故答案为:⑴ C;⑵示例1:月圆中秋,家家团聚吃月饼。
传世画作《蒙娜丽莎》的原型一直是个谜,现在多数学者认为她是佛罗伦 萨一位丝绸富商的妻子。经考证,佛罗伦萨市中心的一家修道院遗址是其原型 的安息之地。意大利考古学家日前宣布将挖掘《蒙娜丽莎》原型的骸骨。
考古学家将借助透地雷达搜寻人类骸骨,然后通过科学方法测定骨头年 代,筛选出与《蒙娜丽莎》原型去世时年龄相符的骸骨。考古学家还将提取骸 骨的DNA,将之与其子女们骸骨中提取的DNA进行对比。这样,将找到的足够多 的头盖骨碎块通过电脑整合出《蒙娜丽莎》原型的面部图像,就能复原那让世 人着迷的神秘微笑。
▪ 2.拟定新闻标题
拟写时,内容上要讲清 什么对象 (包括人物)+什么事件即可。形式要 简洁、新颖、醒目,要有文采,无停 顿,无标点。
根据下面的内容,用自己的语言拟写一个新闻标题。 (不超过12个字)(浙江省金华市中考题) 据台湾媒体报道,宋楚瑜率领亲民党大陆访问 团于13日下午3时40分许返抵台北。亲民党主席 宋楚瑜在桃园机场发表谈话表示,亲民党带着两 岸同胞共同追求和平的愿望回到台湾。宋楚瑜说, 这次访问期间看到大陆的很多变化,也看到大陆 乡亲和我们一样,都愿意追求和平。
▪ 拟写答案举例:“彭勃为江西再添一枚金牌”或 “江西健儿彭勃奥运夺金牌”。
▪ 4.下面是盐城市某报的一则新闻,请为这则新闻 拟一个标题。(不超过20字)
小学新闻阅读练习1. 标题:熊猫双胞胎在动物园诞生熊猫双胞胎在某某动物园顺利诞生。
2. 标题:学校举行环保主题日某某小学今天举行了一个特殊的活动——环保主题日。
3. 标题:小学生参观科技博物馆某某小学的学生们参观了当地的科技博物馆。
4. 标题:小学举行戏剧表演比赛某某小学的学生们表演了一场精彩的戏剧表演比赛。
5. 标题:小学生参加足球比赛某某小学的足球队参加了一场激烈的比赛。
6. 标题:小学生参加英语演讲比赛某某小学的学生们参加了一场英语演讲比赛。
7. 标题:小学生参观动物保护中心某某小学的学生们参观了当地的动物保护中心。
8. 标题:小学举行运动会某某小学举行了一年一度的运动会。
高考专项复习 专题六 新闻(含访谈)阅读
新闻(含访谈)阅 读
结 束
谈及书店的窘境,张超无奈地表示,于 2004 年在石牌东正式 营业的“两脚书橱”, 在 2007 年搬到中大教工活动中心, 后在 2011 年又搬来了中大的西区宿舍,原因只有一个:场地租金贵。 “要 是能找到合适的地方,我也不想放弃实体店。 ”他向记者说,要 拿到实体店的营业执照,首先要有符合条件的铺位,而 50 平方米 以上的商用店铺,成本至少要 20 万元。这对于他来说,是无法负 担的巨款。因此,即使蜗居在学生宿舍区, “两脚书橱”实体店 平时也并不开放。“我搬来这里这么久,从来没有学生到过这里, 来的都是老朋友,老教授,只有他们才知道有这么一个地方。”
课 前 ·自 测 诊 课 堂 ·重 点 补 课 后 ·演 练 冲
新闻(含访谈)阅 读
结 束
这家书店店面很小, 也名不见经传, 书店老板一边整理旧 书一边向记者说, “之所以坚持经营, 是源于对回忆的一分执 着。有旧书店的城市才有都市的味道,才显得有文化气息。经 营旧书店,不图赚钱,但求有一方安静读书的空间。书店是大 家的,知识和旧书的感觉也是大家的。在广州,也许旧书店才 能让人真正安静地汲取学问。” (有删改)
课 前 ·自 测 诊
课 堂 ·重 点 补
课 后 ·演 练 冲
新闻(含访谈)阅 读
结 束
Байду номын сангаас
2.文章为什么以“一息尚存的二手书店顶住!”为标题?请简要 分析。
解析:题目要求分析为什么以“一息尚存的二手书店顶住!” 为标题。这一标题,应该是对文章主要写作内容的概括,体现 着作者写作的背景、意图,表达了作者的思想情感。在这一标 题中, “ 一息尚存 ” 突出了当前二手书店的生存现状。 “ 顶 住”是作者对这一现状表达的态度。这样,在具体分析时,就 可以围绕文章的主旨, 组织恰当的语言, 对标题进行深入理解。
高考语文复习 专题6 语言文字运用 第3节 语段的压缩
【解析】本题考查语段的压缩。解答所有压缩类题目均可以先给文本分层,再分 别概括各层大意,最后把各层大意概括为一句话。而提取关键词的题目不过是多 了一个环节,即在概括为一句话的基础上把句子主干提炼出来。该语段一共三个 自然段,可分为三层:第一层的大意是引力波是什么;第二层的大意是美国首次发 现引力波;第三层的大意是引力波的发现将对人们的生活产生什么影响。概括起 来就是美国首次发现引力波,它将对人类生活产生影响。该句子的主干内容为: 主语——美国,谓语中心词——发现,宾语中心词——引力波、影响。 答案(示例):引力波 首次(或“美国”) 发现 影响(或“意义”)
(1)用一句话归纳上述消息的主要内容。不超过30个字。(2分) 答:_________________ (2)针对上述消息所反映的社会现象,写一段评述性文字。不超过80个字。(4分) 答:______________
【解析】(1)本题考查语言表达简明、准确、鲜明的能力。该消息有两段文字, 第一段第一句是交代要说明的对象是调查报告的内容,接下去先分后总,一一说 明调查的结果。语段的最后一句是对全段内容的总结,也就是第一段的中心句。 第二段的结构是先总后分,即第一句先概括说明调查的结果,再详细说明具体情 况。所以,在概括消息的主要内容时,只需要把这两个总结句(中心句)整合起来就 可以了。 (2)对消息所反映的社会现象进行评述,不仅需要有自己的观点,还要阐述理由。 阅读率的提升和阅读方式多样化,都是值得肯定的,但“有声阅读(听书)”和“数 字化阅读”相对于传统阅读,可以说是浅层次的阅读,还是要慎重运用。
引力波的发现对普通人的生活会产生什么影响?科学家们表示,一个新的重 大科学发现,总会给人类社会带来无法预估的发展。18世纪描述电磁波的麦克 斯韦理论确认的时候,也没有人知道会给人类带来什么,但是现在不管是电视机 还是移动电话,都与电磁现象有关。 答:________ ________ ___下面的文字,完成后面的题目。(6分) 中国新闻出版研究院2018年4月18日在京发布第十五次全国国民阅读调查
第十八章 实用类文本阅读
第34大道第83号.濒于死亡的小孩是他 的女儿,叫帕特丽夏,两岁,现就诊于路德 医院,在曼哈顿,第144街和康文特大道交 会处. 找到青霉素并非易事.因为这个被医学 界誉为“创造奇迹”的奇药是如此的稀少 ,以致几乎不能得到它. 即使是军方,也 只能得到他们所需的一小部分.
栏目 导引
第十八章 实用类文本阅读
正题(主标):对一则消息内容的高度概括 .副题(副标):往往是重要事实、结果的 提要. ②导语:消息的第一句话或第一段话以 凝练简明的语言,概述新闻的主要内容 或事实,鲜明地揭示新闻的中心.写法常 见的有叙述式、描写式、评论式、提问 式、结论式等.
栏目 导引
第十八章 实用类文本阅读
栏目 导引
第十八章 实用类文本阅读
4.对新闻主题、人物形象、作者的观 点态度等理解. 5.对新闻材料运用的作用的分析. 6.对文本的价值取向和实用效果的探 究.
栏目 导引
第十八章 实用类文本阅读
考题呈现 1.(2010·高考山东卷)阅读下面的文字, 完成(1)~(4)题.
“她只能活七小时”[注] [美]保罗·舍恩斯坦
栏目 导引
第十八章 实用类文本阅读
2.访谈的对象有很强的限定,多是专家 或知情者; 3.形式多样,如答记者问、采访纪实、 访谈录、对话录等; 4.访谈文章具有时效性、典型性,文章 更加凝练,中心更加突出,个性更加鲜明. 访谈是一个连贯的过程,包括开头、主 体、结尾三个部分.
栏目 导引
第十八章 实用类文本阅读
栏目 导引
第十八章 实用类文本阅读
2.新闻分类:新闻有广义狭义之分.广义 的包括消息、通讯、特写、电视新闻等 体裁;狭义的专指消息. 3.文体特点 (1)基本特点:迅速及时、内容真实、语 言简明. (2)最主要的特点:用事实讲话.
高三语文二轮专题复习与测试:专题六(二)新闻阅读 Word版含答案.doc
(2)新闻的六要素:、、、事件发生的、、 ___ 。
督捕,北京公安 7 月份缉捕逃 将211名在京作案后逃跑的犯罪疑人缉拿 归案。 犯211名。
根据下面材料拟写一条“一句话新闻”不得超过30字。 由北京市教委主办的“扬帆新世纪”学生百场音乐会自去年 举办以来,已由北京市各中小学校学生乐团承办了88场。日前, 由北京中海淀区甘家口少年之家参演的第89场音乐会在金帆音乐 厅举行。 70多名6至13岁的小演员表演了单簧独奏、琵琶齐奏,萨克 斯二重等多种多样的节目。甘家口少年之家是北京市海淀区教委 隶属下的校外教育机构,成立于1978年。 20多年来,该少年之家坚持“面向学校、面向少年队、面向 广大少年儿童”的办学方向,充分发挥“培训、活动 指导”作 用,开设丁电声乐、西乐、民乐、舞蹈、体育、书法、绘画等近 30个项目,培养出了一批批学有专长,德、智、体、美、劳全面 发展的学员。 (2000年3月17日《中国教育报》)
根据材料拟一条一句话新闻,不超过30个字。 北京市公安机关在追逃专项斗争中,采取 “网上作战”等高科技手段和对在逃人员的分级 督捕,自 7月1日至8月2 日,将211名在京作案后 逃跑的犯罪疑人缉拿归案。 时间: 地点: 人物: 事件:
七月份 一. 7月份北京公安采取 北京市 “网上作战”分级督捕等措 公安机关 施缉拿逃犯211名。 采取“网上作战”等高科技手段和对在逃 人员的分级督捕 二. “网上作战”、分级
首先找出重要的的语段或语句。 通常情况下,主要看导语。因为新闻 导语的任务,是以简约、精练的文字,把 新闻事实的要点和要旨揭示出来,以唤起 受众的注意,并引出新闻事实的主体。 其次是对照“一句话新闻”的答题要点逐 一搜寻、概括。 然后,我们就可以试着组句。 最后,对初步拟出的“答案”进行验证。
高考复习新闻的阅读PPT (共21张PPT)
新 闻 的 阅 读
新 闻
对新近已经发生和正在发生、或者早 已发生却是新近发现的有价值的事实的及 时报道。
• 新闻
广 义 狭义
消息 通讯 报告文学 消息
•让事实说话。 •报道迅速及时。
——Eva Pickova,十二岁, 1942年被遣送到特莱津, 1944年底被杀死在奥斯威辛集中营。
“不能用和平方式取得的东西,就用拳头来 取。” 为了给侵略铺路,他试图让德国人相信,世 界上只有德国的白人,日耳曼人,才是强者,而 “强者必须统治弱者,不能与弱者混杂,从而影 响了自己的伟大。……只有天生的弱种才会认为 这是残酷的。”希特勒宣扬这样的说法:奴役和 践踏他人,是维持自己“民族优越”的方式。 希特勒追求全世界对德国的服从,追求德国 对“领袖”的服从,也就是对他的服从。所以, 希特勒一向说,德国是不要“民主这样无聊的玩 意儿的”。很快,德国街头到处都是纳粹的冲锋 队员,横冲直撞。
• 在平时,人的弱点会受到道德和法律的约 束,在正常情况下,社会也会引导人们向 往善良。而在一个变态的社会,人的弱点 会在合理的借口之下爆发。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
31、知技并重,德行为先。 32、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。 —— 张闻天 33、贫不足羞,可羞是贫而无志。 —— 吕坤 34、你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。 —— 歌德 35、社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备。 —— 易卜生 36、人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩十分沉重的工作。 —— 列夫· 托尔斯泰 37、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。 —— 车尔尼雪夫斯基 38、先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。 —— 屠格涅夫 39、谁给我一滴水,我便回报他整个大海。 —— 华 梅 40、对人不尊敬,首先就是对自己的不尊敬。 —— 惠特曼 41、一个人的真正伟大之处就在于他能够认识到自己的渺小。 —— 保 罗 42、自我控制是最强者的本能。 —— 萧伯纳 43、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。惟贤惟德,能服于人。 —— 刘备 44、要使别人喜欢你,首先你得改变对人的态度,把精神放得轻松一点,表情自然,笑容可掬,这样别人就会对你产生喜爱的感觉了。 —— 卡耐基 45、有谦和、愉快、诚恳的态度,而同时又加上忍耐精神的人,是非常幸运的。 —— 塞涅卡 46、人的一生可能燃烧也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我愿意燃烧起来! —— 奥斯特洛夫斯基 47、我们应该注意自己不用语言去伤害别的同志,但是,当别人用语言来伤害自己的时候,也应该受得起。 —— 刘少奇 48、人生犹如一本书,愚蠢者草草翻过,聪明人细细阅读。为何如此. 因为他们只能读它一次。 —— 保 罗 49、无论你怎样地表示愤怒,都不要做出任何无法挽回的事来。 —— 培 根 50、人生就象弈棋,一步失误, 全盘皆输,这是令人悲哀之事;而且人生还不如弈棋,不可能再来一局,也不能悔棋。 —— 弗洛伊德 51、在你发怒的时候,要紧闭你的嘴,免得增加你的怒气。 —— 苏格拉底 52、 路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 —— 吉鸿昌 53、 最本质的人生价值就是人的独立性。 —— 布迪曼 54、 谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。 —— 萨迪 55、 人世间没有比互相竭尽全心、互相尽力照料更加快乐的了。 —— 西塞罗 56、 不良的习惯会随时阻碍你走向成名、获利和享乐的路上去。 —— 莎士比亚 57、 容易发怒,是品格上最为显著的弱点。 —— 但 丁 58、 对一个尚未成熟的少年来讲,坏的伙伴比好的老师起的作用要大得多。 —— 伊 索 59、 决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运的,只是一瞬之间。 —— 歌德 60、 生气的时候,开口前先数到十,如果非常愤怒,先数到一百。 —— 杰弗逊
专题突破卷06 阅读理解之新闻报道(学生版) 2025年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用)
专题突破卷06阅读理解之新闻报道最新高考真题1.(2024年新高考II卷)Do you ever get to the train station and realize you forgot to bring something to read?Yes,we all have our phones,but many of us still like to go old school and read something printed.Well,there’s a kiosk(小亭)for that.In the San Francisco Bay Area,at least.“You enter the fare gates(检票口)and you’ll see a kiosk that is lit up and it tells you can get a one-minute, a three-minute,or a five-minute story,”says Alicia Trost,the chief communications officer for the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit—known as BART.“You choose which length you want and it gives you a receipt-like short story.”It’s that simple.Riders have printed nearly20,000short stories and poems since the program was launched last March.Some are classic short stories,and some are new original works.Trost also wants to introduce local writers to local riders.“We wanted to do something where we do a call to artists in the Bay Area to submit stories for a contest,”Trost says.“And as of right now,we’ve received about 120submissions.The winning stories would go into our kiosk and then you would be a published artist.”Ridership on transit(交通)systems across the country has been down the past half century,so could short stories save transit?Trost thinks so.“At the end of the day all transit agencies right now are doing everything they can to improve the rider experience.So I absolutely think we will get more riders just because of short stories,”she says.And you’ll never be without something to read.1.Why did BART start the kiosk program?A.To promote the local culture.B.To discourage phone use.C.To meet passengers’needs.D.To reduce its running costs.2.How are the stories categorized in the kiosk?A.By popularity.B.By length.C.By theme.D.By language.3.What has Trost been doing recently?A.Organizing a story contest.B.Doing a survey of customers.C.Choosing a print publisher.D.Conducting interviews with artists.4.What is Trost’s opinion about BART’s future?A.It will close down.B.Its profits will decline.C.It will expand nationwide.D.Its ridership will increase.2024年高考模拟真题(2024·辽宁辽阳·模拟预测)Leonardo da Vinci experimented with chemicals while painting some of his representative works—including The Mona Lisa—forming a poisonous layer hidden beneath the celebrated art. Researchers studying a tiny microsample from a corner of the painting found a substance known as plumbonacrite (水白铅矿),a poisonous compound(化合物)formed when oil and lead(Ⅱ)oxide(氧化铅)are mixed together.The Mona Lisa,and many other paintings from the Renaissance era in the early1500s,were painted on wooden panels.These required a thick base layer to enable artists to create their works on top.The most common method was using a substance called gesso,which comes from plaster of Paris,but the presence of plumbonacrite suggests Da Vinci layered his painting with lead white paint,mixed with oil infused(泡)with lead(Ⅱ)oxide.Writing in the Journal of the American Chemical Society,the authors said,“The most remarkable signature in the sample is the presence of plumbonacrite,a rare compound that is stable only in an alkaline(碱性的) environment.Leonardo probably attempted to prepare a thick paint suitable for covering the wooden panel of The Mona Lisa by treating the oil with a high load of lead(Ⅱ)oxide.”It is thought the lead(Ⅱ)oxide may have been used to help the paint applied on top of it to dry.The team reviewed Da Vinci’s writing to find reference to his use of the chemicals,but found only“unclear references”to plumbonacrite.It seems once again the famous scholar was ahead of his time,with the technique only found in other paintings by Rembrandt in e of plumbonacrite at the time seems to have been limited to skin and hair treatment.In addition to The Mona Lisa analysis,the team used high-resolution analytic techniques on17samples from across the surface of The Last Supper and found it also contained the same poisonous base layer. 5.What can we learn from the first paragraph?A.A poisonous compound was found in The Mona Lisa.B.Da Vinci created his painting through trial and error.C.Researchers damaged the famous painting while studying it.D.Da Vinci buried some poison under the painting to protect it.6.What did Da Vinci possibly do while painting?A.He used lead to decorate the painting.B.He applied oil to cover the wooden panel.C.He treated skin and hair with plumbonacrite.D.He mixed oil and lead together to create a thick paint.7.Why did the author mention The Last Supper?A.To support the finding above.B.To show how talented Da Vinci is.C.To explain the process of artwork creation.D.To stress the importance of analytical techniques.8.What is the best title for the text?A.Mona Lisa,a Mysterious WomanB.Poisonous Chemicals Help Create ArtworksC.Da Vinci,a Distinguished Painter as Well as a ChemistD.The Mona Lisa Reveals a Poisonous Secret Hidden in the Painting(2024·安徽马鞍山·三模)About one in four Americans are physically inactive,according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.But for many of us,physical inactivity is not an intentional choice.It stems from sitting all day at a desk job,driving to work because there are no suitable walking or cycling routes. But what if the infrastructure(基础设施)around you gave you the opportunity to move your body without taking extra time out of your day?“An active city would offer you loads of ways to get from A to B,”said Anna Boldina,an architectural researcher and designer who studies active cities at the University of Cambridge in the U.K.“Not only would these active cities be full of variety,but the various elements of an active city also have their own specific benefits: for example,stepping stones improve balanced co-activation of a variety of upper and lower body muscles as well as mindfulness and concentration on’here and now,’known as a stress relief.”This all sounds great for future city design and planning,but how can we integrate these feature s into existing city infrastructure?“The best way to transform a place into an active city is through small interventions here and there:an extra stepping stone shortcut across the grass or extra log across the rain garden,”Boldina said.“Sometimes it is not about adding;it is about removing.It is also important that these routes are accessible to people of all ages and abilities.”Of course,if there are always less challenging alternatives available,how can we encourage those who are able to take the more physically active routes?“One of our studies was aimed specifically at encouragement,”Boldina said.The study found that the most effective means of encouragement was providing a shortcut.“Other factors included playfulness,crossing water,using natural materials and adding handrails for confidence,”added Boldina,whose group is currently working with architects in Cambridge to create such active landscapes. 9.Which of the following best explains“stems from”underlined in paragraph1?A.Relies on.B.Is caused by.C.Mixes with.D.Is changed into.10.What can we learn about active cities?A.They contribute to better health.B.They offer personalized activities.C.They rely on governmental support.D.They generally look like each other.11.What does Boldina think matters when we transform a place into an active city?A.Protecting the local environment.B.Adding a variety of safety equipment.C.Making it easy for people to use.D.Designing as many routes as possible.12.What does Boldina’s study try to find?A.How to motivate citizens to use active routes.B.How to make active routes functional and fun.C.Why citizens have little interest in active routes.D.Why Cambridge can succeed,in adopting active routcs.(2024·黑龙江·二模)A Virginia family whose home was destroyed by a fire last week recently received the gift of some old-fashioned Christmas cheer from“Santa Claus”(圣诞老人).In the spirit of Christmas,the Ferrum Volunteer Fire Department delivered presents to the family who lost their home and belongings in a house fire on Thursday.“It was a working structure fire and unfortunately the family lost everything.We as volunteers knew that we couldn’t let this mom and her three kids go through Christmas without anything,”the fire station wrote on Facebook.“Yes,they’re OK but it’s Christmas,right?”The fire station officials delivered Christmas gifts to the mother and her three children the following day at the local church shelter they were staying at,and in photos posted on the site,the children appeared joyful.“We brought gifts and more gifts!The kids were overjoyed and very grateful.”the station said on its post.“They were very happy to see all the gifts and the fire trucks that we brought the gifts in,”the department told USA TODAY.The kids received Barbies,Pokémon,artworks,remote control cars,blankets,clothes and shoes.The mother also received a gift card.The Facebook post was flooded with what seemed to be comments from community members touched by the generosity.“The best Christmas gifts are the ones you give!Thank you all for your wonderful service and your big hearts!”one user commented.“So thankful they are alright!We are truly blessed to live in such a giving and helping community,and our fire department and rescue teams are amazing!Great job!So proud!”another user wrote.13.What can we learn from the text?A.The Fire Department provided the family with shelter.B.The volunteers saved some belongings for the family.C.The family went through Christmas in sorrow.D.Receiving a Christmas gift is a traditional joy.14.What’s the comments’attitude towards the fire station?A.Ambiguous.B.Unconcerned.C.Appreciative.D.Sympathetic.15.How does the author develop his idea?A.By giving examples.B.By using quotation.C.By making comments.D.By analysing causes.16.What’s the best title of this article?A.Firefighters or Santa Claus?B.Firefighters Safeguarded UsC.A Fire Brought Gifts D.Love Can Cure(2024·河南新乡·三模)English businessman Richard Branson made history on July11,2021as he and three other crewmates became the world’s first space tourists.The flight was made by a spacecraft named VSS Unity that was built by Branson’s company,Virgin Galactic.The flight lasted slightly more than an hour,and took Branson and crew to an altitude(海拔)of53.5miles above the Earth,just a little above the boundary(边界)of space which lies50miles above the Earth.At that height,the atmosphere turns into the black of outer space and the Earth becomes a bent ball of blue. Travelers also exhibit weightlessness as there is no gravity,the force that keeps our bodies walking on the Earth’s surface.Therefore,Branson and his fellows were able to float around in VSS Unity while enjoying the views. They were able to do that for three minutes before the spacecraft began its downward journey.It landed back at Virgin Galactic’s space port in New Mexico,United States,which is the same place from where it had taken off90 minutes before.On landing back,Branson said,“I have dreamt of this moment since I was a kid but honestly,nothing couldprepare you for the view of the Earth from space.It was just magical.I’m just taking it all in,and it’s unreal.”July11’s flight is the start of space tourism for one and all.In early2022,customers who can afford a ticket for a quarter of a million dollars can line up for a seat on a trip to space.And guess what—they will have a choice of spacecraft.Jeff Bezos,who owns a famous company,is all set to launch himself into space on July20 on board a spacecraft built by his new branch company Blue Origin.Blue Origin will also carry tourists to space. 17.What is Richard Branson famous for?A.His success in tourism.B.His company of Virgin Galactic.C.His spaceship named VSS Unity.D.His first commercial space travel in history.18.What does Branson think of his space travel?A.Unbelievable.B.Adventurous.C.Regrettable.D.Worthless.19.What do space tourists have to do?A.Take a spacecraft of Virgin Galactic.B.Pay$250,000for the rocket tour.C.Pass the fitness test for astronauts.D.Line up for a position in Blue Origin.20.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Humans will move to other livable planets.B.Ordinary people will soon land on the moon.C.Private rocket space travel is growing gradually.D.Some companies abandon their proper business.(2024·浙江·三模)MyHeritage has announced the release of two new AI features which it promises will ‘revolutionise genealogy(系谱学)’research,similar to how ChatGPT revolutionised searching the Internet.The first feature,AI Record Finder TM,is an interactive chatbot that helps family historians find relevant historical records about a person of interest within MyHeritage’s database of20billion records.This free-text chat tool enables users to talk to an intelligent assistant to find information about their ancestors,relatives,or other people who have passed away.In addition to AI Record Finder TM,MyHeritage has also introduced AI Biographer TM,another innovativefeature that automatically generates a narrative biography about an ancestor’s life using information from historical records that match the person.This creates a Wikipedia-like biography,which gives users a complete understanding of their ancestor’s life story.These two new features are integrated,allowing MyHeritage users to create an AI Biography for their ancestors using the AI Record Finder TM.With this integration,users can easily use a conversational AI to search for historical records.This makes it faster and easier to find information about their family members.Gilad Japhet,Founder and CEO of MyHeritage,said of the new features,“We’re constantly pushing the boundaries of genealogy to reinvent the way people can discover their family history as we aim to reshape genealogy in the21st century.Together,these advanced features strengthen MyHeritage’s position as the industry leader for innovative genealogy and continue our mission to make family history easier,more accessible,and more fun for everyone.”AI Record Finder TM is a disruptive feature that simplifies the way people can find information about their ancestors by making the search easier.AI Biographert M turns a person’s life details into a fascinating story.Not all our ancestors were famous,but they all deserve to be remembered!21.What is a typical feature of AI Record Finder TM?A.It updates MyHeritage’s database.B.It generates a narrative biography.C.It narrows down the target information.D.It helps users interact with intelligent people. 22.Which of the following would Gilad Japhet probably agree with?A.That AI genealogy promotes family history creation.B.That the new AI-driven features give way to MyHeritage.C.That MyHeritage spares no effort to advance genealogy.D.That more will be done to strengthen MyHeritage’s position.23.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word“disruptive”in the last paragraph?A.Relevant.B.Pioneering.C.Disturbing.D.Comprehensive.24.What might be the best title for the text?A.MyHeritage Leads in AI GenealogyB.MyHeritage Promises to RevolutioniseC.AI Features:A New Era for GenealogyD.AI Record Finder:Smart Search for Family Histories(2024·黑龙江大庆·模拟预测)“Palace,Mountain,Moon?”has been selected by NASA as the Astronomical Picture of the Day for December25,2023.The photo was taken by Valerio,a young photographer of Turin,Italy.It was shot on the evening of December15,2023.While he knew about NASA’s competition,he hadn’t considered participating until receiving much encouragement from his social media followers.Soon after,he received the message,“Your image has been chosen as the astronomical photo of the day.”It was incredible!In a photo like this,nothing is left to luck.The concept came to him back in2017.Walking on the hills north of Turin,he found several spots perfect for including both the Basilica of Superga Palace and Mountain Monviso.After numerous visits over several months,he identified four spots where Superga and Monviso line up just right.After pinpointing these locations,he experimented with shooting them at different times.“I knew I needed something special to perfect the photo.The Sun was a no-go,so I turned to the Moon.Its various phases and position s reach an azimuth angle(方位角)of230degrees,”Valerio said.With this in mind,he researched the Moon’s phases,marked potential dates on the calendar,and planned the exact moments when the moon could join the queue.It was very successful,especially because the Moon was in a waxing phase.This meant that in the photo, not only was its crescent(新月)lit up,but so was the left part,its shadowed side.That part is lit by reflected light, also known as Da Vinci’s glow,named after him because he was the one who theorized about why the Moon’s shadowed side is brightened.During the early days of the waxing Moon phases,the shadowed part is visible because the Sun’s light reflects off the Earth and hits the Moon’s shadowed side,giving it a greyish,silvery color. This allowed the light to outline Monviso on the left as well.25.Why did Valerio send the photo to NASA?A.He took an interest in astronomical advances.B.He expected to create an impact on social media.C.He received broad support from enthusiastic fans.D.He wished to make his hometown a tourist hot spot.26.In Valerio’s photo,the three objects______.A.shine light on each other B.stand in a straight lineC.fit each other in size D.vary from usual in color27.What did Valerio do to prepare for the perfect photo?A.Studying how the Moon phase changes.B.Calculating the Superga-Monviso distance.C.Analyzing when to adjust the camera angle.D.Measuring the height of the observation point. 28.What was lit up by the Da Vinci’s glow?A.The outline of the crescent.B.The outline of Superga.C.The dark side of the Moon.D.The shadowed side of the Earth.(2024·湖北武汉·二模)Peru is prepared to approve new laws that would make it easier to investigate and punish researchers who engage in academic cheating,including paying to have their names added to a paper.The move comes as Peru’s national science agency seeks to crack down on authorship buying and other dishonest practices.It recently removed two scientists accused of dishonest publications from a national registry that is key to receiving government sponsor,job promotions,and salary bonuses.And officials are investigating more than170other researchers at a Peruvian media report claimed were involved in academic misconduct, including72listed n the national registry who work at14universities in Peru.The new laws will empower universities and government officials to punish such behavior.Dishonest publishing practices“transcend mere moral misbehavior”because they enable researchers to obtain government and private funding without telling the truth,says Edward Málaga Trillo,a member of Congress who is the driving force behind the bills,which lawmakers are expected to finalize early this year.“These individuals are operating academic cheating.”Peru’s academic community has been struggling with a rising tide of false authorship and related problems. One cause,some researchers say,is a2014law that aimed to stimulate research by rewarding researchers who boost their publishing output.For example,under a scoring system used by universities,researchers can earn five points for authorship in a high-impact journal,and two points when the journal is lower impact.A massing points can bring bonus payments and career promotion.Signs of dishonest publishing can be obvious,notes Nahuel Monteblanco,president of Cientificos.pe,a Peruvian group that investigates misconduct.Many of the papers cited by Punto Final have numerous co-authors from different nations with few prior publications on the same subject.“If your colleague consistently publishes 20articles a year with co-authors from other countries,that’s highly suspect,”Monteblanco says.29.What action did Peru take recently to address academic cheating?A.Fining72offenders for academic dishonesty.B.Disqualifying2scientists from a national registry.C.Punishing170researchers for academic misconduct.D.Withdrawing government fund from14universities.30.Which of the following is closest in meaning to“transcend”in paragraph3?A.Change.B.Strengthen.C.Go beyond.D.Approve of.31.What do we know about the2014law in Peru?A.It advocated a fair scoring system.B.It applied to high-impact journals.C.It led to an increase in false authorship.D.It aimed to punish dishonest publishing.32.The most suspicion might be given to a productive researcher with_________.A.career promotion B.consistent research focusC.few citations by Punto Final D.co-authors from various countries(2024·云南·二模)A six-month-old corgi being trained to become the first of his breed to work as a police dog in China,made his first public appearance recently at the open day of a police camp in Weifang,Shandong Province.His appearance challenges the stereotype(固有模式)that“little short legs”cannot join the police force.Fu Zai,whose name means“Lucky Boy”,has made waves on social media with his iconic smile,short legs and wagging tail.As a reserve police dog,Fu Zai faces a heavy workload.Training,scheduled for every morning and afternoon,involves a variety of subjects,such as obedience exercises,bomb searches and scent(气味)tracking. He began training when he was two months old and has stood out and outperformed many of his peers.“His strong environmental adaptability,insensitivity,his desire to possess items and his fondness for food are particularly favorable in our training,”said Wang Yanan,head of the police dog base at the Weifang Public Security Bureau.Following four months of training,Fu Zai can now take advantage of his short legs to go beneath cars and easily search tight spaces.He can also improve interactions between police dogs and the public because of his adorable appearance.Fans on social media joked about Fu Zai.One of them wrote,“Corgis can be plainclothes police,for they attract less attention than German Shepherds.”“Police dogs are not only cute,but trainers have made a lot of efforts to train them to be professional,”Wang said.Fu Zai is still a fresh hand and must undergo a period of further training to adapt to complex environment before officially entering service.33.What can be said about the training of Fu Zai?A.It is conducted around the clock.B.It aims at making Fu Zai a guide dog.C.It has proved to be adventurous.D.It involves multiple and challenging tasks.34.What advantage does Fu Zai have as a police dog?A.He is able to shoulder a heavy workload.B.He excels at handling complex environment.C.His short legs enable him to work in narrow places.D.He will attract public attention when he is at work.35.What does Wang Yanan say about the corgi?A.He has some suitable qualities for training.B.He is already a professional police dog.C.His lovable appearance is advantageous.D.His smiles improve interactions with the public.36.What can we infer from the text?A.Fu Zai has served as a police dog for half a year.B.Fu Zai performs well because of his intelligence.C.Fu Zai has been recognized around the world.D.Fu Zai needs further training to be a police dog.(2024·辽宁·模拟预测)Despite extreme cold,cruel ice and being brushed off as mad,Slovenian Davo Kamicar became the first person to ski non-stop down Mount Everest.After a dramatic fall over almost sheer cliffs of snow,stones and ice,38-yeur-old Kamicar returned to his base camp after five hours of skiing.“I feel only absolute happiness and absolute tiredness,”he said.Due to the severe weather conditions,Kamicar flung himself back down the mountain as soon as he reached the top rather thin have a rest as planned.At one point,he had to speed over stretches of ice that collapsed and broke underneath him and could have sent him falling into the deep crevasses(裂缝)that dot the mountain.The descent(下落)had been widely regarded as extremely dangerous.The Darwin Awards website,known for documenting foolhardy deaths,urged people to log on to their website and“keep your eyes peeled for a live Darwin Award”.However,the only body to make the news was the corpse(尸体)of an unknown mountaineer which Kamicar zipped past as he descended,one of an estimated120corpses,thought to litter the slopes.“This mountain is always full of surprises.Seeing a dead man out there was still a shocking experience,”he said.Thanks to strategically placed cameras on the mountain and one attached,to his safety helmet,hundreds ofthousands of people witnessed the process online,which was one of the record highs ever of more than650,000 hits:The website was once jammed as people tried to access the site.A previous failed attempt had already cost Kamicar two fingers when he got frostbite as a fierce storm hit the peak,Coming from a skiing family and had his first Himalayan skiing expedition in1989,he has been ever since tireless in raising funds and sponsorship for more expeditions,with Everest as the permanent goal. 37.How did Davo Kamicar make history?A.By skiing down Mount Everest without rest.B.By attracting the largest number of online audience.C.By descending Mount Everest within the shortest time ever.D.By becoming the first to film his descent down Mount Everest.38.What does the underlined word foolhardy in paragraph3mean?A.Daring but thoughtless.B.Natural but tragic.C.Peaceful and lonely.D.Slow and heartbreaking.39.What was the most dangerous during Kamicar’s descent?A.His heavy falling off a sheer cliff.B.The sudden appearance of other climbers.C.The unexpected collapse of an icy hillside.D.The sight of120corpses littering the slopes.40.Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?A.Darwin Award for SurvivorsB.Body of Mountaineer Found on EverestC.Mad Man Skis down EverestD.Extreme Sports Hero Slides to a Record。
中考语文专题复习: 新闻答题模板
标题、导语、主体是消息必不可少的, 背景和结语有时则蕴涵在主体里面,结语有时可省略。
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引题(引标) :交待形势,烘托气氛,说明背景等。
正题(主标) :揭示新闻事实,对内容的高度概括。
副题(副标) :对正题补充说明。
介绍背景, 有利于了解新闻发生发展的来龙去脉, 加深对新闻的认识和理解, 深化新闻的主题,并有丰富内容、增加知识性和趣味性的作用。
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例4 请在下面横线上补写这则消息的导语。(2005年
本报讯 今天是徐州沦陷纪念日。____________。 记者了解到,9名老人分别来自上海、北京、镇江、济南、南 京、长沙等地,但都是徐州籍,年龄最大的86岁,最小的也已83 岁。值抗日战争胜利60周年之际,老人们相约在徐州沦陷日前夕,
与电信收费标准进行结构性调整的同时,邮资也进行了调 整:平信、印刷品今后按本埠与外埠区别收费,不超重的本埠 平信由每20克0.50元提高到0.60元,外埠由每20克0.50元提高 到0.80元。
电信费、邮资3月1日起调价,价格有升有降。 3月1日起邮资上调,电信费有升有降。
新闻压缩成一句话后,这句话一定要有具体 事件,且要突出其最主要的信息(即新闻最想告 诉读者的信息)。
遥远创作世界和平女神 像6月3日在法国揭幕.
概括新闻的主要信息和拟写一句话新闻基本 一致,在字数限制严格的情况下,首先考虑事件 及事件的结果。
(2)标题要保留主要信息,在10字内,要点明事件, 而要省去地点、时间等要素.
例3 下面是盐城市某报的一则新闻,请为这则新闻 拟一个标题。(不超过20字)(2005年盐城)
本报讯 3月29日,在上海世博局举行的世博会会 徽设计颁奖仪式上,上海市有关领导为世博会会 徽中标者、盐城市青年广告设计师邵宏庚颁发了 获奖证书和20万元奖金。
⑴ 有导语的语段,就在导语中筛选相关的信息, 因为导语是对新闻主体事件的高度概括;没有导 语的新闻语段,应在主体部分筛选相关的信息。 无论在导语中,还是在主体中,我们筛选的都是 新闻中最新鲜、最重要、最有特点的、最本质的 信息。我们将这些信息进行整合、归纳、概括, 组成表意完整的句子,就是大致的主标题了。
“谁”:德国汉堡大学的天文学家; “发生何事”: 发现了一颗恒星; 时间:缺省; 地点:在银河系; 最新颖独特的因素:第一颗。
属元素的恒星。 2020/4/8
1、运用“提要法”要找准新闻的 主体
一则新闻有多个行为者(“谁”) 出现时不能错位,要看清哪个“谁”是 语段介绍的主要对象。
(1)题文一致 标题所揭示的事实要与新闻内容完全一致。
新闻中的事实往往不止一件,其中最新鲜的事实, 才是它的精华,抓住新闻中最重要的最有特点的最 本质的事实,才有突破性。
如:“首次”“世界最大”“排名第一”等,以及 具有新闻价值的时间、地点。
用一句话概括以下一则新闻的要点。(不超过30个字) 据英国广播公司报道,德国汉堡大学的天文学家
在银河系中发现了一颗已有140亿年历史的恒星,它 的形成能够追溯到宇宙形成的初期。这颗恒星被编号 为HE0107--5240,其罕见之处在于:与其他历史稍短 的恒星不同,它完全是由宇宙大爆炸时产生的几种简 单元素组成的,是迄今为止发现的第一颗不含金属元 素的恒星。
语段内容围绕着的这个对象才是真 正的“谁”。
A、眼前事件 人物+事件+ 时间 (或+ 原因) B、未来事件 人物+事件+ 原因 (或+ 时间)
我国中小学生健康状况较过去虽有进步,但仍不 容乐观。营养学家、中国学生营养促进会名誉会 长于若木呼吁,推广学生营养午餐势在必行。调 查发现,由于膳食结构不合理,引起的缺铁性贫 血、佝偻病、缺锌等,成为影响我国中小学生健 康发育的突出问题。许多孩子偏食、挑食、吃零 食过多,营养不全面、不平衡,成了“豆芽菜” 和“小胖墩”。
初三语文总复习 新闻类题例析
这是较为常见的压缩语段题目,解答时对新 闻的有关知识须了然于胸。“新闻就是新近发生 的事实的报道。”新闻具有时效性、真实性、叙 事性和简练性的特点。狭义的新闻有时专指“消 息”。新闻的结构,一般包括标题、导语、主体 (有时有背景材料)、结语四部分。新闻必须具 备①时间、②地点、③人物、④事件、⑤原因 (包括经过、结果)等五个要素。可见,新闻是 一种以记叙为主的文体,它告诉我们“谁做了什 么事”或“谁怎么了”,即新闻一般是“人物” 和“事件”构成的主谓陈述式。
中小学生“豆芽菜”和“小胖墩”增多,推广 学生营养午餐势在必行。
如果所提供的新闻材料是一组具体事 实或一些分散的数据,就可采用转换信 息的方法,化具体为抽象,自己组织语 言来回答。
遇到这类材料,我们要对信息 进行“合并同类项”,不必赘述相 同信息,尽量突出不同信息。
今年2月28日上午,信息产业部召开的新闻发布会上传 出信息:
从3月1日起,在基本不增加用户负担的前提下,电话通话 费每三分钟低于0.16元的,调整到0.16元;高于0.22元的,降 到0.22元。固定电话初装费指导性标准降为500元至1000元,移 动电话入网费指导性标准降为500元至1500元;住宅用户同址安 装两部以上电话,从第二部起不再收取初装费。
例2 请用一句话概括下面这则消息的内容,不能 超过17个字。
由浙江大学生物科学系钱凯先教授带领的课题组 与蓝亿健公司合作,经过多年努力,在国际上率 先用人工方法成功培育出盐泽螺旋藻,为我国螺 旋藻的开发利用提供了新的资源。
摘取能够概括新闻内容的关键句, 作为答案。
标题是新闻的眼睛,也是新闻内容的精髓所 在。好的标题,不仅能够反映出新闻的内容,还 能把其中的神采传达出来。因此,新闻标题具有 简单明了、吸引读者的特点。“拟标题”较之于 “拟一句话新闻”要求更高,它不仅要高度概括 出内容,还要讲求句子形式的优美,有文采。标 题往往不需要时间,只要求两个必备要素人物、 事件。
邵宏庚今年34岁。去年年底,当他得知上海世博 会正在征集会徽后马上行动,接下来的时间里把 所有精力都投入到设计中。今年2月他将自己最 满意的第1001件作品送到上海,这件作品最终从 9046件应征作品中脱颖而出,被正式确定为上海 世博会会徽。
盐城青年邵宏庚在上海获 世博会会徽设计大奖
综上所述,新闻类题比较好的解题流程一 般如下。
1. 审题,明确解题要求。(字数的限制)
2. 准确地筛选出符合文题要求的重要信息。(陈述对 象、事件、行为等)
3. 整合取舍信息,注意“留用”“完整”。(“留用” 意为尽可能选用原材料中筛选出来的负载着主要信息 的原词。“完整”指组合后的答案必须涵盖所给材料 的整体意思,完整地体现题目要求)可通过抓核心、 分层次的方法。
定义:一句话新闻,就是运用一句话,采用新闻 标题的语言表达形式,最大限度地完成报道任务 的新闻。它可称为标题新闻,却不等同于新闻标 题。
方法:写一句话新闻,首先就要筛选出有关人 (物)和事件,在不超出字数限制的情况下,再 依次挑出时间、地点等词语,然后按照“何人
第一步:提取新闻的主体及事件,首先按照“谁 发生了何事”写出基本结构。
注意:“谁”不要狭隘地理解为“人”,地区、事 物、行为方式等都可以作为主体。
第二步:突出独特性、新颖性:在找出基本的新 闻要素的前提下,着重突出新闻最吸引人、最有价值 的信息。
在法国隆重纪念诺曼底登陆60周年之际,一 座由中国雕塑家遥远创作的世界和平女神像6月3 日在昔日诺曼底登陆战场揭幕。
世界和平女神像高10米,重16吨,用不锈钢 制作。她那舞动绸带的双臂一前一后地舒展着, 高举的左手上一只和平鸽展翅欲飞。在微风中展 开的飘带与女神的双臂连为一体,远远看去,好 似“中国”的“中”字、“和平”的“平”字, 又像英文单词WORLD(世界)的第一个字母 “W”和VICTORY(胜利)的第一个字母“V”。
“当年曾在徐州生活、战斗过的9名八旬老人 从全国各地齐聚徐州,共忆往昔峥嵘岁月”。