实信用原则D.等价交换原则 列入国家进口审批管理的中药材数量是A.8种B.13种C.17种D.25种E.35种 在阴阳失调中,最易导致实寒证的是A.阳偏盛B.阴偏盛C.阳盛格阴D.阳损及阴E.阳胜阴病 脚背正面踢球时,当摆动腿以髋关节为轴,大腿带动小腿由后向前摆时,小腿的加速前摆时间是。A、膝盖接近球的垂直上方时B、摆动腿后摆时膝盖超过球的垂直上方时C、膝盖摆到球的内侧垂直上方时 我国婚姻家庭法的基本原则有哪些? 哪种类型肺癌对放射治疗最为敏感A.腺癌B.鳞状上皮细胞癌C.未分化癌D.肺泡癌E.类癌 输血相关疾病检测实验室的建筑与设施应符合《实验室生物安全通用要求》和《微生物和生物医学实验室生物安全通用准则》中的规定。下列说法不正确的是。A.输血相关疾病检测实验室属于一级生物安全防护实验室B.实验室的实验用房、辅助用房应满足血液检测工作的需求C.实验室需保持卫生 中国境内银行业的基本从业标准是()。A.注册金融规划师B.注册会计师C.中国银行业从业人员资格D.中国人民银行从业人员资格 人民币教育储蓄起存金额为。A.20元B.30元C.50元D.100元 化脓性脑膜炎()</br>结核性脑膜炎()</br>病毒性脑膜炎()A.IgM显著增高B.IgA增高显著C.IgA降低显著D.IgM显著降低E.IgA及IgM无明显改变 右肺上可见。A.胸主动脉压迹和奇静脉沟B.主动脉弓压迹和胸主动脉压迹C.食管压迹和奇静脉沟D.主动脉弓压迹和食管压迹E.食管压迹和胸主动脉压迹 黄芪与茯苓配伍,茯苓能增强黄芪的补气利水作用,这种配伍关系是。A.相须B.相使C.相反D.相恶E.相畏 目前流行病学调查研究显示导致肺癌发生率增加的最主要因素是。A.大气污染B.支气管炎C.吸烟D.哮喘E.肺气肿 类风湿关节炎的主要表现是多发性和对称性增生性滑膜炎,导致此炎症反应的原因是A.血循环中的RFB.存在于关节的RFC.关节中的11-1D.关节中的TGF-BEB病毒 比较英法两国议会制度的特点。 将舱内货物由二层舱移到底舱,则。A.船舶重心降低B.船舶重心不变C.船舶重心升高D.船舶横稳心下降 设空间直线的对称式方程为,则该直线必。A.过原点且垂直于x轴B.过原点且垂直于y轴C.过原点且垂直于z轴D.过原点且平行于x轴 关于支气管腺癌的特点,论述正确的是A.男性多见B.与吸烟有明显相关性C.常常表现为中心型肺癌D.易转移至肝、脑、胸膜E.常常出现异位激素分泌 注射治疗时,抽出的药液不得超过小时,开启的无菌溶液不得超过小时。 植物生理学 当每个电容器的额定电压小于外加电压时,可将电容器使用。 固定式压力容器 键盘上的Ctrl键是控制键,通常它与其他键配合使用。A、总是与B、不需要C、有时D、和Alt键一起 目前发动机广泛采用的活塞材料是。A.铸铁B.铝合金C.合金钢D.低碳钢 简述办公室接待工作及礼仪。 矿业工程施工质量保证体系的内容包括。A.施工工艺的质量管理方法B.质量目标与质量计划C.建立严格的质量责任制D.设立专职质量管理机构E.健全的质量检验制度和手段 小儿呼吸功能的特点不包括。A.年龄越小,潮气量越小B.正常婴幼儿每分钟通气量如按体表面积计算与成人相近C.小儿肺脏小,肺泡毛细血管总面积与总容量均比成人小,故气体弥散量亦小D.小儿气道阻力大于成人,随年龄增大而递减E.小儿肺活量为70~90ml/kg 心电图中心房激动产生的波是A.Q波B.R波C.S波D.T波E.P波

Unit5 SectionA( 2a-2d)课件 人教版英语八年级上册

Unit5 SectionA( 2a-2d)课件 人教版英语八年级上册

B.to do C.doing D. that he do
—I’ll help you whenever you need me. —Good. I’d like _____ me tomorrow.
A.you helping B. that you will help
C.you to help D. that you help
1.A:What do you think of …? B : I can’t stand … \ I don’t mind \ I don’t like… \ It’s … \ They’re C: sb \sth be +adj(+n). (eg: It’s exciting. You’re a little tiger.)
Read 2d and answer the questions. 1. What a kind of TV shows does Grace like? Why 2. What are Sarah’s favorite TV shows? 3. What does Grace think of game shows and sports show? 4. What does Sarah think of game shows and sports show?
9. Do you plan to watch the news tonight?
(1)plan vt. & vi.计划, 打算,常用搭配为plan to do sth. 计划做某事


the news or talk shows
some great jokes
game shows
soap operas
tonui. What are you watching? Lin Hui: Hey, Sally. I’m watching a really funny sitcom. Sally: Oh, I don’t like sitcoms. What can you expect to learn from them? I like to watch the news or talk shows.
A: Do you plan to watch the news tonight?B: Yes. I like watching the news. I watch it every night.A: Why?B: Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world.
What do you want to watch?
What do you think of talk shows?
They’re OK. I don’t mind them.
Then let’s watch a talk show.
What do you want to watch?
What do you think of sports shows?
Lin Hui: Watching sitcoms is a great way to relax! You can learn some great jokes, too.
Sally: Well, I like shows that are more educational. I think even game shows are better than sitcoms. You can try to guess the answers to the questions. Lin Hui: Then what do you think of soap operas? Sally: Oh, umm, well, I know you can’t expect to learn much from soap operas, but I have to say I love watching them! I plan to watch Days of Our Past tonight.

人教版 八年级英语 上册 U-5 Section A-2a-2c

人教版 八年级英语 上册 U-5 Section A-2a-2c
• Alan: Thank you. • Host: Do you like to watch TV/ • Alan: Yes, I do. • Host: What do you think of Sports News?
• Alan:___I_l_i_k_e__i.t.
• Host:I do,too How about Healthy Living?
What do you think of Chinese Culture ?
What do you think of Chinese Cooking?
• Chinese Cooking
What do you think of Animal World ?
• Animal World
Do you mind …? e.g. Do you mind my dog?
5. I can’t stand it! 我不能忍受它/我受不了它! stand 1)“站, 站立” e.g. Stand up! 起立 2) “顺利接受; 忍耐、忍受” (多用于 否定句、疑问句) , 后可接动名词。
e.g. I can’t stand the movie! It is too boring! Mary couldn't stand the hot weather. Can you stand the pain? 你忍受得了疼吗? I can’t stand waiting any longer. I can’t stand your being treated like that.
4. Sally loves . She plans to watch Days
of Our Past .
• Host: Welcome to 9 o’clock Weekend Talk. We’re talking to Alan, a thirteen-year-old boy. Welcome to the show, Alan.



适宜在药斗中靠近存放的饮片是A.形似的饮片B.相反的饮片C.相畏的饮片D.细料饮片与其他饮片E.处方中经常配伍应用的饮片 多轴飞行器不属于以下哪个概念范畴A.自转旋翼机B.重于空气的航空器C.直升机 麻疹最易并发A.喉痹B.惊厥C.肺炎喘嗽D.心悸E.小便难 临床诊疗道德的原则是A.患者健康利益第一的原则B.最优化原则C.身心统一原则D.以上都是E.以上都不是 [多选,案例分析题]男性,25岁,反复发作性呼吸困难5年,每年春季发作,可自行缓解,此次再次突然发作2天,伴胸闷、咳嗽,症状持续不能缓解。查体:双肺满布哮鸣音,心率95次/分,心律齐,心脏各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音。该患者治疗可以选择的药物。A.沙丁胺醇雾化吸入B.糖皮质激 肝细胞对胆红素生物转化的实质是A.使胆红素与Y蛋白结合B.使胆红素与z蛋白结合C.使胆红素的极性变小D.增强毛细胆管膜载体转运,有利于胆红素排泄E.主要破坏胆红素分子内的氢键并进行结合反应,使极性增加,利于排泄 机械化战争 属于TI-Ag的物质有A.病原微生物B.肺炎球菌荚膜多糖C.血细胞D.血清蛋白E.外毒素 《环境保护法》第二十六条规定,建设项目的“三同时”制度是。A、同时设计、同时施工、同时投产;B、同时建设、同时使用、同时检查;C、同时设计、同时投产、同时评比。 患者,男,26岁。建筑工人,烈日下户外操作4小时后,感觉头晕,头痛,少汗。患者神志清楚,面色潮红,体温40.5℃,脉搏110次/分,呼吸30次/分。疑为"轻度中暑"。灌肠过程中患者感觉腹胀有便意,处理方法是()A.拔出肛管,停止灌肠B.移动肛管,观察流速C.挤捏肛管,嘱患者稍加忍 下面哪种拍摄姿势不可取A、站姿拍摄B、抱机拍摄C、跪蹲拍摄D、卧姿拍摄 关于脑神经进出脑的部位,正确的是A.延髓脑桥沟内有面神经B.中脑脚间窝内有视神经C.延髓锥体前方有舌下神经D.小脑背面有动眼神经E.小脑中脚有展神经 患者Berg平衡量表得30分提示A.需乘坐轮椅B.无法步行C.步行需辅助D.可独立步行E.无跌倒危险 与埋弧自动焊相比,手工电弧焊的优点在于。 多层民用建筑和轻型工业厂房,一般选择的基础形式为A、无筋扩展基础B、扩展基础C、筏形基础D、桩基础 在Maya中,通过许多方式显示多边形的各种元素和数目等,为我们在建模过程中提供许多方便。例如,Display>PolygonDisplay提供更多的多边形显示选项,下面可能成为选项的是。A、网格显示模式B、实体显示模式C、实体和材质显示模式D、以上全部 在收油过程中,需要转罐时,必须严格执行,的操作原则。 采用热装法装配轴承时,将轴承放入机油槽中加热,温度不超过℃为宜A.200B.150C.100D.50 对出生头4―6个月的孩子,最好的食物和饮料是。A.牛奶B.羊奶C.鲜果汁D.母乳 监理合同示范文本的标准条件与专用条件有何关系? 下列哪组为乌梅丸的组成成分A.党参、当归B.蜀椒、肉桂C.黄连、黄芩D.生姜、细辛E.桂枝、炮附子 如何看待中国传统社会“精耕细作”的农业生产方式? 在院外获得的细菌性肺炎,常见的病原菌是A.肺炎链球菌B.金黄色葡萄糖球菌C.绿脓杆菌D.军团菌E.结核菌 [问答题,案例分析题]赵武编写了书稿《第三帝国揭秘》。2009年1月,赵武与甲出版社签订了图书出版合同。合同中约定:赵武授予甲出版社在全球范围内以图书形式出版《第三帝国揭秘》中文版的专有使用权,为期10年。甲出版社按该书的实际销售量向赵武支付版税,版税率为8%;首次和第二 高血压的诊断标准为血压A.&ge;l25/75mmHgB.&gt;130/80mmHgC.&ge;l35/80mmHgD.&gt;140/85mmHgE.&ge;l40/90mmHg 通信网按其所能实现的业务种类来分有。A、电话通信网B、数据通信网C、广播电视网D、传输网 APU由哪个燃油供油管供油:A、左B、中C、右 以技术分析为基础的投资策略是建立在否定的基础之上。A.有效市场B.半强式市场C.强式有效市场D.弱式有效市场 下列眼底视盘的形态学改变均须行青光眼排查,除了A.视盘表面或其周围小线状、片状出血灶B.C/D&gt;0.6C.两眼C/D差值&gt;0.2D.颞上、颞下视盘盘沿变窄E.视盘周围有萎缩弧斑 肺癌中恶性度最高的是A.鳞状上皮细胞癌B.小细胞未分化癌C.大细胞未分化癌D.腺癌E.细支气管肺泡癌 女性,20岁,因半年来反复出现少量紫癜来诊。血红蛋白110g/L,白细胞3.8×109/L,血小板50×109/L,肝脾不大,骨髓穿刺3次,其中两次为增生活跃,分类大致正常,巨核细胞增生低下,Ham试验(-)。其最可能的诊断为A.特发性血小板减少性紫癜B.再生障碍性贫血C.白细胞减少性白血病D 下列哪项为继发性不稳定型心绞痛的诱发因素A.外伤B.贫血C.甲亢D.心律失常E.感染 患者,女性,60岁,高血压病史20年。2小时前突发左眼视力丧失,自诉似"电灯开关关闭"。眼底检查。最可能的诊断是()A.视网膜中央动脉栓塞B.急性球后视神经炎C.颅内肿瘤D.视网膜中央静脉栓塞E.视网膜血管炎 某休克患者进行扩容疗法快速输液中,监测得中心静脉压1.47kPa(15cmH0),BP10.7/8kPa(80/60mmHg)。应采取的措施是()A.大量输液,加快速度B.控制速度.减慢输液C.减慢输液、加用强心剂D.暂停输液E.用升压药 商业银行充实资本、提高资本充足率,可以采用的做法包括。A.发行普通股B.发行可转换债券C.发行次级债券D.发行非累积优先股E.发行短期债券 下述哪项是对自旋回波(SE)序列中聚相位的描述()A.纵向磁化矢量的相位一致B.180&deg;脉冲激励前的相位变化C.90&deg;脉冲激励前的相位变化D.横向磁化矢量的相位一致E.以上都不对 在下列多元酸或混合酸中,用NaOH溶液滴定时出现两个滴定突跃的是。A.['H2S(=1.3&times;10-7,=7.1&times;10-15)B.H2C2O4(=5.9&times;10-2,=6.4&times;10-5)C.H3PO4(=7.6&times;10-3,=6.3&times;10-8,=4.4&times;10-13)D.HCl+一氯乙酸(一氯乙酸的=1.4&times;10-3) 以下哪项是国务院金融监督管理机构的反洗钱职责。A.组织协调全国的反洗钱工作,负债反洗钱资金监测B.监督、检查金融机构履行反洗钱义务的情况C.对所监督管理的金融机构提出按照规定建立健全反洗钱内部控制制度的要求D.根据国务院授权,代表中国政府与外国政府和有关国际组织开展反 小儿的舒张压正常值应为收缩压的.A.1/4B.1/3C.1/5D.2/3E.1/6 各分行应贯彻落实零售板块归口管理要求,在二级分行和支行设立零售板块,明确分管行长,提高板块执行力和管理效率。A.正确B.错误

英语人教版八年级上册unit5 SectionA(2a----2d)

英语人教版八年级上册unit5 SectionA(2a----2d)

镇巴县中小学(幼儿园)课题Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A (2a—2d)教学目标知识与技能1.掌握下列单词短语及重点句式:educational, plan, hope, find out,discussion, stand, happen, may, expectWhat do you think of talk show? I don’t mind it.Well, they may not be very exciting , but you can expect to learn alot from them.2.学会谈论喜好并制定计划。


过程与方法1.Teach the new words through some posters of game shows on thescreen.2.Task-based approach.3.Autonomous and cooperative .情感态度与价值观Enable the students to understand and use English to talk about preferences.教学重点1.Words and expressions.2.Talk about preferences and how to use infinitives as objects.教学难点Infinitives used as objects.教学准备 A tape record some posters of movies 教学方法练习法与探究法任务型教学法_huoyejiaoan _续页11_活页教案镇巴县中小学(幼儿园)教学活动组织流程修订与补充Step1: Greetings.Step2: Teaching new materials.1.W ords and expressions:1)T he story is very_________ (有教育意义的).2)My sister ____ (计划)to visit the Great Wall.3)The students are having a _________(讨论) about the TVshow.4)My parents______(期望)me to get good grades.5)Someone broke the window. The teacher wanted to______(查明)who did it.6)I ______(希望)to be a teacher one day.7)What ________ (发生) to you yesterday?2.Teach Activities 2a & 2bFirst ask students to have a look at the instructions to know whatto do and how to do them.Then play the tape.You may play the recording one more time for students to do thetasks.After that invite some students to present their answers. Correctmistakes together.3. Teach activity 2cFirst lead students to read the instructions to know how to do thisactivity.Then have students read the example conversation together.Explain a language point .Finally invite several pairs to act out for the whole class.4 Teach activity 2dFirst let students finish the conversation individually.Grace:_______________, Sarah?Sarah: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like gameshows and sports show.Grace: Oh, I can’t stand them.____________. I like to follow the storyand see what happens next.Sarah: Well, ________________. But my favorite TV shows arethe news and talk shows.Grace: ___________________Sarah: Well, ______________, but you can expect to learn a lot fromthem. I hope to be a TV reporter one day.A: I love soap operas.B. they may not be very excitingC. They are boring!镇巴县中小学(幼儿园)_huoyejiaoan _续页2_活页教案教学活动组织流程修订与补充D. What did you do in class todayE. I don’t mind soap operas.Then check the answers and let students read it together.After reading, invite some pairs to role-play the conversation.Finally lead students to read it, explain some language points.Step3 summaryIn this period, we’ve mainly learned some kinds of TV shows andlearned how to express preferences.Through some listening and speaking practice, we consolidated thetarget language.Step4. Homework1.Remember the new words.2.Practice reading the conversation 2d.板书设计Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A (2a—2d)educational plan( to do sth.) hope(to do sth. ) find out discussion stand happen may expect(to do sth.)What do you think of…?I don’t mind it/ them..教学反思与随笔本单元的话题是谈论电视节目,这是学生非常感兴趣的话题,贴近学生的生活。



八年级上册英语unit5Unit 5: Traveling AroundTraveling is a wonderful way to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and broaden our horizons. In the 8th grade English curriculum, Unit 5 focuses on traveling, covering topics such as transportation, accommodation, and sightseeing. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of Unit 5 and explore the vocabulary, grammar, and skills required to excel in this unit.Vocabulary:1. Transportation:When traveling, it is essential to know how to get from one place to another. Unit 5 introduces vocabulary related to transportation, such as "bus," "train," "plane," "car," and "bicycle." Additionally, words like "ticket," "departure," "arrival," and "platform" are also important to understand when planning a trip.2. Accommodation:Finding suitable accommodation is crucial when traveling. In this unit, students will learn words like "hotel," "hostel," "motel," "guesthouse," and "campsite." They will also become familiar with terms like "reservation," "check-in," "check-out," and "room service."3. Sightseeing:When exploring a new destination, sightseeing plays a vital role. Unit 5 introduces vocabulary related to popular tourist attractions, such as "museum," "monument," "park," "beach," and "castle." Students will also learn words like "tour guide," "souvenir," "map," "admission," and "photo."Grammar:1. Present Simple and Present Continuous:Unit 5 focuses on the usage of the present simple and present continuous tenses. Students will learn when to use these tenses to talk about their travel plans, schedules, and daily routines. For example, "I always take the train to work," or "I am going on vacation next week."2. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives:To describe places and experiences while traveling, students will learn to use comparative and superlative adjectives. They will practice forming sentences like "Paris is more beautiful than Rome," or "Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world."3. Prepositions of Place:Understanding prepositions of place is important when giving directions or describing the location of tourist attractions. Unit 5 covers prepositions like "in," "on," "at," "under," "behind," and "next to." Students will practice using these prepositions in sentences like "The hotel is located in the city center" or "The Eiffel Tower is next to the river."Skills:1. Listening and Speaking:Listening and speaking skills are crucial when traveling. In Unit 5, students will engage in various listening activities that will help them improve their listening comprehension skills. They will also practice speaking by participating in conversations, role-plays, and group discussions about travel experiences and preferences.2. Reading and Writing:Unit 5 includes reading passages about different travel destinations and experiences. Students will develop their reading comprehension skills by answering questions, summarizing texts, and identifying key details. Additionally, they will practice writing skills by writing about their dream vacation, creating itineraries, and writing postcards or travel reviews.3. Cultural Awareness:Traveling is not only about visiting new places; it is also about understanding and appreciating different cultures. In Unit 5, students will learn about cultural practices, customs, and traditions of various countries. They will develop cultural awareness by discussing and comparing cultural differences and similarities.In conclusion, Unit 5 of the 8th-grade English curriculum focuses on traveling and provides students with the necessary vocabulary, grammar, and skills to navigate and communicate effectively in a travel context. By mastering the vocabulary, grammar, and skills covered in this unit, students will be well-prepared to embark on their own adventures and make the most out of their travel experiences.。



Mickey’s look
Mickey’s Mickey’s birthday Popularity(流行)
rich and successful
two large round ears
On November
Mickey first appeared in the cartoon.
1930s =1930-1939
Mickey first appeared in the
1.What does Mickey Mouse look like? The black mouse with two large round ears.
2.When was Mickey Mouse born(出生)?
On November 18,1928,Mickey first appeared in the cartoon and came out in New York.
Mickey became the first cartoon character
to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of
Mickey’s look
Mickey’s Mickey’s birthday popularity
Mickey’s success
two large round ears
On November
Walt Disney Mickey first made 87 appeared in cartoons the cartoon. with Mickey.

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 Section A 2a-2d

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 Section A 2a-2d
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?
Section B (2a-2d)
➢ Key words & phrases: educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, happen, expect ➢ Key sentences: 1. Do you plan to watch the news tonight? 2. Because I hope to find out what's going on around the world. 3. They may not be very exciting,but you can expect to learn a lot
A: Excuse me, can I ask you some questions? B: OK / Sure . A: What do you plan to watch tonight? B: I plan to watch _________. A: Why? B: Because _______________.
Grace: What did you do in class today, Sarah?
Sarah: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game shows an对d..s.p..进or行ts讨sh论ows.
Grace: Oh, I can't stand them. I love soap operas. I like to follow
talk shows

人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A-2课件

人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A-2课件

Unit 5
Do you want to watchw plan hope find out discussion stand happen may expect
v.&n. 打算;计划 v.&n. 希望 查明;弄清 n. 讨论;商量 v. 忍受;站立 v. 发生;出现 v. 也许;可能;可以 v. 预料;期待
What kind of TV show is it? It’s a sitcom. What do you think of it? I love it.
2a Listen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation. Number the TV shows [1-5]in the order you hear them 1 sitcoms ______ 2 news ______ ______ 4 game shows 3 talk shows ______ 5 soap opera ______
2b Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1. Sally likes to watch the news or talk shows. 2. Lin Hui thinks she can learn ______________from sitcoms. some great jokes shows are more 3. Sally thinks game __________ educational than sitcoms. 4. Sally loves soap operas. She plans to watch Days of Our Past tonight .
1.Do you plan to watch the news tonight? 你今晚打算看新闻吗? plan vt. & vi.计划, 打算,常用搭配为 plan to do sth 计划做某事 plan 还可作名词,如:make plans 制定计划 according to plan 根据计划。 例如: I plan to go swimming tomorrow. It is better for you to make plan for your future.

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit5 Section A-2 优质课件

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit5 Section A-2 优质课件
4. What can you expect to learn from the news?
My views:
Answer to Q 1:
I really love watching them, because they
make me happy and relax.
Answer to Q 2: 生活大爆炸
• 15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。2021年7月2021/7/282021/7/282021/7/287/28/2021
• 16、提出一个问题往往比解决一个更重要。因为解决问题也许仅是一个数学上或实验上的技能而已,而提出新的问题,却需要有创造性的想像力,而且标志着科学的真正进步。2021/7/282021/7/28July 28, 2021
2. I don’t mind them. 我不介意它们。 mind 介意; 在乎。表示请求或是征求意 见时后接名词, 动名词或代词。多用以下 句型:Would you mind doing…? Do you mind …? e.g. Would you mind opening the door? Do you mind my dog?
A: _D_o_ you _w_a_n_t__to__ _g_o_t_o_a__m_o_v_i_e__?
B: Yes, _I_d_o_. I _w_a_n_t_t_o see a _s_c_a_r_y_m_.ovie
A: _D_o__y_o_u_w__a_n_t_t_o_g_o__to__a_m__o_v_i_e___? B: _Y_e_s,_I__d_o_. _I_w__a_n_t _to__s_e_e_a__d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_r_y_.



Thanks for listening!
2c+2d Role-play! Use the information that is true for you.
A: What did you do …? B: We had a discussion about …
My classmates/friends/parents like … A: What do you think of them?
from sitcoms. 3. Sally thinks _g_a_m_e__l
than sitcoms. 4. Sally loves _s_o_a_p__o_p_e_r_a_s_. She plans to watch
Days of Our Past _t_o_n_ig_h_t_.
conversation. Number the TV shows [1-5] in the order you hear them.
Lin Hui
_1__ sitcoms _4__ game shows _5__ soap operas
__2__ news __3__ talk shows
Listen again. Fill in the chart.
Sally Lin Hui
Sally and Lin Hui’s ___o_p_in_i1o_n_s___ on different kinds of TV shows
news or talk shows
Grace and Sarah.
Maybe they’re having a discussion about their favorite TV shows.
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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ?
Section A-2 (2d-3c)
主备人:Ms Zhang 核审人:八年级英语组
1. 掌握重点词汇stand, happen, may, expect, hope等的用法。

2. 询问他人的观点。

--- What do you plan to watch tonight?
--- What comedy shows do you like to watch?
--- What can you expect to learn from the news?

A: _________________________________ ?
B: I love watching the news.
A: _________________________________________?
B: I can find out what’s going on around the world.
Step1. Read 2d and choose the answers.
( ) 1. What do Sarah’s classmates like?
B. Game shows
C. Sports shows and game shows
( ) 2. What does Grace like watching?
A. Game shows
B. Soap operas
C. Sports shows
( ) 3. What does Sarah think of soap operas?
A.She doesn’t mind
B. She likes them
C. She doesn’t like them at all ( ) 4. What does Grace think of talk shows?
B. Boring
C. She doesn’t mind
Step2. 再读对话,翻译下列短语和句子。

2. 我喜欢跟着剧情看接下来发生什么? __________________
3. 你可以期望从中学到很多东西________________________________
4. 我希望有一天成为一名电视记者。

Step3. 分角色朗读对话,注意语音语调。

1.Oh, I can’t stand them. 哦,我不能忍受它们。

stand vt. 意为“忍受”,常与can, could连用在否定与疑问句中,

如:I can’t stand the music.
I can’t stand staying here any longer. 我无法忍受继续待在这里。

eg: 1)I just _______ ________ the cold. 我只是不能忍受寒冷。

2)I can’t stand ______ (stay) at home.
2.I like to follow the story and see what happens next.

a) happen是不及物动词,意为“发生”,指偶然发生。

“sth. happen(s) to sb.”意为“某人发生某事”。

如:What happened to her? 她发生了什么事?
b) happen还表示“碰巧,恰好”之意,“happen to do sth.”意为“碰巧做某事”。

如:I happened to meet him this morning. 我今天早晨碰巧遇见他。

eg:1). An accident_________ ______ her on her way home yesterday.
2)She _________ _____ be busy then. 她碰巧当时正忙。

3. ...but you can expect to learn a lot from them. 但你可以从它们那里学到很多。

“expect (sb) to do sth.”意为“期待(某人)做某事”。

如:He expected her to go with him. 他期待她同他一起去。

4.I hope to be a TV reporter one day. 我希望有一天成为一个电台记者。

“hope to do sth.”意为“希望做某事”,但是“希望某人做某事”不能表达成“hope sb to do sth.”,只能用hope 引导的从句. 如:我希望你能上大学。

I hope you’ll go to college.不能说成“I hope you to go to college.”

1.Are you joining our __________(discuss)?
2.I followed it ___________(see) where it was going .
3.We plan ________(visit) the Great Wall next summer vacation.
4.He gave away (献给)his life to the _________(education)cause(事业)of his country.
5.What will __________(happen) if you are late for school?
( ) 1. You are ill. You had better ______the doctor right now.
A.look at
B. see
C. watch
( ) 2. I can’t ______the loud noise when I’m reading.
B. hear
C. stand
( ) 3. My uncle’s house is small and old. He plans ____ a big one next year.
B. to buy
C. buy
( ) 4. If we try our best, our dream will come true_______.
A.one day
B. any day
C. at time
背P34-2d, 完成P26课时练。
