Family Travelling-家庭旅行-圣三一考试
圣三一英语口语等级考试,全名Graded Examinations in Spoken English,简称GESE,共有12个等级。
●该考试受到众多跨国企业认可能够帮助学生在未来的职业生涯获得更多的机会,这些企业包括:阿根廷航空公司Aerolineas Argentinas,德国银行Deutsche Bank,雀巢Nestle,西门子Siemens和大众Volkswagen,安万特Aventis,Clariant。
圣三一一级考试基本考试题型总结Questions about trinity exams---Grade 1 Unit 1----Hello!What’s your name?Nice to meet you!Where are you from?Bye—bye!Unit2----Hello!Good morning!Good afternoon!Good evening!What’s your name?How are you?Where are you from?Unit3----Good evening!What’s your name?How are you?How old are you?Unit4---- 听指令,做动作Stand up!Sit down!Point to the window.Point to the ceiling.Point to the floor.Point to the door.Show me your nose.Show me your eyes.Touch your ear.Touch your mouth.①② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩Point to five.Point to nine.Point to three.Point to one.Unit5-----is this your book?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.Unit6---- What’s this?This is a book.What are these?These are books.Unit7----what’s this?This is my t-shirt.What are these?These are my pants.Unit8---what are you wearing today?What color are your shorts?They are blue.Unir9----is your T-shirt new?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.Is your T-shirt old?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.Are these shoes clean?Yes, they are.No, they aren ’t.Are these pants dirty?Yes, they are.No, they aren ’t.Unit10----what color is your T-shirt?It’s yellow.What color are your trousers?They are blue.Unit 11---what’s your favorite color?My favorite is pink.\ what’s your favorite number?My favorite number is 8.what’s your favorite book?My favorite book is Global Family. 听指令,做动作: Give me the pen/ book Unit12---is this Kitty ’s cap?No, it isn’t. her cap is pink.Is this your cap?No, it isn’t. my cap is blue.Unit13---What’s this?It is a …Is this a …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Is it big?Unit16--- touch the panda’s ear/ mouth/hand/foot/teethUnit18---介绍你的朋友Tom is my fiend. He is a boy. He is 5-years-old. His hair is black. He has 2 big eys,1 big nose,1 big mouth and 2 big ears. His favorite color is blue. thank you.。
GESE(圣三⼀⼝语测试)什么是GESE?英国伦敦三⼀学院英语⼝语等级考试(即GESE,Graded Examination in Speakers of Other Languages)是经英国⽂化委员会提议,专门为⾮英语国家设计的英语⼝语等级考试体系。
伦敦三⼀学院(TCL-Trinity College London)是经英国政府批准,为英国⽂化委员会承认的考试机构。
GESE的权威性及认可·考试受到英国资历及课程发展局(QCA)认可,是英国国家资格框架(NQF)的组成部分;·我们的ESOL考试完全遵守欧洲语⾔共同参考架构(CEFR)⽽设;·圣三⼀是欧洲语⾔考试联盟(ALTE)的制度联合会员;·圣三⼀是欧洲语⾔教学质量服务机构(EAQUALS)的会员;·英国⾼等招⽣办公室(UCAS)列准圣三⼀ESOL证书为⼊读英国⾼等学府英语⽔平要求的证明;在⾹港,⾹港英⽂中学议会认可圣三⼀ESOL考试作为学⽣就读英⽂中学的英语⽔平⼊学测试;等级4-最低⼊学英语⽔平要求;等级5 -良好;等级6-优秀⽔平,⼊读精英中学。
词汇 ● 与自选话题相关的词汇 ● 与对话话题相关的词汇
● 表示动作发生频繁程度的副词和词组,如:sometimes, often, never, every day, once a week
要点提示: ● 预备段考试主要以问与答的形式进行。考官的主要任务是调动考生以有限的语言能 力参与到真实有趣的交流中去。 ● 考官可能使用与考试级别相关的考具,如图片、实物等。考生应熟悉日常生活中所 使用物品的名称。 ● 考生若没有听清考官的问题或指令,可以用“Can you repeat that,please?”, “Sorry?”或“Pardon?”等语句或词语,请求考官重复或解释。但是多次使用此类语句会 影响最终成绩。 ● 1 级考生可以使用一、两个单词作简短回答,并能用手势或动作完成考官所给的指 令。 ● 2 级考生应能使用简单的完整句子对人和物进行描述,如“My brother’s tall. He’ s got black hair.”。 在考试过程中能够向考官提出至少一个问题。
对话部分不过多地采用一问一答方式进行,要求考生尽量主动表述,尽可能引入所考级 别要求的语言功能及语法项目。
在本部分中,5 级考生应至少问考官 1 个与对话话题相关的问题;6 级考生应至少问考 官 2 个与对话话题相关的问题。
4级 交际能力
第一部分:自选话题 ● 就所列的 4 个讲述点给予陈述 ● 根据考官所提问题做出回答,并有所讨论;若考官有要求,应提供更多的事实和细节 ● 向求的语言功能
三一口语级别描述(4-6)初 级 四级
考试时间:10 分钟 考试形式: 1.考生进述事先准备的话题,并与考官就此话题进行谈论(5 分钟); 2.与考官进行对话(5 分钟)。 要 求: 1.讲述事先准备的话题(2 分钟); 2.就准备的话题回答考官提问; 3.与考官讨论话题内容; 4.谈过去发生的事情; 5.谈论将来的打算、安排; 6.表述喜好和不喜好事物; 7.就人、事、物作简单比较; 8.会话中尽少停顿。 学习内容:要求考生就所学词汇和语法谈论下述各内容;假期;爱好;喜爱的体 育活动;商店及购物;工作
九级 考试时间:15 分钟 考试形式: 1.考生介绍准备的话题,然后与考官就此话题进行谈论(5 分钟); 2.考生介绍事先准备的短文并与考官进行讨论(5 分钟); 3.与考官进行对话(5 分钟)。 要 求:要求考生完全听懂考官的话语并能够: 1.就准备的话题作简单讲述(2 分钟),然后简短讲述由考生准备的一篇文章(2 分钟),文
章内容考生自定; 2.就话题和短文回答考官的提问; 3.与考官讨论讲述的话题及短文; 4.表述希望、悔意和愿望; 5.表述抽象概念; 6.能突出重点; 7.保持对话有效地进行,能把握谈话内容走向。 学习内容:要求考生能谈论下述各类话题:教育;社会生活;饮食;民族;服装;科技;有关
三一口语级别描述(10-12)级 高级 考生与考官进行 25 分钟的谈话,对考生有较高的语言要求及与他人交谈的能力。25 分钟内要求考 生讲述一篇事先准备的题目,一篇事先准备的长度适中的材料(如书、读物、杂志、论文集等), 并与考官进行讨论。考官还将现场提供一份听力材料,并就其内容及词汇提问。 • 报名的相关要求 ⑴凡第一次报考者(1997 年 8 月 31 日以后出生)原则上可报 1—4 级。 ⑵已报考通过 GESE 的考生,若成绩为“通过” (C),宜经过 6 个月的学习后再报考高一级别的 考试。 ⑶已报考通过 GESE 的考生, 若成绩为“良好” (B),宜经 3-5 个月的学习后再报考高一级别。 ⑷已报考通过 GESE 的考生, 若成绩为“优秀” (A),宜经过 2—3 个月的学习后再报考高一级别。 说明:以上规定是根据历史数据分析所得,通常考生在短期内很难有较大语言水平的提升,语言的 训练是一个循序渐进的过程。“三一”口语考试为水平性测试,因此扎实的语言基础及交际能力是提 高成绩的基础。
Trinity四级模拟测试Hello! What’s your name? How are you?Holidays1.Where did you spend holidays last year?2.Who went there with you?3.What did you enjoy doing on last holiday?4.What did you do on last holiday?5.What did you eat on last holiday?6.What did you buy on last holiday?7.What’s the most interesting /exciting/enjoyable part on your holiday?8.Where’s your favorite place to go on holiday?9.Tell me about your next holiday. / Tell me about your last holiday.Weekend and seasonal activities1.What do you do at the weekend?2.What did you do at your last weekend?/How did you spend your last weekend?3.What are you going to do this weekend?4. How do your family spend the weekend?5. What activities do your family do together?/What activities do your family do on your own?6. Why do you like to spend time with your family?7. What do you enjoy most about the weekend?8. What do you do in Spring/Summer/Winter/Autumn?Shopping1.What shops do you like?2.Where do you go shopping?3.When do you go shopping?4.What do you like to buy?5.What sort of shoes/coat/dress do you buy?6.Who goes shopping with you?7.What do you like and dislike about shops.School and Work1.What is your school look like?2.What do you study?3.What is your grandparents’ school look like?4.What is the same and What is different? Which is better?5.What do you like most about your school?6.What job does your mother/father/brother/sister do?7.Where does he/she work?8.What job do you think you are going to do?9.What skills and qualities do you have?10.Where are you going to work?11.What do you like about the job you are going to do?Hobbies and Sports1.Do you play chess? What’s your hobby?2.What do you like about your hobby?3.When do you do your hobby?4.How often do you play/do/practice?5.How did you start?6.When did you start?7.Who plays/practices with you?8.What’s the special moment?/Tell me the special moment./ What is special about it?9.What’s your favorite sport?10.How often do you play?11.Where do you play/watch it?12.What position do you play?13.How many players are there in your team?14.What do you enjoy most?15.Tell me an exciting match or competition?16.What’s the aim of the game?17.What do you use to play tennis/ice hockey?18.What’s the cyclist /ice hockey player wearing?Food1.What type of food do you enjoy?/What type of food do you dislike?2.What do people eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner in your region?3.Describe one of the typical dish -What it is and What it’s made of?4.When do you eat it and What do you serve with it?。
GESE3英国圣三⼀⼝语考试3级准备资料精选三级复习⼤全⽬录三级复习⼤全 (1)三⼀⼝语三级考试复习题⼤全 (2)三⼀⼝语三级考试话题汇总 (4)三⼀⼝语三级真题Grade (5)三⼀⼝语考试三级考官问题 (5)三⼀⼝语三级备考必备:谈论天⽓⽤语⼩结 (10)喜欢与厌恶表达⽤语⼩结 (11)⼝语考试中,说英语卡壳了怎么办? (12)三⼀⼝语:挑战你的⾆头英⽂绕⼝令 (13)三⼀⼝语三级考试复习题⼤全1. What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?My father is a worker.2. What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的?My mother is a nurse.3. What do your parents do? 你的⽗母是做什么的?They’re workers.4. Is your mother a teacher? 你的妈妈是⽼师吗?No, she isn’t.Is your father a teacher? 你的爸爸是⽼师吗?Yes he is.No, he isn’t.5. Where do you live? 你住在哪?I live in…6. Is your home far from here? 你家离这远吗?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.7. Where do you study? 你在哪上学?I study at…school.8. Tell me about your school. 给我说说你的学校。
My school is very big and beautiful. There’re three classroom buildings in my school. There’re many trees and flowers in my school. We usually do sports in the playground. I love my school.9. How many buildings are there in your school? 你的学校就⼏栋楼?There are five buildings in my school.10. Is your school big? 你的学校⼤吗?Yes it is.No, it isn’t.11. Are there many trees and flowers in your school? 你的学校有许多树和花吗? Yes, there’re many trees and flowers in my school.No, there aren’t many trees and flowers in my school.12. When is your birthday? 你什么时候过⽣⽇?My birthday is January the first.13. What’s the date today? 今天是⼏⽉⼏号?Today is November the twenty-fifth.14. What was the date yesterday? 昨天是⼏⽉⼏号?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15. Is it March? 现在是三⽉吗?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16. Which month is it now? 现在是⼏⽉?Now it is November.17. Was it Friday yesterday? 昨天是星期五吗?No, it wasn’t. Yesterday was Saturday.18. What’s the weather like today? 今天天⽓怎么样?It’s sunny and warm.It’s windy and cold.19. What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天⽓怎么样?It was windy yesterday.20. Is it a nice day today? 今天是⼀个好天⽓吗?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.21. Was it cloudy yesterday? 昨天刮风吗?Yes, it was.No, it wasn’t.22. What’s the weat her like in Beijing in spring? 北京春天的天⽓怎么样?It’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23. What’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn? 北京秋天的天⽓怎么样?It’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer? 北京夏天的天⽓怎么样?I t’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter? 北京冬天的天⽓怎么样?It’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24. What are your classmates doing now? 你的同学现在正在做什么?They’re studying.25. What are you doing now? 你现在正在做什么?I’m talki ng with you.26. What is your teacher doing now? 你的⽼师现在正在做什么?He is teaching students.27. What are your parents doing now? 你的⽗母现在正在做什么?They are working.28. What time do you get up in the morning? 早上你⼏天起床?I get up at six o’clock in the morning.29. Where do you have breakfast, at school or at home? 你在哪吃早饭,在学校还是在家?I have breakfast at home.30. What subjects do you study at school? 你在学校学什么科⽬?I study math, Chinese and English at school.31. Do you have classes on Saturday and Sunday? 你周六和周⽇上课吗?Yes, I do.No, I don’t.32. What time do you finish school? 你⼏点放学?I finish school at five o’clock.33. What do you usually do in the evening? 你晚上经常做什么?I usually do my homework in the evening.34. What time is it now? 现在⼏点了?It’s 10 o’clock.三⼀⼝语三级考试话题汇总Family and An Person话题1.What did you study in your school?2.What (kind of) subject do you like ?3.Is your home/house far from your school? How far is it?4.Which subject do you like best?5.What are xxx doing?6.What were they doing yesterday?7.Can you do xxx?weather话题1、What's the weather like today?2、What was the weather like yesterday?Spare Time话题Do you have classes at the weekends?What do you usually do after school or class?Time and Date话题What time/(when) do you usually get up?What's the date today? What day is it today?三⼀⼝语三级真题Grad e1. 有关时间和⽇期的: What time(when) do you usually get up?What's the date today? What day is it today?2. 有关业余时间的: Do you have classes at the weekends?What do you usually do after school or class?3. 有关天⽓的: What's the weather like today?What was the weather like yesterday?4. 有关家庭⽣活和个⼈熟悉的场景a) What did you study in your school?b) What (kind of) subject do you like ?c) Is your home/house far from your school? How far is it?d) Which subject do you like best?5. What are xxx doing?6. What were they doing yesterday?7. Can you do xxx?合格要求:能⽤⼀到两句话进⾏完整的简单回答,反应⽐较迅速,没有极端的语法错误;过去时、进⾏时和⽅位的描述。
最新圣三一 4级模拟测试
Trinity四级模拟测试Hello! What’s your name? How are you?Holidays1.Where did you spend holidays last year?2.Who went there with you?3.What did you enjoy doing on last holiday?4.What did you do on last holiday?5.What did you eat on last holiday?6.What did you buy on last holiday?7.What’s the most interesting /exciting/enjoyable part on your holiday?8.Where’s your favorite place to go on holiday?9.Tell me about your next holiday. / Tell me about your last holiday.Weekend and seasonal activities1.What do you do at the weekend?2.What did you do at your last weekend?/How did you spend your last weekend?3.What are you going to do this weekend?4.4. How do your family spend the weekend?5. What activities do your family do together?/What activities do your family do on your own?6. Why do you like to spend time with your family?7. What do you enjoy most about the weekend?8. What do you do in Spring/Summer/Winter/Autumn?Shopping1.What shops do you like?2.Where do you go shopping?3.When do you go shopping?4.What do you like to buy?5.What sort of shoes/coat/dress do you buy?6.Who goes shopping with you?7.What do you like and dislike about shops.School and Work1.What is your school look like?2.What do you study?3.What is your grandparents’ school look like?4.What is the same and What is different? Which is better?5.What do you like most about your school?6.What job does your mother/father/brother/sister do?7.Where does he/she work?8.What job do you think you are going to do?9.What skills and qualities do you have?10.Where are you going to work?11.What do you like about the job you are going to do?Hobbies and Sports1.Do you play chess? What’s your hobby?2.What do you like about your hobby?3.When do you do your hobby?4.How often do you play/do/practice?5.How did you start?6.When did you start?7.Who plays/practices with you?8.What’s the special moment?/Tell me the special moment./ What is special about it?9.What’s your favorite sport?10.How often do you play?11.Where do you play/watch it?12.What position do you play?13.How many players are there in your team?14.What do you enjoy most?15.Tell me an exciting match or competition?16.What’s the aim of the game?17.What do you use to play tennis/ice hockey?18.What’s the cyclist /ice hockey player wearing?Food1.What type of food do you enjoy?/What type of food do you dislike?2.What do people eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner in your region?3.Describe one of the typical dish -What it is and What it’s made of?4.When do you eat it and What do you serve with it?医保管理制度(一)机构管理1.建立院医保管理小组,由分管院长负责,不定期召开会议,研究医保工作。
Traveling教学步骤:1. Grammatical items: past continuous (P66-69)2. Function: expressing preferences (60-61)3. Main topic: traveling补充材料:Some possible questions:Do you like traveling? Why?What places have you been to? Which one impresses you most?What is the climate like there?If you’ve got a chance to travel abroad, would you go to X? Why or why not? What significant role can traveling play in a person’s life?How do you get your traveling ready?Do you prefer a package tour or self-service travel?Some useful expressions:Sightseeing (参观游览)1.Chang’an is the former capital of Tang Dynasty.2.Everything looks different here.3.From up here we can have a bird’s eye view of the city.4.I enjoy sleeping on the grass under the sun.5.I felt as if I had been in a different world.6.I had a fairly restful time.7.I had a good time fishing.8.I was overwhelmed by the sight of the tomb.9.I’m sure there’s no other tower like this one in the world.10.It’s a garden in the traditional Victorian style.11.It’s a noted place for its pine trees and springs.12.It’s a tourist attraction.13.It’s really worth seeing.14.It’s such an exciting place.15.It’s very nice by the lake.16.I’ve never seen a waterfall like that before.17.I’ve never seen water so clear and blue.18.Most of the unearthed relics remain intact.19.Qindao is a tourist resort.20.The combination of wind, sand and sea are really fascinating.21.The Great Wall is a man-made wonder.22.The views from the hill top are magnificent.23.There seems to be a lot of old building in the street.24.There’re many known historic sites around here.25.T here’s nothing to see outside London.26.These building are very impressive.27.These are beautiful examples of traditional architecture.28.We can see a fine view of the West Lake from the hill top.29.What a beautiful pacific place this is!30.What a vast lake! The water extends as far as the eye can reach.31.look at the beautiful old ruins.Planning a tour (计划旅游)1.I just want to drive around town and check out the main strip.2.I prefer a package tour.3.I want to see all places of renown in London.4.I’d like to see the sights of the country.5.I’d like to look around the city.6.I’m going on a guided tour around the mountain city.7.I’m going on a hiking trip with Jack.8.We plan to go mountain-climbing.9.We’re going to the beach for a couple of weeks.10.The village is famous for its wine.11.There are many places of historic interest in that country.12.There are a lot of scenic spots there.13.There are many famous mountains and great rivers in the South.Making a complaint (抱怨)1.I’m really very annoyed about it.2.It’s most unsatisfactory.3.I’ve got a complaint to make.4.It is very inconvenient.5.Something must be done about the pot.6.I’ve just about had enough (of that).7.I’m not at all satisfied with the surrounding here.8.The dish is too salty.9.No taste at all, it is just like dish water.10.The soup is almost cold.11.The service is too slow.12.The lobster is badly cooked.13.The fish tastes as if it were caught a year ago.14.The meat’s as tough as leather.A modelWe Enjoyed Ourselves Very MuchWe left London on June 21st and flew to Athens on a British Airways flight. We left London at about 11:00 in the morning and arrived in Athens at about 3:00 in the afternoon. It was raining in London when we left, but it was fine and warm in Athens. After we came out of the airport building we took a taxi to the town center. We stayed for three nights at a hotel. While we were in Athens we visited some of the sights: the world famous Parthenon, and the National Museum, and we went to a concert.On our fourth day we went to Athens Airport early in the morning and took an Olympic flight to a beautiful Greek island, Santorini. We stayed at a small hotel in the capital of the island. The hotel was very high up and we had a wonderful view of the sea and the island. We enjoyed the typical Greek food in the hotel’s restaurant and weenjoyed walking down the beaches, too.After we had spent a week on this island, we flew back to Athens for another three nights. We visited a fishing village on a small island near Athens. We also went to a tavern in the city where we met many local Greeks. We talked to them and had a nice evening with them.Then we flew back to London on an Athens Airways flight. It was a wonderful holiday and we enjoyed ourselves very much.More useful expressions1. Traveling helps us to broaden our minds/ increase our knowledge/ identify ourselves with nature.2. Traveling enables us to see new places / meet new people / learn abut new cultures.3. I travel for travel’s sake. The important thing is to go, not to go anywhere in particular.4. Thanks to modern means of transportation, it is possible to travel across the country / to remote areas/ abroad.5. Among the places I’ve been to, …impresses me most/ is most unforgettable/ leaves the deepest impression on my mind.6. I like visiting small villages / hiking in the mountains / going to seaside resorts.7. Thailand is a country located in … and Bangkok is its…8. As Thailand has a long coastline, it is not surprising that tourism / fishery plays an important role in its economy.9. The great majority of people in Thailand believe in Buddhism (Christianity / Islam). And Buddhist temples can be seen everywhere in the country.10. I’ve been to / would love to see the Great Wall/ the Summer Palace / the West Lake…11. I’ve read about the Great Pyramid / the Tower of London…12. It’s (located / situated) in the southeast of China / Paris / North America…13. It was established / built in…14. It has been the business / cultural / economic / political / industrial center since…15. It’s well-known for its beautiful landscape / fine scenery/ old tradition / rich culture / tasty food/ arts and crafts / historic sites…16. It is/ looks hilly / magnificent / charming/ peaceful / quiet/ pleasant…17. It’s cool / dry / foggy/ humid/ rainy/ windy in summer/ winter/ spring/ fall.18. The natural beauty/ nightlife/ style of architecture is a real attraction.Another modelA: Hi, Xiao Jin. How was your vacation?B: Great! I went to Hainan Island.A: Really? Who did you go with?B: My cousin. He’d been longing to go there for months, and he persuaded me to go with him.A: I heard the island is warm all year round.B: That’s true. It’s so cold here this time of year, while there the temperature stays in the mid-twenties. It’s really a good place to escape the winter cold.A: Have you been to the beaches? I hear they’re beautiful.B: Yes, they’re incredible. Fine white sand, blue sky and clear water. You’d have enjoyed them.A: Wow! This I must see.B: It’s really worth going.。
考试成绩评定:A--优秀(Distinguish)B--良好(Merit)C--合格(Pass)D—未通过(Fail)预备段(1~3级)考试时间:1级-5min;2级-6min;3级-7min总体要求:1. 考生在考官帮助下,能听懂考官简明,慢速,直接的指令和要求,并作出相应的手势或动作。
2. 就个人熟悉的日常生活与考官进行简单交谈。
3. 使用基本句型以及简单的短语,词组以及惯用语句描述自己或他人的行为,物品和场景。
4. 能够根据个人信息和日常生活进行简单的提问及回答。
要点提示:1. 预备段考试主要以问与答的形式进行。
2. 考官可能使用与考试级别相关的考具,如图片,实物等。
3. 考生若没有听清考官的问题或指令,可以用“ Can you repeat that, please?", "Sorry?"或"Pardon?"等语句或词语,请求考官重复或解释。
2级考生应能使用简单的完整句子对人和物进行描述,如“ Mybrother's tall. He's got black hair." 在考试过程中能够向考官提出至少一个问题。
三级复习大全三级复习大全目录三级复习大全1三一口语三级考试复习题大全2三一口语三级考试话题汇总4三一口语三级真题Grade5三一口语考试三级考官问题5三一口语三级备考必备:谈论天气用语小结10喜欢与厌恶表达用语小结11口语考试中,说英语卡壳了怎么办?12三一口语:挑战你的舌头英文绕口令13三一口语三级考试复习题大全1.What does your father do?你爸爸是做什么的 ?My father is a worker.2.What does your mother do?你妈妈是做什么的 ?My mother is a nurse.3.What do your parents do?你的父母是做什么的 ?They’re workers.4.Is your mother a teacher?你的妈妈是教师吗 ?No, she isn ’t.Is your father a teacher?你的爸爸是教师吗 ?Yes he is.No, he isn’t.5.Where do you live?你住在哪 ?I live in⋯6.Is your home far from here?你家离这远吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.7.Where do you study?你在哪上学 ?I study at⋯school.8.Tell me about your school.给我说说你的学校。
Myschool is very big and beautiful. There’re three classroom buildingsin my school. There ’re many trees and flowers in my school. We usually do sports in the playground. I love my school.9.How many buildings are there in your school?你的学校就几栋楼 ?There are five buildings in my school.10. Is your school big?你的学校大吗 ?Yes it is.No, it isn’t.11.Are there many trees and flowers in your school?你的学校有许多树和花吗 ?Yes, there ’re many trees and flowers in my school.No, there aren ’t many trees and flowers in my school.12.When is your birthday?你什么时候过生日 ?My birthday is January the first.13.What ’s the date today?今天是几月几号 ?Today is November the twenty-fifth.14.What was the date yesterday?昨天是几月几号?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.Is it March?现在是三月吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16.Which month is it now?现在是几月 ?Now it is November.17.Was it Friday yesterday?昨天是星期五吗 ?No, it wasn ’t. Yesterda y was Saturday.18.What ’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样 ?It ’s sunny and warm.It ’s windy and cold.19.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样 ?It was windy yesterday.20.Is it a nice day today?今天是一个好天气吗 ?Yes, it is.No, it isn ’t.21.Was it cloudy yesterday?昨天刮风吗 ?Yes, it was.No, it wasn ’t.22.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in spring?春天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.What ’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?秋天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?夏天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter?冬天的天气怎么样 ?It ’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.What are your classmates doing now?你的同学现在正在做什么 ?They’re studying.25.What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?I ’m talking with you.26.What is your teacher doing now?你的教师现在正在做什么 ?He is teaching students.27.What are your parents doing now?你的父母现在正在做什么 ?They are working.28.What time do you get up in the morning?早上你几天起床 ?。
家庭旅游的英语作文的提纲英文回答:Introduction:Family travel is an enriching experience that offers numerous benefits for both children and adults. It provides opportunities for bonding, exploration, and learning.Benefits for Children:Educational: Family trips expose children to diverse cultures, histories, and environments, broadening their knowledge and perspectives.Social: Traveling together allows children to develop social skills by interacting with different people and making new friends.Emotional: Family vacations create lasting memories,strengthen family bonds, and foster a sense of togetherness.Benefits for Adults:Relaxation: Family vacations offer a much-neededrespite from daily responsibilities, allowing parents to unwind and recharge.Reconnection: Spending quality time together away from distractions strengthens relationships and provides opportunities for meaningful conversations.Exploration: Family trips allow adults to experiencenew places and cultures, enriching their own lives.Planning a Family Trip:Destination: Choose a destination that aligns with everyone's interests and age range. Consider theeducational and recreational opportunities available.Accommodation: Select accommodations that meet theneeds of the family, including space, amenities, and location.Activities: Plan a variety of activities that cater to different age groups and interests. Include both educational and recreational pursuits.Budget: Determine a budget that works for the family and plan accordingly. Consider the cost of flights, accommodation, activities, and dining.Tips for Successful Family Travel:Be flexible: Things don't always go according to plan, so be prepared to adjust itineraries as needed.Pack light: Overpacking can be stressful, so limit the luggage to the essentials.Engage children: Involve children in the planning process and make them feel like part of the team.Have fun: The most important aspect of family travel is to enjoy the experience together.Conclusion:Family travel is an invaluable investment in the present and future of the family. It provides countless opportunities for成长, learning, and strengthening bonds. By planning carefully and embracing the unexpected,families can create lasting memories and foster lifelong connections.中文回答:引言:家庭旅游是一项有意义的体验,为孩子和成年人提供了许多好处。
家庭旅游的英语作文的提纲English:Family trips provide a great opportunity for bonding and creating lasting memories. The first benefit of family travel is that it allows family members to spend quality time together away from the distractions of everyday life. This can strengthen relationships and build stronger bonds between family members. Additionally, family trips provide an opportunity for parents and children to learn and grow together through shared experiences. Exploring new places, trying new activities, and facing challenges together can help families deepen their connections and create lifelong memories. Furthermore, family trips can also be a great way to introduce children to different cultures, history, and traditions, broadening their perspectives and understanding of the world. Overall, family trips are a wonderful way to strengthen family ties, create lasting memories, and instill a sense of adventure and curiosity in children.中文翻译:家庭旅游为拉近亲情、创造持久回忆提供了绝佳机会。
家庭旅游的英语作文的提纲Outline for an English Essay on Family Travel.Introduction (Approx. 100 words)。
Begin with a brief introduction to the concept of family travel.Highlight the importance of shared experiences and memories created during family vacations.Preview the main points to be discussed in the essay.Main Body (Approx. 700 words)。
1. The Bonding Experience (Approx. 200 words)。
Discuss how family travel strengthens bonds between family members.Describe examples of activities that promote interaction and teamwork, such as hiking, cooking together, or solving problems on the road.Mention the role of quality time spent together in building stronger family relationships.2. Educational Aspects of Family Travel (Approx. 200 words)。
Examine how traveling with family can be an educational experience.Discuss the opportunities to learn about different cultures, environments, and histories through visits to museums, landmarks, and diverse communities.Highlight the importance of hands-on learning and the ability to apply knowledge in real-world contexts.3. Challenges and Solutions in Family Travel (Approx. 200 words)。
1.老爸老妈出游"三考" [J], 张雪
2.老爸老妈出游"三考" [J], 张雪
3.《老爸老妈去旅行》(一对退休夫妻的欧洲自助游) [J],
4.关于“写爸爸妈妈”的三种方法--点评:《老爸老妈》、《补鞋》、《妈妈眼里的爸爸》 [J], 无
5.打造老爸老妈的专用电脑(三) [J], IT民工
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Family Traveling
——Graded Examination in Spoken English Part 1. Topic Hello, today I’d like to talk about my family trips. I was born in China, but it’s my dream to visit other foreign countries due to the fact that I love traveling. I always go traveling with my mom because we have the same hobby.
My dad seldom goes traveling, and in most of the cases, he goes abroad mainly because of the business. Although he seldom goes traveling, he has actually been to many countries, such as America, Canada, France and so on. So he knew a lot of cultures about foreign countries, and he told me a lot about them. But as I can’t remember most of them, when I ask him again, he will look tedious and tell me: You’d better go to this country then you can have your own experiences. But before that, the thing what you should do is to study harder and learn some useful, such as, how to speak better English or get to know more background information about the country that you will tour. I think what my dad said is really correct and it makes me think a lot, what do you think?
By the way, my dad is a cheerful man, he works on a state-owned
company as a manager, and he can’t travel with my mom or me due to his full schedule. When my mom and I go traveling at summer vacation, or winter vacation, he can only chat with us online. There are advantages and disadvantages in some way. One of the advantages is he can work alone so that we may not disturb him. But one of the disadvantages is that I probably will miss him. If I were him, I would probably take some days off and travel with us. But my dad has never done that. What a pity!
My mom is very outgoing, she likes making friends, including the foreign friends. I always go traveling with my mom. Although her English is not very good, she tries to learn as much English as possible.
The summer before last summer, we went to Paris, France. In the middle of the day, we were lost. We couldn’t find the way to hotel and we were hungry but we didn’t bring anything except the hotel key. My mom was nervous but in a minute, she had an idea: to ask a person who could bring us back to the hotel. But she was nervous, because she’d never talked to foreigners in English. Then, a few minutes later, my mom walked up to a person, but he didn’t p ay attention to us. My mom didn’t give up,she went to another
person and asked him for direction. And finally, the man agreed, and led us back to the hotel. At last the man and my mom became friends, and they are still in contact now.
That’s all my famil y about, my father, my mother and me, we all love traveling, but I can only go traveling with my mom. I think someday our family will go traveling all together.。